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Candace Frieze. Part # 2

Introduction to Messages with the Masters<br />

by Candace Frieze, November 25, 2005<br />

The messages in this section, to those of you new to this project, have been given<br />

through me since January 31, 2005. The purpose was to announce the Second<br />

Coming Project on the Inter<strong>net</strong>. We chose to do this to not only provide knowledge,<br />

but to gain support, as the Second Coming event is not what many in the world are<br />

expecting. In fact, it will be a great deal more.<br />

The beings involved in the messages are Sananda Immanuel (Jesus), Christ<br />

Michael, the Creator Son of our Universe of Nebadon, and a variety of other Master<br />

teachers. You will come to know them better through the messages. The messages<br />

were given through me by the method of mental telepathy, which is common place<br />

for communications on other pla<strong>net</strong>s, and in other realms. I have personally met<br />

some of those that gave messages through me. There will be several more<br />

messages yet, given in this manner, planned for after the NESARA announcement in<br />

the USA.<br />

We hoped to encourage people to dream a bit, create some messianic ideas, and<br />

become rocks to those around them, who are unfamiliar with the reality of the event.<br />

Many advanced souls on Earth had become a bit depressed, especially after 911,<br />

and the messages restored their hopes and ambitions.<br />

It was planned to have the Second Coming Event by June 30th, of 2005. However,<br />

that did not happen. The Elite, that I label the BBB&G's (Big Bad Boys and Girls)<br />

chose to cause a lot of trouble.<br />

In early April, they were given notice by Christ Michael, to vacate their offices, and<br />

they chose not to do so. These BBB&G's have worked hard to delay the Second<br />

Coming, and as I write this today on November 25, this is close to happening. They<br />

are making their final arrangements to leave the country, as such, a resignation.<br />

They could have been forcefully removed, but that would make the Second Coming<br />

appear an invasion, rather than a sacred event.<br />

By the time you read this, hopefully this is happened, ushering in the first portion of<br />

the Second Coming Event, what is called NESARA. This will be followed by various<br />

contact activities with our star visitors from many places. We have a variety of star<br />

visitors in our skies, who are here to share their methods of advanced living with<br />

our pla<strong>net</strong>'s peoples, in an open manner. Then will come a large event, the actual<br />

Second Coming Event, which will be worldwide and glorious.<br />

This event inaugurates a period of change for the world. It opens the doors to many<br />

here upon the pla<strong>net</strong>, and our star visitors to heal, teach, and other wise enlighten<br />

Earth's peoples.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 1

By reading all of the messages, you will enhance your knowledge greatly. You will<br />

also take the journey that myself and my readers have taken since the first message<br />

given January 31, 2005. You will visit some of the difficulties that were encountered<br />

in the process. It was in sadness that we were unable to do the Second Coming<br />

event on the previous timetable, but in the waiting many problems are being solved<br />

that will make whole of the various parts flow much better. NESARA has continued<br />

to spread around the world in the waiting, other nations are not waiting on the USA<br />

to inaugurate changes for their peoples.<br />

Many of the messages were written to answer questions posed by readers. We went<br />

with the flow. I have left the messages as written then, only correcting a few missed<br />

typo's. Some probably still have a few typing or spelling errors. I give much<br />

information of my own through them also. I have added comments to several, and<br />

these are dated at the end of whichever message I added comments. Some of you<br />

may have trouble following the story, based on your particular knowledge when you<br />

come to the website.<br />

During the messages, I chose to make my readers aware of <strong>AbundantHope</strong>, my<br />

organization behind this web<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 2

Table of Contents<br />

Message<br />

Page<br />

Introduction to Messages with the Masters ........................................................... 1<br />

Table of Content ........................................................................................................ 3<br />

43 God Helps Those Who Help Themselves ............................................................. 5<br />

44 Hurricane Katrina .................................................................................................. 6<br />

45 My Singing Willow Tree ......................................................................................... 12<br />

46 Update on Rita, Christ Michael.............................................................................. 16<br />

47 We Have a Magisterial Son! .................................................................................. 25<br />

48 The Many Hats of Christ Michael, Coming Out of the Creator Son Box ............... 30<br />

49 Santa Claus is Not Coming to Town ..................................................................... 38<br />

50 Changes in the Second Coming Protocol ............................................................. 47<br />

51 Introducing Monjoronson ....................................................................................... 50<br />

52 Admiral Jhonka of the Ashtar Command .............................................................. 60<br />

53 The God Event ...................................................................................................... 68<br />

54 There Is No Liftoff Planned.................................................................................... 75<br />

55 Ashtar and Soltec Speak Out, and So Do I ........................................................... 78<br />

56 The Magisterial Mission, Part One ........................................................................ 86<br />

57 The Magisterial Mission, Part Two ........................................................................ 96<br />

58 As Above, So Below .............................................................................................. 105<br />

59 Update On Lebanon .............................................................................................. 110<br />

60 Update # 2 on Libanon .......................................................................................... 113<br />

61 Await The Timing in Grace .................................................................................... 115<br />

62 God’s Email Campaign .......................................................................................... 123<br />

63 Together We Have Made Known The Unknown ................................................... 129<br />

64 Important Forum Messages From Christ Michael ................................................. 148<br />

65 Update From Christ Michael.................................................................................. 154<br />

66 Update on Coming Changes ................................................................................. 158<br />

67 Concerning the V.K. Durham Story ....................................................................... 166<br />

68 Monjoronson On the Axis Change ........................................................................ 171<br />

69 Birthing a New Sun-Jupiter.................................................................................... 181<br />

70 Update on Progress Towards Stasis ..................................................................... 196<br />

71 Christ Michael is Taking Over the Pla<strong>net</strong> .............................................................. 200<br />

72 Stasis 101 .............................................................................................................. 206<br />

73 Very Brief Update from Christ Michael .................................................................. 214<br />

74 Jupiter is NOT Waiting until Late December ......................................................... 215<br />

75 We ARE NOT Evacuating the Pla<strong>net</strong> .................................................................... 222<br />

76 Christ Michael and General Radetsky Speak Strongly ......................................... 224<br />

77 Update on Banking Issues .................................................................................... 227<br />

78 Jupiter and “Full Inheritance”................................................................................. 229<br />

79 Armageddon as Prophesied is Close Upon Us ..................................................... 241<br />

80 Check Mate, perhaps .......................................................................................... 253<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 3

81 Did You Like the Results ..................................................................................... 254<br />

82 Soltec Provides an Update .................................................................................... 255<br />

83 What It Means to Serve 100%............................................................................... 260<br />

84 Change of Plans, The “Big One” is Coming .......................................................... 272<br />

85 Don’t Mess with the Daughter’s Wedding ............................................................. 276<br />

86 Brief Updating From Esu ....................................................................................... 277<br />

87 Americans Failed the 911 Test.............................................................................. 279<br />

END ............................................................................................................................. 290<br />

All writings by members of <strong>AbundantHope</strong> are copyrighted by<br />

©2005-2011 <strong>AbundantHope</strong> - All rights reserved<br />

Detailed explanation of <strong>AbundantHope</strong>'s Copyrights are found here<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 4

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves<br />

By Candace Frieze, and Lord Buddha<br />

# 43 August 24, 2005<br />

Hi Everyone, Lord Buddha began to give me this information on July 14. A way through the<br />

channeling, I began to ask quite a few questions, and argue with Buddha, as he doesn't<br />

believe we have done enough to help keep the beast from coming upon us. We had quite<br />

a few personal discussions, much about what happened to the movements in the late 60’s<br />

and 70’s, and why we aren't protesting adequately at this time.<br />

I had my fair share of excuses for all of us, besides myself. Let's see, lack of knowledge<br />

about just how big and bad the BBB&G’s are, how those of us baby boomers back then,<br />

got scared. Then we did what most people do, we got married and had kids. And with the<br />

having of kids, we turned away from active protest, because we had to work to feed the<br />

kids, and we had to make sure we came home at night and weren't rotting the in local jail,<br />

the results of protests.<br />

Buddha refused to buy a single one of my protests and stories to him. I whined about the<br />

having to have both parents work, to pay the bills to the matrix. I whined about the fact that<br />

the press got taken over and we didn't have the truth of the games played behind our back.<br />

I whined about the fact that the CIA et al. our organizations anyway, and caused them to<br />

disband or whatever. The matrix was already established it seemed, and we were caught<br />

up in it. Yada, Yada, yada, basically was his response.<br />

I had to look at my own life as an example. I knew we were messing up the world when I<br />

was a little kid, before we had TV. My main source of information was National Geographic<br />

Magazine. I sat by the hours reading them at my Grandmother's house. She had every<br />

issue since they had begun to be published. It was my look at the world. I lived in a small<br />

town, population around 2000 people.<br />

In my grade school years we practiced hiding under our desks during drills to prepare us<br />

for an atomic attack, like that would help. Anyone with even a little sense, which our<br />

teachers apparently did not have on this issue, would realize that the body will fry in the<br />

heat, and if not, radiation will do the rest. I lived in a bit of fear on this place, in those years.<br />

I know that some of you felt this also.<br />

During my high school years, I took care of my mother's babies she had when I was in high<br />

school. She was an alcoholic. I had two smaller brothers also. In the meantime, I was<br />

concerned about the environment, and in this interest I found no family support. I<br />

graduated in 1965, went on to college. I participated in variety of protests, and similar<br />

activities.<br />

That lasted less than a year, and I went home. I wasn't real brave with the protests, I didn't<br />

have the courage to face jail time. Last life for me, ended in Dachau, the concentration<br />

camp, for protesting, besides being a Jew. I had some hidden memories at that time.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 5

I went on to nursing school for a time, had lots of family problems, result of drunken<br />

abusive mother, so I ran away and got married, as I was pregnant. Three weeks after I got<br />

married, I miscarried. I should have left the marriage at that time. No more pregnancies for<br />

a while, so what did I do Well, I most certainly did not protest actively. I worried about not<br />

being able to get pregnant again.<br />

My husband dropped out of college, and to avoid the draft, (sound familiar anyone)<br />

enlisted in the Army. I did protest at work and socially over the years, but it seemed this<br />

made no difference, in fact, it caused me a lot of personal trouble. Finally the babies did<br />

come after infertility problems, and any thought of serious protesting went right down the<br />

tube.<br />

But I continued to protest in many little ways, often creating "visionary" ideas, which in<br />

reality were not so much visionary, but rather common sense. Life got harder and harder.<br />

My husband could not handle not being in college after his military obligation was finished,<br />

and he acquired several degrees, and I worked lots of part time jobs.<br />

No time to protest, as protesting at work meant the job went down the tubes, and the kids<br />

need a roof over their heads. Yada, Yada Yada, Buddha reminded me, I made my choices.<br />

And I did, not always the best choices. And I pointed out to him, so did the rest of us. We<br />

live only 70 years or so, and often a lot less. We spend 20 years growing up, we have our<br />

families, and our jobs to exist, playing the matrix game either intentionally, or going along<br />

with it, because we see no another way. Then we grow old and die in the matrix that is<br />

medical care. When were we supposed to change the world But you know, deep in my<br />

heart I know I could have done better, and think many of you could have too. Now to<br />

Buddha.<br />

Hello to one and all, I AM Lord Buddha and this is my first time working with Candace. I<br />

approached her around a week ago, just prior to the London bombings for a message. I<br />

had a little trouble connecting telepathically with her, I think because she was not<br />

expecting me to do so, having her "telephone" set to those with whom she is familiar. So<br />

during a rest period I sent a "sign" into her third eye indicating I wished to speak with her. I<br />

did get her attention with this maneuver.<br />

Sananda had informed me how telepathic she is, and my message indicated that Sananda<br />

wished her to connect with me.<br />

Candace: Regards the "sign" above, I have experienced this method of getting my<br />

attention a variety of times. The sign is always a long white rectangle, with bold black<br />

letters in it. It usually has the name of the person wanting to contact me. In the above<br />

instance I saw both the names Buddha and Sananda on it.<br />

Buddha: I AM your Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Logos, meaning the main spiritual representative to this<br />

world. I am thus, Lord of this World. This job means that I am in charge of the various<br />

schools that you attend during the night in the etheric realms. I am heavily involved with<br />

the Second Coming event in this manner, your teaching at night.<br />

I am not returning in the same manner that the other Masters are. I will not be working<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 6

directly in the Earth Plane. I will remain on the Other Side, as coordinator of the spiritual<br />

teaching schools. I assumed this position 20 years ago. The Seven Rays, held by the<br />

Masters involved have at their helm the Maha Cohan, and then I stand above that.<br />

Sananda is not under my realm, in that he is working directly with the Universal<br />

Government with Christ Michael, and as has been said already, he will be your Pla<strong>net</strong>ary<br />

Prince, which is a position with the Universal Government. Although I am head the spiritual<br />

hierarchy, I do not directly represent the Universal Government.<br />

Candace: I chose not to cover myself, the Rainbow Masters. They are well covered, by<br />

themselves, in Phoenix Journal #7, at www.fourwinds10.com. I highly recommend that you<br />

read this Journal, it is quite worthy of your time. Pay attention to the Epilogue by Aton<br />

(Christ Michael), those of you who still complain that God is not doing enough.<br />

Included amongst the Rainbow Masters, is the Lady Nada, who holds the 6th Ray. She is<br />

Sananda's twin flame. She was Mary Magdalene. She and Sananda indeed had a child, a<br />

girl named SaRa. Mary Magdalene went to France after the crucifixion, and arrived on<br />

shore, baby in her arms.<br />

As we have said, Sananda went on to India after the crucifixion. There he married another<br />

woman, and they had five children. He died a conscious death at over a hundred years old.<br />

This was by plan, and he and Mary Magdalene kept in touch via starship. You won't find<br />

this story in the Urantia, because, if you read the DaVinci Code, you have the idea that it<br />

was necessary to protect those that carried the Holy Ge<strong>net</strong>ics.<br />

Buddha: I was the Buddha who came to Earth about 2500 years ago. I am of course an<br />

Ascended Master. My teachings that I brought at that time were less messed with in some<br />

ways than those of Sananda and Mohammed. However, there was much confusion with<br />

other religions and belief systems at the time, and there was quite a bit of intermingling.<br />

Those belief systems at that time included Hinduism, and that of Lord Krishna.<br />

Buddhism was a very clear and simple teaching of living rightly. The concept of Nirvana,<br />

was simply the connection with the higher mind, which many of you now search for. I<br />

taught little of God, in the sense of what the concept has become, because there is not a<br />

bossy God, other than those that taught it to be so, the Anunnaki and others that invaded<br />

the Earth plane and made gods of themselves.<br />

I desired for that reason not to give the idea of God, but rather, the idea of finding Nirvana,<br />

and the sublime peace that occurs when the Universal mind is found. Finding universal<br />

mind however, is the result of the DNA rehooking itself, so that this can be accessed. I<br />

showed that could be done, and gave teaching of it, but as men then were much like men<br />

today, many chose to believe in the superficial gods in existence, and the concept of<br />

Nirvana was totally lost for the most part. But the simple rules of right living I gave spread<br />

far and wide, and made for much improvement in that area of the world.<br />

Today's Buddhism is a far cry from Buddhism back then, with many BBB&G’s corrupting it<br />

over the ages also. However, my ideas of peace mostly persisted and Buddhism is rarely<br />

used as a reason for warfare. But many practicing it today still are very unsure of what they<br />

are looking for.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 7

The books that are available are long and complicated, and seek to find Buddha, and be<br />

like Buddha, and what would Buddha do and believe in the moment. Instead, one needs to<br />

look into self, the light within, and that is what I taught, and still most followers continue to<br />

follow and look to others. I suppose in some ways, this is because the universal truths<br />

have not been presented accurately on Earth, or rather corrupted with layers upon layers<br />

of nonsense.<br />

I like pragmatic people, who do not get involved in the layers of nonsense. So very much<br />

time is wasted by the extensive following of whatever one follows. And I am going to<br />

comment, as we all are to those of you in New Age, that you also have been mightily<br />

manipulated into false practices and beliefs.<br />

Buddhism has been made very New Age and complex in these modern days, and thus<br />

difficult to understand. Many dissatisfied with Christianity are following Buddhism. The clue<br />

here, is the word "following." Your I AM does not need to follow, it needs more to Be.<br />

However, don't go overboard with this concept either, as many are just being, and not<br />

doing. Some are happy with this, easy to just be, and others are miserable because they<br />

are trying too terribly hard to just be, and inside chomping at the bit, to do, and stop being.<br />

The concept of Being does not mean happily existing and doing nothing, and being<br />

satisfied with that concept. Being actually is meant to be a term of activity, and not a term<br />

of rest. Every religion for the most part on Earth is encouraging people to leave it all to<br />

God, and just get by and exist. And you are existing yourselves right into the slavery that<br />

the BBB&G’s have been intending to put upon you. They want you to just be satisfied with<br />

this very lowly existence, and have put out this teaching into many religions.<br />

Although Buddhism is a spiritual concept, it has been made also into a religion. Its peace<br />

has been used to encourage passiveness, and this was never the intent. The intent was to<br />

find the Higher Self, that is Nirvana also. In finding the higher self, one finds God, which is<br />

all that is, and understands the life force that moves in everything. Buddhism did come to<br />

much more respect animals and the forces of the world, but most still don't get the concept<br />

of higher self. There is some greater concept of all is one.<br />

The teachings around Karma were greatly misunderstood, and I did not teach much about<br />

this, except that Karma is simply the learning of cause and effect. Getting off the wheel of<br />

Karma is actually not that difficult, except on this world, because there is not the teachings<br />

of true responsibility. Responsibility is personal. It is a choice. There is way too much<br />

acceptance that there are forces beyond ones control, and thus you don't rise up to it.<br />

The Hidden Hand concept, many know it is there, they sense the power plays in the world,<br />

but little is done to change it. And in not working to change it, you experience it further, you<br />

create and support the reality of the Hidden Hand. Now granted the Hidden hand, through<br />

its minions will attempt to punish you for resisting. This happened a great deal in the 60’s<br />

in the United States. But had you somehow kept it up, and in huge numbers you would be<br />

in a better place now.<br />

Candace: It was at this point, I interrupted Buddha's channeling and we began to argue. In<br />

addition to the protest issues, I have been working with questions on Karma, and problems<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 8

caused by our Other Side, which will be continued with in a second Buddha message.<br />

What follows next, he gave me a couple days ago. In terms of terrible weapons, I recently<br />

received an email describing a new weapon for crowd control (i.e., protesters) that Israel<br />

has in its possession. It uses sound waves, which cause great disorientation, and nausea<br />

and vomiting. It is touted as being a great way to control people without killing them.<br />

Perhaps this is what we saw on the news, in the statement that the police that removed the<br />

protesters were unarmed. Maybe they were armed a different way.<br />

Buddha: At this time, it has become greatly more difficult to resist, most are aware to<br />

some degree the terrible weapons that can be used against you. Most of you also fear<br />

death way too much, because even if you are aware of re incarnation it is not the norm of<br />

the knowledge of this Earth, out in the open, and you still feel that maybe you won't be in<br />

Heaven, so pervasive is the Heaven teaching.<br />

Heaven is a choice, to be lived in right now, and you can live in Heaven during a protest,<br />

you can live in Heaven while in jail, you can live in Heaven 24 hours a day, seven days a<br />

week, no matter what you are engaged in doing. I did not teach a day for prayer, I taught<br />

that everyday is for prayer, that every minute is a holy minute, and that by the acceptance<br />

of this idea, you will in time find Nirvana.<br />

Living the Holy Life, has become on this Earth, something that seems impossible to obtain,<br />

but yet it is so very simple an idea. It is about approaching every minute for the joy and<br />

learning to be had, no matter your occupation, or the condition under which you reside.<br />

Notice the "learning to be had" comment. When you stay at home, and hide, and don't<br />

enter into protests, knowing that it is needed, what is the learning from that What is the<br />

challenge to stay behind and hide Where is the courage in that<br />

Two or More in My Name is such a powerful concept, and yet when it comes to the<br />

courage to make a real difference, it is so little used. Instead, many come together in a<br />

church of some sort, pay their pastor money to do little, except build new churches<br />

dedicated to Jesus, and your power fizzles right out, The Pastor steals of it. You sit in your<br />

religious building on the day of your choosing in the particular faith, Friday, Saturday, or<br />

Sunday, and nowadays, usually Wednesday evening, and you give the power of your God<br />

within, to someone else.<br />

The most important circumstance I have watched, in the United States in recent years, is<br />

the use of religion, mostly Christianity in this case, to bring support to George Bush and his<br />

very evil machine. This requires the support of clerics, who have given their power over to<br />

the devil, to the beast, and most of them know this. Some do so with great intent, others<br />

because they have been told what they will do, and they do so in fear, but still they do it.<br />

What might happen if those that do it in fear, came together Two or More in My Name, in<br />

numbers, and told their congregations what was going on in Christianity Some of these<br />

clerics have huge memberships, and not everyone playing the follow me game is so dull<br />

that they would not respond to this.<br />

The reason Christianity is growing more than any other faith in America at this time, is<br />

because you do have somewhat better education and circumstances, have to spend less<br />

time than others in your work, and you have time left over to wonder what is going on, in<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 9

the game of life. There is genuine seeking going on, and people often do love the words of<br />

the Bible, the good words that were left in it, and they fall prey.<br />

Many do not find their answers in a particular church, so they try another and another.<br />

Some try on Buddhism, some try on Islam, and many just quit. Others, and this is the<br />

majority situation, stay on the final church they go to. By that time, they have been so<br />

brainwashed, they can't leave, even though they have not truly found their answers.<br />

They have succumbed to the beast. And many pastors are eager when they find they have<br />

a new member, who has tried church after church, and is tired of this traveling. This new<br />

member has become submissive. That's the submission to Christ, or for some, submission<br />

to Islam.<br />

Submission to God, is the most dangerous teaching upon the Earth. The will of God is for<br />

you to become Gods, or if this sounds a bit much, like God, all knowing. God does not plan<br />

your life for you, he does not will you to do his personal bidding's, such as carry on wars in<br />

his name, build churches in his name, harm others in his name.<br />

Oops, did I goof, putting "build churches in his name," in the middle of war and harm No, I<br />

most surely did not goof. For there is great harm being done by the endless money to the<br />

building projects, which must be obtained by getting people to church on Sunday, or<br />

Saturday, or Friday, and asking for the money. In return the person gets a really useless<br />

lecture, maybe a little brunch afterwards, sings some music that sounds pretty, but does<br />

great harm in the words.<br />

He gets told for his gift of money, that he knows Jesus, or Allah, or Jehovah and Yahweh,<br />

and has a ticket to Heaven. But money isn't the only item at issue, he gets told for his<br />

coming and following the rules and belief systems, that this requires his submissiveness,<br />

and so the person does so.<br />

Church is not the only place of the teaching of submissiveness. If you don't care for<br />

Church, you still get a lot of submissiveness in your education, your government rules,<br />

your societal controls of all sorts, and you swallow this right up. If you choose to be a<br />

Buddhist, you still get this, in the passivity taught.<br />

You don't need to gather up weapons to fight off the beast. You need to stop supporting<br />

the beast. But, again, most don't even recognize the beast. The beast controls very well<br />

through money, and you pay your money, either in tithing to your religious organization, or<br />

in the tithing to the government called personal income tax. Many of you do both.<br />

How many of you right now, are assisting in paying for Iraq, in the high prices of your<br />

gasoline Yes, I know, you need to submit to your job. What would happen, if for a week,<br />

the majority of the population said no, and didn't buy gasoline and didn't show up for work<br />

Would that make a difference I think so. I think the price of gas would come down rather<br />

rapidly.<br />

But again, the beast controls through ignorance. Many actually support the Iraq war, and<br />

happily pay for the gas. Many actually in the USA support the Iraq war on the grounds they<br />

need gasoline to work, and it is OK to rape another country for its resources. For the<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 10

slightly cheaper gas to be had. CHEAPER Oops, the price went up, Iraq didn't work the<br />

way it was supposed too.<br />

Now, you are getting a one time bailout, because the beast has gotten too powerful, and<br />

has terrible weapons of destruction. There are again concentration camps built, and my<br />

friends, these are not just in the USA, they have been built also in Europe, South America,<br />

India, Russia, Japan (yes peaceful Japan), China, Canada, and the list goes on. And,<br />

Christians, and Muslims, and Buddhists, and the common Jews, hear my words. THEY<br />

ARE FOR YOU!<br />

All of you, who consider yourselves, God's chosen people, well, the beast doesn't like God,<br />

and his people. Will you march into his camps, as happened in World War 2 Camps were<br />

not just in Germany and Poland my friends, they were in Russia, and China also. There is<br />

much about that war you do not know.<br />

What is about to happen, without our interference and help, is the greatest catastrophe in<br />

this Universe, this last holdout of the Universe BBB&G’s. Not to worry so much in this<br />

statement, because while you await NESARA, in the past year, much has been done to<br />

remove the greater beast, and NESARA and the Second Coming, and the Star people will<br />

remove the rest of the greater beast not yet gone.<br />

But there is still the lesser beast, those who are dark because of lack of knowledge, and<br />

hungry, and deprived. And if you do not take advantage of this interception, these will<br />

become the greater beast. AND THE EARTH SHALL STILL DIE.<br />

You must come out of submission, your must take your Godhood upon yourself, and stop<br />

waiting for God to do it all. You are God, this is the single most important teaching for the<br />

Earth at this time. YOU ARE GOD, YOU ARE GOD, YOU ARE GOD. Yes, you have the<br />

Creator Son here, he is God, but you are his body, you must do the work.<br />

This is a time of great challenge for the more educated souls, for the star people here,<br />

incarnate. You have to come out of submission to the Father, and become the Father in<br />

action. You read in Urantia, about the Thought Adjuster. The Thought Adjuster makes you<br />


FATHER/MOTHER GOD, if you are New Age persuasion. Start being the Father<br />

Fragments, Father God in action. BE THE FATHER.<br />

You have the opportunity now to fulfill your dreams, to fulfill the waiting. You are getting<br />

some assistance, some backup, some money. Now is the time to come out of limitation,<br />

out of submission and into Godhood.<br />

But to go back to what I was talking about earlier, you could have done much already, if<br />

not so asleep at the wheel. The power of Two Or More In My Name. Massive marches,<br />

long before Iraq should have occurred. Getting away from church and organizing in other<br />

ways, should have been your goal. The 60’s and early 70’s slipped away, and you slept.<br />

Look back at what Martin Luther King did. Yes, they killed him. But who else stepped up to<br />

the plate Yes, there was Kent State, and for a while some college students tried in<br />

rebellion, and then you slept. We watched you go off to church, and then you really slept.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 11

We watched some go into new age, and you too slept.<br />

In the 90’s, we tried to awaken you again, and we did awaken some, but not enough. It<br />

seems it took 911 to start a real awakening. We could have stopped that you know, but<br />

had we done so, you would have continued to sleep. We, the many of us Masters, and<br />

your star visitors, have prevented any more real 911’s, while your are waking up.<br />

Candace: Regards the awakening in the 90’s, included in that was Buddha's work with<br />

Neale Donald Walsch, in the Conversation with God books, and the Phoenix Journals. In<br />

addition there were many more materials that began to flood the market. Regards the<br />

Conversation with God books, the latest one, called "What God Wants" is short and<br />

exceptional. In it, Neale has done all of the writing, and Buddha says he is mighty proud of<br />

Neale, and his work.<br />

Buddha: Now you are somewhat more awake, but still not enough. Many are still not<br />

going to awaken with the Second Coming, but it should help. Many will still want God up<br />

there to fix the world, and see the star people maybe as God. You have a way of making<br />

anybody above yourselves in experience into Gods to solve your problems. YE ARE THE<br />

GODS.<br />

And before the beast so entrenched itself though deceit, through your allowance, with your<br />

support, you could have booted him out. You paid the taxes, and thanked the beast for<br />

supporting you. You paid the tithing and thanked the beast for someone to pray too. You<br />

stood in school, and did what you were told, even when you were big enough to not go to<br />

the principles office. You allowed the beast the control, because you looked the other way.<br />

This is the long story of Earth, and it is time to change the story. In the Bible it tells of a<br />

1000 years of peace, and then the devil will be loosed, even from the bottomless pit yet.<br />












Candace: I have more work to do on this particular message, and it will not fit into the<br />

email to continue on, so I will take up where I left off in the next message. I am making<br />

some changes in how I manage this project in the waiting for NESARA and the Second<br />

Coming. Many of you are requesting more messages. Yet I have so much email that takes<br />

my time.<br />

I too, am longing for change and to get on with the next phase. We have been at this for<br />

almost 7 months now. I long to write for the website. I want to move on. So I have come up<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 12

with a compromise that works for me. I still want you to write, but I will not answer as much<br />

of the mail, which is horribly pilled up. Rather, I will write more messages, and answer<br />

questions through the messages, since I know, that if one person writes, there are others<br />

with a similar question that do not. I will finish with Buddha, and I may still ask Maitreya for<br />

something, that you might know his journey better. I also, when allowed to do so will<br />

release a message that I have mentioned recently, from a person of prominence that left<br />

this plane.<br />

I am tiring a little also, in finding and running down Masters to work with, although it has<br />

been a joy to introduce them to you. Sananda has moved on with his personal projects that<br />

are important in these days of waiting, projects that would already be up and running had<br />

the Second Coming not been delayed.<br />

So, you will have to put up with me. It is time for me to step into my own shoes. I AM an<br />

Ascended Master from my pla<strong>net</strong> of origin, Myrua of Alcyone. I AM a Christed being. My<br />

organization, <strong>AbundantHope</strong> is working with the Office of the Christ. It is a Second Coming<br />

organization. By writing more messages, and answering less email, I can thus write for the<br />

organization, through these future messages, and I can reach more people, than I can<br />

answering one letter at a time. So, you may expect the continuation of the work with<br />

Buddha in a few days, rather than a week. Please do ask questions that you would like to<br />

see answered on website, that have not been adequately addressed in these messages.<br />

NESARA is very close now to announcement, the nitty gritty details have been addressed<br />

and coordinated. I have recently received questions from people hearing on forums that<br />

there will be an assassination attempt on Sananda and his group during the Second<br />

Coming event. Not so, even though the BBB&G’s would love to attempt this. There is quite<br />

adequate "protection" and this will not occur.<br />

The forums continue to be "invaded" by the dark, planting ideas to cause fear and<br />

separation. I have a marvelous suggestion for those of you in the forums. Instead of<br />

debating on whether I am legit or not (full of BS on one of them), why not go read some<br />

Phoenix Journals, and get an education, and then talk to each other about what is read.<br />

I see lots and lots of empty talk on these, which is why I don't participate in them, and also<br />

why I rarely visit them, unless I receive email asking questions. I then check out the posts<br />

to get a better understanding of the question asked in the first place. I can put my own time<br />

to better use, by not spending time looking at the forums. I did participate in a forum a<br />

couple years ago, and I considered that a disaster, but did learn a good deal about forums<br />

in the process. I see a great deal of waste of mind and typing on them. They could be<br />

much improved, if the posters were to educate themselves a bit better, and have a more in<br />

depth discussion of the issues.<br />

Take care, Candace<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 13

Hurricane Katrina<br />

By Candace Frieze, Germain<br />

# 44 August 28, 2006<br />

Hi everyone. I have several important announcements today, and I would like all receiving<br />

this message to post it immediately if possible. You are seeing on TV today, much talk of<br />

Hurricane Katrina. Please understand, that a decision had to be made to cancel the<br />

NESARA announcement for this weekend, as the media must be used at this time for the<br />

protection of the people of the region. This is the largest Category 5 hurricane in recent<br />

history of the United States.<br />

Notice that last year, there was a similar hurricane that was headed for New Orleans. That<br />

hurricane's energy was lessened by the Galactic Federation, and it's direction changed, so<br />

that New Orleans was not a direct target. These hurricanes are in part the creation of the<br />

dark side. You are going to see that HAARP was used, and that IS NOT TRUE this year. It<br />

has been shut off.<br />

This hurricane is a natural occurrence. However, it is mind controlled by the BBB&G’s,<br />

mostly in 4D, enhancing the hurricane, and its direction. They still want to sink New<br />

Orleans. Note however, as you watch it's progress, that it is moving away, to the west of<br />

New Orleans. The fact that it is a Category 5 at this point is the result of the forces of light.<br />

In whipping up its strength while over water, it will "poop out" to a great degree before it<br />

hits land.<br />

It can't be totally stopped, but it will be mitigated. If you live in the area affected, please do<br />

not in the reading of this, assume you will be safe. Please follow the evacuation orders<br />

given, as this will still be a hurricane. I would consider moving inland by anyone in its path,<br />

please follow common sense. I will discuss something of mind control from 4D later in this<br />

message. In the meantime, try to not buy into the fear being generated by the press at this<br />

time, in the descriptions being given about what the demise of New Orleans might entail.<br />

Also, Mr. Bush supposedly gave a voice only message from Crawford Ranch today,<br />

carried live by CNN and Fox News. Any of you watching this may have noticed background<br />

noise and distortion. Then, you may have heard the announcement that after the speech,<br />

that there will be a visual done later of the speech. This is because this is not Mr. Bush<br />

speaking. It couldn't be filmed for this reason. That is the reason for the background noise.<br />

So now, they will use a past film of Mr. Bush, possibly create some computer generated<br />

speech to sound more like Mr. Bush, and then put this film before the public. I need not say<br />

more at this moment.<br />

Now to the next issue; I have received some very troubling information the past week.<br />

Since I did not know how to answer these issues, it was necessary for me to seek out<br />

Germain for his advice. I read a number of messages to him. Today he would like to<br />

respond personally. I would like also to mention here, I have had a number of people make<br />

claims that I am lazy, and then complain that I don't answer every letter. I have been told of<br />

comments made on forums, when someone is unhappy the letters are not answered.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 14

I cannot answer all, I get much more than I can attend. This example right now with<br />

Germain shows that as a member of the Second Coming committee, I must attend to a<br />

variety of issues requiring my time, including attempts to steal of various funds, and other<br />

games being played. This activity takes precedence over the answering of individual email,<br />

and at times takes away time from writing messages. I am not answering much email<br />

today, because I am writing, and this must go out today.<br />

Germain: Hello everyone, It is I St. Germain. I am needing this day to correct some stories<br />

circulating amongst those expecting to receive of the prosperity funds. First, I am going to<br />

ask any of you, who have been approached and given misleading information to contact<br />

Candace, and give her the name of the person and details of this. I am smelling a huge rat,<br />

another plan of the BBB&G’s to collect prosperity funds for themselves, and take the light<br />

workers off the lists.<br />

Such was the case with my Humanitarian program recently, when one Sandra MacFarland<br />

was playing her little game. Apparently she is now involved in another game. This is for<br />

you, Sandra, you are hereby ordered by myself personally to stop of this activity. And I<br />

want everyone that Sandra is influencing to refuse to give her names, or even talk to her.<br />

She is not working for the light. Ignore her please.<br />

Now to those who know you are part of the various prosperity funds, I am telling you not to<br />

follow these various dubious instructions. When you have the courier knocking on your<br />

door with your distribution, there will be instructions for you about how your gift should be<br />

distributed. In fact, you will receive a detailed booklet, on the rules and some good<br />

suggestions for your distribution activities.<br />


ANYONE AT THIS TIME. Wait until you have the instructions that arrive personally from<br />

the distribution banks, and follow these instructions. There is no requirement whatsoever<br />

that you have a certain number of names, or that your names have to provide more<br />

names, to receive the full benefit of your gifting.<br />

This is because, and get this please, there is an ongoing attempt to collect light workers<br />

names and information, and to do them harm down the road after NESARA and the<br />

Second Coming. The BBB&G’s plan to survive all of this, by depriving your of your money,<br />

and using it themselves. Keep who you wish to gift to yourself, and none other at this time.<br />

There is also a rumor being put out that you cannot receive from both a prosperity<br />

program, and the farm claims program. This is not true; they are separate. If you originally<br />

participated in more than one fund, you shall be receiving from more than one fund.<br />

There is also an apparent problem of some being told they are in a fund, and these people<br />

don't know why, as they never even heard of said fund, nor did they do anything to<br />

participate in one. This is very sad, because what is going on, is that these persons are<br />

then being used to provide names, along with addresses and phone numbers! The story<br />

being, that the address and phone number is required. Yes, it will be required, but again,<br />

you will be told with papers from the courier, about how to do this.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 15

I am offering my personal apologies to any who have found themselves victimized into<br />

believing they are receiving from a major fund, and they are not. Those of you who are the<br />

true recipients, and you know who you are, I encourage you to come to the aid of some of<br />

these who have been taken advantage of, in the get the names game.<br />

The farm claims program was invested in by those who participated in those legal actions<br />

of many years ago now. If you were part of that lawsuit, you will be receiving the benefits of<br />

it. This is totally separate from the prosperity funds. It is also being said, that only the Big O<br />

will pay out, and this is not true. There are prosperity funds existing, by my creation, that<br />

are not even of the original programs. Everything you are hearing is rubbish. Do not waste<br />

you worrying skills that you have developed so well, on this issue. Shut thy mouths and thy<br />

ears please.<br />

By buying into Sandra MacFarland and those she is using to her benefit, you give her<br />

power and names of people to hurt later on. I repeat once more: DO NOT GIVE OUT ANY<br />















I am asking that readers not write to Candace to inquire about various funds. She does not<br />

know of all of them, and will not give out any information anyway, to protect the security of<br />

the project. Only send her information that might provide intelligence that would be<br />

beneficial in removing the current rat. I mean no disrespect to the nice animal called the<br />

rat.<br />

She also would have no idea of who the real members of the programs are. So do not<br />

write to ask if you are a real person, or a person who has been deceived. I am saddened<br />

that some are going to find themselves deceived. However, remember that if you are an<br />

American Citizen over the age of 21, you will be receiving of substantial prosperity through<br />

the tax and credit rebate program we have discussed before. You will be receiving $75000<br />

a month, until you have received $10 million dollars.<br />

The economy is being restructured, everything being reduced in price, and wage to 10% of<br />

current market. So, to put that into perspective, in today's markets, this would have the<br />

buying power of $750,000 a month. And with the decrease in prices, if your rent payment is<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 16

$1000 a month, it will be $100 a month. If you food costs $200 a month, it will cost $20 a<br />

month. Remember however that your wages, of say $3000 a month, are going to be $300<br />

a month. It must all be equal.<br />

This would be a good time to visit www.nesara.us, run by my good friend and associate,<br />

Dove, for the details. We have been working to locate those whom Sandra MacFarland<br />

and her crowd did deceive in the game played with my Humanitarian Funds. I should also<br />

say, that the Humanitarian Funds are different from the Prosperity funds. The prosperity<br />

funds, for the most part, were investment instruments. There are some prosperity funds<br />

that are of a different sort.<br />

The Humanitarian Funds are grants that must be applied for. These are to fund<br />

Humanitarian works, which do not generate income. They can't be used for business<br />

activities that would generate profits. For honest business activities related to the New<br />

World, such as retooling factories for new methods, developing new methods of energy,<br />

any business that would work in a spiritual manner, can be funded through the prosperity<br />

funds, and this is a major use for them.<br />

Also, within a few days after the NESARA announcement, banks will be providing business<br />

loans in a totally new manner, without high interest rates. You may apply for those if you<br />

have a good business idea. Those of course are loans, but the bank will obtain its money<br />

from investing in your business in a different manner than high interest, and other punitive<br />

fees. And of course, many funds will simply be given away to those in need, as those of<br />

you in the programs are aware. I think I am now finished for this message, I bid you peace<br />

and prosperity! Salu, I AM St. Germain.<br />

Candace: I want to reiterate here, that the booklet being distributed with the prosperity<br />

funds is very detailed. I would ask that you not write to me at this time regards instructions<br />

or ideas around the funds. I do want to receive material that might help in staving off the<br />

rat. Please draw attention to this in the subject line. If you do have information, do not hit<br />

the reply button from this mailing, as I might not open it. Write an email so that the subject<br />

clearly expresses that you are sending information related to Germain's comments. I will<br />

send a short email thanking you, so that you know I received it. The games the BBB&G’s<br />

play lately with the email get more outstanding every day.<br />

I remind all of you, I do not send attachments or files, and I do not send cards either. Even<br />

if you receive an answer from me, and there is an attachment, I did not send it. I forwarded<br />

an email with simple but good advice recently from a lawyer. The advice was in the body of<br />

the email I received. I used the forward button to send it on to everyone on my list.<br />

I wrote that if there was an attachment, do not open. Well, the BBB&G’s added an<br />

attachment and guess what, several people did open it. Some found the advice; others<br />

found nonsense lettering. Some of you might have sick computers now for ignoring my<br />

warning. Some received the email exactly as I forwarded it, without an attachment. I sent<br />

the message, just once to everyone on the list. I fail to understand why some got the<br />

correct forwarding, and others got the attachment. And some simply got my short<br />

paragraph, and nothing else. Amazing.<br />

Now, the final topic, 4D influence. Many of you write emails, wondering why the light<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 17

workers are both ignored, and that life feels so hard. In many cases 4D influence is the<br />

reason. Ministers are famous for saying, now don't let Satan get your soul. Then they don't<br />

tell their members how Satan operates. We are not talking here about an entity called<br />

Satan. We are talking about the bad Anunnaki, the bad Orion's, and the negative souls on<br />

the other side in the lower astral realms and the negative thought forms.<br />

These beings can trigger or impulse people in 3D. Often they are not successful in a direct<br />

attack on light workers, as the light worker intuits their presence. These beings instead<br />

trigger those around you who are not aware of this, to cause you trouble. I imagine this is<br />

the issue with me being picked on by my Mobile Home park management. They just came<br />

by recently, and mowed down two flower gardens, and then had to audacity to bill me $35<br />

for this experience.<br />

Many of you have family members that can be triggered to some way to make your life<br />

miserable. You can go to a hospital, and sense that they might be making you worse. And<br />

people can be triggered to tell you, that you are full of "!!!!!!" if you try to tell them about<br />

NESARA, or anything else. Often, when you feel frustrated by others in your life, these<br />

others often do not fully realize what they are doing. However, sometimes they do. They<br />

ones doing it out of intention, are easier to handle sometimes. It is the confusion caused by<br />

the behavior of those that don't realize this. You neighbor, whom you normally get along<br />

with, can say something totally outlandish that is unexpected, and leave you confused.<br />

Your bank can cause you individual trouble, your Doctor can seem to single you out, as<br />

can your boss and co-workers. This is the final battle between good and evil, and the evil<br />

are quite up to the game. They know the Earth is being flooded with star people, and they<br />

can't necessarily attack the star person of higher ability and dimension, but they can sure<br />

make their lives miserable.<br />

Incarnating star people in this day, have to choose their parents very carefully. They can't<br />

incarnate into a family with multiple problems, as these parents can be provoked to hurt<br />

them. Such would be my case growing up. My mother was not the nicest of persons, but I<br />

watched many a time her fly into a rage, that was totally inappropriate to the situation at<br />

hand. I suspect, as I look back at my younger years, that she was triggered. I don't want to<br />

spend a lot of time today on this, just a little wake up call. However, help is on the way!<br />

The Second Coming event is going to be much more than just a big show and tell contact<br />

event. The Earth's lower astral fields are going to be cleansed of these negative folks in<br />

other dimensions in one swoop. Plus there will be the injection of much positive energy into<br />

the mag<strong>net</strong>ic fields, ley lines and other energy systems of the Earth.<br />

As the result of this activity, nightmares are going to decrease greatly. People are not<br />

going to see shadowy characters in the mist anymore. And those around you, if they create<br />

havoc in your life, they will be the creators of this havoc, not a 4D entity stimulating them.<br />

You are not going to find icky thought forms stuck in your aura's, nor will there be any<br />

strange entities sharing your body, sort of like a possession. No more demons. All this stuff<br />

goes away.<br />

This will, in a short time improve your life a good deal. You should be able to better identify<br />

whom you trust and whom you do not. It will be a simpler case of, "by their fruits you shall<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 18

know them." I need to point out, at this time; this removal is not of those incarnate. There<br />

will not be millions upon millions leaving the Earth plane overnight. I don't know myself how<br />

the Second Coming event will feel, physically and spiritually as it happens, but I suspect<br />

the Earth is going to feel substantially lighter, the day after.<br />

I am telling you this, because I know we are going to feel the energy change as it happens,<br />

over a 24-hour period, and I don't want you to fear it, because you don't know what is<br />

going on. The reason for the comment of the 24 hour period, is that the cleansing will all be<br />

in one area, and as the Earth turns over the 24 hour period, all of it will be cleansed. You<br />

should not feel of this for a whole 24 hours. We will feel something, because we are energy<br />

beings.<br />

Your health should improve from this greatly. Depression should decrease also. It will be<br />

easier to maintain your energy fields. In fact, it should be easier for you to participate in<br />

your own healing. The time is now, to stop letting people manipulate you. There is much<br />

new age nonsense that says you have to have these thoroughly icky experiences for your<br />

growth, or that you have been programmed before birth to experience.<br />

Buddha, in the second message by him, will be addressing common, mistaken beliefs<br />

around karma, and pre life determination. Those in New Age are being controlled by the<br />

mistaken belief systems present, just as are those in organized religion. Earth is just a<br />

mass of belief systems. Most of the matrix is enabled by belief systems, rather than by<br />

force.<br />

These are in education, our work environment, our family controls, and on and on. When I<br />

asked my list members a couple months ago for matrix stories, I didn't get many really<br />

good stories, and I think this is because most people are totally unaware of the matrix. If<br />

one's life seems more or less OK, the matrix is not seen, even by those who have been<br />

told of its existence.<br />

The next message, which is nearly finished will talk about co creation, and is a continuation<br />

of the previous Buddha message. Buddha will not be in this next one, but the one after.<br />

This message today is necessary because of the hurricane and the problems people are<br />

facing in the prosperity funds. Once the emergency portion of the hurricane is past, the<br />

NESARA announcement can take precedence again. Take care, Candace<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 19

My Singing Willow Tree<br />

By Candace Frieze & Christ Michael<br />

# 45 September 22, 2005<br />

Hi everyone: Christ Michael gave me this yesterday afternoon. I will be unavailable to<br />

answer mail over the Labor Day weekend. Read on after Christ Michael's portion to<br />

discover the reason for the title of this message.<br />

Christ Michael: Dear One and All, it is I Christ Michael. As you may notice we have had a<br />

turn of events with the Hurricane in the south of the United States. There were man made<br />

manipulations in the flooding that occurred, and past that, for the time being I will say no<br />

more, so that I do not give any clues to our BBB&G’s of what we know.<br />

At this time, I am relieving Candace of writing these messages. She has become a huge<br />

target to them, and our GF guard service to her has had to be increased. She came under<br />

a missile attack recently. She was shielded, and nothing came of seriousness. We have<br />

had to provide increased protection around everyone she knows at this moment, and it is<br />

advisable to lay low for a while.<br />

She needs a bit of rest and some more healing over this period, and she needs time to do<br />

her end of our work, and 24 hours a day, does not provide enough time for her duties.<br />

Remember she is an active member of our team, and does a great deal more than answer<br />

mail and write messages.<br />

I will not be doing any more public messages at this time for the security of our people on<br />

the ground. You are going to have to go into a state of trust at this moment. I will remind<br />

you, that anyone posting by the name of Hatonn would not be me. Recently, I was<br />

informed, by my star people who check the Inter<strong>net</strong> that Nancy's fake Hatonn issued quite<br />

a message shortly after the Hurricane, stating that basically the USA would have been<br />

divided into 2 parts, along the Mississippi, had the Hurricane been totally successful. This<br />

is a huge exaggeration, but the heavy flooding of the Mississippi was a desired outcome.<br />

The Hurricane was a natural event in its inception, but it was enhanced by BBB&G’s in<br />

other realms. As we stated in these messages last spring, HAARP and scalar technologies<br />

were totally disabled on the Earth plane, and remain so. The enhancement was more<br />

along the lines of mind control. This should show you how powerful mind can be. It was<br />

even enhanced somewhat by 3D folks on Earth, in the excitement raised by the media.<br />

Many people "willed" the hurricane, for the thrill of it all.<br />

We did what we could. We attempted to divert the hurricane westward, to areas less<br />

populated, well west of the Mississippi. We lost a bit there, so we moved it a bit east, by<br />

joining our energy with the BBB&G’s energy, who were pushing it east from our desired<br />

direction. In the process, the hurricane eye went well east of New Orleans. Not our desired<br />

result, but the next best of possibilities. We sucked air out of the western edge, which<br />

greatly protected New Orleans.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 20

In the speeding up of the Hurricane, not its winds, but its forward speed, it moved very<br />

quickly over land, dropping far less rain that the BBB&G’s wished, so there is not<br />

catastrophic flooding in the aftermath. Plus the winds were slowed substantially when it hit<br />

landfall. It was around a slow Category 2 at that time.<br />

There is a lesson in this my friends. New Orleans should not be rebuilt, and I would advise<br />

the entire world to get over the habit of building residential areas close to the sea. It never<br />

has been a good idea. Far less life would have been lost in the Tsunami of last December,<br />

had people lived only a mile or two back from the sea, in fact, just 30 feet above sea level<br />

where possible. This would apply also to Mississippi region that experienced destruction.<br />

Ye make many mistakes. What will happen in the USA if Mount Rainier went off near<br />

Seattle Now that is a great inland port, sitting on a lovely quiet bay. It is fine to have<br />

shipping there, but no residential areas surrounding these. The Indians of the region<br />

warned long ago of the probability of Mount St. Helen's and Mount Rainier going off. Even<br />

though Mount Vesuvius went off long ago, could it not again And people in that region<br />

plan only to hopefully evacuate again.<br />

You settle on Earthquake faults. San Francisco suffered a great quake close to 100 years<br />

ago, and that seems forgotten. Ye try to build buildings resistant to nature, and that is fine,<br />

except in these regions. You can have your shipping facilities, but not the housing. You<br />

see sadly in New Orleans, what happens if you live in a city below the sea level. As I said<br />

in the beginning, there is more that took place than the hurricane, in this sad situation.<br />

Your government has refused help from the whole world. Look at the white and black new<br />

buses transferring people to Houston. These are not what they say on them, these are<br />

Homeland Security Buses, and they have intentions beyond emergency evacuation in their<br />

uses.<br />

Now we are still going to intervene, of that have no doubt, but I cannot openly in this<br />

message tell the BBB&G’s what we have planned, so you must go into trust, and not beg<br />

of Candace to hear from me or others right now. I am retiring her from this project for her<br />

safety, and that of everyone she has in her circle. If we do decide we wish a message, she<br />

will then do this service, but only then. She will continue her other works with us, and when<br />

the time is right, she will notify you of her plans. WE MUST COME LIKE A THIEF IN THE<br />

NIGHT. I AM Christ Michael, Sovereign Son of Nebadon.<br />

Candace: Now I want to say a bit. There is an expression (and I thank the friend who<br />

reminded me of it) from the Bible; the sins of the father will be visited upon the sons, even<br />

unto the 7th generation. This does not mean, as some have used it violently, that the sin is<br />

carried through the bloodline.<br />

It means that future generations suffer the errors of those before them. And such is New<br />

Orleans, and rest of the Gulf coastline. New Orleans suffered 12 significant hurricanes<br />

between 1800 and 1850. There may have been more, to say nothing of tropical storms.<br />

Biloxi has been leveled before. New Orleans was a swamp before it was settled. And it is<br />

also at the base of a large inland sea, filled with water from a large bay, which is in turn<br />

connected to the Gulf. New Orleans has apparently also been settling over the years. The<br />

Mississippi River continually remodels the region over time.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 21

Yet the people living there today suffer from the decisions of their fathers, the founders.<br />

And yet, why did not the people born in the region try to move away There is current<br />

personal responsibility here also. And then there is the issue of those that drowned in their<br />

homes. I realize that not everyone could leave the city, no money, and no transportation.<br />

But moving to higher ground was a good idea. Some may have returned to their homes<br />

after the storm, however, thinking it safe to do so.<br />

As to the storm itself, the Gulf hurricanes blow counter clockwise, so that when the eye hit<br />

the region, the western winds would have actually blown the sea away. The eastern winds<br />

brought the sea upon the Mississippi coastline. These apparently are always the stronger<br />

winds, the eastern winds. And there sits Biloxi, right on the beach, also the gambling<br />

casinos.<br />

Had the eye been diverted west word, these very winds would have blown north over New<br />

Orleans, and since it sits inland, Lake Pontchartrain would have been blown away from<br />

New Orleans.<br />

Had the eye gone over New Orleans, however, the large bay, labeled Lake Borgne on my<br />

map, would have been pushed into Lake Pontchartrain and then the western winds,<br />

blowing south would have carried the lake down into New Orleans. This was the wish for<br />

result by our BBB&G’s. They hoped of course the dikes would be overtopped.<br />

These same winds, as they blew around the circle, would have pushed the Mississippi into<br />

New Orleans. Also, the winds change directions, after the eye passes. Actually they don't<br />

change direction, they were blowing the opposite direction already, and this event would<br />

have created great wind damage to New Orleans. This no doubt created much of the wind<br />

destruction on the Mississippi coastline.<br />

All of this has been known forever. You can figure the above yourself, knowing only that<br />

the winds flow around the eye, which in the Gulf is counter clockwise. So why do people<br />

take an intentional risk. Lord only knows.<br />

I am taking a break for a few days over the weekend, probably for a week. I am working on<br />

other portions of my organization, and the website. I plan to open the website in the near<br />

future.<br />

I would like at this time to thank all of the websites who have made this project possible, in<br />

publishing the material. I would like to thank Patrick Bellringer especially, as his large world<br />

wide influence made this project possible in the first place, and I have appreciated my<br />

contacts with him and Anne over these months.<br />

The messages will continue after my break, but differently. I need my own home, this is<br />

why I will shortly open the website. This will allow me to post a wide variety of different<br />

material. I do intend to finish the work with Buddha after my break. I am not going away,<br />

just getting on with my work, as is Sananda at this time, during our continued wait. There<br />

are serious plans in the making, and as Christ Michael said, for security, we must not<br />

discuss them publicly at this time. Security breeches have been a problem, and there were<br />

some recently yet again.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 22

I found the missile attack alarming, because I was aware of it. I listened to the missile<br />

sizzle loudly in my shield, which passed through my large willow tree, for at least 10<br />

minutes as it disintegrated. This will forever be my "singing willow tree" story. What<br />

horrified me, was not that it was shot at my house, yes that did, but that had it missed, it<br />

would have damaged neighbors homes, and any people at home. Even had just my house<br />

blown up, the neighbors could have still been harmed.<br />

To the BBB&G’s trying to take me out, please understand I didn't originate NESARA, and<br />

you are making yourselves look bad in your games, because they will be exposed. All of<br />

them, from long before 911, to New Orleans, are going to come out, and be exposed, by<br />

the many involved in doing so. The assorted movements to do so have been very<br />

successful. Time a wave a white flag.<br />

Time to heal the pla<strong>net</strong>, rather than destroy it. Yes, you read these messages, it has been<br />

proven by those who track you, and you do not cover your tracks very well in the attempts.<br />

