NIMENRIX™ - GlaxoSmithKline

NIMENRIX™ - GlaxoSmithKline

NIMENRIX™ - GlaxoSmithKline


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9. Ostergaard, L, Lebacq, E, Poolman, Maechler, G, Boutriau, D. (2009). Immunogenicity,<br />

reactogenicity and persistence of meningococcal A, C, W-135 and Y-tetanus toxoid<br />

candidate conjugate (MenACWY-TT) vaccine formulations in adolescents aged 15-25<br />

years. Vaccine, 27:161-168.<br />

10. Ostergaard, L, Silfverdal, SA, Berglund, J, Flodmark, C-E, West, C, et al. (2012). A<br />

tetravalent meningococcal serogroups A, C, W-135 and Y tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine<br />

is immunogenic and well-tolerated when co-administered with Twinrix ® in subjects aged<br />

11-17 years: An open, randomized, controlled trial.. Vaccine, 30:774-783.<br />

11. Public Health Agency of Canada. An Advisory Committee Statement (ACS) National<br />

Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI). Update on the invasive meningococcal<br />

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12. Public Health Agency of Canada. An Advisory Committee Statement (ACS) National<br />

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13. Public Health Agency of Canada, Meningococcal Disease. 2001. Accessed on Aug 25,<br />

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14. Public Health Agency of Canada. Enhanced surveillance of invasive meningococcal disease<br />

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15. Public Health Agency of Canada. Invasive Meningococcal Disease (IMD)<br />

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16. Vesikari, T., Karvonen, A., Bianco, V., VanderWielen, M, Miller, J. (2011). Tetravalent<br />

meningococcal serogroups A, C, W-135 and Y conjugate vaccine is well tolerated and<br />

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during the second year of life: An open, randomized controlled trial. Vaccine; 29: 4274-<br />

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October 22, 2014<br />

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