Sergey V. RAZIN CURRICULUM VITAE Personnel données Nom ...

Sergey V. RAZIN CURRICULUM VITAE Personnel données Nom ...

Sergey V. RAZIN CURRICULUM VITAE Personnel données Nom ...


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<strong>Sergey</strong> V. <strong>RAZIN</strong><br />

<strong>CURRICULUM</strong> <strong>VITAE</strong><br />

<strong>Personnel</strong> données<br />

<strong>Nom</strong> <strong>RAZIN</strong><br />

Prénom <strong>Sergey</strong> V.<br />

Date et lieu de naissance 02.16.54 , Moscou, Russie<br />

Nationalité Russe<br />

Qualité de citoyen citoyen de Russie<br />

Situation familiale marié, a une fille (1982)<br />

Posts actuels<br />

Directeur de laboratoire à l'Institut de Biologie de Gène à l'Académie<br />

des Sciences de Russie<br />

Affiliations Professeur, Membre Academia Europaea - Membre Corr.<br />

Académie Russe des Sciences.<br />

Honneurs 1997 Koltsov prime de l'Académie des Sciences de Russie pour le<br />

meilleur cycle des publications sur génétique moléculaire y compris le livre<br />

"The nuclear matrix and spatial organization of chromosomal DNA domains"<br />

(R.G. Landes Company/Springer Verlag, 1997). 2000 Chaire Internationale de<br />

Recherche Blaise Pascal de l'Etat et de la Region d'Ile-de-France.<br />

Éducation et diplômes<br />

1971-1976 étudiant de l' université à Moscou, Diplôme d'excellence des<br />

études en biologie moléculaire et biochimie.<br />

1979 - Degré du Candidat des Sciences Biologiques (équivalent au<br />

PhD), attribue par l'Institut de Biologie Moléculaire (Académie des Sciences<br />

de Russie). Thèse "Caractéristiques de l'ADN attaché a la matrice nucléaire".<br />

Directeur de thèse: Académicien Georgii P. Georgiev.<br />

1987 - Degré du docteur des Sciences Biologiques (Habilitation à<br />

diriger des équipes et Thèse) attribué par l'Institut de Biologie Moléculaire<br />

(Académie des Sciences de Russie).<br />

Postes Académiques<br />

77-78 Stagiaire à l'Institut de Biologie Moléculaire (Académie des<br />

Sciences de Russie)<br />

78-86 Chercheur à l'Institut de Biologie Moléculaire (Académie des<br />

Sciences de Russie)<br />

86-90 Senior Chercheur à l'Institut de Biologie Moléculaire (Académie<br />

des Sciences de Russie)<br />

Depuis 1990 Directeur de laboratoire à l'Institut de Biologie du Gène<br />

(Académie des Sciences de Russie)

Stages et Recherche à l'Étranger<br />

Institut J. Monod (Paris, France) 1983 6 mois<br />

Chercheur invité 1989 6 mois<br />

1992 3 mois<br />

1997 10 mois<br />

1998 8 mois<br />

1999 10 mois<br />

2000 9 mois<br />

2001 10 mois<br />

Centre des Recherches sur 1990 3 mois<br />

le cancer de l'Université Laval, 1992 6 mois<br />

(Québec, Canada)<br />

Professeur Invité<br />

Université d' Åarhus (Åarhus, 1993- 6 mois<br />

Danemark) Professeur Invité 1994<br />

Centre Internationale de Génie 1995- 16 mois<br />

Génétiques et Biotechnologie 1996<br />

(Trieste, Italie) Directeur de<br />

laboratoire<br />

<strong>Nom</strong>bre des articles publié 145<br />

Expérience en enseignement<br />

1982-1997 Directeur de thèse de V.V. Chernokhvostov (reçu PhD en<br />

1985), O.V. Iarovaia (reçu PhD en 1985), M.G. Kekelidze (reçu PhD en 1986),<br />

Y.S.Vassetzky (reçu PhD en 1989), A.G. Kalandadze (reçu PhD en 1990),<br />

E.G.Kintsurashvili (reçu PhD en 1991), M.A.Lagarkova (reçu PhD en 1995),<br />

E.Yu. Svetlova (reçu PhD en 1996), L.V. Verbovaia (reçu PhD en 1996)