I am protected rather well by the Galactic Federation, as you most certainly discovered in<br />

the failed attack on my home.<br />

And the source of the order to do so has been identified. I have not been personally<br />

informed of who placed to order, but those that guard me do know. And you are not going<br />

to be able to remove them. What would have been the excuse presented by the media for<br />

my blown up home Oh I know, a gas leak, how original. Take care, Candace<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 23

Update on Rita, Christ Michael<br />

By Candace Frieze and Christ Michael<br />

# 46 September 25, 2005<br />

Hello one and all, I am Christ Michael, and it now time to talk in more detail around the<br />

recent hurricanes. Many of you noticed that Rita seemed to have a change in plans and<br />

intensity and that is so, because of our help and yours.<br />

I want to thank all who personally took it upon themselves to visualize a different outcome,<br />

from the one encouraged on the TV. This assisted our work greatly. Now I want to discuss<br />

something special we did that changed the course of Rita. We turned Russia's HAARP and<br />

scalar energy programs back on. If you recall, we turned off all of these technologies world<br />

wide last spring to avoid their misuse, which could have destroyed the pla<strong>net</strong> by igniting<br />

her atmosphere and rendering thousands of years of work with the pla<strong>net</strong> useless.<br />

We are personally in control of these technologies in Russia. We chose to do this after<br />

Katrina, as our technologies from ship are not as effective as the ground technology, in<br />

manipulating the ionosphere. Some of you may have noticed the increase of scalar clouds,<br />

and chemtrails. Be not concerned about this, as were are in control of these, and using<br />

them to your benefit.<br />

We could have completely eliminated the storm, I mean completely, had we also had the<br />

American technology running, but we cannot control this at this time. But the results were<br />

impressive, were they not! Despite the bad reporting of the media, this was not a Category<br />

3 when it made landfall, it was at the upper range of your classification of tropical storm,<br />

just under a Category 1.<br />

We would have eliminated this particular storm shortly before landfall, to still allow Earth to<br />

vent a bit. This was again, a mind-controlled storm by your BBB&G’s, the power of 2 or<br />

More in Their Name. Your own intervention by mind helped us out, as I mentioned above.<br />

Consider this knowledge please, that weather can be manipulated by mind.<br />

Had more people known this and participated actively in envisioning the storm<br />

disappearing, changing directions, or whatever, you could have balanced out the dark<br />

sides intentions. Many still unknowingly aid the dark side by not knowing they could affect<br />

the storm by mind. Thus they helped support the storm.<br />

One day, when the knowledge is out there to many people, and the news has become<br />

honest, you will be amazed what you can do, with the minds of all of you in concert. Once<br />

this occurs, this concept, Earth will need much less cleansing, and the cleansing needed<br />

can be directed to where it will not cause harm. These hurricanes do not need to come<br />

onto land, in order to cleanse.<br />

The reason there is the damage in the flooding to the Louisiana coastal area, is simply<br />

because this is bayou territory, very low to sea level, making drainage difficult. This storm<br />

did have a lot of water in it. But back to HAARP and scalar technology used. I would like to<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 24

give a short description of what we did with the technology.<br />

First we cooled the ionosphere well north of the storm, changing the jet stream and<br />

keeping the storm out at sea a bit longer. The jet stream manipulation also changed the<br />

direction of the storm away from Houston. We also cooled the air above the storm. Heat<br />

flows naturally to the cooler area. Does not the heat in your home, if you open the windows<br />

in the winter, flow outside It will flow outside until the temperature in your home would<br />

equal that of the outdoors around your home. This means, it occurs until the balance is<br />

found.<br />

This is how energy operates, period. This is another example yet, of what I explained<br />

about finding the void last April, in which we have to have the void before the Second<br />

Coming, it is simply the nature of any energy exchange. Two different energies, when they<br />

meet will seek the balance, it makes no difference the conditions or types of energy. All<br />

seeks balance.<br />

Now if we have the energy of the mass consciousness slightly to the light at the Second<br />

Coming, there is a bit of imbalance, a good thing in this case, because as the energies of<br />

mass consciousness seek balance, and the energy leans to the light, you pull the dark<br />

energy "up" into the light, until there is again balance.<br />

Increase again the light, as will happen many a time in the coming years, and the balance<br />

will be sought, further bringing the dark into the light. Now you understand from this, that if<br />

the dark is the stronger energy, it will suck from the light, lowering it. This is why I said<br />

back then, if we come before there is the void, the balance, the dark win.<br />

Now you also have heard with Rita, that because of the jet stream being down so low, the<br />

storm would stall, and drop huge amounts of rain. This is not happen, why, because we<br />

manipulated the ionosphere energies, and moved the jet stream north, permitting the storm<br />

to move rapidly inland, and dissipate without massive rain. The northern air was dry and<br />

sucked the rain right out of the storm, again the balance found. Dry and wet balanced. A<br />

simple concept to understand.<br />

And had many known more of mind control as in Two or More In My Name, acting in their<br />

God co creating ability, the energies of your minds would have sought the void with the<br />

dark energies and you would have won that round. Because of the nature of voidance,<br />

what light you knew to inject, light meaning your vision of the storm changing direction and<br />

dissipating, even though not enough at this point, there was still some voidance found in<br />

the condition, and the storm was effected in a way that helped our job, and made it easier.<br />

The voidance was in our favor.<br />

In these times, do not simply pray to God to fix it, as the church teachings go. Get together<br />

instead, and use God within and fix yourselves. This is the missing teaching in religion, by<br />

intent as you know. The dark will know how to manipulate energy, and the power of Two<br />

Or More In My Name. What, I hear a few questioning the "my" in that statement. Do not<br />

forget that all is God my friends, all is "My Name."<br />

So the bayous are saturated, most of the time in their natural state. So where can the<br />

water from the storm go Balance says, it stays on top, rather than being soaked up by<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 25

soil. Had the soil been thirsty, balance would have been achieved by the soil absorbing the<br />

water. The houses you are seeing damaged around the area of the center parts of the<br />

storm are damaged for two reasons. Some of them were hit by tornados, common in<br />

storms of this nature. This is often the case, when the house has been reduced to a pile of<br />

sticks. Many of these homes have been sitting in humid air for a long time, and are soggy<br />

already and weakened, and they fall prey and collapse, again in the finding of the void.<br />

When are earthlings going to learn not to build structures of importance by the sea I<br />

guess when you all decide to come into co creation with God, and stop doing this. Many of<br />

you are going to be needed to educate people, and to get active in any arena you can to<br />

prevent the rebuilding in these areas. It seems every generation repeats the past<br />

generation mistakes, there is not learning.<br />

This Gulf area has experienced these storms since the land was remade during the last<br />

trip through the photon belt, and by the sinking of Lemuria and Atlantis. Most of the Indians<br />

did understand, and did not live close to the sea; they merely traveled to it for fishing. They<br />

heeded their own inner senses, and they watched the animal’s behavior and believed in it<br />

and moved out of the way. They had not any satellites to provide pictures. They listened to<br />

the land. Modern man does not use his God given senses. Every person living along the<br />

Gulf knows about hurricanes my friends, so why are those of you who read these<br />

messages, living there<br />

You all support the dark constantly, by trusting them, and giving over your power to them.<br />

No one put a gun to your heads and forced you to live on the coast. If you were born there,<br />

when you grew up you could have moved. People should know better than to live in a flood<br />

plain, or an earthquake belt.<br />

You follow instead the money and jobs created by the BBB&G’s. You have often moved<br />

into dangerous areas, for the money to be had. Had you moved anywhere else, the dark<br />

would have moved with you for the money, a better void, don't you think But yet, when<br />

you move to the places the dark create, you give your power to them, you say OK! When<br />

you buy a huge gas-guzzling car, you give your support to them.<br />

You co create with them, all is co creation of some sort. When you spend your money are<br />

useless items, you give your support. When you buy houses along flood plains you give<br />

your support. When you believe the crap you are fed on tell a vision, you give your support.<br />

When you watch the dark soap operas and useless entertainment of the tell a vision, you<br />

give your support. If you expect the Category 5 hurricane story put on the tell a vision, you<br />

give your support to it.<br />

Those who watch in glee over the potential destruction, for the excitement, give their<br />

support to the dark. When you say, will that is Mother Nature, what do you expect, you give<br />

your support. You and the Earth and Mother Nature are one and the same; all are God.<br />

Watch to what you give your support, as the void will always be there happening, which<br />

way do you wish it to go, the balance to be found<br />

Look at the poorly built houses; did you move into them Did you buy gasoline vehicles,<br />

and not only buy them, buy bigger and better ones How many of you own the large SUV’s<br />

that eat gas like crazy and sit proud of this ownership How many of you live in houses<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 26

that are larger than what you truly require, while the poor live in horrid accommodations,<br />

often only a short distance away<br />

Why do you often blame the poor for their circumstances, when you in fact helped to<br />

create those circumstances, in your support of the BBB&G’s Why do you send in your tax<br />

money to the monster, and sit there and say, it is well spent You love the police<br />

protection, the lousy schools, the excess government The government is training you<br />

lately to support it more; the government should be in there cleaning up the mess of the<br />

hurricanes. No, you should be. FEMA turned away volunteers, for their larger scheme at<br />

hand, and you “sort of” complained about it.<br />

Where are the churches that could have been used as shelters Yes, a few were, but there<br />

are enough church buildings to shelter many more, plus the schools and public buildings<br />

your tax dollar pays for. Those in the Superdome should never have been placed there in<br />

the first place, or at least not that number of people. You had plenty of shelters somewhat<br />

inland left unused. Poor planning, poor thinking, and very poor doing of the old adage, God<br />

helps those who help themselves.<br />

And God right now, with the latest hurricane, provided a great deal more help, that you<br />

yourselves should have received. I am not chewing out "New Age" here; I am chewing out<br />

everyone. You all create your reality, and it is time to owe up to this, and stop expecting<br />

the sky god, even through the sky god is present at this time, to bail you out.<br />

During the coming years after Our Second Coming, you will be doing the God helps those<br />

who help themselves thing, or you will not create your New Earth. You have but about 5<br />

years to make a huge difference, or the Earth will throw you off. We will hold the Earth in<br />

her orbit for about that long, to give you who are light workers here, time to begin to do<br />

your thing.<br />

God will give some helpful technology, but you are going to have to retool for it, you are<br />

going to have to change your laws, you are going to have to stand up. I suggest you do not<br />

mis-create by rebuilding the Gulf coast, as an example. Newer, bigger, better dikes are not<br />

going to solve the problem. The pla<strong>net</strong> is warming in the photon belt, and she is changing<br />

back to her old self, and the Gulf area is going to change.<br />

You could build the dikes a hundred feet high, and this will not work. Move away from the<br />

water, because it is coming further inland. In time the USA will be two lands, and that is not<br />

that far away. The Mississippi River will become more and more a sea, between the Gulf<br />

and the Great Lakes area. The lands in the Atlantic and Pacific are going to rise again, and<br />

where will this water go, as the balance continually finds itself As the land comes up, it<br />

displaces water. What happens if you fill your bathtub too full and then get into it Does it<br />

not seek the balance, and overflow. Look at the micro, the small situation, and see the<br />

larger from it please.<br />

Now, I will cover some of what I chose not to cover in the last message. By now many of<br />

you have read that maybe those levies in New Orleans did not break from the storm called<br />

Katrina. They were blown up, as many know or suspect. I did not cover that then, because<br />

we were collecting evidence and did not want to tell of this to the BBB&G’s.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 27

And a huge amount of evidence we now have. And before the storm called Rita, long<br />

before that storm was really that close to New Orleans, they re blew a levy to again flood<br />

that city. Candace, go into the news this morning for me please now, and also about the<br />

recorded wind levels that you documented from your tell a vision set as you watched it.<br />

Candace: First the news of this morning, then some other details I observed during the<br />

storm. This morning, Sunday, CNN was covering the blown dike in New Orleans, saying<br />

that a storm surge of 8 feet topped the repaired area of the dike. Something is wrong with<br />

this picture. The Industrial Canal is a few miles long, on my map. If this were true, both<br />

sides of this canal would have been flooded. It would have raised the Mississippi River or<br />

the Lake or both quite high for this to occur, on a day, when the beginning of the storm was<br />

approaching the coast, and the rain was light. Where were the news people to ask about<br />

this story<br />

While the storm was still a Category 5, according to reports the eye passed nearby at least<br />

twice a couple of buoys, which measured the wind force. It was 80 mph+, not any<br />

Category 5 level. I watched the storm until 2 hours before landfall, and then went to sleep<br />

on my couch, and set the alarm for 2 hours later to watch the landfall.<br />

In the hours before landfall, they were saying that the peripheral winds should be 85 mph.<br />

But they published wind speeds of only from 30 to 50 mph on maps. There we no<br />

measurements over the 100 mph expected. The reporters did not blow away; they were<br />

able to stand in the storm. The wind gusts in Galveston were pretty low also. The<br />

BBB&G’s constantly made us believe this storm had decreased to a Category 4, then a 3,<br />

all the time showing evidence to the contrary.<br />

When the western bands hit Galveston, a reporter on the sea wall wondered where was<br />

the storm surge, not remembering or thinking, that the storm did not hit Galveston, only the<br />

western winds, which blow away from the land. This morning they corrected those<br />

comments. By the way, a Category 1 starts at 75 miles per hour, and has a defined eye.<br />

Christ Michael: I said the storm was a high level tropical storm according to your<br />

definition, when it hit landfall. It was indeed no longer a hurricane. Your reporters told of a<br />

second eye wall forming, and that was so, and then the original eye wall disintegrated, and<br />

it was no longer a hurricane. How many noticed this during the watching of the radar event<br />

shown on TV. Big eye wall, small power of storm, but how many learned that in school, or<br />

on TV<br />

How many shouted at their news people for not telling the truth Almost none, and after<br />

you read our message, it would be a good idea to write your major news and let them<br />

know they participated in a snow job, and you watched it happen. You must catch them in<br />

the act my friends. Write your letters please and let them know you were lied to on the tell<br />

a vision machine.<br />

Candace: I have a hilarious story. On Friday morning, well before the storm made landfall,<br />

there was on CNN a weather person saying that during the night, the storm had wandered<br />

out of radar range, and it was only back part way into radar range, and they showed the<br />

upper portion of the storm. Yea, like the storm got legs and ran away during the night. A<br />

better excuse would have been that the radar was broken.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 28

Storms don't get legs and run away during the night. The purpose I assume was to hide<br />

the fact the storm was getting smaller. In fact the southern portions had been steadily<br />

decreasing. All during the day Friday, as I watched and reported to Christ Michael what I<br />

was seeing, I thought that perhaps they were even showing us an older hurricane to keep<br />

the large round shape, or had retouched the photos considerably, to maintain the illusion.<br />

Christ Michael: How many of you watched your supposed Mr. Bush on TV from New<br />

Orleans about 10 days ago He gave a big speech to the nation on the tell a vision that<br />

night. Did he not look a little strange Was there not an odd blue light around him as he<br />

took the podium, and spoke He supposedly walked along a green lawn to the podium at<br />

night. Why the blue light then Did you watch the soulless eyes that did not move in<br />

unison, and were the wrong color<br />

Did you find anything strange about his voice Did you notice the lack of affect in his<br />

mannerisms Did it look like he smiled, when they pushed the smile button How many<br />

Americans thought this was Mr. Bush, because your schools and public media had not<br />

taught you to watch for holograms, my friends<br />

Candace noticed and she was watching while talking to a friend, and they both about<br />

puked, so repugnant was what they observed. Candace at first thought this to be a very<br />

worn out old clone, and that was a good guess. But still she visualized it over, and even<br />

the worn out clone did not work in her mind. So she asked if perchance this was a totally<br />

fake presentation, and the use of 3D holograms, or movie images, and indeed it was.<br />

You watched a 3D movie image of Mr. Bush. The use of the computer and the laser. Have<br />

you not watched how well computer graphics are used to make the "comics" of old You<br />

love the new animated films, do you not, and other special effects Mr. Bush was a special<br />

effect, using graphics, that night. He was not present, nor was he filmed in advance prior to<br />

the speech.<br />

Have you not seen the laser holograms on magazines that make the pictures have depth<br />

They make toys and books for kids now with holograms on them. Mr. Bush was a creation<br />

using the laser that night. The blue light was part of the deal. Watch for that blue light in the<br />

future, and then yell mightily when you see it. Candace called him Mr. Plastic Man that<br />

night. She was distressed at what she saw.<br />

Did any of you have friends that made any comments on Mr. Plastic Man Or did they<br />

accept this weird looking character that was merely a resemblance to the real Mr. Bush<br />

The BBB&G’s had a great time pulling the wool over your eyes. What you saw on that<br />

night was the same as what they planned to do with Project Blue Beam, a fake second<br />

coming they tried to pull off early last March, to divert the return of the Masters.<br />

A fake Jesus in the sky, created from lasers from the ground and a satellite. Jesus was to<br />

come in the sky remember And how many would have bought into this This fake Jesus<br />

would have spoken to the brains of people, through the cell phone towers, ye would have<br />

all heard "Jesus." And the game of owning Earth would have been rather complete at that<br />

time. But our technology is better, and we intercepted this event. Poor folks think that<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 29

Jesus will be seen walking in the sky, and how pray tell can that happen Gravity would<br />

interfere a bit my friends, that old seeking the balance thing.<br />

Well, I sent Candace on a bit of a break, we are back at work. There are letters coming,<br />

wondering if some folks have disappeared into concentration camps, and indeed this is so.<br />

And I want to make a comment on a Nancy Tate channeling shortly after Katrina, that<br />

game from her CIA created Hatonn. It was said that many people from New Orleans were<br />

taken aboard star ships, and would be returned to Earth, making us into some good guys,<br />

and covering the larger hasty story for you folks of New Age. Well, this did not happen.<br />

This was put out by Nancy, whose CIA controller is Bob Towers, to cover up that there<br />

were many dead in this storm.<br />

They will not be found again, we do not have them. This was to get you who read her to<br />

believe there was a low death toll. It was also designed to draw your attention away from<br />

the concentration camps and the white or white and black FEMA buses with signs on<br />

them, making them appear to be private coaches for rent, who were taking people<br />

elsewhere for sorting and what not.<br />

There are many in camps now, and we do know where, and we are giving some protection<br />

to them, as we are able, until the NESARA announcement. The NESARA announcement<br />

is going to be substantially longer than 4 hours, we will own the cable for a period of time,<br />

and show the American people up close the atrocities done upon them with these<br />

hurricanes.<br />

We have the evidence, actual court evidence for your court system. The bombed levies,<br />

the uncounted dead who are not declared for insurance and other fraud impending, the<br />

bus blown up outside of Houston, with the elderly on board. The attempts to intentionally<br />

harm oil rigs, and refineries, the fires in Galveston and elsewhere, to collect insurance<br />

money, the bombs pre placed in some buildings to destroy them, and make it appear as<br />

though the hurricane did it.<br />

There are still a large number of buildings sitting waiting for the bombs to go off, some<br />

were set to respond to wind conditions that never happened, or to be hand triggered at the<br />

right moment. We know some of these buildings, and this will be exposed. There was a<br />

plan as always to interfere and damage nuclear generators, and we continue to protect<br />

these most closely.<br />

America will be told, that the opportunities presented by these storms were intended to<br />

create the downfall of the country, acts of war against America, and we don't mean by any<br />

Arabs. I know you tire of the waiting, but for Americans who are the most involved in their<br />

sleepiness in these times, the trauma of seeing the beloved Mr. Bush and friends being<br />

ushered out would be great.<br />

With some cooperation from the press over Katrina, the American public is being<br />

awakened. And will better accept our stories to be presented. We are going to be most<br />

intense in the time frame that we own the communications, so that the truth indeed gets<br />

told and it will be told, back to 911 and the first Iraq war at least. 911 is a dream long past<br />

now, and gotten over, so the new material to be presented, and the arrest warrants<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 30

prepared, will be better accepted. The hurricane material will be presented first, and then<br />

we will work back to prior atrocities. There are no new storms of significance forming at this<br />

time.<br />

I have a brief note for the BBB&G’s that check our material. READ MY WORDS, WE<br />






































-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 31





SUPPORT.<br />







NEBADON.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 32

We Have a Magisterial Son!<br />

By Candace Frieze<br />

# 47 October 10 th , 2005<br />

Hi everyone, I have the most wonderful news. Those who read the Urantia book should<br />

have an idea of this importance, but I think all of you will after you finish reading this<br />

message. I would encourage all who read this, even if you have not read from it to visit it<br />

online at: www.urantia.org.<br />

So what is a Magisterial Son This is a Descending Son, from the Central Universe of<br />

Havona, that we have mentioned before in the messages. He is from Paradise. There are<br />

three types of Descending Sons that have their origins on Paradise. The Creator Sons,<br />

(the Michaels of the Universes, such as our Christ Michael), The Magisterial Sons, call<br />

Avonals, and the Trinity Teacher Sons, called Daynals.<br />

It was told in one of our messages, that The Creator Sons find their parentage in the<br />

Father and Son, and thus bring the essence of the Father and Son to each Universe.<br />

Christ Michael will actually walk this Earth when appropriate, and remember, whoever has<br />

seen the Son, has seen the Father. Pla<strong>net</strong>s when they are ready, get a Bestowal Son from<br />

Paradise, and these are the Avonals. Our pla<strong>net</strong>, instead of an Avonal Bestowal Son, got<br />

Christ Michael 2000 years ago, as the Bestowal Son. One pla<strong>net</strong> in each universe has this<br />

particular blessing, and that is Earth (Urantia, or Shan) of Nebadon. When an Avonal is the<br />

Bestowal Son, he is always incarnated by birth, as was Christ Michael long ago.<br />

The Avonals find their parentage in the Son and Spirit. In addition to coming as Bestowal<br />

Sons, they also come on what is called Magisterial Missions. Usually a Magisterial Mission<br />

occurs prior to the Bestowal Mission. However, we tend to do things in a different order on<br />

this pla<strong>net</strong>. Avonals can actually visit under a variety of circumstances. Magisterial Sons,<br />

there are about one billion of them, specialize in pla<strong>net</strong>ary ministry, and act as judges in<br />

the changing of times upon a pla<strong>net</strong>, and we are in changing times. We have not yet had a<br />

Magisterial Son, until quite recently.<br />

We are undergoing what is called "Correcting Time" by Christ Michael. This basically<br />

means we are making up for the time lost in our pla<strong>net</strong>ary growth to the Lucifer Rebellion<br />

and the other unfortunate circumstances. So we are getting a lot of help. Christ Michael<br />

has returned, Sananda is returning to become Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince, and we now have an<br />

Avonal from Paradise on a Magisterial Mission, one of ministry, and continued teaching<br />

and uplifting of our pla<strong>net</strong>. And we have all of us too! Think on that, as you dream your<br />

future into being.<br />

The Trinity Teacher Sons (Daynals) find their parenthood in the Father, Son, and Spirit,<br />

thus the name Trinity Teacher Sons. These are great teachers, sent to advancing pla<strong>net</strong>s<br />

prior to coming in to the Ages of Light and Life. We will see some Trinity Sons also in time.<br />

Some of you might like to read paper #20 in Urantia about the Paradise Sons of God.<br />

Before I go further, I should say, that the Spirit, is brought to each universe, by the Mother<br />

Spirit, also know as the Holy Spirit, who accompanies the Creator Son.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 33

Now the Avonals can be incarnate or not. Since this is Earth's official first Magisterial<br />

Mission, this Son will be incarnate, but not by birth. Our Magisterial Son is named<br />

Monjoronson. I have conversed with him today, but he declines a channeling through me<br />

to you, until sometime after the NESARA announcement. Buddha and Maitreya are<br />

choosing to wait also.<br />

We just had a nice informal conversation, kind of getting to know one another. He had<br />

been awaiting my contact, in fact tried to get through a couple times, but since I was<br />

unaware of him, I guess I didn't recognize his energy. Monjoronson has given a<br />

channeling to another, and I have been requested at this time to not reveal the source of it,<br />

simply for security reasons of the person involved at this time. He defines how he will<br />

appear in the flesh, by the method on not being born, but that of slowing down his<br />

vibrations. This channeling was given to this other person in September. So I will paste it in<br />

now.<br />

Monjoronson: Peace be upon you, my dear son. With great joy am I to join you here<br />

tonight. I desire to impart to you what you have been sincerely contemplating. Rest<br />

assured that the personal message you have received from Serena is indeed accurate. I<br />

am at this time in the process of materialization here upon Urantia. This process is unlike<br />

any that your world has been witness to.<br />

As you have been told, as a materializing/materialized Magisterial Son I maintain unbroken<br />

communication with the spiritual realm, regardless of my physical whereabouts on this<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>... or elsewhere. As I desire to confer with you and/or with many others, I am<br />

simultaneously present to carry on multiple conversations with untold personalities<br />

throughout the universe, including mortals upon this sphere.<br />

As to my ongoing materialization, I remind you that your Material Son and Daughter spent<br />

ten days re-materializing. Machiventa's emergency bestowal here was quite a different<br />

matter, as it was only temporary_ for a short number of years. And as you know, Michael<br />

spent upwards of nine months in the womb. My bestowal on this sphere, however, will be<br />

for a relatively greater stretch of time. Understand too, that I have come quite a distance<br />

from Paradise, and taking this into account you may conjecture that indeed the downstepping<br />

process of my materialization will be ongoing for quite some time.<br />

Nothing changes, my friend. All that you are currently focusing upon, I encourage you to<br />

continue. There will be those that I will be coming into contact with in upcoming days who<br />

are currently upon my mortal staff and I will encourage each to be about preparing to<br />

be about our Father's business.<br />

Yes, we are now into a new age, as the Magisterial Age is coming into new light. There will<br />

be great changes occurring in those who are whole-heartedly dedicated to be about<br />

uplifting this pla<strong>net</strong> as they are increasingly trained to become the servers of all.<br />

I have a vast array of personalities accompanying me. You are working with one who has<br />

been with me for millions of years in Serena, and I assure you that this process of "circuitry<br />

bonding" that is occurring between the two of you will be occurring with increasing<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 34

frequency with many mortals upon this pla<strong>net</strong>_ those faith-led sons and daughters who are<br />

whole-heartedly desirous of dedicating their lives to becoming the servers of all.<br />

I assure you that there is a Magisterial Staff which will become known, a staff of to-bematerialized<br />

beings. You are aware of the Melchizedek order, but indeed there will be<br />

females materialized in equal numbers, comprised of the unrevealed order that your dear<br />

friend, teacher and guide, Serena is one of. And, yes, she will be amongst this group of tobe-materialized<br />

staff members.<br />

This new "circuitry bonding" process with faith-led mortals will increasingly begin occurring<br />

between each one of these to-be-materialized staff members, as each one is capable of<br />

connecting with hundreds upon hundreds of mortals who are ready for such a<br />

process to unfold. Those who are qualified for such, only need ask, and through their living<br />

growing faith and trust, such a miracle will indeed become a living, growing reality. The<br />

ramifications of such a relationship are beyond the present ability of mortal<br />

comprehension, but I assure you that all who engage and succeed in this process will find<br />

themselves with great new power to be about our Father's business.<br />

I am honored to have such a noble and faithful band of mortal apostles and ambassadors<br />

who are desirous of serving at all cost, and I invite all others who are supremely desirous<br />

of serving upon my mortal staff to reach deep within to receive my call and acceptance. It<br />

will be unmistakably clear, as your supreme desire to serve with pure intentions and<br />

growing sincerity and commitment is truly a living reality.<br />

Much adventure we are on the brink of here, but do not think for a minute that I will wave a<br />

magic wand and all of a sudden the great ills and diseases upon this pla<strong>net</strong> will be<br />

remedied. The work is for ones like you to do, my friend. Each of you have great teams of<br />

untold numbers of various personalities working with you. Rest in your Universe Parents'<br />

arms, and attempt not to discern all of these personalities, for it would be beyond your<br />

ability to comprehend. Many will be coming and going who are a part of each<br />

apostle's/ambassador's team... those who are highly specialized in specific areas.<br />

Indeed there will be a whole new mobilization of apostles and ambassadors under the<br />

various members of my to-be-materialized staff and others who will be directly or indirectly<br />

contacting each of those individual mortals who are currently serving under the various<br />

corps of Master Seraphim of Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Supervision.<br />

At this time, I expect nothing to drastically change upon this pla<strong>net</strong>, as each of you<br />

continue to become all that you can become. You are each highly guided and directed, and<br />

it is only up to you to open up and allow all to unfold. Great downward spiritual pressure<br />

is now being applied upon the pla<strong>net</strong>, as never before, and for those who are ready there<br />

will be great upliftment as their morontia/material bodies blend and their frequencies and<br />

vibrations are raised to higher levels. As new morontia awareness comes upon all of those<br />

according to their ability to receive, I assure you that many of you will be learning great<br />

new secrets/techniques in energy management. I speak of the transformation, anipulation<br />

and direction of the energy of love_ pure energy indeed. Allow yourselves to ponder upon<br />

my words, and rest assured that your ability to assimilate and absorb will be greatly<br />

enhanced as you reach out to rest in the great peace of your Universe Parents' arms.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 35

So yes, I am here and we begin a new age. Walk with new confidence and faith in<br />

yourselves, for with God all things are possible.<br />

Hallelujah, my dear ones, and know that I am here for all who desire to receive me. This<br />

said, I will take my leave. It has been a pleasure.<br />

Candace: The "circuitry-bonding" mentioned is essentially telepathy. In this message<br />

above, you should get the idea, that as "mortals" you can receive of this if you desire it,<br />

and plan to participate in the uplifting of the pla<strong>net</strong>. The comment on the Material Son and<br />

Daughter was the Adam and Eve mission, that failed, as loosely told in the Bible. There are<br />

teachers on the pla<strong>net</strong> in increasing numbers to teach telepathy. The staff of Monjoronson<br />

will be also walking the Earth, as mentioned above.<br />

I suggest reading in Urantia also, paper 52, describing the standard pla<strong>net</strong>ary epochs. Of<br />

special interest would be page 594, which covers the Magisterial Age. This paper was<br />

written by a Mighty Messenger. If you recall Mother Shekhmet is a Mighty Messenger, and<br />

wrote some of the papers in Urantia. She did not write this paper, but her "soul mate"<br />

Father Alcyone did. In terms of the epochs described in this paper, we are sort of in a mix<br />

of 4, 5, and moving into 6 in time. The 7th epoch is called the Era of Light and Life, and this<br />

is where Earth is rapidly heading, in her Ascension. This is the goal of her Ascension, and<br />

yours. The material in this paper is well worth reading to help your education in the growth<br />

of pla<strong>net</strong>s. It is more easily readable that some sections of Urantia.<br />

You see in the message above, the comment of the morontia-material bodies blending,<br />

this is reference to the building of the light body, from your present physical bodies. The<br />

morontia awareness mentioned, refers to your more advanced education, the learning of<br />

the spiritual realms and as always, is your choice to pursue.<br />

Now, I have written my list members that I need help in a project, and I am asking this of all<br />

my readers to consider. It is time to begin expanding the awareness of clerics in organized<br />

religion. I am composing a letter to send to them. If you have already written that you will<br />

participate in this project, please do not write again, I have all your emails.<br />

I am only one person at this time, until funding comes through for my staff. So many have<br />

asked to help and this would be a wonderful way to do so. I am asking people to look up<br />

churches, and this can also include Mosques and Synagogue's in your area. If you live in<br />

countries other than the United States, I welcome your help also. I will provide the letter,<br />

and you provide the work. You can use email, if you can find email addresses. If you can<br />

afford snail mail, that would be better, since it is so easy to just delete the email. If you<br />

have limited time and means, I would suggest selecting the larger houses of worship in<br />

your area.<br />

I do not want the letters sent until after the NESARA announcement in the USA. I have<br />

approached many ministers, to be turned away. A recent test mailing, produced only two<br />

contacts, out of 270 sent. However, the lack of making contact does not mean it was<br />

unsuccessful, a seed was planted, and many might make the contact later.<br />

The letter will be much more powerful if sent after the announcement, because it will say<br />

that NESARA is part of the Second Coming process. I am trying to keep it to one page,<br />

written on size 10 font to allow more room. Even if the letters get tossed, the seed is<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 36

planted, and when the activities of contact begin to happen, and then our actual big show<br />

occurs, they will be wishing they had not tossed them out. But they might keep them, if<br />

they take notice that NESARA is happening before their eyes.<br />

If you would like to help, and have not yet written to me, please send a simple email, with "I<br />

will send letters" in the subject field. Several did not recently, making my sorting job a bit<br />

harder. Please do not use these emails to ask questions, so that I am not tied up<br />

additionally, get the email back out to you. I hope that knowledge of the presence of this<br />

Son from Paradise will help uplift you during the wait. I am still "higher than a kite" today<br />

after my discussion with Monjoronson. I felt great love and presence of being, and the<br />

telepathy occurred with the same ease and comfort that I enjoy with those I have<br />

presented to you over these many months.<br />

This is a very nice guy! Of course, the Paradise Sons, I assume always are. Be in Peace, I<br />

assure you, NESARA will happen. In this waiting, the American public is coming to accept<br />

that Mr. Bush and his team are sadly lacking. And again, there is new evidence with New<br />

Orleans, and 911 has been almost forgotten. The NESARA announcement will most likely<br />

be more shocking to the collective consciousness of the USA, than 911 was. You will still<br />

be needed to be rocks, now and during the coming months of great changes. Enjoy the<br />

above message from this Avonal Son.<br />

I continue to work on the website material, and we should open the website before the end<br />

of the month. There will be a discussion forum, and a variety of new material, much of it for<br />

clerics who will be coming to the site. I will be introducing a couple of the directors of my<br />

organization also. Of course, the past messages will be posted also. On the discussion<br />

forum, there will be a section to discuss messianic ideas, plus several other sections<br />

planned. I have been spending my days not only writing, but continuing with important<br />

learning, and the planning of <strong>AbundantHope</strong>.<br />

I am working a bit more with Sananda again. His worldwide headquarters, the offices of the<br />

Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince will be in the United States. The location will be announced later, when<br />

appropriate. <strong>AbundantHope</strong> will be closely associated with his works. Take care, Candace<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 37

The Many Hats of Christ Michael, Coming Out of the<br />

Creator Son Box<br />

By Candace Frieze, and Christ Michael<br />

# 48 November 18, 2005<br />

Hello all, this channeling was given to me November 5th. I had mentioned to Christ<br />

Michael of a couple issues I had seen at a Urantia forums. They were wondering who<br />

Sananda is, and why Christ Michael used the name Hatonn for the Phoenix Journals.<br />

I also want to comment on what he said that there would be no more messages through<br />

me with him until NESARA. That remains true, he does not wish NESARA comments right<br />

now. This was a spur of the moment sort of channeling that occurred when working with<br />

other material. Thus there are maybe a couple places that don't flow well, because I had to<br />

remove some material not necessary at this time.<br />

For myself, I can only say, to continue to hang loose with NESARA, work is going on. It<br />

was decided to put a great deal of spiritual pressure on politicians, the media, and the<br />

military to do the right thing. Huge spiritual testing for these folks right now, it will determine<br />

the placement of these ones, whether they can ascend with the pla<strong>net</strong> or must journey<br />

elsewhere. Also it is important to get the people of America to do the right thing, and<br />

question this administration. If any of the polls are accurate, people are becoming much<br />

less supportive of Bush, and the war and I think some of you are seeing this happening<br />

around you. By the way, Amy Goodman was on CNN today, saying the American people<br />

have to out these BBB&G's.<br />

Christ Michael: Hello my friends, this bodacious day! All is going well behind the scenes. I<br />

make this comment only because I know you have inquiring minds! But that is not what I<br />

want to discuss today.<br />

Back during the First Coming, I did indeed experience the sorrow of the peoples of this<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>, very first hand, experientially. When I left that incarnation, on the Cross, I not only<br />

took my required rapid ascension journey, as described in Urantia to sit at the Right Hand<br />

of the Father, I stayed in the Central Universe for a time to review what I had observed in<br />

person. In my good conscience I could not let this pla<strong>net</strong> go, nor could I put its care into the<br />

hands of another, and delegate the work.<br />

I knew I would return to make right of the wrongs, personally. So we thought, considered,<br />

stewed as you do, about the problems and what must be done. We have the ability to draw<br />

up scenarios a bit faster and we drew up many. Then we chose from what seemed like the<br />

best to choose from. We created in thought, but it was necessary to return and do the work<br />

within the realm, in "3D," in life.<br />

So I am here again, in life, in a body. We were also going to handle the end of the galactic<br />

wars, so I did choose to wear the hat of a commander of a star fleet, of a portion of the<br />

mighty Ashtar command. I desired to have this experience also. Creator Sons don't tend to<br />

command star fleets. And it was a perfect way to handle the situation of my return.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 38

It provided a method of returning but not identifying myself as who I am, thus the Hatonn<br />

space commander image. We do have to use stealth, in this work. Had I come as Christ<br />

Michael, I would have been a far greater threat, and they would have harmed all of you, in<br />

a serious way, those who have come to participate with me, and made this much more<br />

difficult. Obviously to be born a babe was not going to work, they would have killed most of<br />

the human race trying to kill me, remember the story of Herod<br />

I did not plan the Phoenix Journals before I came that occurred later. We made the<br />

decision to publish many materials as part of the teaching mission. The Conversation with<br />

God books are an example, by Buddha, through Neale Donald Walsch. There are many<br />

other teaching methods of course also.<br />

There was much nonsense going on to confuse the light workers, as you have<br />

experienced. The Medical establishment was not doing the right thing either. I chose to<br />

write the Journals, with the help of others in this project, to get correct teaching about the<br />

Khazars out, correct teaching of the political scene behind your backs, correct teaching<br />

relating to medicine, science and a huge variety of other topics.<br />

Had I taught as Christ Michael in these works, the first one would have not ever even<br />

gotten printed. The disguise was very important. A space commander is less threatening to<br />

them. They figured, with their hiding of the presence of the Star People from the populace<br />

that people would simply not read the books. And that happened to a significant degree.<br />

I experienced the writing of many people who wrote to us, that I was myself the antichrist.<br />

Some of these were BBB&G's trying to discredit the works, others people in confusion and<br />

unknowing. I was eventually run out of the country, I stopped the works, for the protection<br />

of you. Times were heating up, in the war against good ole Hatonn. You know that some of<br />

the Phoenix Journals were banned.<br />

I will add a comment, that as you journey, you also make known any more unknowns to<br />

the Father, through your experiences. And today, even in the dealing with Candace's<br />

issues, intertwined with the games of the CIA, you are all both having what is known by the<br />

Father made known to you, and in this extremely rare experiment in the Universes of<br />

Space and Time, you are making known to the Father, something that has been unknown,<br />

by this very different method of coming out of a box, by a Creator Son.<br />

Candace: The above comments were made in reference to the concept we had been<br />

discussing, not included here. As Ascending Sons, and having Thought Adjusters, (Father<br />

Fragments) we are given to learn all the Father knows, and as experiencing Ascending<br />

Sons, we continue to make known also, the unknown.<br />

Christ Michael: You have all agreed to come to the pla<strong>net</strong>, any one of you reading this, or<br />

you are a more experienced Earth Soul, choosing this time to be part of this extremely<br />

unusual journey with me. We are all working together, Two or More in My Name, to mend<br />

this pla<strong>net</strong>, and restore through my Correcting Time, where she ought more to be at this<br />

point in her history. We are not only correcting the Time, through this joint experience, we<br />

all are together, even myself, the Creator Son, greatly adding to our combined experience,<br />

learning on a bigger learning curve, making known the unknown.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 39

At the conclusion of this mighty project, together we will have made greater progress in our<br />

knowledge, our experiential learning than had we adjudicated the rebellion of Lucifer with<br />

massive arrests, and rapidly putting an end to it. I chose to let it to go through to a natural<br />

end. Despite that some might disagree with this, to this end, we together are making<br />

known the unknown to the Father, and as I look back at my 300 Billion years in Nebadon,<br />

and my theorem I set out to test, I would do it all over again. It is no longer a theorem, it is<br />

now known.<br />

Now, that comment made, lets return. Some of you in the Teaching Mission have been<br />

pondering "Sananda," and wondering if Sananda was the personalized Thought Adjuster<br />

that I came to the pla<strong>net</strong> with. The answer is no, Sananda is an Ascending Son of God,<br />

with a long history in Nebadon. He is a Kumara, a group of beings originating long ago in<br />

Lyra, and who successfully got themselves out a matrix, that kept them there with<br />

Weapons of Mass Destruction, besides the mind control method used to control a<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>ary people by enslaving races.<br />

And they did it, without assistance such as Earth is receiving now, and without heavy<br />

weaponry. I will not use the time here to teach that, because Sananda is to do that himself,<br />

having experienced it personally. Sananda is Immanuel Esu Kumara, only son of Sanat<br />

Kumara. Sanat Kumara was Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Logos until around 20 years ago, and returned to<br />

Venus, where his offices are, and his home, as he became Solar Logos, of your solar<br />

system. He was replaced by Lord Buddha, the same Buddha that came around 500 years<br />

before I did, and who is the author of the Conversation of God Books, with Neale Donald<br />

Walsch.<br />

Now to those of the CMGSN<br />

("http://www.christmichaelsglobalspiritual<strong>net</strong>work.com./index1.html") forum, my incarnation<br />

was a double incarnation with Sananda, together we were Joshua (or Yeshua to some)<br />

ben Joseph. Now it is true as Urantia describes, that when a Creator Son completes his<br />

final Bestowal, he goes alone, without the many that usually accompany assorted<br />

Descending Son missions to the pla<strong>net</strong>s, whether Bestowal or Magisterial.<br />

Hence, there are many here in support to Monjoronson, and the Magisterial Mission. There<br />

are also Trinity Teacher Sons on the pla<strong>net</strong>, who will walk it more later, when the<br />

Correcting Time makes it possible for the Trinity Teacher Son mission to be public.<br />

Monjoronson was to have the Magisterial Mission announced by this time, had my Second<br />

Coming Event not be delayed.<br />

I desired, in my experience 2000 years ago, to also not only handle my own Bestowal and<br />

use it to terminate the Lucifer Rebellion, but to double dip of sorts, and handle also the<br />

Anunnaki influence on the pla<strong>net</strong>. To understand that better, because I had never<br />

personally experienced the Galactic Warring problem in Nebadon, I came together with<br />

one very highly experienced in this arena, Immanuel Esu Kumara.<br />

He had quite a few previous incarnations on the pla<strong>net</strong>; the most notable one was King<br />

David. Be not put back by what is said in Urantia about how the higher realms were not<br />

particularly pleased with King David. It was a way of protecting his descendants. The Kind<br />

David mission was a great one, and that is why it stood out. Immanuel is a highly<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 40

experienced warrior my friends, yes Sananda is a warrior, and he intended to write a bit<br />

more on this through Candace, but the journey took a different direction, we let it unfold as<br />

it happened.<br />

Now, to those who know me through Urantia, I have been the stand in for the Pla<strong>net</strong>ary<br />

Prince, who was "fired" when I was here. I delegated that to Machiventa Melchizedek, as<br />

recorded in Urantia, and according to your current knowledge. Some people think that<br />

"Jesus" was Melchizedek, and Adam, and David, and on and on. Not so. Machiventa was<br />

Machiventa, one trip bestowing himself to Urantia, and working with Abraham, as is told in<br />

Urantia.<br />

Now with the Second Coming Event, Sananda Immanuel does become the Pla<strong>net</strong>ary<br />

Prince of Urantia. I have a couple other Ascending Sons in similar positions in my<br />

Universe, and an Ascending Son also in a position of System Sovereign. These jobs, in my<br />

Universe, do not have to be held by the Descending Sons, and in the worlds of rebellion, I<br />

have learned the Ascending Sons, with their vast experiential learning, better understand<br />

the worlds that rebel. So be it, with Sananda.<br />

Your world has set itself aside, made itself different, decided on a different box, so it can<br />

have a different leadership. Lucifer was not all wrong, he thought he had a better way, but<br />

EGO was a huge problem with him, his EGO remained so strong, that at the end, at his<br />

trial, he chose to be uncreated, rather than come out of his box, and try on a different hat.<br />

For the time being, Sananda Immanuel as adopted Urantia, Earth Shan, as his home, for<br />

his future experiencing as Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince. He is one of you, who understands who you<br />

are, and what you want, because he has been there and done that. I chose not to squelch<br />

the rebellion, because I created my Universe to be in a different box, rather not a box, and<br />

the sad part is, that Lucifer did not understand that.<br />

In his quest to do his own thing, he created a very limiting box, and this is what is behind<br />

the rebellion of Lucifer in the first place. He was not happy with how I run my Universe; he<br />

felt his system needed to be more boxy. It needed more rules. He felt with his ideas, he<br />

could actually speed up evolution, and he set it back instead. So we now have The<br />

Correcting Time.<br />

Sananda Immanuel does not desire to remain the Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince forever, nor should he<br />

be. He will, as he stated in one of the messages with Candace, vacate the position when<br />

you are all grown up, and elect your own. In the Lucifer Rebellion, this is what some people<br />

did want, to run their own affairs, and you know what, all he had to do was ask, and<br />

present a viable plan, not carry out an insurrection. I am very open to testing a theorem,<br />

providing the parameters are well thought out.<br />

Many of you are amongst the "fallen" angels. You are now Ascending Sons, because that<br />

is what you desired and I gave you that gift. I will not hold you hostage, that is not how I go<br />

about my business. I have given this to many in my realm.<br />

Some Descending Sons chose to take an incarnational journey, to experience in various<br />

realms, including 3D, to understand their jobs, as Descending Sons, of raising up the<br />

Ascending Sons of the evolutionary worlds. Most chose to return as Descending Sons,<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 41

continue the job for which they were created. Some find they do not want to continue in the<br />

job description for which they were created by me, and would rather become Ascending<br />

Sons, and this I grant also, 100% of the time, if the wish is true and desired, and the long<br />

incarnational journey of study understood.<br />

I have occasionally granted it, to those who are simply on their big soapbox, and do not<br />

truly understand what they desire. They usually make a mess of things in the process, but<br />

they do learn. Some I allow to return to the Universal realms of the Descending Sons,<br />

others I do not, because they must lie in the bed they made for themselves, experience<br />

their error. They become Ascending Sons, only when they wake up, and attract a Thought<br />

Adjuster, that is their only choice.<br />

Now back to that double incarnation with Sananda. I suggested he is a warrior. I needed,<br />

in my special mission, someone to help. Coming unattended by a Celestial Staff is the rule,<br />

but in my unusual case I needed one other, someone who understood this pla<strong>net</strong>, by his<br />

experience on it, and long understanding not only the pla<strong>net</strong>, but also the Anunnaki. So we<br />

agreed to journey together.<br />

This is not taught in Urantia, for the protection required of our journey. Those of you in the<br />

teaching mission who have not read Candace's works with us, have missed out a bit in the<br />

knowledge, and I suggest you do read them, for some more of the ongoing story. But,<br />

there was the failure of the Adam and Eve mission to inject the violet DNA into Earth's<br />

peoples. Also the Anunnaki severely messed with the DNA of Earth's peoples.<br />

To repair this, I came into the world with DNA from Gabriel, very "high" DNA. The reason<br />

Urantia does not cover this, and tells instead a slightly different story, is because our<br />

BBB&G's hunt down the celestial DNA and exterminate the carriers of it.<br />

I did indeed leave this double incarnation at the time of the Cross, and Sananda was<br />

healed, actually the special body healed, and then Sananda carried the ge<strong>net</strong>ics to India<br />

where he married and fathered 5 children. He and Mary Magdalene also brought a female<br />

child, SaRa into the world, in Europe. Mary Magdalene was the incarnate Lady Nada,<br />

Sananda Immanuel’s soul mate. Mary Magdalene, as well as Mother Mary carried some<br />

improved DNA also, as did the person that Sananda married in India. The recent novel by<br />

Dan Brown, The DaVinci Code, discussed and did teaching about preserving the DNA<br />

from SaRa, and the conspiracies to kill off the carriers of the Holy DNA.<br />

Since 2000 years ago, many have come, bringing in the superior DNA from other pla<strong>net</strong>s,<br />

raising up the DNA of this world. Urantia could not discuss this, also it denied<br />

reincarnation, because of protecting the star people incarnating to work for me, and<br />

bringing some DNA along with them. They also, while incarnated repair the existing DNA,<br />

and the karma it carries, taking on the karma of others, and releasing the patterns in the<br />

DNA, early in their lives before they reproduce, healing the Karma of this pla<strong>net</strong> in this<br />

manner. And now you are aware of this, watching what are called the Indigo, and Crystal<br />

children being born into the pla<strong>net</strong> over these past few years.<br />

I am having a Second Coming Event for two reasons; it is a wake up call, and helps<br />

Christians who are expecting an event, often with the rapture attending it. The only rapture,<br />

will be the joy, nobody is going up into the clouds to watch it all. The other reason is that<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 42

during the event, the Earth will be cleansed of the negative thought forms, the lower astral<br />

entities up to no good, and the Animus, that Candace has mentioned in her Red Blob<br />

story. (I will do the Red Blob story later; it won't fit in this email)<br />

These are going into the sacred fire that annihilates them; they shall be no more. Earth will<br />

not see this visually. In a way, this is hell fire, for all eternity that is taught on Earth, but<br />

totally misunderstood. No one will see flames, and it is for eternity, because if you no<br />

longer exist, you can't return. This is what is called the Second Death, from which there is<br />

no return.<br />

I AM a Master Creator Son, and can now order this. I do not carry it out, the SuperUniverse<br />

does. I do this with great sorrow, but out of necessity. The Animus, as told of at<br />

"http://www.wingmakers.com/" are an artificial race, they do not have the intelligence of the<br />

Ascending Sons, and are predatory in nature. They do want a body, but do not want the<br />

responsibility of the Ascending Journey. It is time to end their reign of terror.<br />

The negative thought forms are not real entities, and they can't take the journey. Mankind<br />

does not know how to rid himself of them, so I will do so. Some of the other lower astral,<br />

and negative 4D entities will be removed to the void pla<strong>net</strong>. The rest will face extinction of<br />

personality. This is the adjudication of the age, and much of this is handled by the<br />

Magisterial Son, Monjoronson.<br />

Candace has put out a newsletter to clerics, to announce the Second Coming. In it, she<br />

states that I and Sananda are not only advisors, but also her personal friends. Did not<br />

Buddha do a book, through Neale Donald Walsch, called Friendship with God Indeed<br />

friendship with God is not only possible, but highly encouraged, and highly important. This<br />

is Unity Concept in action; we are all one, whether Creator Son, Descending Sons or<br />

Ascending Sons at any level even if we are trees, ants, flowers.<br />

Many of you have been a tulip in your distant past; that is evolution. An evolutionary pla<strong>net</strong><br />

is one with all its life forms, because all evolved on the evolutionary pla<strong>net</strong>, all share the<br />

DNA. Man is but the accumulation of the knowledge obtained by spirit through its DNA<br />

journey on the evolutionary pla<strong>net</strong>. God is quite simple, really, in concept.<br />

Man is supposed to care for the pla<strong>net</strong> of his origin, the DNA of his origin, all of it. Man<br />

eventually through experience will advance the DNA of the pla<strong>net</strong>, with the aid of Life<br />

Carriers who come when the time is right, to help in that learning. Earth will see this<br />

someday, but the time is not ripe.<br />

Earth's DNA was harmed by the Anunnaki many a time, who like to call themselves creator<br />

gods, because they had some knowledge of ge<strong>net</strong>ics. You will find them, in various New<br />

Age literatures describing that they are your true parents. They are not, because they are<br />

only ge<strong>net</strong>icists, with a poor understanding of spirit and God, and the evolutionary process.<br />

I am your Father God, and Nebadonia, the Mother spirit of Nebadon, is your Mother.<br />

Candace: For my readers, we discussed in an early message in simplicity, that the Father<br />

of all is that, and provides personality, the Son is the Spirit of Life, and the Spirit<br />

contributes mind. The Creator Son brings to his Universe, the attributes of the Father and<br />

Son. The Mother Spirit brings the attributes of the Spirit. Nebadonia is name of our Mother<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 43

Spirit.<br />

Christ Michael: These scientists, Anunnaki, and now your little grays, cannot create the<br />

Spirit of Life. They can only manipulate its ge<strong>net</strong>ics. They are not Creator parents, because<br />

they cannot create Personality, the Spirit of life, and Mind. This is the prerogative and<br />

knowledge of the Creator Sons, and the Universe Mothers. This is my knowledge, and<br />

Nebadonia’s. You who have seen me, have seen the Father. And you will see me; I will<br />

walk the pla<strong>net</strong> in a special body designed for that purpose. But I am much more than the<br />

body.<br />

Back to Friendship with God. Many people who sense God speaking often assume this is<br />

