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A Publication for Alumni, Parents and Friends of <strong>Pius</strong> X Catholic <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />
<strong>PIUS</strong> <strong>CONNECTIONS</strong><br />
Fall 2010 <strong>Pius</strong> X Catholic <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> . 6000 A Street . Lincoln NE 68510 www.piusx.net Volume 11<br />
Inside This Issue<br />
Welcome 2<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X At A Glance 3<br />
Annual Appeal 4<br />
BOLT 6<br />
Friends of <strong>Pius</strong> X Appreciation Reception 7<br />
Distinguished Stewardship Award 7<br />
<strong>School</strong> News 8<br />
<strong>Foundation</strong> News 12<br />
Annual Report 16<br />
Alumni News 25<br />
Thunderbolt Scramble 25<br />
Outstanding Alumni Award 26<br />
Reunions 29
<strong>Pius</strong> Connections<br />
Fall 2010<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />
6000 A Street<br />
Lincoln, NE 68510<br />
(402) 488-0931 ◆ (402) 488-1061 fax<br />
www.piusx.net<br />
Current Enrollment: 1,062<br />
Catholic: 99% Other: 1%<br />
Our Mission Statement<br />
“To Restore All Things in Christ”<br />
We are dedicated to a total education that<br />
is Christ-centered by integrating Catholic<br />
values in all areas of life and providing<br />
academic preparation of the highest<br />
quality in a disciplined environment.<br />
<strong>Foundation</strong> Office<br />
(402) 488-1046 ◆ (402) 488-1061 fax<br />
www.piusx.net/foundation<br />
Alumni Office<br />
(402) 488-0931 ◆ (402) 488-1061 fax<br />
www.piusx.net/alumni<br />
Superintendent<br />
Father James Meysenburg<br />
Principal<br />
Tom Korta<br />
Assistant Principal<br />
Greg Lesiak<br />
Guidance Director<br />
Jan Frayser<br />
<strong>Foundation</strong> Office<br />
Michelle Birkel, Development Director<br />
Amy Riley, Administrative Assistant<br />
Deb Hoge, Administrative Assistant<br />
Sophia Werning, Grant Writing Specialist<br />
Alumni Director<br />
Kristin Heath ‘91<br />
BOLT Director<br />
Deb Schulte<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> Connections Layout & Design<br />
Marilyn Twehous<br />
To notify the school of address changes or<br />
personal updates, please complete the form on<br />
page 35 or contact the <strong>Foundation</strong> Office.<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> Connections is published semi-annually<br />
in May and November for alumni, parents and<br />
friends of the school. If you would like additional<br />
copies or to be removed from our mailing list,<br />
please contact the <strong>Foundation</strong> Office.<br />
* Special thanks to the talented photographers of<br />
the 2010-11 <strong>Pius</strong> X Yearbook staff who contribute<br />
to this publication: Sponsor Sandi Sullivan, Editor<br />
In Chief Preston Sparks, Assistant Editor Kathy Do,<br />
Assistant Editor Hannah Hovis, Rebecca Beecham,<br />
Kayla Condello, Chloe Johnson, Jessica Kapustka,<br />
Lily Kennett, Johnathon Knobbe, Kathryn Krick,<br />
Daniel LeDuc, Brenden Love, Abby McClure,<br />
Drew Miller, Mary Sievert, Kaitlin Slattery, Mary<br />
Sullivan, and Mikayla Tremain.<br />
* We extend a grateful thank you to Charlie<br />
Calhoun and Jacob North Companies for their<br />
generous donation toward this publication!<br />
2 Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 2010<br />
Welcome<br />
Dear <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Alumni, Cathedral <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Alumni, Parents and<br />
Friends,<br />
What an exciting time the last six months has been for the <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />
community and for me! A few of the highlights include:<br />
• The 54th graduation ceremony for the 225 members of the Class of 2010<br />
(see page 25).<br />
• Installing artificial field turf on the Vince Aldrich Memorial Field, a designated<br />
gift from a few generous supporters of <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>. This<br />
donation wasn’t even on the radar screen just one year ago (see page 11).<br />
• Having the track re-surfaced thanks to the Booster Club and having many student and parent<br />
volunteers to take the sod from Aldrich field and “plant” it on the <strong>Pius</strong> X practice fields.<br />
• Beginning the process of strategic planning to develop a systematic vision involving all major<br />
elements of our institution. This vision and its accompanying action plans will provide a greater<br />
sense of direction for the future (see Spring 2010 “<strong>Pius</strong> Connections”).<br />
• Having international writer, genocide survivor, and strong Catholic witness, Immaculée Ilibagiza<br />
speak to the 7th through 12th graders of the Lincoln Catholic <strong>School</strong>s about the love of Christ and<br />
Mary for all of them and about the incredible blessing of our Catholic faith (see page 9).<br />
• In preparation for Immaculée’s visit, having the privilege to go on a pilgrimage with three other<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X staff members and Immaculée to Rwanda, especially to Our Lady of Kibeho shrine (see<br />
page 9).<br />
• Being caught up by the runaway train of getting votes through Facebook as part of the Kohl’s<br />
Cares Competition (see page 8).<br />
• Winning $500,000 through the Kohl’s Cares competition to help build a new kitchen for <strong>Pius</strong> X<br />
and the Food Service Program (see page 8).<br />
• Completing the plans for the new kitchen so as to begin building (weather permitting) in January<br />
2011.<br />
• Honoring two wonderful, wonderful people at the <strong>Pius</strong> X Appreciation Reception: Tony Messineo<br />
and Monsignor Ivan Vap (see page 7 and page 26).<br />
• Starting another year of great opportunities to help our students and families grow in holiness and<br />
faith.<br />
• Seeing all the accomplishments of our students in the classroom and in their extra-curricular<br />
activities.<br />
• Having over 150 of our students go on the Fellowship of Christian Teens Retreat earlier this<br />
month and seeing their tremendous desire to grow in love for Christ and for each other.<br />
• Having twenty-one <strong>Pius</strong> X graduates presently in the seminary and five in formation for women<br />
religious orders.<br />
• Beginning this wonderful season of Advent/Christmas… always reminding me that God came<br />
and still comes to us in most unexpected ways!<br />
As you can see, there is much going on … and much, so very much, for which to be grateful. Thank<br />
you for most generously supporting <strong>Pius</strong>; most especially, thank you for praying that we may always<br />
strive to “Restore All Things in Christ” in all that we do. May you know the love and forgiveness<br />
of our Savior in a very special way this Advent and Christmas Season!<br />
Let us continue to pray for one another!<br />
Sincerely Yours in Christ,<br />
Father Jim Meysenburg<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Fact Sheet<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X At A Glance<br />
• In 2006 and 2007, <strong>Pius</strong> X was selected as one of the top 50<br />
Catholic high schools in the nation and in 2008 was named honorable<br />
mention; placing <strong>Pius</strong> X in the top 4 percent of all Catholic<br />
schools.<br />
• 37 students from the class of 2010 received a 30 or higher on<br />
their ACT test. This is 16% of the class scoring in the upper 3<br />
percentile on this test.<br />
The <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> enrollment for the 2010-2011 school year<br />
was comprised of 1,062 students from the following parishes:<br />
Blessed Sacrament 60<br />
Cathedral of the Risen Christ 129<br />
Cristo Rey 15<br />
Immaculate Heart of Mary 27<br />
North American Martyrs 100<br />
Sacred Heart 17<br />
St. James, Cortland 1<br />
St. John 94<br />
St. Joseph 179<br />
St. Leo/Palmyra 3<br />
• 2010-11 Enrollment is 1,062.<br />
• Student-Teacher Ratio is 1:16.<br />
• Average Class Size is 23.<br />
STAFF<br />
St. Mary 20<br />
St. Mary, Denton 19<br />
St. Martins – Douglas 4<br />
St. Michael, Cheney 49<br />
St. Patrick 30<br />
St. Peter 188<br />
St. Teresa 109<br />
Non-Catholics 12<br />
Out of Area 6<br />
• 47% of the senior class received the Presidential Academic Excellence<br />
Award (cumulative GPA of 3.5 and above)<br />
• 38 <strong>Pius</strong> X graduates have gone on to become priests and women<br />
religious in Lincoln and beyond.<br />
• We have a 99% graduation rate.<br />
• 15% of our students receive financial assistance through scholarships<br />
from <strong>Pius</strong> X and various other sources. No student is<br />
turned away because of financial circumstances.<br />
• 11% of our students are minorities.<br />
• We offer Advanced Placement (AP) courses in 8 subjects: Calculus,<br />
Statistics, U.S. History, American Government, English,<br />
Literature, Biology, and Physics.<br />
• Consistently, 94% of each graduating class pursues a college<br />
education immediately following high school.<br />
• Over 75% of our students are involved in at least one extracurricular<br />
activity, and all students are required to perform community<br />
service. We offer over 20 varsity sports.<br />
• In 2010, we had 1 National Merit Scholar, 3 Top scholars to<br />
UNL, 19 Regents Scholarships to UNL, 3 Regents Scholarships<br />
to UNO, 6 Regents Scholarships to UNK, 1 Merchant Marine<br />
Academy Appointment, 1 Air Force Academy Appointment,<br />
1 Navy ROTC Scholarship, 7 Creighton Magis Award Scholarships,<br />
9 NWU Wesleyan Scholars & 1 11 NWU President’s<br />
Scholars, 13 students named as 96KX/McDonald’s Scholars of<br />
the Week and 1 96KX/McDonald’s Scholarship Winner.<br />
On average, faculty members possess 10 years of teaching experience<br />
with over 60 percent of the faculty having earned a Master’s<br />
degree or equivalent.<br />
Priests and religious make up approximately 12 percent of the faculty<br />
and staff and instruct religion classes.<br />
Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 3
<strong>Pius</strong> X At A Glance<br />
BUDGET<br />
The budgeted increase in expenses for the 2010-2011 school year<br />
is $206,000. Of those increases, $171,000 is for pay and benefits<br />
increases for our faculty and staff (a 4% increase). Projected<br />
revenues for the 2010-2011 school year are from the following<br />
sources:<br />
Revenue Source Amount Percentage<br />
Parish Assessments $2,314,833 42.40%<br />
Tuition & Fees $1,733,664 31.76%<br />
Donations/Free Will Offerings $540,500 9.90%<br />
Organizations/Fundraisers $212,500 3.89%<br />
Endowment/Trusts $425,000 7.78%<br />
Rentals $45,500 0.83%<br />
Educational Tech. Initiative $185,000 3.39%<br />
Other Revenue $2,220 0.04%<br />
32%<br />
Total $5,459,217 100%<br />
10%<br />
1%<br />
3% 4% 8% Parish Assessments<br />
Tuition & Fees<br />
Donations/Free Will Offerings<br />
42% Organizations/Fundraisers<br />
Endowment/Trusts<br />
Rentals<br />
Educational Tech. Initiative<br />
Tuition & Fees make up 31.76% of the operating budget for the<br />
2010-2011 school year. Tuition is broken down as follows with a<br />
comparison to other faith-based secondary schools in Lincoln and<br />
the Archdiocese of Omaha:<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> is proud of the stewardship of its funds.<br />
<strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> (2010-11)<br />
The mission of the Lincoln Catholic <strong>School</strong>s has always been to keep<br />
tuition at an affordable level for all families. The cost per student is<br />
approximately $5,000. This compares to an average state cost of<br />
$10,023.20 per student (2008/2009 numbers).<br />
Parish assessments are provided by the 14 parishes of the Lincoln<br />
Deanery and four parishes from outside the deanery. Parish assessments<br />
for the 2010-2011 school year represent a 2% increase from<br />
the previous school year. Parish assessments make up 42% of the<br />
operating budget.<br />
4 Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 2010<br />
9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X, Lincoln, NE $1,300 $1,400 $1,550 $1,700<br />
Creighton Prep, Omaha, NE $8,120 $8,220 $8,320 $8,420<br />
Lincoln Christian <strong>School</strong>, Lincoln, NE $7,560<br />
Lincoln Lutheran <strong>School</strong><br />
$7,650(Non-community member)<br />
Lincoln, NE<br />
$6,350 (community member)<br />
Duchesne, Omaha, NE $8,800<br />
Skutt Catholic, Omaha, NE $7,775 $7,875 $7,975 $8,075<br />
The 2010-2011 Annual Appeal<br />
Support Catholic Secondary Education<br />
Please consider making a<br />
to this year’s Annual Appeal.<br />
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />
2010-2011 Goal: $200,000<br />
Total Gifts Received as of 11/16/10:<br />
Alumni $ 51,557.50<br />
Board Members $ 11,795.00<br />
Parents $ 24,971.25<br />
Businesses $ 9,280.00<br />
Friends $ 6,600.00<br />
“Due to my job, we have had to relocate numerous times. We have lived in nearly<br />
a dozen dioceses around the country. Early on, my wife, Sophia, and I made a<br />
commitment to keep our children in Catholic schools. This was not always the<br />
easiest decision because it often challenged our faith and our pocket books. Prior<br />
to moving to Lincoln, the price tag of a Catholic education was more than $24,000<br />
per year for four children, and, in some cases, schools seemed to be moving away<br />
from placing a strong emphasis on faith formation and Catholic identity. We feel<br />
it is a true blessing to be part of the Lincoln Diocese and the <strong>Pius</strong> X community.<br />
Not only does <strong>Pius</strong> provide our sons and daughters with a top rate academic and<br />
extracurricular program, it does so at a tuition rate that is more affordable than<br />
anywhere in the country. Most importantly, the spiritual formation and grounded<br />
Catholic teaching they receive at <strong>Pius</strong> X, I would contend, is second to none.”<br />
- Joseph A. Werning, Sr. -<br />
Dear Friends of <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>,<br />
Thanks to the support of so many, last year’s Appeal was our most successful<br />
ever with over $216,000 raised for the school! <strong>Pius</strong> X’s mission continues to<br />
focus on providing students with the highest quality of academic preparation in a<br />
Christ-centered environment. Without you, our mission to inspire our students to<br />
become people of faith, leadership and service would not be possible.<br />
The 2010-2011 Annual Appeal, one of our school’s major fundraising initiatives,<br />
is now underway and off to a fantastic start. Letters were sent to all alumni, parents<br />
and friends of <strong>Pius</strong> X the first week of October asking for your consideration in<br />
investing in <strong>Pius</strong> X with a gift to the Annual Appeal. Thank you to everyone who<br />
has already made a donation and/or volunteered their time to this great cause.<br />
The Annual Appeal is <strong>Pius</strong> X’s yearly fund raising effort to generate revenues<br />
to ‘close the gap’ between the tuition charged and the actual cost associated<br />
with operating and maintaining our high school. Tuition alone does not cover<br />
the cost of a student’s education at <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>. Thanks to the help<br />
from supporting parishes in the Lincoln Deanery, parish assessments pay $2,184<br />
per student in financial support. The ‘gap’ difference for the 2010-2011 year is<br />
$1,330 per student. This year, 1,062 young adults from the Lincoln community<br />
have chosen to attend <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>. Most certainly, far fewer would be<br />
educated at our school if the actual cost of a student’s tuition (approximately<br />
$5,150) were to be charged.<br />
Gifts to the Annual Appeal impact every student and faculty member in<br />
strengthening and improving the overall quality of a <strong>Pius</strong> X education. Annual<br />
Appeal revenues support the operating budget to fund:<br />
♦♦ <strong>Pius</strong> X’s faith-based curriculum<br />
♦♦ Teacher’s salaries<br />
♦♦ Tuition Assistance – last year the <strong>Foundation</strong> awarded $29,000 in<br />
scholarships to 63 students!<br />
♦♦ Maintenance of the campus and building<br />
It is with a humble heart that I call upon your generosity again this year. We have<br />
so much to be grateful for at our school. We have included a return envelope<br />
in this mailing for your convenience. You may also make your pledge or gift<br />
online on the <strong>Pius</strong> X web page at www.piusx.net/foundation. Please click on<br />
the Annual Appeal link to either make a pledge or donate directly. For your<br />
donation, your name will be listed in the 2010-2011 Annual Report section of the<br />
Fall 2011 <strong>Pius</strong> Connection’s newsletter.<br />
The students of <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> depend on your generosity. On behalf of the<br />
students, faculty and staff of <strong>Pius</strong> X, I am most grateful to you for your support.<br />
Rev. James J. Meysenburg<br />
Superintendent<br />
Total $104,203.75
Annual Appeal Frequently Asked Questions<br />
Annual Appeal<br />
then we will be able to meet our goal! Choosing to give to the<br />
Annual Appeal and the amount you determine to be ‘right’ for<br />
you is a decision based on your own specific situation.<br />
Does <strong>Pius</strong> X operate with a balanced budget<br />
Yes! Every year a budget is passed by the Board of Advisors<br />
and the budget is balanced.<br />
What is the Annual Appeal<br />
The Annual Appeal is a fund raising effort conducted to meet<br />
the operating needs of the school which are not covered by<br />
tuition. The Goal for Annual Appeal ’10 is to raise a minimum<br />
of $200,000.<br />
What does the Annual Appeal fund<br />
Tuition, fees, and parish assessments pay a portion of the<br />
actual cost of educating each student. A ‘gap’ of $1,330 exists<br />
between the actual cost ($5,150) of educating a <strong>Pius</strong> X student<br />
and the combined revenue of the average tuition ($1,636)<br />
and parish assessment ($2,184) per student. Historically,<br />
generosity by many <strong>Pius</strong> X supporters on an annual basis has<br />
served to provide funds to fund that gap, keep tuition costs<br />
more affordable, provide scholarships for those students with<br />
financial need and cover the operating costs throughout the<br />
year.<br />
Why don’t they just raise tuition<br />
For many years, <strong>Pius</strong> X has made every effort to keep the<br />
cost of tuition affordable for students in the Lincoln area who<br />
desire an education. Minor tuition raises have been necessary<br />
in the past to fund the programs and costs associated with a<br />
parochial faith-based high school. Without funding from the<br />
Annual Appeal, tuition cost per student would be prohibitive<br />
for many families. Regarding parent support in particular,<br />
financially supporting the Appeal allows parents tax benefits<br />
that simply raising tuition would not.<br />
What sources other than parents support the school<br />
Currently, every student attending <strong>Pius</strong> X receives financial<br />
support from donors. A portion of every student’s cost is paid<br />
in some part by donors. Students are also supported in large<br />
part by parish contributions. Last year, businesses, alumni,<br />
board members, grandparents and school parents supported<br />
the high school.<br />
What is an average gift contribution<br />
A $100 gift to the Annual Appeal from one family might be a stretch,<br />
and a $1,330 or more gift from another family to fund the<br />
‘gap’ might be relatively affordable. If you are financially<br />
capable of funding the gap difference per student, please<br />
consider making a contribution at ‘The Gap’ Giving Level.<br />
If a minimum of $100 is given for each of your children that<br />
either attended <strong>Pius</strong> X in the past or currently attends now,<br />
What benefits will I get by contributing to the Annual<br />
Appeal<br />
A gift to the Annual Appeal is a tax-deductible gift (tuition is<br />
not). Individuals who contribute gifts of $750 or more will<br />
be recognized yearly at the annual Friends of <strong>Pius</strong> X Dinner<br />
in August. Individuals contributing to the Annual Appeal<br />
are also acknowledged in the school’s publication, <strong>Pius</strong> X<br />
Connections.<br />
Is it possible to go without an Annual Appeal<br />
Only if the tuition equals the costs.<br />
Can I make a pledge to the Annual Appeal<br />
Absolutely! Pledges allow individuals and families the<br />
opportunity to consider larger commitments than they would<br />
usually consider by making a one-time gift.<br />
How should payments be made<br />
A donor may choose to pay in full, quarterly or semiannually.<br />
Checks should be made payable to the <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Foundation</strong>.<br />
Is my gift to the Annual Appeal Tax deductible<br />
Yes, all gifts are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.<br />
Can I pay for my gift via credit card<br />
Yes. <strong>Pius</strong> X will accept both Visa and MasterCard.<br />
Can I make my gift online<br />
Yes. To make your gift online, go to the <strong>Pius</strong> X web page<br />
at www.piusx.net. To make a direct gift, click on Donate<br />
Now link on the homepage and select <strong>Pius</strong> X Annual Appeal<br />
{Donate Now}.<br />
What about matching gifts<br />
Donors are encouraged to inquire about their employers’<br />
matching gift program. These programs match the amount<br />
of the donor’s charitable gift often doubling or even tripling<br />
their donation. Please include a matching gift form with your<br />
gift.<br />
Are gifts of stock accepted<br />
Yes. Many donors prefer giving appreciated stock. The<br />
value of the stock determines the tax deduction on the date<br />
the transfer occurs. Donors do not have to pay capital gains<br />
taxes and the tax deduction varies with individual financial<br />
circumstances. Donors are encouraged to consult with their<br />
financial advisor. Please contact the <strong>Foundation</strong> Office at<br />
(402) 488-1046 for assistance with transferring stock.<br />
Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 5
BOLT<br />
BOLT 2010 –<br />
“Grateful Reflections”<br />
On April 24, 2010, BOLT celebrated its 25th Anniversary with over<br />
580 guests attending the dinner and live & silent auctions. Thanks<br />
to numerous volunteers, businesses, individuals and guests, BOLT<br />
2010 was a great success returning $192,000 to the school! Proceeds<br />
were used to upgrade the school’s security, contribute to kitchen renovations,<br />
and make payment on our asbestos loan. Special thanks to<br />
everyone for their generous and ongoing support of this annual event<br />
including the coordinating committee members: Rod & Michelle<br />
Arndt, Tim & Jennifer Conzemius, Steve & Libby Jaros, Fr. Meysenburg,<br />
Mark & Michelle Pieper, Rick & Georgeanne Rashilla, Deb<br />
Schulte, Mary Spethman, and Tom & Sonya Zimmerman.<br />
BOLT Down the Nile<br />
Mark your<br />
calendar and<br />
join usas we<br />
“BOLT Down<br />
the Nile!”<br />
Saturday,<br />
April 30, 2011<br />
On Saturday April 30, 2011, <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> is<br />
hosting the 26th annual BOLT benefit dinner, with<br />
live and silent auctions. Please mark your calendars<br />
now to join us for “BOLT Down the Nile”!<br />
We are so excited about our event this year! You<br />
will be dazzled by our interpretation of Egypt! Our<br />
committees are truly inspired and have many surprises<br />
in store for you this year including many<br />
wonderful auction items and our famous lottery<br />
with cash prizes totaling $15,000. We hope you will plan to attend.<br />
We know you won’t want to miss the boat!<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X currently educates 1,062 students, provides a true foundation<br />
for a life in Christ, and offers the highest level of academic education.<br />
BOLT supports the <strong>Pius</strong> X mission to “Restore All Things in Christ”<br />
by financing capital improvements. Keeping all of this in mind, this<br />
year’s BOLT 2011 proceeds will be applied to enlarging the <strong>Pius</strong> X<br />
kitchen and making payment on the <strong>Pius</strong> X asbestos loan.<br />
This year’s Executive Committee members are Rod & Michele<br />
Arndt, Joe & Penny Bachmann, Tim & Jennifer Conzemius, Steve &<br />
Libby Jaros, Fr. James Meysenburg, Mark & Michelle Pieper, Alan<br />
& Diane Pryor, Rick & Georgeanne Rashilla, Carl & Suzanne Zeutzius,<br />
and Deb Schulte.<br />
We look forward to having you as part of BOLT 2011. You may get<br />
involved with BOLT 2011 in many ways: donate to the auctions<br />
with cash or items, purchase a lottery ticket, attend the event, and/or<br />
volunteer with one of the committees. You may not be aware of how<br />
many volunteers work on this exciting event, but there are over 300<br />
parent volunteers, along with students who sell lottery tickets, bid<br />
run, valet park and help with clean up as well as singing at our Mass<br />
before BOLT. There are many areas and levels of participation. If<br />
you are interested, please contact Deb Schulte at (402) 488-0931 or<br />
via email at deb.schulte@piusx.net.<br />
Your support is greatly appreciated!<br />
6 Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 2010
3rd Annual Friends Of <strong>Pius</strong> X Appreciation Reception<br />
The Most Reverend Fabian W.<br />
Bruskewitz, who celebrated his<br />
50th anniversary of his ordination<br />
this summer, concluded<br />
the reception with a blessing.<br />
Approximately 200 benefactors gathered in<br />
the Commons area at <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />
on August 12, 2010, to celebrate friendships<br />
and generous support from the <strong>Pius</strong> X community,<br />
who all share a deep commitment<br />
to Catholic education and lifelong learning.<br />
The Annual Friends of <strong>Pius</strong> X Appreciation<br />
Reception began in 2008 to recognize<br />
and thank those who support <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong><br />
<strong>School</strong> with monetary or in-kind gifts totaling<br />
$750 or more during the fiscal year<br />
from July 1, 2009, to June 30, 2010. Financial<br />
support at this level helps to strengthen the current operation’s<br />
budget and endowments of the school, and enable us to continue our<br />
tradition of making an affordable, Christ-centered Catholic education<br />
possible in the Lincoln area.<br />
The evening began with Fr. Jim Meysenburg welcoming everyone<br />
and thanking them for their generosity throughout the year. The Distinguished<br />
Stewardship Award was presented to Monsignor Ivan Vap<br />
and the Outstanding Alumni Award was given to Tony Messineo.<br />
Following closing comments and a blessing by the Most Reverend<br />
Fabian W. Bruskewitz, guests enjoyed tours of the school and a social<br />
with hors d’oeuvres from Premier Catering.<br />
Distinguished Stewardship Award<br />
Presented To Monsignor Ivan Vap<br />
On behalf of <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Fr. James<br />
Meysenburg and Fr. Ken Borowiak presented the<br />
Distinguished Stewardship Award to Monsignor<br />
Ivan Vap at the Friends of <strong>Pius</strong> X celebration on<br />
August 12, 2010.<br />
Nominations were sought earlier this year for<br />
individuals who have demonstrated exemplary<br />
service to <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>, been role models<br />
within the community, are leaders in fulfilling<br />
our mission to “Restore All Things in Christ” and who share their<br />
gifts of time, talent and treasure with <strong>Pius</strong> X.<br />
According to Fr. Ken Borowiak, who nominated Monsignor Vap,<br />
“Perhaps no one individual has done more to develop <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong><br />
<strong>School</strong> into the institution it is today than Monsignor Ivan Vap.”<br />
Monsignor Vap was born and raised in Hastings, Nebraska. After<br />
graduating from Hastings St. Cecilia in 1964, he attended Prep Seminary<br />
in St. Louis, Missouri for three years and then completed his<br />
final five years at the major seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota.<br />
He was ordained by Bishop Kucera at St. Cecilia Church on May 27,<br />
1954, and assigned as assistant in Fairbury , Nebraska. After a year<br />
and a half in Fairbury, he was assigned to the first faculty at <strong>Pius</strong> X.<br />
To prepare for his assignment at <strong>Pius</strong> X, he attended the University<br />
