Originalpublikationen - Klinik für Reproduktions-Endokrinologie

Originalpublikationen - Klinik für Reproduktions-Endokrinologie

Originalpublikationen - Klinik für Reproduktions-Endokrinologie


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<strong>Klinik</strong> für <strong>Reproduktions</strong>-<strong>Endokrinologie</strong><br />

Publikationsliste<br />

<strong>Originalpublikationen</strong><br />

1. Zacharia LC, Jackson EK, Kloosterboer HJ, Imthurn B, Dubey RK. (2006) Conversion of<br />

tibolone to 7-methyl-ethinyl estradiol using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry<br />

and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry: interpretation and clinical implications.<br />

Menopause 13: 926-934.<br />

1. Salama AS, Nasr AB, Dubey RK, A-Hendy A. (2006) Estrogen metabolite 2-<br />

methoxyestradiol induces apoptosis and inhibits cell proliferation and collagen production<br />

in rat and human leimyoma cells: A potential treatment for uterine fibroids.<br />

J of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation. 13 : 542-550.<br />

2. Jackson EK, Zacharia LC, Zhang M, Gillespie DG, Zhu C, Dubey RK. (2006) cAMP-<br />

Adenosine Pathway in the Proximal Tubule.<br />

J Pharmacol Expt Ther. 317: 1219-1229.<br />

3. Barchiesi F, Jackson EK, Fingerle J, Gillespie DJ, Odermatt B, Dubey RK. (2006) 2-<br />

Methoxyestradiol, an estradiol metabolite, inhibits neointima formation and smooth<br />

muscle cell growth via double blockade of the cell cycle.<br />

Circ Res 99:266-274.<br />

4. Jackson EK, Mi Z, Dubey RK. (2006) The Extracellular cAMP-Adenosine Pathway Significantly<br />

Contributes to the in Vivo Production of Adenosine.<br />

J Pharmacol Expt Ther. in press.<br />

5. Rosselli M, Dubey RK. (2006) Estrogen Metabolism and reproduction - is there a relationship<br />

J Fertil Reprod 4:19-23.<br />

6. Macas E, Zweifel C, Imthurn B. (2006) Numerical chromosome anomalies detected in paternally<br />

derived pronuclei of tripronuclear zygotes after intracytoplasmic sperm injection.<br />

Fertil Steril Jun;85(6):1753-60.<br />

7. Leeners B, Rath W, Kuse S, Neises M, Neumaier-Wagner P. (2006) Satisfaction with<br />

medical information in women with hypertensive disorders in pregnancy.<br />

J Psychosom Res. 60 (1):39-44.<br />

8. Leeners B, Neumaier-Wagner P, Kuse S, Irawan C, Imthurn B, Rath W. (2006) Family stability<br />

during childhood and the risk to develop hypertensive diseases in pregnancy.<br />

Early Hum Dev. 82 (7):441-446.<br />

9. Leeners B, Imthurn B, Hugi A, Neises M, Delex-Zaiontz N. (2006) Gyneco-psychosomatic<br />

counseling in Germany and Switzerland – aims and state of the art.<br />

J Psychosom Res. 61 (1):91-94.<br />

10. Leeners B, Rath W, Kuse S, Irawan C, Imthurn B, Neumaier-Wagner P. (2006) BMI: new<br />

aspects of a classical risk factor for hypertensive disorders in pregnancy.<br />

Clin Sci (Lond). 111:81-86.

11. Leeners B, Neumaier-Wagner P, Quarg A.F, Rath W. (2006) Childhood sexual abuse<br />

(CSA) experiences: an underestimated factor in perinatal care.<br />

Acta Obstet Gynecol. 85 (8):971-976.<br />

12. Leeners B, Imthurn B, Hugi A, Delex-Zaiontz N, Rath W, Neises M. (2006) Zur aktuellen<br />

Situation der gynäko-psychosomatischen Betreuung in Deutschland.<br />

Geburtsh Frauenheilkd. 66:677-683.<br />

13. Leeners B, Rath W, Kuse S, Irawan C, Neumaier-Wagner P. (2006) The significance of<br />

under- or overweight during childhood as a risk factor for hypertensive diseases in pregnancy.<br />

