Development Guide - Port Hope

Development Guide - Port Hope

Development Guide - Port Hope


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<strong>Development</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

for<br />

Official Plan Amendments,<br />

Zoning By-law Amendments,<br />

Plans of Subdivision, &<br />

Site Plan Approval<br />

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Table of Contents<br />

1.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................3<br />

1.1 Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Team...............................................3<br />

1.2 Key Contacts ................................................................................................4<br />

1.3 <strong>Development</strong> Approval Process .....................................................................5<br />

1.4 Pre-consultation Meeting & Checklist...........................................................5<br />

1.5 Application Forms ........................................................................................6<br />

2.0 Submission Requirements.....................................................................................7<br />

3.0 Drawing Requirements<br />

3.1 General Drawing Specifications for all Drawings...........................................8<br />

3.2 Servicing & Grading Drawing Specifications ................................................ 9<br />

3.3 Landscape Details ......................................................................................10<br />

4.0 Study/Report <strong>Guide</strong>lines<br />

4.1 Traffic Study ..............................................................................................11<br />

4.2 Stormwater Management Study .................................................................14<br />

4.3 Land Use Planning Report ..........................................................................15<br />

4.4 Heritage Impact Assessment.......................................................................15<br />

4.5 Agricultural Impact Assessment .................................................................16<br />

4.6 Site Servicing Study ...................................................................................16<br />

4.7 Hydro-geological/Geotechnical Study .........................................................16<br />

4.8 Environmental Impact Study......................................................................17<br />

4.9 Lighting & Photometric Design Study .........................................................17<br />

4.10 Noise Impact Study ....................................................................................17<br />

4.11 Slope Stability Study ..................................................................................18<br />

4.12 Arborist Report...........................................................................................18<br />

4.13 Archaeological Assessment.........................................................................18<br />

4.14 Financial Impact Analysis ..........................................................................19<br />

4.15 Sediment & Erosion Control Plan ...............................................................19<br />

4.16 Soils Management Plan ..............................................................................20<br />

4.17 Radiological Soils Survey............................................................................20<br />

4.19 Environmental Site Assessment (Phase 1 & 2) ............................................20<br />

5.0 General Design <strong>Guide</strong>lines for Site Plan Approval<br />

5.1 Reference List for Construction & Engineering Standards...........................21<br />

5.2 Landscape Design & Standards..................................................................21<br />

5.3 Parking Standards .....................................................................................22<br />

5.4 Sidewalks & Pedestrian Connections ..........................................................23<br />

5.5 Barrier-Free Accessibility ...........................................................................23<br />

5.6 Waste Management ....................................................................................25<br />

5.7 Signage ......................................................................................................25<br />

5.8 Electrical Servicing.....................................................................................25<br />

5.9 Fire Access Routes and Fire Hydrants ........................................................25<br />

6.0 Final Approval<br />

6.1 Planning Department Requirements ...........................................................27<br />

6.2 Total <strong>Development</strong> Cost Form.....................................................................27<br />

6.3 Public Works Pre-Construction Requirements ............................................27<br />

6.4 Building Permit Requirements....................................................................28<br />

APPENDIX A ...................................................................Pre-consultation Meeting Checklist<br />

APPENDIX B ............................... Official Plan/Zoning By-law Amendment Application Form<br />

APPENDIX C ................................................................................Site Plan Application Form<br />

APPENDIX D........................................................................... Subdivision Application Form<br />

APPENDIX E ............................................................................... Backflow Prevention <strong>Guide</strong><br />

APPENDIX F ............................................Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for Stormwater Management<br />

APPENDIX G..................................................................... Total <strong>Development</strong> Cost Schedule<br />

APPENDIX H.......................................................... Public Works User Fee Application Form<br />

APPENDIX I ....................................................................................... Building Fee Schedule<br />

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1.0 Introduction<br />

This guide is intended to provide a framework for development applications from<br />

the pre-consultation stage through to the construction phases of development.<br />

This guide is applicable to those applications that relate to new or expanding<br />

multi-residential, institutional, commercial and industrial developments in<br />

accordance with the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> requirements, inclusive of:<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Official Plan Amendments;<br />

Zoning By-law Amendments;<br />

Plans of Subdivision; and,<br />

Site Plan Control Approval.<br />

Please note: This guide is intended to provide clarification on the requirements of<br />

the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> for development applications. While every attempt<br />

will be made during the consultation process to identify all requisite reports and<br />

documentation, it must be understood that as review of an application proceeds,<br />

the need for additional information or studies may arise. Please be further advised<br />

that this guide is not intended to supercede other municipal requirements<br />

established by municipal by-laws and agreements.<br />

1.1 Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Team<br />

The <strong>Development</strong> Review Team represents the public interest with both functional<br />

and aesthetic concerns respecting matters such as traffic circulation, public safety,<br />

night lighting, pedestrian walkways, municipal services, drainage, flood protection,<br />

environmental quality, waste management, noise abatement, privacy screening and<br />

landscape design.<br />

The Team is committed to identifying issues influencing design decisions at an<br />

early stage of the design, helping property owners identify the physical<br />

opportunities and constraints of their property, providing guidance in the most<br />

efficient use of the property to meet the functional needs of the owner, ensuring<br />

future compatibility of the development within the context of the neighbouring<br />

properties, coordinating the requirements of other agencies and departments that<br />

have jurisdiction, and; providing a forum for sharing information and negotiating a<br />

"win/win" resolution of planning issues.<br />

The <strong>Development</strong> Review Team meets on the first Wednesday of each month and is<br />

responsible for all matters relating to development approvals including: resolving<br />

conflicts, finalizing amendments and agreements, adherence to the Municipality’s<br />

By-laws and standards, letters of credit, co-ordinating comments etc. The<br />

<strong>Development</strong> Review Team is comprised of representatives from each department<br />

within the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> as well as the Ganaraska Region Conservation<br />

Authority.<br />

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1.2 Key Contacts<br />

The following represents a list of departments/agencies involved in the<br />

development approval process and their corresponding responsibilities. You are<br />

encouraged to contact the following individuals prior to formal submission. Once a<br />

preliminary concept plan is draft a Pre-consultation meeting will be schedule with<br />

the applicable departments and agencies. (See Part 1.4 Pre-consultation Meeting<br />

& Checklist).<br />

Department Contact Responsibility<br />

Planning Services Ron Warne<br />

Director of Planning Services<br />

(905) 885-2415, ext 205<br />

Anne Taylor Scott<br />

(905) 885-2415, ext 249<br />

Official Plan and Zoning By-law<br />

provisions, Site Plan Control, general site<br />

layout, waste management facilities,<br />

lighting, urban design, compatibility and<br />

buffering<br />

Building<br />

Public Works and<br />

Engineering<br />

Parks, Recreation<br />

& Culture<br />

Ken Andrus<br />

C.B.O.<br />

(905) 885-2415, ext 222<br />

Peter Angelo, P. Eng.<br />

Director of Municipal<br />

Engineering Services<br />

(905) 885-2431<br />

Jeanette Davidson, A. Sc. T.<br />

Engineering Services<br />

Technician<br />

Kiel Martin,<br />

<strong>Development</strong> Services<br />

Technician<br />

Eugene Todd<br />

(905) 753-2230<br />

preliminary comments on Ontario<br />

Building Code matters and servicing<br />

requirements relating to building permit<br />

applications<br />

stormwater management, sanitary<br />

sewers, watermains, grading and<br />

drainage plans, traffic access and<br />

circulation, driveway locations, road<br />

widening,<br />

Provision of parkland, walkways and<br />

trails, landscape plan requirements, tree<br />

preservation plans, boulevard trees<br />

Fire<br />

Economic<br />

<strong>Development</strong><br />

Frank Haylow<br />

(905) 885-5323<br />

Judy Selvig<br />

Economic <strong>Development</strong><br />

Officer<br />

(905) 885-2004<br />

preliminary comments on Ontario<br />

Building Code and Fire Code matters<br />

relating to building permit applications<br />

as well as fire access routes and fire<br />

hydrant locations<br />

provides developers with the assistance<br />

needed to make a project proceed (i.e.<br />

location choices, funding options, etc.)<br />

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Department Contact Responsibility<br />

Ganaraska Region<br />

Conservation<br />

Authority<br />

(GRCA)<br />

Greg Wells<br />

(905) 885-8173<br />

stormwater management, natural feature<br />

protection<br />

Veridian Connections Peter Petriw<br />

(905) 427-9870 ext 3252<br />

electrical service agreements in the<br />

Urban area<br />

County of<br />

Northumberland<br />

Peter Nielsen<br />

(905) 372-3329<br />

access requirements along County<br />

Roads, future road widenings<br />

Haliburton, Peter Hargreaves<br />

Kawartha, Pine Ridge (905) 885-9100<br />

District Health Unit<br />

Septic system requirements, information<br />

regarding private wells<br />

1.3 <strong>Development</strong> Approval Process<br />

Upon receipt of a “complete” submission, an internal circulation to all departments<br />

and agencies, as well as Council, will be completed in accordance with the Planning<br />

Act. If an application is deemed “incomplete”, any submitted application, drawings<br />

or cheque may be returned to the attention of the applicant.<br />

Typically, comments on complete applications are provided within a 6-8 week<br />

period in the form of a formal Status Report. Once all comments have been<br />

received, outstanding issues will be consolidated into a Status Report, which<br />

outlines the nature of any required revision and will likely include red-lined<br />

markups of the original submission drawings. A meeting with staff may be<br />

required to discuss any outstanding issues for which a resolution cannot be<br />

reached.<br />

For Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments, at least one (1) Public Meeting<br />

will be required under the Planning Act.<br />

Upon receiving conditional approval, the applicable number of copies of a<br />

development agreement will be drafted and forwarded to the owner to be signed.<br />

All financial obligations must be submitted prior to the execution of the<br />

development agreement. Upon execution of the development agreement, the<br />

Municipality’s solicitor will register the agreement on title.<br />

1.4 Pre-consultation Meeting & Checklist<br />

Prior to formal submission of an application, the <strong>Development</strong> Review Team shall<br />

review all major concept plans and complete a Pre-consultation Meeting Checklist<br />

(Appendix A) with the owner/developer of the subject lands. This provides the<br />

<strong>Development</strong> Review Team an opportunity to review, on a preliminary basis<br />

generals requirements relating to site servicing, grading, stormwater management,<br />

Building Code requirements, landscaping, Fire Department requirements etc.<br />

Additionally, external departments/agencies may also be involved prior to formal<br />

submission, for example Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, County of<br />

Northumberland and the Health Unit.<br />

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The Pre-consultation Meeting Checklist may identify major problems associated<br />

with a proposal and will provide early feedback prior to the finalization of formal<br />

plans. The identification and resolution of problems at the concept plan stage<br />

generally results in timely approvals. Finally, pre-consultation may also identify<br />

additional information which may be required to be submitted in conjunction with<br />

an application (ie. Traffic Study, Environmental Impact Study, Noise Study). While<br />

every attempt will be made during the pre-consultation process to identify all<br />

requisite reports and documentation, it must be understood that as review of an<br />

application proceeds the need for additional information or studies may arise.<br />

In an effort to expedite the approvals process, the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

encourages processing building permit applications and development applications<br />

concurrently. The Planning Services department is committed to working together<br />

in an effort to efficiently and effectively co-ordinate the necessary approvals.<br />

1.5 Application Forms<br />

The Municipality’s Official Plan/Zoning By-law Amendment, Subdivision and Site<br />

Plan application forms are attached as Appendix B, Appendix C, Appendix D,<br />

respectively, to this document, and is also at the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> website<br />

at www.porthope.ca<br />

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2.0 Submission Requirements<br />

• Application Fee – cheques can be made payable to the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong><br />

<strong>Hope</strong> – please note that there will be other fees imposed by other agencies for<br />

their review<br />

• One (1) copy of the completed and signed original Application Form<br />

• Three (3) copies of the most recent survey of the subject lands prepared by<br />

an Ontario Land Surveyor<br />

• Twenty (20) copies of each plan identified and required during a Preconsultation<br />

Meeting<br />

• Three (3) copies of the following:<br />

o Traffic Impact Study/Assessment<br />

o Stormwater Management Report<br />

• Three (3) copies of any additional study or documentation identified and<br />

required during a Pre-consultation Meeting<br />

• One full reduced set of all plans and documentation as required above (no<br />

larger than 11-inches x 17-inches)<br />

• A digital PDF version of all plans and documentation as required provided as<br />

a part of this application<br />

• Any other possible requirements necessary for Staff and/or agencies to<br />

undertake an adequate level of review that may be identified during a Preconsultation<br />

Meeting (Appendix A)<br />

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3.0 Drawing Requirements<br />

3.1 General Drawing Specifications for all Drawings<br />

All drawings shall include the following information:<br />

• boundaries and dimensions of the subject land including reference to the<br />

nearest street<br />

• the location, dimension and size (ie: number of storeys, height, floor area,<br />

etc.) of all existing and proposed buildings, and their use(s),<br />

• the location, dimension and size (ie: height, floor area, etc.) of all accessory<br />

facilities, and their proposed use(s),<br />

• dimensions of front, rear and side yards from property lines and centreline of<br />

abutting roadway<br />

• layout of parking areas, including:<br />

o number and dimensions of parking spaces<br />

o number and dimensions of handicapped parking spaces<br />

o parking aisle widths<br />

o type of curbing<br />

o road access points (dimensioned)<br />

o curb radii<br />

• location and dimensions of loading spaces, if applicable<br />

• location of waste collection area(s)<br />

• location, type and height of exterior lighting, if applicable<br />

• location, type and height of all fencing and screening<br />

• location, size and materials for all signs<br />

• location and materials of all existing or proposed trails and/or walkways<br />

• existing and proposed retaining walls (with top and bottom wall elevations)<br />

• location of all outdoor recreational facilities, if provided<br />

• metric scale of 1:200 to 1:500;<br />

• applicant/owner information including name, address and phone no.;<br />

• project name, date, municipal address and legal description of the subject<br />

property;<br />

• revision dates;<br />

• drawing scale<br />

• north arrow;<br />

• Geodetic Benchmark;<br />

• Site statistics including:<br />

Lot Area<br />

Lot Coverage - Proposed<br />

Lot Coverage - Permitted<br />

Gross Floor Area - Proposed<br />

Gross Floor Area - Permitted<br />

Paved Area<br />

Lot Frontage<br />

Landscape Area - Proposed<br />

Landscape Area - Permitted<br />

Parking Spaces - Proposed<br />

Parking Spaces - Permitted<br />

Designated Parking Spaces<br />

3.2 Servicing & Grading Drawing Specifications<br />

In addition to the general drawing specifications, all grading & servicing drawings<br />

shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice in<br />

Ontario and shall include.<br />

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Site Servicing Plans shall contain the following information:<br />

• all existing underground services on the streets, and easements adjacent to<br />

and/or within the limits of the property;<br />

• the location, size, grade, invert elevations of all existing storm and sanitary<br />

service connections to the property;<br />

• the location and size of all existing watermain connections to the property;<br />

• hydrants (all hydrants and Siamese connections shall be fully accessible)<br />

• the basement floor elevations of all buildings to be constructed;<br />

• ditches and swales<br />

• electrical system<br />

• type, size, grades, class and C.S.A. standard for all pipes<br />

• top and invert elevations of all manholes and catchbasins<br />

• precast concrete inspection manhole, if not already existing<br />

• driveway culverts as required<br />

• stormwater management as required<br />

All sanitary and watermains including backflow prevention devices shall be<br />

designed in accordance with the requirements of the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> and<br />

the Ontario Building Code. The watermain shall be isolated from the Municipality’s<br />

water distribution system vis-à-vis a backflow preventor device as determined by<br />

the proponent’s engineer in accordance with Appendix E. A schematic shall be<br />

provided on the submitted Site Servicing drawings if the valve is to be located<br />

inside a building.<br />

The owner shall assume full responsibility for having assured that the building<br />

grades and internal drainage system (storm and sanitary) are such to allow<br />

connection to the Municipal sewers by gravity fall.<br />

Site Grading Plans shall contain the following information:<br />

• centre line of road grades at 15 metre intervals (minimum) along all existing<br />

streets bounding the property, and existing grades;<br />

• a legend indicating which are existing and which are proposed elevations;<br />

• geodetic spot elevations must be noted on the drawings to illustrate existing<br />

grade conditions provided these elevations were obtained from a field survey<br />

on a regular grid pattern with the interval not exceeding 15 metres.<br />

Alternatively, contours at maximum 0.5 metre intervals to indicate the<br />

existing elevations of the site (geodetic based). The grading information must<br />

extend a minimum distance of 15 metres beyond the property limits to<br />

indicate the grading and drainage patterns of adjacent lands;<br />

• proposed and existing elevation at key locations around the site and building<br />

must be identified;<br />

• key elevation locations must include drainage arrows and percentage of<br />

cross fall to catch basins;<br />

• proposed and existing elevation at streetline and at all lot corners as well as<br />

elevations at intermediate and key locations;<br />

• cross sections and sketches to clarify the proposed grading, particularly in<br />

relation to adjacent lands, proposed elevations on paved areas, around<br />

proposed buildings, along swales, along roadways, parking areas, driveways,<br />

catchbasin rim elevations, and any other elevations necessary to establish<br />

the grading and drainage patterns for the development;<br />

• all manholes, catchbasins, hydrants and valves;<br />

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• all sidewalks and walkways with details on construction materials used in<br />

the base and surface sections; consideration given to width of trail and<br />

barrier-free accessibility;<br />

• all top and bottom of curb and retaining walls;<br />

• all building elevations shall be established and referenced to a “Finished<br />

First Floor” or a “Finished Entrance Floor” and a “Finished Basement Floor”<br />

elevation;<br />

• All proposed construction and related work must not create any surface<br />

drainage problems on the subject property, nor on any adjacent private<br />

property or public property.<br />

• the drainage of the site shall be self-contained;<br />

• the grading of the site shall be compatible with the elevation of the<br />

surrounding lands;<br />

• elevations of driveways, sidewalks, parking areas and other paved activity<br />

areas are to be related to the building elevations to achieve positive drainage;<br />

• If a retaining wall is required then a detail must be supplied. If the retaining<br />

wall is defined as designated structure by the Ontario Building Code the<br />

detail will be required to stamped by an Engineer.<br />

3.3 Landscape Details<br />

Landscape Plans shall include the following information:<br />

• adjacent lands and roads marked with spot elevations to show the slope of<br />

land based upon the engineer’s grading plan and architectural site plan;<br />

• walkways, parking areas, exterior lighting, street furniture, hydrants,<br />

boulevard trees, transformers, curbs, signage etc;<br />

• all existing natural features specifically identifying features/trees to be<br />

preserved or re-located;<br />

• all existing trees must be accurately shown and identified as being removed<br />

or preserved. Trees being removed for development purposes shall be<br />

replaced in accordance with municipal by-laws. All trees must be specified<br />

by type, diameter, condition and elevation. While groups of small trees or<br />

shrubs may be depicted together, trees over 60mm caliper must be dealt<br />

with on an individual basis;<br />

• surface materials;<br />

• location and size of all outdoor amenity areas;<br />

• plant list to include: common name, quantity and caliper<br />

• planting details for coniferous trees, deciduous trees and shrubs;<br />

• location of all landscape structures including walkways, retaining walls,<br />

playground apparatus, fences, benches, planters etc;<br />

• spot elevations which locate catch basins, sub-drains, finished ground floor<br />

elevation, door and garage entrances;<br />

• existing and proposed contours;<br />

• all above ground services (ie fire hydrants, manholes, catchbasins, valve<br />

chambers etc).<br />

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4.0 Study/Report <strong>Guide</strong>lines<br />

All studies and reports shall be prepared in accordance with the following<br />

guidelines and through consultation with municipal staff and/or related agencies.<br />