of Nebraska to obtain an endorsement in Industrial Arts and began<br />
teaching when <strong>Pius</strong> X opened its doors on October 1, 1956.<br />
In 1963, Monsignor Vap helped in developing Bishop Neumann<br />
<strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> in Wahoo, Nebraska. In June of 1964 he was assigned<br />
as Superintendent of <strong>Pius</strong> X. In the following years the stadium at<br />
Aldrich Field and the Learning & Performing Arts Center (L/PAC)<br />
were built, as well as additional classrooms.<br />
He left <strong>Pius</strong> X when he was assigned to Shelby, Nebraska in 1981.<br />
Afterward, he served in Hastings, Lincoln and Geneva and retired<br />
in 2004.<br />
Nominations Sought For The 2011<br />
Distinguished Stewardship Award<br />
Nominations are being sought for friends of <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />
who deserve to be recognized as a distinguished steward of <strong>Pius</strong><br />
X. A good steward is one who receives God’s gifts gratefully,<br />
chrishes those gifts, shares them with others, and returns a portion<br />
to the Lord. We are interested in individuals who have demonstrated<br />
exemplary service to <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>School</strong>, have been a role<br />
model within their community, are leaders in fulfilling our mission<br />
to “Restore All Things in Christ”, and share their gifts of time,<br />
talent & treasure with <strong>Pius</strong> X. Nominations for the 2011 award<br />
must be received by Friday, April 1, 2011. The recipient(s) will<br />
be announced and awarded at our Friends of <strong>Pius</strong> X Appreciation<br />
Reception in August 2011.<br />
If someone you know meets the criteria or if you would like to<br />
place your name in for nomination, please send a letter including<br />
your name & contact information, the nominee’s name & contact<br />
information, and a detailed explanation as to why the nominee<br />
should receive this award. Please send this information to: The<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Foundation</strong> Office, 6000 A Street, Lincoln, NE, 68510, or<br />
email at michelle.birkel@piusx.net. For more information, please<br />
contact Michelle Birkel at (402) 488-1046.<br />
You may also submit your nomination online at<br />
http://foundation.piusx.net/distinguished_stewardship/<br />
nominationform.asp<br />
Excellence<br />
Left: Principal Tom Korta,<br />
Rosemary Reinsch, Lucy<br />
Keady, and Paul Reinsch.<br />
Above: <strong>Foundation</strong> Director Michelle Birkel<br />
and The Most Reverend Fabian W. Bruskewitz<br />
with Tony Messineo, recipient of the<br />
Outstanding Alumni Award.<br />
Left: Msgr. Ivan Vap receives the Distinguished<br />
Stewardship Award from Fr. Jim Meysenburg,<br />
Superintendent of <strong>Pius</strong> X.<br />
Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 7
<strong>School</strong> News<br />
Thank you for your<br />
commitment and support<br />
as we worked together to win<br />
Kohl’s Cares $500,000<br />
Kohl’s Department Store Gives<br />
$500,000 To <strong>Pius</strong> X In Contest<br />
On Thursday, October 14, 2010, Kohl’s Department<br />
Stores congratulated <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> as<br />
one of the 20 winning schools to share in $10 million<br />
from the Kohl’s Cares contest in honor of the<br />
10th anniversary of the Kohl’s Cares philanthropic<br />
program. The Kohl’s Cares contest asked parents,<br />
teachers and school supporters to dream big and<br />
visit the Kohl’s Facebook page to share what their<br />
school could do with half a million dollars and cast<br />
their votes for their favorite schools. The Lincolnarea<br />
community, as well as alumni and friends from<br />
all over the world, showed a tremendous amount of<br />
support and ingenuity by rallying together to help<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> win.<br />
The contest took place on Kohl’s Facebook page,<br />
www.facebook.com/Kohls from July 7 through<br />
September 3, 2010. The top 20 vote-getting schools<br />
that met contest criteria and had school officials<br />
provide information on how the school would use<br />
the money to support educational programs or initiatives,<br />
won $500,000 each. From the more than 11<br />
million votes cast in total during the contest, <strong>Pius</strong><br />
X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> ranked number four, making it one<br />
of the 20 winning schools that received $500,000!<br />
They were the only school in Nebraska to place in<br />
the top 100 and win a half million dollars.<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X will use the funding toward the construction<br />
of an onsite kitchen to provide a full-fledged<br />
food service program. Currently, food is prepared<br />
in the former Clark Jeary building across the <strong>Pius</strong><br />
X parking lot to the east and must be transferred<br />
on carts several times each day which is laborious,<br />
time consuming, and can result in several spills.<br />
The projected cost of the renovations is $925,000.<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> received the $500,000 on<br />
Thursday, October 28, 2010, which means <strong>Pius</strong> X<br />
will borrow much less to complete the project. The<br />
remaining balance of $400,000 will be funded by<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X’s annual fundraiser, BOLT, and should be<br />
paid off within the next four years. Construction<br />
of the new onsite kitchen facilities will begin in the<br />
Spring of 2011 and is anticipated to be completed<br />
in August of 2011, just in time for the beginning of<br />
the 2011-12 school year.<br />
The entire <strong>Pius</strong> X family is extremely grateful to<br />
our Heavenly Father and to all those who showed<br />
support, voted, and prayed for our success in this<br />
contest. In his thank you letter on behalf of <strong>Pius</strong><br />
X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Superintendent Fr. Jim Meysenburg<br />
said, “We are truly humbled and edified by<br />
the outpouring of votes, prayers, support, and help<br />
from far and near. We were so impressed by so<br />
many people’s willingness to promote us and the<br />
reciprocal support we received from Our Lady of<br />
the Presentation <strong>School</strong> in Lee Summit, Missouri,<br />
and Lake <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> in Millbury, Ohio, as well<br />
as other schools. Finally, it was a powerful example<br />
of being part of the mystical body of Christso<br />
many people doing what they can to build up<br />
Christ’s kingdom.”<br />
Thank You Community!<br />
Kohl’s Cares<br />
Appreciation Reception<br />
September 26, 2010<br />
A Journey Of Love & Support<br />
An Army of Volunteers Near & Far<br />
On Sunday, September 26, 2010, a<br />
Kohl’s Cares Appreciation Reception<br />
was held in the Commons area<br />
at <strong>Pius</strong> X from 3-5 p.m. Desserts<br />
and refreshments were served with<br />
over 200 people attending.<br />
Superintendent Fr. James Meysenburg<br />
welcomes and thanks all of the <strong>Pius</strong> X<br />
guests.<br />
Guidance Office Director Jan Frayser<br />
serves dessert to <strong>Pius</strong> X students, Andrea<br />
Frey & Gabriel Gutierrez, with Student<br />
Council member Emma Morin.<br />
Superintendent Fr. James Meysenburg<br />
celebrates with <strong>Pius</strong> X supporters,<br />
Georgeanne and Rick Rashilla.<br />
Check out the video on the<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X website at www.piusx.net<br />
thanking our community, alumni,<br />
and friends of <strong>Pius</strong> X from all<br />
over the world!<br />
8 Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 2010
<strong>Pius</strong> X 2010-11 Theme<br />
Forgiving Others As We’ve Been Forgiven<br />
- Photo courtesy of Yearbook -<br />
Prayer<br />
Jesus, you showed us from the cross how<br />
to forgive those who hurt us. Give us the<br />
grace to restore all things by seeking forgiveness<br />
from those we’ve hurt and by<br />
forgiving those who have hurt us. May<br />
our desire for reconciliation inspire us all<br />
to true conversion of heart and help bring<br />
about peace on Earth.<br />
Summer Pilgrmage To Rwanda<br />
- Photo courtesy of Julie Schonewise -<br />
Approximately one year ago, plans were<br />
made with Msgr. Barr on behalf of Legatus<br />
(a Catholic business leader’s group) to host<br />
an all-school assembly with Immaculée Ilibagiza,<br />
a survivor of the 1994 Rwanda genocide<br />
that claimed a million lives in only 100<br />
days. Knowing that Immaculée was coming<br />
to <strong>Pius</strong> X, Julie Schonewise and Jane Connealy,<br />
Social Literature instructors at <strong>Pius</strong><br />
X, applied and won a grant of $10,000 from<br />
“Fund For Teachers” (a group which funds<br />
professional development opportunities for<br />
teachers) to travel to Rwanda to learn more<br />
about the country in its aftermath of the 1994<br />
genocide for teaching on this subject in their<br />
classrooms.<br />
During the summer of 2010, Jane Connealy,<br />
Julie Schonewise, Principal Tom Korta and<br />
Superintendent Fr. Jim Meysenburg were<br />
blessed with the opportunity to be able to<br />
join Immaculee Ilibagiza on a pilgrimage to<br />
Rwanda from July 31st to August 7th. A little<br />
more than half of the time was spent in<br />
Kibeho (where Our Lady appeared to several<br />
people in the 1980’s). The rest of the trip was<br />
in Kigali where they made a brief visit to Immaculee’s<br />
home that she rebuilt as a house of<br />
prayer and healing. The team visited genocide<br />
memorials, saw the work of missionaries<br />
at an orphanage and a school for blind and<br />
spent four days on retreat at the Shrine of Our<br />
Lady of Kibeho.<br />
From the visit, all four have brought back to<br />
the Lincoln Diocese the message that Our<br />
Lady gave to Kibeho, Rwanda, Africa and the<br />
whole world that we must convert our hearts<br />
now and bring peace on earth.<br />
Immaculée<br />
Shares Her Story<br />
On Wednesday, October 20,<br />
2010, Immaculée Ilibagiza<br />
shared her inspirational story<br />
of her experience in the<br />
1994 Rwanda Holocaust to<br />
an assembly of over 1,800<br />
people including 1,062 <strong>Pius</strong><br />
X students; 200 faculty,<br />
staff, & chaperones; and<br />
600 Catholic school 7th and<br />
8th graders from Lincoln.<br />
In 1994, the Rwandan president<br />
(Hutu majority tribe)<br />
was killed which caused a<br />
mass killing of the minority,<br />
Tutsi tribe. In 3 months,<br />
a million Tutsis were killed<br />
in one of the greatest genocides<br />
of our world. Immaculée<br />
hid silently with 7 other<br />
- Photo courtesy of Yearbook -<br />
women in a Hutu pastor’s tiny 3’x 4’ bathroom for 91<br />
days to avoid the slaughter.<br />
Immaculée shared her story of being sent into hiding<br />
by her father with his rosary and not wanting to leave<br />
her family, but doing so out of obedience. During<br />
her time hiding in the bathroom, she learned several<br />
things including forgiveness, the courage to let go,<br />
the power of love, putting things into perspective,<br />
being grateful for the smallest things, and the power<br />
of prayer. While in hiding, Immaculée prayed the<br />
rosary morning til night, which she estimates was at<br />
least 27 times a day. As time went on, a conversion<br />
occurred in her heart and she was able to let go of her<br />
anger and surrender herself to God, forgiving those<br />
who had killed her family and friends. She told the<br />
assembly that with any worry or problem, there is<br />
always hope, that God is real and listens to our heart,<br />
and that God loves us and forgives us unceasingly.<br />
She suggested that if one has a choice between kindness<br />
or being right, to choose kindness. “If I can<br />
forgive, anyone can forgive.”<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X spent the entire day engaging in a “Day In The<br />
Dark” with the hallway lights turned off and inviting<br />
all to spread the light. Immaculée presented a bundle<br />
of glow sticks to junior John Clark who was asked<br />
to begin spreading the light in the <strong>Pius</strong> X hallways,<br />
through Lincoln, and throughout the world. Other<br />
activities at <strong>Pius</strong> X included a Seven Sorrows rosary<br />
prayed in French, Spanish and English by the International<br />
Languages students throughout the day.<br />
Immaculée is the author of “Left to Tell”, “Our Lady<br />
Of Kibeho”, “Led By Faith”, and “If Only We Had<br />
Listened”. Copies of her books are available for<br />
checkout in the <strong>Pius</strong> X Media Center. Immaculée<br />
also established a “Left To Tell Charitable Fund”<br />
which helps raise money to help orphaned children<br />
in Rwanda and help all children of Africa build better<br />
lives. For more information, please visit www.<br />
Immaculée.com.<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X is grateful to the Lincoln chapter of Legatus<br />
(a Catholic business-leaders group) for providing<br />
this opportunity to the entire student body to hear<br />
Immaculée’s message. Special thanks to Herb Reese<br />
(Reese Construction) for the replica of the bathroom<br />
space (3’x 4’) where Immaculée and 7 other women<br />
hid silently together for 91 days.<br />
Curriculum Focus<br />
- Photo courtesy of Yearbook -<br />
<strong>School</strong> News<br />
This spiritual and educational journey will bear<br />
fruits throughout the 2010-11 school year as<br />
teachers and administrators in all academic areas<br />
at <strong>Pius</strong> X focus attention on issues of social<br />
justice, genocide, compassion, forgiveness and<br />
reconciliation:<br />
• The Art Department made Seven Sorrows<br />
rosaries for Immaculée to take to Rwanda.<br />
They also shared them with the <strong>Pius</strong> X family,<br />
and showed interested staff and students<br />
how to make them on their own.<br />
• Consumer Science students made dresses to<br />
be donated to the <strong>School</strong> for the Blind in<br />
Kibeho, Rwanda.<br />
• The English Department linked efforts to the<br />
National Day of Writing, also on October<br />
20, 2010, when students submitted thoughts<br />
on genocide, perseverance, and hope to the<br />
National Gallery of Writing website. They<br />
read short stories set in or about the Rwandan<br />
genocide, as well as watched the movie,<br />
“Hotel Rwanda” to inspire the writing.<br />
• The Industrial Arts teacher used the dimensions<br />
of Immaculée’s hiding place to discuss<br />
U.S. building codes compared to those<br />
in Rwanda.<br />
• The International Language Department<br />
took the opportunity to share each language<br />
with each other the day that Immaculee<br />
visited <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> on October 20,<br />
2010. Every period of the day, each Spanish<br />
and French class said the Seven Sorrows<br />
Rosary in English, Spanish, and French.<br />
The students from each class led the decades.<br />
The day before the visit each student<br />
wrote out an intention that was prayed for<br />
throughout the day during the rosaries.<br />
• The Math Department applied genocide statistics<br />
to local populations to grasp the magnitude<br />
of the loss of 1,000,000 people.<br />
• The Psychology curriculum helped students<br />
explore the physical and mental health issues<br />
surrounding the benefits of forgiveness.<br />
• The Science Department talked about the<br />
psychological requirements of the perpetrators<br />
necessary to act in this way toward<br />
their own neighbor; related their interactions<br />
in a confined 3’ x 4’ area to force,<br />
impulse, and momentum; did line-emission<br />
spectra observations (light in darkness concept);<br />
and watched a video on how gorilla’s<br />
in a reserve were affected by the unrest of<br />
the country.<br />
• The Social Studies Department unveiled<br />
maps and projects developed on Rwanda<br />
and its history, and also screened Frontline’s<br />
documentary, “Ghosts of Rwanda.”<br />
• The Theology Department included class<br />
sessions on the 7 Sorrows of Mary, Genocide,<br />
Immaculée’s story, the Rwando genocide,<br />
the pilgrimage to Kibeho, and a demonstration<br />
as to what it would be like to be<br />
confined in the space of a bathroom that Immaculée<br />
was in for 91 days with 7 others.<br />
• The Vocal Music Department performed African<br />
music sung by select choirs.<br />
Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 9
<strong>School</strong> News<br />
New Classes Offered In 2010-11<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Home</strong> & <strong>School</strong> Association<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> <strong>Home</strong> and <strong>School</strong> Association Represents Area Parishes<br />
The Academic Decathlon Girls Team Took 2nd Place in the quiz<br />
bowl in Seward, Nebraska, in October 2010. Members of the team<br />
included Gabby Bruckner, Bridget Fitzgerald, Anna Hanzl, Kelsey<br />
Konecky, Kathryn Kopetzky, and Audra Nabity. Photo courtesy of<br />
Ann Kotopka.<br />
In order to accommodate the growing student body and diversified<br />
needs of <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>, the administration has added new<br />
classes to the official course listings for the 2010-2011 school year.<br />
The two new classes are AP Computer Science & Discrete Mathematics,<br />
along with Academic Decathlon.<br />
The AP Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics is an introductory<br />
course in computer science which uses many of the basic<br />
principals of discrete mathematics in order to develop, adapt, and<br />
implement computer programs. This course has a prerequisite of<br />
Algebra II and is recommended for students with a stong interest<br />
in computers or as an additional choice for seniors wishing to take<br />
a fourth year of mathematics. Programming curriculum begins on<br />
graphing calculators, and evolves into situations that utilize the Java<br />
program. The AP Computer Science exam will be offered in May<br />
of the school year.<br />
The other new class at <strong>Pius</strong> X is the Academic Decathlon which is<br />
taught by three <strong>Pius</strong> teachers: Margaret Kaiser-Woodward, Sandi<br />
Sullivan, and MaryJo Kopf. Academic Decathlon is an accelerated<br />
and intensive year-long course of study in science, social studies,<br />
math, English (literature, critical reading, and writing), art, music,<br />
speech, and economics. A new theme focuses the study each year,<br />
so a student may take this course more than once. The theme for the<br />
2010-11 school year is on the Great Depression. The class participates<br />
in various competitions through the United States Academic<br />
Decathlon (USAD). Students are encouraged to participate in at<br />
least one scrimmage the first semester. A select group of twelve<br />
students will compete in Regional, and if successful, State and National<br />
Competitions. Students in Academic Decathlon must come<br />
from three academic levels (A, B, and C or below) as determined<br />
by selected portions of their GPA, so students of varying ability and<br />
grade are in class together. Grading standards for this course are<br />
adjusted for grade and ability.<br />
PHSA members (L to R): Barb Krenk, Mike Krenk, Andrea Peterson, Pete Peterson,<br />
John Soukup, Joe LeDuc, Mindy Edwards, Donna Barnes, Michael Barnes,<br />
Kathy Rentschler, Lori Beals, Doug Beals. Not pictured: Paul Birkel, Judy York,<br />
Anita Scheuler, Paul Edwards, Ellen Soukup.<br />
They are officially known as the <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Home</strong> and <strong>School</strong> Association<br />
(PHSA), but unofficially, you might call them the <strong>Pius</strong> “parish”<br />
association because each one of the members represents a parish in<br />
the Lincoln area. The mission of this group is to help facilitate communication<br />
between the school and parents who send their children<br />
to <strong>Pius</strong> X.<br />
“It’s important that each parish has a liaison between the school and<br />
the church,” said PHSA president John Soukup. “Our main role is to<br />
help parents answer any questions they may have, keep the parish up<br />
to date on things happening at <strong>Pius</strong> X of importance to parents, and<br />
let the parish know when one of its students has made an outstanding<br />
achievement or goal.” Most of that information will be communicated<br />
through parish bulletins.<br />
The PHSA meets once a month with <strong>Pius</strong> X principal Tom Korta to<br />
be briefed, share thoughts, and provide feedback on various school<br />
issues. Each member also has a son or daughter at <strong>Pius</strong> X. PHSA<br />
members are:<br />
Michael and Donna Barnes North American Martyrs<br />
Doug and Lori Beals<br />
St. Theresa<br />
Paul and Michelle Birkel St. Peter<br />
Paul and Mindy Edwards St. Mary<br />
Mike and Barb Krenk St. Patrick<br />
Joe LeDuc<br />
St. Joseph<br />
Pete and Andrea Peterson Blessed Sacrament<br />
Kathy Rentschler<br />
St. Michael’s in Cheney<br />
Anita Scheuler<br />
Cathedral of the Risen Christ<br />
John and Ellen Soukup St. John the Apostle<br />
Judy York<br />
Sacred Heart<br />
“Our group also helps to organize the ‘In Touch with <strong>Pius</strong> Parents’<br />
series,” explained Soukup. “We invite <strong>Pius</strong> parents to hear from different<br />
guest speakers who speak on topics of interest to parents as they<br />
relate to teens.” PHSA members also assist with freshman orientation<br />
and the <strong>Pius</strong> X Open House.<br />
In addition, the PHSA offers a number of volunteer committees that<br />
all <strong>Pius</strong> X parents are invited to be involved with:<br />
Parent/Hospitality and Recruitment Committee<br />
Alcohol & Safe <strong>Home</strong>s Committee<br />
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Committee<br />
Academic Committee<br />
Facilities & Grounds Committee<br />
Public Relations Committee<br />
Uniform Committee<br />
Spiritual Life Committee<br />
Technology Committee<br />
Contact Steph Jones at smjones42@yahoo.com if you’re interested in<br />
sharing your expertise with any of these groups.<br />
10 Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 2010
Artificial Turf Installed<br />
On Aldrich Field<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X’s Aldrich Field on <strong>Home</strong>coming night, September 17, 2010.<br />
- Photo courtesy of John Cox -<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> anxiously watched the development of a<br />
$500,000 project at Aldrich Field this summer. The project was announced<br />
in Spring of 2010 after an anonymous donor came forward<br />
and provided a lead challenge gift for the specific purpose of equipping<br />
Aldrich Field with new artificial turf. With that lead gift and<br />
supporting gifts of others, the project officially began when many<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X students and volunteers came forward on May 26, 2010, to<br />
remove the sod from Aldrich Field and transfer it to the <strong>Pius</strong> X practice<br />
field. Crews and volunteers worked diligently around the rains<br />
of the spring and hot weather of the summer to equip the field with<br />
the new artificial turf. Leading the project was Landscapes Unlimited,<br />
who was hired for the installation.<br />
The artificial turf was completed by the second week of August<br />
2010, just in time for fall sports practices. The first official public<br />
use of the field was at the Fall Kick-Off on Friday, August 20, 2010,<br />
at which time Fr. Bernardo, <strong>Pius</strong> X Chaplain, blessed the new turf<br />
and the <strong>Pius</strong> X football team won its first game of the season.<br />
The artificial turf will provide many benefits including the reduction<br />
of impact injuries as athletes will play on a safer and more uniform<br />
surface. Aldrich Field will now be multi-purpose allowing band,<br />
soccer, football, and track to perform on the new playing surface.<br />
Maintenance costs will be reduced as watering, mowing, fertilizers,<br />
and pesticides will no longer be required. The only maintenance requirement<br />
will be raking the field a few times a year. Furthermore,<br />
the practice facilities behind the school will be less torn up providing<br />
opportunities for the soccer teams to practice on-site rather than<br />
travel off-site for practice. “This project will have a huge impact<br />
on <strong>Pius</strong> X,” said Tim Aylward, Athletic Director. “Not only will it<br />
provide a tremendous venue for our teams, band and students to play<br />
and practice on, but it will show that we continue to care about our<br />
students and the quality of the facilities at our school.”<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> is very thankful for the lead and supporting gifts<br />
of this project. “There has been incredible support from the handful<br />
of individuals involved with this project,” said Michelle Birkel,<br />
Development Director. “We have many alumni, parents and friends<br />
who regularly support Lincoln’s only Catholic high school with gifts<br />
of various sizes. We continue to be pleased and amazed that so many<br />
people are willing to help. This investment will benefit our students<br />
and families for decades.”<br />
Sam Raetz Receives Matt<br />
Grosserode Memorial Scholarship<br />
On August 20, 2010, Sam Raetz<br />
was awarded the Matt Grosserode<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
for the 2010-2011 school year.<br />
The scholarship was founded<br />
in 2005 by John and Joann<br />
Grosserode in memory of their<br />
son Matt Grosserode. The<br />
$500 scholarship is awarded<br />
each year to a senior football<br />
player attending <strong>Pius</strong> X, who<br />
is faithful to God, loving to - Photo courtesy of Yearbook -<br />
family and loyal to friends just as Matt was. Pictured (left to right):<br />
Tara Grosserode, John Grosserode, Sam Raetz, & Joann Grosserode.<br />
Students Named AP Scholars<br />
The College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) Program offers<br />
students the opportunity to take challenging college-level courses<br />
while still in high school and receive college credit, advanced<br />
placement, or both for successful performance on the AP exams.<br />
Students may choose to take the national test in May of each year to<br />
qualify for credit at colleges and universities throughout the nation.<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X offers seven AP classes including Biology, Calculus, Physics,<br />
United States History, American Government, English, Literature<br />
and Statistics. These courses are rigorous and require much of the<br />
students who take them. The courses are followed by very difficult<br />
national tests that are scored on a one to five scale, with five being<br />
the highest. Most colleges accept scores of three or higher and grant<br />
incoming students between three to five college credits for each AP<br />
class. College Board, the company that administers the AP Program,<br />
named students to their honor roll.<br />
The following students (either current or 2010 graduates) earned AP<br />
Scholar Awards in recognition of their exceptional achievement on<br />
AP Exams:<br />
AP Scholars (received scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP exams):<br />
Sean Flattery, Rachel Hanigan, Kaitlyn Kudron, and Norma Volkmer.<br />
AP Scholar with Honor (received an average score of at least 3.25 on all<br />
AP exams taken and scored 3 or higher on four our more of these exams):<br />
Madeline Hafner.<br />
Blood Drives Save Lives<br />
& Create Scholarship<br />
<strong>School</strong> News<br />
The 2010-2011 high school blood drive season is off and running as<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> played host for the school’s annual fall blood drive.<br />
Monday, October 4, 2010, students and staff rolled up their sleeves and<br />
may have helped as many as 108 patients while raising scholarship funds<br />
for <strong>Pius</strong> X. Since partnering with the Nebraska Community Blood Bank<br />
(NCBB) in 2004, over 900 PXHS donors have provided life-saving<br />
blood products for patients from across Nebraska and beyond.<br />
Again this year, all high school blood drives meeting goal are eligible<br />
for scholarship awards from the NCBB Educational Scholarship Program.<br />
Created as a way to say thank you for being a part of blood drive<br />
