O'CONNOR - Blennerhassett Family Tree

O'CONNOR - Blennerhassett Family Tree

O'CONNOR - Blennerhassett Family Tree


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<strong>O'CONNOR</strong> FAMILY of Coolnageragh, Scartaglin, Castleisland, Co.Kerry, Ireland<br />

OC 01<br />

revised July 2013, copyright © Bill Jehan 1968-2013<br />

Thanks to all who have contributed to these pages - please send additions & corrections to email: bjehan@<strong>Blennerhassett</strong><strong>Family</strong><strong>Tree</strong>.com<br />

<strong>O'CONNOR</strong><br />

Coolnageragh, Scartaglin and Castleisland, Co.Kerry, Ireland<br />

This family tree evolved from an outline pedigree made in the 1940s, at the request<br />

of W.H. O'Connor of Castleisland, by a professor from University College Cork<br />

W.H.'s grandchildren were added c1966 by his son Sean O'Connor,<br />

who later had several copies printed as a single sheet, suitable for framing, c1989;<br />

Expanded & updated in this present format by Sheila Bryant & Bill Jehan 1993<br />

Much of the material on the life of W.H. O'Connor has been freely borrowed from<br />

an unpublished typescript biographical memoir of c1956 written by his younger<br />

brother Michael O'Connor (Brother Francis, of the Presentation Brothers, Cork City)<br />

Information on the Pickering family is from notes supplied to Bill by Vida Allen,<br />

historian of the McGregor Museum at Kimberley, Cape Province, South Africa<br />

The Scartaglin O'Connors are believed to descend not from O'Connor Kerry but from O'Connor Don<br />

19th and early 20th century baptisms recorded as taking place in Castleisland RC church would usually take place<br />

in the family home (e.g. Coolnageragh, Scartaglin) to be later entered in the register at Castleisland by the priest<br />

Coat of Arms:<br />

A weathered and now almost unreadable inscription, on the horizontal top slab of the ancient burial vault<br />

of the Scartaglin O'Connors at Kilsarcan, was repeated in 1949 on the memorial to W.H. O'Connor and his<br />

family at Kilbannivane Cemetery (Pembrokes), Castleisland. This reads:<br />


Three warlike lions with their bloody swords in hand,<br />

cris-cross the griffin and lizard doth stand;<br />

The royal oak, with all its flourishing charms,<br />

stand for the princely O'Connors coat of arms.<br />

Ua Concubair<br />

W.H. O'Connor family vault<br />

at Kilbannivane Cemetery (Pembrokes), Castleisland<br />

the family crest is an oak tree, the badge of the O'Connors<br />

photo: courtesy of Hilary Titchener<br />

OC 01

OC 02<br />

Tadhg (Tadg, >>>>>>>> >|>>>Hugh O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>> >|>>>William Hugh >>>>>>>>>>> >|>>>Hugh "Hugo" William >>>>>>|>>>William Hugh "WH" O'Connor >>> >|>>><br />

Teige, Timothy) | of Close, | O'Connor | O'Connor; b.c1845 | a.k.a. “Bill Q” |<br />

O'Connor; | Castleisland, | b.c1815 (or c1812) | bapt.12.5.1845 Castleisland | Prominent Co.Kerry merchant and |<br />

Farmer; | Co.Kerry; | of Coolnageragh, | RC (St.Stephen & St.John) | businessman; of The "Kingdom" |<br />

of Scartaglin, | b.c1760 | Scartaglin, near | sponsors Hugo O'Connor | House, Castleisland, Co.Kerry; |<br />

near Castleisland, | Farmer | Castleisland, Co.Kerry | & Catherine Russell | / |<br />

Co.Kerry; | d.c1829 | / | / | b.17.12.1878 on family farm at |<br />

b.c1733 | / | tenant farmer, as | of Coolnageragh Scartaglin; | Coolnageragh, Scartaglin; |<br />

/ | m. Ellen Flaherty | his father had been, | tenant farmer, as father had | bapt.19.12.1878 Castleisland (RC) |<br />

d.c1813 | of North Kerry | leasing his land from | been, leasing his land from | Ch. of St.Stephen & St.John, his |<br />

/ | | the Herbert estate; | the Herbert estate; During | sponsors Redmond Roche & aunt |<br />

buried in the | | d.2.10.1885 | "the troubled days of the | Ellen O'Connor; |<br />

O'Connor family | | Castleisland | land agitation..." in 1880s, | his birth & baptism record both |<br />

vault at the old | | / | he left the family farm at | have b.19th but in his family his |<br />

graveyard in | | m. Mary Russell | Coolnageragh "as protest | birthday was kept 17th December |<br />

Kilsarcan, near | | of Kileentierna | against the cupidity of the | / |<br />

Castleisland | | (family of Russell | landlords of those times…" | For 7 years in 1880s his parents |<br />

/ | | of Clounclough, | living 7 years in the town | lived at Castleisland, he attending |<br />

m. Ellen Cotter | | Currow, Co.Kerry); | of Castleisland; first over | the Presentation Convent School; |<br />

of North Kerry | | d.post 1898 | Dan O'Callaghan's shop on | on their return to the farm at |<br />

| | | Killarney Rd, where sons | Coolnageragh attended Scartaglin |<br />

NOTE: | |>>>Thady O'Connor | Con & Hugh were born in | National School & (for 3 months) |<br />

The inscription on | | of Firies, Co.Kerry; | 1886 (c1957 this shop | "Skerry's Academy" in Cork; |<br />

the horizontal slab | | emig. to USA; | was kept by D.J.Browne); | Quoted as saying that ...all his |<br />

over the vault at | | m.1st Horan | He then moved to a shop | ambitions would be satisfied |<br />

