ACPFG Annual Report

ACPFG Annual Report

ACPFG Annual Report


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Publications<br />

5. Able JA, Langridge P and Milligan AS. 2007. Capturing diversity<br />

in the cereals: many options but little promiscuity. Trends in<br />

Plant Science, 12(2): 71-79<br />

6. Appleby N, Edwards D and Batley J. 2008. New technologies<br />

for ultra-high throughput genotyping in plants. Ed. Somers D,<br />

Langridge P, and Gustafson JP. Methods in Molecular Biology,<br />

Humana Press (USA) In Press<br />

7. Ayliffe MA, Pallotta M, Langridge P and Pryor AJ. 2007. A<br />

Barley Activation Tagging System. Plant Mol. Biol. 64:329-47<br />

8. Batley J and Edwards D. 2008. Mining for Single Nucleotide<br />

Polymorphism (SNP) and Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR)<br />

molecular genetic markers. Bioinformatics for DNA Sequence<br />

Analysis. Ed. David Posada Methods in Molecular Biology,<br />

Humana Press (USA) In press<br />

9. Batley J and Edwards D. 2008. Bioinformatics: Fundamentals<br />

and Applications in Plant Genetics and Breeding. Principles and<br />

Practices of Plant Molecular Mapping and Breeding. Eds. Kole C<br />

and Abbott AG. Science Publishers, Inc., (USA) In Press<br />

10. Batley J, Hopkins CJ, Cogan NOI, Hand M, Jewell E, Kaur J,<br />

Kaur S, Li X, Ling AE, Love C, Mountford H, Todorovic M, Vardy<br />

M, Walkiewicz M, Spangenberg GC and Edwards D. 2007.<br />

Identification and characterisation of Simple Sequence Repeat<br />

(SSR) markers from Brassica napus expressed sequences.<br />

Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 886-889<br />

11. Batley J, Jewell E and Edwards D. 2007. Automated discovery<br />

of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) and Simple Sequence<br />

