June & July - Icsi

June & July - Icsi

June & July - Icsi


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CMYK<br />

CMYK<br />

Full Day Seminar on Statutory Compliance on 15th May, 2010 at Hotel Krishna Palace in Kemp’s Corner<br />

Dr. S. D. Israni,<br />

PCS<br />

Dr. S. K. Jain,<br />

PCS<br />

Shri Keyoor Bakshi,<br />

PCS & Past President,<br />

ICSI<br />

Shri J. K. Jolly,<br />

Joint Director, MCA<br />

Shri Anubhav Ray,<br />

SEBI<br />

Shri L. D. D’souza,<br />

Senior Advocate<br />

Shri Ramasubramanian,<br />

Ex-GM RBI<br />

Lighting of the Lamp : Smt Ragini Choksi,<br />

Shri Mahavir Lunawat & Shri S. N. Anathasubramanian<br />

Delegates<br />

Full Day Seminar on Stamp Duty Dt and SAT on 19th <strong>June</strong>, 2010 at Landmark Hotel in Goregaon<br />

Shri Sharad Avhayankar,<br />

ANS Law<br />

Dr. S. K. Jain,<br />

PCS<br />

Shri J. J. Bhatt,<br />

Senior Advocate<br />

Smt. Rinku Thakur,<br />

SAT Consul<br />

Study Circle on Easy Exit Scheme & Company Law Settlement in WIRC on 18th <strong>June</strong>, 2010<br />

Shri Henry Richard, Hon’ble ROC Mumbai<br />

Shri Tushar Shridaharani, Smt Ragini Chokshi, Shri Kaushik Jhaveri, &<br />

Hon’able ROC, Henry Richard<br />

Study Circle on Secretarial Audit and Easy Exit Scheme in Bhavans College in Andheri on 13th <strong>June</strong>, 2010<br />

2<br />

Shri S. N. Ananthasubramanian addressing on<br />

“Secretarial Audit”<br />

Shri Suresh Thakurdesai addressing on “Exit Scheme”<br />

The Inaugural Session, Shri Rajkumar Tiwari,<br />

Kaushik Jhaveri, S. N. Ananthasubramanian &<br />

Suresh Thakurdesai<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010

CMYK<br />

Dear Professional Colleagues,<br />

We professionals always have a question to ponder upon as to What next This<br />

is a typical question which we professionals keep on asking and we, as Council<br />

members, always have a major thrust on deciding the next course of action.<br />

Friends, you will agree that our efforts are always targeted towards professional<br />

updation and to bring-in the most contemporary subjects for discussion. We are<br />

conducting programmers for your benefit on the subjects of professional interest<br />

and I am sure, as Chairman, I would be able to give to you something in terms<br />

of dissemination of knowledge.<br />

From the Chairman<br />

I, as member of the Institute falling under WIRC would await eagerly for the<br />

Annual Regional Conference and the National Conventions. I am sure that the<br />

same would be happening to you also. The eagerness has now come to an end<br />

and is getting translated into reality since the WIRC’s Annual Regional Conference<br />

is being convened. Yes, WIRC is organizing its most eagerly awaited event i.e.<br />

WIRC Annual Regional Conference at Hotel Surya Palace, Vadodara on the theme<br />

of “Emerging Dimensions of the Profession”. The subjects to be deliberated at the<br />

regional conference are: (1) Mergers & Acquisitions -Technical & Taxation aspects,<br />

(2) NCLT how to excel (3) SMEs’ and their Listig – what is all about, (4) MCX<br />

– commodity markets and derivatives – role of CS, (5) New dimensions for CS<br />

Profession - what is there inside.<br />

Needless to mention that the top ceded faculties who are authority in their<br />

respective fields would address the Conference and I can, for sure, say that if<br />

you will miss this conference, you would be missing something which is much<br />

needed for the academic growth. A detailed brochure of the conference is given<br />

in the current issue of FOCUS. Friends, I will eagerly await to receive all of you<br />

to this annual conference at “Sanskari Nagari”, Vadodara.<br />

I would also take this opportunity to urge you to be a delegate for the Annual<br />

Conference and also if possible give whatever support in terms of advertisement<br />

in Souvenir/ Sponsorship etc.<br />

Friends, I would also like to remind you once again that we do not exist just<br />

because we have to exist but our life and actions certainly have some meaning<br />

and one such vital step which can help the entire fraternity of Company<br />

Secretaries is by becoming a member of CS Benevolent Fund. Therefore, it would<br />

be our august duty to increase the membership of this fund because by paying<br />

a lifetime membership fee of Rs.2500/-, we extend lot of support to the members<br />

families in distress. Please remember that the fees to the CS Benevolent Fund is<br />

a one time payment and please be generous and become the Member of the CS<br />

Benevolent Fund.<br />

With kind regards,<br />

Vishvesh V. Vachhrajani,<br />

Chairman, ICSI-WIRC<br />

Date : 1st <strong>July</strong>, 2010<br />

Place : Vadodara<br />

Editorial Board : CS Vivek S. Sadhale (Editor), CS Ashish Doshi, CS Vishvesh V. Vachhrajani, CS Mahavir Lunawat.<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010<br />

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CMYK<br />


Office : 13, 56 & 57 Jolly Maker Chambers No.2, First Floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400021<br />

Tel. Nos.: 22047604 / 22047580 / 22844073 / 22047569 Email: wiro@icsi.edu<br />



Chairman : Vishvesh V. Vachhrajani<br />

Vice-Chairman : Makarand Lele<br />

Secretary : Mahavir Lunawat<br />

Treasurer : Ashish C. Doshi<br />


S. N. Ananthasubramanian Milind B. Kasodekar<br />

Om Prakash Bagdia<br />

Vinayak S. Khanvalkar<br />

Keyoor M. Bakshi<br />

Vikas Y. Khare<br />

Rakesh Chandra (Co-opted)<br />

Atul H. Mehta<br />

Ragini K. Chokshi (Ms.)<br />

B. Narasimhan<br />

Ashish Garg<br />

Vivek S. Sadhale<br />

Gopal Krishnan Iyer (Co-opted)<br />

Umesh H. Ved<br />

Jayshree Joshi (Ms.)<br />

Sudipto Pal, Joint Director, ICSI-WIRO<br />

Statutory Auditors : P. K. Mahadevan & Associates, Chartered Accountants, Mumbai.<br />

Internal Auditors : Ford, Rhodes, Parks & Company, Chartered Accountant, Mumbai<br />

Bankers : Syndicate Bank, ICICI Bank, Corporation Bank,<br />

HDFC Bank, Canara Bank, State Bank of India & Bank of India<br />

Head Office: ‘ICSI House’, 22, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003.<br />

Phones: 45341000, 41504444 (STD Code 011) Fax: 011-24626727 E-mail: info@icsi.edu Website: www.icsi.edu<br />

NOTICE<br />


Notice is hereby given that the Thirty Fourth Annual General Meeting of the Western India Regional Council (WIRC)<br />

of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) will be held on Friday, the 30th <strong>July</strong>, 2010 at 4.00 P.M. at the<br />

ICSI-WIRC premises, 13, Jolly Maker Chambers No. 2, First Floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021, to transact the<br />

following business.<br />

1. To consider and adopt the Audited Accounts for the year ended 31st March, 2010 together with the reports of<br />

the Regional Council and Auditors’ Report thereon.<br />

2. To appoint Statutory Auditors for the year 2010-11 and authorise the Council to fix their remuneration.<br />

3. To transact such other business as may be brought before the meeting with the permission of the Chair.<br />

By order of the Western India Regional Council of<br />

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India<br />

Mumbai<br />

Dated: 12th <strong>June</strong>, 2010<br />

Notes : If within half an hour from the time appointed for a meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting stands adjourned to the<br />

same day in the next week at the same time and place and at such adjourned meeting, the members present shall constitute<br />

the quorum. (regulation 138)<br />


IRC<br />

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Mahavir Lunawat<br />

Secretary<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010

CMYK<br />



Dear Members,<br />

The Western India Regional Council of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India has the pleasure in presenting<br />

its 34th Annual Report together with the Audited Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31st March, 2010.<br />

1. Regional Council:<br />

The Election to the Western India Regional Council was conducted on 19th December, 2009 and the new office<br />

bearers took charge from 19th January 2010. The Regional Council elected Shri Vishvesh V. Vachhrajani as<br />

Chairman, Shri Makarand Lele as Vice-Chairman, Shri Mahavir Lunawat as Secretary and Shri Ashish C. Doshi<br />

as Treasurer for the calendar year 2010. The Regional Council also formed various Committees for the year 2010<br />

as detailed in Annexure ‘A’ to this Report.<br />

2. Members:<br />

The total number of members under the jurisdiction of the Western Region as on 31st March, 2010 was 7319<br />

as against 6675 as on 31st March, 2009.<br />

3. Students:<br />

The number of Registered Students from the Region as on 31st March, 2010 was 46042. as against 32753 as<br />

on 31st March, 2009.<br />

4. Activities:<br />

Maintaining the high traditions of the WIRC for dissemination of useful information and updating professional<br />

knowledge on the subjects of interest to the profession, number of talks, lectures, seminars, symposiums, study<br />

circle meetings and other professional development programs were organised by WIRC during the year under<br />

review. Details of these programmes are given in Annexure ‘B’ to this report.<br />

Annual Regional Conference 2009 was conducted on 3rd & 4th April, 2009 at Panvel jointly with Navi<br />

Mumbai Chapter of ICSI-WIRC. 10th All India Conference for Student, Company Secretaries held on 3rd &<br />

4th <strong>July</strong>, 2009 at Nagpur jointly with Raipur Chapter. Full Day Seminar on Good Governance and Compliance<br />

Management was organized on 27th March, 2010 at Hotel Glen view, Pachmarhi, Madhya Pradesh. Full<br />

Day Seminar on Limited Liability Partnership was also organized on 28th March, 2010 at Hotel Glen View,<br />

Pachmarhi, Madhya Pradesh under the aegis of National Foundation of Corporate Governance (NFCG).<br />

Program Membership Scheme was floated in the year 2008 for the benefit of Members and Corporates in the<br />

Western Region to enable them to swiftly register for the programme and also to take the benefit of discounted<br />

fees. There were in total 78 members consisting of individuals and corporates who enrolled for the scheme and<br />

in the year 2008, In the year 2009 similar scheme under the name of PMS 09 was introduced with the validity<br />

of one year from the date of registration. 182 members were enrolled for the scheme. In the year 2010 many<br />

of the members have renewed their registration to the Program membership Scheme while many new members<br />

joined the scheme.<br />

During the year under review WIRC acquired new additional office space admeasuring 2206 Sq. feet at 56 &<br />

57 in the same building and with this a long cherished dream all of us could see the light of the day/Needless<br />

to mention that this is an addition to the existing office at of WIRC admeasuring 1173.27 sq.ft.<br />

The new office was inaugurated by Shri Datla Hanumanta Raju, immediate Past President, ICSI on 18th<br />

December, 2009.<br />

The Council expresses its heart felt gratitude to all those who made it possible and particularly to the ICSI-<br />

WIRC Building Committee for its dedication and commitment in the accomplishment of the goal.<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010<br />

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CMYK<br />

5. Chapters:<br />

At present, there are Sixteen Chapters under the jurisdiction of WIRC consisting of serving members and<br />

students of the Institute in the Western Region. These Chapters are located at Ahmedabad, Aurangabad<br />

Bhopal. Dombivli, Goa, Indore, Kolhapur, Nagpur, Nasik, Navi Mumbai, Pune, Raipur, Rajkot, Surat, Thane and<br />

Vadodara. The details of the Chapters contact address and office bearers are available on the website of ICSI<br />

(www.icsi.edu) .<br />

All Chapters regularly conduct professional development programs such as Seminars, Talks, Study Circle<br />

Meetings and the like for the benefit of the members and students.<br />

6. Student Services:<br />

(a) Oral Tuition Classes:<br />

WIRC, during the year under review continued to provide the Oral Tution facilities through its existing<br />

Oral Coaching Centers at Churchgate, Ghatkopar & Malad in Mumbai under the auspices of ICSI-Sydenham<br />

College Training Centre, ICSI-Smt. P. N. Doshi Women’s College Training Centre & ICSI-MKES College<br />

Training Centre respectively. Besides this, Oral Training Centres are functioning at Thane & Dombivli<br />

under the guidance of respective Chapters in Mumbai Metropolitan area. Oral Coaching Centres beyond<br />

Mumbai Metropolitan Area are conducted by other Chapters.<br />

(b)<br />

Prize Awards:<br />

Students from the Western Region have won a number of awards/prizes for their meritorious performance<br />

in the Institute’s examinations held in December 2008 and <strong>June</strong> 2009.<br />

(c)<br />

Secretarial Modular Training Programmes, Management Skill Orientation Programme, Training<br />

Orientation Programmes, Academic Development Programme, Executive Development Programme &<br />

Student Induction Programme.<br />

WIRC conducted Eight Secretarial Modular Training Programs (SMTP), one Management Skill Orientation<br />

Programme (MSOP) during the year under review to facilitate the Final passed students in fulfilling their<br />

training requirements and for getting membership of the Institute. Ahmedabad and Pune Chapters also<br />

conducted SMTPs during the year.<br />

Further, WIRC conducted Eight Training Orientation Programs (TOP) for Intermediate Passed students<br />

for facilitating their Management/Apprenticeship Training as per CS Regulations. Many Chapters have<br />

also conducted this programme. WIRC also conducted Four Academic Development Programme (ADP).<br />

Three Executive Development Programme (EDP) and one Student Induction Programme (SIP) as per CS<br />

Regulations.<br />

All these training programmes got very good response and WIRC is hopeful to cater the need of many<br />

more students during the coming years.<br />

(d) Career Awareness :<br />

Recognising the importance of Career Awareness programs for enrolling the students, WIRC organized<br />

large number of such programs at various colleges, schools and other institutions at Mumbai, Thane,<br />

Bhiwandi, Kalyan, Dombivali, Ulahasnagar and also at the Chapters across the region. WIRC and its<br />

Chapters had also participated in many Career Fairs / Exhibitions in order to popularise C.S. profession<br />

as a Career choice.<br />

(e)<br />

Evaluation of Response Sheets:<br />

WIRC carried out local evaluation of response sheets for the students studying in Foundation/Foundation<br />

Programme, Intermediate / Executive Programme and Final/Foundation Programme of the Institute.<br />

WIRC also made necessary arrangements for issue of Coaching Completion Certificates to the successful<br />

students.<br />

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IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010

CMYK<br />

7. Library:<br />

The Library at WIRC continued to grow with subscription to prominent newspapers, law Journals and by<br />

purchase of books of professional relevance. Library facilities at ICSI - Sydenham College Training Centre,<br />

ICSI - Smt. P.N. Doshi Women’s College Training Centre and ICSI - MKES College Training Centre are also used<br />

by the students. Library facilities are also available at the Chapter level as well.<br />

8. News Bulletin:<br />

The news bulletin of the WIRC, “FOCUS” carrying useful and educative articles, regional news, chapter news,<br />

reports on conferences, workshops etc. was published every month during the year. The Regional Council is<br />

continuously endeavoring to improve its standards to ensure that it becomes and remains most contemperory.<br />

9. Placement Services:<br />

The Placement cell of WIRC has been responding to requisitions received from various employers from time<br />

to time. WIRC also assists students to find placements for Management / Apprenticeship Training under CS<br />

Regulations.<br />

10. Members’ Response:<br />

Activities of WIRC are meant to help members in updating their knowledge and sharing their experiences.<br />

Conferences, Seminars and Study Circle Meetings have been organised to stimulate fruitful discussions on<br />

professional matters with a view to augment knowledge and expertise of members in diverse fields. Special<br />

Study Circles / Programmes were organised for Practising Company Secretaries. WIRC is ever keen to improve<br />

the standards and to impact its activities and suggestions are welcome for the purpose. It is always felt that<br />

wisdom does not lie only at the Top. We solicit support, suggestions and ideas from members for enhancement/<br />

improvement of activities at WIRC.<br />

11. Group Insurance scheme:<br />

WIRC had introduced group insurance scheme for the members of ICSI in the western region through LIC.<br />

Currently there are 246 members, who have enrolled for the scheme.<br />

12. Research & Publication<br />

WIRC has published Corporate Compliance Calendar 2009 – 2010.<br />

WIRC look forward to publish more important publications in near future.<br />

13. Auditors:<br />

M/s. P.K. Mahadevan & Associates, Chartered Accountants, Mumbai. The Auditors will retire at the forthcoming<br />

Annual General Meeting and being eligible for reappointment suitable resolution for their appointment is placed<br />

for the approval of members.<br />

14. Acknowledgment:<br />

WIRC places on record its deep sense of appreciation for the active co-operation extended by the faculty<br />

members at the Conferences, Seminars, Study Circle/Lecture Meetings, Secretarial Modular Training Programmes<br />

& Training Orientation Programmes, Advertisers and also Sponsors of various programs, Members and Office<br />

bearers of Managing Committees of Chapters and Satellite Chapters, Honorary Directors, Professors in charge,<br />

Faculty members of Oral Coaching Centers as well as College Authorities of these centers, the Secretary & CEO<br />

and other Staff Members at the Head Office of the Institute..<br />

The Council also express its deep sense of appreciation to the Team-WIRC for their co-operation and deliverables<br />

because without their support it would have not been possible to spearhead into all the events during the year<br />

under review<br />

For and on behalf of the Western India Regional Council<br />

Of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India<br />

place : Mumbai<br />

Date : 12th <strong>June</strong>, 2010<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010<br />