Jesus, because of the lack of teaching. You know that Angels and guides of a wide variety<br />

communicate with you, when you listen. As you continue to grow up, more will commune<br />

with me, more will commune with the Magisterial Son. We can communicate with many in<br />

a variety of ways at this time. You will communicate with us, when you become aware of<br />

us. It is again, just that simple.<br />

But do not assume all communication is from us; much comes from your Angels and<br />

Guides also. It is not so important to know the identity, but to look at the message. If you<br />

get told to go kill somebody, this would not be a wise communication to follow as a most<br />

simple example. There will always be a little Satan around, not really Satan, but negative<br />

influence and you must discern your actions, and act as you truly are, not as somebody<br />

wants you to be, for it will be understood through the teachings coming that your choices<br />

are your choices, not another's.<br />

I am here in Body, filling my own shoes learning by experience myself, how better to<br />

understand my Universe than by experiencing what we have created together Because of<br />

the nature of my choices, I am both a Descending Creator Son, and walking in the shoes<br />

of an Ascending Son, carrying with me the same Personalized Adjuster that has worked so<br />

faithfully in Earth with me before, keeping me connected with my Father in Heaven, while I<br />

am again incarnate.<br />

So today, I think I have covered a few mysteries for two separate audiences, Candace's<br />

and those in the Magisterial Mission, that have not been aware of my many hats, including<br />

commander of a space fleet of 1 million star ships, aboard the Phoenix.<br />

I am down in the atmosphere unless I have an errand to run requiring the use of the ship. I<br />

have been known to use shuttlecraft when necessary also; I am in a body these days.<br />

When Candace still thought of me as Hatonn, I dropped by over her house on Election Day<br />

last fall, asking if she went to the polls or was going to. She chose not too, being true to<br />

herself that day.<br />

She had just walked outside, and thought I sounded rather close, and stood there on her<br />

driveway, sensing this difference and a bit confused. So after our conversation, I asked her<br />

to look up, I uncloaked for just a short time (she lives near a BBB&G airport) to let her see<br />

the shuttle, and then recloaked, as I sped away.<br />

I camp out in the same general area for those that can see the Phoenix, in the western<br />

sky, by the time the sun sets, and the lights of the Phoenix can be seen. Because I am<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 44

down rather low, the Phoenix can't be seen by all. Candace lives just south of the 40th<br />

Horizontal Parallel, so in you live along that, look into your night skies for me, as Earth<br />

turns each night. I am big and bright, definitely not a star, and some nights I put on a show<br />

with the strobe lights, or rather, my crew does.<br />

Candace: If you live near that parallel, you can see the Phoenix as soon as the sun sets,<br />

and it is still quite light out. It is an obvious light, and not a star. I live near a major airport,<br />

with landing patterns over my house, and the Phoenix lights are often as big as the landing<br />

lights on planes coming in. I do not know how far from the 40th Horizontal parallel you can<br />

be and still see the Phoenix. I was recently about 25 miles south of where I live, and the<br />

Phoenix was more to the west, than the southwest at that point, and the lights were even<br />

brighter.<br />

Christ Michael put on a great show last April for the neighborhood kids. He was more in the<br />

east during that time. He moved around, put off something that looked like little flares or<br />

firecrackers, put on the strobes, and created other lighting patterns. The kids had a great<br />

time, and the show lasted at least an hour.<br />

One of the kids had a telescope and wanted to look at the Phoenix through it. Surprise!<br />

This doesn't work; it looks like a black hole in the sky through the telescope. I was<br />

informed that the ship can cloak in such a way that not even the lights be seen, when one<br />

looks through a telescope. That did answer a question of mine, wondering why all the<br />

amateur astronomers out there were not blogging all over the Inter<strong>net</strong> about the starships.<br />

Major pla<strong>net</strong>ariums tell people the strobe lights are just ice crystals in the atmosphere. I<br />

sent the story to my list that night, and heard back from several folks who had discovered<br />

exactly the same thing. You can see the lights by naked eye and through a binocular, but<br />

not through a telescope.<br />

Christ Michael: In summary, the Descending Creator Son is doing a Second Coming,<br />

taking care not only of rehabilitating the pla<strong>net</strong>, but taking on other learning's also. Creator<br />

Sons don't tend to lead star fleets; they tend to ride along. I found it important to have this<br />

experience. After I left the Central Universe, Sananda and myself began this mission,<br />

again together.<br />

He made many arrangements. It was possible we would lose the pla<strong>net</strong>, and have to<br />

evacuate it, so he found many homes for people on other pla<strong>net</strong>s, and some were none to<br />

happy about the idea of disruptive earthlings in their mist. Much negotiation was<br />

necessary.<br />

The Urantia Book was given, and made it into print one year after our joint return with the<br />

Pleiadian fleet. The rest is now the history that you have come to understand. May we<br />

journey forward from this point, together, in friendship with God, each other, Two Or More<br />

In My Name. Namaste, from the God within me, to the God within you. I AM Christ<br />

Michael, Sovereign Son of Nebadon.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 45

Santa Claus is Not Coming to Town<br />

By Candace Frieze, and Soltec<br />

# 49 December 12, 2005<br />

Hello everyone. This will be my last message to my list, which includes the websites that<br />

publish my material. I am not going away, I am opening my long awaited website on<br />

December 6, 2005. I will keep writing more material appropriate to the website and the<br />

goals of <strong>AbundantHope</strong>. I will still do some planned works with a few masters who desire<br />

to wait until after the NESARA announcement. These I will send when they occur to those<br />

on my Webmaster list. Anyone is free to copy any materials they find to their liking on the<br />

website, and either link to them, or post them on their own sites if desired.<br />

I thank all of those that have websites, or large lists that have distributed and posted the<br />

messages. You have done an incredible service to the world by doing so. The messages<br />

have been translated into a variety of languages along the way, and I thank all of you who<br />

taken the time to do this.<br />

A German group has created a mirror site for the messages, and there will be a link on my<br />

website to them. There are some websites planning on creating a link to my website from<br />

theirs, and this most welcome. I will include links also to other websites that have<br />

translated some or all of the messages. If I don’t have a link to your site, please let me<br />

know. I may not have all the links up when we go live.<br />

The website is www.abundanthope.<strong>net</strong> . In addition to regular website material, including<br />

all my works to date, and future writings serving the purpose of <strong>AbundantHope</strong>, we will<br />

have a full discussion forum with several topics that you choose from. Included in these will<br />

be messianic ideas, chatting with the members of my team, a general forum, one for<br />

clerics to talk with one another about new ideas, and one for sharing the journey to<br />

vegetarianism. We can create others if needed. The discussion forums will be moderated<br />

to a degree and require your registration to participate.<br />

I give my deep felt thank you to my Webmaster Mark, for his contributions to<br />

<strong>AbundantHope</strong> and making this website possible, before my funding arrives. This is the<br />

most incredible gift to me, and to my readers, and the future clerics, and other new readers<br />

who will come to the website. This gift gives me a wonderful head start.<br />

The opening page that Mike Pitts created for me has on it the Christic Sacred Circle, given<br />

to me to use by Christ Michael two and one half years ago and is imbedded in an 8 point<br />

star, sacred to many. I have Doves also on the page, because I personally like them, and<br />

see them as a symbol of peace and hope.<br />

I thank very gratefully, Mike Pitts for his help in bringing my ideas for the front page into<br />

reality.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 46

I will be closing my <strong>AbundantHope</strong> 2002 email address in the near future. I must decrease<br />

the nearly constant email. There will be a place on the website to contact me, my<br />

Webmaster, and the members currently on my board with questions. I will read forum<br />

material where I can, and make comments and writings appropriate to your needs.<br />

So shall my board members. I have selected two at this point, one familiar with the<br />

Mormon religion, and one familiar with the mainline religions, who has a strong<br />

Presbyterian background. I will be adding more board members with experience with<br />

Judaism, and Islam, and the other major Christian religions as I find them. All will be active<br />

on the website, writing their own material, and participating in the discussion forums.<br />

I live in Colorado, which some of you now know, because I gave my mailing address to my<br />

list. The address will be on the website also. Soon after the NESARA announcement,<br />

when is safe to do so, Helena, captain of the Capricorn and plan a shuttle landing in the<br />

southern region of the Denver Metropolitan area. If you live within easy driving distance,<br />

and would like to be notified of the time and date to attend, please send me an email, with<br />

“Capricorn landing” in the subject field, and I will put you into a group mailing for this<br />

purpose.<br />

At this time, Helena is considering landing two shuttles, and offering rides to and from the<br />

Capricorn! I intend with a few others and a newsperson to go aboard first, and then return<br />

in a short time, so the newsperson can film the interior and folks on the ship, and so the<br />

group will realize the safety of doing this.<br />

This will be an invitation only event; we do not want huge crowds. There will be a variety of<br />

people from the Capricorn that will come down and socialize a bit with those in attendance.<br />

It is our hope that this will make the evening news.<br />

I got quite a bit of mail after my article, “Patrick Fitzgerald is Not Santa Claus.” There was<br />

also a good deal of discussion on forums, samples of which were sent to me. The<br />

comments mostly supported my positions in that writing, and a few went completely<br />

against it. Of the “against” folks, I was told that my comment that American is not ready for<br />

NESARA was terrible, putting lots of bad vibes in the air. I was also criticized for this<br />

comment I made. “Chaos is important in the change to a higher vibration. It produces in<br />

fact the higher vibration, when all is said and done.”<br />

It seems an unknown entity put out a channeling stating that we should be making<br />

harmony, not chaos, and any light worker who suggests otherwise is not a light worker. I<br />

suspect the unknown entity is a BBB&G, trying to turn light workers against working for the<br />

light, by discouraging independent mind and thinking. Light means knowledge, given in<br />

love. The pla<strong>net</strong> has been dark because of the lack of knowledge. Whoever that was would<br />

like to have you give up creating of the chaos that is required to bring change into the<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

Those believing this “total harmony” stuff, without the help “from above” will find<br />

themselves walking in harmony right into the concentration camps. This is what occurred in<br />

Judaism during the Concentration camp era of World War 2. I had a lifetime then, in<br />

Dachau, and in the use of harmony we kept ourselves in prison. This is the problem in<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 47

America, either we don’t make waves out of being discouraged in one way or another, or<br />

we don’t realize we have a wave to make. Either way, the end result is the same.<br />

I stand by my statement that America is not ready for NESARA. In recent weeks, we have<br />

seen two Patrick Fitzgerald indictments, two Tom Delay indictments, the Downing Street<br />

Memo, Hurricane Katrina, with the “FEMA” mess as presented on TV, the House of<br />

Representatives in battle recently, and numerous other events. Just how many intelligent<br />

discussions did you have with those around you over these How many of those around<br />

you even thought to wonder if something more was behind the Tom Delay, and Scooter<br />

Libby indictments Most I talked too were rather unconcerned, another day gone by.<br />

The second indictment by Patrick Fitzgerald was against a man named Jack Abramoff.<br />

These indictments will lead to many more within Congress and the political system. On<br />

about November 22, a man named Michael Scanlon, facing many charges, turned states<br />

witness against Abramoff, and Tom Delay. He was Tom Delay’s former Chief of Staff.<br />

Abramoff and Tom Delay are also an item. I will let you read about it yourself. But I am<br />

including a link to a score card from Wayne Madsen, that shows who is involved politically<br />

state by state with the problems of Abramoff;<br />

www.WayneMadsenReport.com/gopscorecard.htm<br />

I myself followed some of my own advice about writing my local politicians, and got back<br />

exactly one answer from Senator Allard, of Colorado, my state, siding with the Bush<br />

version of Iraq and the war on terror. I did attempt to make some unsuccessful phone calls<br />

to attempt to meet local representatives to Congress. I don’t know what your experiences<br />

are, but my Senators and Congressmen don’t have regular public meetings anymore. They<br />

seem to disappear once they go to Washington.<br />

A few months after NESARA, we will be electing a new government. Although those<br />

indicted will not be running, this is a great opportunity for both good guys to run, and a<br />

bunch of bad guys coming out the woodwork, seeing an opportunity. Will Americans again<br />

blindly elect anyone<br />

I suggest that we in the know need to get very assertive with those around us and also<br />

through the news media and other resources see to it, that Americans begin to understand<br />

that as Americans they have the civil responsibility to pay attention, which most do not<br />

seem to know anymore. America is in for a lot of chaos, and I continue to stand by my<br />

statement, that chaos is a good thing, and leads one to greater challenges and the<br />

resolving of these challenges.<br />

Recently, when Bush and other leaders got together in South America to stuff more free<br />

trade down their throats, they were rejected. In addition to the rejection by Latin American<br />

leaders of the proposals, there were significant demonstrations of the peoples locally<br />

against Bush. Did your friends ask why, or discuss this, wondering why Latin America<br />

doesn’t like us<br />

Latin America is a hot place for doing the right thing right now. Even the indigent peoples<br />

and women are involved. There is heavy action, chaos in terms of demonstrations and<br />

civic activities to remove old dead controlling regimes and try at new ideas. Countries such<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 48

as Venezuela, Uruguay, Argentina, Bolivia, and Ecuador are just saying no to the old<br />

ways. Even Columbia is being activated. These are all part of NESARA coming their way,<br />

and they are bringing it in themselves. Yes, there are some star folks behind the scenes on<br />

the ground in these areas, as there are in the USA. But the people are doing the work.<br />

Just prior to Thanksgiving, Liberia in Africa elected a female leader, named Sirleaf.<br />

Sananda states this women is real and genuine and should be able to create a great deal<br />

of support in bringing new ways of being to Liberia. Last the folks in the Ukraine rose up<br />

and complained of forged elections, and demanded new ones. America has yet to<br />

consider, except for a relative few that Bush stole both elections. Many turn away in<br />

disgust at the very concept.<br />

When the administration did not stand down last April, there was pressure put upon the<br />

military, the media, and the politicians to get a move on. That pressure is still being<br />

applied. Many in these fields are incarnate star people, such as you and I, and still either<br />

asleep at the wheel, or afraid to do the right thing.<br />

America has made little improvement lately in doing the right thing. The public has made<br />

only minimal progress in their awareness. Many don’t even truly see Iraq, and our soldiers<br />

anymore in their minds. Even those that are angry with President Bush are not demanding<br />

much of their elected leaders. They tend to not be concerned of the indictment of Scooter<br />

Libby for lying to the Grand Jury, so what is the more common attitude.<br />

I connected with some folks that I had not talked with for a couple years recently, only to<br />

learn that we have to keep killing those big bad Muslim folks, before they kill us. These are<br />

good Christian folks, having attended their church their entire lives. They are around 70<br />

years old, affluent, well educated, raised a healthy family of kids that never got into<br />

significant trouble, and are all OK adults.<br />

I was told up front, we should be killing the Muslims. Now that statement is made I am<br />

certain because they have not figured out 911 was an inside job, and they have not figured<br />

out yet how much America is disrespected outside of this country by others. They don’t<br />

have a clue, but that does not excuse them one bit. They are so very typical.<br />

People support bringing the troops home because they believe we were lied to. But do<br />

most consider the horrid damage we have done to Iraq and her peoples Do most really<br />

care about the deaths of fathers, mothers, and children over there The loss of the<br />

business activity The flattening of the homes The long term disabilities of the injured,<br />

ours or theirs I suspect not. Because I have yet to hear anyone discuss this part.<br />

My website opens on December 5th. On it I put all my past writings at Lewis News, some<br />

good, some not so good, but all have at least a little going for them, so I put them all up.<br />

Two of them stood out to me, “Cry for Falluja”, and “In The End Times Even The Elect<br />

Shall Be Deceived.” That one was written more for those of faith, but yet, the elect that<br />

were supposed to be the people of the United States are deceived, and know it not.<br />

The reason NESARA restores our Constitution, is that we are not under our Constitution;<br />

we are under a fake constitution by the foreign corporation that holds America in its grasp.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 49

All our elected officials work for “them.“ This is the reason they must vacate with NESARA,<br />

and for new elections.<br />

I read the idea recently, that we should stop using the words “our government” and<br />

substitute “the foreign corporation that owns America.” I just learned that it has been<br />

discovered that the 16th amendment that they use to collect taxes, is an amendment of<br />

“their” constitution, not ours. We are so very deceived, and we know it not.<br />

<strong>AbundantHope</strong> is going to work with the religious portion of the Matrix. With NESARA and<br />

the end of the IRS, churches will no longer have to worry about their tax status and<br />

exemption based on what they teach and do. I am going to encourage clerics to become<br />

politically active. Churches already vote as desired for the most part, because of the<br />

influence of people that support the beast like Pat Robertson. I will highly encourage<br />

clerics to become truly spiritual about the civic responsibility of their congregations. I want<br />

problems discussed on Sunday morning, not old dried up sermons. I want people to raise<br />

their hands and ask questions, and talk. I want interaction. I want clerics to earn that<br />

money.<br />

Soltec: Hello all, I am Antoniose Soltec, geophysicist with Ashtar Command. I am today<br />

answering a few questions through Candace about recent Earthquake activities. You have<br />

seen on your news recent Earthquakes off of Japan, These are again created by us to<br />

decrease the pressures in areas around Japan.<br />

Regards the volcano in Columbia, this will not explode heavily, little risk from it, but<br />

villagers in that area should consider leaving for a few days because of the heat from<br />

steam being produced by the volcano. We are working in that area to attempt to get the<br />

peoples to understand this. They are praying to Mother Mary and Mother Mary is intending<br />

to answer to one of them.<br />

The earthquake of several weeks ago in Pakistan was the result of pumping the oil from<br />

the region. You are going to experience more earthquakes in that area, from the oil being<br />

removed. There will be earthquakes to be expected in any plate areas that float upon the<br />

oil.<br />

Candace: I talked briefly with Soltec today (Sunday) about the new Earthquake in Iran,<br />

and one a bit smaller around the same time in China. Both of these are related to sucking<br />

out the oil.<br />

Soltec: We can’t prevent these quakes; a different process is involved in them. Relieving<br />

pressure is not the answer. The quakes are the direct result of removing the Earth’s<br />

“blood” as some call it. The oil and gas beds are what some plates float upon, and if too<br />

much is removed there will be quakes from these plates finding their new location. We<br />

can’t pump stuff back into the ground in these areas to prevent this situation.<br />

Earth peoples have been very slow to realize this issue. The quakes from a year ago in the<br />

area are also of this cause. There was not the death rate in this recent quake as is being<br />

told on the news, not anywhere close. This is hype, creating fear. That many buildings did<br />

come down, because of their construction is true.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 50

The world has not responded adequately to these peoples who are displaced. There is not<br />

the caring apparently. Money should not be the issue in these cases. All of us in Ashtar<br />

command are very desirous that Earth will give up the money system that brings upon it so<br />

much slavery. It is very much time for the caring of the peoples of Earth to commence.<br />

I have written in the past that we can give some attention, by means of the news services<br />

of impending quakes. This was actually done to news groups in this area, (Pakistan) but<br />

they did nothing to give warning to the peoples involved. There were some in the United<br />

States given the knowledge also, and yet this tragedy was of unimportance to them.<br />

So many in Earth are so very resistant to the idea of growing up and becoming responsible<br />

for the pla<strong>net</strong>. It is hoped that a number of people will chose messianic projects in the care<br />

of the pla<strong>net</strong>, after the Second Coming. We will not do it for you; it is your job.<br />

You must develop teams that will go into areas and evacuate them. We can help out in this<br />

endeavor until you have sufficient antigravity vehicles to make this your own concern, or<br />

you can also make some contracts with star peoples for this. The Earth is your<br />

responsibility, to learn to understand the pla<strong>net</strong>s many issues. We are but advisors during<br />

your growing up period.<br />

You must move from areas that will have problems, such as along almost any seashore.<br />

You should not live in areas like New Orleans, or in the Dutch areas that are below sea<br />

level. Building big better and dikes is not the solution. Moving inland is the solution. The<br />

same in the areas where so much oil has been removed, you should move.<br />

Your scientists and military know much about the areas of risk, but chose to not do<br />

anything about it. We are getting pretty fed up with the military that has promised to do the<br />

right thing, and has not. Lots of hot air going on, but little action.<br />

We have given so much knowledge and still there is the fear and inaction. They are not<br />

doing, as they should in honoring the Constitution and removing these BBB&G’s. So be it<br />

at this time. We continue in Ashtar Command to await the awakening in America of<br />

Americans to the atrocities in Iraq, and to their responsibility to make civic noise about it.<br />

Iraq daily increases their insurgent activities against the American intruders, and still the<br />

military and other leaders do nothing to inform Americans that the insurgency is from the<br />

Iraqi people themselves, defending their country, as they should be doing.<br />

With Christ Michael’s and Sananda Immanuel’s permission, I am telling you that America is<br />

not awakening very well. We are not walking away, but we are going to await the actions of<br />

some more people on the ground to do the right thing. This would include readers writing<br />

to their supposed elected leaders, and demanding the right thing to be done.<br />

Do not be in support of Patrick Bellringer’s dependence of the star people right now to do<br />

the right thing. This is the Santa Claus approach, as Candace has used in description, and<br />

we are not Santa Claus. We are advisors, and we are dealing with many issues. You are<br />

still upon the pla<strong>net</strong> because of our many works. But you have got to come out of the<br />

savior idea and become your saviors.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 51

I would make the suggestion that you focus on a few important individuals in your<br />

Congress, and write letters strongly encouraging doing the right thing. You should continue<br />

to awaken your friends and neighbors to the idea that something is wrong in Iraq, and that<br />

they should be doing their civil responsibility and making noise about it.<br />

We are going to continue to await some more for action on the ground. We are waiting for<br />

the news folks and the military to become more progressive for us to carry out our<br />

intervention. Write your news people and demand better. Write the same ones, every day if<br />

need be.<br />

Now in the above statement, I realize they may will turn the deaf ear, and we do not expect<br />

the limited number of readers of these messages to correct the situation. But your pressure<br />

just might get a few to do the right thing, and a few are all that is needed, we are so close<br />

now.<br />

You yourselves must come out of Santa Claus mentality about the Second Coming. There<br />

is much written that we will do it all, we will give multiple food replicators and other<br />

technology and everything will be hunky dory in around 2 years. You can thank Patrick<br />

Bellringer for that, and it is not true.<br />

We are going to give some of these to areas that have severe poverty, and in fact already<br />

are. We are going to bring in the machines that will bring AIDS under control in Africa, and<br />

are training peoples there in their use also at this time. We continue to work behind the<br />

news that you in America get.<br />

The deaf, dumb and blind American peoples, often sitting in a place expecting rapture, and<br />

following their leaders rather than thinking, are needing to think. Rumsfeld and Mr. Cheney<br />

this past week sadly got “kudos” for their speeches before the American public. Pat<br />

Robertson and his ilk continue to manipulate their Christian followers into support of the<br />

regime.<br />

We were most appalled by Pat Robertson recently in his comments about killing Chavez in<br />

Venezuela. This man continues to lead the unthinking Christians into the hands of the<br />

beast.<br />

When the NESARA program is announced, and the rest of the Second Coming package<br />

plan takes place, you are merely having the door opened to the possibilities. You will have<br />

to ask for any help from us, we do not stuff it down your throats and take away your free<br />

will.<br />

We fully expect some tribulation of thought, expectations, and resistance to who we are<br />

and what we are here for. We fully expect Pat Robertson, and others such as the Sherry<br />

Shriner folks to attempt at the rejection of this Second Coming process. After this Second<br />

Coming Event, it is you from the stars and more experienced souls that will get the big<br />

changes done.<br />

We would wish that you in your works, which include the idea of getting off of money within<br />

10 years. It is wished that you, on the ground in finance areas, will create a world currency<br />

in 5 years or less to end the problems with economic issues around currency.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 52

Shortly you will learn that Mr. Bush and friends are running away, vacating. There is a<br />

temporary government set in place to take over for a few months until elections can occur.<br />

But you are the ones who must be very careful with whom runs for the new elections, and<br />

reject those that are unworthy. You need to not allow again, party platforms that do not<br />

serve the Constitution to come into place.<br />

There will be much public education, and I think some religious leaders will find themselves<br />

also running away, we hope this anyway. We do hope that the blind, deaf and non-thinking<br />

American will awaken.<br />

But it is you, the star people, now given the chance to spring into action who will do the<br />

works. You adopted the pla<strong>net</strong> for this purpose, for your growth and experience, and to<br />

serve your Universe of Nebadon. You volunteered and the time is now to get a move on.<br />

You must be firm and strong. It is not the time to lay back and simply hope all will work out.<br />

As Christ Michael said recently in these messages, you have 5 years to make a<br />

phenomenal change upon the pla<strong>net</strong>. She is this year, 7 years ahead of time, fully into the<br />

photon belt year around. This will continue to initiate Earth changes, the cleansing, and we<br />

will not interfere for the most part in the process. By anchoring the light, so shall you<br />

yourselves reduce the changes.<br />

Anchoring the light is not done by only mediation and the beaming of love energy.<br />

It is done by doing the works, and the teaching of the peoples who are either asleep or<br />

have no knowledge in the first place. You must work with religion also, showing a better<br />

way. Those of you who do go to church must spring up, and work against the beast who<br />

will be working even more heavily after The Second Coming Event in trying to get people<br />

to reject the process.<br />

The game of the Rapture is the game of the beast. In new age, this game is played also, in<br />

the idea of a special ascension date, in the idea that one will suddenly know all, the idea<br />

that you will be instantly able to manufacture by mind everything you need. These are skills<br />

that take time, and will not be given to the pla<strong>net</strong>, until she is well into her growing up.<br />

Poverty will not truly end, until you are off of money, and have responsible people in power<br />

to handle the trading of goods that would be the norm under a situation of not using<br />

money.<br />

Who will you elect a few short months from now The first year after the Second Coming<br />

Event will be a year of intense change that must come rapidly, to set the pla<strong>net</strong> on a better<br />

course. You must instigate this change, in every field of practice upon the Earth. It will be a<br />

great event upon the people, the making of choices to stay with the pla<strong>net</strong> or not. You must<br />

be confrontative with a lazy people wanting various versions of the rapture.<br />





REAL.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 53











-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 54

Changes in the Second Coming Protocol<br />

By Candace Frieze & Christ Michael<br />

#50 January 5, 2006<br />

Hi everyone, we have had a small change in the Protocol for the Second Coming event.<br />

Christ Michael recently spent 5 days on Mars, trying to work through some issues and<br />

coming to a resolution. The military have been stalling a good deal, there are more bad<br />

guys than good guys basically. Also there were meetings in Africa in December to discuss<br />

changes.<br />

There is also work going in Africa in working with AIDS and other issues. The Earthquake<br />

region in Pakistan has been getting help, as well as Indonesia and India where the<br />

Tsunami of last year occurred. The star people are active also in Russia and China.<br />

Precious metals are being sold to turn into cash for the humanitarian programs. The<br />

changes are well underway in other parts of the world.<br />

It is still necessary to keep the Americans doing the work, but reinforcements were<br />

necessary. So help has arrived from the American military installation on Mars, to provide<br />

extra Americans to get the job done. This cannot be seen as an invasion, the Second<br />

Coming is not an invasion, and it is a sacred event.<br />

You have been told previously that there would be NESARA, then small contact activities,<br />

and then the Second Coming event. The order is somewhat changed now.<br />

The regime is going to be changed, which still starts the NESARA process. Then in about<br />

a week, there will be a partial Second Coming event, in the USA and Canada. During this<br />

phase, there will be a rolling blackout, to darken the skies (especially over cities) and there<br />

will be quite a show. This is basically a massive contact event, but without landings. Show<br />

and tell. Beginning in early December, extension cleansing of dark energies from the<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> began. Much of this activity had been planned to occur during the Second Coming<br />

Event. This will familiarize people with the concept of our visitors, so the much needed<br />

work can be started, Mother Earth is becoming less patient.<br />

And then, we will have the smaller contact activities. There will be the planned activity in<br />

Salt Lake City, and then onto Denver later. The other countries in the world are fairly<br />

familiar with the idea of the star ships, and experience flyovers pretty regularly. There will<br />

be small landings where necessary in other areas. So now, I will put in Christ Michael's<br />

given today, and also posted at the forum, concerning all this.<br />

Christ Michael: Good morning this very bodacious day my friends! Yesterday I returned<br />

from 5 days upon Mars. The issue with getting this done has continued to be lack of<br />

cooperation within the military, the endless squabbles between the two factions, those who<br />

would do it, and those with a bit more power who would not.<br />

On Mars, there is a huge American base underground, staffed with Military who can get<br />

this done. So they have been returned. They are agreeable, and have very firm orders to<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 55

carry this out. The numbers of those that will cooperate now greatly outnumber those that<br />

will not.<br />

There are also some star folks, military, based on Mars that are here to lend assistance<br />

and backup. There has been a very good plan developed. We put out a brief message, to<br />

prepare you should the Bush administration do their pretend nuclear thing over Iraq, which<br />

was really Iran, to cause a great deal of fear in the American people. (note from Candace,<br />

this message was put on the forum, and I have now erased it, as it is not applicable<br />

anymore.)<br />

There are exactly zero nuclear weapons on the Earth plane, but the tell a vision would tell<br />

another story. Perhaps this week you noticed the increase in garbage being again<br />

presented with Iran. Russia is quite in control of that situation, despite the lack of news on<br />

this issue.<br />

Now, the issue of getting Rumsfeld and all the other cronies removed should come to a<br />

rapid head. I will not detail all of the plan. I will put out an interesting detail for those<br />

BBB&G's that come to read these works. You who do so know that Mr. Bush and Mr.<br />

Cheney are clones. Now we have had the real Cheney and the real Mr. Bush segregated<br />

for some time now. The real Mr. Bush could not handle the job any more, and desired to<br />

not be a tool of his father also. So he was removed to safety.<br />

Mr. Cheney did not make that choice, but he had to be removed because we did not want<br />

him to continue his rather personal control of the White House. The current Mr. Cheney<br />

carries little threat, totally a programmed idiot. The real Mr. Bush has turned states<br />

evidence, and this will be most useful.<br />

You have read that Mr. Abramhoff has also pleaded and will be state's evidence, and this<br />

is indeed so. I believe things will now be "cooking" right along. Patrick Fitzgerald has done<br />

his job well, and continues to interview many who are jumping ship.<br />

When the events happen, we will as planned previously handle the news from the<br />

Capricorn, and the people of Earth, particularly the United States, will learn of the star<br />

people's presence, and then we move onto a shorter and quicker version of the Second<br />

Coming Event.<br />

Much of the inner workings of the Second Coming event have already been completed,<br />

much of the cleansing was done in early December, and more continues continually.<br />

You may expect some earthquake activity this month, Mother Earth, my beloved Urantia<br />

must make a move upwards. The negative energy in the Middle East, and in the lack of<br />

understanding of Iraq in America must be released. There is the probability of another<br />

major quake in the Middle East area, from the depleted oil, causing settling of the ground.<br />

This can't be prevented, but since the star people's presence will be open, they will be able<br />

to help in assistance to these people publicly. This will be beneficial to the understanding.<br />

We have been providing assistance in Pakistan. Hopefully the world will be of greater help<br />

is assisting the peoples of natural disasters.<br />

So, within about a week after the removal of this regime in the United States, we shall have<br />

a roving outage of electricity, so that the skies can be clearly seen. This will occur in the<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 56

USA and parts of Canada. There will be some show and tell activities, but without official<br />

landings. The sky will be very pretty, much nicer than a fireworks show.<br />

The roving outages are because of the different time zones, and the number of participants<br />

in the event. The rest of the world has been experiencing many flyovers, that are not<br />

covered in your news, and the peoples have become accustomed to them. Various<br />

Masters have their own arranged Second Comings, which will all begin to happen after the<br />

US landings to come.<br />

We shall resume with the planned landing activities around the world after that event, such<br />

as in America, in Salt Lake City, and in Denver, Colorado. Sananda will be present for<br />

these two events. We plan a brief landing in Salt Lake City, but without disembarking. The<br />

Colorado landing will be about a week later, and if the Salt Lake City situation goes well<br />

enough, the Denver landing will include trips to and from the Capricorn, as Candace has<br />

discussed before.<br />

The Capricorn landing activities in Denver, if people are ready for rides, those taking the<br />

ride will meet Sananda and possibly myself aboard the Capricorn, personally, rather than<br />

in "spirit." More will be planned depending on the acceptance of these two activities.<br />

Now I must get about a most busy day. Namaste, I AM Christ Michael, Creator Son of<br />

Nebadon.<br />

Candace: I am adding this July 9 th , 2006. We still have not been successful, but we move<br />

closer. The dark side has been difficult. And in the wait many problems are solved in the<br />

battling of them, that won’t raise their ugly heads later. We hope to not have to have<br />

flyovers prior to the removal of the President. But this could still occur.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 57

Introducing Monjoronson<br />

By Candace Frieze and Monjoronson<br />

# 51, February 1,2006<br />

Candace: Hi everyone, in one of the messages, I provided a channeling by another of<br />

Monjoronson, called “We Have a Magisterial Son.” That was in September, when the<br />

Magisterial Teaching mission became somewhat more public. This mission, I am told will<br />

be publicly announced at some point after Monjoronson has completed his stepping down<br />

of his very light Lightbody into human visible form, and of course, the Second Coming<br />

events have occurred.<br />

Now for some quick review, for those new to terms in this message. The Paradise Isle is at<br />

the center of all Creation. It is the location of the Universal Father, Eternal Son and Infinite<br />

Spirit. The Paradise Isle is surrounded by the Central Universe, called Havona. There are<br />

Seven SuperUniverses, each having 100,000 universes. Our universe is Nebadon, part of<br />

the SuperUniverse of Orvonton, which includes the Milky Way Galaxy. Nebadon is number<br />

611,121 out of the 700,000 existing Universes. There are new universes forming yet, from<br />

many nebulae in outer space. Creation is mighty old, far beyond that which is taught on<br />

this pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

There are three types of Descending Sons, from Paradise.<br />

1. Creator Sons, who are called Michaels (our Christ Michael as example). The parentage<br />

of these Sons is the Father and Son.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 58

2. Magisterial Sons, called Avonals (Monjoronson). The parentage of these Sons is the<br />

Son and Spirit.<br />

3. Trinity Teacher Sons, called Daynals. (We have some here, but names not given at this<br />

time. The parentage is the Father, Son and Spirit (hence the name Trinity)<br />

Pla<strong>net</strong>s are provided teachings and help in their evolutionary journeys. They get visits from<br />

a variety of Sons of God. See my message on the Sons of God under “Changing the Face<br />

of Religion.” Earth has received an Adam and Eve, and a personal visit by Nebadon’s<br />

Creator Son around 2000 years ago. He is back now, for this Second Coming, which is a<br />

unique event, as no other Creator Son has done a Second Coming of this type, incarnate,<br />

to walk a pla<strong>net</strong>. A Magisterial Teaching Mission is a visit from an Avonal Son from<br />

Paradise. This normally occurs between an Adam and Eve mission, and a mission such as<br />

Christ Michael did here 2000 years ago.<br />

Creator Sons only incarnate once on a pla<strong>net</strong> in their realm. Other pla<strong>net</strong>s receive<br />

Bestowal (incarnation by birth) missions from Avonal Sons. Christ Michael is here<br />

incarnate, again, but not by traditional birth, which would not be suitable for his mission at<br />

this time. He is here in a specially designed body that will allow him to walk the pla<strong>net</strong> and<br />

be visible to us.<br />

When a pla<strong>net</strong> has reached the time to begin a cosmic spiritual age, the Trinity Teacher<br />

Sons come, and we have some here now in preparation for our coming “Golden or<br />

Spiritual” Age. They were here when the Urantia Book was being written. Earth is way<br />

behind the times, in her evolution, and for this reason, there has been created the<br />

“Correcting Time” by Christ Michael. So we have a visit from him, also a Magisterial<br />

Mission, and fairly soon to come, Trinity Teacher Mission.<br />

I suggest the reading of paper number 20, in Urantia Book about teaching missions. It<br />

starts on page 223. You can read this online if you do not own a copy, at www.urantia.org<br />

Monjoronson is very warm, soft in personality, easy to work with, and is quite capable of<br />

laughing and joking a bit. Some might expect these very advanced Sons to be stern and<br />

bossy, but they are not, or at least I have not met one that is stern and bossy. His energy is<br />

huge, and if I work with him close to bedtime, forget sleep for a while, it takes time for his<br />

energy to dissipate. The first day I spent time with him, back in September I think, I was<br />

high as a kite for hours. So now, lets go to the message, which we did in two separate<br />

sessions.<br />

Monjoronson: Hello my friends, my name is Monjoronson, I AM the Magisterial Son from<br />

Paradise. I am an Avonal Son assigned to the Magisterial Teaching mission to Earth.<br />

Candace a few months ago posted a work through another as an introduction of sorts to<br />

the Magisterial Mission. I met her that day formally and promised to her I would do a<br />

message after the NESARA announcement. In the waiting, now that her website is up,<br />

might as well get down to business.<br />

First, this is the first mission from Paradise that Earth (Urantia) has ever received. You are<br />

to be congratulated, all of you from the stars that are here to get the doing done and assist<br />

us. We value, all of us in this teaching mission, your help. You have come from many<br />

places to lift up this pla<strong>net</strong>, and have spent, in most cases quite a few lifetimes incarnate,<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 59

and also teaching in other realms. Your efforts have paid off, and we finally look forward to<br />

raising this pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

Candace: Monjoronson has huge energy with his presence; I just had to take of my<br />

sweater, because I am “roasting” from it.<br />

Monjoronson: Earth should have been in the status of Light and Life long ago, even<br />

despite so much interference from others. But her peoples, and her Other Side (the<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>’s local heaven) were rather underdeveloped souls, and have required your help and<br />

input in order to grow enough to move forward in ascension. You are going to have to<br />

continue the pressure and the help to those around you, in the coming times to assist their<br />

acceptance, of a heaven that is not at all consistent with the manipulated teachings upon<br />

the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

I will add to other teachings right now, that there is a tremendous undertaking in the last<br />

several years by the dark, to cause those of Earth to not accept the Second Coming<br />

process. Ministers have been carefully prepared, in all the major religions upon the pla<strong>net</strong><br />

to say no. It may take a time, before we are accepted by our fruits. We rely heavily upon<br />

you for your assistance.<br />

The people in your various communities, where you live and where you work, for their very<br />

growth and possible ascension with the pla<strong>net</strong>, will need you to continue to cause for them,<br />

quite a bit of spiritual chaos. They must come out of old belief systems of control, and into<br />

that which is really God, the presence of life that pervades the entire Creation. They must<br />

accept their responsibility for their growth, and not leave it in the hands of others, who say<br />

by joining a church and following a long list of rules, that they will enter into the kingdom of<br />

heaven.<br />

Candace: Most churches in fact teach that one must be a church member to go to heaven,<br />

which includes some generous tithing. I just restudied my Catholic Catechism, to confirm<br />

this is the case for Catholics. Many others follow suit. I visited a Nazarene church recently,<br />

and this is in their belief system too, and in this I read that to not tithe or tithe insufficiently<br />

is to steal from God.<br />

Monjoronson: Heaven is a place; every universe has its spheres of higher living, and<br />

government. But one can’t enter into the living on those spheres until one has become<br />

dedicated to living in light, and has a grasp of the journey ahead in the decision to survive<br />

and receive of eternal life.<br />

Earth, sadly loses many potential souls, Ascending Sons, because of how the pla<strong>net</strong> is<br />

controlled and taught. People give up the idea of thought and the need to solve their own<br />

problems, and place them in the hands of another. Pla<strong>net</strong>s in their younger stages face<br />

this; they naturally seek to follow others who seem to know more. But on Earth, the<br />

common peoples fail to even consciously seek real teachings. There is the lack of awe for<br />

creation.<br />

Even the cave man type peoples of young pla<strong>net</strong>s look upon the stars, and know<br />

something more is going on. They strive; they seek. But on this pla<strong>net</strong> we have many, for<br />

quite a long time now, who will not fuse with their Adjusters, life after life after life. It is such<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 60

a sad waste to Creation. Many actually drop out, so to speak, and then become uncreated<br />

in this. They do not have the desire to take the eternal journey.<br />

You must work to change this. You must encourage folks to actually think. That is how all<br />

of Creation, the entirety of it, came into being in the first place, and continues to grow.<br />

There are many universes now, past the 700,000 created, in the making. Go and look up<br />

nebulas on your Inter<strong>net</strong>. These are all creations waiting to become places of life.<br />

And as Christ Michael is beginning to teach, you are going to be the Creators of those<br />

great systems to come. It behooves you to take a very serious journey now at this time, so<br />

that you will one day count yourselves as the future Ascending Sons, 7th stage spirits yet<br />

to be (as the Avonal sons, Creator Sons, and Trinity Teacher Sons are) who will found<br />

these systems, implant them with life and nourish their growth.<br />

You find yourselves still not quite awake to that idea, don’t you But, my dear ones, it is<br />

truth. Many of you are here from many systems. Do not block this from your sights. Creator<br />

is your destiny, if you wish to accept the challenge. I know, in this body you are using now,<br />

you look around, and feel a bit inferior, but it is so very much the truth. You are a special<br />

group, here to raise this difficult pla<strong>net</strong> out of her misery. In the process of doing this, you<br />

must approach all gently, but firmly in the coming few more years, before Earth reaches<br />

her initial destiny of 5th dimension. And it is just the initial destiny.<br />

In the teaching of those around you, in the works you develop to heal the pla<strong>net</strong>, the many<br />

works so required in conscious co creation, you are going to take a huge step upwards in<br />

your own growth. It is all about solving problems, and you are not to allow the dark to set<br />

you back by the really stupid and insidious idea that if you are serious about the pla<strong>net</strong>,<br />

you have an ego problem. It goes to your intent, whether you have an ego problem or not.<br />

What is your intent If the intent, in whatever endeavor you undertake is genuinely to serve<br />

others, and to heal the pla<strong>net</strong> in any of various ways, this is not ego. It is standing in your<br />

solidarity; it is standing in your sovereignty.<br />

There are many of you still wanting to have a mission assignment. We will not give it to<br />

you. You are sovereign, you are advanced souls, and you drive your own car. You are not<br />

implanted, as are the lower souls of this pla<strong>net</strong>, with instructions about living your life, and<br />

in the rules of karma. You are not to sit around worrying about your karma. Karmic rules<br />

upon this pla<strong>net</strong>’s Other Side do not apply. You are sovereign, and into this state, so<br />

must you step.<br />

Now, just what is a Magisterial Mission And who am I Magisterial Missions usually occur<br />

prior to a Creator Son visit, or prior in the Bestowal of an incarnated Avonal Son from<br />

Paradise. Almost all pla<strong>net</strong>s do not receive the Incarnated Creator Son. Only one pla<strong>net</strong> in<br />

each universe experiences that, and it is usually a pla<strong>net</strong> that does need some extra help<br />

and is out of step.<br />

Urantia is very out of step. Other pla<strong>net</strong>s learn to fend off the dark invaders, mostly by<br />

spiritual growth. Like attracts like, and as the vibrations of the pla<strong>net</strong> increase, the dark<br />

lords that rove the universes of time and space, always a problem to some degree, can not<br />

even detect a pla<strong>net</strong> that exists in a higher vibration. It is not on their radar. They infect<br />

lower pla<strong>net</strong>s. And Earth is deeply infected, even now still, but is growing some in the light<br />

with your assistance.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 61

I have a huge staff with me, larger than for many Magisterial Missions. The pla<strong>net</strong> is<br />

overpopulated, and this alone requires a larger staff. Also, you are all here, and this<br />

requires a larger staff. In my staff are included both Ascending and Descending Sons.<br />

There are some very talented Ascending Sons here for this mission.<br />

I have nearly completed the down stepping of my form so that I may be seen by 4D and<br />

higher folks. You will be able to see me. Many will not, until their vibrations change. Some<br />

of you will perceive me in your 3rd eye only, many others with good enough DNA with their<br />

physical eyes.<br />

Some of my staff are also materializing, some not. I will look much like you, taller, because<br />

my light body is not as subject to gravity as yours. Earth peoples will be taller, as<br />

ascension continues, for this reason. I can shape shift, a term known to you, but<br />

misunderstood sometimes. This means, I can choose to look like the peoples of your<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

I have many Magisterial Missions behind me. I have also experienced being a Bestowal<br />

Son on a pla<strong>net</strong>. I am very old, as you would look at it, but of course, the body you<br />

perceive will not look nearly as old. I will not appear young; I need the look of an elder.<br />

Probably similar to someone in good health, in their 60’s. I will be male in appearance.<br />

Based on current expectations, I should be visible to many in around 3 months time.<br />

We will have the announcement of the Magisterial Mission publicly fairly soon after the<br />

planned Second Coming activities, and the various contact events, when Earth’s peoples<br />

have been made more familiar with what is going. They are going to be told that there are<br />

many from Heaven who will walk the pla<strong>net</strong> at this time.<br />

Many peoples, in confusion after they find out there is no rapture, will be seriously<br />

emotionally in trouble. I know this will occur, I have experience on other pla<strong>net</strong>s, with<br />

people’s who have been mis taught. The rapture away to heaven idea has been installed<br />

on many other pla<strong>net</strong>s by the dark forces, both galactic forces throughout time, and on<br />

those pla<strong>net</strong>s who suffered the Lucifer rebellion. Earth is the final pla<strong>net</strong> to rejoin Satania,<br />

(Sa ta nee a) and have its connections to the universal mind circuits restored. It has been<br />

the most difficult, because Lucifer set up shop, so to speak on the pla<strong>net</strong>. It was his prison<br />

world.<br />

He is with you no more. He is uncreated, meaning that there is no personality, no<br />

recognition of his existence. And many others chose this fate, not being strong enough to<br />

take the journey required, of reincarnation to understand their mistakes. He seemed<br />

genuinely saddened at his trial, disappointed in himself. He was offered rehabilitation, but<br />

turned it down. His will prevailed. And with his uncreation, the universal circuits were<br />

reopened to the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

We will be teaching much to the pla<strong>net</strong> during this Magisterial Mission. Once you are fully<br />

5D, the Trinity Son Teaching Mission can begin in earnest also. It is Christ Michael’s goal<br />

to totally uplift this pla<strong>net</strong>, restore the pla<strong>net</strong> fully. You are not limited to 5D; you may climb<br />

as high as you wish. There are many of the Trinity Son Teaching Mission now coming to<br />

the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 62

There will initially be a variety of healing centers on the pla<strong>net</strong>. We will in time establish<br />

actual schools on the pla<strong>net</strong> for learning the ways of heaven. You have all been attending<br />

night school, because that was the only method available to school you. On most pla<strong>net</strong>s,<br />

much schooling occurs in the daytime, because there is time for it, as the pla<strong>net</strong> grows in<br />

its technology, and becomes more free to move on to spiritual pursuits.<br />

I have been with the pla<strong>net</strong> since before the Urantia Book was written, and I was in<br />

supervision of its creation. I have simply not made you aware yet of the Magisterial<br />

Mission, it was not time. There has been the teaching, do not give your pearls to swine. So<br />

you have been attending night school. You will begin to remember your nighttime<br />

teachings, as the swine leave the pla<strong>net</strong>. It is that simple. Much of your nighttime teachings<br />

have been in schoolrooms where you have been planning your works. I think those of you<br />

waiting around to discover them, will do so over the next year.<br />

The Christ Michael did indeed travel to Mars recently to get assistance in working America<br />

from within. You are also seeing the influence of other rulers, in other countries, saying no<br />

to the NWO right now. This is what is going on a bit with Iran also, controlling America with<br />

oil. Or rather refusing to sell it to America. China continues to dump the dollars, both in<br />

selling them off, and in flooding the market, much in similarity to how the United States<br />

weakened the Soviet Union some time ago, flooding the markets with false Ruples. Time<br />

for the United States, to experience its karma with the system of the dollar.<br />

We continue to work from within, to take down the New World Order. As has been told,<br />

many of the hidden hand are removed, and the minions have no one but themselves to<br />

stand in front of you. The minions include the many clones. It would interest you to know<br />

that Mr. Kerry is now a clone, have you noticed a change in his appearance The real Mr.<br />

Kerry has undergone a trial, and is removed from the pla<strong>net</strong>. The same is true of others.<br />

You are looking at programmed clones, in many public offices. The same with your Mr.<br />

Clinton. The clone has the heart trouble. It is getting older, faster now. Have faith the<br />

changes are coming, because the clones are just not that bright, and they are messing up<br />

every day before your eyes.<br />

The Anunnaki were quarantined well away from being able to influence the Earth. All of<br />

them, because it was seen that some traveled to the light, and others played a game. So<br />

they are all out of the way, while others sort out the good from the bad. So they are not<br />

able to influence minions.<br />

Many minions will face uncreation, or rather will not survive this process, They do not<br />

attract Thought Adjusters, and thus can’t begin the possibility of the eternal journey.<br />

Candace: for those who have not read all the messages, please do so. They are all on the<br />

main site. We covered the issues around the Anunnaki a good deal in the early ones.<br />

Monjoronson: Now Candace is planning on simplifying portions of The Urantia Book and<br />

this is for the new clerics and similar folks that will visit the site in time. I want all of you to<br />

acquire the book, and read it. You will understand more of it, with each re reading of<br />

various sections. Mother Shekhmet will work with her on simplifying some of the material,<br />

which will aid you also.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 63

The book, as I said, I am responsible directly for its creation, although I wrote none of it. I<br />

supervised it. It is not totally perfect; some readings are difficult because of language<br />

limitations. Some material is not fully true, because we had to hide the pearls from the<br />

swine. We had to protect the star people incarnating into the pla<strong>net</strong>. We did not cover<br />

space travel and other issues in it, nor did we cover the galactic warring issues. We merely<br />

covered “heaven”, in a sense, because of the great need on Earth, and the bad teachings<br />

about heaven.<br />

The Descending Sons exist, in a nutshell, to raise up the Ascending Sons. You are<br />

fragments of the Father, and as already said, you will go on to tend all those future<br />

universes. Creation is very old now, the projected 7 master creations, the 7<br />

SuperUniverses are all underway. Even the youngest universe now has its Creator Son in<br />

residence. The nebulas beckon you. Andromeda, a nebula, not a galaxy as claimed by<br />

your science, already has pla<strong>net</strong>s established with life, totally by Ascending Sons, who<br />

manage it. It is in the outer space regions, as described in The Urantia Book, outside of<br />

Orvonton. You have visitors in your skies, and incarnate on the pla<strong>net</strong> also, from<br />

Andromeda.<br />

These future universes will grow probably a bit more rapidly, for your vast experience and<br />

as the result of colonization. Life is huge, and many are on the move, from pla<strong>net</strong>s with<br />

problems, or pla<strong>net</strong>s that have too many people. In general, advanced pla<strong>net</strong>s, with space<br />

travel, do not need to worry about population, their populations merely move.<br />

As your Earth ascends, and space travel is allowed from the pla<strong>net</strong>, your populations, what<br />

seems the excess at this time (and it is excess) will simply colonize Mars, and Venus. Birth<br />

control is lesser of an issue to a pla<strong>net</strong> established in Light and Life. It is an issue on<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>s, which do not have space travel, and people who are not yet ready to travel the<br />

stars, do have to reproduce within the limits of the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

Some of you intuitively know this. The issue with abortion before the Supreme Court was<br />

never however, about population control and the rights of women to control their bodies. It<br />

had everything to do with aborting star people, and their DNA. You will be repealing this<br />

law, for this reason.<br />

As the pla<strong>net</strong> grows to value life, people will have only those children they care about.<br />

They will have children by intent. They will not use birth control, as is on this pla<strong>net</strong>, and<br />

they will not abort their young. They will control their sexuality. As the lower vibrations of<br />

people leave the pla<strong>net</strong> during the ascension process, you will see fewer issues with<br />

sexuality.<br />

Higher vibration people do not rape, do not use sex as power, do not say to the woman, I<br />

need you tonight to relieve me. Sex will become sacred, child raising sacred. Marriage<br />

sacred. Children not wanted, will be easily adopted. There will be fewer unwanted children<br />

over time. Disease will decrease, war will be gone as you unite, and there will be fewer<br />

children who loose parents to these conditions.<br />

I will address homosexuality here a bit. To be homosexual is not wrong. Love is never<br />

wrong. What is wrong, once again is any sexual behavior that does not honor life, and is<br />

done without love. You should read the Phoenix Journals on this. Christ Michael, as<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 64

Hatonn, was quite correct. Honoring life includes honoring one’s own body. You will learn<br />

to value the body, and you will learn to not give into sexual cravings that are harmful. This<br />

is a spiritual issue in most cases. There is the lower DNA, which will correct itself in time,<br />

by the ge<strong>net</strong>ic uplifting of the pla<strong>net</strong> in various ways that you are aware of at this time. But<br />

one can overcome the lower DNA, by spiritual choice. Spiritual choices can change DNA.<br />

There are many planning on working in the area of sexuality. Christ Michael himself is, and<br />

will be working directly with some chosen ones, who came to this pla<strong>net</strong> to heal sexuality.<br />

It is the behavior again, not the love. Love never harms by intent. Much harm in sexuality is<br />

created from images in advertising, and lower teachings upon the pla<strong>net</strong>. I remind you, that<br />

sexual issues occur in both heterosexuality and homosexuality. People’s long memories of<br />

sexual abuse through many incarnations are much of the problem. There are marvelous<br />

techniques to heal one of sexual issues, and heal thusly their assorted energy bodies.<br />

Now to move on. Candace has explained that there is discussion here in the forum around<br />

the issue of judgment. And the teaching is correct to never judge the soul, but you are<br />

certainly to judge behavior. However, there is the judging of souls going on right now, by<br />

the high Descending Sons, such as myself and Christ Michael who have the capability and<br />

the responsibility to do so. There come several times in every pla<strong>net</strong>s periods of<br />

maturation, where souls who are not ready are removed and taken to other places to<br />

continue their education. These times of judgment always occur during any of the teaching<br />

and Bestowal missions to a pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

