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Chapter 5: The Bison Parser Algorithm 73<br />

The conflict exists because the grammar as written is ambiguous: either parsing of the<br />

simple nested if-statement is legitimate. The established convention is that these ambiguities<br />

are resolved by attaching the else-clause to the innermost if-statement; this is what Bison<br />

accomplishes by choosing to shift rather than reduce. (It would ideally be cleaner to write an<br />

unambiguous grammar, but that is very hard to do in this case.) This particular ambiguity<br />

was first encountered in the specifications of Algol 60 and is called the “dangling else”<br />

ambiguity.<br />

To avoid warnings from Bison about predictable, legitimate shift/reduce conflicts, use<br />

the %expect n declaration. There will be no warning as long as the number of shift/reduce<br />

conflicts is exactly n. See Section 3.7.8 [Suppressing Conflict Warnings], page 57.<br />

The definition of if_stmt above is solely to blame for the conflict, but the conflict<br />

does not actually appear without additional rules. Here is a complete Bison input file that<br />

actually manifests the conflict:<br />

%token IF THEN ELSE variable<br />

%%<br />

stmt: expr<br />

| if_stmt<br />

;<br />

if_stmt:<br />

IF expr THEN stmt<br />

| IF expr THEN stmt ELSE stmt<br />

;<br />

expr:<br />

;<br />

variable<br />

5.3 Operator Precedence<br />

Another situation where shift/reduce conflicts appear is in arithmetic expressions. Here<br />

shifting is not always the preferred resolution; the Bison declarations for operator precedence<br />

allow you to specify when to shift and when to reduce.<br />

5.3.1 When Precedence is Needed<br />

Consider the following ambiguous grammar fragment (ambiguous because the input<br />

‘1 - 2 * 3’ can be parsed in two different ways):<br />

expr:<br />

expr ’-’ expr<br />

| expr ’*’ expr<br />

| expr ’

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