fuw/ ffiEN Ewffi@ffi, m"p.€. Price 5c. (ol i - Sustaining The Wild Coast

fuw/ ffiEN Ewffi@ffi, m"p.€. Price 5c. (ol i - Sustaining The Wild Coast

fuw/ ffiEN Ewffi@ffi, m"p.€. Price 5c. (ol i - Sustaining The Wild Coast


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<strong>fuw</strong>/ <strong>ffiEN</strong> <strong>Ewffi@ffi</strong>, m"p.€. <strong>Price</strong> <strong>5c</strong>. (<strong>ol</strong> i

56<strong>The</strong> firing of Stenguura bwtrIets was mru<br />

jwsti,fied wrtd exeessiaee euerv reels,less.te<br />

the the magistrate's findings<br />

-From at the Ngquza Hill inquest. ,i<br />

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Since the declaration of the State of Emergency throughout East<br />

Pond<strong>ol</strong>and, there has been an almost complete news black-out on this<br />

troubled area.<br />

Shortly before the Emergency the author toured Pond<strong>ol</strong>and in order<br />

to study the situation first hand. This pamphlet should therefore be a<br />

useful and informative guide to readers interested in aquainting thernselves<br />

with the background and facts on Pond<strong>ol</strong>and.<br />

Ben Turok, the author, is the African Representative for the Western<br />

Cape in the Cape Provincial Council.<br />

* An appendix explaining the powers and duties of the Bantu<br />

Authorities ts given at tlze back of the pamphlet.

Prefqce<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Passing of the Bantustan Act has driven the lesson home<br />

that the Nationalist Government is planning to contr<strong>ol</strong> the<br />

wh<strong>ol</strong>e range of human activities. <strong>The</strong> opposing forces are also<br />

beginning to plan on no less a scale. <strong>The</strong>y depend on the<br />

knowledge that no Government can carry out its laws if the<br />

majority of the people a.re not willing to co-operate, and it<br />

seems that we have reached the point when the oppressed<br />

people may in practice not co-operate with the Government.<br />

When the majority of the people, in despair, set their feet on<br />

the road of non-co-operation with those who oppress them, the<br />

p<strong>ol</strong>ice and the army will bring little cons<strong>ol</strong>ation to the troubled<br />

minds of the Government supporters who find themselves<br />

surrounded by the c<strong>ol</strong>d unfriendliness of the masses who, in the<br />

words of Chief A. J. Lutuli, claim, "Freedom is the Apex" of<br />

their struggles."<br />


Bantustans-A Death Trap. 1959.<br />

A FIER many months of pretence that nothing untoward was happening<br />

f3. in Pond<strong>ol</strong>and, the Government has now admitted that 4,769 people<br />

have been arrested during the present F.mergency.<br />

Reports filtering through the official ban on news indicate that a minor<br />

war is in progress in East Pond<strong>ol</strong>and and that hundreds of homes have been<br />

razed to the ground, thousands of families broken up and made homeless,<br />

and that famine threatens the rvh<strong>ol</strong>e area.<br />

Furthermore, the troubles are no longer conflned to East Pond<strong>ol</strong>and but<br />

have spread throughout the wh<strong>ol</strong>e Transkei. <strong>The</strong> wh<strong>ol</strong>e of the Xosa people<br />

have been inspired by the Pondo resistance and the struggle against Bantu<br />

Authorities has been mounted throughout the area. <strong>The</strong>re is now every<br />

reason to believe that the situation will continue to deteriorate and is likelv<br />

to spread to all the reserves of the Union.<br />

Because of the unique charachter of the struggle in East Pond<strong>ol</strong>and<br />

and the example it has set to the other rural peoples, the Pondo Rev<strong>ol</strong>t<br />

merits special study.


T'tHE Pondo people form part of the Xosa national group. <strong>The</strong>y are<br />

JL renown for their strong tribal ties and the firm unity that has deep<br />

roots in their past.<br />

Unlike most of the other African peoples of South Atrica, the Pondos<br />

were not inv<strong>ol</strong>ved in the numerous rvars between rvhite and black -<br />

they<br />

were never defeated in battle. Pond<strong>ol</strong>and \\tas annexed by the Cape C<strong>ol</strong>ony<br />

in 1894 but has always been an African territory with European influence<br />

limited to a fetv thousand missionaries, traders and civil servants. (1)<br />

<strong>The</strong> pride of the Pondo people in their customs and traditions is legend.<br />