Kilsarcan is badly | | of Currans | he acquired on Church St., | when he was the possessor |<br />

weathered; | | m.2nd J.Sheehan | this later (c1957) run by | of a watch and a bicycle... |<br />

In 1990 the name | | of Brosna | W.D.Harrington | / |<br />

James O'Connor | | | / | He studied hard to obtain a Civil |<br />

remained visible, | |>>>Hugh O'Connor | Lord Ashbourne's 'Irish | Service Post, being coached for |<br />

but not sure where | | of Close, Castleisland | Land Purchase Act' of 1885 | the "Second Division" C.S. exam |<br />

this James fits in | | | enabled him as tenant to | at a private school run by John |<br />

/ | |>>>Thomas O'Connor | to purchase the farm at | O'Loughlin McGuinness, in house |<br />

Sheila (O'Connor) | | (no issue) | Coolnageragh through the | owned by Jer Andy, next to the |<br />

Bryant recalls | | m. Twohill; | Irish Land Commission; | Crown Hotel, Castleisland; having |<br />

one year in the | | of Kenmare | The act made state credit | failed the exam he decided to |<br />

early 1940s when | | | available, enticing tenant | emigrate to South Africa; |<br />

she and her sister | |>>>Margaret O'Connor | farmers to buy their land & | W.H. was given £25 by Dan |<br />

Maureen were at | | m. Mundy Roche; | landlords to sell it to them | McQuinn (of Gortatlea) for |<br />

Kilsarcan after | | of Annagh, nr Tralee | / | his passage, Dan being related |<br />

dark, praying at | | | d.3.12.1905 Coolnageragh | to W.H. through the Russells |<br />

the tomb, the | |>>>Mary O'Connor | / | / |<br />

inscription was | | m. J. O'Connor; | LAND ACTS: | At the age of 20 he sailed on |<br />

clearly visible in | | of Fahaduv | All Herbert Estate lands | Union Castle Line SS "Gascon", |<br />

the moonlight but | | | near Castleisland were sold | departing 13.5.1899 Southampton |<br />

not in daylight | |>>>Ellen O'Connor | to tenants in this way | to Capetown, Cape Colony (from |<br />

| | m. Casey | following Lord Ashbournes | 1910 known as Cape Province SA) |<br />

| | of Chapel St., | 1885 Land Act; | intending to work as a miner, and |<br />

| | Castleisland | A few years later the 1903 | was there during the Anglo-Boer |<br />

| | | "Wyndham Land Purchase | war of 1899-1902; work in mines |<br />

| |>>>Julia O'Connor | Act" enabled yet more | being hard to find, he joined the |<br />

| m. Loughlin; | tenant farmers in Ireland | "Cape Mounted Police", a semi- |<br />

| of Castleisland | to buy their own farms | military police force of mobile |<br />

| | / | columns, able to be dispatched |<br />

| | m. Ellen "Ellie" Hickey | quickly where needed (Raised |<br />

| | b.c1853 | 1882, reformed 1904, merged into |<br />

| Ellen Hickey is related to:- | of Meenlietrim; | "S.African Mounted Rifles" 1913) |<br />

| Twomey - Tralee | Farmer's daughter | / |<br />

| Enright - Listowel | d.9.10.1909; bur. Kilsarcon | About 1/4 of “Cape Mounted |<br />

| Guiney - Knocnaclarig, | burial ground | Police” were Irish, the regiment |<br />

| Brosna | / | described as "a superb body of |<br />

| Brosnan - Close, Castleis'd | NOTE: Ellen's sister Bridget | men, 1900 strong”; during the war |<br />

| Kerin - Scartaglin | Hickey m. Guiney | Kimberley was besieged by Boers |<br />

| Huran - Carhue | | 124 days, 14.10.99 to 15.2.1900; |<br />

| Hussey - Balleygree |>>>Ellen O'Connor | Cape Mtd Police present during |<br />

| Walshe - Cordal / | the siege & one of their officers, |<br />

| Griffin - Ballymouth, Cordal m. Dan Horgan | Lieut. Philip Salkeld, was killed; |<br />

| Downeys of Brosna of Kilcummin | W.H. said to have been stationed |<br />

| (their only dau. Mary Ellen | in Rhodesia, away from conflict |<br />

OC 02 | Horgan m. Groves) | / |

OC 03 | | / |<br />

| After the war work was difficult to obtain in South Africa, so W.H. returned to Kerry in 1902; Arriving home on a wet, |<br />

| dreary January evening he found the wide empty street of Castleisland depressing; after a few months he became restless |<br />

de BEERS | & before the end of the year returned to Cape Colony, to Kimberley | / |<br />

de Beers, giant | / | / |<br />

South African | At Kimberley he had three jobs and for a time worked all three together, 20 hours a day; Firstly, for lack of alternative |<br />

diamond mining | employment, he worked for a builder, learning bricklaying & building skills; He was then employed by "de Beers |<br />

company, was | Consolidated Mines Ltd"as a "truck labourer" from 8.6.1903 until he resigned 13.3.1907 (re-employed 4.4.1909, resigned |<br />

formed in 1888 | again 26.7.1909); With limited experience of mechanical engineering his first task at de Beers was installing a pumping |<br />

by Cecil Rhodes | engine & equipment at one of the diamond mines, located in what had been the separate but adjoining townships |<br />

(b.1853 d.1902) | Kimberley, Belgravia and Beaconsfield; This may have been the “de Beers Mine” at Belgravia, where W.H. lived, but was |<br />

financier, states- | probably the "Kimberley Mine", a man-made pit 215m deep in the centre of the town, for good reason known as the |<br />

man & empire | “Big Hole” (closed in 1914 but still to be seen) | / |<br />

builder who was | / | / |<br />

Life Governor of | He made enough money from these activities to go into business on his own as a builder, houses being in great demand |<br />

de Beers company | for mine workers; In the words of his brother Michael, he acted as "his own architect, clerk of works, overseer & manager", |<br />