In addition to the following guidelines, a reference list of manuals has been<br />

included in Section 5.1 of this guide and includes generally accepted standards for<br />

construction and engineering details.<br />

4.1 Traffic Study<br />

The submission of a Traffic Study, signed and sealed by a Professional<br />

Engineer, shall be required for all new or expanding multi-residential,<br />

institutional, commercial and industrial developments in accordance with the<br />

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> Site Plan Control By-law<br />

This study would be required to address matters such as access locations and<br />

design, internal traffic flow, traffic control requirements, number of required<br />

parking spaces etc.<br />


Suggestion: Use this section as a worksheet to ensure that no important elements<br />

are overlooked. Cross out items that do not apply. All reports shall be signed and<br />

sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the Province of Ontario.<br />

Report Outline<br />

A. <strong>Development</strong> name and location<br />

B. Applicant name<br />

C. Preparer name and organization<br />

D. Report date<br />

Title Sheet<br />

A. <strong>Development</strong> name and location<br />

B. Applicant's name, address and telephone number<br />

C. Preparer's name, title, organization, address and telephone number<br />

D. Date of original report<br />

E. Report revision date<br />

Table of Contents<br />

List of Figures and Tables<br />

Introduction and Summary<br />

A. Purpose of report and study objectives<br />

B. Executive summary<br />

1. Site location and study area<br />

2. <strong>Development</strong> description<br />

3. Principal findings<br />

4. Conclusions and recommendations<br />

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Proposed <strong>Development</strong><br />

A. Subject site<br />

1. Land use and intensity<br />

2. Location<br />

3. Site plan<br />

4. Zoning<br />

5. Phasing and timing<br />

B. Off-site developments<br />

Area Conditions<br />

A. Study area limits<br />

B. Study area land use<br />

1. Existing land use<br />

2. Existing zoning<br />

3. Anticipated future developments<br />

C. Site accessibility<br />

1. Area roadway system<br />

a. Existing<br />

b. Proposed<br />

2. Traffic volumes<br />

3. Transit service<br />

4. Transportation system management programs<br />

Projected Traffic<br />

A. Site traffic (each horizon year)<br />

1. Trip generation<br />

2. Trip distribution<br />

3. Traffic assignment<br />

B. Non-site traffic (each horizon year)<br />

1. Method of projection<br />

2. Trip generation<br />

3. Trip distribution<br />

4. Traffic assignment<br />

C. Total traffic (each horizon year)<br />

Analysis<br />

A. Site access<br />

B. Capacity and level of service<br />

C. Traffic safety<br />

D. Traffic control<br />

E. Site circulation and parking<br />

Improvement Analysis<br />

A. Improvements to accommodate non-site traffic<br />

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1. Physical<br />

2. Operational<br />

B. Additional improvements to accommodate site traffic<br />

1. Physical<br />

2. Operational<br />

3. Travel demand reduction<br />

C. Alternative improvements<br />

D. Status of improvements already funded, programmed, or planned<br />

E. Evaluation<br />

Findings<br />

A. Site accessibility<br />

B. Traffic impacts<br />

C. Additional improvement<br />

D. Compliance with traffic-related local codes<br />

Recommendations<br />

A. Site access/circulation plan<br />

B. Roadway improvements<br />

1. On-site<br />

2. Off-site<br />

C. Transportation system management actions<br />

D. Other<br />

Conclusion<br />

A. Traffic impact of proposed development<br />

B. Adequacy of proposed plan including recommended improvements<br />

The following key points should be addressed in the analysis before preparing the<br />

final conclusion and recommendation:<br />

1. Show all calculations. Show how all numbers/factors were obtained. This<br />

may be handwritten and placed in a separate appendix.<br />

2. Show demographic information and calculations.<br />

3. Show how the development's driveway's enter/exit percentages were<br />

obtained.<br />

4. Draft plans to scale. Show measurements between all driveways (both<br />

existing and proposed), streets, rail crossings, etc.<br />

5. Show and label all driveways, streets, and rail crossings from and adjacent<br />

to the development on scale plans. Show adjacent signalized intersections<br />

with measurements.<br />

6. Show the development's connections to existing signalized intersections.<br />

7. Note all references used, including page numbers, equations, table/figure<br />

numbers, etc. Note reference information in the report at the point it is<br />

used.<br />

8. Perform a gap analysis on a driveway where a signal is requested. Take<br />

into account adjacent signals. Gap analysis of other proposed drives onsite<br />

may be requested.<br />

9. Compute trip generation for signal warrants using initial development.<br />

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10. Compute trip generation for geometric changes (turn lane lengths, etc.)<br />

using total build-out figures. Give dates for planned expansions. Show<br />

percent growth in volume used.<br />

11. On the signal warrant analysis, justify the percentage of right-turns-on-red<br />

used.<br />

12. If there are any major traffic generators nearby, collect data and show how<br />

it will affect the development.<br />

13. Show exact locations where counts were obtained. Tell how and when<br />

counts were taken.<br />

14. Provide justifications for all driveways requested.<br />

15. Provide copies of raw data.<br />

16. Label all forms completely. Make sure copies are clear and legible<br />

Typical Exhibits in a Detailed Traffic Impact Study<br />

4.2 Stormwater Management Report<br />

The submission of a Stormwater Management Report, signed and sealed by a<br />

Professional Engineer, shall be required for all new or expanding multiresidential,<br />

institutional, commercial and industrial developments in<br />

accordance with the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> Site Plan Control By-law.<br />

Approval shall be obtained by the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority.<br />

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The collection and discharge of stormwater into local watercourses can impact<br />

downstream resources e.g. increased peak flows, sedimentation, increased water<br />

temperature, downstream erosion, nutrient and pollutant loading. All of these<br />

factors can adversely affect water quality and fisheries.<br />

A stormwater management report, if required, shall include the following:<br />

• quality and quantity control measures;<br />

• post-development and pre-development calculations of flows;<br />

• restrictions on the number of roof drains to provide detention of stormwater;<br />

• detention of stormwater on parking areas;<br />

• oversizing storm sewers to create pipe storage;<br />

• reduced grading to allow greater ponding of stormwater and natural<br />

filtration;<br />

• roof leaders or downspouts are to be connected to the storm drainage<br />

system.<br />

• soil compaction and infiltration measures;<br />

• overland flows;<br />

• detention or permanent stormwater storage.<br />

Please refer to the guideline prepared by the Ganaraska Region Conservation<br />

Authority (GRCA) entitled “Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for Stormwater Management”<br />

(Appendix F) which provides an overview of the agency’s requirements for<br />

stormwater submissions.<br />

4.3 Land Use Planning Report<br />

The submission of a Land Use Planning Report shall only be required if<br />

deemed necessary during a Pre-consultation meeting.<br />

A Land Use Planning Report shall include:<br />

• Detailed description with respect to the nature and extent of the proposed<br />

development<br />

• Detailed review of existing Official Plan and Zoning By-law designation of the<br />

subject lands<br />

• Detailed planning review of proposed amendments in accordance with all<br />

provincial legislation and policies, including, but not limited to the Planning<br />

Act, Provincial Policy Statement, Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan,<br />

Greenbelt Plan, and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe<br />

• A component of the Land Use Planning Report may include a market impact<br />

analysis, if identified by staff<br />

4.4 Heritage Impact Assessment<br />

The submission of a Heritage Impact Assessment shall only be required if<br />

deemed necessary during a Pre-consultation meeting.<br />

A Heritage Impact Assessment is a study to determine if any cultural heritage<br />

resources are impacted by a specific proposed development. It can also<br />

demonstrate how the cultural heritage resource will be conserved in the context of<br />

redevelopment. Mitigative or avoidance measure or alternative development<br />

approaches may be recommended. Heritage Impact Assessments must be prepared<br />

by qualified individuals, such as architectural and landscape consultants with<br />

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knowledge of accepted standards of historical research, identification, evaluation,<br />

and methods of conservation and mitigation.<br />

A Heritage Impact Assessment shall include:<br />

• Historical Research, Site Analysis and Evaluation<br />

• Identification of the Significance and Heritage Attributes of the Cultural<br />

Heritage Resource<br />

• Description of the Proposed <strong>Development</strong><br />

• Measurement of the <strong>Development</strong> Impact<br />

• Consideration of Alternatives, Mitigation and Conservation Methods<br />

• Implementation and Monitoring<br />

• Summary Statement and Conservation Recommendations<br />

4.5 Agricultural Impact Analysis<br />

The submission of an Agricultural Impact Analysis shall only be required if<br />

deemed necessary during a Pre-consultation meeting.<br />

An Agricultural Impact Analysis will demonstrate the following:<br />

• justification for the need for the proposed use(s) within the agricultural area;<br />

• that there is no reasonable alternative location which avoids the agricultural<br />

areas;<br />

• that there is no reasonable alternative location on lands with lesser<br />

agricultural capability; and,<br />

• that the permitted use(s)s do not conflict with existing agricultural uses, and<br />

meet local needs or the needs of the community or are related to rural<br />

resources that require large tracts of land and are therefore not suitable in<br />

the settlement area(s) of the municipality.<br />

4.6 Site Servicing Study<br />

The submission of a Site Servicing Study, prepared by a Professional<br />

Engineer, shall only be required if deemed necessary during a Preconsultation<br />

meeting.<br />

A Site Servicing Study shall include:<br />

• water service capacity analysis<br />

• sanitary sewer capacity analysis<br />

• servicing options<br />

• an assessment of water storage<br />

• confirmation of sufficient operating pressures and flows to service the<br />

proposed development for both potable supply and fire protection<br />

• a model of the proposed development using the department’s current generic<br />

model base<br />

• digital copy for review and approval<br />

4.7 Hydro-geological/Geotechnical Study<br />

The submission of a Hydro-geolical/Geotechnical Study, prepared by a<br />

Professional Engineer, shall only be required if deemed necessary during a<br />

Pre-consultation meeting.<br />

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If the proposed development would be on privately owned and operated individual<br />

or communal septic systems, and more than 4500 litres of effluent would be<br />

produced per day as a result of the development being completed, a servicing<br />

options report and a hydrogeological report shall be required.A Hydrogeological/Geotechnical<br />

Study shall include:<br />

• Hydrogeology analysis to demonstrate the availability and adequacy of<br />

groundwater supply<br />

• Geotechnical (soils) analysis with respect to surface drainage characteristics<br />

and the ability of the soils to sustain development on the basis of private<br />

services<br />

4.8 Environmental Impact Study<br />

The submission of an Environmental Impact Study shall only be required if<br />

deemed necessary during a Pre-consultation meeting.<br />

An Environmental Impact Study will address potential impacts on sensitive<br />

environemental areas and will establish mitigative measures wherever feasible.<br />

An Environmental Impact Study shall include:<br />

• An executive summary<br />

• Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework<br />

• Description of the Environment<br />

• Description the Proposed Project<br />

• Significant Environmental Impacts<br />

• Mitigation Measures<br />

• Monitoring Plan<br />

• Maps, Photographs/Appendices/List of References/CV of study team<br />

4.9 Lighting & Photometric Design Study<br />

The submission of a Photometric Design Report shall only be required if<br />

deemed necessary during a Pre-consultation meeting.<br />

The photometric design report shall be prepared in accordance with the <strong>Guide</strong> for<br />

the Design of Roadway Lighting. The report shall ensure there is sufficient<br />

luminescence for the proposed entrance and parking lot.<br />

4.10 Noise Impact Study<br />

The submission of a Noise Impact Study, prepared by a Professional Engineer<br />

in environmental acoustics, shall only be required if deemed necessary during<br />

a Pre-consultation meeting.<br />

Typically, a Noise Impact Study will be required if the lands are within:<br />

• 100 metres from a freeway right-of-way;<br />

• 50 metres from a provincial highway right-of-way;<br />

• 100 metres from a principal main railway right-of-way; or,<br />

• 50 metres from a secondary main railway line right-of-way.<br />

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The objective of the study is to estimate the feasibility of the proposal in the context<br />

of site design and the extent of control measures such as barriers, ventilation<br />

requirements and building components. The study will assess the site layout<br />

including the roadways and orientation of the buildings, as well as allow for<br />

consideration of the appropriate zoning including industrial, commercial, high, low<br />

and medium density residential use. The study will identify land use conflicts as<br />

well as determine noise control measures.<br />

4.11 Slope Stability Study<br />

The submission of a Slope Stability Study, signed and sealed by a Professional<br />

Engineer, shall only be required if deemed necessary during a Preconsultation<br />

meeting.<br />

The Slope Stability Study will analyse sliding, overturning, global instability,<br />

inclusion of hydrostatic pressures, soil bearing capacities, factors of safety for each<br />

failure.<br />

A factor of safety for each failure mode (i.e. slip failure, overturn failure, and global<br />

instability) must be provided and adequately referenced. Hydrostatic pressure must<br />

also be taken into consideration.<br />

4.12 Arborist Report<br />

The submission of a Tree Preservation Plan, prepared by a Landscape<br />

Architect, shall only be required if deemed necessary during a Preconsultation<br />

meeting. If deemed necessary, all trees/vegetation shall remain<br />

undisturbed until such time as an approval has been given and the Tree<br />

Preservation Plan has been agreed to by the Municipality. The Tree Preservation<br />

Plan shall include the following:<br />

• identify all trees with a minimum caliper of 60mm and group together<br />

masses of vegetation by outlining the canopy;<br />

• the location of existing trees are to be surveyed and located on the Plan by<br />

an O.L.S.;<br />

• clearly identify all plant material by providing species, quantity, size, height,<br />

condition and indicate if material is to be saved, removed or re-located;<br />

• boulevard trees;<br />

• trees/vegetation within 3 metres of subject property;<br />

• proposed and existing grades, proposed entrances and utilities;<br />

• after care of trees to be preserved should be identified;<br />

• details of how trees will be successfully preserved during construction and<br />

post construction must be clearly identified.<br />

4.13 Archaeological Assessment<br />

The submission of an Archaeological Assessment, prepared by a consultant<br />

licenced by the Ministry of Culture, shall only be required if deemed<br />

necessary during a Pre-consultation meeting.<br />

The Archaeological Assessment shall include the following:<br />

• Introduction and Background Research<br />

• Assessment Methodology<br />

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• Archaeological Findings<br />

• Graphics<br />

• Evaluation of Site Significance<br />

• Recommendations<br />

4.14 Financial Impact Analysis<br />

The submission of a Financial Impact Analysis shall only be required if<br />

deemed necessary during a Pre-consultation meeting.<br />

A Financial Impact Analysis will study the impacts of the proposed development on<br />

the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>. It will include estimates of annual operating and<br />

capital costs of any such facilities and services (including maintenance) required to<br />

accommodate the subject development. A review of the impact of the proposed<br />

development on the Municipality’s <strong>Development</strong> Charges By-law and policies shall<br />

also be provided.<br />

4.15 Sediment & Erosion Control Plan<br />

The submission of a Sediment & Erosion Control Plan shall only be required if<br />

deemed necessary during a Pre-consultation meeting.<br />

Disturbance of surface material and stockpiling of soil during construction can<br />

produce substantial quantities of sediment. Sediment can have adverse impacts on<br />

retained vegetation features and on down-gradient aquatic features.<br />

A Sediment & Erosion Control Plan shall address the construction of the following:<br />

• mud mat, temp swales, tree preservation, silt fence and temporary pond, if<br />

required.<br />

• silt control fence shall be installed around the perimeter of the site and<br />

maintained until the completion of the landscaping;<br />

• catchbasin buffers are to be installed at all catchbasins and catchbasins<br />

manhole locations upon completion of servicing;<br />

• accumulated silt to be removed off site prior to removal of the silt control<br />

fence;<br />

• contractor to install and maintain mud mat at construction access in order<br />

to prevent mud tracking onto adjacent roads. Mud mat to be 25m long and<br />

6m wide and shall consist of 100mm clear stone and 400mm deep;<br />

• contractor to clean adjacent roads on a regular basis to the satisfaction of<br />

the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> whichever is applicable. The road shall be, at a<br />

minimum scraped daily and flushed on Friday evening or Saturday morning,<br />

or as directed by the Municipality;<br />

• the silt fence must be inspected weekly and immediately after rainfall events<br />

for rips or tears, broken stakes, blow outs (structural failure) and<br />

accumulation of sediment. The silt fence must be fixed and/or replaced<br />

immediately when damaged. Sediment must be removed from silt fence<br />

when accumulation reaches 50% of the height of the fence;<br />

• the owner will seed, mulch and maintain the entire site if a building permit<br />

is not issued within 270 days of the Sediment and Erosion Control Permit<br />

being issued;<br />

• if the site remains dormant at any time for more than 270 days then the<br />

owner shall seed, mulch and maintain areas that have been disturbed and<br />

are otherwise unfinished;<br />

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• upon completion of landscaping all sediment and erosion control measures<br />

shall be removed.<br />

4.16 Soils Management Plan<br />

The submission of a Soils Management Plan shall only be required if deemed<br />

necessary during a Pre-consultation meeting.<br />

The Proponent shall provide a detailed soils management plan for the development<br />

and shall demonstrate sufficient laboratory analysis prior to disposal of any soils<br />

off-site. Further, the developer shall ensure, through the provision of sufficient<br />

laboratory testing, that all soils within the development lands are sufficient in<br />

accordance with the Environmental Protection Act and regulations thereto. The<br />

soils testing results shall be remitted to the Municipality for review and<br />

consideration and the cost of such review shall be borne by the Developer. The<br />

soils management plan shall detail the location of all off-site disposal sites, and<br />

shall include the professional examination and determination of the sufficiency of<br />

these sites in accordance with EPA regulations and guidelines.<br />

4.17 Radiological Soils Survey<br />

The submission of a Radiological Soils Survey, signed and sealed by a<br />

qualified consultant, shall only be required if deemed necessary during a Preconsultation<br />

meeting.<br />

The Radiological Soils Survey is a study to investigate any radiological presence on<br />

the lands to be developed. The Radiological Soils Survey is reviewed in consultation<br />

the Low-level Radioactive Waste Management Office. Any mitigative measures will<br />

be completed under the guidance the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> and the Low-level<br />

Radioactive Waste Management Office.<br />

4.18 Environmental Site Assessment (Phase 1 and 2)<br />

The submission of an Environmental Site Assessment, signed and sealed by a<br />

qualified consultant, shall only be required if deemed necessary during a Preconsultation<br />

meeting.<br />

An initial assessment (Phase 1) is required to determine the likelihood that<br />

contaminants have affected the property. A more detailed assessment (Phase 2)<br />

may be requirement to determine the concentration of contaminants on the<br />

property. For some types of proposed changes of property use, such as from<br />

industrial to residential, the filing of a record of site condition is mandatory. The<br />

record of site condition must certify that the property meets the standards<br />

prescribed by regulation or that the property meets the property-specific standards<br />

specified in a risk assessment.<br />

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General Design <strong>Guide</strong>lines<br />

5.0 The following is a list of engineering and construction reference documents<br />

generally accepted by the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>:<br />

• Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code<br />

• Commentary on CAN/CSA-26-00 (Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code)<br />

• Highway Traffic Act<br />

• MOE – <strong>Guide</strong>lines for the Design of – Sanitary Sewer Systems; Storm Sewer<br />

Systems; Water Distribution Systems; Water Storage Facilities<br />

• MTO – Geometric Design Standards for Ontario Highways<br />

• MTO – Roadside Safety Manual<br />

• Ontario Provincial Standards (OPS): Volume 1 (General Conditions of<br />

Contract & Specs for Const); Volume 2 (Material), Volume 2 (Specifications<br />

for Material), Volume 3 (Drawings for Roads, Barriers, Drainage, Storm<br />

Sewers, Watermains & Structures)<br />

• Ontario Traffic Manuals (Book 1-7)<br />

• Site Condition (Records) – A <strong>Guide</strong> on Site Assessment; Cleanup of<br />

Brownfield Sites; and, the Filing of Records of Site Conditions<br />

• TAC Geometric Design <strong>Guide</strong> for Canadian Road (Part 1 & Part 2)<br />