East Pond<strong>ol</strong>and, the centre of the present Pondo rev<strong>ol</strong>t, consists of the<br />

districts of Bizana, Flagstaff, Lusikisiki, Tabankulu and Mt. Ayliff with a<br />

population of over 250,000 people. It rvas intended by the Government to<br />

be one of the nine Regional Authorities for the Transkei. But little progress<br />

had been made in this respect.<br />

In travelling through Pond<strong>ol</strong>and one is struck by the startling difference<br />

between East Pond<strong>ol</strong>and and West Pond<strong>ol</strong>and, lvhere Bantu Authorities<br />

have been in force for some time. Here large tracts of land have been fenced<br />

off, huts are clustered together in contr<strong>ol</strong>led villages, few cattle are to be<br />

seen and very little land is now under plough. By contrast East Pond<strong>ol</strong>and<br />

presents a picture of vast stretches of lush vegetation where the cattle are<br />

fat and much land is under cultivation. <strong>The</strong>re is a general air of greater<br />

activity and prosperity.<br />

It was the Gover:nment's efforts to enforce its Great Design, in this East<br />

Pond<strong>ol</strong>and area of peace and tranquility, that led to the most vi<strong>ol</strong>ent and<br />

determined resistance it has yet encountered in the Reserves of South Africa.<br />


lfl-HE Government's attempts to interfere with the traditional tribal institu-<br />

L tions in Pond<strong>ol</strong>and was no chance event, it rvas the result of a conscious<br />

effort on their part to find a new p<strong>ol</strong>icy for the people of South Africa.<br />

This arose directly from the need of tl're governing Nationalist Party for<br />

some p<strong>ol</strong>itical s<strong>ol</strong>ution to the critical problems facing them. With events<br />

elsewhere in Africa highlighting the rapid awakening of the African giant,<br />

and with the increasing p<strong>ol</strong>itical consciousness of the Non-Whites in South<br />

Africa, the situation seemed desperate.<br />

In this cljnrate of alarm and uncertainty the evil genius of Afrikaner<br />

Nationalism, Dr. Verwoerd, pulled the theory of Bantustans out of the hat<br />

to save his party from p<strong>ol</strong>itical bankruptcy. Having taken the plunge with<br />

the new p<strong>ol</strong>icy, the Nationalists were forced, tryhen challenged by opposition<br />

forces. into making reckless statements that they knew to be sheer bluff.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Nationalist Party is prepared to divide South Africa" said Mr.<br />

J. J. Fouche, Minister of Defence (3).<br />

"If they want it (independence) they rvill be free to have it." Mr. De<br />

Wet Nel said in Parliament (n).<br />

(') Official Summary of Tomlinson Commission Report page 43.<br />

(') Star 29/2/60.<br />

(') Star 3/2/60.

Nationalists who had been reared on the <strong>ol</strong>d fashioned 'baasskap" of<br />

Mr. Strydom must have been startled by the finality of Mr. Lou$r's staternent<br />

at the United Nations to the effect that the Government believed in<br />

"separate Bantu communities which can eventually attain full selfgovernnlent."<br />

And their confusion was even more confounded when this<br />

statement received the blessing of Dr. Verloerd at a public meeting(5).<br />

<strong>The</strong> breathtaking b<strong>ol</strong>dness of the Nationalist leaders misled many whites.<br />

Here tvas the straw they could grasp in the hope that European privilege<br />

and domination could be maintained in the developed areas of the Union<br />

at the cost of ceding the poverty stricken reserves, which were valueless<br />

to tlrem in any case.<br />

Some even accepted I'Iationalist arguments that this p<strong>ol</strong>icy fully justified<br />

the Government's attitude of "no concessjons" to the strident demands for<br />

p<strong>ol</strong>itical rights by the urban Africans. <strong>The</strong> poverty-stricl

<strong>The</strong> Government expected to have more success in this regard with<br />

Bantu Authorities because democratic elections had been done away with<br />

and they now had almost complete contr<strong>ol</strong> of the new councils.<br />


REALISING its failure to win supporters amongst the African people in<br />

4t the towns, the Government is making concerted efforts not to suffer the<br />

same handicap in the reserves. <strong>The</strong>ir flr-st step to gain supporters was the<br />

winning over of the chiefs and their installation as puppets within the Bantu<br />

Authorities hierarchy. <strong>The</strong> second step was to foster the growth of a<br />

middle-class consisting of professional men and traders. <strong>The</strong> third rvas to<br />

encourage the emergence of a new class of comparatively well-to-do<br />

peasants, farming on large pieces of land. <strong>The</strong>se three categories were to<br />

be privileged, but dependent on Government favour. <strong>The</strong>y were to perform<br />

a dual function, to act as the authority over the mass of the Africans,<br />

and serve as a constant -<br />

reminder that c<strong>ol</strong>laboration with the Government<br />

pays off. In addition the Nationalists would use this upper-crust to disarm<br />

their critics. I{ere, in the Bantu "homelands", they could say, "the Bantu<br />

can develop to the highest levels."<br />


f,)RASTIC interference with the traditional system of land allocation is<br />

'r inv<strong>ol</strong>ved in the creation of a class of better-off peasant. Land in the<br />

reserves was previously contr<strong>ol</strong>led communally and farmed in strips allocated<br />

to individual peasants by the chief. It is of course true that these strips were<br />

too small to enable families to make a living off them and the acute shortage<br />

