How to hire a co-op student? - University of Toronto Scarborough

How to hire a co-op student? - University of Toronto Scarborough

How to hire a co-op student? - University of Toronto Scarborough


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Co-<strong>op</strong> in<br />

Arts and Science<br />

An Employer’s Guide<br />

Why <strong>hire</strong> a U <strong>of</strong> T Co-<strong>op</strong> Student<br />

Who can I <strong>hire</strong><br />

What is involved<br />

When <strong>to</strong> Hire<br />

Where do Co-<strong>op</strong> <strong>student</strong>s work<br />

<strong>How</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>hire</strong> a Co-<strong>op</strong> <strong>student</strong>

Why <strong>hire</strong> a U <strong>of</strong> T <strong>co</strong>-<strong>op</strong> <strong>student</strong><br />

A rewarding partnership<br />

With the most established university Co-<strong>op</strong> Programs in the<br />

Greater Toron<strong>to</strong> Area, the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Toron<strong>to</strong> <strong>Scarborough</strong><br />

has been working with local and international employers for<br />

35 years <strong>to</strong> help them meet short term staffing needs, and<br />

fulfill longer term hiring objectives.<br />

Participating employers have found that our <strong>co</strong>-<strong>op</strong> <strong>student</strong>s<br />

help them <strong>to</strong> reduce employee overload, adapt <strong>to</strong> demand,<br />

and stay ahead <strong>of</strong> the <strong>co</strong>mpetition.<br />

Dis<strong>co</strong>ver the U <strong>of</strong> T <strong>co</strong>-<strong>op</strong> employer experience<br />

The Arts & Science Co-<strong>op</strong> Office <strong>of</strong>fers all employers the following:<br />

10 reasons <strong>to</strong> partner with us<br />

A viable year round staffing solution,<br />

U <strong>of</strong> T <strong>Scarborough</strong> Co-<strong>op</strong> Programs allow<br />

you <strong>to</strong>:<br />

1. Stretch your recruiting dollars<br />

2. Access a reputable source for <strong>student</strong> hiring<br />

with a talent pool <strong>of</strong> 750 <strong>student</strong>s from across<br />

academic disciplines<br />

3. Attract and retain future employees<br />

4. Staff your <strong>co</strong>ntract roles year round<br />

5. Promote your organization<br />

6. Preview candidates<br />

7. Receive a $3000 tax credit<br />

(qualifying organizations) per <strong>student</strong><br />

8. Receive job posting and recruitment services<br />

at no charge<br />

9. Access resources reserved for the campus<br />

<strong>co</strong>mmunity<br />

10. Participate in shaping the future<br />

Flexible Recruitment<br />

Process<br />

Advertise your <strong>op</strong>portunity,<br />

interview and extend <strong>of</strong>fers<br />

at any time during the four<br />

month recruitment cycle.<br />

Personalized Service<br />

Our focus is in bringing<br />

your job <strong>op</strong>portunities<br />

<strong>to</strong> the right candidates.<br />

Each organization has a<br />

dedicated U <strong>of</strong> T Co-<strong>op</strong><br />

Coordina<strong>to</strong>r who will<br />

work directly with you<br />

and our <strong>student</strong>s <strong>to</strong> find<br />

the perfect fit.<br />

Expert Knowledge <strong>of</strong><br />

our Candidates<br />

U <strong>of</strong> T Co-<strong>op</strong> Co-ordina<strong>to</strong>rs<br />

have in-depth knowledge <strong>of</strong><br />

our candidates’ qualifications,<br />

preferences, and availability.<br />

Since Coordina<strong>to</strong>rs work directly<br />

with a group <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong>s<br />

throughout their four years in<br />

the Co-<strong>op</strong> program, we can<br />

easily determine if any <strong>of</strong> our<br />

<strong>student</strong>s will meet your staffing<br />

needs.<br />

Cus<strong>to</strong>mized Recruitment<br />

Services<br />

Your U <strong>of</strong> T Co-<strong>op</strong><br />

Co-ordina<strong>to</strong>r will help<br />

cus<strong>to</strong>mize the recruiting<br />

activities most appr<strong>op</strong>riate<br />

for your organization. Our<br />

program allows you the<br />

flexibility <strong>to</strong> choose <strong>to</strong> use<br />

some or all <strong>of</strong> our services<br />

<strong>to</strong> <strong>co</strong>nduct your <strong>co</strong>-<strong>op</strong> hiring.

