Search Web Page Classification Using Form Structural Characteristics

Search Web Page Classification Using Form Structural Characteristics

Search Web Page Classification Using Form Structural Characteristics


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<strong>Search</strong> <strong>Web</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>Classification</strong> <strong>Using</strong> <strong>Form</strong> <strong>Structural</strong> <strong>Characteristics</strong><br />

Myungsook Klassen<br />

Computer Science Department<br />

California Lutheran University<br />

60 West Olsen Rd<br />

Thousand Oaks, CA 91360<br />

mklassen@clunet.edu<br />

Chenxiao Wang<br />

Computer Science Graduate Program<br />

California Lutheran University<br />

60 West Olsen Rd,<br />

Thousand Oaks, CA 91360<br />

cwang@clunet.edu<br />

Abstract<br />

<strong>Web</strong> pages with HTML forms are either search pages or<br />

non search pages such as registration or blogging.<br />

<strong>Search</strong> forms are external search, site search or internal<br />

hidden database search. The hidden web pages provide<br />

highly relevant quality content and represent a large<br />

sector of online information source, yet general purpose<br />

search engines do not find hidden web pages due to<br />

difficulties of identifying them. In this paper, we present<br />

a method to identify search forms from non search<br />

forms using a small number of HTML input elements<br />

extracted from user input HTML forms. <strong>Using</strong> the<br />

random forest classifier, the classification rates obtained<br />

are 89.12% with two classes, search form and non<br />

search form. A small number of HTML input elements<br />

and attributes used to identify four different HTML<br />

forms proved not to be strong discriminators.<br />


Surface webs crawled by search engines contain only<br />

a fraction of the contents available on-line. Most users<br />

are only aware of information found by search engines<br />

such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing. According to<br />

Wikipedia, surface web contains an estimated 11.5<br />

billion web pages in the publicly indexable web as of<br />

January 2005. In the earliest days of the web, there<br />

were relatively few web pages and most of them were<br />

static web pages, so search engines found needed<br />

information with relatively high user satisfaction level.<br />

When the web became preferred medium for<br />

commerce and information transfer, static pages could<br />

no longer provide complete information. It is able to<br />

cover 20% of it, which means 80% of valuable<br />

information and data is still remains untouched on the<br />

web surface. In general, searchable forms are very<br />

sparsely distributed. Barbosa [2] points out that a<br />

crawler retrieves only 94 movie search forms out of<br />

100,000 crawled pages. The paradigm of using<br />

conventional search engines no longer applies to the<br />

information content of the internet. The development of<br />

technology which accesses database back end<br />

operations for the web search engines provide the path<br />

to a paradigm switch to database driven web pages.<br />

<strong>Web</strong> resources are constantly being added and<br />

modified, so it is important to identify hidden web<br />

pages in an efficient and automated way, requiring no<br />

site specific scripting or analysis. There has been<br />

increase of interest in techniques that find hidden web<br />

pages as the volume of hidden information grows. One<br />

is by creating a vertical search engines for specific<br />

domains. This is a very costly operation for a search<br />

engine since it is required to build mediator forms for<br />

each domain and it is difficult for a search engine to<br />

identify which queries are relevant to each domain. The<br />

other approach is to explore all interesting HTML forms<br />

and identify search interfaces.<br />

On the web, there are many HTML forms and many<br />

are not search interface. In particular, HTML forms for<br />

login, blog, comments, registration, subscription, and<br />

polling are not search interfaces. There are three<br />

different search forms: site-search, external search, and<br />

hidden database search. The “site search” forms are<br />

what many web sites nowadays provide for searching<br />

their own HTML texts on their sites. These pages<br />

simply scan non HTML tag text and provide<br />

information. They are not dynamically produced using a<br />

database. External search engine is a HTML form<br />

interface to search popular search engines such as<br />

google and Yaoo. A hidden web (sometimes called as<br />

deep web) is a web page that searches one or more<br />

backend databases, through a HTML form as its query<br />

interface.<br />

The entrance search HTML forms must be<br />

distinguished from non search web pages in order to<br />

enable the web crawler to locate the entrance and extract<br />

information further. Further more, hidden web HTML<br />

forms must be identified from external search form and<br />

text site-search form.

