Gita Summaries: Chapters 1-11 - Vedanta

Gita Summaries: Chapters 1-11 - Vedanta

Gita Summaries: Chapters 1-11 - Vedanta


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Swami Paramarthananda on <strong>Gita</strong> – <strong>Summaries</strong> of Chaps 1-<strong>11</strong><br />

Thursday, May 21, 2009<br />

Chapter 4 — Jnana-karma-sannyasa-yogah<br />

[The Yoga of Knowledge & disciplines of Action and Knowledge]<br />

This chapter deals with these 3 topics:<br />

I) Avatara Rahasyam (secret behind avataras) (1-18)<br />

II) Jnana Yoga (16-24)<br />

III) Jnana Yoga Sadhanani (preparatory disciplines) (25-34)<br />

I) Avatara Rahsyam: We revere the Vedas and it is not the invention of a human<br />

intellect; it comes from the Lord Himself.<br />

The Lord created Brahma and gave the vedic wisdom to HIM as symbolized by HIS 4<br />

heads (for each of the 4 vedas). Brahma gave it to his disciples in the guru-sishya<br />

parampara [guru-disciple succession]. That is why, the primary Vedas are called<br />

“Shruthi” (that which is heard).<br />

It is not even the product of rishi’s intellect; they only captured the sound for they were<br />

pure. So, Vedas are only a “discovery” and not an “invention”.<br />

Vedas are given to benefit mankind; as to how to live in this world and lead a more<br />

purposeful life. It is like a manual; a guidebook to humanity on “does” and “don’ts”.<br />

The Lord had assigned certain duties to a group of people to ensure that the Vedas are<br />

followed: To the brahmanas who lead their life by learning, living, and propagating<br />

Vedika Dharma. Kshathriyas for maintenance of Vedika Dharma by punishing those<br />

people who violate it.<br />

Bhagawan has taken a lot of care to maintain dharma in this universe, and yet we are<br />

capable of mischief. People become more materialistic, extrovert (MTV, movies, sports<br />

are now available 24 hours on television) and swallowed by every distraction. The<br />

Brahmins are no longer learning and living while the Kshathriyas are busy in Hawala<br />

(financial) transactions.<br />

So whenever dharma is under peril or the world is in a catastrophe, then the Lord<br />

HIMSELF will come down to earth for protection of dharma. In the form of an avatara;<br />

Rama protected dharma by living it while Krishna came to uplift dharma through<br />

teaching.<br />

The Bhagawad <strong>Gita</strong> is just another version of Veda; it is not different.<br />

The teacher is one and the same. (Vishnu at the time of creation and now Krishna); only<br />

the names have changed. The Karma Kanda and Jnana Kanda of Vedas have become<br />

Karma yoga and Jnana yoga.<br />

What is the difference between an avatara and jiva<br />

There are 4 main differences:<br />

a) Cause of birth: The avatara is not a product of karma. In fact the Lord has no<br />


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