Sadly, many from Earth cannot ascend with the pla<strong>net</strong>. They are not ready, and in the<br />

schooling systems of the universes of time, no one graduates until one is ready. Those<br />

who advance on any normal pla<strong>net</strong> can move on, after personal graduations at any time. In<br />

the younger evolutionary pla<strong>net</strong>s, in general those young souls are moved forward in<br />

groups, called millennial judgments, generally every 1000 years of pla<strong>net</strong>ary time. As souls<br />

mature, on a maturing pla<strong>net</strong>, individuals move on whenever their graduation requirements<br />

are met.<br />

You will read in Urantia that many from Earth were kept here, by Lucifer, and not allowed<br />

to move on. This is true, and with the coming of your Bestowal Creator Son, Lucifer was<br />

removed, and the normal progression was re established. Many left at that time to continue<br />

their growth everywhere.<br />

Lucifer had his own schooling system on your Other Side, and it left a great deal to be<br />

desired. I do believe that Buddha will be discussing that in more detail. Since the pla<strong>net</strong><br />

was isolated, souls did not go to the Mansion worlds for proper schooling, in general. They<br />

found themselves in a huge mess, unorganized and not productive, on your Other Side.<br />

Soul growth has been slow for this reason. But I move on, as that is the topic Buddha will<br />

cover.<br />

So yes, this is the time of judgment, and those that create the mis teachings by intent, in<br />

the various religions on the pla<strong>net</strong>, have created something that sounds awful, terrible, by<br />

a terrible and angry God. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is mostly a natural<br />

process, a separation by the natural vibrations of the person.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 65

And again sadly many are to go elsewhere, to the new pristine pla<strong>net</strong> talked about, to start<br />

over again. It is pristine, because it is still rather in a void state, a state of balanced energy,<br />

neither positive nor negative. There will be many there, both incarnate, and in spirit, to<br />

assist this pla<strong>net</strong> and the peoples going there, to get them started in a better direction.<br />

Their karma will be removed, a beautiful grace being extended to them, and they get to<br />

start over, minus many tragic memories. Hardly the judgment of an angry God!<br />

And these will graduate in the normal fashion, dependent on individual progress. They will<br />

not be there for any specified period of time. That pla<strong>net</strong> does have a cycle of about<br />

35,000 of your years. Remember that you cycle around Alcyone every 26,000 years. Such<br />

is a similar cycle of that pla<strong>net</strong>. But an individual’s time spent there need not be any where<br />

near that time. Some of your souls, that are not ready to ascend with Earth, many in<br />

government and leadership positions, who have failed in their growth will go there, some in<br />

body, some after passing this plane. It would be expected that these ones, who are going<br />

with greater knowledge and with divine grace, will graduate much sooner than younger<br />

souls.<br />

And as has been taught some will find themselves on the void pla<strong>net</strong>, which will be<br />

explained in greater detail, I am told with Candace, by Maitreya. He knows of what he<br />

speaks, because he spent some time in that place. It is not filled with horrid giant<br />

dinosaurs, and other horrors that have circulated. There is no hell, my friends. But the<br />

conditions there are quite different than on this new pla<strong>net</strong> that has been prepared. And<br />

graduation from it always occurs. However, beings when they graduate the void get new<br />

assignments, and some do revert to old ways. In this case, they will face uncreation,<br />

because the void pla<strong>net</strong>, is a last resort type of place.<br />

The universes of time are organized, and there are real legal courts. But these are not the<br />

courts in place at this time of judgment, generally speaking. This is a time of sorting, more<br />

than judgment. But some are being judged in trials; usually these are Descending Sons<br />

who have not carried out their work, as they should. Some people are being returned for<br />

civil and criminal trials to their pla<strong>net</strong>s of origin. Many Anunnaki will be experiencing<br />

criminal trials, and these will be facing the universal courts for these trials. These numbers<br />

who are facing real trials, are a small percentage of the overall pla<strong>net</strong>ary population.<br />

I think this is enough for this current paper. I will be doing more with Candace. I suggest<br />

readers make some questions addressed to me concerning the Magisterial Mission, and<br />

myself. Please read the description from Urantia, and create more questions from this. I<br />

will be here for a very long time in your years. This time is dependent on the pla<strong>net</strong>’s<br />

progress. Namaste, Monjoronson, Avonal Magisterial Son, assigned to the Correcting<br />

Time of Urantia.<br />

Candace: As you all may have noticed, we have continually remodeled the Forum, adding<br />

many new sub forums a couple days ago. I have also created specific threads, which are<br />

stickied in the Enlightenment forum, for channelings from various entities. Please study<br />

these changes before you post, and post carefully to the correct sections. I had an<br />

individual angry with me for moving threads to the right sub forums. But that is the point of<br />

this software that was chosen, to have multiple forums, for multiple discussions.<br />

<strong>AbundantHope</strong> is going to grow, and with it the website as a teaching tool. The forum will<br />

be remodeled at needed to accommodate change.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 66

I am again thanking Mark for his thoughtful insight in choosing the software, and his many<br />

efforts to remodel it as needed! Thank you Mark, for all that you have done to bring the<br />

<strong>AbundantHope</strong> website, and the forum into reality. This has kept the energy going during<br />

this longer than anticipated wait. We have established a community! Take care, Candace<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 67

Admiral Jhonka of the Ashtar Command<br />

# 52 Through Candace Frieze<br />

February 19, 2006<br />

Hi everyone, this message was posted on the <strong>AbundantHope</strong> forum February 19th 2006.<br />

We reopened the forum a bit before we were finished with reorganizing it, because the<br />

timing was important. It was not posted on here on the main site, because of tracking that<br />

had been set up. The message had and still has strategic importance to getting changes<br />

made in Washington. A request was made to not take it from the forum and post it<br />

elsewhere at that time.<br />

I have been given permission, today March 6, 2006 to go ahead and put up here today, for<br />

our readers who are not forum members. This message now has an update given to me<br />

today, by Admiral Jhonka, which follows this first message. I chose to place them together<br />

for clarity; it would be confusing to read the update with having read the first message.<br />

Admiral Jhonka: Hello my friends, I am new to Candace’s readers. I am a Admiral in the<br />

Ashtar Command, and I am here to give a message today, which is actually more meant<br />

for certain of the BBB&G’s readers of the website, than the regular readers.<br />

To our BBB&G readers of <strong>AbundantHope</strong>, this is for you today. As you know the work is<br />

nearly done in getting the Second Coming mission announced and much of NESARA<br />

implemented in the United States. You are not to go looking for me, because I am not very<br />

available to you, I am very secure.<br />

This notice serves as a stand down order unto those still within the United States Military<br />

who are resistant to the changes. You are hereby relieved of your command, and your<br />

arrest warrants for various charges of treason are prepared and awaiting the delivery to<br />

you. All is in completely legal order, under the real united States constitution. You are not<br />

citizens of the united States of America, because by amendment 13 to the real constitution<br />

of the country, you have vacated your citizenship rights, for representing a foreign<br />

corporation.<br />

You are under arrest under international jurisdiction for this reason. Now those of you, who<br />

do not stand down, within the next 36 hours from the time this notice is placed at<br />

<strong>AbundantHope</strong>, will not only be arrested, you will not receive justice in the universal court<br />

system of Nebadon. You will be given your hasty trial, and the only choice you face is<br />

uncreation, in these circumstances. This is by order of Ashtar, of the Intergalactic<br />

Federation of Light. This order comes through the Galactic hierarchy of Orvonton, from<br />

those that have a higher jurisdiction in this arena than does Christ Michael.<br />

You enter your stand down, to the proper authorities in your chain of command. You know<br />

who these are at this time. If you enter your stand down, which means your resignation,<br />

and agreement to cause no further trouble, you will face the true mercy of Orvonton, and<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 68

e allowed to continue your journey, which will be under different circumstances, the void<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>, for your rehabilitation. You will no longer have a home here upon the Earth. Be in<br />

preparation of your families on this issue.<br />

You will prepare them, that you are leaving the pla<strong>net</strong> entirely and they shall not see of you<br />

again for some time, because the residence on the void pla<strong>net</strong> tends to be lengthy one. In<br />

the case of your uncreation, they will not be seeing you again. If you love your families, you<br />

will prepare them for your departure. For failure to stand down during all the negotiations<br />

since the early part of this year 2006 is the cause of this action. We are bigger than you,<br />

and you have no protection.<br />

You have been given this option before, and have chosen to not believe in its possibility.<br />

But the papers are now drawn, posted legally as necessary, and there is not a lawyer upon<br />

this pla<strong>net</strong> than can change the outcome. Your destiny is certain, and your only choice is<br />

uncreation, or a new residence on the void pla<strong>net</strong> for rehabilitation. Again, you must make<br />

this decision prior to you receiving the arrest papers. A short 36 hours from the posting of<br />

this public notice. There are people reading this, who will inform you of the conditions, and<br />

this publication.<br />

You will be shortly be served your arrest papers, and you cannot, not accept them, as they<br />

will be delivered by other means than standard courier. Keeping the door unanswered will<br />

not be effective. There are those reading here at <strong>AbundantHope</strong>, that get some of their<br />

marching assignments in this manner, and thus they will have them when the site is live<br />

tonight.<br />

Now, I direct my attention to certain ones in Congress. There are also some of you, who<br />

are ordered to stand down, and resign your positions, and you know who you are. In<br />

particular this is for you, Senator Clinton, Senator Kerry and Senator Hatch. Yea are the<br />

lizard types and the American public will shortly have had enough of you when the truth is<br />

told. Prepare also your families for your departure to other places; you have the same<br />

choices as the military who have held this up.<br />

To the members of the Supreme Court, several of you have resigned as you were asked,<br />

and the two newest members placed by Bush, however have not. You are asked to stand<br />

down also, and there are arrest warrants awaiting you also, under the same conditions as<br />

everyone else in this message. You have been charged with high treason against the<br />

united States of America.<br />

Most of the other members of the Senate and Congress have made their decisions to<br />

resign. We believe that the ones not mentioned in this paper above, will make that decision<br />

shortly. There are more arrest warrants, which will be public shortly, to prepare the<br />

American people for the coming changes. And Tom Delay my man, you are in are real hot<br />

water you know, and this will not be further covered up.<br />

There are several high up in media also, who are not agreeable to the changes. Those<br />

who own Fox and NBC are given this warning. You also have arrest warrants facing you<br />

for obstruction and treason to the American people. These in the fairly near future will also<br />

be made public. Your choices will be uncreation, the void pla<strong>net</strong>, or prison in America<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 69

according the laws for treason to your country. Think well on that topic, and also prepare<br />

your families.<br />

To those being requested politely to stand down, I am aware you chose to not stand down<br />

last April to the Universe of Nebadon orders. However, the pla<strong>net</strong> Earth has been returned<br />

to the control of the higher realms now, is a full member of the Galactic Federation of Light<br />

at this time, and comes under Galactic Law. You have no recourse.<br />

Now as has been made public though <strong>AbundantHope</strong>, the Mr. Bush that appears to be the<br />

president to the public at this time, is a clone. The real Mr. Bush defected last summer, and<br />

under protection has spilled his guts, and identified many and their crimes. He was under<br />

control of his father in seeking the presidency, and had finally had enough and approached<br />

one of great power to relieve him of this pressure.<br />

In the so doing, he has cleared much of his karma, and will be giving an admission to the<br />

public about who is responsible for the stolen presidency. He has agreed to stand public<br />

trial in the coming months and take his lumps. The public will be given that he has<br />

resigned, since it was not his office in the first place. He will not have charges placed<br />

against him, for what the clones have done in his name. His clone will simply be<br />

deactivated at the appropriate time.<br />

Mr. Cheney was taken into custody last summer, by legal arrest, and his clone is before<br />

the public. Mr. Cheney remains uncooperative. At this point, the American public will see<br />

an arrest of Mr. Cheney the clone, and of course assume it is Mr. Cheney. Perhaps shortly<br />

Mr. Cheney is going to reconsider and actually resign his office. If that occurs the people<br />

will see a resignation, and the filing of papers of treason, and numerous other crimes by<br />

Mr. Cheney.<br />

The older Bush, the former President, will also be receiving arrest warrants. We have not<br />

at this time determined when the public will be made aware of this. The military on our side<br />

in this, has been very busy the past two days delivering warrants. It is usually his clone you<br />

also so see, he takes little risk of being in front of the public. The one recent time he took<br />

this risk was at the funeral of Coretta Scott King, because of the obvious security present<br />

for that event. So that day, you watched “the real deal.”<br />

To the readers of <strong>AbundantHope</strong>, understand that this must be done from the inside, as is<br />

being done. Certain military and others from Mars have provided great assistance in<br />

getting this done. It has been mostly a numbers game, and now the numbers are in the<br />

right proportion to effect the change. As I have been told, you were told that there were<br />

American military on Mars who were returned to Earth to provide this assistance. There<br />

were 300 people returned of varying ranks and capabilities, so thus it is Americans getting<br />

the work done, and not a foreign power.<br />

I myself am also an American, in addition to my ranking with Ashtar Command. I will not<br />

further identify myself at this time, but you will know that identity publicly when appropriate<br />

to do so.<br />

I am taking a bit of time to thank all of the Congress people, both Representatives and<br />

Senators who have seen the vision. Many of you have been participating heavily behind<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 70

the scenes around the issues of NESARA for some time now. You now stand in greater<br />

power, as we move into the process of removing the higher power structure. I will not give<br />

names at this time to protect identity.<br />

To those who were more reluctant, but chose to go along, because you saw no other way<br />

for yourself, I believe as everything unfolds, you will be understand the vision. You should<br />

be going before your peoples and giving them an apology for your behavior, and you<br />

should not chose to run again, since you are dropping out without true support of what is<br />

ahead, in this total Second Coming process.<br />

We have had many in the media make a firm and joyous commitment to NESARA, re<br />

education of the public, and to the sacred honor which is implied in their choice of<br />

profession. A mighty education plan of the American public over the next couple of months<br />

has been envisioned, and much of it already prepared and waiting to be put before the<br />

public eye.<br />

The Bourse, in which much of the world will not being using the dollar is going into effect,<br />

country by country. This will finish the Federal Reserve System. All of the oil producing<br />

countries with the exception of Saudi Arabia, who still sits under NWO control, is going<br />

over to the Euro. This process ends many a game played in the financial arena that is<br />

connected to oil production. Iran has gone to this, which is exactly why the foreign USA<br />

corp. is wanting to attack them. There is not the real issue of their having any ability at this<br />

time to make nuclear weapons. This is a contrived story for the American public.<br />

Interestingly, yesterday in the news there was material suggested to be from Saddam,<br />

found somehow and being translated. This remains a game of Karl Rove, and Karl, you will<br />

also be facing treason charges, and exactly the same scenario of uncreation, or the void<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>. Make your choice now, before delivery of your papers also.<br />

Several Cabi<strong>net</strong> members have resigned also, and those that did not, you will receive<br />

similar marching orders. Your time is up. All of you, who have knowingly participated in this<br />

grand NWO order scheme, and you all knew to come degree, face also arrests for treason.<br />

Again, no lawyers can get you off the hook, the warrants are “tight.” You cannot claim<br />

defense under the laws of the foreign corporation, you also gave up your citizenship to the<br />

United States, and come under international jurisdiction.<br />

You can not claim either, that because the United States chose not to be part of the<br />

International Court of Justice, that you are immune, because the real united States made<br />

no such choice. The private corporation is subject to that entity, because it invaded and<br />

stole the entire government system put in place by the founding fathers of the united<br />

States of America. This same condition exists for others mentioned in this paper. You<br />

have no protection legally from prosecution.<br />

Most of your lawyers serve this fake government also, and thus are not citizens of the<br />

united States, and cannot represent you legally in this case, as they must be citizens of the<br />

united States to represent united States interests. Your corporation has been disbanded<br />

and uncreated by legal means.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 71

Now to update the timelines for <strong>AbundantHope</strong> readers. We will not give an exact date, but<br />

this will officially start off with Mr. Bush’s resignation. There are other events prior to this to<br />

continue to prepare the American people just a bit more, and these include some papers<br />

and indictments of some importance to the Bush administration. I will not say which ones in<br />

this piece.<br />

The taking down of the Federal Reserve could occur before or after the resignation of the<br />

President, this is predicated on the Bourse and its timing. This will be seen as a natural<br />

event, the result of the dollar loosing tremendous value in the world markets. The Federal<br />

Reserve will also find itself in bankruptcy proceedings, and the new story will be that<br />

because of the bankruptcy, the coinage of money has been returned to the Federal<br />

Government, under the US Treasury.<br />

The story to the public will be that the credit cards will be zeroed out because of this<br />

bankruptcy, and the illegality of the organization to begin with. All the original<br />

considerations in NESARA will be covered around debt reduction in the united States of<br />

America. The public will be taught and informed of the procedures for this by the media, at<br />

the prescribed time. This could occur before or after the President’s resignation. The timing<br />

on these events is fluid.<br />

The Rainbow money can be begin to be released with the downfall of the Federal Reserve,<br />

and the bills exchanged equally with Federal Reserve notes as the new currency becomes<br />

available. There will be no rush and no need to turn in the expiring notes in your<br />

possession. Just spend them as usual, and you will see change coming back in the new<br />

money as it becomes available. Banks will simply begin using it instead of Federal<br />

Reserve notes, as they have supply. Those with money in banking accounts, the money<br />

remains as credits and debits to your accounts, the usual situation, and a non-issue during<br />

this change over.<br />

We are not releasing other details at this time. Worry not on the prosperity funds and the<br />

delivery of them, this will and is being handled by those involved. With the bankruptcy of<br />

the Federal Reserve, this changes everything legally, and barriers are removed. Not all<br />

banking changes will be instantaneous. There will not be a NESARA announcement, a one<br />

shot announcement. The details of NESARA will be put before the public, and called<br />

NESARA a bit later. When you see either the Federal Reserve coming down, or the<br />

resignation of Mr. Bush, you will know the show is on the road. We have plans in<br />

preparation; they are just not to be released at this time.<br />

I think this is enough for today; I have fulfilled my commission in this regard. Namaste, I<br />

AM Admiral Jhonka, of the Ashtar Command.<br />

Candace: a Bourse is generally a word for a European stock exchange. Type Iranian<br />

Bourse into a search engine to get an idea of what is being talked about above. There are<br />

postings on the forum about Bourse also, and articles about how the dollar is used to<br />

control through oil. Countries must purchase their oil with dollars, and many countries are<br />

now only accepting Euros and gold for oil, which is very stressful on our BBB&G’s, and a<br />

huge reason for the war in Iraq, and the planned war against Iran. The “nuclear” problem<br />

with Iran is about the Iranian Bourse, which is scheduled to be opened about March 20, of<br />

this month.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 72

Update by Jhonka, March 06, 2006<br />

Hello one and all, Admiral Jhonka here to give a brief update today. First, I would like to tell<br />

you a bit more about myself. I mentioned in the previous message that I was also an<br />

American citizen, and so I AM. I am a 5 star General, in the US Army, and my rank is well<br />

beyond that of other 5 Star Generals. I have a very high security clearance.<br />

I am the major person that returned with Christ Michael from his visit to Mars, to assist<br />

getting this done. I am known as General Radetski in this incarnation. I am indeed Admiral<br />

Jhonka of Ashtar Command also, Jhonka, being my “real” name. Actually I am Emmanuel<br />

Jhonka, yes more than one use that name, Emmanuel. I am actually an angelic, having an<br />

important incarnation for the light at this time.<br />

I AM a Light Warrior by my creation. I am also from another Universe, not Nebadon, but<br />

came to assist the removal of the dark from Nebadon. In this life, I am 60 years old. I have<br />

been the head officer on Mars for 20 years now. Christ Michael and I “cooked up” the<br />

current game plan when he was here in late December, and early January.<br />

Our message, which I presented on February 19th, was written by Christ Michael and<br />

myself. We chose to have the camouflage of my using my Galactic identification for that<br />

message.<br />

The message was successful. Not only did many it specifically targeted choose<br />

rehabilitation, but also it spread pretty well in various high places, not only in the United<br />

States but also in other countries. It was taken seriously by many, who in fear decided on a<br />

different journey, returning to the light. So we had many committing to the concepts of<br />

NESARA and the Second Coming that were not mentioned in the message.<br />

We saw that it also got to specific religious leaders who have been the enemy and some of<br />

them decided that to come around was better than the risk of uncreation or the void pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

Many will start their rehabilitation while they remain in body on the earth plane and will not<br />

probably have to go to the void pla<strong>net</strong>. Many as they finish this incarnation will have the<br />

opportunity of going to the new pla<strong>net</strong>, as their karma will not allow them to stay on the<br />

Ascending Earth. But at that place, many will go without their karma, starting again as new.<br />

So, who of important politically and militarily came over that were mentioned in that. Hillary<br />

did not. Her overtures right now publicly are to keep her support base and for no other<br />

reason. The other two mentioned did make a significant change.<br />

The two media owners did not, and you continue to see their influence for a time. They<br />

have been served their arrest papers, and are trying desperately the lawyer route, which<br />

will not be successful for them. As to the Presidents round table, as we like to call his<br />

chosen folks, some did, some did not, and we choose not to name them at this time. I will<br />

not also, tell which military came across and which did not, nor will I tell which of others<br />

mentioned made the best choices. I am the highest-ranking Military person in the United<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 73

States, and I do control who gets fired, and who will serve in the higher ranks of all the<br />

military branches in the United States. I was given this position recently.<br />

Now where are we going With the additional folks now choosing to serve, we have<br />

granted them some privileges in the planning. By Christ Michael’s continuing orders, this<br />

will be done from the inside, so as to not be seen as an invasion by folks from other<br />

worlds. It is not an invasion; it is a salvation. By continuing to work within, in this manner,<br />

with the support of those in front of the people, the BBB&G’s are not able to claim an<br />

invasion. If this is tried anywhere, it will fail. We are continuing to find ways to prevent this<br />

tactic, and certain arrests have been made, and important people detained so that this<br />

does not occur. There have been many detentions of people who will cause harm if they<br />

have their way.<br />

We have formed many important agreements now, as to how the activities will proceed. As<br />

suggested in the last message, you will see either the resignation of the real Mr. Bush, or<br />

the Federal Reserve falling. We are highly pushing right now, the media to cover the<br />

Bourse first, and explain it to the American people. That explanation is being worked out,<br />

as most people have very little understanding of economics, the control of the dollar in the<br />

oil business worldwide. A film is being prepared for this explanation and will be finished<br />

quite soon.<br />

Now the President Tempore’ remains Al Gore and the negotiations of who will be who in<br />

the temporary government are now settled, and this includes also numerous legal details,<br />

that Mr. Gore will complete early in his temporary term to allow further manifestation of all<br />

that NESARA promised. There will still be official NESARA announcements given not too<br />

long after the Federal Reserve falls, and Mr. Gore is installed. We have redone the<br />

package that was originally worked on, as details of how it will be done did change,<br />

especially with the knowledge of the 13th amendment to the original constitution being<br />

proven to have been ratified, and the knowledge that Mr. Clinton did not sign NESARA.<br />

There have been other details also to work out legally, such as the fact that the Southern<br />

states, as they have long claimed did not come back into the union, and have been since<br />

the beginning of the civil war, another country. This involved some legal work to figure out<br />

this situation, and there is something planned, which can’t be stated openly just yet,<br />

around this situation. In many ways, this was a blessing in disguise actually.<br />

Also, other states were rather forced into the United States, especially Hawaii, and so we<br />

have done some work in this area also. Some of you have been distressed I have been<br />

told by many with this what seems like a long wait. But in fact, the wait has been totally<br />

beneficial, in that all this new information and understandings have created a much more<br />

solid plan. There would have been great disruption to have NESARA done as it had been<br />

planned before.<br />

There was an attempt to announce it, as your Dove described it 2 years ago, but it was<br />

doomed from the start. Military were sent to guard the banks and new currency, but without<br />

truly adequate protection. There was a dark plan, as they always do have another plan, to<br />

cause such huge disruption, that the country would have fallen totally apart. Believe me<br />

please, when I say that the wait has saved time in the long run.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 74

I have been involved with Christ Michael and the Second Coming activities for some time,<br />

often coordinating activities between Earth military, and the Ashtar command. I think today,<br />

it is time to come out of the disguise, as I will continue to be useful in this venture of the<br />

Second Coming for some time. I will be a public figure before much longer in my military<br />

ranking. Namaste, I AM Admiral Emmanuel Jhonka of Ashtar Command, and also General<br />

Radetski, Highest ranking officer in the American military.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 75

The God Event<br />

By Candace Frieze, Christ Michael, Lauren, and Sananda<br />

# 53 February 24, 2006<br />

Hi everyone! We have an event that has started and will increase over the coming days,<br />

the God Event, which is the injection of Creator Source (God the Father), sometimes called<br />

Prime Creator of a special energy on the Earth. I am starting this out with a short message<br />

from Christ Michael. Then I am placing a message from Sananda through Lauren after<br />

Christ Michael's portion.<br />

Christ Michael: Hello my beloveds, I AM Christ Michael and I am coming today to add a<br />

little further explanation of the “God Event.” This event started several days ago, and is in<br />

simplicity, the change in the Earth’s energy patterns, by the Father of all, known also to<br />

some as Prime Creator. This is basically “plan B” because of the immense trouble of<br />

getting the last of the dark energy expelled from Earth. Remember that the dark energy<br />

that invaded Nebadon, and other universes long ago is quarantined on this pla<strong>net</strong>. We<br />

have removed nearly all of the dark forces now, as you know, including the feared Animus<br />

that roamed a variety of universes in Orvonton for a very long time.<br />

The people of Earth are not awakening yet as they should. They are in darkness, from their<br />

lack of knowledge, and from generally the low energies and confusion they feel at this<br />

time. The God Event will help this out a great deal. Prime Creator, the Father, is present<br />

on the pla<strong>net</strong> personally also at this time. HE is injecting a special energy into the pla<strong>net</strong>,<br />

never done before, that will change the very energy of the atom, every atom in this place.<br />

It affects also, my entire Universe of Nebadon. This has been planned for a time, and has<br />

become necessary.<br />

It is not so much for the dark, but to awaken those still in sleep. They will begin to have a<br />

memory of their godhood. This process will continue for several more days. During that<br />

time, you may experience extreme fatigue and other related Ascension syndrome<br />

symptoms. So may those around you, who are totally unaware. This is not a fearful event,<br />

and not the Second Coming event, but yet part of it.<br />

It will affect people on their soul level, increasing the vibration of their atoms. This energy<br />

increases the vibration of every entity upon the Earth, and also the rocks, the plants, and<br />

all the animals. It affects the air, the water, everything. Many will not truly be aware of this<br />

consciously. It is being done at this time, to help abate the negative energy that is<br />

increasing by our BBB&G’s during this last stand. In effect, we have, in a manner of<br />

speaking, a first coming to the pla<strong>net</strong> of the Father.<br />

I would like at this time to comment that what the news is portraying in Iraq is not quite the<br />

truth, not even close. Rather than civil war, what is happening is the uniting of Iraq, against<br />

the enemy. This is huge, and an improvement that should shortly usher the United States<br />

out of the place. Their people in high places have come together in a common cause. The<br />

United States should be shortly pulling out, as the military forces of this united front are far<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 76

greater than the forces of the United States. The United States attacking the mosque there<br />

was a fatal mistake. Islam has had enough. As it should be.<br />

Now back to the God Event. If you have not discovered the website called Return of Light,<br />

it is time to do so. This is the Father’s personal presence here. You are responsible for<br />

your education on this event, and for being a rock to those around you, who are likely to<br />

feel ill, and have no idea why. Explaining this is the Father may not help, so use your<br />

judgment in this case.<br />

If you have trouble with the ascension syndrome involved, drink lots of pure water, eat very<br />

lightly of fruits and vegetables, and rest and walk in the sunshine. The sun is also receiving<br />

this blast of energy, and being in the sun, when you are able during this event will be<br />

helpful. You may feel a sense of pressure, your ears may hurt and you may have nausea.<br />

Do whatever works for you to relieve these symptoms. Play the Godliest spiritual calming<br />

music you own. Do not let your young ones play rock during this time; it will be very<br />

irritating to listen to. Absolutely no pigging out on meat and refined products, this is a time<br />

to do a semi fast of quality foods, in small quantities.<br />

This event will raise the frequencies of Earth herself into very high 4D. You are barely into<br />

low 4D now. This will accelerate your stepping into 5D, which is also predicated time wise,<br />

on your works in the healing of the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

I remind you, you are the future Creator Gods in training on this beauteous pla<strong>net</strong>. I would<br />

like to make a comment here, regards <strong>AbundantHope</strong>. Candace recently closed the forum<br />

for a remodeling. There was a dark energy invasion. Now that the site has reopened, I am<br />

informed by others, not necessarily Candace, that the registration of those creating<br />

messianic projects is dismally low, considering the number of registered readers.<br />

Some of you readers are very angry about the changes to the forum. Tough. You are here<br />

to fix the pla<strong>net</strong>. You may or may not choose to participate in <strong>AbundantHope</strong> and are not<br />

required to. But do not complain over the changes if you have decided not to participate in<br />

the goals of this organization personally. It has its goals, and it must move on into that. I<br />

suggest you reconsider and starting writing those missions, because what on Earth<br />

otherwise are you here for Sky God is not going to do all the work, yea are the Gods.<br />

<strong>AbundantHope</strong> is running on the volunteer activities of several people, because like<br />

everyone else, Candace awaits her funding, and the fundamental changes needed to work<br />

in the public eye.<br />

There is little more to say on the God Event, except that you will experience it. Do not<br />

expect landings; that is not part of the event. Do not expect instant results politically, you<br />

are going to make those changes. The event will assist many at soul level to awaken. That<br />

is the point. The soul will feel the event. That is the good news. I am involved in this, you<br />

are involved in this, and the Galactic Federation is involved in this. Go educate yourself<br />

further in the knowledge available on this new site also, as part of the God Event.<br />

Now would also be a good time to meditate, and soul search, and write a messianic vision,<br />

if not yet a mission. Writing it down changes everything. The time to sit in waiting is up.<br />

The God event will provide you assistance, because the dark energy will be gone, for the<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 77

most part. The cleansing will be complete, and the remaining really dark folks will have a<br />

good deal of difficulty holding it together.<br />

Most of the “darkness” that will remain is the darkness of lack of knowledge, and that is<br />

your job to handle in many various ways. This does speed up the process, because many<br />

will become more aware, and will feel a need to move into action mode. That should<br />

include also yourselves! I think you will find those in reticence around you, will become<br />

more open, and thus open to suggestion. They will consciously feel different, but may not<br />

know why. Direct them. Namaste, I AM Christ Michael, Master Son of Nebadon.<br />

Sananda and Lauren: Hello fellow sparks of the divine! It is with great pleasure that I<br />

share my latest communication with Sananda. For those of you who would<br />

like more information on the upcoming "God Event" you can visit:<br />

www.returnoflight.com/Updates/march06.htm See you in the New<br />

World!<br />

In the light,<br />

Lauren<br />

"I don't believe in miracles,<br />

I depend on them."<br />

2/24/06 10:45am<br />

Sananda<br />

S: Good morning my love. What a beautiful display of light today.<br />

L: Thank you! How art thou<br />

S: We are doing marvelous aboard the Capricorn today. We are in<br />

anticipation of some wonderful events that we would like to share with<br />

you.<br />

L: Go right ahead please.<br />

S: First we would like to address the issue of the God Event as is<br />

being discussed among lightworkers. I wish to address this issue as it<br />

pertains to you on earth as well as the cosmic responsibility of the<br />

event and the ramifications it will have on the entire universe. We<br />

are sure that many are aware of the changes about to come based on what<br />

you may have been feeling these past few days. There is an enormous<br />

amount of energy being forced upon the earth at this time and it can be<br />

likened to a pressure cooker of sorts. Please do not be dismayed by<br />

the experiences that you may be going through.<br />

The issues at hand are in need of this intense flow of energy from the cosmos at this time<br />

and all are requested to bump up in the process. We understand that this can cause<br />

extreme feelings of unease, please know that these feeling<br />

will be abated shortly. You will only need to feel these intense<br />

energies during the beginning of what you term the "God event". This<br />

event is a world of change encrypted in the tiny atoms of energy that<br />

are being transmuted at this time. You will all notice the changes in<br />

very different ways, based on your level of awareness and spiritual<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 78

proclivity.<br />

Know that we are doing the best that we can to ensure that<br />

you all are relieved of the physical symptoms in a very short period of<br />

time. In the meantime please use your awareness to guide you. You<br />

will have an innate understanding of what your body needs for optimum<br />

results, listen closely to these orders. You will be guided to what is<br />

best needed for your personal comfort.<br />

Now we wish to address the purpose of this event for a better understanding. This termed<br />

"God Event" is a function that is required to push events in your world<br />

forward with a great thrust of Source energy. This is something that<br />

has never been attempted before and we are using great caution to<br />

ensure the success of it all. You need not be concerned with how it<br />

will all play out, you are in the hands of the creator now.<br />

Christ Michael, as you call him, is beckoning to resolve all issues of<br />

darkness at this time. This ongoing process of light versus dark has<br />

brought Mother earth to the brink of destruction, therefore great<br />

measures have been taken to ensure the safety of all. We urge you all<br />

at this time to firmly plant yourselves on the ground and prepare for a<br />

thrust of great change. The forward movement caused by this thrust of<br />

Source energy will be monumental in scope and will have a far and wide<br />

reaching effect.<br />

At this time, many are already aware and prepared for<br />

the coming of your God. Be assured that you will all have an<br />

opportunity to help others come to the light of awareness. Many of you<br />

are already feeling the intense energy as it prepared to launch, stay<br />

alert and know that I AM. We are coming to your rescue now and there<br />

will be an upheaval of great proportion but one that will initiate the<br />

changes necessary to move onward and upward. The time for the great<br />

shift has arrived and this God Event will lay the foundation for it all.<br />

Many of you are wondering what will take place during this event.<br />

We wish to advise you of some perceived possibilities. The first and<br />

most obvious sign of this event will be the coming of intense energy<br />

to the pla<strong>net</strong>. The second most obvious repercussion will be the<br />

downward spiral of the US government. As many feel the effects of this<br />

energy, there will be little tolerance left for the dark forces of this<br />

cabal. There is the possibility of an uprising of citizens demanding<br />

their sovereign rights which will cause an usurping power to sweep over<br />

the governmental institutions of your nation. We see this as the most<br />

probable outcome at this time due to current events in your country.<br />

This power of the people will be the most extraordinary event in the<br />

history of earth. It will propel a wave of energy so large into the<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 79

cosmos that it will literally change the entire structure of the<br />

universe. You will have the opportunity to influence every life form<br />

on this pla<strong>net</strong> with the thrust of light that you will cause. We<br />

suggest using this righteous power to overthrow all that does not<br />

belong in your sovereign world of peace and order. Know of the power<br />

that 2 or more can bring in my name and use this great strength to<br />

manifest all that is rightfully yours.<br />

The time in now, the stage is set, and the curtain will fall with rapid force. Soon, all will be<br />

exposed and as the dark struggle to find their way back to their<br />

origin, they will find that their origin has changed. This change will<br />

inevitably force them to face their demise and resurrect their wrong<br />

doings. We wish for you to know that the timing of this great event is<br />

in line with all the perceived outcomes, this is just an alternate plan<br />

of action, one that will procure the same results.<br />

We are prepared for all possible scenarios as we can see the energy of each choice in<br />

motion and determine its outcome based on this choice. You are in good hands now, the<br />

hands of your maker. Give praise to He who hears your<br />

calls, be joyous that He has the potential to right your wrongs. Give<br />

adulation to those who work for the forces of light and be not afraid.<br />

We are with you now and shall be forever more. Look to the sun and feel<br />

the heat of its rays and know that He who praises God in all His glory<br />

shall be the recipient of wondrous rewards.<br />

L: Wow Sananda, this is blowing me away. Is this the reason why I have<br />

been so weepy lately<br />

S: You are mourning your past and weeping for your present in joy. The<br />

energies that hit earth late last night were for the purposes of<br />

cleansing and preparation.<br />

L: What will this feel like to those who are unaware<br />

S: This may be a time of strife for those still in the dark. That is<br />

why it is our wish that you console those in need, this will be a time<br />

of upheaval in the lives of many. Do your best to remain calm and<br />

compassionate of others, they will need to rely upon your strength and<br />

awareness. This time of change is well understood by all on a soul<br />

level so the reality will eventually seep in and become harmonic. In<br />

the meantime, many layers of untruth need to be transmuted and cleared<br />

to make the path home an enjoyable one.<br />

L: Is this God event set in stone, or is it contingent upon us<br />

S: The energy of the termed God event is already set in motion. This<br />

cannot be changed. It will be a momentous occasion, one to greet with<br />

joy and anticipation. We imagine that the lower densities will be<br />

transformed from this experience almost immediately.<br />

L: Can we expect government changes by the weekend<br />

S: It is recommended that you expect them. This will aid in the forward<br />

movement.<br />

L: ok, very good. But is it likely<br />

S: It is likely that changes will begin to manifest by the end of this<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 80

month.<br />

L: Wow, that is only 4 days from now, I guess God means business, huh<br />

S: Your creator is determined to set things straight, yes. We assure<br />

you, you are all in good hands.<br />

L: Thank you S for all this information. I am going to digest it all<br />

now. I wonder, how does the Galactic Federation play a part in this<br />

God event<br />

S: That is a good question my child, one that deserves a good answer.<br />

We anticipate that the GF will have a major role to play in the coming<br />

days. They will be monumental in assorting and controlling the adverse<br />

reactions to the thrust of energy onto your pla<strong>net</strong>. They will be<br />

uniting with one another to ensure the success of this event. Their<br />

assistance is paramount and we are in awe of their accomplishments to<br />

date. These are truly miraculous times.<br />

L: Amen! Well, I will be available for updates, should you or the GF<br />

need me. Good luck with the amazing event and pass my love around to<br />

all our Galactic Brothers and sisters. We, on earth, are very grateful<br />

for their support...and yours!<br />

S: As you wish. We, too are delighted at their contributions. Go in<br />

peace and be good to yourselves and one another at this transformative<br />

time. I AM Sananda Immanuel.<br />

L: Thank you Lord.<br />

Candace: There is little more to say! We have had a variety of meetings this past week,<br />

discussing what has happened over the past year. The general consensus, is that this<br />

years wait, has in many ways placed us ahead, rather than behind, for there are more in<br />

genuine support now, and there really will be fewer problems in many areas, had it gone<br />

ahead as planned last year. The God Event we are undergoing to repair generously the<br />

damage incurred by so many Americans remaining in the dark, and in fact choosing<br />

ignorance and apathy this past year.<br />

On the up side, many organizations have worked very hard to prepare material, and<br />

provide other resources to awaken America. We are seeing this week in some of the news<br />

in America more attempts to state that what happened on 911 was a controlled implosion,<br />

and not the collapse of buildings based on the poor construction, and the loss of insulation<br />

on the beams. Such nonsense in those stories!<br />

As the idea of implosion continues to take hold, remind your friends that their pots and<br />

pans do not melt on their gas stoves, and gas burns as hot as airplane fuel. The movie<br />

“Why We Fight:” is out. I have not seen it, but I know someone who has, and he says it is<br />

really excellent. He saw it with a friend, who was then open as a result to the idea of what<br />

911 was.<br />

As to the forum, it will eventually become a private forum, only open to those actually<br />

creating messianic missions. I will also be allowing clergy to use it to discuss changes they<br />

are making in their organizations. Right now, I am continuing to allow readership, mostly<br />

in the hopes that readers will state a mission and become involved. The teaching will be on<br />

the main site, but this teaching will remain focused on what organized religion needs to<br />

read and the messianic concept, and the matrix in general.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 81

Right now, under our new reorganization, you can only post if you have posted a a<br />

messianic mission/vision statement. The private messaging system is also only for those<br />

with posting privileges, and not general use. <strong>AbundantHope</strong> is a working organization, and<br />

so will be its membership. Take care, Candace<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 82

There Is No Liftoff Planned<br />

Christ Michael, Candace<br />

# 54 April 21, 2006<br />

Candace: I am making a comment to this on November 19, 2006 for those new to these<br />

messages. This message is in response to Patrick Bellringer of the website mentioned in<br />

the piece, who at that time advocated that the pla<strong>net</strong> was about to be evacuated by our<br />

star visitors. He then backed off for a time, and said everything had been successful and I<br />

think it was Plan A, to stay the course was the plan. He had 3 plans stated. Today, as I get<br />

this posted on our new software, he has again returned to the idea we are going to be lifted<br />

off.<br />

This lift off idea, for Christian readers just coming, is what was behind the idea of the<br />

rapture. Our BBB&G’s dreamed that up to confuse Christianity. There was a plan possible,<br />

starting in 1954 and continuing until a few years ago, of evacuating the pla<strong>net</strong> in the advent<br />

of a pole shift or nuclear war. The lighted star visitors have disabled all of the nuclear<br />

weapons on the pla<strong>net</strong>, so there is no threat of nuclear war, and we have also created<br />

conditions of a pole shift or reversal such that this is not going to happen.<br />

Christ Michael: Hello my beloveds, I AM Christ Michael, and Patrick has made it<br />

necessary for me to do a message today. I am not in contact with Patrick or Anne lately at<br />

all. I have done no messages through them since November of 2005. If you have not yet<br />

read Patrick's Plan B at www.fourwinds10.com, please do so.<br />

We are not going to evacuate the Earth. She is into the fringes of 4D now, and this is not<br />

necessary. We would not have come this far, and done this much in the past slightly over 3<br />

years since deciding on the Second Coming project, if this was to be the end result.<br />

I do not know where Patrick gets this information, nor where he gets the strange stories<br />

about all those packets sitting around in Fed Ex trucks. None of this is going on. This is the<br />

figment of somebody's imagination, and I have no idea if Patrick does this, or he is in<br />

contact with low down people who are having a wonderful time playing a game with our<br />

readers, at Patrick's expense. The "packets" are not to be delivered until the Fed is out of<br />

business.<br />

I repeat, that I am not in contact with Patrick and Anne, and so when the statement is<br />

made that I am behind the works, know I am not. It matters not whether he calls me Aton,<br />

Hatonn, or Christ Michael. I am in charge of this show, Earth Project Transition and I do<br />

know what is going on. This is but one example, of using the name of God in vain, stating<br />

that this is of God when it is not.<br />

The Earth, with all of your great help in your missions, and the missions to come, are going<br />

to finish the job of bringing the Earth relatively peacefully in the era of Light and Life, which<br />

starts at 5D. You will see some nasty people still, and be confronted by many BBB&G's in<br />

your personal lives for a time, because in 4D the ability to create, whether good or bad,<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 83

gets better. There is more intelligence.<br />

You will have chaos. It will not involve horrid battles. It is more the chaos experienced<br />

when people are challenged by concepts they do not understand. Chaos is always<br />

involved in substantial change.<br />

As to Patrick’s comments to a writer of email, that thought is all it takes. This is gross error<br />

of learning and judgment. The thought must occur, yes, otherwise there would be no<br />

creation. However, it must still be carried out in the realm where it applies, or it will not<br />

manifest.<br />

There is a march planned in New York on April 29. Please encourage local marches<br />

wherever you live. Don't like the gas prices My dears ones, the solution is to massively<br />

stop buying the gas! America, in its religious teachings, or lack thereof, actually, plus lack<br />

of education in the schools, plus an overabundance of materialism vs., spirituality is not<br />

growing up too well as you all experience.<br />

The solution, as Buddha said in his message is to get out, and make noise, and refuse to<br />

support the beast. How do you support the beast You support the beast buying larger<br />

cars than you need. You support the beast by buying the goods and playing the money<br />

game with him. Money wins every time. Take the money away from the beast, plus your<br />

work, and the beast has no control. Money has more control than politics, religion, or the<br />

media.<br />

If America, and the people in the countries that supported America in this globalization<br />

effort just said no, guess what, it would not have happened. Americans work in all the parts<br />

of the military industrial complex. Americans buy gas operated cars. American buy<br />

expensive clothing. Americans by cable news. Americans register and vote straight ticket<br />

rather than their conscience. Americans pay a huge amount to churches, which tell them a<br />

simple baptism makes them a Christed person, and no more than that is required.<br />

Americans buy Easter bunny stuff. American buy Santa Claus stuff. Americans buy tons of<br />

stuff not necessary to life. The days of the union protests seem gone. The days of the<br />

awakening in the 60's to 70's seem gone. Americans buy expensive food items, and spend<br />

money on huge parties. Nothing wrong with partying my beloveds, but don't you see in just<br />

these short examples of how you support the beast<br />

If most Americans got together, set up a date, and on that date did not go to work, buy gas,<br />

buy anything (store a bit for a rainy day first), and made as part of the deal, that they would<br />

not return to work, until the Fed was out of business, the military arrested the criminal<br />

leaders who stole the elections, planned and carried out 911, and on and on, how long do<br />

you think it would take to change America Not very long.<br />

There is the claim there is not enough jobs without pork barrel, and military jobs. Yes there<br />

is, because you could do everything your country needs to grow and survive, by working<br />

10 hours a week, everybody doing his share. And you will create this condition as you<br />

ascend the pla<strong>net</strong>. That is the point behind the massive money refunds coming to America<br />

first, and the rest of the world in steps as quickly as possible. Many prosperous countries<br />

are preparing also these refunds, in amounts suitable.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 84

Germain has had the goal of being on universal money in 5 years. Might it possible to do<br />

this sooner Yes, it is. Might you be off money in less than the 10 year projected goal<br />

Yes, you could. But to do all that must be done, my friends, you have to do it, on the<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>, in the realm of the living bodies. It matters not if the realm is 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D,<br />

6D, 7D, 8D, or 9D, which is the highest level of the Second Density. There are 9<br />

dimensions in Second Density. All evolutionary pla<strong>net</strong>s are Second Density, which is the<br />

denseness of material life.<br />

That denseness gets lighter as you progress the pla<strong>net</strong>. Earth, when I returned in 1954,<br />

was about 1.5 D (meaning dimension, not density). In the late 60's to early 70's you were<br />

in 2D. You moved into the bottom of 3D with the coming of the Inter<strong>net</strong> and personal<br />

computers. You are now just barely squeaking into 4D. And this pla<strong>net</strong> will ascend, with<br />

her residents in material life aboard, including the plants and animals, into 5D, come hell or<br />

high water as the expression goes.<br />

I have said you have about 5 years to make a huge difference. And you will, of that I am<br />

confident. Any plan "B" as proposed by Patrick would only occur if there was a meteor we<br />

could not stop heading at the pla<strong>net</strong>, and we can stop any meteor, so that goes right on out<br />

the window also. The other adversity would be the moon, if the present moon is kept, it will<br />

slamp dunk the Earth 185,000 years from now, and since this moon will be removed,<br />

guess what, that one goes down the tubes also.<br />

Urantia, the entity usually called Gaia, or Mother Earth, has agreed to let you all have your<br />

chance at becoming the Gods that will heal the pla<strong>net</strong>. She is quite comfortable with the<br />

idea. In fact, she is in love with the idea, because this too is her dream, to ascend with her<br />

beloved inhabitants aboard. You will stay rooted on this orb, your ship, and sail her into<br />

greater light. You are called to this. Many more will awaken. There are many "awake" of<br />

sorts now; they have been installing the Inter<strong>net</strong>, enhancing the technology, behind the<br />

scenes often, since they are sometimes not allowed to do it publicly.<br />

There is an old expression, in which the person prays to God for help, and God answers<br />

back, I am helping, I sent you. And I did. Actually you all volunteered. And in this case,<br />

God sent himself also. I AM HERE. Together we will raise up my beloved Urantia, my seed<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>, that was indeed to be a work of perfection, until contaminated. She will be a work of<br />

perfection this time. Her ge<strong>net</strong>ics will have the dark ge<strong>net</strong>ics removed, her plant and<br />

animal evolutionary life restored, and her people restored. It will happen, I will accept no<br />


PS, in case some have forgotten the total of my command at this time, this is it:<br />

Christ Michael, aka, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, aka Aton, aka Creator Son of Nebadon;<br />

Commander in Chief, Earth Project Transition;<br />

Pleiades Sector Flight Command;<br />

Intergalactic Federation Fleet, Ashtar Command;<br />

Earth Representative to the Cosmic Council, and Intergalactic Federation Council of Earth<br />

Transition<br />

Beloved's, love Urantia with all your hearts, with all your soul, with all your minds, with all<br />

that is you. And no liftoff will be necessary.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 85

Ashtar and Soltec Speak Out, and So Do I<br />

By Candace Frieze, Ashtar, & Soltec<br />

# 55 April 25, In the Glorious Year of our Lord, all of us, 2006<br />

Hi everyone. Today comes a work from Ashtar and Soltec in answer to the continuing<br />

statement of Patrick Bellringer that lift off is potentially near. Today on<br />

www.fourwinds10.com , I have been informed by others, is a copy of a chapter on the liftoff<br />

from Phoenix Journal #5 composed primarily by Ashtar. It is an interesting read. I read<br />

much of it today, after I did this message. I downloaded it a long time ago, and never<br />

finished reading it. There is much history behind the interference in Earth, and the<br />

remedies for it. I have read some of this in other material, and was unsure of the validity<br />

until today.<br />

Ashtar: Dearly Beloveds, I Am Ashtar, yes that Ashtar my friends of the mighty Ashtar<br />

Command, deliverers from evil. It has come to my attention that a section of my previous<br />

dictation though dharma of `1989, in Phoenix Journal #5 is being misused. That was 1989.<br />

Things have changed.<br />

At this time the pla<strong>net</strong>, Shan is reasonably stable. She has moved into 4D consciousness<br />

overall, an average you might say, with many still living in petty circumstances, and beings<br />

from 9D and higher incarnate upon the Earth plane.<br />

People, the Earth is not going to roll over, at least not at this time, and I see little now that<br />

should cause this to occur. Now, I am going to Soltec, your friendly geophysicist, for an<br />

update on the nature of the pla<strong>net</strong>’s mag<strong>net</strong>ics at this time.<br />

Soltec: Yes, beloved I am here. You are surprised at bit You always seem to much enjoy<br />

my energy. (I do) Recently you pointed to your readers about the beauty of the moonshine,<br />

and someone was able to place a picture upon your forum of it. Now this moonshine is<br />

very directly related to the glow, which is everyday increasing from the Earth herself.<br />

Granted the time waiting for this last cartel to be leaving is irritating to many, but in the<br />

larger picture, I remind you, they are in the very minority. Earth would not be lighting up the<br />

moon, if it were otherwise. It is your 4D effect, visually seen. The mag<strong>net</strong>ics are stabilizing<br />

a good deal now. There is little risk whatsoever of a mag<strong>net</strong>ic pole shift. There are two<br />

types of shift, one in which the poles reverse their polarity, the other in which the pla<strong>net</strong><br />

rolls over. You are well past that danger now, actually of either occurrence.<br />

The “pole shift” coming, is a good one, and not a catastrophic event. The pla<strong>net</strong> is<br />

approaching the stage of unipolarity, meaning it mag<strong>net</strong>ically will not have a North and a<br />

South Pole. This is a gradual and not a sudden occurrence. We are will pleased with the<br />

progress. And what does unipolarity mean Unity. The end of duality as you know it. The<br />

unipolarity is the positive node of the mag<strong>net</strong>ic, minus the negative mode.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 86

When this does occur, and it is still a bit off in the development, your mag<strong>net</strong>s are not<br />

going to work as usual. This is the goal of Ascension. Often times this is a sudden event,<br />

and if so, it occurs on a vacant pla<strong>net</strong>, but such is not the case with Earth, as you all know.<br />

You are taking the unusual journey, a great experiment of moving with the pla<strong>net</strong>. Actually,<br />

this is not so unusual, as pla<strong>net</strong>s customarily do this over a prolonged period of time, and<br />

come into light and life gradually.<br />

What is different on Earth, in the cosmic plan at this time, is the Correcting Time. You are<br />

not on the slow journey; it is being sped up. Now there will be more Earthquakes,<br />

particularly in the coming months, because people have not awakened quite enough about<br />

this war and the condition of the pla<strong>net</strong>. But they are on the cusp.<br />

The current tornadoes and rains are the Earth cooling herself off. You will continue to have<br />

stormy conditions to drive the heat into the outer atmosphere and into near space, actually<br />

space cools it. This will calm down a great deal, in a few years time, when you create less<br />

heat, and as we get the firmament rebuilt.<br />

There may come periods of time, once the pla<strong>net</strong> is awake, that we evacuate and move<br />

people, an assistance to you, who are in dangerous areas. The Mother, Gaia, does not<br />

desire the stress that her life forms would feel from massive events, but until we are on the<br />

surface ourselves and can provide education directly, we can’t evacuate. It would not only<br />

frighten ones, but the churches would take advantage of that rapture teaching.<br />

You have chosen, all of you who read these messages, to stay on the surface and ride this<br />

out, for your own growth. You have chosen to rebuild just about everything on the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

You will be rebuilding the politics, the infrastructure, housing, how you eat, the media, and<br />

many other technologies to come when you are mature enough for them.<br />

The pla<strong>net</strong>’s population will decrease, because some people will return home. Couples will<br />

pay attention to their reproduction. And many who are of the robotics will find their fertility<br />

will decline greatly because of the change in vibrations. Shortly, maybe in about 2 years,<br />

the mag<strong>net</strong>ic changes will cause those of lower vibrations to not be able to conceive. This<br />

is a natural event.<br />

As a pla<strong>net</strong> ascends, because of the like attracts like, star people incarnating can’t use this<br />

lower DNA. It can’t even be remodeled, and the higher vibrations of the pla<strong>net</strong> will prevent<br />

incarnation of lower evolved forms. And some will make their transition in some of the<br />

earthquakes yet to come, because people have chosen to live and build their homes on<br />

faults.<br />

We continue to relieve pressure as we can, generating earthquakes daily, many at sea, or<br />

deep below, where they are not as easily felt. You will have a hurricane season once again<br />

this year, and there will be plenty of hurricanes, matter not the name, some are called<br />

cyclones. The Earth must vent the heat, or she will blow to bits otherwise. At some point,<br />

those in California are going to have to get well back from the coast, because the coastal<br />

areas of a large portion of California are actually a shelf, and that shelf is going to go into<br />

the sea, and it will take a lot of buildings with it.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 87