• TAC <strong>Guide</strong> for the Design of Roadway Lighting (Volume 1 & Volume 2)<br />

• TAC Turning Vehicle Templates<br />

• TAC Uniform Traffic Control Devices<br />

• TAC Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Metric Edition)<br />

5.1 Landscape Design & Standards<br />

In preparing a Landscape Plan, landscape design considerations must achieve the<br />

fundamental objective to provide an aesthetically pleasing view of the subject<br />

development from the street. Parking lots have a significant impact on both the<br />

aesthetic qualities and functional elements of a development. As such, landscape<br />

plans must attempt to break up the monotony of paved surfaces, define internal<br />

driveways for traffic movement vs. parking, and screen headlights from abutting<br />

areas.<br />

The use of specialty pavings within pedestrian areas is encouraged to define<br />

crossing points, arrival and entrance areas, and amenity spaces. Such pavings<br />

shall compliment the architectural style and facade treatments of proposed<br />

buildings.<br />

Additional landscaping is also required and shall unify the appearance of the<br />

subject property as well as be compatible with adjacent lands. Specific attention<br />

should be focused along primary street frontages, main entrances, adjacent to<br />

residential neighbourhoods, and along foundations of buildings. A variety of<br />

plantings should be provided for year-round interest and should be provided in an<br />

adequate quantity to achieve a good balance of trees, shrubs, sodded areas etc<br />

Large projects shall also provide for pedestrian connections within the site itself, as<br />

well as from external locations. Walkways/sidewalks must take into account car<br />

overhangs, trees, signage, bike racks, benches etc. Landscaping along walkways,<br />

sidewalks and trails must be considerate of sight lines and the safety of pedestrian<br />

and vehicular traffic.<br />

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Landscape plans must take into account adjacent lands. Buffer requirements will<br />

be determined by the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> and may include any combination<br />

of the following: landscape strip width, plantings, fencing and berming. In addition<br />

to the aesthetic qualities that soft landscaping presents, fencing and/or berming<br />

may be required to serve as a noise reduction and/or privacy enhancing element.<br />

Landscape Standards<br />

• deciduous trees must have a min. trunk caliper of 60mm;<br />

• coniferous trees must have a min. height of 1.8 metres;<br />

• shrubs required for screening must have a min. height of 1.2 metres at the<br />

time of planting;<br />

• other required shrubs shall have a min. height or spread of 50cm;<br />

• deciduous trees of 50mm to 75mm should be wire basket or B&B;<br />

• deciduous trees planted in a row should be centred 5 to 7 metres apart for<br />

small flowering trees, and 7 to 12 m apart for shade trees;<br />

• evergreen trees should be spaced 4 to 8 m apart depending on effect;<br />

• shrub spacing depends on variety, however, shrubs should be grouped in<br />

large beds and shall be mulched to a min. depth of 70mm;<br />

• all mulch shall be shredded bark.<br />

The above standards are minimum requirements. Trees and/or shrubs may be<br />

required to be planted at closer intervals, with higher calipers and in greater<br />

quantities if a specific purpose is identified by the Municipality.<br />

5.2 Parking Standards<br />

Parking areas should be located in close proximity to building entrances and<br />

provide an easily identifiable pathway to the building entrance. Barrier-free and<br />

visitor parking spaces should be close to the main entrance.<br />

Parking areas should generally be located behind the building mass at the side and<br />

rear of buildings. This will allow buildings to be located closer to the street and<br />

reinforce the Municipality’s objective of creating attractive, pedestrian-oriented<br />

streets.<br />

Curbed landscaped islands should be utilized at the end of parking lot aisles along<br />

major vehicular routes. Islands should also be used to visually divide large parking<br />

lots. The provision of islands and internal landscaping should be of a scale<br />

appropriate for the size of the parking lot and be 2.5 to 3 metres in width to sustain<br />

tree planting.<br />

The Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> Zoning By-law 2857/73 requirements relating to<br />

parking stall size, aisle width and loading spaces are as follows:<br />

Minimum Parking Space Length - Standard<br />

Minimum Parking Space Width - Standard<br />

Barrier Free Parking Space Length<br />

Barrier Free Parking Space Width<br />

Minimum Aisle Width<br />

Loading Space Length<br />

5.4 metres<br />

2.7 metres<br />

5.4 metres<br />

3.65 metres<br />

5.5 metres<br />

9.0 metres<br />

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Loading Space Width<br />

Loading Space Vertical Clearance<br />

3.7 metres<br />

4.3 metres<br />

5.3 Sidewalks and Pedestrian Connections<br />

All applicants may be required to construct a public sidewalk across the full<br />

frontage of the subject property. Primary pedestrian connections should be<br />

barrier-free, and should be provided directly from the public street sidewalk to the<br />

principle building entrances and parking areas.<br />

In addition, secondary pedestrian connections (on-site sidewalks) should link major<br />

activity areas, provide a pathway through large parking areas, and a pathway<br />

between parking areas and building side yards. Trails may also be considered and<br />

identified as pedestrian connections and will be promoted where possible.<br />

Pedestrian connection surface treatments should provide for safe movement under<br />

all weather conditions and be of low maintenance materials. Textured concrete<br />

with score lines is encouraged.<br />

5.4 Barrier-Free Accessibility<br />

Barrier Free Entrances, ramps, walks and parking spaces shall be designed in<br />

accordance with the Ontario Building Code and with the following design criteria:<br />

Entrances, ramps and walks<br />

• every non-residential and high density residential building shall have at<br />

least one Barrier Free entrance;<br />

• Barrier Free Path of Travel for the purpose of this manual is defined as a<br />

continuous plane not interrupted by steps or abrupt changes is elevation<br />

greater than 13mm.;<br />

• the sidewalk or landing at the Barrier Free entrance must have a minimum<br />

1.5m x 1.5m level area no greater than 13mm below the first floor entrance<br />

elevation;<br />

• all the Barrier Free entrances in a multi-tenant commercial and industrial<br />

buildings must be interconnected by 1.5m accessible sidewalk. This<br />

sidewalk must provide a continuous Barrier Free path of travel;<br />

• a continuous Barrier Free path of travel must be provided from the Barrier<br />

Free parking space to the Barrier Free building entrance;<br />

• exterior ramps must have a gradient between 1:12 and 1:20 and be<br />

equipped with handrails and guards. Refer to the Ontario Building Code for<br />

the technical details;<br />

• exterior walkways less than 1:20 are not considered as a ramp;<br />

• all exterior walkways and ramps shall be designed to meet the requirements<br />

of Ontario Building Code;<br />

• Barrier Free Path of Travel should designed so a person does not cross a<br />

driveway or pass behind parked vehicles;<br />

• Barrier Free Path of Travel should be as close as possible to the Barrier Free<br />

entrance and not exceed a length of 30 metres;<br />

Parking Spaces<br />

• maximum permitted cross and longitudinal slope for a Barrier Parking space<br />

shall be 2%;<br />

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• Barrier Free parking spaces shall paved, gravel is not acceptable;<br />

• supply Barrier Free parking space sign as detail in the design criteria;<br />

• optional: Supply a yellow painted disabled symbol with a painted blue<br />

background on the asphalt parking space 1.2m x 1.2m (the painted area<br />

must be of a slip resistant surface);<br />

• the supply of Barrier Free parking spaces shall be distributed near the<br />

Barrier Free entrances in multi-tenant buildings and throughout a multibuilding<br />

site;<br />

• a drop off area for passengers arriving in paratransit vehicles should be<br />

provided as close as possible to the Barrier Free entrance of the building (if<br />

that services is intended for the site) refer to the Ontario Building Code for<br />

the technical details;<br />

• minimum Barrier Free parking space size 3.65m x 5.4m.<br />

The number of handicapped automobile parking spaces required may be included<br />

as part of the total number of automobile parking spaces required under Section<br />

9.16 of Zoning By-law 2857/73 and shall apply to those land uses as specified in<br />

Section 9.16 or as otherwise amended. Handicapped automobile parking spaces<br />

shall be provided as follows:<br />

Save and Except for hospitals and medical centres or medical clinics:<br />

Number of Automobile<br />

Parking Spaces Required<br />

Minimum Number of<br />

Handicapped<br />

Automobile Parking Spaces<br />

Required<br />

0 - 4 Nil<br />

5 - 20 1<br />

21 - 50 2<br />

Each additional 50 or part<br />

thereof<br />

1<br />

For hospitals and medical centres or medical clinics:<br />

Number of Automobile<br />

Parking Spaces Required<br />

Minimum Number of Handicapped<br />

Automobile Parking Spaces<br />

Required<br />

0 - 5 1<br />

6 - 20 1<br />

21 - 50 2<br />

Each additional 30 or part<br />

thereof<br />

1<br />

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The tables above shall apply to all new buildings and additions to existing buildings<br />

where the additional increases the gross floor area by 25% or more.<br />

5.5 Waste Management<br />

Waste storage areas must be inconspicuous, litter free and control odour. The<br />

design must be convenient for the occupants of the building and facilitate the<br />

removal of waste at regular intervals without inhibiting the safe and convenient use<br />

of the site. The facility must be inside the building with exterior access and wholly<br />

enclosed within a building.<br />

5.6 Signage<br />

All signage should designed to fit with the architectural features and character of<br />

the building thereby complimenting and enhancing the site and streetscape to<br />

assist in identification and orientation of the development for the general public<br />

and so far as not to interfere with adjacent users. All proposed signage shall be in<br />

accordance with the current Municipality’s Sign By-law and may required approval<br />

from Heritage <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> if the building is designated under the Heritage Act.<br />

Please note that a separate Building Permit is required for signage.<br />

5.7 Lighting Details<br />

All proposed lighting, whether pole-mounted, building-mounted, shall be designed<br />

in such a way as to be of minimal interference with adjacent properties. For<br />

proposed development adjacent to residential development, lighting shall be of<br />

reduced intensity, be directed downward as well as inward and be designed to<br />

maintain zero cutoff light distribution at the property line. Lighting shall be<br />

provided for parking areas and pedestrian walkways.<br />

5.8 Electrical Servicing<br />

The developer shall provide proof of an Electrical Servicing Agreement with Veridian<br />

Connections prior to final approval.<br />

5.9 Fire Access Routes and Fire Hydrants<br />

Fire Department access routes shall:<br />

• be clearly defined and shall be located in accordance with the Ontario<br />

Building Code;<br />

• be connected to a public thoroughfare with a clear inside driveway width of<br />

6.0 metres;<br />

• be located not less than 3 metres and not more than 15 metres measured<br />

horizontally from each face of the building required to face a street;<br />

• have an overhead clearance of not less than 5 metres;<br />

• have a centre line turning radius of not less than 12 metres with respect to<br />

any change in direction of the access route complete with a 3 metre<br />

clearance from the centre line to any obstruction such as islands or parking;<br />

• have turn around facilities for any dead end portion of the access point<br />

exceeding 90 metres;<br />

• be designed to support the expected loads imposed by fire fighting<br />

equipment and be surfaced with concrete, asphalt or other material designed<br />

to permit accessibility under all climatic conditions;<br />

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> Page 25 of 28

• emergency access routes shall be constructed in accordance with the<br />

Municipality’s standard;<br />

• cul-de-sacs/ dead-end streets over 90 metres shall be discouraged;<br />

• two remote means of ingress/egress shall be required for all streets<br />

exceeding 100 metres.<br />

Fire hydrants:<br />

whether on-street or private, are to be clearly identified on the plan;<br />

• shall be located within 90 metres horizontally of any portion of the building<br />

perimeter which is required to face a street;<br />

• where possible, should be positioned not closer than 12 metres to any<br />

building face;<br />

• shall be installed in compliance with the requirements of the Municipality of<br />

<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>;<br />

• shall be located in an area unobstructed by landscaping;<br />

• upon completion of the project, the installing contractor shall certify in<br />

writing to the Fire Department that the hydrant(s) have been tested and left<br />

fully operational.<br />

Standpipe and Sprinkler Siamese Connections shall:<br />

• be located in accordance with the Ontario Building Code and shall be<br />

identified on the plan;<br />

• be located within 45 metres of a fire hydrant;<br />

• be located adjacent to a street or fire access route;<br />

• be located in an area unobstructed by landscaping.<br />

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> Page 26 of 28

6.0 Final Approval<br />

6.1 Planning Department Requirements<br />

Once final approval has been granted by the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, the<br />

proponent shall sign and seal and deliver the required number of legal sized copies<br />

of the approved development agreement to the Planning Department.<br />

Further, the proponent shall submit the required number of paper copies and (1)<br />

digital copy of Approved Drawings signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer<br />

licensed to practice in the Province of Ontario.<br />

All financial obligations will be required under the approved development<br />

agreement consisting of cash and/or Bank Letter of Credit or Guarantee Bond,<br />

issued by a surety or guarantee company licensed by the Province of Ontario.<br />

Further, the Agreement will be registered on title to the lands.<br />

6.2 Total <strong>Development</strong> Cost Form<br />

The proponent shall reimburse the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> for review and<br />

approval costs, and shall remit a flat rate fee in accordance with the Total<br />

<strong>Development</strong> Cost Form (Appendix G).<br />

6.3 Public Works Pre-Construction Requirements<br />

• Payment of Public Works User Fees as outlined in Appendix H<br />

• MOE Certificate of Approval for watermains.<br />

• MOE Certificate of Approval for sanitary sewer. Flow calculations shall be<br />

submitted.<br />

• MOE Certificate of Approval for Noise and Air.<br />

• MOE Certificate of Approval for Storm sewer. Design sheets shall be included<br />

• Completed and approved Traffic Control Plan, including approved detour route<br />

plan, signage and other in accordance with OTM Book 7.<br />

• Copy of Notice of Project with the Ministry of Labour.<br />

• Contractor’s Liability Insurance naming the Municipality and agents as<br />

additional insured in the amount of $5,000,000.00.<br />

• Developer’s liability insurance indemnifying the Municipality for $5,000,000.00.<br />

• Notification of Police, Fire and Emergency Services, Municipal Transit (Coach<br />

Canada), and local School Boards.<br />

• A copy of the contract specification/documents for Municipal records.<br />

• Copy of Contractor’s WSIB clearance form.<br />

• List of Project Manager and site superintendent/inspector, c/w 24 hour contact<br />

numbers.<br />

• 96 hours written notice prior to start of construction.<br />

• Approved schedule of work.<br />

• Advance notice of work to homes along area of construction for sidewalk,<br />

driveway cuts and other roadwork’s (Contractor’s responsibility).<br />

• Notification of start-up meeting, c/w Low Level Radioactive Waste office and<br />

Public Works staff in attendance.<br />

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6.4 Building Permit Requirements<br />

• Completed Building Permit application<br />

• Two (2) sets of construction plans, including specs for heating and ventilation<br />

equipment (e.g. HRVs, furnaces and exhaust fans)<br />

• All fees and charges as outlined in the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> Building Fee<br />

Schedule (Appendix I)<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Pre-consultation Checklist<br />

Pre-consultation Meeting Checklist<br />

This guide is applicable to those applications that relate to new or expanding multiresidential,<br />

institutional, commercial and industrial developments in accordance<br />

with the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> Site Plan Control By-law, inclusive of:<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Official Plan Amendments;<br />

Zoning By-law Amendments;<br />

Plans of Subdivision; and,<br />

Site Plan Control Approval.<br />

As such, not all issues set out herein will apply in all circumstances. This planning<br />

tool is intended to assist in determining the requirements for submission that will<br />

enable a development application to be fully assessed as quickly and thoroughly as<br />

possible.<br />

Details on Proposed Project<br />

Particulars on the proposed development subject of the pre-consultation meeting<br />

Location of Property:<br />

Description of Project:<br />

• Proposed land use:<br />

• Size of property:<br />

• Gross floor area:<br />

• Building height:<br />

• Number of dwelling units (if<br />

applicable):<br />

Project Proponent:<br />

1 st phase 2 nd phase Other<br />

Contact (owner, agent, applicant):<br />

Address: Municipality: Postal Code:<br />

Phone: Fax: Email:<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Pre-consultation Checklist<br />

Pre-consultation Meeting<br />

Particulars on the pre-consultation meeting<br />

Date: Place: Time:<br />

Attending:<br />

Municipality Developer Other<br />

Note: While every attempt<br />

will be made during the<br />

pre-consultation process to<br />

identify all requisite reports<br />

and documentation, it must<br />

be understood that as<br />

review of an application<br />

proceeds, the need for<br />

additional information or<br />

studies may arise.<br />

Pre-consultation Meeting<br />

Nature of application subject of the preconsultation<br />

meeting<br />

Official Plan Amendment Application<br />

Zoning By-law Amendment Application<br />

Application for Subdivision or<br />

Condominium Approval<br />

Application for Site Plan Approval<br />

<br />

Official Plan Land Use<br />

Describe current and proposed designation:<br />

Zoning By-law<br />

Give an overview of current and proposed zoning:<br />

Applicable Provincial Policies inclusive of Provincial Plans<br />

Discuss legislative authority and identify potential conflicts:<br />

Potential land use conflicts<br />

Describe:<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Pre-consultation Checklist<br />

Is this a proposal to alter the boundary of a settlement area or to implement<br />

a new area of settlement?<br />

Please answer yes or no, if yes, discuss supporting material required to fulfill requirements of a<br />

comprehensive review:<br />

Is this a proposal to remove land from an area of employment?<br />

Please answer yes or no, if yes, discuss supporting material required to fulfill requirements of a<br />

comprehensive review:<br />

Past contamination<br />

Outline history of land uses:<br />

Environmentally sensitive areas (ie. wetland, wildlife habitat, watercourse<br />

that supports a fishery) located on or adjacent to the subject lands<br />

Describe:<br />

Proposed services for the subject development<br />

Sanitary<br />

Describe existing and proposed:<br />

Water<br />

Describe existing and proposed:<br />

Storm water<br />

Describe existing and proposed:<br />

Electrical<br />

Describe existing and proposed:<br />

Access to the subject lands<br />

Give an overview:<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Proximity of agricultural uses<br />

Discuss:<br />

Pre-consultation Checklist<br />

Archaeological potential<br />

Discuss whether site exhibits characteristics that would warrant investigation:<br />

Lands/Buildings designated pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act<br />

Discuss status of subject property and status of adjacent lands and/or buildings:<br />

Municipality’s Back Flow Prevention <strong>Guide</strong>lines<br />

Discuss how guidelines will be applied:<br />

Cash-in-lieu of parkland policy<br />

Discuss how policy may apply:<br />

<strong>Development</strong> Approval Application – required plans<br />

The following plans will be required to be submitted in support of development<br />

application. Please check all those that apply.<br />

Boundary Survey boundary survey of site showing easements, other<br />

Plan<br />

encumbrances, existing buildings<br />

layout of buildings onsite, setbacks, parking areas,<br />

Site Plan<br />

driveways, landscaped areas<br />

Grading & pre & post development grading & drainage on the subject<br />

Drainage Plan<br />

Site Servicing<br />

Plan<br />

Landscape Plan<br />

Floor Plans<br />

Elevation<br />

Drawings<br />

Cross-section<br />

Drawings<br />

Perspective<br />

Drawings<br />

lands and on adjoining lands<br />

layouts out how the site is to be serviced with municipal<br />

sewer, water, and other services<br />

existing trees, trees to be removed and landscaping to be<br />

installed, including walkways<br />

typically for multi-unit residential or institutional<br />

developments containing dwelling units<br />

typically for developments exceeding 5,000 m 2 GFA<br />

typically for multi-residential apartment developments or<br />

other multi-storey buildings<br />

typically for commercial projects where the GFA would<br />

exceed 10,000 m 2<br />

<br />

<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Pre-consultation Checklist<br />

