St. George Episcopal Church Parish Annual Meeting January 29, 2012

St. George Episcopal Church Parish Annual Meeting January 29, 2012

St. George Episcopal Church Parish Annual Meeting January 29, 2012


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<strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong> <strong>Episcopal</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

<strong>Parish</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

<strong>January</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2012</strong><br />


<strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong> <strong>Episcopal</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

STAFF:<br />

The Very Rev. Hugh Bromiley<br />

The Rev. Canon Bill Squire<br />

The Rev. Janet Galbreath<br />

The Rev. <strong>George</strong> <strong>St</strong>ebbins, M.D.<br />

Khara Bromiley<br />

Barbara Coulter<br />

Betty Chernault<br />

Debbie Shartle<br />

Jim Davies<br />

Rector Rector<br />

Associate<br />

Deacon<br />

Deacon<br />

Pastoral Pastoral Counseling<br />

Music Music Director<br />

Choir Choir Director<br />

Office Office Manager<br />

Sexton<br />

VESTRY:<br />

Hugh Gibson<br />

Paul Martin<br />

LaVerne Collins<br />

Dorothy Corbett<br />

Tom Price<br />

John Ruhsenberger<br />

Jim Callahan<br />

Tom Ryberg<br />

Bob Updike<br />

Ruth Wadman<br />

Senior Senior Warden Warden<br />

Junior Junior Warden<br />

Vestry Vestry Clerk<br />

Vestry Vestry Member<br />

Vestry Vestry Member<br />

Vestry Member Vestry<br />

Vestry Member<br />

Vestry Vestry Member<br />

Vestry Vestry Member Member<br />

Treasurer<br />


Rector’s Report<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong> is a healthy and vital parish. As we have done each year, we have added new members. This last<br />

year saw us adding 36 new people to our membership rolls. Our membership continues to increase as the<br />

number of new members each year exceeds the number that we lose. We are the fastest growing parish in the<br />

diocese and we are now the fifth largest parish in the diocese.<br />

We began this year by being the host parish for the Diocesan Convention. This turned out to be an excellent<br />

Convention. The diocese was extremely pleased with our hosting of the Convention and delegates enjoyed the<br />

use of our facilities and the facilities over the road in La Hacienda Center. We received many favorable<br />

comments. The delegates particularly enjoyed being chauffeured around by willing Golf Cart drivers!<br />

The diocese has been through the process of finding a new Bishop to replace Bishop Howe and the Rev.<br />

Gregory Brewer became Bishop-elect Brewer at the Special convention on November 19th. Bishop Brewer will<br />

assume his new role as Diocesan Bishop in March <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

We are blessed to have a wonderful team of people on our vestry. Everyone on the vestry has worked hard for<br />

the good of the parish. In March we had a vestry retreat which turned out to be a most worthwhile experience<br />

and we intend to have a retreat in the first part of each year. Many thanks go to all of our vestry members and to<br />

our Treasurer, Ruth Wadman. I would like to especially thank our three outgoing members: Hugh Gibson who<br />

has done a splendid job as Senior Warden; Paul Martin who has kept abreast of the endless duties of the Junior<br />

Warden; and Tom Price who has served for many years as our Assistant Treasurer.<br />

One of the new ideas implemented by the Vestry this year has been the conduct of two "<strong>Parish</strong> Towne Hall<br />

<strong>Meeting</strong>s." These have been constructive and informative meetings that were well attended and obviously<br />

appreciated. We shall continue to offer these meetings in the coming year.<br />

I am most grateful for the hard work, tireless enthusiasm and commitment of our staff. The Rev. Canon Bill<br />

Squire, Khara Bromiley, Barb Coulter, Betty Chernault, Debbie Shartle, Jim Davies and our deacons, Rev. Skip<br />

<strong>St</strong>ebbins and Rev. Janet Galbreath have all given of themselves in wonderful ways throughout the year.<br />

As a parish, we have challenges ahead of us, particularly in the area of finances. The vestry is hopeful that the<br />

parish will rise to meet this challenge this year and in the years to come.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong> is the spiritual home to six hundred and fifty members plus numerous seasonal guests. Our diverse<br />

ministries are reflected in the following pages. May God bless us all in <strong>2012</strong>; and may we be a blessing to<br />

others, in the Holy Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.<br />

Father Hugh Bromiley<br />


Senior Warden’s Report<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong> is obviously doing well as a parish in many respects.<br />

The economy of course is still struggling and that has affected many areas of life including the <strong>Church</strong>, which is<br />

struggling along on a very tight budget. We should all try to support the <strong>Church</strong> financially to the best of our<br />

abilities.<br />

I am pleased that many members of the parish, when they have a concern or complaint, instead of just<br />

complaining, have tried to offer ideas that would help fix the problem. That is the right way to go about things<br />

in a church or in any organization.<br />

I would like to thank the leaders of our many ministries who have given so much of their time and best efforts<br />

to the parish.<br />

The vestry that I have had the privilege of working closely with this last year have been wonderful caring and<br />

hard working.<br />

The choir, under the able direction of Barbara Coulter and Betty Chernault is, in my opinion, simply the best<br />

choir anywhere.<br />

Our clergy, Father Hugh, Canon Bill and our deacons Skip and Janet do an outstanding job and give so much of<br />

themselves to make this parish the wonderful church that it is.<br />

It has been my honor to be your Senior Warden and I give thanks to God and to everyone for a wonderful year.<br />