You do have a time of chaos before you, because these events are going to occur, and<br />

you must solve the problems with them. God is not going to solve these surface problems,<br />

God will give some notice, but you my friends are going to do the work. And simply<br />

prayers, pleading of us, and “thought” will not solve the problems of where the people are<br />

going to be when part of California slides into the sea. This, as I said is some time off, and<br />

I am not today going to say when, exactly, but we will say when, in greater estimate of time<br />

when we are on the pla<strong>net</strong> and can do so. It is not the time to “freak out” as your saying<br />

goes.<br />

Patrick, you need to stop this nonsense you are proposing. You are creating not only fear<br />

in some, but you are promoting a change of consciousness that is not beneficial to the<br />

mag<strong>net</strong>ic fields. Fortunately the number of your readers is small, but you give also<br />

information of incorrectness to a few readers who check you out, and then create coming<br />

rapture propaganda for the churches. You are harming the cause, and I personally am<br />

requesting, that you do what you on Earth call “Shut Up.”<br />

There is some possibility, that ole depend thing, that there will be partial evacuations for a<br />

time to allow cleansing in specific regions. But the whole of the pla<strong>net</strong> will not be, and<br />

partial evacuations are not in order at this time. The folks of Inner Earth, some may need<br />

some evacuation themselves, because some of the changes will affect them. Had we had<br />

to evacuate the pla<strong>net</strong> back in the late 80’s to early 90’s we would have had to evacuate<br />

also the people of Inner Earth, because a roll over is worse than a reversal of the poles.<br />

So Patrick, your information of masses being evacuated not only to ships, but also to Inner<br />

Earth, would be a bit incorrect to a degree. There are those in certain Inner Earth regions,<br />

not to be disclosed at this time, who will be unaffected by changes, and they have made<br />

some room and allowance for the care of people of the surface if required. But it is not<br />

developed in inner Earth enough to handle huge populations suddenly.<br />

Now what are your poles currently doing, particularly the North Pole It is moving around.<br />

You with compasses can determine that. Also the Earth is changing its tilt, slowly, this is<br />

normal remodeling. Earth is titled away from the sun at the maximum in its yearly cycles,<br />

now about 18 degrees. At one time, it was about 38 degrees, so we have a 20-degree<br />

change. This is causing the milder winters, simply because you wander less far from the<br />

sun.<br />

Now to chemtrails. Stop the squawking now on them, because this is part of the divine plan<br />

that is rebuilding your firmament. These draw moisture, by the forming of clouds up into the<br />

higher sky, from the Earth’s surface. There are then some, specializing in this activity, who<br />

use energy to draw it even higher. We test them constantly, and there are no longer<br />

additives that will cause disease in them. Your increased respiratory problems are from<br />

pollutions, and the successful establishment of virus upon the pla<strong>net</strong> in you and your<br />

animals, which you pass around in the usual patterns.<br />

If you want to observe our work with the quakes, just check out, as I have suggested<br />

before your government websites.( http://neic.usgs.gov/neis/bulletin is one). I know of what<br />

I speak on all of this. I could give some more numbers and statistics, but you would not<br />

understand them, and we will not give out certain information yet to the general public.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 88

Your scientists in cooperation with us, do know them. I return you now to Ashtar; I bid you<br />

Adonai, I AM Soltec<br />

Ashtar: I return my friends. In all of this, put on some humor and laugh a bit. You can have<br />

some fun with the rapture idea. I would love to see comedians take on the rapture with<br />

some humor. It would be a great way to teach others. I think shortly the comedians, once<br />

they are freed up a bit more, will do much teaching to the peoples of Earth.<br />

Can you imagine a sky filled with naked humans, sitting on clouds, watching the<br />

destruction of Earth! How would they stay on the clouds There could be wonderful<br />

celestial humor in all of this.<br />

However, the idea in the rapture, of returning after 7 years does have some validity,<br />

because, if Earth either would roll over, or change her polarity, the place wouldn’t be<br />

habitable for some time, and most likely well more than 7 years. In that Journal, this is well<br />

covered, and I need not repeat it here.<br />

Those of you incarnate, even if unaware of this “Second Coming” event, have made huge<br />

changes upon the pla<strong>net</strong>. There is of course still way too much pollution from the failure to<br />

develop methods given the pla<strong>net</strong>, but even those in organized religion have made a<br />

difference in changes the mass consciousness, and thus made changes in the mag<strong>net</strong>ics<br />

of the pla<strong>net</strong>. It will all happen. Earth will ascend with her plants, animals, and peoples. As<br />

it should be, just hastened a bit over the usual process, but of course at the same time<br />

long delayed by her unfortunate history.<br />

You all are going to build with Gaia, the most marvelous of places in creation, a virtual<br />

heaven. You will ascend this pla<strong>net</strong> over a fairly short time, into the heights of glory. You<br />

will, with help, particularly from Shekhmet rebuild the evolutionary process, as it should be.<br />

And one day, you will live in small clusters, often under the Earth, not necessarily inner<br />

Earth, so that the surface of the pla<strong>net</strong> can resume the creation of new souls by the<br />

evolutionary process, that this great pla<strong>net</strong> intended and was stolen away.<br />

You will decrease your populations, but not by the hideous methods planned by the dark,<br />

but by the natural process of sorting going on, and by the moving of those staying with the<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> onto other places, at a future time, colonizing in essence. Many of the star people<br />

will go home for a long deserved rest. Some have been incarnate here for several<br />

thousand years now. Many will graduate the 5D school, and move to 6D pla<strong>net</strong>s. In time<br />

you yourself will move into 6D, and onward in schools of learning. The pla<strong>net</strong> will become<br />

Eternal as all Light and Life Pla<strong>net</strong>s do, because they are beyond the lower levels, and<br />

exist in different ways. They are in Heaven.<br />

You will journey about; perhaps create another sun from Jupiter, after you have a<br />

firmament again, to supplement your current sun. Perhaps you will build new Mother<br />

Ships, and journey the galaxies. Many on Mother Ships live on them entirely, they have<br />

become home. A personally created Heaven. And of course many of you are in training<br />

here for the great journeys to come, the Creator Beings of the future creations coming into<br />

formation in the Outer Space Regions. You will be the Gods. And your experience shall be<br />

magnificent, gained from your learned experience of returning Urantia to Heaven. How<br />

great you will be, for your “been there, done that,” experience. Let the pla<strong>net</strong> roll over and<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 89

cleanse, NO THANKYOU! We have all come to far in this grand experience to toss in the<br />

rag now.<br />

I know you all sit there, in your inferior body, or meat suits right now, trying to understand<br />

that you are great and grand souls of substantial experience already, but this is Truth. You<br />

only fail to see it because the meat suits are animal suits, and you are deprived of your<br />

psychic abilities. Even the animals have lacked some in this, but are coming back into their<br />

knowledge too. You will build back a lush Garden of Eden upon the surface, from whence<br />

the new souls shall come, continuing the journey of life.<br />

In entering the meat suits, you understand by your experience, a fallen pla<strong>net</strong>, and you will<br />

know the signs when you become the Creators, when you colonize other systems, and you<br />

will know how it feels, and you will not allow it to occur again. I have never entered a meat<br />

suit on the Earth Plane, I would think it a horrid experience, and your bravery is to be so<br />

very commended. Again I say, throw in the rag now, I don’t think so. Go in Peace,<br />

beloveds, and continue thy journey. Namaste, Ashtar.<br />

Candace: We must not fear these coming changes. We should talk about them with<br />

others, think about it, and consider our tasks. We can do this, we can ride it out for the<br />

most part on the surface, and have that grand, been there, done that experience for it all.<br />

We are the ones who are brave, who can do this. We are creators already, and we shall<br />

come together now, in this new endeavor to us, and we shall overcome. We shall solve the<br />

problems as they come. We will make some errors, and we shall learn too from that. Can<br />

you imagine, how we will feel, when we do stand victorious some day<br />

Now an uncomfortable but necessary note. I am not putting more of my time into this liftoff<br />

issue with Patrick, or any more of my personal time into his other statements, such as the<br />

NESARA updates. He apparently has not learned that Clinton did not sign the bill. I need<br />

to detach from him, and I never do know what he is doing, except when others inform me. I<br />

have had considerable email over this. I do what I do, and it is up to people to read me or<br />

him or both of us, it matters not to me, because we are all on our personal journeys. I<br />

personally have experienced great darkness from Patrick, that broke my trust of him, and I<br />

am not going to be continually dragged about in these soap operas.<br />

Again, it comes out in the wash. Maybe we will be lifted off, maybe my messages are<br />

wrong. But I wish to get on with what I do and not be sidetracked. I allowed it, once again<br />

this time, because of the nature and concern generated. I feel, and this is my genuine<br />

opinion, that at least part of what is behind this lift off stuff is the continuing effort to raise<br />

fear and distrust and I do not like playing this game. I feel that when Patrick does the “we<br />

can’t get involved in 3D thing,” that he is saying we are to back off, and let Santa Claus,<br />

aka the star folks do it.<br />

If you want to work with thought in a more directed way, I suggest you might practice your<br />

telepathy or similar psychic skills, by picking somebody in the media or political scene, and<br />

attempt to contact a higher self, and see if you can influence change in this manner. Be<br />

supportive and encourage doing the right thing.<br />

I tried after I opened the forum to generate interest in getting the names of several in<br />

media and politics and pushing on them as a group concerted effort. I encouraged also the<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 90

listing of missions. What I got was a huge attack on the forum by parties using it merely as<br />

a chat room and nothing more. Taking a great deal of my time and energy.<br />

As I pressed to move into higher activity, I was struck by some who posted some very<br />

nauseating stuff, and I closed the forum for remodeling, which was the goal of the dark<br />

interference, shutting me down for a bit, but it was necessary. So I lost the momentum, we<br />

all find our excuses don’t we, for procrastination. Then came my Father’s passing, and a<br />

long nasty illness from, guess what, the bird flu. It is amongst us all very well now.<br />

I am now back in action, and it seems we should not continue in awaiting our own version<br />

of the rapture, using it to avoid action on our part, because in a short time, we won’t need<br />

too. But we will, because there will be many actions, such as new elections, and we need<br />

to be the leaders in this. We need to show another way to be politically, we need to say,<br />

never again, and mean it. Some folks will get elected who are not worthy and don’t stand<br />

up to promises made, and we need to then remove them.<br />

It seems Illinois and California may use an obscure law to impeach the resident of the<br />

White House. Had Americans stood up in the first place, this would all be done long ago. I<br />

still am at unrest about the lack of huge antiwar protests in America. We need numbers,<br />

and when I search myself for groups, I find lots of little groups, doing just what we do,<br />

bitching, but not making a change. There is so much good information on the Inter<strong>net</strong>, but<br />

it is only information if acted on. It to is a great place to bitch, but not to go into action.<br />

When I started writing for Lewis News, I was not satisfied, because I was just another<br />

person bitching, but accomplishing little else. I do run into lots of people who want Bush<br />

gone, they don’t like him, but how do they handle the situation Bitch. Think on it. Take<br />

care, Candace<br />

PS. I have an old favorite T Shirt. It says “I Bitch, Therefore I AM. It is taken two ways by<br />

people. Some think it means I am a bitch. (Rarely true, but more so when I was much<br />

younger). The others see the same meaning I did when I bought the shirt, it means I have<br />

a mind, I bitch, and therefore I AM. And that is the truth about me, still. I do lots of it, and I<br />

have done lots of it, in this wait. And I AM.<br />

But it hasn’t brought the resident of the White House to his knees, nor has it brought truth<br />

to the forefront on 911. I don’t know the solution, except that action is required. And action<br />

does seem hard to generate. And like many of you, I have those around me, who threaten<br />

that if I can’t stop the bitching, I will drive them away. So I basically support the idea of<br />

waiting for America to get mad enough to bitch in loud concert and demand change. So Be<br />

It.<br />

Another PS: (added this Wednesday morning) The problem with Patrick’s lift off scheme<br />

right now, is that it is an invitation for you to just pack the bags you don’t need to take with<br />

you, and stop doing of your works during the packing. And should liftoff happen, partially<br />

or completely at some point, you will still be doing thy works, just in another environment,<br />

and we won’t be the ones who will be put into sleeping for the journey.<br />

Our good friends and neighbors who attend rapture teaching churches are getting the<br />

same thing, it is not necessary to do works, and learn et al, just be a friend of Jesus, and<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 91

await the rapture, and do nothing to fix of self or this pla<strong>net</strong>ary home. Read Journal #5,<br />

about the doing of the work on the pla<strong>net</strong>, and on ourselves, and you will see the misuse of<br />

what Patrick does with the Journals. He uses them to support his current scheme,<br />

whatever it is. If you read his writing of long ago, as Patrick Henry, you see in it, the asking<br />

of God to fix the problem. It is still there.<br />

Did he not plead and ask you to plead (beg) to the forces of light If he had truly gotten the<br />

message in Journal #5, that is not the comment he would have made. Rapture solves none<br />

of our problems, even if it becomes necessary, meaning lift off. We will still have problems<br />

to solve, and we are not going to be pampered during the time in flight. Perhaps Patrick<br />

has battle fatigue too right now. But the solution is to return to the void for a bit, and<br />

redesign the game plan, not to rapture oneself away from the reality.<br />

This is occurring a great deal on the pla<strong>net</strong>, with people who have lost the will to stay in<br />

this reality. Some incarnate star folks are doing this, returning to old worlds in their minds.<br />

This is a cause of some of the mental illness I used to work with long ago on psyche wards<br />

and in the MS society in the support groups I used to run and as a counselor. People<br />

fracture when it gets to be too much, and live in other worlds. Earth is a tough place, but<br />

the solution is not to rapture into a nonexistent reality or past life. Others use alcohol,<br />

drugs, and sex and open themselves to the potential dark side manipulation, which Ashtar<br />

covers also very nicely.<br />

Ashtar, or possibly Sananda or CM in it, I don’t remember, talked of Maldek, and asked<br />

just where did the souls of Maldek, after it was converted to the asteroid belt get “raptured”<br />

to complete their journeys Pla<strong>net</strong> Earth. Many are being raptured off the pla<strong>net</strong> right now,<br />

being placed on the new pla<strong>net</strong>, or the void pla<strong>net</strong>, or uncreated. Maybe the ones who are<br />

staying on the pla<strong>net</strong>, those left behind, are perhaps the Gods themselves, us, who<br />

together, Two Or More In My Name, will ascend and rebuild the pla<strong>net</strong>. Quite the opposite<br />

story from that apparently created by the Left Behind books, and related stories. I haven’t<br />

read those books, the covers gross me out.<br />

This journal is highly recommended by me, I finished it at midnight last night, because it<br />

does a fine job of explaining just how Satan, who can‘t create, uses us to do his bidding<br />

and with our permission. Ashtar is pretty good with his explanation, and I laughed and<br />

chuckled and experienced quiet understanding, some reinforcement for my battle fatigue<br />

so nicely described by Christ Michael with Jess recently.<br />

I have needed some time in the great void, to recreate or create some more, a battle plan,<br />

but it must move now from the void into this reality. When the student is ready, the teacher<br />

shows up. I have read much of this type of stuff already, but I did need the reinforcement,<br />

and I am happy to announce, I am back in the great game. So for that I do thank Patrick,<br />

nice timing.<br />

I just this morning, read the message from Sheldon, sent to me in an email. You are seeing<br />

the “<strong>net</strong>working” and planning done by our sky buddies, as Sheldon’s work is discussing<br />

the monopolarity developing. Notice the Sheldon report is not suggesting a liftoff at this<br />

time either. To do so, is to cause us to pack instead of work. But I do admit that Sheldon’s<br />

reports have suggested the possibility at some point. We can assist the Earth and her<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 92

peoples, and we must, now is the time, do not pack of thy bags! Take care, again,<br />

Candace<br />

And yet another PS: As long as I am still on the Patrick stuff, he once put down the<br />

concept of many messiahs; just what is a messiah anyway he asked Many people are<br />

trying to concept the messiah, it seems a messiah to most is a God that comes and walks<br />

in the flesh amongst us, picking us up, setting an example, fixing the problems of the<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>, and doing what others can’t do for themselves. Now beloveds, doesn’t that<br />

describe all of us LET US STAND IN OUR HOLY SHOES.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 93

The Magisterial Mission, Part One<br />

By Monjoronson and Candace Frieze<br />

# 56 July 6th, 2006<br />

Beloveds, It is I Monjoronson. We had some requests some time ago, for me to do a more<br />

claritive piece about myself, and the Magisterial Mission to Urantia. I will begin with a bit<br />

more of myself first.<br />

As I announced last fall, September of 2005, I have been down stepping my body energy<br />

in preparation to walk the Earth. The process is nearly complete. I can do what your<br />

science fiction calls shape sifting, so that I will resemble one of you. I will be somewhat tall,<br />

by your standards, about 8 feet in the American measurement system. I will have brown<br />

hair, with light blue, very liquid eyes, and be male.<br />

Most will be able to see my form. It will be 4D in general, to conform with that of your<br />

Michael, and of Sananda Immanuel. I will be able to be on TV, and due to the nature of<br />

television, anyone will be able to see my form, under that circumstance. I will glow quite a<br />

bit, in any format. I will dress when before the public, in acceptable clothing of the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

You might well see me in your jeans and T- shirts, or dressed according to Islamic<br />

tradition, depending on where I am and what I do.<br />

I will not reside at this time in an Earth dwelling. I will arrive from a ship appropriate to my<br />

use. At some time in the future, I may be able to dwell on the pla<strong>net</strong>. And perhaps that<br />

might be in the Intentional Community to be built in Colorado, conjunct with the<br />

headquarters of the Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince, whom you have been informed, will be Sananda<br />

Immanuel, an Ascending Son of great advancement. This is unusual in most universes, but<br />

in Nebadon, the Michael likes to make use of his outstanding Ascending Sons in the local<br />

administrations. Some of you might one day in your future hold such a position in<br />

Nebadon.<br />

Your Michael chose to have an extreme, by previous universal standards, the choice of<br />

free will. It has played out interestingly. While it did encourage those of evil intent to<br />

become more so, and without the usual standards of retribution for such behavior, in the<br />

long run he, and I as I look into the progress of Nebadon, find that it has made some very<br />

outstanding Ascending Sons. As you have been told it is the Ascending Sons who will<br />

administer and create in the developing Universes outside of the standard creation, called<br />

the Grand Universe. Nebadon was chosen by the Michael as his personal contribution and<br />

training field for this process.<br />

You have faced all of your substantial trials in your various ascension journeys, and you<br />

are powerful. It is time to climb out of the Earthly limitations you have found yourself under,<br />

and grow into that which you know you are capable. This is your playground, play well, and<br />

assist the Magisterial Mission in the fullness of your capabilities.<br />

Candace has created, as a major mission structure of <strong>AbundantHope</strong>, the idea of Many<br />

Messiahs. You who follow her, know of this purpose and the story behind it, that of a<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 94

person asking to become a Granny Messiah, and who would encourage others to step into<br />

the Messianic idea. And you are all very capable of creating a Messianic Mission that will<br />

assist the growing up of the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

The Michael created The Correcting Time for Urantia. It means exactly as the name<br />

implies. Urantia is far behind schedule, and has been a prison pla<strong>net</strong> for the wayward dark<br />

brothers about the Universe of Nebadon, and in fact a couple other Universes who have<br />

been plagued by the dark brotherhood who went more than a bit over board. In addition to<br />

seriously taking the dark role, they created life forms absent of God input, and these never<br />

do learn. They do exactly as programmed, they do not think. They are often portrayed as<br />

the dark robotic fighters in your Star War type films, and indeed this is the case.<br />

There is a different group, of these creations, that actually did come around and reject their<br />

overlords, and these did come to your pla<strong>net</strong> to take it over for their own. Taking over<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>s for personal use and destruction is a major no no, and most of these will have their<br />

just reward, which would be uncreation. Some were better however, and gave of their<br />

knowledge and experience in a positive way, and thus get to begin the Ascending Journey,<br />

a gift of tremendous Grace.<br />

Now, the Correcting Time has many parts to it. Many are here to rapidly lift up this pla<strong>net</strong>,<br />

so that she does not perish. Urantia, your pla<strong>net</strong>ary Mother, did get a bit depressed during<br />

her long gift of serving as a prison pla<strong>net</strong>. You will all come to realize that entities exist in<br />

many ways, and a pla<strong>net</strong>ary Mother, is an entity of greatness.<br />

And Urantia, her correct name, was and is a very advanced entity of this type, which is why<br />

she undertook the chore of being a prison pla<strong>net</strong>, a great gift of love and devotion. This is<br />

why she will be rewarded with Ascension and it will occur whether her people wish to<br />

attend the event or not. If not, she will be re-peopled with those from the higher pla<strong>net</strong>ary<br />

realms, those in Light and Life, who will also rehabilitate what life is left.<br />

We don’t see the “not” occurring because there are now about 200 million advanced star<br />

souls incarnate on the pla<strong>net</strong>, from infancy to old age at this time. Anyone reading this<br />

would most likely be of this group, but some of you are also grownup souls from Earth.<br />

Some of you are former rather dark souls, who have changed your direction, and you are<br />

valuable because you know the dark tools from experience, and in changing your focus to<br />

the light, you have great knowledge and power. It matters not that which is your source<br />

and origin, it only matters what you do now.<br />

Candace: For new readers, or those who haven’t read all the messages, Urantia, the<br />

name of our pla<strong>net</strong>, is the name in universal records. It is pronounced “You ran tee a”, with<br />

all the syllables about the same in intensity. It is not only the name of the pla<strong>net</strong>, but also<br />

the name of the Mother Spirit of our pla<strong>net</strong>. She is the Mother of all life forms on the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

She is often called Gaia by many. Gaia communicates telepathically, as do all entities and<br />

I have conversed with her. Perhaps one day, I’ll do a message with her.<br />

The ancients did recognize this fact and recognized also the concept of Father Sun. The<br />

Sun provides basically the matter of the pla<strong>net</strong>. Most pla<strong>net</strong>s have their beginnings as<br />

chunks of their sun, which breaks away and then the cold of space cools and condenses<br />

these hot chunks. They enlarge over a long time from asteroids hitting them, which bring<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 95

more matter to the pla<strong>net</strong>. The interior core remains a hot nuclear reactor, providing heat to<br />

the pla<strong>net</strong>, which is greater than the suns contribution. This is why we had a long history of<br />

volcanic activity and still have volcanoes and magma. We have a “sun” inside the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

Monjoronson: <strong>AbundantHope</strong> is not only a Second Coming organization, but is also part<br />

of the Magisterial Teaching Mission. Some of you need to participate by being part of the<br />

many areas where teaching is sorely needed. The dark have greatly degraded the<br />

teaching on the pla<strong>net</strong>, because they know that ignorance produces people who do not<br />

solve problems well, for lack of knowledge. They have kept many of Urantia’s peoples in a<br />

tribal situation. Here you have had the visit 2000 years ago, of your Michael, and the pla<strong>net</strong><br />

got more tribal, rather than growing in unity.<br />

So you have your chores ahead, and they will be intense. Consider this a blessing,<br />

because of the experience you will have. This is quite most likely the most important<br />

school pla<strong>net</strong> not only in Nebadon, but also out of several other Universes, in terms of<br />

challenges and the growth that comes from such. You may will make some mistakes, and<br />

if you so, learn and redevelop. Much on Earth is rather uncharted territory at this moment,<br />

as to the coming chaos, and issues ahead. We simply do not fully know what all will<br />

happen and this is why the Magisterial Mission so needs your conscious help.<br />

Jump right on in, please. There is not a single area where help is not needed, from social<br />

reform, the arts, the education, the politics, the warring, the racial problems, the language<br />

barriers, the absurd religious teaching, environmental issues, business activities and on<br />

and on. Pick something and work at it, and build coalitions with people of similar mind, so<br />

that the changes will be successful and the pla<strong>net</strong> ascend as we desire, and she desires,<br />

with her children aboard. Those of you from the stars, essentially agreed to adopt the<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> for a time and make it your home. And bring the light.<br />

Dear New Age Folks, bringing the light means getting to the doing, the solving of the<br />

problems, and the colors of home, clothes, et all, atmosphere of restaurants and the like,<br />

have not a great deal of importance at this critical time. The above issues do. By all<br />

means, maintain a pleasant atmosphere, as you work, but don’t make the color of paint the<br />

priority for a time, because getting people fed and educated, and getting the atmosphere<br />

repaired take prime consideration at this date.<br />

Now a bit more back unto myself and who I AM. I AM a Son of Paradise, of the order of<br />

Avonals. Our job is Magisterial Missions, and Bestowal Missions. The Bestowal Mission is<br />

similar to what Christ Michael did 2000 years ago. A Universe Creator Son makes only one<br />

Bestowal Mission to a pla<strong>net</strong>ary realm of his choosing. We Avonals do the rest, to the<br />

other pla<strong>net</strong>s, and our missions are the same.<br />

I have been a Bestowal Son. This was in a different Universe. Bestowal Sons, other than<br />

the Creator Son are always Magisterial Sons first, on that particular pla<strong>net</strong>, and then do a<br />

Bestowal Mission. Bestowal Missions always are by birth into the realm. Magisterial<br />

missions are incarnated missions, but not by birth. I will be visible as an adult male. I must<br />

make a brief clarification; the major usually first public Magisterial Mission is an<br />

incarnation, walking the pla<strong>net</strong> publicly. Other missions may not be an incarnation.<br />

Candace: a brief comment, for the benefit of future readers coming from religious<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 96

ackgrounds. We do indeed have re incarnation. This is the soul, using a body for<br />

experience and learning. Pla<strong>net</strong>s evolve their life forms by the method of reincarnation.<br />

Spirit enters matter to learn, and move to higher forms as learning is made. Actually, in the<br />

beginning spirit advances its own DNA step by step, until man forms on a pla<strong>net</strong>. Man<br />

forms eventually, as Monjoronson shortly will relate to in this piece.<br />

The form on this pla<strong>net</strong> is one of many in the various Universes. Then the existing<br />

creatures on the pla<strong>net</strong> that survived the long evolutionary process serve as a template for<br />

more spirits to make the journey in knowledge. And each group continues to evolve higher<br />

and higher in knowledge. This is evolution and how it works. Pla<strong>net</strong>s are seeded with life; it<br />

takes too long for life to start on its own.<br />

You are asked to learn respect for plants and animals, because you have been them, in<br />

your distant past, and they will become as you, in their future journeys. I had a cat, who<br />

became human spiritually and has started the journey of human experience. Think on that<br />

before you next come home angry and kick your dog or cat. These animals are advanced<br />

spirits who come to you to be exposed to the human experience, to cause them to grow<br />

and desire to become human. Set a fine example of what it means to be “Higher Universal<br />

MAN.” HUMAN.<br />

There are currently about 200 million people from other pla<strong>net</strong>s incarnate on Earth at this<br />

time, for the purpose of uplifting the pla<strong>net</strong>. Many began coming around the time of<br />

Buddha to jumpstart this Correcting Time on the pla<strong>net</strong>. More and more have come as<br />

needed. I am one of those. This is my 6th life on Urantia.<br />

Monjoronson: I will take a moment here, in case some have not read this to this point, to<br />

say that, in the ENTIRE history of Creation, a Creator Son has never returned incarnate to<br />

his pla<strong>net</strong> of Bestowal. This Second Coming, this return of the Michael of Nebadon, is the<br />

first occurrence of this, and Creation always was. It is eternal; there was not a beginning.<br />

By your terms in years, since Bestowal Missions began, you would be talking trillions of<br />

years, uncountable trillions! Consider this a blessing and a miracle beyond description.<br />

Michael will walk the pla<strong>net</strong>, not by birth, that was not suitable at this time, but incarnate in<br />

a special body, never the less. And for him to return in this short a time, prior to the pla<strong>net</strong><br />

entering the photon belt is also indescribable. Except that this Michael is an exceptional<br />

one, and he takes to personally involving himself in the strife of his Universe. He is setting<br />

an extremely rare example, as he said in a piece with Candace, of coming out of the<br />

Creator Son Box. All of you climb out of your comfort zones and boxes. If Creator Christ<br />

Michael can do so, certainly can you. This is a time unprecedented, and folks from many<br />

Universes, including back to Universe One, Terantiabula (Ter An Tee AB ULA), are here to<br />

watch you all do your thing. Do it well.<br />

Candace: On the above comment on the Photon belt, we are in it totally now, but<br />

remember that Christ Michael returned back in 1954 with Sananda Immanuel. He does<br />

walk the Earth plane behind the scenes at times, meeting personally with some folks. Also,<br />

regards the use of The Michael, and this Michael, all the Creators Sons are Michaels. Our<br />

Creator Michael is Christ Michael.<br />

Monjoronson: I have been a Bestowal Son, following a Magisterial Mission in this<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 97

SuperUniverse of Orvonton. I have done many a Magisterial Mission; pla<strong>net</strong>s often have<br />

several. These last from about 5000 to 25,000 years of whichever pla<strong>net</strong> I have been on.<br />

When not on a mission, I am involved in various other activities. These include assisting<br />

Creator Sons in any of several ways. Christ Michael chose me personally. I have done<br />

some mission work in Nebadon, plus you might say, I have a fine resume. He felt I was the<br />

Avonal for this job. I understand, “see” in other words, his personal idea.<br />

I came to Urantia around 1200 AD, to begin setting up the mission. It was then that we<br />

began to search for folks, like Mozart to upgrade the pla<strong>net</strong>. And they came, and you<br />

called that the Reformation and the Renaissance. The pla<strong>net</strong> was so incredibly dark. It<br />

made good progress considering with all these enlightened souls, many from Pleiades,<br />

and many from elsewhere. Some from the Central Universe came, both Descending and<br />

Ascending Sons. But at the turn of the 20th century, the dark got stronger, they got very<br />

serious, realizing that the advent of the Creator Son which had been kept as secret as<br />

possible would occur prior to the movement into the Photon Belt. They panicked, so to<br />

speak. And the pla<strong>net</strong> grew again very dark, with World War One, and Two on the way, in<br />

the plans.<br />

I began the work on The Urantia Book. I wrote none of it, as I said, but I made it possible. It<br />

took only about 1-½ years to get it all down, but almost 20 to get it published. The<br />

resistance was huge. Edgar Casey, a fine old soul of Atlantis, incarnated to supply some<br />

prophesy. Actually he was the vehicle, he left and another came through him, while he was<br />

in trance. I was that one, who came through Edgar Cayce.<br />

Surprised at that! Read Edgar, and you will know me better. I do have the ability to<br />

instantly read the Akashic Record of individuals, and so I did during many of those<br />

readings. It is totally me, who is in all of them, be it prophecy, or the simple reading of a<br />

person’s records. So this Teaching Mission has been going on for some time now, as you<br />

view time. And it will continue. Now the Teaching Mission is part of the Magisterial Mission,<br />

which will become public as soon as feasible after The Second Coming Event.<br />

After The Urantia Book was published, there began the teaching mission groups, actual<br />

transmissions from many given at informal gatherings of peoples. These are at<br />

www.tmarchives.com. These are for the most part oral, or spoken transmissions through<br />

incarnates who took on this task. It was helpful, much happened, but yet not enough,<br />

against the dark side.<br />

Candace got the opportunity to do a spoken transmission to one of ours recently, from me.<br />

It came as a surprise upon her. I won’t give the name of the person, to protect his identity,<br />

but he has been wonderful, in his service to the pla<strong>net</strong>, and I thanked him personally<br />

through Candace for his outstanding works. I think this man was sitting in a place of no<br />

longer being sure of what was to come, and needing some encouragement.<br />

Candace was mighty surprised to have me show up over lunch, and surprised to learn she<br />

can do oral work better than she thought she might be able to do. She expected to hear<br />

me, and then tell what I said, a choppy expectation, and it suddenly just flowed through<br />

her, and she found delight. The man found himself in grateful tears and rejuvenated.<br />

The Michael made his official return in 1954, and the Second Coming could have been<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 98

public and more works started long ago, specifically with the help of President Kennedy,<br />

who was murdered on the day he planned to announce the presence of your star visitors.<br />

So everything became more covert. We can’t have the murders of our most trusted people.<br />

You must be vigilant, because we don’t need martyrs, we need live people. Some have<br />

worked too hard, and subjected themselves to prison and death in some cases, so hard<br />

had they worked. They need not have carried the projects so far, in most cases.<br />

The dark side built up the image of dark negative ET’s, and there were a few, the old<br />

Anunnaki, the Greys, and a few nasty independent reptilians. Do not fear all reptilians,<br />

many are of the light, and doing great work as teachers, and warriors. You have heard of<br />

one, Lord Monka on Mars. He is actively involved in the manufacture of antigravity<br />

vehicles, and small saucers for your works, for those who have great transportation needs.<br />

In fact, most of the negative ET story was fabricated so that you would reject the help<br />

coming to the pla<strong>net</strong>. Your dark side, upon the pla<strong>net</strong> carried out much of the grisly stuff<br />

published, and not your star visitors.<br />

You will meet many peoples in the next few years, who do not resemble you in body type.<br />

In the Urantia Book, we speak of man and humans upon the evolutionary pla<strong>net</strong>s, but that<br />

does not mean necessarily your body type. But your body type is a great type, and on<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>s advanced in Light and Life it is common, because it works well.<br />

You have meant Shekhmet through Candace and many others. She has been involved<br />

with Earth for about 10,000 years now. She is a lioness type. Cats are very intelligent, and<br />

often win the evolutionary race on pla<strong>net</strong>s, becoming upright. On occasion the dog does.<br />

On some pla<strong>net</strong>s, where areas are well separated by waters, several types may win the<br />

evolutionary battle, and on those pla<strong>net</strong>s, they may well battle each other for dominance.<br />

And in some cases, all share in the progress, in others, one wins over the others. In a few<br />

sad cases, they have terminated all of themselves. Shekhmet and her soul mate, known as<br />

Alcyone, Horus or Heru, and other names on the Earth plane, wrote several chapters of<br />

the Urantia Book.<br />

Candace: The chapters (called papers) written by Shekhmet are 22,28, and 30. Chapter<br />

22 describes the Might Messengers, and in it Shekhmet mentions her soul mate, but not by<br />

name. Alcyone (Heru) wrote 32, 34, 40,42, and 52.<br />

Monjoronson: You will in time be told who some of the other authors are. And Candace<br />

may well work with some of them too, depending on the needs, time, and interest of<br />

others. There are many of you, who as the result of your works on Earth and against the<br />

dark, who may will find yourself also the tried and tested winners of rebellion, and call<br />

yourselves Mighty Messengers, upon your graduation from Havona. You are many of you,<br />

on the fast track to that goal, by your works on this pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

These are fully Trinitized Sons of God, and it is you the future Mighty Messengers, that will<br />

find yourself developing those Universes to come. By your survival of the many horrors<br />

that have occurred in the Galactic Wars of Orvonton, and your learning to deal with<br />

darkness, so shall you recognize and deal with it, should it raise its ugly head against you.<br />

You have no idea of the benefit of your Earth experiences, to your future careers.<br />

Approach your messianic works, with that in mind!!!!!!!!<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 99

How will I walk the Earth, beyond the above statements I will not marry as per your idea,<br />

but I do have a consort, you might say, of long duration, in my many missions. Some of<br />

you, if you have read the TM archives, or been to some of the gatherings may have heard<br />

her words. Right now, I will decline the name. A God would have a consort Indeed.<br />

Pairing is the nature of Creation. Will she materialize, as I am doing, yes, she will, and is.<br />

She is of a different creation than the Avonals. Will we have children No. We are rather<br />

different in that regard, and it would not be appropriate, but we shall be seen together as<br />

appropriate to our joint works. We have worked as a male, female team before, and that is<br />

one reason I am here for this particular teaching mission, because of the misuse of the<br />

female energy on this pla<strong>net</strong>. We will show another way.<br />

Please read up on the Magisterial Mission in The Urantia Book. This mission is much as<br />

described there, but as per usual, with the peoples of this pla<strong>net</strong>, there are differences, and<br />

you are not yet even close to where other pla<strong>net</strong>s are, when the Magisterial Son comes<br />

from Paradise. And the Magisterial Mission normally comes prior to the Bestowal Mission,<br />

but the Michael of Nebadon saw to do things differently with this, his beloved pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

He chose an incarnation into some pretty bad circumstances, which is why he came with<br />

his future Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince, Sananda Immanuel, a mighty warrior indeed, in Nebadon. The<br />

Kumara’s took to the salvation of this pla<strong>net</strong> long ago, an awesome chore that is now<br />

coming to fruition. Immanuel Esu well deserves this try at Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince, and we expect<br />

it to go well, in his most capable hands. As such, he is in reality God of Urantia, when he<br />

steps into those shoes with the Second Coming Event. You will have your prophesied<br />

1000 years of peace, this mighty warrior will see to it. You will grow in protected status, as<br />

you are now.<br />

Many of you have been incorrectly schooled in the idea of this sudden ascension into 5D.<br />

This “sudden” ascension would only occur, if the pla<strong>net</strong> changed her poles abruptly and<br />

threw you off. In actuality this would force an evacuation of God’s peoples upon the pla<strong>net</strong>,<br />

and then she would go into uni, or monopolar status abruptly. The pole change taught of, is<br />

not the reversal or flipping of the poles, but the change over into monopolarity, rather than<br />

the dual polarity you experience now.<br />

Candace: The North Pole (and I would assume South also) is moving rapidly right now,<br />

and this is partially responsible for weather changes. Also responsible for weather changes<br />

that have occurred since 1988, is that the pla<strong>net</strong> does not tilt away from the sun, as much<br />

as it used too, causing the warmer winters.<br />

Monjoronson: This means you will not have a North or South Pole. You will have one<br />

Pole. Your mag<strong>net</strong>s will change. They won’t work. Energy use changes. On normal pla<strong>net</strong>s<br />

this is a steady uphill change. And so we intend on this Pla<strong>net</strong>. With assistance however,<br />

this change is going more rapidly, The Correcting Time again at work. When any pla<strong>net</strong><br />

ascends, meaning its mass consciousness has reached what we are teaching as 5.0<br />

vibration, the pla<strong>net</strong> enters into the hallowed stage of Light and Life.<br />

It is no longer in duality, and becomes Eternal. It can light itself in time, but not at the<br />

beginning of this stage. Your Michael has informed you recently the pla<strong>net</strong> is at 4.52 at this<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 100

time. Some of this is outside influence, you might say, to create this. Now every member of<br />

the pla<strong>net</strong> is not at this point. It represents an average. To have the pla<strong>net</strong> at 4.52 under<br />

the conditions of this warring required some help, and you were gifted with this, it forces<br />

the dying out of the dark, assisting the battle for you, and for Urantia. It means you are not<br />

going to roll over and be thrown off. This is rock hard physics, my friends. It is nature, and<br />

nature’s laws can’t be broken.<br />

Watch the clones age. Also, as a down side, for some of you, you will see your older<br />

friends and relatives who are not up to 4.5 will also leave the pla<strong>net</strong> a bit faster.<br />

But in the doing of this, it stabilizes the pla<strong>net</strong> against the current deprecating activities<br />

during this somewhat extended wait.<br />

Are you not amazed, or maybe amused might be the word at the current story being<br />

played out with Korea The dark brothers remaining still think they can have the pla<strong>net</strong>,<br />

and live on it too, after they destroy its life. They never learn. This will not come to pass,<br />

because of The Michael’s works in uplifting the vibration. They die, period, very shortly and<br />

are no longer around. They are getting cancer and heart disease before their eyes.<br />

Now understand, that if a relative is sick suddenly, this may or may not be the cause of the<br />

approaching demise. Some are leaving the pla<strong>net</strong> by choice at this time, and others have<br />

become sadly infected with all manner of problems. Love them, and let them go in peace,<br />

for it is their journey and not yours. Allow people their free will, and their journey, and you<br />

aid the spiritual growth of all parties involved.<br />

When will the pla<strong>net</strong> reach 5.0 I haven’t a clue; all is situational. Will you see a sudden<br />

change No. There is no ascension or rapture massively into the clouds of the inhabitants.<br />

This has been the tragic teaching to New Age. All is gradual. You must be about changing<br />

out your energy technologies to the various types, often labeled Zero Point energies, as<br />

these function in the new unipolarity, and will function fine while the pla<strong>net</strong> is still bi polar.<br />

Lost in the concept of how mag<strong>net</strong>s would work in a monopolar world Fine, because if<br />

you recall some teaching given, like attracts like, not the other way around.<br />

Candace: I suggest the reading of the banned Phoenix Journals, the Pleiadian Connection<br />

Series #30 through #37. These can be found at www.fourwinds10.com and<br />

www.phoenixsourcedistributors.com/index.html. Right now, I have better success, when I<br />

download them from PhoenixSourceDistributors. For those new to the Journals, these<br />

were given over a period of more than 12 years. The authors were Christ Michael,<br />

Sananda, Germain, and others. The banned Journals are very important, having much<br />

cosmic science, and spiritual material in them. We misunderstand gravity and mag<strong>net</strong>s,<br />

hugely on this pla<strong>net</strong>. But there are scientists who have been given the correct information,<br />

and bringing us the new energy systems.<br />

Monjoronson: But I know you still want an estimate, of the time involved, so I will say<br />

between 10 and 200 years. Is that close enough 10 is unlikely, as is 200 years, so lets<br />

guess at maybe 25, if you all get organized and do the work. I don’t think it is possible to<br />

get everything on zero point type energy, technically, because manufacture, and in some<br />

cases, with anti gravity vehicles of certain types, also require mind use in the construction.<br />

I am not sure that will be well established, the creating, or manifesting of matter using<br />

mind, in that short a period of time. Gives you something to strive for though, does it not<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 101

Sorry, you get no instant fix. Remember, what is going on Urantia, is new, and undone in<br />

this manner. It is quite in reality, one minute at a time.<br />

We have The Correcting Time as mentioned. If you have read The Urantia Book, you know<br />

there is also something called a Trinity Teacher Son mission. Will, beloveds, you have it<br />

all, all at once. The Trinity Teacher Sons are here too. Read the Urantia Book about them.<br />

They will not be public, their mission for a time, because as you will read, you are nowhere<br />

near ready to know more about them.<br />

And they will be here for well after your inauguration into Light and Life, when you do hit<br />

5.0, because even when you do, and the pla<strong>net</strong> becomes monopolar, you will still have a<br />

lot of problems needing solving in your various social structures. All of you have many<br />

guides working with you, in both my Magisterial Mission, and the Trinity Teacher Son<br />

Mission.<br />

Only a very few on the pla<strong>net</strong> are truly ready for the spiritual teachings of the Trinity<br />

Teacher Sons. Usually these Sons depart when the Pla<strong>net</strong> is inaugurated into Light and<br />

Life, but they shall be staying, continuing to correct the Time. The reason the pla<strong>net</strong> will not<br />

be ready for them to leave is because of the spiritual situation. And the reason because the<br />

training will be incomplete at 5.0 is because 5.0 is an average, a blend of highly advanced<br />

souls with those less so, lots of them will still be less so. This is an unusual situation for a<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>, to inaugurate into Light and Life, with such a large portion of its people still rather<br />

retarded in their growth.<br />

In a way, this Second Coming of a Creator Son is a bit like what the original Bestowals<br />

would be, except, still you are not ready. The pla<strong>net</strong> has become more tribal in the<br />

intervening years, while all the time various members of our groups, in various realms, are<br />

getting your technology more up to date.<br />

You are being gifted flying saucers, in a limited number, yet to be determined by need, to<br />

assist the rapidity of the process. These will come with robots, which will fly them. These<br />

are not living automatons, they are engineered, computerized robots, much like Data, of<br />

Star Trek, but quite a bit more cooperative. So not to worry about the issues of the care<br />

and maintenance of them, nor the operation. Get out those old Star Trek films, hopefully<br />

they are on DVD, they taught much, albeit not quite enough special effects at the time, but<br />

they are the best of the teaching about other places and dimensions, before the dark<br />

mongers had fun with the warring to create fear of the whole Second Coming idea.<br />

The anti gravity platforms, that will accompany them, are in fact, sort of little cars, which<br />

you can use for local shopping and meetings, and to load and board the saucers. Also, a<br />

larger platform will be provided for loading of industrial and building materials. On more<br />

advanced pla<strong>net</strong>s, the platforms are not covered, and you have the advantage of force<br />

shields for weather. But Earth is not there yet, so these will have the super strong,<br />

unbreakable glass as your shield. They have built in gravity and computers, and you won’t<br />

fall off, nor need safety belts.<br />

Candace: The suggested readings from The Urantia Book that cover the Magisterial<br />

Mission idea, are Paper #20, The Paradise Sons of God, and Paper #52, The Pla<strong>net</strong>ary<br />

Mortal Epochs. In these, particularly #52, you will get a good general idea of the<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 102

development of pla<strong>net</strong>ary peoples, socially and spiritually. And you will get a good idea of<br />

where we aren’t and where we need to go. You will better understand The Correcting<br />

Time. You can read The Urantia Book online for free at www.urantia.org.<br />

I also suggest Paper #55, Spheres of Light and Life, which should provide a nice summary<br />

also of where we need to go, and what life is like on these advancing cosmic pla<strong>net</strong>s.<br />

Many of you may be visitors from pla<strong>net</strong>s in Light and Life, and this would behind your<br />

personal distresses with this pla<strong>net</strong>. I am from a pla<strong>net</strong> long into Light and Life myself, and<br />

boy, do I get my periods of homesickness!<br />

For those who are not understanding some of this material in this piece with Monjoronson<br />

need to read or re read the previous works. Please do not write me for clarification,<br />

because I do not have the time to re teach everything. You are responsible yourselves for<br />

your own reading and study.<br />

The Urantia Book does not cover re incarnation, in fact denies it. The purpose of that was<br />

to assist in getting the dark side to allow publication, and to protect the peoples from other<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>s who incarnate here. The dark side goes after those, when they are discovered, and<br />

that is the reason for all the burnings at the stake that took place in dark times, and which<br />

still occur in various ways now. But re incarnation appears through out it, in other terms,<br />

such “as your evolving soul.”<br />

As you read the book, you will find other parts which also seem to not be true or are not<br />

presented, and again, it is about protection, and other issues. I was asked recently why the<br />

visiting Pleiadians are not covered, and that is for the reasons of the secrecy required at<br />

the time. Now proceed to Part Two of this message, given on July 7, 2006.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 103

The Magisterial Mission, Part Two<br />

By Monjoronson and Candace Frieze<br />

# 57 July 7, 2006<br />

Monjoronson: Hello once again, this lovely day, as we start Part two of this work.<br />

Candace “bombed out” yesterday, as she uses this term. My energy is intense and I keep<br />

it at some distance as we work, so she can work a longer period.<br />

OK, I will talk a bit more of myself, and the Avonal Paradise Sons. I find it interesting, that<br />

some folks are more than a bit surprised that the High Sons of God, of any type seem<br />

casual. You on the pla<strong>net</strong> incarnate from higher places forget your lofty origins, because of<br />

the sad state of affairs upon the pla<strong>net</strong>. Beloveds, we are loveable, we are casual, we are<br />

soft, we joke, we laugh, we do all of that. You do the same, because you are divine<br />

yourselves. Intelligence is divine, will is divine, and it is time to stop putting God on a high<br />

shelf somewhere. All is God, a most important teaching at this time on this little lost pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

Most of the residents on Urantia are going to be in a state of shock about God, and the<br />

Sons who have come to uplift. And as we continue to teach, many are not going for some<br />

time, and maybe never, to accept this process before them, as the Second Coming,<br />

because of the lack of rapture, the mistaken ideas of God, and for New Agers, the concept<br />

that somehow the Ascension is a sudden event. Many of you will make your Ascensions,<br />

the fusion with your Adjuster, if that is your status, at night, during a visit to the Mansion<br />

Worlds, and return to your body and build your light body, the blending of your spirit semi<br />

physical morontia form, with your physical form. And the building of your light body is a<br />

slow process, not an instant one.<br />

There is the idea also, that all of incarnates will suddenly remember everything of your<br />

previous existences, in conscious everyday format. NO, because you could not function<br />

with all that knowledge activated. But you will be taught methods of accessing that<br />

information from your personal records, when you are in the mood to do so. Many are<br />

doing this during meditation, and at night, as they face off their “karma” and heal<br />

themselves of their old wounds.<br />

What is the most important idea to conceptualize here, is that this is the most important life<br />

you lead, the current life always is, and it matters little the details of all your others, that is<br />

done with. What matters the most is your day-to-day living in the Eternal Now, a term new<br />

agers love. This simply means you are always who you are, the sum total of your<br />

experience, and you will heal selves by looking at your day to day challenges, because<br />

your daily reactions are the sum total of your experiences in this life and the past.<br />

So where you find difficulty, assess it, and find another way or solution if called for, forgive<br />

your mistakes, which are not “sins.” They are simply mistakes, and if you study that which<br />

you don’t like, then the experience was not a mistake, but that which provided you valuable<br />

experience and thus learning. Even the high Sons of God, such as myself are always and<br />

forever on the learning journey. As we gain experience, our own decisions become better,<br />

but we still face new and different situations, and sometimes, we goof too. Perfection is not<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 104

about never making a mistake, that is the bad new age teaching, placed there by the dark<br />

side, to get you to reject us, because if we do something that is seen as “human” and in<br />

error, then we must be frauds, and that is just not the case, loved ones.<br />

We have made mistakes on the Earth plane, it is a most difficult place, and the dark<br />

brothers were rounded up over time in the galactic and local universe warring and sent to<br />

your beloved Urantia, for their final learning experience. They could not get off the place,<br />

so they were “stuck” with themselves. And it has not been a pretty sight to watch that<br />

process.<br />

We made our mistakes and our misjudgments, because the concentration of darkness was<br />

beyond our experiences also. The darkness upon this pla<strong>net</strong> is very strong, as you even<br />

see now, when the dark did not stand down on April 3, of 2005. The big bad boys and girls<br />

are very tough. Admire them, in this sense, because you need to develop your own<br />

toughness in the light. But part of their toughness, is because they just don’t choose to<br />

learn their lessons, but you can be tough, from learning yours.<br />

But know the end is in sight, because Sananda Immanuel, and Christ Michael, personally<br />

saw to the removal of the Hidden Hand, starting in June of 2004, and the current dark<br />

brothers are erring right and left without the puppet masters. As I said, I suggest laughing<br />

at all this North Korean game at hand, as an example. It shows some pretty stupid<br />

BBB&G’s floundering around. I would suggest doing that laughing in the presence of those<br />

you wish to teach! That will help dispel the terror fear they are still so desperately trying to<br />

sell to you.<br />

Candace: I recently viewed Alex Jones new film, Terror Storm, at the 911/NWO<br />

conference in LA. It is an excellent summary piece of the build up of this false terror<br />

scenario before us, and also of the variety of reactions of people towards all of this. I highly<br />

recommend it as a teaching tool to your friends with heads still in the sand.<br />

Monjoronson: Now, a bit about my creation. In Urantia you will read that the Avonals are<br />

the “children” of the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit, true, but not really relevant to this<br />

piece. But I had my personal creation I would estimate in Earth time, about 3 million years<br />

ago. How are the Avonals trained, from the bottom up, just as you. Our training does start<br />

in Havona, but then we go out and take little jobs in the local Universes, and work our way<br />

up in experience, until we can do the Magisterial works of our order.<br />

I have totally had this experience within Orvonton. My first little jobs were about working in<br />

the area of judgment, and being what you all might call a “Gofer” in your slang terms. I do<br />

enjoy the slang that has come upon this pla<strong>net</strong>; it is beautifully expressive. Imagine a High<br />

Son, a Gofer! Yes, that is the way we all learn, including my friends, the Creator Sons. We<br />

all have Gofer experience. Otherwise we would not get to where we stand. No different as<br />

you, except we don’t have the incarnation experience in matter, as we are those that run<br />

the universes of time and space and make them work.<br />

Candace just took a little break and noticed Mr. Bush the clone on TV talking about North<br />

Korea, and commenting he is worried about little children and concentration camps in<br />

North Korea, a great cover-up for all the little children ignored and harmed in America, and<br />

the concentration camps right in your own country. And sadly some, in fact many will fall<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 105

ack in love with Mr. Bush from this dog and pony show. And find themselves elsewhere in<br />

due time for it.<br />

So with that little comment, I shall proceed into talking a bit more on the judicial portion of a<br />

Magisterial Mission. There is always a judgment process in the termination of one age, and<br />

the beginning of another. This is a continuation of the process started by the bestowal of<br />

the Michael upon your place. The processes on this pla<strong>net</strong> are complex, and as you know,<br />

out of balance with the more usual methods.<br />

In the Correcting Time, as you have seen, you have a compilation of processes going on,<br />

rather than a sequential action. Many process going on together. And despite what<br />

currently looks like a mess before your eyes, the mess is necessary to the process. Chaos<br />

causes growth, in every being involved, including myself. Free will is the principle of God,<br />

hopefully all will choose the love route, but some do not. And some don’t just because they<br />

don’t know any better at the time. All part of the evolutionary process. No matter, you can’t<br />

have free will and not have chaos and the need to solve the problems.<br />

What a boring existence it would be, if there was not will. In fact, there would be no<br />

existence, without it. Free will, involves creation and there would be no creation, without<br />

duality. Even the worlds in light and life, while monopolar, still have challenges and<br />

learning. It is just that they have ascended into Universal Consciousness, and now deal<br />

with Universal issues and management. Everyday life is easy and comfortable, for the<br />

spirituality and technology to match.<br />

Chasing Money for power is no longer an idea, but these worlds begin to babysit, you<br />

might say, those in progress beneath them. All worlds in light and life have the ability to<br />

travel space, in varying degrees, and with that comes much responsibility and learning.<br />