1<br />

S.V. <strong>RAZIN</strong><br />

List of publications<br />

1. Razin S.V., Mantieva V.L. and Georgiev G.P.1978. DNA adjacent to the<br />

attachment points of DNP fibril to chromosomal axial structure is<br />

enriched in reiterated base sequences. Nucl. Acids Res. 5:4737-4751.<br />

2. Mantieva V.L., Razin S.V., Georgiev G.P.1979 .Isolation of DNA fraction<br />

adjacent to the metaphase chromosome scaffold and study of its<br />

renatureation parameters. Molecularnaya Biologiya SSSR 13:1360-<br />

1363 (in Russian)<br />

3. Razin S.V., Mantieva V.L., and Georgiev G.P. 1979. The similarity of DNA<br />

sequences remaining bound to scaffold upon nuclease treatment of<br />

interphase nuclei and metaphase chromosomes. Nucl. Acids Res.<br />

7:1713-1735.<br />

4. Razin S.V., Mantieva V.L., Georgiev G.P. 1980. Isolation and<br />

characterization of DNA fraction adjacent to the interphase nuclei and<br />

metaphase chromosome scaffold. Molecularnaya Biologiya SSSR<br />

14:223-233 (in Russian).<br />

5. Kulguskin V.V., Razin S.V. 1980. A family of double-stranded RNA in<br />

cultured D.melanogaster cell nuclei. Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR 252:1505-<br />

1506 (in Russian).<br />

6. Georgiev G.P., Bakayev V.V., Nedospasov S.A., Razin S.V., and Mantieva<br />

V.L. 1981. Studies on structure and function of chromatin. Mol. Cell.<br />

Biochem. 40:29-48.<br />

7. Razin S.V., Chernokhvostov V.V., Roodin A.V., Zbarsky I.B., and<br />

Georgiev G.P. 1981. Proteins tightly bound to DNA in the regions of<br />

DNA attachment to the skeletal structures of interphase nuclei and<br />

metaphase chromosomes. Cell. 27:65-73.<br />

8. Razin S.V, Chernokhvostov V.V., Roodin A.V., Zbarsky I.B., Georgiev<br />

G.P. 1982. Proteins tigtly bound to DNA in the sites of its attachment to<br />

the nuclear matrix of interphase nuclei. Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR<br />

263:1019-1021 (in Russian).<br />

9. Yarovaya O.V., Razin S.V. 1983. Two types of DNA attachment to the<br />

nuclear matrix in Erlich ascite carcinoma cells. Molecularnaya<br />

Biologiya SSSR 17:303-312 (in Russian).<br />

10. Yarovaya O.V., Gorelova T.V., Shuppe N.G., Razin S.V. 1985. A pattern<br />

of heat shock gene DNA attachment to to the nuclear matrix does not<br />

depend on their functional state. Genetika (SSSR) 21:896-901 (in<br />

Russian).<br />

11. Razin S.V., Rzheshovska-Wolni I., Moreau J., and Scherrer K. 1985.<br />

Localization of DNA attacment site to the nuclear matrix within the<br />

domain of chicken a-globin genes in functionally actve and inactive<br />

nuclei. Moleklarnaya Biologia USSR. 19:456-466 (in Russian).<br />

12. Razin S.V., Yarovaya O.V., Georgiev G.P.1985. Endoogenous DNAassociated<br />

RNA polymerase II is concentrated in nuclear skeleton-bound<br />

DNA fraction and retains the ability to elongate chain in the nuclear<br />

matrix preparations. Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR 281:220-223 (in Russian).