Hugh Gibson, Senior Warden<br />


Junior Warden’s Report<br />

Almost all annual outdoor maintenance procedures have been completed this year. These include weeding,<br />

mowing, trimming of all shrubs, hedges and tree branches (several times in each category) in the parking lots as<br />

well as those limbs which had grown onto the roofs and gutters.<br />

Pest control inside and out of both buildings has been done. Water and fire alarm testing according to local,<br />

county and state codes have been completed with approval by responsible authorities as well as water backflow<br />

device checks used to insure proper water quality for both buildings. The air conditioning systems have been<br />

inspected, filters replaced and units repaired as necessary.<br />

Numerous other repairs have been necessary this year, among them: work to restore hot water in the <strong>Parish</strong> Hall<br />

rest rooms, repairs to the ice maker and dishwasher in the kitchen, repairs to door locks and hinge mechanisms<br />

in both buildings, repairs and service for the kitchen freezer and refrigerator, and repairs and maintenance to the<br />

kitchen stove and ovens. The ten plus year old choir piano was repaired but electronics malfunctioned again<br />

and repair consultants told us it needed to be replaced. Donations have been gratefully received and a new<br />

piano is now in service.<br />

Broken tiles in the Nave in front of the chancel and in the rest rooms were replaced and the inside perimeters of<br />

both buildings were re-grouted as needed. Necessary light bulb replacement in the Nave was completed with<br />

the costly equipment of a high lift mechanical unit to reach the high ceilings.<br />

A central security system was installed for both buildings with separate key pads for both. An alarm system<br />

keypad was also installed for the Rector’s entrance. The additional keypads are at the entrance door by the<br />

office to the <strong>Parish</strong> Hall and the transept door by the organ in the church building. The outside air conditioning<br />

units are now protected from theft by the security system. Motion sensor switches have been placed in the rest<br />

rooms in the <strong>Parish</strong> Hall to cut down on unnecessary electric usage.<br />

The outside irrigation system was thoroughly examined and overhauled, malfunctioning heads were adjusted<br />

and replaced as necessary and a leaking main valve was replaced. Broken sections of concrete in the patio area<br />

and near the front door of the church building were replaced. Broken tiles and grouting supporting the cross<br />

and the entire fountain area will be addressed early in <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

Choir risers have been installed which give a greatly improved projection of volume and sound quality to the<br />

choir’s programs. Front and side walls were built by the same company to match their original design of the<br />

pew sections in the Nave. The basic riser work was done primarily and quite professionally by our volunteer<br />

parish members with complete compliance to local building codes and fire department requirements. The<br />

majority of the cost was graciously provided by the Women’s Guild and the Scrip Program from the<br />

Endowment Fund as well as donations from parishioners.<br />

In addition to the items mentioned above, additional kitchen stove repairs and Memorial Garden tile and<br />

grouting repairs, the following will need attention in <strong>2012</strong>: Evaluation of air conditioning unit functions and the<br />

need for striping and sealing both large parking lots as well as required inspections for water and security<br />

systems. Carpet replacement for the <strong>Parish</strong> Hall and chancel may also need to be addressed.<br />

As always, recognition needs to be given to those who have made the duties of the Junior Warden easier this<br />

past year.<br />

To Debbie Shartle, our Office Manager, what a wonderful addition and blessing she is to our staff!<br />


To Phil Partington for his tireless efforts in coordinating and planning the construction and completion of the<br />

choir riser project, a beautiful and permanent addition to our lovely sanctuary. And kudos to his construction<br />

crew headed by Bob Hasbrouck and ably aided by Bob Gunn and Jim Callahan.<br />

To Jim Davies for his ever-present caring and concern for our buildings and parishioner’s needs.<br />

To Marilyn Hood for her meticulous commitment to keeping the kitchen users and volunteers organized and<br />

who assists in the provision of great food items for our parish. And to Janet Callahan for the endless hours<br />

helping Marilyn in cleaning out the year’s accumulation of trash and miscellaneous items from the upstairs<br />

Narthex and <strong>Parish</strong> Hall storage rooms.<br />

To Jeanne Hicks and her devoted volunteers caring for our flower beds and plantings.<br />

To Bob Updike for his countless hours in continuing to care for our lovely Memorial Garden.<br />

To Archie Duncan and Jim Callahan for their talents invested in the design and implementation of our security<br />

system as well as their efforts with the Scrip program. We now have a needed comfort blanket for our buildings<br />

as well as a considerable reduction in our property insurance.<br />

To Dorothy Corbett and others with the Women’s Guild who have once again shown the lead supporting the<br />

choir riser project. These ladies are remarkable in their dedication to our <strong>Parish</strong>.<br />

To the Vestry which so wisely created a Co-Junior Warden position and appointed John Ruhsenberger to assist<br />

me in serving in that position. John has been a terrific right arm, so capable and one who keeps great records.<br />

Seeing all the work required each year just maintaining our beautiful facilities. I believe it is apparent that two<br />

souls are necessary for these responsibilities, many of which are enumerated above. To Pat Patterson and Jim<br />

Vilseck, wonderful mentors who are omnipresent and who have the correct answers and assistance whenever<br />

asked.<br />

To Father Hugh who never shuns a question or concern and is always there to put a hand on my shoulder and<br />

have that quiet, loving demeanor and advice so often needed.<br />

So many people have assisted me in the past two years and I’m sure I may have missed acknowledging<br />

someone’s contributions. If so, I do apologize, simply be proud of your assistance in the Lord’s work which<br />

you know you have given.<br />

I will complete my term on Vestry in <strong>January</strong> of <strong>2012</strong> and thus also ends my term as one of your Junior<br />

Wardens. As you can see, I have been blessed to have served with good people and to have had the support of a<br />

helpful parish which continues to be proud of its monument to our Lord.<br />

In the Faith,<br />

Paul W. Martin, Jr.<br />

Junior Warden<br />

John Ruhsenberger<br />

Junior Warden<br />


Activities<br />

The <strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong> 2011 Social Calendar started in March of 2011 by ‘Wearing of the Green” a <strong>St</strong>. Patrick’s Day<br />

theme. The evening was a Guinness <strong>St</strong>out Beef <strong>St</strong>ew dinner, with a crisp green salad, Irish soda bread, assorted<br />

desserts and assorted beverages. Everyone agreed that the evening was a great success.<br />

After a long hot summer, we had a pot luck dinner that was also a welcome Home to all the snow birds,<br />

however only one bird came. But we all enjoyed an abundance of homemade entrées, salads, vegetables,<br />

desserts and some surprises that were donated by our wonderful parishioners. There was food everywhere and<br />

no one went home hungry, a Great Evening.<br />

On October 24, 2011 some <strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong> parishioners sailed off into the sunset aboard “The Monarch of the Seas”.<br />

