mag 1210.pdf - Holybourne

mag 1210.pdf - Holybourne

mag 1210.pdf - Holybourne


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‘Allo ‘Allo! This is Westminster calling!<br />

The ink was hardly dry on the<br />

pre-nuptial contract between<br />

the Prime Minister, “Call me<br />

Dave”, and Nick Clegg when<br />

the PM got involved in a liaison<br />

with the French! He had been<br />

sweet-talked by Nicholas<br />

Sarkosy inviting ‘Daveed’ to<br />

share his hardware in future<br />

military operations. “You can<br />

land your planes on my aircraft<br />

carrier if I can land mine on<br />

yours”. “Yes, great!” says clever Dave, knowing full well<br />

that he won’t have an aircraft carrier for the next few<br />

years and, indeed, if his lawyers can find any loopholes<br />

in the damned penalty clauses in the contracts for the<br />

new carriers, he won’t have any in the future either.<br />

Sacre bleu!<br />

As another part of the treaty there is also the agreed intent<br />

to develop Anglo-French unmanned aerial drones. Oui, oui,<br />

C’est <strong>mag</strong>nifique! Now, Nicholas’ English is not too good<br />

and Dave’s French is not that hot – so both were in the<br />

hands of the interpreter when it came to translating ‘drone’<br />

into French. ‘Drone’ is a funny word and not one of those<br />

words in use in everyday language – so was the interpreter<br />

knowledgeable about such matters? Did Nicholas think,<br />

perhaps, that the interpreter was simply complaining about<br />

the Brits going on and on about some detail or other? For<br />

all we know Nicholas had agreed a mission to the Moon to<br />

establish finally whether it is made of Brie or Wensleydale!<br />

Then there’s the creation of a force of 5000 men as rapid<br />

deployment troops. But hang on a minute, it can’t be that<br />

rapid. By the time we get 2500 of our boys across there on<br />

the Normandy Ferry, the crisis could well be over – and<br />

that’s assuming the French farmers haven’t blockaded the<br />

ports over increasing the pension age by a few months.<br />

Britsh soldiers will learn French (deux biers, garcon!) and<br />

French soldiers will study English (No! Its not La Manche,<br />

it’s the ENGLISH Channel! How many times do I have to tell<br />

you?) Furthermore, Britsh troops may come under the<br />

direction of a French General (Non! Droite, gauche, droite,<br />

gauche,droite. Merde!)<br />

Surely, all of this is stretching ‘Entente cordiale’ to its limit.<br />

Otherwise before you know it, ‘Daveed’ will be telling us we<br />

are going to start driving on the right and that the National<br />

Anthem is to be sung as “Dieu protégé la reine” in future.<br />

O.K. so let’s forget Agincourt, let’s forget Waterloo, but let’s<br />

not forget that whilst they have Carla Bruni, we have the<br />

battleship Ann Widdecombe, and we can set her on any foe<br />

with confidence. Now, that’s what you call a deterrent!<br />

B. Lawrence<br />

The Royal InQUIZition<br />

1. In which year was our present Queen married?<br />

2. Who is the only child of the Queen not to have been divorced?<br />

3. Who were the only wives of Henry VIII to have outlived him?<br />

4. Who took Charles and Diana’s official engagement photos?<br />

5. Who was the youngest royal bride, aged 6, who married Richard II in 1396?<br />

6. Whose wife is known as ‘Princess Pushy’?<br />

7. Which king is known as the ‘Hammer of the Scots’?<br />

8. To which queen is Spenser’s poem ‘The Faerie Queen’ dedicated?<br />

9. Who is the 1st. female in succession to the British Throne?<br />

10. On which programme did Diana say her marriage had been ‘a bit crowded’?<br />

11. What is Prince William’s fourth Christian name?<br />

12. According to accepted belief, which king was ordered to be murdered by his wife and her lover?<br />

13. In whose reign were the American Colonies lost?<br />

14. Who was the first king of the Tudors?<br />

15. Which royal in-law was nick-named ‘Fog’?<br />

16. Who was the wife of Edward VII?<br />

17. In which historic building is the shrine of Edward the Confessor?<br />

18. Which British queen had 9 children and 42 grandchildren?<br />

19. ‘Mrs. Morley’ was the pen name of which queen?<br />

20. On which island will William and Kate start their married life?<br />

Answers on page 30<br />

Royal rating:<br />

18 – 20: Should be knighted<br />

15 – 17: Should be invited to the wedding<br />

11 – 14: Should spend a day with Paul Burrell<br />

6 – 10: Should spend a week with Paul Burrell<br />

0 – 5: Off to the Tower!<br />

The <strong>Holybourne</strong> Village Magazine - Winter Issue 2010<br />

Page 25

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