of land left many peasants without strips, forcing them to rely s<strong>ol</strong>ely on<br />

their cattle grazed on the commonage.<br />

Government p<strong>ol</strong>icy now is to "remove from the land all those who have<br />

no arable allotments and place t.hem in special settlements consisting of the<br />

landless and the dispossessed." 1s;. <strong>The</strong> intention is to drive "the landless<br />

sections of the community to be rehoused in rural villages." (s;. Of all the<br />

drastic and fo<strong>ol</strong>ish steps that the Nationalist Government has taken in the<br />

pursuance of its ide<strong>ol</strong>ogy, this is the most explosive.<br />

This threat of dispossession of their land the African people regard as<br />

the removal of their last shred of security. In spite of all their limitations,<br />

the reserves have nevertheless been a hedge against the perils of unemployment<br />

and the constant hazards of influx contr<strong>ol</strong>.<br />

What is more, it seems highly tikely that the removal of these people<br />

from the land is connected with the establishment of the "border iniJustries"<br />

(')<br />

(')<br />

Mbeki, page 17.<br />

Race Relations Survey 1959/60, page 44.

to which the Government is constantly referring. Thus, in addition to<br />

supplying the present industrial areas and farms with labour, the reserves<br />

are to be still further denuded of their manpower in order to staff the<br />

White-owned factories to be established on their boundaries.<br />


MANY of the above facets of Government p<strong>ol</strong>icy remained hidden for a<br />

long time. <strong>The</strong> chiefs in some areas did not recognise the trap that<br />

lay beneath the sugary promises of the Department of Bantu "Development,"<br />

accepting Bantu Authorities at their face value as a genuine step towards<br />

autonomy,<br />

But the Verwoerd tactics never deceived the vast majority of<br />

ordinary people the very people without whom its achievement was<br />

impossible. From -<br />

the start, popular African leaders stated categorically that<br />

they had no confldence in the new "Bantu Authorities," and that their<br />

aspirations could never be realised within the narrow confines of the reserves.<br />

South Africa must be regarded as a single wh<strong>ol</strong>e, they stressed, and<br />

demanded representation in the central authority, Parliament.<br />

African representatives in Parliament launched a determined attick on<br />

the Bantu Self-Government Bill. <strong>The</strong>y objected to the p<strong>ol</strong>itical division of<br />

South Africa and to the exclusion of any representatives of the African<br />

people from the legislative body which made the laws governing them.<br />

More important still, the new p<strong>ol</strong>icy was rejected by the people in the<br />

areas in which it was being applied. While the Bantustan Debate was<br />

raging in the p<strong>ol</strong>itical arena, the African people in the reserves were fighting<br />

a bitter battle aga"inst the imposition of this system.<br />

In some areas the people would have nothing to do with the Government<br />

sponsored 'celebrations' inaugurating the new Authorities.<br />

"At the first oflicial ceremony to mark the establishment of a Regional<br />

Authority in the Transvaal on the 7th August, 1959, near Zeerust, about<br />

250 people attended of the 28,000 people covered by the Authority," states<br />

the 1958l9 Race Relations Survey.<br />

During 1958 large sections of the Ba Pedi tribe of Sekhukuniland had<br />

resisted the Bantu Authorities system. <strong>The</strong> acting chief Moroamoche and<br />

leading Councillors were banished, 338 Africans arrested, and the area was<br />

patr<strong>ol</strong>led by p<strong>ol</strong>ice for the wh<strong>ol</strong>e of. 1959. <strong>The</strong> wh<strong>ol</strong>e country was shocked<br />

when many tribesmen received life sentences in the drawn out proceedings<br />

that f<strong>ol</strong>lowed the disturbances.<br />

Opposition to the "betterment-schemes" which are closely linked with<br />

Bantu Authorities was a contributary cause of the widespread demonstrations<br />

in Natal in August 1959.<br />

In the Transkei and Ciskei opposition to Bantu Authorities was shown<br />

in sudden eruptions of vi<strong>ol</strong>ence in many areas,


THE rev<strong>ol</strong>t in East Pond<strong>ol</strong>and was destined to be even more widespread<br />

4 than elsewhere. From the start, the Government made the serious error<br />

of choosing as their arch-champion of Bantu Authorities, Chief Botha<br />

Sigcau, a man already discredited in the eyes of his people. As far back as<br />

1939, when the choice had to be made of a successor to the Paramount<br />

Chieftainship of East Pond<strong>ol</strong>and, the Government of the day choose Chief<br />

Botha in preference to his half brother, Nelson who was the rightful heir.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Pondo's did not accept this appointment, and resented Chief Botha for<br />

having taken office. Thus, when the Nationalists used Chief Botha to introduce<br />

