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From Wordpress.com<br />

to Self-<strong>hosted</strong><br />

The Vancouver WordPress Meetup Group · March 27, 2014<br />

Luiza Libardi · @luizalibardi<br />

CC BY-SA 2.0 · Jeff Vier @ Flickr

Access public slides<br />


Roadmap<br />

• Common questions<br />

• What is WordPress<br />

• WordPress.com<br />

• Self-hosting<br />

• Installing WordPress<br />

• Understanding your site<br />

• Migrating content<br />

• Customizing<br />

• Self-hosting: is it for me?

Common questions<br />

• How do I transition from <strong>wordpress</strong>.com?<br />

• Why should I do this?<br />

• Is it for me?<br />

• Can I handle my own WordPress site?<br />

• Do I have to code?

What is WordPress?<br />

Content Management System (CMS)<br />

a.k.a. publishing platform<br />

Top 3 Content Management Systems<br />

50% 17% 6.4%<br />

Source: http://visual.ly/most-popular-content-management-systems-2013

What is WordPress?<br />

Open Source<br />

The GNU General Public License is the most widely used, free<br />

software license, which guarantees individuals, organizations<br />

or companies the freedom to use, study, share, and modify<br />

the software. The GPL guarantees:<br />

GPLv2<br />

• the freedom to use the software for any purpose<br />

• the freedom to change the software to suit your needs<br />

• the freedom to share the software<br />

• the freedom to share the changes you make

WordPress.com<br />

<br />

• Create an account<br />

• Free hosting<br />

• Free subdomains name.<strong>wordpress</strong>.com<br />

• Abide to their Terms of Service<br />

• Restricted customization<br />

• No access to FTP files or database

Self-hosting: WordPress.org<br />

• WordPress CMS repository (no login required)<br />

• Themes and Plugins repository (no login required)<br />

<br />

• Information about WordPress (no login required)<br />

• Forums (login required)

Self-hosting: choosing a hosting company<br />

Minimum requirements to run WP:<br />

• PHP version 5.2.4 or greater<br />

• MySQL version 5.0 or greater<br />

• Memory usage 512MB<br />

Also good to check:<br />

• Active 24/7 support<br />

• Uptime<br />

Useful resource: https://<strong>wordpress</strong>.org/about/requirements/

Self-hosting: Filesystem and Database<br />

WordPress uses PHP (programming language) to store and retrieve data from a database.<br />

filesystem<br />

Database<br />

<br />

• Files have a name and path (folders)<br />

• Files have metadata associated with them<br />

(last modification date, media type)<br />

• Content is accessed through an FTP<br />

software (such as Filezilla or Fetch)<br />

• Content is a series of entries in a table<br />

• Content can be "connected" to other<br />

entries in the database system<br />

• Content is accessed through an online<br />

management system<br />

More about WP database: http://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/beginners-guide-to-<strong>wordpress</strong>-database-management-with-phpmyadmin/

Installing WordPress<br />

If your hosting company doesn't provide a<br />

automatic installation:<br />

1. Download and unzip the WordPress package.<br />

2. Create a database for WordPress on your web server, as well as a<br />

MySQL user who has all privileges for accessing and modifying it.<br />

3. (Optional) Find and rename wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.<br />

php, then edit the file and add your database information.<br />

4. Upload the WordPress files to the desired directory on your web<br />

server.<br />

5. Run the WordPress installation script by accessing the URL in a<br />

web browser. This should be the URL where you uploaded the<br />

WordPress files.<br />

root<br />

wp-admin<br />

wp-content<br />

wp-includes<br />

index.php<br />

license.txt<br />

readme.html<br />

wp-activate.php<br />

wp-blog-header.php<br />

wp-comments-post.php<br />

wp-config-sample.php<br />

wp-cron.php<br />

wp-links-opml.php<br />

wp-load.php<br />

wp-login.php<br />

wp-mail.php<br />

wp-settings.php<br />

wp-signup.php<br />

wp-trackback.php<br />

xmlrpc.php<br />

Detailed instructions: https://codex.<strong>wordpress</strong>.org/Installing_WordPress

Understanding your site<br />

How do I access my Dashboard?<br />

Go to http://yourdomain.com/wp-admin

Understanding your site<br />

Where are my posts stored? Why aren't they in the FTP?<br />

Post contents are stored in the database along with comments, users, links and relationships.

