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<strong>PYGMALION</strong><br />

by<br />

Bernard Shaw<br />

Act 1<br />

1. Where do the pedestrians seek shelter ?<br />

2. What time does the Bystander tell the Mother that Freddy will be able<br />

to get a cab ? Why ?<br />

3. Where did the Mother ask Freddy if he had tried to get a cab there?<br />

4. To where does Freddy ask if they expect him to walk to get a cab?<br />

5. What type of hat is the Flower Girl wearing ?<br />

6. What is the age of the Flower Girl ?<br />

7. What is the name of the Daughter ?<br />

8. What is the amount the Mother pays for the flowers ?<br />

9. Why did the Flower Girl call Fred “Freddy” ?<br />

10. What is the amount the Gentleman pays for the Flowers ?<br />

11. The Bystander said the Flower Girl thought the Notetaker was whom ?<br />

What is meant by this term ?<br />

12. From where was the Bystander ?<br />

13. Where was the Flower girl born ?<br />

14. What was the cost of the Flower Girl’s rent while she was there?<br />

15. From where was the Sarcastic Bystander ?<br />

16. From where was the Gentleman ?<br />

17. From where was the Daughter ?<br />

18. From where is the Mother ?<br />

19. What does the Notetaker use to hail a cab ?<br />

20. What does the Notetaker say he uses to tell where people were<br />

raised ?<br />

21. What does the Notetaker say he could do with the Flower Girl?<br />

22. What 3 insulting names does the Notetaker call the Flower Girl?<br />

23. Whom does the Gentleman turn out to be ?<br />

24. Whom does the Notetaker turn out to be ?

25. Where does the Notetaker reside ?<br />

26. What does Higgins do upon hearing the Church clock strike ?<br />

27. What is the reasoning for him to perform this gesture ?<br />

28. When Freddy returns he finds his Mother and Clara went where ?<br />

29. Why does the Cab Driver hold the door closed ?<br />

30. What does the Flower Girl do to gain his trust ?<br />

31. What is the name of the Flower Girl ?<br />

32. Where does the Flower Girl first tell the Cab Driver to take her?<br />

33. Why does she tell the Cab Driver this ?<br />

34. At what address does Liza live ?<br />

35. What was the amount of the taxi ride ?<br />

36. What two items, torn from newspapers, are hanging on the wall?<br />

37. What sits on the shelf above the fireplace ?<br />

38. What is the rent for Liza’s room ?<br />

39. Too excited to go to bed, how does Liza spend the time ?<br />

40. What does Liza do when the gas lamp burns out ?

ACT 2<br />

1. What items are on the flat writing table ?<br />

2. What is between the fireplace and the phonograph ?<br />

3. What is in the desert dish that is on the piano ?<br />

4. How old is Higgins ?<br />

5. How many distinct vowel sounds can Higgins pronounce ?<br />

6. What is the name of Higgins housekeeper ?<br />

7. Why does the Flower Girl go to Higgins’ house ?<br />

8. What insulting name does Higgins call the Flower Girl ?<br />

9. What reason does the Flower Girl give for wanting to improve her speech ?<br />

10. How much does Liza offer to pay for her speech lessons ?<br />

11. What does Higgins offer Liza to wipe her eyes ?<br />

12. What is the bet Pickering makes with Higgins ?<br />

13. What is the wager ?<br />

14. What does Higgins tell Mrs. Pearce to do with Liza’s clothes ?<br />

15. Where does Higgins suggest Mrs. Pearce place Liza ?<br />

16. Higgins says that a woman of Liza’s class looks like what after a year of<br />

marriage ?<br />

17. What does Liza say she doesn’t want teaching her? What does she mean by<br />

this?<br />

18. Who was it that turned Liza out onto the streets ?<br />

19. What does Higgins say Liza will spend extra money on ?<br />

20. What does Higgins say they can do with Liza when he is finished with her ?<br />

21. What does Higgins snatch from the top of the piano ?<br />