Back to those old Star Trek films, what teaching (by way of the Magisterial Mission) came<br />

through them! And Candace just mentioned, “Bewitched” also, a foundational awakening<br />

series for her. Samantha and her Mother, they were interesting weren’t they For those of<br />

you old enough to remember the series or watch reruns.<br />

I am blessed that Michael liked my resume, and just as you, I am undergoing the greatest<br />

learning I have experienced in my 3 million or so years. As so is everyone on my staff. And<br />

in this learning, I will also function again, in a greater capacity in future difficult magisterial<br />

missions, which I suspect will be a “piece of cake” after this one! Got to love the language<br />

here, once again.<br />

By concentrating the dark into one prison area, we all have quite a challenge, who are on<br />

the pla<strong>net</strong> in our various job descriptions at this time. Remember, that includes all of you<br />

coming into the <strong>AbundantHope</strong> works at this time. And whether you chose participation<br />

directly with the organization or not, you are still going to walk in your shoes, walk the talk,<br />

I believe is your expression. And it is very time to do that, if you are not yet doing so, or<br />

improving it, if you are.<br />

The Avonal Son, with his primary parentage of Son and Spirit, is considered the “Word of<br />

God.” Much of that is in the judgment of the realms. The judgment process on this<br />

occasion as mentioned before started with the visit of the Creator Son 2000 years ago. I<br />

am the chief judge at this time, for most of the citizens of the pla<strong>net</strong>, and some of it is true<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 106

judgment, as you know it legally on the pla<strong>net</strong>. My staff runs courts under my jurisdiction.<br />

However, much of this judgment is for most citizens of the pla<strong>net</strong>, a case of sorting, a<br />

natural physical law case, in which an being cannot live on a pla<strong>net</strong>, or realm higher than<br />

his evolvement, and those that can’t cut the mustard of the New Earth simply do not<br />

survive, and move on to where they do belong. As you have been repeatedly told in<br />

various sources, there is a new pla<strong>net</strong> that has been readied, in a different Universe, for<br />

these ones. This is a younger universe than Nebadon, less advanced. All of Nebadon is<br />

moving upwards at this time, and there is no suitable pla<strong>net</strong> for certain of these ones within<br />

Nebadon. Another universe needs the experience of working with these recalcitrant types.<br />

I won’t name that universe at this time, but it is “nearby” Nebadon. So this is primarily a<br />

“sorting” by natural law, of nature. Some really bad BBB&G’s will face their demise, or be<br />

put on another prison pla<strong>net</strong>. Even the new pla<strong>net</strong>, is a prison pla<strong>net</strong> in the sense that the<br />

peoples who are peopling it, don’t have space travel, so they are pretty stuck with each<br />

other.<br />

On pla<strong>net</strong>s with space travel capabilities, those that are mistreated often pack their bags<br />

and leave, if they find they can’t resolve issues in their place. Also, these pla<strong>net</strong>s, should<br />

they experience over population, may journey to find a similar pla<strong>net</strong> of vibration and settle<br />

upon it. And you have in your history on this pla<strong>net</strong> peoples who have come from<br />

elsewhere and colonized themselves here. There are strict rules in place for how evolving<br />

primitive peoples are to be treated, meaning for the most part, they must choose an area in<br />

which primitive man does not reside.<br />

They are not to enslave the developing creatures, and we have considerably changed the<br />

rules now in Orvonton, that if this occurs, these people will face some very severe<br />

consequences, which can include what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah long ago. That<br />

was a den of thieves in the very lowest of degradation. Now they can be this way with<br />

themselves, but once they expand and entrap others, the Universe may request<br />

permission to destroy them. And this permission can include the use of beam weaponry<br />

that destroys soul matrix. This is used under the utmost caution.<br />

Your biblical story is true to a large degree on that place. Lot and his family were amongst<br />

the few that were given advice to leave that place. But it was not a destructive angry “God”<br />

that carried out the punishment; it was by order of official bearing from Nebadon. The<br />

Urantia Book states that it was a wholly natural event, it was in a sense, the carrying out of<br />

natural law, using “natural” weapons. It came out of the judicial process of the higher<br />

courts of Nebadon, and with the approval of the SuperUniverse Courts. It was a nasty<br />

place indeed.<br />

So I lead up the current judgment of the realm, the Magisterial Mission job at hand in these<br />

times. It is not only for the people incarnate, but also angels and others in your Other Side.<br />

We are also awakening the sleeping survivors, which have not been sleeping in the sense<br />

of sleep. These are the ones who continue their incarnation journeys, without memory.<br />

They have received their Adjusters at some point, but are not fused with them, so they<br />

continue their incarnation journey unaware of this. They are survivors, because they came<br />

out of a group soul box in some manner demonstrating the use of mind and will together,<br />

and earned an Adjuster for that, but before they can fuse, they have to undertake a long<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 107

journey of learning, which in a backward pla<strong>net</strong> like this one, consumes a great deal of<br />

time.<br />

How are we awakening them Through the teaching primarily. And they are then sorted.<br />

And in this there is renewed contact with the Mansion World schools, which take an active<br />

part now, in the night preparations of these ones. They have not in general made the best<br />

of progress, because of the pla<strong>net</strong>s higher beings participating in the rebellion against<br />

God, mostly Descending Sons. And then in addition, there was the capture of the pla<strong>net</strong> by<br />

negative space beings, the Anunnaki and Anchara.<br />

In the overcoming of the widespread rebellion not only in the higher realms but of space<br />

creatures, which abused heavily, changes have been made in just how and when a pla<strong>net</strong><br />

may enter a space age. It must grow up first. This has not been an issue in times past, but<br />

became so in Orvonton eons ago, as dark side brothers created artificial life forms with no<br />

God connection whatsoever.<br />

And these of course, are and will continue to be uncreated. Such as the Animus, now<br />

uncreated by particle beam weaponry. They had no soul matrix, but they did have<br />

intelligence, and life plasma, and this was destroyed. There is no reincarnation possible by<br />

these ones, their place is found no more.<br />

Now the stories of being written into the Book of Life, involves in reality the fusion with the<br />

Thought Adjuster, your God Fragment. This guarantees the Eternal Journey; you have a<br />

registered “ID” so to speak. Some are going to loose that, that fell from goodness and did<br />

not recover it. Their memories are destroyed, but the spirit of life not, so they start anew.<br />

Essentially the Adjuster stores the memory. There is more than the Adjuster to Soul Matrix,<br />

it has several parts, but the memory systems, banks, if you will, will be lost to them, and<br />

they shall not know who they are. Essentially these ones are starting over, and that is the<br />

case with many going to the new pla<strong>net</strong>. This has been spoken of. In some, the memory<br />

erasing will be less than complete, to allow the retention of that which is of God, and<br />

merely the sad memories removed. Others get it all washed out. It is situational.<br />

And some as you have heard get a trip to the void pla<strong>net</strong>, there is only one in Nebadon,<br />

and I will leave the description of that place in the capable hands of Maitreya, The Coming<br />

Buddha, who earned his way out of that place. It is a place of rehabilitation, and the<br />

memories are not removed. For some, in a way, Urantia has been a void pla<strong>net</strong> in a sense,<br />

but the void pla<strong>net</strong> has a different polarity. As part of this, there is no reproduction, nor<br />

death, nor time upon it.<br />

The sorting to the new pla<strong>net</strong> has been mostly occurring upon the death of the body of the<br />

individual. Some have gone in body, to prepare the place. This is not a full evolutionary<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>. It has been seeded for the purpose of the transfer. It is smaller than Urantia in size.<br />

There are folks from other places who have peopled it a bit, and this pla<strong>net</strong> is not starting<br />

out, with its inhabitants in the cave man stage as you would visualize it, but neither does it<br />

have machine age technology either. It has had horses and other animals placed upon it<br />

some time ago, so that they have had time to adjust. It is for the maturation of the souls<br />

going there, and not for the creation of new souls such as was the purpose of Urantia. And<br />

that will remain its purpose, in terms of the life forms here. It can ascend into Light and<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 108

Life.<br />

Shekhmet has undertaken the restoral of the DNA progression upon Urantia, repairing the<br />

“holes” in the progression, which have been lost from the battles and other unfortunate<br />

occurrences. This pla<strong>net</strong> was once at a higher vibration than now, but never at 5.0. It fell<br />

down to essentially around 1.0, a very tragic circumstance. And of course this had much to<br />

do with both the various rebellions, over control by enslaving forces, and the creation of<br />

making this the jail pla<strong>net</strong> for the galactic dark brothers who did overdo very much the<br />

concept of free will in the negative manner.<br />

Now, since I have nearly finished my down stepping, I will be a physical person of this<br />

realm. As such, I also require a Thought Adjuster, just as the Michael did 2000 years ago,<br />

and currently has for this incarnation mission of his. He has informed you he has the same<br />

one. My adjuster is an advanced experienced adjuster who gives its services for<br />

Magisterial Missions. This Adjuster is what enables me, while incarnate to commune with<br />

Havona, and the Paradise Isle entities necessary to the Magisterial Incarnated Mission,<br />

which is to be shortly announced.<br />

Without this, I would be at a handicap, in a way similarly to you in your dense bodies you<br />

occupy at this time. I have had the comfort of this Adjuster for all incarnate missions,<br />

including the Bestowal Mission. He and I are old friends, and it is the Adjuster than<br />

supplies the memories of my past experiences of being incarnate while I am again<br />

incarnate, and as above enables my constant contact with Paradise. But in many ways, I<br />

will truly resemble you of the realm now, but of course, this body, will actually, it is 4D and<br />

you are now a 4D realm. In the likeness of the beings of the realm, you.<br />

Now another topic, that of moving into Light and Life. When you are in Light and Life, you<br />

become more responsible for your own affairs, and the higher personages from the higher<br />

realms become gradually less involved in your growth, because you have learned to run<br />

your own show for the most part. You are a fully Galactic Pla<strong>net</strong>, and take on Universal<br />

chores as you become skilled to do so. The Teachers Sons leave. You communicate with<br />

assorted “space commands and centers” according to your growth. You are Christ<br />

Conscious; you have become a higher people, your interest expanded to ideas beyond<br />

your pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

Time dissolves in a sense, because you have moved out of the duality of the pla<strong>net</strong>s<br />

beneath you. You still measure “time” for a long time, because of course, you continue to<br />

make an annual trip around your sun. But mentally you extend time, living better in the<br />

Now, knowing that all of what you are, as an individual, and a pla<strong>net</strong>ary society, are the<br />

some total of all you have through.<br />

Your spiritual skills continue to increase. Spiritual skills include driving your own car with<br />

responsibility, and you have learned how to function well in group responsibility, the Two or<br />

More in My Name concept. And <strong>AbundantHope</strong> will encourage that concept, as you have<br />

seen somewhat to date, in designing your missions, and bringing appropriate people into<br />

them, who share in your mission and can make it happen together. If you bring in<br />

individuals that prove to not the see the mission and cooperation needed, you will show<br />

them the door. New Agers, you must move beyond, what all of us are calling the “Candle<br />

thing.” Spirituality is taking charge for your soul growth, which is about leaning and solving<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 109

problems in a conscious paying attention way.<br />

The Christ Conscious individual knows he is a “I AM”, and every moment of his current life,<br />

is conscious of his driving his car, always in a statement, of I AM THAT I AM. He/She has<br />

learned the meditation that allows higher universal contact, and depends on it, and lives<br />

gradually more time in that meditative state. This individual is approaching fusion with the<br />

Adjuster.<br />

You make your own little universe around you, in your creation. Your projects are your own<br />

little universe in a sense in this way. You invite people who can assist you into your<br />

universe, and encourage them to be about the building of their own little universe. That is<br />

what is meant by being creators. You are your own Gods, who are choosing now, to share<br />

in the process for the larger good with others, rather than being separate Gods. Candace<br />

knew this; that is behind <strong>AbundantHope</strong>. I am merely backing her up in this statement.<br />

It is the truth, my friends. Encourage all around you to come into their GodHood, which is<br />

truly their Goodness, and building that with others together. We do not do this for you. It is<br />

your job to create in life. It is my job again also, since I will shortly be fully “in life” with you.<br />

I am the Creator of this Magisterial Mission. I have many co creators, of varying talents<br />

associated with me, many incarnate such as you, and many angelics and ascending sons,<br />

not incarnate. It is no different, except that mine is a pla<strong>net</strong>ary process, with a particular job<br />

description.<br />

God does business too my friends, runs a corporation of sorts, but of course way above<br />

the denegrative corporations, such as the failed Enron on your plane. The dark always fail.<br />

Always. It is only the timing. And they rise and make yet another failure, because they lack<br />

in creativity. They just repeat their mistakes, over and over and over, until they come back<br />

into the light. The Light makes errors in judgment, and when they see that the error<br />

produced the incorrect result, they change the program, rather than repeating the same<br />

useless thing over and over, expecting a different result each time.<br />

The dark uses the same methods in creating their failed corporations over and over and<br />

over, ad nauseum, and still they do it. Ken Lay was murdered, via beam weaponry in his<br />

sleep. He was actually not fully dark, but not as light as he could be. He was beginning to<br />

talk; he knew a bit too much. Some of what was behind the talking was to cover his own<br />

rear, and some was behind that maybe he should do the right thing. And that was the<br />

reason behind his murder, that desire to just maybe do the right thing for a change of pace.<br />

My what a realization. So perhaps Ken will now find himself in a bit better place for that.<br />

So what are your tasks during The Magisterial Mission These would include learning true<br />

representative government, which means your representatives actually represent who you<br />

are spiritually. The dog and pony show Democratic and Republican parties need to go<br />

away, and quickly. You need to totally revamp the voting system into something<br />

representative too. And equal vote for everyone, is not representative, because those who<br />

are immature should not hold the same power as someone who is.<br />

This Mr. Bush, as you observed if aware, got a good deal of “Christian” vote by his<br />

claiming to be a Christian, and over the issues of the likes of stem cells. It is wrong to use<br />

stem cells from embryos. They don’t match the ge<strong>net</strong>ics of the recipient, and it is wrong to<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 110

create embryos for anything other than the creation of a human being. And the Christian<br />

groups that he parlayed this to, do know this, but they don’t know that this was but a tool.<br />

Your Scientists who are Godly are practicing now the use of the own body’s stem cells that<br />

do match, and are for the purpose of healing. It is these natural cells you possess that<br />

allow your constant healing from injuries. And it is fine to extract them and build new<br />

tissues to assist healing, replace amputated limbs and the like. That is the Godly use of<br />

stem cells. But these ones manipulated in the churches have been told by dark pastors,<br />

either by intent, or lack of knowledge, that Mr. Bush is a representative of God on Earth.<br />

Some are now starting to see.<br />

The advantage of this delayed wait is that ones are waking up and seeing the dog and<br />

pony shows before them. And these ones will be more supportive of the Second Coming<br />

Event and subsequent processes, because they have seen, awakened to the charades. It<br />

will require less “proof” for these ones. Many are preparing fine films that will show the<br />

progress of the dark in enslaving, let me rephrase that, attempting to enslave the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

We are ahead of the game for this. And the pla<strong>net</strong> is not so environmentally dead yet, to<br />

require an evacuation. Otherwise, I would not be materializing for this mission, to walk<br />

amongst you and with you.<br />

I just thought of something I can relay about myself. As you know, there are different life<br />

forms that win the battle on a pla<strong>net</strong>. On the pla<strong>net</strong> that I did both the Magisterial Mission,<br />

and the following Bestowal Mission, the forms were not the form on this pla<strong>net</strong>. I was a<br />

“dog” person in format on that pla<strong>net</strong>. Now the word Human, is Higher Universal Man. And<br />

it doesn’t imply the body type you use here. In fact the body type here, is not totally<br />

evolutionary, as you have been informed that your DNA was messed with.<br />

Plus you have had peoples of various forms from other pla<strong>net</strong>s, including the type you use,<br />

and others, who have colonized, or crashed here. And no, those missions were not in the<br />

Sirian system that does have “dog” Gods.<br />

The other mission part of the Magisterial Mission is cultural augmentation. This you have<br />

seen, since Mozart, and others arrived, and in the arrival of your films, cameras, and other<br />

higher technologies. The telephone would be included in this, but most pla<strong>net</strong>s have some<br />

of these well before the Magisterial Mission, and had the dark not taken up residence in<br />

Rome and proclaimed the Pope God’s representative on Earth (Anu’s representative in<br />

reality), you would have had the benefit of these technologies, probably starting around<br />

1000 AD.<br />

One more short statement and maybe it is time to let Candace finish her part in this, and<br />

get it up. Some of you morn still that we are not quite here. I would like to point out, that I<br />

said you might enter Light and Life, in 10 to 200 years, both of which are extremes in my<br />

vision. But the Trinity Teacher Sons normally work a pla<strong>net</strong> for 1000 years before Light and<br />

Life is established. The Trinity Teachers are the final High Sons from Paradise to work a<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>. Now, as you do read in Urantia, and please do read Candace’s suggested material,<br />

you are not still ready in many ways for even a Magisterial Mission, which usually precedes<br />

the Bestowal Mission, and then comes the Trinity Teacher Son Mission. You are very out<br />

of step and worsened in many ways the past 100 years.<br />

So the point is beloveds, the Correcting Time is working grandly. You should not need a<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 111

1000 year Trinity Teacher Son mission before you step into Light and Life. Have we all<br />

together now, made already an incredibly huge difference by our respective participations<br />

in The Correcting Time Be not worried over a little more time. It is nothing. No, it’s<br />

something, because more problems get solved, and you become ahead of schedule some<br />

more. Those of you unhappy at the delays because of suffering, Karma is karma, it has to<br />

be played out. And many of the suffering, could make a difference, if they would unite<br />

better.<br />

After reading the social material in Urantia, in the suggested reading, and other places, you<br />

must realize the long evolutionary journey and how it operates. We can’t change the what<br />

is of nature and time, and yet, in this Correcting Time we really have made some changes<br />

of great importance. Look back on your current lives, no matter your age and see the huge<br />

changes occurring. The Correcting Time is working. Salu, Namaste, I AM Monjoronson,<br />

and I look forward to my public appearance.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 112

As Above, So Below<br />

By Buddha and Candace Frieze<br />

# 58 July 14, 2006<br />

Hello everyone that reads the <strong>AbundantHope</strong> material. I am Lord Buddha, Pla<strong>net</strong>ary<br />

Logos. I am that one that sits above the Rainbow Masters, and I run the schools you<br />

attend during your sleep time. Now, I will begin to discuss the topic of this paper, which<br />

Candace has labeled, As Above, So Below.<br />

The topic is your Other Side, which has had a great deal of influence upon the lives that<br />

have been lived upon this pla<strong>net</strong>. This is an abnormal creation that resulted from the<br />

Lucifer Rebellion. Lucifer and his cohorts chose to make of themselves the Gods, and<br />

interrupted the normal progression of evolution upon the pla<strong>net</strong>. Lucifer confined all to this<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>. That would include myself, Moses, and the 144,000 that came before the liberation<br />

provided by Christ Michael 2000 years ago.<br />

Pla<strong>net</strong>s normally have an Other Side, composed of teachers, and where people live and<br />

study between incarnations, if they have arisen high enough in their soul development to<br />

live there. Otherwise, they reincarnate continuously from the astral realms, without much<br />

teaching or placement. And it is these very degraded lower astral realms that are in<br />

cleansing on this pla<strong>net</strong>. The entities of these realms are the ones that do haunting, and<br />

hang around bars and other areas of lower living and entertainment. Normal pla<strong>net</strong>s do not<br />

have this degree of lower astral realms at all, because they don’t have this quantity of<br />

entities of such low and vulgar status to occupy so much space. And they have better<br />

between life teaching.<br />

It was Lucifer that created the “karma” system you currently have on the pla<strong>net</strong>, and that is<br />

not exactly natural either. Karma is for the purpose of learning cause and effect. Lucifer<br />

thought he could speed evolution by having each person experience the opposite in a life<br />

time or future lifetime of any experience, both sides of the coin so to speak. And in doing<br />

so, he created a system that perpetuates the maladaptive behavior on the Earth plane.<br />

As simple examples of this: if a person is raped, that person becomes a rapist. If the<br />

person is murdered, that person becomes a murderer. If a person commits a murder, or<br />

several, then that person is supposed to be murdered an equal number of times, and that<br />

requires more murderers. Get my point<br />

He created the perfect system to keep this pla<strong>net</strong> in an antichrist status; as above, so<br />

below, and it was rotten to the core. He destroyed free will; the very free will he proposed<br />

should exist for himself, in his job of system head of Satania. This was supplemented by<br />

the false teachings in religion. The very person who did not believe in the existence of the<br />

Father of Paradise, made himself the Father of Earth, and imprisoned its peoples, and<br />

taught the mistaken idea of sky god Father that exists on the Earth plane in abundance<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 113

today. And he had abundant help in creating all of that, from others who chose to partake<br />

in his project.<br />

We have been correcting this scenario over the last 2000 years. Karma is not necessarily<br />

an eye for and eye at all. Some folks took great offense to my statement in Conversations<br />

with God, through Neale Donald Walsch, that Hitler went to heaven. There is not hell fire<br />

as taught, as you all well know. The closest concept to hell fire is eternally living in the<br />

lower astral realms of Earth. Which many have, they did not rise up at all, sometimes after<br />

thousands of life times, and thus the lower realms grew in abundance also. Not exactly the<br />

abundance of God. And to Hitler, what happened to him He was placed in confinement<br />

and has faced the courts of Monjoronson. He will face uncreation shortly. There was no<br />

remorse. With remorse, he could have created a plan whereby he corrected his wrongs, by<br />

right doing.<br />

There have come to the pla<strong>net</strong> many great beings to teach and reform the Other Side.<br />

That a being must endure being raped, and then have to turn around and rape is a terrible<br />

degradation, that can cause a being to find themselves in those astral realms of evil. Do to<br />

like attracts like, while a being is incarnate to be a murderer, child molester, rapist, etc,<br />

creates a situation where that being, already being down in vibrations from experiencing an<br />

act against his soul and person, and then having to do that to another, sets the being up<br />

for further influence from the negative realms. Few have been strong enough to resist this.<br />

It is these harmed ones, and make no mistake, they were harmed, that are having negative<br />

memories totally or selectively removed prior to their transfer to the New Pla<strong>net</strong>. Everyone<br />

gets a New Earth, don’t you see! You get to build a New Earth on this pla<strong>net</strong>, and so do<br />

they, on theirs. But the most negative of these beings, who have sunk too low to ever<br />

come out of it, just above a 0 (zero) vibration, theses ones will be uncreated.<br />

It is in these negative astral realms, which has its own organization that the likes of the<br />

Bushes, and the other negative folks plan out their upcoming lives of hell and havoc, and<br />

the using of others to their benefit. These ones may also face uncreation, or the void<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

So in rejuvenating the Other Side, those involved began offering schooling to those in the<br />

lower realms, providing libraries, classrooms, and some better entertainment. Those whom<br />

had anything left, began to attend them, and these were held back from incarnation for a<br />

time, to provide enough growth so that hopefully they would not back slide. Others totally<br />

did not partake of the opportunity, and it was hoped to attract them in life, and it did work<br />

for some, and when they made transition they found themselves in kindergarten, in the<br />

schools of light.<br />

With the coming of Christ Michael 2000 years ago, this process of Lucifer’s was ended and<br />

souls liberated from it. It took a few hundred years to effect significant change, but<br />

beloveds, all of this no longer applies. There is information still in the world stating that it<br />

does, but it does not. No longer, since probably around 1000 BC has any entity been<br />

required to become a rapist to “understand” the other half of the coin.<br />

Free will has been largely restored on your Other Side, and those of you who read new<br />

age material, and think your life is rotten because of your karma, because you are<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 114

experiencing the other side of the coin, think again. It is not so. You are sovereign beings<br />

at any stage in your development. You can make a life plan and have some instructions<br />

placed within your spirit bodies to remind you of your journey, because of the veil of the<br />

human body, but the karma rules as created by Lucifer went out the window long ago.<br />

That you make expect some repercussions from malevolent behavior remains true, and it<br />

is still all about the universal law, evident in everything in creation, that like attracts like. If<br />

you are malevolent, you will attract malevolence. If you do have something sad happen,<br />

from the living on the pla<strong>net</strong>, such as you are raped, for example, that is the working of a<br />

malevolent being, period, and you unfortunately were in the wrong place at the wrong time.<br />

It is not your punishment from a past time.<br />

Candace has an interesting story, about her last incarnation, and a friend’s reaction to it. I<br />

would like her to tell the story, so I will pause here, while she does so.<br />

Candace: In my last incarnation, I was a Jew, female, in Germany. I was in the music and<br />

entertainment industry, with my sister at the time. At the age of 22, married to my soul<br />

mate and the proud mother of a toddler, I found myself and my family plus my brother and<br />

sister, and parents, on a train bound for Dachau. That was in 1942. We all did perish there,<br />

and that is possibly a story for The Miracle That Is Me, a book I have begun writing about<br />

my experiences.<br />

Now I have a friend, of some duration now, who does believe in reincarnation and follows<br />

Edgar Casey. She did not like that story and it interfered for some time with our<br />

relationship. I felt she looked down on me for it. She informed me point blank, very angrily<br />

and aggressively one day that I got what I deserved at the time for daring to be a Jew, and<br />

I think she made the assumption I had always been one. She also seemed to think that<br />

was the cause behind my health problems of this life, continued punishment for being a<br />

Jew and other possibly horrendous offenses. She would not consider the idea that she<br />

might have been a “Jew” in a previous life.<br />

She seemed to me supportive of Hitler at the time, believing if I understood correctly that<br />

he was the anointed one of God to get rid of those pesky Jews. Yet she believed that the<br />

Jews are God’s chosen people, and that God gave them Israel. Talk about the double talk<br />

and beliefs we have on the Earth right now! This is a perfect example.<br />

She did have a great deal of misunderstanding about Karma, and often made the<br />

assumption she was on the right track, simply because she was healthy in this life. But this<br />

life of hers had a variety of tragic incidents and multiple marriages, and I didn’t get the idea<br />

that she considered any of that negative karma.<br />

It took until after I was heavily involved with Sananda, more than two years ago, and as<br />

she learned some more, that she came to understand that I incarnated here to assist earth,<br />

partake of the experience of these times, and to study the effects of organized religion and<br />

tribal customs on the pla<strong>net</strong>. And believe me, the pla<strong>net</strong> is still tribal, right down to religious<br />

groups and clans.<br />

I have been a Jew (meaning amongst the Khazars of Eastern Europe, not the Semitic<br />

Jews that arrived from another pla<strong>net</strong>); a Roman Catholic as a free black (female) in New<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 115

Orleans, before and during the Civil War; an African tribesman (male) captured into<br />

slavery; an American Indian (male); and a Buddhist (male) in Tibet.<br />

I was a Muslim, and learned a bit of voo doo too, in the African incarnation. As an<br />

American Plains Indian, I learned their spirituality, which is the one that I remember as the<br />

most natural and Godly. Buddhism in Tibet was confining, but a good choice for my first<br />

incarnation here, as I incarnated into a quiet and settled region.<br />

In this life I was born into the Episcopal faith, and never did like it. I remember being<br />

particularly un-attracted to the Apostolic Creed, it reminded me of the Catholic incarnation<br />

possibly. But then again, I found it a falsehood, in the Trinity statement within it. When I<br />

was of age, I was sent to confirmation classes and lasted through 1-½ sessions, before I<br />

walked out.<br />

In this life, I have made a study of various Christian religions, but I haven’t had any<br />

personal experience with Islam or Buddhism, except for a bit as the Japanese practice it,<br />

during a time when I associated with some friends from Japan. I never was able on<br />

questioning to understand if they consider Buddha a prophet, wise man or a God.<br />

Buddha: Well, Candace’s comment about her Japanese friends, the Japanese, like many<br />

others have mixed Buddhism with traditional belief systems and made a huge mess in the<br />

process. I never started a religion; others did that in my name. We could use some<br />

messiahs to work with Buddhists too, since I am not returning incarnate to this plane.<br />

But lets return now to this topic of the Other Side. When the rest of the low astral realms<br />

are removed, during the Second Coming Event, life will feel lighter and these ones will not<br />

be around to haunt those of the living. No longer will “Satan” whisper from these realms<br />

into people’s minds, causing them to do things, like drown 5 little children.<br />

The realms of the Other Side will be entirely of the Light, but at the bottom we will still have<br />

some in kindergarten for a time, which would include the lovely animals preparing for their<br />

first incarnations into human bodies. And these will be born into better circumstances than<br />

currently exist. It is a time yet, before this starts, the continuing of the natural evolutionary<br />

process of Urantia.<br />

People in these lighted realms, now does each make his/her own choices, with<br />

consultation of course, about the upcoming life, and what is needed to be learned. No<br />

longer will becoming a rapist or a murderer be a requirement of experience.<br />

The lighted realms are more and more reflecting that which will come into Earth in the<br />

future, and make the statement, As Above, So Below, a beautiful statement. Thank you<br />

kindly for your time to read this little paper! And in doing so, stop bashing your misfortunes<br />

as punishment for a perceived crime.<br />

The best way to experience of a crime committed is to later on, fix what you did in a<br />

positive way. If you have raped, becoming a teacher and assisting people, maybe in a<br />

prison or counseling with a group, to give up rape, or heal from it, might be an example of<br />

a positive way to deal with your negative creations. In that you make amends for hurting<br />

others, a much better lesson, I would think! Namaste, I AM Lord Buddha<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 116

Candace: I have some actual memory of sitting in consultation planning out my current<br />

life. The memory is about the choosing of my mother. I was desiring to get right back here<br />

and begin again, after my death in 1942. Many of my family members were in a bit of<br />

recovery from their horrid experiences, and I was all excited that I did pretty well, with<br />

Dachau and Hitler. I was proud of how I did, on review of it all.<br />

Many were coming back in rapidly after the war, and to aid my early return, I decided it was<br />

OK to incarnate with this woman I chose to be my mother. I was warned that this would be<br />

probably an unsafe incarnation. But I liked my Grandmother to be, I knew her from times<br />

past, and my father seemed safe enough to me. So I went ahead with it, and came in<br />

telepathic in part for my safety and in part for use in the coming times. So in three short<br />

years, in 1945, I entered this world once again.<br />

My grandmother did stand up for me, but my experience with Mother was more difficult<br />

than I anticipated, and she and my father divorced, adding to the problems. I have<br />

sometimes wished I had listened to the advice given, but then again, having been there<br />

and done that, I much better understand child abuse. And thank goodness I don’t have to<br />

come back and abuse a child in like manner to balance both sides of the coin! Such an<br />

experience would require me to sexually assault a child, and thus perpetuate the problem.<br />

I would not incarnate under those circumstances. What a horrible thought to contemplate.<br />

Regards the current circumstances, this new war, Christ Michael wishes to delay comment<br />

for a time. But I am allowed to describe an observation I made in my sky last night. I<br />

watched, after being advised to come outside after dark, a number of single flashes in the<br />

sky, lots of them of varying intensity, continuous at times in small areas. I also observed<br />

something not a plane, a single light moving through the sky, down low, going about the<br />

speed of a commercial jet taking off I would estimate. This is related to a battle, and I can’t<br />

say more, sorry!<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 117

Update On Lebanon<br />

By Sananda Immanuel<br />

# 59 July 16, 2006<br />

Hello all, Sananda here to give a brief update today, for the forum folks. Needless to say,<br />

you have probably surmised that this current war situation provided interference, yet once<br />

again to our plans.<br />

General Radetski has issued a final order to the divergent military and we have engaged<br />

in battle with the aid of the supportive military against them. We have further confiscated<br />

the weapons we could identify such as hand held laser types and others. We did have<br />

quite a battle recently, and it was mostly between American military factions, supported by<br />

some aid from us.<br />

I remind all, that there is no money to be delivered until the changes have occurred. We<br />

expect at this time, pretty much a joint announcement of the new administration and the<br />

change in the status of the Federal Reserve.<br />

This war activity between Israel and Lebanon is totally caused by Israel troops supported<br />

by the United States false flag government. The Hezbollah came about in an effort to drive<br />

Israel from its control of Lebanon a number of years ago. The Lebanese are fully allowed<br />

defense for themselves. Israel has made many incursions into Lebanon in past months,<br />

and Hezbollah finally stood up.<br />

This is a tragic situation because the rest of the Arab world has come into support for<br />

Lebanon and Hezbollah, and Israel has created much grief for itself. The idea in all of this<br />

is as usual to gain some American support for Israel, and to make Iran and Syria into<br />

enemies. And they are bonafide and very strong enemies against the Zionists. Apparently<br />

your news services are allowing the term “Zionists” to be used, and this is a positive<br />

attitude.<br />

Lebanon’s prime minister, which appropriate backup by American TV, CNN was allowed to<br />

speak his mind fully this morning.<br />

The G8 summit is not going at all well for the New World Order. Putin is fully resisting the<br />

efforts to bring Russia into the WTO. Bush as not found himself and cohorts in a<br />

comfortable situation at all at this summit.<br />

We continue to protect the shuttle and it should return to Earth safely tomorrow. Our<br />

backup plan, spoken of or alluded to frequently is now going into effect. Details are not fully<br />

possible right now, but Orvonton and Ashtar have come to agreement that all our plans are<br />

no longer to be put off, in the awaiting of important changes. Ashtar, I believe suggested<br />

that July was the last month of tolerance, and actually with the new war situation, this date<br />

is now actualized.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 118

The ones that we identified as needing to make changes in Admiral Jhonka’s piece last<br />

winter, and who did not, are to face now uncreation, which is behind the current idea, that if<br />

they are going to experience this, they may as well go out guns a blazing. So Be It.<br />

The coverage of the war caused journalists important to the announcement process to be<br />

reassigned, but this is of short duration. I remind all, that in this final sorting process, these<br />

very dark ones, who were fence sitters and moles, have been exposed thoroughly and will<br />

not cause any trouble later, as they will no longer be here.<br />

As they are arrested or otherwise detained they are facing the Magisterial Son’s courts,<br />

quickly and effectively, and their place shall not be found. There have been quite a few<br />

deaths in the ranking military that are not on the news, and quite a few grieving families.<br />

In the recent battle, which Candace observed a portion of recently, we took out 3 large<br />

triangular ships. This is the total of those ships that they had left, and all are now gone.<br />

They have been based in New Mexico, but the battle occurred over Colorado, because the<br />

troops supportive of removing this government are based on Colorado bases.<br />

Some of those triangle ships seen have been American ships. There were once a total of<br />

10. These are not stealth bombers, but of a type given by the big and little greys who lived<br />

in your underground.<br />

I am pleased to report that no military supportive of the change of this administration were<br />

lost.<br />

Militarily we have come into the battle in Lebanon in the background. There was a major<br />

event that happened to Lebanon, which was not covered, on your news. A MOAB was<br />

dropped on that country, which did a great deal of damage, so we became more involved.<br />

That bomb was dropped by American forces, from an American cargo type plane,<br />

equipped for the purpose of deploying this bomb. Israel, in conjunction with the United<br />

States fully desired to set off the Armageddon of your stories in the Middle East.<br />

When the attempts to gain America support for the conquest of Iran did not materialize this<br />

other event was created. We are following American opinion, and we believe that many<br />

Americans are now in support of making peace in the Middle East. They have become<br />

fearful of this administration and that furthers our goals, and your successes to come. Part<br />

with Americans remains the gas prices, and people are feeling great unrest now, knowing<br />

that war has not provided cheaper gas but driven it up instead. They are finally seeing that<br />

energy has much to do with this warring in the Middle East.<br />

Iran is indeed backing this, and Russia behind Iran. This is a no win situation for Israel and<br />

the United States. We are tailing the submarines in the Mediterranean, which were<br />

diverted there, when the government figured out that the proposed attack on Iran was not<br />

to be successful.<br />

We are guarding carefully cloaked in the area, any evacuation helicopters for the<br />

Americans living in Lebanon, because the idea is to harm Americans to get support for this<br />

war. We have galactic personnel, on the ground, in appropriate uniforms assisting. They<br />

are armed with what you term phasers.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 119

The Lebanese Prime minister is under our direct protection. I have met with him<br />

personally, and he welcomes our assistance. It is this support that enabled him to<br />

broadcast live on CNN this morning, and denounce the Zionist enemy without fear. We<br />

have shielded some areas of great importance in plasma shields, similar to what we have<br />

around Candace and others of importance to this works, who are public.<br />

I assure you that the leaders in Israel are also very aware of our assistance to Lebanon,<br />

and the lack of our assistance to them, and they are very nervous indeed. Ashtar<br />

Command was granted this permission to be supportive of Lebanon in this situation.<br />

I can’t give a date, beloveds, as you can see, but this drastic error of the dark, is working<br />

nicely against them. I have a request to make. I would like all of you to copy this piece and<br />

send it to your local news agencies, and also Inter<strong>net</strong> sites, such as Wayne Madsen<br />

Reports. It is the only way we can get out the information about the MOAB used, by<br />

American forces against Lebanon. Send it far and wide, as we have often used this term.<br />

Candace will post it on the main site in addition to the forum. Your local news associates<br />

need to see this. They need to understand that America is involved in this dastardly mess.<br />

Many may be assuming this; I certainly hope so. I don’t expect it will be printed by any, but<br />

by sending this, you encourage them to question.<br />

I must now return to my very busy day, playing warrior. Namaste, Sananda Immanuel Esu<br />

Kumara.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 120

Update # 2 on Libanon<br />

By Sananda Immanuel<br />

# 60 July 18,2006<br />

Beloveds, tonight I comewith both good news and bad. The good news is that great<br />

progress has been made to allow the announcement under the current circumstances of<br />

war. Everything is tested and in place, only it remains to gather the people at the<br />

appropriatetime. I remind you this announcement is about the removal of the American<br />

Regime and the placement of the temporary government.<br />

NESARA announcement activities will come at a somewhat later date and these will be<br />

preceded of course by the removal of the Federal Reserve System.<br />

The bad news is that the American government, which is behind Israel, openingly before<br />

the world, but not telecast in the United States, ignored a special message given to them<br />

via Jerusalem,and has gone ahead with greatly increased bombings. This will very soon<br />

end, asAdmiral Jhonka does have a good deal of control and enforcement aided by us<br />

atthis time.<br />

There have now been 7 MOAB’s dropped on Beirut and vicinity, causing a great deal of<br />

damage and loss of life. Oh America, those asleep to this, for shame. American planes<br />

have dropped these bombs; they use C-130’s for this, in correction to mine and Candace’s<br />

error in the term “fighter planes, in the previous message. We did havea great deal of<br />

interference during that work, and in re construction of vanished material, some how that<br />

mistake was made. A MOAB is much too large and requires other amenities to its use, and<br />

can’t be dropped from a fighter such as an F-16.<br />

Israel does not have itsown MOAB’s. The MOAB was also used in the first attacks on Iraq<br />

over 3 years ago that was called Shock and Awe. There is nothing of Shock and Awe<br />

about this warfare.<br />

We, personally ourselves, made an incursion into Jerusalem, and this should have been<br />

reported two days ago on your TV. This provided a very clear message that there was<br />

weaponry not of Earth used there. This has been ignored, and so it will be repeated quite<br />

soon. We will not interfere with Holy sites in Jerusalem, not to worry, but those in control of<br />

this war, did get a strong message. You will have to await this on your television to know<br />

what happened.<br />

A warning to those BBB&G’s that read this material: We shall do what we did in Jerusalem,<br />

once again, elsewhere of importance in Israel. This will occur in about 24 hours.You are<br />

ordered to stand down, and avoid this. We can do this every 24 hours until you do. We are<br />

the ones, now behind Hezbollah in support of Lebanon. You can stop blaming it all on<br />

Syria and Iran.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 121

As to Syria and Iran, you yourselves do know that they only fight the beast in these times,<br />

and are justified in their actions against Israel. I do hope that you will take our threat<br />

seriouslyand end this war immediately. As soon as you stop your fire, so shall Hezbollah. It<br />

is entirely in your laps.<br />

Many innocent people havebeen lost in this war. Many more than acknowledged on TV.<br />

There have been quitea few deaths also of Americans. It was you America that bombed<br />

the airport,making the job of getting Americans and all other tourists out, much more<br />

difficult. And you sit here, bringing further harm to American citizens, inyour actions.<br />

I warn you, once again, that Hezbollah will be the one to win this war, we are there, we<br />

have galactic personal on the ground, giving advice, and assisting Lebanon in other ways.<br />

Stop now, or it shall be your own country that suffers greater harm. You will be harmed<br />

until you do stop this war. I most surely hope this will occur tomorrow, by the time that<br />

American’s awaken in the morning. Good day, I am Sananda Immanuel.<br />

Candace: in discussing this with Sananda the last couple days, he assures me that<br />

whatever occurred in Jerusalem, did not cause the deaths of civilians.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 122

Await The Timing in Grace<br />

By Sananda Immanuel and Candace Frieze<br />

# 61 August 6, 2006<br />

Sananda: Dearly Beloveds, the time does fly as your saying goes. We are into August<br />

now, and many of you are having your doubts as to our existence and our programs. I ask<br />

that you go within and remain in faith. I do hear many of you and I do know you have<br />

financial problems that need abating. Understand that this is the case of the entire pla<strong>net</strong><br />

and not just you. You have one advantage, or disadvantage as you may see it, in that you<br />

have a different knowledge than others.<br />

But many do know it is the time of the Second Coming, including those awaiting a rapture<br />

that will not happen, as they have been lead to believe. We have chided some recently, the<br />

chaos was necessary to be created in your groups, who still tend to follow and not lead.<br />

There is still the choosing to follow one telepath or the other, and you must come away<br />

from the following and become the doers; the leaders.<br />

You have been encouraged to create missions and many of you are still not considering<br />

the messiah idea, because of the belief systems on the pla<strong>net</strong> that create a single<br />

messiah. The new age saying going about is “we are the ones we have been waiting for.”<br />

And it was never truer than at this time. During the waiting, you must be about creating,<br />

and not giving time and energy to false prophets. It is time to stop reading from one<br />

website and channeling to another, and start thy works. There are only around 80 missions<br />

on <strong>AbundantHope</strong> right now, and I am proud of the 80 of such great courage.<br />

But there are apparently 800 readers who are merely reading. I realize many of you<br />

already have missions, and many may not want to bring theirs under <strong>AbundantHope</strong>, and<br />

this is your choice. But I am also aware that about 80% of all that read the various<br />

messages circulating, no matter the channel, are not creating any sort of vision in the<br />

helping of the Earth. I also know that many of you are awaiting NESARA for the solving of<br />

personal problems, and the desire for wealth.<br />

The wealth within the united States will be beyond description. You will not be able to<br />

spend it all on self and your family will not need it, since they will have extreme wealth. You<br />

must get good at check writing, if nothing else and do an honest search for those you<br />

might wish to support.<br />

I am asking all to live a messianic life, a life of purity and service to others. There will be<br />

much chaos in the united States, even with the funds released and the education with that.<br />

The funds I am talking of, is the “rebate program” of $10 million per adult in the USA, at<br />

@$75,000 a month, which after the decimal point is moved, in the restructuring, will be the<br />

equivalent of 10X that amount. There is no way to spend it all on a fancy retirement.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 123

As we mentioned in earlier works, you are encouraged to do your messianic work in the<br />

places of your employment, that many of you will remain in. You must improve the<br />

companies from within and many of you will have greater opportunity to do this, because<br />

the dark side owners of these companies will be vacating the pla<strong>net</strong>, in larger numbers<br />

over the next 6 months, and some sooner than that. This will leave open an opportunity to<br />

climb the ladder. There may be chaos in this as those not very lighted yet, may make<br />

claims to power, and you must stake also your rightful claim.<br />

I encourage the reading of the recent Monjoronson works through the TM Urantia groups.<br />

(Candace note: I will get these into the main area on the forum, and onto the main site<br />

also, there are three at this time. Someone posted the links to them on DA). You must<br />

discuss these. One in particular paints what seems a negative scene to come. And it is<br />

true and you must study it. Friends, do not be so put back by the idea of depopulation<br />

presented in them, because you all know, I hope, at this point that many can’t ascend with<br />

the Earth. They must move on, and they move on by depopulation in various ways, and I<br />

leave the teaching around that in Candace’s capable hands; she has been prepared for<br />

much. You can teach yourselves.<br />

I know you all love the channelings, but it is ONCE AGAIN time to get into the works or at<br />

least dreams of such. Without the initial dreaming you can’t manifest. You must start<br />

writing the dreams, so that the universe can aid you in the manifestation. There is not only<br />

the money coming to fund any dreams, but also you need the Universe, your guides,<br />

angels and beloveds on the other side, to help you run into people and opportunity around<br />

your dreams. Surely you are aware that the Universe supplies everything you sincerely<br />

request, and it is up to you to recognize the help that shows up when it does. This is the<br />

universal law of attraction, and I would encourage you to see “The Secret” The secret is<br />

the knowledge of attraction, like attracts like. Learn to “Knowing” of that and use it.<br />

In the past, the dark side has kept this in many cases from working for some of you; there<br />

has been some interference. This is going away however, pretty shortly and if something<br />

doesn’t manifest to match your goals, then you did not ask correctly or you did not respond<br />

to that which was put before your very faces. You failed the opportunity, and this in many<br />

cases is because you didn’t really want that which you claimed you wanted. Many of you<br />

have had unmanifested dreams because you rejected the Universe’s help when it came.<br />

Don’t do that again.<br />

The group that created The Secret, will have much more to offer, to assist those to learn.<br />

This film is excellent to get before the churches you belong to, the family you belong to,<br />

your workplace, and social groups also. That which is posited in The Secret, will become<br />

the reality of a God conscious pla<strong>net</strong>, a 5D pla<strong>net</strong>, and you need to begin to use this to<br />

manifest your desires. On a 5D pla<strong>net</strong>, God never says no. But you must recognize that<br />

God, is the universe, and not just a “person” who rules with an iron club. This is not God.<br />

You, long before the days of monopolarity, will manifest your dreams, using The Secret.<br />

Some of you will become more and more skilled in instant manifestation, which means<br />

basically replicating that which you need. Wander into an area without some money, and<br />

pull it out of your pocket and hand it over. Wander into a place without food, and multiply<br />

what is there, as was done in the bible story of feeding thousands.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 124

This was simple replication, and many of you will remember it, because you know it from<br />

whence you came, before you started your journey on Earth. There is new age nonsense<br />

going around that everyone will do this the minute ascension occurs. NO, it is a learned<br />

skill. And some of you do not know how yet. This will be taught in mystery schools. Those<br />

who loved “Bewitched” know that you might be one capable of this, otherwise “Bewitched”<br />

would not have grabbed you so.<br />

Might you start practicing and create your abundance in this manner You alone know if<br />

you have some of these skills in your memory banks of your higher self. Might you ask the<br />

Universe to help you remember The ascension into 5D, monopolarity, will not in and of<br />

itself restore all your memory. And it is many years off yet. Restoring your memory is your<br />

chore and the universe will aid you in that. Restoring your memory means fully widening<br />

the channel between your body proper and your higher self, so that the information might<br />

flow, and this requires your continuing dedication to the concept of service to others, living<br />

a lighted, messianic life.<br />

There are 200 million star incarnates and about 5 million reasonably mature earth souls<br />

incarnate right now. Can you imagine what might be accomplished if each and every one<br />

of you remembered who you are Not the multiple lifetimes on Earth, but who you really<br />

are Your greatest fear in not leading a messianic life comes from your fear, of who you<br />

really are.<br />

Update time, I assume you are really reading this for an update. So I shall spend a bit of<br />

time, here at the end to do so. God willing, great things will happen this month. I know you<br />

are tired of the same old song, but friends, get the email going, now in massive numbers,<br />

daily to those that do the news and represent you, any where on the pla<strong>net</strong>, but particularly<br />

the USA. Have you observed from news on the Inter<strong>net</strong> and the tel e vision occasionally,<br />

that the wonderful people of Mexico have come out to protest, repeatedly the stolen<br />

elections Where is America still on that issue alone And about 60% support Israel, for<br />

shame.<br />

The Second Coming process started officially on July 29 th . July 28 th was the last day of the<br />

dark side allowance for them to make a decision for the light and many failed to do of this.<br />

At 12 midnight on the international dateline, I became Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince of Urantia.<br />

Basically, I know call many shots, in your terminology. Descending Sons (angelics) holding<br />

this position do not openingly walk a pla<strong>net</strong> in a body. They are invisible to most, except<br />

those with discerning eyes. As an Ascending Son, I will walk the pla<strong>net</strong>; that is what is truly<br />

needed in this changeover. I will be going to Jerusalem to handle problems as soon as<br />

possible to do so. I am on the ground some days in Lebanon, as you have been previously<br />

informed.<br />

Your news is not the truth of activity there, and Israel is not doing what they planned. Had<br />

the plan worked of theirs they would be finished and gone, in about a week’s time. They<br />

did not win, in that hospital Ba’albek, or in that region. They were sent packing. They had<br />

moved into there, during the supposed 48 hours of resting from air activity. We are behind<br />

the idea of Tel Aviv being attacked, and if this becomes the reality of us needing to do what<br />

we promised we shall indeed do it. This is a threat that is hoped will cause Israel to regain<br />

its senses. Meanwhile, many citizens of Israel are tiring of the war and putting pressure on<br />

their government to stop.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 125

If we assist in Tel Aviv, it will be done discreetly and with great care to prevent loss of life<br />

to civilians. But Israel will rue the day; they did not listen. It is necessary to the Christian<br />

support for this horrid war to do something of this nature. Israel will back down and retreat<br />

and pay for the mess, or Tel Aviv will have to be largely rebuilt. Read my lips on this, the<br />

dark side.<br />

“President” Bush, the real Bush Jr. did indeed step down last summer. He himself did not<br />

get in the way of the Leo Wanta repatriation of funds. Daddy Bush did. The clone is not<br />

responsible, but the clone did interfere, because it is under control of Daddy. The clone will<br />

be disabled when the timing is right. The real Bush Jr. has returned to light consciousness,<br />

and never did relish what Daddy created for him. He harmed his brain and thought ability<br />

will drugs and alcohol in order to deal with Daddy. This is why Daddy had to created<br />

several clones to do the deeds. He has shed huge tears from his compliance with Daddy,<br />

which was at times willing, and at other times not. He did revel in being a “war president.”<br />

He is basically not really intelligent, and did not have the power to just say no, until we<br />

offered him a way out of the mess.<br />

I wish I could say the same for Cheney. He has been also in custody, taken into custody<br />

last summer, with clone in place, and the real Cheney is still uncooperative. So Be It<br />

because Friday, July 28, was his final day to choose the light.<br />

We are not seriously harmed by the Leo Wanta issue of the repatriation of monies, simply<br />

delayed a short time. This will be handled when the new President signs on to the throne<br />

of America for a time.<br />

The Second Coming event of Christ Michael will be about two weeks after the new<br />

President is seated in America and we have some time to teach a bit. There will be a final<br />

cleansing of astral realms, and during this time, some very dark ones will make their exit<br />

from Earth. The various masters will afterwards, be manifesting physically according to<br />

their individual planning on the Earth plane. We have discussed before that these include<br />

Mohammed for Islam, and Maitreya for Buddhism. Also the one called Lord Krishna shall<br />

walk earth, and many others.<br />

The depopulation will begin occurring, starting during the Second Coming event, and over<br />

6 months following for the very dark. Mostly they will not survive in the light of truth, and in<br />

the higher vibration. Many will pass this plane; others may be indicted and jailed.<br />

Monjoronson’s team is now operating his courts on another realm, and there will be courts<br />

in this one also. The Second Coming event should raise the vibration of Gaia from 4.52<br />

now up to about 4.7.<br />

We but still await the proper timing and we will not release at this time through any of our<br />

dedicated and lighted channels any dates of actual events. This is in part for security, and<br />

in part, because things are still “fluid.” As with my message through Lauren yesterday, if<br />

you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. There will be “heat” chaos. You are asked<br />

to remain centered. You are asked to continue to teach and confront.<br />

You are asked, even though email is often deleted to use it at this time anyway, for the<br />

seed planting. It is my understanding that an individual on DA has completed an email list<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 126

that should be easy to use. If it doesn’t work in your system as set up, take the time to<br />

hand copy the addresses into your address book, and do daily group emailing and state<br />

your stand. In the doing of this, you assist our cause, and you put into the pla<strong>net</strong>ary<br />

consciousness your support of Gaia and change. (Candace note, the list on DA froze my<br />

computer, so I will be hand copying into my address book. I do have an older system. I will<br />

hand copy, for times sake, those that seem most important in that long list and post them<br />

on the forum; that should keep me quite busy today alone)<br />

Go about daily business and begin a notebook of messianic ideas, and send your list to the<br />

universe. Candace has decided she is going to close the forum to readers shortly, and only<br />

those with messianic mission statements will be allowed its use. I support this. She is not<br />

required to entertain those that merely read, and her purpose is to create many messiahs.<br />

She desires that you who do chose to be part of <strong>AbundantHope</strong> have a place of privacy to<br />

discuss problems and find each other to create together where needed and necessary. So<br />

Be It.<br />

I am looking to buy a small university in Denver, called Loretta Heights. It is an old Catholic<br />

school, run at one time by the Sisters of Loretta. I will create there, an International<br />

curriculum. I thank greatly, one Michael for his assistance in this endeavor, and for his<br />

management to come in this project. To the dark side reading of this, this property is under<br />

Galactic Federation Guard service protection, at this time, so hands off. Any shenanigans<br />

will be duly rewarded unto you, in Monjoronson’s courts. The existing students and<br />

personnel are closely protected, in addition to the grounds. And Michael is protected also,<br />

so I suggest leaving him alone.<br />

I remind all, that my International Headquarters will be in the Metro area of Denver, and<br />

shared with <strong>AbundantHope</strong>. We will have an intentional residential community on the<br />

acreage for those involved in the International works. There will also be many Sananda<br />

Centers about the pla<strong>net</strong> for healing, and education locally. These groups may find like<br />

mind and sharing.<br />

It is fortunate that this university in Denver is available, it makes the creation of my goals<br />

for the pla<strong>net</strong> easier, and we will get started sooner with the education part of my mission.<br />