program, it also helps educate students on the importance of being a<br />
volunteer blood donor.<br />
If you’d like to donate blood and support <strong>Pius</strong> X’s scholarship, please<br />
specify <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> when donating. For more information about<br />
NCBB or donating blood, visit www.don8bld.org.<br />
Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 11
<strong>Foundation</strong> News<br />
“From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life.” ~Arthur Ashe<br />
Dear Alumni, Parents & Friends,<br />
This school year marks our 54th year and is a testament<br />
to all of you and your generous support<br />
and belief in our great school. I know that my<br />
husband Paul and I feel very blessed to be a part<br />
of the tradition here at <strong>Pius</strong> X and to have our own<br />
children receive their education here and at St.<br />
Peter’s Catholic grade school in Lincoln. This is<br />
also a great time to reflect back over the last year<br />
to all who have given their time, talent and treasure to <strong>Pius</strong>. Your sacrifices<br />
are truly extraordinary and do not go unnoticed. This annual report gives<br />
us the opportunity to acknowledge and thank everyone for their support<br />
this year and over the past fifty-four years.<br />
This school year was another one for the record books! I am confident that<br />
with the solid support that we have from our local parishes and stakeholders<br />
and most importantly, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our school<br />
has a very bright future.<br />
Our endowment fund is vital to the operations of our high school. As<br />
of October 31, 2010, we are happy to report that the balance is now a<br />
little over $10.2 million. This is important as each year a portion of these<br />
funds are allocated to the high school and provide an important part of our<br />
budget. Last year, over $368,000 was transferred to the high school to<br />
help with teacher salaries, maintenance of the school, financial assistance<br />
to students and other important needs. For the 2010-2011 school year,<br />
we will contribute approximately $445,750 to the high school. Our endowment<br />
is comprised of both equities and fixed funds (cd’s, bonds, etc.).<br />
Thankfully, the stock market has been gaining value in the last couple of<br />
months. We pray that this trend continues!<br />
Overall Campaign Goal: $13 million<br />
Improvements to<br />
Physical Plant<br />
$3,000,000 (24%)<br />
Enhancing the<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
$6,000,000 (46%)<br />
The <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Foundation</strong> Board of Directors<br />
Since its formation in 1970, the <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Foundation</strong> has had a Board<br />
of Directors who administer the endowment fund, which currently<br />
has a balance of over $10.2 million. The <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Foundation</strong> ensures<br />
long-term financial stability for the high school, keeps Catholic education<br />
affordable in Lincoln and provides scholarships to <strong>Pius</strong> X<br />
students. Since its formation, the endowment fund has transferred<br />
over $4,962,000 million back to <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>. There are<br />
currently thirteen <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Foundation</strong> Board of Directors members<br />
who help manage the affairs and business of the <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Foundation</strong>.<br />
Members serve three year terms with the option to renew for another<br />
three years.<br />
Board of Directors: [Front Row-Left to Right] Courtney McCashland,<br />
Liz Koop ’82, Canice Kobus, and Michelle Birkel, Development<br />
Director; [Back Row-Left to Right] Scott Becker, Jeff Schumacher,<br />
Jim Determan, Chris Wagner, Dave Snitily and Fr. James<br />
Meysenburg, Superintendent; [Not pictured] Tim Conzemius, Kent<br />
Endacott ’83, Dr. Phi Essay ’82, Michael Henkenius, Diocesan<br />
Planned Giving Director, Jack Peetz, Board of Director Chair, and<br />
Ed Woolman ’79.<br />
Support of Lincoln<br />
Parishes<br />
$2,000,000 (15%)<br />
Clark Jeary Land<br />
Acquisition<br />
$2,000,000 (15%)<br />
Thanks to the support of many parents, grandparents, alumni, friends and<br />
local businesses, the Tradition of Faith campaign, which commenced<br />
in 2006, has been a huge success. As of the end of October, 2010,<br />
$11,577,840 has been received which is 75% of what has been pledged<br />
thus far: $15,480,315. Continued payment of your pledges is very much<br />
needed and appreciated as we still have over one year to go. With your<br />
help, we have spent $3,345,844 on the new Commons area and school renovations<br />
(four new classrooms and a renovated library), given $2,087,915<br />
back to the parishes, transferred $3,878,500 to the endowment fund and<br />
$1,295,000 to the Diocese to begin retiring the Clark Jeary debt.<br />
We again thank all of our friends and benefactors for your continued support<br />
and may God bless you for your sacrifices.<br />
Best wishes to all of you for a blessed Christmas and New Year!<br />
Michelle Birkel<br />
Development Director, <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
The <strong>Pius</strong> X Board Of Advisors<br />
The <strong>Pius</strong> X Board of Advisors is comprised of 20 members whose<br />
role is to manage the affairs more closely related to the school<br />
administration and vision. Membership consists of pastors and lay<br />
people selected by the <strong>Pius</strong> X Superintendent, as well as administrators<br />
from <strong>Pius</strong> X. The <strong>Pius</strong> X Board of Advisors includes two<br />
committees:<br />
Strategic Planning/Special Projects Committee - addresses issues<br />
such as enrollment, developing a strategic plan for the school, educational<br />
standards and reviewing the physical plant and school’s<br />
needs as well as future growth.<br />
Budget Committee - addresses issues such as salary schedule, employee<br />
benefit plans, tuition rates and assessments. They also help<br />
the Superintendent with the annual school budget.<br />
Board of Advisors for the 2010-2011 year are: Michelle Birkel,<br />
Steve Burt, Susan Foley, Jan Frayser, Michael Henkenius, Gary<br />
Hoebelheinrich, Steve Jaros, Tom Korta, Karen Largen, Greg<br />
Lesiak, Ben Mattern, Fr. Meysenburg, Monsignor Nemec, Chris<br />
Raun, Herb Reese, Bernie Rempe, Nicole Simon, Alan Slattery,<br />
Mary Spethman, and Fr. Sullivan.<br />
12 Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 2010
Matching<br />
Gifts<br />
Do You Work For One Of These Companies<br />
If you or your spouse work for any of the<br />
companies listed below, you now have an easy<br />
way to double your gift to support <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong><br />
<strong>School</strong>! All of these organizations, plus many<br />
others not listed here, will match your donation<br />
to a charitable organization such as the <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Foundation</strong>. Contact<br />
your Human Resources Department for a matching gift form. For<br />
additional information, please contact the <strong>Foundation</strong> Office at (402)<br />
488-1046 or email Michelle Birkel at michelle.birkel@piusx.net.<br />
3 Easy Steps To Double Your Gift:<br />
1. Find your company's name on this list or check with your Human<br />
Resources Department to see if your gift will be matched. English Department<br />
2. Obtain a matching gift form from your company’s Human •<br />
Resources Department.<br />
• Ergonomic Chairs (2)<br />
3. Complete the form and send it to <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>,<br />
Attn: <strong>Foundation</strong> Office with your tax deductible contribution.<br />
AIG, Inc.<br />
Allstate<br />
Amgen<br />
Ameritas Life Insurance Co.<br />
Amoco<br />
Aquatech Wash<br />
Assurity Life Insurance Company<br />
AT&T <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Bank of America<br />
Bank of New York<br />
Becton Dickinson & Co.<br />
Bemis Co., Inc. *<br />
Boeing<br />
Bracco Diagnostics Inc.<br />
Burlington Northern Santa Fe<br />
Bucyrus <strong>Foundation</strong>, Inc.<br />
Cardinal Health<br />
Chicago Tribune<br />
Cisco Systems<br />
Citigroup<br />
Coca Cola Co.<br />
Country Insurance Financial<br />
Services<br />
Crane Co.<br />
CSG Systems, Inc.<br />
Darden Restaurants <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Eaton Corporation<br />
EducationQuest <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Eli Lilly<br />
Exxon Mobil<br />
First Data<br />
Ford Motor Company<br />
Gannett<br />
Gap<br />
General Electric<br />
General Mills<br />
General Motors<br />
GlaxoSmithKline<br />
H & R Block, Inc.<br />
Hewlett Packard Co.<br />
IBM Corporation<br />
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.<br />
Kellogg’s<br />
Lincoln Benefit Life<br />
Marsh & McLellan Co’s<br />
McKesson Corporation *<br />
Medtronic <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Merrill Lynch<br />
Microsoft<br />
Monsanto<br />
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney<br />
Motorola<br />
Mutual of Omaha<br />
Nelnet *<br />
New York Life<br />
Nike Inc.<br />
Northrop Grumman<br />
Novartis<br />
PacifiCorp<br />
PepsiCo<br />
Pfizer<br />
Pioneer<br />
Principal Financial Group<br />
RBC Wealth Management<br />
Saint-Gobain Corporation<br />
<strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Sara Lee Corporation<br />
Sprint<br />
State Farm Companies Good<br />
Neighbor Grant Program<br />
The Pentair <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
The Stanley Works (Senior Technologies)<br />
Union Pacific<br />
UPS<br />
U.S. Bancorp<br />
Verizon Communications<br />
Wachovia<br />
Wal-Mart<br />
Wells Fargo <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Wyeth<br />
*Matches 2:1<br />
<strong>Foundation</strong> News<br />
<strong>School</strong> Department Wish List For 2010-11<br />
Every school year, the faculty and staff at <strong>Pius</strong> X<br />
prepare a “wish list” of items they would like to<br />
have for their classroom.<br />
Donating toward the Teacher’s Wish List for<br />
your child’s classroom is a great gift idea for the<br />
Christmas season!<br />
For more information, or to donate to the Teacher’s Wish List, please<br />
contact the <strong>Foundation</strong> Office at (402) 488-1046 or email Michell<br />
Birkel at michelle.birkel@piusx.net. Donations may also be made<br />
online at www.piusx.net [<strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Foundation</strong> - Online Donation -<br />
Teacher’s Wish List - Donate Now]. Thank you so very much for<br />
your generosity!<br />
English Vocabulary Books (30)<br />
$9 each<br />
$300 each<br />
• Classroom Set of Paperback Dictionaries (30) $210<br />
• Classroom Set of Paperback Thesauri (30) $180<br />
Entire <strong>School</strong><br />
• Tablecloths To Be Used at Multiple Functions at <strong>Pius</strong> $250<br />
Family & Consumer Science Department<br />
• Cuisinart 77-7 Chef’s Classic Stainless<br />
7-Piece Cookware Sets (4)<br />
$107 each<br />
Fine Arts<br />
• Wireless Headsets for <strong>Pius</strong> Players<br />
(microphone pieces that clip into student’s hair) (10)<br />
$500 each<br />
Foreign Language Department<br />
• Readers for Native Spanish Speakers (15)<br />
$5 each<br />
• Children’s Spanish Story or Chapter Books (for ages 8-14) any donation<br />
• Sony Handycam DVD Camcorder for Classroom Projects $350<br />
(includes S & H)<br />
<strong>Foundation</strong> Office<br />
• Endowment Fund<br />
any donation<br />
Math/Business Department<br />
• T1 Navigator System for Classroom $2,500<br />
• Math Classroom Posters<br />
$15 each<br />
• TI Inspire Calculators for Classroom (30)<br />
$120 each<br />
• Large Geometry Tools for White Boards (3)<br />
$40 each<br />
(Protractor, Compass)<br />
Religion<br />
• Student Response System (Clickers) $3,150<br />
• Refurbishing of Monstrance $750-$1,000<br />
Science Department<br />
• Biopacs and Software (6) $3,000<br />
• Anatomy in Clay Skeletal Models & Curriculum $3,000<br />
• Lab Chair Stools (12) $3,600<br />
• Student Response Systems (Clickers) $3,150<br />
• Document Camera (1) $800<br />
Youth Ministry Department<br />
• Funding for FCT Retreat<br />
any donation<br />
Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 13
<strong>Foundation</strong> News<br />
Arth Endowment<br />
Exceeds $30,000<br />
I remember meeting Larry when he<br />
and his wife, Mary, graciously offered<br />
to serve as leadership chairpersons<br />
for the Tradition of Faith campaign<br />
in 2006. He and Mary had been very<br />
active in many causes, both at <strong>Pius</strong> X<br />
and in the Lincoln diocese, so I was<br />
already aware of their deep and longtime<br />
commitment to our school. Over<br />
the years I learned that not only were<br />
they dedicated to making sure the <strong>Pius</strong> X capital campaign was successful,<br />
but they were both deeply dedicated to the city of Lincoln.<br />
Larry was greatly respected in the Lincoln community. It is not easy<br />
to find a cause or a worthwhile project that hasn’t benefited from<br />
Larry’s, and therefore Mary's, involvement over the years.<br />
Larry graduated from <strong>Pius</strong> X in 1961. While at <strong>Pius</strong> X, he was<br />
a three sport letterman in football, basketball, and track & field.<br />
After earning a BA degree in Business in 1965, Larry served over<br />
two years in the U.S. Navy. He returned to Lincoln in 1968, joined<br />
Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. (then Bankers Life Nebraska), and<br />
proceeded to earn a masters degree in 1969 from UNL. Over the<br />
years, he held various leadership positions within the financial department,<br />
including CFO. In 1988, he was elected president and<br />
chief operating officer, a position he held until 1995, when he was<br />
elected chairman of the board and chief executive officer. After 40<br />
years with the company, Larry retired in July 2008.<br />
Larry passed away on August 27, 2008. Knowing how much <strong>Pius</strong><br />
X meant to Larry, Mary and her children, Laura, Susie, and Bill<br />
established the Lawrence J. Arth Endowment Fund to support the<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X football program. According to Mary, "The football program<br />
provided fond memories to both Larry & me, and to our children.<br />
Some of the intangibles of the football program that were important<br />
to Larry were learning the importance of working together as a<br />
team, striving to become a better player, the respect of one’s teammates<br />
and obedience to the coaches and abiding by the rules. The<br />
camaraderie that binds a team together lasts for a lifetime, and the<br />
lessons learned are carried over to family and future careers." Mary<br />
reminisces that Larry & Bill, their son who graduated from <strong>Pius</strong><br />
in 1998, played the same position and were competitive about everything<br />
from the number of wins to their statistics. Mary was the<br />
proud cheerleader for both, officially during her years at <strong>Pius</strong> X and<br />
unofficially from the stands while watching Bill and his team.<br />
Thanks to the donations of many generous benefactors, this fund<br />
has just reached a balance of over $30,000! Funds each year will be<br />
allocated to purchase additional equipment, uniforms, and any other<br />
items or make repairs as needed that exceed the cost of the football<br />
team’s annual budget.<br />
For more information on establishing an endowed scholarship or<br />
named fund, please contact the <strong>Foundation</strong> Office at 402-488-1046.<br />
Named Scholarships & Endowed Funds:<br />
Gift Opportunities That Help<br />
Our <strong>School</strong> & Students<br />
Thanks to the generosity of many donors, <strong>Pius</strong> X will be awarding<br />
approximately $28,000 in scholarships for the 2010-2011 year.<br />
Establishing a Named Fund or Scholarship gives individuals the<br />
opportunity to honor and remember loved ones while actively supporting<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X’s quality, Catholic education. Once a Named Scholarship is<br />
created, the funds are invested in the <strong>Foundation</strong>’s Endowment. The<br />
interest earned is used to help pay a portion of students’ tuition. A<br />
Named Fund works in the same way, however the interest earned is<br />
used to help support and run the high school each year.<br />
Scholarships<br />
Because the scholarship is endowed, it will last forever and serve as<br />
a permanent memorial. This means you can financially assist current<br />
as well as future students for many years to come. As the scholarship<br />
balance increases, so does the amount of aid students receive.<br />
Establishing a Scholarship or Named Fund<br />
There are several ways to set up a Named Fund or Scholarship. A gift<br />
of cash or stock immediately establishes a fund. Also, a Named Fund or<br />
Scholarship can be left as a gift in your will or designated as the beneficiary<br />
of your IRA or pension plan. A life insurance gift is another option.<br />
It is possible for anyone to make contributions to any of the endowed<br />
scholarships at any time. This allows scholarship balances to grow<br />
and provide more financial aid to the students that receive them.<br />
Donations in any amount are always welcome. If you would like<br />
information on establishing or donating to a Named Scholarship,<br />
please call the <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Foundation</strong> Office at (402) 488-1046.<br />
The following Named Scholarships or Named Funds have already been<br />
established or are alomost complete:<br />
• Vince Aldrich Memorial Fund<br />
• Vince Aldrich Memorial Scholarship<br />
• Michael Anderson Memorial Scholarship<br />
• Lawrence J. Arth Endowment Fund<br />
• Liam and Lorraine Barr Memorial Scholarship<br />
• Marilue Becker Scholarship<br />
• Kristin Bottger Memorial Scholarship<br />
• Mary Elizabeth Brake Memorial Scholarship<br />
• Jim and Merle Briggs Memorial Scholarship<br />
• Richard and Dorothy Burke Memorial Scholarship<br />
• Charles E. Chace Memorial Scholarship<br />
• Monsignor Dawson Scholarship<br />
• Jeff Dodd Memorial Scholarship<br />
• Clint Eckhout Memorial Scholarship<br />
• Stephanie L. Fiedler Memorial Scholarship<br />
• John Michael Foley Memorial Scholarship<br />
• Matt Grosserode Memorial Scholarship<br />
• Steve H. Grosserode Scholarship in memory of Marcella Grosserode<br />
• Eileen Hartmann Memorial Scholarship<br />
• J. F. Houser Citizenship Scholarship in Honor of Donald J. Houser<br />
• Don Kelley Scholarship<br />
• Kathi Krause Memorial Scholarship<br />
• John Liescheski Memorial Scholarship<br />
• Adam McCabe Memorial Scholarship for Kindness<br />
• Glenn E. and Ann J. Miller Memorial Scholarship<br />
• George O’Boyle Scholarship<br />
• Paul & Rosemary Reinsch Scholarship<br />
• Robert T. Roach Memorial Scholarship<br />
• Amy Rodeno Scholarship in Memory of Dr. and Mrs. Lynn Sharrar<br />
• Patrick Schafers Memorial Scholarship<br />
• Charles Shandera Memorial Scholarship<br />
• Harold and Cecilia Sherman Scholarship<br />
• Linda Sloup Memorial Scholarship<br />
• Jules J. and Clovis J. VanDersarl Endowment for Science & Music<br />
• R. Scott Wickham Memorial Scholarship<br />
14 Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 2010
2009-2010 Scholarship Recipients<br />
Thanks to the generosity of many donors who have established Endowed Scholarships within the <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Foundation</strong>, a total of<br />
62 scholarships totaling $28,825 ($24,125 in Endowed Scholarships, $2,000 in Coca Cola Scholarships and $3,500 in<br />
<strong>Foundation</strong> Scholarships) were distributed for the 2009-10 school year.<br />
<strong>Foundation</strong> News<br />
Travis Agee<br />
<strong>Foundation</strong> Scholarship<br />
Ashley Alexander<br />
Clint Eckhout<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Renae Anderson<br />
Kathi Krause<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Alexandria Artiaga<br />
Coca Cola Scholarship<br />
Sarah Benal<br />
Msgr. Dawson Scholarship<br />
Aubrey Birch<br />
Msgr. Dawson Scholarship<br />
Gabrielle Bruckner<br />
Don Kelley Scholarship<br />
Hang Bui<br />
Adam McCabe Memorial<br />
Scholarship For Kindness<br />
Kim Cao<br />
Steve Grosserode Scholarship in<br />
Memory of Marcella Grosserode<br />
Emily Clement<br />
Charles Shandera<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Sean Connelly<br />
Steve Grosserode Scholarship in<br />
Memory of Marcella Grosserode<br />
Alison Cordry<br />
Mary Elizabeth Brake<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Katelyn Cordry<br />
Mary Elizabeth Brake<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Margaret Davenport<br />
Robert T. Roach<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Nicholas Demery<br />
Steve Grosserode Scholarship in<br />
Memory of Marcella Grosserode<br />
Kathy Do<br />
Coca Cola Scholarship<br />
Mary Driewer<br />
Glenn & Ann Miller<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Zach Duden<br />
Coca Cola Scholarship<br />
Harry Endrulat<br />
Glenn & Ann Miller<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Aaron Frey<br />
John Liescheski<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Andrea Frey<br />
Steve Grosserode Scholarship in<br />
Memory of Marcella Grosserode<br />
Eric Gapp<br />
<strong>Foundation</strong> Scholarship<br />
Halley Gaucher<br />
<strong>Foundation</strong> Scholarship<br />
John Gibbs<br />
J.F. Houser Citizenship Scholarship in<br />
Honor of Donald J. Houser<br />
Matthew Gibbs<br />
Mary Elizabeth Brake<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
James Gruett<br />
Charles E. Chace<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Alyse Hunt<br />
Michael Anderson<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Breanna Incontro<br />
Stephanie L. Fiedler<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Anthony Inzodda<br />
<strong>Foundation</strong> Scholarship<br />
Margaret Johnson<br />
Charles Shandera<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Sophie Johnson<br />
Patrick Schafers<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Matthew Kelly<br />
Harold & Cecelia Sherman<br />
Scholarship<br />
Nicholas Kramer<br />
<strong>Foundation</strong> Scholarship<br />
Gabby Kuhl<br />
Jim & Merle Briggs<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Benjamin Landwehr<br />
Coca Cola Scholarship<br />
Theresa Le<br />
Steve Grosserode Scholarship in<br />
Memory of Marcella Grosserode<br />
Kristine Linebaugh<br />
Paul & Rosemary Reinsch<br />
Scholarship<br />
Grace Madsen<br />
Coca Cola Scholarship<br />
Allison Main<br />
Glenn & Ann Miller<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Henry Mattern<br />
Amy Rodeno Scholarship in<br />
Memory of Dr. & Mrs. Lynn Sharrar<br />
Darrick Mazour<br />
Vince Aldrich<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
John Meyers<br />
Charles Shandera<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
JoAnn Miranda<br />
Coca Cola Scholarship<br />
Katlyn Morrison<br />
Amy Rodeno Scholarship in<br />
Memory of Dr. & Mrs. Lynn Sharrar<br />
Betty Ostasuc<br />
Amy Rodeno Scholarship in<br />
Memory of Dr. & Mrs. Lynn Sharrar<br />
Benjamin Pavlovic<br />
Harold & Cecelia Sherman<br />
Scholarship<br />
Suzanna Rezk<br />
Linda Sloup<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Candice Santana<br />
Charles Shandera<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Melanie Stara<br />
J.F. Houser Citizenship Scholarship in<br />
Honor of Donald J. Houser<br />
Benjamin Swanson<br />
Eileen Hortmann<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Jacob Swanson<br />
Richard & Dorothy Burke<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Raquel Torres<br />
<strong>Foundation</strong> Scholarship<br />
Peter Tran<br />
Liam & Lorraine Barr<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Peter Tran<br />
Marilue Becker Scholarship<br />
Victoria Tran<br />
Kristin Bottger<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Mikayla Tremain<br />
George O’Boyle Scholarship<br />
Sarah Ullman<br />
<strong>Foundation</strong> Scholarship<br />
Haylee Vrbka<br />
Coca Cola Scholarship<br />
Jessica Vrbka<br />
Paul & Rosemary Reinsch<br />
Scholarship<br />
Emily Wiebeck<br />
Charles Shandera<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Austin Woltemath<br />
Amy Rodeno Scholarship in<br />
Memory of Dr. & Mrs. Lynn Sharrar<br />
Alyssa Yeates<br />
R. Scott Wickham<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Fletcher Zornes<br />
Mary Elizabeth Brake<br />
Memorial Scholarship
2009-10 Annual Report<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Foundation</strong> 2009-2010 2009-10 Annual Annual Report Report<br />
It is our pleasure to present to you the <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Annual Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. This<br />
report reflects your continued commitment to Lincoln’s only<br />
Catholic high school.<br />
The primary objectives of the <strong>Foundation</strong> are to generate<br />
income to:<br />
◆ Keep our education affordable to all students<br />
◆ Ensure long-term financial stability<br />
◆ Provide adequate compensation for faculty and staff<br />
Independent Auditor’s Report<br />
September 30, 2010<br />
We have audited the accompanying statement of financial position<br />
of <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Foundation</strong> (a nonprofit organization) as of June 30,<br />
2010, and the related statements of activities and cash flows for the<br />
year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility<br />
of the <strong>Foundation</strong>’s management. Our responsibility is to<br />
express an opinion on these financial statements based on our<br />
audit. The prior year summarized comparative information has<br />
been derived from the <strong>Foundation</strong>’s 2009 financial statements,<br />
and, in our report dated September 23, 2009, we expressed an<br />
unqualified opinion on those financial statements.<br />
We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards<br />
generally accepted in the United States of America. Those<br />
standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain<br />
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are<br />
free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on<br />
a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in<br />
the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the<br />
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by<br />
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement<br />
presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable<br />
basis for our opinion.<br />
In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present<br />
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of <strong>Pius</strong> X<br />
<strong>Foundation</strong> as of June 30, 2010, and the changes in its net assets<br />
and its cash flows for the year then ended in conformity with<br />
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of<br />
America.<br />
Strain Slattery Barkley & Co., CPAs, P.C.<br />
EXHIBIT A*<br />
<strong>PIUS</strong> X FOUNDATION<br />
(with Comparative Totals as of June 30, 2009)<br />
June 30, 2010<br />
2010 2009<br />
ASSETS<br />
Cash & cash equivalents $ 225, 854 $ 2,059,677<br />
Investments (Note 2):<br />
Certificates of deposit 407,699 891,162<br />
Marketable securities 8,341,907 4,565,623<br />
Diocesan Investment and Loan Fund 51,954 50,045<br />
Cash surrender value of life insurance 62,177 59,332<br />
Assets held in charitable remainder trust (Note 3) 56,871 53,971<br />
Total assets $ 9,146,462 $ 7,679,810<br />
Liabilities:<br />
Accounts payable $ 57 ---<br />
Liability under charitable remainder trust<br />
agreement (Note 3)<br />
28,989 28,093<br />
Net assets:<br />
Total liabilities $ 29,046 $ 28,093<br />
Unrestricted:<br />
General 8,144,280 6,776,098<br />
Scholarship fund (877) 5,678<br />
Total unrestricted net assets 8,143,403 6,781,776<br />
Temporarily restricted - Scholarship fund 13,669 (674)<br />
Permanently restricted:<br />
General 81,116 81,116<br />
Scholarship fund 879,228 789,499<br />
Total permanently restricted net assets 960,344 870,615<br />
Total net assets $ 9,117,416 $ 7,651,717<br />
Total liabilities and net assets $ 9,146,462 $ 7,679,810<br />
As part of its 50th anniversary, <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> conducted<br />
a fundraising campaign that raised approximately $16,000,000<br />
