August - California Gymkhana Association

August - California Gymkhana Association

August - California Gymkhana Association


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PO Box 1746, Gilroy, CA 95021<br />


the world of<br />






PERMIT NO. 895<br />

© 1992-2008 CGA<br />

<br />

© 1992-2008<br />

CGA<br />


Published by the CALIFORNIA GYMKHANA ASSOCIATION • PO Box 1746, Gilroy, CA 95021<br />

Phone 831-623-9026, Fax 831-623-9027 • E mail - cgastate@aol.com • Visit us at calgymkhana.com<br />

<strong>August</strong> 2009 Issue<br />

****ELECTIONS ****<br />



CONVENTION 2009<br />

CGA's Annual Convention will be held at the Radisson<br />

Hotel in Fresno, CA on November 21 & 22, 2009. This<br />

is the Saturday & Sunday before Thanksgiving weekend.<br />

The Rules & Judges, Riders & General meetings, as<br />

well as the Awards Banquet and Dance will be held on<br />

Saturday November 21, 2009.<br />

The Board of Directors meeting will be held on Sunday<br />

morningNovember 22, 2009.<br />

Watch for more information in the future editions of<br />

the World of <strong>Gymkhana</strong> as well as on the CGA website.<br />

The nomination period for the <strong>California</strong> <strong>Gymkhana</strong> <strong>Association</strong>'s annual<br />

election of Officers and Directors ends 45 days prior to Convention. This<br />

year there are 4 Officer and 4 Director positions available. Officers and<br />

Directors are elected for a two year term. The newly elected Officers and<br />

Directors will take office at Convention 2009.<br />

Due to this deadline it is imperative that all nominations for Directors be<br />

received in the CGA Office in time to be published in the October and<br />

November issues of the World of <strong>Gymkhana</strong>. The deadline for publication<br />

in the October issue is September 10, 2009 and the November issue<br />

is October 10, 2009.<br />

This is so those members of CGA who may not have a personal knowledge<br />

of each candidate will have some way of making a decision about<br />

who to vote for. All members are encouraged to contact any candidate<br />

and learn as much as possible about all the candidates prior to the election.<br />

Ballots will be mailed to all CGA members in good standing over<br />

the age of 12 who register with the CGA State Office for an Absentee<br />

Ballot. All other Ballots will be available November 21, 2009 at Convention.<br />

Contents<br />

Page<br />

Page<br />

Page<br />

Page<br />

Page<br />

Page<br />

Page<br />

1............... Convention<br />

2................Presidents Article, Classifieds<br />

3-13..........District News<br />

13............. Judges Corner<br />

15..............Dist. 33 Fair Show Entry Form & Ad<br />

16-17........District’s Show Schedule<br />

18............. Officers, Directors, Master Judges<br />

The CGA Office will begin accepting nominations on <strong>August</strong> 24, 2009<br />

and nominations will close on October 7, 2009. Any CGA member may<br />

nominate any qualified CGA member for any of the Director positions.<br />

Nominations must be dated and in writing, either regular mail, email or<br />

fax. The candidate must agree to serve if elected. The nomination must<br />

be signed. Please submit a candidate's statement of 200 words or less<br />

indicating the qualifications, length of membership, reason for running<br />

for office and any other information that may help members decide to<br />

vote for the candidate. Candidates statements must be typed or emailed.<br />

These statements will be included in the World of <strong>Gymkhana</strong>.<br />

Page 1


General Manager/Editor<br />

Phyllis Odom<br />

Phone 831-623-9026<br />

Fax: 831-623-9027<br />

Email<br />

cgastate@aol.com<br />


PO Box 1746<br />

Gilroy, CA 95021<br />

Deadline for ads or articles is the<br />

10th of the month preceding the<br />

issue month.<br />


1 time 6 times 12 times<br />

Full Page $200 $175/mo $150/mo<br />

3/4 Page 175 150/mo 125/mo<br />

1/2 Page 150 125/mo 100/mo<br />

1/4 Page 80 70/mo 60/mo<br />

1/8 Page 35 33/mo 30/mo<br />

AD SIZES: (Approx.)<br />

Full Page........... 9 1/2" x 13"<br />

3/4 Page............ 9 1/2" x 9 1/2"<br />

1/2 Page............ 6 1/2" x 9 1/2"<br />

1/4 Page............ 4 1/2" x 6 1/2"<br />

1/8 Page........... 2 1/4" x 3 1/4"<br />

Business Card Ads: $20.00 per month<br />

Commercial Classified Ads: $5.00 for<br />

the first 10 words, 25 cents for each additional<br />

word.<br />

Letters to the Editor<br />

The World of <strong>Gymkhana</strong> is starting a<br />

new feature - A "Letters to the Editor"<br />

section.<br />

We are soliciting your letters, stories,<br />

comments and ideas which we will print<br />

in the World of <strong>Gymkhana</strong>. All letters<br />

must be signed and we will edit for<br />

content and space.<br />

Send in your letter on or before the 10th<br />

of the month to get into the next issue.<br />



Personal (noncommercial) advertisements<br />

are FREE to all CGA members.<br />

50 words or less; 3 ads maximum per<br />

member per issue<br />

For Sale: Riverbend Lass, Sorrel Arabian<br />

Mare, 17 years old, 14.2 hands. Riverbend<br />

has been used for western lessons, show,<br />

gymkhana, endurance and racing during<br />

her tenure at Robison Ranch. She<br />

consistently places in endurance and<br />

brings home the blue in gymkhana. She<br />

has remained sound and healthy many<br />

years and needs an owner to show her off.<br />

Riverbend does a 10 second single stake,<br />

8 second keyhole and runs solid AA times.<br />

Will advance to AAA times immediately<br />

with an experienced rider. $1,750.00<br />

Contact Leslie Graham 760-382-5017<br />

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○<br />


HORSES<br />

FOR SALE<br />

From the<br />



PHONE (661) 845-3013<br />

FAX (661) 845-3043<br />



Hello CGA,<br />

I hope everyone enjoyed themselves at State show this year. More about state<br />

show in the September issue. State show is over now and the new riding season<br />

has officially started. I wish everyone good luck this season.<br />

Ride hard, and wear those helmets.<br />

Skip<br />

• Cow Horses and Reining Horses<br />

• Top Horses for Sale- Most of the Time<br />

• Registered Q Horses • Pole Bases<br />

9010 Hermosa Rd., Bakersfield, Cal. 93307<br />

Horse<br />

&<br />

Stock<br />

Page 2


Attention District Scribes<br />

Columns are due by the 10th of the month because the newspaper MUST be READY for submission to the printer by the 3rd Monday of the month. If your news is not in this issue,<br />

it was not received at the CGA Office in time for it to be processed. Please provide typed copy for the CGA Newspaper. Please mail your typed copy to us. Please do not fax your<br />

copy. The quality of faxed copy is too poor to be scanned in most cases. Districts on the computer may request that the CGA State Office include their winner's list in the column.<br />

It is automatically available on the disk you sent in with your show. Your typed copy can be Emailed to> cgastate@aol.com < Do not format Email copy. Do not create columns<br />

for any copy sent to the office. We will format the copy when it arrives. Please send all news articles to: CGA, PO Box 1746, Gilroy, CA 95021 by the 10th of the month.<br />

Increase the reader appeal of our newspaper by sending or emailing photographs. Photos will be returned to your District Leader.<br />



http:www.batbgymkhana.com<br />

By Sheri Herchkorn<br />

Hello from D1. Our Aloha show June 13-14 was a huge success! We had wonderful<br />

weather and a great turn out.<br />

It all started Friday afternoon with set-ups and it was Ashley Hofman’s 18th birthday,<br />

and Skip and Lesa had the “Taco Man” out from Watsonville, who cooked up dinner<br />

for all those present... it was delicious, thank you Skip and Lesa!<br />

On Saturday, the riders and family members received flower leis to start the show.<br />

The sign up booth, snack shack and announcers booth were decorated in a tropical<br />

theme. The show started promptly at 9 am. We ran 7 events. During the day, the<br />

board of D1 had put together baskets for a silent auction with the proceeds going to<br />

our state show sponsorship program. The silent action raised $1,587.00 !! with one of<br />

the baskets holding a $100.00 bill!!<br />

Our board members out did themselves and the baskets were a big hit. Thank you to<br />

Phyllis and Rodger Odom, Ben and Pam Novinsky, Roberta and Jack Jiracek, Edie<br />

and Mike Behning, Mindi Sullivan and Dymond Wafler, Danna Herchkorn, Farrell<br />

and CJ Rand for doing such awesome baskets. (hope I didn’t forget anyone, if I did let<br />

me know and I will put you in the next article) The highest bid baskets were donated<br />

by Mindi Sullivan and were for a one week vacation at her Pine Mountain Lake cabin.<br />

There was a bidding war going on for the basket between Amy Odom and Dean Hood,<br />

so Mindi graciously donated a second week, so they both won !!<br />

At this time our sponsorship program is for younger D1 members who would like to<br />

go to state show but whose families can’t afford too. They must write in to tell the<br />

board why they would like to go to state show and what it would mean to them. D1 is<br />

proud to be sponsoring 3 young members this year. We hope to expand the program<br />

for next year.<br />

Anna Hernandez/Sam<br />

1st AA Hrs - SBR 10.980<br />

Ashley Hofman/Lee’s Terminator<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SBR 9.898<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - SSR 9.529<br />

Kassidi Hofman/Carr’s Cruiser<br />

1st AA Hrs - SSR 10.277<br />

Stefani Hofman/Dial Me A<br />

Ratchett<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - P II 23.190<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - SBR 9.964<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SSR 9.481<br />

John Kresha/Dude<br />

1st FC Hrs 35-99 - BR 23.162<br />

2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - SSR 16.620<br />

1st FC Hrs 35-99 - Big T 26.376<br />

Renee Ledesma/Poco Bar<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - BR 14.244<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - Big T 14.799<br />

Yvonne Lee/Tillie<br />

1st A Hrs - F8F 21.834<br />

2nd A Hrs - KH 11.945<br />

Jordan Leier/Athena<br />

2nd AA Hrs - BR 15.596<br />

Timmi Lemen/Jake<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - KH 7.383<br />

Roquel Merrick/Fanci<br />

1st AAA Hrs - F8F 11.732<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - KH 7.961<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - P II 21.861<br />

Mandy Mondiel/Rockstar<br />

2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - KH 19.734<br />

Sami Mount/Pokey<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - KH 16.361<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - SSR 13.740<br />

Julia Newcomb/Sonny<br />

1st AA Hrs - P II 25.612<br />

Pamela Novinsky/Pistol<br />

1st FC Hrs 35-99 - KH 17.916<br />

1st FC Hrs 35-99 - P II 40.678<br />

2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - SBR 19.978<br />

2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - Big T 26.383<br />

Adrianna Ojeda/Fanny<br />

1st FC Hrs 11-34 - BR 22.386<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - F8F 37.826<br />

1st FC Hrs 11-34 - KH 19.035<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - SBR 17.115<br />

Taylor Pennings/Zippo<br />

1st FC Hrs 11-34 - F8F 30.092<br />

1st FC Hrs 11-34 - P II 37.270<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - SBR 17.115<br />

Tammy Pigao/Sir Lance Aluke<br />

1st AA Hrs - F8F 15.778<br />

Christopher Rowles/Copper<br />

Penny<br />

1st AAA Hrs - BR 14.167<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - F8F 12.231<br />

Nathan Rowles/Ace<br />

2nd AAA+ Hrs - P II 21.970<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - SSR 9.357<br />

Tiffany Scharton/Truly Miss<br />

Cody<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SSR 10.291<br />

Allison Shiffrar/Saintly Pepper<br />

2nd AAA+ Hrs - SSR 9.413<br />

Amanda Shores/Flame<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - BR 23.214<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - P II 37.954<br />

Sami Simmons/Earny<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - KH 16.489<br />

Diane Stadel/Dolly<br />

1st FC Hrs 35-99 - F8F 34.942<br />

Anissa Stanton/Montana<br />

1st AA Hrs - Big T 17.323<br />

Caitlin Sullivan/Ginger<br />

2nd AA Hrs - F8F 16.200<br />

Marietta Sullivan/Taz<br />

2nd AA Hrs - Big T 17.414<br />

Winners Saturday’s events:<br />

Austin Arabia/Ransom<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - P II 40.621<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - SBR 16.238<br />

Pam Arabia/Ty<br />

2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - F8F 41.940<br />

Paula Baldwin/Mouse<br />

1st A Hrs - KH 11.818<br />

Lisa Lynn Bellangero/Jewels<br />

2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - BR 25.513<br />

1st FC Hrs 35-99 - SSR 14.293<br />

Emily Bidou/Sierra<br />

1st AA Hrs - KH 8.977<br />

Christina Bless/Princess<br />

2nd A Hrs - P II 30.638<br />

1st A Hrs - Big T 20.812<br />

Kayla Chavez/Cinnamon Roles<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - Big T 15.463<br />

Balee Coffey/Silver Mist<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - Big T 30.934<br />

Larry Conte/Dash<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SBR 10.995<br />

Rebekah Crill/Sebastian<br />

1st AA Hrs - BR 15.578<br />

Courtney Curtis/Dainein<br />

2nd AA Hrs - P II 25.693<br />

Lauren Doyle/Hershey<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - SSR 14.798<br />

1st FC Hrs 11-34 - Big T 26.051<br />

Kristine Garbini/Ben<br />

1st FC Hrs 35-99 - SBR 19.778<br />

Kristine Garbini/Ocho<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - KH 22.331<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - Big T 30.896<br />

Violet Hackett/Cindy<br />

1st A Hrs - BR 17.667<br />

1st A Hrs - P II 30.166<br />

Douglas Hatano/Rio<br />

2nd A Hrs - Big T 20.886<br />

Alley Lewis/Silver<br />

1st AAA Hrs - Big T 15.461<br />

Audrey Liddle/Miss Painted<br />

Lady<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - BR 25.489<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - F8F 32.337<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - SBR 16.974<br />

Brittney Mann/Reba<br />

2nd AA Hrs - KH 9.058<br />

Ashley Mcdonough/Vanna<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - Big T 31.008<br />

Shelly Mcdonough/Farah<br />

2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - P II 40.870<br />

Mia Prichard/Clyde<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - BR 22.308<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - F8F 32.130<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - P II 37.340<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - SSR 14.918<br />

Taylor Prichard/Ace Of Spades<br />

1st A Hrs - SBR 12.604<br />

1st A Hrs - SSR 11.312<br />

Shannon Rahn/Doc’s Saltnpeppy<br />

Lee<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - BR 13.980<br />

Mckenna Rose/Sissy<br />

1st AAA Hrs - KH 7.726<br />

Mindy Sullivan/Koi<br />

2nd A Hrs - BR 17.670<br />

2nd A Hrs - SSR 11.332<br />

Jamie Tsuji/Awesome Possum<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - SBR 9.783<br />

2nd AAA+ Hrs - Big T 14.859<br />

Cierra Valdez/Hopscotch<br />

2nd A Hrs - F8F 22.252<br />

1st FC Hrs 11-34 - SBR 16.338<br />

1st FC Hrs 11-34 - SSR 13.637<br />

Jeanette Veino/Charley Bay Lena<br />

1st AAA Hrs - P II 23.104<br />

Dymond Wafler/Beauty<br />

2nd A Hrs - SBR 12.975<br />

Page 3

After everyone got their ponies put away and cleaned up we had a great BBQ that was<br />

catered by “Famous Dave’s” from Gilroy. The dinner was chicken, ribs, corn biscuits<br />

and coleslaw and was really awesome. Best thing was we all got to eat, but we didn’t<br />

have to cook, serve or clean up and that was great! As soon as dinner was over, 8<br />

Second Ride started playing and we all danced until the band had to leave since they<br />

had another show to do early Sunday morning.<br />

Sunday morning started at 9am, the snack shack had breakfast burritos and all was<br />

good.<br />

Winners Sundays Events::<br />

Clair Amador/Ocho<br />

1st FC Hrs 11-34 - HS 28.953<br />

1st FC Hrs 11-34 - P I 21.563<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - SBL 20.283<br />

Austin Arabia/Ransom<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - F8S 19.802<br />

1st A Hrs - QR 24.755<br />

Paula Baldwin/Mouse<br />

1st A Hrs - BAR 23.510<br />

Misti Behning/Doc<br />

2nd AA Hrs - BAR 20.841<br />

2nd AA Hrs - QR 22.189<br />

Lisa Lynn Bellangero/Jewels<br />

2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - BAR 30.979<br />

Sara Castagnetto/Chief<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - P I 27.607<br />

