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Stabilisers – What’s new?<br />

Rainer Grasmück <br />

ESPA -­‐ The European Stabiliser Producers AssociaBon

Outline<br />

About ESPA<br />

Lead stabilisers<br />

Calcium-­‐based stabilisers<br />

Tin stabilisers<br />

Liquid mixed-­‐metals stabilisers<br />

ContribuBon to VinylPlus<br />

Conclusion<br />


European Stabiliser Producers AssociaBon<br />

Pan-­‐European trade associaBon represenBng more than<br />

95% of the PVC stabiliser industry across Europe<br />

Affiliated to Cefic -­‐ the European Chemical Industry Council<br />

Member of VinylPlus (www.vinylplus.eu)<br />

A unique organisaBon represenBng four sub-­‐groups:<br />

• ECOSA – Calcium organic stabilisers (among which Ca-­‐Zn) for food contact<br />

& medical applica@ons, plus all lead replacement systems<br />

• ETINSA – Tin stabilisers used primarily in rigid applica@ons including food<br />

contact use<br />

• ELISA – Liquid stabilisers used in a wide range of flexible PVC, calendered<br />

sheets, flooring<br />

• ELSA – Lead-­‐based stabilisers used primarily in pipes and profiles<br />


2011 consumpBon by stabiliser category <br />

EU 27 + Norway, Switzerland, Turkey<br />

Stabiliser<br />

Tons<br />

Lead 28.595<br />

Ca-­‐based 93.933<br />

Liquid<br />

MM<br />

14.786<br />

Tin 12.427<br />

TOTAL 149.741<br />


ESPA 2012: 11 Members<br />


Lead-­‐based stabilisers: phase-­‐out<br />

ESPA target<br />

To replace lead stabilisers by end 2015 in EU-­‐27<br />

ESPA achievements (end 2011)<br />

Replacement of lead in EU-­‐15 (2000 -­‐ 2011): Minus 82 %<br />

Replacement of lead in EU-­‐27 (2007 -­‐ 2011): Minus 71 %<br />

Same trend of progressive subs@tu@on of lead-­‐based stabilisers across the<br />

en@re EU-­‐27. <br />

The corresponding growth in calcium-­‐based stabilisers (alterna@ve to lead<br />

stabilisers) confirms this trend– see next slide<br />


Lead-­‐based stabilisers: replacement trend<br />

Stabilisers consumpBon (tonnes) in EU 27 + Norway, Switzerland, Turkey<br />

120000<br />

EU-­‐27 (plus Norway, Switzerland and Turkey)<br />

100000<br />

80000<br />

Tonnes<br />

60000<br />

40000<br />

20000<br />

0<br />

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011<br />

Lead stabilisers<br />

Calcium organic stabilisers<br />


Lead-­‐based stabilisers and REACh<br />

RegistraBon<br />

• All the lead-­‐based stabilisers which have a commercial relevance have<br />

been registered by December 2010<br />

RestricBons, current and upcoming<br />

• All lead compounds are under scru@ny by MS, Commission and ECHA<br />

• In par@cular lead monoxide, the raw material to prepare stabilisers, is<br />

being assessed by ECHA upon a request from the Commission<br />

• The purpose is to establish whether to develop an Annex XV dossier for<br />

risk management op@ons (precursor to Restric@on or Authorisa@on)<br />

• Lead oxide is an intermediate in the produc@on of lead stabilisers and as<br />

such it is out of the scope of Authoriza@on<br />


Lead stabilisers and REACh<br />

No ques@on was raised concerning any possible earlier phase-­‐out of lead-­based<br />