13. Razin S.V., Chernokhvostov V.V., Yarovaya O.V., and Georgiev G.P.<br />

1985. Organization of the sites for DNA attachment to the nonhistone<br />

proteinaceous nuclear skeleton. in "Progress in nonhistone protein<br />

research" v.2:91-114 (I.Bekhor ed., CRC Press).<br />

14. Razin S.V., Yarovaya O.V. 1985. Initiated complexes of RNA polymerase<br />

II are concentrated in the nuclear skeleton associated DNA. Exp. Cell<br />

Res. 158:273-275.<br />

15. Razin S.V., Yarovaya O.V., and Georgiev G.P. 1985. Low ionic strength<br />

extraction of nuclease-treated nuclei destroys the attachment of<br />

transcriptionally active DNA to the nuclear skeleton. Nucl. Acids Res.<br />

13:7427-7444.<br />

16. Razin S.V., Kekelidze M.G., Lukanidin E.M., Scherrer K., and Georgiev<br />

G.P. 1986. Replication origins are attached to the nuclear skeleton. Nucl.<br />

Acids Res. 14:8189-8207.<br />

17. Broders F., Razin S., Farache G., Moreau J., and Scherrer K. 1986.<br />

Correlations of repetitive and AT-rich fragments within the chicken<br />

globin gene domain. Mol.Biol.Rep. 11:177-187.<br />

18. Razin S.V., Kekelidze M.G., Lukanidin E.M. 1986. Spatial organization of<br />

replicons in eukaryotic nuclei. Attachment of replication origins to the<br />

nuclear skeleton. Molecularnaya Biologiya SSSR 20:382-391. (in<br />

Russian).<br />

19. Kekelidze M.G., Lukanidin E.M., Razin S.V. 1986. The preparation of<br />

short DNA chains synthesized in vivo after trioxalen treatment of cells is<br />

not enriched in replication origins. Molecularnaya Biologiya SSSR<br />

20:371-381. (in Russian).<br />

20. Razin S.V., Yarovaya O.V. 1986. Association of transcriptionally active<br />

DNA fraction with the nuclear matrix is destroyed after inccubation of<br />

nuclei in low salt buffers. Molecularnaya Biologiya SSSR 20:646-655<br />

(in Russian).<br />

21. Chernokhvostov V.V., Stelmaschuk V.Ya., Razin S.V. 1986. Content,<br />

composition and properties of some DNA-protein complexes in the sites<br />

of attachment of DNA loops to the nuclear skeleton. Molecularnaya<br />

Biologiya SSSR 20:1579-1588. (in Russian) .<br />

22. Chernokhvostov V.V., Cherni N.E., Moskvin-Tarkhanov M.I., Razin S.V.<br />

1986. Isolation and fractionation of the nuclear matrix from cultured<br />

cells. Tsitologiya 28:843-847. (in Russian).<br />

23. Razin S.V., Bandt D., Razina M.V., Chernokhvostov V.V. 1987. The<br />

tightly bound to DNA proteins mediate association of the<br />

transcriptionally active DNA with nuclear skeleton Molecularnaya<br />

Biologiya SSSR 21:1276-1285. (in Russian).<br />

24. Razin S.V. 1987. DNA interaction with the nuclear matrix and spatial<br />

organisation of replication and transcription. BioEssays 6:19-23.<br />

25. Razin S.V., V.V.Chernokhvostov, E.S.Vassetzky Jr., M.V.Razina, and<br />

G.P.Georgiev. 1988. The distribution of tightly bound proteins along the<br />

DNA chain reflects the pattern of cell differentiation. Nucl.Acids Res.<br />

16:3617-3634.<br />


26. Rzeszowska-Wolny J., Razin S.V., Puvion E., Moreau J., Scherrer K.<br />

1988. Isolation and Characterization of stable nuclear matrix<br />

preparations and associated DNA from avian erythroblasts. Biol. Cell.<br />

64:13-22.<br />

27. Vassetzky Jr. Y.S., Razin S.V., Georgiev G.P. 1988 DNA fragments,<br />

which specifically bind to isolated nuclar matrix in vitro, interact with<br />

the matrix-associated DNA topoisomerase II. Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR<br />

300:999-1001. (in Russian).<br />

28. Kalandaze A.G., Razin S.V., Georgiev G.P. 1988. Cloning and analysis of<br />

DNA fragments, permanently attached to the nuclear matrix. Dokl Akad<br />

Nauk SSSR 300:1001-1005. (in Russian).<br />

29. V.V.Chernokvostov, I.B.Bronstein, A.V.Timofeev, S.V.Razin. 1988<br />

Immunochemical analysis of protease-resistant DNA-protein complexes:<br />

comparison of antigenic structure of the nuclear matrix proteins and<br />

DNA topoisomerase I. Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR 304:1013-1014. (in<br />