1st FC Hrs 11-34 - SBL 18.728<br />

Balee Coffey/Silver Mist<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - P I 20.760<br />

Rebekah Crill/Sebastian<br />

1st AA Hrs - HS 11.465<br />

1st AA Hrs - P I 13.401<br />

Lauren Doyle/Hershey<br />

1st FC Hrs 11-34 - F8S 17.541<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - QR 30.652<br />

Gage Florence/Snickers<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SBL 8.945<br />

Jenifer Galindo/Max<br />

1st AA Hrs - BAR 20.564<br />

Kristine Garbini/Ben<br />

2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - HS 32.338<br />

Douglas Hatano/Rio<br />

2nd A Hrs - BAR 23.540<br />

2nd A Hrs - QR 25.722<br />

Ashley Hofman/Lee’s Terminator<br />

2nd AAA+ Hrs - F8S 10.979<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - HS 9.978<br />

Jessica Howes/Blondie<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - SBL 8.053<br />

John Kresha/Dude<br />

1st FC Hrs 35-99 - F8S 18.322<br />

2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - P I 19.940<br />

1st FC Hrs 35-99 - QR 30.836<br />

2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - SBL 17.301<br />

Page 4<br />

Renee Ledesma/Poco Bar<br />

1st AAA Hrs - HS 9.969<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - QR 20.156<br />

Yvonne Lee/Tillie<br />

2nd A Hrs - HS 15.651<br />

2nd A Hrs - P I 16.069<br />

Alley Lewis/Silver<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - P I 9.953<br />

1st AAA Hrs - QR 19.826<br />

Meshelle Lewis/Barbie<br />

2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - F8S 19.255<br />

1st FC Hrs 35-99 - P I 19.927<br />

2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - QR 34.701<br />

1st FC Hrs 35-99 - SBL 16.133<br />

Audrey Liddle/Miss Painted<br />

Lady<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - P I 20.443<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - SBL 16.588<br />

Sierrah Madrigal/Bubba<br />

2nd AAA+ Hrs - BAR 18.609<br />

Ashley Mcdonough/Vanna<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - HS 28.720<br />

Roquel Merrick/Fanci<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - F8S 11.204<br />

Mandy Mondiel/Rockstar<br />

1st FC Hrs 35-99 - HS 31.476<br />

Sami Mount/Pokey<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - HS 31.645<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - SBL 18.077<br />

Tori Mount/Puzzle<br />

2nd A Hrs - F8S 13.719<br />

Julia Newcomb/Sonny<br />

2nd AA Hrs - HS 11.487<br />

Pamela Novinsky/Pistol<br />

1st FC Hrs 35-99 - BAR 30.282<br />

Taylor Pennings/Zippo<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - BAR 30.300<br />

1st A Hrs - P I 15.665<br />

Tammy Pigao/Sir Lance Aluke<br />

2nd AA Hrs - F8S 12.409<br />

Mia Prichard/Clyde<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - BAR 29.056<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - QR 33.066<br />

Taylor Prichard/Ace Of Spades<br />

1st A Hrs - HS 14.831<br />

Shannon Rahn/Doc’s Saltnpeppy<br />

Lee<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - BAR 18.589<br />

1st AAA Hrs - F8S 11.135<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - QR 19.429<br />

Cj Rand/Watusi<br />

1st AA Hrs - F8S 12.242<br />

1st AA Hrs - QR 22.009<br />

Mckenna Rose/Sissy<br />

1st AAA Hrs - P I 11.083<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SBL 7.804<br />

Christopher Rowles/Copper<br />

Penny<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - BAR 19.437<br />

Nathan Rowles/Ace<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - F8S 10.933<br />

Allison Shiffrar/Saintly Pepper<br />

1st AAA Hrs - BAR 19.258<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - P I 11.466<br />

Amanda Shores/Flame<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - F8S 20.291<br />

Sami Simmons/Earny<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - BAR 29.293<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - F8S 18.078<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - QR 32.086<br />

Kyla Smyth/Jewel<br />

1st A Hrs - F8S 13.708<br />

Caitlin Sullivan/Ginger<br />

1st AA Hrs - SBL 8.872<br />

Marietta Sullivan/Taz<br />

2nd AA Hrs - P I 13.487<br />

Jamie Tsuji/Awesome Possum<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - HS 9.483<br />

Cierra Valdez/Hopscotch<br />

1st FC Hrs 11-34 - BAR 28.522<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - HS 32.943<br />

2nd A Hrs - SBL 12.063<br />

Dymond Wafler/Beauty<br />

1st A Hrs - SBL 11.177<br />

Katie White/Diva<br />

1st FC Hrs 11-34 - QR 30.617<br />

The riders were all waiting to see who won what. D1 had highpoint awards to 10th<br />

place! The awards were Saddles to first, our custom belt buckle with a barrel racer<br />

turning a palm tree for reserve, 3rd place were embroidered stadium seats, 4th place<br />

were saddle racks and a Aloha frame, 5th place were hay bags and a bag of feed, 6th<br />

place were boot bags and a bottle of Cowboy Magic, 7th place were bridle hangers<br />

made from real horseshoes and curved glass picture frame with certificate for a photo,<br />

8th place was a certificate for a custom photography session with Mindy Sullivan<br />

along with a bucket full of brushes and shampoo, 9th place were Bradley Wear(Lisa<br />

Bradley) certificates and a grooming kit and 10th place were gift cards from Pizza<br />

Factory in San Juan Bautista (Dennis Cole) and a silver hoof pick. Thank you to all<br />

the folks who donated or made the awards, the riders sure did seem to like them!!<br />

The highpoint winners were:<br />

AAA+ 1st Shannon Rahn, 2nd Nathan Rowles,(actually Nathan and Jamie tied) 3rd<br />

Jamie Tsuji, 4th Allison Shiffar, 5th Christopher Rowles, 6th Alley Lewis, 7th Timmi<br />

Leemen and 8th Sierrah Madrigal.<br />

AAA 1st Roquel Merrick, 2nd McKenna Rose, 3rd Ashely Hofman, 4th Renee<br />

Ledesma, 5th Jeanette Veino, 6th Stefani Hofman, 7th Brandi Mount, 8th Danielle<br />

Benhning, 9th Susan Mann and 10th Kayla Chavez.<br />

AA 1st Rebekah Crill, 2nd Julia Newcomb, 3rd Misti Behning, 4th Marietta Sullivan,<br />

5th Tiffany Sharton, 6th CJ Rand, 7th Kassidi Hofman, 8th Gage Florence, 9th Larry<br />

Conte and 10th Demelza Perez.<br />

A 1st Yvonne Lee, 2nd Violet Hackett, 3rd Taylor Prichard, 4th Tori Mount, 5th Paula<br />

Baldwin, 6th Dymond Wafler, 7th Mindi Sullivan, 8th Douglas Hatano, 9th Kyla<br />

Smyth and 10th Christina Bless.<br />

FC 10 and under 1st Audrey Liddle, 2nd Sami Simmons 3rd Mia Prichard, 4th Ashley<br />

McDonough, 5th Balee Coffey, 6th Austin Arabia, 7th Brianna Novinsky, 8th Sami<br />

Mount and 9th place Haley Bolivo.<br />

FC 11-34 1st Clair Amador, 2nd Lauren Doyle, 3rd Amanda Shores, 4th Adrianna<br />

Ojeda, 5th Taylor Pennings, 6th Cierra Valdez, 7th Sara Castagnetto and 8th Katie<br />

White.<br />

FC 35+ 1st Pam Novinsky, 2nd John Kresha, 3rd Meshelle Lewis, 4th Shelly<br />

McDonough, 5th Mandy Mondiel, 6th Kristine Garbini, 7th Lisa Lynn Bellangero, 8th<br />

Pam Arabia, 9th Phyllis Odom and 10th Diane Stadel.<br />

Congratulations to all the winners !!<br />

Of course a show this size wouldn’t and couldn’t happen without a lot of help and<br />

planning. Thanks to Phyllis Odom for taking all the entries and setting the show up in<br />

the computer. The ground was awesome due to Rodger Odom and Skip Hofman. Our<br />

ever favorite parking director was Ben Novinsky, our great announcers for both days<br />

were Mike Behning and Jeff Arabia, Booth workers and computer imput by Edie<br />

Behning, Danielle Behning, Roberta Jiracek, Ashley Vaughn and others, Judging were<br />

Skip Hofman, Dennis Cole, Shannon Rahn, Arlene Tsuji, Rodger Odom, Rebekah<br />

Crill, Chris Rowles, Bev Hampton, Diana Malley, Pam Novinsky, Mindi Sullivan and<br />

myself. Thanks to Lea Legnon for helping in the arena and in the snack shack. Eric<br />

and Tiffany thanks for working in the snack shack too. We had a ton of arena help and<br />

gate workers and I won’t be able to remember all of you, but we know you helped and<br />

thank you all so much. We gave out workers awards of $50.00 cash each day as well<br />

as other prizes.<br />

We are already talking about next years show and working on awards, you can never<br />

start too early!<br />

Don’t forget it is once again going to be time for nominations for the D1 board. We<br />

meet on the first Wednesday of the month for dinner, have a great meeting and get to<br />

visit. We really do have a great time and we would love to have some new faces. If<br />

you don’t want to be on the board, consider at least coming to our meetings to see<br />

what we are all about. If you are interested in running or would like to nominate<br />

someone, please let us know. If you don’t want to be President, VP, Treasurer or<br />

Secretary we always welcome directors and the more the merrier. We won’t refuse<br />

anyone or any help, believe me!!<br />

Our Autumn series starts in September and consists of two weekends (4 separate<br />

shows). The dates are September 12-13 and October 10-11. Highpoint for the 4 shows

will be custom belt buckles and reserve will be custom bronc halters with an autumn<br />

theme. More on the shows next article.<br />

To top off the show Sunday afternoon during setups Nathan Rowles riding Ace,<br />

Completed his Hall Of Fame run with Figure 8 Flags. CONGRATULATIONS<br />

NATHAN! Nathan is the first Hall of Fame rider to come out of district 1 since Amy<br />

Odom in 2001. In recognition of his achievement District 1 is proudly sponsoring<br />

Nathan at State Show 2009.<br />

All of us at D1 are looking forward to State Show. It just seems to be coming quicker<br />

every year. In one moment it seems forever ago and then it seems like it was just<br />

yesterday and we are going back out to Bolado park. Can’t wait to see you all there.<br />

Until next time be safe and wear those helmets.<br />

DISTRICT 5<br />



By Charlie Moore<br />

State Show is over already and we have new State Champions!!! And because I’m<br />

typing this in early July, I have no idea who won what at State Show but Congratulations<br />

to everyone. There really isn’t anything quite like a CGA State Championship<br />

show.<br />

The Late Night Riders held their last show of the 2008-2009 season on July 11. It was<br />

our annual Setup Show and so there are no winners to report from that show. Hopefully,<br />

some of the riders chasing times got what they needed.<br />

Future Champion 12/Under High Point<br />

Future Champion 13-34 High Point<br />

The Saturday, June 13th, show was one of those perfect days. Cool and little breezy<br />

with the high only in the upper seventies, it was perfect horse riding weather. About<br />

55 riders agreed and they all came to ride. Some were chasing times and some were<br />

looking for their final State Year End Awards times that they needed for that Silver<br />

Buckle or Bridle Set. There were quite a few sign ups for the Late Night Riders Year<br />

End Awards too. Our banquet and awards will be Sunday October 4, 2009. Stay<br />

tuned for the details and location.<br />

Thank you Deann and Alfredo for catering our snack bar. I had the chicken sandwich<br />

and it was really good. It’s hard to say which is better, the hamburgers or the chicken<br />

so I just switch every other show and enjoy them both. If you haven’t had one of their<br />

cold fruit bowls you just don’t know what you’re missing. Those are so good and<br />

refreshing on hot summer evenings. Deann and Alfredo are very gracious and<br />

accommodating to everyone.<br />

Future Champion 35-99 High Point A Champion High Point<br />

AA Champion High Point<br />

AAA Champion High Point<br />

Welcome back to Stephanie and Charlotte Fairbank. They came all the way from<br />

Redding before they discovered that Stephanie forgot her jeans. Not to worry, District<br />

Five is here to help. Jody Abel jumped in their car and away they went to Jody’s<br />

house to see if they could find a pair of jeans for Stephanie and sure enough, they did.<br />

They even got back in time for the first event. District 5 aims to please. Also,<br />

welcome back to old friends and riders Barbara Godfrey on Foxy, Erin Godfrey on<br />

Java, Joanie Higgins on “Big” Red (he’s the littlest “big” I’ve ever seen), and Jenna<br />

Speth on Cowboy. I thought that new rider Heather Wollenslegel on Montana was<br />

spelled “wrong” on the announcers sheets so my apologies to Heather. We won’t<br />

make that mistake again if you will come back.<br />

As always we must thank those folks who worked this show. Working in the booth as<br />

Announcers/Time Writers: Charlotte Fairbank, Audra Milko, Jody Abel, Tina<br />

Ch(usual spelling), Anna Rose, Krystal Murray, Jeffrey Morlet, Judy Sharp and Danny<br />

Ross. Our Judges for the day were: Jody Abel, Carla Olsen, Sally Rivera-Lingafeldt,<br />

Stacy Rivera, Andrea Brymer, Teresa Barosso, Nelda Reyes, and Mike Barosso.<br />

Apprentice Judges were Ashleigh Couch & Casey Milko. Gate Swingers were:<br />

Amanda Ochoa, Bob Scott, Jeff Morlet, Shirley Garrett, and Danielle Sandy. Setting<br />

up and taking down the obstacles and helping in the arena were: Carla Olsen, Danny<br />

Ross, Amanda Ochoa, Charlotte Fairbank, LaDonna Hale, Kim Vollmer, Krystal<br />

Murray, Priscilla McDaniel, and Nina Ketcherside. THANK YOU to all these folks<br />

for helping out so the riders could ride. Many of these people are also riders and they<br />

still helped run the show.<br />

In addition to Judging, Time Writing & Announcing, Jody Abel was our Ribbon/<br />

Coupon Captain. Thank you Jody.<br />

Only Worker Coupons are eligible for the “Free Show” drawing and most of the time<br />

there are enough coupons for two Free Shows. That was the case and the hard<br />

working winners of a Free Show worth $30 were: Shirley Garrett and Jody Abel!!!<br />

Congratulations to you both.<br />

The Mystery Jackpot was Speed Barrels and the pot was pretty good with a total of $<br />

80.00.<br />

AAA+ Champion High Point<br />

1D - Sally Rivera-Lingafeldt on Decco Chessmaster won $32.00 with a time of 9.966<br />

2D - Heather Wollenslegel on Montana won $24.00 with a time of 11.125<br />

3D - Priscilla McDaniel on Shamoko won $8.00 with a time of 11.758<br />

4D - Stephanie Fairbank on Mollie won $8.00 with a time of 12.456<br />

5D - Teresa Barosso on Worlds Dream Girl won $8.00 with a time of 16.941<br />

Page 5

All of winners got their money back for entering the Mystery Jackpot. You canâ€t<br />

win if you don’t enter. 100% of the Jackpot is paid back to the riders.<br />

Highpoint was Cowboy Magic Shampoo and Reserve was a 5 gallon bucket donated<br />

courtesy of Laurie DeCasper.<br />

High Point and Reserve Winners for the June 13, 2009 show were:<br />

Open Pony Champion - LaDonna Hales/Dynomite- 52 pts.<br />

Res. Open Pony Champion - Loretta Stevens/B.B. - 47 pts.<br />

AAA+ Champion - Sally Rivera Lingafelt/Decco Chessmaster - 11 pts.<br />

Res. AAA+ Champion - none<br />

AAA Champion - Judy Sharp/Seven of Hearts - 38 pts.<br />

AAA Champion Res. - Kelly Croffoot/Samm - 28 pts.<br />

AA Champion - Priscilla McDaniel/Shamoko - 33 pts.<br />

Res. AA Champion - Samantha Witkowski/Nickers - 30 pts.<br />

A Champion - Kim Vollmer/Snickers - 33 pts.<br />

Res. A Champion - Marissa Stevens/Sunny - 35 pts.<br />

FC Champion 12/under - Mark Cundiff/Katie - 55 pts.<br />

Res. FC Champion 12/under -Trent Haak/Cameo - 53 pts.<br />

FC Champion 13-19 - Jennifer Connelly/Tahndrez Puzzlebar - 58 pts.<br />

Res. FC Champion 13-19 - Kiana Harmon/Flicka - 42 pts.<br />

FC Champion 20/over - Ashley Lessa/Taffy - 49 pts.<br />

Res. FC Champion 20/over - Amy Smith/Clay - 41 pts.<br />

Congratulations to all our winners.<br />

Winners in the events for June 13th show were:<br />

Teresa Barosso/Worlds Dream<br />

Girl<br />

2nd AA Hrs - KH 9.456<br />

Amber Castle/Roanie<br />

2nd FC Hrs 20/+ - F8S 23.628<br />

1st FC Hrs 20/+ - P II 37.785<br />

1st FC Hrs 20/+ - SBR 20.450<br />

Jennifer Connelly/Tahndrez<br />

Puzzlebar<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13-19 - F8S 22.052<br />

