Dr. Zhihai Li's CV - Temple University

Dr. Zhihai Li's CV - Temple University

Dr. Zhihai Li's CV - Temple University


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CURRICULUM VITAE <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Zhihai</strong> Li<br />


Family name: Li, First name: <strong>Zhihai</strong>; Tel: +1 215 204 2368<br />

Department of Chemistry, <strong>Temple</strong> <strong>University</strong> Fax: +1 480 965 9530<br />

Philadelphia, PA, 19122 e-mail: zhihaili@temple.edu<br />


2003—2007 Department of Chemistry, RWTH Aachen <strong>University</strong>, Germany; Degree: Ph.D.<br />

(chemistry) Supervisors: Prof. Ulrich Simon, Prof. Thomas Wandlowski<br />

1994—1997 Department of Chemistry, Jilin <strong>University</strong>, China; Degree: M.S. (chemistry)<br />

1990—1994 Department of Chemistry, Jilin <strong>University</strong>, China; Degree: B.S. (polymer)<br />


2002—2003 Research assistant, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science (Prof.<br />

Li-Jun Wan),<br />

Research topic:<br />

Cyclic voltammetry and in situ STM study on the self-assembled adlayers of 8-hydroquinoline at<br />

Au/electrolyte interfaces.<br />

2003—2007 Ph.D. candidate and research assistant, Institute of Bio- and Nano-systems,<br />

Research Center Juelich, Germany; (Prof. Thomas Wandlowski),<br />

Research topics:<br />

(1) Underpotential deposition (UPD) of Cu on Au (111) using electrochemical STM and cyclic<br />

voltammetry.<br />

(2) Supramolecular nanostructures of a series of aromatic carboxylic acids at electrified<br />

electrode/electrolyte interfaces employing electrochemical STM. The molecular and atomic<br />

resolution STM images reveal the role of electrode potential and H-bonds on the formation<br />

of distinctly different adlayers at aqueous interfaces.<br />

(3) Single molecule conductance of redox-active viologens using electrochemical STM. We<br />

discovered redox controlled conductance of target molecules and further studied the<br />

electrolyte-gated electron transfer properties by scanning tunneling spectroscopy.<br />

2007—2009 Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Bio- and Nanosystems, Research Center Juelich,<br />

and <strong>University</strong> of Bern, Switzerland (Prof. Thomas Wandlowski),<br />

Research topics:<br />

(1) Electrochemical STM investigations of a series of redox-active (viologens, ferrocenes,<br />

perylenes) and functional molecules.<br />

(2) STM and AFM study on the self-assembled structures and interfacial electron transfer<br />

properties of custom-designed Au nanoclusters on Au(111) and boron nitride nanomeshes.<br />

2009—2010 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Biodesign Institute, Arizona State <strong>University</strong> (Prof.<br />

Nongjian Tao),<br />

Research topics:<br />

Studied the single molecule conductance of a series of custom-designed molecules (coronene<br />

derivatives) and gate-effect of redox-active low-band gap perylene molecules using<br />

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CURRICULUM VITAE <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Zhihai</strong> Li<br />

electrochemical STM and STM-based break junctions.<br />

2010—present Research Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, <strong>Temple</strong> <strong>University</strong>,<br />

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Leader of Scanning Probe and Single Molecule Team in Borguet<br />

Laboratory<br />

Research topics:<br />

1) Determining, for the first time, charge transport pathway through porphyrin molecules using<br />

STM break junction techniques. Demonstrated the ability to distinguish structural isomers at<br />

single molecule level. (Published in The Journal of American Chemical Society 2011)<br />

2) Investigated electron transport through highly conjugated single porphyrin wires which<br />

exhibit a dual conductance and follow a quasi-linear relationship, suggesting an ohmic<br />

molecular conductor behavior (Published in Nano Letters.)<br />

3) Discovered a type of new electron transport through molecules identified by the infrequent<br />

small current steps due to the partially broken molecule-electrode bonds. This work is creative<br />

in that it demonstrates that the break junction technique can be applied to identify the<br />

fingerprint feature of the multiple dentate coordination.<br />

4) Explored electron transfer and tunneling characteristics of porphyrins using electrochemical<br />

scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) in combination with electrochemical techniques.<br />

5) Train and direct students on electrochemistry, electrochemical STM, ambient STM, and<br />

scanning tunneling spectroscopy studies.<br />


K. C. Wong Educational Foundation Research Fellowship/Award, Hong Kong, 2010.<br />

Fellowship, Research Center Juelich, Helmholtz Association, Germany, 2003, 2004.<br />