Early Hum Dev. 82 (10):663-668.<br />

14. Leeners B, Neumaier-Wagner P, Kuse S, Rath W. (2006) Smoking and the risk of developing<br />

hypertensive diseases in pregnancy - what is the effect on HELLP syndrome<br />

Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 85 (10):1217-1224.<br />

15. Merki-Feld G.S, Gosewinkel A, Imthurn B, Leeners B. (2006) Tubal factor infertility: The<br />

role of hormonal contraception, IUD use and Chlamydia trachomatis infection.<br />

Gynecol Obstet Invest, 63(2):114-120.<br />

16. Merki-Feld G.S, Hund M. (2006) High acceptability and improved cycle control with NuvaRing<br />

in daily practice.<br />

Europ J. of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care. in press.<br />

17. Leeners B, Stiller R, Block E, Görres G, Imthurn B, Rath W. (2006) Consequences of childhood<br />

sexual abuse (CSA) experiences on gynaecological care.<br />

Psychosomatics. in press.<br />

18. Leeners B, Stiller R, Block E, Görres G, Imthurn B, Rath W. (2006) Consequences of childhood<br />

sexual abuse (CSA) experiences on dental care.<br />

J Psychosom Res. in press.<br />

Übersichtsarbeiten<br />

1. Leeners B, Richter-Appelt H, Rath W. (2006) Influence of childhood sexual abuse on<br />

pregnancy, delivery and the early post-partum period in adult women.<br />

J Psychosom Res. 61 (2):139-151.<br />

2. Leeners B, Görres G, Block E, Rath W. (2006) Auswirkungen sexueller Gewalterfahrungen<br />

im Kindesalter auf Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Mutterschaft als Erwachsene.<br />

PDP (Psychodynamische Psychotherapie) 5: in press.<br />

3. Tschudin S, Merki-Feld G.S. (2006) Contraceptive counseling by gynaecologists: Which<br />

issues are discussed and does gender play a role<br />

Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynaecology. in press.<br />

4. Lüthi Th, Bucher HU, Fehr P, Hohl K, Imthurn B, Rosselli M, Senn A, Wunder D, Engler C,<br />

Emery M, Pok J, Cohen J. (2006) Das Problem der Mehrlingsschwangerschaften.<br />

SAZ 87 (21): 943-947.

Briefe<br />

1. Leeners B, Görres G, Block E, Rath W. (2006) Probleme in der Schwangerschaft, bei und<br />

nach der Geburt nach sexuellen Gewalterfahrungen.<br />

Geburtsh Frauenheilk. 66:453-455.<br />

Bücher<br />

1. Macas E, Wunder D. (2006) Assistierte <strong>Reproduktions</strong>medizin-<br />

Verlag Hans-Huber, Bern.<br />

Buchkapitel<br />

1. Imthurn B. (2006) Polyzystische Ovarien – Kommentar. In: Kompendium evidenzbasierte<br />

Medizin.<br />

Ollenschläger G et al (Herausgeber), 643-644, Verlag Hans Huber, Bern<br />

2. Imthurn B. (2006) Menopause: Symptome – Kommentar. In: Kompendium evidenzbasierte<br />

Medizin.<br />

Ollenschläger G et al (Herausgeber), 620, Verlag Hans Huber, Bern<br />

Abstracts<br />

1. Dubey RK, Tomicek NJ, Gillespie DG, Jackson EK. In human coronary artery smooth muscle<br />

cells (CASMCs) adenosine induces antimitogenesis via A2B receptors. The 60th Annual<br />

Meeting for the Council for High Blood Pressure. American Heart Association in San<br />