22. What does he use to cut it in two ?<br />

23. What does Higgins tell Liza will happen to her if she is naughty ?<br />

24. What does Higgins tell Liza will happen if the King finds out she is not a lady ?<br />

25. What does Higgins tell Liza will happen if she is not found out ?<br />

26. Where is Liza taken ?<br />

27. What does Liza call the bathtub ?<br />

28. What does Mrs. Pearce give Liza to wrap herself in ?<br />

29. What does Liza say is the only thing she takes off when she goes to<br />

bed?<br />

30. What does Mrs. Pearce say she will put in Liza’s bed to keep her warm ?<br />

31. What does Mrs. Pearce add to the bath water ?

32. According to Higgins, what happens to women when they make friends with<br />

him ?<br />

33. Why does Pickering ask Higgins if he is a man of honor ?<br />

34. What does Mrs. Pearce say she will do with Liza’s hat ?<br />

35. What does Mrs. Pearce ask Higgins not to do in front of Liza ?<br />

36. What certain word does Mrs. Pearce want Higgins not to use ?<br />

37. What did Higgins nearly choke himself with the previous week ?<br />

38. What does Mrs. Pearce ask Higgins if Liza can wear ?<br />

39. Whom does Mrs. Pearce say is at the door ?<br />

40. What does Higgins say might be of interest about Mr. Doolittle ?<br />

41. What is Mr. Doolittle’s profession ?<br />

42. Where was Mr. Doolittle brought up ?<br />

43. What does Higgins say is the reason Doolittle has come to see him ?<br />

44. How long has it been since Alfred has seen Liza ?<br />

45. How did Doolittle know that Liza was at Higgins house ?<br />

46. What was the content of Liza’s luggage ?<br />

47. What was the reason given by Mrs. Pearce for not letting Liza leave with Mr.<br />

Doolittle?<br />

48. What does Doolittle ask Higgins for in exchange for Liza ?<br />

49. What is the reason Doolittle gives for not having any morals ?<br />

50. What does Higgins say they could make of Mr. Doolittle in three months if they<br />

took him in hand ?<br />

51. According to Mr. Doolittle, how much of the five pounds will be left by Monday ?<br />

52. How much does Higgins offer Mr. Doolittle ?<br />

53. Why does Mr. Doolittle say he is a slave to his missus ?<br />

54. What bit of advice does Mr. Doolittle give Higgins ?<br />

55. What is Liza wearing when she first comes downstairs with Mrs. Pearce?<br />

56. What does Liza hang a towel over ?<br />

57. What does Liza say is Mr. Doolittle’s trade ?<br />

58. What does Liza feel like during her lessons with Higgins ?<br />

59. What phrase does Higgins get Liza to say ?<br />

60. What does Higgins say will happen to Liza if she mispronounces the alphabet ?

ACT 3<br />

1. Where is Mrs. Higgins’ flat located ?<br />

2. What is the only landscape among the oil paintings ?<br />

3. How old is Mrs. Higgins ?<br />

4. Why is Mrs. Higgins upset with Henry for showing up at her place ?<br />

5. What happens to Mrs. Higgins’ friends upon meeting Henry ?<br />

6. What is Henry Higgins’ idea of a lovable woman ?<br />

7. What does Mrs. Higgins say Henry would do if he loved her ?<br />

8. What are the two subjects Liza can talk about with Mrs. Higgins’<br />

friends?<br />

9. Who are the first guests the Parlormaid announces ?<br />

10. How does Henry signal Liza which lady is the hostess ?<br />

11. What does Mrs. Eynsford Hill say she remembers about Liza ?<br />

12. Where does Henry say he has met the Eynsford Hill’s before ?<br />

13. Where does Mrs. Higgins tell Henry not to sit ? Why ?<br />

14. What caused the death of Liza’a aunt ?<br />

15. What did Liza believe happened to her aunt ?<br />

16. What was the motive for Liza’s aunt being “done in” ?<br />

17. How much money would Liza’s mother give to her father when he<br />

was out of work ? What was he to do with this money ?<br />

18. Who opens the door for Liza ?<br />