& Prime Minister | purchasing land in Belgravia & building a number of bungalows for sale or rent to miners; / |<br />

of Cape Colony | Starting with a single house, then building two more, then four more, each house sold financed the building of others; |<br />

1890-1896; | W.H. lived at four addresses in Belgravia; first at Milner Street, then Elsmere Road, Belgrave Road and 5 Foley St., one of |<br />

| these last two being a larger house he built for himself, with veranda surrounding; The homes he built were close to the |<br />

| junction of Belgrave Road and Foley Street; he named them Emerald Villas but this name is no longer in use |<br />

| / | / |<br />

| W.H. O'Connor m.2.3.1905 St.Augustine's RC church (since rebuilt) at Beaconsfield (now a part of Kimberley) to |<br />

| Julia <strong>Blennerhassett</strong>; b.23.10.1878 Skahanagh/Caherleheen; bapt.27.10.1876 St.John RC Tralee; |<br />

| of Skahanagh (Skehanig) in Ratass & of Clahane in Annagh, these being adjoining townlands nr Farmer's Bridge, |<br />

| Ballyseedy, south of Tralee; Her birth certificate has her b.20.2.1879 in error (registered by her aunt Mary Blennerhasett |>>><br />

| on 1.3.1879); her birth record shows her born at Skahanagh, her Baptism record born at Caherleheen, another townland |<br />

| in Ratass adjacent to Skahanagh; Placenames Skahanagh & Caherleheen were used interchangably as a address for the |<br />

| family home; Julia d.10.3.1967 Castleisland, Co.Kerry; bur. Kilbannivane Cemetery (Pembrokes), Castleisland |<br />

| / | / |<br />

| During the years immediately after leaving school Julia lived with family of her elder sister Nonie Nagle at The Mall, Tralee, |<br />

| going home to Skahanagh at weekends, thus Julia was away during most of her father's illness in 1903 but she was present |<br />

| when he died in April 1903; Julia blamed her brother Tom and his new wife Kate Shanahan for their father Joseph's death, |<br />

| saying to him that Joseph had been neglected (cause of death given as: "Pneumonia 10 days, no medical attention"); |<br />

| They had a row and she left home permanently, travelling to her brother Arthur (S 06) who had gone to |<br />

| Kimberley-Beaconsfield in South Africa one year previously to try his hand at diamond mining (he departed 23.8.1902); |<br />

| she sailed to Capetown on Union Castle Line SS "Walmer Castle", leaving Southampton 6.8.1903, her occupation listed as |<br />

| "maid"; When the ship arrived Arthur was working and unable to travel to Capetown, so she was met off the ship by his |<br />

| friend W.H. O'Connor, who then accompanied her to Kimberley; this was how she met her future husband; |<br />

| Arthur <strong>Blennerhassett</strong> first met W.H. O'Connor at Kimberley, they had not known each other in Kerry |<br />

| / | / |<br />

THE LODGE | She stayed in South Africa, first as a Red Cross nurse then securing a position working for William Pickering as a live-in |<br />

"The Lodge", | nurse and companion to his mother, Mrs Frances Pickering (nee Lisle) at his home "The Lodge", Egerton Rd, Kimberley; |<br />

Kimberley was | Julia became a friend of the Pickerings & continued at "The Lodge" for a few weeks after Mrs Pickering died on 3.2.1905; |<br />

built in 1889 for | when she married W.H.O'Connor it was from "The Lodge", she going to the church in the Pickering's horse-drawn carriage; |<br />

J.B.Currey, mgr | Their first child Nellie was born at Kimberley in 1906; | / |<br />

of the "London & | In later years one of the Pickering family from S. Africa visited Julia O'Connor at the "Kingdom House" in Castleisland |<br />

South African | / | / |<br />

Exploration Co.". | William Pickering was Company Secretary and a Director of de Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd, the South African |<br />

A large estate, it | diamond mining company formed in 1888 by Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902) and Charles Rudd (1844-1916) by their purchase |<br />

has peacocks, | and merging of the original “de Beers” and “Kimberley” mines (In 1889 Rhodes also became the head administrator of |<br />

ostriches, game, | the British South Africa Company and in 1890 Prime Minister of Cape Colony); William Pickering’s home “The Lodge” |<br />

croquet court etc; | had been built in 1889 at what was then the outskirts of Belgravia, for J.B.Currey, manager of the “London and South |<br />

The house was | African Exploration Company”; at that time the grounds of the house stretched from Aristotle Avenue, to Du Toitspan |<br />

taken over by | & Egerton Roads, to Hercules St. It was a large estate with peacocks, ostriches & game running free, a croquet court, etc. |<br />

de Beers in 1899 | / | / |<br />

and in 1901 was | In 1907 Julia returned to Kerry, initially on holiday to introduce baby Nellie to the family but staying, living with W.H.’s |<br />

the home of | family at Coolnageragh; W.H. resigned from de Beers 13.3.1907 and also returned to Kerry, to be with his family; When |<br />

William Pickering, | W.H.'s father Hugh William O'Connor died on 3.12.1905 he willed half of the farm at Coolnageragh to his son Michael |<br />

Secretary and | O'Connor, but in June 1905 Michael had joined the Presentation Brothers as Brother Francis, so by family agreement his |<br />

Director of | half of the farm was sold to his brother W.H.; On the half of the farm that he purchased W.H. built a new house, in which |<br />

de Beers and | he installed his wife & daughter, then in 1909 returned to S.Africa a third time (on the Union Castle Line SS "German", |<br />

employer of Julia | departing 8.1.1909 London to Capetown) to sell his house & property at Kimberley and settle his affairs; while doing this |<br />