1st FC Hrs 13-19 - KH 30.105<br />

1st FC Hrs 13-19 - P II 45.032<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13-19 - QR 50.841<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13-19 - SBR 28.571<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13-19 - Big T 56.116<br />

Ashleigh Couch/Bo<br />

1st A Hrs - KH 12.240<br />

2nd A Hrs - P II 31.205<br />

Kelly Croffoot/Samm<br />

1st AAA Hrs - KH 8.500<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - P II 24.433<br />

2nd AA Hrs - QR 22.371<br />

2nd AA Hrs - Big T 18.895<br />

Mark Cundiff/Katie<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - F8S 31.618<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - KH 35.547<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - QR 66.031<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - SBR 33.312<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - Big T 60.653<br />

Chantelle Eldridge/Spirit<br />

1st A Hrs - F8S 13.602<br />

2nd A Hrs - QR 25.173<br />

Stephanie Fairbank/Mollie<br />

1st A Hrs - SBR 12.456<br />

Page 6<br />

Trent Haak/Came0<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - F8S 20.854<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - P II 43.727<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - QR 57.493<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - SBR 25.814<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - Big T 35.627<br />

Kasey Hales/Louie<br />

2nd AA Hrs - F8S 12.497<br />

Ladonna Hales/Dynomite<br />

1st Pony - F8S 12.203<br />

1st Pony - KH 8.752<br />

2nd Pony - Big T 16.220<br />

Kiana Harmon/Flicka Miss<br />

Windie<br />

1st FC Hrs 13-19 - F8S 19.033<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13-19 - P II 57.320<br />

1st FC Hrs 13-19 - QR 39.680<br />

1st FC Hrs 13-19 - SBR 18.190<br />

Scarlett Kettell/Cherokee<br />

1st AA Hrs - QR 22.277<br />

Crimson King/Ricochet Rose<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - SBR 10.146<br />

Ashley Lessa/Taffy<br />

1st FC Hrs 20/+ - F8S 20.416<br />

2nd FC Hrs 20/+ - P II 41.414<br />

2nd FC Hrs 20/+ - QR 36.871<br />

2nd FC Hrs 20/+ - SBR 20.644<br />

1st FC Hrs 20/+ - Big T 27.286<br />

Priscilla Mcdaniel/Lil Brat<br />

2nd Pony - QR 21.912<br />

Priscilla Mcdaniel/Shamocko<br />

1st AA Hrs - F8S 12.314<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - KH 8.880<br />

1st AA Hrs - Big T 18.380<br />

Casey Milko/Chance<br />

2nd A Hrs - SBR 12.614<br />

1st A Hrs - Big T 21.198<br />

Rhonda Nunaly/Copper<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - QR 20.821<br />

Nelda Reyes/Skippy<br />

2nd Pony - P II 24.081<br />

2nd Pony - SBR 10.655<br />

Sally Rivera Lingafelt/Decco<br />

Chessmaster<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - F8S 11.096<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SBR 9.966<br />

1st AAA Hrs - Big T 15.293<br />

Donna Schenk/Broken Arrow<br />

1st FC Hrs 20/+ - KH 16.306<br />

1st FC Hrs 20/+ - QR 31.532<br />

Judy Sharp/Seven Of Hearts<br />

1st AAA Hrs - F8S 11.165<br />

1st AAA Hrs - QR 20.558<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - Big T 15.487<br />

Tiffani Shiro/Foxy Little Mi<br />

1st AA Hrs - P II 25.969<br />

Amy Smith/Clay<br />

2nd FC Hrs 20/+ - KH 21.795<br />

2nd FC Hrs 20/+ - Big T 33.322<br />

Jenna Speth/Cowboy<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - F8S 11.560<br />

2nd AA Hrs - P II 25.970<br />

Loretta Stevens/B.B.<br />

1st Pony - QR 20.249<br />

1st Pony - SBR 10.231<br />

1st Pony - Big T 15.177<br />

Loretta Stevens/Tazz<br />

2nd Pony - KH 9.205<br />

Marissa Stevens/Sunny<br />

2nd A Hrs - KH 13.368<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - P II 37.354<br />

2nd A Hrs - Big T 21.282<br />

Alfred Tavarez/Obvious<br />

Infatuation<br />

1st FC Hrs 13-19 - Big T 28.167<br />

Kim Vollmer/Snickers<br />

2nd A Hrs - F8S 13.785<br />

1st A Hrs - P II 29.932<br />

1st A Hrs - QR 24.555<br />

Carolee Williams/Hannah Bear<br />

2nd Pony - F8S 12.349<br />

1st Pony - P II 23.726<br />

Samantha Witkowski/Nickers<br />

1st AA Hrs - KH 9.368<br />

1st AAA Hrs - P II 24.090<br />

1st AA Hrs - SBR 11.015<br />

Heather Wollenslegel/Montana<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SBR 11.125<br />

Congratulations to all the riders and winners. We hope you had fun and please come<br />

ride with us again.<br />

There were 37 riders at the June 20th show and the weather was a little warm but not<br />

too bad with a nice cool delta breeze blowing all evening. Roquel Merrick on Fanci<br />

was smokin’ with two new arena records. Shanalee Lewis on B.B. has held the Pony<br />

Barrels record since May 6, 2006 with a 19.299 but the new record holder is Rocky &<br />

Fanci with a Pony Barrel time of 18.978. They also took down Mariah deMontigny<br />

and Tyme to Aploud’s Fig. 8 Stake record of 11.107 with a scorching Supreme run of<br />

11.047. Those records will probably hold for a while. Congratulations to Rocky and<br />

Fanci!!!<br />

Creative Lunch Box was there with Alfredo grilling hot dogs, burgers and chicken<br />

sandwiches. They also accept the coupons the same as money. The Creative Lunch<br />

Box never lets us down and we appreciate their goodies and cooking.<br />

A big welcome back to Julia Milo on Willow. We haven’t seen the Milo family in<br />

quite a while and it was really nice to visit with them.<br />

Thank you to all the workers who pitched in and helped. Announcers/Time Writers<br />

were: Renee Birdsong, Jonathan Slaton, Audra Milko, Britny Milko, Charlie Moore,<br />

Bob Scott, Diana Malley and Pawel Urban. Judges were: Bev Hampton, Jody Abel,<br />

Judy Sharp, and Nelda Reyes. Our Gate Swingers were: Lorraine Slaton, Gia Harmon,<br />

Bob Scott, and Malissa Romero. Arena Aides helping set up, re-set and take down<br />

were: Brayden Merrick, Bailey Merrick, Kasey Hales, Selena Gayden, Renee<br />

Birdsong, Trent Haak, Brittney Milko, Malissa Romero, Marissa Stevens, and Danny<br />

Ross. These folks all earned coupons for each event they worked that are worth a $1<br />

for rides or the snack bar or for the “Workers Only” Free Show drawing.<br />

Our Ribbon/Coupon Captain was Jody Abel. Thank you Jody.<br />

Our Free Show drawing for Workers Only had enough coupons for two Free Shows.<br />

Our Free Show coupons are worth $30 and only workers can enter the drawing. In<br />

addition to worker coupons all District 5 workers get free sodas and water from the<br />

snack bar. Our winners of the Free Shows were - Nelda Reyes and Dianna Malley.<br />

Congratulations to you both for all the help and thank you.<br />

The Mystery Jackpot was Barrels with a small pot at $ 55.00.<br />

1D - Judy Sharp on Seven of Hearts won $22.00 with a time of 19.556<br />

2D - Summer Brown on Lightning won $16.50 with a time of 21.100<br />

3D - Kim Vollmer on Snickers won $5.50 with a time of 22.525<br />

4D - Teresa Barosso on Worlds Dream Girl won $5.50 with a time of 25.812<br />

5D - Danny Ross on Big Dun Sista won $5.50 with a time of 31.794<br />

The mystery jackpot changes every show and as you can see everyone got back at<br />

least their entry fee of $5.00. But you have to enter to win so next show be sure to<br />

sign up for our Mystery Jackpot. Congratulations to the winners. Good Luck to<br />

everyone in the next Jackpot.<br />

Highpoint was a large Trophy and Reserve was a smaller Trophy<br />

Open Pony Champion - LaDonna Hales/Dynomite- 59 pts.<br />

Res. Open Pony Champion - Loretta Stevens/Tazz - 59 pts. (LaDonna had more 1st<br />

places)<br />

AAA+ Champion - none<br />

Res. AAA+ Champion - none<br />

AAA Champion - Amanda Garrett/Prince Charming - 31 pts.<br />

AAA Champion - Judy Sharp/Seven of Hearts - 31 pts. (dead on tie all the way down -<br />

two champions)<br />

AAA Champion Res. - Kasey Hales/Louie - 11 pts.<br />

AA Champion - Summer Brown/Lightning - 52 pts.<br />

Res. AA Champion - Priscilla McDaniel/Shamoko- 51 pts.<br />

A Champion - Teresa Barosso/Worlds Dream Girl - 51 pts.

Res. A Champion - Alfred Tavares/Obvious Conclusion - 27 pts.<br />

FC Champion 12/under - Trent Haak/Cameo - 55 pts.<br />

Res. FC Champion 12/under - Mark Cundiff/Katie - 31 pts.<br />

FC Champion 13-19 - Danny Ross/Big Dun Sista- 69 pts.<br />

Res. FC Champion 13-19 - Jennifer Connelly/Tahndrez Puzzlebar - 53 pts.<br />

FC Champion 20/over - Donna Schenk/Broken Arrow - 58 pts.<br />

Res. FC Champion 20/over - Victoria Scott/The Ultimate Katch - 46 pts.<br />

Next show will be <strong>August</strong> 29th Night show Type 2 and this is the first show of the<br />

2009-2010 season. So come on out and lets start getting some times towards next<br />

year’s awards.<br />

Until Next Time........Ride Fast - Ride Safe - Wear Your Helmet!<br />

Winners in the events for June 20th show were:<br />

Jody Abel/Katie<br />

1st FC Hrs 20/+ - F8F 43.879<br />

Mike Barosso/Leah<br />

2nd FC Hrs 20/+ - P I 46.654<br />

2nd FC Hrs 20/+ - SSR 17.461<br />

Trent Haak/Cameo<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - BAR 47.253<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - BR 38.963<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - F8F 61.215<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - SBL 47.780<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - SSR 43.128<br />

Danny Ross/Big Dun Sista<br />

1st FC Hrs 13-19 - BAR 31.794<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13-19 - BR 29.916<br />

1st FC Hrs 13-19 - P I 41.813<br />

1st FC Hrs 13-19 - SBL 22.953<br />

1st FC Hrs 13-19 - SSR 20.263<br />

DISTRICT 6<br />



By Melissa Engelbert<br />

Teresa Barosso/Worlds Dream<br />

Girl<br />

1st A Hrs - BAR 25.812<br />

1st A Hrs - BR 17.491<br />

2nd AA Hrs - F8F 17.175<br />

1st A Hrs - HS 19.912<br />

1st A Hrs - SBL 11.349<br />

Summer Brown/Lightning<br />

1st AA Hrs - BAR 21.100<br />

1st AA Hrs - HS 13.148<br />

2nd AA Hrs - P I 14.305<br />

Andrea Brymer/Mini<br />

2nd Pony - BAR 20.903<br />

2nd Pony - SBL 10.865<br />

Amber Castle/Roanie<br />

1st FC Hrs 20/+ - BAR 30.806<br />

1st FC Hrs 20/+ - BR 21.827<br />

2nd FC Hrs 20/+ - F8F 56.574<br />

Jennifer Connelly/Tahndrez<br />

Puzzlebar<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13-19 - F8F 41.534<br />

1st FC Hrs 13-19 - HS 34.647<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13-19 - SBL 40.676<br />

Mark Cundiff/Katie<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - HS 28.891<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - P I 26.829<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - SBL 49.030<br />

Amanda Garrett/Prince<br />

Charming<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - BAR 20.170<br />

1st AAA Hrs - BR 14.297<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SBL 8.476<br />

Kasey Hales/Louie<br />

1st AA Hrs - BR 15.834<br />

1st AAA Hrs - HS 11.411<br />

2nd A Hrs - SSR 11.270<br />

Ladonna Hales/Dynamite<br />

1st Pony - BAR 20.009<br />

2nd Pony - BR 15.306<br />

1st Pony - F8F 18.708<br />

2nd Pony - HS 13.073<br />

1st Pony - SSR 10.162<br />

Kiana Harmon/Flicka Miss<br />

Windie<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13-19 - BAR 32.513<br />

1st FC Hrs 13-19 - BR 25.848<br />

1st FC Hrs 13-19 - F8F 35.477<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13-19 - HS 79.460<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13-19 - SSR 22.740<br />

Priscilla Mcdaniel/Lil Brat<br />

1st Pony - BR 14.288<br />

2nd Pony - SSR 10.354<br />

Priscilla Mcdaniel/Shamocko<br />

2nd AA Hrs - BAR 21.336<br />

2nd AA Hrs - HS 13.460<br />

1st AA Hrs - SBL 9.133<br />

Casey Milko/Chance<br />

2nd AA Hrs - BR 16.212<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SSR 10.757<br />

Julia Milo/Willow<br />

1st AA Hrs - SSR 10.405<br />

Nelda Reyes/Skippy<br />

1st Pony - P I 11.937<br />

1st Pony - SBL 8.276<br />

Donna Schenk/Broken Arrow<br />

2nd FC Hrs 20/+ - BAR 32.041<br />

1st A Hrs - F8F 26.596<br />

1st FC Hrs 20/+ - HS 28.872<br />

1st FC Hrs 20/+ - P I 20.572<br />

1st FC Hrs 20/+ - SBL 19.759<br />

Victoria Scott/The Ultimate<br />

Katch<br />

2nd FC Hrs 20/+ - BR 24.272<br />

2nd FC Hrs 20/+ - HS 39.040<br />

2nd A Hrs - P I 16.280<br />

2nd FC Hrs 20/+ - SBL 104.232<br />

1st FC Hrs 20/+ - SSR 17.178<br />

Judy Sharp/Seven Of Hearts<br />

1st AAA Hrs - BAR 19.556<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - BR 14.375<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SSR 9.858<br />

Loretta Stevens/Tazz<br />

2nd Pony - F8F 28.795<br />

1st Pony - HS 12.005<br />

2nd Pony - P I 13.057<br />

Alfred Tavares/Obvious<br />

Conclusion<br />

1st AA Hrs - F8F 17.099<br />

1st A Hrs - P I 15.845<br />

Kim Vollmer/Snickers<br />

2nd A Hrs - BR 17.601<br />

1st AA Hrs - P I 13.565<br />

1st A Hrs - SSR 11.193<br />

Congratulations to all the riders and winners. We hope you had fun and please come<br />

ride with us again.<br />

For those of you that want to stay overnight at the arena there are some pens available<br />

and camping is free. Please call Mike Barosso: 916-296-3329 or Teresa Barosso: 916-<br />

826-9386 for more information on camping and pens.<br />

You can get the latest information on District 5 shows by checking the Late Night<br />

Riders website at: www.latenightriders.org<br />

Everyone is welcome to attend the District 5 Club meetings on the third Sunday of<br />

each month at Perko’s in the Elverta Crossing Shopping Center on Watt Ave. Meetings<br />

start around 6:30 but come early and have dinner with us or just hang out and<br />

catch up on the gossip and what is happening at District 5.<br />

Winners June 27th show:<br />

Haley Ashton/Odie<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/un - F8F 81.776<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/un - SBL 20.055<br />