Russian).<br />

30. Vassetzky Jr. Y.S., Razin S.V., and Georgiev G.P .1989. DNA fragments<br />

which specifically bind to isolated nuclear matrix in vitro interact with<br />

matrix-assocoated DNA topoisomerase II. Biochem. Biophys. Res.<br />

Commun. 159:1263-1268.<br />

31. Chernokhvostov V.V., Stelmashchuk V.Ya., Razin S.V. Georgiev G.P.<br />

1989. DNA-protein complexes of the nuclear matrix:visualization and<br />

partial characterization of the protein component. Biochem. Biophys.<br />

Res. Commun. 162:175-183.<br />

32. Gromova I.I., Bronstein I.B., Timopheev A.V., Razin S.V., Kalandadze<br />

A.G., Kaphiani K.A. 1989. Specific cleavage of alpha A - globin gene by<br />

molecular forms of calf thymus topoisomerase I. Biochimia 54:640-650.<br />

(in Russian).<br />

33. Vassetzky Y.S., Kalandadze A.G., Razin S.V. and Georgiev G.P. 1989.<br />

Topoisomerase I cleavage site is located in regulatory domain of SV-40<br />

genome in vicinity to the DNaseI hypersensi tive site and topoisomerase<br />

II cleavage site. Doclady AN SSSR v. 306 (in Russian)<br />

34. Kalandadze A.G., Bushara S.A., Vassetzky Y.S. and Razin S.V. 1989.<br />

Characterization of DNA sequences in the regions of permanent<br />

attachment of DNA to the nuclear matrices which colocalize with<br />

replication origins. Moleculiarnaya Biologia 23:1309-1320. (in<br />

Russian).<br />

35. Farache G., Razin S.V., Recillas Targa F. and Scherrer K.1990.<br />

Organization of the 3'-bondary of the chicken a-globin gene domain and<br />

characterization of a CR1 - specific protein binding site. Nucl. Acids<br />

Res. v.18 p. 401-409.<br />

36. Razin S.V., Vassetskii Y.S., Georgiev G.P. 1990. Replication origins of<br />

higher eukaryotes - a minireview. J. Biomedical Sci. 1: 18 - 22.<br />

37. Kalandadze A.G., Bushara S.A., Vassetzky Jr. Y.S., and Razin S.V..1990.<br />

Characterization of DNA pattern in the site of permanent attachment to<br />

the nuclear matrix located in the vicinity of replication origin. Biochem.<br />

Biophys. Res. Commun. 168: 9-15.<br />


38. Vassetzky Y.S., Bakayev V.V., Kalandadze A.G., Razin S.V. 1990.<br />

Topoisomerase I is associated with the regulatory region of<br />

transcriptionally active SV 40 minichromosomes. Mol. Cell. Biochem.<br />

95(2):95 - 106.<br />

39. Farache G., Razin S.V., Rzeszowska-Wolny J., Moreau J., Recillas Targa<br />

F., and Scherrer K. 1990. Mapping of structural and transcription-related<br />

matrix attachment sites in the a-globin gene domain of avian<br />

erythroblasts and erythrocytes. Mol.Cell Biol. 10(10): 5349 - 5358.<br />

40. Razin S.V., Kalandadze A.G., Kintsurashvili E.G. and Vassetzky Y.S.<br />

1990. Characterization of DNA pattern in the vicinity of a replication<br />