Some of our cruisers had never cruised before, so it was a new experience for them. Unfortunately the weather<br />

was not on our side and we never got to the Royal Caribbean Private Island to enjoy a day at the beach and<br />

doing water sports. But other than that, everyone was kept busy aboard the ship. With card games, shopping,<br />

eating, reading and good old conversations were enjoyed by all. Dinner was a time when we all discussed the<br />

events of today and tomorrow. After dinner it was off to enjoy the ship’s entertainment which kept us all<br />

laughing and singing.<br />

What is the Christmas holiday season without a party and a party we did have in December. This year’s annual<br />

Christmas party was held at La Hacienda, with everyone eating, dancing, and making merry. Those who<br />

attended thoroughly enjoyed the delicious food, the singing entertainer and the very special guest.<br />

For <strong>2012</strong>, we are looking at a busy social season. We have many ideas coming in from our parishioners which<br />

are terrific. There are also some non-social events in the works such as a refresher course in C.P.R. and home<br />

fire safety.<br />

We, on the Social Activities Committee, are promoting fellowship, laughter, fun, conversation, friendship, and<br />

memories of good times and togetherness.<br />

Janet Callahan<br />

Activities Director<br />


Altar Guild<br />

Becoming the Altar Guild Directress this year has been an awe inspiring experience, knowing that I, along with<br />

15 other women are in charge of the Lord’s Table as well as vestments, linens, supplies, and all the services<br />

conducted at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong>. We have had many funerals (one week we had two), and these people we will dearly<br />

miss. As yet, we have not had a baptism this year, but we may have one soon.<br />

We are also in charge of the flowers for the services. There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex if you would like<br />

to remember loved ones or a special day such as birthdays and anniversaries. The price is $30.00. Your check<br />

may be made out to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong> with a memo specifying “flowers”. You may take them home after the 10:00<br />

service. The Village Florist does a wonderful job.<br />

We meet the last Wednesday of the month in the church conference room. At our first meeting in March,<br />

Father Hugh inducted us into the Guild with these words:<br />

You have responded to an inner sense of calling to serve the Lord our God<br />

through the ministrations of the Altar Guild of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong> <strong>Episcopal</strong> <strong>Church</strong>.<br />

This is a holy calling and a most honorable ministry. It is to be entered into<br />

with joy, reverence and thanksgiving.<br />

We are truly a dedicated group, working together to serve the Lord.<br />

Respectfully submitted,<br />

Joanie Hubbard<br />

Altar Guild Directress<br />

Bible <strong>St</strong>udy<br />

About seventy-five people regularly attend the weekly Bible <strong>St</strong>udy. This last year we did several topical Bible<br />

studies on themes such as “Learning to think like Jesus” and “The Holy Spirit”. We are now half way through<br />

the gospel according to <strong>St</strong>. Matthew. The primary purpose of the Bible <strong>St</strong>udy is to get to know God better. We<br />

study with the aim of finding transformation, not just for information, although the studies are certainly<br />

informative. Regular attendees are enjoying growing in their experience of God and their better understanding<br />

of the message, the people and the stories in the Bible. In particular people appreciate the insights for<br />

application to life today. Many people remark that these weekly sessions bring the Bible to life for them in a<br />

way they had never experienced before. Everyone is welcome. Bible study takes place at 11:00 on Wednesday<br />

mornings.<br />

8<br />

Fr. Hugh

Brotherhood of <strong>St</strong>. Andrew<br />

The Brotherhood of <strong>St</strong>. Andrew is an international ministry of men within the Anglican Communion with<br />

corporate offices in Ambridge, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. The Brotherhood was incorporated by an Act of the U.S.<br />

Congress, signed May 30, 1908 by President Theodore Roosevelt. That Act states, “The sole object of said<br />

Corporation shall be the spread of Christ’s kingdom among men.”<br />

The <strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong> Chapter meets at 6:00 p.m. on the first and third Thursdays in the <strong>Parish</strong> Hall. Food is served the<br />

first Thursday of the month.<br />

Visitors and guests are always welcome at any of the meetings.<br />

Choir/Music Ministry<br />

The music at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong> is indeed a ministry and we hope noticeable in the spirit with which the choir offers its<br />

music to the glory of God and leads the congregation in song.<br />

This was a great year for the choir. We added new members, and we also added risers. Not only can the choir<br />

now see Choir Director Betty Chernault better, but you can see the choir members. Many of you have told me<br />

how improved the sound quality is now. Thanks go to Phil Partington who oversaw this project and to Bob<br />

Hasbrouck, Bob Gunn, Jim Callahan, Paul Martin and Khara Bromiley who assisted him. We are also grateful<br />

to the Women’s Guild for their financial support; their gift, along with contributions from others including choir<br />

members, made it possible for this project to be funded without having to take any monies from the parish<br />

general fund.<br />

We held our fourth annual day-long retreat in November, and our largest musical endeavor thus far, the cantata<br />

“Night of the Father’s Love” was presented in December along with Holy Trinity’s choir, instrumentalists and<br />

narrators.<br />

I continue to enjoy having Betty Chernault as part of our team. She brings out the best in the choir. She also<br />

filled in for me at the organ last summer. Thanks to Pally Ondrasik who writes our column for Saints Alive, to<br />

Diana Cron who loaned us her piano when the one we had ceased functioning, and to all the soloists who<br />

provided offertories during the summer months.<br />

I have regular staff meetings with Fr. Hugh and we all appreciate him. He prays with us, attends our retreat and<br />

other events, and in general demonstrates his support of the choir and the music program.<br />

(Continued on next page)<br />


Lastly, you are welcome to join the choir; we rehearse at 6:15 on Wednesday evenings.<br />

