A Novel Soundex Algorithm for Oriya Language A Novel ... - ijcsmr

A Novel Soundex Algorithm for Oriya Language A Novel ... - ijcsmr

A Novel Soundex Algorithm for Oriya Language A Novel ... - ijcsmr


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International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research Vol 1 Issue 1 Aug 2012<br />

ISSN 2278 – 733X<br />

A <strong>Novel</strong> <strong>Soundex</strong> <strong>Algorithm</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Oriya</strong> <strong>Language</strong><br />

Sampa Chaupattnaik,Sohag Sundar Nanda,Sanghamitra Mohanty<br />

P.G.Department of Computer Science and Application, Utkal University<br />

Abstract<br />

Phonetic matching plays a vital role in in<strong>for</strong>mation retrieval in multilingual environment.<br />

In<strong>for</strong>mation retrieval needs an exact match <strong>for</strong> a given string. Phonetic matching can<br />

be defined as a process of identifying a set of strings those is most likely to be<br />

similar in sound to a given keyword .We present a phonetic encoding <strong>for</strong> Odia that<br />

can be used by spelling checkers to provide better suggestions <strong>for</strong> misspelled words.<br />

The encoding is based on the <strong>Soundex</strong> algorithm, modified to match Odia phonetics.<br />

We start by analyzing <strong>Soundex</strong> encoding scheme when applied to Odia. Next we<br />

propose a new encoding that handles the case of Odia words, including those<br />

containing conjuncts.<br />

Key Words :<br />

Odia phonetic encoding, <strong>Soundex</strong>, spelling suggestions<br />

Introduction<br />

India is a country where the millions of people speaking variety of<br />

languages (Like Hindi, Odia, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Punjabi, English, Bengali etc.).<br />

Indian languages<br />

use a syllable as basic linguistic unit. The syllabic writing in Indic scripts is based on<br />

the<br />

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International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research Vol 1 Issue 1 Aug 2012<br />

ISSN 2278 – 733X<br />

phonetics of linguistic sounds. The syllabic model is common <strong>for</strong> Indic scripts.<br />

There<strong>for</strong>e, multilingual in<strong>for</strong>mation exchange and communication tasks are carried out in<br />

verbal and textual mode as part of academic, professional, and literary activities in<br />

India.<br />

Literature survey<br />

In Odia language, there are 49 alphabets which is broadly divided into 2<br />

categories.<br />

Such as : i) Vowel (13) ii) Consonants(36)<br />

List of Vowels are:<br />

(a),(A),ξ(i),(ii),(u),(uu),(r),(r),&(l),(e),(ee),(o),(oo)<br />

List of Consonants are:<br />

(k) ,(kh), (g),(gh),( ),(c) ,(ch),(j),(jh),( ),o(T),(Th),<br />

(D),(Dh),(N), (t),(th),(d),(dh),(n), (p), (ph),(b),(bh),(m),<br />

(y),(r),(l),(L),(b\),(s),(S),(sh),(h), ◌ ( anuswar),◌ Chandrabindu,<br />

◌(bisarga)<br />

But in Phonetically point of view the vowels can be divided in to 2 types with 8<br />

characters. They are :<br />

i) Short vowels : (a) , ξ(i) ,(u) , &<br />

ii) Long vowels : (A), (ii), (uu), , (e) (ee) (o) (oo)<br />

Now a days the characters like , , & are not used so far. So phonetically we<br />

are not found in distinguished between these words. Hence the short vowels are<br />

reduce to 3[ (a) , ξ(i) ,(u)] and the long vowels are[ (A), (ii), (uu), (e)<br />

,(ee) (o), (oo)]. Again we can divided these long vowels as 5 types: [(A),<br />

(ii), (uu), (e), (o)]. Thus the vowels in Odia can be categorised 8<br />

types. (Considering (e) (ee) as same and (o), (oo) as same)<br />

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International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research Vol 1 Issue 1 Aug 2012<br />

ISSN 2278 – 733X<br />

Phonetic chart <strong>for</strong> Consonants: The consonants are divided by the following groups :<br />