7<br />


CMYK<br />

CMYK<br />


Shri Vishvesh V. Vachhrajani<br />

Shri Makarand Lele<br />

Shri Mahavir Lunawat<br />

Shri Ashish Doshi<br />

ANNEXURE ‘A’<br />


Chairman<br />

Vice Chairman<br />

Secretary<br />

Treasurer<br />

Shri Vrushal Soudagar (Nashik)<br />

Shri Sangarm Ghatge (Kolhapur)<br />

Shri Sameer Ashraf (Bhopal)<br />

Shri Vishvesh V. Vachhrajani<br />

Shri Mahavir Lunawat<br />

Member<br />

Member<br />

Member<br />

Ex-Officio<br />

Ex-Officio<br />


Shri Om Prakash Bagdia<br />

Chairman<br />

Shri Makarand Lele<br />

Member<br />

Shri Ashish Doshi<br />

Member<br />

Shri Vishvesh V. Vachhrajani Ex-Officio Member<br />

Shri Mahavir Lunawat<br />

Ex-Officio Member<br />


Ms. Ragini C. Chokshi<br />

Chairperson<br />

Shri S. N. Ananthasubramanian Member<br />

Shri Atul Mehta<br />

Member<br />

Shri Pramod S. Shah<br />

Member<br />

Shri R. Narayanan<br />

Member<br />

Shri Prashant Diwan<br />

Member<br />

Shri Kaushik Jhaveri<br />

Member<br />

Ms. Jayshree Joshi<br />

Member<br />

Shri Tushar Shridharani<br />

Member<br />

Shri Snehal Shah<br />

Member<br />

Shri Lalit Jain<br />

Member<br />

Shri Bharat Upadhyay<br />

Member<br />

Shri Vikram Mishra<br />

Member<br />

Shri Himanshu Kapadia<br />

Member<br />

Shri Vishvesh V. Vachhrajani Ex-Officio<br />

Shri Mahavir Lunawat<br />

Ex-Officio<br />


Shri Umesh H. Ved<br />

Chairman<br />

Shri Vishvesh V. Vachhrajani Ex-Officio<br />

Shri Mahavir Lunawat<br />

Ex-Officio<br />


Shri Vivek S. Sadhale<br />

Editor<br />

Shri Ashish Doshi<br />

Member<br />

Shri Vishvesh V. Vachhrajani Ex-Officio<br />

Shri Mahavir Lunawat<br />

Ex-Officio<br />


Shri Vikas Y. Khare<br />

Chairman<br />

Shri Mahendra Bhuta (Mumbai) Member<br />

Ms. Tannvi Kulkarni (Mumbai) Member<br />

Shri Shridhar Kulkarni (Pune) Member<br />

Shri Y. C. Rao (Raipur)<br />

Member<br />

Shri Ajit Jain (Indore)<br />

Member<br />

Shri Chirag Shah (Ahmedabad) Member<br />

Shri M. R. Kulkarni (Aurangabad) Member<br />

Shri Shrikant V. Gaonkar (Goa) Member<br />

8<br />


Shri Ashish Garg<br />

Shri Vishvesh V. Vachhrajani<br />

Shri Mahavir Lunawat<br />

Chairman<br />

Ex-officio<br />

Ex-officio<br />


Shri Vivek Sadhale<br />

Chairman<br />

Shri Vishvesh V. Vachhrajani Ex-Officio Member<br />

Shri Mahavir Lunawat<br />

Ex-Officio Member<br />


Shri Atul Mehta<br />

Chairman<br />

Shri Sailesh Daga<br />

Member<br />

Ms. Aangna Arora<br />

Member<br />

Shri Hemant Pandya<br />

Member<br />

Shri Ashish Bhatt<br />

Member<br />

Shri Hitesh Kothari<br />

Member<br />

Shri R.T. Rajguroo<br />

Member<br />

Shri S.N. Ananthasubramanian Member<br />

Dr. S.K. Jain<br />

Member<br />

Shri Vishvesh V. Vachhrajani Ex-officio<br />

Shri Mahavir Lunawat<br />

Ex-officio<br />



Shri Vikas Y. Khare<br />

Chairman<br />

Dr. D.K. Jain (Indore)<br />

Member<br />

Shri Omprakakash Bagdia (Nagpur) Member<br />

Shri Hitesh Buch (Ahmedabad) Member<br />

Shri Jitendra Bhagat (Surat) Member<br />

Shri Vivek Sadhale (Pune) Member<br />

Ms. Swati Rane (Goa)<br />

Member<br />

Shri Sunil Nanal (Pune)<br />

Member<br />

Shri Makarand Joshi (Mumbai) Member<br />

Shri Anshul Jain (Mumbai) Member<br />

Shri Hemant Pandya (Mumbai) Member<br />

Shri Vishvesh V. Vachhrajani Ex-officio<br />

Shri Mahavir Lunawat<br />

Ex-officio<br />

.<br />


Ms. Ragini K. Chokshi<br />

Chairperson<br />

Shri Vishvesh V. Vachhrajani Ex-officio<br />

Shri Mahavir Lunawat<br />

Ex-officio<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010

CMYK<br />



Sr. Programme Details Faculty Date, Time & Venue No. of<br />

No.<br />

Participants<br />

1. Annual Regional Conference 2009 CS Deepak Ghaisas Ex-CEO, iflex Solutions and 3rd & 4th April 2009 83<br />

on “Transforming Inscriptions CEO, Gencoval At Aayush Resort, Panvel<br />

into Values”<br />

Ms. Neelam Bhardwaj General Manager<br />

Division of Issues & Listing Corporation Finance<br />

Dept.Securities and Exchange<br />

Board of India, Mumbai<br />

Shri Dwarko T. Khilnani Ex-Officer,<br />

Reserve Bank of India & NRI Consultant<br />

CA Sujal Shah, Practising Chartered Accountant<br />

Shri Shankar Chakraborty<br />

Head of Business Development,<br />

CRISIL Ratings<br />

CS S.N. Ananthasubramanian<br />

Central Council Member, the ICSI and<br />

Practising Company Secretary<br />

Shri Bipul Khanduri,<br />

Assistant Vice President, AON Global<br />

Insurance Brokers Pvt. Ltd.<br />

Shri V.S. Sundaresan<br />

General Manager Securities &<br />

Exchange Board of India, Mumbai<br />

CS Nayan Rawal Advocate & IP Attorney<br />

CS K.R. Chandratre (Dr.) Past President,<br />

the ICSI and Practising Company Secretary<br />

Shri Shameek Ray Associate, ABZ & Partners,<br />

Advocates & Solicitors<br />

Shri Khushrow Dubash<br />

Consultant<br />

2. Study Circle meeting on Mr. Kashyap Vaidya, CA 17th April 2009 52<br />

“Provisions, Procedures &<br />

WIRC premises<br />

Registration of Limited<br />

Liability Partnership Act 2009”<br />

3. Ladies Special Ms. Neelam Bhardwaj (GM in SEBI) 18th April 2009 94<br />

CS Savitri Parekh (Former Central Council<br />

Venue : Kamalnayan<br />

Member, the ICSI)<br />

Bajaj Hall, Bajaj Bhavan,<br />

CS Geeta Bade CS Neeta Phaterphekar<br />

Nariman Point,<br />

CS Dipti MehtaCS Jayshree Joshi Mumbai - 400021<br />

4. Full Day Seminar on Inspection, Shri M.R. Bhatt 25th April 2009 57<br />

Investigation under various Joint Director (Inspection) Kamalnayan Bajaj Hall<br />

Corporate Acts<br />

MCAShri Sunil Kadam<br />

General ManagerSecurities &<br />

Exchange Board of India<br />

CA Shri Vimal Punmiya<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010<br />

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CMYK<br />

Sr. Programme Details Faculty Date, Time & Venue No. of<br />

No.<br />

Participants<br />

Shri Sahil Malik<br />

Assistant General Manager<br />

Securities & Exchange Board of India<br />

5. Full Day Seminar on Buy back of Shri Santosh Kumar Sharma 9th May 2009 59<br />

Shares, Valuation of Shares, General Manager Securities & M. C. Ghia Hall,<br />

Transfer and Transmission Exchange Board of India Bhogilal Hargovindas Bldg.,<br />

of Shares<br />

2nd Floor18./20,<br />

Ms. Shailashri Bhaskar<br />

K. Dubash Marg,<br />

Practising Company Secretary, Ex-SEBI Mumbai – 400001<br />

Shri Dara Kalyaniwala<br />

Head Investment Banking of<br />

Prabhudhar Liladhar<br />

Shri Nishchal Joshipura<br />

Senior Member of Nishith Desai Associates<br />

CS Vaidyanathan<br />

Nishith Desai Associates<br />

CA Kashyap Vaidya<br />

6. Study Circle Meeting on Mr. J.J. Bhatt 15th May 2009 15<br />

Discussion on “Simplification and Advocate WIRC premises<br />

Uniformity in the process of<br />

Weeding out / Rejection of<br />

Applications in Primary Market<br />

Transactions through use of<br />

Permanent Account Number”<br />

7. Study Circle Meeting on “IFRS” Mr. Rammohan Bhave 22nd May 2009 10<br />

WIRC premises<br />

8. Full Day Seminar on Shri Vijay Mukhi 6th <strong>June</strong> 2009 84<br />

“Legal Outsourcing & Cyber Laws” An eminent and expert in IT Industry Kamalnayan Bajaj Hall,<br />

Bajaj Bhavan<br />

Shri Ashish Chandra<br />

Nariman Point, Mumbai<br />

Manager-Legal & Company Secretarye<br />

Bay India Private Limited, Mumbai(India)<br />

Shri Subramanian Vutha,<br />

Former Senior Vice President Legal,<br />

Tata Infotech Ltd. (Earlier Tata Unisys Ltd.) &<br />

of Schoolnet India Ltd.<br />

Shri Rahul Chitnis<br />

Legal Expert in LPO<br />

9. Full Day Seminar on Shri Dwarko T. Khilnani 20th <strong>June</strong> 2009 55<br />

“Money Laundering & Ex-Officer, Reserve Bank of India & Kamalnayan Bajaj Hall,<br />

Economic Offence” NRI Consultant Bajaj Bhavan,<br />

Nariman Point, Mumbai<br />

Shri Vikas Tandon Head Compliance<br />

International branches and<br />

Money Laundering Reporting<br />

Officer (MLRO), Joint General Manager<br />

ICICI Bank Limited<br />

Shri Kanaiya Thakker, Chief- Legal<br />

Asian Paints Ltd<br />

10<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010

CMYK<br />

Sr. Programme Details Faculty Date, Time & Venue No. of<br />

No.<br />

Participants<br />

Shri Sanjay SaxenaAdditional Commissioner<br />

of Police Economic Offences Wing<br />

Shri Anil Harish, Partner,<br />

D M Harish & Co, Advocates<br />

10. 10th All India Conference of Shri Datla Hanumanta Raju, 3rd & 4th <strong>July</strong> 2009 425<br />

Student Company Secretary at President, Nagpur<br />

Nagpur : A Grand Success i.e.<br />

Shri Vinayak Khanvalkar, Vice President<br />

“Zeal for the Corporate Excellence” Shri N.K. Jain, Secretary & CEO<br />

Shri B. Narasimhan, Central Council Member<br />

Shri Atul Mehta, Chairman, WIRC<br />

Shri Makarand M. Lele, Secretary, WIRC<br />

Shri Vivek Sadhale, Chairman, TEFC<br />

Shri Vikas Khare, Past Chairman, WIRC and<br />

11. Full Day Seminar on “FORMATION Shri M.A. Kuvadia Joint Director 4th <strong>July</strong> 2009 55<br />

and ADMINISTRATION OF Office of Regional Director, Western Region WIRC premises, Mumbai<br />

SECTION 25 COMPANY, TRUST, CS Jayavant Bhave,<br />


Practising Company Secretary, J B Bhave &<br />

Co.Shri Vijay Joshi, Chartered Accountant<br />

Mr. Suhas Tuljapurkar, Partner, Legasis Partner<br />

12. TELECAST & Shri Kanu Doshi Monday, 6th <strong>July</strong> 2009 at 30<br />

DISCUSSION ON BUDGET 2009 Shri Suresh Dhoot 10.00 am<br />

Shri A. Lahiri<br />

WIRC Premises, Mumbai<br />

13. STUDY CIRCLE MEETING ON Ms. Shashikala Rao Friday, 10th <strong>July</strong> 2009 48<br />

PREFERENTIAL Vice President Reliance Industries Ltd. WIRC premises, Mumbai<br />


14. TWO DAYS NATIONAL Dr. K Ramakrishnan Friday & Saturday17th & 70<br />

WORKSHOP ON DILIGENCE Chief Executive Indian Banks’ Association 18th <strong>July</strong> 2009<br />

REPORT FOR BANKS Shri S.N. Ananthasubramanian M.C. Ghia Hall, Mumbai<br />

Practising Company Secretary,<br />

Mumbai & Council Member, ICSI<br />

Shri Gopalkrishnan Iyer<br />

General Manager – Corporate Services<br />

Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd.<br />

Shri M V Phadke General Manager (Legal)<br />

IDBI Bank Ltd<br />

Dr. S.D. Israni Practising Company Secretary,<br />

Mumbai<br />

Shri R.N. Vadivelu,<br />

Chief Executive FEDAI, Mumbai<br />

Shri S Raman, Executive Director<br />

Union Bank of India<br />

15. A SPECIAL PROGRAMME ON Mr. Atul Mehta, Chairman WIRC Monday, 20th <strong>July</strong> 2009 20<br />

COMMON TOPIC OF E-FILING, Mr. Makarand Lele, Secretary WIRC 03.00 pm WIRC premises<br />

ONLINE FORMATION OF Mr. Kaushik Jhaveri, Practicing Company Secretary 13 Jolly Maker Chambers<br />


No. 2, First Floor,<br />

MOU – AA –<br />

Nariman Point<br />


16. Full Day Seminar on Managerial Shri Khushroo B. Panthaky, Saturday 25th <strong>July</strong> 2009 64<br />

Remuneration, ESOP & FBT Partner, Walker, Chandiok & Co., Mumbai M.C. Ghia hall Mumbai<br />

(Post Budget Implications)<br />

Shri R.N. Bhave, CFO<br />

Shri Ram Mallar Corporate Lawyer R &<br />

R Associates<br />

Ms. Garima Sharma and<br />

Ms. Mayuri, Manager<br />

KP Corporate Solutions Pvt. Ltd.<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010<br />

11<br />


CMYK<br />

CMYK<br />

Sr. Programme Details Faculty Date, Time & Venue No. of<br />

No.<br />

Participants<br />

17. 10TH NATIONAL CONFERENCE Shri Sanjay Grover, Shri Atul Mehta, Friday & Saturday 226<br />

OF PRACTISING Shri Milind B Kasodekar, Shri Vinayak S Khanvalkar, 31st <strong>July</strong> & 1st August 2009<br />

COMPANY SECRETARIES Shri Datla Hanumanta Raju, Shri Mukesh Malhotra, at Yashwantrao Chavan<br />

Shri Allen C A Pareira, Shri Prajot P. Tungare,<br />

Academy of Administration, Pune<br />

Shri N K Jain, Shri J Sridhar, Shri Mahesh A Athavale,<br />

Shri Shailesh Gadre, Adv. Sanjay Sanghvi,<br />

Shri A Shivram Nair, Adv. Shri. Asim Sarode,<br />

Shri Keyoor Bakshi, Past President,<br />

Shri Rajkumar Adukia, Adv. Shri Anand Desai,<br />

Adv. Shri P A Noronha, Shri Ashok Mehta,<br />

Shri S N Anathasubramanian, Dr. Vijay Bhatkar<br />

18. Full Day Seminar on Dr. S.D. Israni, Practising Company Secretary Saturday 8th August 2009 71<br />

Restructuring of Companies and Ex-Central Council Member, the ICSI Kamalnayan Bajaj Hall,<br />

Mr. Mehul BhedaAssociate Director with tax<br />

Nariman Point, Mumbai<br />

practice in Pricewaterhouse<br />

Ms. Lata MoreDirector, Corporate Finance<br />

BDO Haribhakti Consulting Pvt. Ltd.<br />

Mr. Vikram Raghani, Partner, J Sagar Associates<br />

Mr. Sharad Abhyankar, SNA Law<br />

Mr. B. Renganathan, Company Secretary, Edelweiss<br />

19. Full Day Seminar on Shri Prakash Pandya Saturday, 23<br />

Limited Liability Partnership Shri Pankaj Adukia 5th September 2009<br />

WIRC premises, Mumbai<br />

20. Study Circle Meeting on Mr. B. Narasimhan, Central Council Member, 11th September 2009 40<br />

“New Company Bill vs the ICSI WIRC premises, Mumbai<br />

383 A – A Right Way forward”<br />

21. Full Day Seminar on Ms. Ragini Chokshi, Chairperson, PDC of 12th September 2009 38<br />

Labour Laws & its compliance ICSI-WIRC Venue : Kamalnayan Bajaj<br />

Mr. Somnath Majumdar, CS - Bombay Dyeing Ltd. Hall, Bajaj Bhavan,<br />

Mr. Jagdish Tambe - Chief Guest,<br />

Nariman Point,<br />

Regional Provident Fund Mumbai - 400021<br />

Commissioner II - Mumbai<br />

Mr. Vijay Joshi, Chartered Accountant<br />

Mr. Pramod Shah, Chairman of the session<br />

Mr. Lancy D’Souza Legal Adviser,<br />

Mr. J.K.Madan, BA, LLB, MLW<br />

Ms. Shobha Gopal, Mr.Arvind V BedekarAdvocate<br />

22. TWO DAYS INTENSIVE AND Mr. Rajesh Doshi Vice President, Future Capital Friday & Saturday, 34<br />

INTERACTIVE WORKSHOP Mr. Deepak Kumar, Deputy General Manager, RBI 18th & 19th<br />