Respectfully Submitted,<br />

Barbara Coulter<br />

Music Director<br />

Christian Counselor<br />

Our Wednesday Healing services have continued to be a strong Spirit-filled weekly event. We have enjoyed a<br />

consistent attendance. An atmosphere of faith and love and the warm embrace of the Holy Spirit characterizes<br />

these services.<br />

I teach at the weekly healing service. In the teaching I have covered a variety of topics such as Faith; the power<br />

of positive thinking; the importance of attitude; the power of prayer and guided meditations.<br />

I have taught classes on wellness and making healthy choices and have co-led the Weight and Wisdom class.<br />

My ministry at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong> covers a spectrum of responsibilities. My role would be best described as being a<br />

minister of Christian counseling and comfort. We have over 600 members. At any given time a significant<br />

number of people in our parish are in need of a good listener and comforting words of encouragement and<br />

direction. Of course the nature of counseling is confidential and therefore much of what I do is in a setting of<br />

privacy and discretion. In general terms I meet with individuals who are dealing with fears of the results of<br />

upcoming medical tests; or worries over children or grandchildren who are facing crises such as being out of<br />

work, or dealing with problems of addiction. I do private grief counseling with members who are trying to come<br />

to terms with the sadness and pain of losing a loved one. I give guidance in how to check with a physician about<br />

drug interactions, or simply advice as to what vitamins and non-drug alternatives might complement their<br />

medical protocols. My office is wherever there is an available place for a private conversation, whether it is the<br />

library, the conference room or a corner of the parish hall or narthex.<br />

We have so many wonderful and interesting members and it has been my honor to be your comforter and<br />

counselor.<br />

Khara Bromiley<br />


Christian Food Pantry<br />

The Christian Food Pantry of Lady Lake would like to thank the members of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong> <strong>Episcopal</strong> <strong>Church</strong> for<br />

so graciously donating food and money to the Christian Food Pantry throughout 2011. Thanks to you and<br />

others, many lives were touched and burdens lifted throughout the year. Generosity such as yours, allowed the<br />

pantry to provide supplemental groceries to 2393 families representing 6821 individuals as of 9-30-2011.<br />

Unfortunately, the need for assistance continues to grow. We have added a total of 271 new families to our<br />

rosters since <strong>January</strong>. Our goal in 2011 was to not only take care of existing and new clients but to also expand<br />

our services by providing supplemental groceries twice each month instead of once for those needing extra<br />

assistance. We were able to accomplish this goal thanks to people like you. With the help of God, and the<br />

generosity of this wonderful community we are a part, we feel we hope to continue this service as long as<br />

possible.<br />

May God continue to bless you, our clients, volunteers and other donors in order that our Christian Food Pantry<br />

is able to continue providing much needed and appreciated services to our local residents in need.<br />

Once again, Thank you all for everything you do.<br />

Carrol Neal<br />

Director<br />

Counters<br />

This ministry fulfills an important and necessary function: counting the offering after each service. A group of<br />

30 faithful volunteers accurately prepare the bank deposit and ready all the needed details for the Treasurer.<br />

New volunteers are welcome (we always need substitutes); call me if interested.<br />

Ruth Wadman<br />


Cursillo<br />

De Colores!<br />

Cursillo’s theme is: ‘Make a friend. Be a friend. Bring a friend to Christ.’<br />

Cursillo at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong> has had another great year. We ended the year with over 60 <strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong> Cursillistas, and a<br />

little over $300 in the Scholarship Fund, which is used to assist those who may have a financial problem<br />

attending the 3-Day weekend, even though the weekend is very economical.<br />

Anyone who has previously completed the 3-day weekend and embarked on their 4 th Day Forever journey is<br />

invited to join us to carry on their Cursillo experience. We welcomed 4 new members in 2011. On a sadder<br />

note, two of our Cursillistas, Jane Cable and Cristi Krachinski, went to be with the Lord. They are missed.<br />

3-day Cursillo weekends were held at Canterbury Retreat in Oviedo in the Spring (Men and Women) and the<br />

Fall (Coed). These are planned annually. In <strong>2012</strong> the Cursillo 3-day weekends are scheduled on Mar. 1-4 for<br />

Men, Mar. 8-11 for Women, and Co-ed Oct. 4-7. Cursillo is an expansion of a person’s existing Christian<br />

experience. Pamphlets are available in the <strong>Parish</strong> Hall for anyone desiring more information on Cursillo, call<br />

Beve or Tom Ryberg, or contact any Cursillista. Cursillo is not a secret society. Practicing Christians are<br />

welcome to learn more about Cursillo.<br />

Attendance remains high for the monthly Ultreyas (meetings), with 30-40 Cursillistas attending normally. We<br />

enjoy a pot luck supper, followed by Praise music lead by Glenn Lewis, a short Witness presentation on their<br />

journey with Christ, Small Group discussion, and close with Compline.<br />

Great agenda! Very uplifting. The complete supper and Ultreya typically last about two hours.<br />

Cursillo started a food program to provide meals on a short term basis for the sick, shut-ins, and anyone in need.<br />

Home delivery can be made available (call Beve Ryberg 751-3<strong>29</strong>7), or help yourself to the food in the freezer<br />

located in the <strong>Parish</strong> Hall <strong>St</strong>orage Room.<br />

Prayer Jars are still an active project of the Tuesday Women’s Cursillo Small Group. Members are; Beve<br />

Ryberg, Joan Hubbard, Phyllis Duncan, Luci Davies and Del Simek.<br />

It was an honor and pleasure for the Cursillo Choir to provide a break for our wonderful Choir twice in 2011. It<br />

was a joy to provide Praise music with Glenn Lewis leading on his keyboard.<br />

ULTREYA! (Onward!)<br />

Beve and Tom Ryberg<br />

Cursillo Coordinators<br />


Daughters of the King<br />

The Daughters of The King undertake a Rule of Life, incorporating the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service.<br />

By reaffirmation of the promises made at Baptism and Confirmation, a Daughter pledges herself to a life-long<br />

program of prayer, service and evangelism, dedicated to the spread of Christ’s Kingdom and the strengthening<br />

of the spiritual life of the parish. The Daughters wear crosses as an outward and visible sign that they cannot<br />

live a day without Christ in their lives.<br />

When our Rector is called upon to host deanery meetings and groups, the Daughters with their Hospitality<br />

