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authenticate, guarantee, warrant, certify, affirm, ensure,<br />

clinch, settle: The pact was ratified by all members.<br />

ratio<br />

n. proportion, relationship, correlation, correspondence: What<br />

is the ratio of male to female students at Oxford University?<br />

In that area, the ratio of tenants to home-owners is about two<br />

to one.<br />

ration n. 1 share, quota, allotment, portion, helping, part,<br />

provision, measure, dole, percentage, amount: Each person is<br />

permitted a weekly fixed ration of butter, sugar, coffee, meat,<br />

etc. We shall have to go on short rations till we are rescued. 2<br />

rations. supplies, provisions, food, provender, victuals,<br />

viands, eatables, edibles, comestibles, Brit commons: It was<br />

not till the third week with our rations running low that we<br />

really began to worry.<br />

--v. 3 Often, ration out. allot, apportion, dole (out), give<br />

out, distribute, deal out, mete out, parcel out, measure out,<br />

hand out: As water was in short supply, we had to ration it.<br />

One cup was rationed out to each of us every morning. 4 budget,<br />

schedule, restrict, control, limit: Water had to be rationed to<br />

one cup a day for each of us.<br />

rational adj. 1 well-balanced, sane, sound, normal, reasonable,<br />

reasoning, logical, ratiocinative, clear-headed, clear-eyed,<br />

sober; of sound mind, Colloq all there: Desmond is a rational<br />

human being who would be able to advise you about your problem.<br />

2 discriminating, intelligent, thinking, enlightened, prudent,<br />

wise, knowledgeable, informed: We could not have elected a more<br />

rational representative for our cause than Robert Brown. 3<br />

sensible, common-sense, commonsensical, practical, pragmatic,<br />

down-to-earth, everyday, acceptable, reasonable, logical:<br />

Philippa thinks she has a rational explanation for the strange<br />

light we saw in the sky last night.<br />

rationale n. reason, explanation, logical basis, grounds, logic,<br />

reasoning, philosophy, principle, theory: Do you understand the<br />

rationale of a policy for curbing inflation that sets interest<br />

rates at a level where business, initiative, and productivity<br />

are stifled?<br />


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