On Spaces with Ideal Convergence Property

On Spaces with Ideal Convergence Property

On Spaces with Ideal Convergence Property


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<strong>On</strong> <strong>Spaces</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Ideal</strong> <strong>Convergence</strong> <strong>Property</strong><br />

Jakub Jasinski and Ireneusz Rec÷aw<br />

Abstract. For an ideal I P (!); we continue the investigation of the class of<br />

spaces <strong>with</strong> the I-ideal convergence property, denoted IC(I); see [2]. We show<br />

that if I is an analytic, atomless P -ideal then IC(I) s0: If in addition I is<br />

non-pathological and not isomorphic <strong>with</strong> Ib; then IC(I) spaces have measure<br />

zero. We also present a characterization of the IC(I) spaces using clopen<br />

covers.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Throughout this paper X is a separable metric space and I P(!) is an ideal<br />

on ! containing all …nite subsets of !. The power set P(!) is considered to be a<br />

topological space <strong>with</strong> the product topology induced from 2 ! by identifying subsets<br />

of ! <strong>with</strong> their characteristic functions. We assume that P(!) is a closed subset<br />

of the interval [0; 1]. Recall that an ideal I P(!) is called a P -ideal if whenever<br />

A0; A1; A3; ::: 2 I is a sequence of sets then there exists a set A1 2 I such that<br />

An<br />

A1 for all n < !; i.e., jAn n A1j < !: We are particularly interested in the<br />

analytic P -ideals I P(!) because of Solecki’s theorem stating that for any such<br />

ideal there exists a lower semicontinuous submeasure ' : P(!) ! [0; 1] such that<br />

I = Exh(') df<br />

= fA ! : lim '(A n n) = 0g; see [6], Theorem 3.1.<br />

n!1<br />

We say that a sequence of functions fn : X ! R is I-convergent to a function<br />

g : X ! R, denoted I lim fn = g, if for every " > 0 and every x 2 X the set fn 2<br />

! : jfn(x) g(x)j "g 2 I. In [2] authors studied spaces X where I-convergence of<br />

sequences of continuous functions implies pointwise convergence of a subsequence<br />

indexed by elements of a set from the dual …lter F(I) df<br />

= fB ! : B c 2 Ig: More<br />

speci…cally, recall<br />

Definition 1. Let I be an ideal on ! and let X be a separable metric space.<br />

We say that X has the I-ideal convergence property if whenever fn : X ! R is a<br />

sequence of continuous functions I-convergent to the zero function then there exists<br />

a set M = fm0 < m1 < m2 < :::g 2 F(I) such that for all x 2 X; limi!1 fmi (x) =<br />

0: The class of all spaces <strong>with</strong> the I-ideal convergence property is denoted by IC(I)<br />

and the set of all subspaces of X <strong>with</strong> the I-ideal convergence property is denoted<br />

by ICX(I).<br />

2000 Mathematics Subject Classi…cation. Primary 54C30, 03E35; Secondary 26A15, 40A30.<br />

Key words and phrases. P-ideals, ideal convergence, open cover.<br />



In [2] we said that an ideal I P(!) is generated by a set C ! if I = IC<br />

fA ! : A Cg: It is easy to show, see part ( of the proof of Proposition 2 of<br />

[2], that for any space X; if I is generated by a single set then ICX(I) = P(X):<br />

<strong>Ideal</strong>s not generated by a a single set will be called called nontrivial.<br />

In this note we show that it is consistent that for all analytic, nontrivial, nonpathological,<br />

P -ideals I the class IC(I) contains countable spaces only. This result<br />

should be viewed in context of Corollary 5 of [2] stating that under CH, for any<br />

analytic P -ideal I there exists an uncountable space X in IC(I): Note that the class<br />

of analytic, nontrivial, non-pathological, P -ideals is very broad and includes most<br />

ideals discussed in literature including summable and Erd½os-Ulam ideals, see comments<br />

following Corollary 1.9.4, p 31 of [3]. In Theorem 3 we give a characterization<br />

of spaces <strong>with</strong> I-ideal convergence property using clopen covers.<br />

2. Main Results<br />

For readers’convenience we recall a few more de…nitions and simple facts. A<br />

set X R is called a -set (or X 2 ) if every relative G subset of X is also<br />

a relative F set in X, see [5], p 210. A mapping ' : P(!) ! [0; 1] is called a<br />

submeasure if '(?) = 0; and '(A) '(A [ B) '(A) + '(B); see [3], p 20. A<br />

submeasure ' is called lower semicontinuous if for all A !, lim '(A\n) = '(A):<br />

n!1<br />

Since R contains a closed subset homeomorphic to P(!) to simplify the notation<br />

we assume that P(!) [0; 1] R. For any two integers n1 n2 < !; [n1; n2] df<br />

=<br />

fk < ! : n1 k n2g: Following the idea in the proof of Proposition 2 of [2] we<br />

prove the following Lemma.<br />

Lemma 1. Let I P(!)be an ideal and let X I be such that X 2 IC(I).<br />

Then there exists a set C 2 I such that X IC: Moreover, if X = I then X = IC :<br />