Leader, Barbara Schierlinger, step in and host the event. Barbara decided this year to slow down on some of<br />

her activities and we now have a new Leader, Sue Ann Corkish, who was kind enough to accept the position.<br />

Sue Ann’s helpers are Delores Dunnie and Judy Owen. Many thanks to Barbara for her many years of hard<br />

work in chairing all of the funeral receptions.<br />

The Daughters hosted the annual Deanery <strong>Meeting</strong> at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong>. It was well attended. The day began with the<br />

Eucharist followed by a meeting in the <strong>Parish</strong> Hall. Everyone enjoyed a delicious lunch and fellowship.<br />

April was a special month. The Daughters held a “Quiet Day” on Friday, April 1, for anyone in the<br />

congregation and also opened it up to non-parishioners. We started with the Eucharist with Canon Bill Squire.<br />

Deacon Janet Galbreath led us with prayer and meditation.<br />

Once again the Daughters assisted the Brotherhood on Maundy Thursday. <strong>Parish</strong>ioners came and filled up the<br />

<strong>Parish</strong> Hall and enjoyed all the great and delicious soups.<br />

On May 15 th , five (5) new members were installed as Daughters of The King; Beth Barr, Delores Dunnie, Judy<br />

Owen, Del Simek and Nancy Parris. Following the installation, a reception was held in the <strong>Parish</strong> Hall to honor<br />

our new members. We now have 31 members in our Ministry.<br />

With sadness, we lost two of our Daughters in 2011; Carol Anne Price and Mary Wright.<br />

The DOK has been sponsoring a seminary student. Renee Catherine Lowe is part of an Outreach Project which<br />

was presented at the DOK Fall Assembly in September 2009. Our chapter was delegated to support Renee for<br />

the month of <strong>January</strong> 2010 and July <strong>2012</strong>. Renee is included in our special prayers. A monetary gift was sent<br />

to her in 2010 and we will do so again this coming July <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

We end the year on a happy note! As part of our Outreach Project, we once again sponsored a family in need.<br />

The Daughters pick a family of at least 7 to 8 members. The volunteers each pick one member and off they go<br />

shopping and then wrap the gifs to be delivered to the family at Christmas.<br />

Submitted by:<br />

Dorothy Corbett, DOK Secretary<br />


ECW<br />

In the first half of 2011, <strong>Episcopal</strong> <strong>Church</strong> Women finished the study guide "Woman of God" that allowed us to<br />

explore what it means that God has created us as women who are uniquely gifted. In the fall, we began a study<br />

of the second edition of Bishop Howe's book "Our Anglican Heritage: Can an Ancient <strong>Church</strong> be a <strong>Church</strong> of<br />

the Future?" The sessions are led by Deacon Janet and have been very interesting as we learn more about the<br />

origins of the church. We even have several men who have joined us for this study.<br />

In April, <strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong> hosted the Spring Northwest Deanery ECW meeting. Representatives from 8 other parishes<br />

attended. Our guest speaker was The Rev. Danielle Morris, Assistant Rector at <strong>St</strong>. Michael's, Orlando. Her topic<br />

"All About Eve" was somewhat humorous and definitely thought provoking. The collection during the morning<br />

service generated $100.00 that was donated to the Children's Medical Mission of Haiti.<br />

Lois Beck, Beryl Darby, and LaVerne Collins attended the 42nd <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> of ECW on Saturday, October<br />

22, 2011. The meeting was held at the Cathedral <strong>Church</strong> of <strong>St</strong>. Luke, Orlando. LaVerne was responsible for the<br />

fund-raising activity and with the able help of Lois and Beryl, the Chinese auction was a success generating<br />

almost $300.00 for "Nets for Life." Also, during the meeting, LaVerne was elected to the position of Secretary<br />

for the diocesan ECW Board.<br />

All women of the church are automatically members of ECW and we would love to see many more of you at<br />

our meetings. We meet the third Friday of most months (we are on hiatus during the summer months), from<br />

11:00 a.m. - 12 Noon. And it is not too late to join in our study of Bishop Howe's book.<br />

Respectfully submitted,<br />

LaVerne Vines Collins<br />

Moderator<br />


Finance Committee<br />

A sub-committee of the Vestry, this group meets with the Treasurer prior to Vestry meetings to review the<br />

month’s expenditures and monitor these expenses as they relate to the annual budget. The committee makes<br />

every effort to control the expenses as effectively as possible.<br />

Healing Service<br />

The midweek healing service is an event greatly appreciated by the participants. The service starts at 12 noon<br />

on Wednesdays immediately following the Bible study. Attendance averages about seventy-five people. The<br />

service is an informal Holy Communion service with the first part of the service being a teaching session on<br />

some aspect of the healing ministry of our Lord. The teaching talks are given by Khara Bromiley and they focus<br />

on the healing of the whole person, body, mind and spirit. Topics cover a range of subjects relevant to healing,<br />

such as the roles of faith, positive thinking, forgiveness, prayer and having the right attitude. Participants find<br />

these services to be faith building and an encouraging experience of learning more of God’s healing love and<br />

power. The service always provides for everyone to receive personal prayers for themselves or for someone<br />

else. Many people are thankful for answered prayers and the positive personal changes that they experience.<br />

We have seen wonderful and miraculous things happen among us. The atmosphere of the service is warm,<br />

welcoming and positive. Anybody is welcome. The service takes place at 12 noon on Wednesdays.<br />

Fr. Hugh Bromiley<br />

Lectors, Ushers, Greeters and Flag Bearers<br />

Once again this ministry of over 100 church volunteers had a record year while participating in over 108<br />

Sunday and other church services. In addition this group participated in serving at the weekly Bible and healing<br />

services as well as memorial services.<br />

We have openings at the 8 A.M. church service and welcome new members to join in this ministry.<br />

Training is available at your convenience; just a phone call to the <strong>Church</strong> office will get you started.<br />