ON FEMA Mr. Asit Mehta, Practising FEMA September 2009<br />

Mr. Dwarko Khilnani, Consultant, FEMA<br />

WIRC premises,<br />

Mr. Kiran Deshpande, Chief Investment Officer,<br />

Deutsche Bank<br />

Mr. V. Sithapathy, Principal Officer, VIG Insurance<br />

Ms. Sudha Gupta,<br />

Practising Chartered Accountant Nariman Point, Mumbai.<br />

23. Study Circle Meeting on Mr. Abhay Arolkar Friday, 10<br />

Direct Tax Code 25th September 2009<br />

24. (THREE DAYS RESIDENTIAL Mr V.S. Khanvalkar Vice President, ICSI. Friday, Saturday & 23<br />

PROGRAMME FOR PRACTICING Mr. Ajay Kumar, Practising Company Secretary Sunday, 2nd, 3rd &<br />

COMPANY SECRETARIES) Mumbai. 4th October 2009 at<br />

ON “MULTI SKILLING FOR Mr. Mahesh Athavale, Past President ICSI ICSI- CCRT,<br />

GROWTH AND PROSPERITY” Practising Company Secretary, NAVI MUMBAI<br />

Mr. Vikas Khare and<br />

Mr. Sunil Nanal, Practising Company Secretaries,<br />

Mr. Vishvajit Honap, Chartered Accountant.<br />

Mr. Sharad Abhyankar, Mr. Mahesh Kasbekar<br />

Mr. Prakash Pandya, Dr. K.R. Chandratre<br />

Mr. Lancy D’Souza, Mr. Kishor Shastri, Mr. Ajay Kumar<br />

12<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010

CMYK<br />

Sr. Programme Details Faculty Date, Time & Venue No. of<br />

No.<br />

Participants<br />

25. Two Days Workshop on Shri Mahesh Athavale, Friday & Saturday, 123<br />

Scrutiny of Balance Sheet Past President of ICSI – WIRC 9th & 10th October 2009 at<br />

Partner, KANJ Associates<br />

M.C. Ghia Hall,<br />

Shri Vikas Khare<br />

Bhogilal Hargovindas Building,<br />

Past Chairman, ICSI – WIRC 2nd Floor, 18/20,<br />

Partner, KANJ Associates<br />

K. Dubash Marg,<br />

Shri Keyoor Bakshi, Past President of Mumbai - 400001.<br />

ICSI - WIRC, Shri M R Bhatt<br />

Joint Director, M.C.A.Shri Vijay Mishra<br />

C.A., C.S.Company Secretary<br />

Indokem, PWC Auditor<br />

Shri Pankaj Adukia<br />

Ms. Sudha Gupta<br />

Shri Rajesh Doshi<br />

26. Farewell to Dignetories Retirement Shri S. Balasubramanian, Wednesday, 28th 65<br />

Chairman, CLB and October 2009<br />

Shri D.K. Gupta, ROC, Maharashtra,<br />

Kamalnayan Bajaj Bhavan,<br />

Mumbai<br />

Mumbai<br />

27. Two Days Workshop on Shrimati Kaushalya Shantanam 13th & 14th 26<br />

IPR on Friday & Saturday, IPR Patent Attorney November 2009 at<br />

Shri Rahul Chitnis, Legal Expert in LPO<br />

WIRC premises,<br />

Shri Sanjay Kher, Advocate Mumbai - 400021<br />

Shri Nayan Rawal, Advocate & IP Attorney<br />

Shri Vinay Paralkar Advocate<br />

Shri M.P. Rao, Senior Advocate<br />

28. Study Circle Meeting on Dr. S. D. Israni 4th December 2009 25<br />

Corporate Governance Code and Shri A. Anjeneyan WIRC premises, Mumbai<br />

Secretarial Audit<br />

29. Seminar on Shri U. Venkataraman 12th December 2009 73<br />

Exchange for SMEs Executive Director, MCX-SX Maharashtra Chamber of<br />

Shri B. Narasimhan, Chairman,<br />

Commerce & Industry,<br />

Capital Markets Committee, ICSI<br />

Fort, Mumbai<br />

Shri Dilip PatelSME Consultant<br />

Ms. Latika Kundu<br />

Shri Parag Patki<br />

Chief Executive Officer, SME<br />

Dr. S.D. Israni, Proprietor &<br />

Practising Company Secretary<br />

Shri Ravi Kumar, General Manager, SEBI<br />

Shri M. Pushpangadan, CEO,<br />

L&T Capital Pvt. Ltd.,<br />

Shri S. Venkataraman,<br />

Head – Business Development, SME World<br />

30. Corporate Governance Award Shri Vilasrao Deshmukh, Union Minister of 19th December 2009 at 700<br />

function Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises International Convention Hall,<br />

Hon’ble Justice<br />

Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd.,<br />

Shri R C Lahoti, Chairman,<br />

Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,<br />

Jury and Former Chief Justice of India<br />

Dalal Street, Mumbai<br />

Shri Ashok Chhabra, Partner,<br />

Dua Associates, Mumbai<br />

Shri Prithvi Haldea, CMD,<br />

Praxis Consulting & Information<br />

Services Pvt. Ltd.<br />

Shri Madhu Kannan, MD & CEO, BSE Ltd.<br />

Shri Arun Nanda, Executive Director and<br />

President, Infrastructure Development<br />

Sector, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.<br />

Shri Govindraj Ethiraj, Editor in Chief, UTV India.<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010<br />

13<br />


CMYK<br />

CMYK<br />

Sr. Programme Details Faculty Date, Time & Venue No. of<br />

No.<br />

Participants<br />

31. Investor Awareness Programme Shri N.P. Pandya, Assistant General Manager 29th December 2009 105<br />

BSE, Chief Guest<br />

MKES College, Malad<br />

Shri UnniKrishnan, Principal,<br />

MKES College, Malad<br />

32. NIRC, SIRC, WIRC & Mr. Ghanshyam Dass, Senior Advisor of KPMG Saturday 100<br />

EIRC jointly organized “Quartet: CS S.N. Ananthasubramanian, Chairman, 16th January 2010<br />

The CS Conference” on the CCGRT and Central Council Member of ICSI and Maharashtra Chamber of<br />

theme Thinking Beyond Practising Company Secretary Commerce & Industry<br />

CS R.N. Bhave, Ex-CFO Mittal Steel,<br />

Ex-Business Controller, Reliance Infocom and<br />

IFRS Consultant<br />

Mr. George Lamannil, Head Legal, BNP Paribas<br />

CS Balkrishna ParabFaculty JBIMS<br />

CS Anil Jhumkhawala<br />

Practising Company Secretary<br />

Mr. Anil Mishra, Ex-Excise Officer &<br />

Service Tax Consultant (Chairmen of<br />

Regional Councils and Other Regional<br />

Council Members)<br />

CS Atul Mehta, Chairman, ICSI-WIRC<br />

CS Ashok Pareek, Chairman, EIRC<br />

CS Gopalakrishna Hegde, Chairman, SIRC<br />

CS Dr. S.D. Israni, Practising Company<br />

Secretary<br />

CS Ragini Chokshi, Chairperson, PDC of<br />

WIRCCS Makarand Lele, Secretary, WIRC<br />

CS Vishvesh Vachhrajani,<br />

Vice Chairman, WIRC<br />

33. Seminar on Nitty Gritty of Mr. P.K. Nagpal, Executive Director, SEBI Saturday, 100<br />

Securities Law CS B. Narasimhan, 30th January 2010<br />

Central Council Member of ICSI and<br />

Kamalnayan Bajaj Hall,<br />

Vice President, Karvy Computer<br />

Mumbai<br />

share Pvt. Ltd.Mr. Dara Kaliyaniwala<br />

Senior Vice President, PL India<br />

Mr. Rajesh Mokashi, Executive Director,<br />

Care Rating<br />

Mr. Santosh Kumar Shukla<br />

JT Legal Advisor, SEBI<br />

CS Pankaj Gupta, Head of Compliance,<br />

Barclays Capital<br />

CS (Ms.) Shailashri Bhaskar,<br />

Retd. SEBI Official<br />

Felicitation of President & Vice President<br />

CS V.S. Khanvalkar, President, the ICSI<br />

CS Anil MurarkaVice President, the ICSI<br />

CS Vishvesh Vachhrajani, Chairman, WIRC<br />

34. Study Circle Meeting on Shri B. Renganathan, Vice President Thursday 70<br />

Recent Trends on M & A Corporate Affairs & Group Company 18th February 2010<br />

Secretary Edelweiss Capital Limited<br />

WIRC premises<br />

14<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010

CMYK<br />

Sr. Programme Details Faculty Date, Time & Venue No. of<br />

No.<br />

Participants<br />

35. Budget Theatre 2010 Shri Nihar Jambusaria, Executive Director, Friday 26th February 2010 22<br />

Haribhakti & Associates<br />

WIRC premises<br />

Shri Sudhakar Kasture, Director, Exim Institute<br />

Shri A. Lahiri, Ex-Director, CARE and<br />

Ex-Dean, ICSI-CCRT<br />

Shri Raju Vatsaraj, Chartered Accountant<br />

36. Post Budget Analysis an Interaction Dr. Manjushree Ghodke, Chief Economist, Thursday 24<br />

with Dr. Manjushree Ghodke, Larsen & Toubro Ltd. Mumbai 4th March 2010<br />

Chief Economist, Larsen & Shri S.N. Ananthasubramanian WIRC premises<br />

Toubro Ltd. Mumba<br />

Practising Company Secretary<br />

37. Study Circle Meeting on Related Shri Ashesh Jani Partner Audit & Assurance Friday 80<br />

Party Provisions in India Deloitte Haskins & Sells Ltd. 5th March 2010<br />

WIRC premises<br />

38. Seminar on MCA Voluntary Hon’ble Roc, Joint Director (Technical) and 6th March 2010 92<br />

Guidelines – Authorities From MCA Landmark Party Hall<br />

Corporate Governance Ahead Shri B L Taparia, Executive Director, Ciba RoadGoregaon (E) Mumbai<br />

Ambuja Cement, Shri K Sethuraman,<br />

Group Company Secretary, Reliance Industries,<br />

Shri A Anjeneyan, Company Secretary, Tata Steel,<br />

Shri K Subharaman, Company Secretary of<br />

Unichem LabShri N.L. Bhatia<br />

Practising Company Secretary<br />

39. Study Circle Meeting on Ms. Shashikala Rao 12th March 2010 54<br />

Study Circle Meeting on Vice President, WIRC premises<br />

Charges & Mortgages<br />

Reliance Industries Ltd.<br />

40. Full Day Seminar on Shri Somashekar Sundaresan, 20th March 2010 173<br />

Corporate Restructuring J. Sagar & asso.Shri Sanjay Asher, M C Ghia HallFort, Mumbai<br />

Senior Partner, Crawford Bailey,<br />

Shri Ramesh Laxman, Consultant on<br />

Valuation, Shri M R. Prasanna,<br />

Head Corporate Counsel, Aditya Birla<br />

Shri B.N. Srikrishna (Retd.)<br />

Chief Justice of India<br />

41. Seminar on Good Governance and Mr. (Brig) Pranab Chakraborty 27th March 2010 56<br />

Compliance Management CommandantAEC Training College & Panchmarhi,Madhya Pradesh<br />

Centre Panchmarhi<br />

Mr. V.V. Vachhrajani, Chairman, WIRC<br />

Mr. Mahavir Lunawat, Secretary WIRC<br />

Mr. Amit Kumar Jain Treasurer,<br />

Bhopal Chapter of WIRC<br />

42. Seminar on Limited Liability Partnership Mr. S.K. Vidhan, Chairman, 28th March 2010 56<br />

Bhopal Chapter<br />

Panchmarhi,<br />

Mr. S.A. Khan, Secretary, Bhopal Chapter<br />

Madhya Pradesh<br />

Mr. S.K. Agarwal, Hon’ ble ROC (MP & CG)<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010<br />

15<br />


CMYK<br />

CMYK<br />


ANNEXURE ‘C’<br />


Prize / Award<br />

WIRC Medal<br />

Awarded to a candidate who passes in all papers of the Final Examination,<br />

at first attempt, in one sitting, without claiming any exemption and obtaining the<br />

highest percentage of marks in the aggregate taking into account the performance<br />

of all successful candidates under old as well as new syllabi from<br />

examination centres within the Western Region<br />

WIRC Cash Prize<br />

Awarded to a candidate who passes in all papers of the Final Examination,<br />

at first attempt in one sitting, without claiming any exemption and<br />

obtaining the second highest percentage of marks in the aggregate taking<br />

into account the performance of all successful candidates under old as<br />

well as new syllabi from examination centers within the Western Region<br />

Late Shri S. Narayanan Memorial Prize Award<br />

Awarded to a lady candidate<br />

who passes in all papers of the Final Examination, at first attempt, in one<br />

sitting, without claiming exemption in any subject and obtaining the<br />

highest marks in the aggregate taking into account the performance of<br />

all such successful lady candidates from examination centers situated<br />

within the Western Region.<br />

Shri Kanhaiyalal N. Dusanewala Vakil (Nandurbar) Memorial Award<br />

Awarded to a lady candidate who passes in all papers of the<br />

Final Examination, at first attempt, in one sitting, without claiming any<br />

exemption and obtaining the second highest marks in the aggregate<br />

taking into account the performance of all successful lady candidates<br />

from examination centers situated within the Western Region.<br />

Past President Chinubhai R. Shah Award<br />

Awarded to a candidate who<br />

passes in all papers of the Final Examination at first attempt in one sitting,<br />

without claiming any exemption and obtaining the highest percentage of marks<br />

EITHER in Corporate Law and Practice–1, paper under the old syllabus OR in<br />

‘Advanced Company Law and Practice’ under the new syllabus, whichever is<br />

higher, taking into account the performance of all successful candidates<br />

under old as well as new syllabi from examination centers within the<br />

Western Region<br />

Sukhlal C. Mody Memorial Prize<br />

Awarded to a candidate who passes<br />

in all papers on the Final Examination, at first attempt, in one sitting,<br />

without claiming any exemption and obtaining the highest percentage of marks<br />

EITHER in the ‘Corporate Laws and Practice – II’ paper under the old syllabus<br />

OR in ‘Corporate Restructuring – Law and Practice’ under the new syllabus,<br />

whichever is higher, taking into account the performance of all successful<br />

candidates under old as well as new syllabi from examination centers<br />

within the Western Region<br />

WIRC Past Chairman, V. K. Mathur Memorial Award<br />

Awarded to a candidate who passes in all papers of the Final Examination, at<br />

first attempt, in one sitting, without claiming any exemption and obtaining the<br />

highest percentage of marks EITHER in the ‘Corporate Laws and<br />

Practice – III’; paper under the old syllabus OR in ‘Secretarial<br />

Practice Relating to Economic Laws and Drafting and Conveyancing’ paper<br />

under the new syllabus, whichever is higher, taking into account the<br />

performance of all successful candidates under old as well as new<br />

syllabi from examination centres within the Western Region<br />

16<br />

Name of the Prize Winner<br />

Ms. Nidhi Brijkishore Agrawal, Nagpur<br />

Co–winners:-<br />

1. Mr. Chintan Dipak Shah, Vadodara<br />

2. Ms. Neethu James, Pune<br />

Ms. Nidhi Brijkishore Agrawal, Nagpur<br />

Ms. Neethu James, Pune<br />

Mr. Rohit Maheshkumar, Ahmedabad<br />

Mr. Sandeep Jeevraj Kothari, Mumbai<br />

Mr. Ranjan Periwal, Mumbai<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010

CMYK<br />

Prize / Award<br />

WIRC Medal<br />

Awarded to a candidate who passes in all papers of<br />

the Intermediate examination, at first attempt, in one sitting, without claiming any<br />

exemption and obtaining the highest percentage of marks in the aggregate taking<br />

into account the performance of all successful candidates under old as well as<br />

new syllabi from examination centres within the Western Region<br />

WIRC Cash Prize<br />

Awarded to a candidate who passes in all papers<br />

of the Intermediate examination, at first attempt, in one sitting, without claiming<br />

any exemption and obtaining the second highest percentage of marks in the<br />

aggregate taking into account the performance of all successful candidates under<br />

old as well as new syllabi from examination centres within the Western Region<br />

Past President Chinubhai R. Shah Award<br />

Awarded to a candidate<br />

who passes in all papers of the Intermediate examination, at first attempt, in one<br />

sitting, without claiming any exemption and obtaining the highest percentage of<br />

marks EITHER in the ‘Company Law and Practice–I’ paper under old<br />

syllabus OR in ‘Company Law’ paper under the new syllabus, whichever is<br />

higher, taking into account the performance of all successful candidates under<br />

old as well as new syllabi from examination centres within the Western Region<br />

Suguna Memorial Prize<br />

Awarded to a lady candidate who passes in all<br />

papers of the Intermediate examination, at first attempt, in one sitting, without<br />

claiming any exemption and obtaining the highest percentage of marks in the<br />

aggregate taking into account the performance of all successful candidates under<br />

old as well as new syllabi from examination centres within the Western Region<br />