Tammy Bach/Foscalina<br />

1st AA Hrs - SBL 9.033<br />

Ashley Banks/Rabbit<br />

2nd AA Hrs - KH 9.722<br />

1st AA Hrs - P I 13.596<br />

Ashley Banks/Rooster<br />

2nd SD1 Pony - BAR 22.668<br />

1st SD1 Pony - F8F 28.999<br />

2nd SD1 Pony - KH 11.962<br />

2nd SD1 Pony - SSR 11.639<br />

2nd SD1 Pony - Big T 20.664<br />

John Banks/Lilly Miss Whop<br />

1st SD1 Pony - BAR 21.959<br />

1st SD1 Pony - KH 11.885<br />

1st SD1 Pony - P I 16.699<br />

1st SD1 Pony - SBL 10.186<br />

1st SD1 Pony - SSR 11.422<br />

1st SD1 Pony - Big T 18.477<br />

Kendal Bates/Squirt<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/un - F8F 54.554<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/un - SSR 15.380<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/un - Big T 28.237<br />

Briana Belanger/Sky Blue<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/un - BAR 28.771<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/un - SSR 13.565<br />

Jennifer Cotton/Connor<br />

1st A Hrs - KH 12.060<br />

Ingrid Cuffe/Loui<br />

1st FC Hrs 14-35 - F8F 43.293<br />

1st FC Hrs 14-35 - SSR 13.569<br />

Danielle Cupps/Miss “t”<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/un - BAR 32.687<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/un - Big T 26.978<br />

Samantha Delashmutt/Shasta<br />

1st FC Hrs 14-35 - P I 20.683<br />

2nd A Hrs - SSR 11.678<br />

Melissa Engelbert/Merlin<br />

1st SD1 Hrs 36/+ - BAR 23.233<br />

2nd SD1 Hrs 36/+ - F8F 27.783<br />

1st SD1 Hrs 36/+ - KH 12.275<br />

1st SD1 Hrs 36/+ - P I 15.278<br />

2nd SD1 Hrs 36/+ - SBL 26.254<br />

1st SD1 Hrs 36/+ - SSR 11.347<br />

1st SD1 Hrs 36/+ - Big T 22.051<br />

Bert Friel/Huney Ss Huney<br />

2nd SD1 Hrs 36/+ - SSR 12.305<br />

Jazzy Graham-Davis/Dun<br />

1st A Hrs - BAR 23.547<br />

1st A Hrs - F8F 22.292<br />

1st A Hrs - SSR 11.509<br />

Kayla Hansen/Weekend<br />

1st AA Hrs - F8F 17.569<br />

1st FC Hrs 14-35 - KH 22.866<br />

1st A Hrs - SBL 12.281<br />

Taylor Harris/Big Boy<br />

2nd A Hrs - F8F 23.391<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - Big T 16.370<br />

Page 7

Elsa Hellsten/Vegas<br />

2nd FC Hrs 14-35 - SBL 27.528<br />

Madeline Irvin/Sierra<br />

1st FC Hrs 14-35 - Big T 25.993<br />

Julia Jackman/Hershey<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/un - KH 17.508<br />

Jesse Jaureguito/Molly<br />

1st A Hrs - P I 16.115<br />

Jesse Jaureguito/Crackers<br />

2nd SD1 Pony - F8F 30.684<br />

2nd SD1 Pony - P I 17.529<br />

2nd SD1 Pony - SBL 11.280<br />

Sandy Kennedy/Peppy<br />

2nd SD1 Hrs 36/+ - BAR 23.895<br />

2nd SD1 Hrs 36/+ - KH 12.719<br />

2nd SD1 Hrs 36/+ - P I 16.317<br />

1st SD1 Hrs 36/+ - SBL 12.814<br />

2nd SD1 Hrs 36/+ - Big T 23.211<br />

Sean Kennedy/Magic<br />

1st SD1 Hrs 36/+ - F8F 26.490<br />

Page 8<br />

Amanda Larson/Lola<br />

1st AA Hrs - BAR 20.558<br />

2nd A Hrs - KH 12.893<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SBL 8.433<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - SSR 10.034<br />

1st AA Hrs - Big T 17.465<br />

Jeff Larson/Gunner<br />

2nd AA Hrs - P I 13.817<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SSR 10.447<br />

Jeff Larson/Magic<br />

2nd A Hrs - P I 16.327<br />

2nd FC Hrs 14-35 - SSR 14.520<br />

1st A Hrs - Big T 20.859<br />

Maddie Mcclay/Scarlet N<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/un - KH 17.754<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/un - SBL 18.662<br />

Alyssa Morgan/Bit Of Love<br />

2nd AA Hrs - BAR 20.671<br />

1st AA Hrs - KH 9.521<br />

1st AAA Hrs - P I 11.301<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SBL 9.147<br />

1st AA Hrs - SSR 10.350<br />

1st AAA Hrs - Big T 16.100<br />

DISTRICT 7<br />


By Timmi Lemen<br />

www.webwat.com/cga7<br />

Nita Ohlhauser/Jackson<br />

2nd FC Hrs 14-35 - KH 24.890<br />

2nd FC Hrs 14-35 - P I 22.692<br />

1st FC Hrs 14-35 - SBL 21.314<br />

Shelby Ohlhauser/Shelby<br />

1st LL Pony - KH 29.885<br />

1st LL Pony - P I 27.854<br />

1st LL Pony - SBL 39.861<br />

1st LL Pony - SSR 37.049<br />

Faith Osborn/Rusty Rocket<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/un - P I 21.366<br />

Tara Park/Leter Boom<br />

2nd A Hrs - BAR 23.843<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - P I 12.778<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SSR 9.700<br />

Marissa Silva/Snoppy<br />

1st AAA Hrs - BAR 20.037<br />

2nd A Hrs - SBL 12.575<br />

2nd A Hrs - Big T 20.886<br />

Sarah Szymkiewicz/Ty<br />

2nd AA Hrs - F8F 17.792<br />

2nd AA Hrs - Big T 17.761<br />

Briana Tellier/Jazz<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/un - P I 24.656<br />

I hope everyone had a successful State Show and a great time. District 7 is gearing up<br />

to start a new season and looking forward to more good times and fun. Our June show<br />

was blessed with beautiful weather and plenty of help. Thanks to everyone who<br />

stepped up and volunteered. Thank you’s to Barry and Shannon Rahn for the<br />

fantabulous ground, Craig and Stephanie Miller, Trish Kelly, Gere Azevedo and<br />

Britney Mann for your tireless efforts. SOB catering provided us with scrumptious<br />

food throught the weekend. I love the smoothies!<br />

The highlight of the weekend was the final HOF run by Sierra Madrigal Sunday<br />

morning. We had Big T set up for her early Sunday so that if she needed she could<br />

load up and drive to another district and try again. Not necessary, she completed her<br />

plus time in Big T and was dunked in the mud, according to tradition. Her entourage<br />

was there to witness the accomplishment, such a small girl on a huge horse. Congratulations<br />

Sierra!<br />

District 7 looks forward to the new season. Come on over and ride with us, we are<br />

happy to see you! Volunteers are always welcomed, we would be happy to train you!<br />

Clements has free dry camping, and stalls available for a small fee. Any questions,<br />

check out our website.<br />

Winners June 19th show:<br />

Lisa Bradley/Her Terms<br />

1st AAA Hrs - BAR 19.350<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SSR 9.759<br />

Nicole Cook/Sunshine<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - BAR 19.461<br />

3rd AAA Hrs - SBR 10.523<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - SSR 9.807<br />

Dallas Cooper/Redrum<br />

2nd Pony - BAR 24.784<br />

2nd Pony - BR 16.644<br />

1st Pony - P I 14.319<br />

2nd Pony - SBR 12.466<br />

1st Pony - SSR 11.031<br />

Jennifer Cooper/Buffy<br />

1st Pony - BAR 20.854<br />

1st Pony - BR 16.148<br />

1st Pony - SBR 11.636<br />

2nd Pony - SSR 11.150<br />

Lea Ntigny Demontigny/<br />

Galbriaths Gold Whiz<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - BR 13.690<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - SBR 9.796<br />

Jeanne Dudak/Tekee<br />

5th AAA Hrs - BR 15.078<br />

4th AA Hrs - P I 15.176<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SBR 10.999<br />

1st AA Hrs - SSR 10.468<br />

Carole Lindstrom/Jet<br />

3rd AA Hrs - BR 17.087<br />

1st AA Hrs - P I 14.055<br />

3rd AA Hrs - SSR 11.010<br />

Dee Loesch/Premo<br />

1st A Hrs - BAR 27.685<br />

1st A Hrs - P I 16.446<br />

1st A Hrs - SBL 14.970<br />

1st A Hrs - SBR 14.257<br />

Matthew Mazza/Casper<br />

3rd AA Hrs - SBL 10.750<br />

Kayla Mitchell/Sheza Dusty<br />

Whistle<br />

1st AAA Hrs - BR 14.393<br />

4th AAA Hrs - SSR 9.908<br />

Winners June 20th show:<br />

Ashley Banks/Rabbit<br />

2nd AA Hrs - F8S 12.717<br />

3rd AA Hrs - HS 13.183<br />

Ashley Banks/Rooster<br />

1st Pony - F8F 21.155<br />

2nd Pony - F8S 21.242<br />

1st Pony - HS 16.967<br />

2nd Pony - KH 12.644<br />

1st Pony - P II 28.631<br />

2nd Pony - QR 23.893<br />

1st Pony - Big T 18.866<br />

John Banks/Lilly<br />

2nd Pony - F8F 26.748<br />

1st Pony - F8S 13.080<br />

2nd Pony - HS 23.385<br />

1st Pony - KH 9.769<br />

2nd Pony - P II 29.849<br />

1st Pony - QR 23.528<br />

2nd Pony - Big T 18.997<br />

John Banks/Rebel<br />

5th AA Hrs - HS 14.019<br />

Claire Brucker/Claire<br />

4th LL Hrs - QR 47.933<br />

Nicole Brucker/Brodie<br />

1st FC Hrs - F8S 18.163<br />

1st A Hrs - P II 31.897<br />

1st A Hrs - QR 25.568<br />

Nicole Cook/Sunshine<br />

1st AAA Hrs - F8S 11.587<br />

1st AAA Hrs - HS 10.524<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - QR 20.793<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - Big T 16.153<br />

Lea Ntigny Demontigny/<br />

Galbriaths Gold Whiz<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - F8S 10.968<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - HS 9.796<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - QR 19.174<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - Big T 14.796<br />

Rhonda Nunaly/Copper<br />

3rd AAA Hrs - BAR 20.114<br />

2nd AA Hrs - BR 15.854<br />

1st AAA Hrs - P I 12.031<br />

3rd AA Hrs - SBR 11.190<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SSR 10.528<br />

Shannon Rahn/Docs Salt N<br />

Peppylee<br />

4th AAA Hrs - BR 14.705<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - SBR 10.216<br />

Ezekiel Sonnenberg/Honky Tonk<br />

1st LL Hrs - BAR 112.757<br />

1st LL Hrs - BR 92.751<br />

1st LL Hrs - P I 93.930<br />

1st LL Hrs - SBR 78.054<br />

1st LL Hrs - SSR 71.000<br />

Joyce Driggers/Reeboc<br />

1st A Hrs - F8F 29.999<br />

1st A Hrs - F8S 13.638<br />

4th AA Hrs - HS 13.818<br />

2nd A Hrs - QR 26.979<br />

2nd A Hrs - Big T 22.802<br />

Rachel Fingerle/Nic Goldstein<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - P II 23.330<br />

3rd AAA Hrs - Big T 16.760<br />

Sienna Kelly/Roxy<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - F8S 11.690<br />

1st AA Hrs - HS 11.863<br />

1st AAA Hrs - KH 8.232<br />

4th AA Hrs - Big T 18.837<br />

Isabelle Mahurin/Donnabelle<br />

2nd LL Hrs - F8S 24.457<br />

2nd LL Hrs - P II 54.187<br />

5th LL Hrs - QR 52.487<br />

1st LL Hrs - Big T 30.998<br />

Jessica Mahurin/Lady<br />

2nd A Hrs - F8S 14.615<br />

3rd AA Hrs - KH 11.274<br />

1st A Hrs - Big T 21.708<br />

Brittany Mann/Reba<br />

4th AA Hrs - F8S 13.314<br />

2nd AA Hrs - QR 24.158<br />

1st AA Hrs - Big T 17.763<br />

Susan Mann/Vinnie<br />

1st AAA Hrs - F8F 13.463<br />

4th AAA Hrs - F8S 12.156<br />

1st AAA Hrs - QR 20.496<br />

Matthew Mazza/Casper<br />

1st AA Hrs - F8F 20.180<br />

3rd AA Hrs - F8S 13.057<br />

2nd AA Hrs - P II 27.343<br />

3rd AA Hrs - Big T 18.812<br />

Christina Tamantini/Tiger<br />

2nd AA Hrs - BAR 21.354<br />

3rd AAA Hrs - BR 14.687<br />

2nd AA Hrs - P I 14.268<br />

1st AA Hrs - SBL 10.362<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SBR 10.202<br />

5th AAA Hrs - SSR 9.938<br />

Diane Williamson/Whiskey<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - BAR 18.627<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - SSR 9.332<br />

Alejandra Wistos/Tonka<br />

1st FC Hrs - BAR 54.449<br />

1st FC Hrs - BR 40.148<br />

1st FC Hrs - P I 32.055<br />

Alex Wood/Kooler<br />

1st AA Hrs - BAR 20.600<br />

1st AA Hrs - BR 15.584<br />

3rd AA Hrs - P I 15.099<br />

1st AA Hrs - SBR 10.998<br />

Rhonda Nunaly/Copper<br />

3rd AAA Hrs - F8S 11.966<br />

2nd AA Hrs - HS 12.712<br />

1st AA Hrs - KH 9.462<br />

1st AAA Hrs - P II 23.114<br />

3rd AAA Hrs - QR 21.073<br />

1st AAA Hrs - Big T 15.912<br />

Kyllie Remus/Kyllie<br />

5th LL Hrs - F8S 26.844<br />

3rd LL Hrs - P II 54.508<br />

3rd LL Hrs - QR 44.737<br />

4th LL Hrs - Big T 34.599<br />

Mia Remus/Mia<br />

1st LL Hrs - F8S 24.057<br />

1st LL Hrs - P II 45.365<br />

1st LL Hrs - QR 40.690<br />

Sydney Remus/Sydney<br />

4th LL Hrs - F8S 25.733<br />

4th LL Hrs - P II 55.264<br />

2nd LL Hrs - QR 43.417<br />

3rd LL Hrs - Big T 33.129<br />

Jenna Speth/Cowboy<br />

1st AA Hrs - F8S 12.311<br />

2nd AA Hrs - KH 10.726<br />

1st AA Hrs - P II 25.624<br />

1st AA Hrs - QR 22.337<br />

2nd AA Hrs - Big T 17.945<br />

Anna Weigel/Donnabelle<br />

3rd LL Hrs - F8S 25.120<br />

5th LL Hrs - P II 65.621<br />

2nd LL Hrs - Big T 32.429<br />

Morgan Weigel/Poles<br />

5th AA Hrs - F8S 13.452<br />

3rd AA Hrs - P II 28.503<br />

3rd A Hrs - QR 30.362<br />

Diane Williamson/Whiskey<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - KH 7.200

Winners June 21st show:<br />

Nicole Cook/Sunshine<br />

1st AAA Hrs - BAR 19.456<br />

1st AAA Hrs - F8S 11.487<br />

1st AAA Hrs - HS 10.189<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SBL 7.829<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SSR 10.076<br />

Becky Graham/Taylor<br />

1st FC Hrs - BAR 40.046<br />

1st A Hrs - F8F 29.850<br />

1st FC Hrs - F8S 25.676<br />

2nd FC Hrs - P I 24.585<br />

1st FC Hrs - SBL 17.945<br />

1st FC Hrs - SSR 26.897<br />

Renessa Jensen/Pawnee<br />

2nd AA Hrs - BAR 21.323<br />

3rd AA Hrs - F8S 13.115<br />

2nd AA Hrs - P I 14.702<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SSR 10.697<br />

Timmi Lemen/Jake<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - BAR 20.078<br />

Carole Lindstrom/Jet<br />

3rd AA Hrs - BAR 21.943<br />

2nd AA Hrs - HS 12.285<br />

1st AA Hrs - SBL 9.711<br />

Jessica Mahurin/Lady<br />

2nd A Hrs - F8S 14.381<br />

Darrin Mann/Samantha<br />

2nd FC Hrs - BAR 63.431<br />

2nd FC Hrs - F8S 31.695<br />

3rd FC Hrs - P I 35.931<br />

2nd FC Hrs - SSR 34.904<br />

Susan Mann/Vinnie<br />

3rd AAA Hrs - BAR 20.114<br />

1st AAA Hrs - P I 11.559<br />

Amanda Martin/Super Ricochet<br />

1st Pony - BAR 20.257<br />

1st Pony - F8S 11.816<br />

1st Pony - HS 12.497<br />

2nd Pony - P I 15.634<br />

1st Pony - SBL 7.733<br />

2nd Pony - SSR 59.538<br />

Rhonda Nunaly/Copper<br />

1st AA Hrs - BAR 21.021<br />

1st AA Hrs - F8F 16.663<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - F8S 12.200<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - P I 11.583<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SBL 9.712<br />