in pledges. The campaign was designed to raise money to<br />
expand and update the <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>’s property and to<br />
provide support to the <strong>Foundation</strong> and Catholic parishes in<br />
Lincoln, Nebraska. The <strong>Foundation</strong> expects to receive a total<br />
of $6,000,000 over the five years, through 2011, as part of<br />
this fundraising campaign. As of June 30, 2010, $3,698,865<br />
has been distributed to the <strong>Foundation</strong> from this campaign.<br />
The <strong>Foundation</strong> has agreed to provide a subsidy approximating<br />
$445,750 to <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>, for operating expenses and<br />
scholarships, for the 2010-2011 academic year. This was<br />
calculated based on the value of investments at December<br />
31, 2009. The <strong>Foundation</strong> paid out $369,750 for the 2009-<br />
2010 academic year.<br />
16 Fall 2010 ❖ Annual Report 2010
EXHIBIT B*<br />
<strong>PIUS</strong> X FOUNDATION<br />
(with Comparative Totals for the Year Ended June 30, 2009)<br />
For the Year Ended June 30, 2010<br />
2010 2009<br />
Unrestricted<br />
General<br />
Temporarily<br />
Restricted<br />
Scholarship<br />
Fund Scholarship General<br />
Per manently R estr icted<br />
Scholarship<br />
Fund Total Total<br />
Revenue:<br />
Contributions $ 1,243,014 $ 1,425 $ ---------- $ ---------- $ 87,487 $ 1,331,926 $ 1,533,513<br />
Investment income:<br />
Interest and dividends 234,931 21,482 ---------- ---------- 238 256,651 239,696<br />
Increase in cash<br />
surrender value of<br />
life insurance 2,844 --------- ---------- ---------- --------- 2,844 2,970<br />
Realized and<br />
unrealized gains (losses) 457,519 --------- $ 14,343 ---------- --------- 471,862 (894,175)<br />
Net change in value<br />
of beneficial interest<br />
in charitable remainder trust<br />
(Note 3) --------- --------- ---------- ---------- 2,004 2,004 (11,959)<br />
Total revenue 1,938,308 22,907 14,343 ---------- 89,729 2,065,287 870,045<br />
Net assets released from<br />
restrictions --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------<br />
Total revenue and net<br />
assets released 1,938,308 22,907 14,343 --------- 89,729 2,065,287 870,045<br />
Expenses:<br />
Program:<br />
Subsidy to <strong>Pius</strong> X<br />
<strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> 340,825 --------- --------- --------- --------- 340,825 401,250<br />
Scholarships awarded 1,750 27,175 --------- --------- --------- 28,925 31.050<br />
Management and general:<br />
Professional fees 3,700 --------- --------- --------- --------- 3,700 3,500<br />
Investment fees 52,572 2,287 --------- --------- --------- 54,859 38,996<br />
Administrative expenses 140,452 --------- --------- --------- --------- 140,452 119,888<br />
Fundraising expenses 30,827 --------- --------- --------- --------- 30,827 47,523<br />
Total expenses 570,126 29,462 --------- --------- --------- 599,588 642,207<br />
Net increase (decrease) in<br />
net assets 1,368,182 (6,555) 14,343 --------- 89,729 1,465,699 227,838<br />
Net assets, beginning of year 6,776,098 5,678 (674) 81,116 789,499 7,651,717 7,423,879<br />
Net assets, end of year $ 8,144,280 $ (877) $ 13,669 $ 81,116 $ 879,228 $ 9,117,416 $ 7,651,717<br />
* This is selected information taken from audited financial statements for<br />
the 12 month period ending June 30, 2010. Complete financial statements<br />
including notes can be obtained by contacting the <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Office.<br />
During the 2009-2010 fiscal year, $51,154.54 was contributed to the<br />
Scholarship fund.<br />
According to the <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Foundation</strong> Distribution Policy, the <strong>Pius</strong><br />
X <strong>Foundation</strong> provides up to 5 percent of the fair market value of its<br />
investment assets for the school’s general operating budget each year.<br />
The <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Foundation</strong> distributed $369,750 to the high school, including<br />
$27,175 for financial assistance scholarships to <strong>Pius</strong> X students during the<br />
2009-2010 year. Approximately 78 cents of each dollar in interest income<br />
earned by the <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Foundation</strong> goes directly to pay for faculty salaries<br />
and benefits.<br />
The donors listed on the following pages made gifts during our 2009-<br />
2010 fiscal year. We have made every attempt to publish a comprehensive<br />
and accurate list of donors. We sincerely apologize if your name was<br />
inadvertently omitted or printed incorrectly. If this is the case, please<br />
contact the <strong>Foundation</strong> Office at (402) 488-1046. Thank you again for<br />
your generosity and on-going support!<br />
The following scholarships are<br />
available to <strong>Pius</strong> X students thanks<br />
to generous benefactors. Each<br />
scholarship has its own criteria.<br />
Vince Aldrich<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Dr. Carolyn Connelly<br />
Kurt Lynch<br />
Michael Anderson<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Pat & Adaire Anderson<br />
Shannon Anderson<br />
John & Kelly Morehouse<br />
Liam & Lorraine Barr Memorial<br />
Scholarship<br />
Declan Barr<br />
Deirdre Barr<br />
Msgr. Liam Barr<br />
Mike Owens<br />
Kristin Bottger<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Norman & Sheri Bottger<br />
William & Madeline Christen<br />
Robert & Barb Fillaus<br />
Mary Reiser<br />
Mary Elizabeth Brake<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
David & Laura Reese<br />
Dr. Herb & Virginia Reese<br />
Mary Pat Waite Ficke<br />
Jeffrey N. Dodd<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Anonymous (4)<br />
William & Katie Aldag<br />
Andrea Anderson<br />
Scott & Monica Anderson<br />
Dr. Dustin & Jocelyn Bailey<br />
Msgr. Liam Barr<br />
Michael & Jessica Bauers<br />
Michael & Pamela Bjerrum<br />
Jim & Susanne Blue<br />
Douglas & Lori Borer<br />
Julie Bragg<br />
Tim & Melissa Brox<br />
Jack & Jodell Bruns<br />
Bob & Phillis Bryant<br />
Jason & Katina Bryant<br />
Rob & Lori Bryant<br />
Dennis & Malinda Buel<br />
David & Tammy Burd<br />
Ian & Lisa Butler<br />
Kevin & Laurie Clark<br />
Bryan & Angela Coniglio<br />
Heather Coniglio<br />
Joel & Martha Crane<br />
Tim & Carolyn Dalton<br />
Gary & Mary Dodd<br />
Michael & Victoria Dodd<br />
Chad & Shannon Dohmen<br />
Jennifer Doud<br />
Meghan Doud<br />
Chad & Mindy Dustin<br />
Robert & Laurie Eacker<br />
George & Joanne Easley<br />
Tim & Tisha Elder<br />
Mark & Katie Elsener<br />
Mark & Sara Elsener<br />
J.E. & D.D. Fischer<br />
Terra Geiger<br />
Government Systems, Software<br />
& Services, Inc.<br />
Sara Greisen<br />
Daniel & Tamara Guthard<br />
Matt & Stacy Gutschenritter<br />
Mike & Laura Haley<br />
Peter & Kristin Heath<br />
Virgil & Caroline Helget<br />
Gary & Flo Hendricks<br />
Michael & Monica Henkenius<br />
Alisha Hickenbotham<br />
Curtis & Amanda Hillgren<br />
Jason & Jennifer Holsten<br />
Lee & Dana Hunsaker<br />
Timothy & Donna Janssen<br />
2009-10 Annual Report<br />
Gifts To The <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Jason & Susan Katt<br />
Perry & Sheila Kober<br />
John & Kendra Majerus<br />
Tylor & Alyssa Mapson<br />
Denae Martin<br />
Diane Mattison<br />
Aaron & Becky May<br />
Jon & Jennifer Meier<br />
Daniel & Tiffany Mickells<br />
Michael & Aimee Nebel<br />
Jeffrey Niedbalski<br />
Thomas & Tamara Nuzum<br />
Pat & Helen Olmsted<br />
Katherine Pedersen<br />
Scott & Bridgett Petzoldt<br />
Malachi & Shannon Ritscher<br />
David & Angie Roberts<br />
Jeffrey & Jane Sandstrom<br />
Joel & Mary Schlautman<br />
Heather Seikora<br />
Bill & Kathi Seiler<br />
Jamie Sharer<br />
Jill Shemek<br />
Melanie Shemek<br />
Alan & Ruth Slattery<br />
Amber Smith<br />
Clint & Brianne Snider<br />
Jennifer Snyder<br />
Joshua & Julie Sovereign<br />
Todd Spellman<br />
Jeff Standley<br />
Edward & Felecia Thomassen<br />
Melissa Todd<br />
Shane & Nichole Tucker<br />
Thomas & Donna Upton<br />
Kristopher & Katherine Van Meter<br />
Amy Wagner<br />
Larry & Kari Wakefield<br />
Cheryl Walden<br />
Anne Walz Calvey<br />
Gary & Michelle Watkins<br />
Toby & Lori Watson<br />
Tony & Jill West<br />
Dennis & Cynthia Wheeler<br />
Christina York<br />
Dustin & Christy Young<br />
Kevin & Angie Zadina<br />
Jorge & Jessica Zuniga<br />
Clint Eckhout<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Anonymous<br />
Jerome & Jeanette Eckhout<br />
Kirk & Angie McAndrew<br />
Ryan & Jamie Sidwell<br />
Stephanie L. Fiedler<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Robin Best<br />
Jason & Megan Masten<br />
Kirk & Angie McAndrew<br />
Twila Wakefield<br />
Matt Grosserode<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Dorothy Grosserode<br />
John & Joann Grosserode<br />
P.J. & Amber Grosserode<br />
Bradley Kohl<br />
Steve H. Grosserode<br />
Scholarship in Memory of<br />
Marcella Grosserode<br />
Bruce & Patricia Brumm<br />
Robert & Teresa (Terri) Grosserode<br />
Keith & Mary Ingram<br />
Eileen Hartmann<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
First Data*<br />
Robert & Meghan Gibbons<br />
Bruce & Suzanne Sharp<br />
Kathi Krause<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Curtis & Michele Carstens<br />
Dan & Connie Ernst<br />
Chad & Susie Krause<br />
Patricia Krause<br />
Scott & Beth Krause<br />
Sam & Jane Manzitto<br />
Tim & Ginnelle Ries<br />
Fall 2010 ❖ Annual Report 17
2009-10 Annual Report<br />
John Liescheski<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Adam Benes<br />
Joseph & Cheryl Benes<br />
Phillip & Joan Liescheski<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X Senior Football Parents<br />
Denise Scott<br />
Brady & Cindy Wagner-Wiebeck<br />
Adam McCabe Memorial<br />
Scholarship for Kindness<br />
Eduardo Bohn<br />
Leonard & Debra Cernik<br />
Robert & Theresa Homan<br />
Chelsea Jacobson<br />
Leona Matthews<br />
Pat & Beth McCabe<br />
John & Kelly Morehouse<br />
Ervin & Cheryl Wemhoff<br />
Glenn E. & Ann J. Miller<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Don & Georgia Miller<br />
George O’Boyle Scholarship<br />
Megann Sauer<br />
Paul & Rosemary Reinsch<br />
Scholarship<br />
Paul & Rosemary Reinsch<br />
Patrick Schafers<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Andrew Groebner<br />
Eric & Angela Schafers<br />
Matthew & Theresa Schafers<br />
Celia Wahl<br />
Marita Schafers Ward<br />
Charles Shandera<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Bill & Mary Earl<br />
Norm & Jane Schuller<br />
Jim & Jean Sells<br />
Jerry & Dee Shandera<br />
Joe & Linda Shandera<br />
Stephen & Katherine Shandera<br />
Tom & Jan Shandera<br />
Harold & Cecelia Sherman<br />
Scholarship<br />
Cecilia Sherman<br />
William & Christine Thompson<br />
Linda Sloup<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Anonymous<br />
The Stanley Works<br />
Wells Fargo<br />
R. Scott Wickham<br />
Memorial Scholarship<br />
Judy Kramer<br />
Joseph & Ellen Spelman<br />
Vince Aldrich Memorial Fund<br />
Tim & Mary Aldrich Knight<br />
Vince Aldrich <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Clancy & Charlene Woolman<br />
Lawrence Arth Memorial Fund<br />
Bill Arth<br />
Laura Arth<br />
Jules J. & Clovis J. VanDersarl<br />
Endowment for Science & Music<br />
Rex Mudd<br />
In Memory of Mae Aksamit<br />
Mary Aksamit<br />
Tony & Lavern Aksamit<br />
Kent & Peggy Apthorpe<br />
Phil & Jeanne Brusnahan<br />
Doris Buechel<br />
Mary Ann Burda<br />
Ann Burda<br />
Robert & Mona Duden<br />
Mark & Katie Elsener<br />
Ronald & Mary Ann Fruhling<br />
Bob & Loraine Funk<br />
Richard Groebner<br />
Margaret Gross<br />
Mary Heidrick<br />
Dr. Tom & Nancy Heiser<br />
Shirley Hinz<br />
Ellen Hoeppner<br />
Dennis & Maureen Kipper<br />
Lydia McCabe<br />
Ken & Mary Meyer<br />
James & Mary Miller<br />
Donald Mock<br />
Barbara Jean Muff<br />
Cel Muff<br />
Richard & Patty Nave<br />
Ed Regelean<br />
James & Barbara Runyan<br />
Ray & Mabel Svoboda<br />
Samuel &Alvia Troutt<br />
David & Deloris Weeks<br />
Eric & Opal Yarnell<br />
Dolores Young<br />
In Memory of<br />
Vince & Jeanne Aldrich<br />
Teresa Kenney<br />
Tim & Mary Aldrich Knight<br />
Virginia Rowen<br />
In Memory of Sister Amata<br />
Dr. Kevin Gillespie<br />
In Memory of Michael Anderson<br />
Catherine Matthews<br />
Ed Regelean<br />
In Memory of Larry Arth<br />
Bill Arth<br />
Laura Arth<br />
In Memory of<br />
George & Elizabeth Banker<br />
Mary Elbert<br />
In Memory of James Bargmann<br />
Janice Admire<br />
In Memory of<br />
Robert & Virginia Barlow<br />
Barbara Kreader-Skalinder<br />
In Memory of Dennis Barry<br />
Mary Abel<br />
Debra DiChellis<br />
In Memory of<br />
George & Elinor Bartlett<br />
Bob Bartlett<br />
In Memory of<br />
May Helen Berryman<br />
June Klute<br />
In Memory of<br />
George & Irene Biggs<br />
James & Diane Biggs<br />
In Memory of Clarence Birkel<br />
Paul & Michelle Birkel<br />
In Memory of Kristin Bottger<br />
Norm & Sheri Bottger<br />
Bill & Madeline Christen<br />
In Memory of<br />
Earl & Teresa Brady<br />
Mary Tilton<br />
In Memory of<br />
Mary Elizabeth Brake<br />
Dr. Chuck & Cathy Reese<br />
David & Laura Reese<br />
Dr. Herb & Virginia Reese<br />
Mary Pat Waite Ficke<br />
In Memory of Teena Brandon<br />
Patty Amgwert<br />
In Memory of<br />
David Brokofsky<br />
Larry & Linda Brokofsky<br />
In Memory of<br />
Jackson Sellmeyer Browning<br />
Maura Browning<br />
Jenny Meyer<br />
In Memory of<br />
Betty Jane Buck<br />
Nancy Elder<br />
In Memory of<br />
Barbara Burbach<br />
Terry & Lisa Heimes<br />
In Memory of<br />
Richard A. Campos, Sr.<br />
Richard A Campos, Jr.<br />
In Memory of<br />
Evelyn Hansen Chinick<br />
Eugene & Judy Schiltz<br />
In Memory of Sharon Christen<br />
Bill & Madeline Christen<br />
In Memory of Helen Churilla<br />
Anonymous<br />
Margaret Gross<br />
Ann Martinez<br />
Betty Maun<br />
Bill & Kathy Morlok<br />
Dolores Reiling<br />
Claude & Sarah Riggs, III<br />
Viola Tracy<br />
Tamara Tyburski<br />
In Memory of Nora Clancy<br />
Linda Buethe<br />
In Memory of<br />
Theresa Ann Clifford<br />
Chuck & Connie Clifford III<br />
Michael & Julianne (Clifford) Taylor<br />
Steven & Marianne Clifford Upton<br />
In Memory of<br />
John & Mary Clinch<br />
Gloria Stephenson<br />
In Memory of<br />
Ralph & Marie Connelly<br />
Daniel & Susan Connelly<br />
Terry & Jennifer Connelly<br />
In Memory of Marilyn Coupe<br />
Thomas Duden<br />
In Memory of<br />
the Cunningham & Wemhoff<br />
Deceased Family Members<br />
Arthur & April Cunningham<br />
In Memory of Dale Darnell, Sr.<br />
Jeffrey & Kathleen Richner<br />
The Staff of Beattie Elementary <strong>School</strong><br />
In Memory of Beth Davis<br />
Bob & Lisa Davis<br />
In Memory of<br />
the Deceased Members of the<br />
Class of 1988<br />
Lori Kreifels<br />
In Memory of Karl Dickinson<br />
Joseph & Kacey Lempka<br />
In Memory of Jeffrey Dodd<br />
Lisa Park<br />
Melissa Payne<br />
In Memory of Gloria Dolan<br />
Ryan & Donna Dolan-Cure<br />
In Memory of<br />
Mary Jane (Beals) Donnelly<br />
Mary Jo Iwan<br />
In Memory of<br />
Bob & Kathryn Easley<br />
Barry & Jeanne Johnson<br />
In Memory of Clint Eckhout<br />
Jerome & Jeanette Eckhout<br />
Michael & Rhonda Litt<br />
In Memory of<br />
Marvin D. Edwards<br />
Donna Edwards<br />
Peter & Kristin Heath<br />
In Memory of<br />
Frank & Delores Eskey<br />
Kathleen Steinke<br />
In Memory of Hanora Eskey<br />
Kathleen Steinke<br />
In Memory of Mary Fenton<br />
Carol Singleton<br />
In Memory of<br />
Prof. Paul E. Fischbach<br />
Dr. M. Linda Sutherland<br />
In Memory of Jack Fisher<br />
Peggy Aksamit<br />
Tim & Gaylene Aylward<br />
Gladys Badberg<br />
Karen Bishop<br />
Blessed Sacrament Church & <strong>School</strong><br />
Larry & Joan Chopp<br />
Diane Drommond<br />
Christine Fisher<br />
Dwayne & Jacklin Goldsmith<br />
Weslyn & Jean Hager<br />
Jim & Cathy Harrington<br />
Mary Heidrick<br />
James & Margot Hinchliff<br />
Dorothy Hinchliff<br />
Stuart & Tracy Isaacson<br />
Cody & Julie Kanter<br />
Jim & Mary Kanter<br />
Richard & Mary Liebentritt<br />
Pat Molgaard<br />
Robert & Jo Ann Mortensen<br />
Sandra Mortensen<br />
Randy & Deb Mortensen<br />
John & Deb Peters<br />
Juliann Ramel<br />
Wayne & Kathy Richter<br />
Geraldine Shestak<br />
William & Phyllis Story<br />
Union Bank & Trust Co.<br />
Personal Trust Dept.<br />
David & Karen Williams<br />
Richard Willis<br />
Steve & Mary Wolsleger<br />
In Memory of<br />
Sr. Mary St. Julian Flaherty BVM<br />
James Schmitz<br />
In Memory of Harold Fouts<br />
Anne Pappas<br />
In Memory of<br />
Joe & Velma Fraas<br />
Sandy Harrison<br />
In Memory of<br />
Lonnie E. Franssen<br />
Tim Franssen<br />
Mick & Diane Horak<br />
John Voboril<br />
In Memory of Eileen Ganser<br />
Kent & Peggy Apthorpe<br />
Dr. James & Nancy Ganser<br />
Dorothy Hayes<br />
Joseph & Rita Kean<br />
Jeanette Malone<br />
Wayne & Catherine Oberg<br />
In Memory of Jack Giltner<br />
Thomas & Audrey Giltner<br />
In Memory of<br />
Bill & Ruth Goggins<br />
William & Mary Lou Goggins<br />
In Memory of Frank Gonser<br />
Michael & Jane Gonser<br />
In Memory of John Gourlay<br />
Dr. Gerald & Madeline Polesky<br />
In Memory of<br />
Dorothy Grosserode<br />
Tom & Rhonda Peed<br />
In Memory of Matt Grosserode<br />
Abby Anderson<br />
John & Joann Grosserode<br />
Sarah Mahoney<br />
In Memory of Fr. Larry Gyhra<br />
John & Sheila Kuchta<br />
In Memory of<br />
Stephanie (Cooke) Hackett<br />
Genevieve Newhouse<br />
In Memory of<br />
Joseph & Mary Haggerty<br />
Robert Haggerty<br />
In Memory of Steven Hannasch<br />
Thomas & Peg Barrett<br />
In Memory of<br />
Cindy D. Hanseling<br />
Jo Theis<br />
In Memory of Candice Harms<br />
Michael & Rhonda Litt<br />
Melissa Payne<br />
Ken & Dru Sypal<br />
In Memory of Samuel L. Harris<br />
Shannon Dawson<br />
In Memory of<br />
George & Arlene Hauschild<br />
Michael & Carol Laughlin<br />
In Memory of Roger Healy<br />
Jay & Constance Richardson<br />
In Memory of Brian E. Heath<br />
Peter & Kristin Heath<br />
In Memory of<br />
Gabriel & Margaret Hesse<br />
Joseph Hesse<br />
In Memory of Laura Hickman<br />
Carolyn Oborny<br />
In Memory of<br />
Dr. and Mrs. W.J. Higgins<br />
Jan Gray<br />
In Memory of<br />
John & Marie Hoff<br />
Cheri Boettner<br />
In Memory of<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Darwin Hoover<br />
Pat Lorenz<br />
In Memory of Milo Horak<br />
Patty Haddow<br />
In Memory of<br />
Robert & Anna Houser<br />
John & Sharon Hanigan<br />
In Memory of Helen Hraban<br />
Joann Kempton<br />
In Memory of Joseph Hraban<br />
Joann Kempton<br />
In Memory of<br />
Stanley & Martha Jablonski<br />
Rich & Donette Jablonski<br />
In Memory of<br />
Jerry & Marlene Jamrog<br />
Jeff & Connie Jamrog<br />
In Memory of Robert Jedlicka<br />
Brenda Schroeder<br />
In Memory of Paul Jillson, Sr.<br />
LuAnn Gerber<br />
In Memory of<br />
Harold & Effie Johnson<br />
Loretta Wagner<br />
In Memory of Anna Kadavy<br />
Richard & Nadine Hain<br />
Lisa Stiffler<br />
In Memory of Randy Karpisek<br />
Wayne Petrzilka<br />
In Memory of Michael Keady<br />
Cathedral Men’s Golf League<br />
In Memory of Jean Keating<br />
Cindy Fritton<br />
In Memory of Margaret Keefe<br />
Terry Keefe<br />
In Memory of William Kehr<br />
Mary Stucky<br />
In Memory of John Kerr<br />
Joanne Kerr<br />
In Memory of Dr. Mike Kneale<br />
Tom & Fran Westfall<br />
In Memory of Raymond Kobza<br />
Eleanore Kobza<br />
Wayne & Lauren Kobza<br />
In Memory of<br />
Glen & Geraldine Kohel<br />
Richard & Kathleen Kohel<br />
In Memory of Anton F. Kohl, Jr.<br />
Bradley Kohl<br />
In Memory of<br />
Katie Lynn Korensky<br />
Toby & Jennifer Korensky<br />
In Memory of Kathi Krause<br />
Patricia Fricke<br />
In Memory of Connie Kubat<br />
Lucille Speth<br />
In Memory of<br />
Cecelia Laux Griffin<br />
Thomas Griffin<br />
In Memory of Francis Lempka<br />
Joseph & Kacey Lempka<br />
18 Fall 2010 ❖ Annual Report 2010
2009-10 Annual Report<br />
In Memory of John Liescheski<br />
Scott & Ann Barnett<br />
Rick & Ann Lafler<br />
Phil & Joan Liescheski<br />
Michael & Rhonda Litt<br />
Steve & Cathy Urban<br />
In Memory of<br />
Leo & Roberta Luken<br />
David Luken<br />
In Memory of<br />
Don & Ronnie Machacek<br />
Mary Lou Machacek<br />
In Memory of<br />
Colette Malolepszy<br />
Kathy Hebert<br />
In Memory of<br />
Winona Malolepszy<br />
Jeanne Moderow<br />
In Memory of Adam McCabe<br />
Robert & Mary O’Shea-Creal<br />
Eric & Therese Sack<br />
Ervin & Cheryl Wemhoff<br />
In Memory of<br />
Msgr. John McCabe<br />
Eric & Therese Sack<br />
In Memory of Tiffiny McNally<br />
Colette Ehlers<br />
In Memory of Ken Millard<br />
Joe & Leanna Millard<br />
Mary Beth Millard<br />
In Memory of<br />
Rose Betty Millard<br />
Mary Beth Millard<br />
In Memory of Tom Millard<br />
Joe & Leanna Millard<br />
Mary Beth Millard<br />
In Memory of George Miller<br />
Francis Hejl<br />
In Memory of<br />
Glenn & Ann Miller<br />
Peggy Grimm<br />
In Memory of Larry Mitchell<br />
Shari Congleton<br />
* Northrop Grumman<br />
In Memory of Jon Moravec<br />
Dave & Luann Zastrow<br />
In Memory of Mary Morin<br />
John & Patricia Rajewski<br />
In Memory of Helen Navin<br />
Jerry & Cheryl (Navin) Berberet<br />
In Memory of Jerry Nehe<br />
William Krueger<br />
In Memory of<br />
Mike & Gene Noonan<br />
Viv Walters<br />
In Memory of<br />
Jim & Emma Novak<br />
Frank Novak<br />
In Memory of Agnes Oborny<br />
Carolyn Oborny<br />
In Memory of<br />
Brian Scott O’Connell<br />
Thomas & Cathy O’Connell<br />
In Memory of Art Ostdiek<br />
Clara Bricher<br />
Mary Anne Curry<br />
In Memory of<br />
Don & Rita Overton<br />
Dr. Matthew & Amberly Byington<br />
In Memory of Walter Plosky<br />
Mila Plosky<br />
In Memory of<br />
Mary Kathryn Regelean<br />
James & Georgine Regelean<br />
In Memory of<br />
Leonard Rockwell<br />
Elaine Rockwell<br />
In Memory of Brett Romberg<br />
Michael & Barb Romberg<br />
Cassie (Heydon) Sudbeck<br />
Ervin & Cheryl Wemhoff<br />
In Memory of Herbert Rome<br />
John & Barb Tremain<br />
In Memory of Diane Ruzicka<br />
Fredrick & Becky Ruzicka<br />
In Memory of<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Rybij<br />
Louis & Sherry Rybij<br />
In Memory of Benito Sanchez<br />
Hector & Jane Sanchez<br />
In Memory of Laurie Schaefer<br />
Monica Hansen<br />
Jennifer Soucie Kitt<br />
In Memory of Patrick Schafers<br />
Michael & Rhonda Litt<br />
Eric & Angela Schafers<br />
Michael & Lisa Schafers<br />
Marita Schafers Ward<br />
In Memory of<br />
Kathryn Schammel<br />
Joan McMahon<br />
In Memory of<br />
Darlene Schlickbernd<br />
Mike & Sheila Hayes<br />
In Memory of Ruth Schroer<br />
Donna (Schroer) Damrow<br />
In Memory of Michael Schug<br />
* Country Financial<br />
In Memory of<br />
Patricia Schumacher<br />
Kevin & Lisa Paul & Family<br />
In Memory of John Schwindt<br />
Elaine Schwindt<br />
In Memory of<br />
Marilyn Shoemaker<br />
Greg Dawson<br />
In Memory of Bill Singleton<br />
Carol Singleton<br />
In Memory of John Sisco<br />
Anna Sisco<br />
In Memory of Linda Sloup<br />
Cathy Danahy<br />
Jill (Sloup) Nolton<br />
In Memory of<br />
Barbara Spence-O’Donnell<br />
Beverly Fahleson<br />
In Memory of Leona Stainbrook<br />
James & Barbara Runyan<br />
In Memory of Edgar Steele<br />
Dr. Debra Steele<br />
In Memory of Henry (Hank) &<br />
Leonard Steinauer<br />
Catherine (Steinauer) Maderak<br />
In Memory of<br />
Mr. & Mrs. J.J. Steinauer<br />
Catherine (Steinauer) Maderak<br />
In Memory of<br />
Geoff Steinkuehler<br />
Michael Barrett<br />
Lisa Park<br />
Troy Smith<br />
David & Candice Wise<br />
In Memory of Beverly Stemper<br />
Keith & Marjorie Stemper<br />
In Memory of<br />
Bernice Sterricker<br />
Yvonne Elly<br />
In Memory of Mike Sucha<br />
St. Anthony <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
In Memory of<br />
Arthur & Harriet Sullivan<br />
Patricia Duff<br />
In Memory of<br />
Bernard Sullivan<br />
Maureen Liddle<br />
In Memory of Robert Tracy<br />
Tom & Lorena Tracy<br />
In Memory of Janice Treadway<br />
John & Natalie Regan<br />
In Memory of John Tyburski<br />
Tammy Tyburski<br />
In Memory of Judith Valinch<br />
William Valinch<br />
In Memory of<br />
Peter & Mildred Vuchetich<br />
Peter & Melinda Vuchetich<br />
In Memory of Gene Wakefield<br />
Steve & Julie Zeplin<br />
Twila Wakefield<br />
In Memory of<br />
Val & Zena Weiler<br />
Martha Shinkle<br />
In Memory of Donald Weitzel<br />
Geoffrey & Patricia Harrison<br />
In Memory of<br />
William W. & Martha G. Welch<br />
Bill Welch<br />
In Memory of R. Scott Wickham<br />
Thomas J. Hoffman<br />
In Memory of Patty Zemunski<br />
David & Angela Zemunski<br />
In Memory of Guy Ziegler<br />
Mick Ziegler<br />
In Honor of<br />
the All City Class of 1974<br />
All City Class members of 1974<br />
In Honor of Donald Barry<br />
Debra DiChellis<br />
In Honor of Msgr. Barr’s<br />
35th Anniversary of Ordination<br />
Mike Owens<br />
In Honor of Heidi Baumert<br />
James & Krystal Baumert<br />
In Honor of<br />
George Edward Boumann<br />
Maryann Spahni<br />
In Honor of the Class of 1958<br />
John Herrod III<br />
In Honor of the Class of 2011<br />
Kenneth & Kris Pfeiffer<br />
In Honor of Sherri Cunningham<br />
Thomas Cunningham<br />
In Honor of<br />
Edwin & Betty Dosek<br />
Dr. J. Richard Dosek<br />
In Honor of<br />
Nick & Rosemary Elsener<br />
Dan & Beth Elsener<br />
In Honor of Irene Gonser<br />
Michael & Jane Gonser<br />
In Honor of Alfred Husen<br />
Roger & Jan Stortenbecker<br />
In Honor of<br />
Michael F. Johnston<br />
Kevin & Mary Johnston<br />
In Honor of Joe Keating<br />
Patricia Taylor<br />
In Honor of the McGovern &<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X Graduates<br />
Ed & Patricia McGovern<br />
In Honor of<br />
Ron & Bev Neumayer<br />
<strong>Home</strong> Real Estate<br />
In Honor of<br />
the Joe Ostdiek Family<br />
Connie Coup<br />
In Honor of Hannah Osterman<br />
John & Ann Osterman<br />
In Honor of Rachel Osterman<br />
John & Ann Osterman<br />
In Honor of Sarah Osterman<br />
John & Ann Osterman<br />
In Honor of <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />
Jerry & Cheryl (Navin) Berberet<br />
In Honor of <strong>Pius</strong> X Faculty,<br />
Staff & Students<br />
Victor Korelstein<br />
In Honor of the <strong>Pius</strong> X Athletic<br />
Dept. & Faculty<br />
Dr. Gerald & Madeline Polesky<br />
In Honor of the <strong>Pius</strong> X Bowling<br />
Team & Bowling Coaches<br />
James & Krystal Baumert Family<br />
In Honor of<br />
Terry & Adrien Schmidt<br />
Marie Alley<br />
In Honor of Wesley Skillet<br />
Jerry Majerus<br />
In Honor of Amanda Theis<br />
Jo Theis<br />
In Honor of Heather Westra<br />
John Westra<br />
* Cisco Systems <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
John Knopp<br />
Mary McLennan<br />
Catherine Sedlak<br />
Anonymous (1)<br />
Dennis & Pat Baumert<br />
Mark & Cheryl Bell<br />
Kevin & Laura Erskine<br />
Richard & Linda Hanigan<br />
Stephen & Tori Hupf<br />
Kevin & Tammie Noonan<br />
Greg & Mary Reisdorff<br />
Guy & Faie Saunders<br />
Bart & Tina Sposato<br />
Larry & Juanita Vice<br />
Jeff & Janell Walker<br />
Abel <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Anonymous (6)<br />
Mary Arth & Family<br />
Tim & Gaylene Aylward<br />
Mark & Cheryl Bell<br />
Dr. Brian & Kathy Boes<br />
Bob & Phillis Bryant<br />
John & Wendy Cook<br />
George & Joanne Easley<br />
Entire Recycling, Inc.<br />
Scott & Jeanie Fitzgerald<br />
Dr. Peter & Margo Gallaher<br />
Joe & Michele Glenn<br />
Terry & Lisa Heimes<br />
Dr. Tom & Nancy Heiser<br />
Bob & Cheri Hellem<br />
Kubly Family <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Pat & Courtney McCashland<br />
John & Jody Olsson<br />
William & Teresita Ryan<br />
Guy & Faie Saunders<br />
Dr. Gary & Tami Varilek<br />
Dr. Cary & Jolene Ward<br />
Clancy & Charlene Woolman<br />
(Not including BOLT or Booster<br />
Club donations)<br />
Anonymous (5)<br />
Ayars & Ayars<br />
Joey & Megan Battiato<br />
* Burlington Northern Santa Fe<br />
<strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Thomas & Adaline Cashore<br />
Cathedral Men’s Golf League<br />
Bob & Becky Codr<br />
Dillon <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Mark & Terri Dolezal<br />
Estate of Glenn & Ann Miller<br />
Jack & Becky Finegan<br />
Dennis & Theresa Gengler<br />
Gloria Deo<br />
Frito Lay Co.<br />
Dr. Carmen Hill Grant<br />
Terry & Lisa Heimes<br />
Katherine Hendricks<br />
Duane & Mary Hugo<br />
Hy-Vee<br />
James & Irene Kearney<br />
Fr. Leo Kosch<br />
Phillip & Joan Liescheski<br />
Michael & Rhonda Litt<br />
Keith & Pat May<br />
Tony & Carmen Messineo<br />
Patrick & Courtney McCashland<br />
Tony & Carmen Messineo<br />
Don & Georgia Miller<br />
Jeff & Teresa Morrow<br />
Optimal Dental, PC<br />