origin located upstream from the domain of chicken a-globin genes.<br />

"Nuclear structure and function", Edited by J.R.Harris and<br />

I.B.Zbarsky, Plenum Press, New York. p.377-382 .<br />

41. Vassetzky Y.S., Kalandadze A.G., Kintsurashvili E.G., Turpaev K.T.,<br />

Grinenko N.F., Alstein A.D., and Razin S.V. 1990. A fragment of<br />

chicken nuclear matrix-associated DNA can maintain autonomous<br />

replication of plasmids in mammalian cells. "Nuclear structure and<br />

function", Edited by J.R.Harris and I.B.Zbarsky, Plenum Press, New<br />

York. p.345-350.<br />

42. Vassetzky Jr. Y.S., Kvartskhava A.I., Grinenko N.F. and Razin S.V.1990.<br />

A replication origin located within the upstream area of the domain of<br />

chicken alpha-globin gene colocalize with a transcriptional enhancer.<br />

Doclady Academii Nauk SSSR. 313:485-487 (in Russian).<br />

43. Kintsurashvili E.G., Adler V.V., Klenova E.M., Lobanenkov V.V. and<br />

Razin S.V. 1990. Multiple recognition sites for the sequence-specific<br />

DNA-binding proteins in vicinity of DNA replication origin located in<br />

the upstream area of chicken domain of alpha-globin genes. Doclady<br />

Academii Nauk SSSR 310:227-228 (in Russian).<br />

44. Razin S.V., Vassetzky Jr. Y.S., Kvartskhava A.I., Grinenko N.F., Georgiev<br />

G.P. 1991 Transcriptional enhancer in the vicinity of a replication origin<br />

within the 5'-region of the chicken a-globin gene domain. J. Mol. Biol.<br />

217: 595-598.<br />

45. Bronstein I.B., Gromova I.I., and Razin S.V. 1991. Specific cleavage of<br />

chicken aA-globin and human c-Ha-ras genes by two molecular forms of<br />

calf thymus tipoisomerase I. Mol.Cell.Biochem. 101: 115-124.<br />

46. Razin S.V., Vassetzky Y.S., and Hancock R. 1991. Nuclear matrix<br />

attachment region and topoisomerase II binding and reaction sites in the<br />

vicinity of a chicken DNA replication origin.<br />

Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun. 177: 265 - 270.<br />

47. Razin S.V., Petrov P. and Hancock R. 1991. Precise localisation of the a-<br />

globin gene claster within one of the 20 to 300 kb DNA fragments<br />

released by cleavage of chicken chromosomal DNA at topoisomerase II<br />

sites in vivo: evidence that the fragments are DNA loops or domains.<br />

Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci. USA. v.88 p. 8515-8519.<br />

48. De Moura-Gallo C.V., Vassetzky Y.S., Recillas Targa F., Georgiev G.P.,<br />

Scherrer K. and Razin S.V. 1991. The presence of sequence-specific<br />

protein binding sites correlate with replication activity and matrix<br />


inding in a 1.7 Kb-long DNA fragment of the chicken a-globin gene<br />

domain. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. v.179, p.512-519.<br />