In this paper, we make an attempt first to identify<br />

search forms from non search forms, and second, to<br />

identify hidden web search forms from two other<br />

types of search forms using a small number of HTML<br />

input element attributes, since a sparse matrix data are<br />

often very lager and are over fitted by classifiers if care<br />

is not taken. Besides HTML input elements attributes<br />

such as names, values, labels and URLs in the sparse<br />

matrix contain many different string values and<br />

variant string values which are hard to be used without<br />

daunting string/text processing task.<br />

Another contribution of our work is that we<br />

conducted our experiments on a real data set we<br />

collected by crawling web pages to acquire the newest<br />

web page trends instead of using dated archived data<br />

from data repositories such as UIUC. And lastly,<br />

performance of a random forest classifier is explored<br />

to evaluate its goodness in identifying different types<br />

of forms.<br />

The rest paper is organized as follows: section 2<br />

presents related works in the field, and section 3<br />

describes input values created from web pages. In<br />

Section 4, the Random Forest classifier is briefly<br />

discussed. Numerical results are presented in section 5,<br />

followed by discussions and conclusions in section 6.<br />


In what follows, we give an overview of previous<br />

works on the hidden web classification and a brief<br />

review of approaches which address different aspects of<br />

hidden wed data retrieval.<br />

In year 2000, He et al [6] surveyed the deep web<br />

studying the scale, subject distribution, and search<br />

engine coverage and reported their findings in 2007.<br />

They report that 72% interfaces were found within a<br />

depth 3 and 94% web databases appeared within depth<br />

3. They classified web databases into two types:<br />

unstructured databases such as images, audio and video,<br />

and structures databases which provide data objects as<br />

structured “relational” records with attribute-value pairs.<br />

Hidden web database is dominated by structured<br />

database with 77.2%. The top three subjects of hidden<br />

web pages are business & economy, computers&<br />

Internet, and education. The last question presented in<br />

their paper was “ how do search engines cover the deep<br />

web?”. They report that Google and Yahoo indexed<br />

32% of hidden web pages while MSN had 11%.<br />

Automatic classification of Hidden web database<br />

classification: post query techniques<br />

There are two methods to classify hidden page web<br />

forms. One is pre-query, which classifies web database<br />

according to the features of query forms such as HTML<br />

tag input types and labels. The other is post query,<br />

which identifies the search interfaces, submit probe<br />

queries and analyzes the results.<br />

Hidden web database classification is performed<br />

based on probing[4][5]. Gong et el [4] created prototype<br />

for classifying hidden web database into a predefined<br />

category hierarchy using query probing and link<br />

evaluation. Features for each class is extracted from<br />

randomly selected web pages. The hidden web is probed<br />

by analyzing the results of the class –specific query to<br />

the hidden database. <strong>Classification</strong> methods used are k-<br />

means nearest neighbor method. In [5] authors have<br />

done similar work, but used extensive number of rules<br />

or queries for probing multiple times while Gong et al<br />

used only one query for probing each category. In [11],<br />

authors used semantic information to feature vectors of<br />

forms and centroid vector to classify hidden web<br />

database. The support Vector machine classification<br />

method is used with data obtained from UIUC databases<br />

to obtain high classification rates between 90.87% and<br />

98.37% in five categories. In [5], authors trained a rule<br />

based document classifier, and then uses the classifier’s<br />

rules to generate probing queries. The queries are sent to<br />

the databases which are then classified based on the<br />

number of matches that they produce for each query.<br />

UCI KDD archive database is used for their work.<br />

Identifying hidden web pages: pre query techniques<br />

Pre-query techniques use visible features of forms.<br />

<strong>Form</strong> attribute labels are used for classifiers. In [2],<br />

authors proposed adaptive crawling strategies to<br />

efficiently locate the entry points to hidden web<br />

databases. The strategies use both links and forms to<br />

enhance identification of hidden databases. For link<br />

classification, features present in the anchor, URL, and<br />

text around links are extracted and from them, terms<br />

with highest document frequency are selected.<br />

Hess and Kushmerick [7] used input tag labels,<br />

input name and input types from 129 forms collected.<br />

For instance HTML fragments “Enter name: ”, the sequence<br />

[“enter”,”name”,”user”, “text”] is gathered to be used<br />

for a Naïve Bayes classifier. They reported the<br />

