People's Quiz Questions Batch 10 - BBC

People's Quiz Questions Batch 10 - BBC

People's Quiz Questions Batch 10 - BBC


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A cuttlefish is what type of animal; a mollusc or a crustacean? Mollusc<br />

In the animals, is the roadrunner a species of bird or reptile? Bird<br />

What 'D' do beavers construct to increase water depth around their habitat? Dam<br />

Is a pigeon a herbivore or an insectivore? Herbivore<br />

Which small marine fish swims upright and has a horse-shaped head? Seahorse<br />

Which is the only species of bear to inhabit the Arctic sea ice? Polar Bear<br />

Which popular show was founded by Charles Cruft in 1891? Crufts Dog Show<br />

What type of creature is a crane? Bird<br />

What type of reptile is a flying dragon? Lizard<br />

The first cats known to have been domesticated came from which country? Egypt<br />

What 'P' is the low vibrant sound made by a content cat? Purr<br />

In the animal kingdom, does a dormouse have a tail? Yes<br />

In the animals, whelks and winkles are marine types of which mollusc? Snail<br />

In the animals, what type of creature is an alsatian? Dog<br />

In the animals, what is a boxer? A Dog<br />


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