Sntonio, TX, Oct 4-8.<br />

Hypertension 48(4), Abstract P46; e54; 2006.<br />

2. Dubey RK, Jackson EK, Gillespie DG, Imthurn B, Rosselli M. Phytoestrogens inhibit human<br />

aortic smooth muscle cell growth and ERK1/2 expression via PPAR-, but not estrogen<br />

receptors.<br />

The 60th Annual Meeting for the Council for High Blood Pressure. American Heart Association<br />

in San Antonio, TX, Oct 4-8.<br />

Hypertension 48(4), Abstract 17; e29; 2006.<br />

3. Dubey RK, Gillespie DG, Mi Z, Jackson EK. Extracellular cyclic-AMP adenosine pathway<br />

inhibits glomerular mesangial cell growth via A2B adenosine receptors.<br />

The 60th Annual Meeting for the Council for High Blood Pressure. American Heart Association<br />

in San Sntonio, TX, Oct 4-8.<br />

Hypertension 48(4), Abstract P208; e85; 2006.<br />

4. Dubey RK, Jackson EK. Estradiol metabolites mediate cardiovascular and renal protection:<br />

Mechanisms and Implications. Workshop on Sex Hormones, Gender and Hypertension<br />

– Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Implications.<br />

The 60th Annual Meeting for the Council for High Blood Pressure. American Heart Association<br />

in San Sntonio, TX, Oct 4-8.<br />

Syllabus: p20-24; 2006.

5. Dubey RK, Kloosterboer HJ, Imthurn B, Jackson EK, Zacharia LC. Conversion of tibolone<br />

to 7-methylethinylestradiol using derivatization for GC-MS and LC-MS: Interpretation<br />

and Clinical Implications.<br />

Presented at the 88th Annual Meeting of The Endocrine Society at Boston 23rd-27th June<br />

2006.<br />

Poster P2 and abstract 437; ENDO; 2006.<br />

6. Foletti M, Imthurn B, Barchiei F, Gillespie DG, Dubey RK. Local Metabolism of estradiol to<br />

methoxyestradiols counteracts the estrogen receptor (ER) dependent mitogenic actions<br />

of estradiol in breast cancer cells.<br />

Presented at the 5th Day of Clinical Research, Zurich, March 23-24.<br />

Abstract 1056, page 80; 2006.<br />

7. Dubey RK, Zacharia LC, Gillespie DG, Imthurn B, Jackson EK. Medroxyprogesterone<br />

(MPA), a Synthetic HRT Progestin, Blocks the Sequential Conversion of Estradiol to Hydroxyestradiol<br />

and Abrogates Its Antimitogenic Effects on Human Arterial Smooth Muscle<br />

Cells (SMCs).<br />

Presented at the 5th Day of Clinical Research, Zurich, March 23-24.<br />

Abstract 1046, page 70; 2006.<br />

8. Dubey RK, Gillespie DG, Jackson EK. In human pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells<br />

(PASMCs) estradiol and its metabolites are antimitogenic and induce COX-2 expression.<br />

Presented at the 5th Day of Clinical Research, Zurich, March 23-24.<br />

Abstract 1045, page 69; 2006.<br />

9. Dubey RK, Gillespie DG, Kloosterboer HJ, Jackson EK, Imthurn B. Catecholamines differentially<br />

modulate the antimitogenic effects of estradiol and tibolone: Role of downstream<br />

metabolites.<br />

Presented at the 5th Day of Clinical Research, Zurich, March 23-24.<br />

Abstract 1044, page 68; 2006.<br />

10. Imthurn B. ISO standards for clinical workup – experiences with DIN EN ISO 9001:2000.<br />

Presented at the SSI Symposium Quality Management in Reproductive Health: Challenges<br />

and Opportunities, Rome, November 24-25.<br />

Abstract L4; 2006.<br />

11. Lütolf B, Leeners B, Kashiwagi M, Uebelhart D. Die Rolle der Physiotherapie bei der Behandlung<br />

von Patientinnen mit Schmerzzuständen im kleinen Becken.<br />

Kongress der Physiotherapie, Lausanne, 21. - 22. April.<br />

PP12; 2006.<br />

12. Leeners B, Neumaier-Wagner P, Stiller R, Kuse S, Imthurn B, Rath W. Motivation for<br />

motherhood in women with and without hypertensive diseases in pregnancy.<br />

15th World Congress of the International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy,<br />

Lissabon,1. - 5. July 2005.<br />

Hypertension in Pregnancy.2006; 25 (Suppl 1):171<br />

13. Leeners B, Neumaier-Wagner P, Stiller R, Kuse S, Imthurn B, Rath W. Acute emotional<br />

stress during pregnancy as a risk factor for hypertensive diseases in pregnancy. 15th<br />