Understanding your site<br />

Where are my images and uploads?<br />

Everything you upload via Media uploader, on your<br />

Dashboard, goes to the uploads folder located under the<br />

following structure: root/wp-content/uploads<br />

The media is organized in subfolders named after the<br />

year-month of the upload date.<br />

root<br />

wp-admin<br />

wp-content<br />

index.php<br />

languages<br />

plugins<br />

themes<br />

uploads<br />

wp-includes<br />

index.php<br />

license.txt<br />

readme.html<br />

wp-activate.php<br />

wp-blog-header.php<br />

wp-comments-post.php<br />

wp-config.php<br />

wp-cron.php<br />

wp-links-opml.php<br />

wp-load.php<br />

wp-login.php<br />

wp-mail.php<br />

wp-settings.php<br />

wp-signup.php<br />

wp-trackback.php<br />


Migrating: redirect the readers<br />

WordPress.com offers a Site Redirect service available at the Store.<br />

http://yoursite.<strong>wordpress</strong>.com<br />

http://yoursite.com<br />

Detailed instructions: http://en.support.<strong>wordpress</strong>.com/site-redirect/

Migrating: bring your content<br />

Export your posts from WorPress.com

Migrating: bring your content<br />

Import the posts to your website

Migrating: bring your content<br />

Import the posts to your website

Migrating: bring your content<br />

Import the posts to your website

Now, the fun part!

Customizing WordPress: Themes<br />

What are Themes?<br />

Get them at http://<strong>wordpress</strong>.org/themes/<br />

Same content<br />

Different views<br />

More about Themes: http://codex.<strong>wordpress</strong>.org/Themes

Customizing WordPress: Themes<br />

WordPress.com<br />

Self-<strong>hosted</strong><br />

Always work with Child Themes!

Customizing WordPress: Themes<br />

Where to learn?<br />

• w3schools CSS Tutorials<br />

• w3schools HTML Tutorials<br />

• A Beginner’s Guide to HTML & CSS<br />

• An Advanced Guide to HTML & CSS<br />

• WordPress Masterclass on Lynda.com

Customizing WordPress: Plugins<br />

What are Plugins?<br />

Get them at http://<strong>wordpress</strong>.org/plugins/<br />

Plugins are pieces of<br />

code to extend the<br />

functionality of your site.<br />

More about Plugins: http://codex.<strong>wordpress</strong>.org/Plugins

Customizing WordPress: Plugins<br />

WordPress.com<br />

Self-<strong>hosted</strong><br />

Always check Ratings and Support!

Customizing WordPress: Plugins<br />

Jetpack is a WordPress plugin released in 2011 that enables you to use features previously<br />

only available on WordPress.com on your <strong>self</strong>-<strong>hosted</strong> WordPress.<br />

• Stats<br />

• Email subscriptions<br />

• Social networking comment<br />

system<br />

• The WP.me URL shortener<br />

• Embedded media<br />

• Automatic posting to social<br />

networks<br />

• Grammar checker<br />

• Embedded galleries<br />

• CSS editor<br />

• Mobile theme<br />

• Sign in using your<br />

WordPress.com log-in<br />

credentials<br />

• Alert you the moment that<br />

downtime is detected<br />

• And more...<br />

Download link: https://<strong>wordpress</strong>.org/plugins/jetpack/

Self-hosting: is it for me?<br />

$ Costs<br />

• Domain (~$10/year)<br />

• Hosting (~$20/month)<br />

FYI: Worpress.com offers<br />

domain mapping for $13/year<br />

Time<br />

• Learning<br />

• Developing<br />

• Designing<br />

• Creating content<br />

• Promoting your site<br />

Goals<br />

• What is your site for?<br />

• Who is your audience?<br />

• Comparative advantage:<br />

what do you do best?<br />

Interesting article: http://on.mash.to/1jED6q6

Thank you!<br />

luizalibardi.com<br />


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