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the<br />

president’s<br />

page<br />


by Michael R. Avery, President<br />

Read II Samuel 16:5–14 and 19:15–23<br />

The humiliation of David’s temporary exile in the<br />

face of Absalom’s anarchy had to be one of the<br />

lowest moments of his long reign. But as he fled<br />

Jerusalem insult was added to injury, for a man named<br />

Shimei followed him shouting curses. Shimei’s accusation<br />

was that David was getting what he deserved<br />

because he was a murderous man—guilty of the “blood<br />

of the house of Saul.”<br />

Shimei couldn’t possibly have spoken more unjust<br />

and hurtful words. If David was innocent of anything it<br />

was the blood of Saul. He had spent years in exile to<br />

keep Saul from killing him. He had refused to speak evil<br />

of Saul, take advantage of Saul’s fractious kingdom, or<br />

even lay a hand on Saul, even though the Lord had<br />

delivered Saul into David’s hand again and again. If anything<br />

in the world was untrue, this charge was untrue!<br />

Why Shimei’s Criticism<br />

The <strong>Bible</strong> tells us that Shimei was of the house of<br />

Saul. So when Saul’s kingdom ended, it brought about the demise of all the influence, power, and financial advantage<br />

that Saul’s relatives had enjoyed for years. Shimei just couldn’t let it go and was still carrying the old family<br />

grudge. David’s misfortune gave Shimei the opportunity to vent all those years of stored-up malice. The timing and<br />

boldness of Shimei’s remarks were fueled by three things: first, he thought he could verbally assault David safely<br />

since David was fleeing for his own life; second, he knew the taunt about Saul would hurt David the most at this<br />

particular moment; and third, he believed that God was now on his side. Shimei was sure that David was fleeing for<br />

his life because God has deposed him!<br />

David’s Response<br />

David refused to say anything to Shimei! He did, though, speak words of restraint to his inner circle who wanted<br />

to remove Shimei’s head. David’s silence toward Shimei and his response to his friends offer some valuable<br />

insight on how we should respond to hurting words or unfair accusations.<br />

1. Develop a tough hide. One can’t have a china-doll fragility about every little thing someone says (Eccl.<br />

7:21–22). One of the benchmarks of spiritual maturity is that we have gained enough confidence in who we<br />

are in Christ and of His unwavering love for us that the actions and words of others no longer have the (p19)➡<br />

SEPTEMBER 2009<br />


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