Required Studies or Documentation to be Submitted<br />

Studies or special reports shall be required where there is an identified need for the<br />

information that will be beneficial in resolving an issue or assist in proper<br />

assessment or advancement of a development application.<br />

Study/Documentation Required? See Section of<br />

<strong>Development</strong><br />

<strong>Guide</strong><br />

Traffic study<br />

Comments: yes 4.1<br />

Stormwater Management Report<br />

Comments: yes 4.2<br />

Land Use Planning Report<br />

Comments:<br />

Heritage Impact Assessment<br />

Comments:<br />

Agricultural Impact Analysis<br />

Comments:<br />

Site Servicing Study<br />

Comments:<br />

Hydro-geological/Geotechnical Study<br />

Comments:<br />

Environmental Impact Study<br />

Comments:<br />

Lighting & Photometric Design Study<br />

Comments:<br />

Noise Impact Study<br />

Comments:<br />

yes<br />

no<br />

yes<br />

no<br />

yes<br />

no<br />

yes<br />

no<br />

yes<br />

no<br />

yes<br />

no<br />

yes<br />

no<br />

yes<br />

no<br />

4.3<br />

4.4<br />

4.5<br />

4.6<br />

4.7<br />

4.8<br />

4.9<br />

4.10<br />

Page 5 of 6

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Slope Stability Study<br />

Comments:<br />

Pre-consultation Checklist<br />

yes<br />

no<br />

4.11<br />

Arborist Report<br />

Comments:<br />

Archaeological Assessment<br />

Comments:<br />

Financial Impact Assessment<br />

Comments:<br />

Sediment & Erosion Control Plan<br />

Comments:<br />

Environmental Site Assessment<br />

Comments:<br />

Soils Management Plan<br />

Comments:<br />

Radiological Soils Survey<br />

Comments:<br />

Environmental Site Assessment<br />

Comments:<br />

yes<br />

no<br />

yes<br />

no<br />

yes<br />

no<br />

yes<br />

no<br />

yes<br />

no<br />

yes<br />

no<br />

yes<br />

no<br />

yes<br />

no<br />

4.12<br />

4.13<br />

4.14<br />

4.15<br />

4.16<br />

4.17<br />

4.18<br />

4.19<br />

Acknowledgment<br />

The parties below acknowledge that full disclosure of the issues has taken place<br />

with respect to the proposal before us. All identified plans, documentation and<br />

studies must be submitted in order to constitute a complete application.<br />

Dated this day of 2___<br />

Please initial:<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Zoning By-law/Official Plan<br />

Amendment Application Form<br />



For Office Use Only<br />

File No: Date Received: Fee Paid:<br />

For additional details on the application process, please contact:<br />

Planning Department Tel. 905-885-2415<br />

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> Fax. 905-885-5521<br />

56 Queen Street, P.O. Box 117<br />

<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario<br />

L1A 3V9<br />

Email. planning@porthope.ca<br />

A complete application consists of the following:<br />

Application Fee<br />

Cheques can be made payable to the<br />

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> – please note<br />

that there will be other fees imposed by<br />

other agencies for their review<br />

Application Form<br />

One (1) original copy of the completed<br />

and signed original<br />

Recent Survey<br />

One (1) copy prepared by an Ontario<br />

Land Surveyor<br />

Drawings and/or plans<br />

Twenty (20) copies of each drawing or<br />

plan required. Drawings and/or plans<br />

shall be prepared in accordance with<br />

the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

<strong>Development</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

Reduced copy of drawings and/or<br />

plans<br />

One full reduced set of all required<br />

drawings and/or plans (no larger than<br />

11-inches x 17-inches)<br />

Digital copy of drawings and/or A digital PDF version of all required<br />

plans<br />

Studies, Reports or other supporting<br />

materials identified during a preconsultation<br />

meeting<br />

drawings and/or plans<br />

Three (3) copies for Staff and/or<br />

agencies to undertake an adequate<br />

level of review<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Zoning By-law/Official Plan<br />

Amendment Application Form<br />

Fee Schedule<br />

Note: Any further costs and expenses which may be incurred by the<br />

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> in the processing of an official plan and/or zoning<br />

by-law amendment, as determined by Municipal Council, may be charged to<br />

the applicant<br />

Residential use in excess of 20<br />

$2,300.00<br />

Official Plan Amendment<br />

(OPA)<br />

Zoning By-law Amendment<br />

(ZBL)<br />

Combined<br />

Official Plan Amendment and<br />

Zoning By-law Amendment<br />

dwelling units<br />

Commercial/Industrial use<br />

$2,500.00 where the lot area is greater<br />

than 4,000m 2<br />

$1,800.00 All other amendments<br />

Residential use in excess of 20<br />

$1,900.00<br />

dwelling units<br />

Commercial/Industrial use<br />

$2,100.00 where the lot area is greater<br />

than 4,000m 2<br />

$1,250.00 As condition of consent<br />

$1,400.00 All other amendments<br />

$3,100.00<br />

Residential use in excess of 20<br />

dwelling units<br />

Commercial/Industrial use<br />

$3,300.00 where the lot area is greater<br />

than 4,000m 2<br />

$2,400.00 All other amendments<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Zoning By-law/Official Plan<br />

Amendment Application Form<br />

Type of Application<br />

Check appropriate box<br />

Residential<br />

> 20<br />

dwelling<br />

units<br />

Commercial/<br />

Industrial use<br />

> 4,000m 2<br />

All other<br />

Applications<br />

As a<br />

condition of<br />

severance<br />

Official Plan<br />

Amendment (OPA)<br />

□ □ □ n/a<br />

Zoning By-law<br />

Amendment (ZBL)<br />

□ □ □ □<br />

Combined OPA & ZBL □ □ □ n/a<br />

Owner/Applicant/Agent Information<br />

Particulars on the individual(s) involved in the application<br />

Owner of Subject Lands:<br />

Mailing Address:<br />

Telephone: Fax: Email:<br />

Applicant: □ Check if same as Owner<br />

Mailing Address:<br />

Telephone: Fax: Email:<br />

Agent: □ Check if not applicable<br />

Mailing Address:<br />

Telephone: Fax: Email:<br />

Page 3 of 18

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Zoning By-law/Official Plan<br />

Amendment Application Form<br />

Notification<br />

All communications should be sent to the following (check those that apply)<br />

□ Owner □ Applicant □ Agent<br />

Location of the Subject Lands<br />

Complete applicable lines<br />

□ Ward 1 (former Town of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>)<br />

□ Ward 2 (former Township of <strong>Hope</strong>)<br />

Municipal Number:<br />

Lot Number(s):<br />

Lot(s)/Block(s):<br />

Part Number(s):<br />

Street Name:<br />

Concession:<br />

Registered Plan No:<br />

Reference Plan No:<br />

Length of Ownership<br />

Number of years subject lands have been owned in its current form by the present<br />

owner<br />

Encumbrances (Existing Mortgages, Easements, Right-of-Ways, Restrictive<br />

Covenants)<br />

Are there any encumbrances affecting the subject lands?<br />

□ Yes<br />

□ No<br />

If Yes, please describe:<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Description of Subject Lands<br />

Complete applicable lines<br />

Frontage:<br />

Average Width:<br />

Existing Use(s):<br />

Area:<br />

Average Depth:<br />

Zoning By-law/Official Plan<br />

Amendment Application Form<br />

Proposed Use(s):<br />

Existing Building(s) or Structure(s):<br />

Proposed Building(s) or Structure(s):<br />

Details of Existing Buildings/Structures<br />

Provide the following information (accuracy of measurements is important)<br />

Type of Building:<br />

Date constructed<br />

Front lot line setback<br />

Rear lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Height of building<br />

Dimensions<br />

Floor area<br />

Type of Building:<br />

Date constructed<br />

Front lot line setback<br />

Rear lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Height of building<br />

Dimensions<br />

Floor area<br />

Type of Building:<br />

Date constructed<br />

Front lot line setback<br />

Rear lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Height of building<br />

Dimensions<br />

Floor area<br />

Page 5 of 18

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Zoning By-law/Official Plan<br />

Amendment Application Form<br />

Proposed Uses/Buildings<br />

Indicate proposed uses/buildings on the subject lands<br />

Details:<br />

□ Check here if there are no proposed changes to use/buildings<br />

Details of Proposed Buildings/Structures<br />

Provide the following information (accuracy of measurements is important)<br />

Type of Building:<br />

Date constructed<br />

Front lot line setback<br />

Rear lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Height of building<br />

Dimensions<br />

Floor area<br />

Type of Building:<br />

Date constructed<br />

Front lot line setback<br />

Rear lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Height of building<br />

Dimensions<br />

Floor area<br />

Type of Building:<br />

Date constructed<br />

Front lot line setback<br />

Rear lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Height of building<br />

Dimensions<br />

Floor area<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Zoning By-law/Official Plan<br />

Amendment Application Form<br />

Abutting Land Uses<br />

Indicate uses of abutting lands in the applicable space below<br />

Details:<br />

Access<br />

Access to subject lands (Check appropriate space)<br />

Unopened road allowance<br />

Open Municipal Road/Street<br />

County Road<br />

Provincial Highway<br />

Other Public Road/Street<br />

Existing Right-of-Way<br />

Name of Road/Street<br />

If there is no access by public<br />

road or street, what means of<br />

access is proposed?<br />

Water and Sewage Services<br />

Description of services intended for subject lands<br />

(Check appropriate space)<br />

Water Yes No<br />

Publicly owned and operated<br />

Privately owned and operated individual<br />

or communal well<br />

Lake or other water body<br />

Other (specify)<br />

Sewage Yes No<br />

Publicly owned and operated<br />

Privately owned and operated individual<br />

or communal well<br />

Privy<br />

Other (specify)<br />

Page 7 of 18

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Zoning By-law/Official Plan<br />

Amendment Application Form<br />

Storm Drainage<br />

Indicate the proposed method of storm drainage<br />

Sewers<br />

□ Yes □ No<br />

Ditches<br />

□ Yes □ No<br />

Swales<br />

□ Yes □ No<br />

Other, describe:<br />

Present Land Use<br />

Indicate designation and zoning of subject lands in the applicable space below<br />

Official Plan Designation<br />

Zoning By-law Designation<br />

Status of Other Planning Applications<br />

Indicate status of other applications in the applicable space below<br />

Is the subject property<br />

currently the subject of a<br />

Plan of Subdivision<br />

application?<br />

Is the subject property<br />

currently the subject of a<br />

Consent application?<br />

Is the subject property<br />

currently the subject of a<br />

Minor Variance application?<br />

Is the subject property<br />

currently the subject of a<br />

Site Plan application?<br />

Apart from this current<br />

application, have you<br />

applied for an Official Plan,<br />

Zoning By-law amendment,<br />

Plan of Subdivision,<br />

consent, minor variance or<br />

site plan for any land that<br />

is located within 120<br />

metres of the subject land?<br />

Yes?<br />

No?<br />

If Yes, please<br />

describe and<br />

indicate File<br />

Number(s)<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Zoning By-law/Official Plan<br />

Amendment Application Form<br />

Purpose of Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment<br />

Describe purpose and reasons for Zoning By-law Amendment in the applicable space<br />

below<br />

Describe the nature and<br />

extent of the proposed<br />

rezoning.<br />

Why is this rezoning being<br />

requested?<br />

Purpose of Proposed Official Plan Amendment<br />

Describe type, purpose and details of Official Plan Amendment in the applicable space<br />

below<br />

Type of Proposed<br />

Amendment (Check<br />

appropriate box(es))<br />

□ To add a new policy to the Official Plan or change,<br />

delete or replace existing Official Plan policy<br />

□ To change or replace the existing Official Plan land<br />

use designation of the subject lands<br />

Is this a proposal to alter<br />

the boundary of a<br />

settlement area or to<br />

implement a new area of<br />

settlement?<br />

Is this a proposal to remove<br />

land from an area of<br />

employment?<br />

Describe the purpose of the<br />

proposed amendment.<br />

□ Yes<br />

□ No<br />

If Yes, the subject application must be accompanied<br />

by supporting material to fulfill the requirements of a<br />

comprehensive review, as defined.<br />

□ Yes<br />

□ No<br />

If Yes, the subject application must be accompanied<br />

by supporting material to fulfill the requirements of a<br />

comprehensive review, as defined.<br />

Describe the policy to be<br />

added, changed, replaced or<br />

deleted.<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Zoning By-law/Official Plan<br />

Amendment Application Form<br />

Purpose of Proposed Official Plan Amendment - continued<br />

Describe type, purpose and details of Official Plan Amendment in the applicable space<br />

below<br />

If applicable, what is the<br />

requested land use<br />

designation for the subject<br />

land?<br />

What land uses are<br />

permitted by the current<br />

designation?<br />

What land uses would be<br />

permitted by the proposed<br />

amendment?<br />

Previous Land Use of the Subject Land<br />

Provide details of previous land uses in the applicable space below<br />

What was the previous use Describe:<br />

of the subject land?<br />

Has there been an<br />

industrial or commercial<br />

use on the subject land or<br />

land adjacent to the subject<br />

land?<br />

Has the grading of the<br />

subject land been changed<br />

by adding earth or other<br />

material?<br />

Has a gas station been<br />

located on the subject land<br />

or land adjacent to the<br />

subject land?<br />

Has there been petroleum<br />

or other fuel stored on the<br />

subject land or land<br />

adjacent to the subject<br />

land?<br />

□ Yes<br />

□ No<br />

□ Unknown<br />

□ Yes<br />

□ No<br />

□ Unknown<br />

□ Yes<br />

□ No<br />

□ Unknown<br />

□ Yes<br />

□ No<br />

□ Unknown<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Previous Land Use of the Subject Land - continued<br />

Provide details of previous land uses in the applicable space below<br />

Is there reason to believe<br />

the subject land may have<br />

been contaminated by<br />

former uses on the site or<br />

adjacent sites?<br />

What information did you<br />

use to determine the<br />

answers to the above<br />

questions?<br />

If you answered Yes to any<br />

of the questions above, a<br />

previous use inventory<br />

showing all former uses of<br />

the subject lands and/or<br />

adjacent lands is required.<br />

Is the previous use<br />

inventory attached?<br />

□ Yes<br />

□ No<br />

□ Unknown<br />

Details:<br />

□ Yes<br />

□ No<br />

Zoning By-law/Official Plan<br />

Amendment Application Form<br />

Provincial Policy<br />

The table below lists the features or development circumstances of interest to the<br />

Municipality. Please complete the table below and be advised of the potential<br />

requirements in the noted sections.<br />

(a) If a feature, is<br />

Features or<br />

<strong>Development</strong><br />

Circumstances<br />

Class I industry.<br />

(Small scale, selfcontained<br />

plant, no<br />

outside storage, low<br />

probability of fugitive<br />

emissions and<br />

daytime operations<br />

only)<br />

it on site or<br />

within 500<br />

metres OR<br />

(b) If a<br />

development<br />

circumstance,<br />

does it apply<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

If a<br />

feature,<br />

specify<br />

distance<br />

(in<br />

metres)<br />

Potential Information Needs<br />

Assess development for<br />

residential and other sensitive<br />

uses within 70 metres.<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Features or<br />

<strong>Development</strong><br />

Circumstances<br />

Class II industry.<br />

(Medium scale<br />

processing and<br />

manufacturing with<br />

outdoor storage,<br />

periodic output of<br />

emissions, shift<br />

operations and<br />

daytime truck traffic.)<br />

Class III industry<br />

within 1000 metres.<br />

(Processing and<br />

manufacturing with<br />

frequent and intense<br />

off-site impacts and a<br />

high probability of<br />

fugitive emissions.)<br />

Landfill site<br />

(a) If a feature, is<br />

it on site or<br />

within 500<br />

metres OR<br />

(b) If a<br />

development<br />

circumstance,<br />

does it apply<br />

Yes No<br />

If a<br />

feature,<br />

specify<br />

distance<br />

(in<br />

metres)<br />

Zoning By-law/Official Plan<br />

Amendment Application Form<br />

Potential Information Needs<br />

Assess development for<br />

residential and other sensitive<br />

uses within 300 metres.<br />

Assess development for<br />

residential and other sensitive<br />

uses within 1000 metres.<br />

Address possible leachate,<br />

odour, vermin and other<br />

impacts.<br />

Sewage treatment<br />

plant<br />

Waste stabilization<br />

pond<br />

Assess the need for a<br />

feasibility study for residential<br />

and other sensitive uses.<br />

Assess the need for a<br />

feasibility study for residential<br />

and other sensitive uses.<br />

Active railway lines Evaluate impacts within 100<br />

metres.<br />

Controlled access<br />

highways or freeways,<br />

including designated<br />

future ones<br />

Evaluate impacts within 100<br />

metres.<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Features or<br />

<strong>Development</strong><br />

Circumstances<br />

Operating mine site<br />

Non-operating mine<br />

site within 1000<br />

metres<br />

Electric transformer<br />

stations<br />

High voltage electric<br />

transmission lines<br />

(a) If a feature, is<br />

it on site or<br />

within 500<br />

metres OR<br />

(b) If a<br />

development<br />

circumstance,<br />

does it apply<br />

Yes No<br />

If a<br />

feature,<br />

specify<br />

distance<br />

(in<br />

metres)<br />

Zoning By-law/Official Plan<br />

Amendment Application Form<br />

Potential Information Needs<br />

Will development hinder<br />

continuation or expansion of<br />

operations?<br />

Have potential impacts been<br />

addressed? Has mine been<br />

rehabilitated so there will be<br />

no adverse effects?<br />

Determine possible impacts<br />

within 200 metres.<br />

Consult the appropriate<br />

electrical power service.<br />

Transportation and<br />

infrastructure<br />

corridors<br />

Prime agricultural<br />

land<br />

Agricultural<br />

operations<br />

Mineral Aggregate<br />

resource areas<br />

Mineral Aggregate<br />

operations<br />

Existing pits and<br />

quarries<br />

Will the corridor be protected?<br />

Demonstrate the need for use<br />

other than agricultural and<br />

indicate how impacts are to<br />

be mitigated<br />

<strong>Development</strong> to comply with<br />

the Minimum Distance<br />

Separation Formulae.<br />

Will development hinder<br />

access to the resource or the<br />

establishment of new<br />

resource operations?<br />

Will development hinder<br />

continuation of extraction?<br />

Will development hinder<br />

continued operation or<br />

expansion?<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Features or<br />

<strong>Development</strong><br />

Circumstances<br />

Significant wetlands<br />

Significant portions of<br />

habitat of endangered<br />

and threatened<br />

species<br />

Significant: fish<br />

habitat, woodlands,<br />

valleylands, areas of<br />

natural and scientific<br />

interest, wildlife<br />

habitat<br />

Sensitive<br />

groundwater recharge<br />

area, headwaters,<br />

and aquifers<br />

Significant built<br />

heritage resources<br />

and cultural heritage<br />

landscapes<br />

Significant<br />

archaeological<br />

resources<br />

Erosion hazards<br />

(a) If a feature, is<br />

it on site or<br />

within 500<br />

metres OR<br />

(b) If a<br />

development<br />

circumstance,<br />

does it apply<br />

Yes No<br />

If a<br />

feature,<br />

specify<br />

distance<br />

(in<br />

metres)<br />

Zoning By-law/Official Plan<br />

Amendment Application Form<br />

Potential Information Needs<br />

Demonstrate no negative<br />

impacts.<br />

Demonstrate no negative<br />

impacts.<br />

Demonstrate no negative<br />

impacts.<br />

Demonstrate the groundwater<br />

recharge areas, headwaters<br />

and aquifers will be protected.<br />

<strong>Development</strong> should conserve<br />

significant built heritage<br />

resources and cultural<br />

heritage landscapes.<br />

Assess development proposed<br />

in areas of medium and high<br />

potential for significant<br />

archaeological resources.<br />

These resources are to be<br />

studied and preserved, or<br />

where appropriate, removed,<br />

catalogued and analysed prior<br />

to development.<br />

Determine feasibility within<br />

the 1:100 erosion limits of<br />

ravines, river valleys and<br />

streams.<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Features or<br />

<strong>Development</strong><br />

Circumstances<br />

Floodplains<br />

(a) If a feature, is<br />

it on site or<br />

within 500<br />

metres OR<br />

(b) If a<br />

development<br />

circumstance,<br />

does it apply<br />

Yes No<br />

If a<br />

feature,<br />

specify<br />

distance<br />

(in<br />

metres)<br />

Zoning By-law/Official Plan<br />

Amendment Application Form<br />

Potential Information Needs<br />

Where two-zone floodplain<br />

management is in effect,<br />

development is not permitted<br />

in the floodway.<br />

Where a Special Policy Area<br />

(SPA) is in effect, development<br />

must meet the official plan<br />

policies for the SPA.<br />

Contaminated sites<br />

Assess an inventory of<br />

previous uses in areas of<br />

possible soil contamination.<br />

Consistency with Provincial Policy Statement and Provincial Plans<br />

Identify how the application is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. Further<br />

identify any applicable Provincial Plans and whether the proposal conforms to or does<br />

not conflict with the applicable Plans. Explain below or attach separate pages.<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Zoning By-law/Official Plan<br />