classification rate of 82%.<br />

Barbosa and Freire [1] used 216 searchable forms<br />

from the UIUC repository and gathered 259 non<br />

searchable forms for the negative examples. HTML<br />

form structure attributes such as number of hidden tags,<br />

number of radio tags, number of file input, number of

submit tags, number of image inputs, number of buttons,<br />

number of resets, number of password tags, number of<br />

textboxes, number of items in selection lists, sum of text<br />

sizes in textboxes and submission method (post versus<br />

get) are used as attributes to several classifiers. Two<br />

thirds were used as a training data set and one third as a<br />

test data set for a multi layer perceptron, Naïve Bayes,<br />

C4.5 and Support Vector Machines. They reported error<br />

rates 9.05% by C4.5 and 24% by Naïve Bayes classifier.<br />

Ye et al [10] used a sparse matrix of HTML<br />

structure features. Features are value and name<br />

attributes for “input”, “select”, “textarea”, and “label”<br />

from input types to create a sequence such as [ input1,<br />

input1-name, input1-value] for each HTML input type.<br />

A number of “input” and a number of “select” , a<br />

number “label”, and a number of “textarea” in each<br />

form are computed to be used as features. In addition,<br />

attributes “name” and “method” from a HTML form<br />

element, “src” and “alt” values of “input-image”<br />

element are used. Made up data set from Mataquerier<br />

project [10] and websites crawled from <strong>Search</strong> Engine<br />

Guide were used for their experiments. Bayes, C4.5<br />

decision tree, support vector machine and random forest<br />

classifiers produced from the lowest 79.78% to the<br />

highest 93.88% classification rates.<br />


3.1 <strong>Form</strong> collections<br />

There are many different HTML forms and<br />

many of them are not search interfaces. The forms are<br />

categorized into the following four groups:<br />

• External search: forms which provide<br />

external web search sites such as to the<br />

google site for convenience of users. They<br />

are not considered as an entry to an<br />

internal database.<br />

• No search: forms for login, subscription,<br />

registration, polling, or blogging. They are<br />

not considered as an entry to an internal<br />

database.<br />

• site search: forms which many web sites<br />

now provide for searching its own HTML<br />

pages. They are not considered as an entry<br />

to an internal database.<br />

• Internal database search: forms which<br />

provide entry to its own site backend<br />

databases. These are considered true<br />

hidden web pages.<br />

(a) External search form<br />

(b) Non search form<br />

(c) Site search<br />

(d) internal database search form<br />

Figure 1: different HTML forms<br />

The data used for our experiments were created by<br />

crawling the web site www.searchengineguide.com with<br />

the web crawler <strong>Web</strong>Lech with a depth 3 and each<br />

form was manually categorized into one of four types.<br />

Examples of each type are shown in Figure 1. Initially<br />

792 HTML forms were collected by the crawler and<br />

only 9.8% of all forms were internal database forms.<br />

Other categories collected are 12.86%, 46.36%, and<br />

30.96% for external search, site search, and no search<br />

respectively. To increase the number of internal<br />

database search forms, 89 forms were manually<br />

collected in 10 different subject areas and added to the<br />

sample set (confirm with chenxiao) which now contains<br />

874 samples.<br />

3.2 <strong>Form</strong> input elements<br />

A home grown parser was written in Java to scan<br />

web pages and break into HTML elements and their<br />

attributes. Inside HTML forms, following<br />

elements(often called tags) were considered important<br />

for users to put information for internal database search.<br />

Initially based on work by Ye et al [10] but with

changes with our own ideas, the following elements and<br />

their attributes were gathered.<br />

• form element attributes action and name. For<br />

action, only the file name from the URL was<br />

used. The “method’ attribute was not used.<br />

• input element type=”text”: name and value<br />

attributes. This forms a pair for each input text.<br />

• input element type=”checkbox”: data is<br />

collected same as input type text.<br />

• input element type=”radio”. data is collected<br />

same as input type text.<br />

• select element: name and value attributes. This<br />

forms a set of triplets <br />

for each select element.<br />

• Textarea element: name and value attributes.<br />

This forms a set of triplets for each textarea element.<br />

• Labels from all elements and types inside<br />

HTML were gathered as one attribute field<br />

containing comma delimited text values.<br />

The numbers of elements in forms vary much.<br />

Some forms contain a large number of form elements<br />

while some don’t contain any at all. Table 1 shows the<br />

maximum number of HTML form elements found in<br />

one HTML form. As a result, data created in this fashion<br />

