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12 13 > Overview // AR 2006<br />

The positive benefits lasted only a few years, and the<br />

centre is now leading a larger Australian consortium, with<br />

substantially increased Federal Government funding, which<br />

is being administered by the Juvenile Diabetes Research<br />

Foundation. The aim is to examine anti-rejection treatments<br />

that may reduce the risk of islet cell grafts failing. The<br />

researchers hope to develop safer and more effective processes<br />

for islet transplantation and to have a better understanding of<br />

what happens to the graft after it has been transplanted.<br />

Dovetailing this field of research is the centre’s pioneering<br />

work aimed at creating a limitless supply of insulin producing<br />

cells using modified pigs as the source. In collaboration with<br />

a numbers other researcher groups the centre is investigating<br />

ways to design pancreatic islet cells that can be taken from<br />

pigs that will be more resistant to the human immune system.<br />

The Centre for Virus Research is a world leader in research<br />

on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the herpes<br />

group of viruses including herpes simplex virus (HSV),<br />

cytomegalovirus (CMV), and Varicella Zoster virus. The<br />

Centre’s main focus is to identify how these viruses infect<br />

patients to develop ways to diagnose, treat or prevent them and<br />

their transmission in the international and local community.<br />

In 2006 an estimated 40 million people were infected with<br />

HIV worldwide. The centre has helped identify how HIV<br />

infects patients via host cells called dendritic cells, which are<br />

found in the lining of the genital tract. In women, this lining<br />

is thinner and less protected than in men. Understanding<br />

how these early interactions occur is encouraging the<br />

development of ‘microbicides’ or decoys, which may stop<br />

the virus from entering cells of the genital tract. The Centre<br />

is now collaborating with a biotechnology firm to develop<br />

novel candidate microbcides.<br />

Centre researchers are also using sophisticated techniques<br />

to study how HIV induces changes in hundreds of human<br />

genes that simultaneously occur within a single infected<br />

dendritic cell. Other important work is directed at how a<br />

group of people infected with a weaker strain of HIV have<br />

been able to naturally control it. Recently, this work has<br />

led to the discovery of defensive proteins, which appear to<br />

control HIV in these patients.<br />

Cytomegalovirus affects about 60 per cent of the population.<br />

It is usually controlled in healthy people, but can be fatal<br />

in immunosuppressed people such as those who have<br />

undergone bone marrow or solid organ transplants.<br />

Researchers have been defining the mechanisms that keep<br />

CMV dormant and the chemical interactions that trigger its<br />

activation. This work has led to the discovery and patent of a<br />

type of interleukin-10, a protein that inhibits key functions<br />

of immune cells.<br />

Shingles is a painful condition affecting many elderly<br />

individuals caused by re-emergence of dormant Varicella<br />

virus years after causing chicken-pox. An exciting research<br />

project is underway that may provide insight into the<br />

molecular immune processes which allow this and then<br />

control the re-emergence. With ethics permission, autopsy<br />

material from patients who have passed away at the time of<br />

a shingles episode are being used to identify such immune<br />

mechanisms in the hope of improving the success rate of<br />

current vaccine (about 60 per cent).<br />

The centre has already pioneered work showing how herpes<br />

simplex virus travels in nerves between the site of infection<br />

on the skin and the site of dormant infection near the spinal<br />

cord. When the virus is activated, it travels back to the skin<br />

surface to present as cold sores or genital herpes. The Centre<br />

is unraveling mechanisms that trigger this viral activity to<br />

produce blocks that may stop the outbreaks. Negotiations<br />

with a US biotechnology firm are underway to fund this<br />

research in return for licensing one of the centre’s patents.<br />

Research into HSV type 2 is significant because it causes<br />

genital herpes and enhances HIV by up to three times. The<br />

vaccine Simplirix, which was developed some years ago<br />

based on discoveries made by the centre, is being retrialled<br />

in the US with availability forecast within about three years.<br />

Simplirix has shown to be about 75 per cent effective against<br />

genital herpes infection in women who have never previously<br />

had HSV. Centre researchers are examining how immune<br />

processes control virus infection in an attempt to improve the<br />

vaccine to protect previously infected women and also men.<br />

In particular, work on how immunity to HSV type 1 (which<br />

usually causes cold sores) can control HSV type 2 is about to<br />

