2013 Annual Report - The Foursquare Church

2013 Annual Report - The Foursquare Church

2013 Annual Report - The Foursquare Church


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<strong>2013</strong> <strong>Foursquare</strong> Cabinet <strong>Foursquare</strong> Missions International <br />

o Format changed, followed up with quicker responses from missionary care <br />

coordinator <br />

• Necessity of increasing MCT budget line item for gifts <br />

• Field Retreats (regional): During Missions Committee meeting there was discussion of <br />

importance for <strong>Foursquare</strong> missionaries to meet bi-­‐annually in their region <br />

o Line item to be added in <strong>2013</strong> budget to include additional half-­‐day/day of training <br />

for field missionaries at the retreat (led by AM and/or MCT) <br />

• Creation of missionary profile/snapshot database: Historical document created in light of <br />

file retention policy; the following info to be encapsulated: <br />

o Deployment date <br />

o Facilitating church <br />

o Date file was received by MCT <br />

o <strong>Report</strong>/Letters: Quarterly ministry report for GFMs; quarterly ministry report and <br />

budget report for CFMs <br />

o Category: GFM or CFM (including CFM-­‐Missionary Team Specialist and CFM-­‐Intern) <br />

o Date Field <strong>Report</strong>: First 2 Months received <br />

o Issues (i.e. funds, relational, assignment, too much time in U.S., etc.) <br />

o Date file docs updated (including docs revised) <br />

o Furlough dates <br />

o Stateside dates (visits, i.e. Connection attended, vacation, etc.) <br />

o Counseling sessions: Number and counselor name <br />

o Next assignment (U.S./field; transition process with MCT) <br />

o Re-­‐entry doc and date; Debrief dates <br />

o AM/field supervisor report, receipt date <br />

o Date file closed and sent to be archived <br />

• Sabbatical for AMs (one month): <br />

o Form/schedule to be determined (not a vacation, rather a spiritual, reflective time) <br />

o Pending U.S. church sabbatical policy dialogue (established at March 2012 <br />

cabinet/board meetings) <br />

• Implementing missionary psych/holistic health assessments <br />

Missionary Training and Education <strong>Report</strong> <br />

Johnell Loop, jloop@foursquare.org <br />

http://connect.foursquaremissions.org <br />

In 2012, two Missionary Training Intensives were held in Los Angeles. A total of 63 people <br />

attended. This included 30 new missionary applicants, 4 FMI missionary units, 18 pastors <br />

training as coaches (see below) and 8 missionaries from other groups that we embraced to <br />

assist in their training needs. <br />

Training Expansion <br />

In 2012, Eloise Clarno passed her baton of teaching on Living Single on the Field to Linda Richey. <br />

Two sessions were upgraded and developed by Dave Metsker. <strong>The</strong>se include: Developing <br />

Spirituality for Cross-­‐Cultural Ministry and Developing Spirit-­‐Directed Team Leaders. <br />


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