Elvina Pinto Memorial Prize Award<br />

Awarded to a candidate who passes in<br />

all papers of the Foundation examination, at first attempt, in one sitting, without<br />

claiming any exemption and obtaining the highest percentage of marks in the<br />

aggregate taking into account the performance of all successful candidates under<br />

old as well as new syllabi from examination centres within the Western Region<br />


Prize / Award<br />

WIRC Medal<br />

Awarded to a candidate who passes in all papers of the Final Examination,<br />

at first attempt, in one sitting, without claiming any exemption and obtaining<br />

the highest percentage of marks in the aggregate taking into account the<br />

performance of all successful candidates under old as well as new syllabi<br />

from examination centres within the Western Region<br />

WIRC Cash Prize<br />

Awarded to a candidate who passes in all papers of the Final Examination,<br />

at first attempt in one sitting, without claiming any exemption and obtaining<br />

the second highest percentage of marks in the aggregate taking into account the<br />

performance of all successful candidates under old as well as new<br />

syllabi from examination centres within the Western Region<br />

Late Shri S. Narayanan Memorial Prize Award<br />

Awarded to a lady candidate who passes in all papers of the Final Examination,<br />

at first attempt, in one sitting, without claiming exemption in any subject<br />

and obtaining the highest marks in the aggregate taking into account the<br />

performance of all such successful lady candidates from examination<br />

centres situated within the Western Region.<br />

Name of the Prize Winner<br />

Ms.Sherill Pal, Bangalore<br />

Mr. Amit Shivhari Jalan, Mumbai<br />

Mr. Rahul Kumar Taori Chhindwara<br />

Ms. Sherill Pal, Bangalore<br />

Ms. ShrutiAvinash Bajaj, Gondia<br />

Name of the Prize Winner<br />

Mr. Mehta Jaymit Amitkumar,<br />

Ahmedabad<br />

Mr. Vineet Vimal Jain,<br />

Mumbai<br />

Ms. Ananta Sangeet Kumar<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010<br />

17<br />


CMYK<br />

CMYK<br />

Prize / Award<br />

Name of the Prize Winner<br />

Shri Kanhaiyalal l N. Dusanewala Vakil (Nandurbar) )Memorial Award<br />

Awarded to a lady candidate who passes in all papers of the<br />

Final Examination, at first attempt, in one sitting, without claiming<br />

any exemption and obtaining the second highest marks in the aggregate taking<br />

into account the performance of all successful lady candidates from examination<br />

centres situated within the Western Region.<br />

Past President, Chinubhai R. Shah Award<br />

Awarded to a candidate who passes in all papers of the Final Examination<br />

at first attempt in one sitting, without claiming any exemption and obtaining the<br />

highest percentage of marks EITHER in Corporate Law and Practice–1, paper<br />

under the old syllabus OR in ‘Advanced Company Law and Practice’ under<br />

the new syllabus, whichever is higher, taking into account the performance of<br />

all successful candidates under old as well as new syllabi from examination<br />

centres within the Western Region<br />

Sukhlal C. Mody Memorial Prize<br />

Awarded to a candidate who passes in all papers of the Final Examination, at<br />

first attempt, in one sitting, without claiming any exemption and obtaining the<br />

highest percentage of marks EITHER in the ‘Corporate Laws and Practice–II’<br />

paper under the old syllabus OR in ‘Corporate Restructuring – Law and<br />

Practice’ under the new syllabus, whichever is higher, taking into account the<br />

performance of all successful candidates under old as well as new syllabi from<br />

examination centres within the Western Region<br />

WIRC Past Chairman, V. K. Mathur Memorial Award<br />

Awarded to a candidate who passes in all papers of the Final Examination,<br />

at first attempt, in one sitting, without claiming any exemption<br />

and obtaining the highest percentage of marks EITHER in the ‘Corporate Laws<br />

and Practice – III’; paper under the old syllabus OR in ‘Secretarial Practice<br />

Relating to Economic Laws and Drafting and Conveyancing’ paper under the<br />

new syllabus, whichever is higher, taking into account the performance of all<br />

successful candidates under old as well as new syllabi from examination<br />

centres within the Western Region<br />

WIRC Medal<br />

Awarded to a candidate who passes in all papers of the Intermediate<br />

examination, at first attempt, in one sitting, without claiming any exemption<br />

and obtaining the highest percentage of marks in the aggregate taking into<br />

account the performance of all successful candidates under old as well as new<br />

syllabi from examination centres within the Western Region<br />

WIRC Cash Prize<br />

Awarded to a candidate who passes in all papers of the<br />

Intermediate examination, at first attempt, in one sitting, without claiming any<br />

exemption and obtaining the second highest percentage of marks in the<br />

aggregate taking into account the performance of all successful candidates<br />

under old as well as new syllabi from examination centres<br />

within the Western Region<br />

Past President Chinubhai R. Shah Award<br />

Awarded to a candidate who passes in all papers of the Intermediate examination,<br />

at first attempt, in one sitting, without claiming any exemption and obtaining the<br />

highest percentage of marks EITHER in the ‘Company Law and Practice–I’ paper<br />

under old syllabus OR in ‘Company Law’ paper under the new syllabus,<br />

whichever is higher, taking into account the performance of all successful<br />

candidates under old as well as new syllabi from examination centres<br />

within the Western Region<br />

Suguna Memorial Prize<br />

Awarded to a lady candidate who passes in all papers of the Intermediate<br />

examination, at first attempt, in one sitting, without claiming any exemption<br />

and obtaining the highest percentage of marks in the aggregate taking into<br />

account the performance of all successful candidates under old as well as new<br />

syllabi from examination centres within the Western Region<br />

Elvina Pinto Memorial Prize Award<br />

Awarded to a candidate who passes in all papers of the Foundation examination,<br />

at first attempt, in one sitting, without claiming any exemption and obtaining<br />

the highest percentage of marks in the aggregate taking into account the<br />

performance of all successful candidates under old as well as new syllabi from<br />

examination centres within the Western Region<br />

Ms. Priyanka Dhanesh Narang<br />

Ahmedabad<br />

Mr. Ashish Ashok Kamath, Thane<br />

Mr. Harsh Rajesh Kothari, Mumbai<br />

Mr. Priyam Bhalchandra<br />

Daphalapurkar Dombivli<br />

Mr. Jitendra Nilba Dorle, Nagpur<br />

Ms. Aruna Natarajan, Mumbai<br />

Co-winners:-<br />

1. Ms. Swati Ramesh Chand<br />

Nahar Nagpur.<br />

2. Mr. Pratik Upendra Shirsikar, Solapur<br />

3. Mr. Sekar Ramasubramanian Iyer<br />

Mumbai<br />

Ms. Aruna Natarajan, Mumbai<br />

Ms. Kala Krishnan, Mumbai<br />

18<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010

CMYK<br />




We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of WESTERN INDIA REGIONAL COUNCIL OF THE INSTITUTE OF<br />

COMPANY SECRETARIES OF INDIA, as at 31st March 2010 and also the Income & Expenditure account for the year<br />

ended on that date annexed thereto. These financial statements are the responsibility of the WIRC. Our responsibility<br />

is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our report.<br />

We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those standards require<br />

that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of<br />

material misstatement. An audit includes examining on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures<br />

in the financial statements. And audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates<br />

made by the Council, as well as evaluating the overall financial statements presentation. We believe that our audit<br />

provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.<br />

The audited statements of accounts of ICSI Sydenham College Training Centre, ICSI, Smt.P.N.Doshi Womens College<br />

Training Centre and ICSI MKES College Training Centre for the year ended 31st March 2010 are incorporated in the<br />

preparation of the accounts of the Council. Further, during the year under audit, the accounts of Dadar Study Circle<br />

and Kandivli Study Circle which are audited are also incorporated.<br />

We report that :<br />

a. We have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of our knowledge and belief were<br />

necessary for the purpose of our audit.<br />

b. In our opinion, proper books of accounts, as required, have been kept by the Council, so far as it appears from<br />

our examination of the books.<br />

c. The Balance Sheet and the Income and Expenditure account dealt with by this report are in agreement with<br />

the books of accounts.<br />

d. In our opinion, and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the said<br />

Balance Sheet and the Income and Expenditure account read together with the Significant accounting policies<br />

and other notes thereon, give the information required in the matter so required and give a true and fair<br />

view :<br />

I<br />

II<br />

in the case of Balance Sheet of the state of affairs of the Council as at 31st March 2010 and<br />

in the case of Income and Expenditure account of the surplus of the Council for the year ended on that<br />

date.<br />

Place : Thane<br />

Date : 12th <strong>June</strong>, 2010<br />

For P. K. Mahadevan and Associates<br />

Chartered Accountants<br />

Sd/-<br />

P. K. Mahadevan<br />

Proprietor<br />

Mem No. F/6004<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010<br />

19<br />


CMYK<br />

CMYK<br />




Schedule 31st March 31st March<br />

Reference 2010 (Rupees) 2009 (Rupees)<br />


General Reserve [See Note No.10] 1 13,681,407 11,911,349<br />

Building Reserve 2 552,202 19,400<br />

LOANS : Unsecured - Normal Loan 30,000,000<br />

Bridge Loan [See Note No.11] 7,878,330 37,878,330<br />

TOTAL 52,111,939 11,930,749<br />


Fixed Assets 3<br />

Gross Block 4,644,466 3,811,495<br />

Less : Depreciation 1,748,307 1,296,603<br />

: Provision for Impairment of Assets - -<br />

Net Block 2,896,159 2,514,892<br />

Add : Advance for purchase of Land<br />

and Buildings under construction - -<br />

2,896,159 25,14,892<br />

Contibution to HQ Towards<br />

Land & Building and Other Assets 45,669,214 -<br />

Investments - -<br />

Current assets,Loans & Advances<br />

Current Assets 4<br />

Interet accrued on Investments - -<br />

Stocks in Hand - 0<br />

Sundry Debtors - 20625<br />

Cash and bank Balance 2,932,305 9317625<br />

Total 2,932,305 9338250<br />

Loans and Advances [See Note No. 8] 5 1,549,512 1037315<br />

Total 4,481,817 10375565<br />

Less : Current Liabilities & Provision<br />

Current Liabilities 6 935,251 959708<br />

Provision - 0<br />

935,251 959708<br />

Net Current Assets 3,546,566 9,415,857<br />

As per our report of even date<br />

For P. K. Mahadevan & Associates<br />

Chartered Accountants<br />

Sd/-<br />

P. K. Mahadevan<br />

Proprietor<br />

M. No. 6004<br />

Place : Mumbai<br />

Dated : 12th <strong>June</strong>, 2010<br />

TOTAL 52,111,939 11,930,749<br />

For and on behalf of Western India Regional Council of<br />

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India<br />

V. V. Vachhrajani Makarand Lele Mahavir Lunawat Ashish C. Doshi<br />

Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer<br />

20<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010

CMYK<br />





Schedule 2009-10 2008-09<br />

Reference Rupees Rupees<br />

INCOME<br />

Fees from Students 7 7,910,020 6,518,711<br />

Sale of Publications 136,235 155,493<br />

Grants received form HQ 634,710 208,080<br />

Subscriptions to Newsletter & Advertisement 147,383 175,908<br />

Interest from Investment (Gross) 341,450 455,395<br />

TDS Rs.21095/- (Pre. Yr Rs.8847.15/-)<br />

Income from Members’ programme ( Gross) 2,871,631 2,479,949<br />

Provision no longer required - -<br />

Written Back<br />

Other 8 78,592 1,222,260<br />

TOTAL 12,120,021 11,215,795<br />


Establishment 9 557,932 350,194<br />

Oral Tuition & Other programme Exps 2,718,899 2,003,330<br />

Publications 140,276 79,522<br />

Office Stationery 580,473 233,017<br />

Journals and Bulletins 779,867 609,560<br />

Communication 10 446,486 249,767<br />

Grant paid to Chapters - -<br />

Travelling and Conveyance 34,425 24,390<br />

Student Scholarships & Awarded - -<br />

Members’ Professional Dev. Prog. & Training 2,668,949 1,679,073<br />

Others 11 1,982,665 1,158,949<br />

Depreciation 3 451,704 471,042<br />

Excess of Income Over Expenditure<br />

Transferred to General Reserve [See Note No.10] 1,758,345 4,356,952<br />

TOTAL 12,120,021 11,215,795<br />

Accouting Policies And Notes to<br />

Financial Statements 12<br />

As per our report of even date<br />

For and on behalf of Western India Regional Council of<br />

For P. K. Mahadevan & Associates<br />

Chartered Accountants<br />

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India<br />

Sd/-<br />

P. K. Mahadevan<br />

Proprietor<br />

M. No. 6004<br />

V. V. Vachhrajani Makarand Lele Mahavir Lunawat Ashish C. Doshi<br />

Place : Mumbai<br />

Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer<br />

Dated : 12th <strong>June</strong>, 2010<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010<br />

21<br />


CMYK<br />

CMYK<br />



% Rs. Rs.<br />

Rs.<br />

Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.<br />

FURNITURE & FIXTURES 10 ,,0,0<br />

0<br />

0 ,,0 ,,0,0<br />

0 0 ,,0 ,,0 0<br />

CHAIRS COMPUTER 10 ,68,855 29532 0 ,98,387 ,13,082 6,562 0 ,19,6444<br />

,78,743 55,773<br />

CHAIRS ORDINARY 10 1,42,126 26<br />

0<br />

0 1,42,126 ,27,00404<br />

11,512 0 ,38,516 1,03,6100<br />

115,122<br />

FURNITURE & FIXTURES 10 ,33,248 1688 0 ,34,936 ,9,914 4,021 0 ,13,935 ,21,0011<br />

23,334<br />


DIAS TABLE 10 ,7,500 0<br />

0 ,7,5000<br />

,1,425 608 0 ,2,0333<br />

,5,467 6,075<br />


INTERIOR FURNISHING 10 ,9,450 0<br />

0 ,9,450 ,3,618 583 0 ,4,201 ,5,249 5,832<br />


MOVING TABLES 10 ,42,676 0<br />

0 ,42,6766<br />

,8,109 3,457 0 ,11,5666<br />

,31,110 34,567<br />


CIVIL ENGINEERING 10 15,01,961 0<br />

0 15,01,961 1 2,85,373 121,659 0 4,07,032 10,94,9299<br />

1,216,588<br />

LAMP (SAMAI) 10 ,2,788 0<br />

0 ,2,7888<br />

,2,788 0 0 ,2,7888<br />

,,0 0<br />


acquired alongwith Flat No.56, 57 10 ,,0,0 448400 0 4,48,4000<br />

,,0 26,157 0 ,26,157 4,22,243 0<br />

22<br />

SCHEDULE ‘1’<br />

31st March 31st March 31st March 31st March<br />

2010 2010 2009 2009<br />

Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees<br />

General Reserves<br />

As per last B/S 9,299,144 4,942,193<br />

Add Transfer - -<br />

Add Income & Expnediture Account 1,758,345 11,057,489 4,356,952 9,299,144<br />

Other Reserves<br />

Office renovation fund-As per Last B/S 105,502 1,05,502<br />

Fixed Assets Reserve -As per Last B/s 73,220 73,220<br />

Prize Distribution fund- As per Last B/S 151,808 142,693<br />

Add: Receipts 13,663 9,115<br />

TOTAL 165,471 151,808<br />

Less Prizes awarded 1,951 163,520 - 151808<br />

Grant from HQ for Building Renovation 750,000 750,000<br />



As per Last B/s 1,436,675 651,041<br />

Add:Amount trasfered from Caution Money & Library Deposit - 785,634<br />

1,436,675 , 1,436,675<br />

TOTAL 13,681,407 11,911,349<br />

Building Reserve<br />

SCHEDULE 2<br />

PARTICULARS 31.3.2010.2010 31.3.20093.200<br />

Building Reserve<br />

(Chapter / Region own contributions)<br />

As per last Balance Sheet 19,400 17,000<br />

Add: Contribution during the year 5,32,802 5,52,202 2,400 19,400<br />

5,52,202 19,400<br />


SCHEDULE ‘3’<br />

Particulars Rate of Original Additions Deletions Total Accumulated Depreciation Discarded Total W.D.V. as on W.D.V. as on<br />

Depreciation Cost Depreciation for the year assets Accumulated 31.3.2010 31.3.2009<br />

(in %) Opening total depreciation<br />

Balance<br />

Accumulated<br />

Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees Depreciation Rupees Rupees Rupees<br />

Rupees<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010

CMYK<br />

Particulars Rate of Original Additions Deletions Total Accumulated Depreciation Discarded Total W.D.V. as on W.D.V. as on<br />

Depreciation Cost Depreciation for the year assets Accumulated 31.3.2010 31.3.2009<br />

(in %) opening total depreciation<br />

Balance<br />

Accumulated<br />

Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees Depreciation Rupees Rupees Rupees<br />

Rupees<br />

COMPUTERS & PRINTERS 40 0 0 0 ,,0 0 0 0 ,,0 ,,0 0<br />

COMPUTER PERIPHERALS 40 14,354 0 0 ,14,354 14,354 0 0 ,14,354 ,,0 0<br />


SERVERS/PRINTERS 40 615,550 107,450 0 7,23,000 373,696 103,843 0 4,77,539 2,45,461 241,854<br />

COMPUTERS SOFTWARE 40 27,067 34,300 0 ,61,367 17,323 5,881 0 ,23,204 ,38,163 9,744<br />

LAN CABLING 40 16,550 0 0 ,16,550 10,592 2,383 0 ,12,975 ,3,575 5,958<br />

PEN DRIVES 40 8,186 0 0 ,8,186 8,186 0 ,8,186 ,,0 0<br />


AIR CONDITIONERS 15 254,178 0 2,54,178 70,535 27,546 0 ,98,081 1,56,097 183,643<br />

ACs acquired along with Flat No.56 15 0 30000 0 ,30,000 0 2,625 0 ,2,625 ,27,375 0<br />