Bantu Authorities into the area in 1957. thev had lost before thev<br />

started.<br />

Many efforts were made by the authorities to persuade the Pondos to<br />

accept the system v<strong>ol</strong>untarily, but they met with little success. In 1958,<br />

all the Pond<strong>ol</strong>and districts were invited to send representatives to a large<br />

gathering called by the Minister of Bantu Administration and Development,<br />

Mr. De Wet Nel, and Botha Sigcau. <strong>The</strong> people were led to believe that the<br />

gathering was some sort of celebration, but found on arrival that it was an<br />

attempt to get Bantu Authorities under way. "Chief Botha announced thaf<br />

he had been promoted to take over the chair of the Chief Magistrate of<br />

[Jmtata, and that in turn some of the Chiefs would be promoted in the<br />

various districts. <strong>The</strong> Pondo court would be enhanced in status, and great<br />

changes would be brought about -<br />

in short, the people were t<strong>ol</strong>d that they<br />

were getting self-Government." (to).<br />

In practice, however ,it worked out that Chief Botha alone made promotions,<br />

and it was he who selected councillors for the courts from his<br />

own supporters. <strong>The</strong> people steadily lost confidence in the courts and<br />

corruption set in among the councillors rvho knew that their position<br />

depended not on the goodwill of the people, but only on their maintaining<br />

their friendship with Chief Botha. ft was this cancer in the heart of tribal<br />

justice that was one of the main reasons for the breakdown of the tribal<br />

structure, and for the subsequent development of a new system during the<br />

Pondo rev<strong>ol</strong>t.<br />

<strong>The</strong> rot ate ever deeper into the once healthy organism of tribal life.<br />

Government appointees to positions of authority were increasingly spurned<br />

by the people, and they had to rely on the might of the lal and the strong<br />

arm of the magistrates to impose their authority. Many chiefs and headmen<br />

found that once they had committed themselves to supporting Bantu<br />

Authorities, an immense chasm developed between them and the people.<br />

Gone was the <strong>ol</strong>d give-and-take of tribal discussion and consultation. In<br />

its place there was now the autocratic power bestowed on the more<br />

ambitious chiefs who became arrogant in the knowledge that the Govern-<br />

('o) Memorandum sent to U.N. by the Hill Committee.

I<br />

I<br />

ment's might was behind them. On one occasion, the Chief Magistrate of<br />

the Transkei said, "Don't forget you are the authority and power, and<br />

whosoever is against authority and power is against you . be your own<br />

p<strong>ol</strong>ice in your own interests use moderate vi<strong>ol</strong>ence just like a good<br />

p<strong>ol</strong>iceman."(t,)<br />

By flattery, coercion, and blatant incitement the Government drove<br />

the chiefs into open conflict with their people.<br />

,fi<br />

I<br />

+<br />

i<br />


"THE Pondo people are more amenable to rule by hereditary chiefs than<br />

- other less unifled tribes, and less likely therefore to refuse to accept their<br />

dictates 'without good reason, provided and here lies the crux of the<br />

-<br />

matter such chiefs or leaders are genuinely representative of tl-re<br />

people . . . it is to be regretted that the Government has continued to insist<br />

on uph<strong>ol</strong>ding the appointment of chiefs and headmen arbitrarily chosen by<br />

themselves rather than elected by the people concerned in a democratic<br />

fashion."(11) In this outspoken manner the Institute of Race Relations put<br />

its finger neatly on the mainspring of the trernendous rev<strong>ol</strong>t against tradition<br />

and authority in East Pond<strong>ol</strong>and.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Government was well aware that the people of East Pond<strong>ol</strong>and<br />

were opposed to Bantu Authorities from the very first. In 7957, the people<br />

voiced their objections at meetings which were held with their chiefs. But<br />

the chiefs refused to take up their peoples' grievances with the magistrates,<br />

either because they realised that the Government was determined to carry<br />

its p<strong>ol</strong>icy through and would not t<strong>ol</strong>erate opposition, or because they were<br />

Chief Botha's men.<br />

Dissatisfled with their chiefs' attitude the people sent deputations to the<br />

ma-gistrates directly. In 1957, in the district of Bizana for example, a<br />

deputation was informed that their grievances would be referred to Pretoria.<br />

Nothing was heard for some time, and a year later, another deputation interviewed<br />

the new magistrate at Bizana who t<strong>ol</strong>d them that he had no record<br />

of their earlier representations. <strong>The</strong> complaints were repeated but once<br />

again no reply was received from official quarters.<br />

Frustration and dissatisfaction were building up, until matters boiled<br />

over in an outburst of anger at a meeting in the Isikelo location in East<br />

Pond<strong>ol</strong>and. Two of the chief's councillors were asked to explain at an<br />

Inkundla what benefits the people would get from Bantu Authorities which<br />

they had been trying to popularise. When they failed to do so, the meeting<br />

decided that they should receive corporal punishment.<br />

Dissatisfied with their own tribal leaders and with the local magistrate,<br />

the people sent word to the Chief magistrate of the Transkei asking him to<br />

come to the area. Instead of his visiting the troubled area, a detachment<br />

of p<strong>ol</strong>ice was sent in to arrest the Jeading spokesmen at the meeting.<br />

("<br />

("<br />

At opening of scho<strong>ol</strong> at Ts<strong>ol</strong>o, Jan 1959, Mbeki, page 8.<br />

Recent statement by S.A. Institute of Race Relations on Pondo situation.