Amendment Application Form<br />

Authorization of Owner for Applicant/Agent to Make the Application<br />

If the applicant/agent is not the owner of the land that is subject to this application,<br />

the written authorization of the owner that the applicant/agent is authorized to make<br />

the application must be included with this form, or the authorization set out below<br />

must be completed. If the applicant is a corporation, the application shall be signed<br />

by an Officer of the Corporation and the Corporation’s seal shall be affixed.<br />

I,<br />

Am the owner of the land that is the subject of this application for a consent and I<br />

authorize:<br />

Applicant/Agent (Please Print)<br />

to make this application on my behalf.<br />

Owner’s Signature<br />

x<br />

Date<br />

Authorization of Owner for Applicant/Agent to Provide Personal Information<br />

If the applicant is not the owner of the land that is the subject of this application,<br />

complete the authorization of the owner concerning personal information set out<br />

below.<br />

I,<br />

Am the owner of the land that is the subject of this application for a consent and<br />

for the purposes of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act I authorize:<br />

Applicant/Agent (Please Print)<br />

As my agent for this application, to provide any of my personal information that<br />

will be included in this application or collected during the processing of this<br />

application.<br />

Owner’s Signature<br />

x<br />

Date<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Zoning By-law/Official Plan<br />

Amendment Application Form<br />

Consent of Owner to the Use and Disclosure of Personal Information<br />

If the applicant is not the owner of the land that is the subject of this application,<br />

complete the authorization of the owner concerning personal information set out<br />

below.<br />

I,<br />

Am the owner of the land that is the subject of this application for a consent and<br />

for the purposes of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act I authorize and<br />

consent to the use by or the disclosure to any person or public body of any<br />

personal information that is collected under the authority of the Planning Act for<br />

the purposes of processing this application.<br />

Owner’s Signature<br />

x<br />

Date<br />

Cost Reimbursement<br />

It is required that the applicant agree to be responsible for all reasonable costs and<br />

expenses as stated below.<br />

I,<br />

Am the applicant and agree to reimburse the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> for all<br />

reasonable costs and expenses, as determined by Municipal Council, in excess of<br />

the application fee, which may be incurred by the Municipality in the processing of<br />

this Official Plan and/or Zoning By-law amendment.<br />

Applicant’s Signature<br />

x<br />

Date<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Zoning By-law/Official Plan<br />

Amendment Application Form<br />

Affidavit<br />

I, of the<br />

in the<br />

Make oath and say (or solemnly declare) that all the above information and<br />

statements contained in this application are true and that the information<br />

contained in documents that accompany this application are true and I make this<br />

solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of<br />

the same force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of the Canada<br />

Evidence Act.<br />

Sworn (or declared) before me at<br />

the<br />

in the<br />

of<br />

of<br />

of<br />

of<br />

this<br />

day of 20<br />

A Commissioner of Oaths, etc.<br />

Stamp here<br />

Applicant’s Signature<br />

x<br />

While every attempt will be made to ensure all submission requirements have<br />

been relayed to the applicant, the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> does not<br />

constitute this application to be a “complete application.” The Council of the<br />

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> will notify the applicant that the information and<br />

material required has been provided, or has not been provided, as the case<br />

may be, and in accordance with the Planning Act.<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Site Plan Application Form<br />


For Office Use Only<br />

File No: Date Received: Fee Paid:<br />

For additional details on the application process, please contact:<br />

Planning Department Tel. 905-885-2415<br />

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> Fax. 905-885-5521<br />

56 Queen Street, P.O. Box 117<br />

<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario<br />

L1A 3V9<br />

Email. planning@porthope.ca<br />

A complete application consists of the following:<br />

Application Fee<br />

Cheques can be made payable to the<br />

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> – please note<br />

that there will be other fees imposed by<br />

other agencies for their review<br />

Application Form<br />

One (1) original copy of the completed<br />

and signed original<br />

Recent Survey<br />

One (1) copy prepared by an Ontario<br />

Land Surveyor<br />

Drawings and/or plans<br />

Twenty (20) copies of each drawing or<br />

plan required. Drawings and/or plans<br />

shall be prepared in accordance with<br />

the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

<strong>Development</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

Reduced copy of drawings and/or<br />

plans<br />

One full reduced set of all required<br />

drawings and/or plans (no larger than<br />

11-inches x 17-inches)<br />

Digital copy of drawings and/or A digital PDF version of all required<br />

plans<br />

Studies, Reports or other supporting<br />

materials identified during a preconsultation<br />

meeting<br />

drawings and/or plans<br />

Three (3) copies for Staff and/or<br />

agencies to undertake an adequate<br />

level of review<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Site Plan Application Form<br />

Fee Schedule<br />

Note: Any further costs and expenses which may be incurred by the Municipality of<br />

<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> in the processing of a site plan application, as determined by Municipal<br />

Council, may be charged to the applicant<br />

Single family/semi-detached infill<br />

Residential development with less<br />

than 40 dwelling units or<br />

commercial/industrial development<br />

less than 370m 2<br />

Residential development with<br />

between 41 & 75 dwelling units or<br />

commercial/industrial development<br />

between 371m 2 & 930m 2<br />

Residential development with more<br />

than 75 dwelling units or<br />

commercial/industrial development<br />

greater than 930m 2<br />

$900.00 plus $750.00 deposit<br />

$1,200.00 plus $1,250 deposit<br />

$1,700.00 plus $1,500 deposit<br />

$2,200.00 plus $1,750 deposit<br />

all other site plans<br />

amendment to existing site plan<br />

$1,200.00 plus $750.00 deposit<br />

$900.00 plus $750.00 deposit<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Site Plan Application Form<br />

Type of Application<br />

Check appropriate box<br />

Single<br />

family/<br />

semidetached<br />

infill<br />

Residential<br />

development<br />

with less<br />

than 40<br />

dwelling<br />

units or<br />

commercial/<br />

industrial<br />

development<br />

less than<br />

370m 2<br />

Residential<br />

development<br />

with between<br />

41 & 75<br />

dwelling units<br />

or<br />

commercial/<br />

industrial<br />

development<br />

between<br />

371m 2 &<br />

930m 2<br />

Residential<br />

development<br />

with more than<br />

75 dwelling<br />

units or<br />

commercial/<br />

industrial<br />

development<br />

greater than<br />

930m 2<br />

all other<br />

site plans<br />

amendment to<br />

existing site<br />

plan<br />

□ □ □ □ □ □<br />

Owner/Applicant/Agent Information<br />

Particulars on the individual(s) involved in the application<br />

Owner of Subject Lands:<br />

Mailing Address:<br />

Telephone: Fax: Email:<br />

Applicant: □ Check if same as Owner<br />

Mailing Address:<br />

Telephone: Fax: Email:<br />

Agent: □ Check if not applicable<br />

Mailing Address:<br />

Telephone: Fax: Email:<br />

Page 3 of 11

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Site Plan Application Form<br />

Notification<br />

All communications should be sent to the following (check those that apply)<br />

□ Owner □ Applicant □ Agent<br />

Location of the Subject Lands<br />

Complete applicable lines<br />

□ Ward 1 (former Town of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>)<br />

□ Ward 2 (former Township of <strong>Hope</strong>)<br />

Municipal Number:<br />

Lot Number(s):<br />

Lot(s)/Block(s):<br />

Part Number(s):<br />

Street Name:<br />

Concession:<br />

Registered Plan No:<br />

Reference Plan No:<br />

Length of Ownership<br />

Number of years subject lands have been owned in its current form by the present<br />

owner<br />

Encumbrances (Existing Mortgages, Easements, Right-of-Ways, Restrictive<br />

Covenants)<br />

Are there any encumbrances affecting the subject lands?<br />

□ Yes<br />

□ No<br />

If Yes, please describe:<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Site Plan Application Form<br />

Description of Subject Lands<br />

Complete applicable lines<br />

Frontage:<br />

Average Width:<br />

Existing Use(s):<br />

Area:<br />

Average Depth:<br />

Proposed Use(s):<br />

Existing Building(s) or Structure(s):<br />

Proposed Building(s) or Structure(s):<br />

Details of Existing Buildings/Structures<br />

Provide the following information (accuracy of measurements is important)<br />

Type of Building:<br />

Date constructed<br />

Front lot line setback<br />

Rear lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Height of building<br />

Dimensions<br />

Floor area<br />

Type of Building:<br />

Date constructed<br />

Front lot line setback<br />

Rear lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Height of building<br />

Dimensions<br />

Floor area<br />

Type of Building:<br />

Date constructed<br />

Front lot line setback<br />

Rear lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Height of building<br />

Dimensions<br />

Floor area<br />

Page 5 of 11

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Site Plan Application Form<br />

Proposed Uses/Buildings<br />

Indicate proposed uses/buildings on the subject lands<br />

Details:<br />

Details of Proposed Buildings/Structures<br />

Provide the following information (accuracy of measurements is important)<br />

Type of Building:<br />

Date constructed<br />

Front lot line setback<br />

Rear lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Height of building<br />

Dimensions<br />

Floor area<br />

Type of Building:<br />

Date constructed<br />

Front lot line setback<br />

Rear lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Height of building<br />

Dimensions<br />

Floor area<br />

Type of Building:<br />

Date constructed<br />

Front lot line setback<br />

Rear lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Side lot line setback<br />

Height of building<br />

Dimensions<br />

Floor area<br />

Site Characteristics<br />

Provide details of units, parking areas and dimensions as outlined below<br />

Number of Commercial Units<br />

Number of Residential Units<br />

Number of Parking Spaces<br />

Dimensions of Parking Spaces<br />

Number of Handicapped Spaces<br />

Parking Aisle Width<br />

Number of Loading Spaces<br />

Dimensions of Loading Spaces<br />

Building Coverage % Landscaped Area %<br />

Page 6 of 11

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Site Plan Application Form<br />

Access<br />

Access to subject lands (Check appropriate space)<br />

Unopened road allowance<br />

Open Municipal Road/Street<br />

County Road<br />

Provincial Highway<br />

Other Public Road/Street<br />

Existing Right-of-Way<br />

Name of Road/Street<br />

If there is no access by public<br />

road or street, what means of<br />

access is proposed?<br />

Water and Sewage Services<br />

Description of services intended for subject lands<br />

(Check appropriate space)<br />

Water Yes No<br />

Publicly owned and operated<br />

Privately owned and operated individual<br />

or communal well<br />

Lake or other water body<br />

Other (specify)<br />

Sewage Yes No<br />

Publicly owned and operated<br />

Privately owned and operated individual<br />

or communal well<br />

Privy<br />

Other (specify)<br />

Storm Drainage<br />

Indicate the proposed method of storm drainage<br />

Sewers<br />

□ Yes □ No<br />

Ditches<br />

□ Yes □ No<br />

Swales<br />

□ Yes □ No<br />

Other, describe:<br />

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Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Site Plan Application Form<br />

Present Land Use<br />

Indicate designation and zoning of subject lands in the applicable space below<br />

Official Plan Designation<br />

Zoning By-law Designation<br />

Abutting Land Uses<br />

Indicate uses of abutting lands in the applicable space below<br />

Details:<br />

Status of Other Planning Applications<br />

Indicate status of other applications in the applicable space below<br />

Is the subject property<br />

currently the subject of a<br />

Plan of Subdivision<br />

application?<br />

Is the subject property<br />

currently the subject of a<br />

Consent application?<br />

Is the subject property<br />

currently the subject of a<br />

Minor Variance application?<br />

Apart from this current<br />

application, have you<br />

applied for an Official Plan,<br />

Zoning By-law amendment,<br />

Plan of Subdivision,<br />

consent, minor variance or<br />

site plan for any land that<br />

is located within 120<br />

metres of the subject land?<br />

Yes?<br />

No?<br />

If Yes, please<br />

describe and<br />

indicate File<br />

Number(s)<br />

Page 8 of 11

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Site Plan Application Form<br />

Authorization of Owner for Applicant/Agent to Make the Application<br />

If the applicant/agent is not the owner of the land that is subject to this application,<br />

the written authorization of the owner that the applicant/agent is authorized to make<br />

the application must be included with this form, or the authorization set out below<br />

must be completed. If the applicant is a corporation, the application shall be signed<br />

by an Officer of the Corporation and the Corporation’s seal shall be affixed.<br />

I,<br />

Am the owner of the land that is the subject of this application for a consent and I<br />

authorize:<br />

Applicant/Agent (Please Print)<br />

to make this application on my behalf.<br />

Owner’s Signature<br />

x<br />

Date<br />

Authorization of Owner for Applicant/Agent to Provide Personal Information<br />

If the applicant is not the owner of the land that is the subject of this application,<br />

complete the authorization of the owner concerning personal information set out<br />

below.<br />

I,<br />

Am the owner of the land that is the subject of this application for a consent and<br />

for the purposes of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act I authorize:<br />

Applicant/Agent (Please Print)<br />

As my agent for this application, to provide any of my personal information that<br />

will be included in this application or collected during the processing of this<br />

application.<br />

Owner’s Signature<br />

x<br />

Date<br />

Page 9 of 11

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Site Plan Application Form<br />

Consent of Owner to the Use and Disclosure of Personal Information<br />

If the applicant is not the owner of the land that is the subject of this application,<br />

complete the authorization of the owner concerning personal information set out<br />

below.<br />

I,<br />

Am the owner of the land that is the subject of this application for a consent and<br />

for the purposes of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act I authorize and<br />

consent to the use by or the disclosure to any person or public body of any<br />

personal information that is collected under the authority of the Planning Act for<br />

the purposes of processing this application.<br />

Owner’s Signature<br />

x<br />

Date<br />

Cost Reimbursement<br />

It is required that the applicant agree to be responsible for all reasonable costs and<br />

expenses as stated below.<br />

I,<br />

Am the applicant and agree to reimburse the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> for all<br />

reasonable costs and expenses, as determined by Municipal Council, in excess of<br />

the application fee, which may be incurred by the Municipality in the processing of<br />

this Official Plan and/or Zoning By-law amendment.<br />

Applicant’s Signature<br />

x<br />

Date<br />

Page 10 of 11

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Site Plan Application Form<br />

Affidavit<br />

I, of the<br />

in the<br />

Make oath and say (or solemnly declare) that all the above information and<br />

statements contained in this application are true and that the information<br />

contained in documents that accompany this application are true and I make this<br />

solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of<br />

the same force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of the Canada<br />

Evidence Act.<br />

Sworn (or declared) before me at<br />

the<br />

in the<br />

of<br />

of<br />

of<br />

of<br />

this<br />

day of 20<br />

A Commissioner of Oaths, etc.<br />

Stamp here<br />

Applicant’s Signature<br />

x<br />

While every attempt will be made to ensure all submission requirements have<br />

been relayed to the applicant, the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> does not<br />

constitute this application to be a “complete application.” The Council of the<br />

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> will notify the applicant that the information and<br />

material required has been provided, or has not been provided, as the case<br />

may be, and in accordance with the Planning Act.<br />

Page 11 of 11


Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Plan of Subdivision/<br />

Condominium Description Application Form<br />




For Office Use Only<br />

File No: Date Received: Fee Paid:<br />

For additional details on the application process, please contact:<br />

Planning Department Tel. 905-885-2415<br />

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> Fax. 905-885-5521<br />

56 Queen Street, P.O. Box 117<br />

<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario<br />

L1A 3V9<br />

Email. planning@porthope.ca<br />

A complete application consists of the following:<br />

Application Fee<br />

Cheques can be made payable to the<br />

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> – please note<br />

that there will be other fees imposed by<br />

other agencies for their review<br />

Application Form<br />

One (1) original copy of the completed<br />

and signed original<br />

Recent Survey<br />

One (1) copy prepared by an Ontario<br />

Land Surveyor<br />

Drawings and/or plans<br />

Twenty (20) copies of each drawing or<br />

plan required. Drawings and/or plans<br />

shall be prepared in accordance with<br />

the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

<strong>Development</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

Reduced copy of drawings and/or<br />

plans<br />

One full reduced set of all required<br />

drawings and/or plans (no larger than<br />

11-inches x 17-inches)<br />

Digital copy of drawings and/or A digital PDF version of all required<br />

plans<br />

Studies, Reports or other supporting<br />

materials identified during a preconsultation<br />

meeting<br />

drawings and/or plans<br />

Three (3) copies for Staff and/or<br />

agencies to undertake an adequate<br />

level of review<br />

Page 1 of 15

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Plan of Subdivision/<br />

Condominium Description Application Form<br />

Fee Schedule<br />

Note: Any further costs and expenses which may be incurred by the<br />

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> in the processing of an application for a Plan of<br />

Subdivision/<br />

Condominium Description, as determined by Municipal Council, may be<br />

charged to the applicant<br />

$2,500.00 plus $3,000 deposit 20 lots/units or less<br />

$3,500.00 plus $5,000 deposit 21 lots/units or more<br />

$400.00 plus $1,250 deposit Extension to Draft Plan<br />

$400.00 plus $1,250 deposit Amendment to Draft Approval<br />

$400.00 plus $1,250 deposit Request for final approval<br />

Page 2 of 15

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Plan of Subdivision/<br />

Condominium Description Application Form<br />

Type of Application<br />

Check appropriate box<br />

20 lots/units<br />

or less<br />

21 lots/units<br />

or more<br />

Extension to<br />

Draft Plan<br />

Amendment<br />

to Draft<br />

Approval<br />

Request for<br />

final approval<br />

□ □ □ □ □<br />

Owner/Applicant/Agent Information<br />

Particulars on the individual(s) involved in the application<br />

Owner of Subject Lands:<br />

Mailing Address:<br />

Telephone: Fax: Email:<br />

Applicant: □ Check if same as Owner<br />

Mailing Address:<br />

Telephone: Fax: Email:<br />

Agent: □ Check if not applicable<br />

Mailing Address:<br />

Telephone: Fax: Email:<br />

Notification<br />

All communications should be sent to the following (check those that apply)<br />

□ Owner □ Applicant □ Agent<br />

Page 3 of 15

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Plan of Subdivision/<br />

Condominium Description Application Form<br />

Location of the Subject Lands<br />

Complete applicable lines<br />

□ Ward 1 (former Town of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>)<br />

□ Ward 2 (former Township of <strong>Hope</strong>)<br />

Municipal Number:<br />

Lot Number(s):<br />

Lot(s)/Block(s):<br />

Part Number(s):<br />

Street Name:<br />

Concession:<br />

Registered Plan No:<br />

Reference Plan No:<br />

Length of Ownership<br />

Number of years subject lands have been owned in its current form by the present<br />

owner<br />

Encumbrances (Existing Mortgages, Easements, Right-of-Ways, Restrictive<br />

Covenants)<br />

Are there any encumbrances affecting the subject lands?<br />

□ Yes<br />

□ No<br />

If Yes, please describe:<br />

Present Land Use<br />

Indicate designation and zoning of subject lands in the applicable space below<br />