ACs acquired along with Flat No.57 15 0 25000 0 ,25,000 0 2,188 0 ,2,188 ,22,812 0<br />

ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 15 342,980 0 0 3,42,980 95,177 37,170 1,32,347 2,10,633 247,803<br />


COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 15 0 0 ,,0 0 0 ,,0 ,,0 0<br />

BOARD STAND FOLDING 15 1,350 0 ,1,350 1,350 0 ,1,350 ,,0 0<br />

CANON MF 4150<br />

FAX/XEROX/SCANNER 15 22,000 0 ,22,000 6,105 2,384 ,8,489 ,13,511 15,895<br />

CANON PROJECTOR LV 7260 15 111,308 28,250 1,39,558 30,888 17,110 ,47,998 ,91,560 80,420<br />

LCD TELEVISION - 32” (HDMI) 15 26,994 0 ,26,994 7,491 2,925 ,10,416 ,16,578 19,503<br />

LCD TELEVISION - 40” 15 53,994 0 ,53,994 14,983 5,852 ,20,835 ,33,159 39,011<br />

OFFICE EQUIPMENT 15 2,400 0 ,2,400 2,400 0 ,2,400 ,,0 0<br />


COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 15 260,233 65,486 3,25,719 72,215 50,664 1,22,879 2,02,840 188,018<br />

WHITE DISPLAY BOARD 3 x 3 15 1,215 0 ,1,215 1,215 0 ,1,215 ,,0 0<br />

MOBILE HANDSETS 15 21,500 7,298 ,28,798 8,663 9,224 ,17,887 ,10,911 12,837<br />

PROJECTOR SCREEN 15 6,700 0 ,6,700 84 992 ,1,076 ,5,624 6,616<br />


NIKON COOLPIX 15 0 30,500 ,30,500 0 2,919 ,2,919 ,27,581 0<br />

PUNCHING MACHINE 15 0 25,067 ,25,067 0 2,507 ,2,507 ,22,560 0<br />

OTHER EQUIPMENTS 15 0 0 0 ,,0 0 0 0 ,,0 ,,0 0<br />


Filter Cum Purifier E-Boiling 15 8,350 0 0 ,8,350 ,2,318 905 0 ,3,223 ,5,127 6,032<br />

MICROVEN VIDEOCON 15 4,914 0 0 ,4,914 ,4,914 0 0 ,4,914 ,,0 0<br />

REFRIGERATOR VIDEOCON 15 3,294 0 0 ,3,294 ,3,294 0 0 ,3,294 ,,0 0<br />

XEROX MACHINE 15 0 0 0 ,,0 0 0 0 ,,0 ,,0 0<br />

FAX MACHINE 15 0 0 0 ,,0 0 0 0 ,,0 ,,0 0<br />

LIBRARY BOOKS 33.33 ,,0 0 0 ,,0 ,,0 0 0 ,,0 ,,0 0<br />

EPABX SYSTEM 15 0 0 0 ,,0 0 0 0 ,,0 ,,0 0<br />

TOTAL OF A 36,11,720 832,971 ,,0 4444691 1,097,096 451,677 ,,0 15,48,773 28,95,918 25,14,624<br />


SYDENHAM COLLEGE T/C 10 4,478 0 ,4,478 4,478 0 ,4,478 ,,0 0<br />

N.M.COLLEGE T/C 10 3,744 0 ,3,744 3,476 27 ,3,503 ,,241 268<br />


SYDENHAM COLLEGE T/C 33.33 1,03,415 0 1,03,415 1,03,415 0 1,03,415 ,,0 0<br />

N.M.COLLEGE T/C 33.33 56,988 0 ,56,988 56,988 0 ,56,988 ,,0 0<br />

MKES COLLEGE T/C 33.33 31,150 0 ,31,150 31,150 0 ,31,150 ,,0 0<br />

TOTAL OF B 1,99,775 0 0 1,99,775 1,99,507 27 0 1,99,534 241 268<br />

TOTAL A+B 38,11,495 8,32,971 ,,0 46,44,466 12,96,603 4,51,704 ,,0 17,48,307 28,96,159 25,14,892<br />

PREVIOUS YEAR 37,30,109 81,386 0 38,11,495 8,25,561 471,042 0 12,96,603 2,514,892 29,04,548<br />

Note : As per HO guidelines—Fixed assets, costing Rs. 5000/- or less & those whose written down value is Rs. 250/-<br />

or less at the beginning of the year, are fully depreciated.<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010<br />

23<br />


CMYK<br />

CMYK<br />


SCHEDULE ‘4’<br />

Particulars 31st March 31st March<br />

2010 2009<br />

Rupees<br />

Rupees<br />

Interest Accrued on Investments - -<br />

Stock (valued, taken and certified<br />

by the Management)<br />

Publications - -<br />

Paper - -<br />

Study Material - -<br />

Others - -<br />

- -<br />

Sundry Debtors (Unsecured)<br />

Outstanding for more than six months<br />

— considered good - 20,625<br />

— considered doubtful - -<br />

- 20,625<br />

Others (considered good) - -<br />

- 20,625<br />

Less : Provision for Bad & Doubtful Debts - -<br />

- 20,625<br />


Cash, Cheques/Drafts/Postal Orders, 53,167 9,506<br />

Postage Stamps/Franking units - -<br />

With Scheduled Banks<br />

Savings Bank accounts 873,550 2,443,032<br />

Short/Long Term Deposits 1,918,220 6,665,760<br />

Interest accrued on Term Deposits 87,368 199,328<br />


SCHEDULE ‘6’<br />

Particulars 31st March 31st March<br />

2010 2009<br />

Rupees<br />

Rupees<br />

Liabilities<br />

Received in Advance<br />

-Student Registration Fee — —<br />

-Others 246,650 274,683<br />

Payable to HQ/RC/Chapters — 103,138<br />

Sundry Creditors 254,593 254,608<br />

Expenses Payable 434,008 327,279<br />

935,251 959,708<br />

Provisions (To be specify<br />

individually) — —<br />

TOTAL 935,251 959,708<br />

2,932,305 9,317,625<br />

TOTAL 2,932,305 9,338,250<br />


SCHEDULE ‘5’<br />

Particulars 31st March 31st March<br />

2010 2009<br />

Rupees<br />

Rupees<br />

Advances (Considered Good unless<br />

otherwise stated)<br />

— Employees (including interest<br />

accrued thereon) - -<br />

— Recoverabbles from HQ/Regional<br />

Councils/Chapters 1,159,142 863,700<br />

— Others - considered good 137,943 62,157<br />

— Others - considered doubtful — —<br />

137,943 62,157<br />

Less : Provision for Bad & Doubtful Debts — -<br />

137,943 62,157<br />

Prepaid Expenses 141,957 65,448<br />

Security Deposits 40,943 46,010<br />

Pachhmarhi Workshop a/c 69,527<br />

TOTAL 1,549,512 1,037,315<br />

24<br />


SCHEDULE ‘7’<br />

Particulars 31st March 31st March<br />

2010 2009<br />

Rupees<br />

Rupees<br />

Students<br />

Oral Tuition Fees 3,426,161 2,128,261<br />

Library Fees WIRC 1,000 450<br />

Others (if any) 4,482,859 4,390,000<br />

7,910,020 6,518,711<br />

TOTAL 7,910,020 6,518,711<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010

CMYK<br />


SCHEDULE ‘8’<br />

Particulars 31st March 31st March<br />

2010 2009<br />

Rupees<br />

Rupees<br />

Commission on Sale of<br />

HO publications 63,113 126,766<br />

Library Fine — —<br />

Sale of Scrap 5,180 —<br />

Miscellaneous Income 10,299 5,560<br />

Surplus share on<br />

Goa National Convention — 884,000<br />

Prior year adjustments — 205,934<br />

TOTAL 78,592 1,222,260<br />

OTHERS<br />

SCHEDULE ‘11’<br />

Particulars 31st March 31st March<br />

2010 2009<br />

Rupees<br />

Rupees<br />

Advertisement and Career Awareness<br />

Rent and Taxes<br />

Electricity 345,129 282,302<br />

Insurance 6,362 3,819<br />

Repairs & Maintenance 140,535<br />

— Building 56,865<br />

— Other Assets 57,730<br />

— New Premises 237,890<br />

352,485 —<br />

Office Maintenance Expenses 96,826<br />

Computer Expenses<br />


SCHEDULE ‘9’<br />

Particulars 31st March 31st March<br />

2010 2009<br />

Rupees<br />

Rupees<br />

Salaries and Allowances 557,932 350,194<br />

Staff Welfare — —<br />

557,932 350,194<br />

TOTAL 557,932 350,194<br />

Meetings 607,818 562,087<br />

Packing, Cartage and Freight/<br />

Transportation & Shifting 33,499 1,500<br />

Loss on Sale/Disposal of Assets — —<br />

Bank Charges 5,660 3,743<br />

Auditors Remuneration — Statutory 24,200 25,152<br />

Auditors Remuneration — Internal 17,600 19,124<br />

Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts<br />


SCHEDULE ‘10’<br />

Particulars 31st March 31st March<br />

2010 2009<br />

Rupees<br />

Rupees<br />

Postage and Courier 211,940 66,744<br />

Telephone, Fax, E-mail etc. 234,546 183,023<br />

446,486 249,767<br />

TOTAL 446,486 249,767<br />

Miscellaneous 8,197 1,972<br />

Professional Fees — —<br />

Regional office expenses 204,850 118,715<br />

Books & Periodicals 50,832 —<br />

Prior year adjustments 76,823 —<br />

Rounding off 1.93<br />

New Office Inauguration Expenses 139,930<br />

Interest on Loan on OD against FD 12,453<br />

TOTAL 1,982,665 1,158,949<br />


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SCHEDULE “12”<br />

Significant Accounting Policies & Notes<br />

1) The accounts are drawn up on historical cost basis.<br />

2) WIRC`s income and expenditure in respect of joint seminars/programmes are accounted on the basis of its share<br />

of income and expenditure.<br />

3) Expenses of printing of Newsletter of <strong>June</strong> 2009 is allocated to AGM expenses on the basis of the actual space<br />

utilised for the display of accounts and other matters on prorata cost basis.<br />

4) The interest on fixed deposit is accounted on accrual basis at the rates applicable to such deposits.<br />

5) Provision for gratuity or other terminal benefits to employees is being provided by ICSI, New Delhi<br />

6) Fixed assets are stated at original cost. As per the instructions from ICSI, New Delhi, the following rates of<br />

depreciation has been charged for the year on written down value basis. Till last year, depreciation has been<br />

charged for the full year irrespective of the date of purchase of the asset. As per revised instructions from HO<br />

vide their letter 104/35/Accts. dt. 5th Feb’09 depreciation is to be charged on months basis depending upon the<br />

usage of asset purchased during the year. Any asset, whose unit value is Rs.5000/- or less and whose w.d.v. as<br />

of 1.4.09 is Rs.250/- or less has been depreciated at 100%.<br />

Rate of Depreciation<br />

eciation<br />

2009-2010 2008-2009<br />

Furniture<br />

10% 10%<br />

Air conditioner, Typewriter, Office equipments,<br />

Xerox, Fax Machine, EPABX System<br />

15% 15%<br />

Computer<br />

40% 40%<br />

Library books: Additions - after 1-4-1999<br />

1999 100% 100%<br />

- before 1-4-1999 33.33% 33.33%<br />

7) Grants received dfrom ICSI, New Delhi is accounted on cash basis<br />

8) An amount of Rs. 1,149,016.50/- is shown as recoverable from HO towards the reimbursement of various<br />

expenses incurred by WIRC. This accounts needs to be reconciled with the HO.<br />

9) Previous year’s figures have been regrouped and rearranged wherever necessary to make them comparable with<br />

that of the current year.<br />

10) The share of surplus/deficited on account of workshop held at Panchmarhi on 27th & 28th March 2010 jointly<br />

with Bhopal, Raipur and Nagpur is not determined and hence not considered in the accounts. The same shall<br />

be recorded in the year 2010-11. As per books of accounts an amount of Rs. 69,527/- (Net) appeared as debit<br />

advance for workshop and shown under the Loans & Advances. It is expected that the workshop will not result<br />

into deficit.<br />

11) WIRC has received a sum of Rs.3.00 crores as interest free unsecured loan from HO for the purchase of new<br />

premises at 5th Floor at Jolly Maker Chambers-II. The amount is to be refunded in 20 annual instalments of<br />

Rs.15.00 lacs each. The first instalment of Rs.15.00 lacs of this loan will be repayable within one year i.e.<br />

before 31st March, 2011. In addition, WIRC has received a sum of Rs.85.00 lacs towards the bridge loan for the<br />

purchase of the above said premises. The same is to be repaid on or before 31st March, 2010. Till date, WIRC<br />

has paid only Rs.6,21,670/- leaving a balance of Rs.78,78,330/- unpaid.<br />

As per our report of even date<br />

For P. K. Mahadevan & Associates<br />

Chartered Accountants<br />

Sd/-<br />

P. K. Mahadevan<br />

Proprietor<br />

M. No. 6004<br />

Place : Mumbai<br />

Dated : 12th <strong>June</strong>, 2010<br />

For and on behalf of Western India Regional Council of<br />

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India.<br />

V. V. Vachhrajani Makarand Lele Mahavir Lunawat Ashish C. Doshi<br />

Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer<br />

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by CS Ajay Kumar, Mumbai<br />

A Bird’s-Eye View : Recent Judgments on Company Law<br />




Provisions of Section 73 are mandatory in nature. Validity<br />

of the allotment of shares made in pursuance to the<br />

prospectus has been made dependent upon permission<br />

for listing being granted by the stock exchange(s)<br />

concerned within ten weeks from the date of the closing<br />

of the subscription lists. The period of ten weeks is<br />

sacrosanct and cannot be extended for any reason<br />

whatsoever nor can any period be excluded therefrom.<br />

Each and every stock exchange named in the prospectus<br />

on which the shares of the company are intended to be<br />

listed must grant the permission within ten weeks and if<br />

any one of those exchange, for whatever reasons, refuse<br />

the permission within that time or if there is a deemed<br />

refusal under sub-section (5) of Section 73, the entire<br />

allotment shall become void. The public issue will,<br />

however, be saved or the allotment shall not be void<br />

only if issuer company were to file an appeal against the<br />

refusal and deemed refusal of the stock exchange – S V<br />


85 CLA 316 (SAT.)<br />


Respondent-company was a family company in which<br />

Petitioner No.1, Petitioner No.2 and Respondent No.<br />

2 were directors. Petitioners holding majority of<br />

shareholding filed Petition under sections 397 and<br />

398 questioning legality of allotment of additional<br />

shares to Respondent Nos. 3 and 4; appointment<br />

of Respondent No.2 as Managing Director (MD) of<br />

company; appointment of Respondent Nos. 3 and 4<br />

as directors; and removal of Petitioners as directors.<br />

Respondents in reply stated that Respondent Nos. 3<br />

and 4 had deposited share application money long<br />

time back and shares were allotted to them against<br />

said share application money; that Petitioner No.1 had<br />

attended board meeting in which allotment of additional<br />

shares and appointment of Respondent Nos. 3 and 4 as<br />

directors were made, and that Petitioner No. 1 had also<br />

signed balance sheet which reflected allotment of shares<br />

and annual return which reflected allotment of shares<br />

as well as appointment of Respondent Nos. 3 and 4<br />

as directors. It was highly inconceivable that Petitioners<br />

holding majority shares and being in majority on board<br />

would consent to their being reduced to minority by<br />

allotment of shares and loose their majority on board<br />

by agreeing to appointment of Respondent Nos.3 and 4<br />

as directors. Since there was no independent proof for<br />


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Petitioner-directors attending board meeting and minutes<br />

had been signed only by Respondent No. 2, purely<br />

on basis of signature on balance sheet and disputed<br />

signature in annual return it could not be held that<br />

Petitioner – directors had participated in board meeting<br />

on 31.03.2007 and had approved allotment of shares<br />

as well as consented to appointment of Respondent<br />

Nos. 3 and 4 as directors. Even in terms of Articles of<br />

Associations, appointment of Respondent Nos. 3 and 4 as<br />

directors could not be sustained. Since Respondents had<br />

acted in a highly oppressive manner towards Petitioners,<br />

impugned allotment, appointment of Respondent Nos.<br />

3 and 4 as directors, removal of Petitioners as directors<br />

and appointment of Respondent No. 2 as MD were to be<br />

declared null and void. – SMT. ABHA PURI V. AMETHI<br />

HUME PIPES (P.) LTD. [2009] 95 SCL 263 (CLB – NEW<br />

DELHI)<br />






391/394<br />

As a general rule before sanction of the scheme of<br />

amalgamation, meetings of equity shareholders, secured<br />

creditors and unsecured creditors are to be convened.<br />

The general rule, however, admits to an exception, more<br />

particularly where there appears to be no factual or<br />

legal impediment to the waiver of such meetings. Thus,<br />

where the interests of the creditors have been suitably<br />

protected under the scheme, the plea of the objectorunsecured<br />

creditor against the waiver of the meeting<br />

cannot be accepted, but the objector would be entitled<br />

to raise objection during the stage of second motion.–<br />



176 (P & H)<br />



The company court has no jurisdiction to pronounce<br />

upon the legality or otherwise of the proceedings under<br />

the Customs Act. Therefore, if the proceedings initiated<br />

by the Customs Department are defective in any manner<br />

or contrary to the provisions of the Customs Act, the<br />

aggrieved party is entitled to pursue remedies before<br />

the appellate forum constituted under that Act & not<br />

before the company court under the Companies Act. –<br />



24 (AP) (FB)<br />

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Green Shoe Option—<br />

an optional tool or an imperative one<br />

B.Renganathan- Vice President – Corporate Affairs & Company Secretary- Edelweiss Capital Limited<br />