19. By what means is Liza getting home ?<br />

20. Where does Freddy go to get another glimpse of Liza ?<br />

21. Where does Pickering say he has been the last several years ?<br />

22. How many “at-homes” does Clara and her Mother still have<br />

remaining ?<br />

23. According to Pickering , how does Mrs. Pearce end her conversations<br />

about Liza ?<br />

24. What musical instrument can Liza now play ?<br />

25. How long has Higgins and Pickering been working with Liza ?<br />

26. According to Mrs. Higgins, what walked into Wimpole St. with Liza ?

27. What does Pickering think is the problem ?<br />

28. What does Mrs. Pickering say will be the real problem ?<br />

29. What does Higgins say they will do afterwards for Liza ?<br />

30. Where does Higgins suggest they take Liza ?<br />

31. What does Higgins say Liza will do when she gets home ?<br />

32. How many attempts does Mrs. Higgins make at writing a letter ?<br />

33. What type of automobile does Liza arrive in at the Embassy<br />

reception?<br />

34. How is Liza dressed for the occasion ?<br />

35. What is the name of the young foreigner ? How does he know<br />

Higgins ?<br />

36. What is the reason he gives for not shaving ?<br />

37. Why is he at the Embassy reception ?<br />

38. Why is Pickering worried about Nepommuck ?<br />

39. How many landing footmen are there ?<br />

40. What does the Hostess ask Pickering concerning Liza ?<br />

41. How long, according to Higgins, does it take Nepommuck to learn a<br />

new language ?<br />

42. What does Higgins say Nepommuck is no good at ?<br />

43. Who was the last person, before Liza, people stood on chairs to see ?<br />

44. Why does Nepommuck say that Doolittle cannot be Liza’s true name ?<br />

45. According to Nepommuck, who are the only people to speak perfect<br />

English ?<br />

46. What does Nepommuck believe is Liza’s nationality ?<br />

47. What did Liza say to Nepommuck when he spoke Hungarian to her ?<br />

48. According to Nepommuck, what is the only race that can produce the<br />

air of divine right that Liza projects ?<br />

49. What does Higgins answer when asked by the Host about Liza ?<br />

50. With whom does his Excellency agree with concerning Liza ?

ACT 4<br />

1. What time is it when the clock strikes ?<br />

2. What does Higgins ask Pickering to do ?<br />

3. Where does Liza place her fan and gloves ?<br />

4. What is Higgins carrying when he enters the room ?<br />

5. Where does Higgins tell Pickering to throw his hat and overcoat ?<br />

6. What does Higgins say Mrs. Pearce will think when she sees the clothes<br />

on the banister ?<br />

7. What does Higgins begin singing ?<br />

8. What is the contents of the mail ?<br />

9. What does Liza place in front of Higgins ?<br />

10. What does Higgins confess to Pickering about their experiment ?<br />

11. According to Higgins, for how long was the Garden Party exciting ?<br />

12. What are Higgins instructions to Eliza before he retires to bed ?<br />

13. What does Eliza do with Higgins’ slippers ?<br />

14. How does Higgins respond to Eliza’s question “what’s to become of<br />

me” ?<br />

15. What does Higgins blame for Liza’s anxiety ?<br />

16. What does Higgins eat from the desert stand on the piano ?<br />

17. What does Higgins suggest his Mother could find for Liza ?<br />

18. What does Higgins suggest Pickering could do for Liza ?<br />

19. What does Liza call Higgins that surprises him ?<br />

20. What reason does Liza give for asking if the clothes belong to her ?<br />

21. What does Liza hand over to Higgins ? Why ?<br />

22. What does Higgins say he would do with the jewels if they belonged<br />

to him ?<br />

23. Where did Higgins buy the ring that Eliza was wearing ?<br />

24. What does Higgins do with the ring ?<br />

25. How is Eliza dressed when she leaves Wimpole Street ?<br />