1st AA Hrs - SSR 10.337<br />

Shannon Rahn/Docs Salt N<br />

Peppylee<br />

2nd AAA+ Hrs - F8S 10.982<br />

Starla Smith/Caspian<br />

3rd A Hrs - BAR 27.040<br />

4th A Hrs - F8S 16.719<br />

1st FC Hrs - P I 24.458<br />

2nd A Hrs - SSR 12.638<br />

Kasey Stevens/Nitro<br />

2nd Pony - BAR 34.678<br />

1st Pony - F8F 21.584<br />

2nd Pony - F8S 14.819<br />

2nd Pony - HS 16.596<br />

1st Pony - P I 13.607<br />

1st Pony - SSR 10.324<br />

Amy Tracy/Ruby Red Valentine<br />

3rd AAA Hrs - P I 12.112<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - SSR 10.154<br />

Amy Tracy/Sunday Shooting<br />

Star<br />

1st AA Hrs - F8S 12.389<br />

1st AA Hrs - HS 11.946<br />

4th AAA Hrs - P I 12.756<br />

Roger Ward/Jake<br />

2nd A Hrs - BAR 25.989<br />

3rd A Hrs - F8S 16.191<br />

1st A Hrs - P I 16.973<br />

Morgan Weigel/Poles<br />

1st A Hrs - BAR 24.815<br />

1st A Hrs - F8S 13.947<br />

2nd A Hrs - P I 19.742<br />

1st A Hrs - SSR 11.811<br />

Paula Williams/Blondie<br />

2nd AA Hrs - BAR 21.323<br />

2nd AA Hrs - F8S 12.822<br />

3rd AA Hrs - HS 13.707<br />

1st AA Hrs - P I 13.358<br />

Diane Williamson/Whiskey<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - BAR 18.206<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - F8F 11.082<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - F8S 10.592<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - SSR 9.155<br />

Holly Zeller/Russell<br />

4th AA Hrs - F8S 13.371<br />

DISTRICT 8<br />


By: District Board<br />

The 4th Annual Firecracker Frenzy is in the history books and we have lots of people<br />

to thank for making it one of the best!<br />

We have a long list of sponsors that we have to acknowledge, without them the show<br />

would not be possible:<br />

Arabia’s Overkill Kasavan Architects Clark’s Construction<br />

Bar X One Water Tender Steinbeck Country Equine Clinic<br />

Casa de Familia <strong>California</strong> Rodeo<br />

PIzza Factory<br />

C & N Tractors<br />

2G Roses<br />

Monterey County Sheriff’s Posse Grounds<br />

Royal Oaks Feed and Tack O H Kruse Grain and Milling<br />

Beisker’s Auto<br />

Power’s Equipment Inc<br />

Martinelli’s<br />

Cutting Horse Steakhouse<br />

Bradleywear<br />

Painted Pony<br />

Rene’s Custom Embroidery Rockin B Leather<br />

Nutrena<br />

L A Hearne Prunedale<br />

Hatano Family<br />

2G Snowcones<br />

Jennifer Galindo Watsonville Coast Produce<br />

Upton Photography Quilts by Sheila<br />

Boot Barn<br />

L A Hearne<br />

Driscoll’s<br />

Laurel Inn<br />

Cowboy Magic Hands on Reins<br />

Rancher’s Feed Desktop Designs<br />

Ray’s Radiator and Glass Sweet Thangs<br />

Mary Sullivan-White<br />

Chris and CJ Jones<br />

Deb and Billy Armendariz<br />

Thanks to Skip Hofman and his crew which included Vern Simmons and Billy<br />

Armendariz, the riders loved the ground. As far as we could tell it was amazing!!!!!<br />

Thanks to Sheri and Rodger for judging more than their fair share of events. Lea<br />

Legnon, Jack Jiracek, Dennis Cole wow you guys have a lot of go, thanks for spending<br />

so many hours in the arena! Chris Rowles thanks for finding a way to ride and get<br />

right back into the arena. Bev Hampton, Diana Malley, Lisa Bradley, and CJ Jones<br />

thanks for stepping up and judging or working events.<br />

There are a few people that the booth would like to acknowledge, Deb Simmons and<br />

Emily Feenan, without you Noemi would have lost her mind. Thanks for being there<br />

and helping her stay organized and keep the times correct.<br />

Raffle queens Shannon Hatano and Mary Sullivan-White thank you for doing such a<br />

great job with the raffle.<br />

Special thanks to Dora Clark and Yvonne Lee for doing such a great job squeezing in<br />

as many ponies and horses into the stalls as possible.<br />

Christine Jones, thanks for doing all of the forms and stepping in wherever needed.<br />

Kim Moore thanks for jumping in wherever needed.<br />

Announcers, wow what can we say, Jeff and Nathan you guys are simply the best.<br />

Way to keep the show going and keeping us entertained. The banter between the two<br />

of you, awesome, you might consider taking the show on the road!<br />

The rest of the workers, it’s hard to name you all, there were so many, So a blanket<br />

thank you from the riders and show management, without you guys picking up<br />

obstacles, opening and closing gates the show would not be possible. So to all of the<br />

unsung worker’s thank you!<br />

Finally the riders, what a great group of riders that made their way to Salinas for the<br />

4th. It is truly a privelage to host the show for you. We believe that is our responsibility<br />

to give back to the rider we hope that we were able too.<br />

We managed to place down to 12th place, which was exciting for us, on top of the 12<br />

placings, that’s 84 awards we were able to send each rider home with a little something,<br />

which we were suprised to be able to do.<br />

The winners are as follows:<br />

AAA+ Highpoint Diana Williamson on Whiskey<br />

Reserve Sierrah Madrigal on Bubba<br />

3rd Jamie Tsuji on Awesome Possum<br />

4th Ashley Hofman on Lee’s Terminator<br />

5th Cecilie Garcia on Smokin’ Baby<br />

5th Rene Ledesma on Eternal Poco Bar<br />

AAA Highpoint Mandelyna Fendley on Harley<br />

Reserve Julia Newcomb on Sonny<br />

3rd Brandi Mount on Rusty<br />

4th Lisa Bradley on Her Terms<br />

5th Marietta Sullivan on Taz<br />

6th Christopher Rowles on Copper Penny<br />

7th Janne Dudak on Tekee<br />

8th Tricia Kash on Roxy<br />

9th Jessica Howes on Blondie<br />

10th Rhonda Nunaly on Copper<br />

11th Timmi Lemen on Jake<br />

12th Caroline Kimsey on Go Maverick Go<br />

AA<br />

Highpoint Tiffany Scharton on Truly Miss Cody<br />

Reserve Bonnie Sullivan on Amber B Fly’n<br />

3rd Sierra Thompson on Fiddie With Me<br />

4th Mary Thomas on Belle<br />

5th Demelza Perez on Gracie<br />

6th Jennifer Galindo on Rio<br />

7th Jessica Stamm on Stella Lolita<br />

Page 9

A<br />

8th Tammy Pigao on Sir Lance Aluke<br />

9th Emily Agostine on Ellie<br />

10th Heather Wollenslegel on Montana<br />

11th Brittany Mann on Reba<br />

12th Carole Linstrom on Magic<br />

Highpoint Yvonne Lee on Tiller<br />

Reserve Taylor Prichard on Aceof Spades<br />

3rd Dora Clark on Moon Dancer<br />

4th Lorrie Terkla on Banana<br />

5th Violet Hackett on Cindy<br />

6th Alexis McGrede on Nevaen<br />

7th Kylie Burton on Hoops<br />

8th Michelle Serna on Coco<br />

9th Joyce Driggers on Reeboc<br />

10th Marlo Schaleskey on Jewel<br />

11th Dymond Wafler on Beauty<br />

12th Lauren Hampson on Miss America<br />

FC 10 and under Highpoint Joshlynn Odom on Taylor<br />

Reserve Sami Mount on Pokey<br />

3rd Austin Arabia on Hansom Ransom<br />

4th Ashley McDonough and Vanna<br />

5th Jesslyn Moore on Bandit<br />

6th Joelle Schalesky on Oreo<br />

7th Mia Prichard on Fresca<br />

8th Sami Simmons on Earny<br />

9th Bethany Schalesky on Rusty<br />

FC 11 and over Highpoint Clair Amado on Ocho<br />

Reserve John Kresha on Dude<br />

3rd Brianna Rubio on Lucy Lou<br />

4th Shelly McDonough on Farah<br />

5th Tina Chechourka on Lady<br />

6th Chadd Tate on Missy<br />

7th Sonja Cunha on Call Me Dixie<br />

8th Lisalynn Bellangero on Jewels<br />

9th Kelly Pearson on Duke<br />

10th Rhonda Gomes on Dahlia<br />

11th Meshelle Lewis on Barbie<br />

12th Roberta Jiracek on Dallas<br />

Open Pony<br />

Highpoint Roquel Merrick on Fanci<br />

Reserve Kasey Stevens on Turbo<br />

3rd Tiffany Ludewig on Brooklyn<br />

4th Ally Lewis on Silver<br />

5th Shelby Burchell on Dodger<br />

6th Gage Florence on Snickers<br />

7th Makenzie Clark on Emmett<br />

8th Emily Bidou on Sierra<br />

9th Ashley Hardisty on Dance Partner<br />

10th Douglas Hatano on Cisco<br />

11th Crystal Stubblefield on Flash<br />

Congratulations to all the riders on a job well done!<br />

The dates are set for next year’s 5th Annual Firecracker Frenzy, July 3-5, at the Posse,<br />

hope to see you there!<br />

Winners July 4th show:<br />

Clair Amador/Ocho<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11/+ - BAR 32.349<br />

1st FC Hrs 11/+ - F8S 16.854<br />

Austin Arabia/Hansom Ransom<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - BAR 28.978<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - BR 23.017<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - F8F 33.389<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - KH 17.182<br />

Lisa Bradley/Her Terms<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - BR 14.185<br />

1st AAA Hrs - P II 22.754<br />

Kylie Burton/Hoops<br />

2nd A Hrs - P II 30.222<br />

Dora Clark/Moon Dancer<br />

2nd A Hrs - F8S 14.094<br />

2nd A Hrs - KH 11.975<br />

Sonja Cunha/Call Me Dixie<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11/+ - BR 22.759<br />

Jeanne Dudak/Tekee<br />

1st AA Hrs - HS 11.459<br />

Mandelyna Fendley/Harley<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - HS 10.262<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - KH 7.745<br />

1st AAA Hrs - Big T 15.233<br />

Gage Florence/Snickers<br />

2nd Pony - KH 9.713<br />

Jennifer Galindo/Max<br />

1st AA Hrs - F8F 15.976<br />

Jennifer Galindo/Rio<br />

1st AA Hrs - BAR 20.570<br />

Cecilie Garcia/Smokin’ Baby<br />

1st AAA Hrs - BAR 18.798<br />

2nd AAA+ Hrs - HS 9.745<br />

Rhonda Gomes/Dahlia That<br />

1st FC Hrs 11/+ - HS 27.086<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11/+ - KH 16.643<br />

Violet Hackett/Cindy<br />

2nd A Hrs - BAR 23.167<br />

1st A Hrs - BR 17.710<br />

Lauren Hampson/Miss America<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11/+ - Big T 25.576<br />

Bev Hampton/Scurry<br />

1st AA Hrs - BR 15.545<br />

Anna Hernandez/Sam<br />

2nd AA Hrs - BAR 20.586<br />

Ashley Hofman/Lee’s Terminator<br />

1st AAA Hrs - F8S 11.253<br />

Kassidi Hofman/Carr’s Curiser<br />

2nd AA Hrs - BR 15.557<br />

Jessica Howes/Blondie<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - P II 24.187<br />

Roberta Jiracek/Dallas<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11/+ - F8F 32.392<br />

John Kresha/Dude<br />

1st FC Hrs 11/+ - Big T 25.457<br />

Jim Lafferty/Rio<br />

1st FC Hrs 11/+ - P II 37.120<br />

Rene Ledesma/Eternal Poco Bar<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - BAR 18.973<br />

1st AAA Hrs - BR 14.054<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - Big T 14.351<br />

Yvonne Lee/Tillie<br />

1st A Hrs - F8S 13.718<br />

1st A Hrs - HS 15.521<br />

2nd A Hrs - Big T 20.707<br />

Timmi Lemen/Jake<br />

1st AAA Hrs - KH 7.737<br />

Ally Lewis/Silver<br />

2nd Pony - HS 10.565<br />

2nd Pony - Big T 15.279<br />

Meshelle Lewis/Barbie<br />

1st FC Hrs 11/+ - BAR 30.789<br />

1st FC Hrs 11/+ - KH 16.591<br />

Tiffany Ludewig/Brooklyn<br />

2nd Pony - BAR 19.972<br />

2nd Pony - F8F 14.145<br />

2nd Pony - F8S 11.707<br />

2nd Pony - P II 24.496<br />

Sierrah Madrigal/Bubba Todd<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - F8S 10.673<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - HS 9.523<br />

Brittney Mann/Reba<br />

1st AA Hrs - KH 9.086<br />

Ashley Mcdonough/Vanna<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - F8F 32.193<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - KH 17.618<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - P II 40.150<br />

Shelly Mcdonough/Farah<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11/+ - P II 37.340<br />

Alexis Mcgrede/Nevaen<br />

1st FC Hrs 11/+ - BR 21.742<br />

1st A Hrs - KH 11.496<br />

Roquel Merrick/Fanci<br />

1st Pony - BR 14.064<br />

1st Pony - F8F 12.146<br />

1st Pony - HS 9.936<br />

1st Pony - P II 22.491<br />

Mandy Mondiel/Rockstar<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11/+ - HS 29.430<br />

Brandi Mount/Rusty<br />

1st AAA Hrs - F8F 13.614<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - F8S 11.330<br />

Sami Mount/Pokey<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - F8S 17.861<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - HS 27.818<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - Big T 25.936<br />

Rhonda Nunaly/Copper<br />

2nd AA Hrs - F8F 16.204<br />

Joshlynn Odom/Taylor<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - BR 22.181<br />

Jaden Olsen/Breezy<br />

2nd AA Hrs - P II 26.197<br />

Demelza Perez/Gracie<br />

2nd AA Hrs - KH 9.131<br />

1st AA Hrs - P II 26.083<br />

Mia Prichard/Fresca<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - BAR 29.833<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - F8S 17.365<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - Big T 25.363<br />

Taylor Prichard/Ace Of Spades<br />

1st A Hrs - BAR 22.982<br />

Christopher Rowles/Copper<br />

Penny<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - Big T 15.398<br />

Brianna Rubio/Lucy Lou<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11/+ - F8S 17.405<br />

Joelle Schalesky/Oreo<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - HS 31.100<br />

Marlo Schalesky/Jewel<br />

1st FC Hrs 11/+ - F8F 32.191<br />

1st A Hrs - P II 30.049<br />

Tiffany Scharton/Truly Miss<br />

Cody<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - F8F 14.795<br />

Michelle Serna/Coco<br />

2nd A Hrs - BR 18.023<br />

2nd A Hrs - HS 15.881<br />

Sami Simmons/Earny<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - P II 42.923<br />

Kasey Stevens/Turbo<br />

1st Pony - BAR 19.753<br />

2nd Pony - BR 14.294<br />

1st Pony - F8S 11.379<br />

1st Pony - KH 8.530<br />

1st Pony - Big T 15.226<br />

Bonnie Sullivan/Amber-B-Fly’n<br />

1st AA Hrs - F8S 12.253<br />

2nd AA Hrs - HS 11.612<br />

2nd AA Hrs - Big T 17.511<br />

Caitlin Sullivan/Ginger<br />

2nd AA Hrs - F8S 12.345<br />

Marietta Sullivan/Taz<br />

1st AAA Hrs - HS 10.139<br />

Lorrie Terkla/Banana Ama<br />

2nd A Hrs - F8F 21.565<br />

1st A Hrs - Big T 19.887<br />

Sierra Thompson/Fiddie With<br />

Me<br />

1st AA Hrs - Big T 17.469<br />

Jamie Tsuji/Awesome Possum<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - BAR 18.068<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - BR 13.239<br />