Pondos in the Bizana district were incensed at the arrests and tension<br />

mounted. Hut burnings and demonstrations against chiefs, headmen and<br />

poiice interference took place in a growing number of locations during<br />

1959, What was once a closely knit tribe was becoming a seething,<br />

intriguing, unhappy people. Tremendous pressure was put on tribal leaders<br />

by both the Pondos and the Government and they had to make their choice.<br />

Many of them chose to ignore the people's wishes and uph<strong>ol</strong>d those of the<br />

Government thus alienating themselves from their people completely.<br />

A popular movement arose amongst the people in March 1960, and th.e<br />

Hill Committee, composed of commoners, was established. It was this committee<br />

which rallied the majority of the tribesmen in the Bizana district into<br />

open struggle against the authorities and their henchmen. <strong>The</strong> committee<br />

summoned a series of huge meetings, attended by thousands of Pondos, to<br />

discuss their plight and make plans to carry on the struggle. Inspirecl by<br />

these meetings neighbouring tribesmen from other districts in East Pond<strong>ol</strong>and<br />

carried back the neu's to their areas.<br />

Repeated requests by the Hill Committee for the magistrate to come and<br />

hear the peoples grievances were ignored, and instead they were informed<br />

that the meetings were illegal and should cease forthwith. At this stage the<br />

Government officials made it clear that they would have no dealings with<br />

the leaders of the popular movement and wouJd continue to carry out<br />

Governmcnt p<strong>ol</strong>icies through the channel of Bantu Authorities.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Pondos then found that news of their meetings was reaching the<br />

magistrate's ears and that their new-found unity was being undermined from<br />

within by Government agents. Drastic action was taken against these<br />

informers, huts were burnt down, and many of them were forced to flee<br />

from the area.<br />

In retaliation, a meeting of thousands of Pondo's at Ngquza Hill was<br />

attacked by heavily armed p<strong>ol</strong>ice. Eleven Pondos were shot dead and 15<br />

seriously wounded (Some reports put the number at 30 dead and 60 seriously<br />

wounded). <strong>The</strong> meeting had been summoned for mid-day but wlrile the<br />

people were still gathering, helicopters f<strong>ol</strong>lowed by spotter-planes appeared<br />

over the hill, flying very low. A white flag was raised by one of the leaders<br />

as a sign that a peaceful meeting was being held, but soon afterwards vans<br />

of armed p<strong>ol</strong>ice arrived. (13)<br />

Tear-gas bombs were dropped, starting a veld fire, and as the gathering<br />

scattered in confusion the p<strong>ol</strong>ice opened fire with the same callous abandon<br />

as had been witnessed at Sharpeville and Langa.<br />

Twenty-three Pondos were arrested after the meeting on a charge of<br />

"fighting". Nineteen were convicted and sentenced to terms ranging from<br />

18 months and 6 strokes, to 21 months.<br />

Subsequently, at an inquest on the shootings, the magistrate found that<br />

the firing of Sten gun bullets was "unjustified and excessive, even reckless."<br />

P<strong>ol</strong>icing of the area increased after this incident. Saracens and radio<br />

cars were brought in. <strong>The</strong> breakdown between the authorities and the<br />

Pondos was complete.<br />



RECOGNISING that p<strong>ol</strong>ice massacres could not break the people's<br />

t*<br />

resistance, the Government announced that a Commission of Inquiry,<br />

composed of Bantu Administration officials, would be appointed to hear<br />

their grievances. Grievances there were many, the main one being that<br />

Bantu Authorities had never been accepted by the people, only by some<br />

chiefs, and that the system must be abandoned. <strong>The</strong> complaint was made<br />

that inferior education was being given to the children under Bantu Education<br />

and that the people had lost contr<strong>ol</strong> of the scho<strong>ol</strong>s.<br />

Increased taxation was a serious source of dissatisfaction.<br />

Livestock tax had increased from 6d. per head per annum in 1944 to<br />

llgd. P<strong>ol</strong>l tax had increased by l5l- to f2.5.0 a year, and the original<br />

health levy of 1l- a year had become a l0l- general levy.<br />

Other complaints related to the graft in the courts, and the general<br />

corruption that had set in among councillors and chiefs. <strong>The</strong><br />

findings of the Commission were announced at a public meeting near Bizana<br />

on October l1th. It is significant that on this occasion the Government<br />

was forced to bypass their much-vaunted Bantu Authorities machinery in<br />

order to convey their finidings to the people, and negotiate with the Hill<br />

Committee which had become the generally accepted tribal representative.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Report contained a number of admissions of errors made in the<br />

creation of Bantu Authorities but few concessions on other important complaints.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Commissioners admitted that when Bantu Authorities were<br />

formed, the <strong>ol</strong>d customs of the tribes around Bizana were not observed . . .<br />

