Participating Media

Participating Media

Participating Media


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<strong>Participating</strong> <strong>Media</strong><br />

Valerie Szudziejka

Outline<br />

Light scattering<br />

The volume rendering equation<br />

Phase functions<br />

Ray marching<br />

Rendering specifics

Light scattering<br />

Photon can continue through medium<br />

unaffected<br />

Or can be out-scattered (out of path of<br />

light ray) or absorbed - reduced radiance<br />

Or can be in-scattered (into path of light<br />

ray) or medium can emit more light -<br />

increased radiance

Light scattering<br />

Reduced radiance due to out-scattering:<br />

(⃗ω · ∇)L(x, ⃗ω) = −σ s (x)L(x, ⃗ω)<br />

Reduced radiance due to absorption:<br />

(⃗ω · ∇)L(x, ⃗ω) = −σ a (x)L(x, ⃗ω)

Light scattering<br />

Increased radiance due to in-scattering:<br />

(⃗ω · ∇)L(x, ⃗ω) = σ s (x) ∫ Ω4π p(x, ⃗ω′, ⃗ω)L i(x, ⃗ω′)d⃗ω′<br />

integrate over all directions on a sphere<br />

(surface area)<br />

Increased radiance due to emission:<br />

(⃗ω · ∇)L(x, ⃗ω) = σ a (x)L e (x, ⃗ω)

Light scattering<br />

Change in radiance:<br />

emission - out-scattering - absorption + inscattering<br />

(⃗ω · ∇)L(x, ⃗ω) = σ a (x)L e (x, ⃗ω) − σ t (x)L(x, ⃗ω) + σ s (x) ∫ Ω4π p(x<br />

x)L e (x, ⃗ω) − σ t (x)L(x, ⃗ω) + σ s (x) ∫ Ω4π p(x, ⃗ω′, ⃗ω)L i(x, ⃗ω′)d⃗ω′<br />

where<br />

σ t = σ s + σ a<br />

is the extinction coefficient.

Volume rendering equation<br />

L(x, ⃗ω) = ∫ s<br />

0 e−τ(x,x′) σ a (x′)L e (x′)dx′+<br />

∫ s<br />

0 e(−τ(x,x′) σ s (x′) ∫ Ω4π p(x′, ⃗ω′, ⃗ω)L i(x′, ⃗ω′)d⃗ω′dx′+<br />

e −τ(x,x+s⃗ω) L(x + s⃗ω, ⃗ω)<br />

where<br />

τ(x, x′) = ∫ x′<br />

x<br />

σ t(t)dt<br />

is the optical depth.<br />

integrate over length of segment (s)<br />

Must be numerically integrated<br />

Costlier than rendering equation

Phase functions<br />

∫<br />

Ω4π<br />

p(x, ⃗ω′, ⃗ω)d⃗ω = 1<br />

similar to BRDF - but unitless and<br />


Phase Functions<br />

anisotropic scattering: preferential<br />

scattering direction<br />

isotropic: no preference<br />

anisotropic medium: phase function<br />

depends on orientation of medium<br />

isotropic: no dependence

Isotropic Phase function<br />

scattering completely random<br />

p(θ) = 1<br />

Raleigh Scattering<br />

p(θ) = 3<br />

16π (1 + cos2 θ)<br />

shorter wavelengths scattered more<br />

for particles smaller than a wavelength of<br />

light<br />

why the sky is blue

Henyey-Greenstein<br />

p(θ) =<br />

1−g 2<br />

4π(1+g 2 −2g cos θ) 1.5<br />

g in (-1, 1)<br />

g < 0: backward scattering<br />

g > 0: forward scattering<br />

g = 0: isotropic scattering

Henyey-Greenstein<br />

ellipsoid-shaped scattering<br />

larger g = more preferential scattering<br />

costly 1.5 exponent

Schlick Phase Function<br />

accurate shape of phase function not so<br />

important<br />

use equation of ellipse to approximate<br />

Henyey-Greenstein<br />

p(θ) =<br />

1−k 2<br />

4π(1+k cos θ) 2<br />

k is similar to g in Henyey-Greenstein

Ray marching<br />

Solves volume rendering equation<br />

Uniform steps through medium, making<br />

local simplifications<br />

Multiple scattering simulation can be<br />

done with photon map<br />

Multiple scattering needed for such things<br />

as clouds

Adaptive ray marching<br />

Better for non-homogeneous media -<br />

change in extinction coefficient<br />

Varies length of step size on the fly<br />

Ideally little change of extinction<br />

coefficient & density (albedo) within a<br />


Photon Tracing<br />

Requires photon map for participating<br />

media and subsurface scattering<br />

Volume (rather than surface) photon map<br />

Exclude photons coming directly from<br />

light source (separate out direct<br />


Rendering Fire<br />

Emits light<br />

Fluid flow equations<br />

Bright enough for the eye to adapt to its<br />


Rendering Smoke<br />

Uses fluid flow equations<br />

Random perturbation of the flow field to<br />

simulate curling<br />

Ideally won’t look alive & growing but<br />

passive & natural

Rendering Volume Caustics<br />

form in participating media

glass sphere, fog medium

Rendering Wet Materials<br />

Can look darker, brighter, or more<br />

specular<br />

Primarily due to subsurface scattering<br />

Two interactions: air-water and watersurface

Rendering Translucent Material<br />

Can be estimated with diffuse lighting but<br />

looks coarse and fake<br />

Subsurface scattering looks much better<br />

Pretty much same algorithm as for<br />

participating media

Skim milk, whole milk, diffuse milk

References<br />

Jensen:<br />

Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping<br />

Rendering of Wet Materials<br />

Visual Simulation of Smoke<br />

Physically based Modeling and Animation of Fire<br />

ATI:<br />

Rendering Outdoor Light Scattering in Real Time

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