Ms. Archana Khemka- Practicing Company Secretary<br />

Green Shoe Option<br />

Introduction: Initial Public Offers are made by companies with great pomp and splendour to raise funds. At the same<br />

time, it is also imperative that the shares get listed at a reasonable price enabling the investors to participate in the<br />

listing gains. The initial period of 1 to 3 months of listing is a good barometer/indicator of the issue price determined<br />

by the promoters. In other words, if the market price falls below the issue price it clearly sends a wrong signal that<br />

the scrip has been overpriced. The initial period of listing is akin to the first session of the first day of a cricket test<br />

match and the first day of the listing is that of a T20 match.<br />

In general, due to a heavy demand for the scrip, the price may fluctuate with tremendous volatility. In order to bring<br />

stability to the market price, a legal mechanism called “Green Shoe Option (GSO)” has been introduced for companies<br />

making an IPO/FPO. The Securities & Exchange Commission also recognizes this concept and allows underwriters<br />

in USA to do the stabilizing act. The origin of the term “Green Shoe Option” can be traced to the Green Shoe<br />

Manufacturing Company in USA, the first company to use such mechanism.<br />

In legal parlance, GSO is referred to as “over allotment”. Regulation 2(1) (o) of SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure<br />

Requirements) Regulations, 2009 defines GSO as “option of allotting equity shares in excess of the equity shares<br />

offered in the public issue as a post listing price stabilising mechanism”.<br />

Process and mechanism. (IEPF -- Investor Education and Protection Fund established by SEBI, GSL - Promoters or<br />

pre-issue shareholders who lend shares to the Stabilising Agent, SA – Stabilising Agent- a merchant banker to the<br />

issue who is responsible for stabilizing the price of equity shares under GSO.)<br />

STAGE I<br />

Issuer<br />

Issue & allotment of additional 15%<br />

of the shares (as a part of IPO/FPO)<br />

STAGE II<br />

(i) Allotment of the shares to public (ii) Proceeds of the IPO<br />

Shares from Shares from GSL IPO Public GSO Bank<br />

the IPO/FPO Issue Account Account to be<br />

opened by SA<br />

+ +<br />

SA GSL for GSO Demat Transfer of shares to the<br />

Informs shares to be lent A/c bidders in the issue<br />


SA Using Money in Purchases Shares<br />

GSO Bank A/c<br />

from Market<br />

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Note: The price at which the SA purchases shares together with costs incurred in relation to such purchase shall not<br />

in any event exceed the issue price. However in practice the SA resorts to this option only when the price falls<br />

below the issue price.<br />

Scenario 1<br />

SA Purchasing entire shares over-allotted from the market<br />

SA Purchases shares Credit of Shares in the Transfer to Demat<br />

from market @ GSO demat A/c A/c of GSL<br />

issue price<br />

Note: Paid up capital of the company does not increase (only transfers take place and no allotment is made by the<br />

company.)<br />

Scenario 2 (SA Purchases lesser number of shares from the market @ issue price)<br />

a) SA Purchases Credit Shares in Transfer To GSL<br />

Shares from the<br />

GSO<br />

Market<br />

b) SA remits money From GSO to Issuer allots Shares to<br />

Bank A/c<br />

the<br />

extent of<br />

shortfall<br />

to the<br />

GSO<br />

Demat<br />

A/C<br />

Note: Paid up capital of the company increases to the extent of shares allotted.<br />

GSL gets shares those bought from the market and allotted by the Issuer as well.<br />

Scenario 3 ( SA purchases over-allotted shares but at a price lesser than the issue price)<br />

SA Purchases Shares in To GSL<br />

Shares from<br />

GSO Demat<br />

the Market<br />

Difference<br />

i.e (no of<br />

shares bought<br />

from the market X<br />

(issue price –<br />

market price) to be<br />

transferred to IEPF<br />

from GSO Bank A/c<br />

Transfer<br />

to<br />

GSL<br />


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Note: Paid up capital of the company does not increase (only transfers take place and no allotment is made by the<br />

company.)<br />

In all the above scenario, the concluding step would be to close the GSO Demat A/c and the GSO Bank A/c<br />

Utilisation of GSO Bank A/c in the entire process.<br />

GSO Bank A/c<br />

Credit of proceeds from<br />

overallotment in public issue.<br />

Purchase of the shares<br />

from the market<br />

Payment to issuer<br />

for allotment of shares due<br />

to shortfall on purchase<br />

from the Market.<br />

Balance to<br />

IEPF<br />

Analytical Points<br />

— Lending by the pre-existing shareholders (“Green shoe lender”) and allocating such shares to public is akin to<br />

an “offer for sale”. The only difference being, in GSO there is no flow of consideration, while in an offer for<br />

sale there is a flow of consideration from the bidders in the IPO to the sellers.<br />

— Since GSO is a legally permitted facilitating mechanism, even though no consideration flows, it could be<br />

considered as a valid contractual obligation.<br />

— Issue of shares to SA after the IPO does not tantamount to preferential issue.<br />

— One of the BRLMs to the issue to act as a SA.<br />

— SA to enter into agreements with the issuer and the GSL.<br />

— The offer document under the heading “objects of the issue” to state the purpose or utilization of proceeds<br />

from the GSO. Since the exact amount that the issuer would be receiving on account of additional allotment of<br />

shares under GSO is not known upfront, normally the proceeds are shown to be utilised for general corporate<br />

purpose.<br />

— Fees and expenses incurred by the SA are usually borne by the issuer.<br />

— As the main intention is to stabilize the price post listing, the stabilization period should be for a period of<br />

atleast 3 to 6 months instead of the stipulated 30day period.<br />

— A clarity could be given by the regulators on the rationale for transfer of the balance amount lying in the GSO<br />

Bank A/c to IEPF instead of benefitting the shareholders/investors of the issuer company.<br />

Some of the companies that have opted for this mechanism are ICICI Bank Limited, Indiabulls Power Ltd., Cairn<br />

India Limited, Shree Renuka Sugars Limited.<br />

Conclusion<br />

As explained earlier, this mechanism helps in preventing untoward volatility of the scrip and to reflect a reasonable<br />

indicator to the issue price. It also may be used as a tool to counter any price rigging. It would be appropriate for<br />

the issuers to consider this option in the interest of various stake holders.<br />

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Pra<br />

CS K. G. Saraf<br />

ctising Company Secretaries.<br />

Ideally, under the Companies Act, 1956, sweat equity shares are typically used to spurify new and young entrepreneurs to take<br />

up innovative business or ventures. Sweat Equity shares connote issue of equity shares by Corporate to its Directors, Employees<br />

at a discount or for consideration other than cash for providing intellectual input in the form of Intellectual Property Rights,<br />

innovative ideas or value added services. Section 79 A (1) of the Companies Act,1956 states about the issue of sweat equity<br />

shares as follows:<br />

Notwithstanding anything contained in section 79, a company may issue sweat equity shares of a class of shares already issued<br />

if the following conditions are fulfilled, namely:-<br />

(a) the issue of sweat equity shares is authorized by a special resolution passed by the company in the general meeting;<br />

(b) the resolution specifies the number of shares, current market price, consideration, if any, and the class or classes of directors<br />

or employees to whom such equity shares are to be issued;<br />

(c) not less than one year has, at the date of the issue, elapsed since the date on which the company was entitled to commence<br />

business;<br />

(d) the sweat equity shares of a company whose equity shares are listed on a recognized stock exchange, are issued, in<br />

accordance with the regulations made by the Securities and Exchange Board of India in this behalf.<br />

The Section further reads in its proviso that in case of a company whose equity shares are unlisted, the sweat equity shares<br />

are issued in accordance with the guidelines as may be prescribed. These guidelines have been announced by Government of<br />

India in the year 2003 and notified for unlisted companies in the rules made thereunder.<br />

The provisions are :<br />

(1) Sweat Equity Shares not in excess of 15% of paid up share capital in a year, or shares of the value of Rs.5 Crores,<br />

whichever is higher can be issued by any unlisted company.<br />

(2) Any sweat equity issue beyond these limits requires the prior approval of Central Government.<br />

(3) Just as in the case of listed entities, unlisted companies are also required to obtain a special resolution in a general meeting,<br />

if sweat equity issue is in excess of 1 % of the issued capital as stood on the day of sanction of such issue.<br />

(4) A Valuer’s Certificate must be obtained on intrinsic value of intellectual property or knowhow if the company desires to<br />

issue sweat equity shares other than cash. The valuer who will submit his report is quintessentially required to have or<br />

acquire knowledge about the nature of property in question.<br />

(5) The issue price of sweat equity shares shall be deemed to be the fair price if it is computed by an independent valuer.<br />

(6) The lock-in-period provision of 3 years is associated with such sweat equity shares allotment.<br />

(7) The explanatory statement attached to the notice calling the general meeting for considering issue of sweat equity shares<br />

must spell out adequate justification for issue of such shares. The valuation report duly incorporating the justification for<br />

issue of such shares must form part of the explanatory statement besides a copy of the valuation report also be sent to the<br />

shareholders.<br />

Under the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), the quantum of shares and the value that attributes<br />

to the said shares shall be reckoned as a payment of Managerial Remuneration in case they are issued to Director/s for<br />

consideration other than cash, which is represented by intangible assets ands does not find a place in Financial Accounts.<br />

Of late, there has been considerable debate in the matter of issue of sweat equity shares with regard to ‘Rendezvous Sports<br />

World Private Limited’ who won the Kochi IPL Franchise for $ 333 million last month. A member of Rendezvous Consortium<br />

had received 25 % free equity of which 18 % valued at nearly Rs.70 Crore was received by a beneficiary. Since there were<br />

a host of controversies as also the parties to debate were on a logger heads, the issue was handed over to MCA for further<br />

investigation. A true wisdom must prevail in the minds of the legislature as well as MCA in relation to healthy practice to<br />

be followed towards issue of such sweat equity shares on new ventures, which may resolve a number of matters associated<br />

therewith presently confronted by the company. This will accentuate reducing litigation matters to a great extent.<br />


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The Corporate Sector has reason to celebrate the launch of two Schemes<br />

by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs in the last week of May 2010. The<br />

Company Law Settlement Scheme (CLSS) 2010 is intended for those<br />

companies who desire to continue after clearing their track record. Whereas,<br />

Easy Exit Scheme (EES) 2010 is intended for those companies who desire to<br />

exit at no cost.<br />

In the office of ROC, Mumbai, 1,27,177 companies were required to file<br />

Annual Returns and Balance Sheets. Out of which only 60,259 companies<br />

have filed Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account for 2008-09 and only<br />

59,976 companies have filed Annual Return for the same year. This roughly<br />

gives compliance rate of about 47%. Now those companies who have defaulted, which account for<br />

about 53% of the total companies required to file Annual Return and Balance Sheet, can avail the<br />

CLSS 2010. The Scheme gives a discount of 75% of the additional fee payable for delayed filing.<br />

Thus the scope of CLSS 2010 is very large covering about 53% of the active companies under the<br />

jurisdiction of ROC, Mumbai. These companies should avail this opportunity to clean up their<br />

track record.<br />

The Dormant Companies falling within the jurisdiction of ROC, Mumbai as per the criteria of<br />

continuous non-filing of Annual Return and Balance Sheet since 2005-06 come to the extent<br />

of 34,946 companies. These companies have never filed any Balance Sheet and Annual Return<br />

continuously since 2005-06. The number of companies having paid up capital of less than Rs.<br />

1 lac in the case of Private Companies is around 16,481 and Public Companies having paid up<br />

capital of less than Rs. 5 lacs is 4,678. All such defunct companies and companies having paid<br />

up capital of less than the prescribed limit are eligible to avail EES – 2010. Unlike the earlier<br />

Schemes, SES 2003 and SES 2005 where a minimum payment was required to be paid alongwith<br />

the application, EES 2010 does not require any payment. Moreover, in the earlier Schemes there<br />

was a requirement to update filing of Balance Sheet upto the period of doing business, whereas<br />

under EES – 2010 there is no such requirement. The only criteria is that the company availing<br />

EES 2010 should not have done any business or carried on any business after 1.4.2008. This is<br />

provided in the definition of “defunct company”. This is a golden opportunity for such defaulting<br />

companies to exit at no cost and least paper work. Even companies in which directors have not<br />

obtained DIN and Digital Certificate can avail EES 2010 by executing the prescribed documents<br />

manually which can be scanned and attached to the e-form digitally signed by the Practising<br />

Company Secretary/Practising Chartered Accountant or Practising Cost Accountant. Thus there is<br />

no need even to obtain DIN and Digital Certificate for availing EES 2010.<br />

This is a golden opportunity for the defaulting companies as well as defunct companies to set<br />

right the records and progress towards appreciable level of compliance rate comparable to any<br />

other developed Country. Practicing Professionals may prevail upon their client companies who<br />

are eligible for the Schemes to avail this one time opportunity.<br />




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IFRS Corner<br />

A monthly column by CS Rammohan Bhave and CMA Dr. Anjali Bhave<br />

R. N. Bhave, CS, CMA, CA, IFRS-ICAI, Six sigma green belt, Dip IFRS (ACCA, UK),<br />

Certified IFRS – ICAI – Strategy & IFRS Consultant, & Dr. Anjali Bhave, CMA, DBF, Ph. D., IFRS Consultant<br />

Write queries to mohanbhave@gmail.com or call on 9004043365<br />

Author runs organization ConsultIFRS.com more as a social responsibility to create awareness among professionals<br />

to bring in Corporate Governance and transparency in corporate world. Contact on ConsultIFRS@gmail.com for any<br />

IFRS career guidance – free.<br />

Write queries to mohanbhave@gmail.com or call on 9004043365<br />

IFRS Roadmap declared 22nd Jan 2010. BFSI roadmap declared March 2010. Clarification to MCA circular removes<br />

all confusion. Now it is high time for my fellow professional CSs to wake up and read all exposure drafts published<br />

by ICAI in respect of IFRS converged accounting standards published. The chart is produced below for ready<br />

reference. As of 8th <strong>June</strong> practically all drafts are published.<br />

Please find below the links to exposure drafts:<br />

ED open for comments:<br />

ED closed:<br />

http://www.icai.org/post.htmlpost_id=5575<br />

http://www.icai.org/post.htmlpost_id=5574<br />

It is a professional Company Secretary’s duty to read and provide valuable suggestions. Click above links and support<br />

corporate governance and transparency.<br />

Many CSs ask me, whether it will help them in career or not.<br />

Very frankly speaking knowing IFRS, is likely similar question some 15 years back, whether knowing computers and<br />

internet is useful for my profession or not. And the answer was “Professionals not knowing that got extinguished<br />

today”. Same with IFRS, Professional Company secretaries not knowing IFRS will find careers in dangers, leave aside<br />

progress. “Company secretaries” will be NO MORE knowing balance-sheets, which they are supposed to authenticate.<br />

So dear friends wake up and update yourself.<br />


No Particulars IFRS/IAS No<br />

AS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements IAS 1<br />

AS 2 Inventories IAS 2<br />

AS 3 Statement of Cash Flows IAS 27<br />

AS 4 Events After the Reporting Period IAS 10<br />

AS 5 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors IAS 8<br />

AS 7 Construction Contracts IAS 11<br />

AS 9 Revenue IAS 18<br />

AS 10 Property, Plant and Equipment IAS 16<br />

AS 11 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates IAS 21<br />


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CMYK<br />

No Particulars IFRS/IAS No<br />

AS 12 Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance IAS 20<br />


AS 15 Employee Benefits IAS 19<br />

AS 16 Borrowing Costs IAS 23<br />

AS 17 Segment Reporting IFRS 8<br />

AS 18 Related Party Disclosures IAS 24<br />

AS 19 Leases IAS 17<br />

AS 20 Earnings Per Share IAS 33<br />

AS 21 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements IAS 27<br />

AS 22 Income Taxes IAS 12<br />

AS 23 Investments in Associates IAS 28<br />

AS 24 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued operations IFRS 5<br />

