Primary FRCA OSCE-SOE exam January 2012 Coventry collection ...

Primary FRCA OSCE-SOE exam January 2012 Coventry collection ...

Primary FRCA OSCE-SOE exam January 2012 Coventry collection ...


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<strong>Primary</strong> <strong>FRCA</strong> <strong>OSCE</strong>-<strong>SOE</strong> <strong>exam</strong> <strong>January</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />

<strong>SOE</strong> set 7<br />

Physiology:<br />

1. Cerebral blood flow - factors affecting ICP, Monro-Kellie doctrine, curves for CBF<br />

vs PaO2 & PaCO2, autoregulation & associated theories.<br />

2. Thyroid - hormones produced, feedback mechanism, functions of hormones,<br />

calcitonin & Ca2+ homeostasis<br />

3. Showed picture of alveolus with adjacent pulmonary capillary. Asked to write<br />

down alveolar partial pressures of CO2 & O2, then mixed venous pressures. What<br />

happens during apnoea - changes in numbers. What happens if alveolus closed off,<br />

what happens if alveolus left open to air? How can you increase the time of to<br />

hypoxia during apnoea (essentially asking re. pre-oxygenation). What factors cause a<br />

shorter time to hypoxia in apnoea (reduced FRC, increased O2 consumption, etc).<br />

How can you manipulate this in anaesthetics?<br />

Pharmacology :<br />

1. Drugs that reverse NMB (anti-cholinesterases, Sugammadex). Classify. How do<br />

they work? What are the SEs (muscarinic effects). How do we overcome this<br />

(glycopyrrolate etc). Tell me more about Sugammadex, how does it work, can I use it<br />

with vecuronium? What about atracurium? Why?<br />

2. What is volume of distribution? How can it be measured. Draw concentration vs<br />

time graph. What else can be derived from graph (t1/2, time constant)? What is<br />

bioavailability? Demonstrate on graph how you can measure it (AUC).<br />

3. Anti-emetics. Draw diagram of VC, CTZ and receptors involved. Tell me more<br />

about different drugs on different receptors, effects. Indicate on diagram where<br />

d<strong>exam</strong>ethasone acts.<br />

Physics<br />

1. Peripheral nerve stimulator - components, supramaximal stimulus, which nerves<br />

can you use, which site is most accurate, ToF (various <strong>exam</strong>ples given, difference in<br />

patterns between non-depol & sux), what frequency & amplitude would you use.<br />

2. Arterial tourniquet. Uses, components, max pressure used, max time allowed &<br />

why. What if surgeon needs to keep tourniquet on for longer, what would you do?<br />

Physiological changes during inflation & after deflation.<br />

3. Given various equations and asked to draw curve. (y = mx + c, xy = constant).<br />

When do we see these graphs in our anaesthetic practice? Shown various graphs and<br />

asked to write equations for them.<br />

Clinical scenario<br />

19 year old boy brought into emergency department after falling down stairs outside<br />

nightclub. He is confused & agitated.<br />

Differential diagnoses, effects of alcohol & drugs on conscious level & diagnosis.<br />

What investigations? He requires a CT - how would you manage? Cushing's reflex -<br />

how would you treat. How do you reduce secondary brain injury. He now needs a<br />

transfer to neurosurgical unit - how would you manage this.<br />

<strong>Coventry</strong> <strong>collection</strong>: Many thanks to the candidates from <strong>January</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />

Course<br />


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