Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Fellowship Christian School

Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Fellowship Christian School

Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Fellowship Christian School


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Under the Lilacs<br />

Alcott, Louisa May<br />

Up from Slavery Washington, Booker T.<br />

Wind in the Willows<br />

Grahame, Kenneth<br />

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland<br />

Carroll, Lewis<br />

Hound of the Baskervilles, The<br />

Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan<br />

Pudd'nhead Wilson<br />

Twain, Mark<br />

Through the Looking-glass and What Alice Found There Carroll, Lewis<br />

Treasure Island<br />

Stevenson, Robert Louis<br />

Giants in the Earth<br />

Rolvaag, O.E.<br />

Mutiny on the Bounty<br />

Nordhoff, Charles<br />

Sense and Sensibility<br />

Austen, Jane<br />

White Fang<br />

London, Jack<br />

Anne of Avonlea<br />

Montgomery, L.M.<br />

Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, The<br />

Pyle, Howard<br />

Rose in Bloom<br />

Alcott, Louisa May<br />

Crime and Punishment<br />

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor<br />

Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Claremont), The<br />

Doyle, Arthur Conan<br />

Count of Monte Cristo, The<br />

Dumas, Alexandre<br />

Screwtape Letters, The<br />

Lewis, C.S.<br />

Black Arrow, The<br />

Stevenson, Robert Louis<br />

Hiawatha<br />

Bonvillain, Nancy<br />

Men of Iron<br />

Pyle, Howard<br />

Tarzan of the Apes<br />

Burroughs, Edgar Rice<br />

Great Expectations<br />

Dickens, Charles<br />

Emma<br />

Austen, Jane<br />

Importance of John Glenn, The<br />

Tilton, Rafael<br />

Prince and the Pauper, The<br />

Twain, Mark<br />

Book of King Arthur, The<br />

Pyle, Howard<br />

David Copperfield<br />

Dickens, Charles<br />

Around the World in Eighty Days<br />

Verne, Jules<br />

Silas Marner<br />

Eliot, George<br />

Swiss Family Robinson, The<br />

Wyss, Johann<br />

Tale of Two Cities, A<br />

Dickens, Charles<br />

Les Miserables<br />

Hugo, Victor<br />

Journey to the Center of the Earth<br />

Verne, Jules<br />

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea<br />

Verne, Jules<br />

Last of the Mohicans, The<br />

Cooper, James<br />

Moby Dick<br />

Melville, Herman<br />

Pilgrim's Progress, The<br />

Bunyan, John<br />

Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The<br />

Irving, Washington<br />

Wuthering Heights<br />

Bronte, Emily<br />

Profiles in Courage Kennedy, John F.<br />

Scarlet Letter, The<br />

Hawthorne, Nathaniel<br />

Hunchback of Notre-Dame, The<br />

Hugo, Victor<br />

Pride and Prejudice<br />

Austen, Jane<br />

Robinson Crusoe<br />

Defoe, Daniel<br />

Frankenstein<br />

Shelley, Mary

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