World Congress of the International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy,<br />

Lissabon, 1. - 5. July 2005,<br />

Hypertension in Pregnancy. 2006; 25 (Suppl 1):170

14. Leeners B, Neumaier-Wagner P, Stiller R, Kuse S, Imthurn B, Rath W. Health concerns in<br />

women after hypertensive diseases in pregnancy.<br />

15th World Congress of the International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy,<br />

Lissabon, 1. - 5. July 2005<br />

Hypertension in Pregnancy. 2006; 25 (Suppl 1):193<br />

15. Leeners B, Neumaier-Wagner P, Stiller R, Kuse S, Imthurn B, Rath W. Psychosocial strain<br />

in treatment of hypertensive diseases in pregnancy.<br />

15th World Congress of the International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy,<br />

Lissabon, 1. - 5. July 2005.<br />

Hypertension in Pregnancy. 2006; 25 (Suppl 1):192<br />

16. Leeners B, Neumaier-Wagner P, Stiller R, Kuse S, Imthurn B, Rath W. Perinatal data and<br />

fetal outcome in women with hypertensive diseases in pregnancy.<br />

15th World Congress of the International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy,<br />

Lissabon, 1. - 5. July 2005.<br />

Hypertension in Pregnancy. 2006; 25 (Suppl 1):136<br />

17. Leeners B, Neumaier-Wagner P, Stiller R, Kuse S, Imthurn B, Rath W. How content are<br />

women suffering from hypertensive diseases in pregnancy with medical support <br />

15th World Congress of the International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy,<br />

Lissabon, 1. - 5. July 2005.<br />

Hypertension in Pregnancy. 2006; 25 (Suppl 1):172<br />

18. Schmitt A, Kuse S, Kuse B, Rath W, Leeners B. Psychosocial Effects of Preeclampsia and<br />

HELLP– an Analyis of Field Reports.<br />

15th World Congress of the International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy,<br />

Lissabon, 1. - 5. July 2005.<br />

Hypertension in Pregnancy. 2006; 25 (Suppl 1):197<br />

19. Leeners B, Neumaier-Wagner P, Kuse S, Rath W. Wie zufrieden sind Frauen mit hypertensiven<br />

Schwangerschaftserkrankungen mit der ärztlichen Aufklärung <br />

35. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychosomatische Frauenheilkunde und<br />

Geburtshilfe, Köln, 15. - 18. März 2006.<br />

20. Leeners B, Neumaier-Wagner P, Irawan C, Kuse S, Rath W. Betreuungsmuster in der<br />

Kernfamilie und das Risiko als Erwachsene eine hypertensive Schwangerschaftserkrankung<br />

zu entwickeln.<br />

35. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychosomatische Frauenheilkunde und<br />

Geburtshilfe, Köln, 15. - 18. März 2006.<br />

21. Leeners B, Richter-Appelt H, Quarg A.F, Rath W. Häufigkeit sexueller Gewalterfahrungen<br />

in einem geburtshilflichen Kollektiv.<br />

35. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychosomatische Frauenheilkunde und<br />

Geburtshilfe, Köln, 15. - 18. März 2006.<br />

22. Leeners B, Block E, Rath W. Schwangerschaft nach sexuellen Gewalterfahrungen in der<br />

Kindheit.<br />

35. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychosomatische Frauenheilkunde und<br />

Geburtshilfe, Köln, 15. - 18. März 2006.<br />

23. Leeners B, Block E, Rath W. Wie Erleben Frauen nach sexuellen Gewalterfahrungen in<br />

der Kindheit eine Entbindung – subjektives Erleben und perinatale Daten.<br />

35. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychosomatische Frauenheilkunde und<br />

Geburtshilfe, Köln, 15. - 18. März 2006.

24. Leeners B, Block E, Görres G, Rath W. Auswirkungen sexueller Gewalterfahrungen im<br />

Kindesalter auf Schwangerschaft und Geburt.<br />

Hauptvortrag auf der Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychosomatische<br />

Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe, Goldegg (Österreich), 11. November 2006.

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