49. Georgiev G.P., Vassetzky Y.S., Luchnik A.N., Chernokhvostov V.V., and<br />

Razin S.V. 1991. Nuclear skeleton, DNA domains and control of<br />

replication and transcription. Eur. J. Biochem. v.200, p.613-624.<br />

50. Kintsurashvili E.G., Vassetzky Y.S., Razin S.V. Nuclear matrix binding<br />

sites in vicinity of chicken a-globin gene domain replication origin. Dokl<br />

Akad Nauk SSSR v.318, p.1000-1002. (in Russian).<br />

51. Krajewski W.A. and Razin S.V. 1992. Organization of specific DNA<br />

sequence elements in the region of replication origin and matrix<br />

attachment site of the chicken alpha-globin gene domain.<br />

Mol.Gen.Genet. v.235, p.381-388.<br />

52. Razin S.V., Vassetzky Y.S. 1992. Domain organization of eukaryotic<br />

genome. Cell Biol. Int. Rep. v. 16, p. 697-708.<br />

53. Krajewski W.A. Kvartskhava A.I., Mikhailov V.S. Razin S.V. 1992. Bent<br />

DNA in the vicinity of chicken alpha-globin gene domain replication<br />

origin. Dokl Akad Nauk v.322, p.780-782 (in Russian).<br />

54. Vassetzky Y.S., Kintsurashvili E.G., Bogdanova A.N., Grinenko N.F.,<br />

Razin S.V. 1992. Analysis of a replication potential of the DNA<br />

fragment permanently attached to the nuclear matrix Dokl AN v.327,<br />

p.272-275 (in Russian).<br />

55. Vassetzky Y.S., Bogdanova A.N., Razin S.V. 1992. DNA-binding domains<br />

in the nuclear matrix are heterogeneous. Dokl AN v.327, p.165-168. (in<br />

Russian).<br />

56. Krajewski W.A., Mikhailov V.S., Razin S.V. 1992. Bent DNA and lowmelting<br />

DNA sequences in the region of replication origin of the chicken<br />

a-globin gene domain. Molekuliarnaya Biologia v.26, p.1011-1021. (in<br />

Russian).<br />

57. Krajewski W.A., Mikhailov V.S., Razin S.V. 1992. Spatial organization<br />

and conformational mobility of DNA within the nucleoprotein<br />

complexes. Moleculiarnaya Biologia. v.26, p.745-756. (in Russian).<br />

58. Krajewski W.A., Krylov D.Yu., Razin S.V., Mikhailov V.S. 1992.<br />

Conformational flexibility of DNA is restricted in transcriptionally<br />

active nucleosomes. Dokl Akad Nauk v.326, p.380-383 (in Russian).<br />

69. Vassetzky Y.S., De Moura Gallo C.V., Bogdanova A.N., Razin S.V. and<br />

Scherrer K. 1993. The sequence-specific nuclear matrix-binding factor<br />

F6 is a chicken GATA-like protein. Mol.Gen.Genet. v. 238, p.309-314.<br />

60. Krajewski W.A., Panin V.M., Krylov D.Yu. and Razin S.V. 1993.<br />

Flexibility of DNA within transcriptionally active nucleosomes: Analysis<br />

by circular dichroism measurements. J. Biomol. Structure and<br />

Dynamics. v.10, p. 1001-1011.<br />

61. Krajewski W.A., Panin V.M. and Razin S.V. 1993. Dynamics of unfolded<br />

nucleosomal fiber. J. Biomol. Structure and Dynamics. v.10, p.1013-<br />

1022.<br />

62. Lagarkova M.A., Razin S.V. 1993. Topoisomerase II-mediated in vivo<br />

cleavage of genome into structural domains. Dokl Akad Nauk v.330,<br />

p.383-385 (in Russian).<br />


63. Vassetsky Y.S., Razin S.V. 1993. Cells of higher eukaryotes contain<br />

protein binding to yeast ARS element. Dokl Akad Nauk v.330, p.111-<br />

112 (in Russian).<br />

64. Iarovaia O.V., Razin S.V., Hancock R. 1993. Domain organization of<br />

mammalian ribosomal genes cluster Dokl Akad Nauk v.330, p.120-122<br />

(in Russian).<br />

65. Krajewski W.A., Panin V.M., and Razin S.V. 1993. A simple and<br />

reproducible method for analysis of chromatin condensa tion. Biochem.<br />

Biophys. Res. Commun. v. 193, p. 113-118.<br />

66. Krajewski W.A., Krylov D.Yu, Razin S.V., Mihailov V.S. 1993. Analysis<br />

of conformational flexibility of DNA in transcriptionally-active<br />

chromatin. Biofizika (in Russian) v.38, p.108-116.<br />

67. Krajewski W.A., Panin V.M., and Razin S.V. 1993. Acetilation of core<br />

histones causes the unfolding of 30 nm chromatin fiber: analysis by<br />

agarose gel-electrophoresis. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. v. 196,<br />

p.455-460.<br />

68. Krajewski W.A. and Razin S.V. 1993. DNA-protein interactions and<br />

spatial organization of DNA. Mol.Biol.Reports v. 18, p. 167 - 175.<br />

69. Krajewski W.A., Panin V.M., Razin S.V. 1994. Analysis of chromatin<br />

decondensation by means of gelelectrophoresis in low-density agarose.<br />

Moleculiarnaia Biologia (in Russian) v. 28, p. 76 - 81.<br />

70. Razin S.V. 1994. Mapping of DNase I - hypersensitive sites in the<br />

upstream region of the chicken a-globin genes domain. Genetica (Rus)<br />

v. 30, p. 33-36.<br />

71. Yarovaia O.V., Razin S.V. and Hancock R. 1994. Nuclear matrix<br />

topoisomerase II digests genome DNA at junctions of topological<br />

domains. Genetica (Rus) v. 30, p. 25 - 32.<br />

72. Recillas Targa F., Razin S.V., De Moura-Gallo C.V. and Scherrer K.<br />

1994. Excision close to matrix attachment regions of the whole domain<br />

of the chicken a-globin genes by nuclease S1 and characterization of the<br />

framing structures. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA v.91, p. 4422-4426.<br />