AS 25 Interim Financial Reporting IAS 34<br />

AS 26 Intangible Assets IAS 38<br />

AS 27 Interests in Joint Ventures IAS 31<br />

AS 28 Impairment of Assets IAS 36<br />

AS 29 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets IAS 37<br />

AS 30 Financial Instruments Recognition & Measurement IAS 39<br />

AS 31 Financial Instruments Presentation IAS 32<br />

AS 32 Financial Instruments Disclosures IFRS 7<br />

AS 33 Share-based Payment IFRS 2<br />

AS 34 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies IAS 29<br />

AS 35 Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources IFRS 6<br />

AS 36 Accounting and Reporting by Retirement IAS 26<br />

AS 37 Investment Property IAS 40<br />

AS 38 Agriculture IAS 41<br />

AS 39 Insurance Contracts IFRS 4<br />



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CMYK<br />



WIRC organized a Half day Seminar on takeover<br />

Code<br />

WIRC organized a Half day Seminar on takeover<br />

Code – Analysis, on Saturday 22nd May, 2010,<br />

Gurukul School, Ghatkopar. Speakers were Shri Ramesh<br />

Shenoi, Compliance Officer, Senior Vice President and<br />

Company Secretary, Reliance Infrastructure and Mr.<br />

Ankit Bhansoli, SEBI. There was an intensive and<br />

participative discussion on series of cases , as well as<br />

practical issues related to nitty-gritty of the code. There<br />

were 52 delegates, who, attended the programme<br />

Full day seminar on statutory compliance<br />

WIRC organized a Full Day Seminar on Statutory<br />

Compliance Saturday, 15th May 2010 at Hotel Krishna<br />

Palace in Kemp’s Corner in Mumbai. Speakers were<br />

Shri J.K. Jolly, Joint Director, MCA. Shri Keyoor<br />

Bakshi, Past President and Central Council Member,<br />

the ICSI Dr. S. K. Jain, Practising Company Secretary<br />

Shri S. N. Ananthasubramanian, Practising Company<br />

Secretary, Shri Anubhav Ray, SEBI Shri L. D’Souza,<br />

Senior Advocate & Shri Ramasubramanian, Ex-<br />

General Manager, RBI. All the discussions were<br />

insightful and participative. Besides, there was thought<br />

provoking panel discussion, coordinated by Shri<br />

Mahavir Lunawat, secretary, WIRC, and comprising<br />

of several PCS namely, Shri Keyoor Bakshi, Shri S N<br />

Ananthasubramanian, Dr. S Khan, and Shri J.K. Jolly,<br />

Joint Director, MCA on compliances and governance<br />

in unlisted companies vis-à-vis listed one and the<br />

role for the profession. Earlier Dr. S D Israni, in his<br />

introductory key note address urged the practicing<br />

professional for meticulous attention to compliance<br />

details for professional excellence, the view was as<br />

well shared and illustrated with some examples by Shri<br />

Henri Richard, Hon’able ROC, in his speech as Chief<br />

Guest for the programme. There was an overwhelming<br />

response from 184 delegates.<br />

Study circle on general meeting, postal ballot and<br />

e-voting<br />

WIRC organized a Study Circle Meeting on General<br />

Meetings Postal Ballot and e-Voting on 28th May 2010,<br />

Friday, at WIRC. Speakers were Shri M.G. Subramanian<br />

General Manager – Corporate, Legal & Company<br />

Secretary of a group company of Godrej Industries<br />

Ltd., Shri Cyrus Khambatta, Senior Vice President,<br />

CSDL. Besides a threadbare discussion on AGM<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010<br />

and EGM as well as postal ballot, there was a live<br />

demonstration on e-voting. There were 32 members,<br />

who, attended the programme.<br />

Study Circle on secretarial audit and simplified exit<br />

scheme<br />

WIRC organized a Study Circle Meeting on<br />

secretarial audit and easy exit scheme on 13th <strong>June</strong><br />

, Sunday in Bhavans College. Speakers were Shri S<br />

N Ananthasubramanian and Suresh Thakurdesai.<br />

Speaking on the theme of Secretarial Audit, Shri<br />

Ananthasubramanian enlightened the delegates<br />

regarding the various sides of integrative nature of<br />

secretarial audit, compared to compliance certification,<br />

and explained how the audit is different from<br />

Compliance Certification in terms of complexity,<br />

magnitude and integratedness. Shri Suresh Thakurdesai<br />

elaborated the main features of simplified settlement<br />

scheme and company law settlements. The programme<br />

was attended by a presence of 52 delegates.<br />

Full Day seminar on stamp duty and SAT<br />

WIRC organized a Full Day Seminar on stamp duty<br />

and SAT on Saturday at Landmark Hotel in Goregaon<br />

on 19th <strong>June</strong>. Speakers were Sharad Avhayankar of<br />

ANS Law, Dr. S K jain, PCS, Shri J J Bhatt, senior<br />

advocate & Ms. Rinku Thakur, team member of SAT<br />

consul. There was insightful discussion on multifarious<br />

sides of stamp duty. Dr. S K Jain, from his experiences<br />

elaborated practical issues of SAT and explained<br />

intricacies of some cases. Shri JJ Bhatt and his team<br />

discussed host of live SAT cases and the programme<br />

enlivened with stimulating real life stories, which<br />

Bhatt articulated. According to him, stock market is the<br />

place for execution for ideas, including shocking and<br />

devastating ones, contributed by innumerable brokers,<br />

sub-brokers, investors and all other participants. There<br />

was a strong presence of 154 delegates. Smt Ragini<br />

Chokshi coordinated the programme, including the<br />

inaugural session,<br />

WIRC organized a study circle on easy exit and<br />

company law settlement<br />

On 17th <strong>June</strong>, Friday, a study circle on easy exit<br />

scheme and company law settlement was organized<br />

in WIRC. Shri Henri Richard, hon’able ROC was the<br />

speaker for the programme. An extensive discussion<br />

ensued the presentation. There was a presence of more<br />

than 60 members. The programme was coordinated<br />

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by Shri Kaushik Jhaver, member PDC and Smt Ragini<br />

Chokshi, chairperson, PDC<br />

Full day programme on LLP, easy exit scheme<br />

and company law settlement & overview of NBFC<br />

compliance<br />

WIRC organized a full day programme on LLP,<br />

Easy Exit Scheme and company Law settlement &<br />

overview of NBFC compliance on 26th <strong>June</strong> in Hotel<br />

Kohinoor in Dadar. Shri Sanjeev Sha, senior manager,<br />

Delloite, Shri Henri Richard, hon’able ROC and Shri<br />

Rajeev Uberoi, head legal, IDFC were the members<br />

of the faculty for the programme. Shri Sanjeev Shah,<br />

explained key features of limited liability partnership,<br />

besides procedural aspects and conversion issues.<br />

Shri Henri Richard, while making a power point<br />

presentation on the theme of simplified exit scheme,<br />

responded to series of queries of many members. Shri<br />

Rajeev Uberoi discussed about applicable statutes for<br />

multiple categories of NBFC. Chairman WIRC, Shri V<br />

V Vachhrajani emphasized the need for conducting<br />

programmes in host of places. Shri Mahavir Lunawat,<br />

Secretary WIRC addressed the delegates on the issue<br />

of timely responses from the office to members’<br />

multifarious requirements. Inaugural session witnessed<br />

presence of Shri Atul Mehta, past Chairman, Shri<br />

Lalit Jain, Shri Ajay Kumar and many prominent<br />

members, all of whom welcomed WIRC’s initiatives<br />

for conducting a programme in Dadar. Smt Ragini<br />

Chokshi, Chairperson PDC coordinated last couple of<br />

sessions. There was an overwhelming response of 125<br />

delegates.<br />


Bhopal Chapter of ICSI has organised Seminar on<br />

Charge Management & Easy Exit Scheme on 26.6.2010<br />

at Hotel Tulsi Exotic, Zone-II, M. P. Nagar, Bhopal.<br />

Mr. Amit Kumar Jain, Treasurer, Bhopal Chapter<br />

inaugurated the session and gave the welcome note on<br />

the topics. Mr. M.M.Chawla, PCS delivered the lecture<br />

on Charge Management which was very interactive too.<br />

Mr. Avadesh Parashar, PCS, gave their lecture on Easy<br />

Exit & settlement Scheme.<br />

Mr.Dhanraj S Thakur & Mr. S.A.Khan, Secretary, gave<br />

the vote of thanks.<br />

Mr. P.K.Rai, Mr.Piyush Bindal, Mr. Pravesh Dhawan etc<br />

participated in the discussion.<br />

The programme ended with interactive Question<br />

Answer Session.<br />


First Student Induction Programme<br />

The Thane Chapter of ICSI conducted first Student<br />

Induction Programme between May 1, 2010 to May<br />

10, 2010. CS Kiran Somvanshi, Vice Chairman and<br />

CS Rahul Sahasrabuddhe, Secretary of Thane Chapter<br />

inaugurated the programme. During the program wide<br />

range of topics were discussed by various faculties.<br />

CS Kiran Somvanshi took session on Usefulness of<br />

Reading Newspaper, CS Rahul Sahasrabuddhe spoke on<br />

Basics of Capital Market, Mr. Sunil Ullal taught various<br />

tactics to face Professional Interview, CS Sanjay Parab<br />

discussed about How to be a Good Company Secretary,<br />

CS Anant Amdekar acquainted students about various<br />

corporate laws, CA Bharat Kanabar took a session<br />

on Personal Effectiveness & Time Management, Ms.<br />

Rekha Revathi and Mr. Janak Pandya spoke on How to<br />

improve your English and basics of FEMA, respectively.<br />

Interpretation of Financial Statements was covered<br />

by CA Jayesh Kulkarni. Sessions on “Personality<br />

Development” and “How to Qualify a Professional<br />

Examination” were taken by Mr. Prashant Deshpande<br />

and CS Atul Mehta, respectively. Mr. Alhad Oak spoke<br />

on Basics of legal drafting. CS R. T. Rajguroo Chairman<br />

– ICSI Thane Chapter presided over the valedictory<br />

session before enlightening the students about CS<br />

Course Contents. The programme was attended by 53<br />

students.<br />

Second Student Induction Programme<br />

<strong>June</strong> 5 and <strong>June</strong> 11, 2010, Thane Chapter of ICSI<br />

conducted second Student Induction Programme. 52<br />

students attended the program. Variety of subjects were<br />

discussed during the seven day induction programme.<br />

First Executive Development Programme<br />

The Thane Chapter of ICSI conducted its first Executive<br />

Development Programme between May 14, 2010<br />

to <strong>June</strong> 6, 2010 (week end batch). The inaugural<br />

keynote address was given by CS R T Rajguroo.<br />

The Eight day programme was addressed by CS R<br />

T Rajguroo, CS Janak Pandya, Mr. Sunil Ullal, CS.<br />

Mukesh Tank, Ms. Harshita Iyer, CS Sanjay Parab, CS<br />

Rahul Sahasrabuddhe, Secretary – Thane Chapter, CS<br />

Chanda Makhija, Mr. Prashant Deshpande, CS Anant<br />

Amdekar, Mr. Chandrakant Soni, David Pezarkar<br />

and CS Kaushik Jhaveri. The valedictory session was<br />

presided by ROC Maharashtra, Mr. Henry Richard and<br />

attended by CS R T Rajguroo and CS Kaushik Jhaveri.<br />


Gist of discussion had with ROC<br />

Brief of the Interactive Meeting with Registrar of<br />

Companies, Pune. With a view to have a greater<br />

clarity on the two New Schemes launched by MCAie-<br />

Company Law Settlement Scheme, 2010- giving<br />

36<br />


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<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010

CMYK<br />

opportunity to the defaulting Companies to enable<br />

them to make their default good by filing belated<br />

documents with concessional late fees and to become<br />

a regular compliant in future and the Easy Exit<br />

Scheme, 2010- giving opportunity to the defunct<br />

companies to get their names struck off from the<br />

register under Section 560 of the Companies Act,<br />

1956, Pune Chapter of WIRC of ICSI jointly with<br />

the Office of the Registrar of Companies, Pune<br />

had organized a discussion session followed by an<br />

interactive session with the Registrar of Companies,<br />

Maharashtra, Pune on Thursday <strong>June</strong> 24, 2010 at<br />

Pune Chapter Premises from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.<br />

The Meeting was conducted by Shri V P Katkar,<br />

Registrar of Companies, Maharashtra, Pune and CS<br />

Makarand Lele, Vice Chairman, WIRC, ICSI and<br />

which was attended by more than 90 members and<br />

interested participants. The Meeting started with a<br />

brief introduction of the Schemes by CS Makarand<br />

Lele and also pinpointing on the highlights of the<br />

Scheme and how the same were beneficial to the<br />

defunct companies and also to such companies who<br />

have not been able to comply with the rules and<br />

regulations under the Companies Act, 1956 until<br />

date.<br />

Mr V P Katkar emphasized that this was an unique<br />

opportunity for all the companies who have not<br />

carried on business since April 1 2008 to exit out<br />

of the judicial proceedings which otherwise is not<br />

possible under the routine Sec 560 process under the<br />

Companies Act 1956. Mr Katkar also emphasised on<br />

the considerable monetary relief offered through the<br />

Company Law Settlement Scheme to such companies<br />

who have been defaulting on filing the documents with<br />

the Registrar of Companies. He further also highlighted<br />

the process of securing the immunity certificate<br />

immediately after the Scheme was over.<br />

The question answer session that followed had almost<br />

all the members raising various queries pertaining to<br />

the Scheme which were satisfactorily answered by<br />

Mr Katkar. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks<br />

to Shri Katkar and the Office of the Registrar of<br />

Companies, Pune for extending their whole hearted<br />

cooperation in making this attempt to educate and<br />

further propagate the benefits of the Schemes to the<br />

CS Professionals who in turn would be instrumental in<br />

advising the general business class to reap the intended<br />

benefits of the Schemes so promulgated by the Ministry<br />

of Corporate Affairs.<br />

The meeting ended with High Tea.<br />


Randox<br />

Opening for: Company Secretary (India)<br />

Randox Laboratories Ltd is a world-class leader in the development<br />

of revolutionary medical technology, developing and manufacturing<br />

high quality diagnostic kits and instrumentation for pathology<br />

laboratories. Randox’s clinical products can be found in almost<br />

every country throughout the world, in fact, wherever there is a need<br />

for disease diagnosis. Consequently, the role that Randox products<br />

play in healthcare decisions is increasing everyday.<br />

Randox Laboratories Ltd manufacture, diagnostic kits to suit the<br />

needs of all clinical chemistry laboratories and reinvest 28% of<br />

gross income on research and development, enabling extensive<br />

investigation of the latest technical developments in assay design<br />

and instrument operation.<br />

Randox Laboratories (India) Pvt Ltd, a fast growing organisation<br />

offering an excellent opportunity for career development, is currently<br />

recruiting for the position of Company Secretary. This position will<br />

report to General Manager – Finance & Logistics.<br />

We are looking for a CS + LLB for this position.<br />

The requisites for the above position are as follows:<br />

1. Should have a valid CS membership number<br />

2. Should be able to independently sign the Balance Sheet.<br />

3. Should have in depth knowledge of Company Law matters &<br />

Legal matters.<br />

4. Good communication skills & command on English<br />

language.<br />

Interested candidates should send in their profile to the following<br />

email address or contact us over phone.<br />

Email: tijy.paul@randox.com • Telephone: 022-67140648<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010<br />

Required<br />



A full-time qualified Company Secretary<br />

proficient in English and well versed with<br />

company law and legal matters with minimum<br />

experience of 1 to 3 years is required.<br />

Candidates with law qualification with be<br />

preferred.<br />

Interested candidate may send in their<br />

applications with detailed resume giving<br />

information about professional experience,<br />

expected remuneration, etc. at<br />


52-A, Sindhi Lane, Mumbai-400 004.<br />

OR<br />

Email the same at : goldenmind@vsnl.net<br />

37<br />


CMYK<br />

CMYK<br />

Dear Members,<br />

Greetings!<br />

Attend & Secure your Credit Hours and Backgrounders<br />


Sub:-Forthcoming Programs of ICSI-WIRC (<strong>July</strong> 2010)<br />

ICSI-WIRC is organizing the following programs in the month of <strong>July</strong>, 2010 :<br />


NO.<br />

1 Friday Half Day Programme Ladies Special Bajaj Bhavan,<br />

9th <strong>July</strong> 2010<br />

Nariman Point, Mumbai<br />

2 Friday Study Circle Meeting Members special : Where WIRC premises,<br />

16th <strong>July</strong> 2010 members would highlight Nariman Point, Mumbai<br />

important issues for considerations<br />

3 Saturday, Full Day Seminar Corporate Governance – In a New Era Krishna Palace<br />

17th <strong>July</strong> 2010 and a Special Session on Mumbai<br />

Overview of XBRL<br />

4 Saturday, Study Circle Meeting Announced Soon Gurukul School<br />

17th <strong>July</strong> 2010<br />

Ghatkopar Mumbai<br />

5 Sunday Study Circle Meeting Related Party Provisions Andheri<br />

18th <strong>July</strong> 2010<br />

6 Friday Two Days Programme CS Conclave – Goa<br />

& Saturday<br />

Company, Capital Market &<br />

23rd &<br />

Corporate Conscience<br />

24th <strong>July</strong> 2010<br />

7 Monday to Investor Awareness programmes Six locations in Mumbai<br />

Saturday<br />

12th <strong>July</strong> to<br />

17th <strong>July</strong> 2010<br />

8 Announced Soon Study Circle Meetings Easy Exit and Company Nashik, Shirdi & Nagpur<br />

Law Settlement<br />

9 Saturday, Study Circle Meeting Announced Soon Gurukul School<br />

31st <strong>July</strong> 2010<br />

Ghatkopar Mumbai<br />

10 Saturday, Full Day Seminar Announced Soon Orchid Hotel,<br />

31st <strong>July</strong> 2010<br />

Parle<br />

Please attend in large number and take the benefit of professional development and interaction.<br />

Annual PMS Members of WIRC can attend these programs free of cost (Two days programs at discounted fee; All other<br />

programs - free). If you are a member of PMS, kindly let us know if you or your representative will be attending the above<br />

program(s) to enable us to make necessary arrangements. If you have not yet taken the membership, please hurry up and<br />

take the benefit of series of programs being organized by ICSI-WIRC.<br />

With Warm regards,<br />

CS Vishvesh V Vachhrajani CS Mahavir Lunawat CS Ragini K. Chokshi (Ms.)<br />

Chairman, ICSI-WIRC Secretary, ICSI-WIRC Chairperson, PDC, ICSI-WIRC<br />

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<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010