Dymond Wafler/Beauty<br />

1st A Hrs - F8F 21.250<br />

Diane Williamson/Whiskey<br />

2nd AAA+ Hrs - BAR 18.439<br />

2nd AAA+ Hrs - BR 13.347<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - F8F 11.616<br />

2nd AAA+ Hrs - F8S 10.814<br />

Page 10

Winners July 5th show:<br />

Emily Agostini/Ellie<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SBR 11.150<br />

Clair Amador/Ocho<br />

1st FC Hrs 11/+ - SBL 16.349<br />

Austin Arabia/Hansom Ransom<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - QR 35.595<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - SBR 16.075<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - SSR 14.360<br />

Lisalynn Bellangero/Jewels<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11/+ - SBR 16.358<br />

Amara Bonner/Magic<br />

1st AA Hrs - P I 13.299<br />

Kylie Burton/Hoops<br />

2nd A Hrs - SBR 13.209<br />

Tina Chechourka/Lady<br />

1st FC Hrs 11/+ - P I 19.830<br />

Dora Clark/Moon Dancer<br />

2nd A Hrs - SBL 11.417<br />

Joyce Driggers/Reeboc<br />

1st A Hrs - QR 25.177<br />

Jeanne Dudak/Tekee<br />

1st AA Hrs - SBL 8.589<br />

Mandelyna Fendley/Harley<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - QR 20.103<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - SBL 7.659<br />

Violet Hackett/Cindy<br />

2nd AA Hrs - P I 13.531<br />

1st A Hrs - SBR 12.997<br />

2nd A Hrs - SSR 11.270<br />

Lauren Hampson/Miss America<br />

1st A Hrs - SSR 11.247<br />

Ashley Hofman/Lee’s Terminator<br />

2nd AAA+ Hrs - SBL 7.351<br />

Tricia Kash/Roxy<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SBR 9.942<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - SSR 9.676<br />

John Kresha/Dude<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11/+ - SBL 16.825<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11/+ - SSR 14.849<br />

Rene Ledesma/Eternal Poco Bar<br />

1st AAA Hrs - QR 19.977<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SBL 7.377<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SSR 9.663<br />

Tiffany Ludewig/Brooklyn<br />

1st Pony - P I 11.901<br />

2nd Pony - QR 20.315<br />

2nd Pony - SBR 10.396<br />

1st Pony - SSR 9.799<br />

Sierrah Madrigal/Bubba Todd<br />

2nd AAA+ Hrs - QR 19.091<br />

2nd AAA+ Hrs - SSR 9.417<br />

Shelly Mcdonough/Farah<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11/+ - P I 20.232<br />

Roquel Merrick/Fanci<br />

2nd Pony - P I 12.084<br />

2nd Pony - SBL 7.635<br />

1st Pony - SBR 10.027<br />

2nd Pony - SSR 9.832<br />

Jesslyn Moore/Bandit<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - SBR 17.586<br />

Brandi Mount/Rusty<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - SBR 10.083<br />

Sami Mount/Pokey<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - QR 34.504<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - SBL 17.070<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - SSR 14.451<br />

Julia Newcomb/Sonny<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - P I 11.173<br />

Rhonda Nunaly/Copper<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SBL 8.793<br />

Joshlynn Odom/Taylor<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - P I 20.517<br />

Jaden Olsen/Breezy<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SSR 10.273<br />

DISTRICT 11<br />


by Samantha Pidkowicz<br />

ridesimicga@hotmail.com<br />

Tammy Pigao/Sir Lance Aluke<br />

2nd AA Hrs - QR 22.110<br />

Taylor Prichard/Ace Of Spades<br />

1st A Hrs - SBL 11.084<br />

Christopher Rowles/Copper<br />

Penny<br />

1st AAA Hrs - P I 11.090<br />

Brianna Rubio/Lucy Lou<br />

1st FC Hrs 11/+ - QR 31.194<br />

Joelle Schalesky/Oreo<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - P I 24.519<br />

Tiffany Scharton/Truly Miss<br />

Cody<br />

1st AA Hrs - SBR 11.010<br />

Sami Simmons/Earny<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - SBL 17.608<br />

Jessica Stamm/Stella Lolita<br />

1st AA Hrs - QR 21.943<br />

Kasey Stevens/Turbo<br />

1st Pony - QR 19.900<br />

1st Pony - SBL 7.575<br />

Marietta Sullivan/Taz<br />

1st AA Hrs - SSR 10.252<br />

Mary Sullivan-White/Calvin<br />

2nd A Hrs - P I 15.906<br />

Chadd Tate/Missy<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11/+ - QR 31.777<br />

1st FC Hrs 11/+ - SBR 15.838<br />

1st FC Hrs 11/+ - SSR 14.584<br />

Lorrie Terkla/Banana Ama<br />

2nd A Hrs - QR 25.200<br />

Emily Thomas/Crimson<br />

1st A Hrs - P I 15.852<br />

Diane Williamson/Whiskey<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - QR 18.856<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - SBL 7.252<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - SSR 9.398<br />

Well we did it; we made it to the end of the season! The two day show went smooth<br />

and had an amazing turn out. The bbq was a lot of fun and the kids enjoyed playing<br />

games in the arena. Congrats to all the two day show winners. With that all said we<br />

had a big turn out for the last show of the season that was held on June 27th. The<br />

competition was tense as everyone was riding hard to keep or move up their points<br />

in the standings. The ground was fast and riders were making personal bests and<br />

starting to think about moving up to a faster class next season. The weather was<br />

very hot and we were very lucky we didn’t really have anyone go down from the<br />

heat. We had a lot of help from the volunteers that day and it really made a difference,<br />

so thank you so much your help doesn’t go unnoticed. Now we have a<br />

number of riders leaving at the end of July for State and we wish them the best of<br />

luck. We want to congratulate all of you on your hard work this season and all the<br />

winners. The banquet date will be announced soon and Paula will be in touch with<br />

everyone on their awards.<br />

We really want to continue to give thanks to our amazing sponsors: Jim Arnone &<br />

Curtis Cox, Sanders Family & Harold Jones Landscaping and Green Acres. The<br />

Sanders Family have made such a difference with sponsoring all expenses in a<br />

future champion -12 class for an entire year and the kids love it. Make sure you all<br />

our sponsors at the banquet!!<br />

We hope to see all of you at the next show season.<br />

Winners June 27th show:<br />

Ashley BARnett/Chandler<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - BAR 31.215<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - P II 39.913<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - QR 31.449<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - SBR 16.022<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - SSR 17.078<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - Big T 26.576<br />

Keri Bennett/Viking Wilwina<br />

1st AA Hrs - SSR 10.345<br />

Bruce Brown/Lakota He<br />

1st A Hrs - BAR 23.088<br />

2nd A Hrs - KH 12.183<br />

1st A Hrs - QR 24.950<br />

2nd A Hrs - SBR 13.050<br />

2nd A Hrs - SSR 11.532<br />

Kristina Brown/Comanche<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - KH 8.239<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - Big T 16.613<br />

Tisa Dobin/Aramis<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/+ - BAR 29.869<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/+ - KH 16.218<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/+ - SBR 17.307<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/+ - SSR 14.445<br />

Nichole Dyben/Sierra<br />

1st A Hrs - SBR 12.732<br />

1st A Hrs - SSR 11.512<br />

Grace Forrest/April<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - SBR 10.682<br />

Aidan Garcia/Whoa<br />

2nd LL Hrs - BAR 61.407<br />

1st LL Hrs - QR 55.578<br />

2nd LL Hrs - SBR 37.250<br />

2nd LL Hrs - SSR 41.093<br />

1st LL Hrs - Big T 44.614<br />

Kayla Garcia/Whoa<br />

2nd LL Hrs - KH 27.377<br />

2nd LL Hrs - P II 93.439<br />

Hayley Gaydos/Mickey<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - QR 33.350<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - Big T 26.067<br />

Lily Gaydos/Prince<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - KH 19.789<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - SBR 18.461<br />

Debbie Hoffman/Bambi<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - BAR 18.883<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - SBR 9.693<br />

1st AAA Hrs - Big T 16.222<br />

Maleya Miles/Molly<br />

1st LL Hrs - BAR 55.734<br />

1st LL Hrs - KH 24.157<br />

1st LL Hrs - P II 67.544<br />

2nd LL Hrs - QR 56.272<br />

1st LL Hrs - SBR 30.862<br />

1st LL Hrs - SSR 31.235<br />

2nd LL Hrs - Big T 47.273<br />

Emily Pattison/Toby<br />

1st A Hrs - KH 11.870<br />

1st A Hrs - P II 29.919<br />

2nd A Hrs - Big T 20.802<br />

Suzanne Pattison/Reggie<br />

2nd AA Hrs - BAR 21.882<br />

2nd AA Hrs - QR 22.976<br />

Angie Pidkowicz/Liberty<br />

1st A Hrs - Big T 20.801<br />

Samantha Pidkowicz/Splash<br />

Splash)<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - P II 22.308<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - QR 19.912<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - SSR 9.845<br />

Kindall Piper/Molly<br />

1st AAA Hrs - P II 22.289<br />

Kindall Piper/Tuesday<br />

1st AAA Hrs - BAR 18.737<br />

1st AAA Hrs - KH 7.588<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - P II 21.937<br />

1st AAA Hrs - QR 19.779<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SBR 10.219<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SSR 9.821<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - Big T 14.544<br />

Lacey Reynolds/Cheyenne<br />

1st AA Hrs - BAR 21.790<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SSR 10.591<br />

Cheyenne Rosenberg/Peso<br />

1st AA Hrs - SBR 11.410<br />

Dana Ryan/Bust-A-Bo (Bo-<br />

Dashou<br />

2nd AA Hrs - KH 10.483<br />

1st AA Hrs - P II 26.444<br />

Tracy Sanders/Cash<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/+ - P II 44.063<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/+ - QR 34.338<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/+ - SBR 16.462<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/+ - Big T 27.538<br />

Michelle Schumacher/Pepsi<br />

2nd A Hrs - BAR 23.745<br />

2nd A Hrs - P II 30.668<br />

2nd A Hrs - QR 25.163<br />

Shaun Singer/Gnar Gnar<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/+ - BAR 29.427<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/+ - P II 44.278<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/+ - QR 34.961<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/+ - SSR 14.537<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/+ - Big T 25.805<br />

Hannah Sjoquist/Ivory Rose<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - BAR 31.166<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - KH 21.339<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - P II 41.317<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - SSR 16.263<br />

Courtney Slotar/Bogus Charges<br />

1st AA Hrs - QR 22.035<br />

2nd AA Hrs - Big T 17.532<br />

Jessica Townsend/Starbucks<br />

2nd AAA+ Hrs - SBR 9.829<br />

Rick Townsend/Buddy<br />

1st AA Hrs - KH 9.989<br />

2nd AA Hrs - P II 26.445<br />

Linda Ward/Believe In A Dream<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/+ - KH 20.096<br />

Elaine Weinstein/Star<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SBR 11.616<br />

1st AA Hrs - Big T 17.323<br />

Page 11

Page 12<br />



http://www.thedustyspurs.com/<br />

By Deborah Jasper<br />

Dusty Spurs ha a new web site set up by Lisa Duggan. I think this will be great for the<br />

new season. The site is dustysprus30.com . It is great and will provide lots of<br />

information. The first show is scheduled for Sept. 19 and will be posted on the web<br />

site. The nominations for the board are Lisa Duggan for President, Dawn Fiedler for<br />

Vice President, Debi Willis for Secretary, John Duggan for Arena Manager, and Sandi<br />

Lintelman for Treasurer. They are all nominated unopposed, so they are your new<br />

board members for 2009-2010.<br />

I would like to let the members of Dusty Spurs know this has been a wonderful year, I<br />

have enjoyed being your president, I wish it could go on, but it can’t. We started off on<br />

a shaky foot this year, not knowing if Dusty Spurs would make it AND we did. The<br />

club is once again strong and I am proud of every member who stuck by and made this<br />

club work. THANK YOU. Dusty Spurs will be in good hands next year and I will see<br />

you all out at the arena in September.<br />

June<br />

Hi-Points<br />

Reserve<br />

AAA Samantha Reynolds Dee Willis<br />

AA Kaitlin Bourassa Bill Wilson<br />

A Tralena Kilburn Cherish Dominguz<br />

FC-A Charles Sneed Kristy Affatati<br />

FC-Y Morgan Kilburn Trace Duggan<br />

Deborah Jasper<br />

Your Dusty Spurs President<br />

2008-2009<br />

DISTRICT 33<br />


By Alexis Mehlmauer<br />

In the month of June, we had two really great shows. On our the June 21st show we<br />

were pleased to witness Avielle Lehman on her beautiful little pony, Suncrest Hello<br />

Dolly, make Hall of Fame! We anxiously awaited speedball, for she only needed one<br />

more time in this event. In making this great success, Avielle also broke the 10 year<br />

old speedball record! We are proud of both her and her pony! Avielle was congratulated<br />

with a dip into a mud bath and then topped with shaving cream, whipped cream,<br />

and silly string. Avielle we are so proud of you and that little pony! We know you<br />

worked so hard and we were all glad to be with you.<br />

Thank you to our judges: Bill Anderson, Andy Krogh, Bob Krogh, Carrie Krogh, Lori<br />

Hall-McNary, and John Mehlmauer. And I would also like to congratulate our new<br />

apprentice judge, Donny! And we would all like to thank everyone who helped out<br />

with the gate, arena help, time writing, announcing, and a big thank you to Mia<br />

Roseberry who is always working behind the computer, Diane Krogh who is so<br />

wonderful, helping to make sure the show runs smoothly, and our cooks! We have<br />

some wonderful people helping us out. We all would like to say thank you!<br />

I would just like to say congratulations to all of our riders for doing a GREAT job! It<br />

was such a great show, and everyone who came, helped to make it fabulous!<br />

June14th High points:<br />

AAA<br />

Champion: Alexis Mehlmauer/Spring<br />

Reserve: Ashley Anderson/Valentine<br />

AA<br />

Champion: Shelie Xanthos/Double Flits<br />

Reserve: Katherine Zimmer/Bella<br />

June 21st High points:<br />

AAA<br />

Champion: Shawna Bishop/Blackie<br />

Reserve: Avielle Lehman/<br />

Suncrest Hello Dolly<br />

AA<br />

Champion: Elizabeth Brownlow/Fury<br />

Reserve: Katie Tully/Popeye<br />

A<br />

Champion: Nicole Martino/Alvin<br />

Reserve: Greg Wood/Red<br />

FC<br />

Champion: Lowry Alkire/Skip<br />

Reserve: Ashley Anderson/Ima Reven Lena<br />

LL<br />

Champion: Sarah Browlow<br />

Reserve: Lauren Sicre<br />

Winners June 14th show:<br />

Gia Alkire/Million Dollar Max<br />

2nd AA Hrs - BAR 21.208<br />

1st AA Hrs - P I 11.481<br />

Lowry Alkire/Skip<br />

2nd FC Hrs - BAR 32.048<br />

2nd FC Hrs - KH 14.143<br />

2nd FC Hrs - P I 20.771<br />

2nd FC Hrs - Big T 28.511<br />

Ashley Anderson/Ima Reven<br />

Lena<br />

1st FC Hrs - P I 19.523<br />

Ashley Anderson/Valentine<br />

1st AAA Hrs - HS 10.610<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - Big T 15.569<br />

Shawna Bishop/Blackie<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - HS 10.749<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - KH 8.055<br />

Elisabeth Brownlow/Fury<br />

1st AA Hrs - KH 9.137<br />

Sarah Eth Brownlow/Rhomba<br />

1st LL Hrs - BAR 57.713<br />

1st LL Hrs - KH 26.960<br />

1st LL Hrs - P I 31.734<br />

1st LL Hrs - SSR 35.289<br />

1st LL Hrs - Big T 42.117<br />

Natalie Fine/Maja<br />

1st FC Hrs - BAR 26.064<br />

1st FC Hrs - KH 13.408<br />

1st FC Hrs - SSR 11.524<br />

Alfonso Garcia/Magic<br />

2nd A Hrs - P I 12.661<br />

Hali Hodges/Hot Rod<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - P I 11.540<br />

Sabrina Lamprecht/Candy<br />

2nd AA Hrs - KH 9.458<br />

Avielle Lehman/Suncrest Hello<br />

Dolly<br />

1st AAA Hrs - BAR 19.377<br />

1st AAA Hrs - P I 10.628<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - SSR 9.980<br />