Who can I <strong>hire</strong><br />

Students in Arts & Science Co-<strong>op</strong> Programs at U <strong>of</strong> T <strong>Scarborough</strong><br />

are <strong>co</strong>mpleting studies in Biological Science, Social Sciences,<br />

Humanities, Psychology, Physical Sciences & Environmental Sciences,<br />

and Computer and Mathematical Science. Throughout the year you<br />

can <strong>hire</strong>:<br />

• B.A or B.Sc. candidates at the junior or senior undergraduate level who<br />

<strong>co</strong>mplete 2 or 3 work terms as part <strong>of</strong> their program. They are<br />

available for 4 or 8 month durations and you have the <strong>op</strong>tion <strong>of</strong><br />

inviting <strong>student</strong>s <strong>to</strong> return <strong>to</strong> your organization for future work terms.<br />

• Masters level <strong>student</strong>s in Environmental Science <strong>co</strong>mplete a 4 month<br />

internship at the end <strong>of</strong> their program.<br />

• International Devel<strong>op</strong>ment Studies <strong>student</strong>s <strong>co</strong>mplete a 8 – 12 month<br />

placement overseas during<br />

their 4th year <strong>of</strong> study.<br />

What is involved<br />

In addition <strong>to</strong> the normal<br />

preparation undertaken<br />

when hiring new <strong>co</strong>ntract<br />

or temporary staff members,<br />

(preparing a job description, arranging<br />

<strong>co</strong>mpensation, and preparing and signing a <strong>co</strong>ntract) there are<br />

two other main <strong>co</strong>nsiderations in hiring a <strong>co</strong>-<strong>op</strong> <strong>student</strong>: Supervision and<br />

Evaluation.<br />

Employers identify a Work Term Supervisor who provides guidance and<br />

direction <strong>to</strong> the Co-<strong>op</strong> <strong>student</strong> during the work term. Work Term<br />

Supervisors ensure that the <strong>student</strong>'s work is <strong>co</strong>nsistent with what is stated<br />

on their job description. The Work Term Supervisor also supervises and<br />

guides the <strong>student</strong> during the placement and reports any problems <strong>to</strong> the<br />

Co-<strong>op</strong> Coordina<strong>to</strong>r. They also assess the Co-<strong>op</strong> <strong>student</strong>'s performance by<br />

<strong>co</strong>mpleting a Midterm and Final Evaluation.<br />

For <strong>co</strong>mpensation guidelines and <strong>to</strong> view agreement<br />

and evaluation form, please visit our website at :<br />

www.utsc.u<strong>to</strong>ron<strong>to</strong>.ca/~ask<strong>co</strong><strong>op</strong>/employers/whats_involved.htm<br />

Highlights <strong>of</strong> Skills <strong>student</strong>s have <strong>to</strong> <strong>of</strong>fer<br />

Please note that these are an<br />

overview <strong>of</strong> the skills that our<br />

<strong>student</strong>s have, further skills are<br />

devel<strong>op</strong>ed depending on a <strong>student</strong>’s<br />

specific program area.<br />

Project Management<br />

Statistical Analysis<br />

Research<br />

Analytical<br />

Multimedia/<strong>co</strong>mputer<br />

Communication<br />

Bi/multilingual<br />

Pr<strong>op</strong>osal Writing<br />

Needs Assessment<br />

Technical Writing<br />

Knowledge <strong>of</strong> scientific method<br />

Labora<strong>to</strong>ry experience<br />

Scientific report writing<br />

Graphic Design<br />

Cus<strong>to</strong>mer Service<br />

Educational programming<br />

Working in teams<br />

Database Management<br />

Survey design and testing<br />

Identifying and resolving problems<br />

Membership/donor devel<strong>op</strong>ment<br />

Volunteer recruitment<br />

and management<br />

Event Planning and Management<br />

Time management and<br />

organizational abilities<br />

Designing, devel<strong>op</strong>ing, testing and<br />

supporting business applications

When <strong>to</strong> <strong>hire</strong><br />

Recruitment Process<br />

We have the capability <strong>to</strong> ac<strong>co</strong>mmodate employer<br />