1. (k), (kh), (g), (gh), ( ) : Know as Velar ( )<br />

2. (c), (ch), (j) ,(jh), ( ) : Know as Palatal ( )<br />

3. o(T), (Th), (D), (Dh), (N) : Known as Retroflex ( )<br />

4. (t),(th),(d),(dh),(n) :Known as dental ( )<br />

5. (p), (ph),(b),(bh),(m) :Know as Labial ( )<br />

The above 5 groups are known as Stops ()consonant phonemes. The<br />

rest consonants again grouped in to the following:<br />

1. (y),(r),(l),(L),(b\) : Known as Semivowels ( <br />

)<br />

2. (s),(S),(sh),(h) : known as Spirants( )<br />

3. ◌ ( anuswar), ◌ Chandrabindu, ◌(visarga)<br />

<strong>Soundex</strong> <strong>Algorithm</strong> :<br />

<strong>Soundex</strong> is a phonetic algorithm <strong>for</strong> indexing names by their sound when<br />

pronounced in English. The basic aim is <strong>for</strong> names with the same pronunciation to be<br />

encoded to the same string so that matching can occur despite minor differences in<br />

spelling. <strong>Soundex</strong> is the most widely known of all phonetic algorithms and is often<br />

used (incorrectly) as a synonym <strong>for</strong> "phonetic algorithm".<br />

<strong>Soundex</strong> <strong>Algorithm</strong> <strong>for</strong> English :<br />

The <strong>Soundex</strong> code <strong>for</strong> a name consists of a letter followed by three numbers:<br />

the letter is the first letter of the name, and the numbers encode the remaining<br />

consonants. E.g. B362 [1]<br />

The exact algorithm is as follows:<br />

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International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research Vol 1 Issue 1 Aug 2012<br />

ISSN 2278 – 733X<br />

1. Retain the first letter of the string<br />

2. Remove all occurrences of the following letters, unless it is the first letter:<br />

a, e, h, i, o, u, w, y<br />

3. Assign numbers to the remaining letters (after the first) as follows:<br />

Number<br />

Letter<br />

1 B, F, P, V<br />

2 C, G, J, K, Q, S,<br />

X, Z<br />

3 D, T<br />

4 L<br />

5 M, N<br />

6 R<br />

4. If two or more letters with the same number were adjacent in the original<br />

name (be<strong>for</strong>e step 1), or adjacent except <strong>for</strong> any intervening h and w,<br />

then omit all but the first.<br />

5. Return the first four bytes padded with 0.<br />

<strong>Soundex</strong> <strong>Algorithm</strong> <strong>for</strong> Odia : After the literature review we classify the odia<br />

alphabet phonetically as follows :<br />

i) Vowels (8) : , ξ, (as short vowels)<br />

ii) , , , , (as Long vowels)<br />

Similarly there are 32 sounds <strong>for</strong> consonants. They are as follows:<br />

, , , , , , , ,o , , , , , , , , , , ,,<br />

, , , , , , , , , , ◌, ◌ (, , , , has no simple<br />

sounds) N.B . : (, , , , – are group known as Nasal Sound (<br />

))<br />

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International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research Vol 1 Issue 1 Aug 2012<br />

ISSN 2278 – 733X<br />

Thus we need to grouping the odia phonetics <strong>for</strong> vowel as well as consonants. While<br />

grouping and mapping Indic letters (Odia) to phonetic codes the following facts are<br />

taken in to consideration:<br />

1. Group short vowel and long vowel to a single code.<br />

a) (a), (aa) as same group<br />

b) ξ (i), (ii) as same group<br />

c) (u), (uu) as same group<br />

d) (e), (ee) as same group<br />

e) (o), (oo) as same group<br />

2. Group consonant families ka,kh,g,gh,nga become a single family. Same is the<br />

case of c,ch,j,jh,nya become a single family. [Refer to the above list <strong>for</strong><br />

grouping]<br />

3. Group j,Y as same<br />

4. Group l, L as same<br />

5. Group r,Ra as same<br />

6. Group s,S,sh as same.<br />

Like this we found there are 5 codes <strong>for</strong> vowels and similarly <strong>for</strong> consonants<br />

14 codes.<br />

Hence the <strong>Algorithm</strong> as follows:<br />

1. Scan the word from left to write and count the number of<br />

characters(consonants/vowels) including the matras.<br />

2. Retain first letter of string.<br />

3. Remove the repeated letters<br />

4. Assign numbers to the remaining letters (after the first) as follows:<br />

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International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research Vol 1 Issue 1 Aug 2012<br />

