Volume 35, Issue 6, March 2008 - Posoowa

Volume 35, Issue 6, March 2008 - Posoowa

Volume 35, Issue 6, March 2008 - Posoowa


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Indian souls.<br />

Our Mother Country is Britain,<br />

Our Parents’ is India<br />

Ihave nothing new to say to those<br />

who heard this before, but<br />

sometimes repetition reinforces sad<br />

truths and calls for change of pace.<br />

Some may accuse me of tarring all with<br />

the same brush but in social<br />

anthropology one has to generalize.<br />

Exceptions do not break the rule.<br />

Some might have heard from their<br />

children (raised in the West) that India<br />

was nothing but a land of half-naked<br />

fakirs before the British went there and<br />

colonized it. Some children and adults<br />

might go on to list of facts to buttress<br />

their claims - like bringing in the<br />

railroad to link various parts of India<br />

and modern technology, and of course<br />

democracy. Of course, it is sad but true<br />

that railroad and the steam engine were<br />

not invented in India. They were<br />

invented in Great Britain. It is also<br />

deplorable that Indians talk only about<br />

the glorious past (which anyway many<br />

historians dispute - like Harvard’s<br />

Indology Prof. Witzel). It is also sad<br />

that while many first generation NRIs<br />

or NRAs have visions of a civilized<br />

land of their forefathers, many in the<br />

second generation contend that it was<br />

no way superior to that of the Britain<br />

or the United Kingdom - their Mother<br />

Country. America’s Mother Country!<br />

As part of Americanization, it is the<br />

duty of all citizens to uphold the<br />

concept of Mother Nation. India has<br />

no Mother Country. USA has a mother<br />

country - Great Britain.<br />

In this context, what should be<br />

expected from second or third<br />

generation Indian Americans?<br />

Should they be expected to uphold the<br />

interests of their Mother Country or<br />

that of India - the land of their<br />

forefathers?<br />



It is true that Mother Country provides<br />

a more welcoming smile - better<br />

colleges (like Rhodes scholarship to<br />

Oxford University to Piyush “Bobby”<br />

Jindal, the new governor of Louisiana)<br />

which result in more acclaim when<br />

they return to the US. The stay there<br />

makes their accent even better - British<br />

accent is favored even above the New<br />

England one. What does India have to<br />

offer besides a visit to Grandma’s<br />

home? Further, Mother Country<br />

Britain helped the USA during the<br />

World Wars and current Iraq War. What<br />

did land of forefathers, India, do?<br />

Nothing! No wait - it is taking away<br />

American jobs through outsourcing.<br />

Now some second generation Indian<br />

Americans are forced to work or do<br />

internships in Bangalore. None wants<br />

to go to IITs to study or teach.<br />




It is true that if a child has to grow up<br />

in an immigrant family in the USA or<br />

anywhere else, it is a great challenge,<br />

since the s/he has no support network<br />

of a large family - the way these kids<br />

have who have all their grandparents<br />

and all their relatives in the USA.<br />

Those Indian American kids have it<br />

tough - who have no support network<br />

or endowment backing their trip to elite<br />

colleges or helping them get jobs in top<br />

firms where a phone call from<br />

“someone you know” lands jobs<br />

(ceteris paribus - all else remaining<br />

equal). Thus, Indian Americans turn to<br />

top quality education to open closed<br />

doors to success. And success is<br />

generally defined in a very<br />

materialistic sense for most Indian<br />

Americans. Materialistic people should<br />

not be expected to go out and save the<br />



Maybe some have indeed gone to India<br />

to save souls - in the spiritual sense.<br />

However, none seem to remain for their<br />

entire lives (like Mother Teresa) to take<br />

care of the Indian economy. The World<br />

Bank was formed for the<br />

reconstruction of Europe following<br />

World War Two. It was the USA who<br />

wanted to help the land of its Mother<br />

Country and other European nations.<br />

Which Indian American organization<br />

is there to help the cause? Which<br />

organization is there which can counter<br />

the claim by top economists (like<br />

Harvard Business School professor<br />

Mihir Desai - second generation Indian<br />

American) that India is losing ten<br />

percent of its national income because<br />

a million of their educated elite<br />

(including perhaps his parents) have<br />

seen it fit to head West (Desai, 2002).<br />

Some at ILO (International Labor<br />

Organization) said thing along the<br />

same lines - that Indians should remain<br />

in India or the brain drain would<br />

damage Indian economy<br />

(www.ilo.org/dyn/idea/<br />

ideasheet.display?p_idea_id=20).<br />

I wonder how many of the Indian<br />

Americans have thought of calculating<br />

how much did Britain lose when its<br />

citizens left its shores to head for the<br />

USA. Why such step-motherly attitude<br />

towards the Mother Country of USA?<br />

No one in the USA accuses a<br />

Frenchman of being a FOB or then why<br />

do some look down on anything Indian?<br />

Russell Peters is a shining example<br />

youtube.com/watch?v=Nn5jlrxcpkI -<br />

though some are quite interestingly<br />

done - making fun of cricket, Indian<br />

food, Yoga, Hare Krishna<br />

youtube.com/watch?v=<br />

owK5tHjL0aE 12 days of Christmas.<br />

Any comments?<br />

Umesh Sharma<br />

Washington DC<br />

Page 7 * POSOOWA, <strong>March</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

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