Pepsi Cola Bottling Co.<br />
Mark & Michelle Pieper<br />
Pinnacle Bank<br />
Radlands Inc.<br />
Russ’s Market<br />
John & Betty Sedlak<br />
St. Elizabeth Regional Medical<br />
Center<br />
David & Kaela Stamper<br />
* State Farm Companies<br />
<strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Super Saver<br />
Drs. Greg & Margaret Sutton<br />
The Matthew Kelly <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Valentino’s<br />
Stephen & Deborah Vasa<br />
* Wells Fargo Bank<br />
All City Class of 1974<br />
* Allstate<br />
Charles Anesi<br />
Anonymous (1)<br />
Mark & Michelle Aylor<br />
Thomas & Peg Barrett<br />
James & Krystal Baumert &<br />
Family<br />
Ann M. Evans Charitable Fund<br />
Michael & Jane Gonser<br />
Dorothy Grosserode<br />
Dorothy Hayes<br />
Mike & Sheila Hayes<br />
Mary Heidrick<br />
Cameron & Julie Hinds<br />
<strong>Home</strong> Real Estate<br />
Jeff & Connie Jamrog<br />
Patrick Kerrigan<br />
Eleanore Kobza<br />
Mary Lou Machacek<br />
Ben & Maureen Mattern<br />
Mike & Tonya Montanez<br />
Jean Murphy<br />
Richard & Patty Nave<br />
Neurological & Spinal Surgery,<br />
L.L.C.<br />
Jay & Constance Richardson<br />
Michael & Barbara Romberg<br />
James & Barbara Runyan<br />
St. Anthony <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Jeff & Dr. Laura Schumacher<br />
Anna Sisco<br />
Tom & Carol Sullivan<br />
Ken & Dru Sypal<br />
Gary & Patricia Taylor<br />
Jim & Linda Tucker<br />
Greg & Nancy Vrbka<br />
Twila Wakefield<br />
* Wells Fargo Bank<br />
Ervin & Cheryl Wemhoff<br />
* Matching Gift company<br />
(Parents, Board members,<br />
Corporations and Friends of<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X. Alumni donations follow<br />
on the next page).<br />
Mark & Janice Ackerman<br />
Dan & Genny Albrecht<br />
* Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.<br />
Anonymous (9)<br />
Drew & Carin Appleget<br />
Rod & Michelle Arndt<br />
Fall 2010 ❖ Annual Report 19
2009-10 Annual Report<br />
Jeff & Nancy Asselin<br />
Joe & Penny Bachmann<br />
Jeff & Monica Barber<br />
Michael & Donna Barnes<br />
Scott & Ann Barnett<br />
Roberta Barreda<br />
Scott & Marsha Bartek<br />
Doug & Lori Beals<br />
Scott & Amy Becker<br />
* Becton Dickinson & Co.<br />
Tom & Pam Beiermann<br />
Mark & Cherly Bell<br />
Dan & Mary Berning<br />
Jim & Kristi Bertrand<br />
Matt & Patty Bideaux<br />
Paul & Michelle Birkel<br />
Dan & Monica Blankenau<br />
Jim & Susanne Blue<br />
Ken & Lisa Boatman<br />
Deb Boehm<br />
* Boeing<br />
Jeff & Jenn Boettcher<br />
Doug & Sharon Bogue<br />
Clint & Theresa Boothe<br />
Sharon Boshart<br />
Tim & Pam Boyle<br />
* Bracco Diagnostics, Inc.<br />
Dale & Chris Brandstetter<br />
Kenneth & Linda Bro<br />
Steve & Linda Broers<br />
Larry & Linda Brokofsky<br />
James & Catherine Brown<br />
Dave & Barb Bruner<br />
Bob & Phillis Bryant<br />
*Bucyrus-Erie <strong>Foundation</strong>, Inc.<br />
Doug & Stacy Buescher<br />
*Burlington Northern Santa Fe<br />
<strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Jon & Jackie Burmeister<br />
Steve & Trish Burt<br />
Butherus, Maser & Love Funeral<br />
<strong>Home</strong><br />
John & Anne Byers<br />
Marcia Camden<br />
Carl & Lisa Campbell<br />
Doug & Mary Carey<br />
Thomas & Adaline Cashore<br />
Leonard & Debra Cernik<br />
Steve & Janice Chramosta<br />
Carl & Michelle Chisman<br />
* Cisco Systems <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Eric & Carol Clark<br />
David & Laura Claus<br />
Bob & Becky Codr<br />
Greg & Kim Coffey<br />
Jeff & Susan Coffey<br />
Dr. Bruce & Marlene Condello<br />
Fr. Brian Connor<br />
Tim & Jennifer Conzemius<br />
Gene & Sherry Coppersmith<br />
Cornhusker Bank<br />
Jason & Laura Coyle<br />
Robert & Mary O’Shea-Creal<br />
Matthew & Ame Creglow<br />
* CSG Systems, Inc.<br />
Michael & Mary Daily<br />
Jason & Jeannie Damm<br />
Tuan Ahn Dao & Emily Nguyen<br />
William & Mary Davenport<br />
Randy & Brenda Deahn<br />
Dennis Uniform Co.<br />
Jim & Marjorie Determan<br />
Hai Do & Paulina Nguyen<br />
Shane & Ann Dolph<br />
Jeff & Kim Dostal<br />
Double Eagle Beverage, LLC<br />
Tom & Jackie Drehs<br />
Anne Driewer<br />
DuTeau Chevrolet<br />
Gary & Mary Eckrich<br />
Donna Edwards<br />
Paul & Mindy Edwards<br />
Bill & Diane Ellerbee<br />
Jeff & Mary Helen Elliott<br />
Jim & Phyllis Emmerich<br />
Kent & Dorothy Endacott<br />
Greg & Darla Ernst<br />
David & Cindy Essay<br />
Dr. Phil & Laura Essay<br />
Roger & Kay Evans<br />
FACTS Management/Nelnet<br />
Business Solutions<br />
Dana & Pat Falter<br />
John & Jane Farrell<br />
Bill & Mary Feltes<br />
Jack & Becky Finegan<br />
Bob & Joni Finley<br />
* First Data<br />
First National Bank<br />
Michael & Elizabeth Fitzgerald<br />
Scott & Jeanie Fitzgerald<br />
Joseph & Teresa Flattery<br />
Chris & Kathleen Flesher<br />
Mike & Susan Foley<br />
Frameworks<br />
Steve & Jan Frayser<br />
Gary & Susan Frodyma<br />
Ron & Ann Geary<br />
Greg & Lynette Gibbs<br />
Jim & Jill Giesler<br />
Hector & Yolanda Gomez<br />
James & Charlene Graff<br />
Tom & Deb Greitens<br />
Kevin & Mary Jo Griffin<br />
Steve & Pat Grosserode<br />
Shawn & Kathy Gude<br />
Noemi Guindin<br />
Dr. Ron & Debbie Hachiya<br />
Gerald & Mary Hafner<br />
Connie Hajek<br />
Jim & Sally Hakel<br />
David & Carol Hall<br />
Brad & Tiffanie Hans<br />
Roger Harre<br />
Jim & Cathy Harrington<br />
Scott & Denise Harrison<br />
Dan & Sharon Harshman<br />
Paul & Michelle Hassler<br />
HBE Becker Meyer Love, LLP<br />
Randy & Carol Heesacker<br />
Roger & Terri Heideman<br />
Terry & Lisa Heimes<br />
Ken & Jackie Hilger<br />
Chris & Anne Hobbs<br />
Jay & Cindy Hochstein<br />
Gary & Kathy Hoebelheinrich<br />
Matt & Kelli Hollamon<br />
Mike & Beth Holland<br />
Robin & Mary Beth Holtmeier<br />
Scott & Karen Hooper<br />
Steve & Lee Hotovy<br />
Robert & Cheryl House<br />
Donald & Marcia Hovermale<br />
Phil & Ann Hovis<br />
Duane & Mary Hugo<br />
Husker Rahabilitation &<br />
Wellness Center<br />
Dann & Laure Husmann<br />
Tom & Monica (Micki) Huston<br />
Dr. Phil & Diane Hynes<br />
Andy & Cindy Incontro<br />
Andrew & Christine Jacobsen<br />
Jeff & Connie Jamrog<br />
Mary Ann Jaros<br />
Steve & Libby Jaros<br />
Jim & Danetta Jensen<br />
Amy Jimenez<br />
John Baylor Test Prep<br />
David & Nancy Johnson<br />
Blaine & Gail Johs<br />
Robert & Gloria Jundt<br />
Margaret Kaiser-Woodward<br />
Roger & Cheryl Kapustka<br />
Tom & Karen Kathe<br />
Larry & Laura Keiter<br />
Joe & Susan Kelly<br />
Joanne Kerr<br />
Joe & Deb Kerr<br />
Kidwell Electric<br />
Dave & Ann Kirby<br />
Arthur & Tracy Klein<br />
Richard & Laurie Kocarnik<br />
Brad & Lori Koehn<br />
Larry & Renee Kolbush<br />
William & Linda Kollman<br />
Liz Koop<br />
Joseph & Jackie Kopetka<br />
John & Patty Kopetzky<br />
Victor Korelstein<br />
Tom & Jill Korta<br />
Fr. Leo Kosch<br />
Ken & Kathy Kottich<br />
Stephen & Diane Krajicek<br />
Drew & Becky Kramer<br />
Doug & Michelle Kreifels<br />
Tony & Annette Kreifels<br />
Ron & Cindy Kudron<br />
Jim & Deb Kula<br />
James & Julie Kuntz<br />
Mark & Janet Kurtenbach<br />
Jerry & Julie Lacy<br />
Rick & Ann Lafler<br />
Travis & Michelle Laframboise<br />
Robert & Loretta Lang<br />
Chuck & Janelle Larsen<br />
Jim & Anne Larsen<br />
Tom & Rhonda Laswell<br />
Steve & Julie Layton<br />
Greg & Cassandra Lesiak<br />
Scott & Michelle Lesiak<br />
Li-Cor, Inc.<br />
Phil & Joan Liescheski<br />
Lincoln Financial Services<br />
Michael & Rhonda Litt<br />
Roger & Deb Lockhorn<br />
Kyle & Dorci Mabie<br />
Joseph & Ruth Maguire<br />
Dr. James & Jane Maly<br />
Craig & Patty Marmie<br />
Paul & Barbara Marsolek<br />
Gerardo & Isabel Martinez<br />
Ben & Maureen Mattern<br />
Kirk & Angie McAndrew<br />
Patrick & Courtney McCashland<br />
Larry & Shana McClellen<br />
Bill & Joyce McClure<br />
Jack & Sheila McKeegan<br />
David & Mary Beth McWilliams<br />
Michael & Judy Meagher<br />
Steve & Colleen Medill<br />
Tom & Pam Mejstrik<br />
Fr. Andrew Menke<br />
Tim & Beatrice Menke<br />
Dennis & Ronna Meyer<br />
Fr. James Meysenburg<br />
* Microsoft<br />
Phillip & Gina Miller<br />
Ron & Ann Miller<br />
Brad Minchow<br />
John & Denise Moeschen<br />
* Monsanto<br />
Mike & Toni Montanez<br />
Thomas & Jane Moorhouse<br />
Dr. Peter & Lori Morin<br />
Rich & Jill Morris<br />
Michael & Merry Morrison<br />
Tim & Mary Murphy<br />
* Mutual of Omaha Bank<br />
* Nelnet<br />
Brad & Kim Nelson<br />
Fr. Joseph Nemec<br />
Hien Nguyen<br />
Tai & Hang Nguyen<br />
Gene & Beth Nickman<br />
Dr. Scott & Jackie Noel<br />
Suzanne Norris<br />
* Northrop Grumman<br />
* Novartis<br />
Tom & Marty Novotny<br />
Patrick & Corinne O’Brien<br />
John & Jody Olsson<br />
John & Susan O’Neill<br />
John & Ann Osterman<br />
Dave & Cindy Ottersberg<br />
Kevin & Lisa Paul<br />
Tom & Rhonda Peed<br />
Jeff & Sarah Peetz<br />
Jack & Natalie Peetz<br />
*Pentair <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Brian & Pamela Peters<br />
Ken & Kris Pfeiffer<br />
* Pfizer, Inc.<br />
Peter & Joni Piccolo<br />
Pam Pinkerton<br />
* Pioneer Printing<br />
Kelly & Mary Pohlen<br />
Linda Pope<br />
Paul & Susan Portsche<br />
Dale & Karen Pribnow<br />
Alan & Diane Pryor<br />
Larry & Kristy Punteney<br />
Darrick & Regina Rademacher<br />
Stan & Libby Raetz<br />
John & Patricia Rajewski<br />
Rick & Georgeanne Rashilla<br />
Chris & Teresa Raun<br />
Jeff & Jennifer Rawlinson<br />
Fr. Daniel Rayer<br />
Dr. Chuck & Cathy Reese<br />
Reese Construction<br />
John & Natalie Regan<br />
Steve & Ellen Reichenbach<br />
Lynn & Mary Reifschneider<br />
Tom & Susan Reinhart<br />
John & Diane Reinsch<br />
Daniel & Sandra Reisdorff<br />
Bernie & Betty Rempe<br />
Bill & Kathy Rentschler<br />
Mark & Martha Resseguie<br />
Tereza Rezk<br />
Wes & Monica Richert<br />
Rich & Cindy Roettger<br />
Michael & Barb Romberg<br />
Roger & Angela Root<br />
Dan & Margie Rosenthal<br />
Tracy Russell<br />
Eric & Therese Sack<br />
* Saint-Gobain Corporation<br />
<strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Joel & Kathleen Sartore<br />
David & Karie Sayker<br />
Eric & Angie Schafers<br />
Michael & Lisa Schafers<br />
Dave & Anita Scheuler<br />
Jack & Brenda Schimenti<br />
Ron & Claire Schinkel<br />
Bill & Sondra Schlautman<br />
Joel & Mary Schlautman<br />
Douglas & Diane Schneider<br />
Tim & Margo Schnell<br />
David & Kristine Schoening<br />
Ronald & Tammie Scholz<br />
Donald & Rana Schreiber<br />
Bob & Judy Schroeder<br />
Norm & Jane Schuller<br />
Jeff & Dr. Laura Schumacher<br />
Elaine Schwindt<br />
Denise Scott<br />
Jeffrey & Denice Sears<br />
David & Monica Sedlak<br />
Diane Sedlak<br />
Lori & Craig Sehnert<br />
Tom & Cheryl Seib<br />
Vince & Theresa Seiker<br />
Richard & Lori Shaw<br />
Sid Dillon Buick Nissan<br />
Hyundai<br />
Doug & Nicole Simon<br />
Scott & Colleen Sims<br />
Corey & Michele Sindelar<br />
Alan & Ruth Slattery<br />
Mark & Lynda Sloan<br />
Michael & Thelma Smith<br />
Reginald & Yoko Smith<br />
David & Val Snitily<br />
John & Ellen Soukup<br />
*Sprint <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
St. Elizabeth Regional Medical<br />
Center<br />
Patrick & Synthia Stanosheck<br />
Steve & Susan Statz<br />
Wesley & Lynn Stebbins<br />
Joe & Sara Stejskal<br />
Don & Sheila Stewart<br />
Fred & Vicki Stoll<br />
Roger & Jan Stortenbecker<br />
Walter & Ellen Stroup<br />
Michael & Joan Stuchlik<br />
Dan & Shelly Sullivan<br />
Bob & Janice Swanson<br />
Michael & Denise Szatko<br />
Gary & Roxanne Talbott<br />
Matt & Joan Tasler<br />
Brad & Sherry Thavenet<br />
* The Stanley Works<br />
Ryan & Shelly Theil<br />
Jo Theis<br />
Michael & Cheryl Thiele<br />
John & Linda Thompson<br />
Mike & Jackie Thompson<br />
Terri Thompson<br />
Tom & Shelley Thorpe<br />
Gary & Chris Timm<br />
Michael & Jane Tobias<br />
Jackie Toman<br />
Hung & Thuy Tran<br />
Sonny & Nina Tran<br />
John & Barb Tremain<br />
Jim & Linda Tucker<br />
Janet Tvrdy<br />
* U.S. Bancorp <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Jim & Jill Ullman<br />
Greg & Deana Unger<br />
*UNIFI Companies<br />
Steve & Cathy Urban<br />
Tim & Kelly Utrup<br />
Roger & Cindy Uttecht<br />
Michael & Vicki Valaika<br />
Valentino’s<br />
Dean & Jodie Valish<br />
Dale & Christine VanAckeren<br />
Will & Jackie Varicak<br />
*Verizon <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
Frank & Celia Vestecka<br />
Michael & Cyndi Vestecka<br />
Luis & Rogene Villamonte<br />
James & Mary Jean Vogel<br />
John & Shawn Vondracek<br />
Kent & Lori Vossler<br />
Greg & Nancy Vrbka<br />
Tony & Rita Vrchota<br />
Chris Wagner<br />
Chris & Michelle Wagner<br />
Brady & Cindy Wagner-Wiebeck<br />
Richard & Celia Wahl<br />
Mary Pat Waite Ficke<br />
Richard & Marie Wakeman<br />
Clarence & Cynthia Waldman<br />
Bill & Linda Wallish<br />
Marita Schafers Ward<br />
Daryl & Ann Warday<br />
Norton & Monica Warner<br />
Laura Waters<br />
James & Carol Wathen<br />
Michael & Janet Weedman<br />
*Wells Fargo Bank<br />
Tim & Cynthia Werner<br />
Joe & Sophia Werning<br />
Rita Wesely<br />
Christopher & Lori Weskamp<br />
Tom & Fran Westfall<br />
Tony & Stephanie Widhalm<br />
John & Diane Wiedel<br />
Tom & Sandy Wieser<br />
Alan & Mary Wiest<br />
Ron & Theresa Wilhelm<br />
James & Kathy Wilkerson<br />
Dr. Eric & KC Williams<br />
David & Candice Wise<br />
Jerry & Amy Witte<br />
Clark & Judi Wittwer<br />
Paul & Bridget Woita<br />
Clancy & Charlene Woolman<br />
Ed & Vicki Woolman<br />
Kevin & Kathryn Wright<br />
Douglas & Susan Wurster<br />
Dave & Luann Zastrow<br />
Steven & Patricia Zeleski<br />
David & Angela Zemunski<br />
Tom & Sonya Zimmerman<br />
* Matching Gift company<br />
2009-10 ANNUAL APPEAL<br />
20 Fall 2010 ❖ Annual Report 2010
2009-10 Annual Report<br />
2009-10 Annual Appeal<br />
Alumni Phone-A-Thon<br />
Under the leadership of Phone-A-Thon Alumni Chairs<br />
John & Kelly Morehouse ‘80 and Alumni Co-Chair<br />
Therese Sack ‘78, the 2009 Alumni Phone-A-Thon<br />
Appeal was another success. We are pleased to<br />
announce that 1,191 donors supported our students and<br />
school through this annual appeal.<br />
As of November 15, 2010, $119,500.91 was<br />
contributed. Gifts ranged from $5 to $10,000. This<br />
past year’s leading class was the Class of 1984 with<br />
total gifts of $7,872.50. In second, was the Class of<br />
1964 with total gifts of $7,650.<br />
Each and every gift is greatly appeciated! The<br />
students and staff of <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> thank all our<br />
donors, including the companies who matched gifts!<br />
We also thank all our wonderful volunteers who made<br />
this successful event possible!<br />
1941 (1 gift * $15)<br />
Doris Buechel (Budler)<br />
1942 (1 gift * $25)<br />
Elaine Rockwell (Budler)<br />
1943 (1 gift * $50)<br />
Thomas Griffin<br />
1944 (3 gifts * $1,010)<br />
Patricia McGovern<br />
Ed McGovern<br />
Tony Vrchota<br />
1945 (1 gift * $25)<br />
Regina Frey (Phillips)<br />
1948 (2 gifts * $60)<br />
Donna Bridger (Plisek)<br />
Roland Forbes<br />
1949 (2 gifts * $25)<br />
Jeanne Brusnahan (Theis)<br />
Phil Brusnahan<br />
1950 (2 gifts * $200)<br />
James O’Grady<br />
Richard Rice<br />
1951 (1 gift * $150)<br />
Madeline Polesky (Gourlay)<br />
1952 (2 gifts * $110)<br />
Mary Carter (Knorr)<br />
Richard Neal<br />
1953 (1 gift * $50)<br />
William Krueger<br />
1954 (5 gifts * $300)<br />
Cornelia Felber (Smiley)<br />
Joseph Lohmeier<br />
Maxine Neal (Adams)<br />
Richard Snyder<br />
Donna Williams (Rinker)<br />
1955 (4 Gifts * $325)<br />
Fran Hansen<br />
Howard Johnson<br />
Karen Kubacki (Krueger)<br />
Mary McLennan (DeMars)<br />
1956 (7 Gifts * $437.50)<br />
Laurence Brown<br />
Kathleen Draper (Hendry)<br />
Mary Keef (Rocke)<br />
Richard Kirk<br />
Virginia Rowen (Krouse)<br />
Clancy Woolman<br />
Charlene Woolman (Smiley)<br />
1957 (24 gifts * $1,615)<br />
Harold Aksamit<br />
Jon Bischof<br />
Kathy Brown (Houser)<br />
Charles Burda<br />
Mary Daley (Stastny)<br />
Don DeMars<br />
Francis Hejl<br />
Alice Mary Higgins (Anderson)<br />
David Higgins<br />
Janet Larchick (Mutchie)<br />
Stan Larchick<br />
Ken Livingston<br />
Catherine Maderak (Steinauer)<br />
Janet Marshall (Justice)<br />
Catherine Matthews (Gardner)<br />
Tom Melby<br />
Jane Mahoney Neal (Mahoney)<br />
Clara Bricher Ostdiek<br />
Kay Owen (Rocke)<br />
Jim Partington<br />
Jo Ann Scanlon (Dolezal)<br />
Dorothy Scheller (Diestel)<br />
Patricia Taylor (Rooney)<br />
Sister Mary Regina Wagner<br />
1958 (17 gifts * $1,052.50)<br />
Mary Douglas (Pusateri)<br />
Yvonne Elly (Sterricker)<br />
Ann Kirk (Hauschild)<br />
John Herrod<br />
Nancy Hudson (O’Connell)<br />
Beverly Fahleson Jorgensen<br />
Sharyn McDermott (Penner)<br />
Joan McMahon (Schammel)<br />
R. Jerry Overgaard<br />
John Riggs<br />
Michael Ryan<br />
Lucille Schmucker (Means)<br />
Larry Schulenberg<br />
Mary Shipman (Kelly)<br />
Sue Smith (Crosby)<br />
John Stears<br />
Phyllis Stiemke (Dodge)<br />
1959 (24 gifts * $2,427.50)<br />
Robert Avey<br />
Marita Bigley (Kriz)<br />
George Cunningham<br />
Mary Anne Curry (Gude)<br />
Donald Dolezal<br />
Sister Kathryn Easley<br />
Donna Clark Fryberger<br />
John Knopp<br />
Peg Lorkovic (Mickells)<br />
Sidney Maynard<br />
Ellen McGovern<br />
Mary Miller (Shugrue)<br />
Fr. Patrick Murphy<br />
Brantly Richardson<br />
Judy Schiltz (Hansen)<br />
Frank Schmal<br />
Jim Schmitz<br />
Mary Schwartz (Ahlgrim)<br />
Patricia Swenson (Kopf)<br />
George Von Rentzell<br />
Winifred Von Rentzell (Schutte)<br />
Viv Walters (Noonan)<br />
Suzanne Wiese (Glenn)<br />
Tom Yax<br />
1960 (24 gifts * $1,765)<br />
Thomas Barrett<br />
Becky Bischof (McKinney)<br />
John Bohaty<br />
Myron Carkoski<br />
Donna Champoux (Noha)<br />
Perry Demma<br />
Dennis Dolezal<br />
Sharon Jacobson (Messineo)<br />
John Lahiff<br />
Kathleen Lubien (Donahue)<br />
Mary MaCoy (O’Brien)<br />
Mike Merwick<br />
Kathleen Murphy<br />
Mary Ann Peterson (Miller)<br />
Marie Powell (Phelan)<br />
Ed Regelean<br />
Barbara Runyan (Hauschild)<br />
Carol Singleton (Holden)<br />
Diane Smith (Nobbman)<br />
Lucille Speth (Stich)<br />
Marcia Carkoski Stainbrook<br />
Keith Stemper<br />
Ginny Vinton (Aandahl)<br />
Sandy Winetrout (Brown)<br />
1961 (30 gifts * $3,037.50)<br />
Michael Alesio<br />
Mary Ann Burda<br />
Larry Champoux<br />
Terry Connelly<br />
Marie Cunningham (Backer)<br />
John Curran<br />
Marilyn Curran (Justice)<br />
Gary Danek<br />
Louise Donovan (Kalin)<br />
Kathleen Fortner (Sullivan)<br />
Jeri Froschheiser (Strizek)<br />
Sueann Fusselman (Wilson)<br />
Mary Gibson (Ralston)<br />
John Gordon<br />
Pat Haas (Walczyk)<br />
Mary Juranek (Clare)<br />
Suzanne Leicht (Armstrong)<br />
John Love<br />
Jeanne Martin (Lukas)<br />
Susan Martin (Smith)<br />
Judy Moser (Imlay)<br />
Rex Mudd<br />
Connie Myers (Hunsaker)<br />
Nancy Nielsen (White)<br />
Val Policky<br />
Joan Smyth (Knox)<br />
Dale Travnicek<br />
Yvonne Wilson (Merwick)<br />
Lucy Young (Mutchie)<br />
Skip Young<br />
1962 (28 gifts * $2,055)<br />
Cheryl Berberet (Navin)<br />
Cheri Boettner (Hoff)<br />
Sara Cornforth (Morrow)<br />
Jim DeMars<br />
Pastor Farinas<br />
Marie Fusco (Schmal)<br />
Terry Fusco<br />
Bob Knight<br />
Susan Knight (Connealy)<br />
Dave Koch<br />
Dennis Koziol<br />
Jim Love<br />
Susie Love (Schmitt)<br />
Sharron McKenzie (Vavak)<br />
Virginia Morgan (Buller)<br />
Robert Murphy<br />
Marilyn Nickell (Stern)<br />
Billye Oefelein (Burch)<br />
Mary Prokop (Rezac)<br />
Michael Prokop<br />
Duane Rempe<br />
Bev Alexander Schultz<br />
Dennis Schuster<br />
William Valinch<br />
Nancy Vogt (Sawdon)<br />
Peter Vuchetich<br />
Bill Welch<br />
Paul Wheeler<br />
1963 (46 gifts * $3,707.50)<br />
Lawrence Abbott<br />
Patrick Baroch<br />
Doug Barrett<br />
Dianne Blaser (Aksamit)<br />
Bob Caster<br />
Helen Cavin (Gorynski)<br />
Rose Codr (Rejda)<br />
Patricia Duff (Sullivan)<br />
Nancy Elder (Buck)<br />
James Ganser<br />
Larry Hall<br />
Dennis Hartz<br />
Kenneth Hartz<br />
Larry Hupka<br />
Marty Huff<br />
Mary Jo Iwan (McDonnell)<br />
Floyd Jones<br />
Patricia Jones (Clinch)<br />
Judith Knight-Wurtele<br />
Sarasu Kundo (Sullivan)<br />
Carol Laughlin (Hauschild)<br />
Michael Laughlin<br />
Linda Leary (Spaulding)<br />
James Lehr<br />
Mary Anne Linscott (Turner)<br />
Sharon Lowell (Hausner)<br />
Steven Lukas<br />
Cheryl Mart (McQuillen)<br />
John Morris<br />
Kathy Morris (O’Brien)<br />
Kathy Nannen (Schmidt)<br />
Frank Novak<br />
Betsy O’Brien (White)<br />
Marsha Rahrs (Johnson)<br />
Tim Ritzo<br />
Bernie Rempe<br />
Betty Rempe (DeMars)<br />
Judy Schroeder (York)<br />
Lynne Shineman (Robinson)<br />
Betty Springer-Csaki (Aandahl)<br />
Kathy Starr (Bourke)<br />
Catherine Street (Irvin)<br />
Fall 2010 ❖ Annual Report 21
2009-10 Annual Report<br />
Jim Sullivan<br />
Thomas Trainor<br />
Janet Wheeler (Snell)<br />
Sally Williamsen (Kobza)<br />
1964 (37 gifts * $7,650)<br />
Thomas Aguilar<br />
Sue Barrett (Sweeney)<br />
James Biggs<br />
Bill Bomberger<br />
Larry Carranza<br />
Gregory Carter<br />
Donna Chapman (Tegtmeier)<br />
Kathleen Connett (Garde)<br />
Larry Donahue<br />
Larry Dugger<br />
Marianna Dvorak (McEntarffer)<br />
Stephen Easley<br />
James Feather<br />
David Fusco<br />
John Hanigan<br />
Sharon Hanigan (Houser)<br />
Richard Harrington<br />
Kathy Hebert (Meade)<br />
Tom Keenan<br />
Michael Kobza<br />
Barbara Kreader-Skalinder (Barlow)<br />
Pat Mahan (Stark)<br />
Dick Miller<br />
Bonnie Murphy (Champoux)<br />
Genevieve Newhouse (Garver)<br />
Leonor Novarro (Bretos)<br />
Diane Parks (McDonnell)<br />
Dorothy Rezac<br />
Virginia Rogers (Lehr)<br />
Susan Sharp (Steele)<br />
Martha Shinkle (Weiler)<br />
Tom Sullivan<br />
James Thomas<br />
Daniel Tresnak<br />
Dick Vaske<br />
Connie Walt (Justice)<br />
Mick Ziegler<br />
1965 (31 gifts * $2,427.15)<br />
Cynthia Alvarez (Jelinek)<br />
Bill Barclay<br />
Judy Beste (Smith)<br />
Mary Briggle (Baker)<br />
Daniel Connelly<br />
Cheryl Dantzler (Woulf)<br />
J. Richard Dosek<br />
Gregory Easley<br />
John Esser<br />
Richard Fleming<br />
Peggy Grimm (Miller)<br />
Francis Hesse<br />
Dixie Johnson (Breitfelder)<br />
Mick Johnson<br />
George Lehr<br />
Susan Lorenzen (Nevole)<br />
Pat Lovelace (Dolan)<br />
Mary Meyer (Trainor)<br />
Larry Nebesniak<br />
Jim Pecka<br />
Gregory Renter<br />
Scott Shipferling<br />
Gloria Stephenson (Clinch)<br />
Mary Stucky (Kehr)<br />
Dennis Tegtmeier<br />
Constance Tempel (Chesshir)<br />
Christine Thompson (Sherman)<br />
Mary Tilton (Brady)<br />
Alina Vidal (Navarro)<br />
Angel Vidal<br />
Kenneth Zweig<br />
1966 (37 gifts * $7,353.50)<br />
Patty Amgwert (Gordon)<br />
Peggy Apthorpe (Partington)<br />
Bob Bartlett<br />
Penny Boyle (Nelson)<br />
Richard Burke<br />
Connie Coup (Ostdiek)<br />
Donna Damrow (Schroer)<br />
Steven Danahy<br />
Mary Elbert (Banker)<br />
Julie Grubb (Darnell)<br />
Michael Hakenkamp<br />
George Hanigan<br />
Stephen Haas<br />
Linda Janecek (Rempe)<br />
Mary Jeppson (Wall)<br />
Lora Jones (Nobbman)<br />
June Klute (Berryman)<br />
Michael Ley<br />
Michael McCrory<br />
James McLaughlin<br />
Mary Beth Millard<br />
William Mobley<br />
Kathy Moffat (Dosek)<br />
Phillis Bryant Morgan<br />
Mila Plosky<br />
Larry Rempe<br />
Louis Rybij<br />
Fr. James Schrader<br />
Ronald Smith<br />
Maryann Spahni (Boumann)<br />
Kathleen Steinke (Eskey)<br />
Mary Stuart (Sweeney)<br />
Cheryl Vaske (Payne)<br />
Cynthia Waldman (Aksamit)<br />
Deloris Weeks (Hauschild)<br />
Gerald Wessel<br />
Patricia Wilson (Esser)<br />
1967 (41 gifts * $2,042.50)<br />
Karen Butler (Cook)<br />
Mike Butler<br />
Kathleen Carranza (Culver)<br />
Mary Cassner (Nevole)<br />
Patricia Crow (Swanson)<br />
Chuck Dalton<br />
Del Ann Divis (Henggeler)<br />
Tim Doyle<br />
Jeanne Eulberg (Gillespie)<br />
Kathleen Glenn (Fischbach)<br />
Marcia Helman (Renner)<br />
Thomas Hoffman<br />
Virginia Holm (Knight)<br />
Mary Ingram (Grosserode)<br />
Roger Jochum<br />
Sue Jochum (Dustin)<br />
Bonnie Kadavy<br />
Patricia Liming (Burns)<br />
Michael Lohmeier<br />
Pat Lorenz (Hoover)<br />
Cathy Lucas (Yearley)<br />
David Luken<br />
Michael Manning<br />
Kim Martin (Schmidt)<br />
Patty Maun<br />
Patricia McCullar (Hohman)<br />
John McLaughlin<br />
Jeanne Moderow (Malolepszy)<br />
Greg Neylon<br />
Alana O’Keefe (Ladenburger)<br />
Robert O’Keefe<br />
Anne Pappas (Fouts)<br />
Tom Reams<br />
Kathleen Ruby (Wood)<br />
Jolene Schwaninger (Harvey)<br />
Karen Tinius (Higgins)<br />
Mark Tinius<br />
Stephen Wagner<br />
Robert Wilden<br />
Dave Ziegler<br />
Joyce Ziegler (Thompson)<br />
1968 (23 gifts * $1,190)<br />
Nancy Balcetis (Hoover)<br />
Sharon Brennfoerder (Stilwell)<br />
Linda Buethe (Clancy)<br />
Colleen Butler (Ehman)<br />
Carolyn Connelly<br />
Rosie Dalton (Samek)<br />
Cathy Danahy<br />
Janie Dobler (Hendry)<br />
Jim Dobler<br />
Diane Glass-Burks (Dickey)<br />
Sandy Harrison (Fraas)<br />
John Hyland<br />
Galin Karpisek<br />
Thomas Keady<br />
Joann Kempton (Hraban)<br />
John Kuchta<br />
Sheila Kuchta (York)<br />
Michael McKean<br />
Jim Regelean<br />
Julie Shaw (Rease)<br />
Kathy Sneed (O’Grady)<br />
Victor Witkowicz<br />
John Ziegler<br />
1969 (33 gifts * $2,617.50)<br />
Tim Aylward<br />
Peg Bay (Schmidt)<br />
Phyllis Behrens<br />
Greg Benes<br />
John Blair<br />
Michael Boland<br />
Patricia Brumm (Grosserode)<br />
Dan Cain<br />
Lauren Caster<br />
Janet Doulas (Ineck)<br />
Ann Fiedler (Tripe)<br />
Thomas Giltner<br />
Jeannette Hadsall (Haggerty)<br />
Marjie Hoffman (Burns)<br />
Nancy Hyland (Cook)<br />
Lynn Kafka (Welch)<br />
Marron Keady (Zimmer)<br />
John McKean<br />
Don Miller<br />
Mark O’Keefe<br />
Carlos Prendes<br />
Patti Prendes (McCaffrey)<br />
Mary Rooney (Maixner)<br />
Brad Schmidt<br />
Mary Schmidt (Easley)<br />
Jennie Shiley (Kirtley)<br />
Kathleen Spahr (Brusnahan)<br />
William Straub<br />
Mark Surmann<br />
Linda Sutherland (Fischbach)<br />
Jerome Urwiller<br />
Gary Walker<br />
Barb Witkowicz (Mara)<br />
1970 (32 gifts * $1,940)<br />
James Andreas<br />
Julie Ashburn (Manzitto)<br />
Mary Beth Bellotti (Haggerty)<br />
Joan Faldtz (Schroeder)<br />
Jack Flaherty<br />
Sharon Fusco (Schroeder)<br />
Patty Gilmore (Fijan)<br />
Louise Greenway (Gude)<br />
Paul Hamersky<br />
Susie Hamersky (Schwindt)<br />
Joseph Hesse<br />
Thomas Houlihan<br />
Larry Jablonski<br />
Eloyce Jensen (Johnson)<br />
Ross Jensen<br />
Mike Kafka<br />
Alan Kobza<br />
Richard Kohel<br />
Cindy Kubat<br />
Maureen Liddle (Sullivan)<br />
Diane Loudon (Zitek)<br />
John Loudon<br />
Jeanne Ostlund (Young)<br />
Joanne Pepperl (Wisnieski)<br />
Paul Reinsch<br />
Roxann Sattler (Lyons)<br />
Debra Suhr (Schommer)<br />
Cathy Swartz (Carlson)<br />
David Tinius<br />
Patrick Vuchetich<br />
Beth Walker (Van Gundy)<br />
Joan Young (Erickson)<br />
1971 (23 gifts * $1,745)<br />
Janice Admire (Bargmann)<br />
Jean Bryan (Walter)<br />
Daniel Creal<br />
Shannon Dawson<br />
Mary Dickey<br />
Tom Duden<br />
Mike Fox<br />
Patty Haddow (Horak)<br />
Mike Hoppmann<br />
Patricia Jolley (Royal)<br />
Dennis Kipper<br />
Wayne Kobza<br />
Holly Kruger (Jennings)<br />
Kathy Lehr-Cochrane (Lehr)<br />
Mike Murphy<br />
Dan Ott<br />
David Roberts<br />
Fredrick Ruzicka<br />
Jerry Shandera<br />
Ellen Spelman (Wickham)<br />
Timothy Sweeney<br />
Matthew Swetland<br />
Maria Witkowicz<br />
1972 (35 gifts * $2,375)<br />
Mary Abel (Murphy)<br />
Brian Allison<br />
Kevin Aylward<br />
Pete Beau<br />
Kathy Brown (Hahn)<br />
Nancy Clare<br />
Kate Culhane (Barry)<br />
Dan Curran<br />
Gary Ebert<br />
Robert Grosserode<br />
Pam Hansen (Cook)<br />
Dan Hyland<br />
JoAnn Hyland (Andreas)<br />
Rich Jablonski<br />
Rick Karpisek<br />
Terry Keefe<br />
Maureen Kipper (Aksamit)<br />
Cheryl Knuth<br />
Ron Krause<br />
Susan Krause (Vosburg)<br />
James Miller<br />
Mary Miller (Samek)<br />
Patty Nave (Tracy)<br />
Pat Prochaska<br />
Diane Reinsch (Dawson)<br />
Doug Roberts<br />
Mary Rodriguez (Benes)<br />
Brian Roselle<br />
Karen Schroeder<br />
Eileen Thaden (Rowe)<br />
Terri Thompson (Boland)<br />
Marianne Upton (Clifford)<br />
Frank Vestecka<br />
Mary Ann Wytock (Francis)<br />
Larry Zitek<br />
1973 (27 gifts * $1,605)<br />
Sue Bjornsen (Olivetti)<br />
Prudence Brokaw (Budell)<br />
Virginia Connelly<br />
Janet Cusick (Jost)<br />
Dianna DeMarr (Vavrina)<br />
Beth Elsener (Waite)<br />
Dan Elsener<br />
Janet Gfeller (Hanigan)<br />
Teresa Grosserode (Willson)<br />
Bob Haggerty<br />
Diane Horak (Franssen)<br />
Mick Horak<br />
Bob Koenig<br />
Judy Kramer (Wickham)<br />
Sandy Krueger (Schuller)<br />
Gary Love<br />
Shannon McGovern<br />
Joleen Ness (Stransky)<br />
Frances O’Leary (Chace)<br />
Mary Reifschneider (Vuchetich)<br />
David Reinsch<br />
Janine Romontio (Burns)<br />
Joan Ryan (Aldrich)<br />
Kathy Schulz (Kopf)<br />
Kathleen Stimpson-Willuhn<br />
Ann Swarts (Mahoney)<br />
Mary Wilcox (Kopf)<br />
1974 (34 gifts * $3,797)<br />
Arthur Aksamit<br />
Dianne Aksamit (Delisi)<br />
Anne Anderson (Winner)<br />
Pat Anderson<br />
Mark Awakuni (Swetland)<br />