CMYK<br />


Company Secretaries of India<br />


Statutory body under an Act of Parliament<br />

PCH-8<br />

Western India Regional Council<br />

Jointly with GOA Chapter<br />

Organizes<br />


on<br />


Residential options for Members<br />

Day & Date : 23rd & 24th <strong>July</strong>, 2010<br />

(Friday, Saturday)<br />

Time : 10.00 am to 5.00 pm<br />

Venue : Announced Soon<br />

Fees : Announced Soon<br />

For enrollment contact:-<br />

ICSI-WIRC Office at 13 Jolly Maker Chambers no.2, First Floor, Nariman Point,<br />

Mumbai - 400021<br />

Tel Nos.: 22047569 / 22047580 Other Cell Nos.: 9970320202<br />

Email: wiro@icsi.edu / sudipto.pal@icsi.edu<br />

CS Vishvesh V Vachhrajani CS Mahavir Lunawat CS Ragini K. Chokshi (Ms.) CS Swati Rane<br />

Chairman, ICSI-WIRC Secretary, ICSI-WIRC Chairperson, PDC, ICSI-WIRC Chairperson, Goa Chapter<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010<br />

39<br />


CMYK<br />

CMYK<br />

ANNUAL<br />

PCH-8<br />


CONFERENCE–2010<br />


DAY & DATE<br />

Friday-Saturday<br />

6th and 7th August 2010<br />

VENUE<br />

Hotel Surya Palace,<br />

Opp. Parsi Agyari, Sayajigunj,<br />

Vadodara (Gujarat)<br />

Tel. No. : 0265-2363366;<br />

Fax No. 0265-2363388<br />

Organized By:<br />


Company Secretaries of India<br />


Statutory body under an Act of Parliament<br />


13, 56 & 57 Jolly Maker Chambers No. 2,<br />

Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400021<br />

Tel Nos.: 22047569 / 22047580 Cell No.: 09909925800, 9223542195<br />

Email: wiro@icsi.edu; sudipto.pal@icsi.edu<br />

CO - HOST<br />


Office No.1 (2nd Floor), Stop N Shop Plaza (Offtel Towers II),<br />

R.C. Dutt Road, Vadodara – 390007<br />

Tel. No. (0265) 2331498; Mobile : 09825028079/09909925800.<br />

Email: vadodara@icsi.edu / barodachapteroficsi@yahoo.com<br />

40<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010

CMYK<br />

Dear Members,<br />

In the last one and half year or so, lot of turbulence was witnessed all over the world, and India was no exception to<br />

it. Yet, we survived mainly because the Indian Economy is fundamentally strong and has an impetus / current which<br />

steers it to the right direction and provides proper dimension.<br />

It has been rightly said that “Handsome is what the handsome does” and if we see this in the professional paradigm,<br />

we need to be highly goal as well as performance oriented, mingled with proper appetite to adapt to the changes that<br />

are happening around. Change is a constant catalyst in the professional environment and it is the change that provides<br />

us a unique growth opportunity. In the past few years, lot of new avenues have become available to the profession<br />

of Company Secretaries and the role and positioning of the professional Company Secretary stand redefined.<br />

Addition of new dimension to this profession calls for concerted efforts to keep oneself contemporary with the changes.<br />

Today, the Corporate World expects much bigger role from us as a Company Secretary and with this he has been<br />

looked at as the in-house Corporate think tank instead of his erstwhile role as a mere Compliance Officer.<br />

With a view to further strengthen and consolidate this position, the Western India Regional Council of the ICSI is<br />

organizing its two days Residential Annual Regional Conference – 2010 on the theme of “Emerging Dimensions of the<br />

Profession” on Friday-Saturday, 6th and 7th August 2010 at Hotel Surya Palace, Vadodara (Gujarat).<br />

The Conference is going to deliberate on the following subjects of vital professional interest:<br />

1. Mergers and Acquisitions – Technical and Tax Aspects,<br />

2. National Company Law Tribunal – How to excel.<br />

3. SMEs’ and their Listing – What is all about.<br />

4. MCX – Commodity markets and derivatives – Role of CS.<br />

5. New dimensions of CS Profession – What is there inside.<br />

We as the hosts are confident that the deliberations proposed at the Conference shall be of enormous value to<br />

the participants and would help them to contribute in a long way for their growth as well as for the growth of our<br />

Profession.<br />

Faculty:<br />

Best in the class with the perfect the blend of theory and practice.<br />

Who should attend:<br />

The Conference is tailor made for Company Secretaries, Chartered Accountants, Cost Accountants, Advocates, Company<br />

Directors, Senior Executives in the Corporate Sector and other Professionals.<br />

Delegate fees per person:<br />




BASIS)<br />

BASIS)<br />

RS.*<br />

RS.*<br />

Members of ICSI / ICAI / ICWAI Rs.2,500/- Rs.3,250/- Rs.3,750/-<br />

Others Rs.3,250/- Rs.3,750/- Rs.4,250/-<br />

Licentiate Company Secretary & Students of ICSI Rs.2,250/- Rs.3,000/- Rs.3,750/-<br />

Accompanying Spouse - - Rs.2,000/-<br />

Practising Company Secretary Rs.2,250/- Rs.3,250/- Rs.3,750/-<br />

*Early bird Rs.250/- for Registrations received on or before 25th <strong>July</strong> 2010.<br />

Residential option is limited based on the rooms blocked and hence it will be on first come first served basis. Members<br />

are requested to register well in advance to avoid disappointment later. The delegate fees would cover the kitbag,<br />

course material, souvenir, lodging and boarding from 6th August morning 6.00 AM to 7th August 11.00 AM, conference<br />

dinner at a resort on the outskirts of Vadodara, etc.<br />

Registration:<br />

Registration can be done either at the office of ICSI-WIRC at Mumbai or at the Vadodara Chapter office of ICSI-WIRC,<br />

Vadodara. Cheques/ Demand Drafts payable at Vadodara and Mumbai drawn on WIRC of ICSI or Vadodara Chapter of<br />

WIRC of ICSI should accompany the registration forms.<br />

We look forward and welcome you for your enrolment and participation as a delegate to the Annual Regional Conference<br />

- 2010.<br />

CS Vishvesh V. Vachhrajani CS Mahavir Lunawat CS Ragini Chokshi (Ms.) CS Neeraj Trivedi<br />

Chairman Secretary Chairperson, PDC Chairman<br />



IRC<br />

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<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010<br />

41<br />


CMYK<br />

CMYK<br />


The Joint Director<br />


13, Jolly Maker Chambers No.2<br />

Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400021<br />

Tel Nos.: 022-22047569<br />

Or<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Vadodara Chapter of The ICSI<br />

Office No.1 (2nd Floor)<br />

Stop N Shop Plaza (Offtel Towers II)<br />

R.C. Dutt Road, Vadodara – 390007,<br />

Tel. 0265-2331498.<br />

Dear Sir,<br />

Please register the following person as delegate for attending Annual Regional Conference 2010 on the theme<br />

of “Emerging Dimensions of the Profession” on Friday-Saturday, 6th and 7th August 2010 at Hotel Surya<br />

Palace, Vadodara (Gujarat).<br />

Name of the Delegate : Mr. / Ms. _____________________________________________________________<br />

Membership No.FCS / ACS __________________________________ CP No.__________________________<br />

Designation _______________________________________________________________________________<br />

Name of the Organization: ___________________________________________________________________<br />

Residential/professional Address: ______________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Tel. Nos. (Off.) _______________________ (Res.) _______________________ (Fax) __________________<br />

Email: _____________________________________ Cell: _________________________________________<br />

*Delegate fee of Rs._____________ (Residential / Non Residential) is sent herewith by Cash / Cheque /<br />

demand draft bearing No. ______________ dated _______________ drawn on ___________________________<br />

favoring “WIRC of ICSI” payable at Mumbai / Vadodara Chapter of WIRC of ICSI.<br />

Yours faithfully,<br />

Date:________________________<br />

(Sponsoring Authority / Delegate)<br />

42<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010

CMYK<br />

Required<br />



KRYES Power Components Limited intends to<br />

appoint a Company Secretary. The incumbent<br />

should be a member of the Institute of<br />

Company Secretaries of India with 3-4 years of<br />

working experience in a Company of repute.<br />

Apply with confidence within 21 days stating<br />

age, qualification, experience and details of<br />

salary drawn and expected to :<br />

The Managing Director<br />

KRYFS Power Components Limited<br />

3rd Floor, Aza House 24, Turner Road,<br />

Bandra West, Mumbai-400 050.<br />

Required Company Secretary (CS) for<br />

reputed consulting firm in Dubai<br />

• Mail with 2-3 years Post Qualification<br />

Experience.<br />

• Knowledge of company incorporation,<br />

drafting resolutions, MOA etc.<br />

• Proactive, self starter personality, excellent<br />

interpersonal and communication skills.<br />

• Good hand on Computers<br />

Consulting Group<br />

• Excellent package offer to the right<br />

candidate<br />

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Tel: 022 40029795 web:www.jitendragroup.ae<br />

A BSE listed company at its office at Fort, Mumbai requires a<br />


The candidate should be a member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of<br />

India<br />

Apart from statory requirements of the post the incumbent will also be expected<br />

to look into routine administrative matters of the company<br />

Eligible persons having good knowledge and experience of Secretarial and<br />

Legal Matters such as compliances with various laws like FEMA, filing of various<br />

statutory documents and returns with the MCA/RBI, maintenance of statutory<br />

records and registers, liaisoning with the BSE/SEBI and other such authorities may<br />

apply with complete details to :<br />


502, Commerce House, Nagindas Master Road, Fort, Mumbai-400 001.<br />

Tel No. 40362626, email : careers@kbs.co.in<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010<br />

43<br />


CMYK<br />

CMYK<br />

44<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010

CMYK<br />

Two Day Residential Programme in Panchamari on 27th & 28th April, 2010<br />

Organised jointly by Bhopal Chapter & WIRC<br />

L To R Shri S.M. Ashraf.Vice Chairman, Bhopal Chapter, S.N. Ananthasubramanian, Central Council Member, Vishvesh V. Vachhrajani,Chairman, <strong>Icsi</strong> - Wirc, Brig Pranab Chakraborthy,<br />

Commandant,Ace Trg College & Centre, Pachmari Chief Guest, S.K. Vidhan,Chairman, Bhopal Chapter Of <strong>Icsi</strong> - Wirc,B. Narasiman, Centtral Council Member Pradip Channe Secretary,<br />

Nagpur Chapter Of <strong>Icsi</strong> And S.K. Batra, Past Chairman, Raipur Chapter Of <strong>Icsi</strong> - Wirc<br />

Inaugural Session<br />

Shri Mahavir Lunawat Addressing<br />

Shri S.K. Vidhan, Chairman, Bhopal Chapter Presenting Momento To Shri S.K. Batra,Past<br />

Chairman, Raipur Chapter Of <strong>Icsi</strong> - Wirc<br />

Lighting The Lamp<br />

Shri Pradip Channe, Secretary, Nagpur Chapter Presenting Momento To<br />

Shri S.K. Agarwal, R.O.C. Madhya Pradesh & Chaattisgarh.<br />

Shri Ashish Doshi, Treasurer,<strong>Icsi</strong> - Wirc Presenting Momento To Brig Pranab Chakraborty<br />

Shri Umesh Ved, Council Member Presenting Memonto To Shri S.K. Vidhan,Chairman,<br />

Bhopal Chapter Of ICSI - WIRC<br />

Shri Mahavir Lunawat, Secretary,<strong>Icsi</strong> - Wirc Presenting Biuquet To Shri S.K. Vidhan,<br />

Chairman, Bhopal Chapter Of <strong>Icsi</strong> - Wirc<br />

Shri Vishvesh V. Vachhrajani , Chairman, <strong>Icsi</strong> - Wirc Receiving Memmto From The Delegate<br />

Cross Section Of The Audiance<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010<br />

Cultural Programme<br />

45<br />


CMYK<br />

CMYK<br />

Programmes Organised by Pune Chapter<br />

ROC Meeting: Sh. V.P. Katkar, ROC Pune (Second from left) addressing the gathering. Other members sitting are: from Left: 1. CS Shridhar Kulkarni, Chairman, Pune chapter of ICSI 2. ROC, Pune, 3. Mr. Patil,<br />

Official from ROC office, Pune 4. CS Makarand Lele, PCS & Vice-Chairman WIRC of ICSI, Mumbai.<br />

(ROC Meeting) : CS. Prajot Tungare PCS, Offering Memento to Sh. V. P. katkar, ROC, Pune<br />

(ROC Meeting) : Sh. V. P. Katkar, ROC Pune addressing the gathering<br />


Half Day Seminar on Takeover Code on 22nd May, 2010 in Gurukul School, Ghatkopar<br />

Shri Ramesh Shenoi, Sr. Vice President,<br />

and Company Secretary, Reliance Infrastructure<br />

Shri N. L. Bhatia, PCS and Shri Ankit Bhansali, SEBI<br />

46<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010

CMYK<br />

Full Day Seminar on LLP, Exit Scheme & Company Law Settlement and NBFC in Hotel Kohinoor in Dadar on 26th <strong>June</strong>, 2010<br />

Shri V. V. Vachhrajani,<br />

Chairman WIRC<br />

Shri Henry Richard,<br />

Hon’ble ROC<br />

Shri Rajiv Uberoi,<br />

Head Legal, IDFC<br />

Shri Sanjeev Shah,<br />

Sr. Manager, Deloitte<br />

Shri Mahavir Lunawat,<br />

Secretary, WIRC<br />

Lighting of the Lamp : L to R: S/Shri Ajay Kumar, S. K. Sutar,<br />

Lalit Jain, V. V. Vachhrajani, Mahavir Lunawat & Manoj Jain<br />

CS Atul Mehta<br />

Shri V. V. Vachhrajani delivers Chairman’s Speech<br />

Delegates<br />

A Book on SEBI Compendium is donated by Shri Mahavir Lunawat, to WIRC Library who authored the<br />

book alongwith, eminent co-authors, Dr. S. D. Israni, Dr. K. R. Chandatre, Shri Bipin S. Acharya and Shri K. Sethuraman<br />

Shri Mahavir Lunawat, Secretary WIRC, Shri S. N. Ananthasubramanian, Central Council Member Shri J. K. Jolly, Joint Director, NCA Dr. S. K. Jain, PCS, Shri Keyoor Bakshi,<br />

Past President, Smt. Ragini Chokshi, PDC Chairpeson, Shri Sudipto Pal, Joint Director & Shri Kaushik Jhaveri, Member PDC Committee<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010<br />

47<br />


CMYK<br />

CMYK<br />

Office : 3A, Barodawala Mansion,<br />

81, Dr. A. B. Road, Worli,<br />

Mumbai-400 018. INDIA<br />

Board No. : 91-22-4362 5500<br />

Fax : 91-22-2497 4886<br />

E-mail : gujorg@gujaratorganics.com<br />

Website : www.gujaratoganics.com<br />

Gujarat Organise Limited, is an associate company of Asian Paints Ltd. the largest paint<br />

company in Asia. The company has ISO 9001:2008 certification. It manufactures intermediates<br />

for Pharmaceuticals Foods & Cosmetics, Agro Chemicals & Dyes. It is one of the Largest<br />

Manufacturers of Para Hydrozy Benzoic Acid and its derivatives namely Parabens. The company<br />

has a very efficient and flexible manufacturing facility at Ankleshwar, Gujarat with World Class<br />

Safety and Environmental Standards. The company is poised for excellent growth in immediate<br />

future under the youthful and dynamic senior management.<br />

The Company is listed with Bombay Stock Exchange as well as Ahmedabad Stock Exchange. Total<br />

Turnover of the Company is around Rs. 36.00 Crores.<br />

We require a Fresh Qualified Company Secretary who will report to the Managing Director of the<br />

Company directly. He shall be responsible for all secretarial and legal compliances and should have<br />

Knowledge into Company Law Matters, e-filings, Board & General Meetings, drafting and vetting<br />

of legal documents, etc.<br />

Apply in strict confidence to M.D./CEO<br />

Gujarat Organics Ltd.<br />

(Associate of Asian Paints Ltd.,)<br />

3A, Barodawala Mansion, 81, Dr. A. B. Road, Worli, Mumbai-400 018.<br />

Tel.: 4362 5500<br />

Fax : 2493 8687<br />

Email : admin@gujaratorganics.com<br />

Website : www.gujaratorganics.com<br />

Printed and published by Mr. Sudipto Pal, Joint Director for and on behalf of Western India Regional Council of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, 13, Jolly<br />

Maker Chambers No. II, First Floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400 021. Tel.: 22021826/22844073/22047569/22047580/22047604. Fax No.: 22850109 Email : wiro@icsi.edu<br />

and printed at Finesse Graphics & Prints Pvt. Ltd., 309, Parvati Industrial Premises, Sun Mill Compound, Lower Parel, Mumbai-400 013. Tel. Nos.: 24961685/24961605<br />

Fax No.: 24962297 and published at Mumbai.<br />

Views expressed by contributors are their<br />

own and the Institute/WIRC does not accept<br />

any responsibility.<br />

Date of Posting<br />

To<br />

If undelivered, please return to :<br />

WIRC of the Institute of Company Secretaries<br />

of India, 13, Jolly Maker Chambers No. II,<br />

Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021. Tel.: 2202 1826<br />

• Fax : 2285 0109<br />

Space for Address<br />

48<br />


IRC<br />

FOCUS<br />

<strong>June</strong> & <strong>July</strong>, 2010

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