Again we bid a sad farewell to several of our volunteers and we welcome the new members who have<br />

joined this year.<br />

My thanks to all who continue to serve this ministry and I look forward to your continuing participation as<br />

we begin the new year of <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

Pat Patterson<br />

Chairperson<br />


Lay Eucharist Ministers and Lay Eucharist Visitors<br />

From time to time you see the letters LEM/LEV listed in some publication from our <strong>Church</strong>. You may wonder<br />

what that is. Lay Eucharist Ministers (LEM) do a lot behind the scenes beyond serving at the Altar for<br />

communion on Sunday. We are blessed to be appointed by the Rector and licensed by the Bishop to take<br />

communion to those unable to attend our regular church service because of illness. The Lay Eucharistic Visitor<br />

(LEV) only does home communions and does not serve on the Altar. Home communion is done between the<br />

8:00 and 10:00 service not to interfere with healthcare that may be given during the day otherwise.<br />

This ministry is very rewarding. Many times as a LEM/LEV we receive back much more then we give during a<br />

home/hospital visit to one of our members. This ministry is simply an extension of our regular Sunday service<br />

to keep our members feeling part of our <strong>Church</strong> family by taking communion to them on a regular basis.<br />

We currently have 16 LEM’s and 4 LEV’s serving in this ministry. This past year we were blessed to have<br />

Tom Bankowski join us as well as Dorothy Corbett. We all miss one of our long time LEM’s Tom Cundall<br />

who is serving with the Lord directly. We also were sad to see Bart Holmes move away from The Villages and<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong>. If you feel called to this ministry, please contact Fr. Hugh or myself, Glenn Lewis. We would love<br />

to visit with you about this very special ministry. If you know of anyone that is homebound please contact the<br />

church office and let us know.<br />

Glenn Lewis<br />

Director<br />

Memorial Garden<br />

We are very proud of our Memorial Garden. It is a beautiful and serene final resting place for those members<br />

who wish to be interred on our grounds. Our Memorial Garden Coordinator, Maggie Bilanin 753-9242, will<br />

meet with you to assist in selecting a site. Once a space has been chosen and paid for, a deed is issued from our<br />

office and recognized by the City of Lady Lake and Lake County.<br />

Thanks to Bob Updike, this lovely spot is meticulously cared for year-round. The shrubs, trees, bushes, and<br />

beautiful pots of blooming flowers are all landscaped solely by Bob and we truly appreciate the time and energy<br />

he devotes to this ministry.<br />

If you haven’t already done so, please take a moment to stop by and enjoy the peace and beauty of our<br />

Memorial Garden.<br />


Newcomers Council<br />

The purpose of the Newcomer’s Council is to greet and warmly welcome guests and visitors to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong>. Our<br />

mission is to help newcomers adjust to a new church, find a new family of friends, and answer any questions<br />

they may have about <strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong>, the <strong>Episcopal</strong> <strong>Church</strong>, and the community.<br />

Notes of welcome are mailed to visitors who sign the guest register and several Newcomers’ Socials are held<br />

each year to enable new members to meet Clergy, the Vestry and other new members. Various organizations are<br />

represented at these socials and are pleased to answer any questions regarding their ministries.<br />

The Newcomer’s Council currently consists of sixteen active members who staff the Newcomer’s table at both<br />

the 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. services. Anyone interested in being part of a group with a very rewarding<br />

mission is welcome to join us. This is an excellent opportunity to meet new friends and promote fellowship,<br />

and we could really use your help. If interested, please contact Scott Perryman at 259-1080.<br />

The Order of <strong>St</strong>. Luke<br />

The Order of <strong>St</strong>. Luke is a very active part of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong>. Our 30 members study on an ongoing basis. We meet<br />

weekly as small groups and once a month as a full membership the first Monday at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship<br />

Hall.<br />

Each member determines how involved they wish to be in the Order of <strong>St</strong>. Luke. Several are available on<br />

Sunday after the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM service for prayers for anyone who wishes.<br />

The Order of <strong>St</strong>. Luke is a very rewarding ministry to grow and understand all of the healing our Lord did. He<br />

has commissioned us to carry on this special ministry.<br />

When you are studying you begin to see things in a totally new light. Events that may not have had meaning in<br />

the past, become very meaningful with your new found knowledge of the Miracles of Healing with the presence<br />

of Jesus Christ in your life in a new way.<br />

We are very pleased to have Deacon Janet as our Chaplain who comes to us with a very solid and varied<br />

background of knowledge in the Healing Ministry.<br />

Anyone interested in more information please contact Glenn Lewis at 406-0718.<br />

17<br />

Glenn Lewis<br />


Pastoral Care<br />

We were unfortunate at the beginning of 2011 to lose Kathy Sprague from our staff. Kathy’s primary<br />

responsibility was organizing Pastoral Care.<br />

Nonetheless, Pastoral Care continues to take place very well in this parish. Obviously with our “mature<br />

demographic” – a delightful term for saying that we have a lot of old people, we always have a particularly high<br />

number of people in hospitals, assisted living, nursing homes, and under home care. We do not want these<br />

people to feel forgotten. On the contrary we want them to feel included and cared for. Often for people whose<br />

health severely restricts their ability to get out of the house, their biggest enemy is loneliness and we strive to<br />

dispel that and bring love in its place.<br />

In addition to the hospital and hospice visits done on a continuing basis by the clergy, there are a number of<br />

pastoral care volunteers who regularly visit the homebound and those in nursing homes. These visits are<br />

primarily for showing care and friendship and sometimes include offering practical assistance. We are also<br />

fortunate to have the Lay Eucharistic Visitors who take Communion to the homebound after Sunday services.<br />

We are blessed to have a team of people who are willing to make these visits and take the love of Christ out to<br />

someone who needs it. Most of the visitors report back two things - One: that the person really appreciated the<br />

visit; and Two: that the visitor felt blessed by going to see them.<br />

Pastoral visits will always be a primary need in our parish. This is an extremely important ministry. Therefore if<br />

you would like to volunteer or this ministry and have your name added to the list of people who make visits,<br />

please contact the office and let Fr. Hugh or our Office Manager Debbie know.<br />

