Topic 2 lecture note..

Topic 2 lecture note..

Topic 2 lecture note..


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L, M, X, D, and E integrins are major receptors of the immune system<br />

A subgroup of 2 integrins<br />

The four -subunits of this subgroup assemble with the integrin 2-subunit to generate<br />

the integrins L2 (LFA-1, CD11a/CD18), M2 (Mac-1, Mo-1, CR3, CD11b/CD18),<br />

X2 (p150,95, CR4, CD11c/CD18), and D2 (CD11d/CD18) (Springer, 1995). They<br />

are restricted to leukocytes, where L2 is expressed by most leukocytes, and M2 and<br />

X2 are on monocytes/macrophages, granulocytes, large granular lymphocytes, and a<br />

subpopulation of immature B cells. X2 is also present on some activated T cells.<br />

L2: L2 mediates the adhesion of leukocytes to the intercellular adhesion molecules<br />

ICAM-1, ICAM-2, and ICAM-3, which are inducibly or constitutively expressed on<br />

many cell types. It participates in leukocyte transendothelial migration, recirculation,<br />

homing, and localization to inflammatory sites. L2 plays a key role in antigenpresentation,<br />

T-cell costimulation, the cytotoxicity of T cells, delayed-type<br />

hypersensitivity, and endotoxin shock.<br />

Leukocytes from mice lacking L display defects in in vitro homotypic aggregation, in<br />

proliferation in mixed lymphocyte reactions, and in response to mitogen. In vivo, host-vsgraft<br />

reaction toward injected allogeneic cells is also reduced. Neutrophils and activated<br />

T lymphocytes are unable to cross endothelial cell monolayers in response to a<br />

chemokine gradient. The trafficking of lymphocytes to peripheral lymph nodes, and, to a<br />

lesser degree, to mesenteric lymph nodes and acute inflammatory sites is impaired.<br />

Mutant mice mounted normal cytotoxic T cell (CTL) responses against systemic LCMV<br />

and VSV infections, and showed normal ex vivo CTL function. However, they did not<br />

reject immunogenic tumors grafted into footpads, and did not demonstrate priming<br />

response against tumor-specific antigen. Thus L deficiency causes a selective defect in<br />

induction of peripheral immune responses, whereas responses to systemic infection are<br />

normal.<br />

M2 and X2: M2 interacts with an assortment of ligands including ICAM-1,<br />

iC3b, fibrinogen, serum factor X, and heparin, and may bind denatured proteins,<br />

deoxyoligonucleotides, elastase, high molecular weight kininogen, and carbohydrate -<br />

glucan structures. It interacts with the 3 rd Ig domain of ICAM-1, whereas L2 interacts<br />

with the 1 st Ig domain. When L2 and M2 are expressed at similar levels, the L2<br />

/ICAM-1 interaction dominates over the M2/ICAM-1 interaction.X2 binds to iC3b,<br />

fibrinogen, and ICAM-1. M2 and X2 mediate myeloid cell adhesion to<br />

endothelium, transmigration, chemotaxis, phagocytosis of opsonized particles, and<br />

respiratory burst. M2-deficient mice have significant reductions in the numbers of<br />

mast cells resident in the peritoneal cavity, peritoneal wall, and dorsal skin. Such mice<br />

exhibit significantly increased mortality to acute septic peritonitis, where host resistance<br />

depends on both mast cells and complement.<br />

D2: D2 binds preferentially to ICAM-3. The D subunit is more closely related to<br />

M and X than to L. D2 is expressed at moderate levels on myelomonocytic cell<br />

lines, and subsets of peripheral blood leukocytes. It is strongly expressed on tissue-

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