Official Plan Designation<br />

Zoning By-law Designation<br />

Page 4 of 15

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Plan of Subdivision/<br />

Condominium Description Application Form<br />

Description of Subject Lands<br />

Complete applicable lines<br />

Frontage:<br />

Average Width:<br />

Existing Use(s):<br />

Area:<br />

Average Depth:<br />

Proposed Use(s):<br />

Existing Building(s) or Structure(s):<br />

Proposed Building(s) or Structure(s):<br />

Status of Other Planning Applications<br />

Indicate status of other applications in the applicable space below<br />

Has the subject land ever<br />

been the subject of a<br />

previous application for<br />

approval of a plan of<br />

subdivision or a consent?<br />

Is the land also the subject<br />

of a proposed official plan<br />

amendment that has been<br />

submitted for approval?<br />

Is the subject land also the<br />

subject of an application for<br />

consent, approval of a site<br />

plan, minor variance or<br />

zoning by-law amendment?<br />

Yes?<br />

No?<br />

If Yes, please<br />

describe and<br />

indicate File<br />

Number(s)<br />

Page 5 of 15

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> Plan of Subdivision/<br />

Condominium Description Application Form<br />

Proposed Land Use<br />

Please complete the table below.<br />

Proposed Land Use<br />

Residential<br />

− Singledetached<br />

− Semidetached<br />

− Row,<br />

multiple<br />

attached<br />

− Apartment <<br />

2 bedrooms<br />

− Apartment ><br />

2 bedrooms<br />

− Other<br />

(specify)<br />

Commercial<br />

− Neighbourhood<br />

− Other<br />

Commercial<br />

Industrial<br />

No. of Units or<br />

Dwellings<br />

Number of Lots<br />

and/or Blocks on<br />

the Draft Plan<br />

Area (ha.)<br />

Density (units/<br />

dwellings per ha.)<br />

Park Land<br />

Nil Nil Nil<br />

Dedication<br />

Open Space Nil Nil Nil<br />

Institutional<br />

(specify)<br />

Roads Nil Nil Nil<br />

Other (specify<br />

Number of Parking<br />

Spaces1<br />

1 Complete only if for approval of a condominium description<br />

Page 6 of 15

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Plan of Subdivision/<br />

Condominium Description Application Form<br />

Condominium Applications<br />

Additional Information<br />

Has a site plan for the<br />

proposed condominium<br />

been approved?<br />

Has a site plan agreement<br />

been entered into?<br />

Has a building permit for<br />

the proposed<br />

condominium been<br />

issued?<br />

Has the construction of<br />

the development started?<br />

If construction is<br />

completed, indicated date<br />

of completion<br />

Is this a conversion of a<br />

building containing rental<br />

units?<br />

If yes, indicated the<br />

number of units to be<br />

converted.<br />

Yes?<br />

Date of completion:<br />

Number of units to be converted:<br />

No?<br />

Provincial Policy<br />

The table below lists the features or development circumstances of interest to the<br />

Municipality. Please complete the table below and be advised of the potential<br />

requirements in the noted sections.<br />

Features or<br />

<strong>Development</strong><br />

Circumstances<br />

Class I industry. (Small<br />

scale, self-contained<br />

plant, no outside<br />

storage, low probability<br />

of fugitive emissions<br />

and daytime operations<br />

only)<br />

(a) If a<br />

feature, is it on<br />

site or within<br />

500 metres OR<br />

(b) If a<br />

development<br />

circumstance,<br />

does it apply<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

If a<br />

feature,<br />

specify<br />

distance<br />

(in<br />

metres)<br />

Potential Information Needs<br />

Assess development for<br />

residential and other sensitive<br />

uses within 70 metres.<br />

Page 7 of 15

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Features or<br />

<strong>Development</strong><br />

Circumstances<br />

(a) If a<br />

feature, is it on<br />

site or within<br />

500 metres OR<br />

(b) If a<br />

development<br />

circumstance,<br />

does it apply<br />

Yes No<br />

Plan of Subdivision/<br />

Condominium Description Application Form<br />

If a<br />

feature,<br />

specify<br />

distance<br />

(in<br />

metres)<br />

Potential Information Needs<br />

Class II industry.<br />

(Medium scale<br />

processing and<br />

manufacturing with<br />

outdoor storage,<br />

periodic output of<br />

emissions, shift<br />

operations and daytime<br />

truck traffic.)<br />

Class III industry<br />

within 1000 metres.<br />

(Processing and<br />

manufacturing with<br />

frequent and intense<br />

off-site impacts and a<br />

high probability of<br />

fugitive emissions.)<br />

Landfill site<br />

Assess development for<br />

residential and other sensitive<br />

uses within 300 metres.<br />

Assess development for<br />

residential and other sensitive<br />

uses within 1000 metres.<br />

Address possible leachate,<br />

odour, vermin and other<br />

impacts.<br />

Sewage treatment<br />

plant<br />

Waste stabilization<br />

pond<br />

Assess the need for a feasibility<br />

study for residential and other<br />

sensitive uses.<br />

Assess the need for a feasibility<br />

study for residential and other<br />

sensitive uses.<br />

Active railway lines Evaluate impacts within 100<br />

metres.<br />

Page 8 of 15

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Features or<br />

<strong>Development</strong><br />

Circumstances<br />

(a) If a<br />

feature, is it on<br />

site or within<br />

500 metres OR<br />

(b) If a<br />

development<br />

circumstance,<br />

does it apply<br />

Yes No<br />

Plan of Subdivision/<br />

Condominium Description Application Form<br />

If a<br />

feature,<br />

specify<br />

distance<br />

(in<br />

metres)<br />

Potential Information Needs<br />

Controlled access<br />

highways or freeways,<br />

including designated<br />

future ones<br />

Operating mine site<br />

Non-operating mine<br />

site within 1000<br />

metres<br />

Electric transformer<br />

stations<br />

High voltage electric<br />

transmission lines<br />

Evaluate impacts within 100<br />

metres.<br />

Will development hinder<br />

continuation or expansion of<br />

operations?<br />

Have potential impacts been<br />

addressed? Has mine been<br />

rehabilitated so there will be no<br />

adverse effects?<br />

Determine possible impacts<br />

within 200 metres.<br />

Consult the appropriate<br />

electrical power service.<br />

Transportation and<br />

infrastructure<br />

corridors<br />

Prime agricultural land<br />

Agricultural operations<br />

Mineral Aggregate<br />

resource areas<br />

Will the corridor be protected?<br />

Demonstrate the need for use<br />

other than agricultural and<br />

indicate how impacts are to be<br />

mitigated<br />

<strong>Development</strong> to comply with<br />

the Minimum Distance<br />

Separation Formulae.<br />

Will development hinder access<br />

to the resource or the<br />

establishment of new resource<br />

operations?<br />

Page 9 of 15

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Features or<br />

<strong>Development</strong><br />

Circumstances<br />

(a) If a<br />

feature, is it on<br />

site or within<br />

500 metres OR<br />

(b) If a<br />

development<br />

circumstance,<br />

does it apply<br />

Yes No<br />

Plan of Subdivision/<br />

Condominium Description Application Form<br />

If a<br />

feature,<br />

specify<br />

distance<br />

(in<br />

metres)<br />

Potential Information Needs<br />

Mineral Aggregate<br />

operations<br />

Existing pits and<br />

quarries<br />

Significant wetlands<br />

Significant portions of<br />

habitat of endangered<br />

and threatened species<br />

Significant: fish<br />

habitat, woodlands,<br />

valleylands, areas of<br />

natural and scientific<br />

interest, wildlife<br />

habitat<br />

Sensitive groundwater<br />

recharge area,<br />

headwaters, and<br />

aquifers<br />

Significant built<br />

heritage resources and<br />

cultural heritage<br />

landscapes<br />

Significant<br />

archaeological<br />

resources<br />

Will development hinder<br />

continuation of extraction?<br />

Will development hinder<br />

continued operation or<br />

expansion?<br />

Demonstrate no negative<br />

impacts.<br />

Demonstrate no negative<br />

impacts.<br />

Demonstrate no negative<br />

impacts.<br />

Demonstrate the groundwater<br />

recharge areas, headwaters<br />

and aquifers will be protected.<br />

<strong>Development</strong> should conserve<br />

significant built heritage<br />

resources and cultural heritage<br />

landscapes.<br />

Assess development proposed<br />

in areas of medium/high<br />

potential for significant<br />

archaeological resources.<br />

These resources are to be<br />

studied/preserved, or where<br />

appropriate, removed,<br />

catalogued & analysed<br />

Page 10 of 15

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Features or<br />

<strong>Development</strong><br />

Circumstances<br />

(a) If a feature,<br />

is it on site<br />

or within<br />

500 metres<br />

OR<br />

(b) If a<br />

development<br />

circumstanc<br />

e, does it<br />

apply<br />

Yes No<br />

Plan of Subdivision/<br />

Condominium Description Application Form<br />

If a<br />

feature,<br />

specify<br />

distance<br />

(in<br />

metres)<br />

Potential Information Needs<br />

Erosion hazards<br />

Floodplains<br />

Determine feasibility within the<br />

1:100 erosion limits of ravines,<br />

river valleys and streams.<br />

Where two-zone floodplain<br />

management is in effect,<br />

development is not permitted<br />

in the floodway.<br />

Where a Special Policy Area<br />

(SPA) is in effect, development<br />

must meet the official plan<br />

policies for the SPA.<br />

Contaminated sites<br />

Assess an inventory of previous<br />

uses in areas of possible soil<br />

contamination.<br />

Consistency with Provincial Policy Statement and Provincial Plans<br />

Identify how the application is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. Further<br />

identify any applicable Provincial Plans and whether the proposal conforms to or does<br />

not conflict with the applicable Plans. Explain below or attach separate pages.<br />

Page 11 of 15

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Plan of Subdivision/<br />

Condominium Description Application Form<br />

Servicing<br />

Indicate the details of proposed services and status of applicable studies in the<br />

applicable space below<br />

Type of Service<br />

Access<br />

Provincial highway<br />

County road<br />

Municipal street, maintained all<br />

year<br />

Undeveloped Municipal right-ofway<br />

Water Supply<br />

Municipal water<br />

Yes/No<br />

Study Required<br />

A detailed road<br />

alignment and<br />

engineering will be<br />

confirmed when the<br />

development<br />

application is finalized.<br />

A traffic management<br />

study may also be<br />

required.<br />

Study<br />

Attached?<br />

Private well<br />

Communal water system<br />

Is there sufficient<br />

capacity available?<br />

Sewage Disposal<br />

Municipal sanitary sewer<br />

Private septic system<br />

Communal septic system<br />

Is there sufficient<br />

capacity available?<br />

Storm Water<br />

Municipal storm sewer<br />

Swales and/or ditches<br />

A storm water<br />

management study will<br />

be required, usually as<br />

a condition of draft plan<br />

approval.<br />

Page 12 of 15

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Plan of Subdivision/<br />

Condominium Description Application Form<br />

Authorization of Owner for Applicant/Agent to Make the Application<br />

If the applicant/agent is not the owner of the land that is subject to this application,<br />

the written authorization of the owner that the applicant/agent is authorized to make<br />

the application must be included with this form, or the authorization set out below<br />

must be completed. If the applicant is a corporation, the application shall be signed<br />

by an Officer of the Corporation and the Corporation’s seal shall be affixed.<br />

I,<br />

Am the owner of the land that is the subject of this application for a consent and I<br />

authorize:<br />

Applicant/Agent (Please Print)<br />

to make this application on my behalf.<br />

Owner’s Signature<br />

x<br />

Date<br />

Authorization of Owner for Applicant/Agent to Provide Personal Information<br />

If the applicant is not the owner of the land that is the subject of this application,<br />

complete the authorization of the owner concerning personal information set out<br />

below.<br />

I,<br />

Am the owner of the land that is the subject of this application for a consent and<br />

for the purposes of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act I authorize:<br />

Applicant/Agent (Please Print)<br />

As my agent for this application, to provide any of my personal information that<br />

will be included in this application or collected during the processing of this<br />

application.<br />

Owner’s Signature<br />

x<br />

Date<br />

Page 13 of 15

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Plan of Subdivision/<br />

Condominium Description Application Form<br />

Consent of Owner to the Use and Disclosure of Personal Information<br />

If the applicant is not the owner of the land that is the subject of this application,<br />

complete the authorization of the owner concerning personal information set out<br />

below.<br />

I,<br />

Am the owner of the land that is the subject of this application for a consent and<br />

for the purposes of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act I authorize and<br />

consent to the use by or the disclosure to any person or public body of any<br />

personal information that is collected under the authority of the Planning Act for<br />

the purposes of processing this application.<br />

Owner’s Signature<br />

x<br />

Date<br />

Cost Reimbursement<br />

It is required that the applicant agree to be responsible for all reasonable costs and<br />

expenses as stated below.<br />

I,<br />

Am the applicant and agree to reimburse the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> for all<br />

reasonable costs and expenses, as determined by Municipal Council, in excess of<br />

the application fee, which may be incurred by the Municipality in the processing of<br />

this Plan of Subdivision/Condominium Description application.<br />

Applicant’s Signature<br />

x<br />

Date<br />

Page 14 of 15

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Plan of Subdivision/<br />

Condominium Description Application Form<br />

Affidavit<br />

I, of the<br />

in the<br />

Make oath and say (or solemnly declare) that all the above information and<br />

statements contained in this application are true and that the information<br />

contained in documents that accompany this application are true and I make this<br />

solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of<br />

the same force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of the Canada<br />

Evidence Act.<br />

Sworn (or declared) before me at<br />

the<br />

in the<br />

of<br />

of<br />

of<br />

of<br />

this<br />

day of 20<br />

A Commissioner of Oaths, etc.<br />

Stamp here<br />

Applicant’s Signature<br />

x<br />

While every attempt will be made to ensure all submission requirements have<br />

been relayed to the applicant, the Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> does not<br />

constitute this application to be a “complete application.” The Council of the<br />

Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> will notify the applicant that the information and<br />

material required has been provided, or has not been provided, as the case<br />

may be, and in accordance with the Planning Act.<br />

Page 15 of 15



Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Stormwater Management<br />

Submissions<br />



2216 County Road 28<br />

<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario<br />

L1A 3W4<br />

TEL :(905) 885-8173<br />

FAX: (905) 885-9824

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />


1.0 FORWARD.........................................................................................................................................................3<br />

2.0 THE WATERSHEDS OF THE GANARASKA REGION .....................................................................................4<br />

3.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL SUBMISSION ....................................................................................5<br />

4.0 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN STANDARD .......................................................................................6<br />

5.0 TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS......................................................................................................................7<br />

5.1 HYDROLOGIC CONSIDERATION............................................................................................................................7<br />

5.2 HYDRAULIC CONSIDERATIONS.............................................................................................................................9<br />

5.3 SWMPS/BMPS DESIGN..................................................................................................................................10<br />

5.4 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL...................................................................................................................11<br />

6.0 REVIEW PROCESS.........................................................................................................................................12<br />

7.0 PRELIMINARY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONCEPT SUBMISSION .................................................13<br />

7.1 TIMING...........................................................................................................................................................13<br />

7.2 OBJECTIVE .....................................................................................................................................................13<br />

7.3 REPORT STRUCTURE.......................................................................................................................................13<br />

7.4 REQUIRED REPORT CONTENT ..........................................................................................................................13<br />

8.0 DETAILED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SUBMISSION...........................................................................14<br />

8.1 TIMING...........................................................................................................................................................14<br />

8.2 OBJECTIVE .....................................................................................................................................................14<br />

8.3 REPORT STRUCTURE.......................................................................................................................................14<br />

8.4 REQUIRED REPORT CONTENT ..........................................................................................................................14<br />

9.0 FISH HABITAT REVIEW PROCESS ...............................................................................................................15<br />

10.0 AVAILABLE DATA PROVIDED BY GRCA ....................................................................................................18<br />

11.0 DEFINITIONS.................................................................................................................................................19<br />

12.0 ADMINISTRATION REVIEW FEES ...............................................................................................................20<br />

APPENDIX INTENSITY-DURATION-FREQUENCY CURVES............................................................................22<br />

List of Figures<br />

Figure A Ganaraska Region Watershed and Sub-Watershed<br />

Figure B CA Fish Habitat Review Process<br />

Figure C GRCA Gauge Station Network<br />

List of Tables<br />

Table A Modified Rational Method Speadsheet<br />

Table B Stormwater Management Practices<br />

2<br />

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority<br />

2216 County Road 28, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario, L1A 3W4<br />

Tel:(905)8858173 Fax:(905)8859824

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />

1.0 FORWARD<br />

The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) is a corporate body which was established under the<br />

Conservation Authorities Act of Ontario in October of 1946 to further the conservation, restoration, development and<br />

management of renewable natural resources. The GRCA works in partnership with its member municipalities and<br />

the province to provide a number of resource management programs.<br />

GRCA is concerned with the effect of urbanization on the receiving watercourse, as well as the way in which the<br />

runoff is conveyed to the watercourse. To mitigate the negative effect, the Authority requires a stormwater<br />

management plan (SWMP) for most proposed subdivisions, commercial and industrial developments.<br />

These guidelines have been prepared to aid consultants, municipalities and Authority staff in the preparation and<br />

review of submissions to the Watershed Services Department of Authority. It is the desire of the Authority to<br />

streamline this process by eliminating any confusion or misunderstandings with regard to our requirements for<br />

stormwater management submissions.<br />

The main focus of GRCA water management concerns are:<br />

• The protection of life;<br />

• The prevention and reduction of flood damages;<br />

• Fill, Construction, Alteration of Watercourse (Section 28);<br />

• The conservation of ecosystems.<br />

The Authority focuses on these issues when reviewing submissions made with regard to:<br />

• Plan review;<br />

• Stormwater management;<br />

• Fill and Construction Regulations;<br />

• Department of Fisheries and Oceans—level 3 Agreement.<br />

3<br />

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority<br />

2216 County Road 28, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario, L1A 3W4<br />

Tel:(905)8858173 Fax:(905)8859824

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />


The watersheds of the Ganaraska Region covers an area of 924 square kilometers (361 square miles) from Wilmot<br />

Creek in Clarington to Brookside Creek east of Cobourg, from the south shore of Rice Lake down to Lake Ontario.<br />

(Figure A: Ganaraska Region Watershed Map)<br />

This area includes seven municipalities in whole or in part<br />

• City of Kawartha Lakes<br />

• Municipality of Clarington<br />

• Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

• Township of Alnwick/Haldimand<br />

• Township of Cavan-Millbrook-North Monaghan<br />

• Town of Cobourg<br />

• Township of Hamilton<br />

Ganaraska Region can be divided into 7 sub-watersheds.<br />

• Wilmot Creek Watershed<br />

• Graham Creek Watershed<br />

• Ganaraska River Watershed<br />

• Gage Creek Watershed<br />

• Smaller creeks to Ontario Lake<br />

• Smaller creeks to Rice Lake<br />

• Cobourg/Baltimore and Midtown Creeks<br />

4<br />

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority<br />

2216 County Road 28, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario, L1A 3W4<br />

Tel:(905)8858173 Fax:(905)8859824

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />


Regardless of whether a submission is being made to the Authority under Plan Review, Stormwater Management or<br />

the Authority’s Fill, Construction, Regulation and Alteration to Waterways, certain basic information is needed in<br />

each case in order to understand the proposal at the outset.<br />

Depending on the size of the proposed works, a covering letter or report is required to:<br />

• Provide a location plan and detailed site plan(s);<br />

• Provide background information regarding land use, current drainage pattern, channel configuration,<br />

existing floodplain mapping in the area, identification of whether the site is in a regulated area or not;<br />