Father Hugh<br />

Prayer Chain<br />

Paul tells the Thessalonians to pray without ceasing (I Thessalonians 5:17), and that is what the Prayer Chain in<br />

our church does. Twelve members of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong> make up an unbreakable Prayer Chain, and pray at some point<br />

every day.<br />

Call the Prayer Chain if you have a prayer need and within a few hours, twelve “Prayer Warriors” will pass on<br />

that need to the Lord. This is our Prayer Chain and we welcome anyone who would like to take part in this most<br />

rewarding ministry.<br />

Anne Vilseck<br />


Prayer Shawl<br />

Members of the Prayer Shawl Ministry have been busy during 2011 knitting and crocheting prayer shawls and<br />

prayer squares for those who may be uplifted by something hand-made with lots of love and prayer. Although<br />

small in number, the group produces numerous shawls and squares that are blessed at the altar (usually during a<br />

healing service) and then distributed to anyone in need. Some of the prayer squares are included in the boxes<br />

sent to our troops.<br />

If you know of someone who is ill and would like them to have a shawl or lap blanket, just pick one up from the<br />

labeled bin in the <strong>Parish</strong> Hall storage room. Please sign the log so we can keep track of inventory.<br />

It is so rewarding to hear how a shawl is treasured by someone recovering from a serious illness. If you wish to<br />

join the ministry, it meets in the <strong>Parish</strong> Hall on the third Friday of the month at 9:00 AM.<br />

Also, a special thanks to those who have donated yarn to be used in making shawls or squares. Your generosity<br />

has made it possible to make many of our shawls or squares at no cost to members.<br />

We can always use help, so if you are interested, come to a meeting or call Joanne Cundall at 750-6981.<br />

Joanne Cundall<br />

“Saints Alive!”<br />

“Saints Alive!” is the newsletter for <strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong> <strong>Episcopal</strong> <strong>Church</strong> and is published every two months.<br />

I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to Sue Ann Corkish for preparing the bulk mailings and taking<br />

them to the Post Office. I would also like to thank the volunteers who affix the labels and help to prepare the<br />

bulk mailing every two months. You are appreciated!<br />

Many parishioners have agreed to view “Saints Alive!” online (on our website at www.stgeorge-episcopal.net)<br />

which saves the church money in paper, printing, postage and time. They are privileged to see it first (long<br />

before the mailed copies) and can enlarge it as needed and print out anything they wish. If you are willing to<br />

change from a mailed copy to viewing it online, please call the church office at 750-1010.<br />

Debbie Shartle<br />

Editor/Office Manager<br />


Soul Survivors Support Group<br />

Soul Survivors Support Group, previously known as Widow’s Walk, was given the new name the end of July<br />

with Fr. Hugh’s approval and is now open to the public as well as church members and individuals going<br />

through separation, divorce, or loss of any family member, close friend, etc. Our mission is to provide positive,<br />

uplifting encouragement for healing in any loss in a small group setting.<br />

Our Soul Support meetings are listed in Tuesday’s Daily Sun newspaper under Support Groups, free of charge<br />

with our church name and telephone number.<br />

We have handed out twelve Grief Series book packets written by Kenneth C. Haugk, which I feel are beneficial,<br />

since I began leading the group in June 2011.<br />

A positive, encouraging handout is given to each individual attending and after beginning with a prayer, there is<br />

usually an introduction and sharing, if they want to. We learn from one another. We have most meetings in the<br />

<strong>Parish</strong> Hall. However, we have also had a luncheon, had an inspirational speaker, gone to the Christmas Cantata<br />

and driven together to see some Christmas light decorations and encouraged to contact one another for an<br />

outing of a show, etc.<br />

We have another speaker scheduled for <strong>January</strong> <strong>2012</strong>, and plan to have some breakfast and/or lunch meetings<br />

and some of us plan to visit the Prayer Labyrinth in Fruitland Park.<br />

We are open to hearing about other inspirational speakers or other suggestions for learning.<br />

Sunday Hospitality<br />

Submitted by Kathy Graham<br />

750-0918<br />

As we all enjoy our <strong>Parish</strong> Hall between services at the “Coffee Hour”, I would like to express our thanks to all<br />

who participated and to those who provided services; either by hosting or providing goodies.<br />

As our church membership grows, the fellowship we share on Sunday is a much anticipated social event for<br />

many. If you have not participated, I urge you to give it a try.<br />

If you would like to participate or are interested in more information, contact Marilyn Hood at 259-3990, or<br />

leave your name at the office. Your support and continued interest in the Sunday “Coffee Hour” is greatly<br />

appreciated.<br />

Sunshine Committee<br />

Marilyn Hood, Chairperson<br />

I am the Sunshine Committee, sending get well and sympathy cards to members of the parish and to their<br />

extended families.<br />

Lutie Kocik<br />


Supper Six<br />

In 2011, participation in Supper Six declined from the previous year. We only had 16 groups during the three<br />

periods for a total of 90 members taking part in the enjoyment offered by the companionship and good food<br />

provided by their fellow parishioners from <strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong>.<br />

As you know, Supper Six is an activity that brings to our individual homes all the warmth and fellowship we<br />

experience in our <strong>Church</strong>. Those who participate are assembled into groups of six, usually couples, however<br />

single parishioners who would like to participate are welcome to do so. Singles will be paired with another<br />

single wherever possible.<br />

Each group meets once a month for three months; participants are then reassigned to another group. The threemonth<br />

cycles are: <strong>January</strong>-February-March, May-June-July, and September-October-November, with a onemonth<br />

signup period in between.<br />

There are no overall rules. Each individual group decides for itself when and how they want to meet. They may<br />

have dinners, lunches, brunches or any combination thereof. When necessary, a group made up of those who<br />

desire to dine out may be created. The only requirement is to meet and get to know other parishioners and have<br />

a good time. Signup is at the <strong>Parish</strong> Hall between services or by e-mail or telephone.<br />