73. Razin S.V., De Moura-Gallo C.V. and Scherrer K. 1994. Characterization<br />

of the chromatin structure in the upstream area of the chicken a-globin<br />

genes domain. Mol. Gen. Genet. v. 242, p. 649 - 652.<br />

74. Razin S.V., Hancock R., Iarovaia O.V., Westergaard O., Gromova I.I., and<br />

Georgiev G.P. 1993 Structural-functional organization of chromosomal<br />

DNA domains. Proceedings of the Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on<br />

Quantitative Biology N58, p.25-35.<br />

75. Verbovaia L.V., Surjik, V.V., Svetlova E. Yu., Razin S.V. 1994. Map ping<br />

of replication origin in the chicken a-globin gene domain by analysis of<br />

the leading DNA strands polarity. Dokl Akad Nauk (in Russian) v. 336,<br />

p. 403-405.<br />

76. Gol'dman I.L., Razin S.V., Ernst L.K., Kadulin S.G., Grashchuk M.A.<br />

1994. Molecular biology aspects of the position-independent expression<br />

of foreign genes in transgenic animals cells. Biotekhnologia (in<br />

Russian) N. 2, p. 3-8.<br />


77. Kraevskii V.A., Panin V.M., Razin S.V. 1994. Increase in the degree of<br />

histone acetylation in the nucleosome core leads to unfolding of 30 nm<br />

nucleosome fibril. Dokl Akad Nauk v.334, p.109-111 (in Russian).<br />

78. Iarovaia O.V., Razin S.V., Hancock, R. 1994. Analysis of the character of<br />

large-scale fragmentation of Drosophila melanogaster DNA by<br />

topoisomerase II in vivo. Dokl Akad Nauk v. 335, p. 653-655 (in<br />

Russian).<br />

79. Kraevskii V. A., Panin V.M., Razin S.V. 1994. Acetilation of histones in<br />

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81. Iarovaia O.V., Lagarkova M.A., and Razin S.V. 1995. The specificity of<br />

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87. Lagarkova M.A., Iarovaia O.V. and Razin S.V. 1995. The large-scale<br />

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93. Iarovaia O.V., Hancock, R., Lagarkova, M., Miassod, R. and Razin S.V.<br />

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102. Svetlova E.Iu., Razin S.V., Filipski, J. 1997. Mapping segments of the S1<br />

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104. Verbovaia L.V, Razin S.V 1997. Mapping of replication origins and termination<br />

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105. Iudinkova ES, Lagarkova MA, Razin SV. 1997. Molecular cloning and<br />

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106. Lagarkova M.A., Svetlova E, Giacca M, Falaschi A. and Razin S.V. 1998.<br />

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107. Verbovaia L.V., Razin S.V. 1998. Replicon Map of the Human<br />

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108. Iarovaia O.V., Razin S.V. 1998. New approaches to studying the structural and<br />

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109. Razin S.V., Ioudinkova E. Yu. 1998. Large-scale fragmentation of DNA during<br />

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110. Ioudinkova E., Bystritsky A., Razin S. 1998. Does the apoptotic fragmentation of<br />

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111. Schwartz Yu.B., Ioudinkova E.S., Demakov S.A., Razin S.V. and<br />

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112. Razin S.V., Kang S., Ioudinkova, E., Scherrer, K. 1999. Functional<br />

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113. Schwartz Y.B., Ioudinkova E.S., Demakov S.A., Razin S.V. and<br />

Zhimulev I.F. 1999. DNA fragments from regions of inter-disk polytene<br />

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114. De Conto F., Razin S.V., Geraud G., Arcangeletti K., and Scherrer K.<br />

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115. Iudinkova E.S., Iarovaia O.V., Sashchenko L.P., Lukianova T.I.,<br />