1st AAA Hrs - Big T 14.548<br />

Heston Lehman/Zip<br />

2nd FC Hrs - HS 23.401<br />

Nicole Martino/Alvin<br />

1st A Hrs - HS 12.263<br />

2nd A Hrs - KH 9.628<br />

2nd A Hrs - SSR 11.049<br />

1st A Hrs - Big T 17.740<br />

Madison Meadors/Dancin’<br />

Danny<br />

2nd AA Hrs - HS 12.225<br />

Alexis Mehlmauer/Spring<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - BAR 19.978<br />

1st AAA Hrs - KH 7.909<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SSR 9.905<br />

A<br />

Champion: Rylee Lawson/Jexx<br />

Reserve: Nicky Murray/Benjamin Buttons<br />

Nicky Murray/Benjamin Buttons<br />

2nd A Hrs - BAR 22.232<br />

2nd A Hrs - Big T 18.858<br />

FC<br />

Champion: French Murray/Chile<br />

Reserve: Lowry Alkire/Skip<br />

LL<br />

Champion: Sarah Browlow<br />

Reserve: Lauren Sicre<br />

Bryanna Salazar/Bonita<br />

1st FC Hrs - HS 20.252<br />

2nd FC Hrs - SSR 14.110<br />

Joshua Sicre/Joshua<br />

2nd LL Hrs - KH 42.344<br />

Lauren Sicre/Lauren<br />

2nd LL Hrs - BAR 95.549<br />

2nd LL Hrs - P I 36.590<br />

2nd LL Hrs - Big T 60.790<br />

Bianca Simpson/Cody<br />

1st FC Hrs - Big T 28.365<br />

Greg Wood/Red<br />

1st A Hrs - BAR 22.041<br />

2nd A Hrs - HS 13.171<br />

1st A Hrs - SSR 10.890<br />

Kristin Wood/Snickers<br />

1st A Hrs - P I 12.518<br />

Nicole Wood/Tango<br />

1st AA Hrs - HS 11.286<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SSR 10.341<br />

1st AA Hrs - Big T 16.418<br />

Demetrios Xanthos/Bar Dot<br />

Peppy<br />

1st A Hrs - KH 9.307<br />

Shelie Xanthos/Double Flitz<br />

1st AA Hrs - SSR 10.151<br />

2nd AA Hrs - Big T 16.500<br />

Katherine Zimmer/Bella<br />

1st AA Hrs - BAR 20.012<br />

2nd AA Hrs - P I 12.248<br />



By Laura Rice<br />

We had 22 riders at our June 28 th show. We had a little bit of excitement that day.<br />

Jamie Donati fell backwards after leading Jeanette’s horse Charley in the arena. From<br />

where I was sitting, it looked like Charley ran her over, but apparently, her spurs got<br />

twisted together causing her to trip. I found out later that she fractured her scapula<br />

(shoulder bone). OUCH! Jamie we hope you are all better soon. Hailey Shiffer fell<br />

of Hank after he went down after her speed ball run. Her boot was caught for a<br />

moment and I thought she was going to get hurt but Hank just stood there and waited<br />

for her to get up like a good boy. We had a couple of buckers that day. Kelsie Ponds<br />

new pony Daisy bucked a little after her Scurry run. Alea Cunningham was running<br />

back from the third barrel during barrels when Little Bit decided he was feeling good<br />

and bucked. Luckily both riders stayed on. Way to cowgirl up!

High-point awards:<br />

AAA+ Sierrah Madrigal on Sunny<br />

AAA Allyson Shiffrar on Saintly Pepper<br />

AAA Res Kayla Chavez on Cinnamon Rowles<br />

AA Merissa Vaughn on Brownie<br />

A Crystal Noller on Oscar<br />

FC 12 & under Mackenzie Tremper on Blue<br />

FC res Corrin Bowman on Rio<br />

FC 13 & over Cassandra Hannahs on Patch<br />

Lead Liners: Wyatt Jones on Spider, Leila Martin on Charlie, Alexius Jones on Daisy.<br />

Congratulations to all you riders.<br />

Winners June 28th show:<br />

Raven A Araujo/Shugs Rocket<br />

Lady<br />

1st AAA Hrs - HS 12.910<br />

Corrin Bowman Ela/Rio Rty<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - BAR 29.614<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - F8S 18.598<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - HS 56.125<br />

2nd A Hrs - P I 17.826<br />

Sheli Cavanillas/Letty<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/+ - BAR 36.756<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/+ - F8S 20.674<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/+ - QR 37.679<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/+ - SBR 21.902<br />

Kayla Chavez/Cinnamon Rowles<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - F8S 11.687<br />

1st AAA Hrs - P I 11.913<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SBL 8.284<br />

Alea Cunningham/Little Bit<br />

2nd A Hrs - SBL 26.501<br />

Hannah Cunningham/Topper<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - P I 27.915<br />

Jamie Donati L/Dillon Frost<br />

2nd AA Hrs - F8S 15.175<br />

1st AA Hrs - P I 13.857<br />

2nd AA Hrs - QR 56.670<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SBR 12.574<br />

Shelby Dugger/Hollyred<br />

Bonanza<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - HS 13.374<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - QR 20.860<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - SBR 10.942<br />

Cassandra Hannahs/Patch<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/+ - BAR 32.410<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/+ - F8S 19.128<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/+ - HS 38.007<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/+ - P I 20.638<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/+ - QR 35.653<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/+ - SBL 23.374<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/+ - SBR 19.816<br />

Cynthia Hannahs/Jennie - Jay<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - HS 50.189<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - QR 34.591<br />

Wyatt Jones/Spider Dream<br />

1st LL Hrs - BAR 61.816<br />

1st LL Hrs - F8S 38.852<br />

1st LL Hrs - P I 30.635<br />

1st LL Hrs - QR 46.007<br />

1st LL Hrs - SBR 39.011<br />

Sierrah Madrigal/Sunny Todd<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - BAR 20.281<br />

2nd AAA+ Hrs - F8S 12.602<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - HS 11.497<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - P I 11.659<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - QR 22.753<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - SBR 35.430<br />

Justine Malazink/Hanna<br />

1st A Hrs - BAR 24.037<br />

1st A Hrs - SBR 13.145<br />

Leila Martin/Charlie<br />

2nd LL Hrs - F8S 40.375<br />

2nd LL Hrs - P I 31.886<br />

2nd LL Hrs - QR 64.525<br />

1st LL Hrs - SBL 32.459<br />

2nd LL Hrs - SBR 39.553<br />

Crystal Noller Ki/Oscar Ood<br />

1st A Hrs - F8S 15.465<br />

1st A Hrs - HS 17.104<br />

2nd A Hrs - QR 40.842<br />

1st A Hrs - SBL 11.102<br />

Kelsi Pond/Daisy<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - P I 22.477<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - SBL 18.792<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - SBR 27.447<br />

Hailey Shiffer As/Hank A<br />

2nd A Hrs - BAR 26.147<br />

2nd A Hrs - F8S 20.068<br />

2nd A Hrs - HS 19.780<br />

1st A Hrs - QR 29.462<br />

2nd A Hrs - SBR 14.614<br />

Allyson Shiffrar Shiffrar/Saintly<br />

Pepper (Shug<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - BAR 19.357<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - F8S 11.097<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - P I 12.855<br />

1st AAA Hrs - QR 20.655<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - SBL 8.917<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SBR 10.826<br />

Mackenzie Tremper/Blue T<br />

Enny<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - BAR 30.923<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - F8S 19.624<br />

1st A Hrs - P I 17.672<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - QR 30.598<br />

2nd FC Hrs 12/un - SBL 22.868<br />

1st FC Hrs 12/un - SBR 16.687<br />

Merissa Vaughn/Brownie<br />

1st AA Hrs - BAR 22.080<br />

1st AA Hrs - F8S 13.128<br />

1st AA Hrs - HS 12.273<br />

2nd AA Hrs - P I 14.698<br />

1st AA Hrs - QR 22.931<br />

1st AA Hrs - SBR 12.049<br />

Jeanette Veino/Charley Bay Lena<br />

1st AAA Hrs - BAR 19.269<br />

1st AAA Hrs - F8S 11.577<br />

I would like to make a special announcement: Both Nathan Rowles on Ace and<br />

Sierrah Madrigal on Bubba made Hall of Fame in June. You both are amazing riders<br />

and should be very proud of your accomplishments. You guys ROCK!<br />

See you all at state show,<br />

Laura<br />

The Judge's<br />

Corner<br />

"The Judge’s Corner" has appeared in this paper with a varying degree of regularity<br />

since 1991. CGA Judges, Members and Work Crew are invited to submit difficult calls<br />

or unusual questions that occur so that others can learn from their experiences. The best<br />

ones (unusual or just plain odd) will be printed here.<br />

If you have input for this column, please send your question to the CGA State Office.<br />

Your question will be answered by a Master Judge and the Rules Chairman. If there is<br />

any disagreement, it will be submitted to the Rules Committee and MAC for final resolution.<br />

If anyone has questions concerning this ruling you may contact the Rules Chairman,<br />

Shannon Rahn 209-712-5150.<br />

The following are some of the questions that have come up in the last month. By the<br />

time you read this we will be in Hollister for State Finals - see you there!<br />

Q - If a rider runs an event and reverses (Figure 8 Flags, Figure 8 Stakes or Quadrangle)<br />

and it is brought to the attention of the judge that there was no reverse foul line<br />



A - This has come up several times in the past and YES, all of the reverse riders would<br />

be required to re ride - due to the fact that CGA only allows an eighty foot start from<br />

foul line to timing line. If there is no foul line, we cannot be sure how far from the<br />

timing line the rider began their run. Part 2 - NO, the rider would be starting the event<br />

over completely and would not be required to reverse the run the second time.<br />

Q - In Hurry Scurry if a horse knocks the jump and both poles are dislodged from the<br />

center foam piece and the center foam piece falls over but somehow the poles manage<br />

to fall on top of the knocked down middle foam piece - IS THERE A PENALTY<br />

A - YES, a two second penalty would be incurred, because the middle piece fell over.<br />

5.7 Knocking Down or Touching Obstacles - Knocking down or dislodging any<br />

obstacle, including timing poles, shall result in a two second penalty for each obstacle<br />

(pole, barrel, etc.) knocked down or dislodged. However, touching an obstacle with<br />

the intent of keeping it from going down shall not result in a penalty. An obstacle that<br />

has been knocked to the ground and bounces back to an upright position will be<br />

considered a downed obstacle. In Hurry Scurry, a pole must touch the ground to be<br />

considered dislogded.<br />

Q - In Hurry Scurry if a horse has one leg go over the block on the outside of the<br />

jump is it a good ride<br />

A - YES, the block on the edge of the jump is considered part of the jump.<br />

Hurry Scurry - Go through timing line and either go down left side making two jumps,<br />

a right turn around the pole and 1 jump, or go down right side making 1 jump, a left<br />

turn around the pole and two jumps, then go back across the timing line. Special<br />

penalty: The rider will be disqualified if all four feet of the horse do not go over each<br />

jump and the course is not corrected.<br />

Q - If a lead line rider has moved up to Future Champion division is it OK for the<br />

parent to walk along side of them for a while to make sure they do alright<br />

A - NO. Either a rider is a lead liner and they are assisted through the course, or they<br />

are a Future Champion and they complete the course on their own. A parent or other<br />

helper can assist the rider into the arena and stay behind the timing line and “coach”<br />

the rider while on course, but that person cannot walk along side while the rider rides<br />

the event.<br />

Q - While I am judging a rider is assisted into the arena by someone on foot, the<br />

assistant continued to hold the bridle of the horse waiting for me to give the rider the<br />

go ahead to ride, I waited until the assistant released the horse and the rider was in<br />

control before releasing the rider - was I correct<br />

A - YES. If a rider is assisted into the arena by another rider (mounted) or by someone<br />

on foot, they must acknowledge the judge for the ride when ready signal while in<br />

control of the horse without assistance.<br />

Continued page 14.<br />

Page 13

Judges Corner Cont.<br />

Q - When is the third ride option given to a rider<br />

A - The only time a third option is ever given is due to a timer malfuncion — if a rider<br />

runs a clean course with no penalties and the timers fail, the rider is given another ride.<br />

If the second run results in a penalty or no time, the rider will be given a third option.<br />

The third run is the final result and no further options are given. Third options are not<br />

used for illegal courses or any other reason. If a course is rerun for any reason other<br />

than timer malfunction (obstacle not on the dot, no foul line, unsafe ground, etc) the<br />

first ride is obsolete and the re ride will be the riders time.<br />

B - Rider’s option: If a rerun is required because of timer problems, the rider will<br />

rerun under one or the other of the following conditions: Condition 1 - One or more<br />

obstacles were knocked down during the first run. These penalties will be carried to<br />

the second run. However, the penalties attained in the second run will be used for the<br />

event if the penalties earned in the second run are equal to or greater than the penalties<br />

earned in the first run. Condition 2 - An obstacle was not knocked down in the first<br />

run. If an obstacle is knocked down during the second run, the rider will be given the<br />

option of a third run and the penalties of the second run are not carried over to the<br />

third run. The time, including penalties, of the third run will then be used as the final<br />

time.<br />

As always, if you have any questions about rules or anything I have written in the<br />

judges corner - Please feel free to contact me.<br />

Shannon Rahn, Rules Chairman<br />

(209)712-5150<br />

rahn204@gmail.com<br />


As of the publication of this issue of the paper the following shows have not<br />

been posted in the State Office either because they have not been received or<br />

because of missing or insufficient information in the show packet.<br />

District #23<br />

District #30<br />

June 6th, Overdue<br />

June 20th, Overdue<br />

Shows must be mailed to the State Office no later than one week after the Show<br />

Date. Riders, if you have times in these shows or you have memberships<br />

or awards applications in these show packets you will need to talk to the<br />

District Leaders about sending in their packets.<br />

Please get a receipt for any membership or award that is paid for in<br />

cash<br />









Page 14<br />

Family Team Award<br />

CGA is a Family organization and in recognition of the many families<br />

that ride together in CGA we offer a Family Team Award available to all<br />

riders regardless of ability.<br />

The Family Team Award is 60 days retroactive from the date of the<br />

postmarked application or the show date if applicable. The $120.00 fee per<br />

rider includes the Year End Award Level 1, Silver Buckle, Silver Breast<br />

Collar Set. For an additional $20 the applicant can include both Level 1 & 2<br />

Year End Awards.<br />

The Family Team Award is a Special Jacket for each team member<br />

embroidered with the riders first name and rating division on the front. The<br />

back of the jacket will have a barrel racer figure (male or female) and the last<br />

name of the "family" above the words "Family Team Member". All jackets<br />

within a "family" must use the same last name. Teams may consist of<br />

parents, children, grandchildren, cousins, aunts, uncles, or any other relatives<br />

so long as the last name is the same.<br />

All riders on a "team" must earn at least a FC rating in order to qualify<br />

for the jacket. That means that all the riders on the team must complete at<br />

least 3 good rides in at least 4 events to qualify for the Family Team award.<br />

Each team member's jacket will reflect their own rating level and each<br />

member will receive their own rating level for the year end award that is<br />

included in the $120.00 fee.<br />

This is a great way for the entire family to participate and work<br />

towards an award that they can wear with pride.<br />

Sign up today so that your family doesn't lose any rides. This is a fun<br />

award to earn and a great way to enjoy gymkhana with your family.<br />

Ride for Fun in CGA!