Member, American Chemical Society<br />

Member, Royal Society of Chemistry<br />

Independent invited reviewer/referee for journals:<br />

1. Electrochimica Acta (ISE)<br />

2. The Journal of Physical Chemistry (ACS)<br />

3. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Journal of Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC))<br />

4. ChemComm. (RSC)<br />

5. J of Phys. D: Applied Physics<br />

6. Fuel Processing Technology<br />

7. Soft Matter (RSC)<br />

8. Journal of Materials Chemistry (RSC)<br />

9. New Journal of Chemistry (RSC)<br />

10. CrystEngComm (RSC)<br />

11. Nanoscale (RSC)<br />

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CURRICULUM VITAE <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Zhihai</strong> Li<br />

12. Dalton Transactions (RSC)<br />

13. Lab on a Chip (RSC)<br />

14. Review of Scientific Instruments<br />


In peer-reviewed journals<br />

1. Li, Z.; Borguet, E. Determining Charge Transfer Pathways through Single<br />

Porphyrin Molecules Using STM Break Junctions JOURNAL OF THE<br />

AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 134, 63-66, 2010.<br />

2. Li, Z.; Park, T-H.; Rawson, J.; Therien, M. J.; Borguet, E. Quasi-Ohmic Single<br />

Molecule Charge Transport through Highly Conjugated meso-to-meso<br />

Ethyne-Bridged Porphyrin Wires doi:10.1021/nl2043216, 2012.<br />

3. Li, Z.; Borguet, E. Linear length dependence of electron transport in<br />

porphyrins with a range of anchoring groups in preparation.<br />

4. Li, Z.*; Diez-Perez, I.*; Li, J.; Zhang, C.; Yang, X.; Zang, L.; Dai, Y.; Feng,<br />

X.; Muellen, K.; Tao, N.J. Gate-controlled Electron Transport in Coronenes As<br />

A Bottom-up Approach Towards Graphene Transistors NATURE<br />

COMMUNICATION (*equal contribution) DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1029,<br />

2010.<br />

5. Li, Z.; Liu, Y.; Mertens, S.; Pobelov, I.; Wandlowski, Th. From Redox Gating<br />

to Quantized Charging JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL<br />

SOCIETY. 132, 8187, 2010.<br />

6. Liu, B.; Ran, Y.; Li, Z.; Liu, S.-X.; Jia, C.; Decurtins, S.; Wandlowsk, Th. A<br />

Scanning Probe Microscopy Study of Annulated Redox-Active Molecules at a<br />

Liquid/Solid Interface: The Overruling of the Alkyl Chain Paradigm CHEM.<br />

EUR. J. 16, 5008, 2010.<br />

7. Li, Z.; Wandlowski, Th. Structure Formation and Annealing of Isophthalic<br />

Acid at the Electrochemical Au(111)/Electrolyte Interface J. PHYS. CHEM. C,<br />

113, 7821, 2009.<br />

8. Su, G. J.; Li, Z.; Aguilar-Sanchez, R. Phase Transition of Two-Dimensional<br />

Chiral Supramolecular Nanostructure tuned by Electrochemical Potential<br />

ANAL. CHEM. 81, 8741, 2009.<br />

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CURRICULUM VITAE <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Zhihai</strong> Li<br />

9. Pobelov, I.; Li, Z.; Wandlowski, Th. Electrolyte Gating in Redox-active<br />

Tunneling Junctions - An Electrochemical STM Approach JOURNAL OF THE<br />

AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 130, 16045, 2008.<br />

10. Li, C.; Mishchenko, A.; Li, Z.; Pobelov, I.; Wandlowski, Th.; Li, X.Q.;<br />

Würthner, F.; Bagrets, A.; Evers, F. Electrochemical Gate-controlled Electron<br />

Transport of Redox-active Single Perylene Molecular Junctions J. PHYS.:<br />

CONDENS. MATTER, 20, 374122, 2008.<br />

11. Han, B.; Li, Z.; Li, C.; Pobelov, I.; Su, G. J.; Aguilar-Sanchez, R.;<br />

Wandlowski, Th. From Self-Assembly to Charge Transport with Single<br />

Molecules - An Electrochemical Approach TOP. CURR. CHEM., 287, 181,<br />

2009.<br />

12. Li, Z.; Pobelov, I.; Han, B.; Wandlowski, Th.; Błaszczyk, A.; Mayor, M.<br />

Conductance of Redox-active Single Molecular Junctions: An Electrochemical<br />

Approach NANOTECHNOLOGY, 18, 044018, 2007.<br />

13. Li, Z. Self-assembly and Local Functionality at Au/Electrolyte Interfaces:<br />

An in situ Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Approach doctoral dissertation,<br />