<strong>Blennerhassett</strong>; | he once again worked as a "truck labourer" for de Beers, from 4.4.1909 to 26.7.1909 | / |<br />

| / | / |<br />

| The remaining half of the family farm at Coolnageragh was inherited by his brother Con; W.H.'s half of Coolnageragh |<br />

| farm was later sold to Mr.Breen, whose family still farm there; W.H. purchased "The Fountain Warehouse" on Lower |<br />

| Main Street in Castleisland, a house & business including drapery shop & "The Fountain Bar", opposite the old market |<br />

| house & drinking water fountain; As a fluent Irish speaker, his house & business "The Fountain Warehouse" displayed |<br />

| his name outside in Irish; While Julia managed that business, W.H. started milling grain, of any variety he could find, in |<br />

| the shed (still standing) at the rear of the yard behind the house, using very primitive equipment; the animal feed |<br />

OC 03 | produced found a ready market among a farming community experiencing feed shortage / |

OC 04 | / | / |<br />

| On 17.9.1918 W.H. purchased the Castleisland flour mill, a derelect watermill built in 1846 by Lord Ventry on the River |<br />

| Maine at Tonbwee, with the land attached to it; the mill's original function having been to grind maize into "Indian Meal"; |<br />

| In 1919 he founded "W.H. O'Connor" as "millers, merchants, drapers, outfitters & importers" in Castleisland; W.H., with |<br />

| James Tangney the carpenter, worked hard to repair buildings & machinery, restarting the old water wheel; In 1926 the old |<br />

| mill at Tonbwee, renamed as "Rhyno Mills", started producing animal feed in quantity, "Rhyno Balanced Rations" quickly |<br />

| gaining repute among Munster farmers as products of the highest quality; The name "Rhyno" may have come from W.H.'s |<br />

| African experience, although it has been also suggested it was taken from the old English word meaning money; The mill |<br />

| converted to electricity in 1939, water wheel being removed, millstream & weir filled in; The business became a limited |<br />

| company, "W.H. O'Connor Ltd", c1940; The railway into Castleisland town was for many years kept open for passengers |<br />

| solely by the need to bring in large quantities of raw material for Rhyno Mills; W.H. purchased the Crageens, rich grazing |<br />

| land close to the mill fields already his; also a farm at Ballygree, off Powell's Road in Castleisland, which provided a part |<br />

| of the grain used at the mill; In 1935 he purchased another farm at Commeen House in Carrigaline, Co.Cork; Another |<br />

| branch of the business was fattening pigs for market, using Rhyno dry rations, which took place on a large scale |<br />

| / | |<br />

| A republican by inclination, in 1914 W.H. O'Connor became Chairman of the "Castleisland Volunteers" & was prominently |<br />

| identified with the Sinn Fein movement of that time; When Sinn Fein set up courts to dispence their own justice in |<br />

| opposition to that of the British administration, W.H. became one of the first local judges of the Republican "Castleisland |<br />

| Arbitration Court"; He took no part in the Civil War that occurred after the treaty of 1922; W.H. is mentioned in "Kerry's |<br />

| Fighting Story 1916-1921" (published 1947 by "The Kerryman" newspaper of Tralee) and in "Tans, Terror an Troubles: |<br />

| Kerry's Real Fighting Story 1913-23" by T. Ryle Dwyer (published 2001 by Mercier Press, Cork & Dublin) |<br />

| / | |<br />

| On 8.5.1921 two RIC officers were shot outside Castleisland RC church in Church Street, as they left following Sunday |<br />

| Mass, by two IRA men on motorcycles wearing trenchcoats; the shooting witnessed by Julia O'Connor and her daughter |<br />

| Peggy, then aged eight years, who were also in the crowd leaving after Mass; |<br />

| One RIC man was killed, the other being saved by his wife who covered him with her body; This killing brought the "Black |<br />

| & Tans" from Tralee out in force & as reprisal for the murder four republican owned buildings in the town were burned; |<br />

| One of these was "The Fountain Warehouse", W.H.'s connection with Sinn Fein being known to the authorities & he at |<br />

| the time being "on the run", a fugitive in hiding from the British authorities, wanted for taking an active part in the conflict; |<br />

| at one time WH hid in a water-filled dyke while the Black & Tans were looked for him above; Dan Russell hid in the |<br />

| Fountain Warehouse, in an alcove behind hanging coats, the Black & Tans searching the house but not finding him; |>>><br />

| W.H.'s brother Michael (Rev. Bro. Francis) saw the smoking ruins of the house; two photographs of the ruins survive |<br />

| (photographer unknown); The irony of this sad episode is that the RIC officer who died was a friend of Julia O'Connor, |<br />

| yet her house was one of those burnt as reprisal for his murder; He left a widow & two young boys, the widow leaving |<br />

| Castleisland and initially placing her sons at the boys' school run by Brother Francis at the Presentation Brothers in Cork, |<br />

| although when their identity became widely known within that school they were moved elsewhere |<br />

| / | |<br />

| Following loss of their home in Castleisland, his wife & children initially stayed with family of uncle Con at Coolnageragh, |>>><br />

| Scartaglin, near Castleisland; soon after W.H. purchased Artane House in Dublin, the family living there 1921-27; |<br />

| Artane House was a large old country house in what was then countryside north of Dublin; a children's paradise with |<br />

| farmyard, cowhouse, coach-house, stables, orchard, walled garden & greenhouse, located in its own lands off Puckstown |<br />

| Rd (now named Collins Ave., near the junction with Malahide Road) Donnycarney, Dublin; The drive from Puckstown Rd |<br />