requests throughout the year, and pride ourselves<br />

on our flexibility.<br />

U <strong>of</strong> T Arts and Science Co-<strong>op</strong> Recruitment Cycles<br />

use a CONTINUOUS ROUND format only. This means<br />

that we accept postings from employers, schedule<br />

interviews and extend <strong>of</strong>fers <strong>to</strong> <strong>hire</strong> our <strong>student</strong>s on<br />

a first <strong>co</strong>me, first served basis. Under this format,<br />

employers wishing <strong>to</strong> <strong>hire</strong> don't need <strong>to</strong> wait for a<br />

deadline <strong>to</strong> post, interview or make a job <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>to</strong> a<br />

<strong>student</strong>.<br />

Students are available <strong>to</strong> begin working in January, May or September. Recruitment begins as early as four months<br />

prior <strong>to</strong> the start <strong>of</strong> the position.<br />


Recruitment<br />

Cycle<br />

Post Job<br />

Descriptions<br />

(as early as<br />

possible during this<br />

period)<br />

Interview<br />

Period<br />

Select your<br />

Candidate<br />

Commences<br />

work<br />

Work term<br />

ends<br />

Summer<br />

Early May<br />

<strong>to</strong> late<br />

August<br />

mid December <strong>to</strong><br />

mid May<br />

mid January<br />

<strong>to</strong> end <strong>of</strong> June<br />

Upon<br />

Completion<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

Interviews<br />

anytime in<br />

May or early<br />

June<br />

end <strong>of</strong><br />

August<br />

Fall<br />

Early<br />

September<br />

<strong>to</strong> late<br />

December<br />

mid April <strong>to</strong> mid<br />

August<br />

mid May <strong>to</strong><br />

end <strong>of</strong> August<br />

Upon<br />

Completion<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

Interviews<br />

in September<br />

by<br />

December<br />

31<br />

Winter<br />

Early<br />

January <strong>to</strong><br />

late April<br />

September <strong>to</strong><br />

beginning <strong>of</strong><br />

December<br />

early Oc<strong>to</strong>ber<br />

<strong>to</strong> mid<br />

December<br />

Upon<br />

Completion<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

interviews<br />

in January<br />

by end <strong>of</strong><br />


Where do <strong>co</strong>-<strong>op</strong> <strong>student</strong>s work<br />

Location<br />

Our <strong>co</strong>-<strong>op</strong> <strong>student</strong>s work around the world. While the majority <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>student</strong>s are seeking work in the GTA, U <strong>of</strong> T Co-<strong>op</strong> <strong>student</strong>s have worked<br />

across Canada, in the United States, Eur<strong>op</strong>e and Asia. Students in our<br />

International Devel<strong>op</strong>ment Studies program <strong>co</strong>mplete their placement<br />

in Africa, South and Central America.<br />

Industry<br />

Co-<strong>op</strong> <strong>student</strong>s aspire <strong>to</strong> work in<br />

a variety <strong>of</strong> sec<strong>to</strong>rs including:<br />

Federal Government<br />

Provincial Ministers/Government<br />

Municipal Government<br />

Tele<strong>co</strong>mmunications<br />

Museums & Heritage<br />

Transporation<br />

Financial<br />

Hospitals<br />

Research Institutes<br />

Energy<br />

Pharmaceutical<br />

Education<br />

Arts & Entertainment<br />

Technology<br />

“<br />

“<br />

Selected Employers<br />

“<br />

City <strong>of</strong> Toron<strong>to</strong><br />

Bell Canada<br />

City <strong>of</strong> Pickering<br />

Environment Canada<br />

Harbourfront Community Centre<br />

Ministry <strong>of</strong> Training, Colleges and Universities<br />

Whitby Mental Health Centre<br />

<strong>University</strong> Health Network<br />

San<strong>of</strong>i Pasteur Limited<br />

Ontario Power Generation<br />

RBC Financial Group<br />

CIBC Technology & Operations<br />

Toron<strong>to</strong> International Film Festival Group<br />

National His<strong>to</strong>ric Sites Alliance <strong>of</strong> Ontario<br />