Chuck Clifford<br />
Michael Duggan<br />
Denise Foster (Harvey)<br />
William Goggins<br />
Jan Gray (Higgins)<br />
Joe Haas<br />
Susan Hruby<br />
Leo Jablonski<br />
Joan Johnston (Stratman)<br />
Mary Knight (Aldrich)<br />
Larry Krebsbach<br />
Lois Kriger (Wisnieski)<br />
Kim Kuhle<br />
Andria Langenberg<br />
Joseph Loudon<br />
Jane Manzitto (Murphy)<br />
Sam Manzitto<br />
Joe Millard<br />
Kevin Morehouse<br />
Dan Mulligan<br />
Jo Poore (Ceraolo)<br />
Christine Reenders (Rose)<br />
Hector Sanchez<br />
Jane Schuller (Shandera)<br />
Larry Shepard<br />
Patricia Stetson<br />
Terri Tenopir (Richardson)<br />
Carolyn Thomas (Baker)<br />
Celia Wahl (Schafers)<br />
1975 (27 gifts * $2,230)<br />
Ann Baker (Morin)<br />
James Baumert<br />
Bill Essay<br />
Bill Franklin<br />
Patricia Fricke (White)<br />
Kevin Gillespie<br />
Mark Grgurich<br />
Fr. Gary Gross<br />
Rita Haggerty<br />
Marguerite Himmelberg (Bouc)<br />
Dan Hruby<br />
Gene Kavanaugh<br />
Tom Kopf<br />
Vicky Lorchick<br />
Lea Mazanec (Rezac)<br />
Kevin McCrory<br />
Chris McGovern (Studnicka)<br />
Kelly McGovern<br />
Janel Monroe (Van Gundy)<br />
John O’Neill<br />
Sharon Samek<br />
22 2009-10 ❖ Annual Report
2009-10 Annual Report<br />
Natalie Schlaebitz (Tharnish)<br />
Jim Smiley<br />
Lynn Stebbins (Strasburg)<br />
Chris Taylor (Vestecka)<br />
Tom Thorpe<br />
John Vestecka<br />
1976 (28 gifts * $1,837.50)<br />
James Bruckner<br />
Rene Daniels (Schafers)<br />
Debra DiChellis (Barry)<br />
Laura Duggan (Smith)<br />
Peter Egge<br />
Julie Franklin (Studnicka)<br />
Tim Franssen<br />
Carol Hanson<br />
Dr. Gregory Heidrick<br />
Thomas Hepburn<br />
Thomas Jaros<br />
Michael Jones<br />
Pat Kavan (Danahay)<br />
Jerry Kobza<br />
Scott Krause<br />
Patrick Langan<br />
Jane Loken (Grosserode)<br />
Wayne Petrzilka<br />
Dave Ress<br />
Kevin Roselle<br />
Fr. Mark Seiker<br />
Jo Theis (Deany)<br />
Tom Tracy<br />
Tammy Tyburski (Hafer)<br />
Donald Urbanovsky<br />
Gary Vacha<br />
David Vuchetich<br />
Gina Wendelin (Vrbka)<br />
1977 (22 gifts * $1,580)<br />
Anne Buckley (Hain)<br />
Richard Conradt<br />
Mark Chermok<br />
Bob Davis<br />
Thomas Eckery<br />
Phillip Fitzekam<br />
Ed Gentert<br />
Jim Haas<br />
Mark Kitchin<br />
Alan Peters<br />
Diane Prockish<br />
Jane Raybould<br />
Susan Reinhart (Bourke)<br />
Lynette Remington (Vrbka)<br />
Bambi Schmid<br />
Sara Stejskal (Ludwig)<br />
Julianne Taylor (Clifford)<br />
Scott Tharnish<br />
Douglas Thorpe<br />
Mark Treu<br />
Cindy Wagner-Wiebeck (Wagner)<br />
Linda Wiater<br />
1978 (32 gifts * $7,322.50)<br />
DeAnna Alexander (Ketterer)<br />
Shannon Anderson<br />
Kathleen Arnt (Maly)<br />
Nancee Berger (Shannon)<br />
Mark Deschene<br />
Susan Foley (Seiker)<br />
Joann Grosserode (Hegler)<br />
John Grosserode<br />
John Haley<br />
Ralph Hanson<br />
Karen Haug (Steele)<br />
Tim Higgins<br />
Julie Hunter (Irvin)<br />
Barbara Johnston (Ramos)<br />
Bob Kavan<br />
Teresa Kenney (Aldrich)<br />
Greg Kouma<br />
Ruth Lester (Landkamer)<br />
Larry Logsdon<br />
Kurt Lynch<br />
Michael Majerus<br />
Fr. Michael Morin<br />
Twila Mulflur (Kitchin)<br />
Thomas O’Connell<br />
Cindy Ottersberg (Rezek)<br />
Fred Petersen<br />
Roger Petrzilka<br />
Phil Reinsch<br />
Linda Rezac<br />
Gary Riggs<br />
Therese Sack (McCabe)<br />
LeAnn Stewart<br />
1979 (40 gifts * $3,848)<br />
Marti Baumert<br />
Kathy Berry (Ryan)<br />
Daniel Bissell<br />
Sue Braun (Noel)<br />
Mary Burnett (McCabe)<br />
Shari Congleton (Mitchell)<br />
Julie Crockett (Barry)<br />
Mark Cuddy<br />
Lou Anne Daugherty (Fitzekam)<br />
Kathleen Dolezal (Oenbring)<br />
James Fisher<br />
LuAnn Gerber (Jillson)<br />
Cynthia Gomez (Petrzilka)<br />
Thomas Heidrick<br />
Debbie Hile (Rerucha)<br />
Thomas Hoffman<br />
Theresa Hubbell (Baxter)<br />
Patty Jones (Mulligan)<br />
Kerry Krause<br />
Julie Lazure (Lynch)<br />
Jamie Linn (Linebaugh)<br />
Deidre Malmstrom (Webb)<br />
Pat McCabe<br />
Stephanie Morrison (Dawson)<br />
Patti Newberry (Gallagher)<br />
Theresa Norris<br />
Debbie Olivier (Grgurich)<br />
John Peters<br />
Ann Pettiford (Wortman)<br />
Mike Porto<br />
John Regan<br />
Donna Reinsch (Vampola)<br />
Monsignor Daniel Seiker<br />
Bobbie Sherry (Wisnieski)<br />
Allan Strasburg<br />
Michael Vestecka<br />
David Westwood<br />
Bridget Woita (Dawson)<br />
Ed Woolman<br />
Vicki Woolman (Saffer)<br />
1980 (32 gifts * $4,045)<br />
Todd Aksamit<br />
Kimberly Allen (Knopp)<br />
Kim Alvine (Vavrina)<br />
Rob Anderson<br />
Karen Bechtolt (Krause)<br />
Kenneth Benes<br />
Kevin Breen<br />
Carl Ciani<br />
Michaela Erixson (Wortman)<br />
Richard Hanigan<br />
Michelle Heng<br />
Mary Kay Kallas (Studnicka)<br />
Joan Koziol (Czeschin)<br />
Joseph Lempka<br />
Kacey Lempka (Dickinson)<br />
Jerry Majerus<br />
Maureen Mattern (Costello)<br />
Peggy Matthews (Brusnahan)<br />
Jenny Meyer (Dawson)<br />
Bill Mohr<br />
Kelly Morehouse (Anderson)<br />
John Morehouse<br />
Jeanette Nicholas (Stewart)<br />
Dr. Scott Noel<br />
Carole Owen (Fitzekam)<br />
Carol Podwinski<br />
Mike Rerucha<br />
Kathleen Sartore (Vestecka)<br />
Karen Urbanovsky-Martin<br />
Leo Vestecka<br />
Marita Ward (Schafers)<br />
John Westra<br />
1981 (28 gifts * $3,267.50)<br />
Mindy Althouse (Watts)<br />
Mark Anderson<br />
Larry Benes<br />
Michele Chambers (Griffin)<br />
Pat Drozda (Koerner)<br />
Nancy Eckles<br />
Kellie Effken (Vrbka)<br />
Tana Erickson (Power)<br />
Connie Ernst (Wenzl)<br />
Cathy Fluckey (Wiater)<br />
Deborah Fujan-Pinney<br />
Kevin Gross<br />
Joseph Hamersky<br />
Geoffrey Harrison<br />
Patricia Harrison (Weitzel)<br />
Laura Heidrick-Gross<br />
Libby Jaros (Stephens)<br />
Dr. Peter Morin<br />
Rhonda Nannen-Riha<br />
Amy Nebbia (DeVries)<br />
Suzanne Norris<br />
Brian Peters<br />
Bruce Peters<br />
Pamela Peters (DiPaolo)<br />
Michele Reuter (Hoffman)<br />
Shawn Schmid<br />
Bruce Steele<br />
Loretta Wagner (Johnson)<br />
1982 (33 gifts * $5,705)<br />
Karen Anderson (Brusnahan)<br />
Anonymous<br />
Koni Barie (Westra)<br />
Michael Beecham<br />
Bob Benes<br />
Joan Benes (Morrissey)<br />
Roger Benes<br />
Jeri Bierbower (Reinig)<br />
Mary Van Der Bosch (Reinsch)<br />
Richard Costello<br />
Karen Edwards (Wiater)<br />
Dr. Phil Essay<br />
Kathleen Gallagher<br />
Jeffrey Heng<br />
Steve Jaros<br />
Shawn Kean (Tracy)<br />
Liz Koop (Saunders)<br />
Kathy Kopf (Hruby)<br />
Andrea Lonowski (Aksamit)<br />
Steve McManus<br />
Linda McQuiston (Strizek)<br />
Julie Mitchell (Brusnahan)<br />
Burke Morrow<br />
Gary Oenbring<br />
Kelly Pohlen<br />
Jim Reinsch<br />
Ginnelle Ries (Krause)<br />
Michael Schafers<br />
John Schroeder<br />
Fr. Leo Seiker<br />
Lynnette Sellon (Hannasch)<br />
Anne Sposato<br />
John Urbanovsky<br />
1983 (32 gifts * $3,670)<br />
Kay Broer (Deschene)<br />
Ann Byington<br />
Denise Costello (Svoboda)<br />
Nancy Cubrich (Kouma)<br />
Greg Dawson<br />
Kent Endacott<br />
John Franssen<br />
Pamela Gronewold (Schwindt)<br />
Elsa Hatch (Castillo)<br />
Pat Higgins<br />
Gregg Jablonski<br />
Roxanne Johnson (Burbach)<br />
Michelle Koester (Ruby)<br />
Jill Korta (Noel)<br />
Katie Lockhart (Kouma)<br />
Jeff Magsamen<br />
Kelly Malone<br />
Mike McQuiston<br />
Rich Morris<br />
Kristi Olson-Heng (Olson)<br />
Bryan Pleskac<br />
Lizbeth Puckett (Anderson)<br />
Jeanne Respeliers (Demma)<br />
Erin Russell-Hines<br />
Lisa Schafers (Laux)<br />
Kathy Stephens (Felber)<br />
Luke Stephens<br />
Lisa Stiffler (Hain)<br />
Daniel Sullivan<br />
Joan Tasler (Hanigan)<br />
Jim Wenzl<br />
David Westra<br />
1984 (29 gifts * $7,872.50)<br />
Anonymous<br />
John Barta<br />
Kurt Broer<br />
Phil Brogan<br />
Matthew Ciani<br />
Barb Cook (Vestecka)<br />
Ginger Davila (Cvitak)<br />
LuAnn Dougherty (Morfeld)<br />
Bridget Esch (Spethman)<br />
Pat Haecker<br />
Karen Hardesty (Cecava)<br />
John Hartmann<br />
Tracy Higgins (Hicks)<br />
Julie Horner<br />
Jeanne Johnson (Easley)<br />
Wendy Jordan (Casey)<br />
Linda Larson (Karre)<br />
Terri Loibl-Gagnon<br />
Roger Maly<br />
Paul McCabe<br />
Carol Morris<br />
Craig Neid<br />
Patrick O’Brien<br />
Patrick Ryan<br />
David Sedlak<br />
Bart Stephens<br />
Julie Wente (LeGrande)<br />
Christopher Wolsleger<br />
Michael Woolman<br />
1985 (33 gifts * $2,235.26)<br />
Troy Aksamit<br />
Anne Andrew (Donlan)<br />
Chris Arndt (Kreifels)<br />
Nancy Barta (Ruby)<br />
Christopher Becker<br />
Dr. Charlie Burt<br />
John Butler<br />
Richard Campos<br />
Teri Clapper (Rotherham)<br />
Larry Erdkamp<br />
Traci Fisher (Frankforter)<br />
Cindy Fritton (Keating)<br />
Andrew Groebner<br />
Gregg Harre<br />
Rick Hill<br />
Tom Koerner<br />
Stacy Jo Lempka<br />
Karrie Lingo (Peters)<br />
Sarah Long (Kinney)<br />
Amy McCrary (Stasch)<br />
John Rink<br />
Sam Scott<br />
Suzanne Sharp (Hartmann)<br />
Michelle Smith (Curry)<br />
Michael Steele<br />
Dave Stewart<br />
Janice Swanson (Harre)<br />
Sarah Tappan (Seberger)<br />
Jan Voss (Svoboda)<br />
John Warner<br />
Erin Wolsleger (O’Grady)<br />
Joe Wolsleger<br />
Mike Zeplin<br />
1986 (22 gifts * $2,300)<br />
Bruce Bode<br />
Steve Burt<br />
Lori Clement (Rerucha)<br />
Margo Gallagher (Easley)<br />
Jo Ann Gould (Gregory)<br />
Tom Gourlay<br />
Pam Heinemann (Hake)<br />
Kelly Hillman<br />
Joan Jilek (Marquis)<br />
Michele Johannes (Seberger)<br />
Thonya Kennedy (Fenton)<br />
Ron Kruml<br />
Lisa Lewis<br />
Tim Mertens<br />
Chris Moody<br />
Sue Phillips (Jacobson)<br />
Angela Root (Martin)<br />
Monica Sedlak (Scott)<br />
Lori Sehnert (Frisbie)<br />
Lynn Sloan (Smith)<br />
Gregory Strizek<br />
Scott Wright<br />
1987 (24 gifts * $1,637.50)<br />
Mark Benes<br />
Diann Clinton (Ortiz)<br />
Jon Gross<br />
Callie Hartz (Vogt)<br />
Ann Kotopka (Hanigan)<br />
Shane Krause<br />
Philip Lang<br />
John Love<br />
Jeannie McManus<br />
Doug Nebel<br />
Jimmer Noel<br />
Susan Noel (Burger)<br />
Mike Petruconis<br />
Jill Reid (Kinney)<br />
Judy Scdoris (Stone)<br />
Fr. Troy Schweiger<br />
Deanna Stall (Rempe)<br />
Todd Steele<br />
Joan Thiele (Kelley)<br />
Jackie Varicak (Wolsleger)<br />
Colleen Vlach (Power)<br />
John Voboril<br />
Eric Wenzl<br />
Brenda Zinnecker (Peetz)<br />
1988 (21 gifts * $1,612.50)<br />
Lisa Andersen (Smith)<br />
Trent Bausch<br />
Donna Dolan-Cure (Dolan)<br />
Tracey Eitel<br />
Scott Felber<br />
Gary Harper<br />
Kim Harper (Gabriel)<br />
Gerald Korinek<br />
Lori Kreifels (Lierz)<br />
Dan Lambe<br />
Tonya Lampe (Johnson)<br />
Susan Marlatt (Lempka)<br />
Megan Masten (Petruconis)<br />
Craig Pleskac<br />
Matthew Schafers<br />
Brad Seeman<br />
2009-10 ❖ Annual Report 23
2009-10 Annual Report<br />
Thad Standley<br />
Jean Timmerman (Hanigan)<br />
Fr. Matthew Vandewalle<br />
Chad Winters<br />
Marie Woodhead (Erdkamp)<br />
1989 (29 gifts * $2,186)<br />
John Boudreau<br />
Rob Bryant<br />
Ed Easley<br />
Colette Ehlers (Aksamit)<br />
Jane Felber (Higgins)<br />
Kathy Gerdes (Dalton)<br />
Matt Gutschenritter<br />
Kerry Hartz<br />
Kelly Hendricks<br />
Jennifer Heggen (Larson)<br />
Lee Hunsaker<br />
Paul Hussey<br />
Kathy Knollenberg (Danek)<br />
Jennifer Korensky (May)<br />
Toby Korensky<br />
John Majerus<br />
Darcy Majka (Sittig)<br />
Michael Nebel<br />
Tracy McNulty (Moline)<br />
Tony Ojeda<br />
Dave Potthoff<br />
David Reese<br />
Kim Rust (Barrett)<br />
Gregory Sealock<br />
Angela Schafers (Rempe)<br />
Eric Schafers<br />
Hugh Sieck<br />
Laura Swanson (Schainost)<br />
Amy Zeleny (Gray)<br />
1990 (25 gifts * $1,936)<br />
Ann Marie Bausch (Walker)<br />
Robin Best (Richter)<br />
Kyle Bucknell<br />
Lori Bryant (Dustin)<br />
Matt Cashore<br />
Tracy Chapelle (Neumayer)<br />
Stephanie Claycomb (Hier)<br />
Michele Dimmitt (Gettman)<br />
Jason Green<br />
Holli Groff (Kavan)<br />
Peter Heath<br />
Jennifer Kauppert (Bechtolt)<br />
Michael Kauppert<br />
Greg Long<br />
Julie Lutjeharms (Childerston)<br />
Kendra Majerus (Karnopp)<br />
Sara Miller (Davenport)<br />
Aimee Nebel (Sand)<br />
Sean Neumayer<br />
Carrie Smith (Potter)<br />
Shannon Smith<br />
Debra Steele<br />
Shelly Theil (Kidwell)<br />
Bryce Todd<br />
Ashleigh Varley (Bausch)<br />
1991 (25 gifts * $1,942.50)<br />
Dustin Bailey<br />
Marian Bednar<br />
Andrew Budell<br />
Julia Budell (Meacham)<br />
Tammy Burd (Bennett)<br />
Tom Burt<br />
Jason Bryant<br />
Amy Decker (Lieb)<br />
Tiffany Easley (Winters)<br />
Tisha Elder (Rezac)<br />
Sara Fritsch (Odgaard)<br />
Kristin Heath (Edwards)<br />
Mike Kinney<br />
Sarah Knispel (Brandt)<br />
Kris Maul (Nabity)<br />
Allen McInerney<br />
24 2009-10 ❖ Annual Report<br />
Jenny McNeese (Polivka)<br />
Tamara Nuzum (Geiger)<br />
Jeff Rawlinson<br />
Laura Reese (May)<br />
Christin Riley (Kirk)<br />
Kristie Schroll (Hanigan)<br />
Jeff Standley<br />
Nichole Tucker (Morran)<br />
Geoff Wollin<br />
1992 (23 gifts * $1,597.50)<br />
Jessica Bauers (Novak)<br />
Maura Browning (Dawson)<br />
Fr. Gary Coulter<br />
Kathe Downs (Shandera)<br />
Doug Goodwater<br />
Karla Hartz (Wemhoff)<br />
Scott Hartz<br />
Leah Huber (Burling)<br />
Dana Hunsaker (Seiler)<br />
Brian Johnson<br />
Jill Nolton (Sloup)<br />
Melissa Payne (Widhelm)<br />
Bridgett Petzoldt (Breitfelder)<br />
Daniel Powers<br />
Jennifer Rawlinson (Cusick)<br />
Cleveland Reeves<br />
Carmen Sanchez Andrade (Easley)<br />
Michael Sinclair<br />
Troy Smith<br />
Elizabeth Thorson (Kukuk)<br />
Michael Volkmer<br />
Joseph Walker<br />
Jeremy Wieser<br />
1993 (11 gifts * $1,855)<br />
Michael Barrett<br />
Rick Deisler<br />
Tricia Florea (Mostek)<br />
Judy Fulton (Vandewalle)<br />
Tiffany Genrich<br />
Todd McCown<br />
Miguel Medel<br />
Lisa Park (Maltarich)<br />
Jeremy Potter<br />
Tina Sposato<br />
Tiffany White (Roubal)<br />
1994 (8 gifts * $390)<br />
Mike Kearney<br />
Matt Mullendore<br />
Javier Martinez<br />
Angela Pofahl<br />
Matt Reiling<br />
Carey Rezac-Schwickerath<br />
Brenda Schroeder (Jedlicka)<br />
Fr. Sean Timmerman<br />
1995 (6 gifts * $225)<br />
Stephanie Bird (Metz)<br />
April Cunningham (Wemhoff)<br />
Arthur Cunningham<br />
Meghan Gibbons (Doud)<br />
Craig Pagels<br />
David Wemhoff<br />
1996 (12 gifts * $1,057.50)<br />
Jason Abbott<br />
Sarah Blomenkamp (Kukuk)<br />
Amberly Byington (Divis)<br />
Matthew Byington<br />
Lori Morin (Lieb)<br />
Timothy Sealock<br />
Tracy Sealock (Makovicka)<br />
Dionne Seiler<br />
Rebecca Sposato<br />
Lisa Vrana (Carlson)<br />
Amy Wagner (McKenzie)<br />
Elizabeth Walker<br />
1997 (15 gifts * $1,110)<br />
Katie Aldag (Stone)<br />
Alicen Brandl (Schulte)<br />
Andrew Creal<br />
Thomas Cunningham<br />
Shannon Dohmen (Bryant)<br />
Kathryn Doné (Pleskac)<br />
Fr. Lothar Gilde<br />
Monica Hansen (Zuerlein)<br />
Jennifer Kitt (Soucie)<br />
Pam Lerch<br />
Megan Maly<br />
Patrick Pepper<br />
Summer Portsche (Allen)<br />
Jillian Rutledge (Jakub)<br />
Heather Wiebke (Lenhoff)<br />
1998 (10 gifts * $785)<br />
Andrew Broer<br />
Kari Charlson<br />
Jason Ekeler<br />
Jamie Furry (Yeager)<br />
Amber Grosserode (Thomas)<br />
P.J. Grosserode<br />
Dave Knaus<br />
Nicholas Manzitto<br />
Courtney Miller (Demeter)<br />
John Walker<br />
1999 (13 gifts * $712.50)<br />
Jilliane Allemann (Walsh)<br />
Taylor Ashburn<br />
Nicholas Benes<br />
Lynn Burda (Carlson)<br />
Madeline Christen (Derickson)<br />
William Christen<br />
Robert Fillaus<br />
Elaine Hansen (Treick)<br />
Juliet Kelty<br />
Gabe Kidwell<br />
Mikaela Kidwell (Barry)<br />
Laura Roeber (Summers)<br />
Erin Schultz (Royal)<br />
Thank you for your commitment and support!<br />
Class Gifts Total Class Gifts Total Class Gifts Total Class Gifts Total<br />
1941 1 $ 15.00 1961 30 $3,037.50 1979 40 $3,848.00 1997 15 $1,110.00<br />
1942 1 $ 25.00 1962 28 $2,055.00 1980 32 $4,045.00 1998 10 $ 785.00<br />
1943 1 $ 50.00 1963 46 $3,707.50 1981 28 $3,267.50 1999 13 $ 712.50<br />
1944 3 $1,010.00 1964 37 $7,650.00 1982 33 $5,705.00 2000 15 $1,775.00<br />
1945 1 $ 25.00 1965 31 $2,427.15 1983 32 $3,670.00 2001 6 $ 275.00<br />
1948 2 $ 60.00 1966 37 $7,353.50 1984 29 $7,872.50 2002 3 $ 688.00<br />
1949 2 $ 25.00 1967 41 $2,042.50 1985 33 $2,235.26 2003 7 $ 245.00<br />
1950 2 $ 200.00 1968 23 $1,190.00 1986 22 $2,300.00 2004 1 $ 12.50<br />
1951 1 $ 150.00 1969 33 $2,617.50 1987 24 $1,637.50<br />
1952 2 $ 110.00 1970 32 $1,940.00 1988 21 $1,612.50<br />
1953 1 $ 50.00 1971 23 $1,745.00 1989 29 $2,186.00<br />
1954 5 $ 300.00 1972 35 $2,375.00 1990 25 $1,936.00<br />
1955 4 $ 325.00 1973 27 $1,605.00 1991 25 $1,942.50<br />
1956 7 $ 437.50 1974 34 $3,797.00 1992 23 $1,597.50<br />
1957 24 $1,615.00 1975 27 $2,230.00 1993 11 $1,855.00<br />
1958 17 $1,052.50 1976 28 $1,837.50 1994 8 $ 390.00<br />
1959 24 $2,427.50 1977 22 $1,580.00 1995 6 $ 225.00<br />
1960 24 $1,765.00 1978 32 $7,322.50 1996 12 $1,057.50<br />
2000 (15 gifts * $1,775)<br />
Amber Ackerman<br />
Abby Anderson<br />
Anonymous<br />
Erin English (Wahl)<br />
Sarah Mahoney<br />
Carolyn Oborny<br />
Shawn Peed<br />
Mary Reiser<br />
Jamie Sidwell (Gonser)<br />
Ryan Sidwell<br />
Cassie Sudbeck (Heydon)<br />
Katie Swink (Clark)<br />
Becky Thorson (Fischer)<br />
Brenda Wandzilak (Fiala)<br />
Ryan Wesolowski<br />
2001 (6 gifts * $275)<br />
Molly Culhane<br />
Jennifer Dilisio (Slattery)<br />
Daniel Morrow<br />
Adam Raun<br />
Troy Sasek<br />
Joe Scdoris<br />
2002 (3 gifts * $688)<br />
Jessica Allington (Becker)<br />
Anonymous<br />
Joe Easley<br />
2003 (7 gifts * $245)<br />
Joey & Megan Battiato<br />
Deacon Craig Clinch<br />
Joseph Elliott<br />
Stacey Hattaway (Waldman)<br />
Jean Hilger<br />
Michael Manning<br />
Adam Push<br />
2004 (1 gift * $12.50)<br />
Logan Burda<br />
Top 10 Amounts<br />
Given By Class Year<br />
1984<br />
$7,872.50<br />
1964<br />
$7,650.00<br />
1966<br />
$7,353.50<br />
1978<br />
$7,322.50<br />
1982<br />
$5,705.00<br />
Grand total of 1,191 alumni donations: $119,500.91 (as of 11/15/2010)<br />
1980<br />
$4,045.00<br />
1979<br />
$3,848.00<br />
1974<br />
$3,797.00<br />
1963<br />
$3,707.50<br />
1983<br />
Our Newest Alumni!<br />
The Class of 2010<br />
Megan Akins<br />
Renae Anderson<br />
Elizabeth Ann Bahl<br />
Caitlin Jo Bailey<br />
Samuel Barnes<br />
Carlos Alfonso Barreda<br />
Karissa N. Barta<br />
Heidi Baumert<br />
Andres Bayless<br />
Matthew Benner<br />
Jessica Bernadt<br />
Lindsey Berning<br />
Michael Berrick<br />
Claire Christine Bertrand<br />
Robert James Bevins<br />
Daniel Sterling Blake<br />
Morgan Joann Boatman<br />
Jessica Mae Boehm<br />
Kylie Ann Brogan<br />
James Gardner Brown<br />
Joshua Bucsis<br />
Matthew Buescher<br />
Duc-Cuong D Bui<br />
Hang A Bui<br />
Sean S Burroughs<br />
Jack Burt<br />
Carolyn Butler<br />
Thien-Kim T. Cao<br />
Brian Casavant<br />
Jeffrey Cassel<br />
Joseph Castillo<br />
Alicia Grace Cline<br />
Morghan Clinton<br />
Tyler Cochrane<br />
Tessa Contreras<br />
Rebecca Leigh Cookston<br />
Abbey Elizabeth Creglow<br />
Andrew Patrick Crouch<br />
Andrew Daniel Curran<br />
Lexie N Deahn<br />
Andrew Alexander DeMasi<br />
Lauren Elizabeth DeMasi<br />
Jessie Dragoo<br />
Samuel Joseph Dunbar<br />
Valerie Martina Eckrich<br />
Marie Eickhoff<br />
Katherine Ellerbee<br />
Julio Enriquez<br />
Aline Erdkamp<br />
Katlin Elizabeth Evans<br />
Allie Renee Falter<br />
Heather Christine Feltes<br />
Carly Marie Ficke<br />
Mary Rose Fiedler<br />
Leah Kristin Fischer<br />
Sean Joseph Flattery<br />
Laura Catherine Foley<br />
- Photo courtesy of Yearbook -<br />
Alex Frodyma<br />
Rachel Fuenning<br />
Mikayla Nicole Gamet<br />
Erik Gapp<br />
Dominic James Gappa<br />
Matthew Gregory Gibbs<br />
Chad Gibney<br />
Alejandro Idel Gomez<br />
Emma Mae Gordon<br />
Rachel Joyce Graeve<br />
Lesley Lauren Graff<br />
Alexandra Grant<br />
Clare Griffin<br />
Devin Gross<br />
James Gruett<br />
Carlie Gustafson<br />
Jeffrey M Haag<br />
Nicole Rochelle Haecker<br />
Madeline Hafner<br />
Jordan A Hames<br />
Rachel Hilda Hanigan<br />
Taylor William Hanway<br />
Jonathan Harre<br />
Caitlin Grace Hassler<br />
Ryan Haverkamp<br />
Anastasia Marie Hecker<br />
Heather Marie Heesacker<br />
Kelsey Lynn Heideman<br />
Anna Henrichsen<br />
Andrew T Hilger<br />
Charlie M Hinds<br />
Christopher Scott Hobbs<br />
Brian Joseph Hoggatt<br />
Eric M Holland<br />
Katherine Bernadette Hoppe<br />
Katherine M Houlden<br />
Joshua A Hoxmeier<br />
Andrew Joseph Hraban<br />
R.J. Husk<br />
Jordan Hussey<br />
Anthony Inzodda<br />
Monica Izaguirre<br />
Jerrick James Jara<br />
Anthony R. Johnson<br />
Sophie Marie Clare Johnson<br />
Trevor Joe Johnson<br />
Kathryn Joanne Keiter<br />
Matthew Kelly<br />
Yoochang Kim<br />
Erin Kirby<br />
Matthew Klein<br />
Rachel Ann Kocarnik<br />
Blake W Koehn<br />
Alec Kollman<br />
Tiffany Marie Kortus<br />
Elizabeth Anne Kosch<br />
Callie Krajicek<br />
Taylor Elizabeth Kreifels<br />
Christopher Krueger<br />
Andrew Michael Kucera<br />
Kaitlyn R. Kudron<br />
Maxwell Kuehl<br />
Olivia Naomi LaFollette<br />
Meghan Lang<br />
Alexander Harold Largen<br />
Ellen Larsen<br />
Andrew W. Larson<br />
Allyson Lauer<br />
Elizabeth Ann Layton<br />
Quynh Nguyet Le<br />
Thanh-Lan Le<br />
Theresa Le<br />
Mary LeDuc<br />
Matthew Jeffrey Lien<br />
Kirstine Mai Linebaugh<br />
Ashley Renee Main<br />
Connor J Maly<br />
Henry Patrick Mattern<br />
Mickey Martin McConkey<br />
Dylan R McDermott<br />
Laura C McGahan<br />
Elizabeth Anne McVeigh<br />
Austin T Menke<br />
Elora Meza<br />
Renee E Miller<br />
Peter Matthew Moeschen<br />
Ryan Mohr<br />
Katherine Marie Moorhouse<br />
Karen L Morales<br />
Spencer Thomas Morris<br />
Meghan Rachael Moser<br />
Patrick Timothy Murphy<br />
Bailey Marie Nelson<br />
Anthony H Nguyen<br />
Elizabeth Ngoc Nguyen<br />
Mai Nguyen<br />
Meghan Marie Nickman<br />
Rebekka Lynn Nickman<br />
Brandon Paul Nickolite<br />
Rachel A Novotny<br />
Dustin Daniel Oberembt<br />
Samuel Vincent Obrist<br />
Michelle ODonnell<br />
Veronica Marie OHearn<br />
Alicia M Ortiz<br />
Brandon S. Otoski<br />
Jordan L Paul<br />
Zachary S Peed<br />
Peter J Placzek<br />
Mollie L Pleskac<br />
Greg John Portsche<br />
Samuel J. Pospisil<br />
Phillip James Power<br />
Hannah Sue Prudhomme<br />
Jacob T Ramsay<br />
Justin J Reisdorff<br />
Kirsten L Ricketts<br />
Marie Elena Robinson<br />
Paula Rodriguez Bescansa<br />
Elle M Ross<br />
Taylor A Rueschhoff<br />
Claire Marie Rynearson<br />
Emily Claire Sack<br />
Mairead E Safranek<br />
Kenton J Salomons<br />
Candice L Santana<br />
Jamison Schleppenbach<br />
Lindsey P Schmaderer<br />
Maricia E Schroeder<br />
Jared Thomas Sears<br />
Tracy Marie Shaw<br />
Cameron Corey Sindelar<br />
Jeffrey Paul Slattery<br />
Ryan William Slattery<br />
Matthew J Sloan<br />
Kelsey LaVonne Sparks<br />
Jared Michael Stanosheck<br />
Melanie Ann Stara<br />
Erin M Statz<br />
Matthew Scott Steffensmeier<br />
Emily Husen Stortenbecker<br />
Frank P Stroup<br />
Stuart Michael Sucha<br />
Garrett Lee Sutton<br />
Kevin M Szalawiga<br />
Cody E Talbott<br />
Samuel Joseph Thiele<br />
Victoria Jane Thompson<br />
Tara M Topham<br />
Raquel Torres<br />
Victoria Quynh Loan Tran<br />
Amanda M Ullman<br />
Jessica Lynn Verplank<br />
Norma Brianna Volkmer<br />
Haylee Rose Vrbka<br />
Olivia Marine Vrbka<br />
Bernard Thoai Vu<br />
Derek Dean Wallman<br />
Rachael Louise Washington<br />
Angela M Wathen<br />
Timothy D Weber<br />
Veronica M Wenzl<br />
Ian J Werner<br />
Maximillian Joseph Wesely<br />
Chelsea Anne Wiedel<br />
Kelsey Marie Wieser<br />
Kerrigan Elizabeth Williams<br />
Allison Catherine Winder<br />
Dustin J Wuerfele<br />
Aaron B Wurster<br />
Thunderbolt Scramble Benefits <strong>Pius</strong> X<br />
The 6th Annual Thunderbolt Scramble was held July 12, 2010,<br />
at Firethorn Golf Club in Lincoln. Everyone had a great deal<br />
of fun and the proceeds raised will benefit <strong>Pius</strong> X’s 19 athletic<br />
teams, vocal music, band, dance team, and cheerleading. The<br />
players were able to enjoy lunch, dinner, flag prizes, a hole in<br />
one contest, wine tasting and more! Our success was the result<br />
of wonderful participation of competitors and sponsors. We’re<br />
grateful for the support given by Mark Wible and the Firethorn<br />
Golf Club. We extend a thank you to all of our volunteers that<br />
worked so hard to make this tournament a great success, especially<br />
the co-chairpersons, Mitch Helman ‘01 and Shawn Peed<br />
’00, Rhonda Peed, and to all of our wonderful sponsors for supporting<br />
this great event!<br />
This year’s winners in each Flight include the following:<br />
1st Flight Winners<br />
1st Place (Pictured)<br />
Larry Zitek, Tony<br />
Gillick, Kevin Gillick<br />
and Santiago Escobar<br />
2nd Place<br />
John Hanzel, Pat<br />
Hanzel, Zach Peed and<br />
Danny Jenkins<br />
2nd Flight Winners<br />
1st Place (Pictured)<br />
Tim Majerus, Tony Hill,<br />
Todd Carkowski and<br />
John Love<br />
2nd Place<br />
Shawn Peed, Tony<br />
Podany, Eddie Turner<br />
and Kirby Cunningham<br />
Alumni News<br />
2010 Thunderb lt Scramble<br />
3rd Flight Winners<br />
1st Place (Pictured)<br />
Gary Helman and John<br />
Kline<br />
2nd Place<br />
Jim Essay, Alex Essay,<br />
Troy Martin and Jim<br />
Sizemore<br />
Reserve The Date:<br />
The 7th Annual Thunderbolt Scramble<br />
will be held Monday, June 20, 2011!<br />
Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 25
Alumni News<br />
Outstanding Alumni Award<br />
Presented To Tony Messineo<br />
(1990), Catholic Social Services Cor Christi Award (1997), Angels<br />
of Madonna Award, Burnham Yates Citizenship Award (2002), Board<br />
of Health Regional Directors Award (2006), Cedars <strong>Home</strong> Recognition<br />
Award and 2008-2009 Lincoln Rotary #14 Rotarian of the Year.<br />
He has been married to his wife, Carmen, since 1963. They have<br />
three children, Debbie Washington, Michael Messineo, and Anthony<br />
Messineo. Carmen and their children are active in Valentino’s with<br />
Michael and Anthony serving as vice presidents of operations. They<br />
have seven grandchildren, Rachael Washington (2010 <strong>Pius</strong> X graduate)<br />
and Julia, Katherine, Dominic, Samantha, Sophia and Mary<br />
Messineo.<br />
Pictured left to right: Keith May, Fr. Jim Meysenburg, Tony Messineo,<br />
Carmen Messineo, and Msgr. Liam Barr.<br />
On behalf of <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Monsignor Liam Barr and Keith<br />
May presented the fourth annual Outstanding Alumni Award to Tony<br />
Messineo (’59) at the Friends of <strong>Pius</strong> X celebration on August 12,<br />
2010.<br />
“When reviewing nominations for the Outstanding Alumni Award,<br />
we look for individuals who are leaders in fulfilling our mission to<br />
“Restore All Things in Christ,” graduated from <strong>Pius</strong> X at least 10<br />
years ago, are recognized on a local, state or national level in their<br />
field, have been awarded for contributions in his/her profession, are<br />
leading a life of leadership and service, and are outstanding examples<br />
of Catholic values, virtues and ideals,” said Michelle Birkel, Development<br />
Director at <strong>Pius</strong> X. “Tony has been a tireless ambassador<br />
for <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> and serves as an example of leadership and<br />
service to his family, friends and the Lincoln community.”<br />
According to Keith May, who nominated Tony, “Tony’s leadership<br />
and treatment of his employees and customers is a testament to his<br />
faith. Tony truly takes his faith to work with him and it is very much<br />
a part of his day to day efforts.”<br />
Tony is a 1959 <strong>Pius</strong> X graduate where he received several awards in<br />
public speaking, played football and ran track.<br />
After attending St. Thomas Seminary in Denver for a year and a half,<br />
he received a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the<br />
University of Nebraska in 1965.<br />
In 1971 Tony and his brother Ron purchased a local restaurant in<br />
Lincoln - Valentino’s. The two, along with their cousin, Mike Alesio,<br />
who joined them a year later, went on to expand that business and today<br />
Valentino’s has expanded to 39 restaurant locations in 6 states.<br />
Throughout the years, Tony has been an ardent support of <strong>Pius</strong> X<br />
with his gifts of time, talent and treasure. He served with Monsignor<br />
Barr as Chair of the initial <strong>Pius</strong> X Endowment Drive in 1981, and<br />
they were able to raise $1.1 million in pledges.<br />
He has also served on several boards and committees throughout<br />
the community including the Wesleyan Board of Governors, Catholic<br />
Social Services, Teammates, Nebraska Restaurant Association<br />
Board, Rotary Board and Lincoln Lancaster County Health Department<br />
Board.<br />
His restaurant chain has received numerous awards over the years<br />
and he has personally been awarded Restaurateur of the Year Award<br />
Outstanding Alumni Award recipient, Tony Messineo, is pictured<br />
above with his wife, Carmen, and their family.<br />
Nominations Sought For<br />
2011 Outstanding Alumni Award<br />