| to the house had two dogleg corners (3 straight sections) and this remains today as a series of paved footpaths; |<br />

| at the Puckstown Rd end of the drive stood "The Lodge", a gatehouse occupied by Mrs Hynes; In a field by the house |<br />

| lived the family horse, named Dolcey; Julia ran a retail drapery shop in Dublin, selling fashion wear & millinery, at 101 & |<br />

| 101A Talbot St. (single width property on the ground floor, double width on the first floor), with four employees, inc. Miss |<br />

| Finn, Miss Maher & Miss Clancy; the accountant was T.C. O'Mahony of Castleisland, who lived with them at Artane |<br />

| House while studying accountancy; The upper part of the old shop is now a popular resturant, appropriately named |<br />

| "101 TALBOT" (restaurant in 101, offices in 101a) , with an outdoor/camping supply shop in the ground floor of No.101 |<br />

| / | |<br />

| W.H. returned to Castleisland, initially living in spartan conditions at the old mill house, in a single room over the office, |<br />

| until 1927; During this period one of his daughters Nellie, Maureen & Peggy lived there with him in turn, as housekeeper, |<br />

| also attending the convent school in the town |<br />

| / |<br />

| Julia O'Connor sought, through the courts, compensation for the burning of their house, "The Fountain Warehouse"; |<br />

| Compensation was paid by the British authorities and a new house built on the same site, to W.H.'s own design, a 3 storey |<br />

| 12 bedroom building with drapery and grocery businesses beneath, also a small lounge bar preserving the old name |<br />

| "The Fountain Bar"; Re-building was completed in 1927, W.H. naming his new home the "Kingdom House", from the |<br />

| "Kingdom of Kerry", a traditional name for the county; Julia managed the retail business at their new home & was a |<br />

| director of W.H.O'Connor Ltd | |<br />

| / | |<br />

| after 1927 Artane House and lands were sold, house later demolished & land developed as the Dublin suburb of "Artane"; |<br />

| The 'dogleg' drive to the house remains as a series of footpaths, with Artane Lodge (the gatehouse for Artane House) |<br />

| still standing in 2004, in a 1/3 acre plot at the end of the drive (on Collins Ave. at Belton Park Rd); the Lodge was for sale |<br />

| in 2004 and since then may have been demolished, replaced by a modern house; The site of Artane House itself is off Elm |<br />

| Mount Road, at the playing field | |<br />

| / | |<br />

| The "Kingdom House" was a large home of great character; among its features was the "Crow's Nest", a roofed platform |<br />

| above the house, open at the sides, providing wonderful views of Castleisland town & surrounding countryside; |<br />

| also a billiards/snooker room & flat roof area for leisure; At the rear were garage, barns, greenhouse with grapevine & |<br />

| tomatoes lovingly tended by Julia and a large yard always crowded with hens, geese & turkeys; |<br />

OC 04 | / |

OC 05 | / |<br />

| Sold out of the family c1984 the "Kingdom House" is now a bed & breakfast hotel, sadly much changed, with shops and |<br />

| yet another "The Fountain Bar" installed beneath; Julia's grapevine still flourishes, in garden of g.son Michael O'Donovan |<br />

| at Castle Connell, Co. Limerick | |<br />

| / | |<br />

| W.H. O'Connor did much for the town of Castleisland, including obtaining a library for the town from the "Carnegie |<br />

| Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching" (founded in the USA 1905), and much of the land in Castleisland |<br />

| now used for public amenities was provided by the family | |<br />

| / | |<br />

| Two poems written by W.H. survive, titled "The Boy" and "Castleisland" | |<br />

| / | |<br />

| W.H. O'Connor d.1.1.1949 Castleisland; bur.4.1.1949 at Kilbannivane Cem. (Pembrokes), Castleisland |<br />

| | |<br />

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| 2|>>>Mary "Minnie" O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >|>>><br />

| | b.1880 Coolnageragh, Scartaglin, |<br />

| | Co.Kerry; |<br />

| | bapt.18.3.1880 Castleisland |<br />

| | |<br />

| | Following her marriage in 1908 they |<br />

| | lived for about six yrs at Clounagh, |<br />

| | Glounsharoon, Castleisland; |>>><br />

| | emig. to USA with their three |<br />

| | eldest children, sailing Liverpool |>>><br />

| | to New York on White Star Line |<br />

| | SS "Adriatic", departing 7.4.1915; |<br />

| | Minnie & John settled at |<br />

| | Arkansas, USA |<br />

| | she was following her sisters |<br />

| | Kattie & Eileen who had emig. to |<br />

| | USA 1914, and her brother Jim |<br />

| | / |<br />

| | d.22.7.1924 Arkansas, USA |<br />

| | in childbirth, of a fever; |<br />

| | the baby also died |<br />

| | / |>>><br />

| | m.c1908 Castleisland;<br />

| | John Scannell<br />

| | b.c1870/1 Co.Kerry; farmer, of<br />

| | Knockane, Castleisland (home farm);<br />

| | he went to the gold rush in Alaska<br />

| | with a friend Arthur ;<br />

| | following Minne's death in 1924<br />

| | John & family moved from Arkansas<br />

| | to California;<br />

OC 10 | | d.c1932 California

OC 11 | |<br />

| 3|>>>John O'Connor; b.1881 Coolnageragh, Scartaglin, Co.Kerry;<br />

| | bapt.29.12.1881 Castleisland;<br />

| | Went to California, from there to South Africa, Australia, New Zealand<br />

| | & the Fiji Islands; then returned to Australia; last known communication<br />