ISBN: 978-3-89336-482-4, Forschungzentrum Juelich GmbH, 2007.<br />

14. Su, G. J.; Aguilar-Sanchez, R.; Li, Z.; Pobelov, I.; Homberger, M.; Simon,<br />

U.; Wandlowski, Th. Scanning Tunneling Microscopy / Spectroscopy Studies<br />

of ω–(4’-methyl-biphenyl-4-yl) alkanethiols on Au(111), CHEM. PHYS.<br />

CHEM. 8 (7), 1037, 2007.<br />

15. Han, B.; Li, Z.; Wandlowski, Th. Błaszczyk, A.; Mayor, M.<br />

Potential-induced Redox Switching in Viologen Self-assembled Monolayers:<br />

An ATR-SEIRAS Approach J. PHYS. CHEM. C, 111(37), 13855, 2007.<br />

16. Han, B.; Li, Z.; Wandlowski, Th. Adsorption and Self-assembly of<br />

Aromatic Carboxylic Acids on Au/Electrolyte Interfaces ANAL. & BIOANAL.<br />

CHEM., 388 (1), 121, 2007.<br />

17. Li, Z.; Han, B.; Mészáros, G.; Wandlowski, Th.; Błaszczyk, A.; Mayor, M.<br />

Two-dimensional Assembly and Local Redox-activity of Molecular Hybrid<br />

Structures in an Electrochemical Environment FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,<br />

131, 121, 2006.<br />

18. Li, Z.; Pobelov, I.; Han, B.; Wandlowski, Th. Błaszczyk, A.; Mayor, M. An<br />

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CURRICULUM VITAE <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Zhihai</strong> Li<br />

electrochemical approach to address electron transport in tailored molecular<br />

junctions Elektrochemische Grundlagenforschung und deren Anwendung in<br />

der Elektroanalytik: 7. Grundlagensymposium der Fachgruppe Angewandte<br />

Elktrochemie, 71-77, 2006.<br />

19. Li, Z.; Han, B.; Wan, L. J.; Wandlowski, Th. Supramolecular<br />

Nanostructures of 1,3,5-Benzene-tricarboxylic Acid at Electrified<br />

Au(111)/0.05 M H2SO4 Interfaces: An in situ Scanning Tunneling Microscopy<br />

Study LANGMUIR, 21 (15): 6915, 2005.<br />

20. Han, B.; Li, Z.; Pronkin, S.; Wandlowski, Th. In situ ATR-SEIRAS Study of<br />

Adsorption and Phase Formation of Trimesic Acid on Au(111-25 nm) Film<br />

Electrodes CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 82 (10): 1481, 2004.<br />

21. Tong, SL.; Yan, Y; Li, Z.; Zheng, G. The synthesis of star style<br />


13 (4): 299, 1997.<br />


(1) Poster: N. Gabor, Z. Li, Th. Wandlowski “Distance tunneling measurements of solid/liquid<br />

interfaces” 6 th International Symposium of the Volkswagen-Stiftung on Intra- and<br />

Intermolecular Transfer, Koeln, Germany; October 29 th - November 1 st , 2003.<br />

(2) Poster: Z. Li, B. Han, Th. Wandlowski, “Building supramolecular nanostructures at electrified<br />

solid/liquid interfaces – an in situ STM study” Modern Trends in Interfacial Electrochemistry –<br />

Theory meets Experiment -1 st Euregio Workshop and 68 th - AGEF Seminar; Kerkrade,<br />

Netherlands; May 6 th - 7 th , 2004.<br />

(3) Poster: Han, Bo, Li, <strong>Zhihai</strong>, Wandlowski, Thomas, “Two-dimensional supramolecular<br />

assemblies of trimesic acid on potential-controlled Au(hkl)/electrolyte interfaces” 103.<br />

Hauptversammlung der Deutschen Bunsen-Gesellschaft fuer Physikalische Chemie e. V;<br />

<strong>Dr</strong>esden, Germany; May 20 th - 22 th , 2004.<br />

(4) Talk: <strong>Zhihai</strong> Li, “An EC-STM study of supramolecular nanostructures at Au(111)/0.05 M H2SO4<br />

interfaces” Institute Seminar of ISG3, Research Center Juelich, Juelich, Germany, July 5 th , 2004.<br />

(5) Poster: Z. Li, B. Han, G.-J. Su, L.-J. Wan and Th. Wandlowski, “Two-dimensional<br />

supramolecular assemblies of trimesic acid on potential-controlled Au(hkl)/electrolyte<br />

interfaces” ICEI – International Conference on Electrified Interfaces; Spa, Belgium; July 11 th -<br />