"and the people of Bizana had every right to complain <strong>The</strong> laws and<br />

customs of the tribes should have been observed and they should have been<br />

given an opportunity to say who they rvanted (in the nomination of tribal<br />

authorities)."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Commission also found that f20,000 damages had been caused in<br />

the hut burnings.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Pondos were far from satisfied with the Commissions findings. At<br />

a meeting on the 25th October, they formally announced their rejection of<br />

the Report, and expressed their determination to continue the struggle<br />

against Bantu Authorities.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y decided to stop paying taxes.<br />

This momentcus decision taken by thousands of Pondos, many of them<br />

delegates from distant locations, was a sharp reminder that the Pondos were<br />

in a desperate frame of mind. At the same time, five top leaders of the<br />

Pond<strong>ol</strong>and National C,ontntlttee surrendered themselves to the p<strong>ol</strong>ice as they<br />

had lost their appeal to the Supreme Court and had been refused bail. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

had been sentenced to over a year for attending an illegal meeting!<br />

Furthermore, as a mark of their anger at the jailing of their ieaders, and<br />

in protest at the attitude adopted by most of the White people in Bizana,<br />

the people decided to boycott this town. <strong>The</strong> Pondos felt that the traders<br />

(") New Age, September 8th, 1960.

in Btzana had shown partiality towards the Government, instead of<br />

sympathising with the people from whom they made a living, One Pondo<br />

put it this way, "We boycott the traders because they helped the Government<br />

in trying to break us. !\/hen we boycott them we are boycotting the<br />

Government."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Pondos also protested at the banning from Pond<strong>ol</strong>and of Mr.<br />

R. Arenstein, their attorney, who had fought a valiant battle in the Bizana<br />

court for the Pondos. As a result the ban was partially lifted, allowing<br />

Mr. Arenstein to complete the defence of the cases then pending.<br />


[T is useful to interrupt the story of the Rev<strong>ol</strong>t, at this stage, to take a look<br />

r<br />

at the small islands of Whites in the heart of this African reserve.<br />

Recent events have caught'the lVhite traders 'and professional men in<br />

Pond<strong>ol</strong>and completely unawares. While some of them did anticipate that<br />

the Government's interference with the tribal set up would bring trouble,<br />

they, who pride themselves on "knowing the Native," did not anticipate<br />

that the Pondo Rev<strong>ol</strong>t could take on its present dimensions. Even now,<br />

when they have themselves seen the resistance movement unf<strong>ol</strong>ding before<br />

their very eyes, they are still unable to credit the Pondos they "have grown<br />

up with," with the ability to organise so effectively.<br />

And so they spread the story (in whispers), "<strong>The</strong> Communists are<br />

behind it." Or, even more bizarre, in the words of a senior magistrate of<br />

lJmtata, "Chief Lutuli is organising it all from just over the river in<br />

Ffarding." (One would expect an official of the BAD to know that Chief<br />

Lutuli has been either in ga<strong>ol</strong> or in confinement in Groutville, in Northern<br />

Natal, during the past year.)<br />

<strong>The</strong> traders are in an jnvidious position. On the one hand the Government<br />

resents the exjstence of these pockets of preclominently English<br />

speaking people and can withdraw their trading licences at any time,<br />

while, on the other: hand, the traders are aware that their connivance in<br />

the p<strong>ol</strong>icing of Pond<strong>ol</strong>and could bring even greater Pondo wrath upon them.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fact remains that the military forces of occupation in Pond<strong>ol</strong>and<br />

are using these white settlements as bases, and therefore, in the eyes of<br />

the Pondos these people are regarded as c<strong>ol</strong>laborators of the Government.<br />

How much different is the position of the majority of white South<br />

Africans from that of the white traders in Pond<strong>ol</strong>and?<br />


tE-tHE flrst signal that the Government had decided to suppress the popular<br />

-!- Pondo movement and was going onto the offensive, came with the<br />

arrest and banishment of Anderson Ganyile, a Pondo leader. <strong>The</strong> movement<br />

of troops towards Pond<strong>ol</strong>and f<strong>ol</strong>lowed, as if war had been declared.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Governnrent even went as far as taking the ridiculous precaution of<br />


putting the navy on to guarding the coast of Pond<strong>ol</strong>and against "Russian<br />

submarines!"<br />

A State of Emergency was declared, and the previous curtain of silence<br />

that had been drawn around Pond<strong>ol</strong>and was drawn still tighter. Recent<br />

reports filtering through to the press indicate that hundreds of Pondos have<br />

been arrested, screened and treated with extreme brutality.<br />

A New Age eye-witness writes, "A large contingent of armed p<strong>ol</strong>ice and<br />

s<strong>ol</strong>diers seal ofi an area, usually soon aftel midnight, Each hut is raided<br />