We will bring gifted minds from the pla<strong>net</strong> to this place, for a variety of teachings. The<br />

school currently offers an International Business program and this will be modified greatly,<br />

to teach ones the business of doing business without money. Remember that the vast<br />

releases of money coming to the pla<strong>net</strong> over the next year or so are merely to show you do<br />

not need money. When everyone is wealthy, none can hold power over another, through<br />

the use of money.<br />

Star people will be enforcing peace. There will be exactly zero tolerance for revolutions<br />

backed by arms. There will be no further invasions of another’s lands. This is what is<br />

behind the story of a 1000-year peace upon the pla<strong>net</strong>. Those that entertain this idea will<br />

find their instant karma in Monjoronson’s courts and be removed from the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

In time, there will be no more borders. There will be no separate countries, but only states<br />

of peoples. In time, you will elect a world leader, who will be a true representative of the<br />

people. Don’t confuse this world leader to come with myself. I am a Universe of Nebadon<br />

Lord, as Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince, and my allegiance is to Nebadon in this sense. You will<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 127

yourselves place into power those of your choosing, by a fair process, and also remove<br />

those that violate their oath of office, as seen in their works. Those that violate the oath<br />

and their stated goals should be imprisoned for treason. This applies not only to<br />

presidents, but also to the lowliest in local affairs. And you will learn swift judgment of<br />

these and not allow them to drag out cases for many years.<br />

You will learn also swift judgment of those that deal drugs, without a license. The solution<br />

to the drug problem for a time would be to make illegal drugs legal, because one does<br />

have their free will use of them. Making them legal takes away the crime that occurs in the<br />

illegal drug trade market. The CIA will shortly be out of the drug business in America. They<br />

will be affordable. In time you will not the sale of these drugs, because most will choose<br />

the higher cause and reject buying them, putting the retailers out of business.<br />

It is still most important to teach the dangers behind the use of all of this. There are certain<br />

substances that are useful to access higher states, under careful observation of others<br />

who can assist the one using, if trouble occurs. There are also substances that allow the<br />

astral body to travel, and these must be used only by those that can assist an astral<br />

journey with another. These should not be available “over the counter.” All in good time.<br />

But I continue to stress, right now, it is your works that count for you. It is the works that<br />

are needed to heal a sick pla<strong>net</strong>. There will be depopulation in steps; the pla<strong>net</strong> can’t<br />

continue the way it is. You all know that, so come off your shock at the idea. Under your<br />

current technology, you can’t continue with this population explosion live in any sort of true<br />

abundance for all, with your current technologies. It is time to finally rest my peace in this<br />

message and get on with the day. Namaste, I AM Sananda Immanuel Esu Kumara,<br />

Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince of Urantia, and a Lord of Nebadon as such. Be in peace, beloveds, and<br />

await the timing in grace.<br />

Candace: I will place the three Monjoronson messages on the forum and on the main site.<br />

I had them on the forum for a time, and because of the “shock value” of one of them, I<br />

pulled it, and then placed them in a private area. I will also work with the list from the post<br />

on DA of email addresses and place the ones I choose on the forum.<br />

I will be closing the forum to readers about September 1 st . I will place more detail later on<br />

the forum about the process. Those registered can keep their registrations for a time, in<br />

case you do wish to post a mission statement. For your daily news type updates, there are<br />

abundant forums and websites for this purpose, and my team does not need to spend time<br />

and resources duplicating material. I will move some of the forum channelings to the main<br />

site. There will be a method for people not currently readers to gain access to the forum<br />

and post missions.<br />

We will remodel the main site as we are able and have funds. The current page is not the<br />

final version. We will have two other sites, one for the Messianic Projects, called<br />

www.ahprojects.org, and a site for the global project called www.weareoneworld.org. I will<br />

have more detail on these on the main site as I find time, until we open the new sites.<br />

<strong>AbundantHope</strong> will have a logo for its various websites. A major reason to associate your<br />

mission with us is that by that association, people will have more trust of your missions.<br />

The power of Two of More In My Name, will be multiplied. You will be allowed the use of<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 128

appropriate logos. The Ahprojects site will assist in coordination and organization of the<br />

many missions. On it we will cover places in need of funding, and where any of us see a<br />

need that needs a mission. My plan is to invite the many religious organizations into<br />

making committed missions also, and this will assist in serving them. Mark, our current<br />

Webmaster will take on a much larger role in handling our information needs. We will move<br />

the forum to Ah projects.org once it is open.<br />

On the main site, is a place to make donations if you wish to assist us at this time, or in the<br />

future. If you don’t want to use Paypal, I will post my business address also, under<br />

Announcements. You can mail money orders, cash, and checks.<br />

Until our funding arrives, we continue to have need of help. And after the funding does<br />

arrive, I will have a person on my team who will fund raise for the purpose of granting<br />

needy missions with funds. When America does have the money coming, that we have<br />

covered several times, many people will be writing checks. We will ask for some of those<br />

checks, that we might share money around the world, to those who will be less fortunate<br />

that the United States mo<strong>net</strong>arily.<br />

I will do some teaching on the forum around the Monjoronson works mentioned. I don’t<br />

know what I will place of this on the main site. But I want all of you to read them seriously<br />

and consider the chaos that is coming, and perhaps plan some missions around it.<br />

One of the reasons we will not be going into 5D immediately, is because much of our<br />

energy methods will not function in monopolarity. However, the new zero point<br />

technologies will work in dual polarity, as well as monopolarity. Consider our world if<br />

suddenly our lights did not work, our furnaces did not run, our public transportation did not<br />

work, our auto’s did not work. I don’t need to draw up a list of the resulting problems.<br />

Follow your own imagination on the problems we would have.<br />

Of major importance mission wise, is the change over to energy systems that do work on a<br />

monopolar pla<strong>net</strong>, and these need to be available and working worldwide. A massive task<br />

of undertaking! As your mission, you can choose to work with others in this important field.<br />

You can stay on and work with your companies to assist this process or gather with others.<br />

On the main site, I have a messianic area and I need to begin placing ideas and<br />

suggestions there for those yet to come. I would appreciate short suggestions to my email<br />

address, well written, that I could post on the main site, of problems needing fixing. My old<br />

email address still works, abundanthope2002@wmconnect.com. Do be very clear in the<br />

subject field what the purpose of your letter is, because 95% of my email is junk mail now. I<br />

may not answer to your suggestions, so please give me permission to use them. Please do<br />

not submit mission states to that address, because I can’t place them on the forum. You<br />

have to do that, in order to access the forum and be part of our community there.<br />

I am still only one person. I don’t have a secretary yet to help with the email, and other<br />

tasks that I do from my home office. And please do not put that address on your group<br />

email lists; I don’t need forwarded material to sort through. Please respect this wish.<br />

I posted a piece on the forum, about NORAD curtailing and moving its operations out of<br />

Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado Springs. This is being openly discussed as being OK,<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 129

ecause the nuclear threat has greatly declined (despite the current trash on Iran and<br />

North Korea still in the news). This is a direct result of the works of our star folks, which<br />

started over a year ago, with the underground areas. You can goggle this topic and see for<br />

yourself. It is “proof” that the nuclear warheads are deactivated around the world. Take<br />

care, Candace<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 130

God’s Email Campaign<br />

Christ Michael & Candace Frieze<br />

# 62 October 3, 2006<br />

Candace: This is a special brief message from Christ Michael, with other signatories<br />

to be sent to the media email addresses on the <strong>AbundantHope</strong> main website.<br />

www.abundanthope.<strong>net</strong>/pages. These addresses can be copied and pasted directly<br />

into your email address field. We ask that all of you who are reading this to<br />

participate and fill up these email addresses of media, and government with<br />

hundreds of copies of this piece. It is not difficult to do, and perhaps it will awaken<br />

some who receive them.<br />

This is the importance behind the numbers of doing it, so that it might not be totally<br />

ignored. We need the American public out to march on Thursday, the day we call for<br />

the removal of the Bush Regime. Do not send out my comments here, but start with<br />

Christ Michael below. Thank you for participating in the mailing, and also for your<br />

personal attendance at the events. It is time to put massive pressure on the media,<br />

and our government. Please also send this to the email addresses for Congress<br />

provided also, and the newspapers.<br />

I have spent hours in difficulty today, with “gremlins” that are making this task<br />

difficult in playing with my computer and the AH server. They do not want this work<br />

done. Please do this work, and disappoint the gremlins! Send this out more than<br />

once, to all of the addresses. You will have to mail several times I think to get<br />

attention. Each time you paste in a set of addresses, send it more than once to<br />

them. This is easy to do with the clipboard. Then proceed to the next set of<br />

addresses. We can try to jamb their inboxes completely full. Do post this piece on<br />

other forums and websites. Also, do not put the title of this piece in the subject field.<br />

Use something else, so they won’t just go down the emails and delete all that match.<br />

Take care, Candace<br />

Hello Beloved’s. I AM God, the Father, Aton, Christ Michael. I AM the one who visited<br />

the Earth plane 2000 years ago. It is the time of my Second Coming. We have a<br />

problem on Earth, particularly at this time in the United States of America, of<br />

resistance to my Coming. I have with Me, the Hosts of Heaven, many whom will<br />

have their names added to the end of this piece. I so want to come, but those on<br />

Earth, particularly those within the government and media structure of the United<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 131

States, have been most resistant.<br />

Many of you who will read this when you open your email today, are Christians,<br />

awaiting my coming, and you have been assisting the dark side in preventing it. On<br />

this coming Thursday, October 5, many will march to ask the Bush administration to<br />

leave. I would ask that you join them. I would ask that you publish this message in<br />

your media, whether television, radio, or the newspapers. The website to find the<br />

locations of the marches is www.worldcantwait.org<br />

In publishing this, you will call many who are totally unaware of this march to come<br />

to it. You will give them not only the knowledge of it, but permission to come and<br />

participate. The Bush administration must stand down before I can make my Second<br />

Coming. There is a plan in place behind the scenes to provide much help to pla<strong>net</strong><br />

Earth, if we could only but come.<br />

I actually did return to your skies way back in 1954, accompanied by many to assist<br />

in raising up my beloved pla<strong>net</strong>. The anti Christ is well entrenched, but we have<br />

assisted with removing many who stand in the way. The ones’ remaining, standing<br />

in the way are you, who are publicly known. You serve the beast, by not telling of<br />

the truth to the people whom you represent, or provide news to.<br />

How about the truth of 911 How many times has the media refused to tell that the<br />

Bush Administration did 911 That it was done to get Americans to support the war<br />

in Afghanistan, and Iraq Did you know the death toll of the citizens of Iraq is now<br />

well over 500,000 people Did you know that the dark rulers of the pla<strong>net</strong> were<br />

asked to stand down, so that I might do my Second Coming on April 3, 2005 They<br />

did not stand down, but went about their plans to enslave the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

Did you know there are hundreds of concentration camps awaiting those of<br />

America, and citizens around the world Don’t you see the horror of the World Wars<br />

returning once again to the pla<strong>net</strong> Don’t you see the pollution of the pla<strong>net</strong> causing<br />

serious problems, each day you get into your cars and drive<br />

Haven’t you read of the many who came to Earth to provide technology that was<br />

cheap, and free of pollution for energy use Some of you have, and yet you persist<br />

in assisting the beast take over the world. Some of you who are Christians support<br />

the wars, thinking it would bring my return. No it will not. I will have my return, when<br />

there is peace upon the Earth. I will walk the pla<strong>net</strong> again, when arms are put down,<br />

and you move into the concept of cooperation and help to one another.<br />

I will not walk the pla<strong>net</strong> immediately after my Second Coming, but others well.<br />

Many associated with my Second Coming actually do already walk the pla<strong>net</strong>. The<br />

many avatars are returning to re-teach their peoples the forgotten truths. There is<br />

much of knowledge given to my beloved pla<strong>net</strong> Earth, that has been changed,<br />

erased, and intentionally re written to confuse.<br />

I am in your skies. I am in a ship called the Phoenix. Over the next few days, under<br />

protection of other ships, I will be down low in your skies. Look skyward, my friends<br />

and beloved children. There are many ships up there. Many will have a variety of<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 132

lights upon them, in all sorts of different colors. They have been there for a long<br />

time now, and ignored by you. Do the stars change color while you watch them No<br />

they do not.<br />

The plan is almost in place to remove the evil governments of this world. I ask your<br />

assistance to speed this up, and bring into the pla<strong>net</strong> the love and glory that your<br />

hosts of heaven, the star visitors from other pla<strong>net</strong>s and other realms have to offer<br />

to you.<br />

We will assist, but only with your desiring it, the solving of the many problems on<br />

your realm. We can assist with upgrading your technology and removing the<br />

pollution. We can assist with re locating people who are in harms way of the coming<br />

Earth changes. Yes, that time is here; you all know it. There is no rapture away into<br />

the sky, but rather you will remain upon the pla<strong>net</strong> and assist us with the healing.<br />

Soon California will experience great quakes. You know this. Yet you have built up<br />

the state with a huge population, and they will fall into harm in their poor choices.<br />

Did you know that, and yes you do, because many of you have discussed it, that the<br />

government black operations forces blew up the dikes and levies in New Orleans<br />

last year, causing all the death and destruction<br />

There is nothing you do, that I do not know about. All is stored in the natural records<br />

of Earth. Every transgression, every great thing done, every small good or bad deed.<br />

There is no place to hide of your bad deeds. They are not secret. I ask you to come<br />

around and start your good deeds. I ask you to support openly and publicly the rally<br />

this Thursday. I ask that you tell the American people the truth of 911 and the wars<br />

since. I ask that you tell the American people the truth of New Orleans.<br />

Will you do this Will you come into honesty and goodness and do what is right<br />

There will be star warriors protecting all the people who come into the streets. It is<br />

My final time of grace upon you. Many of you are from other star systems yourself,<br />

and came to uplift the pla<strong>net</strong>, and somehow became scared and lost of your courage<br />

to do that, which is honest, decent and right. Now is the time to find that courage.<br />

Now is the time to band together, and say no to the bosses who force you to print<br />

and spew out the lies that has become your news.<br />

Now is the time to just say no, to say enough is enough and to do the right thing. I<br />

ask that you publish this letter from Me, in all the media in the United States, and<br />

elsewhere for that matter also. I want so to get my Second Coming done, to not<br />

delay it longer, to not watch as many suffer from all the mistakes and willful<br />

darkness of Earth.<br />

How can those of you who say you are Christian participate in this charade you call<br />

the news, the Congress, the various entertainments that deceive If you wish to call<br />

yourselves thusly, it is time to be truly Christian, and do what is right. My laws are<br />

simple ones, not meant to enslave but to liberate. Amongst them, are the ones that<br />

say, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not covet. Yet you kill so that<br />

you can steal the oil that you covet. There are solutions. Oil is not needed for<br />

energy, nor is coal. Energy is free, it is in the atmosphere, and space, and it is<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 133

unlimited, and we shall gift you with the technology that uses it, when you become<br />

responsible enough to not kill, steal, and covet.<br />

There are many from the stars in your skies. Your government, through its Star<br />

Wars programs thought they could prevent our Coming. Yet our technology is far<br />

greater, and so are our numbers. In and around your solar system are now 20<br />

MILLION ships from other places. You think you can prevent us from coming No,<br />

you can’t. You have only delayed it, while we awaken people on the pla<strong>net</strong> to their<br />

knowledge that they have incarnated here to lift up the pla<strong>net</strong> from within. They are<br />

awakening.<br />

I gave you the Inter<strong>net</strong>. Did you know that So that the beast, who kills and<br />

manipulates could be identified, because the normal media will not do it. I gave it to<br />

you to find your power. And you can now visit the following website, to find out the<br />

locations of the march to remove the Bush Administration on Thursday, of this very<br />

week. I gave it above, I repeat it here: www.worldcantwait.org Thank God for the<br />

Inter<strong>net</strong>!<br />

I AM your Father God. I AM returned. Please open your arms to Me, so that we can<br />

come upon your pla<strong>net</strong> in peace and assist you in the salvation of yourselves and<br />

the pla<strong>net</strong>. The pla<strong>net</strong> can do what it has done many a time before, it can and it will<br />

throw you off, if you do not care for her, your Mother, the Earth. Does not your Bible<br />

and other “holy books” state that this has happened before and that it can happen<br />

again Your scientists are very worried about the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

There is reincarnation. If you destroy the pla<strong>net</strong>, you will incarnate once again, and<br />

again, until you grow up. Many will go elsewhere, because they have not grown up.<br />

This little piece will now be signed by a number of avatars and other familiar or<br />

unfamiliar to you. Please allow us to bring you grace and hope, and the salvation of<br />

your home.<br />

Namaste:<br />

Christ Michael, the Christ of Nebadon, your Universe Father, returned, the only<br />

Father to do so in all of time.<br />

Sananda Immanuel Esu Kumara, your Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince and who is returned also<br />

from that time of 2000 years ago. A Sananda, a Christed Being<br />

Buddha, who will not return in body, but whom is your primary teacher of the<br />

heaven around the Earth plane. A Sananda, a Christed Being<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 134

Maitreya, the Coming Buddha, whom the Buddhists expect at this time, and who will<br />

walk the pla<strong>net</strong>. A Sananda, A Christed Being<br />

Mohammed, returning for Islam, now also a Sananda, A Christed Being<br />

Krishna, returning for his followers, and has been a Sananda, a Christed Being for<br />

some time now.<br />

Germain, returning also and assisting with the changes needed in the banking<br />

structures. Soon to be a Christed Being, currently a highly Christ Conscious Being.<br />

Monjoronson, a very High Son from the Central Universe, who is here to judge the<br />

realm, the leader of the Magisterial and Teaching Mission upon the Earth plane.<br />

Shekhmet, a Graduated Trinitized Being, who will repair the ge<strong>net</strong>ic structure of the<br />

evolutionary creatures of Earth.<br />

Candace Frieze, CEO of <strong>AbundantHope</strong>, My Second Coming Organization to assist<br />

the vast changes to come. She is also a Christed Being, a Sananda.<br />

200 million star people who are all Christ Conscious, or fully Christed Beings,<br />

incarnate now on the Earth plane, to assist the multiple changes and gifts to come.<br />

The many members of the realms of Heaven, some known to you as Arch Angel<br />

Rafael, Arch Angel Michael, and many, many others of mine realms and of my<br />

Creation.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 135

You are all my creations beloveds, stand in thy shoes, and do what is right, and<br />

right the wrongs on this your home.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 136

Together We Have Made Known The Unknown<br />

By Christ Michael, Sananda Immanuel, Monjoronson, Candace Frieze<br />

# 63 Oct. 24, 2006<br />

Hello everyone, it has been a long tough past weekend for our star folks. There was an<br />

intense meeting of minds this weekend, and the end result was the dark continuing to put<br />

up both middle fingers in complete obstinacy. I sensed this throughout the weekend, and<br />

was getting the busy signal a lot. Our dark friends are just refusing to be friendly, and are<br />

not coming around. So the game plan is going to change a little bit.<br />

I have been involved in a discussion today, and was asked my personal opinion of where<br />

we should go next. There are basically two options, leave, or step up, and get this done.<br />

There is not middle option. GAIA, Urantia just doesn’t have much more time for the fooling<br />

around, and the pla<strong>net</strong> must come first. This is a grand seed pla<strong>net</strong> for the development of<br />

new life forms and new souls, and it will not be lost to the dark. This piece is tough in a few<br />

places, the information difficult for some. You will understand the title I chose for the piece<br />

in the final comments at the end by Christ Michael. This is a long piece, make yourself<br />

comfortable before you begin. First Christ Michael will speak.<br />

Christ Michael: Candace is jesting a bit this afternoon, a pleasant change from this<br />

morning. She just told me that it's my turn, I am now on the stage. I am always on the<br />

stage of Nebadon my beloveds. So where do we go now As I suggested through Sally,<br />

Jess, and Rae, enough is finally enough. I am a loving God beloveds, and to uncreate one<br />

of my creations is not a pleasant chore for me. I am so very patient, and thought it best to<br />

let the Lucifer Rebellion runs its course, as evil always drowns itself eventually.<br />

So many of you joined with me and came to the rescue. I am in continual joy over this. But<br />

we were not successful in converting all of the dark back to the light, and it is with great<br />

sadness that I must now do some uncreation of mine own. It was hard with Lucifer. In his<br />

choosing his own uncreation, rather than taking the necessary rehabilitation journey for his<br />

missteps, it was like he was going to have the final say, one way or the other. He was<br />

amongst my brightest, beloved, and he won the post of Lord of Satania, because I thought<br />

he saw the vision of this system in my universe, of the system in which Urantia is a part.<br />

Urantia, beloveds, is the major seed pla<strong>net</strong> of my realm. It is also one of the most<br />

beautiful pla<strong>net</strong>s to come into existence. It was a prized piece of “real estate” by many, and<br />

fought for. Although there have been significant rebellions in other areas of Nebadon, it<br />

was most intense in this region. Lucifer saw my vision of allowing extensive free will, but<br />

something corrupted his idea of it, and in this he decided he would totally run his own show<br />

without the assistance of the higher structures in place.<br />

I do allow exemplary free will that many other universes have not allowed. My thinking in<br />

this was to produce the best of the best, for those future universes to come, forming in<br />

outer space. As I have said before, in case some readers missed it, you are the Creator<br />

Beings to come for them. There are no more Creator Sons coming from Paradise, you<br />

shall be them. This does remain, here on my beloved Urantia, your playing ground to grow<br />

up some more.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 137

So where do we go today It has been discussed the possibility of just lifting you all off,<br />

and sending you back home, and allowing the pla<strong>net</strong> at least a pole reversal to cleanse it.<br />

This would produce a lot of re seeding efforts to be done, more than currently needed,<br />

because much destruction of life would come as a result. We have reseeded the pla<strong>net</strong><br />

twice from rollovers in the past. If I were to pull away my support at this time, the pla<strong>net</strong><br />

would correct herself starting in a couple of weeks, and it would be massive.<br />

I have given more than enough time now, for those that are resistant to the ways of<br />

Heaven, to change of their minds. The time draws near for continuing catastrophic<br />

changes. We can’t hold the pla<strong>net</strong> this way forever. The pollution is horrendous. The<br />

peoples for the most part are still ignorant of the processes of God. It is for a pla<strong>net</strong>ary<br />

people to solve their problems, from within, and this is not occurring. The dark side has<br />

been quite successful in their programs with religion and politics in preventing people from<br />

standing in their shoes. America, the shinning light, is in many ways, the most behind of all<br />

the countries in the world. Religion is much to blame for this.<br />

Even New age has been infected. There are so many who will not look at the ugly parts of<br />

this pla<strong>net</strong> and do something about it, assuming instead that positive thoughts are totally<br />

enough, and lots of prayers will work. Many of you continue to want your form of the<br />

rapture, liftoff, and having us solve all your problems.<br />

I have determined there shall be no liftoff. I still want my future “gods” to grow some more. I<br />

will not walk away and I ask that you come further into service and don’t walk away either.<br />

Service is in the doing, beloveds. You must do. “Being” is supposed to be a term of action,<br />

not of rest. Being, is doing. Together, we will “do.”<br />

The game plan hasn’t changed, with the exception that the dark are truly going to begin<br />

leaving the pla<strong>net</strong> in great numbers now. For the most part, they are going to have heart<br />

attacks. I am still awaiting the choices of a few, because I think when they see the<br />

evidence in front of them, they will awaken. We know which ones will not, and they shall be<br />

gone, their place not found anymore.<br />

There are going to be the quake activities in California. There are going to be quake<br />

activities continuing in the various areas around the world that have depleted oil beds, the<br />

resettling of surface plates will happen, is happening. There is going to be massive<br />

population loss over about the next five years. My beloved Urantia cannot sustain this<br />

overpopulation any longer. Despite the recent losses the last few years, the population on<br />

the surface has grown to over 7 billion right now. As you have read in a variety of sources,<br />

the ideal population for this pla<strong>net</strong> is between ½ and 1 billion. 1 billion with lighted<br />

technology is the max.<br />

This is because this is a seed pla<strong>net</strong>. It must have its wildlife, the growing of new souls on<br />

the majority of the pla<strong>net</strong>. Man was meant to be the caretaker of this pla<strong>net</strong>, and was not<br />

meant to populate it in high numbers. There are other pla<strong>net</strong>s that do maintain a much<br />

higher population of man, by whatever form it appears on them, but these have very<br />

“modern” technology, and are at peace with all groups. Many of the pla<strong>net</strong>s in Light and<br />

Life are fairly heavily populated, which is why some of you believe that all can live in<br />

comfort on this pla<strong>net</strong>, because that is in your memories.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 138

But on this seed pla<strong>net</strong> that is not the case. Man must live in certain areas away from the<br />

wild, so that the wild population can grow and multiply. The purpose of man is to provide<br />

the vehicles through which the wild population graduates into. And on this seed pla<strong>net</strong>, it is<br />

possible for several species to attain human level intelligence. The species most likely,<br />

under ultimate conditions to do that on Urantia, besides the human form you know, would<br />

be the cats and elephants. Yes, there are elephant people, have you not heard of Ganesh,<br />

the elephant God You will meet Ganesh one day, as he is aboard the Capricorn.<br />

I have a nice little addition to put in here at this point in this piece. Most animals on this<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> do not receive thought adjusters until they have their first human life, and<br />

sometimes several human lives. We are seeing increasingly many cats, some dogs, and<br />

some elephants obtaining this while still in their animal bodies. And I am so pleased about<br />

this. This is a good sign, really it is. Candace has experienced two beloved cats in her life<br />

recently that have obtained this lofty goal, which occurs when an animal, or a human<br />

becomes self-determinate. Develops “will.”<br />

The Father’s will beloved, is a term so poorly understood on Earth. This is why a fragment<br />

of the Father comes to them, because they have done something of consequence that is<br />

self-determinant. They say in this “I AM” and their eternal journey is reborn. It changes its<br />

direction. They have “been” for so long, learning the lessons of survival and existence,<br />

largely in some ways out of their control, other than to move on. But one day, a being,<br />

regardless of the body type, says, “I AM.” I exist; I control what I become, I run my journey.<br />

And sadly, ½ of the population in human bodies on this pla<strong>net</strong> does not do that very often<br />

while in life. These are the robotoids, the downgraded human DNA that the dark put upon<br />

the pla<strong>net</strong> to arrest the process of evolution and keep themselves some slaves. These<br />

folks are totally new souls; they don’t have the memory of being tulips, because they have<br />

not been so. It is much the same as a clone. They do on occasion get thought adjusters,<br />

around 10% of them. Otherwise they return to a special and abnormal group soul and try<br />

again, over and over. Many have to be uncreated because they have no concept of God<br />

and do the biding of the beast. This will be changed, but that is a topic for another<br />

discussion at this point. This is a huge loss to the creation scheme, a great saddening to all<br />

to watch.<br />

All right, time to return to the original topic here, the game plan. We stay the course, with<br />

the exception that many dark are going to be leaving the pla<strong>net</strong>, very rapidly now. Some<br />

will be taken; others will pass because of the vibrations. I had hoped the dark would pick<br />

up on the event of October 17, but this did not happen.<br />

A quick note about October 17. Beloveds, October 17, was the day that you were awaiting<br />

in 2012. The calendars are off, for a variety reasons. When the Maya wrote that calendar,<br />

it was based on the known cycles of that time, and time has changed. One of the first<br />

things to do, regards time, is to change your calendars, because Earth now has a 360 day<br />

year. This is why your seasons are coming early, in addition to the changing of the tilt.<br />

As you see in this, the date supposed for 2012 is but a date. It is not Ascension Day.<br />

Ascension occurs not on a date, but rather when the pla<strong>net</strong> makes that step. Ascension<br />

day is when the Earth moves into monopolarity, Light and Life. There is not a predictive<br />

date of this. When GAIA and her inhabitants make the desirable changes, and move into<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 139

unity consciousness, earth will ascend. That remains the goal. We are not doing a lift off,<br />

so that that goal will be attained. To do a lift off and reseed the pla<strong>net</strong> would delay that<br />

goal.<br />

Ascension day, when it comes, will be marked by the installation of the morontia temples.<br />

This is the advent of God beloved, the advent of enough God consciousness on the Earth<br />

plane to move into this higher state. It does not come, until it comes. This is behind the<br />

story in the bible that only the Father knows. This is the true Second Coming, the Advent of<br />

God, when a pla<strong>net</strong> enters in the hallowed stages of Light and Life. My Second Coming<br />

event is an event, to jump start the process and wake people up. It is not the movement<br />

into Light and Life.<br />

I think it is now time to give the stage over to Sananda, I have said enough for the time<br />

being. Namaste, be in Peace. I am Christ Michael, Aton, the Father of Nebadon.<br />

Sananda: Good afternoon, my dear friends and fellow journeyers on Urantia. My, but we<br />

have a lot still ahead. Our patience has worn off however. I am greatly saddened, almost<br />

depressed of this final state of unrelenting resistance to growing up. There are many I had<br />

sincerely hoped would turn around. As said above, the pla<strong>net</strong> comes first. She shall not be<br />

lost. She shall not be destroyed by the pollution, both to her life, atmosphere, and the mind<br />

of her peoples.<br />

This is now largely “my show” as Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince, still waiting to be announced more<br />

publicly. We will have the event as planned that has been awaited. I cannot give certain<br />

details right now, but I can say that many will be rather suddenly replaced, so that the job<br />

gets done.<br />

We will be taking over the television cable system in the USA as planned, and we will be<br />

giving a great deal of education from the Capricorn. There will be “star people” in charge of<br />

it, and participating on it as appropriate, because we must become known, so as to not<br />

scare the pants off of Earth’s residents, when we do commence the Second Coming event.<br />

It needs to be seen as a joyous and sacred event.<br />

We will be stating who we are and why we are intervening. I will be one of those star<br />

people during this time. I will be on TV beloveds. It is necessary. The Christian folks, so<br />

manipulated in the Western Hemisphere and Europe, need to see me. It is time. I have<br />

grown my hair again and I “look” as they expect me to look. I’ll even don my white robes for<br />

this purpose. Many will see my golden halo; we are working the TV energies so that this<br />

will show up on screen. During this time, we will explain that they have been conned for<br />

some time now, that a rapture away to a distant misunderstood heaven is but a fake story<br />

to keep them from becoming involved in doing God’s work. The truth will be given.<br />

What will happen in this I haven’t a clue. Many will rejoice, others will not be able to come<br />

out of their preconceived box put in place to box them in. Some will be angry, some will<br />

feel stupid, but I sadly think that most will be rejecting for a time. So many still want the big<br />

mid east war, to usher in Armageddon, their style. But again, many are beginning to<br />

question how the Republican Party, at least in the USA has misled them. Armageddon<br />

merely means the changing of the old, into the new. It does not require horrid wars.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 140

In this long wait, we have done much, my beloveds. We are still ahead of the game for this.<br />

We have taken the concepts of NESARA to new heights. We have 106 global central<br />

banks involved. NESARA, its concepts, were made part of the Second Coming period, the<br />

period initiated by the Second Coming event, that will lead to the real Second Coming: the<br />

Advent of God Consciousness upon this lovely pla<strong>net</strong>, so long delayed.<br />

I know this wait, that we did not fully foresee has been long for those of you who read<br />

these messages. Remember that the rest of the world is unaware of this by and large. You<br />

have had a little treat, in the giving of this knowledge. Yes, we hoped the dark would<br />

capitulate after April 3, 2005 when they received the stand down orders of Nebadon.<br />

These were on special paper, in which there was a laser 3D type hologram with the<br />

Nebadon symbol upon it. This should have left little doubt of the intent of the notice to<br />

stand down. We really thought most would stand down, and we were in error in this. But<br />

out of error, comes great growth beloveds, for we then took the NESARA idea to global<br />

heights. And so it shall be global, not all at once, but it will move a lot faster than had it<br />

occurred only in the United States.<br />

Al Gore will be installed, and he is held in great safety right now, as well as his family. He<br />

will hold the position until at least 2008, and maybe for a full four years, before re elections.<br />

This is because the American people are not ready for any sort of re election in a few<br />

months. It is because there are catastrophes coming to the United States, the several<br />

earthquakes coming to California, the Gulf of Mexico, possibly some volcanic eruptions of<br />

significance, and the total stress to the American people of seeing their government tossed<br />

aside and made new.<br />

There must be one leader in command during this time and not lots of changes in the<br />

administration. Al Gore is the real deal. We have had many meetings with him. In a way, it<br />

is a blessing that he did not become president back then, allowing America to see the<br />

degradation in Washington. He would not have been able to prevent 911 that would have<br />

happened on his watch anyway, because the President is a figurehead in the United<br />

States, and not really in power, especially the current residents of the White House.<br />

There are some of you who need to consider getting into the political arena, and changing<br />

it from what is it, into sacred leadership. I expect to see, after the government is stood<br />

down by us, many of you entering into the ideas behind WE ARE ONE WORLD, recently<br />

created, to serve the idea of the civic responsibilities needed around the world to bring<br />

unity consciousness to reality amongst the nations.<br />

You will become ONE WORLD. You will do this by your conscious choices and<br />

involvement, rather than have forced upon you the New World Order scheme of slavery.<br />

Entry into the hallowed state of Light and Life must come only by the conscious<br />

direction of the people, by the people, for the people. It’s in the American Constitution<br />

beloveds, and this must spread to all of the world. I will be there to assist and advise, but<br />

you must make it so. You will bring heaven to earth, and return earth to heaven.<br />

Now, where is the rest of the world, in the progression of changes we have begun Mostly<br />

into support. Putin remains with us, but is having one hell of a time with some of the power<br />

mongers under him. Many of his brightest, committed to this were murdered by helicopter<br />

crash on September 11, of this year. Around the world, those in resistance will be dying in<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 141

their sleep and be gone. Some you will hear of, some you will not know and media will not<br />

cover it. This is going to prevent the need for many trials, which would further be used to<br />

delay everything. They will simply be gone. End of story for them. It is so very time for this<br />

now.<br />

The new president of Mexico is a major thorn in our sides right now. We have made great<br />

progress with Great Britain, and Tony Blair has capitulated but is a real mess and<br />

unsuitable to lead, and he will be moved out of the way. It has not been determined<br />

whether he will face trial or go another way. Monjoronson is quite busy with his trial system<br />

in place at this time, and these types don’t need to face an Earth type trial, with much<br />

paying off and delays by their criminal lawyers.<br />

When will we take over the TV and start all of this I won’t give the dark side a date, but it<br />

is quite soon. It could be tonight, it could be a few weeks. There must be suspense and<br />

some secrecy yet. I so long for when more can be open, the secrecy gone, the truth stated.<br />

We aren’t taking over the TV world wide, that is too large a project, part of the problem<br />

being language issues, and the large coordination. It is enough to take over in the United<br />

States, and other services will pick it all up. Some coverage will be supplied in Great<br />

Britain also, as part of the take over.<br />

We plan to own the TV in America for around two weeks. There are capable media people<br />

in place to handle special news as required. The exact time is not determined, because all<br />

can’t be known in advance of the requirements. This is an unusual event, for which we<br />

have no previous practice. It will depend much on the response of the American people.<br />

The Second Coming event will happen shortly after this, after preparation as I have<br />

covered above. There is quite a beautiful show planned. And there will be more cleansing<br />

also during that process. There is something special that will occur during it, and you will<br />

not now what that is until after the fact.<br />

When will the big funds be available After the Second Coming event. The Federal<br />

Reserve will be out of business when we take over the television, but during the roughly<br />

two-week period of education, it is not the time to also be delivering funds. It is also not the<br />

time to deliver any paper work, because this puts a spotlight on those that are the major<br />

recipients of the funds.<br />

In the United States, the decimal point will be moved over one place to partially restore the<br />

many years of inflation. In Japan, which has had far more inflation than the United States,<br />

it will be moved two places. There will still be the restoration of monies for years of banking<br />

fraud and fraudulent taxation, as given by Germain in the past. The date is not yet<br />

determined for this, but in about a year. Much of the timing is around the American people<br />

and their waking up to the responsibilities of that issue, in that they can’t just “take this job<br />

and shove it.”<br />

Candace: for those not resident in the United States, there will be refund programs in<br />

many countries around the world, according to the graft, greed, and availability of monies<br />

to refund. There will be varying circumstances and timetables in the various countries.<br />

Thailand recently started its journey into the NESARA concept with the gentle coup, and<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 142

the announcement of a temporary president, followed by new elections at some suitable<br />

point.<br />

Sananda: Many jobs will be lost, in the banking industry, the money industry period, and<br />

with the loss of everything the Federal Reserve system and Internal revenue system<br />

created. There are plans in place to provide temporary financial aid to those affected. You<br />

will find yourselves, beloveds, needing to work fewer hours, as these people enter into<br />

other industries. This is why there will be so much teaching. Your public service TV<br />

channels will be doing a great deal of teaching in this area over time.<br />

I will still be going to Jerusalem, after the Second Coming event. I will be on the Capricorn<br />

for my living, for my safety, but I will shuttle into protected areas to begin the teaching that<br />

must happen in that region. The big world war planned was abated by us in the Lebanon<br />

war recently. That did not come to fruition because we planned quite an attack on Tel Aviv<br />

if Israel and the USA did not back off. We had everything in place at that time. When the<br />

time came, we would have given notice to workers on the night shifts, to get them out of<br />

harms way, and then we were going to level every single government building in Tel Aviv.<br />

They got the message!<br />

ISRAEL was never a country beloved, not even back in the olden days of Palestine.<br />

ISRAEL is a term for the trinity of God, not a place. The country will be renamed, after it<br />

makes amends with the other Palestinians in the region. It was planned by the dark<br />

controllers to own a huge region as Israel, including parts of Egypt, the Sinai, most of Iraq,<br />

all of Jordan and Lebanon. The dark side considered this the original area of Palestine. Of<br />

course, they really intended to own the world. That has not happened, as Russia and<br />

China didn’t cooperate with this.<br />

Where is China Cooperative and very helpful in this stupid creation of the dark around<br />

North Korea. They hoped to get the Chinese into war as part of this, and that is not going<br />

to happen. The war was to have China attack the United States. China has, with currency<br />

games quite nicely a accomplished this. China can’t be attacked by missiles. They have<br />

the technology, as does Russia, of the plasma shield. Ask Candace how well it works! The<br />

New World Order is quite out of control now, both literally and figuratively and falling in on<br />

itself. We will further assist this rapidly. Your Tell A Vision should be rather entertaining to<br />

watch while you await our take over of the cable TV system.<br />

Now beloveds, with this little update, please return to your dreaming of how you will come<br />

into action. Stop the nonsense of waiting for god, guides, angels, and psychics to tell you<br />

of your purpose. Your purpose is what you say it is, on a 4D pla<strong>net</strong>, and you are now a 4D<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>. See the little film out, The Secret, to get an idea of teaching to prepare the pla<strong>net</strong><br />

for life in 5D and above. There is no blackboard in the sky with your purpose written on it.<br />

Some of you did incarnate with a purpose, but possibly it has changed. Go about seeing<br />

where you yourself fit into the puzzle, rather than seeking outside sources to guide you.<br />

You are your own guide. Go with that please. Time now to relinquish the table to<br />

Monjoronson, who has been most patient in waiting his turn. Salu my beloveds, I AM That I<br />

AM, Sananda Immanuel Esu Kumara. (And by the way, I am known amongst my friends as<br />

Esu, (E Sue) my name given at the birth long ago in Lyra).<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 143

Monjoronson: Will it is now my turn, after Candace took a little break to relief her sore<br />

behind, despite lots of cushions on her chair. Oh the discomforts of a physical body, which<br />

I shall soon experience in great reality, my step down nearly complete! I to shall have little<br />

problems of physicality, including those produced by lack of sleep, occasional consumption<br />

of bad food and the like. I have experienced these before, in my past Magisterial Missions,<br />

and in my mission of Sonship Bestowal to a lovely pla<strong>net</strong> sometime ago that will shortly<br />

enter into light and life itself. I have much to do here, during that time. I will be absent for a<br />

few weeks time, when that pla<strong>net</strong> does install its morontia temple and I will be present for<br />

the celebrations of going into Light and Life. And I will see Earth do this also, my friends.<br />

Two pla<strong>net</strong>s entering this wondrous stage rather close together in my current experience.<br />

But I have a most wonderful staff who will be quite capable in that short absence. This is<br />

still about 5 years away for that pla<strong>net</strong>. But imagine my utter joy in having made such an<br />

important contribution to that pla<strong>net</strong>, about 3000 years ago, in your counting. It is close by,<br />

a pla<strong>net</strong> actually in Satania, not affected directly by the Lucifer rebellion, but still feeling<br />

some side effects of it, and necessary replacement by another of Lucifer’s position. That<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> is in the very final stages of its Trinity Teacher Son mission. I am in joy of this.<br />

And I shall be present here also, because of the Correcting Time in Urantia’s moving into<br />

that grand status. How much joy we are seeing now, with those pla<strong>net</strong>s who took part in<br />

the rebellion, and in the healing they are experiencing! These others had not quite the<br />

extent of discomfort as Urantia experienced when the universal circuits were cut off. They<br />

were not made into the type of prison pla<strong>net</strong> that Urantia volunteered to do.<br />

While this pla<strong>net</strong> is horrific in its condition, it is because the darkest of the dark were<br />

interned here to stop the spreading of their plagues of rebellion and unrest about Nebadon<br />

further. The Galactic Federation has pretty much now ended the long period of galactic<br />

warring that involved several universes. Peace is at hand in the galaxy now and a nicer<br />

future is portended for the younger universes of Orvonton. So be not so upset at this<br />

minuscule delay beloveds, for it is but the death throws of the dark in action and it is<br />

controlled.<br />

I know that many Lightworkers are not happy with delays, because they see the suffering<br />

that continues. But in the larger picture the suffering is shortened, for the plan has been<br />

taken globally and the global darkness is caving upon itself, the karma resolving greatly.<br />

Karma is not understood on this pla<strong>net</strong>, but I am not going to go into that today. Rather I<br />

should go into the coming joys, and the coming tribulations.<br />

We do not prevent the mag<strong>net</strong>ics of the pla<strong>net</strong> from its functions. The plates are moving<br />

because of the upward move of the vibrations of the pla<strong>net</strong>. This is for the good, a natural<br />

process of physics. We can’t prevent what will happen on the coastal regions of the ring of<br />

fire my friends; the pla<strong>net</strong> must make the adjustments. This is a return to normality. It is the<br />

return to the pla<strong>net</strong>s tilt being straight up and down.<br />

When this final change in the tilt is complete, you will have the same seasons year around.<br />

This is part of the unity concept. The more out of whack a pla<strong>net</strong> is, the more tilt, the more<br />

seasonal change. I predict you will have the tilt fully corrected in about 5 more years, and<br />

the seasonal changes will stop, and so will the earth quiet a bit more also. This will occur<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 144

quite some time before you enter light and life, and will assist the process. You will have<br />

more area to farm and thus grow your food. Crop production can go on constantly.<br />

Candace: when the change back to straight up and down is finished, we will have year<br />

around growing conditions. Time will seem to change in a way, because it will be more<br />

difficult to measure the year, without the climate changes. However the moon revolving<br />

and the changing patterns of the stars in the sky will still assist, and of course we will<br />

continue to use a calendar to mark the passing of time. For some explanation of the<br />

Morontia Temple and Light and Life, check with Paper 55 of the Urantia Book,<br />

www.urantia.org. I suggest also reading page 578, on the value of living on a pla<strong>net</strong> such<br />

as Urantia, this produces more advanced capable souls.<br />

Monjoronson: Now to the difficult topic of population control. You know you are very<br />

overpopulated and very under sophisticated in your knowledge of no polluting energies.<br />

The pla<strong>net</strong> must cleanse this, in order to survive. This is not the angry God, this is nature.<br />

We have prevented the pla<strong>net</strong> from fully cleansing during this period of your growing up.<br />

The pla<strong>net</strong> was egg shaped, an abnormality from war activities of long ago. The rising<br />

vibrations and the work of some in specialized fields are restoring the perfect round ship<br />

that occurs from the even pressure of cold space on the pla<strong>net</strong>. This is gravity, which is a<br />

push, not a pull. All of this is essential to going into Light and Life, a part of the process. It<br />

is a good thing, but the resolutions are not going to feel so good to many.<br />

There can’t be a lift off described by some, there is not enough places to place this huge<br />

population. Not only in physical bodies, but also in those that not incarnate. We have<br />

moved many to the new pla<strong>net</strong> in spirit and they await bodies. We have moved some in<br />

body to start the process and will be moving more there, in body commencing shortly with<br />

the Earth changes. Those going in body have to have clean uncontaminated DNA, and be<br />

of reasonable purity. We are not transporting the criminal element to the new pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

Nor can the new pla<strong>net</strong> handle billions of people all of a sudden on it. It’s living population<br />

of humans will initially be restricted to about 200,000. It is pristine, it will have a lot of<br />

assistance in technology to bring it up quickly, but understand that we can’t move billions<br />

there to live cave man style for a time, as the billions of earth don’t have a clue of survival.<br />

There are not ready-made houses and apartments. Civilization starts from scratch there,<br />

but will progress rapidly. Population growth must occur naturally and awaiting citizens in<br />

the spirit world, must await their chance to incarnate.<br />

Your interior worlds can’t handle the surface population either. When Christ Michael<br />

returned in 1954, the pla<strong>net</strong> had about 2.5 billion people and now there are 7 billion. Plans<br />

were in place at that time for evacuation should it be necessary. But many would have<br />

been left behind, to likely perish, as those of God would be lifted first, followed by the<br />

children who were too young to make decisions and be held responsible. Sananda<br />

Immanuel had arranged for many Pleiadian pla<strong>net</strong>s to accept some of you, as the new<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> was very immature at that time. The new pla<strong>net</strong> is ready, but still it is being<br />

populated also with animals necessary to life there. Man will be placed in about 5<br />

communities to start anew. More can be transferred possibly in the future; there is much<br />

assistance.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 145

Most of the robotic population will physically perish in the upcoming upheavals. But there<br />

has been created a special place for them in the mansion worlds, even though many, in<br />

fact most, will not obtain thought adjusters. They must not be lost to the possibility of<br />

eternal existence. Some, in the turmoil, may actually receive adjusters if they go into “will”<br />

behavior that they might not have otherwise obtained. Chaos does produce growth in<br />

many. And the point is growth, in all of this.<br />

This is a pla<strong>net</strong> that is stimulating by its nature of being a seed pla<strong>net</strong>. Life must be<br />

stimulated to seek survival. In the story of the first two humans in the Urantia book, they<br />

were guided north, into harsher conditions, so that they would continue the journey into<br />

problem solving. Your many apes and monkeys have been rather stationary in their<br />

evolutionary growth, because they see not point in growing. They are so very comfortable<br />

where they are, eating plants and having a good social time, but not solving larger<br />

problems.<br />

The mind grows by solving problems, and that includes every entity within the entire<br />

creation. I am where I am at this point from my own experiences in the journey of serving<br />

the Father. Although I have stated I am about 3 million years old since my creation, I am<br />

fairly “young” at this time, and have grown rather fast as the term goes because of my<br />

personal desires to handle great change and learn from it. My own journey is behind my<br />

selection, my resume, that I offered to Christ Michael, to be part of this grand journey of<br />

getting the dark removed from Nebadon. This will and is yet, my most challenging journey,<br />

this magisterial mission, which has been much more than the usual magisterial mission, of<br />

which I have had several such now. The Correcting Time creates quite a different<br />

experience.<br />

Much of the population reduction will occur over the next 5 years. Mankind has brought<br />

much of this upon his self, for the lack of awareness of the larger picture. Population<br />

control comes from the will of the creature to see the larger picture, and is not successful<br />

by the means the dark side has created in attempt to bring it under control. AIDS for<br />

example, is being irradiated simply by the will to survive it! It has not worked as well as was<br />

anticipated by the dark, nor has cancer, and the other attempts at this.<br />

Man will suffer this, because he has moved to the coasts, and built his houses on the sand.<br />

He will suffer this, because he has lost basic survival skills. He will suffer this because he<br />

placed his well being in the hands of corrupt social institutions. He will suffer this because<br />

of the depleted oil used for almost the sole energy resource on the pla<strong>net</strong> and because of<br />

the use of the pla<strong>net</strong>’s trees and coal also. He will suffer this because he paid no attention.<br />

The dark will suffer this because they so misled man below them and they will suffer in<br />

many cases with the loss of their identity, uncreation and the return to being tulips. But<br />

man below could have stood up a bit more, before it became too late.<br />

Some of the folks, in the coming cataclysm in California and the entire Pacific rim can be<br />

helped into the underground shelters built by the dark for their escape during these times.<br />

But these are not sufficient. There will be many who are known to be of criminal elements<br />

that would not be lifted or moved into them. We shall do some lifting, of some individuals.<br />

The interior United States can’t handle the fullness of this coming cataclysm. You can only<br />

do what you can do beloveds, so do what you can do and have the experience of it all for<br />

your learning.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 146

Russia can handle the entirety of its population underground for an extended period of<br />

time. They planned this. The United States and just about everywhere else on the pla<strong>net</strong><br />

did not. In the end times beloved, Russia, seen as the evil one, in fact saved the day for<br />

the pla<strong>net</strong>. Granted there has been evil there, but that evil stood up and said no to the New<br />

World Order folks. And that country shall do fairly well in the upheavals to come, because<br />

they have prepared for it.<br />

But even they will see the depopulation that will occur simply from the fact that only those<br />

of high vibration can survive the photon belt effects. It is the photon belt that will cause the<br />

largest cleansing of the pla<strong>net</strong>. After the Second Coming event, it is estimated, with the<br />

cleansing that will occur then, plus the dark who are not going to awaken from their sleep<br />

in rather large numbers, the pla<strong>net</strong> will be around 4.7 in vibration and many can’t survive<br />

this. It is simply a fact of physics that is not understood.<br />

Your animals will do well. The animals exist as a higher vibration already, and the photon<br />

belt will enhance them in fact, as well as the plant life upon the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

Now an interesting topic. In one of my works with the Urantia groups, I suggested that<br />

some of you would be helped to survive that you might serve. About 1 million of you are<br />

currently undergoing de aging while you sleep at night. This can take anywhere from a few<br />

months to 4 years depending on your health and age at the time. Some of you will simply<br />

not age further, if you are in your thirties. Some on the pla<strong>net</strong> are attempting to place<br />

commercial de aging chambers on the pla<strong>net</strong>, but these will not be successful in these<br />

times of the photon belt. Those that will experience de aging have made the choice at a<br />

higher level to continue to serve through these challenging times to come, and your<br />

mission statement even if you are not aware of this process yet, has been accepted.<br />

You are also having your immune systems upgraded, via a system of vaccinations by Sky<br />

Doc Rafael’s team, to prevent you from getting ill with the assorted illnesses that occur<br />

during times of upheaval. You have been made immune in one way or the other to the dark<br />

sides creations, including beloveds, the feared “bird flu.” You are made immune to the<br />

damaging radiation of the photon belt.<br />

You will survive, grandly, so put away your personal worries. If you live on a coast that can<br />

be involved, it is highly suggested you move away and fairly quickly. Your guardian angels<br />

can keep you alive and safe in smaller circumstances, but not in a tidal wave. MOVE. If<br />

you do not trust this, then you will be in trouble down the road. Read Candace’s very well<br />

written piece about this.<br />

There are a large number of star workers who will not have this de aging and related<br />

benefits. This is simply because of their souls contracts to return home during this time, the<br />

reward for a job well done. This is personal choice and many of these will stay in<br />

dangerous areas to assist those than can be helped and be on their way when the time<br />

comes. These do not fear death; it is their release.<br />

Some of you, who are being de aged, have made the choice at a higher level to stay for<br />

centuries, and so this shall happen. Some of you have light bodies in storage, and will be<br />

contacted by your assorted star guardians when appropriate, and you can vacate your<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 147

earth body and move back into your light body. There are lawyers who will be prepared to<br />

keep your citizenship wherever you reside, despite the physical change of body.<br />

A number of you who have severely damaged bodies are being cloned, in a good way, and<br />

will move into a new body, which looks like you, but will have some enhanced mental<br />

capabilities where needed. You will be more psychic in other words. Some of you are<br />

advanced, but you do not have light bodies in storage. Or in a number of cases, your future<br />

plans are such that you need to keep your same appearance, and moving back into your<br />

light body is not appropriate at this time.<br />

Candace: I am undergoing de aging right now. It is done at night while you sleep. You may<br />

awaken with lots of intense buzzing and tingling. If you feel any pain that awakens you, let<br />

the entity working with you know, so that process can be tuned back a bit. You will likely<br />

have very strong smelling urine, bad breath sometimes, and intense thirst. I myself keep a<br />

jug of water close by at night. Your skin may appear initially somewhat worse, with<br />

sloughing, and a dry appearance. I have had patches of skin peel much like it does if you<br />

have sunburn. You may find age spots falling off! You may loose a little hair temporarily.<br />

As your move backwards in age, you may experience some cellular memory of painful<br />

conditions you may have had. I am revisiting some of my past years in this way, and it is<br />

not as uncomfortable as those years were. If you have had good health, I assume this is<br />

not a major issue. But if you say, had a broken leg once, you won’t have another broken<br />

leg, but you might have some memory of the discomfort physically from that injury. This<br />

passes rapidly. I have gone through some tendonitis type discomfort reminiscing of some<br />

problems with it in the late 1990’s. I had a short period of painful walking which I am now<br />

coming out of.<br />

Monjoronson: There are many 5 D folks incarnating now, and they are choosing<br />

incarnations into areas of less threat. And these are bringing, as per usual, much higher<br />

DNA with them, to continue to upgrade the DNA on the pla<strong>net</strong>, which suffered the default<br />

of the Adam and Eve mission to the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

