Program - Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

Program - Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

Program - Krannert Center for the Performing Arts


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Ubi caritas<br />

Music by Maurice Duruflé<br />

Text from a traditional hymn<br />

Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.<br />

Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor.<br />

Exultemus, et in ipso jucundemur.<br />

Timeamus, et amemus Deum vivum.<br />

Et ex corde diligamus nos sincero.<br />

Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est. Amen.<br />

Épithalame<br />

Music by Jean-Yves Daniel-Lesur<br />

Text from Veni sponsa Christi and The Song of Songs<br />

Veni sponsa Christi,<br />

accipe coronam quam tibi Dominus<br />

praeparavit in aeternum.<br />

Where Charity Is<br />

Where charity and love are, God is <strong>the</strong>re.<br />

Christ’s love has ga<strong>the</strong>red us into one.<br />

Let us rejoice and be pleased in Him.<br />

Let us fear, and let us love <strong>the</strong> living God.<br />

And may we love each o<strong>the</strong>r with a sincere heart.<br />

Where charity and love are, God is <strong>the</strong>re. Amen.<br />

Wedding Poem<br />

Come, Bride of Christ,<br />

accept <strong>the</strong> crown which <strong>the</strong> Lord<br />

has prepared <strong>for</strong> you <strong>for</strong>ever.<br />

Le mien est sien:<br />

Fi de tristesse,<br />

Vive liesse,<br />

Puis qu’en amours j’ai tant de biens!<br />

Quand je la veux servir et honorer,<br />

Quand par écrits veux son nom décorer,<br />

Quand je la vois, et visite souvent,<br />

Les envieux n’en font que murmurer;<br />

Mais notre amour n’en saurait moins durer:<br />

Autant ou plus en emporte le vent.<br />

Malgré envie,<br />

Toute ma vie<br />

Je l’aimerai<br />

Et chanterai:<br />

«C’est la première,<br />

C’est la dernière,<br />

Que j’ai servie, et servirai.»<br />

Mine is hers:<br />

Fie to sadness,<br />

Long live merriment,<br />

Because I have such riches in love!<br />

When I wish to serve and honor her,<br />

When with fine scripts I want to decorate her name,<br />

When I see her, and visit her often,<br />

envious people just murmur about it;<br />

But our love will endure none<strong>the</strong>less:<br />

The rest is idle chatter.<br />

Despite envy,<br />

All my life<br />

i shall love her<br />

And I shall sing:<br />

“She is <strong>the</strong> first,<br />

She is <strong>the</strong> last,<br />

Whom I have served, and will serve always.”<br />

Pose-moi comme un sceau sur ton coeur<br />

Comme un sceau sur ton bras<br />

Car l’amour est <strong>for</strong>t comme la mort<br />

La jalousie est dure comme l’enfer<br />

L’amour ses traits sont de feu<br />

Une flamme de Yahvé!<br />

Les grandes eaux n’ont pu éteindre l’amour<br />

Les fleuves ne le submergeront pas!<br />

Alleluia.<br />

Tant que vivray<br />

Music and text by Claudin de Sermisy<br />

Set me like a seal on your heart<br />

Like a seal on your arm<br />

For love is as strong as death<br />

Jealousy is as cruel as <strong>the</strong> grave<br />

its flashes are flashes of fire<br />

The very flame of <strong>the</strong> Lord!<br />

Many waters cannot quench love<br />

nei<strong>the</strong>r can <strong>the</strong> floods drown it!<br />

Alleluia.<br />

As Long as I Am<br />

Toutes les nuits<br />

Music and text by Clément Janequin<br />

Toutes les nuits tu m’es présente<br />

Par songe doux et gracieux.<br />

Mais tous les jours tu m’es absente<br />

Qui m’es regret <strong>for</strong>t ennuyeux.<br />

Puis donc que la nuit me vaut mieux<br />

Et que je n’ai bien que par songe.<br />

Dormez de jour, Ô pauvres yeux!<br />

Afin que sans cesse je songe.<br />

Every Night<br />

every night you show yourself to me<br />

in sweet and graceful dreams.<br />

But every day you are gone from me,<br />

Which is a most troublesome regret.<br />

it is <strong>the</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e why I treasure more highly <strong>the</strong> night<br />

And that I only do well by dreaming.<br />

Sleep away <strong>the</strong> day, oh my poor eyes!<br />

So that I may <strong>for</strong>ever dream.<br />

Tant que vivray, en âge florissant,<br />

Je servirai d’Amour le dieu puissant,<br />

En faits, en dits, en chansons et accords.<br />

Par plusieurs jours m’a tenu languissant,<br />

Mais après dueil m’a fait réjouissant,<br />

Car j’ai l’amour de la belle au gent corps.<br />

Son alliance,<br />

C’est ma fiance:<br />

Son coeur est mien,<br />

As long as I am in <strong>the</strong> prime of life,<br />

i shall serve <strong>the</strong> powerful god of Love,<br />

in all I do and say, in all my songs and harmonies.<br />

For many days he made me languish,<br />

But after mourning he made me rejoice,<br />

Because I have <strong>the</strong> love of a shapely woman.<br />

Her betrothal,<br />

it is pledged to me:<br />

Her heart is mine,<br />

Revoici venir du printemps<br />

Music and text by Claude Le Jeune<br />

Revoici venir du printemps<br />

L’amoureuse et belle saison.<br />

Le courant des eaux recherchant<br />

Le canal d’été s’éclaircit;<br />

Et la mer calme de ces flots<br />

Ammolit le triste courroux.<br />

Le canard s’égai’ se plongeant,<br />

Here Again Comes <strong>the</strong> Spring<br />

Here again comes <strong>the</strong> spring,<br />

<strong>the</strong> amorous and fair season.<br />

The current of water that seeks<br />

<strong>the</strong> canal in summer becomes clearer;<br />

and <strong>the</strong> calm sea<br />

soo<strong>the</strong>s <strong>the</strong> waves’ sad anger.<br />

The duck, elated, dives,<br />

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