Repeat (SSR) molecular genetic markers. Plant Bioinformatics.<br />

Ed. Edwards D. Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press<br />

(USA), pp. 473-494<br />

12. Boden SA, Shadiac N, Tucker E, Langridge P and Able JA. 2007.<br />

Expression and functional analysis of TaASY1 during meiosis of<br />

bread wheat (Triticum aestivum). BMC Molecular Biology 8:65<br />

13. Brownfield L, Ford K, Doblin M, Newbigin E, Read S and Bacic<br />

A. 2007. Proteomic and biochemical evidence links the callose<br />

synthase in Nicotiana alata pollen tubes to the product of the<br />

NaGSL1 gene. Plant Journal 52, 147-156<br />

14. Byrt CS, Platten JD, Spielmeyer W, James RA, Lagudah ES,<br />

Dennis ES, Tester M and Munns R. 2007. HKT1;5-like cation<br />

transporters linked to Na+ exclusion loci in wheat, Nax2 and<br />

Kna1. Plant Physiology, 143, 1918-1928<br />

15. Callahan DL, Roessner U, Dumontet V, Perrier N, Wedd AG,<br />

O’Hair RAJ, Baker AJM and Kolev SD. 2008. LC-MS and<br />

GC-MS metabolite profiling of nickel(II) complexes in the<br />

latex of nickel-hyperaccumulating tree Sebertia acuminata and<br />

identification of methylated aldaric acid as a new nickel(II)<br />

ligand. Phytochemistry. In press<br />

16. Chen Z, Pottosin II, Cuin TA, Funglsang AT, Tester M, Jha<br />

D, Zepeda-Jazo I, Zhon M, Palmgren MG, Newman IA<br />

and Shabala S. 2007. Root plasma membrane transporters<br />

controlling K+/Na+ homeostasis in salt stressed barley. Plant<br />

Physiology, 145 (4):1714-1725<br />

17. Collins NC, Rients EN and Schulze-Lefert P. 2007. Resistance<br />

to cereal rusts at the plant cell wall – what can we learn from<br />

other host-pathogen systems? Australian Journal of Agricultural<br />

Research, 58, 476 - 489<br />

18. Collins NC, Shirley NJ, Saeed M, Pallotta M, Langridge P<br />

and Gustafson JP. 2008. An ALMT1 Gene Cluster Controlling<br />

Aluminium (Aluminum) Tolerance at the Alt4 Locus of Rye<br />

(Secale cereale L.). Genetics. In press<br />

19. Davenport RJ, Munoz-Mayor A, Jha D, Essah PA, Rus A and<br />

Tester M. 2007. The Na+ transporter AtHKT1 controls xylem<br />

retrieval of Na+ in Arabidopsis. Plant, Cell and Environment 30,<br />

497-507<br />

20. Drew DP, Lunde C, Lahnstein J and Fincher GB. 2007.<br />

Heterologous expression of cDNAs encoding<br />

monodehydroascorbate reductases from the moss,<br />

Physcomitrella patens and charaterizations of the expressed<br />

enzymes. Planta 225, 945-954<br />

21. Duran C, Edwards D and Batley J. 2008. Genetic maps and<br />

the use of synteny. Plant Genomics. Ed. Somers D, Langridge P,<br />

and Gustafson JP. Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press<br />

(USA) In Press<br />

22. Edwards D. 2008. Bioinformatics. The World Wheat Book. Eds.<br />

Bonjean A, Angus W and Van Ginkel M. Lavoisier (France) In<br />

Press<br />

23. Edwards D. 2008. Bioinformatics and plant genomics for staple<br />

crops improvement. Breeding Major Food Staples for the 21st<br />

Century. Eds. Kang MS and Priyadarshan PM. Blackwell. In Press<br />

24. Farrokhi N, Hrmova M, Burton RA and Fincher GB. 2008.<br />

Heterologous and Cell Free Protein Expression Systems. In:<br />

Methods in Molecular Biology: Plant Genomics, Humana Press<br />

Inc., Totowa, NJ, USA (Somers D, Langridge P, Gustafson P, eds).<br />

Invited review. In Press<br />

25. Genc Y, Huang CY and Langridge P. 2007. A study of the role<br />

of root morphological traits in growth of barley in zinc-deficient<br />

soil. Journal of Experimental Botany 58: 2775-2784<br />

26. Genc Y, Langridge P and Huang C-Y. 2007. A study of the role<br />

of root morphological traits on growth of barley in zinc-deficient<br />

soil. Journal of Experimental Botany, doi:10.1093/jxb/erm142<br />

27. Genc Y, McDonald GK and Tester M. 2007. Reassessment of<br />

tissue Na+ concentration as a criterion for salinity tolerance in<br />

bread wheat. Plant, Cell and Environment 30: 1486-1498<br />

28. Glassop D, Roessner U, Bacic A and Bonnett G. 2007. Changes<br />

in the sugarcane metabolome with stem development. Are<br />

they related to sucrose accumulation? Plant Cell Physiol. 48,<br />

573-584<br />

29. Hrmova M and Fincher GB. 2007. Dissecting the catalytic<br />

mechanism of a plant ß-D-glucan glucohydrolase through<br />

structural biology using inhibitors and substrate analogues.<br />

Invited review. Carbohydrate Research 342, 1613-1623<br />

30. Hrmova M and Fincher GB. 2008. Functional genomics and<br />

structural biology in the definition of gene function. In: Methods<br />

in Molecular Biology: Plant Genomics, Humana Press Inc.,<br />

Totowa, NJ, USA (Somers D, Langridge P, Gustafson P, eds).<br />

Invited review. In Press<br />

31. Hrmova M, Farkas V, Lahnstein J and Fincher GB. 2007. A<br />

barley xyloglucan xyloglucosyl transferase covalently links<br />

xyloglucan, cellulosic substrates and (1,3;1,4)-ß-D-glucans.<br />

Journal of Biological Chemistry 282, 12951-12962<br />

32. Imelfort M, Batley J, Grimmond S and Edwards D. 2008.<br />

Genome sequencing approaches and successes. In: Plant<br />

Genomics. Ed. Somers D, Langridge P, and Gustafson JP.<br />

Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press (USA) In Press<br />

33. Jacobs A, Lunde C, Bacic A, Tester M and Roessner U. 2007.<br />

The impact of constitutive heterologous expression of a moss<br />

Na+ transporter on the metabolomes of rice and barley.<br />

Metabolomics3(3): 307-317<br />

42 2007 <strong>ACPFG</strong> ANNUAL REPORT

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