stabilisers during recent mee@ngs with the Commission<br />

Norway re-­‐submiced last November to the WTO a proposal to ban<br />

products for consumer use containing lead<br />

Such a ban could pose a barrier for the free circula@on of ar@cles made<br />

from recycled PVC, which is likely to contain legacy lead<br />

A study to model the evolu@on of the lead content in recycled PVC over<br />

@me has been commissioned with the consultant TAUW (NL). <br />

This study will parallel the report on cadmium, an other legacy addi@ve,<br />

which had been well received by the EU Commission and proved decisive<br />

in seeng a maximum concentra@on in ar@cles allowing the use of recycled<br />

PVC. <br />


Calcium-­‐based stabilisers<br />

Calcium-­‐organic based stabilisers (among which Ca-­‐Zn) are<br />

principally used for:<br />

• food contact & medical applica@ons<br />

• all lead replacement systems<br />

There are no known Reach registra@on issues for the main system<br />

components of this family of stabilisers<br />

Is the main stabiliser group considered within the scope of the<br />

VinylPlus Task Force “Sustainable Use of Addi@ves” <br />


Tin stabilisers<br />

There are three families of @n stabilisers:<br />

MethylBns<br />

ButylBns<br />

OctylBns<br />

Each family is further split in mono-­‐alkyl and di-­‐alkyl<br />

The commercial substances do usually contain both mono-­‐ and di-­‐ in variable<br />

propor@ons and are named according to the major cons@tuent<br />

The remaining groups acached to @n are esters, typically a thioglycolate<br />

(abbrevia@on: EHTG or EHMA)<br />

REACh RegistraBon<br />

Several @n stabilisers were already registered by December 2010 (“Tier 1”)<br />

The Organo@n REACh Consor@um is progressing towards addi@onal<br />

registra@ons due by June 2013 (“Tier 2”)<br />


Tin stabilisers: ClassificaBon & Labelling under CLP (GHS)<br />

always specify to which legisla0on “cat. 2 “ refers to avoid confusion. This is<br />

important because CMR cat. 2 (CLP) is not qualifying for Authoriza@on.<br />

*DSD = Direc6ve 67/548 EEC (Dangerous Substances Direc6ve)<br />


Tin stabilisers: CMR classificaBons<br />

Stabiliser CMR classificaBons (CLP) * Remark<br />

Methyl@ns, mono<br />

Methyl@ns, di<br />

Butyl@ns, mono<br />

Reprotoxic cat 2<br />

Reprotoxic cat 2 <br />

None<br />

Butyl@ns, di Reprotoxic cat 1b Restric@ons in Reach Annex<br />

XVII for dibutyl @ns<br />

Octyl@ns, mono<br />

Octyl@ns, di<br />

None<br />

DOT (EHTG)2: Reprotoxic cat 1b<br />

proposed by ECHA** <br />

Restric@ons in Reach Annex<br />

XVII for dioctyl @ns<br />

* Cat 1b (CLP) corresponds to cat 2 under the previous classifica6on under Direc6ve 67/548 EEC<br />

(Dangerous Substances Direc6ve, DSD)<br />

**Note that (re)classifica6on of a substance (hazard-­‐based aspect) does not change its<br />

toxicological profile (DNELs) nor its Risk Characterisa6on Ra6o used to establish the Exposure<br />

Scenario (risk-­‐based aspect)<br />


Tin Stabilisers: restricBons in REACh Annex XVII<br />

Since 1 January 2012: <br />

DibutylBns are restricted in all applica@ons, with a few exemp@ons un@l<br />

1st January 2015 , in par@cular for: <br />

• soo PVC profiles<br />

• PVC-­‐coated fabrics for outdoor applica@ons<br />

• outdoor rainwater pipes, gucers & fiengs, covering for roofing &<br />

façades<br />

DioctylBns are only restricted for supply/ use by the general public in: <br />

• tex@le ar@cles intended to come in contact with the skin <br />

• gloves <br />

• footwear intended to come into contact with the skin <br />

• wall and floor coverings<br />

For details see Com. Regula6on EU 276/2010 in Official Journal of 31 March 2010<br />