Proof. Let gn : X ! R be de…ned as follows:<br />

gn(A) =<br />

1 if n 2 A<br />

0 if n =2 A<br />

It is easy to verify that gn are continuous as both inverse images, g 1<br />

n [f1g] and<br />

g 1<br />

n [f0g] are open in X: For A 2 X we have fn : gn(A) > 0g = fn : gn(A) =<br />

1g = fn : n 2 Ag = A 2 I; so I lim gn = 0: Since:X 2 IC(I) there exists a set<br />

M = fm0 < m1 < m2 < :::g 2 F(I) such that lim gmi(A) = 0 for all A 2 X: So for<br />

i!1<br />

all A 2 X; gmi (A) = 0 for su¢ ciently large i; hence for those i; mi =2 A: It follows<br />

that M Acand consequently A M c : Take C = M c and we obtain X IC:<br />

With C 2 I we always have IC I so if X = I then X IC I = X:<br />

Lemma 2. If I is an analytic, nontrivial P -ideal on ! then ICR(I) does not<br />

contain intervals.<br />

Proof. Let ' : P(!) ! [0; 1] be a …nite lower-semicontinuous submeasure<br />

on P(!) such that<br />

(2.1) I = Exh(') = fA ! : lim '(A n n) = 0g;<br />

n!1<br />

see [6]. De…ne a descending sequence of sets fAk : k < !g as follows: A0 = !;<br />

1<br />

Ak = fn < ! : '(fng) k g: We shall consider the limit lim<br />

k!1 lim<br />

n!1 '(Ak n n):<br />

df<br />


Case 1. Assume<br />


(2.2) lim<br />

k!1 lim<br />

n!1 '(Ak n n) = 0<br />

but<br />

(2.3) for every k, lim<br />

n!1 '(Ak n n) > 0:<br />

For every k < ! there exists a t > k such that jAk nAtj = !: Otherwise there would<br />

be a k0 such that lim<br />

n!1 '(Ak n n) = lim<br />

n!1 '(Ak0 n n) for all k k0 contradicting<br />

2.2. De…ne an increasing sequence kl, l < ! as follows: k0 = 0; kl+1 = minfk :<br />

jAkl n Akj = !g:Set Bl = Akl n Akl+1 :<br />

Claim. I = fA : 8ljBl\Aj < !g: If A 2 I then lim<br />

n!1 '(Ann) = 0 so jBl\Aj < !<br />

1<br />

because otherwise we would have lim '(A n n)<br />

n!1<br />

kl+1<br />

: <strong>On</strong> the other hand if all<br />

sets Bl \ A are …nite then for every k there exists an n such that A n n Ak: It<br />

follows that lim '(A n n) lim<br />

n!1 k!1 lim<br />

n!1 '(Ak n n) = 0 which proves the Claim:<br />

This shows that there exists a bijection : ! ! ! 2 such that f [A] : A 2 Ig =<br />

Ib<br />

df<br />

= fA ! 2 : 8n < !9m < !8k < !((n; k) 2 A ) k m)g: By Theorem 4 of<br />

[2] it follows that ICR(I) = ICR(Ib) : Intervals are not -sets, [5], hence the<br />

Lemma is proved in Case 1.<br />

Case 2. Assume that<br />

(2.4) lim<br />

k!1 lim<br />

n!1 '(Ak n n) = 0<br />

and<br />

(2.5) there exists a k0 such that lim '(Ak0 n n) = 0:<br />

n!1<br />

Than Ak0 2 I and I is not nontrivial because I = fA : A Ak0g: The inclusion<br />

1<br />

I fA : A Ak0g is clear while if jA n Ak0j = ! then lim inf'(A<br />

n n) k0 n!1 so<br />

A =2 I:<br />

Case 3. Finally assume that<br />

(2.6) lim<br />

k!1 lim<br />

n!1 '(Ak n n) = " > 0<br />

Recursively de…ne a sequence fnk : k < !g as follows: n0 is such that for all n n0;<br />

'(A0 nn) > "<br />

2 and nk+1 k+1 be such that for all n nk+1; '(Ak+1 \[nk+1; n]) ><br />

"<br />

2 : Note that such nk+1exists due to the lower-semicontinuity of ': For the same<br />