Nominations are being sought for <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> alumni<br />
who deserve to be recognized as a <strong>Pius</strong> X Outstanding Alumnus/<br />
Alumna. Nominations for this award must be received by Friday,<br />
April 1, 2011. The recipient will be annunced and awarded at our<br />
Friends of <strong>Pius</strong> X Appreciation Reception in August 2011<br />
We are interested in graduates of <strong>Pius</strong> X who:<br />
• are leaders in fulfilling our mission to “Restore All<br />
Things in Christ”<br />
• have graduated from <strong>Pius</strong> X at least 10 years ago<br />
• are recognized on a local, state or national level in their field<br />
• have been awarded for contributions in their profession<br />
• are leading a life of leadership & service, and are<br />
outstanding examples of Catholic values, virtues & ideals<br />
If someone you know meets the criteria or if you would like to<br />
place your name in for nomination, please send a letter including<br />
your name & contact information, the nominee’s name & contact<br />
information, and a detailed explanation as to why the nominee<br />
should receive this award. Please send this information to: The<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Foundation</strong> Office, 6000 A Street, Lincoln, NE, 68510 or<br />
email at michelle.birkel@piusx.net. For more information, please<br />
contact Michelle Birkel at (402) 488-1046.<br />
You may also submit your nomination online at:<br />
http://alumni.piusx.net/outstanding_alumni/<br />
nominationform.asp<br />
26 Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 2010
A Look Into The Past<br />
“KILL THAT WHITE MAN” is something<br />
you do not want to hear when you<br />
are the only white man on a train that was<br />
stopped by a mob of 600 rioters. Reverend<br />
Marion Batson S.J. was that man.<br />
Alumni News<br />
<strong>Home</strong>coming Tailgate Party<br />
At <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />
Father Batson, serving at the Patna mission<br />
in India, was returning to his home mission<br />
when his train was stopped by the rioters.<br />
He was dragged out and the mob began tearing off his clothes. Suddenly<br />
a Mohammedan boy about 12 years old ran to Father Batson,<br />
threw his arms and legs about his body and began yelling for the mob<br />
to be quiet. As soon as the mob calmed down, Father Batson raised<br />
his voice and talked to them. They silently disbanded and went away.<br />
The railroad tracks had been torn up and communication cut off.<br />
The young boy took Father Batson to his mission, walking 30<br />
miles through the worst rainstorm in the country’s history. They<br />
walked 15 hours, all night and past noon the next day, meeting<br />
several bands of rioters. When they reached Mokameh, Father<br />
Batson’s station, the chapel had been damaged and everything<br />
that could be carried off was stolen. The young native priest left<br />
in charge, hearing the rioters, rushed to the chapel, consumed the<br />
Host and hid what sacred vessels he could before the mob arrived.<br />
The <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Home</strong>coming tailgate party that was held Friday, September<br />
17, 2010, was again a huge success!!! Thank you to all the parents,<br />
students, and alumni who helped to make this evening so much fun!<br />
The tabernacle door was smashed in by a man who had been<br />
helped by Father Batson. Soon this Indian found his whole arm<br />
and part of his side paralyzed. Groaning and screaming, he called<br />
for Father Batson to come and save him. The natives became<br />
frightened and began to bring back some of the stolen articles.<br />
Later, Father met a wealthy Mr. Martin, President of an American<br />
steel works, in Calcutta, who became interested in the missions<br />
and told Father Batson to repair all his missions and to<br />
send him the bill. He also insisted that Father Batson go to Calcutta<br />
to plan the building of a shrine to our Blessed Mother of<br />
Divine Grace. Mr. Martin engaged one of his best architects<br />
to draw up the plans and the chapel was begun. Father Batson<br />
writes that it is far more beautiful than his fondest dreams.<br />
In 1959, after serving at the Patna mission in India since 1926, Father<br />
Batson returned to the United States. He was in Chicago collecting<br />
money for a new high school in New Delhi when he died in May of 1960.<br />
Father Batson’s parents also gave us another religious vocation. Father’s<br />
sister, Naomi, Cathedral <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> class of 1924, was a cloistered<br />
nun at the Carmelite convent. Father’s brother, Avery, was a<br />
1922 CHS alum and his younger sister, Nada, was a 1929 CHS alum.<br />
(Information for this article came from a letter Father wrote<br />
to his Mother, the Jesuit records at Creighton in Omaha, St.<br />
Marys Kansas Star 1928 and a Christmas card written in December<br />
1959 to my aunt, Jessie Cripe, a CHS 1920 alum.)<br />
Mary Cripe Oltjenbruns<br />
CHS Class of 1950<br />
Alumni President & Reunion Organizer<br />
Pictured left to right: Amy (Gray) Zeleny ’89, Anita Scheuler, Renee<br />
Kolbush, Lisa Laurell, Katie (Kouma) Lockhart ’83 and Amy Riley.<br />
Nearly 650 people enjoyed hotdogs, sloppy joes, chips, cookies, soda<br />
and water! The kids had fun getting tattoos, throwing footballs, and new<br />
this year was a cotton candy machine and other fun games. The adults<br />
had fun visiting and catching up with friends and classmates, eating<br />
great food, and touring the school. We even had the class of 1960 join<br />
us for their reunion as well as a group of 1970 Class B football champs!<br />
Again, a big thank you goes out to all of our volunteers and those<br />
who came to enjoy all the fun festivities. This event would not<br />
have been nearly as successful if it wasn’t for your commitment<br />
of time and dedication to <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>. We would also like<br />
to thank the following businesses and people for their very generous<br />
donations: Ayars & Ayars, Kathi Woody, Pepsi Co., Frito Lay,<br />
Saint Elizabeth’s, Mark Pieper, Russ’s Markets, Eric Schafers ’89,<br />
Super Saver, System Technology Services, and Peter Heath ’90.<br />
Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 27
Alumni News<br />
Founders/Grandparents Day Celebration<br />
Alumni & Loved Ones Remembered<br />
Clancy & Charlene Woolman attend the reception with their<br />
granddaughter, Katherine (Kat) Woolman. Kat is a sophomore<br />
and the daughter of Ed & Vicki Woolman of St. Joseph’s parish.<br />
On Thursday, September 30, 2010, <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> faculty,<br />
staff, students, grandparents, and friends celebrated its annual<br />
Founders/Grandparents Day Mass to commemorate the October<br />
1956 opening of the high school. Over 175 grandparents and<br />
friends who contribute to the school with their time, talent and<br />
treasure were invited to attend the Mass as special guests.<br />
The Mass celebrant was Fr. Lee Jirovsky of St. John’s parish with<br />
12 other priests concelebrating including Fr. Joseph Bernardo, Fr.<br />
Steven Snitily, Fr. Benjamin Holdren, Fr. Leo Kosch, Fr. Leo<br />
Seiker, Fr. Jonathon Haschke, Fr. Brian Connor, Fr. Chris Miller,<br />
Superintendent Fr. James Meysenburg; and three former superintendents<br />
of <strong>Pius</strong> X including Msgr. James Dawson, Fr. Michael<br />
Morin, and Msgr. Ivan Vap.<br />
Following Mass, guests were treated to a reception, a slide show,<br />
and performances by students from the Vocal Music Department led<br />
by Mrs. Mary Odgaard, as well as a brunch prepared by <strong>Pius</strong> X’s<br />
Food Service Program.<br />
Over 50 guests attended the All Soul's Day Mass & Reception at<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X on November 2, 2010.<br />
On Tuesday, November 2, 2010, <strong>Pius</strong> X staff and students remembered<br />
and honored loved ones with an all-school Mass for<br />
All Soul’s Day. The Mass celebrant was Fr. Haschke of St. Teresa’s<br />
parish with 7 other priests concelebrating including Superintendent<br />
Fr. James Meysenburg, Msgr. James Dawson, Fr.<br />
Joseph Bernardo, Fr. Nicholas Kipper, Fr. Leo Seiker, Fr. Lee<br />
Jirovsky, and Fr. Leo Kosch. Family members whose deceased<br />
loved ones are members of the <strong>Pius</strong> family, and also individuals<br />
who have established an endowed scholarship or endowed<br />
fund at <strong>Pius</strong> X in memory of their family members, were special<br />
guests in attendance.<br />
Before Mass, there was a slide show presentation listing the<br />
names, class year, and date of death of each of the deceased <strong>Pius</strong><br />
X students or alumna/alumnus. At the end of Mass there was another<br />
slideshow listing prayer intentions for deceased friends and<br />
family of the <strong>Pius</strong> X student body and staff. Following Mass,<br />
guests were invited to a breakfast and social reception in the<br />
Commons area.<br />
O Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light<br />
shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through<br />
the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.<br />
Keith & Dianne Beringer attend the reception with their grandchildren,<br />
Morgan Birkel (senior), Alexa Birkel (sophomore), and<br />
Zach Birkel (senior). They are the children of Paul & Michelle<br />
Birkel of St. Peter’s parish.<br />
Left to right: Jack Wunderlich, Leona Brown, Mary Ann Coulter,<br />
Sister Veronica Volkmer, and Mary Dodd.<br />
28 Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 2010
2010 Honor Reunions<br />
The summer of 2010 was a summer of many fun filled reunions! The only<br />
honor class that did not have a reunion this year was the class of 1995.<br />
Alumni News<br />
The Class of 1970 celebrated their 40th class reunion the<br />
weekend of August 13th by having an informal gathering at Dino’s<br />
on Friday night and on Saturday they had a full day of golf,<br />
school tour and Mass with Monsignor Dawson, and dinner at the<br />
Knolls Country Club.<br />
Members of the St. Teresa's Class of 1960; in which several classmates<br />
went on to <strong>Pius</strong> X and graduated in 1963 had a reunion here<br />
in Lincoln over Memorial Day weekend. This was organized by<br />
John Strope ’63.<br />
The Class of 1960 celebrated their 50th class reunion the weekend<br />
of September 17, 2010, by starting off at the 2010 Alumni and<br />
Friends of <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Home</strong>coming Tailgate Party and watching the<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X football game! They had Mass with Monsignor Dawson<br />
on Saturday and dinner at the Knolls Country Club.<br />
Class of 1960 - Front Row (left to right): Marie (Phelan) Powell,<br />
Lucy (Stich) Speth, Donna (Kersey) Bailey, Edith (Kozial Isaacson,<br />
John Lahiff, Joan (Riley) Frederick, Dick Aksamit, Kathleen<br />
(Donahue) Lubien, Marcia (Stainbrook) Carkoski, Shirley (Skoglund)<br />
Regelean, Cherie (Brown) Cowan, Mary Ellen(O’Brien)<br />
Maacoy, Virginia (Aandahl) Vinton, Mary Ellen (Maher) Peebles,<br />
Liz (Dodge) Corfield, Barbara (Hauschild) Runyan, and Donna<br />
(Noha) Champoux; Back Row (left to right): Doug Webber, Jim<br />
Harrington, Mary Ann (Miller) Peterson, Perry Demma, Myron<br />
Carkoski, Joe Herrod, Gerald McVey, Steve Willet, Pat O’Brien,<br />
Ron Zimmer, Keith Stemper, Monsignor Vap, and Rich Vestecka.<br />
Not pictured Jim Gordon and Kate (Wixson) Tomlinson.<br />
1970 Class B Football Champs!! Members from the 1970<br />
Class B Football Champions came to the 2010 Alumni and Friends<br />
of <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>Home</strong>coming Tailgate party and <strong>Home</strong>coming Game<br />
against York. They were introduced at half time as well. Pictured<br />
are: Tom Rempe, John Glenn, Dennis Kipper, Mike Murphy, Dan<br />
Creal, Lynn Finney, Harry LeDuc, Mike Fox, Paul Aksamit, Bill<br />
Jarrett, Tom McLaughlin, Mike Paulson, Darrell Henggeler, and<br />
Richard Hedd.<br />
The Class of 1975 had a celebration of Life Party at the home<br />
of Molly Lien Vacha’s in Omaha the evening of June 26, 2010.<br />
The Class of 1965 celebrated their 45th reunion September 19,<br />
2010, and Monday, September 20, 2010, in Las Vegas, Nevada.<br />
Class of 1975 - Left to Right: Peg (Alyward) Canino, Will<br />
Hanlon, Sherrie Brushnahan Chris Studnicka, Molly (Lien ) Vacha,<br />
Kelly McGovern, Susan (Cantwell) Wisniewski, Julie (Zitek)<br />
Wismer, Renee (Lyons) Stephenson, Chris (Vestecka) Taylor,<br />
Chris (Creal) Nordstrom, Tim Trumble, Deb (Lawson) Burner,<br />
Barb (Soukup) Laughlin, and Diane (McCrory) Hiller.<br />
Class of 1965 - Left to Right: Mary Margaret Brady Tilton,<br />
Dixie Breitfelder Johnson, Michelle Bailey Peny, Peggy Miller<br />
Grimm, Tom Creal, Lyne O’Keefe Jack, Mary Macaluso Stewart,<br />
Mary Barton Mayes, Ann Zadina Hines, and Maureen Murphy.<br />
The Class of 1980 celebrated their 30th class reunion with a<br />
fun get together Friday July 17, 2010, at the Red 9.<br />
Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 29
Alumni News<br />
The Class of 1985 celebrated their 25th class reunion the<br />
weekend of June 25th with an informal gathering at the Red 9, golf<br />
on Saturday with a school tour and Mass with Father Christensen<br />
with a more formal dinner at the Wilderness Lodge.<br />
The Class of 2000 celebrated their 10 year reunion the weekend<br />
of June 25th as well. They met up at the Grata on Friday evening<br />
and on Saturday they had a family picnic, golf, gathering at the<br />
Red 9 and on Sunday a school tour and Mass with Fr. Dunavan.<br />
Class of 1985 - Left to Right: Steve Carlson, Toni Gagner-<br />
Boardman, Teri Clapper, Anne Daddario LaBella, Dianna Lierz,<br />
Joe Wolsleger, Dale Vagts, Sarah Tappan, Mary McGinn, Scott<br />
Juranek, Cara Marie Matthes, Kurt Matthes, Anne Donlan Andrew,<br />
Stacy Jo Lempka, Barb Royal, Cindy Keating Fritton, Derek<br />
Schmid, Liane Carkoski, Janeen Close, Chris Becker, Traci Fisher,<br />
John Rink, Anne-Marie Bixler-Funk, Jan Svododa, Chris Kreifels<br />
Arndt, and Liz Koester-Young.<br />
It looks like all the classes had a great time reconnecting with their<br />
high school friends and taking a stroll down memory lane. For<br />
those classes that had a school tour, it was great fun to visit with<br />
you and share in some of your memories. Thank you so much for<br />
coming to your class reunion and seeing all the changes that have<br />
taken place at <strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>.<br />
The Class of 1990 also had their 20th reunion the weekend of<br />
June 25th with an informal gathering at Misty’s downtown, golf<br />
on Saturday morning, a family picnic at Roberts Park, a Mass with<br />
Fr. Borviak and school tour as well as dinner at Old Chicago!!<br />
2011<br />
Reunions<br />
Mark Your Calendars -<br />
It’s Reunion Time!<br />
If you would like to help organize a<br />
class reunion, please contact Kristin<br />
Heath in the Alumni Office at<br />
alumni@piusx.net or<br />
(402) 488-0931 ext. 10132.<br />
2011 Honor Years<br />
Class of 1990 - Left to right: Jenny (Sligar) Walker, Shannon<br />
(Wurtele) Lutgen, Ami (Spradling) Heffelfinger, Steph (Hier)<br />
Claycomb, Aimee (Sand) Nebel, Anne-Marie (Walker) Bausch,<br />
Kaela (Olson) Stamper; Middle Rows L to R: Nicole (Anderson)<br />
Paterson, Melissa (Miller) Brox, Sara (Davenport) Miller, Kathy<br />
(Havlovic) Summa, Liz (Stockmeyr) Gamble, Melissa (Andersen)<br />
Turek, Jason Green, Cathy (Langan) DeWeese, Julie (Childerston)<br />
Lutjeharms, Megan (Harper) Cowling, Lori (Dustin) Bryant, Nikki<br />
(Karels) Chacon, Katie (Walker) Allen, Hayley (Stanczyk) Mitchell,<br />
Brian Drewel; Back Row L to R: Matt Cashore, Doug Fiedler,<br />
Holly (Kavan) Groff, Anthony Messineo, Tim, Nebel, Colby Vogt,<br />
Troy Zornes, Jason Piccoli, Peter Heath, Greg Long, Greg Simon,<br />
Brian Coulter, Sean Neumayer, Jeff Powers, Larry Vrtiska, Bud<br />
Synhorst, Frank Pike and Dan Varner.<br />
1961 – 50 years 1986 – 25 years<br />
1966 – 45 years 1991 – 20 years<br />
1971 – 40 years 1996 – 15 years<br />
1976 – 35 years 2001 – 10 years<br />
1981 – 30 years<br />
For a complete list of events, please visit:<br />
http://alumni.piusx.net/reunionschedule.htm<br />
30 Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 2010
1960’s<br />
Lillian (Wheeler) Smith ’60 and<br />
her husband Jay of 48 years have 3<br />
grown children, 6 grandchildren and 2<br />
great grandchildren. They have lived<br />
in New Hampshire for the last 15<br />
years. Her two brothers Paul ’62 and<br />
Larry ’65 Wheeler also reside in NH.<br />
Anne (Hinterlong) Dow ’64 moved<br />
back to Naperville, IL, the fall after<br />
graduation. Anne worked in Chicago<br />
at the 1st National Bank of Chicago<br />
for about 2 years and then moved to<br />
Washington, DC, in 1966. She now<br />
lives in Falls Church, VA, a suburb of<br />
DC and commutes daily into the city.<br />
Anne has been involved in printing,<br />
publications, purchasing and production<br />
for the past 30+ years. She is<br />
currently working as a contractor for<br />
AARP in their Procurement & Contract<br />
Management department on the<br />
Print and Publications team. Anne<br />
married in March 1981 and lost her<br />
husband in August 1987. She has 3<br />
step children, 4 grandchildren and 1<br />
great grandson.<br />
1970’s<br />
Elizabeth“Liz” (Downing) Estler ’73<br />
received a Master of<br />
Arts in Ministry from<br />
St. John’s Seminary<br />
of the Archdiocese of<br />
Boston on May 26,<br />
2010. Cardinal Sean<br />
O’Malley, O.F.M.<br />
Cap., conferred the degree. Liz received<br />
her BS in Biology and Spanish<br />
from Nebraska Wesleyan University<br />
in Lincoln. A retired US Army<br />
Reserve officer; she commanded the<br />
174th MI Company, was published<br />
in “Military Intelligence” Magazine<br />
and was a regular columnist for the<br />
“News-Dispatch” newspaper of the<br />
US Army Material Command, Europe<br />
Headquarters. She has lived<br />
abroad in Germany, Panama and<br />
Costa Rica. As a parishioner of St.<br />
Joseph Parish, Medway, MA, she<br />
has served as sacristan, Extraordinary<br />
Minister of Holy Communion<br />
to the nursing home (and homebound),<br />
cantor and choir member,<br />
food pantry volunteer, religious education<br />
teacher, and lector at morning<br />
Mass and holds a Liturgy Certificate<br />
from the Boston Archdiocesan Institute<br />
for Ministry Program. Her<br />
Field Education experience was as a<br />
Chaplain Associate at the Framingham<br />
Union Hospital of MetroWest<br />
Medical Center. She is a former<br />
member of the Charles River/Millis<br />
Community Chorale and currently<br />
cares for her aging parents who live<br />
with her and her husband, Gary.<br />
Yvonne Ortega ’75 is an Emergency<br />
Physician, practicing 25 years now.<br />
Yvonne is unmarried. She graduated<br />
from the University of Notre Dame<br />
and attended Medical school at the<br />
University of Texas, Southwestern<br />
medical school in Dallas. She rowed<br />
crew in college, is still active in hiking,<br />
and traveling. Yvonne spends<br />
time working in international mission<br />
work with her church and she works<br />
as an international critical care transport<br />
physician.<br />
Elizabeth (Bolkovac) Mitton ’77<br />
(who now goes by Liz) and her husband<br />
John live in Sugar Land, Texas.<br />
Her son, Logan, is a sophomore in<br />
high school and her daughter, Maggie,<br />
works with her and John in their<br />
family advertising business, MittonMedia.<br />
Liz also is an active real<br />
estate investor buying foreclosed<br />
and distressed property to fix up and<br />
rent. She is interested in connecting<br />
with ‘77 classmates via Facebook.<br />
Rick Krause ’78 and his wife<br />
Christine reside in Colorado where<br />
he is a Director of Customer Relations<br />
for Great Lakes Airlines. They<br />
have six children; Erin (27), Chase<br />
(22), Keeton (17), Maria (5), Maggie<br />
(4), and Christopher (1).<br />
1980’s<br />
Peggy (O’Brien) Smith ’87 and<br />
her husband Barry reside in Lincoln,<br />
where Peggy has lived her whole<br />
life! They have two children; a boy<br />
and a girl. Peggy was a golf professional<br />
for many years and then<br />
became a mother and is hoping to<br />
get back into the golf world soon.<br />
She plans on spending her summer<br />
watching their kids play sports and<br />
hopefully have some time to golf<br />
as well. Someday she would love<br />
to vacation in Jamaica for 5 months<br />
every year-- that would be a dream<br />
come true!! Peggy hasn’t been back<br />
to <strong>Pius</strong> X since 1987 and would like<br />
to make a visit soon!<br />
1990’s<br />
Jennifer (Weverka) Davison ’93<br />
resides in Syracuse, NE, where she<br />
is a Practice Manager at a Dermatology<br />
office as well as an EMT.<br />
John Shandera ’98 resides in Kearney,<br />
NE, where he is a Certified Registered<br />
Nurse Anesthetist – CRNA.<br />
2000’s<br />
Nichele (Rhen) Way ’01 and her<br />
husband, Warren, reside in Lincoln<br />
with their children Jasper Ryan, 8,<br />
and Travis Quentin, 3. Nichele is a<br />
Pharmacy Technician for the Department<br />
of Corrections and plays<br />
Roller Derby. Warren works for<br />
Paramount Linen Service and their<br />
son, Jasper, is in Cub Scouts.<br />
Sarah (Seib) Beaudoin ’02 along<br />
with her husband, Dan, and son, Peter,<br />
are being deployed to Turkey for<br />
two years. Dan is a graduate of the<br />
Air Force Academy and Gross <strong>High</strong><br />
<strong>School</strong> and is a 1st Lieutenant at Offutt<br />
Air Force Base. The Air Force<br />
Base in Turkey is called Incirlik and<br />
it is located on the Mediterranean<br />
near the city of Ankara.<br />
Zach Buckley ’03 is now a “featured<br />
columnist” on bleacherreports.<br />
com. It’s a cool website and is linked<br />
on several other sites, including the<br />
SF Chronicle’s webpage (SFgate.<br />
com). His latest column was “tweeted”<br />
on nine Twitter feeds, including<br />
“BeautifulLatvia”, (the column was<br />
about a Golden State Warrior from<br />
Latvia).<br />
Adam Hilkemann ’03 received<br />
his Juris Doctor degree<br />
from Washington<br />
University <strong>School</strong><br />
of Law.<br />
Justin Sears ’05 graduated from<br />
WyoTech in Laramie, Wyoming, in<br />
June 2006 and he married Tiphanie<br />
Nottage on April 21, 2007. The<br />
couple now reside in Lincoln where<br />
Justin is an Automotive Technician<br />
at Lexus of Lincoln.<br />
Grant Schmailzl ’05 graduated<br />
from the University of Nebraska-<br />
Lincoln in December 2009, with a<br />
Bachelors degree in Construction<br />
Management. Grant currently works<br />
for Interstates Construction Services<br />
as a Project Coordinator.<br />
Laura Cassel ‘06 and James<br />
Lange ‘06, both ran<br />
the Boston Marathon<br />
this year. Laura goes<br />
to Notre Dame and<br />
James goes to Boston<br />
College and they<br />
both graduated in May. They’ve<br />
maintained their friendship over<br />
these last four years and ran together<br />
(for a while) in the Marathon.<br />
Alumni News<br />
Laura Cassel ’06 has been accepted<br />
into the ACE (Alliance for<br />
Catholic Education) program at the<br />
University Of Notre Dame. ACE is<br />
a two-year service program offering<br />
college graduates the opportunity to<br />
serve as full-time teachers in underresourced<br />
Catholic schools across<br />
the southern United States. Because<br />
Notre Dame believes that good<br />
teachers need excellent formation,<br />
ACE prepares its teachers in an innovative<br />
Master of Education program<br />
at Notre Dame. ACE teachers represent<br />
a broad variety of undergraduate<br />
disciplines, with a diverse set of<br />
backgrounds and experiences. While<br />
teaching, participants live in small<br />
communities of 4-7 members and<br />
together share the many challenges<br />
and rewards of beginning teaching.<br />
ACE participants are encouraged to<br />
develop their own personal spirituality<br />
in the context of community, and<br />
to share with one another the journey<br />
of becoming committed Catholic<br />
school teachers. Laura is teaching<br />
middle school language arts at Guadalupe<br />
Regional Middle <strong>School</strong> in<br />
Brownsville, TX, and is completing<br />
her Master’s Degree at the University<br />
of Notre Dame.<br />
Kellie Hilkemann ’06 received her<br />
Bachelor of Science<br />
degree in Design and<br />
Merchandising from<br />
Drexel University.<br />
James Lange ’06 found out that<br />
he is a Fulbright Scholar. James<br />
graduated in May from Boston College;<br />
#1 in his class! He will be in<br />
Spain this year teaching English in<br />
a Spanish high school and setting up<br />
an entrepreneurial program for high<br />
school seniors – similar to Junior<br />
Achievement. In ’06 he was awarded<br />
a Junior Achievement/Disney full<br />
tuition scholarship to college, so this<br />
just kind of completes the circle.<br />
Amanda Theis ’06 graduated<br />
May 23, 2010, with a<br />
Bachelor of Arts degree<br />
in Spanish with<br />
minors in Management<br />
and Leadership<br />
from the University<br />
of San Diego.<br />
Ben Kotopka ’09 is currently attending<br />
Princeton University and is<br />
majoring in molecular biology. He<br />
was recently recognized as one of the<br />
top students in his Princeton class of<br />
1200 with the Shapiro Award, which<br />
Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 31
Alumni News<br />
2000’s continued...<br />
recognizes academic excellence in<br />
difficult course studies.<br />
Meghan Moser ’10 is currently attending<br />
the University of Nebraska-<br />
Lincoln. In November 2010, she<br />
won $100 in the First Annual Calaveras<br />
contest at UNL in the college<br />
division. Contestants wrote a fake<br />
obituary in Spanish with an English<br />
translation about a living celebrity.<br />
Katie Miller ’02 married Adam<br />
Buss on April 18, 2009. The couple<br />
reside in Illinois.<br />
Sarah Bowhay ’98 and Mark Digman<br />
were married on<br />
August 8, 2009, at<br />
Saint Joseph’s Church<br />
in Door County, Wisconsin.<br />
Sarah graduated<br />
from UNMC<br />
College of Nursing<br />
and was a member of Chi Omega sorority<br />
and Mark graduated from UNL<br />
with a degree in Business Management.<br />
The couple currently reside in<br />
Madison, Wisconsin and will soon be<br />
moving to Chicago.<br />
Brian Swim ’00 and Rachel Dickey<br />
were married April 24,<br />
2010, at St. Margaret<br />
Mary Parish in Omaha.<br />
Rachel graduated<br />
from the University<br />
of Nebraska-Lincoln<br />
with a Bachelor of Science<br />
degree in Psychology and was<br />
a member of Gamma Phi Beta Sorority.<br />
In May, she graduated from<br />
the College of Medicine at the University<br />
of Nebraska Medical Center<br />
and will begin OB/GYN residency<br />
this summer. Brian graduated from<br />
the University of Nebraska-Lincoln<br />
with a Bachelor of Science degree in<br />
Business Administration and is employed<br />
by CLS Investments, LLC.<br />
The couple honeymooned in Playa<br />
del Carmen, Mexico, and will make<br />
their home in Kansas City, MO.<br />
Sarah Gibbs’04 married Brian<br />
Birkby on April 24,<br />
2010. Brian and Sarah<br />
reside in Ravenna, NE,<br />
and Sarah currently<br />
works in Kearney. She<br />
graduated in December<br />
2008 with a Social<br />
Work degree.<br />
Michaela Policky ’99 and Kevin Fay<br />
were married on July<br />
3, 2010, at St. Thomas<br />
Aquinas Newman<br />
Center with a reception<br />
following at the<br />
Lincoln Station.<br />
Brenda Fiala ’00 and Brian Wandzilak<br />
were married on<br />
July 3, 2010, at St. Joseph’s<br />
Catholic Church<br />
in Lincoln, NE.<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Janelle (Cunningham) Erickson<br />
‘95 and her husband Joe welcomed<br />
a baby girl, Leah Cerise, on January<br />
8, 2010. She joins sister, Emily, and<br />
brothers, James and Joshua.<br />
Annie (Bartlett) Vincent ’97 and<br />
her husband, Matt, welcomed their<br />
new son; Myles James Vincent on<br />
November 18, 2009.<br />
Lisa (Carlson) Vrana ’96 and her<br />
husband, Jeremy, welcomed their<br />
new baby boy, Philip Xavier, on<br />
March 17, 2010. He joins his siblings;<br />
Samuel, 7, Thomas, 5, and<br />
Julia, 2.<br />
Jilliane (Walsh) Allemann ’99<br />
and her husband Ryan welcomed<br />
their new little addition to their family<br />
on March 25, 2010. Their baby<br />
daughter, Marie Betty, joins her very<br />