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116. Sashchenko L.P., Dukhanina E.A., Lukianova T.I., Romanova E.A.,<br />

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1999. Characterization of cytotoxic proteins, expression of which is<br />

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1999. Physical contact between human erythroid cells and murine<br />

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118. Iarovaia O.V., S'jakste N.I., Razin S.V. 1999. Regulation of globin genes<br />

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119. Ioudinkova E.S., Razin S.V. 1999. Nuclear matrix binding site (MARelement)<br />

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120. Pietrowska M., Rusin M., Widlak P., Razin S.V. and Rzeszowska-Wolny<br />

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121. Razin S.V. 1999. Chromosomal DNA loops may constitute basic units of<br />

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122. Sjakste N., Iarovaia O.V., Razin S.V., Linares-Cruz G., Sjakste T., Le<br />

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123. Sashchenko L.P., Dukhanina E.A., Ioudinkova, E.S., Iarovaia1 O.V.<br />

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124. Vassetzky Y.S., Bogdanova A.N. and Razin S.V. 2000. Analysis of the<br />

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125. Razin S.V., Ioudinkova E.S. and Scherrer K. 2000. Extensive methylation<br />

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alpha-globin gene cluster may contribute to silencing the globin genes in<br />

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126. De Conto F., Pilotti E., Razin S.V., Ferraglia F., Geraud G., Arcangeletti<br />

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127. Razin S.V. 2000. Molecular biology at the turn of the third millennium.<br />

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128. Vassetzky Y., Hair A. and Razin S.V. 2000. Rearrangement of chromatin<br />

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129. Iarovaia O.V., Sashchenko L.P., Gnuchev N.V. and Razin S.V. 2000<br />

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130. Razin S.V., Verbovaia L.V., Gol'dman I.L. 2000. New approaches to<br />

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domains. Genetika. (in Russian) 36(11), 1443-1453.<br />

131. Iudinkova E.S., Razin S.V. 2000. Regulatory sequences of DNA, located<br />

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132. Svetlova E.Yu., Razin S.V. and Debatisse M. 2001. Mammalian<br />

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the study of common fragile sites. J. Cell. Biochem. 81(S36), 170-178.<br />

133. Razin S.V. (2001) The nuclear matrix and chromosomal DNA loops: Is<br />

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134. Razin S.V., Ioudinkova E.S., Trifonov E.N. and Scherrer K. 2001. Nonclonability<br />

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135. Iarovaia O.V., Ioudinkova E.S. and Razin S.V. 2001. CpG-methylation<br />

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136. Ioudinkova E.S., Trifonov E.N., Scherrer K. and Razin S.V. 2001.<br />

Characterization of “non-clonable” DNA sequence located in the<br />

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137. Svetlova E.S. and Razin S.V. 2001. The mode of chromosomal DNA<br />

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138. Bistritskii A.A., Hancock R. Razin S.V. Iarovaia O.V. 2001. The sites of<br />

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139. Bistritskii A.A., Verbovaia L.V., Razin S.V. and Iarovaia O.V. 2001.<br />

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spatial organization of this gene in eukaryotic cell nuclei. Mol. Biol. (in<br />

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140. Iarovaia O.V., Avetisyan A.V., Chernyak B.Y., Ioudinkova E.S. and<br />

Razin S.V. 2001. Uncoupling of oxidative phosphorilation in L929 cells<br />

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141. Recillas_Targa F. and Razin S.V. 2001. Chromatin domains and<br />

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globin genes. Crit Rev Eukaryot Gene Expr. 11(1-3), 227-42.<br />

142. Iarovaia O, Razin SV, Linares-Cruz G, Sjakste N, Scherrer K. 2001. In<br />

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are retained in the perinucleolar area. Exp Cell Res. 270(2), 159-65.<br />

143. Ioudinkova, E.S., Iarovaia, O.V., Scherrer, K., Razin, S.V., 2001.<br />

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144. Goldman I.L., Kadulin S.G., Razin S.V. (2002) Transgenic goats in the<br />

Word Pharmaceutical Industry of the 21 st Century. Genetica 38, 5-21. (In<br />

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145. Razin S.V. 2003. MARs and SARs. In Encyclopedia of the Human<br />

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