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On October 1, 2001, an amendment (the “Amendment”) to the Code became effective. The Amendment eliminates<br />

the stated par value of the Company’s outstanding shares, which results in all outstanding shares having no par value<br />

at March 31, 2002. The Amendment also provides that all share issuances after September 30, 2001 will be of shares<br />

with no par value. Before the date on which the Amendment came into effect, the Company’s shares of common stock<br />

had a par value of ¥50 per share.<br />

The Code provides that an amount equal to at least 10% of the amount to be disbursed as distributions of earnings<br />

be appropriated to the legal reserve until such reserve and the amount of additional paid-in capital equals 25% of the<br />

common stock account. The Code also provides that, to the extent that the sum of additional paid-in capital account<br />

and the legal reserve exceed 25% of the common stock account, the amount of any such excess is available for<br />

appropriations by resolution of the shareholders.<br />


The Company and its domestic consolidated subsidiaries have defined benefit plans, i.e., welfare pension fund plans,<br />

tax-qualified pension plans and lump-sum payment plans, covering substantially all employees who are entitled to<br />

lump-sum or annuity payments, the amounts of which are determined by reference to their basic rates of pay, lengths<br />

of service and the conditions under which the termination occurs.<br />

The following table sets forth the funded and accrued status of the plans, and the amounts recognized in the<br />

consolidated balance sheet at March 31, 2002 and 2001 for the Company’s and consolidated subsidiaries’ defined<br />

benefit plans:<br />

Thousands of<br />

Millions of Yen U.S. Dollars<br />

2002 2001 2002<br />

Retirement benefit obligation ......................................................................................... ¥(186,269) ¥(159,291) $(1,397,891)<br />

Plan assets at fair value.................................................................................................. 89,012 82,889 668,008<br />

Unfunded retirement benefit obligation.......................................................................... (97,257) (76,402) (729,884)<br />

Unrecognized actuarial gain or loss................................................................................ 39,717 10,862 298,064<br />

Unrecognized past service cost....................................................................................... (1,534) (1,710) (11,512)<br />

Net retirement obligation................................................................................................ (59,074) (67,250) (443,332)<br />

Accrued retirement benefits ........................................................................................... ¥ (59,074) ¥ (67,250) $ (443,332)<br />

The government-sponsored portion of the benefits under the welfare pension fund plans has been included in the<br />

amounts shown in the above table.<br />

The components of retirement benefit expenses for the year ended March 31, 2002 and 2001 are outlined as follows:<br />

Thousands of<br />

Millions of Yen U.S. Dollars<br />

2002 2001 2002<br />

Service cost........................................................................................................................... ¥ 6,380 ¥ 6,498 $47,880<br />

Interest cost........................................................................................................................... 5,446 5,223 40,871<br />

Expected return on plan assets.............................................................................................. (3,299) (3,215) (24,758)<br />

Amortization of past service cost........................................................................................... (175) (43) (1,313)<br />

Amortization of actuarial gain or loss .................................................................................... 1,086 — 8,150<br />

Amortization of net retirement obligation at transition .......................................................... — 2,820 —<br />

Additional retirement benefit expenses................................................................................. 2,234 1,039 16,765<br />

Total...................................................................................................................................... ¥11,673 ¥12,322 $87,602<br />

The transition difference arising from the initial adoption of the new accounting standard has been recorded as<br />

other expense for the year ended March 31, 2002.<br />

The assumptions used in accounting for the above plans are as follows:<br />

2002 2001<br />

Discount rates....................................................................... 2.5% 3.5%<br />

Expected return on plan assets............................................. 4.0% 4.0%<br />

Amortization of past service cost .......................................... 10 years (straight-line method) 10 years (straight-line method)<br />

Amortization of actuarial gain or loss ................................... 10 years (straight-line method) 10 years (straight-line method)<br />

Amortization of net retirement obligation at transition.......... — Fully recognized as other expense<br />

when incurred<br />

Yamaha Corporation Annual Report 2002 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements<br />


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