be patented.<br />

The <strong>Institute</strong> of Dental Research investigates the causes<br />

of major oral diseases to design new and better treatment<br />

options for patients. As both tooth decay and chronic gum<br />

infection (periodontal disease) are major health burdens for<br />

Australian communities, the <strong>Institute</strong>’s work is critical.<br />

Ongoing research into the microbiology of progressive tooth<br />

decay has identified a particular group of bacteria that attack<br />

the tooth nerve in the final stages of decay. Researchers are<br />

currently investigating new diagnostic methods that can be<br />

used in the dental surgery to predict the invasion by these<br />

bacteria, so that more conservative approaches to treatment<br />

may be applied. For the patient this may mean retaining<br />

the living tooth rather than undergoing more complex and<br />

invasive therapies, which often leave the tooth susceptible to<br />

fracture leading to even more complicated treatments at a<br />

later stage.<br />

The <strong>Institute</strong> is also developing a new anti-bacterial<br />

compound that may be able to target specific diseases or<br />

bacteria in the mouth and gums so that protective bacterial<br />

flora (good bacteria) are not destroyed during treatment.<br />

Current therapies still rely on broad-spectrum antiseptics or<br />

antibiotics, which wipe out good and bad bacteria present<br />

in the mouth. While tests are at an early stage, the eventual<br />

outcome may see low-cost treatments such as toothpastes or<br />

mouthwashes containing the specific anti-bacterial available<br />

in supermarkets.<br />

The <strong>Institute</strong> for Immunology and Allergy Research<br />

investigates diseases caused by abnormal functioning of the<br />

immune system. This includes many major unsolved diseases<br />

that plague communities worldwide. The <strong>Institute</strong>’s research<br />

programs focus on three main themes: autoimmune disease<br />

such as multiple sclerosis (MS); allergy disorders such as<br />

eczema and asthma, and why individuals vary so much in<br />

their response to infection with HIV and hepatitis C viruses.<br />

Collaborative research on the genetics of severe eczema and<br />

asthma in children has led to the discovery of a link between<br />

these diseases and several genes that are important for normal<br />

immune function called TIM-1, TIM-3 and PHF11.<br />

Researchers know TIM-1 and TIM-3 are expressed on the<br />

surface of specific types of immune cells and relay messages<br />

inside the cell, leading to cell activation through the turning<br />

on or off of specific genes. The <strong>Institute</strong> has now made<br />

important advances in understanding how PHF11 operates,<br />

showing that it is present deep inside a cell and directly<br />

controls the switching of genes on or off. Researchers are<br />

now investigating whether these genes interact to influence<br />

susceptibility to disease. Although still at an early stage,<br />

this research may guide the development of new drugs and<br />

topical therapies.<br />

Major research is also being conducted on a gene crucial to<br />

the immune system’s healthy functioning called Interleukin<br />

7 receptor alpha chain or CD127. In 2003, the <strong>Institute</strong> was<br />

the first to publish findings that a genetic variant of CD127 is<br />

important in the development of MS. The researchers believe<br />

this is due to its role in generating regulatory T cells, which<br />

stop the immune system from attacking the body’s own<br />

tissue and have submitted at patent application for improved<br />

therapy based on this discovery. Three international research<br />

groups have recently confirmed this discovery making<br />

CD127 only the second clearly established genetic risk factor<br />

in MS after HLA (a cell’s identification markers). As a result,<br />

CD127 has become one of the hottest areas of research into<br />

MS strengthened by the potential to design treatments to alter<br />

the abnormalities found in the gene’s function.<br />

In other research, the <strong>Institute</strong> was awarded an Australian<br />

Research Council Linkage Project grant to collaborate with<br />

the pharmaceutical company Biogen IDEC to investigate<br />

why up to one-third of MS patients fail to benefit from<br />

interferon, the disease’s main treatment therapy.<br />

NHMRC grant funding is also supporting research between<br />

the <strong>Institute</strong> and the Storr Liver Unit to investigate the<br />

genetics of hepatitis C. About 35 per cent of individuals fully<br />

recover from the hepatitis C infection due to their immune<br />

system clearing the virus from their body. The remaining<br />

65 per cent of patients fail to clear the virus and may go<br />

on to form cirrhosis and liver cancer. Based on these data,<br />

researchers are examining the factors in patients’ genetic<br />

makeup that determine disease outcomes when infected by<br />

the virus.

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