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Xander tried to catch his breath. "Ayum..hammph..hahaha...o.oo..okkaayy..okay..uncle, uncle.<br />

Tom<strong>as</strong>....help..." he g<strong>as</strong>ped. Tom<strong>as</strong> tilted his head to the side, laid his finger along side his face, blue<br />

eyes laughing and intoned in a somber voice ", you should know better than te<strong>as</strong>e your vampire with<br />

woodies, especially tiny ones." There were two very pained groans in protest. "Tom<strong>as</strong>, ugghh that’s<br />

terrible. Even for you"<br />

Later showered and refreshed, they ate dinner; Sinjin had prepared steaks and baked potatoes, with a<br />

wilted spinach salad. After dinner, they helped clear the table, put the dishes in the dishw<strong>as</strong>her and<br />

cleaned up the kitchen. Xander w<strong>as</strong> quiet. He usually chattered away about work and anything that<br />

took his fancy. There w<strong>as</strong> something wrong, Spike knew that and w<strong>as</strong> still waiting patiently, <strong>as</strong> he had<br />

been all night. Sinjin and Tom<strong>as</strong> just watched him and let him be.<br />

Then they all trooped to the den and Tom<strong>as</strong> built a fire in the fireplace. They opened up a bottle of JD<br />

and got ple<strong>as</strong>antly mellow. Sinjin and Tom<strong>as</strong> went to bed when the silence in the room became<br />

somewhat strained. They regarded Xander with quizzical expressions, glanced at one another and<br />

retired, leaving Spike and Xander sitting in front of the still burning fire.<br />

They sat silently for a while gazing at the flames in the fireplace. Spike waited patiently. Xander<br />

finished off the l<strong>as</strong>t of his JD in one long swallow, and after looking at the gl<strong>as</strong>s for a few moments <strong>as</strong><br />

though contemplating a refill. He reached out slowly and set his gl<strong>as</strong>s down on the table carefully.<br />

"Spike, can we talk?" Xander turned to face him. Spike raised his eyes from contemplating the<br />

contents of his own gl<strong>as</strong>s, and looked at Xander. "Sure, pet. What’s on your mind?"<br />

"I..I..need you to just...just l..l...listen for a little wh..whi..while until I g..g..get it all out or I’ll never be<br />

able to f...fi...finish. P..Pll..Plle<strong>as</strong>e?"<br />

"Alright, Xander, you can talk to me about anything you know, I’ll just sit here and listen for a bit."<br />

The boy lifted his head and stuttered. "O..ok..Okay... I’m not sure how to start this, so I’m just going<br />

to say it." He took a deep breath and let it out. "I just want to tell you I’m sorry." Xander’s voice<br />

wobbled slightly but he still looked Spike right in the eye when he said it. He looked down then,<br />

thinking about what he wanted to say, before he continued.<br />

When he raised his eyes to Spike’s ice blue gaze again they were filled with tears. "I’ve been a<br />

complete <strong>as</strong>shole to you, ever since you showed up with that chip in your head. I’ve treated you like<br />

you’re lower than dirt, like I w<strong>as</strong> better than you, because I’m human, and you’re a vampire, because<br />

you’re different than me, because I have a human soul and you don’t. I’ve treated you like you’re a<br />

monster undeserving of my regard, like you’re beneath me."<br />

He g<strong>as</strong>ped in a shaky breath and continued, in a voice tight with emotion, his eyes still meeting<br />

Spike’s straight on. "Because of my own guilt, I’ve taken my pain out on you, made you my emotional<br />

whipping boy. I’ve been jealous and envious. I’ve ignored you and neglected you, didn’t help you<br />

when you were injured. I let you go hungry, damn it. I let you live in a cemetery because that’s all I<br />

believed you deserved."<br />

The boy took another long hard breath in an effort to maintain some semblance of control, before he<br />

could get his throat to work again and continue to expose the poison in his soul. "I’ve threatened you,<br />

called you names, and insulted you in ways I wouldn’t have done to anybody else. I’ve belittled you<br />

and your feelings, denigrated you and humiliated you. In short I’ve treated you <strong>as</strong> bad <strong>as</strong> my parents<br />

and friends have treated me. I never wanted to be like them. But that’s just what I’ve done. Gods, I’m<br />

one sick fuck."<br />

"I’m really <strong>as</strong>hamed of myself. I’m supposed to be one of the good guys, but good people don’t treat<br />

anybody that way, like it’s alright to hurt you because of what you are, whether you’re harming<br />

anyone or not."<br />

Another pause accompanied by a grimace of dist<strong>as</strong>te. "I knew I could do treat you that way with<br />

impunity because you couldn’t fight back, couldn’t defend yourself from me. And that makes me a<br />

bully. The really bad, bad, fucking sick part about it is; I actually enjoyed it. I fucking reveled. I felt<br />

like I had the right, you know? I meant it when I w<strong>as</strong> doing it, saying it and thinking it."<br />

Xander paused, and swallowed hard a couple of times trying to e<strong>as</strong>e the tightness in his throat and

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