Town <strong>of</strong> Markham<br />

GO Transit<br />

Sym<strong>co</strong>r<br />

Greater Toron<strong>to</strong> Airports Authority<br />

Caseware International In<strong>co</strong>rporated<br />

Electronic Arts Canada In<strong>co</strong>rporated<br />

Treasury Board <strong>of</strong> Canada Secretariat<br />

Testimonials<br />

She has done a tremendous job in setting up<br />

a system <strong>to</strong> accept new pieces <strong>of</strong> art work<br />

and manage the Hospital’s current art<br />

<strong>co</strong>llection…Based on the research <strong>co</strong>nducted…<br />

(these) efforts have set a new benchmark for<br />

the management <strong>of</strong> an art <strong>co</strong>llection within a<br />

healthcare environment.<br />

Tammy LaRue<br />

Southlake Regional Healthcare Centre<br />

”<br />

Daily work and her creation <strong>of</strong> special<br />

features have added significant value <strong>to</strong> our<br />

business by increasing our channel page<br />

views and revenue <strong>op</strong>portunity in some <strong>of</strong><br />

our key channels…..an invaluable resource <strong>to</strong><br />

our team.<br />

”<br />

Barbara Fletcher<br />

Manager, Bell Canada<br />

As a health care centre affiliated with the<br />

U<strong>of</strong> T, we <strong>hire</strong> Psychology <strong>student</strong>s <strong>to</strong> work<br />

under the supervision <strong>of</strong> a team <strong>of</strong> health care<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essionals dedicated <strong>to</strong> assessing and<br />

treating patients with memory disorders.<br />

U <strong>of</strong> T <strong>Scarborough</strong> Co-<strong>op</strong> <strong>student</strong>s are well<br />

equipped <strong>to</strong> handle the demands <strong>of</strong> the job,<br />

bringing skills in psychological observation<br />

and assessment, sound knowledge <strong>of</strong> research<br />

methods and relevant academic knowledge.<br />

”<br />

Dr. Guy Proulx<br />

Direc<strong>to</strong>r, Psychology, Baycrest<br />

“<br />

We have recruited many U <strong>of</strong> T <strong>Scarborough</strong><br />

Co-<strong>op</strong> <strong>student</strong>s in recent years, and will<br />

<strong>co</strong>ntinue <strong>to</strong> do so. They have proven <strong>to</strong> be<br />

capable, mature workers who get up <strong>to</strong> speed<br />

”<br />

fast and really deliver the goods!<br />

Ray Clement<br />

Ministry <strong>of</strong> the Environment

<strong>How</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>hire</strong> a <strong>co</strong>-<strong>op</strong> <strong>student</strong><br />

Students are available <strong>to</strong> begin working in January, May<br />

or September. Recruitment begins as early as four months<br />

prior <strong>to</strong> the start <strong>of</strong> the position.<br />

Hire an Arts & Science Co-<strong>op</strong> <strong>student</strong> from U <strong>of</strong> T in<br />

3 EASY steps:<br />

1. Submit your job posting via email <strong>to</strong> ask<strong>co</strong><strong>op</strong>@utsc.u<strong>to</strong>ron<strong>to</strong>.ca. We will send you our<br />

<strong>student</strong>’ applications in about one weeks time.<br />

2. Short-list your preferred candidates and <strong>co</strong>ntact us at 416-287-7260 <strong>to</strong> schedule interviews.<br />

3. Select the candidate you want <strong>to</strong> <strong>hire</strong>. We will inform the <strong>student</strong>s <strong>of</strong> your decision and let<br />

you know if your <strong>of</strong>fer is accepted.<br />

Put us <strong>to</strong> work for you – at no charge!<br />

Expand your human resources team by adding U <strong>of</strong> T Co-<strong>op</strong> staff <strong>to</strong> your recruitment<br />

arsenal. U <strong>of</strong> T Co-<strong>op</strong> Coordina<strong>to</strong>rs work directly with you and our <strong>student</strong>s <strong>to</strong> find the<br />

perfect fit for your recruitment needs. We are here <strong>to</strong> help from devel<strong>op</strong>ing a job<br />

description <strong>to</strong> making the final <strong>of</strong>fer and all the steps in between. Some<br />

<strong>of</strong> the ways in which we can assist you in the hiring process include:<br />

• Devel<strong>op</strong>ing a job description<br />

• Advertising <strong>co</strong>-<strong>op</strong> <strong>op</strong>portunities<br />

• Batch delivery <strong>of</strong> applications via email or <strong>co</strong>urier<br />

• Pre-qualification <strong>of</strong> candidates upon request<br />

• Interview scheduling<br />

• Extending <strong>of</strong>fers <strong>of</strong> employment<br />

Let us know how we can help you!