by two armed men who take arvay everything that remotely resembles a<br />

weapon. In some areas, even hoes are confiscated."<br />

More recent reports indicate that the declaration of the State of<br />

Emergency has added fuel to the long smouldering fires of rev<strong>ol</strong>t in Pond<strong>ol</strong>and<br />

and the Translcei as a ivh<strong>ol</strong>e. Vi<strong>ol</strong>ence and hut burnings are taking<br />

place over the rvh<strong>ol</strong>e area.<br />

Above all, the declaration of the Emergency constitutes an outright<br />

admission of failure to suppress the resistance of the people, and the<br />

Government has yet to explain why it was necessary to introduce the army<br />

to siop the rvork of "outside agitators." It would be more correct to say<br />

that the Nationalist army of occupation is now ti-ying to achieve what their<br />

forefathers could not manage -<br />

the complete subjugation of the Pondo<br />

people.<br />

<strong>The</strong> story of Pond<strong>ol</strong>and is a repetition of those of. Zeerust, Sekhukuni-<br />

Iand and Zululand. ln each of these areas, widespread disturbances took<br />

placc because of the imposition of Bantu Authorjties. In each area the<br />

pattern of events leading up to the distur:bances was similar. Only, in<br />

Pond<strong>ol</strong>and, where the tribe was more unified than in other areas, the<br />

resistance has been more determined and more sustained.<br />


Q[n 7tt<br />

s/:?1 1.t'l<br />

EVERY 'struggle develops a momentum of its own; and as the struggle<br />

progresses new concepts arise, new demands are made, and the participants<br />

are Iocked in battle on a higher level. <strong>The</strong> Pondo Rev<strong>ol</strong>t is no<br />

exception, as can be seen from the changes that have taken place in the<br />

demands and approach of the Pondos during the course of the struggle.<br />

In the first protests against Government dictatorship, the Pondos limited<br />

their demands to the issues that were of inrmediate concern. Even though<br />

the Government likes to pretend that the Pondos were stirred up by "outside<br />

agitators," the truth is that the Government pressed the people so hard<br />

that they had to fight back. Furthermore, initially, their methods of struggle<br />

were the traditional ones the h<strong>ol</strong>ding of meetjngs, deputations to the<br />

magistrate, and, as the crisis - deepened, the burning of huts and expulsion<br />

of undesirables from their midst.<br />

But their experience of the Government taught the people that these<br />

methods did not suffice. Peaceful meetings were broken up by aircraft,<br />


a_<br />

spokesmen at deputations were arrested by armed p<strong>ol</strong>ice, and representations<br />

about simple things like dipping were written down to "Communist<br />

agitation." <strong>The</strong> people realised that a Government which based its p<strong>ol</strong>icies<br />

on pure force, and completely ignored peaceful representations, had to be<br />

opposed, and that the fraudulent Bantu Authorities had to be rejected in<br />

toto.<br />

Thus the Pondos turned their attention to the bigger p<strong>ol</strong>itical issues<br />

responsible for their plight, and declared the demand for direct representation<br />

in Parliament. "Pond<strong>ol</strong>and will be satisfied with nothing short of<br />

sending representatives to Parliament."(r+;<br />

<strong>The</strong> tactics of the Pondos also underwent a change. <strong>The</strong> boycott of<br />

the traders -<br />

a new weapon in the reserves -<br />

was completely effective.<br />

It highlighted the unity of the people, and gained much publicity for their<br />

struggle. More drastic still \{/as the decision not to pay taxes, and the<br />

adoption of the slogan "no co-operation with the authorities." This step<br />

was supported by the decision to call for a withdrawal of labour from the<br />

mines and sugar estates rvhich would thus force their employers to intervene.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se methods adopted by the Pondos show a maturity that is extraordinary<br />

for a people who were not particularly active in p<strong>ol</strong>itical movements<br />

in the past, It shows that the Africans in the reserves are perfectly<br />

capable of using their initiative in forging new weapons of struggle when<br />

the issues are sharp enough.<br />

New conditions, have also created new forms of organisation. <strong>The</strong> recent<br />

developments have brought great changes in the tribal structure. <strong>The</strong> system<br />

of chieftainship is gone, probably never to return in the <strong>ol</strong>d form. <strong>The</strong><br />

people of East Pond<strong>ol</strong>and have elected the Hill Committee democratically,<br />

and it would seem likely that this system will remain whatever the outcome<br />

of the present struggle may be. One thing is certain, indirect rule through<br />

Chiefs accepted by the people, will never work again. <strong>The</strong> Government<br />

will either have to recognise the newly constituted authority of the Pondos<br />

- the Hill Committee or it will have to rule by outright force alone.<br />

-<br />


t[tHE rev<strong>ol</strong>t against authority and tradition in East Pond<strong>ol</strong>and has great<br />

