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4. Summary<br />

IPC VfJ Part 3: Contributions to Symposium<br />

An sunphotometer mstrument has been designed and construeted using photodiode array and aberration<br />

corrected concave holographic grating technology. The instrument is speeifieally designed -to be handheld, use<br />

little power and accurately measure the concentrations of trace constituents in the atmosphere. Preliminary tests<br />

using a early prototype confirm that NOg can b% identißed with the resoiution necessary to measure optical<br />

depths and its verticai distribution when using solar occültation techniques from space. Further Software and<br />

hardware developments are antieipated with coneurrent increases in the resolving power of the spectrometer.<br />

A final yersion of the instrument is expeeted to fly ä NASA Shuttle in mid-1992 as a mid-deck cabin experiment.<br />

6. Relerences<br />

1. Talmi, Y, änd R.W. Simpson, Apphed Optics, 19,1401 (1980).<br />

2. Simpson, R.W., Rey. Sei. Instrum., 50, 730 (1979).<br />

3. Cunningham, LA. and A. Fenster, Med. Phys,, 11, 303 (1984).<br />

4. McGeorge, S.W. and E.D, Salin, Spectrochimica Acta, 40B, 435 (1985).<br />

5. Vogt, S.S., RG. Tull and P Kelton, Apphed Optics, 17, 574 (1978).<br />

6. Walker, G.A.H., R. Johnson and S. Yang, Adv. Elec. Electron Phys. 64A, 213 (1985).<br />

7. Mayes, P.M. and J B. Callis, Apphed Spect. 43, 27 (1989).<br />

7. Figure Captions<br />

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the sunphotospectrometer optical layout.<br />

Figure 2. A comparison of transmission spectra for 0.01 cm NOg at a 1 nm resoiution. The Lambda 9<br />

spectrometer data (solid) was obtained at a resoiution of 0.1 nm and degraded fo the resoiution<br />

of the sunphotospectrometer (dashed).<br />


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