proud big brothers; Evan (5) and Lucas<br />
(2). The Allemann family lives<br />
on a farm outside Wayne, NE.<br />
Jennifer (Slattery) Dillsio ’01<br />
has been married<br />
for 2 years to Matt<br />
and currently lives<br />
in Stow, OH. They<br />
welcomed their twin boys; Seth Alan<br />
and James Terry on April 30, 2010.<br />
Jennifer is a CPA, but currently stays<br />
at home to take care of their sons.<br />
Matt is an Orthopedic Surgery Resident<br />
in Akron.<br />
Kelli (Kodad) Dodd ’92 and her<br />
husband, Stephen, welcomed their<br />
5th child, Logan Edwin,<br />
on August 17, 2009. He<br />
weighed 8 pounds 6<br />
ounces, and was 21½<br />
inches long. He joins<br />
his big sister Ashlynn.<br />
9, and big brothers Kyle, 7, Jadyn, 5,<br />
and Owen, 3.<br />
Benedict Hagedorn ’00 and his<br />
wife, Jessica, welcomed<br />
a boy, John<br />
Leo, on April 1, 2010.<br />
He joins his big sister,<br />
Josiah Anne, who<br />
was born on Sept. 8,<br />
2008. Ben graduated<br />
from Peru State with a BA in Computer<br />
Science and a minor in Math.<br />
He has worked for Fiserv since June<br />
7, 2004, and he married his wife,<br />
Jessica Kowal, on April 28, 2007.<br />
Julie (Dolezal) Jordan ‘01 and her<br />
husband, Michael,<br />
added twin boys to<br />
their family. Caleb<br />
& Joshua were born<br />
April 26, 2010, and are joined by<br />
their siblings, Tobias age 4 and Regina<br />
age 2.<br />
Kelly (Kipper) ’00 and K.T. Schultze<br />
’00 welcomed their son, Kenneth<br />
“Carson” Schultze, on April 29,<br />
2010. Carson weighed in at 8 pounds<br />
and 7 ounces.<br />
Brian Coulter ’90 and his wife,<br />
Carla, welcomed their<br />
new baby boy, Benjamin<br />
James, on May 27,<br />
2010. He weighed in at<br />
6 lbs and 7 oz and was 19 ½ inches<br />
long.<br />
Adam Raun ’01 and his wife,<br />
Dawn, welcomed their new baby<br />
boy; Nathan Francis, on May 6,<br />
2010. He weighed in at 7 lbs and 14<br />
oz and was 20 inches long.<br />
Andrea (Van Etten) McClymont<br />
’05 and her husband, Jon, welcomed<br />
their new baby girl, Chloe Anne, on<br />
May 11, 2010, at 12:53 p.m. She<br />
weighed in at 7 lbs and 7 oz and<br />
was 18.5 inches long. Andrea has<br />
received her B.S. degree in Meteorology/Climatology<br />
and is currently<br />
an Admissions Officer at Strayer<br />
University. The family resides in<br />
Columbus, OH.<br />
Julie (Reinsch) Ehlers ‘01 and her<br />
husband, Derek, welcomed their<br />
new baby girl, Violet Olivia, on June<br />
1, 2010.<br />
Anne (Maguire) Reiser ’99 and<br />
her husband, Ben,<br />
welcomed their first<br />
child, Elizabeth Josephine,<br />
who was born<br />
on June 8, 2010.<br />
Anna (Schrad) Zajicek ’00 and<br />
her husband, Ben, welcomed their<br />
first child, Madison Rae, on June 11,<br />
2010. Anna and Ben have been married<br />
for 5 years. Anna is currently in<br />
her Radiology Residency at the University<br />
of Nebraska Medical Center<br />
and Ben works for Laerdal, a medical<br />
sales corporation.<br />
Jessica (Becker) Allington ’02<br />
and her husband, Ryan,<br />
welcomed their first<br />
child, a boy, Ryker Michael<br />
Allington, who<br />
was born June 17, 2010,<br />
and weighed in at 9lbs 12oz. He was<br />
born on mom and dad’s 4 year wedding<br />
anniversary!<br />
Amy (Vandewalle) Niewald ’95<br />
and her husband,<br />
Luke, welcomed<br />
Gemma LaSalette<br />
into the world on<br />
June 20th, 2010. She<br />
joins her siblings<br />
Benedict (7), Sebastian (6), Scholastica<br />
(4), Athanasius (3), Magnus (2).<br />
Bruce Bode ’86 and his wife, Ann,<br />
welcomed their new baby, Gabrielle,<br />
on June 22, 2010. Gabrielle joins<br />
siblings Cameron (51/2) and Madeline<br />
(3). Bruce is a Glazier for Lincoln<br />
Glass and has been with them<br />
for the last 15 years. Ann works at<br />
St. Elizabeth’s Hospital as the Radiology<br />
Coordinator.<br />
Kelli (Hraban) Stromsberg ’03<br />
and her husband, Ben, welcomed<br />
their 1st child, a boy, Cooper William,<br />
on July 6, 2010.<br />
Susan (Kapler) ‘98 and Jeremy<br />
Ekeler ‘97 welcomed their daughter,<br />
Marion Reece,<br />
on September 30,<br />
2010. She weighed<br />
9lbs 3oz and was<br />
21.5 inches long. She<br />
joins her big sister,<br />
Charlotte “Charley”, who was born on<br />
June 23, 2009.<br />
Monsignor Leonard Kalin passed<br />
away June 9, 2008. He served as parish<br />
priest at Blessed Sacrament and<br />
taught at <strong>Pius</strong> X in the ‘60s. He was<br />
assigned to the Newman Center in<br />
1970; serving as the pastor of St.<br />
Thomas Aquinas, director of the<br />
Newman Center, and Diocesan Director<br />
of Vocations for more than<br />
twenty years. During that time, he<br />
also assisted Bishop Glennon Flavin<br />
in establishing the order of the<br />
<strong>School</strong> Sisters of Christ the King and<br />
guided many men to the priesthood.<br />
Paula Noonan, 96, passed away<br />
on April 5, 2010. She is survived<br />
by children, Darlene Sievers, Jim<br />
32 Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 2010
(Marilyn) Noonan, Doreen Miller<br />
’50 of Cathedral high <strong>School</strong>, Vivian<br />
Walters ‘59, 14 grandchildren<br />
including Kelly Noonan ‘78, 29<br />
great grandchildren, and 14 great<br />
great grandchildren. She was preceded<br />
in death by husband, Mike,<br />
and son, Gene ’55 of Cathedral<br />
<strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>.<br />
Margaret Rezac, 91, passed away<br />
on April 28, 2010. She is survived by<br />
her sons & daughter-in-laws, Gene<br />
Rezac, Phil and Judy Rezac, Dave<br />
and Barb Rezac; daughters & sonin-laws,<br />
Kathy and Ted Kastl, Karen<br />
and Lyle Dvorak; twelve grandchildren<br />
including the following <strong>Pius</strong><br />
X graduates: Ted Kastl ’96, Paul<br />
Kastl ’98 and Jaymes Kastl ‘05;<br />
and five great grandchildren.<br />
Eduardo Prendes, 63, passed away<br />
on April 30, 2010. He is survived<br />
by his mother, Olga; son, Michael<br />
(Gail); partner Lori Scharf; grandchildren,<br />
Marissa and Austin; brothers,<br />
Carlos ’69 (Pat ‘69), Jorge<br />
(Diane), Javy, and Mickey (Kelly);<br />
sisters, Maria Elena Albo Prendes<br />
‘65 and Maria “Luly” ’71 (Jim)<br />
Prendes-Lintel; Preceded in death<br />
by his brother Jose-Luis Prendes<br />
’62 and his father Jose Prendes.<br />
Bryan David Hetrick, 48, passed<br />
away on May 7, 2010. He is survived<br />
by his wife; Lori (Treu) ’82,<br />
his three children; Nate, Emma and<br />
Cole; Bryan’s parents, Dave and<br />
Bonnie Hetrick; siblings, Bruce<br />
Hetrick (Cheri O’Neill), Karl Hetrick<br />
(Shannon) and Josette Hetrick;<br />
mother-in-law, Betty Treu; brothersin-law,<br />
Adam Treu ’92 (Tracy) and<br />
Mark Treu ’77 (Chris).<br />
Michael Anthony “Mick” Houlihan,<br />
54, passed away on May 11,<br />
2010. He is survived by his mother;<br />
Mary Jo Houlihan; brothers, sistersin-law,<br />
Thomas ’70 (Nancy), Mark<br />
’72 (Terri), Timothy ‘73, Shawn;<br />
sisters and brothers-in-law, Barbara<br />
(Rick) Palmer, Colleen (John)<br />
Sweeney, Monica (Robert) Cramm,<br />
Mary Pat Bloom ‘71, Mary Beth<br />
Kirchman; and the following nieces<br />
and nephews who have graduated or<br />
are currently attending <strong>Pius</strong> X; Erin<br />
Houlihan ’04, Meagan Houlihan<br />
’06 and Jake Houlihan ’11.<br />
Arthur Broberg, 89, passed away<br />
on May 13, 2010. He is survived by<br />
two sons; John Broberg and David<br />
Broberg; three daughters, Susan<br />
Phipps ‘62, Peggy Johnson ‘66,<br />
and Jean Broberg; 10 grandchildren<br />
including the following <strong>Pius</strong> X graduates;<br />
Richard Johnson ’89, Mark<br />
Johnson ’93 and Michael Johnson<br />
’00; and 8 great grandchildren.<br />
Martha Jane (Malone) Touwsma<br />
’39 of Cathedral <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> passed<br />
away on May 19, 2010, in New York<br />
at the age of 88. She is survived by<br />
a son and daughter-in-law, John and<br />
Catherine Touwsma and a daughter<br />
and son-in-law, Nancy and Randall<br />
Sigmund; as well as four grandchildren;<br />
Clarice and Dorine Touwsma<br />
and Randy and Christopher Sigmund.<br />
Richard D. “Sarge” Davis, 79,<br />
passed away on May 20, 2010. He is<br />
survived by his wife Joann; his children<br />
and spouses, Cynthia Davis<br />
‘72, Jeffery Davis ‘73, William<br />
Davis ‘76, Robert ’77 and Lisa<br />
Davis, Thomas ’80 and Debra Davis,<br />
James Davis ‘83, Joseph ’91<br />
and Jennifer ’91 Davis; grandchildren<br />
and spouse, Jennifer and Jason,<br />
Savannah, Daniel, Ashley, Madison<br />
‘12, Annie, Celia, Fischer, Charlie,<br />
Kemper; great grandchildren, Grover,<br />
Zayden, Zoe. He is preceded in<br />
death by daughter, Beth Davis ’88.<br />
Mary Carson, 90, passed away on<br />
May 22, 2010. Mary is survived by<br />
daughters, Mary McCandless and<br />
Adena Carson; daughter-in-law, Diane<br />
Carson; sons, William Carson<br />
and his wife Susan, Terrence Carson<br />
and his wife Jo, Thomas Carson and<br />
his wife Dee, Roy Carson and his<br />
wife Sheree; and by grandchildren,<br />
Pam Carson, Matthew Carson, Derek<br />
Carson ‘03, Amanda Carson<br />
‘05, Michael Carson ‘07, Michelle<br />
Carson ‘07, Kerry Carson<br />
and his wife Jenny, and Kian Carson;<br />
step grandchildren Chris Allen and<br />
Jenny Allen. She is also survived by<br />
great grandchildren, Conner Carson<br />
and Braeleigh Carson.<br />
Delores, 73 and Kenneth, 75<br />
Nagengast, both passed away on<br />
May 25, 2010. They are survived<br />
by their two sons; Mike and Mark<br />
’75; six grandchildren and ten greatgrandchildren.<br />
Roy Loudon, 85, passed away on<br />
June 11, 2010. He is survived by his<br />
children: Catherine ‘65 (Jack) Williams;<br />
Michael ’68 (Patricia) Loudon;<br />
John ’70 (Diane ‘70) Loudon;<br />
Timothy’71 (Stephanie ‘71) Loudon;<br />
Joseph ’74 (Michelle) Loudon;<br />
Lee ‘80 (Sue ‘82) Loudon; 18<br />
grandchildren including the following<br />
who have attended <strong>Pius</strong>; Michael<br />
Manning ’03 and Jamie Manning<br />
’11; 12 great grandchildren.<br />
Robert Doulas, 66, passed away<br />
on June 12, 2010. He is survived by<br />
his wife, Janet (Ineck) Doulas’69;<br />
sons, Anthony Doulas, Nicholas<br />
Doulas; daughters, Annette Penn,<br />
Crystal Doulas, Rhonda Roy; sister,<br />
Karen Smith; three grandchildren;<br />
and two nieces.<br />
Gloria Dolan, 68, passed away on<br />
June 21, 2010. She is survived by<br />
her husband Thomas; her children:<br />
Terry ‘84 (Nikki), Donna ’88<br />
(Ryan) Cure, Tom ‘92, Dan, Tim<br />
‘87 (Stephanie); 10 grandchildren;<br />
and her sisters, brothers; nieces &<br />
nephews.<br />
Helen Sawdon ’39 of Cathedral<br />
<strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>, passed away on June<br />
23, 2010, at the age<br />
of 88. She is survived<br />
by her daughter,<br />
Nancy Vogt ‘62 and<br />
husband, Frank; sons,<br />
Bob Sawdon and<br />
Mike Sawdon and<br />
wife, Paula; daughter, Mary Pat<br />
Brady ’83; grandchildren, Christina<br />
Brady, Scott Brady, Callie Hartz<br />
‘87, Colby Vogt ‘90, Michael<br />
Sawdon and Matthew Sawdon; and<br />
great-grandchildren, Chandler Hartz<br />
and Delaney Hartz.<br />
Grace Smith, 99, passed away on<br />
June 29, 2010. She is survived by<br />
her daughter Julie Ann (Smith)<br />
Bowan ’67 and her husband Bob;<br />
grandchildren, Blair and Jonathan<br />
Bowen; nieces, Maureen Phillips,<br />
Cindy Engers, Terri Arnold, Mary<br />
Phillips; the Donlan cousins.<br />
Lillian Bernadette Cech, 6 weeks<br />
old, passed away on July 2, 2010.<br />
She is survived by her parents; Tony<br />
and Ann ’95 (Strizek) Cech;<br />
Grandmother: Sharon Cech; Aunts<br />
and uncles: Linda ’82 and Mike<br />
McQuiston, Greg ’86 and Deb<br />
Strizek, Nancy ’84 and Dave Allder,<br />
Pat ’92 and Tricia Strizek; Dave and<br />
Rachel Cech, Matt Cech and Debbi<br />
Schwindt, Cousins: Laura and Ben<br />
McQuiston, Alexandra Strizek, Dale<br />
‘13 and Scott Allder, Noah, Kendall<br />
and Gavin Strizek, Caroline and Olivia<br />
Cech; and extended family and<br />
friends.<br />
Dennis Mares, 74, passed away<br />
on July 3, 2010. He is survived by<br />
his wife, Rose Marie (Berniklau)<br />
‘58; sons, Daniel, and Donald; Grandchildren,<br />
Courtney and Andrew; sisters<br />
Marjorie (Bernie) Grossman and<br />
Betty (John) Sedlak; brothers-in-law<br />
& sisters-in-law, Vlad & Mary Margaret<br />
Berniklau, George Berniklau,<br />
and Ann Berniklau; nieces, nephews,<br />
cousins, and a host of friends.<br />
John Shipferling, 90, passed away<br />
on July 4, 2010. He is survived by his<br />
wife, Norma; children, Scott Shipferling<br />
’65 and wife Mary, Sydney<br />
Shipferling and David Shipferling<br />
and wife Lori; grandsons, Neil and<br />
Alumni News<br />
Brant Shipferling; and many nieces<br />
and nephews.<br />
Alta Rigg, 100, passed away on<br />
July 7, 2010. She is survived by her<br />
daughter, Mary (Rigg) Holderness<br />
‘57; as well as by two grandsons,<br />
one granddaughter, and one great<br />
granddaughter. She is preceded in<br />
death by her husband, John J. Rigg,<br />
as well as her two sons, John Edward<br />
Rigg and Cliff Rigg, who just passed<br />
away on June 18, 2010.<br />
William Zarnick, 55, passed away<br />
on July 9, 2010. He is survived by<br />
his wife, Kim; son, Chris ’97 and<br />
daughter-in-law, Jerilyn; son, Jon<br />
‘01 and daughter-in-law, Sarah;<br />
grandson, Evan; mother, Bernie<br />
Zarnick; sister and brother-in-law,<br />
Sandy and Marty Rogers; mother<br />
in-law and father in-law, Bonnie<br />
and Dale Bridges; sister-in-law and<br />
brother-in-law, Karen and Rick Zahora;<br />
nieces and nephew.<br />
Corrine (Williams) Erickson,<br />
’55, Cathedral <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>; passed<br />
away on July 10, 2010, at the age of<br />
72. She is survived by her husband<br />
Gary; two sons, Gary Todd Erickson<br />
(Janice); Bryan Lee Erickson (Jill);<br />
and a daughter, Cathleen Simmerman<br />
(Kevin); her grandchildren;<br />
Ryan and Grace, Brianna and Morgan;<br />
Erin and Jaxson; and a brother,<br />
Earl E. Williams ’52 (Jean Ann).<br />
Constance Pappas, 59, passed<br />
away on July 13, 2010. She is survived<br />
by her mother Mary Pappas;<br />
brothers, Daniel Pappas (Anne<br />
Fouts ‘67), John Scott Pappas<br />
’82 (Lynn Soudelier); sisters, Nancy<br />
Pappas (Brian Olson), Sarah Pappas<br />
(Jeffrey McCabe), Dr. Stacia Pappas<br />
(Dr. L. Clifton Stephens); eight<br />
nieces: Allison Pappas (W. Grier<br />
Martin, II), Emily Pappas (Edmund<br />
Burke, III), Elizabeth Pappas and fiance<br />
(Dr. Clay Pendleton), Rebecca<br />
Pappas, Alexis Kramer, Natalie Stephens,<br />
Darby Pappas and Riley Pappas;<br />
three nephews: Julian Kramer,<br />
William Stephens, and Jack Pappas.<br />
Mary (McCoy) Ehrhardt ‘61,<br />
passed away on July<br />
15, 2010. She is survived<br />
by her sons,<br />
Michael (Cathy)<br />
Ehrhardt and Steven<br />
(Beth) Ehrhardt<br />
three sisters, Linda (Brad) Anderson;<br />
Brenda DeLancey and Allison<br />
Peters; two brothers, Larry McCoy<br />
and Daniel McCoy. Mary also had<br />
five grandchildren, Elizabeth and<br />
Rebekah Ehrhardt, Emma and Aidan<br />
Ehrhardt and Seth Penn.<br />
Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 33
Alumni News<br />
Joseph Cuva, 80, passed away on<br />
July 15, 2010. He is survived by his<br />
wife Denise; daughters, Roseann<br />
(Phil) Perry, Kathy Jo Cuva ‘73,<br />
Beth (Scott ‘76) Krause; grandchildren,<br />
Patrick Calkins, Michael<br />
and Kally Duling, Matthew Strasburger;<br />
step-grandchildren, Alex<br />
Perry, Nick (Stacey) Perry, Jesse<br />
’99 (Brittney) Krause, Jori Krause<br />
‘01, Sam ’06 (Molly) Krause, Eli<br />
Krause ‘07, Anna Krause; brother,<br />
Angelo (Amanda) Cuva; sister, Louise<br />
Droescher; numerous nieces and<br />
nephews.<br />
Mary Elizabeth (Weiler) Hale<br />
’68 passed away on<br />
July 16, 2010. She<br />
is survived by her<br />
husband, Sammy;<br />
her sister, Martha<br />
‘64 (Clint) Shinkle;<br />
cousins, Dan (Emily)<br />
Gatto and Jackie (Jerry) McCool,<br />
Dee (Warren) Rogers, Joe (Mary)<br />
Gatto; her adopted daughters, Shelley<br />
Hale and Chris Wilson; her<br />
grandson, Hunter; nieces and nephews:<br />
Christina (John), Eric (Uschi),<br />
Neil (Allison) and Cara; great-nephews,<br />
Ashland and Sam; great-niece<br />
Ava; and many foster kids.<br />
Robert Cane, 64 passed away on<br />
July 19, 2010. He is survived by his<br />
wife, Kathleen; son, Nathan Cane;<br />
daughter, Christina Cane; father,<br />
Robert W. Cane; brother, Joseph<br />
Cane; sisters, Katherine Morgan<br />
‘67, and Pamela Bean ’69.<br />
Ray Svoboda, 83, passed away on<br />
July 20, 2010. He is<br />
survived by his wife<br />
Mabel (Nemecek)<br />
a 1950 graduate<br />
of Cathedral <strong>High</strong><br />
<strong>School</strong>; sons, Kenneth<br />
R. Svoboda<br />
and wife Pam, Mark A. Svoboda and<br />
wife Linda, Ronald J. Svoboda and<br />
fiance Kathy and Larry J. Svoboda<br />
and wife Janet; ten grandchildren;<br />
18 great grandchildren and many<br />
nieces and nephews.<br />
Agnes Bala, 94, passed away on<br />
July 28, 2010. She is survived by her<br />
son, Alan ’78 and wife Toni; son,<br />
Eric and wife Patty; three granddaughters,<br />
Erin, Madison and Kristin.<br />
Ronald LeDuc, 93, passed away<br />
on July 29, 2010. He is survived<br />
by his wife, LaVeta (Hanson)<br />
LeDuc; Children & Spouses: Ann<br />
’69 and Roger Severin; Paula<br />
’73 and Mike Barry; Harry ’71<br />
and Denice LeDuc; John ’75 and<br />
Penny LeDuc; Joe ’79 and Margaret<br />
‘78 LeDuc; 15 Grandchildren<br />
including the following <strong>Pius</strong><br />
X graduates; Mikaela ’99 (Gabe<br />
’99) Kidwell, Anne Barry ’02,<br />
Gene LeDuc ’04, Beth LeDuc<br />
’07, Sara LeDuc ’07, and Mary<br />
LeDuc ’10; and seven Great Grandchildren.<br />
Robert Cahill, 81, passed away on<br />
July 30, 2010. He is survived by his<br />
son Rob ‘89, daughter-in-law Debra,<br />
and grandaughter Sara Miller.<br />
Laura Lane ’49 of Cathedral <strong>High</strong><br />
<strong>School</strong> passed away on August 5,<br />
2010, at the age of 79. She is survived<br />
by her daughter, Kit Beam;<br />
sons, Kirk Lane, Ken Lane, son-inlaw,<br />
David Dermann; grandchildren,<br />
Tanna, Natalie, David, Ross, Jarod,<br />
Curtis; and great grandson, Shawn;<br />
sister, Dolores Young; brother, Don<br />
Buck ’51 and wife Joyce; sisterin-law,<br />
Betty; and many nieces and<br />
nephews.<br />
Daniel Walters, 59, passed away<br />
on August 17, 2010.<br />
He is survived by<br />
his wife, Janet Lynn<br />
Walters and his children,<br />
Lynn, John, and<br />
Benjamin ‘07; his<br />
mother Eleanor May<br />
Walters; his siblings and their spouses<br />
and nieces and nephews.<br />
Eugene Joseph Thomas ’46 of<br />
Cathedral high <strong>School</strong> passed away<br />
on August 21, 2010. He is survived<br />
by his nieces, great niece and great<br />
nephew.<br />
Carolyn Maynard, 68, passed<br />
away on Sept. 1, 2010. She is survived<br />
by her husband, Sidney J.<br />
Maynard ‘59; son and daughter-inlaw,<br />
David ’86 and Janice Maynard;<br />
daughter and son-in-law, Christine<br />
A. ’89 and Dennis J. Larabee, daughter,<br />
Janelle R. Maynard ‘91; and<br />
her grandchildren, Jacob and Lucas<br />
Larabee.<br />
Elizabeth “Buffy” Sedlacek ‘57<br />
passed away on Sept.<br />
10, 2010. She is survived<br />
by husband<br />
Ronald; daughter and<br />
son-in-law, Jana ‘98<br />
and Joe Conroy; son,<br />
Jeff Sedlacek ‘01;<br />
daughter, Laura Sedlacek; granddaughter,<br />
Breanna Conroy; mother,<br />
Margaret P. Bailey; brother and<br />
sister-in-law, Henry R. and Arlene<br />
Bailey; sister, Margaret G. Bailey;<br />
mother-in-law, Wilmarth Sedlacek;<br />
brother-in-law and wife, Robert and<br />
Susan Sedlacek; niece, Lauren Bailey;<br />
nephew, Wyatt Sedlacek; and<br />
niece, Brooke Sedlacek.<br />
Rosalie Kriz, 95, passed away on<br />
Sept. 13, 2010. She is survived by<br />
her daughter, Marita Bigley ‘59;<br />
granddaughters and significant others,<br />
Cheryl ’78 and Scott Stara,<br />
Paula Wenzl ’81 and Robert Wells,<br />
Tracy Mara and Terry Smith and<br />
daughter, Dynella Philippi.<br />
John R Hanlon, 91, passed away<br />
on Sept. 15, 2010. He is survived by<br />
his wife, Kathleen; son and daughter-in-law,<br />
Will ’75 and Susan Hanlon;<br />
daughter and son-in-law, Susan<br />
’63 (Cleo) and Robert Liebl; daughter,<br />
Kathleen ’69 (Kitty) Hanlon;<br />
daughter, Terri Hanlon ‘72; daughters-in-law,<br />
Jackie Hanlon and Margi<br />
Hanlon; ten grandchildren and three<br />
great grandchildren. He was preceded<br />
in death by two brothers, George<br />
Alan and Thomas James; two sons,<br />
Richard Alan ’64 and John Robert<br />
(Skip), Jr.’69; and one great<br />
grandson, Caleb Anthony Hanlon.<br />
Kenneth Kramer, 61, passed away<br />
on September 16,<br />
2010. He is survived<br />
by his wife Pamela of<br />
40 years; children &<br />
spouses, Mindy ‘89<br />
and Todd Maricle,<br />
Jeff ’91 and Shannan<br />
Kramer, Justin<br />
Kramer and Lacey McGerr, Amy<br />
‘95 and Robert Poore, Jason Kramer,<br />
Josh Kramer ‘00, Joseph ’03 and<br />
Crystal Kramer; brothers & sistersin-law,<br />
Glenn and Connie Kramer,<br />
Hastings, Nebraska, Lee Kramer,<br />
Lincoln, Wes and Nancy Kramer,<br />
Wahoo, Nebraska; eight Grandchildren;<br />
Nieces; Nephews; Cousins.<br />
Bryan Melvin, 70, passed away<br />
on September 24,<br />
2010. He is survived<br />
by his wife Barbara;<br />
son Bryan; daughters<br />
& sons-in-law, Jana<br />
and Dennis Nutter,<br />
Lisa and Rich Teel,<br />
daughter, Anna Melvin ‘01; grandchildren,<br />
Josh Shotkoski, Carly and<br />
Shad Wobig, Katie Teel ‘06, Alexa<br />
Teel ‘09 and Garrett Teel ‘13;<br />
great grandson, Knox Wobig; father<br />
Charles Gagnon; mother-in-law Euverda<br />
Schroeder; sisters, Cheryl Leif<br />
and Janelle Breed, as well as many<br />
nieces, nephews & cousins.<br />
Bobbe Roberta Cusick, 83, passed<br />
away on September<br />
29, 2010. She is survived<br />
two daughters,<br />
Mary Wilhelm and<br />
Janet Cusick Jost<br />
‘73 and son-in-law<br />
Gary Jost; son, Nick<br />
Cusick ‘69 and daughter-in-law,<br />
Ann Cusick ‘69; granddaughters,<br />
Morgan Wilhelm, Jennifer Rawlinson<br />
‘92 and husband Jeff Rawlinson<br />
‘91, Sara Flanagan ’95 and<br />
husband Dave Flanagan, Merici<br />
Vinton ‘99; and great granddaughters,<br />
Kate Rawlinson ‘14, and<br />
Molly Flanagan.<br />
Richard Hoffman, 67, passed<br />
away on October 3, 2010. He is survived<br />
by daughter, Michelle Wiles<br />
‘91 and special friend Jonathon<br />
Jansa; daughter & son-in-law, Amy<br />
‘92 and Todd Hellerich; and granddaughter,<br />
Schuyler.<br />
Larry Fish, 67, passed away on<br />
October 4, 2010. He is survived by<br />
his wife, Wilma; sons and daughtersin-law,<br />
Kevin and Christine Fish,<br />
Duane ‘85 and Teri Fish, Ricky<br />
‘83 and Astrid Fish; daughters and<br />
sons-in-law, Tracy ’87 and Michael<br />
Stanker, Laurie ‘82 and Lynn Thiem;<br />
13 grandchildren, seven great<br />
grandchildren; two sisters and two<br />
brothers.<br />
Sheila (Toohey) Maiefski ’46<br />
of Cathedral <strong>High</strong><br />
<strong>School</strong> passed away<br />
on October 4, 2010,<br />
at the age of 82. She<br />
is survived by 14<br />
children, 29 grandchildren,<br />
and 15 great<br />
grandchildren, one<br />
brother, Ed Toohey; nieces, nephews<br />
and friends.<br />
Steven Chandler, 64, passed away<br />
on October 9, 2010. He is survived<br />
by his wife, Cassie (Banker) ’66;<br />
his daughter, Shannon (John); son,<br />
Benjamin (Kim) Chandler; grandchildren,<br />
Amanda, Garrett, Chandler,<br />
and Dustin; mother, Ruth Chandler;<br />
brother, Terry (Amy) Chandler; sister,<br />
Shelley Howard; nieces & nephews.<br />
34 Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 2010
Alumni & Friends Of <strong>Pius</strong> X Family Fun Run<br />
Are you interested in joining a committee to plan<br />
the 1st Annual Alumni and Friends of <strong>Pius</strong> X<br />
Family Fun Run We will be having our first<br />
meeting on Monday, January 10, 2011, at 6:00<br />
p.m. (location to be determined). If you are interested,<br />
please contact Kristin Heath at 488-<br />
0931 or kristin.heath@piusx.net OR Lori Morin<br />
at 435-0108 or lorikmorin@gmail.com.<br />
7th Annual Alumni Basketball Tournament<br />
FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2011<br />
SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 2011<br />
Mark your calendars to be a part of the Seventh Annual Thunderbolt<br />
Alumni Basketball Tournament, “March Madness- Thunderbolt Style.”<br />
The tournament will be held Friday, March 18, 2011, and Saturday,<br />
March 19, 2011, in the <strong>Pius</strong> X gyms. On Saturday, March 19, 2010, there<br />
will also be a social for all the participants and their guests.<br />
Start forming your team now! Remember, classes can have more than<br />
one team and you need not have played basketball in high school to play<br />
in this tournament; you just need to be a <strong>Pius</strong> X graduate.<br />
More information is available on the website http://alumni.piusx.net/<br />
events/basketball.htm. To register to be a contact person (captain) for<br />
your graduation year, to be a part of the planning committee, or if you<br />
would like more information, please contact Greg Lesiak at alumnibasketball@piusx.net<br />
or at (402) 488-0931.<br />
Honorary/Memorial Mass In April 2011<br />
A Honorary/Memorial Mass will be celebrated in the <strong>Pius</strong> X<br />
Chapel in April 2011, for those generous alumni, parents, and<br />
friends of <strong>Pius</strong> X making a donation of $100 or more in memory<br />
or in honor of loved ones. The intention of the Mass will be for<br />
the happy repose of the souls who have gone before us, as well<br />
as those chosen to be honored by our donors. Following Mass,<br />
guests may attend a small reception in the Commons area where<br />
refreshments will be served and a slideshow of all the tribute<br />
names and photos viewed.<br />
7th Annual<br />
Monday, June 20, 2011<br />
Firethorn Golf Club<br />
Registration – 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.<br />
Shotgun Start – 1:00 p.m.<br />
Wine Tasting – 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.<br />
Dinner, Music, & Awards – 6:00 p.m.<br />
Closest To Pin From Patio – 6:15 p.m.<br />
Registration<br />
is due Friday,<br />
June 10, 2011, and<br />
is limited to the first<br />
36 teams. There<br />
are multiple levels<br />
of sponsorship and<br />
registration.<br />
Reconnect With <strong>Pius</strong> X Alumni<br />
Reconnecting with <strong>Pius</strong> X Alumni is as easy as logging on to the web.<br />
Find us at www.facebook.com/lincolnpiusxalummi. Get the latest<br />
news and keep in touch with old friends. For more details, contact<br />
Alumni Director Kristin Heath ‘91 at alumni@piusx.net.<br />
Send Us Your Alumni News!<br />
Attending college Earned a degree<br />
New job Moved Recently married<br />
Welcomed a new family member<br />
We want to hear from you and share your news!<br />
Please complete & send this form to:<br />
Alumni News<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />
6000 A Street<br />
Lincoln, NE 68510<br />
or<br />
website: www.piusx.net/alumni/updateform.asp<br />
or<br />
email: alumni@piusx.net<br />
All forms received will be considered for publication:<br />
Spring Issue Deadline - March 10th<br />
Fall Issue Deadline - September 10th<br />
Class _____________________________________<br />
First Name _________________________________<br />
Last Name _________________________________<br />
Address ___________________________________<br />
Telephone (H) ______________________________<br />
Telephone (other) ____________________________<br />
Maiden Name _______________________________<br />
Spouse’s Name ______________________________<br />
City/State/Zip ______________________________<br />
Telephone (W) ______________________________<br />
Email ____________________________________<br />
Alumni News<br />
Children<br />
___________________________________<br />
Occupation(s) ______________________________<br />
Degree(s) _________________________________<br />
Other Information ____________________________<br />
_________________________________________<br />
_________________________________________<br />
_________________________________________<br />
Fall 2010 ❖ <strong>Pius</strong> Connections 35
<strong>Foundation</strong> Office<br />
<strong>Pius</strong> X <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />
6000 A Street<br />
Lincoln, NE 68510<br />
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Lincoln, NE<br />
Permit No. 136<br />
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