• Provide a description of the proposed works and the effect that the works will have on exiting upstream<br />

and downstream watershed conditions, particularly with regard to flood storage, erosion control, water quality,<br />

etc. A quantitative comparison of pre and post hydrologic and hydraulic conditions (including flood levels and<br />

velocities) will expedite the review process considerably.<br />

In addition, if hydrologic or hydraulic analyses have been undertaken by the consultant, calculation sheets and/or<br />

computer outputs should be appended to the report. The digital version of study’s computer files (HYMO,<br />

OTTHYMO, MIDUSS, HEC2, HEC-RAS, etc) is required. By initially including this disk in the report, time will be<br />

saved during the review period.<br />

Drawings should be submitted showing existing conditions, plan and section of the proposed works, including<br />

erosion and sediment controls proximity to the watercourse and regulatory flood level. Drawings and reports<br />

prepared by an engineer must be signed and stamped.<br />

The description of work must include the full name and address of the property owner, since the Authority often<br />

receives enquires directly from the owner, and this information is needed to complete the file reference.<br />

In order to determine if a property in proximity to a watercourse is flood susceptible, the following information must<br />

be provided by the proponent:<br />

• Hydrologic analysis - the determination of peak flow rates in the watercourse which would occur in<br />

response to a given (regulatory) rainfall event.<br />

• Hydraulic analysis - the determination of the water surface elevations in the floodplain which corresponds<br />

to the peak flow rates.<br />

• Floodline - the delineation (on the topographic plan) of flood limits corresponding to the water surface<br />

elevations.<br />

The hydrologic/hydraulic analysis and flood lines for all the main watercourses have been done. Therefore, the<br />

5<br />

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority<br />

2216 County Road 28, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario, L1A 3W4<br />

Tel:(905)8858173 Fax:(905)8859824

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />

proponent will be required to use the existing Authority approved analyses. If the Authority’s hydrologic analysis has<br />

been based on an aerially reduced rainfall input (applicable for larger watersheds), the Authority may require the<br />

consultant to duplicate the hydrology using non-reduced rainfall input, if the subject property is located in the<br />

upstream areas of the watershed.<br />


When reviewing development applications which have been identified as areas of stormwater management concern<br />

through a MDP or Subwatershed Plan, GRCA will outline the requirements of the MDP/Subwatershed Plan and<br />

ensure that these requirements are met in the development proposal. In the following watersheds,<br />

MDP/Sub-watershed plan have been done.<br />

• Cobourg/Midtown Creek Subwatershed,<br />

• Little Creek Subwatershed<br />

• Foster Creek Subwatershed<br />

• Brook Creek Subwatershed<br />

In cases where extensive development is proposed in a watershed, the Authority/municipality may request that a<br />

MDP/Subwatershed Plan be prepared prior to reviewing applications.<br />

In cases where a MDP/Subwatershed Plan has not been prepared and has not been required by the Authority, the<br />

proponent will submit a stormwater management plan which conforms to the following specifics:<br />

• <strong>Development</strong> must not result in increased flooding, erosion or degradation to water quality on or off the<br />

site. This may involve post to pre-development control. Specifically peak flow and water velocity must not<br />

increase or control facilities must be installed. Watercourses shall be protected from sedimentation and<br />

pollution.<br />

• Control facilities will be required to be designed for all hydrologic events up to and including the 1:100<br />

year rainfall event. Over-control of runoff maybe required (ie. Post-development runoff may be less than<br />

pre-development runoff).<br />

• Control facilities will not be permitted in the floodplain to prevent their possible overtopping or backing up<br />

under storm conditions. Facilities will also not be allowed within wetlands to prevent impacts on water quality<br />

from chemicals and sediment, and water quantity from storm “surges”.<br />

• Where stormwater management, erosion, or sedimentation control issues related to development<br />

proposals influence fish habitat, review under the Federal Fisheries Act is required (refer to Section 10 of<br />

document)<br />

• All stormwater management reports will be coordinated with other permit granting bodies, as necessary,<br />

to avoid overlap from cross-jurisdiction, (ie. Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act, Section 28 Regulations,<br />

Heritage Canal Regulations)<br />

6<br />

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority<br />

2216 County Road 28, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario, L1A 3W4<br />

Tel:(905)8858173 Fax:(905)8859824

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />

It’s recommended that the Stormwater Management Plan refer to the following documents.<br />

• MTO Drainage Management Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines, 1989, MTO<br />

• Urban Drainage Design <strong>Guide</strong>lines, 1997, MNR<br />

• MTC Drainage Manual, 1984, MTC<br />

• <strong>Guide</strong>lines on Erosion and Sediment control for Urban Construction sites, 1987, MNR, MTC, ACAO,<br />

MEA, UDI<br />

• Stormwater Management Practices Planning and Design Manual, 2003, MOEE<br />

• Watershed Plan/Subwatershed Plan and MDP<br />

• Special Policy for Brook Creek, Midtown Creek, Gage Creek, Ganaraska River and Cobourg Creek<br />

• Municipal Requirements<br />


5.1 Hydrologic Consideration<br />

Stormwater management plans must conform to a watershed’s Master Drainage Plan (MDP), or<br />

Subwatershed/Watershed Plan if one has been prepared. In the absence of the MDP/Subwatershed Plan, the<br />

consultant must obtain all existing hydrologic information from the Authority. The consultant must then appropriately<br />

alter the existing hydrologic analysis to reflect the proposed conditions and/or collect all necessary data. In the<br />

absence of hydrologic information, the consultants must prepare their own information to a standard acceptable to<br />

the Authority.<br />

Most of the Authority’s existing hydrologic analyses were based on future conditions as estimated at the time of<br />

modeling. The consultant must check this fact and be prepared to model the “true” pre-development watershed as<br />

well as the watershed proposed in their submission for comparison.<br />

All urban development proposals require the hydrologic model to analyze runoff response and route hydrograph.<br />

Within the many computerized models being utilized presently, OTTHYMO is appropriate for most drainage and<br />

stormwater management facilities analysis in Ganaraska Region. Other models such as MIDUSS and OTTSWMM<br />

etc. are also acceptable, but should be utilized after consulting with GRCA. In case where HYMO has been used to<br />

model the watershed, the consultant may alter this model (e.g. the CN number) to reflect a small urban development.<br />

Where a large development is proposed, the consultant may calibrate the OTTHYMO model to the existing HYMO<br />

model, than add an urban subroutine(s) to reflect the proposed development. If OTTHYMO has been used originally,<br />

the consultants can adjust the appropriate parameters to model the proposed conditions.<br />

The temporal distribution of the design storm should conform to MDP/Subwatershed Plan. In the absence of the<br />

MDP/Sub-watershed Plan, the SCS Type Π, Chicago and AES rainfall distributions should be applied to hydrologic<br />

model and select the event which produces the greatest runoff peaks and volumes. The duration of storm event<br />

should be tailored to the related time of concentration (Tc) in the local watershed. Normally, the duration is about 3<br />

7<br />

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority<br />

2216 County Road 28, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario, L1A 3W4<br />

Tel:(905)8858173 Fax:(905)8859824

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />

times to 4 times Tc.<br />

Where the proposed watershed changes are significant, the Authority will request the consultant to examine pre and<br />

post-development hydrographs for storm durations other than those employed in the original study. For example, a<br />

large rural basin which was previously modeled using a 12 hour 1:100 year storm, may need to be compared to the<br />

proposed urban basin analyses with a 3 hour 1:100 year storm. The consultant should model several storm<br />

durations in their post-development analysis and thoroughly discuss their findings in their report, and use the most<br />

severe event as the design storm in the final report.<br />

IDF from the weather station located closest to the site will be utilized. In Ganaraska Region, the following IDF are<br />

recommended and provided in Appendix.<br />

• <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> south of Lindsay IDF provided by MTO<br />

• Bowmanville IDF prepared by AES<br />

• Cobourg/Midtown Creeks’ Watershed IDF<br />

• Clarington Intensity Formulas<br />

In the case of the small watershed (less than 5 ha), the Rational Method may be utilized to determine peak flows.<br />

The runoff coefficients must be modified to reflect watershed changes. For the storms having return period of more<br />

than 10 years, runoff coefficients should be increased the followed values, up to a maximum coefficient of 0.95.<br />

• 25 yr - add 10%<br />

• 50 yr - add 20%<br />

• 100 yr -add 25%<br />

Modified Rational Method (illustrated in the following Table A) is permitted for design and routing of runoff control<br />

facilities in the watershed smaller than 5 ha.<br />

Table A : Modified Rational Method Spreadsheet<br />

Time Intensity for<br />

Peak flow of Post<br />

Controlled peak<br />

Volume<br />

Increment duration of (1) development at the intensity<br />

flow (mm/hr)<br />

(cu.m)<br />

(min) (mm/hr)<br />

of (2)<br />

(1) (2) (3)=0.00278*C post *A*(2) (4) (5)=((3)-(4)) *(1)*60<br />

5 min<br />

10 min<br />

…<br />

Required storage = Maximum (col(5))<br />

Note: C post —Post-<strong>Development</strong> Runoff Coefficient<br />

A—Drainage Area (ha)<br />

The Authority will not consider new hydrology prepared by a consultant for existing conditions where the Authority<br />

already had adopted a hydrologic analysis, unless the consultant can produce fully documented rationale.<br />

8<br />

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority<br />

2216 County Road 28, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario, L1A 3W4<br />

Tel:(905)8858173 Fax:(905)8859824

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />

If a detention facility is proposed, a stage-storage/discharge relationship must be derived, and the<br />

post-development hydrograph must be routed through the facility to show that the facility will be effective for the<br />

purpose of attenuating flow as proposed. Erosion analysis may also be required for downstream impacts.<br />

Watershed land use changes can alter the timing and duration of storm hydrographs. Such changes can result in<br />

coincident peaks with other watercourses or tributaries and changes in erosion potential. When applicable, a<br />

coincident peak analysis will be requested to ensure that downstream peak flows are not increased.<br />

5.2 Hydraulic considerations<br />

The Authority requires that the consultant submit a hydraulic analysis indicating the manner in which the stormwater<br />

runoff will be conveyed to the receiving watercourse.<br />

Hydraulic calculations can be carried out by various methods depending upon the particular application.<br />

Recommended methods are outlined as follows:<br />

• Storm Sewers: Uniform flow (ie. Manning’s formula).<br />

• Culverts: MTO Drainage Manual culvert design methods for conventional and improved inlet culvert.<br />

Computerized model such as HEC-2 or HEC-RAS by U.S Army Corps of Engineers, CulvertMaster by Haestad,<br />

are available for this purpose.<br />

• Channels/Watercourses: Design of uniform channels may be accomplished using standard open channel<br />

flow calculations such ad Manning’s formula. Non-uniform channels or channels which have restrictions, such<br />

as bridges or dams, that may result backwater conditions will require the application of a backwater model such<br />

as HEC-2 or HEC-RAS.<br />

• Outlet structures: Depending on the types of the outlet structures to choose the orifices/culverts or weirs<br />

equations.<br />

The hydraulics section of the Floodplain Management in Ontario Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines must be observed at all times<br />

when developing the hydraulic model and completing the analysis. Hard copies and diskettes of the EDIT2 and<br />

HEC-2 runs (input &output) must be submitted. More information is required above a simple SUMPO printout.<br />

In the case of proposed detention facilities, hydraulic calculations and drawings must be submitted which illustrate<br />

the way in which the outlet will perform as required.<br />

In an outlet facility, an analysis of the possibility of a hydraulic jump must be included. If a hydraulic jump occurs<br />

during the design storms of the facility, mitigative measures will be required to control the effects (ie. stilling basin) of<br />

the jump.<br />

All plans must clearly show geodetic datum. If the datum used is different than those used in earlier plans or routing,<br />

an appropriate way of relating this datum to actual field conditions is required.<br />

9<br />

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority<br />

2216 County Road 28, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario, L1A 3W4<br />

Tel:(905)8858173 Fax:(905)8859824

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />

The backwater analysis of the channel downstream of the outlet must be completed using un-routed flows in case<br />

the outlet becomes blocked and/or fails, particularly if a flood easement is to be acquired. Rational for modeling<br />

methods including spill analysis, the extension of sections and use of non-effective flow areas is required.<br />

5.3 SWMPs/BMPs Design<br />

Stormwater management Practices (SWMPs) or Best Management Practices (BMPs) should be selected based on<br />

the specific site situation, such as the soil type, topography, development scale, groundwater, in an effort to meet<br />

both quantity requirement and quality requirement.<br />

• Quantity criteria--Control post-development peakflows ranging from 2 yr to 100yr to pre-development<br />

level, unless the other criteria were set in MDP/Sub-watershed plan.<br />

• Quality criteria--Unless storm directly drains into Ontario Lake or subwatershed criteria are in effect,<br />

Level 1 protection should be meet in the Ganaraska Region watershed.<br />

The available techniques (Summarized in Table 1) that can be considered on an individual site were addressed in<br />

the 2003 MOEE Stormwater Management Practices Planning and Design Manual. GRCA suggest the consultants<br />

follow this manual to select and design the SWMPs.<br />

Table B Stormwater Management Practices<br />

Level SWMPs Function Constraints<br />

Lot level Roof top storage<br />

Quantity<br />

Parking lot storage (1) Quantity<br />

Reduced grading Quantity & Quality - Soil Percolation rate>15mm/h<br />

- Topography 15mm/h<br />

- Topography

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />

and avoid being located at the entrance. In the provided storage calculation, the sewer pipe storage is only allowed<br />

after the conveyance capacity is removed.<br />

(2) Three types of Oil/Grit including Stormceptor, CDS, OGER have approved in GRCA. Sizing, design,<br />

installation and maintenance details should follow the manufacturer’s specification.<br />

(3) Detention Facility, such as ponds, wetland, must be within the developed lands, located outside Natural<br />

Hazard Areas, outside wetland boundaries, and located outside the Regional Storm Floodplain. Geotechnical report<br />

is required.<br />

5.4 Erosion and Sediment Control<br />

Erosion and Sediment concerns must be addressed during construction and in the long term following completion of<br />

the project. Erosion and Sediment Control plan should be provided and approved as part of the detailed SWM<br />

management plan.<br />

Erosion and Sediment Control Principles<br />

• Limit the size of the disturbed areas and duration of exposure;<br />

• Retain existing vegetation where possible;<br />

• Reduce and redirect flows to lower gradients and areas that are less susceptible to erosion;<br />

• Limit slope length and gradient of disturbed areas;<br />

• Maintain overland sheet flow and avoid concentrated flows;<br />

• Re-vegetate disturbed areas as soon as possible, and;<br />

• Incorporate good housekeeping and maintenance schedules for supervision and construction staff.<br />

The plan should include<br />

• Layout and grading plan. Should include:<br />

- 1 meter existing, preliminary and final contours;<br />

- Soil characteristics;<br />

- Existing vegetation types;<br />

- Adjacent and internal area and properties that are sensitive to erosion and sediment damage, zones of high<br />

erosion potential, exist, during and post development drainage patterns and outlets, all specifications and<br />

installation procedures, detailed notes, limits of clearing and grading, stockpile locations and monitoring &<br />

maintenance requirements.<br />

• Site drainage details<br />

• Type of facilities proposed<br />

• Design to demonstrate compliance to criteria<br />

• Work schedule<br />

Erosion and sediment control practices including:<br />

• Temporary Cover Practices: Seeding, Mulching;<br />

11<br />

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority<br />

2216 County Road 28, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario, L1A 3W4<br />

Tel:(905)8858173 Fax:(905)8859824

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />

• Permanent Cover Practices: Sodding, Vegetative buffer strips;<br />

• Erosion Control Using Vegetative practices: Silt fencing, straw bakes, sediment basins, sediment traps, sewer<br />

inlet traps;<br />

• Sediment control practices: rock check dam, interception berm/swale.<br />

Construction Implementation<br />

Design criteria:<br />

The following references are suggested to use by GRCA.<br />

• <strong>Guide</strong>lines on Erosion and Sediment control for Urban Construction Sites, 1987, MNR, MTC, ACAO, MEA, UDI<br />

• Erosion and Sediment Control Training Manual, 1997, MOE<br />

• Erosion and Sediment Controls on Urban Construction Sites, City of Missisauga<br />

• Technical Design <strong>Guide</strong>lines, Standards, and Policies for Siltation and Erosion Control, 2003, Nottawasaga<br />

Valley conservation Authority<br />


During initial contact with the Authority, the staff’s assessment of development proposals dictates the extent of the<br />

investigation and analysis required. During the very initial stages of review, requirements to conform to or Master<br />

Drainage Plans (MDP)/watershed studies or other watershed management reports will be provided to the<br />

proponent.<br />

The following list summarized the general steps followed for planning/engineering review of major development<br />

applications:<br />

1. Consultation with review agencies including GRCA staff, local municipality and other approval agencies.<br />

2. Background data establishment (e.g. Top of bank, fill and floodline, wetland boundaries).<br />

3. Preliminary stormwater management concept submission.<br />

4. Official plan amendment.<br />

5. Zoning Bylaw Amendment (schedule on the same scale as proposed subdivision if possible).<br />

6. GRCA requests certain conditions to be included in “Draft Plan Conditions” for subdivisions.<br />

7. Detailed stormwater design submission (including municipal contract drawings).<br />

8. GRCA engineering approval.<br />

9. Review of agreement.<br />

10. Clearance of conditions to approval authority.<br />

11. Certification of works by proponent’s engineer.<br />

All plans and reports submitted on behalf of the proponent must be prepared by a qualified consultant (to the<br />

Authority’s satisfaction).<br />

No grading shall commence prior to the clearance of GRCA draft plan conditions without written approval from the<br />

GRCA.<br />

12<br />

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority<br />

2216 County Road 28, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario, L1A 3W4<br />

Tel:(905)8858173 Fax:(905)8859824

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />

Each report has a recommended structure and list of required contents to expedite the review process outlined in<br />

section 7 and section 8.<br />


7.1 Timing<br />

Prior to submission of the Official Plan Amendment and/or Draft Plan of Subdivision.<br />

7.2 Objective<br />

To indicate the conceptual design with the necessary plans, figures, calculations and conclusions to show<br />

conformity with the water management policies, general practices and regulations of the Ganaraska Region<br />

Conservation Authority. To provide GRCA staff sufficient background information to accurately assess development<br />

proposals during the early planning stages, i.e. Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-Law Amendments and the<br />

request of conditions to be included in “Draft Plan of Subdivision Approval”. At this stage, the following issues aid in<br />

determining the lot and road pattern:<br />

• Distances of setbacks, top of bank locations and possible easement location.<br />

• Location of previously defined existing floodlines, fill lines, wetland limits, and natural heritage features.<br />

• Ownership of stormwater management and best management practices structures.<br />

• Size of peak flow control ponds, water quality ponds and/or groundwater recharge facilities.<br />

• General impact of development on receiving watercourse or adjacent environmental features<br />

7.3 Report Structure<br />

Section 1: Background Information<br />

Section 2: Existing Conditions<br />

Section 3: Design Criteria and Standards<br />

Section 4: Description of the Proposed Stormwater Management Scheme<br />

Section 5: Hydrology<br />

Section 6: Hydraulics<br />

Section 7: Summary<br />

7.4 Required Report Content<br />

(1) Key plan with legal property description.<br />

(2) Plan showing existing conditions - contours, site boundary, drainage areas, external drainage areas and<br />

land uses, downstream outlet conditions. All plans prepared to clearly show datum.<br />

(3) Plan showing proposed land uses - flow paths, SWM and BMP facilities and preliminary grading design,<br />

setbacks, top of bank location, floodlines, fill lines and ESA’s.<br />

(4) Discussion on the following points:<br />

• Rationale for the concept, highlighting any areas in non-conformance with current policies and<br />