26. Who is standing in the street outside the house ? Why is he there ?<br />

27. Where does Eliza and Freddy stop to consider their next move ?

28. Where does Eliza tell Freddy she was headed ?<br />

29. What was she going to do there ? Explain.<br />

30. How much does Eliza always carry in her purse ?<br />

31. Who does Eliza plan to see in the morning for advice ?<br />

32. To where does Freddy tell the Taximan to drive ?

ACT 5<br />

1. Who is Higgins and Pickering phoning ?<br />

2. At what time did Liza return to Wimpole St. for her belongings ?<br />

3. When Mr. Doolittle enters the room, how is he dressed ?<br />

4. When Mr. Doolittle realizes he has forgotten about Mrs. Higgins,<br />

what does he do ?<br />

5. After the initial five pounds, how much more money did Higgins give<br />

Mr. Doolittle?<br />

6. Who did Higgins write to in regards to Mr. Doolittle ?<br />

7. What did he want Higgins to invent ?<br />

8. What was the content of the letter Higgins wrote to Mr. Wannafeller?<br />

9. What was Alfred Doolittle’s share as outlined by the will ?<br />

10. What was the condition in the will pertaining to Mr. Doolittle ?<br />

11. To what did Mr. Doolittle object ?<br />

12. About what is Mr. Doolittle now worried ?<br />

13. What does Mr. Doolittle say Higgins must now teach him ?<br />

14. What does Mr. Doolittle say is in his future if he gives up the money?<br />

15. What does Mrs. Higgins tell Mr. Doolittle he can now do for Liza ?<br />

16. What reason did Liza give Mrs. Higgins for leaving Wimpole Street?<br />

17. What does Mrs. Higgins say happened on “the great day” that upset<br />

Liza ?<br />

18. What did Pickering begin to realize about their behavior towards Liza?<br />

19. Where does Mrs. Higgins ask Mr. Doolittle to wait ? Why ?<br />

20. Why does Mr. Doolittle agree ?<br />

21. Why does Mrs. Higgins get Henry to speak ?<br />

22. What is Liza carrying when she enters the room ?<br />

23. What does Henry say to Liza as an invitation to return to Wimpole St?<br />

24. What does Liza say she has learned from Pickering ?<br />

25. What does Liza say began her “real education” ?<br />

26. What does Liza say is the difference between a Lady and a<br />

Flower Girl ?

27. According to Liza, how does Higgins treat her ?<br />

28. According to Higgins, without them, how long will it be before Liza will<br />

relapse back into the gutter ?<br />

29. Why is Mr. Doolittle “dressed special” ?<br />

30. What secret has Mr. Doolittle kept from Liza ?<br />

31. Why has the future Mrs. Doolittle “been feeling low” ?<br />

32. What does Higgins tell Eliza is the “great secret” ?<br />

33. What does Liza tell Higgins she will not be ?<br />

34. To what does Higgins tell Liza he has grown accustomed ?<br />

35. Where does Liza say Higgins has both of these ?<br />

36. What does Higgins say these items lack ?<br />

37. For what does Higgins say Liza should come back to Wimpole St.?<br />

38. What reason does Higgins give Liza for “taking her on” ?<br />

39. To what does Liza say she is now a slave ?<br />

40. According to Liza, how often does Freddy write to her ?<br />

41. What reason did Liza give Higgins for doing what she did ?<br />

42. Who does Liza say are the only “real friends” she has ?<br />

43. When does Liza say she will marry Freddy ?<br />

44. What does Liza say makes Freddy “King” enough for her ?<br />

45. Eliza tells Higgins she will take up what profession ?<br />

46. To whom does Liza say she will become an assistant ?<br />

47. What does Liza say Higgins cannot take away from her ?<br />

48. What is the advertisement Liza says she will run in the newspaper ?<br />

49. What reasons did Mrs. Higgins give for Henry not attending Church ?<br />

50. What errands does Higgins ask Liza to perform ?

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