| | was from Australia in 1919, when he sent home a card (decorated with<br />

| | eculyptus leaves) on which he wrote that he was about to go into the<br />

| | outback (where is this now); following this disappeared without trace;<br />

| | His brother Michael O'Connor (Brother Francis, Presentation Order Cork)<br />

| | in his 1955/57 biography of their brother W.H., wrote of John (p.16) that<br />

| | "Eventually he returned to Western Australia, where all trace of him<br />

| | disappeared. Afterwards, W.H. used all possible endeavours in his<br />

| | efforts to trace him. These efforts were unsuccessful."<br />

| | NOTE: There is a death recorded in Western Australia for a<br />

| | John O'Connor who d.1919 at Perth, ref: 1283, but this is not him<br />

| |<br />

| 4|>>>Michael Joseph O'Connor (Rev. Brother Francis);<br />

| | b.20.9.1883 Coolnageragh, Scartaglin; bapt.20.9.1883 Castleisland;<br />

| | His father Hugh William O'Connor (d.3.12.1905) willed to him half the<br />

| | family farm at Coolnageragh, Scartaglin, but in June 1905 Michael had<br />

| | joined the Presentation Brothers as Brother Francis, so by family<br />

| | agreement his half of the farm was sold to W.H. O'Connor;<br />

| | This was later sold to the Breen family, who still farm it<br />

| | he joined the Presentation Order at South Monastery, Cork City 1905;<br />

| | teacher; in charge of the Presentation Brothers boys' school at Cork;<br />

| | 60 years with Presentation Brothers<br />

| | /<br />

| | Had many interests, particularly history & horticulture;<br />

| | Regular contributor to Cork Weekly Examiner & Cork Evening Echo,<br />

| | writing of Cork in the days when it was a walled city; also many other<br />

| | subjects inc. rugby, fishing, shooting, poetry & historical research;<br />

| | Author of a study of Nano Nagle, founder of the Presentation Sisters;<br />

| | Author c1956 of an unpublished typescript biographical memoir<br />

| | of his brother, W.H. O'Connor;<br />

| | In 1921 he saw the smoking ruins of "The Fountain Warehouse" in<br />

| | Castleisland, home & business of his brother W.H. O'Connor, burnt by<br />

| | army "Black & Tans" in reprisal for the killing of an RIC Guard outside<br />

| | Castleisland RC Church; Two or three photographs of these ruins<br />

| | survive, one of which was always displayed in the "Kingdom House"<br />

| | (did Brother Francis take these photographs)<br />

| | d.24.1.1965 Cork<br />

| |<br />

| 5|>>>Cornelius "Con" H. O'Connor >>>> >|>>><br />

| | b.27.1.1886 (twin) Castleisland |<br />

| | (born in his parents' rooms, |<br />

| | over the shop on Killarney Road, |<br />

| | Castleisland, then owned by |<br />

| | Dan O'Callaghan, later |<br />

| | c1957 owned by D.J.Browne); |<br />

| | bapt.30.1.1886 Castleisland |<br />

| | / |<br />

| | Farmer; of Coolnageragh, |<br />

| | Scartaglin, near Castleisland; |<br />

| | The only member of his family |<br />

| | who never left the old |<br />

| | homestead at Coolnageragh; |<br />

| | d.25.11.1960 |<br />

| | / |<br />

| | m.c1910 Nora H. Crowley |>>><br />

| | b.c1878 Co.Kerry; |<br />

| | of Mount Falvey, Scartaglin |<br />

| | |<br />

| | |<br />

| | |<br />

| 6|>>>Hugh "Hugo" O'Connor |<br />

| | b.27.1.1886 (twin) Castleisland; |<br />

| | bapt.30.1.1886 Castleisland; |<br />

| | d.Apr-Jun.1886 Tralee |<br />

| | |<br />

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| 7|>>>Hugh "Hugo" O'Connor; b.2.10.1887 Castleisland; bapt.2.10.1887 Castleisland;<br />

| | born in his parents' rooms, over a shop on Killarney Road, Castleisland, then owned by Dan O'Callaghan, later c1957 owned by D.J.Browne;<br />

| | Emigrated to South Africa; from SA in 1909 sailed for New Zealand, intending later to go on to Australia;<br />

| | in New Zealand he was for 10 months living in a tent while working on railway works at the railway construction camp in Waihuka Valley<br />

| | /<br />

| | d.12.12.1909 (Sunday afternoon) at Waihuka Valley, New Zealand; drowned while bathing in a pool near the camp; he could not swim;<br />

| | inquest reported in newspaper item headed "Drowing Accident" ["Poverty Bay Herald" New Zealand 14.12.1909, vol. XXXVI, issue 12622, p.6]<br />

| |<br />

| |<br />

| 8|>>>James "Jim" O'Connor; b.1890 Castleisland; bapt.22.4.1890 Castleisland;<br />

| | emig. to New York, USA c1914;<br />

| | he moved to Califoria; for a while was a cowboy in Oregon, the family<br />

| | in Ireland lost touch and his eldest brother W.H.O'Connor organized a<br />

| | search for him;<br />

| | "...his health was never robust..." and he d.6.4.1949 California; unm.<br />

| | /<br />

OC 12 | | his sisters Kattie & Eileen O'Connor (1914) and Mary Scannell (1915) also emig. to the USA

OC 13 | |<br />

| 9|>>>Catherine "Kathleen" "Kattie" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>><br />