13<br />

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority<br />

2216 County Road 28, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario, L1A 3W4<br />

Tel:(905)8858173 Fax:(905)8859824

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />

general practices.<br />

• Selection of models or methods and parameter values.<br />

• Rainfall data used and background soils information for the site.<br />

• Calculations providing adequate detail to back up facility sizes and the overall design concept.<br />

(5) A table presenting lumped hydrologic and hydraulic results, a discussion of the results and how the SWM<br />

and BMP facilities meet GRCA criteria.<br />

(6) The worst case or emergency scenario is to be identified, i.e. plugged drains, blocked control structures<br />

and resulting effects on SWM facilities noted, i.e. maximum ponding limits, pond berm stability, emergency<br />

overflow routes and major overland flow routes.<br />

(7) Grading plan, i.e. does it produce post drainage plan?<br />

(8) Preliminary proposals for mitigative measures for protection, rehabilitation or enhancement of natural<br />

heritage features, functions and linkages.<br />

Note: Report must be signed and stamped.<br />


8.1 Timing<br />

Prior to clearance of draft plan conditions of Draft Plan Approval.<br />

8.2 Objective<br />

To provide detailed calculations, methodology, background criteria and engineering drawings to support the<br />

preliminary concept.<br />

8.3 Report Structure<br />

Section 1: Background Information<br />

Section 2: Description of the Drainage Catchment, Drainage Areas, Land Use and Soil Conditions<br />

Section 3: Design Criteria and Standards<br />

Section 4: Description of the Proposed Stormwater Management Scheme<br />

Section 5: Performance of the Proposed Stormwater Management Scheme<br />

Section 6: Sedimentation and Erosion Controls<br />

Section 7: Summary<br />

8.4 Required Report Content<br />

(1) Key plan. (Note: all plans prepared to clearly show datum)<br />

(2) Pre-development Drainage Area Plan<br />

(3) Detailed Soils Information.<br />

(4) Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves.<br />

(5) Post <strong>Development</strong> Drainage Area Plan<br />

14<br />

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority<br />

2216 County Road 28, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario, L1A 3W4<br />

Tel:(905)8858173 Fax:(905)8859824

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />

(6) Table summarizing pre, post uncontrolled and controlled flows.<br />

(7) Details of SWM controls: stage/storage/discharge curves and inflow/outflow hydrographs.<br />

(8) Stamped drawings showing SWM facility locations, grading details, overland flow routes, control<br />

structures, headwalls, sewers and channels. A minimum of one cross section through the SWM facilities.<br />

(9) Sizing calculation for peak flow control ponds, BMP’s channels and sewers.<br />

(10) Detailed erosion and sedimentation control plans (2):<br />

• For works during stripping, grading and site servicing.<br />

• During building construction.<br />

(11) Pre and post development floodlines, fill lines, wetlands, ESA’s and top of bank locations.<br />

(12) Final mitigative measures for protection, rehabilitation or enhancement of natural heritage features,<br />

functions and linkages.<br />

(13) Detailed planting Plans<br />

Note: Report must be signed and stamped.<br />


March 2001, the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) entered into a Level 3 Fish Habitat Review<br />

agreement with Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). That means GRCA is responsible for completing review of<br />

projects including the preparation of compensation plans with the proponent for Fisheries Act authorization. The<br />

review process is outlined in Figure B.<br />

15<br />

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority<br />

2216 County Road 28, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario, L1A 3W4<br />

Tel:(905)8858173 Fax:(905)8859824

Figure B: CA Fish Habitat Review Process<br />

Proponent has a project in or near water<br />

CA receives and receives and reviews file<br />

from proponent and/or OMNR<br />

CA with no DFO Agreement advises<br />

proponent to talk to DFO/OMNR (see<br />

OMNR referral process<br />

CA with DFO Agreement reviews project<br />

CA with Level 1<br />

Yes<br />

Will fish habitat be harmfully altered,<br />

disrupted or destroyed?<br />

No<br />

Agreement<br />

CA with Level 1 Agreement forwards project<br />

to DFO for decision<br />

No Fisheries Act Authorization<br />

required<br />

CA with Level 2<br />

Agreement<br />

Can project be modified or relocated to<br />

mitigate impacts?<br />

No<br />

Yes<br />

Project proceeds with<br />

modifications No<br />

Fisheries Act<br />

CA provides permit if applicable<br />

and informs proponent that other<br />

permits may be required (eg.<br />

OMNR permits) (or issues on behalf<br />

of OMNR, if applicable<br />

CA with Level 2 Agreement forwards project<br />

to DFO for decision<br />

authorization required<br />

See OMNR referral process if not<br />

already completed<br />

CA with Level 3<br />

CA with Level 3 Agreement works with the<br />

Meet Fisheries Act<br />

Proponent receives OMNR permit<br />

Agreement<br />

proponent and DFO towards an adequate<br />

authorization<br />

compensation plan<br />

Criteria<br />

Proponent proceeds with work


10.1 Hydrologic/hydraulics and mapping information<br />

10.2 Watershed plan or subwatershed plan<br />

• Cobourg/Midtown creek Master Drainage Plan (1992)<br />

• Little Creek Master Drainage Plan (2002)<br />

• Foster Creek Sub-watershed Study (2000)<br />

• Brook Creek Sub-watershed Study/Master Drainage Plan<br />

10.3 Maps<br />

• 1:10000 Hardcopy Topographic OBM Maps<br />

• 1:2000 Hardcopy Topographic OBM Maps (Mostly <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> Ward 1)<br />

• 1:250000 NTS Hardcopy Mapping (Large Map Sheets)<br />

10.4 Imagery<br />

• Clarington 2001 Black and White Ortho Photo (Digital)<br />

• 2002 Ortho Photos (Full Coverage, Digital)<br />

• Black and White Hardcopy Air Photos (Various Years and Area)<br />

10.5 Provincial Documents<br />

• Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for Floodplain Management<br />

• Flood Plain Planning Policy Statement and Implementation <strong>Guide</strong>lines<br />

• Urban Drainage Design <strong>Guide</strong>lines<br />

• <strong>Guide</strong>lines on Erosion and Sediment control for Urban Construction Sites<br />

• Provincial Policy Statement<br />

• Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual<br />

10.6 GRCA Documents<br />

• Wetland Classification Reports<br />

• Environmentally Sensitive Areas Reports<br />

• Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan<br />

• GRCA Water Resources Management Policies<br />

10.7 Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curve (Detailed information attached in Appendix)<br />

• <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> south of Lindsay IDF provided by MTO<br />

• Bowmanville IDF prepared by AES<br />

• Cobourg/Midtown Creeks’ Watershed IDF<br />

• Municipality of Clarington Intensity Formulas<br />

10.8 Streamflow data and weather data (See Figure C GRCA Gauge Station Network)

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />

11.0 Definitions<br />

Regulatory Floodplain<br />

Within GRCA’s jurisdiction, the Regulatory Floodplain means the flood that is calculated to occur if the Regional<br />

Storm even was centred over any one particular watershed. If the Regional Storm or more severe storm has<br />

occurred, then the Regulatory Flood is the observed flood level. The 1:100 year flood is the regulatory flood if it is a<br />

greater flood than that produced by the regional storm.<br />

Watercourse<br />

Watercourse means a channel that carries water from an area to a receiving watercourse or water body. These<br />

watercourses may be either perennial or intermittent in nature. Roadside ditches that receive runoff only from an<br />

adjacent road and sheet flow from adjacent land are not considered a watercourse.<br />

Fill, Construction and Alteration to Waterway Regulation<br />

Means a regulation passed pursuant to Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act, R.S.O 1990 or its<br />

successors whereby a conservation authority may, along with other matters, regulate:<br />

• The straightening, changing, diverting or interfering in anyway with an existing channel, a river,<br />

creek, stream or watercourse<br />

• The construction of my building or structure in or on a swamp or in any are subject to flooding;<br />

• The placing of fill or dumping of fill of any kind in any defined part of the area over which the<br />

conservation authority has jurisdiction which, in the opinion of the conservation authority, the control of flooding<br />

or pollution or the conservation of land may be affected.<br />

Regulated area<br />

Means an area that is shown on maps and described in written schedules in the Regulation for the control of the<br />

placement of the fill pursuant to a regulation passed under section 28 of the conservation authorities act R.S.O 1990<br />

19<br />

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority<br />

2216 County Road 28, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario, L1A 3W4<br />

Tel:(905)8858173 Fax:(905)8859824

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />


Water Management Services:<br />

Property Inquiries (Public Information, Solicitor's Requests & Real Estate Inquiries)<br />

Written Response Required in less than 3 business days<br />

Data/Information Requests/General Inquiries (i.e. stream level data, weather/rainfall data, site visits,<br />

etc.)<br />

(Academic Institutions, Municipalities & other government agencies exempt)<br />

Consultants & Others - $30.00 min. fee, (Landowners – First half hour free)<br />

Detail Review of Technical Reports (i.e. Not covered through Planning Fees)<br />

* (Based on Cost Recovery – Hourly Basis)<br />

Authority Floodplain Maps & Map Copies (36" wide)<br />

$100.00/reply<br />

$150.00/reply<br />

$30.00 per hr. Technical<br />

Staff<br />

$50.00 per h. Watershed<br />

Engineer<br />

$30.00 per hr.<br />

Technical Staff<br />

$50.00 per hr.<br />

Watershed Engineer<br />

$15.00/map<br />

Ontario Base Maps & Copies (24" wide)<br />

Permit/Hearing Fees: Fill, Construction & Alteration to Waterway Regulations<br />

(Ont. Reg. 148/90 as amended) Pursuant to Section 28, Conservation Authorities Act<br />

$10.00/map<br />

Works within a Regulated Area (i.e. Within Fill Lines outside the regulatory flood plain) $125.00<br />

Works within regulated flood plain (i.e. Cut & fill, construction activities undertaken with permit in<br />

compliance with Water Management Policies)<br />

$250.00<br />

Alteration to Waterway (Includes erosion control works) $350.00<br />

Permits Required for Unauthorized Works $500.00<br />

Permit Renewals (Works not substantially completed within 1 year period) $75.00<br />

Full Authority Hearings (Administrative Fee)<br />

(Pursuant to Section 28, subsection 12, Conservation Authorities Act)<br />

$480.00<br />

(to be paid prior to calling<br />

the Hearing)<br />

Note: Does not include technical review fee as noted above.<br />

• Note: All permits are valid for a period of one year from the date of issue unless otherwise noted.<br />

• Note: In addition to above fees, disbursements will be charged if applicable.<br />

20<br />

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority<br />

2216 County Road 28, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario, L1A 3W4<br />

Tel:(905)8858173 Fax:(905)8859824

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />

Planning Review Fees<br />

Legal Inquiries/Information Requests – see above<br />

Site Inspections outside of Application Review $100.00<br />

Minor Variance Review $200.00<br />

Zoning Amendment/Rezoning $300.00<br />

Consent/Severance Review $300.00<br />

Consent – detailed technical review required $750.00<br />

Official Plan Amendment $300.00<br />

Site Plan Review $300.00<br />

Site Plan Clearance – detailed technical review $2500.00<br />

Golf Course Applications $5000.00<br />

Subdivisions – initial review $1000.00<br />

Subdivisions – clearance fee<br />

$500.00/ha for 1 st 20 ha, $100.00 for each additional.<br />

Note: For consolidated applications, only the highest fee is charged. Consolidated includes applications 1 year after<br />

initial review.<br />

Note: For plans of subdivision, fees will not charged for environmental lands.<br />

Note: For phased subdivisions, fees will be calculated on the basis of each phase.<br />

21<br />

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority<br />

2216 County Road 28, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario, L1A 3W4<br />

Tel:(905)8858173 Fax:(905)8859824

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />

APPENDIX Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves<br />

22<br />

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority<br />

2216 County Road 28, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario, L1A 3W4<br />

Tel:(905)8858173 Fax:(905)8859824

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />

MTO <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong> IDF - South of Lindsay<br />

IDF Equation<br />

a<br />

i = ---------<br />

(td + b)^c<br />

Td --- Time in hour<br />

I -- Intensity in mm/Hr<br />

Return Period 2 year 5 year 10 year 25 year 50 year 100 year<br />

Parameters<br />

a 413 530 609 708 821 667<br />

b 4 3.1 2.9 2.8 2.9 0.5<br />

c 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.75 0.7<br />

Rainfall Intensity (mm/Hr)<br />

Minutes 2year 5 year 10 year 25 year 50 year 100 year<br />

5 82 115 135 160 180 200<br />

10 58 77 90 105 120 130<br />

15 48 62 72 85 94 105<br />

30 29 37 43 49 54 49<br />

60 19 25 29 33 37 40<br />

120 12 16 18 22 24 26<br />

360 5.6 7.2 8.4 9.8 11 12<br />

720 3.2 4.1 4.8 5.6 6.2 6.7<br />

1440 1.8 2.3 2.6 3 3.2 3.5<br />

23<br />

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority<br />

2216 County Road 28, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario, L1A 3W4<br />

Tel:(905)8858173 Fax:(905)8859824

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />


IDF Equation<br />

a<br />

i = ---------<br />

(td + b)^c<br />

Td --- Time in hour<br />

I -- Intensity in mm/Hr<br />

Return Period 2year 5 year 10 year 25 year 50 year 100 year<br />

Parameters<br />

a 425 530 620 710 810 825<br />

b 4.3 3.3 3 2.8 2.8 1.7<br />

c 0.744 0.741 0.741 0.739 0.746 0.739<br />

Rainfall Intensity (mm/Hr)<br />

Minutes 2year 5 year 10 year 25 year 50 year 100 year<br />

5 90 120 140 170 190 210<br />

10 56 77 91 110 120 135<br />

15 53 68 77 89 98 106<br />

30 31 38 42 48 53 57<br />

60 19 24 28 32 36 39<br />

120 12 16 19 23 26 28<br />

360 5.5 7.3 8.4 9.9 11 12<br />

720 3.1 4.2 4.9 5.7 6.4 7<br />

1440 1.9 2.3 2.6 3 3.3 3.5<br />

24<br />

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority<br />

2216 County Road 28, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario, L1A 3W4<br />

Tel:(905)8858173 Fax:(905)8859824

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />

Clarington Intensity Formulas<br />

Conservative<br />

IDF Equation a<br />

I =a/(b+Td) Td --- Time in hour i = ---------<br />

I -- Intensity in mm/Hr (td + b)^c<br />

Return Period 2 year 5 year 10 year 25 year 50 year 100 year 100year<br />

Parameters<br />

a 1778 2464 2819 3886 4750 5588 1770<br />

b 13 16 16 18 24 28 4<br />

0.82<br />

25<br />

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority<br />

2216 County Road 28, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario, L1A 3W4<br />

Tel:(905)8858173 Fax:(905)8859824

Technical <strong>Guide</strong>lines for<br />

Storm Water Management Submissions<br />

Revised date: November 2004<br />

BOWMAVILLE IDF BY AES (18years)<br />

IDF Equation<br />

I = a*Td^b<br />

Td --- Time in hour<br />

I -- Intensity in mm/Hr<br />

Return Period 2year 5 year 10 year 25 year 50 year 100 year<br />

Parameters<br />

a 17.8 23 26.4 30.7 33.9 37.1<br />

b -0.691 -0.684 -0.681 -0.678 -0.676 -0.675<br />

Total ainfall (mm)<br />

Minutes 2year 5 year 10 year 25 year 50 year 100 year<br />

5 7.6 9.5 10.8 12.4 13.6 14.7<br />

10 9.8 12.3 14 16.1 17.7 19.3<br />

15 11.7 14.9 17 19.7 21.6 23.6<br />

30 14.9 18.7 21.3 24.5 26.8 29.2<br />

60 19.4 25.6 29.7 35 38.8 42.7<br />

120 24.3 32.9 38.6 45.8 51.2 56.5<br />

360 32.6 44 51.6 61.2 68.3 75.4<br />

720 38.9 49.7 56.9 66 72.7 79.4<br />

1440 41.2 52.8 60.4 70.1 77.3 84.4<br />

Rainfall Intensity (mm/Hr)<br />

Minutes 2year 5 year 10 year 25 year 50 year 100 year<br />

5 91.2 114.0 129.6 148.8 163.2 176.4<br />

10 58.8 73.8 84.0 96.6 106.2 115.8<br />

15 46.8 59.6 68.0 78.8 86.4 94.4<br />

30 29.8 37.4 42.6 49.0 53.6 58.4<br />

60 19.4 25.6 29.7 35.0 38.8 42.7<br />

120 12.2 16.5 19.3 22.9 25.6 28.3<br />

360 5.4 7.3 8.6 10.2 11.4 12.6<br />

720 3.2 4.1 4.7 5.5 6.1 6.6<br />

1440 1.7 2.2 2.5 2.9 3.2 3.5<br />

26<br />

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority<br />

2216 County Road 28, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong>, Ontario, L1A 3W4<br />

Tel:(905)8858173 Fax:(905)8859824



ITEM<br />




1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

Watermain Servicing (incl. PRV's, hydrants, appurtenances)<br />

Sanitary Sewer Servicing (incl. manholes, appurtenances, safety<br />

grates)<br />

Storm Sewer Servicing (incl. manholes, catchbasins,<br />

appurtenances)<br />

Service Laterals (incl. water, storm, sanitary, curbstops, cleanouts,<br />

other)<br />

Water Utility Building (incl. booster station, backflow preventer,<br />

meters, other)<br />

Sanitary Pumping Station (incl. forcemain, mechanical / electrical,<br />

generator, other)<br />

Roadwork (incl. granulars, asphalt, curb, sidewalks, pavers,<br />

shouldering, linepainting, other)<br />

Storm Water Management Facilities (incl. pond, oil/grit seperator)<br />

Streetlighting (incl. ductwork, pole base, cabling)<br />

Landscaping (incl. street/park furniture, gateway signs, vegetated<br />

buffer strips, garden walls, gazebos, roadway signage)<br />

Rough grading (incl. sediment and erosion control, off-site<br />

haulage, stockpiling, overland flow routes)<br />

Fine grading (incl. topsoil, sod, swales, other)<br />

Other (incl. designated structures, bridges, retaining walls,<br />

guiderail, fencing, TCP, TPP)<br />

$ $<br />

$ $<br />

$ $<br />

$ $<br />

$ $<br />

$ $<br />

$ $<br />

$ $<br />

$ $<br />

$ $<br />

$ $<br />

$ $<br />

$ $<br />

A SUB-TOTAL (Sum Item 1 to 13) $<br />

B Contingency (5% of Item A) $<br />

C Engineering (7% of Item A) $<br />


NOTE:<br />

1. Costs shall be prepared by a Professional Engineer<br />

2. Costs shall be the estimated / tendered / actual value of constructed works (i.e. supply and installation)<br />

3. On-site works shall exclude dwellings



Municipality of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Building Fee Schedule<br />

(as of February 1, 2008)<br />


Single Family and Semidetached<br />

<strong>Development</strong> Charges: $14,373 Urban Area<br />

$7,118 Rural Area dwellings<br />

$7,108 Urban Area Bachelor and 1 Bedroom<br />

- Residential $3,525 Rural Area apartment<br />

(per unit) $10,177 Urban Area 2+ Bedroom apartments<br />

$5,038 Rural Area<br />

$5,119 Urban Area Special Care<br />

$2,533 Rural Area<br />

$11,150 Urban Area<br />

All other Multiple Dwelling<br />

Units<br />

$5,524 Rural Area<br />

$0 Education (not applicable)<br />

- Non-residential $5.73 Urban Area Commercial/Institutional<br />

(per ft 2 of gross floor area) $3.01 Rural Area<br />

$5.10 Urban Area Industrial<br />

$2.81 Rural Area<br />

Education (not<br />

$0 applicable)<br />

Building Permit $50 Plus $7 per $1,000 of construction value<br />

Plumbing Permit $25 plus $8/fixture; residential use<br />

Building Deposit $1,000 per housing unit, refundable upon completion<br />

Revised January 25, 2008

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