Page 15


DISTRICT 1<br />



INFO: Rodger 831-623-1604, batbgymkhana.com<br />

PLACE: 1991 Chittenden Pass, San Juan Bautista 95045<br />

TIME: Sign Up 8AM Ride 9AM<br />

Sept. 12 & 13 Oct. 10 & 11 Nov. 14, Sat.<br />

DISTRICT 4<br />



INFO: Julliett Primeau 707-207-0434 or Sara Allard 707-685-1432<br />

PLACE: Circle D Arena, Corner of Meridian and Griffin<br />

Rds., Vacaville or Pleasants Valley Equestrian Center.<br />

7680 Pleasant Valley Rd., Vacaville.<br />

TIME: Night Shows - Sign up 2PM Ride 3PM . - Day shows Sign<br />

Up 8AM Ride 9AM<br />

Aug. 22, Sat. Aug. 30, Sun. Sept. 26, Sat.<br />

Sept. 22, Sun. Oct. 10, Sat. Oct. 31, Sat.<br />

DISTRICT 7<br />


LUCKY # 7<br />

INFO: Barry Rahn 209-712-5144 or 209-368-1241<br />

PLACE: Clements Buckaroos Fairgrounds off Hwy<br />

12/88 in Clements.<br />

TIME: Saturday Day Shows - Sign Up 9AM Ride 10AM;<br />

Sunday Day Shows - Sign Up 8AM Ride 9AM ; Night Shows-<br />

Sign Up 6PM /Ride 7PM All Set Ups after regular events are<br />

finished, time permitting.<br />

Aug. 21, 22 & 23 Sept. 25, 26 & 27<br />

Oct. 16, 17 & 18 Nov. 13, 14 & 15<br />

DISTRICT 8<br />



INFO: Arlene 831-722-7322<br />

PLACE: Monterey County Sheriffs Posse Grounds,<br />

Old Natividad Road, Salinas; Royal Oaks Arena, Royal Oaks<br />

TIME: Sign up 8AM, ride 9AM<br />

Aug. 15, Sat. Sept. 19 & 20 Oct. 17 & 18<br />

DISTRICT 12<br />



INFO: Dan or Julie MacDonald 760-868-8852.<br />

PLACE: Triple E Ranch, 10164 White Rd, Phelan<br />

TIME: Night Shows Sign Up 2PM Ride 3PM ; Friday Shows Sign<br />

Up 5PM Ride 6PM - Day Shows Sign Up 7:45AM Ride 9AM.<br />

Aug. 29, Sat. Oct. 3, Sat. Nov. 7, Sat.<br />

Dec. 5, Sat. Jan. 2, Sat. feb. 6, Sat.<br />

DISTRICT 14<br />



INFO: Margo 805-467-3535, Vicki 805-438-3954<br />

PLACE: Railhead Arena, Santa Margarita<br />

TIME: Sign Up 8AM Ride 9AM<br />

PLACE: Paloma Creek Arena Riding Club, Halcon &<br />

Viejo Camino, Atascadero<br />

TIME: Night Shows Sign Up 4PM Ride 5PM ; Day show sign<br />

up 8AM ride 9AM Set Ups, if any, will be run at 2:30PM.- Call for<br />

information<br />

DISTRICT 5<br />



INFO: Teresa Borasso 916-826-9386<br />

PLACE: Central Park Horse Arena, Rio Linda.<br />

All Set Ups after regular events are finished, time permitting.<br />

TIME: Signup 8:00AM / Ride 9:15 AM - day Shows<br />

Signup 3:00PM / Ride 4:15PM - night Shows<br />

If tempertures reach over 100 degrees please call for start time<br />

Aug. 29, Sat. night Sept. 19, Sat. Night<br />

Oct. 3, Sat. Oct. 17 & 18 Oct. 31 Sat.<br />

DISTRICT 6<br />



INFO: Melissa Engelbert 209-830-9074<br />

PLACE: Robertson Park Arena, Livermore<br />

TIME: Sign up 8AM , ride 9 AM<br />

Aug. 8, Sat. Sept. 5, Sat. Oct. 3, Sat.<br />

Nov. 7, Sat. Dec. 5, Sat. Jan. 2, Sat.<br />

DISTRICT 9<br />



INFO: Rebekah 831-338-9831, crills@cruzers.com<br />

PLACE: Eddy Ranch, Boulder Creek cgadistrict9.com<br />

TIME: Sign Up 8:30AM Ride 9:30AM<br />

Aug. 29 & 30 Sept. 27, Sun. Oct. 25, Sun.<br />

DISTRICT 10<br />




NFO: Claudia Payne 661-588-3779 Cell 661-342-1056 or<br />

Heidi 661-332-3952<br />

PLACE: Ruby D Ranch, 3655 Wegis Rd, Bakersfield<br />

TIME: Sign Up 9:00AM Ride about 10:00AM<br />

DISTRICT 11<br />



NFO: Paula Coffman 805-491-8291<br />

www.simivalleyriders.com<br />

PLACE: Gateway Equestrian Center, 3495 Chicory Leaf<br />

Place, Simi Valley<br />

TIME: Sign Up 7:30AM Ride about 9:00AM<br />

Sept. 12, Sat. Sept. 19, Sat. Night Oct. 11, Sat.<br />

Oct. 17, Sat. Nov. 7, Sat. Nov. 8, Sat.<br />

. DISTRICT 15<br />



INFO: Kori Cruz 951-236-5361 or 951-685-4132<br />

PLACE: RT Arena, Jurupa Rd. & Pedley Rd., Glen Avon<br />

TIME: Day Shows Sign Up 7:45AM Ride 9AM Night<br />

Shows Sign Up 1:45PM / Ride 3PM<br />

Set Ups if requested - Day Shows Set Ups run at end of show. Night Shows<br />

Setups; Sign Up 11:00AM Ride 12:00PM<br />




INFO: Kelly Pierce 949-597-9466 or Becky Butts 951-<br />

809-6174 email; modjeskamavericks@cox.net<br />

PLACE: Ingalls Park, Norco<br />

TIME: Shows 9AM<br />

Sept. 12, Sat. Oct. 10, Sat. Nov. 14, Sat.<br />

DISTRICT 18<br />



INFO: JoAnne 661-845-3013, Jackie 661-589-4950<br />

PLACE: Sam Lynn Ballpark, North Chester Ave.<br />

TIME: Sign up 8AM / Ride 9AM - Set ups, if any, will run<br />

during lunch - approx. noon.<br />

Page 16


DISTRICT 19<br />



INFO: Sue 951-907-7635 or Marta 951-903-9065<br />

PLACE: RT Arena, Jurupa Rd. & Pedley Rd., Glen Avon<br />

TIME: Day Shows Sign Up 7:45am / Ride 9am<br />

Night Shows Sign Up 1:45pm / Ride 3pm.; Fri.Night SignUp<br />

5PM/Ride 6PM Set Ups, if requested; Day Shows Set Ups run at end of show.<br />

Night Shows Setups; Sign Up 11:00am / Ride 12:00pm<br />

Sept. 19, Sat. Oct. 17, Sat. Oct. 31, Sat.<br />

DISTRICT 26<br />



INFO: Ted or Deborah Klenk 209-892-5113<br />

PLACE: Diamond Bar Arena; 6055 Central Ave. Ceres;<br />

Keyes Rd exit. Call for directions.<br />

TIME: Day shows Sign Up 8AM Ride 9AM; Night shows Sign<br />

up 5PM Ride 6PM ; Setups will be run after the reg. events time premitting.<br />

DISTRICT 40<br />



INFO: Janice Vaughn 805-929-6599 Fax 805-929-8582<br />

Please call or fax to pre-register before the show.<br />

PLACE: Bob & Janice Vaughn's 1185 Camino<br />

Caballo, Nipomo, Call for directions<br />

TIME: All Shows Sign Up 8:00AM - Ride 9:00AM<br />

DISTRICT 20<br />



INFO: David Saenz 951-332-0096<br />

PLACE: Ingall's Park at the east end of 6th Street<br />

TIME: Day shows Sign up 7:45AM Ride 9AM; Setups will be<br />

run after the shows - Call for information<br />

DISTRICT 21<br />



INFO: Jennifer Tiefuhr 661-917-0389<br />

PLACE: Desert Rider's Arena 34th St., West Ave. N-3,<br />

Palmdale;<br />

TIME: Sign up 7AM Ride 8AM - Setups run after regular show<br />

events are finished<br />

DISTRICT 22<br />



INFO: Cathy 909-585-7427, Christine 909-585-2757<br />

PLACE: Los Vaqueros Arena 440 Cascade, Big Bear<br />

City.<br />

TIME: Day Shows Sign Up at 8:30AM Ride 9:30AM<br />

Aug. 23, Sun. Sept. 20,Sun. Oct. 18, Sun.<br />

Nov. 4, Sun.<br />

DISTRICT 23<br />



INFO: John Hammon 760-377-5683 or<br />

Margie Schiller 760-377-5053<br />

PLACE: Desert Empire Fairgrounds, Ridgecrest<br />

TIME: Sign up 8AM Ride 9AM - Setups run after regular<br />

show events are finished.<br />

DISTRICT 27<br />



INFO: Carol 209-223-1444<br />

PLACE: Howard Park, Hwy 124, Ione - Rain or Shine<br />

TIME: Sign up 8AM Ride 9AM - Any Set Ups will be run after<br />

the regular show.<br />

DISTRICT 30<br />



INFO: Deborah 760-508-3100<br />

PLACE: Triple E Ranch, 10164 White Rd, Phelan<br />

TIME: Sign up 8AM Ride 9AM - Set ups if any will run at<br />

the end of the regular events<br />

DISTRICT 32<br />



INFO: Debbie 209-852-9233 or Shelly 209-532-4773<br />

PLACE: Sonora Fairgrounds.<br />

TIME: Day Shows Sign up 9AM Ride 10 AM ; Setups run<br />

after regular show events are finished<br />

DISTRICT 33<br />



INFO: Lori Hall-McNary at 760-741-1179<br />

PLACE: Walnut Grove Park, San Marcos<br />

TIME: Sign Up 8AM Ride 9AM<br />

DISTRICT 35<br />



INFO: Deanna Steinhoff 760-378-3035,<br />

Chris Crane 760-378-3539<br />

PLACE: Jakes Place Arena in Kernville<br />

TIME: Sign Up 8AM Ride 9AM<br />

DISTRICT 45<br />



INFO: Shellie Mayne 707-763-3730<br />

PLACE: 2412 Meier Rd., Sebastopol, CA & Novato<br />

Horsemans 600 Bugeia Lane, Novato, CA 94945<br />

TIME: All Shows Sign Up 8:00AM - Ride 9:00AM<br />

Aug. 22, Sat. Sept. 20, Sun. Oct. 17, Sat.<br />

Nov. 8, Sun. Dec. 5, Sat.<br />

DISTRICT 49<br />



INFO: Chanter 530-876-0882, Scarlett 530-873-4787<br />

PLACE: Paradise Horse Arena, Moore Rd., off of Forest<br />

Service Rd.<br />

TIME: Sign Up at 8AM Ride 9:15AM SETUPS AFTER SHOW<br />

Aug. 8, Sat. Aug. 22, Sat. Sept. 11, Fri. setups<br />

Sept. 12 & 13 Oct. 3, Sat. Oct. 17, Sat.<br />

DISTRICT 50<br />



INFO: Bob 530-365-2531<br />

PLACE: Byerly Ranch Arena, corner of Oak and Palm, 5710<br />

Oak Street, Anderson, CA.<br />

TIME: Sign Up 8:30AM Ride 9:00AM EVENTS CUTOFF 15<br />


Aug. 30, Sun. Sept. 13,Sun. Sept. 27,Sun.<br />

Oct. 18, Sun. Oct. 25, Sun. Nov. 8, Sun.<br />

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CGA Master Judges<br />

Chair - Shannon Rahn.... 209-712-5150 - Districts 5, 7, 27, 49, 50<br />

Sheri Herchkorn.......... 831-728-9128 - Districts 8 & 9<br />

B. J. Hohman............... 805-466-9043 - Districts 10, 14, 40<br />

Randy Young.............. 951-684-9058 - Districts 15, 20, 21<br />

Brent Engelhardt......... 951-678-1357 - Districts 17, 19, 22<br />

Belinda Harms............. 661-301-3132 - Districts 11, 18, 23 & 35<br />

Darlene Sandefur......... 209-858-4929 - Districts 6, 26, 32<br />

Andy Krogh .............. 760-505-8241 - Districts 12, 30, 33<br />

Rodger Odom ............ 831-623-1604 - Districts 1 & 45<br />

Janet Young ................ Provisional<br />

Explanation of 5-D Jackpots<br />

For All CGA State Sponsored Shows<br />

Note: District’s may alter all the Jackpot options as they choose for local shows running jackpots or<br />

Mystery jackpots<br />

Riders may optionally enter a jackpot for any or all of the regular events. The cost is an additional $5.00<br />

per event, and a rider may choose to enter the Jackpot for none, some, or all of the regular events. These<br />

jackpots are unrelated to the rider’s division or age, and whether or not they are riding a horse or a pony.<br />

They are based strictly on the time the rider achieves in that event. Only the times of the Riders entering<br />

the Jackpots count. The size of the payout is determined by the number of riders in the jackpot. The<br />

Payout is:<br />

Fastest ride - 40 % of the jackpot<br />

2-D ride - 30 % of the jackpot<br />

3-D ride - 10 % of the jackpot<br />

4-D ride - 10 % of the jackpot<br />

5-D ride - 10 % of the jackpot<br />

CGA - None. All jackpot money is paid back to the riders.<br />

2-D, 3-D, 4-D and 5-D rides are those that come the closest (without going faster) to the fastest time<br />

of those entering the jackpot +(plus) the adjustment factor for that event. The adjustment factors are<br />

listed below.<br />

Event 2-D Adjustment 3-D Adjustment 4-D Adjust. 5-D Adjust.<br />

BAR + 1.380 + 2.761 + 4.141 + 5.521<br />

BR + 1.120 + 2.241 + 3.361 + 4.481<br />

F8F + 3.130 + 6.260 + 9.391 + 12.521<br />

F8S + 0.820 + 1.640 + 2.461 + 3.281<br />

HS + 1.564 + 3.127 + 4.691 + 6.255<br />

KH + 1.317 + 2.634 + 3.951 + 5.268<br />

P1 + 1.534 + 3.067 + 4.601 + 6.135<br />

P2 + 2.367 + 4.734 + 7.101 + 9.468<br />

QR + 1.587 + 3.174 + 4.761 + 6.348<br />

SBL + 1.204 + 2.407 + 3.611 + 4.815<br />

SBR + 0.814 + 1.627 + 2.441 + 3.255<br />

SSR + 0.544 + 1.087 + 1.631 + 2.175<br />

BT + 2.035 + 4.070 + 6.105 + 8.140<br />

For example, if the fastest ride in Poles I was 10.990 seconds, and the jackpot was $400.00, then that<br />

rider would receive $160.00. The rider closest to the 2-D time of 12.524 (10.990 + 1.534) without<br />

going faster would receive $120.00. The rider closest to the 3-D time of 14.057 (10.990 + 3.067)<br />

without going faster would receive $40.00. The rider closest to the 4-D time of 15.591 (10.990 +<br />

4.601) without going faster would receive $40.00. The rider closest to the 5-D time of 17.125 (10.990<br />

+ 6.135) without going faster would receive $40.00.<br />

206<br />

CGA<br />

207<br />

CGA Officers<br />

President:<br />

Skip Hofman (exp.09).............................209-599-7209<br />

Email - moneyguy5@aol.com<br />

Past President:<br />

Ron Butts ...............................................760-949-2282<br />

Vice President:<br />

Conrad Fimbres (exp.09)........................661-270-0879<br />

Secretary:<br />

Megan Abatti (exp. 09)...........................805-459-6728<br />

Treasurer:<br />

Lesa Hofman (exp. 09)...........................209-599-7209<br />

Northern Vice President:<br />

Shannon Rahn .................................... 209-712-5150<br />

Central Vice President:<br />

Belinda Harms.....................................661-301-3132<br />

Southern Vice President:<br />

Andy Krogh ...........................................760-505-8241<br />

Judges/Rules Chairman:<br />

Shannon Rahn .................................... 209-712-5150<br />

Parlimentarian:<br />

Stacy Rivera............................................209-744-9591<br />

Elected Directors at Large<br />

Marta Weststeyn (exp. 10)....................760-488-1064<br />

Dianna Merrick (exp.09)........................707-447-6231<br />

Phyllis Odom (exp.09)...........................831-623-1604<br />

Kori Cruz (exp.10)..............................951-236-5361<br />

Christopher Rowles (exp.10)..................805-720-6604<br />

Andy Krogh (exp.09)..............................760-505-8241<br />

Arlene Tsuji (exp.10)..............................831-722-7322<br />

CGA Board Of Governors<br />

Chair - Sheri Herchkorn (exp.11).......... 831-728-9128<br />

Email - Sheri_poppins@hotmail.com<br />

Brent Engelhardt (exp.12)......................951-678-1357<br />

Rodger Odom (exp.10)......................... 831-623-1604<br />

Skip Hofman (exp.09)............................209-599-7209<br />

Appointed Board Members<br />

Janet Young......................951-684-9058<br />

Robert Frates......................209-852-9233<br />

Dave Bach..........................925-890-4655<br />

Sue Engelhardt.......................951-678-1357<br />

Sally Rivera-Lingafeldt.........209-744-9591<br />

Barry Rahn..............................209-712-5144<br />

Attention all Districts and Leaders<br />

If a show is rained out or cancelled you must notify<br />

the CGA Office within 24 hours of the cancellation.<br />

Also, if you will be using a raindate you must<br />

notify the CGA Office within one week of the date<br />

that you will use.<br />

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