is a large sparse matrix with 144 attributes with 877<br />

samples.<br />

HTML form elements Maximum numbers<br />

Input type text 14<br />

select 6<br />

Input type checkbox 16<br />

Input type radio 18<br />

textarea 2<br />

Table 1:maximum number of form input elements<br />

There are two main problems with this data set to<br />

be used as features of a classification method. Not only<br />

the data set is very sparse, but also names and values<br />

have gathered have many variations ( name, nam, user<br />

name, last name, lname, for instance) if meaningful<br />

names used at all, but many names and values used are<br />

surprisingly meaningless such as “tinyturing” and <br />

“lang-­‐de”. And frequently an element name and value<br />

are missing since they are not required in HTML.<br />

Laborious preprocessing of text strings of name, value<br />

and labels is required for them to be useful as<br />

classification features.<br />


The Random forest[3] is a meta-learner which<br />

consists of many individual trees. Each tree votes on an<br />

overall classification for the given set of data and the<br />

random forest algorithm chooses the individual<br />

classification with the most votes. Each decision tree is<br />

built from a random subset of the training dataset, using<br />

what is called replacement, in performing this sampling.<br />

That is, some entities will be included more than once in<br />

the sample, and others won't appear at all. In building<br />

each decision tree, a model based on a different random<br />

subset of the training dataset and a random subset of the<br />

available variables is used to choose how best to<br />

partition the dataset at each node. Each decision tree is<br />

built to its maximum size, with no pruning performed.<br />

Together, the resulting decision tree models of the<br />

Random forest represent the final ensemble model<br />

where each decision tree votes for the result, and the<br />

majority wins.<br />

There are two different sources of randomness in<br />

Random forest: random training set (bootstrap) and<br />

random selection of attributes. <strong>Using</strong> a random<br />

selection of attributes to split each node yields favorable<br />

error rates and are more robust with respect to noise.<br />

These attributes form nodes using standard tree building<br />

methods. Diversity is obtained by randomly choosing<br />

attributes at each node of a tree and using the attributes<br />

that provide the highest level of learning. Each tree is<br />

grown to the fullest possible without pruning until no<br />

more nodes can be created due to information loss. In<br />

Breiman’s early work[2], each individual tree is given<br />

an equal vote and later version of random forest allows<br />

weighted and un-weighted voting.<br />

The random forest algorithm computes the out-ofbag<br />

error. The average misclassification for the entire<br />

forest is called as out-of-bag error which is useful for<br />

predicting the performance of the classifier without<br />

involving the test set example nor cross-validation. The<br />

out-of-bag error of random forest depends on the<br />

strength of the individual trees in the forest and the<br />

correlation between them. With a less number of<br />

attributes used for split, correlation between any two<br />

trees decrease and the strength of a tree decreases.<br />

These two have reverse effect on error rates of random<br />

forest: less correlation increases the error rate while less<br />

strength decrease the error rate.<br />


For our work, to eliminate sparse matrix problem<br />

and to avoid preprocessing of strings, numeric data<br />

such as the numbers of input element text type,<br />

checkbox type, radio type, select element and textarea<br />

element in a form were gathered.<br />

In addition, all strings from label elements and<br />

name attribute and value attribute of input type text,

checkbox and radio, element select and element<br />

textarea are scanned for word “search” and its<br />

synonyms. Proximity of a string to a certain input<br />

element or type is not considered. Some synonyms and<br />

antonym of the word “search” in the context of our<br />

research work are “inquiry”, “examine”, “inspect”,<br />

“investigate”, “look”, “query” and “find”. However<br />

the word “search” is dominantly used over 99% and<br />

“query” was found 4 times and “find” 2 times. Other<br />

words were not used at all in our data samples.<br />

In our analysis, Random forest in WEKA 3.5.6<br />

software developed by the University of Waikato was<br />

used for experiments. The data file has 6 input<br />

attributes and 1 target class attribute. The target class<br />

attribute values are external search, non search, site<br />

search, and internal database search. Table 2 shows<br />

numbers of samples of each class.<br />

External<br />

search<br />

Non search Site search Internal db<br />

search<br />

104 288 344 151<br />

Table 2: sample numbers of each class<br />

The number of attributes to be used in Random<br />

selection, “numFeatures” (is called Mtry in WEKA),<br />