We especially encourage new members to participate. This is a wonderful way to get to know people and make<br />

new friends at the <strong>Church</strong>.<br />

Respectfully submitted,<br />

John Ruhsenberger<br />

Website/Tech-Support<br />

In 2011 we continued to improve our Website by providing more information to our parishioners and to those<br />

that may be looking for a church. For example, during the search for a new Bishop, we provided current<br />

information on the status of the search. There are new menu items, such as Vestry Responsibility, Minutes of<br />

the 2011 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> and an improved Photo Album of church activities.<br />

In the <strong>St</strong> <strong>George</strong> Accounting Office I implemented two phases of a three phase plan to bring our little data<br />

center into the 21 century. Phase one, provided onsite and offsite backup of church data. Phase two, replaced<br />

two PC with new energy efficient machines that are current in all aspects of hardware and software.<br />

For <strong>2012</strong>, we will implement phase three, which will replace or upgrade the remaining PCs and install the latest<br />

Small Business Software on our Server.<br />

Jim Callahan<br />


Women’s Guild<br />

The Women’s Guild of Saint <strong>George</strong> has two purposes, fundraising and fellowship. There are two fundraisers<br />

during the year, the Treats and Treasures sale, and the annual Bazaar. The proceeds are divided between <strong>St</strong>.<br />

<strong>George</strong> <strong>Church</strong> and community outreach. Our meetings are held on the 2 nd Thursday of the month at 2PM in<br />

the <strong>Parish</strong> Hall. All women at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong> are considered members, and we especially welcome newcomers!<br />

The year 2011 had a few highlights:<br />

In <strong>January</strong>, Nancie Leon, Instructor, Lake Miona Recreation Center, spoke about “Energy Meditation”.<br />

In February, Mickie Mac Cumbee gave a presentation on “Fabric Fun Arts & Crafts.<br />

In March, we held our annual “Treats and Treasures” event. We also held a “White Breakfast”, with Khara<br />

Bromiley as our speaker, and it was a profound spiritual experience, preparing us for Lent.<br />

In April, Diana <strong>St</strong>einwald, from Chula Vista Recreation Center, spoke to us about “Therapeutic Yoga for Every<br />

BODY”.<br />

In May, we held our <strong>Annual</strong> Golf Tournament for Hospice. We also held a “Mother’s Day Tea”, where we<br />

reminisced about our mothers, and we were entertained by Barbara Hanson, AKA Minnie Pearl.<br />

In July, we held a Patriotic Picnic, complete with great food and some fun games.<br />

In August, we held an Ice Cream Social, with the band “Last Tyme Out” for our listening enjoyment.<br />

In October, we had our annual Bazaar, which was fairly successful, especially considering that we had a lot of<br />

competition from other events which occurred on the same day.<br />

In December, we were serenaded by children from The Villages Charter Elementary School, who sang<br />

Christmas songs for us.<br />

Many thanks for the women who were in charge of these events:<br />

Bazaar - Marilyn Hood, Chairwoman, and Vivian Kramer, Co-Chairwoman.<br />

Treats and Treasures - Ina Del Bosco, Chairwoman, and Sue Clabby, Co-Chairwoman.<br />

Mother’s Day Tea - Jeanne Willette.<br />

Golf Tournament for Hospice - Peg Busch and Marilyn Hood.<br />

We do raise funds during the year, but we also enjoy the fellowship and camaraderie with one another.<br />


Women’s Guild Donations - 2011<br />

<strong>Church</strong><br />

Outreach<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Mary’s Honduras Trip $100.00<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong> <strong>Church</strong> (choir risers) $2,400.00<br />

KPMI (prison ministry) $100.00<br />

A. White Sew & Vac (vacuum cleaner) $259.00<br />

Sunday Coffee Hour $100.00<br />

Chem Dry (rug cleaning) $642.00<br />


Fr. Hugh’s Discretionary Fund $1,500.00<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>George</strong> <strong>Church</strong> (choir risers) $5,000.00<br />

Lady Lake Food Pantry $1,000.00<br />

Haven House $1,000.00<br />

Hands of Mercy Everywhere $1,000.00<br />

Wildwood Food Pantry $1,000.00<br />

Operation Homebound $500.00<br />

CMMH (Haiti) $2,000.00<br />

Lady Lake Elementary School $250.00<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent Center for Handicapped $500.00<br />

Totals $7,450.00<br />


Deceased since the last <strong>Parish</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

Since we last met at the <strong>Parish</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> there has been several of our members who<br />

have passed on. We recall them to mind; we remember them with love and we miss them. We<br />

once again commend them to God and we rejoice in the knowledge that they have moved on to<br />

eternal life with the Lord.<br />

Cy Sharpe<br />

James Russell<br />

Art Gosline<br />

Jack Hanson<br />

Nora Boone<br />

John Miller<br />

Carol-Ann Price<br />

Wri Lewis<br />

Marge Hopkins<br />

Frances Black<br />

Jane Cable<br />

Barbara Miles<br />

William Sears<br />

Zona Mraovich<br />

Gus Enloe<br />

Kay Morgan<br />

Cristi Krachinski<br />

Mary Wright<br />

Let us now take a moment of silence in honored respect of them.<br />


36 New Members Joined in 2011<br />

Robert & Natalie Aikins<br />

Donald & Janet Arndt<br />

Charles & Doris Austin<br />

Thomas & Jackie Bankowski<br />

Jo An Bergeron<br />

Jack & Karen Bigford<br />

Ken & Dee Chauncey<br />

<strong>St</strong>anley Chrusciel<br />

Mary J. Day<br />

Margaret Eicens<br />

Gerry Goodwin<br />

Dawn Jasinski<br />

Richard & Priscilla Kleindienst<br />

Penelope Lounsberry<br />

Chuck & Juanita Mander<br />

Rev. Janice May Wilkins & Robert J. Meikle<br />

Jim & Lelia Mullis<br />

Richard & Linda Nagolski<br />

Peggy <strong>St</strong>aley<br />

Charlie & Sandra <strong>St</strong>owell<br />

Paul & Sandy Wells<br />

Judd & Cindy Whittington<br />


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