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A microscopic monster<br />

could not be locked out<br />

with padlocks or deterred<br />

with pepper spray.<br />

All the traps in Honduras<br />

could not kill every mouse<br />

on the mission compound.<br />

by Donald G. Smith, Jr., M.D.<br />

Public health scares are not unique to developed countries like<br />

the United States. Shortly after arriving in Honduras, my family<br />

and I were living about 30 yards behind the Evangelistic Faith<br />

Missions clinic in San Luis. One morning I was called to the clinic<br />

for an emergency. The patient was a 12-year-old boy who had<br />

been carried in by his father. He was in severe respiratory distress<br />

and had a very high fever. Within seconds of seeing him I was<br />

struck by the fact that he was in shock and about to die. His color<br />

was gray and his skin had multiple areas that looked like bruises.<br />

His lungs were full of fluid and he was literally drowning. His heart<br />

was racing but each beat was so weak his pulse could hardly be<br />

felt. Oxygen and intravenous fluids had been started.<br />

Medical trainers in the United States use various sayings to<br />

impress the danger of shock on medical students. Statements<br />

such as “shock is shocking” and “you should be shocked when<br />

you see shock” sound trite but are intended to reinforce the<br />

severity of this condition. In medicine the word “shock” indicates<br />

a collapse of the main systems such as the heart, lungs and kidneys.<br />

There is no time to be wasted and action must be taken<br />

immediately. Shock is often seen following major trauma and<br />

heart attacks, but it can also be seen in overwhelming infections.<br />

I stared at this young man with both terror and helplessness.<br />

The American doctor had arrived on the scene<br />

and the national nurses looked at me while the father<br />

cried, moaned and hugged his now comatose son.<br />

©2009 istockphoto.com / 7343759<br />

SEPTEMBER 2009<br />


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