+ slgnificance for South Africa. National issues which were still subject<br />

to debate and dispute before these events, have now been tested in practice,<br />

and shorvn to be complely unworkable.<br />

Whereas it was previously the opposition parties and organisations which<br />

criticised and condemned the theory of Bantustans, it has now been rent<br />

asunder by the Africans themselves. "Autonomy," "Self-Government" and<br />

1r4) Anderson Ganyile, New Age, 17/11/1960.<br />


"Develop on your own lines" -'4ll<br />

the deception of a p<strong>ol</strong>itically bankrupt<br />

Government stand exposed as a h<strong>ol</strong>low fraud, by the heroic resistance of<br />

the Pondo people.<br />

Dr. Verwoerd's wondrous vision, elaborated at great length in Parliament,<br />

of a dynamic new p<strong>ol</strong>icy that would s<strong>ol</strong>ve the critical problems of<br />

South Africa, is a vision no more. fnstead, there stands the stark reality<br />

of the South African p<strong>ol</strong>ice state -<br />

shed of all pretence of ruling by<br />

consent<br />

-<br />

ruling by force alone.<br />

This is all the Nationalists have left to offer South Africa. As long as<br />

they remain in office there will be more and more Pond<strong>ol</strong>ands, rvith ever<br />

increasing strife, bloodshed and misery. This appalling prospect presents a<br />

challenge to us all.<br />

Apperadix<br />

<strong>The</strong> powers and duties of the various Banftr duthorities.<br />

<strong>The</strong> most important features of the Bantu Authorities are:<br />

1. Any person appointed to any Authority may be removed at any<br />

time.<br />

2. <strong>The</strong>re is no elective principle as it is generally understood.<br />

3. Every law, or rule made by an Authority is subject to the approval<br />

of the Governor General.<br />

4. <strong>The</strong> Minister can frame a law for an Authoritv and it is deemed to<br />

be the law.<br />

5. A commissioned p<strong>ol</strong>ice officer may attend a Bantu Authority meeting<br />

whenever he wishes to.<br />

6.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Minister's consent is required for the expenditure of all funds.<br />


Tribal authorities are established by the Government after consultation<br />

with the tribe concerned. <strong>The</strong> head is the local chief, but he may<br />

be deposed at any time. This has occurred in a great number of cases<br />

where the chiefs have refused to carrv out Government orders. In the<br />


Transkei about half of the Councillors are elected by African taxpayers<br />

in the area acting in consultation with the Chief, but these councillors<br />

rnay be dismissed by the Minister,<br />

Tribal Authorities assist the Chief to maintain law and order, disperse<br />

unlawful assemblies, c<strong>ol</strong>lect taxes, etc.<br />


All the chiefs are ex-officio members and there are four members<br />

representing the tribal authorities in the area. Two are appointed by<br />

the Bantu Commissioner.<br />

<strong>The</strong> District Authorities supervise the Tribal Authorities and have<br />

other additional duties.<br />


<strong>The</strong>se are created in a similar way to the above, except that members<br />

h<strong>ol</strong>d office for 5 years. <strong>The</strong> Minister may appoint a civil servant to<br />

participate in the meetings. <strong>The</strong> public may not attend,<br />

<strong>The</strong>se councils are responsible for scho<strong>ol</strong>s, hospitals, irrigation, etc.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y may levy rates and frame enactments which can be vetoed or<br />

changed by the Minister. <strong>The</strong> Regional Authorities are fully supervised<br />

by the B.A.D., and minutes of the rneetings must be sent to specified<br />

officials.<br />


<strong>The</strong>re are to be eight Territorial Authorities, one for each National<br />

unit.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y may make representations to the Government in regard to<br />

problems in their area, they may appoint chiefs, impose taxes and make<br />

enactments which are subject to Government approval and amendment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Chief Bantu Commissioner is empowered to suspend any action<br />

contem<strong>ol</strong>ated.<br />

(For the above information the author is indebted to the Surveys<br />

of the S.A. Institute of Race Relations and to the speech by Mr.<br />

W. Stanford, M.P., in Parliament on 19th May, 1959.)


publishes statements of its p<strong>ol</strong>icy from time to time.<br />

<strong>The</strong> f<strong>ol</strong>lowing publications are available.<br />

* FACE THE FUTURE (I0c)<br />

Foreword by chief Lutuli.<br />

app"idi* o+-Fr""aor Charter in full.<br />

An analysis-of-African Nationalism and<br />

the crisis of White South Africa'<br />

* CHIEF IUTULI SPEAKS A public address by the Ex-president<br />

(<strong>5c</strong>) General of the now banned A.N.C.<br />


iZlil<br />

Printed speciallv for framing'<br />

* COUNTER ATTACK A monthly bulletin giving news and<br />

views of C.O.D. and its branches.<br />

An independent rnonthly journal for<br />

Also Available:-<br />

* FTGHTTNG TAIK (<strong>5c</strong>)<br />

is also obtainable from our<br />

Sffi8:'"tt<br />



To S.A.C.O.D.,<br />

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