MARRIAGE 9th Part - mcreveil.org

MARRIAGE 9th Part - mcreveil.org

MARRIAGE 9th Part - mcreveil.org


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<strong>MARRIAGE</strong> <strong>9th</strong> <strong>Part</strong> PAGE 2 PAGE 3<br />

<strong>MARRIAGE</strong> <strong>9th</strong> <strong>Part</strong><br />

“honey moon”. This is an additional element<br />

for you to recognise those who know the Lord,<br />

and those who do not know Him. Each one is<br />

working hard for his eternity. For where your<br />

treasure is, there your heart will be also.<br />

Mat 6:21<br />

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those<br />

things which are above, where Christ is, sitting<br />

at the right hand of God. Set your mind on<br />

things above, not on things on the earth. For<br />

you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in<br />

God. When Christ who is our life appears, then<br />

you also will appear with Him in glory.<br />

Colossians 3:1-4<br />

WHO CAN CELEBRATE A <strong>MARRIAGE</strong><br />

Before answering this question, I will first of all<br />

spend sometime explaining the difference<br />

between the blessing of a Christian marriage and<br />

the celebration of a marriage.<br />

Difference between blessing<br />

and celebration<br />

A question that very often arises concerning<br />

the case of polygamous brothers, is that of<br />

knowing whether they can be blessed in the<br />

Assembly. As far as blessing is concerned, do not<br />

f<strong>org</strong>et that the validity of any legal marriage<br />

celebrated in the world, suffers no dispute in the<br />

Church. This means that, whether it concerns<br />

the polygamous or monogamous couples, when<br />

people who legally got married in the world later<br />

believe in Jesus Christ, their marriage is<br />

recognised and accepted in the Church as legal.<br />

When the pastors choose to bless them, this has<br />

nothing to do with marriage celebration.<br />

Celebrating a marriage, that is, declaring<br />

officially two people married, is different from<br />

blessing Children of God already married.<br />

Therefore, once a polygamous accepts the Lord<br />

Jesus Christ as Saviour together with his wives,<br />

and all get baptised, they all become Children of<br />

God and are entitled to the same blessings as all<br />

the other brothers and sisters in the Assembly.<br />

They take part in all aspects of the Assembly’s<br />

life. Since they came to the Assembly already<br />

married, there is no more marriage celebration<br />

to be made. It only depends now on the pastor<br />

or the Church to bless this couple, as it is done<br />

with other couples who got married before<br />

believing in God. In this case, it is simply about<br />

the blessing of the couples, and not about<br />

marriage celebration. As for the marriage, it had<br />

already been made and validated by God. The<br />

Church does nothing but only takes note of it<br />

and approves of it.<br />

Warning<br />

As far as marriage celebration is concerned, know<br />

that the Church can on no account and under no<br />

circumstances celebrate a polygamous marriage,<br />

and the Church can on no account and under no<br />

circumstances, celebrate a mixed marriage, that<br />

is, a marriage between a Christian and an<br />

unbeliever.<br />

And with regard to blessing, know that the<br />

Church can on no account and under no<br />

circumstances, bless a mixed marriage, that is, a<br />

marriage between a Christian and an unbeliever.<br />

To bless a marriage in the Church in which one<br />

of the partners is a believer and another one an<br />

unbeliever is an abomination in the sight of God.<br />

Do not imitate what sorcerers pastors do around<br />

you. In order to attract the crowd with the aim<br />

of collecting money and gifts, all means are good<br />

for them. When they have no other false<br />

marriages to celebrate, they create other<br />

occasions, and <strong>org</strong>anise each time great feasts<br />

of blessing of marriages which according to them<br />

had not been blessed yet, and do not hesitate to<br />

bless even couples of Christians with unbelieving<br />

partners. Generally when one of the partners<br />

attends their church from time to time, it<br />

becomes an opportunity for them to exploit.<br />

They then encourage the partner of their church<br />

to convince the unbelieving partner to accept<br />

the church to bless their marriage. They use the<br />

opportunity to <strong>org</strong>anise a great feast, and each<br />

great feast for them is always an occasion to<br />

collect enough money. I tell you again, those<br />

demons carry out their ministry very well, and<br />

faithfully serve their master satan; do not<br />

imitate them. You should also exercise your<br />

ministry faithfully and serve your Master Jesus<br />

Christ with total submission to His word.<br />

I found myself recently rebuking some hard<br />

hearted people who went to celebrate one of<br />

such follies that they chose to call Christian<br />

marriage. The woman was attending their<br />

assembly, a clan church under the Pentecostal<br />

Please feel free to make photocopies of this newspaper and give them out. May The Lord bless you. Amen !<br />