and the number of trees to be generated “numTrees”<br />

were two parameters controlled in our work for<br />

performance evaluation. The number of tree depth was<br />

set to 0 to build trees of any depth. For all data sets,<br />

numTrees were set to max 10. With each numTree,<br />

classification rates of Mtry values 3,4, and 5 are shown<br />

in Figure 2.<br />

5.1 4 classes classification<br />

Two test methods were used: 10-cross<br />

validation and using separate test samples. With 10-fold<br />

cross validation as a test option, its result is shown in<br />

Figure 2 for various numTrees and attributes. The<br />

highest 66.93% was obtained when all 5 attributes were<br />

used with one tree. The next was to do testing with a<br />

test sample set. The entire file is divided into two files:<br />

70% as a training data set and 30% as a test data set.<br />

The classification rates obtained are in a range between<br />

62.89% and 62.63%, about 4.% lower than those<br />

obtained by 10 folds cross validation.<br />

The confusion matrix is shown in Table 3. The site<br />

search results is surprisingly low with zero<br />

classification rate while internal database search shows<br />

0.99 classification. However there are many false<br />

positive (FP) internal database search from external<br />

search, non search and site search classes with values<br />

0.42, 0.18 and 0.50 respectively.<br />

Figure 2: classification rates by 10-fold cross<br />

validation<br />

5.2 2 classes classification<br />

External<br />

search<br />

Non<br />

search<br />

Site<br />

<strong>Search</strong><br />

Internal<br />

db search<br />

External<br />

search<br />

Non<br />

search<br />

Site<br />

search<br />

Internal<br />

db<br />

search<br />

0.02 0.56 0.0 0.42<br />

0.02 0.80 0.0 0.18<br />

0.09 0.41 0.0 0.50<br />

0.0 0.0 0.01 0.99<br />

Table 3:test sample classification confusion matrix<br />

The second experiment was to classify any searches<br />

(external, site search, internal db search) from non<br />

search such as password entry and registration. The<br />

classification rates with the test sample set are 89.12%<br />

consistently for numbers of attributes from 1 to 5 and<br />

numbers of trees from 1 to 10. Table 4 shows statistics<br />

from the test data set classification. The classification<br />

with only two classes increases from 66.93% to<br />

89.12%.<br />

<strong>Classification</strong> rate 0.8912<br />

Out-of-bag error 0.1705<br />

Mean absolute error 0.1667<br />

RMSE 0.2872<br />

<strong>Search</strong> class TP rate 0.944<br />

<strong>Search</strong> class FP rate 0.279<br />

Non search class TP rate 0.721<br />

Non search class FP rate 0.056<br />

Table 4: statistics of 2 class test sample data set<br />



WORKS<br />

It is apparent from our results that the<br />

numbers of input type text, input type checkbox, input<br />

type radio, input element select, input element textarea<br />

along with the word ‘search” are not enough to<br />

distinguish 4 different types of classes: site search,<br />

external search, internal database search and non search.<br />

Login, registration, discussion and blogging are<br />

considered non search. Three classes, external search,<br />

internal database search and text search are very similar<br />

in HTML & PHP codes and have very similar structure<br />

in appearance and layout. External search facility and<br />

site search is provided by many web pages in recent<br />

years and almost become a standard feature in any web<br />

pages.<br />

There is not enough statistical difference with<br />

the attribute the number of input type text as shown in<br />

the scatter diagram (Figure 3). Other HTML elements<br />

and types used for other work show similar results. And<br />

when we combined three search types into one and<br />

made our data as two class problems, similar results<br />

were obtained.<br />

Figure 3:scatter diagram of the numbers of input<br />

type text(Y axis) for 4 classes (x-axis).<br />

In contrast, the word “ search” is a good discriminator to<br />

distinguish non search class from three search classes.<br />

Over 99.9% search classes contain the word “search”<br />

while approximately 20% of non search class contains<br />

the word “search.” This is due to the fact that in our<br />

research work, we didn’t consider a proximity of the<br />

word ‘search’ or similar occurrence to the location of a<br />

HTM input form element or type. In one case, an<br />

irrelevant URL away in an input text from a non<br />

search page contained the word ‘search’.<br />

Our 2 class classification rate we obtained is<br />

close to 90%, which implies that we use a simple set of<br />

input attributes to identify search form from login or<br />

registration pages. We propose our future work that it is<br />

an incremental learning machine architecture which<br />

consists of<br />

Stage One: non search forms are separated from any<br />

search forms.<br />

Stage Two: Three search sites, site-search sites,<br />

external search sites and internal database search<br />

sites are separated<br />


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