2<br />

reason the set Z = fA : 8k > 0('(A n nk) k )g is a closed subset of P(!) and<br />

by 2.1 Z I: Now towards a contradiction, based on Proposition 3 of [2], <strong>with</strong>out<br />

loss of generality we may assume that [0; 1] 2 ICR(I): By the same Proposition<br />

3(2) ICR(I) also contains Z: By Lemma 1 there exists a set C 2 I such that<br />

Z fA : A Cg: C 2 I so by 2.1 let l0 2 ! be such that '(C n m) < "<br />

2 for<br />

all m 2 l0 : Since for l < !, '(A 2 l +1 \ [n 2 l; n 2 l +1]) > "<br />

2<br />

we may select numbers<br />

dl 2 (A 2 l +1 \ [n 2 l; n 2 l +1]) n C and de…ne the set D = fdl : l l0g: D is in…nite and<br />

disjoint from C so clearly D * C: In particular<br />

(2.7) D =2 Z:<br />

Now for k > 0 let lk = maxfl0; dlog2 nkeg: We have '(D n nk)<br />

P<br />

'(fdlg)<br />

l lk<br />

P 1<br />

: It follows that D 2 Z contradicting 2.7.<br />

2<br />

l lk<br />

l +1<br />

2<br />

2 dlog 2 n ke<br />

2<br />

nk<br />

2<br />



Remark 1. The above proof shows that if I is as in Lemma 2 and X 2 ICR(I)<br />

then X is totally imperfect (i.e., does not contain any perfect sets.)<br />

A subset X R is called an s0-set (or X 2 s0) if for every perfect subset<br />

P R there exists another perfect subset Q P n X; see [5] p 217.<br />

Theorem 1. If I is an analytic, nontrivial P -ideal on ! then ICR(I) s0:<br />

Proof. Suppose X 2 ICR(I) and let P R be a perfect set. Let P1 P<br />

be a perfect set homeomorphic to the Cantor set, see [7], Theorem 2.6.3. Let<br />

h : P1 ! P1 P1be a homeomorphism, and let p : P1 P1 ! P1 be the projection,<br />

p(x; y) = x: It is well known that there is a continuous surjection g : P1 ! [0; 1];<br />

see [7] Theorem 2.6.13. The composition q = g p h : P1 ! [0; 1] is a continuous<br />

surjection so by Proposition 3 of [2] q[P1 \X] 2 ICR(I): By Lemma 2 there exists a<br />

number y 2 [0; 1] n q[P1 \ X]: It is easy to see that Q = q 1 [fyg] is a perfect subset<br />

of P disjoint <strong>with</strong> X:<br />

Under the Continuum Hypothesis we have an example of an nontrivial, nonanalytic<br />

P -ideal J such that IC(J) contains large spaces.<br />

Example 1. (CH) There exist a maximal P -ideal J such that R 2IC(J):<br />

Proof. We will construct a sequence of subsets X 2 [!] ! ; < c: such that<br />

X X whenever < < c. The sequence fX : < cg will be such that the<br />

ideal J dual to the …lter F = fB<br />

properties.<br />

! : 9 < c(X B)g will have the desired<br />

Let fA : < cg be a sequence of all subsets of ! and let fhfn : n < !i : < cg<br />

be a sequence of all sequences of continuous functions fn : R ! R. Set X0 = !:<br />

Suppose that for some < c the sets X ; are de…ned. De…ne X0 +1 as follows.<br />

If the sequence hfn : n 2 X i is pointwise convergent to the zero function then we<br />

set X0 +1 = X : Otherwise there exists an " > 0 and a number x 2 R such that the<br />

set E = fn : jfn (x)j "g is an in…nite subset of X . In that case we set X0 +1 = E:<br />

Now to obtain X +1 we consider the intersection X0 +1 \ A : If the intersection is<br />

in…nite then let X +1 = X0 +1 \ A :Otherwise set X +1 = X0 +1 \ (! n A ):<br />

To …nish the proof we need to de…ne the X for limit ordinals 0 < < c:<br />

Let f n : n < !g be a sequence of ordinals co…nal in : For each n < ! let<br />

Yn = T<br />

X . We have Y0 Y1 Y2 ::: . and Yn are in…nite for all n < !:<br />

k<br />

k n<br />

Recursively pick points xn 2 Yn n fxm : m < ng and let X = fxn : n < !g: It is<br />

easy to verify that X X for all < .<br />

Now having the sequence fX : < cg de…ned, it is easy to verify that the<br />

ideal J dual to …lter F = F(J) = fB ! : 9 < c(X B)g is a maximal<br />

P -ideal such that R 2 IC(J):<br />

Recall that a measure on P(!) is an additive submeasure, i.e., : P(!) ! [0; 1]<br />