>|>>><br />

| | Mary O'Connor<br />

| | b.1892 Coolnageragh,<br />

| | Scartaglin, Co.Kerry;<br />

| | bapt.25.12.1892 Castleisland<br />

| | /<br />

| | nurse; living with her sister Minnie<br />

| | Scannell at Clounagh,<br />

| | Glounsharoun, Castleisland, 1911<br />

| | /<br />

| | emig. to USA with sister Eileen,<br />

| | sailing Liverpool to New York<br />

| | on White Star Line SS "Megantie",<br />

| | departing 30.11.1914;<br />

| | Settled at Tacoma, Washington;<br />

| | Following Mac's death she moved<br />

| | to California, then Arizona;<br />

| | She never returned to Ireland<br />

| | /<br />

| | /<br />

| | Her brother Jim (c1914) and her<br />

| | sister Mary "Minnie" Scannell<br />

| | & family (1915) also emig. to USA<br />

| | /<br />

| | m. McKinley "Mac" Hobart Wood<br />

| | Postmaster;<br />

| | of Tacoma, Washington, USA<br />

| | /<br />

| | d.7.12.1980 Charlotte,<br />

| | Mecklenburg, North Carolina<br />

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| 10|>>> Helen "Eileen" "Aileen" O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><br />

>|>>><br />

| b.16.1.1895 Coolnageragh, |<br />

| Scartaglin, Co.Kerry; nurse |<br />

| bapt.16.1.1895 Castleisland |<br />

| / |>>><br />

| emig. to USA with sister Kattie, sailing Liverpool to New York |<br />

| on White Star Line SS "Megantie", departing 30.11.1914; |<br />

| settled at New York City, USA; lived several years in Manhattan |<br />

| / |<br />

| Returned to Kerry for a three month visit 1946; |<br />

| later moved to Palisades Park, New Jersey, USA (there in 1970); |<br />

| d..6.1979 Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA |<br />

| Her brother Jim (c1914) and her sister Mary "Minnie" Scannell |<br />

| & family (1915) also emig. to USA / |>>><br />

| /<br />

| m. James Kaneen of New York; b.23.8.1890;<br />

| while in the US army during WWII he visited Julia O'Connor<br />

| at "The Kingdom House", Castleisland, Co.Kerry;<br />

| residing with his daughter Joan Kaneen at Palisades Park,<br />

| New Jersey 1971-75; d..3.1975 Palisades Park<br />

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OC 14 |<br />

|>>>Thomas O'Connor >>>>>>>>> >|>>>Hugh O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>> >|>>>Hugh O'Connor; d.1898<br />

| of Dromultan | / | /<br />

| / | m. Julia McCarthy | m. N. Moynihan of Dromultan<br />

| m. Sheehan | of Cullen |<br />

| of Kilcummin | |>>>Hannah O'Connor >>>>>>>>>|>>>John O'Connor b.c1882 Co.Kerry<br />

| | | d.bef.1911 |<br />

| | | / |>>>William O'Connor b.c1884 Co.Kerry<br />

| | | m. David "Davy" O'Connor |<br />

| | | b.c1853 Co.Kerry; |>>>Julia O'Connor b.c1889 Co.Kerry<br />

| | | farmer; of Dromultan, |<br />

| | Scartaglen, near Castleisland |>>>Hanna O'Connor b.c1891 Co.Kerry<br />

| | 1911 |<br />

| | |>>>David O'Connor b.c1894 Co.Kerry<br />

| |>>>Mary O'Connor |<br />

| / |>>>Timmie O'Connor b.c1900 Co.Kerry<br />

| m. Casey of Lisheen, |<br />

| | Coom, Co.Kerry |>>> O'Connor d.bef.1911<br />

| | |<br />

| | |>>> O'Connor d.bef.1911<br />

| | |<br />

| | |>>> O'Connor d.bef.1911<br />

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| | |>>> O'Connor d.bef.1911<br />

| |<br />

| |>>> O'Connor >>>>>>|>>>Edmond O'Connor >>>>>>> >|>>>John O'Connor b.c1888 Co.Kerry<br />

| / b.c1853 Co.Kerry |<br />

| m. farmer; of Dromultan, |>>>Patrick O'Connor b.c1891 Co.Kerry<br />

| Scartaglen, nr Castleisland, |<br />

| Co.Kerry 1911 |>>>Hannah O'Connor b.c1892 Co.Kerry<br />

| / |<br />

| m. |>>>David O'Connor b.c1894 Co.Kerry<br />

| |<br />

| |>>>Edmond O'Connor b.c1897 Co.Kerry<br />

| |<br />

| |>>>Michael O'Connor b.c1899 Co.Kerry<br />

| |<br />

| |>>>Alice O'Connor b.c1901 Co.Kerry<br />

|<br />

|<br />

|<br />

|>>>William O'Connor >>>>>>> >|>>>John O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>> >|>>>John "Kerr" O'Connor >>>>>>|>>>John O'Connor b.1905 >>>>>>>>>>>> >|>>><br />

| (Liam MacTeige | b.1826 d.1900; | b.1872; | /<br />

| or "Black Bill") | of Tureenamult | of Tureenamult | m. E. McCarthy<br />

| b.1780 d.1873; | / | / |<br />

| of Scartaglin | m. Margaret Cronin | m. Ellen Riordan |>>>Michael O'Connor<br />

| & Tureenamult | of Dromscarra, | of Cummeenataggle | U.S. Army; killed during WWII<br />