ISSN 2278 – 733X<br />

Code Letter Name Number<br />

A , a , aa 1<br />

B ξ , i ,ii 2<br />

C , u,uu 3<br />

D , e, ee 4<br />

E , o, oo 5<br />

F , , , k,kh,g,gh 6<br />

G nga 7<br />

H , , , , c,ch,j,jh 8<br />

I nya 9<br />

J o, , , T,Th,D,Dh 10<br />

K N 11<br />

T , , , t,th,d,dh 12<br />

M N 13<br />

P , , , p,ph,b,bh 14<br />

N m 15<br />

R r 16<br />

H y( same as ) 8<br />

L , L, l 17<br />

S , , s, S, sh 18<br />

Q h 19<br />

◌, ◌, ◌, ◌ Not Coded (0)<br />

(Table -I)<br />

5. For matra (◌ ,◌ ,◌, ◌, ◌, ◌, ◌, ◌, ◌ ,◌) which is added with<br />

consonants [consonants+ vowel] we follow some code. E.g. + ◌ = <br />

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International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research Vol 1 Issue 1 Aug 2012<br />

ISSN 2278 – 733X<br />

Code Matra and Name Number<br />

A ◌ (aa kara) 1<br />

B ◌ (i kara), ◌ (ii kara) 2<br />

C ◌(u kara), ◌ (uu kara) 3<br />

R ◌ (r kara) 16<br />

D ◌(e kara), ◌ (ee<br />

kara)<br />

E ◌(o kara),◌ (oo<br />

kara)<br />

4<br />

5<br />

(Table –II)<br />

6. Return the first six bytes padded with 0.<br />

Example: Suppose we input a word (means things made up) , this<br />

will be interpret as ++ ◌++◌+ so the code is 1411213.Similarly we<br />

interpret the word (means pillow). Hence we found the same code.<br />

Thus these two words sounds same and phonetically similar.<br />

i.e. = 1411213 = 14112 ,<br />

=1411213 = 14112<br />

Similarly Take another E.g.: (means goddess durga)= 11720,<br />

(means ink) =11720<br />

We can also verify these same words sound same using edit distance.<br />

Eg:<br />

◌ ◌ <br />

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International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research Vol 1 Issue 1 Aug 2012<br />

ISSN 2278 – 733X<br />

0 1 1 1 1 1<br />

1 0 1 2 2 2<br />

◌ 1 1 0 1 1 2<br />

1 2 1 1 2 2<br />

◌ 1 2 2 2 1 2<br />

1 2 3 3 3 1<br />

Hence the edit distance between these two string is 1.<br />

In Odia language we find some conjunctions or compound words(juktakhara).<br />

Like matra , (vowel with consonants ) the juktakhara means (consonants with<br />

one or more consonants). Several words(116) we find in odia which consists of<br />

juktakhara. Some are listed below:<br />

+ =<br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

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International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research Vol 1 Issue 1 Aug 2012<br />

ISSN 2278 – 733X<br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+o = o<br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

o +o = oo<br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

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International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research Vol 1 Issue 1 Aug 2012<br />

ISSN 2278 – 733X<br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ =<br />

+=<br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+= <br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

+ o = o<br />

+ = <br />

+ = <br />

<strong>Soundex</strong> <strong>Algorithm</strong> <strong>for</strong> Juktakhara<br />

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International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research Vol 1 Issue 1 Aug 2012<br />

ISSN 2278 – 733X<br />

1. Scan the word from left to right and then count the number of characters (i.e.<br />

Consonants/vowels/matras)<br />

2. Retain the first character<br />

3. Remove the repeated characters<br />

4. Assign the remaining characters as follows :<br />

i) For juktakhara / compound words, we have to merge the characters,<br />

either consonants, vowels or matras by following the above Table-I &<br />

ii)<br />

Table – II<br />

Then make a new code and code number <strong>for</strong> that juktakhara<br />

5. Return the first six bytes padded with 0.<br />

Ex : Let us consider the two words which sounds the same :<br />

o (astonished) , this will interpret<br />

corresponding code is 101812= 10181, Similarly<br />

as +o++◌+ and code is 101812= 10181.<br />

as +o++◌+. Hence the<br />

o (bank of river) interpreted<br />

Conclusion : We represent<br />

the soundex algorithm <strong>for</strong> oriya language which can be<br />

further used in spelling correction <strong>for</strong> those words which sounds as same.<br />

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