is a measure if (;) = 0; (A) (A [ B); and (A [ B) = (A) + (B) for any<br />

two disjoint sets A; B 2 P(!): Before our next theorem we would like to recall a<br />

de…nition from [3] p 21. We say that a submeasure ' : P(!) ! [0; 1] is nonpathological<br />

if<br />

(2.8) '(A) = supf (A) : is a measure on P(!) and 8B !( (B) '(B)g:<br />

An ideal I P(!) is non-pathological if I = Exh(') for some non-pathological<br />

submeasure ': Let and be the Lebesgue measure and the outer Lebesgue


measure respectively. N = fY R : (Y ) = 0g and recall Ib<br />

!9m < !8k < !((n; k) 2 A ) k m)g:<br />

df<br />

= fA ! 2 : 8n <<br />

Theorem 2. If I is an analytic, non-pathological, nontrivial P -ideal not isomorphic<br />

<strong>with</strong> Ib, then ICR(I) N .<br />

Proof. Suppose I = Exh(') for some non-pathological submeasure ': Let<br />

X 2 ICR(I): By Lemma 2 X is zerodimensional and we may assume that X [0; 1]:<br />

Similarly as in the proof of Lemma 2 we de…ne a sequence of sets A0; A1; A2; ::: as<br />

1<br />

Ak = fn < ! : '(fng) 2k g and consider the limit 2.2. Based on the proof of<br />

Lemma 2 our assumptions on I imply that lim<br />

k!1 lim<br />

n!1 '(Ak n n) = " > 0: Let fnk :<br />

k < !g be de…ned exactly like in Case 3 of Lemma 2. De…ne Ik = Ak \[nk; nk+1 1]<br />

and let k be a measure on P(!) such that k ' and k(Ik) > 1<br />

2'(Ik); see 2.8.<br />

For each k we create a partition of X into open (in X) sets fUki : i 2 Ikg such that<br />

(Uki) < 2 k(fig)= k(Ik): We de…ne F : X ! P(!); F (x) = fi : 9k(x 2 Ukig:<br />

Since the sets Ik are …nite and pairwise disjoint the function F is continuous and<br />

we have F [X] 2 ICR(I) by Proposition 3(1) of [2]. Also for each x 2 X; F (x) 2 I<br />

1<br />

because lim '(F (x) n n) = 0: This is due to the fact that we are using<br />

n!1 2k in the<br />

de…nition of Ak and jF (x)\(Ak nAk+1)j 1: So <strong>with</strong> F [X] I and F [X] 2 ICR(I)<br />

by Lemma<br />

S<br />

1 there<br />

T<br />

exists<br />

S<br />

a set C 2 I such that F (x) C for all x 2 X: It follows<br />

that X<br />

Uki: Notice that for any k < !<br />

nni2C\Ik<br />

[<br />

i2C\Ik<br />

Uki<br />

! X<br />

i2C\Ik<br />

(Uki)<br />

X 2 k(fig)=<br />

i2C\Ik<br />

k(Ik)<br />

= 2 k(C \ Ik)= k(Ik)<br />

2 k(C \ Ik)=( "<br />

2 )<br />

4'(C n nk)= :<br />

Since C 2 I the last quantity converges to zero as k ! 1: It follows that<br />

\ [<br />

!<br />

= 0<br />

and (X) = 0 as well.<br />

k>ni2C\Ik<br />

Corollary 1. It is consistent <strong>with</strong> ZFC that if I is an analytic, non-pathological,<br />

nontrivial P -ideal, then ICR(I) contains countable sets only.<br />

Proof. Suppose X 2 ICR(I): If I is not isomorphic <strong>with</strong> Ib then by by Theorem<br />

2 and Proposition 3(1) of [2] all continuous images of X are also in ICR(I)<br />

and they have Lebesgue measure zero. Bartoszynski and Shelah, [1] showed that<br />

consistently such spaces may be countable only. If I is isomorphic <strong>with</strong> Ib then see<br />

Corollary 7 of [2].<br />

Our last theorem presents a characterization of spaces <strong>with</strong> I-ideal convergence<br />

property using clopen covers.<br />



Theorem 3. Suppose I is a P -ideal on ! and let X be a separable, zerodimensional<br />

metric space. Then X 2 IC(I) if and only if for every sequence of clopen<br />

sets U0; U1; U2; ::: X such that if for<br />

S<br />

any<br />

T<br />

x 2 X; fn : x =2 Ung 2 I; then there<br />

exists a set A 2 F(I) such that X<br />

Ua:<br />

m m we have han (x) = 0; so x 2 Uan :Hence X<br />

Ua:<br />


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