Tin stabilisers: summary<br />

Many stabilisers of the organo@ns family have already been registered and<br />

the Consor@um is progressing towards addi@onal registra@ons<br />

The Restric6ons included in REACh Annex XVII provide Regulatory<br />

certainty: the dates by which the use of some organo@ns in specific<br />

applica@ons have to be discon@nued are known<br />

Under CLP the scull and crossbones label has been replaced by a less<br />

emo@onal pictogram for many @n stabilisers<br />

With the switch to CLP there is a risk of confusion concerning the CMR<br />

classifica@on “cat. 2” always specify to which legisla@on it does refer (DSD<br />

or CLP)<br />

Classifica@on as CMR cat 1b is one of the criteria used in the iden@fica@on<br />

of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC)<br />


Liquid Stabilisers<br />

Liquid Mixed Metal stabilisers<br />

used principally for flexible PVC, calendered sheets and<br />

flooring<br />

have been almost totally reformulated over the last<br />

years owing to REACh and re-­‐classifica@on of some<br />

components<br />

the LMM Consor@um is on schedule to complete the<br />

REACh registra@ons due in 2013<br />


ParBcipaBon to the VinylPlus acBviBes<br />

ESPA contributes to the following Task Forces (TF):<br />

• Addi@ves TF<br />

-­‐ Sustainable use of addi@ves<br />

• Sustainable Footprint TF (greenhouse gas, water, energy, etc)<br />

• Renewable raw materials TF<br />

• Controlled loop (Recycling) TF<br />

• Energy reduc@on TF<br />

ESPA is acBve in the CommunicaBon Commilee<br />


Sustainable use of AddiBves<br />

VinylPlus AddiBves Task Force (TF)<br />

Covers a very large number (~ 200) of widely different substances:<br />

fillers, flame retardants, impact modifiers, lubricants, pigments, plas@cisers,<br />

stabilisers, etc.<br />

The TF defined 5 criteria for the sustainable use of addiBves:<br />

1) The successful implementa@on of REACH<br />

2) Commitment to research innova@ve solu@ons<br />

3) To document that the addi@ves are safe to use in their specific applica@ons<br />

4) To conduct Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) based on common standards (ISO or TNS –<br />

The Natural Step) and including the use of the ar@cles and recycling<br />

5) The addi@ves must be fit for purpose and meet the socio-­‐economic<br />

requirements<br />


Sustainable use of AddiBves<br />

From those criteria a set of iniBal targets were derived:<br />

Environmental Product DeclaraBon (EPD) will be worked out for 3 major<br />

applicaBons:<br />

• Sewage pipes, window profiles & flooring<br />

• Timing: first results expected by end 2012<br />

AddiBves manufacturers will use the TNS* model to assess the<br />

sustainability of their products<br />

• Timing: results available for some addi@ves by end 2012<br />

EPD refinement/adjustment based on experience gained & TNS input<br />

• Development of a scoring scheme for ra@ng the sustainability of addi@ves<br />

• Timing: from 2013 onwards<br />

CommunicaBon to VinylPlus stakeholders/supply chain<br />

* TNS: The Natural Step, as explained by Dr Mark Everard in PVC, reaching for sustainability<br />


Conclusion<br />

PVC Stabilisers are present in a PVC compound at a low percentage only<br />

but they are crucial ingredients without which PVC cannot be processed<br />

ESPA members are con@nuously adap@ng the stabilisers to address the<br />

new regulatory constraints<br />

ESPA is contribu@ng in a decisive way to address the challenge of<br />

sustainability of PVC through the Voluntary phase out of lead-­‐based<br />

stabilisers and through its contribu@on to the VinylPlus Task Forces<br />

ESPA members are constantly devo@ng important resources to R&D, in<br />

order to provide the market with the most sustainable addi@ves, in line<br />

with the VinylPlus criteria<br />

This allows ESPA members to con@nue to supply performant and<br />

REACh-­‐compliant solu@ons to the PVC chain<br />


More info on stabilisers: ESPA website<br />

ESPA launched a new website www.stabilisers.eu <br />

providing up-­‐to-­‐date informa@on on stabilisers & applica@ons<br />

Contact: Sylvie Famelart, Communication Counsellor – sfa@cefic.be

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