16 th , 2004.<br />

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CURRICULUM VITAE <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Zhihai</strong> Li<br />

(6) Poster: Z. Li, B. Han, M. Mayor, N.J. Tao, Th. Wandlowski, “Two-dimensional assembly and<br />

local redox-activity of molecular hybrid structures in electrochemical environment”<br />

Nanoelectronics Day 2005; Juelich, Germany; February 9 th - 11 th , 2005.<br />

(7) Poster: Z. Li, B. Han, Marcel Mayor, Th. Wandlowski, “Single molecular conductivity at<br />

electrochemical interfaces – an attempt to correlate adlayer structure and functionality”<br />

Faraday Discussions 131: Molecular Wires and Nanoscale Conductors; <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Manchester, UK; August 31 th - September 2 nd , 2005.<br />

(8) Poster: Z. Li, I. Pobelov, B. Han, Marcel Mayor, Th. Wandlowski, “Single molecule conductivity<br />

of redox-active viologens by forming molecular bridge junctions in an in situ STM configuration”<br />

1 st International Workshop on Electrical Functionality in Nanoarchitectures; Kerkrade,<br />

Netherlands; Nov. 24 th - 25 th , 2005.<br />

(9) Talk: <strong>Zhihai</strong> Li, “An Electrochemical approach to single junction conductivities of<br />

Au/viologen/Au” The Seminar of ISG3/4, Research Center Juelich, Juelich, Germany, May 15 th ,<br />

2006.<br />

(10) Talk: <strong>Zhihai</strong> Li, “An electrochemical approach towards single molecule electron transfer”<br />

2nd Euregio Workshop and 86 th – AGEF Seminar “Nanoscale and Bio-Electrochemistry”;<br />

Kerkrade, Netherlands; May 22 nd - 23 rd , 2006.<br />

(11) Talk: <strong>Zhihai</strong> Li, “Structure and reactivity of supramolecular nanostructures at solid/liquid<br />

interfaces – An in situ STM approach” The Seminar of RWTH Aachen <strong>University</strong>, Germany, July<br />

4 th , 2006.<br />

(12) Poster: Z. Li; B. Han; M. Mayor; Th. Wandlowski, “Single molecule conductance and<br />

tunneling properties of redox-active viologen derivatives in an electrochemical environment”<br />

Nanoelectronics Days, RWTH Aachen <strong>University</strong>; Oct. 11 th -13 th , 2006.<br />

(13) Poster: Z. Li; B. Han; I. Pobelov; M. Mayor; Th. Wandlowski, “Two-dimensional assembly<br />

and single molecule conductance of redox-active viologen in an electrochemical environment”<br />

International Symposium SFB 624: Complex Molecular Architectures on Surfaces, Bonn; Oct.<br />

12 th , 2006.<br />

(14) Poster: Z. Li; B. Han; Th. Wandlowski, “Self-assembled nanostructures of aromatic<br />

carboxylic acids at solid/electrolyte interfaces” International Symposium SFB 624: Templates in<br />

Chemistry, Bonn; Sept. 13 th -14 th , 2007.<br />

(15) Poster: Z. Li; Y. Liu; S. Mertens; I. Pobelov; Th. Wandlowski “Probe the nano-world with<br />

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CURRICULUM VITAE <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Zhihai</strong> Li<br />

electrochemical scanning tunnelling microscopy” CUSO -REGIO-Summer School: Quo vadis<br />

electron – from radicals to ET Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, Aug. 31 st - Sept. 4 th , 2008.<br />

(16) Poster: Z. Li; Y. Liu; S. Mertens; I. Pobelov; Th. Wandlowski “Unusual transition between<br />

tunneling resonance and quantum charging” CUSO -REGIO-Summer School: Quo vadis electron<br />

– from radicals to ET Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, Aug. 31 st - Sept. 4 th , 2008.<br />

(17) Talk: <strong>Zhihai</strong> Li, “Probing single molecules: from supramolecular nanoarchitectures to redox<br />

gating and quantized charging” 18 th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-18) and International<br />

Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICN+T 2010) Beijing, China, (absence due to<br />

personal reasons) August 23 th - 27 th , 2010.<br />

(18) Poster: <strong>Zhihai</strong> Li; Eric Borguet; “Two-dimensional nano-fabrication and electron transport<br />

through functional molecules using STM and breaking junction” Nano/Bio Interface Center<br />

Symposium: Local Probes at the Frontiers of Energy Systems and Biotechnology, Philadelphia;<br />

Oct. 26 th -27 th , 20112011.<br />

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