| / | Co.Cork | | at the Solomon Islands<br />

| m. Eliza Brown | |>>>William O'Connor |<br />

| of Newmarket, | | |>>>Margaret O'Connor<br />

| Co.Cork | |>>>Elizabeth O'Connor | /<br />

| | | / | m. J. Looney of Cullen<br />

| | | m.1st Gleeson |<br />

|>>>James O'Connor | | of Carrowglass |>>>Hannah O'Connor<br />

| / | | / |<br />

| m. O'Sullivan | | m.2nd Cooper |>>>Elizabeth O'Connor<br />

| (Eoinac) | | of Glenflesk<br />

| of Newmarket, | |<br />

| Co.Cork | |<br />

| | |>>>Mary O'Connor<br />

|>>>Margaret O'Connor | | /<br />

| / | | m. Hickey of Gneeveguilla<br />

| m. Sheehan | |<br />

| of Kilcummin | |>>>Margaret O'Connor; unm.<br />

| | |<br />

|>>>Nora O'Connor | |>>>Julia O'Connor; a Nun in USA<br />

| / | |<br />

| m. Scanlon | |>>>Hannah O'Connor; a nun in England<br />

| of Currans | |<br />

OC 14 | | |

OC 15 | | |<br />

|>>>Elizabeth O'Connor | |>>>Abbie O'Connor;<br />

/ | | /<br />

m. Keane | | m. McSweeney of Masterguira<br />

of Ranalough, | |<br />

Killientierna, | |>>>Ellie O'Connor<br />

& Tullig | /<br />

| m. Riordan of Glenflesk<br />

|<br />

|>>>James O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>> >|>>>James O'Connor<br />

| of Gneeveguilla | /<br />

| / | m. Julia Hurley of Gneeveguilla<br />

| m. Mary Cronin |<br />

| of Newquarter |>>>Timothy O'Connor; RIC<br />

| | /<br />

| | m. <br />

| |<br />

| |>>>William O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>>> >|>>>Timothy O'Connor<br />

| | / |<br />

| | m. |>>>James O'Connor; unm.<br />

| | |<br />

| | |>>>Mary O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >|>>><br />

| | | / |<br />

| | | m. J. Morphy (Murphy) |>>><br />

| | | of Gneeveguilla |<br />

| | | |>>><br />

| | |>>>Elizabeth O'Connor |<br />

| | | / |>>><br />

| | | m. F. Cooper of Youghal |<br />

| | | |>>><br />

| | |>>>Hannah O'Connor |<br />

| | / |>>><br />

| | m. J. Murphy |<br />

| | of Ballydesmond |>>><br />

| | |<br />

| | |>>><br />

| | |<br />

| | |>>><br />

| |<br />

| |>>>Elizabeth O'Connor >>>>>>>>>> >|>>>Patrick Daley; emig. to USA<br />

| | / | /<br />

| | m. R. Daley | m. Healy<br />

| | |<br />

| | |>>>Arthur Daley; emig. to USA<br />

| | | /<br />

| | | m. McCarthy<br />

| | |<br />

| | |>>>Eaneas Daley; unm.<br />

| | |<br />

| | |>>>William Daley<br />

| | | /<br />

| | | m. N. Leary<br />

| | |<br />

| | |>>>Eliza Daley<br />

| | | /<br />

| | | m. Taylor<br />

| | |<br />

| | |>>>Mary Daley; unm.<br />

| | |<br />

| | |>>>Hannah Daley<br />

| | | /<br />

| | | m. P. Brosnan<br />

| | |<br />

| | |>>>Ellen Daley; emig. to USA<br />

| | /<br />

| | m. <br />

| |<br />

| |<br />

| |<br />

| |<br />

| |<br />

OC 15 | |

OC 16 | |<br />

| |>>>Hannah O'Connor >>>>>>>>>|>>>Rev.Patrick Fleming; Priest in USA<br />

| | / |<br />

| | m. D. Fleming |>>>Dr. Alfred Fleming MD; emig. to USA<br />

| | of Kilkenny |<br />

| | |>>>Janie Fleming; Nun; of Dublin<br />

| |>>>Ellen O'Connor |<br />

| | / |>>>dau; Nun; of Tralee<br />

| | m. O'Shea<br />

| | of Middleton<br />

| |<br />

| |>>>Kate O'Connor<br />

|<br />

|<br />

|>>>Michael O'Connor >>>>>>>>> >|>>>William O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>> >|>>>Denis O'Connor<br />

| of Tureenamult "of the Hills" | /<br />

| / / | m. Horan;<br />

| m. Mary Cronin m. Margaret Dennehy | of Ballycullane, Rathmore<br />

| of Drumscarra of Nohoval |<br />

| |>>>William O'Connor<br />

|>>>Hugh O'Connor >>>>>>>>>> >|>>>Dr William O'Connor MD | /<br />

| "Hugh the Master" | emig. to USA | m.1st Daly<br />

| of Scartaglin | | of Kippoch<br />

| / |>>>Rev. Daniel O'Connor | /<br />

| m. Eliza O'Connor | Priest in USA | m.2nd Lyons<br />

| of Kilmorna | | of Knockmore<br />

| |>>>Rev. Joseph O'Connor |<br />

| | Priest in USA |>>>Rev.Timothy O'Connor<br />

|>>>Thady O'Connor | | Priest in England<br />

| unm. |>>>Margaret O'Connor |<br />

| | / |>>>Greta O'Connor<br />

| | m. J. Daly /<br />

|>>>William O'Connor | m. E. Moynihan<br />

| unm. |>>>Hannah O'Connor of Gneeveguilla<br />

| | /<br />

| | m. J. Fleming<br />

| |<br />

| |>>>Elizabeth O'Connor; emig. to USA<br />

| |<br />

| |>>>Maura O'Connor; emig. to USA<br />

|<br />

|<br />

|>>>Ellen O'Connor >>>>>>>>>> >|>>>issue<br />

| b.1824<br />

| /<br />

| m. T. Fleming of Dromultan<br />

|<br />

|>>>Elizabeth O'Connor >>>>>>>>>> >|>>>issue<br />

| /<br />

| m. Healy of Kilcummin<br />

|<br />

|>>>Mary O'Connor >>>>>>>>>> >|>>>issue<br />

/<br />

m. W. O'Leary<br />

of Scartaglin, near Castleisland<br />

OC 16

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