Join the U <strong>of</strong> T <strong>Scarborough</strong> Co-<strong>op</strong> Community<br />

If you aren't ready <strong>to</strong> <strong>hire</strong>, find out more about our program by participating in our program activities - it is a great way<br />

<strong>to</strong> meet our <strong>student</strong>s and find out more about what our program can <strong>of</strong>fer you. Our activities run throughout the<br />

year and include:<br />

FUTURES Series<br />

This series provides an <strong>op</strong>portunity <strong>to</strong> <strong>co</strong>nnect with<br />

<strong>student</strong>s <strong>to</strong> share your expertise and insights in<strong>to</strong><br />

your field <strong>of</strong> work. T<strong>op</strong>ics<br />

Include: Career Paths, An Evening<br />

<strong>of</strong> Etiquette, Networking,<br />

Industry Overviews and Market<br />

Trends..<br />

Trying on Hats<br />

This program is <strong>op</strong>en <strong>to</strong> current<br />

U <strong>of</strong> T <strong>Scarborough</strong> Arts &<br />

Science <strong>co</strong>-<strong>op</strong> employers only and<br />

runs twice a year, typically in<br />

February and August. It pairs a<br />

first year <strong>student</strong> with a senior<br />

<strong>co</strong>-<strong>op</strong> <strong>student</strong> currently on a work<br />

term and their Work Term Supervisor for 1 – 5 days,<br />

allowing <strong>student</strong>s <strong>to</strong> sample a career or organization<br />

they are interested in.<br />

CTU: Campus <strong>co</strong>mes <strong>to</strong> you<br />

We will bring our <strong>student</strong>s <strong>to</strong> you for onsite<br />

<strong>co</strong>mpany visits, <strong>to</strong>urs or information session. It is a<br />

great way <strong>to</strong> promote your organization and the<br />

<strong>op</strong>portunities it <strong>of</strong>fers <strong>to</strong> U <strong>of</strong> T Arts & Science<br />

Co-<strong>op</strong> <strong>student</strong>s.<br />

Candidate Previews<br />

Speed Networking<br />

Join us for a breakfast or evening session and meet our<br />

1st and 2nd year <strong>student</strong>s who<br />

are getting ready <strong>to</strong> begin their<br />

job search preparation.<br />

Employers find this event an<br />

excellent way <strong>to</strong> meet our<br />

<strong>student</strong>s prior <strong>to</strong> the posting or<br />

interview process. Many<br />

<strong>co</strong>mpanies have dis<strong>co</strong>vered<br />

talent that they later<br />

employed on work terms or<br />

for other positions through<br />

these sessions.<br />

In the Hot Seat -<br />

Mock Interviews<br />

Conduct mock interview sessions with our 2nd and<br />

3rd year <strong>student</strong>s who are preparing <strong>to</strong> go out on a<br />

work term. Help them prepare and refine their<br />

interview techniques as well as get a sneak peak at<br />

our up<strong>co</strong>ming group <strong>of</strong> candidates.<br />

Company Information Session<br />

Many organizations kick <strong>of</strong>f their recruiting by<br />

holding on campus <strong>co</strong>mpany information sessions<br />

specifically for our <strong>co</strong>-<strong>op</strong> <strong>student</strong>s

Connect - Hire - Inspire with Arts & Science Co-<strong>op</strong><br />

Contact Us<br />

Arts & Science Co-<strong>op</strong> Programs<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Toron<strong>to</strong> <strong>Scarborough</strong><br />

1265 Military Trail<br />

Toron<strong>to</strong>, Ontario M1C 1A4<br />

Canada<br />

Phone: (416) 287-7260<br />

Fax: (416) 287-7273<br />

Email: u<strong>of</strong>t<strong>co</strong><strong>op</strong>@utsc.u<strong>to</strong>ron<strong>to</strong>.ca<br />


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