denomination; the husband was a man who did<br />

not want to hear about the so-called revived<br />

churches, and who remained in this branch of<br />

Catholicism called Presbyterian Church. And<br />

the demon pastor of the so-called Pentecostal<br />

church had convinced his faithful of the<br />

“merits” of the blessing of their marriage in<br />

the church, and this faithful also convinced<br />

her Presbyterian unbelieving husband. Those<br />

two partners who have been living together for<br />

years, had therefore agreed to let their marriage<br />

be blessed in that clan church, called<br />

Pentecostal. The feast was so grandiose that<br />

wedding dresses had to be worn, and all the<br />

other various ceremonies that you can imagine<br />

were carried out, without f<strong>org</strong>etting what they<br />

call wishes cards. Let me remind you that<br />

immediately after the blessing of this marriage<br />

in a so-called Pentecostal church, the husband<br />

had to go back to his Presbyterian sect. And<br />

those hardened people that I was rebuking, were<br />

trying to resist me by proving that the<br />

Presbyterian sect was also a good church as<br />

theirs. A way of recognizing that they also were<br />

only Catholics who took the name of<br />

Pentecostal church. More and more, they are<br />

no longer ashamed of admitting the fact that<br />

they are Catholics hiding under the mantle of<br />

Pentecostal church.<br />

Who can celebrate a marriage<br />

Every true elder of the Church can celebrate a<br />

marriage, and any other brother who has<br />

received authority to do so, can celebrate a<br />

marriage. Be careful therefore with all these<br />

large satanic structures regrouping mother and<br />

daughter churches, and packed with several<br />

pastors and other elders, but in which there are<br />

people designated to celebrate all marriages.<br />

This means that, each time a marriage is to be<br />

celebrated, you must wait for this regional or<br />

super pastor “marriage specialist”, who alone<br />

has the right to celebrate marriages.<br />

The other pastors and elders, even though appointed<br />

by the structure itself, have no right to celebrate a<br />

marriage. When brethren in the assembly that they<br />

are leading want to get married, they are powerless;<br />

they must wait for their god of marriage to come.<br />

And usually this god of marriage makes himself<br />

so important, that he often keeps people<br />

waiting for months. He usually has a diary well<br />

filled; you know that these civil servants called<br />

pastors, stick today more strictly to diaries than<br />

managers of worldly companies. They also have<br />

offices and secretaries, and have an <strong>org</strong>anization<br />

and a flow chart at times more complex than<br />

those of worldly companies.<br />

Many of these lords of marriages even request<br />

payments, which at times are very expensive.<br />

When a child of God is to get married, not only<br />

is he completely ruined with all the satanic<br />

ceremonies imposed on him, but he also needs<br />

to find an important sum of money in order to<br />

get the demon specialist of marriages to come<br />

and curse his marriage. And when the sum of<br />

money that you offer to this lord does not satisfy<br />

him, he sits on your marriage project, and gives<br />

priorities to those who pay well. And there you<br />

will wait again for several other months, the<br />

time to collect enough money to satisfy the<br />

demon. This is how many of these satanic clubs<br />

that you call churches operate. If you are in<br />

such clubs come out immediately while it is still<br />

time.<br />

I advise servants of God never to celebrate a<br />

marriage unless they know the future couples<br />

very well. Marriage being so delicate as we have<br />

seen, it is very important on the one hand not<br />

to participate in the sins of people, and on the<br />

other hand not to caution the errors of Children<br />

of God. It is therefore important, and even very<br />

important, for the person who wants to celebrate<br />

a marriage, to know very well each one of the<br />

two spouses.<br />

You should therefore know that every true elder<br />

can celebrate a marriage. And if there is no elder<br />

where you are, an elder from else where<br />

can come and celebrate the marriage, if not<br />

authority can be granted to another mature<br />

brother, to do it.<br />

Do I still need to remind you that no woman has<br />

the right to celebrate a marriage I explained to<br />

you very well in the teaching on elders, that in<br />

the Church of Jesus Christ, there are no women<br />

elders. No woman can exercise a ministry of<br />

authority in the Church of Jesus Christ. No<br />

woman can therefore celebrate a Christian<br />

marriage.<br />

Christian Mission of Revival, PO Box 15029, London SE5 7ZN E-mail: <strong>mcreveil</strong>@<strong>mcreveil</strong>.<strong>org</strong> http://www.<strong>mcreveil</strong>.<strong>org</strong>

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