Now a rather difficult topic for most of you. The dark DNA that came into the pla<strong>net</strong> long<br />

ago, created by dark scientists, is going to be completely cleansed from the pla<strong>net</strong>. This<br />

will take a longer time than 5 years, but it must happen. Some of you incarnate do this<br />

quite naturally, healing the defects of karma and the dark ge<strong>net</strong>icists. For many of you, that<br />

has been your major purpose to the pla<strong>net</strong>. You have heard many stories of babies that<br />

have healed without the need for heart surgery for example. You are cleansing the DNA by<br />

your presence within it.<br />

The entire robotic DNA will be cleansed from the pla<strong>net</strong>. Much of this will happen as the<br />

natural result of death in the calamities and the work of the photon belt. Much has been<br />

improved also by the teams here in ships that have been making the robotic DNA<br />

inhabitable by you, with some of your own DNA. So if you are living already in an upgraded<br />

body, then you shall have no problems. You could not incarnate into the robotic DNA in the<br />

first place.<br />

But the dark created this disconnected from source DNA as an antichrist activity, to help<br />

prevent the retaking of this pla<strong>net</strong>. The pla<strong>net</strong> has been retaken despite this. Only 20 years<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 148

ago 60% of people on the pla<strong>net</strong> were robotics. Now it is 50% even under great growth in<br />

population, because of modifications be made during the incarnation process.<br />

But the dark side creation of the robotic has been the major issue in the attempt to keep<br />

the pla<strong>net</strong> for themselves. Robotics don’t solve problems well, they don’t perceive God in<br />

most cases. They don’t have a clue that they should keep their numbers in a balanced<br />

range. So the dark types fought their war in this way. But the dark sides attempts to do<br />

away with the extra population was more directed at you, many diseases custom made to<br />

harm the light workers. And many of you have been helped in this.<br />

They also put forth the stories of abduction that were not true. True, to bring in improved<br />

DNA in a sneaky way, most of you had your eggs manipulated that became your bodies<br />

over and over again, in your incarnations. But this is not abduction; this was by choice, and<br />

remains by choice. The dark side has done most of the so-called cattle mutilations to<br />

create panic and fear. Those in ge<strong>net</strong>ics specialty assisting the pla<strong>net</strong> have taken some<br />

animal samples for study, mostly to determine how the animals can be assisted to be<br />

transported to the new pla<strong>net</strong>, which types will survive in the atmospheric conditions there<br />

and be of service to mankind in that place.<br />

This new pla<strong>net</strong> is not a fully evolutionary pla<strong>net</strong>, but rather a more customized pla<strong>net</strong>. It<br />

was seeded with plant life, but has not yet been seeded for animal life, so animals must be<br />

taken there. It is being put into service, having been given its life charter recently, early,<br />

because of the conditions on this pla<strong>net</strong>. Over the next 20 years, many survivors of the<br />

upheavals will be given the choice of moving in body to this pla<strong>net</strong> to further its population<br />

as it become able to handle it.<br />

Both the new pla<strong>net</strong> and it’s coming peoples must adapt to this. After the initial 200,000<br />

placed there adapt and prepare the way, then more can come. We do not desire to<br />

transport millions to the new pla<strong>net</strong> to simply watch them perish for lack of survival skills,<br />

and depression. To do this would throw the pla<strong>net</strong>s mag<strong>net</strong>ics out of balance, and start the<br />

tilt that produces the seasonal changes reflective of negativity. That will not be risked.<br />

I am detailing much of this, because you who read these need to take this information and<br />

use it to more effectively plan your missions. I would not plan a big mission along the<br />

western coast of the USA at this time for example. You need to plan your missions around<br />

the idea that you will be dealing with a lot of death. As I said many will pass simply<br />

because of the changing vibratory level of the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

Some areas will be harder hit than others with disease and economic problems. It is sad to<br />

see this all come about, but so it has, and could not be intervened with prior to this time.<br />

This is a special pla<strong>net</strong> in special circumstances, and the pla<strong>net</strong> shall have its salvation as<br />

the most important seed pla<strong>net</strong> of Nebadon. The purpose of which is to cause the creation<br />

of new souls and life types that can be carried elsewhere to assist the seeding of pla<strong>net</strong>s<br />

not fully evolutionary. There are many ways of doing things.<br />

While you journey here, these are your lessons. You will learn just what a seed pla<strong>net</strong> is,<br />

and how it must be maintained. You will have seed pla<strong>net</strong>s under your control at some<br />

point in your distant journeys. You will, in your future journeys face trying times and you will<br />

be making tough decisions. You have chosen this experience, and you will survive it, if<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 149

eing a creator being in a future creation is your goal. That is why many of you are here.<br />

Others of you are helping out, and furthering your education with different goals in mind.<br />

Your eternal journey belongs to each of you alone and nobody else. Use this little missive<br />

as a guide to your game plan to come.<br />

The magisterial mission courts are almost in full swing. We are dealing first with the most<br />

needed to be dealt with, obviously, and my tasks at hand just increased this past weekend,<br />

as the game plan is getting amended. I will soon walk the pla<strong>net</strong>, in a body, my body down<br />

stepped to your energy. I will get a sore behind if I sit too long too. Candace has sore<br />

shoulders today also, which necessitated a break to lie down a while ago. I will not openly<br />

walk the pla<strong>net</strong> until a few weeks after the Second Coming event. I will be introduced at the<br />

appropriate time on your tell a vision, to tell yet another vision of the coming times.<br />

There is going to be a lot of education, and few surprises shortly. We will be honest about<br />

what is going on. Many will not like it. But facts are facts and Mother Earth can’t handle the<br />

poison much longer. We must get the energy changes going also, that will work in both bi<br />

polar and monopolar situations, which use zero point energy. There are some energy<br />

changes coming that use mag<strong>net</strong>s, but these are bi polar, and will have to be remodeled at<br />

a later date. Remember, I said your mag<strong>net</strong>s will not work when you go into Light and Life.<br />

I don’t know the ultimate population of the pla<strong>net</strong>, nor how long the adjustments in it will<br />

fully take. Much of that is up to you. You must become caretakers of the pla<strong>net</strong> and bring<br />

about these changes. You will have great assistance. Your star visitors are generous and<br />

loving, and will give the technology needed, but they will not do it all for you. You must do<br />

the planning and ask for the help. It will not be forced. This is your training ground; use it<br />

well. The pla<strong>net</strong> will have its population reduced by at least 1/3, and quite likely 2/3,<br />

depending on how the changes go and how they are reacted to. The population could be<br />

maintained at up to 2 billion on the surface and below it, if the planning is very careful<br />

about preserving the wild areas, and concentrating people together in groups and<br />

communities using newer technologies.<br />

Some of the calamities will come simply from oil, coal and natural gas becoming scarce,<br />

during the changing times. Earthquakes are going to upset this process a lot. Shipping<br />

changes are going to happen. In the USA you need to look at the fact that much of your<br />

goods now come from China, via COSCO and other companies, and the ports on the west<br />

coast are going to shortly be non-existent. You must get back to manufacturing your needs<br />

at home, because China needs to supply itself with its own toasters, and you need to make<br />

your own toasters. This type of global sales is not sustainable at all. You are going to have<br />

to get local again.<br />

The goal of getting off money will be enhanced by getting back to community production of<br />

food and items needed. You will for a time learn to live in smaller houses, because some<br />

are going to migrate before the changes inland. Housing will also be freed up inland,<br />

because of the photon belt effects to a degree. You need to save those toasters, so you<br />

have some when China is not able to ship to you.<br />

You all need to go over the use of energy that is taken from the Mother and used in every<br />

sort of wasteful way. This would be a good discussion topic on the <strong>AbundantHope</strong> forums<br />

and other forums. I suggest a lot of discussion. There can’t be massive lifts, as covered in<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 150

this long piece. The interior of the USA can’t handle 30 million people all at once from the<br />

western coast, and you can’t even evacuate the western coasts in a year, if you have a<br />

year.<br />

California will likely experience some super quakes before the event that could well topple<br />

LA into the ocean. It is time to get serious about what is coming. The population has grown<br />

so much in 60 years as to have made previous ideas not workable anymore. It is out of<br />

control and not fixable by any means, other than the natural cleansing that will come.<br />

Many organizations will probably go into disarray and fail. Look what happened even in<br />

your New Orleans situation. The government can’t be remade over night to handle these<br />

effectively. The poor peoples in Pakistan that was hit last year are still very underserved by<br />

the world community. It is time to pay for the mistakes made. It is a sad thing that the dark<br />

side has convinced those who go to church to expect rapture away to heaven. In doing so,<br />

they have disabled the survival skills of these people. They have disabled the desire to<br />

correct the problems, because so many feel they will be in heaven and don’t have to face<br />

their errors. Their trip to heaven guaranteed by their belonging to the “right church” or the<br />

right religion, what ever it is they belong to. So they will experience the learning of this folly<br />

too.<br />

Christ Michael would like to have the table again, for the final comments to this long piece.<br />

I bid you well, and I hope some of you will loose some sleep for a time, so that you might<br />

spend it in creating your creation! Be In Peace, I know that sounds like a stupid statement<br />

at the end of this long journey into discomfort, but so it may be anyway. Monjoronson at<br />

your service, in the Magisterial Mission.<br />

Christ Michael: Hello to all again. In my recent work with Jess, I made an apology to him<br />

and all of you reading. I would like to better explain that comment. I was deeply saddened<br />

at the time, and I still am for the changes that must be made. I maybe should have just<br />

moved forward sooner, because so many have suffered in this waiting. But I love my<br />

creations, and I held out until what finally became the final moment for their return to God.<br />

The powerful of the dark, when they make the change to the light, are very knowledgeable<br />

and these could have assisted moving the changes forward very quickly. But it was not to<br />

be apparently, and it is time to throw in the rag. How is it for you, if you have a way ward<br />

child Do you grieve of this situation I do beloveds; I am the Father after all. Remember<br />

the parable in the bible of the prodigal son, who came back to the father and was forgiven.<br />

I waited and I waited to forgive.<br />

But we must finally move on, and it is time that we do so. I have felt your pain of the wait<br />

for too long now, your deprivation. I have felt the pain of those in places such as Africa as<br />

they suffered. But, beloveds, in the cleansing there is suffering, in the point of view of<br />

some. Many at their higher levels know what is behind all of this. And there were those that<br />

had to feel the results through their karma of their doings in the past, and this appears as<br />

suffering to you.<br />

Candace often says she is tired of the karma stuff, the suffering by whatever cause, and<br />

this is certainly a most valid opinion and objection. But this karma, the suffering is in the<br />

astral body, it is an act of nature and physics. You build your light body when you<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 151

substitute the electrons in your astral body for photons. This is each individual’s course,<br />

and often in what appears to be a suffering, is instead great growth and photons put in<br />

place. Once you graduate my universe, and most others operating in a similar manner of<br />

duality, you are all photons beloved. And that point of when you become all photons, and<br />

no longer have an astral form, is when your journey is truly at its beginning, in moving into<br />

the greater knowledge of making creation work.<br />

A Sananda is a person, a Christ, who has graduated my universe. There are quite a<br />

number of you who are unaware yet that you are Sanandas; you are Christs. There are<br />

many of you who are in-between the state of the Sananda and the state of the Ascended<br />

Master. An Ascended Master has fused with the Thought adjuster. And some of you, are<br />

going to fuse with your thought adjuster soon or may have recently. There are many<br />

masters at various levels of development on the Earth plane. Many masters are in those<br />

regions where there is much suffering, and although they may appear to suffer, they do<br />

not, but rather aid others in that predicament. The show another way and thus lend a hand<br />

to those who need to reach a bit more for the stars.<br />

The evolutionary journey of your soul is never an easy one. That is because there is free<br />

will, and imperfection in those making the climb. All teach to those below them on the rung<br />

of life. Life is truly a ladder, and even so it is for me also. Every universe presents its<br />

challenges, to every entity that plans a role in it. Some of you may seem to suffer, but you<br />

then understand suffering personally and thus recognize it and can sympathize with it.<br />

In my journey upon your place 2000 years I experienced a great deal of the rawness of life<br />

on pla<strong>net</strong> Earth, and yet I loved mankind deeply here. That is why I am back, the direct<br />

result of my personal sufferings at the time, for we must do away with the degree of<br />

suffering that has happened. It is not necessary to suffer to this degree. But without some<br />

chaos, life does not grow.<br />

New souls are not made free of the experience of the evolutionary survival, especially on a<br />

seed pla<strong>net</strong>, which presents more challenges to life, than do pla<strong>net</strong> that are not seed<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>s. The travel into Light and Life does take longer on a seed pla<strong>net</strong>, but the<br />

experience of an evolutionary seed pla<strong>net</strong> provides that which is so needed to every<br />

universe. This is my precious seed pla<strong>net</strong> beloveds, love it well, it so needs it. It has served<br />

beyond its requirements as a seed pla<strong>net</strong>, in serving also as a prison facility for the<br />

darkness that arose in Orvonton, that was in great excess of the “normal” darkness<br />

experienced in past creations.<br />

You have served long and well. Rise and continue this journey I ask of you, so that you<br />

well be those very experienced Creators to come, who had been there and done that, and<br />

know of what you speak. Blessings to you for this, for because of the suffering on glorious<br />

Urantia, My dear beloved GAIA, so shall this darkness never appear again. Think on that.<br />

For you shall know it before it rears its ugly head, and you will have the strength to do<br />

something about it. The reason it got so far in Orvonton was the lack of experience. Simply<br />

that. Nothing more. Now there is experience and you have assisted in making known, this<br />

unknown. It is now known. Peace be upon you all, and in future creations for this journey.<br />

Namaste, I am deeply indebted to all of you who have joined with me to rid not only<br />

Nebadon, but also the entire galaxy of Orvonton, of this mess. The journey is nearly done,<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 152

it must truly is. Be patient for but a very short time more, as we remove the recalcitrant<br />

from the way. And then you shall grow into that which you already are. Christ Michael.<br />

Candace: Well, this was a long piece, and I did have some tiredness from other issues<br />

during this time. It took 5 hours with my breaks, so I put it aside for the night and came<br />

back to it today to correct the typos and add some comments. My new word processor has<br />

made the job a bit easier. I apologize that I thought I would be done around noon today,<br />

and it is now a couple hours later. I spent some time watching Bush Clone this morning in<br />

a press conference. Some people challenged him pretty good, and he was getting angry<br />

with them.<br />

Indeed I feel the feelings of those I work with, and this past weekend was not pleasant for<br />

them. I have spoken to many who also felt this, in some way or another. I do believe we<br />

have reached the place where enough is really enough now, but this journey was<br />

necessary to bring about the global effort that the NESARA idea generated.<br />

Now to a short new topic: I have mentioned in the past few months that I would make the<br />

forum private, for messiahs only, and this will occur as soon as Marcel reads this piece and<br />

makes it so.<br />

We need privacy to discuss the difficulties coming. The ultimate purpose of <strong>AbundantHope</strong><br />

and the Messiah program is to awaken people to the need to get actively involved, and to<br />

co ordinate the whole process as we are able.<br />

I have made some of the people I have met in this journey into regional directors, and<br />

there will be more who will fill these positions as required around the world. In time we<br />

should have thousands of missions in action. We will develop a logo system, and will ask<br />

many of you to have a website to teach and document your progress.<br />

We will when funded, create some simple templates for those who require a simple<br />

website to make this process easier. Those with approved missions, will be able to display<br />

the AH logos, which will certainly include the Christic Sacred Circle given to me to use for<br />

<strong>AbundantHope</strong> more than 3 years ago by Christ Michael. We may have a special logo for<br />

each regional director and those under his/her care to use on their websites within those<br />

regions. Many of you will be ordained into service to Christ Michael, and be entitled to wear<br />

our emblem as a piece of jewelry, after your fruits have been observed.<br />

To be associated with <strong>AbundantHope</strong> makes a huge statement to those that visit to study<br />

our work. It states you are in support of the larger goal of raising up this pla<strong>net</strong> into Light<br />

and Life. Using our logos on your websites with permission gives you a very special status<br />

and sets you apart as being part of this larger Second Coming process. It will help you to<br />

seek help and support that you need, identifying you as a trusted organization.<br />

Once the forum is private, you must post an acceptable mission statement to both read<br />

and participate. Right now, you have been allowed to read, but not participate. In the<br />

current process, this is how you submit a mission statement, by posting it to the forum.<br />

After I have a secretary, and we have some more websites up, this process could change.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 153

Also, for those who speak Spanish and live in Mexico, Central America, or the Caribbean,<br />

and have difficulty with English, can post your mission statement with Damian, my regional<br />

director of that area. I will place information on how to do this on the main site.<br />

Once John is free to begin his work as Regional Director of the United States, he will begin<br />

to handle this main forum, and mission statements of the United States and other regions,<br />

until such time as our regional websites are created. Other regional directors will then do<br />

likewise. I am considering some others at this point in time and will make further<br />

announcements on the main site as necessary.<br />

We will maintain the current readership list until December 31, of this year, so that you do<br />

not have to recreate a forum membership when you decide to submit your mission. The<br />

only site visible on the forum, once we are private, will be the forums for submitting your<br />

mission, and containing the information which you must read before you submit your<br />

mission.<br />

I am very open and allowing with the mission statements, which can be remodeled as you<br />

grow and develop your mission. What is important in these early times is that you post<br />

something, because the simple writing down and going through the very easy acceptance<br />

process right now, helps you actually begin the process of bringing your creation into<br />

reality.<br />

Had I not done what I have done since I undertook becoming public with this project, then I<br />

would not be where I am at this point, and many of you would not either. This is your<br />

opportunity to begin to form a statement of who you are, and how you might serve. I have<br />

only refused a few due to very inappropriate behavior statements or user names selected. I<br />

have had to remove a few who came to cause some trouble and exposed their fruits after<br />

approval.<br />

Down the road also, as more missions are approved, we might will discover overlap in<br />

certain regions, and the suggestion will be made of that, and the person or group<br />

encouraged to make some changes that reflect need. In this coordinated effort, we will also<br />

be able to identify need.<br />

As we move about the world and more needs become obvious, these needs will be<br />

published on the appropriate websites, as well as also announcing which missions need<br />

some extra funding. We will be fund raising to direct funds around the world into areas of<br />

need. The citizens of the United States, and quite a few other countries are going to be<br />

very wealthy, and I will have staff that will ask for these monies and direct them where<br />

needed. Missions and future missions may apply for these funds. However, in the United<br />

States, you will often be funding your missions out of the rebate program that will be so<br />

very generous.<br />

There are many organizations already in existence that my team will approach for inclusion<br />

in <strong>AbundantHope</strong>. I have already made some suggestions to some local organizations.<br />

Membership is not required of course, but it will make a statement and add trust and<br />

validity to these organizations.<br />

I will update any instructions I have placed on the main site about the forum and how to<br />

post. If you are not a forum reader at this time, then you will have to go through the<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 154

process of joining the forum by creating a user name, password, and providing a valid<br />

email address. Once that process is complete, you will have access to post your mission<br />

statement.<br />

If you are currently a reader if you do not post a mission statement prior to December 31,<br />

2006, you will have to rejoin the forum. Once the forum is private, which will be very<br />

obvious, current messiahs may not place forum material elsewhere, with the exception of<br />

news items. I will further explain this on the forum.<br />

I want to thank all of you for your wonderful participation in this project since I became<br />

public in February 2005. I have grown greatly. I have learned so much. I have met really<br />

great people, who have agreed to journey with me into this new venture and become<br />

messiahs. We have well more than 100 mission statements on the forum now!<br />

I have found several people to participate more directly as regional directors. Mark made<br />

my website possible and will continue in the development of the organization, handling<br />

many information needs and more. Marcel has provided important help with the forum, and<br />

will continue with us in whatever manner he finds useful to his goals in Europe. Two people<br />

have created mirror sites on the web, and I will finish getting the links up to these. One is<br />

Damian, and those links are up. I will get you up, very shortly Henning!!!! My apologies for<br />

my sloppy habits at times.<br />

Many have translated much of the material into a variety of languages. And please, if you<br />

have posted this translated material on other websites, please email me this information. I<br />

had some links for a time, but I need to make sure of their accuracy again before I place<br />

them on the main site. I think I will seek Marcel’s help in some of these tasks during our<br />

wait. I still have my abundantHope2002@wmconnect.com address, but right now it is<br />

disabled. I will take care of that shortly.<br />

Jess and Lauren showed up too, to my great delight. Others took an interest in learning<br />

telepathy and are beginning to come forward. Helen continues to firm up her telepathy<br />

training course. Some of you have been gifted with telepathy crystals to assist your<br />

progress, and more will have these in the future. Those of you who have posted missions<br />

and participate on the forum actively have made new friendships, and we are definitely<br />

building community there. There has been much progress accomplished and I stand in<br />

awe of what has come into being in such a short period of time. This has been so much<br />

fun! Please join with us in the great adventure! Take care, Candace<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 155

Important Forum Messages From Christ Michael<br />

Through Candace Frieze<br />

# 64 Spring 2006<br />

Hello everyone, Christ Michael has made several updating type posts for member readers<br />

and Messiahs on the Messianic Forum. I am putting two of the important ones into this<br />

piece, because of beautiful information in them.<br />

This Is My Gift, That You Might Develop Your Godhood.<br />

From Christ Michael<br />

April 5, 2006<br />

Hello my friends, time for a brief update. Your long wait is over this month. Look for more<br />

unfolding of events this week. In early March, Orvonton officially approved more<br />

intervention into the Earth plane, and this has occurred. Candace has pictured in her mind<br />

star warriors doing the warrior thing, and this is so. There have been more arrests and<br />

confinements into the underground places.<br />

I can't go into further details, we are keeping certain folks in the dark, but for you BBB&G's<br />

reading here today, you know it is finally done, and you are relieved of duty in a variety of<br />

ways.<br />

This week you have all observed the resignation of Tom Delay; along with statement he is<br />

facing further issues over involvement with Jack Abramoff. This is so. The coverage<br />

yesterday of the brave young man who had the experience of Inter<strong>net</strong> molestation was a<br />

planned event, to prepare the public for the fact that many in so called higher places, are in<br />

reality very low places. Sexual mis-activity of various sorts in rampant in the USA<br />

government, and many others for that matter. This young man's statement on Larry King<br />

that professional folks, and country leaders are involved serves as additional preparation of<br />

the sleepy American folks.<br />

A new development in Galactic Orvonton policy, in terms of intervention allowed in a<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>ary affairs, anywhere in Orvonton, is that the Galactic Federation of Light, now has<br />

full permission anywhere to interfere in pla<strong>net</strong>s experimenting with blowing themselves up<br />

using the atom. Of course, we have already interfered on Earth in this arena, but now it is<br />

galactic policy.<br />

No more will certain dark and misunderstandings be allowed to occur. Pla<strong>net</strong>s will be<br />

interfered with sooner, in an open manner, if they are doing activities harmful to them. This<br />

includes the activities of organized religion also. Organized religion has been used on<br />

many pla<strong>net</strong>s by the dark such as the Anunnaki, to control a people. The angry God<br />

syndrome so widely used will be intercepted by open contact if necessary.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 156

No longer also, will pla<strong>net</strong>s just totally be left alone to develop. Teaching will be given<br />

sooner. And no longer will star nations assisting pla<strong>net</strong>s have to do it from behind the<br />

scene, which leads often to a people thinking star visitors are the Gods. Will, in a way they<br />

are, but this is mostly misused and misunderstood. Greater will be the teaching that the will<br />

of God, is to move out of animal behavior, and into Godly knowledge. The long delays of a<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> waiting to discover this on their own, has produced destruction on some pla<strong>net</strong>s. But<br />

these pla<strong>net</strong>ary peoples will still have to do their own problem solving; they will just have<br />

more overt truth sooner.<br />

Those in impatience continue to understand, that a pla<strong>net</strong>ary people creates their<br />

problems and are required to solve them. One does not evolve into Godhood status, by<br />

being taken care of. This is why Patrick is going to be unhappy when he fully understands<br />

the star visitors are not going to fully rescue the pla<strong>net</strong> from above.<br />

They are assisting you in your rescue of the pla<strong>net</strong>, by removing those whom you have not<br />

been able to remove yourself. If you had done this back in the 60's and 70's, before the<br />

BBB&G's developed space travel in greater detail, and star weaponry, intended to use<br />

against you, and us, the Second Coming would have occurred substantially earlier and you<br />

might be touching on light and life now. That is still number of years away.<br />

In an earlier message I said you had about 5 years to make a huge difference. That<br />

remains true. We are continuing to assist the Mother Earth, Urantia, Gaia, by whatever<br />

name you are familiar with, to release pressures gradually, to enable you to go about your<br />

work. She has been encouraged by Candace and others to wait a tad longer, knowing that<br />

you intend to assist her in her ascension, and with her desired goal of taking the people<br />

and other pla<strong>net</strong> life with her. This is such a grand experiment, and it is an experiment,<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>s normally ascend under better circumstances. These are contrived circumstances.<br />

You will not be gifted with tons of replicators, and other technology. You will be gifted with<br />

the knowledge to do this yourselves. Many of you are awakening to your Ascended<br />

Mastership, and will actually remember your knowledge from your pla<strong>net</strong>s of origin. In fact<br />

this is going on now. A pla<strong>net</strong> must be worked within, and that rule has not changed, nor<br />

will it change. Pla<strong>net</strong>s will merely be prevented from using nuclear destruction and also the<br />

"nuclear type" destruction that organized religion is used for.<br />

God will not be allowed to be up there somewhere any more on modern pla<strong>net</strong>s. Native<br />

peoples everywhere, rarely concede that God is separate and up there. They have the<br />

knowledge in their ge<strong>net</strong>ics from the evolutionary process to know better. They stand in<br />

awe of the process. If star visitors are reaching out to native peoples, they will be more<br />

explicit about their origin, so they are not mistaken as God, the way it has become on<br />

Earth. No more will atomic destruction be allowed in the name of belief systems. That was<br />

the very negative "gift" of the dark.<br />

I am working on a message with Candace, about my personal involvement in Urantia, over<br />

millions of years, actually billions. This is a wonderful evolutionary pla<strong>net</strong>, and I desire that<br />

you assist me in co creation with re establishing this. Shekhmet will be assisting hugely<br />

with the ge<strong>net</strong>ics involved in the restoration. My what a master ge<strong>net</strong>icist this grand being<br />

is!<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 157

April is the month my friends, finally and truly so. I can't give you the exact days; you will<br />

see the story unfold, probably daily. There has been much cooperation behind the scenes,<br />

in preparing the America public for the removal of its highest offices. By the time the real<br />

Mr. Bush resigns, America should be feeling disgusted. The plans are carefully laid, and I<br />

assure you, the Galactic Federation is guaranteeing the process.<br />

I had hoped that December was the month, I hear some of you saying, but you promised<br />

through Jess. But there was not adequate cooperation, thus the trip to Mars, and then the<br />

further request to Orvonton to bend the rules. And so it is.<br />

In these 5 years you have to improve this pla<strong>net</strong> tremendously, this is my gift to you, this<br />

time of support to Urantia so that she does not throw you off. This is my gift, that you<br />

might develop your Godhood. As we have repeatedly covered, you will be the Gods, the<br />

creator beings of future nebulas developing into universes. What an awesome eventuality<br />

for you. Earth is your playground to grow. Here on this beauteous pla<strong>net</strong>, you have<br />

everything wrong, that could possibly be wrong. Here you get to create how to right the<br />

wrongs. Go about it with gusto and the grandeur that you are so capable of.<br />

As we have said, <strong>AbundantHope</strong> is a Second Coming organization, supported by us.<br />

Develop your missions fully, and get them started whenever you have the funds, which are<br />

coming. There will still be in the USA, in a year or perhaps a bit more, depending of<br />

recovery of funds, and the development of public responsibility, the $75000 a month<br />

Germain has told of.<br />

Also the moving of the decimal point, so that this is a ludicrously huge amount of money. If<br />

you are not funded by any prosperity funds, then await this condition. Other countries may<br />

have some of the same idea, but different amounts, again depending on the nature of<br />

politics, and banking in those countries. You can expect that many modern European<br />

countries will see huge funding of this sort also, the refunding of stolen tax monies and<br />

interest monies.<br />

Take my beautiful pla<strong>net</strong>, my dear friends, who have co created Nebadon with me,<br />

and restore her to grandeur. It is your calling; it is why you came. Now is your time.<br />

Use it well. Salu, Namaste, Christ Michael of Nebadon.<br />

There Is No Liftoff Planned<br />

April 21, 2006 Christ Michael<br />

Hello my beloveds, I AM Christ Michael, and Patrick has made it necessary for me to do a<br />

message today. I am not in contact with Patrick or Anne lately at all. I have done no<br />

messages through them since November of 2005. If you have not yet read Patrick's Plan B<br />

at www.fourwinds10.com, please do so.<br />

We are not going to evacuate the Earth. She is into the fringes of 4D now, and this is not<br />

necessary. We would not have come this far, and done this much in the past slightly over 3<br />

years since deciding on the Second Coming project, if this was to be the end result.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 158

I do not know where Patrick gets this information, nor where he gets the strange stories<br />

about all those packets sitting around in Fed Ex trucks. None of this is going on. This is the<br />

figment of somebody's imagination, and I have no idea if Patrick does this, or he is in<br />

contact with low down people who are having a wonderful time playing a game with our<br />

readers, at Patrick's expense. The "packets" are not to be delivered until the Fed is out of<br />

business.<br />

I repeat, that I am not in contact with Patrick and Anne, and so when the statement is<br />

made that I am behind the works, know I am not. It matters not whether he calls me Aton,<br />

Hatonn, or Christ Michael. I am in charge of this show, Earth Project Transition and I do<br />

know what is going on. This is but one example, of using the name of God in vain, stating<br />

that this is of God when it is not.<br />

The Earth, with all of your great help in your missions, and the missions to come, are going<br />

to finish the job of bringing the Earth relatively peacefully in the era of Light and LIfe, which<br />

starts at 5D. You will see some nasty people still, and be confronted by many BBB&G's in<br />

your personal lives for a time, because in 4D the ability to create, whether good or bad,<br />

gets better. There is more intelligence.<br />

You will have chaos. It will not involve horrid battles. It is more the chaos experienced<br />

when people are challenged by concepts they do not understand. Chaos is always<br />

involved in substantial change.<br />

As to Patrick’s comments to a writer of email, that thought is all it takes, this is gross error<br />

of learning and judgment. The thought must occur, yes, otherwise there would be no<br />

creation. However, it must still be carried out in the realm where it applies, or it will not<br />

manifest.<br />

There is a march planned in New York on April 29. Please encourage local marches<br />

wherever you live. Don't like the gas prices My dears ones, the solution is to massively<br />

stop buying the gas! America, in its religious teachings, or lack thereof, actually, plus lack<br />

of education in the schools, plus an overabundance of materialism vs. spirituality is not<br />

growing up too well as you all experience.<br />

The solution, as Buddha said in his message is to get out, and make noise, and refuse to<br />

support the beast. How do you support the beast You support the beast buying larger<br />

cars than you need. You support the beast by buying the goods and playing the money<br />

game with him. Money wins every time. Take the money away from the beast, plus your<br />

work, and the beast has no control. Money has more control than politics, religion, or the<br />

media.<br />

If America, and the people in the countries that supported America in this globalization<br />

effort just said no, guess what, it would not have happened. Americans work in all the parts<br />

of the military industrial complex. Americans buy gas operated cars. American buy<br />

expensive clothing. Americans by cable news. Americans register and vote straight ticket<br />

rather than their conscience. Americans pay a huge amount to churches, which tell them a<br />

simple baptism makes them a Christed person, and no more than that is required.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 159

Americans buy Easter bunny stuff. American buy Santa Claus stuff. Americans buy tons of<br />

stuff not necessary to life. The days of the union protests seem gone. The days of the<br />

awakening in the 60's to 70's seem gone. Americans buy expensive food items, and spend<br />

money on huge parties. Nothing wrong with partying my beloveds, but don't you see in just<br />

these short examples of how you support the beast<br />

If most Americans got together, set up a date, and on that date did not go to work, buy gas,<br />

buy anything (store a bit for a rainy day first), and made as part of the deal, that they would<br />

not return to work, until the Fed was out of business, the military arrested the criminal<br />

leaders who stole the elections, planned and carried out 911, and on and on, how long do<br />

you think it would take to change America Not very long.<br />

There is the claim there is not enough jobs without pork barrel, and military jobs. Yes there<br />

is, because you could do everything your country needs to grow and survive, by working<br />

10 hours a week, everybody doing his share. And you will create this condition as you<br />

ascend the pla<strong>net</strong>. That is the point behind the massive money refunds coming to America<br />

first, and the rest of the world in steps as quickly as possible. Many prosperous countries<br />

are preparing also these refunds, in amounts suitable.<br />

Germain has had the goal of being on universal money in 5 years. Might it possible to do<br />

this sooner Yes, it is. Might you be off money in less than the 10 year projected goal<br />

Yes, you could. But to do all that must be done, my friends, you have to do it, on the<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>, in the realm of the living bodies. It matters not if the realm is 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D,<br />

6D, 7D, 8D, or 9D, which is the highest level of the Second Density. There are 9<br />

dimensions in Second Density. All evolutionary pla<strong>net</strong>s are Second Density, which is the<br />

denseness of material life.<br />

That denseness gets lighter as you progress the pla<strong>net</strong>. Earth, when I returned in 1954,<br />

was about 1.5 D (meaning dimension, not density). In the late 60's to early 70's you were<br />

in 2D. You moved into the bottom of 3D with the coming of the Inter<strong>net</strong> and personal<br />

computers. You are now just barely squeaking into 4D. And this pla<strong>net</strong> will ascend, with<br />

her residents in material life aboard, including the plants and animals, into 5D, come hell or<br />

high water as the expression goes.<br />

I have said you have about 5 years to make a huge difference. And you will, of that I am<br />

confident. Any plan "B" as proposed by Patrick would only occur if there was a meteor we<br />

could not stop heading at the pla<strong>net</strong>, and we can stop any meteor, so that goes right on out<br />

the window also. The other adversity would be the moon, if the present moon is kept, it will<br />

slam dunk the Earth 185,000 years from now, and since this moon will be removed, guess<br />

what, that one goes down the tubes also.<br />

Urantia, the entity usually called Gaia, or Mother Earth, has agreed to let you all have your<br />

chance at becoming the Gods that will heal the pla<strong>net</strong>. She is quite comfortable with the<br />

idea. In fact, she is in love with the idea, because this too is her dream, to ascend with her<br />

beloved inhabitants aboard. You will stay rooted on this orb, your ship, and sail her into<br />

greater light. You are called to this. Many more will awaken. There are many "awake" of<br />

sorts now; they have been installing the Inter<strong>net</strong>, enhancing the technology, behind the<br />

scenes often, since they are sometimes not allowed to do it publicly.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 160

There is an old expression, in which the person prays to God for help, and God answers<br />

back, I am helping, I sent you. And I did. Actually you all volunteered. And in this case,<br />

God sent himself also. I AM HERE. Together we will raise up my beloved Urantia, my seed<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> that was indeed to be a work of perfection, until contaminated. She will be a work of<br />

perfection this time. Her ge<strong>net</strong>ics will have the dark ge<strong>net</strong>ics removed, her plant and<br />

animal evolutionary life restored, and her people restored. It will happen, I will accept no<br />


PS, in case some have forgotten the total of my command at this time, this is it:<br />

Christ Michael, aka, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, aka Aton, aka Creator Son of Nebadon;<br />

Commander in Chief, Earth Project Transition;<br />

Pleiades Sector Flight Command;<br />

Intergalactic Federation Fleet, Ashtar Command;<br />

Earth Representative to the Cosmic Council, and Intergalactic Federation Council of Earth<br />

Transition<br />

Beloved's, love Urantia with all your hearts, with all your soul, with all your minds,<br />

with all that is you. And no liftoff will be necessary.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 161

Update From Christ Michael<br />

By Christ Michael and Candace Frieze<br />

# 65 January 7, 2007<br />

Beloveds, I AM Aton, Christ Michael, by which ever name you are comfortable with,<br />

making a brief New Years address to you. Together we shall do a great deal for Earth this<br />

year, and there will be no more delays of measure. My folks on the ground were finally<br />

successful in late December, overall with the banks, except for some small details, around<br />

establishing proof of the money games. That was taken care of on January 1, with the<br />

installation of the new banking software that I mentioned before. The software has now<br />

completed its testing as to how it is functioning in place, and the results are fine indeed.<br />

There was help from some of your star visitors who know a great deal more about the<br />

programming of computers of the type upon your world. This software is now proving the<br />

guilt of many, and it will also begin to allow distribution of a variety of funding packages.<br />

When each is funded, no matter the source, there is coding in the software that will prevent<br />

its being stolen and moved about without your permission. That is good news. As you have<br />

seen with the Leo Wanta story covered so very nicely by Christopher Story, funds missing<br />

in one place show up in another, in the games played. This shall be no more.<br />

So now, what is the game plan We continue to move forward, and await only a bit longer<br />

for the software to do its magic and supply sufficient information to prove of a great deal of<br />

financial guilt. This should swiftly bring about the next steps of my plan. In December, I did<br />

give the go ahead for more direct intervention behind the scenes, as we must be about the<br />

Father’s business on pla<strong>net</strong> Earth. Your business! You, and I are the Father in action, I<br />

continue to remind you of that fact.<br />

I have been informed that in the Sheldon Nidle report of last week, and also this persists in<br />

numerous other reports flooding the websites at this time, that it was suggested that First<br />

Contact will be a ways off. This remains most incorrect, as I also spoke of back in my little<br />

message about the SaLuSa report that was not accurate. Just another game to being<br />

played by the resistance, to try and cause light workers to form thought forms that would<br />

serve their purpose to delay. Don’t assist them!<br />

The plans remain as we have described previously, in that there will be the television<br />

coverage in the USA and some of Europe, which will be picked up around the world, for<br />

approximately two weeks. The length is flexible, as those participating must still cover<br />

news of relevance during that time. Hopefully we will have no major earthquakes or other<br />

adverse events that will take coverage time. There are journalists on the announcement<br />

team to handle the daily news of importance.<br />

The first part, consisting of more than a week, (and we aren’t taking weekends off for this),<br />

will cover all the misinformation on your plane regards politics, 911, and related material.<br />

At the beginning of course will be the resignation of the old leaders and installation of the<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 162

new government temporary leaders of the USA, and Britain. It will also be covered, about<br />

the use of clones and other difficult subjects. Our show will run a few hours each day, or<br />

evening, and then be repeated during the other 24 hours, so that those at work can catch it<br />

all, and those that wish to see a repeat to better understand can do so. These will be<br />

“taped” and portions can then be shown as repeats over the next many months. These will<br />

be placed in other languages, usually with subtitles so the world gets an education.<br />

After this, we will move into announcing and discussing the changes related to NESARA,<br />

and it will be discussed that this is a worldwide program in development. And yes, the<br />

Federal Reserve is out of business, as part of the coverage of the changes in office. What<br />

the world can expect, in addition to the United States will be covered. The temporary<br />

President of the USA will sign into law certain provisions in the USA and also restore the<br />

original constitution.<br />

Under this “NESARA” portion, the idea of common law will be brought forth, and many<br />

related topics. It will be told that the USA and quite a few other countries will have rebates<br />

of tax and interest that has been bilked from the consumer over time. Of course, as we<br />

have said, the rebates do not begin immediately as there must be more preparation of this,<br />

not only of the banking systems, and the recuperation of stolen monies, but also an<br />

education to the public, about this wealth and what it is to be used for.<br />

The third portion will begin coverage of your star visitors and their purpose, and their more<br />

recent history of involvement on this pla<strong>net</strong>. Both the dark ones confined to the pla<strong>net</strong>,<br />

such as the negative little greys, and others, will be covered. It will be told this has been a<br />

prison pla<strong>net</strong>. Sananda and Candace will be formally introduced during this time period,<br />

and a beginning coverage of spirituality and what God is will be provided. This education<br />

will cover how organized religion has been used in antichrist activities.<br />

In the fourth portion, the Second Coming process and event will be covered, so the public<br />

has a preparation for this large first contact activity. <strong>AbundantHope</strong> will be covered in this,<br />

the public exposure is needed, and also the announcement of who the new Pla<strong>net</strong>ary<br />

Prince is, and his role. The 3 rd and 4 th portions are inter-related. Sananda Esu Immanuel<br />

Kumara will provide extensive material of the upcoming plans, including the Magisterial<br />

Mission of Monjoronson.<br />

Since the public much enjoys video material, there will be video material presented in<br />

support of all that is to be covered over these 2 weeks. If anything intervenes in the<br />

meantime, we still retain the coverage of necessary news, and then we will return to the<br />

teaching program. To assist Earth in accepting the star visitors, we will tell many stories of<br />

what we have assisted with and also prevented, such as nuclear war. There will be the<br />

coverage of the current condition of the pla<strong>net</strong> and suggestions made for how to bring<br />

about some important changes in energy use that will help heal.<br />

The coming cataclysms will be covered and the reason for their necessity. We have many<br />

programs completed and new ones being written now, that will be shown frequently for<br />

some time after we relinquished the cable TV system back to its respective owners, that<br />

can be shown as specials on a variety of channels for months to come.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 163

After this process is completed, we begin the preparations in more detail for the Second<br />

Coming event, which will occur in roughly a couple weeks afterward. Recently in Colorado,<br />

you had a preparation event, covered up as a Russian booster rocket re entering the<br />

atmosphere. Not so. I have personally reviewed a copy of the film shown to you, from the<br />

local news station in Colorado that made a video of the event. It was caught on tape by a<br />

morning newsperson, from a helicopter.<br />

We will be doing many more shows of this type, quite frequently while we await going into<br />

announcement, during the event and for some after the fact also. These will often be done<br />

during the morning and evening rush hours when many will notice them. We shall see how<br />

the news and people handle this.<br />

What was seen this morning was a clever group of shuttles that traveled together and then<br />

made an abrupt 90-degree turn, for the attention of it. This is why some that viewed it<br />

before the turn thought it a large piece of space debris breaking up. Many reported a large<br />

light as from an aircraft that suddenly turned into many lights. This performance was done<br />

by 12 shuttlecraft. One or two would have not been so well noticed. The gentleman who<br />

made the video was quite excited at the scene.<br />

A little education is important here. Earth is subject to gravity. If this were a meteor or piece<br />

of space junk, it would have moved down, not in a horizontal manner. Also meteors are<br />

exploded or deflected by us, if large before they enter the atmosphere, and it matters not if<br />

the meteor is a chunk of rock, or a rocket. If the meteor will land in the sea or unpopulated<br />

area, it is of no concern, unless very large.<br />

As to the story of the Russian SL-4 reentering, pure fantasy. NORAD scrambled pretty fast<br />

for that story to cover it up. And you can count on them producing a screen play with real<br />

people describing fallen pieces, if they deem it necessary. The story was that a small piece<br />

fell in Wyoming. How did the rest of it keep going horizontally over all those miles into mid<br />

Colorado<br />

If you should witness the explosion of say fireworks at a show, the sparks fly outward for a<br />

time, but once the explosion is over, gravity does its thing, beloveds. That these 12 ships<br />

continued for such a long time horizontally, from north to south, means that these bright<br />

lights seen were propelled by something and were able to fly. Nothing more, nothing less.<br />

If your resistant friends deny what you say, please point out the gravity issue. One in<br />

Candace’s circle argued that she has seen many a horizontal meteorite. No, she has seen<br />

either something at an angle that looked horizontal for a very brief period or she has seen<br />

propelled craft.<br />

Since craft do not burn fuel in a conventional manner as you do on earth, what might be<br />

called the contrail that was seen today was not an emission from burning fuel. These are<br />

energies that trail, are not from fuel. Depending on the type of craft and system to propel it,<br />

you can see nothing, what looks like sparks, or what looks like a short vapor trail.<br />

As to the event today, for such a large supposed light, had that really been a meteor or a<br />

piece of your space junk, we would have blown it up considerably sooner. The light was<br />

huge, not typical also of either space junk or a meteor. In the reading of the report, and<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 164

covered on the news is the exclamation by one who stated that the meteor looked just like<br />

the ones in the movies. Really now! Your movies always tell the truth I think not.<br />

I suggest especially in the USA that you who like to watch the skies be about watching<br />

them during the morning times before dawn, and after the sun sets at night. You might see<br />

some more interesting shows. Please do call and report them to your local news.<br />

Now, one more short comment. We are not evacuating the pla<strong>net</strong>. The only pole shift<br />

coming is the gradual one that occurs as the pla<strong>net</strong> moves into monopolarity, the result of<br />

which you will not have poles to shift. The current movements of the North Pole are<br />

gradually towards the equator, over a long period of time. There will be no reversal, in<br />

which the sun would come up in the west instead of the east.<br />

The story has changed from the probabilities of a several years ago. Please do not pack<br />

your bags or prepare your relatives falsely for this. We have created a new story, in this on<br />

going play upon the Earth. Use your thoughts to create positive thought forms that serve<br />

the new story. That is why AA Michael encouraged that for the intention meditation today.<br />

About 10,000 of you showed up! Continue in your planning and meditations to support your<br />

chosen role in creating the new story of Earth! I AM THAT I AM, Namaste, Christ Michael.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 165

Update on Coming Changes<br />

By Christ Michael, and Candace Frieze<br />

# 66 March 3, 2007<br />

Hello Beloveds, I Am Aton, Christ Michael and I am bringing you a small update regards<br />

the process coming to fruition. We are in my final attending of the situation, meaning<br />

simply that I have given the final orders to progress to announcement and I have inserted<br />

active help into this process.<br />

This was discussed a bit apparently on the forum, but this piece is now for general<br />

distribution, and is being placed on the front of www.abundanthope.<strong>net</strong>. Sometime ago we<br />

received of permission to interfere actively and this is because beloveds, your Earth is in<br />

mighty poor shape and the cleansing of all sorts must begin.<br />

In the next few days, there will be the installation of the new President of the USA. We<br />

have hoped on this for several weeks now, getting the cooperation on the ground. The<br />

cooperation has been what you ones call wishy-washy. I have placed ones of my own into<br />

place, wearing the uniforms of the military and dressed as many otherwise on your plane.<br />

You remember early in this project that you were told that 25,000 star folks were upon the<br />

ground. They have been and continue in that role, getting done the many items that must<br />

be attended to make this a global project. And thus, out of their work, they have succeeded<br />

in getting 106 global central banks to the necessary accords required to start the financial<br />

changes that you will shortly see upon your television screens, and for once beloved, your<br />

tell a visions, will tell a much better vision.<br />

My players are in their places and began this further process of infiltration of your systems<br />

a few weeks ago. We must be about the Father’s business, now that the Father’s business<br />

has been decided upon. And that business beloveds, is that pla<strong>net</strong> Earth shall enter the<br />

new ages with her people upon her, so that the peoples have a chance to remake this<br />

sorry little pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 166

This is not going to be a comfortable procedure, from some points of view. We have<br />

recently completed new studies and updating studies upon your place, and the pollution<br />

and related problems are quite huge. Nothing knew to observant ones upon the ground,<br />

and not to our teams, but it has come to point, in which the cleansing must begun in<br />

earnest beloveds. We cannot await any longer for your growing. The problems are<br />

massive.<br />

For a time now I have been instructing Candace for her team on what is to come, but we<br />

have not told the rest of the readership. We have covered that the tell a vision will be<br />

conscripted for our use for about two weeks, and this remains true. It could be more than<br />

two weeks. And during this, you will not have all those commercials; it shall be totally in our<br />

hands.<br />

Now my crewmembers, who are in uniform and various other disguises received of my<br />

orders late in your yesterday to stand into place for the final game in the current play. We<br />

had a major success during the week, in getting much of the paper work for the prosperity<br />

programs delivered, but this was never a requirement for public announcement. There<br />

were plans in the agenda that were and most of these have taken place now. Some did<br />

not, and so we will take care of getting them done, in fact have. The ground crew<br />

cooperation, meaning you living upon the earth has not been the best. Despite our<br />

showing of ourselves and propping certain ones up, there is still much fear and much fence<br />

sitting by some.<br />

When we go into announcement, we are not taking over radio and other media, so plan in<br />

working with your loved ones that there will be media who are going to denounce what we<br />

are doing as a space invasion. Hopefully when the important two weeks of education are<br />

over, this will not be a major factor anymore in the minds of most on the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

The dark side has planned much disinformation through the church leaders who may rebel.<br />

It is decision time for all, whether to ascend or not to participate and further harm the<br />

process. In all honesty, we must state that many will not come into knowing, not accept the<br />

new concepts, and this is their choice, and represents where they are in their personal<br />

growing. There will be chaos in other words, and this is not bad, but merely provides that<br />

which will cause either growth or rejection of growth. We can’t project the numbers of those<br />

that will chose to grow their minds.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 167

Now I want to give all of you some advice in that arena. Let it go!!! Do not start arguments<br />

and become forceful. Simply state to all those in your circles that these events are of God,<br />

and that the visitors are working for God, and reinforce this is the Second Coming plan.<br />

Encourage those that will look, and walk from those that won’t. Be the way showers, not<br />

the way enforcers might be a way to describe this.<br />

Now, because the cleansing of the environment of the pla<strong>net</strong> must commence rapidly, and<br />

must not be impeded by either fear or actions on the ground, there is a special plan in<br />

place.<br />

About a week or so, do not count the hours beloved, after the end of the announcement<br />

period, as it is flexible, there will be the big show and tell event I have long said would<br />

happen. Thy skies shall be full of visitors and wondrous events, and we will cover that this<br />

will happen during the educational period, so as to prepare people for this.<br />

Then as the event ends, which will occur during the nights of all on Earth, so that we are<br />

visible, roughly 24 hours, the world is going to go to sleep. You will be put into “stasis” sort<br />

of like hitting the pause button on your video players. Another term could be “suspended<br />

animation.”<br />

You have been there before, this is not something to worry about. There are many who will<br />

assist the process and make sure no accidents happen. We did this for roughly a week<br />

back in 1994 when you entered the photon belt. Your sun entered first and this would have<br />

created some pretty awful problems for a world not prepared, so you slept through it and<br />

corrected your calendar a bit in the process.<br />

When ye ones wake up, you will simply think it is the next day. There will be planes in the<br />

air as you go into stasis, and these will remain in the sky, and guarded carefully during the<br />

coming out of stasis, so that no accidents occur. Many, who are out driving, will become<br />

very sleepy, most of you will, and pull off the road. And most of you will have a short period<br />

of confusion as you awaken. Those asleep during the night as stasis occurs and is<br />

recovered from will note no significant difference. Those awake and at work will feel sleepy<br />

going into stasis, and confused coming out of it. There will be many guardians to prevent<br />

accidents for those out on roads. Some may occur, but this should not be a major problem.<br />

The stasis period will be approximately three weeks this time. This will allow the star<br />

visitors to do a great deal of cleansing during this time. Of special importance will be the<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 168

emoval of the ozone layer. You do not need this layer, it is not important to life. Those that<br />

have been exposing that destruction to the ozone layer is somehow bad, are working to<br />

prevent its loss, because they know that having it impedes the photons’ coming to Earth<br />

from the photon belt.<br />

The reason behind the hole in the ozone is not due to aerosol spray cans. It is do primarily<br />

to an awakening Earth and it needs to be gone. The ozone layer began to build up rapidly<br />

as you entered your industrial age and is mostly the result of pollution. The “hole” in it<br />

allows pollution to leave. So in removing it, some of your pollutants that rise upwards will<br />

drift away. We will also be removing pollutants.<br />

Now you are going to have some problems however with the removal of the ozone layer.<br />

The photon belt will then do its work that it is intended to do, cleanse the Earth. Its purpose<br />

is to remove those DNA patterns that are not in the best of interests. It makes all things<br />

new. Your animals for the most part will do well in it. Some will die, if they have DNA that is<br />

contaminated. Allow this, if it is your family pet beloveds. The animal’s spirit does not die,<br />

only the body. Those being reborn over time will have a better DNA pattern. Corruption to<br />

DNA occurs for many reasons, the most common of which is the virus that changes the<br />

RNA and DNA codes.<br />

The dark side enhanced this, making many viruses to cause difficulties and placing them<br />

within you with organisms spread mainly via your water and food animals. These are also<br />

spread via you and your activities. The population of the pla<strong>net</strong> is very out of balance, and<br />

the coming changes will restore balance.<br />

There will be many more people leaving the plane, as part of this. It would happen whether<br />

we were here or not. It is the natural cycle of life. All evolutionary pla<strong>net</strong>s circle within<br />

Photon belts beloved. The lower grades of pla<strong>net</strong>s are in it less frequently, and the<br />

cleansing more pronounced. Higher pla<strong>net</strong>s are in it more and more the closer to their<br />

central suns, and the cleansing less needed. In fact the pla<strong>net</strong>s around your central sun of<br />

Alcyone, are in it constantly, and thus are continuously renewed, rather than at intervals.<br />

The Earth changes will increase as the pla<strong>net</strong> warms. And it will. As the ice continues to<br />

melt off the lands under it, the oceans will rise. There will be much flooding from this<br />

especially along the coasts. You are already having this beloveds, for some time now.<br />

Weather will be more erratic. Life is going to change substantially.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 169

There are some that put out that we have moved past the need for changes, but that was<br />

never the case. Mankind was not capable of correcting the multiple errors of the DNA<br />

about the pla<strong>net</strong>; the knowledge is not there at this time. What has occurred is that your<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> is not going to experience a pole reversal and have most of life removed from the<br />

face of the earth in that manner.<br />

There will in general be no evacuation or rapture event. You have awakened enough to<br />

tend the pla<strong>net</strong> and progress with the changes upon it, and that is the desired outcome for<br />

my wondrous seed pla<strong>net</strong>. In these changes many of you have an opportunity for growth<br />

and learning beyond what you could learn anywhere else.<br />

We will lift some people here and there, dependent on the circumstances. Certain light<br />

workers may be lifted if these are of great value and have not had the ability to remove<br />

themselves to safety before events. I am not loosing my seed pla<strong>net</strong>, period, to a reversal<br />

or roll over of the pla<strong>net</strong>. I desire rather than reseed the pla<strong>net</strong> fully; to have you ones learn<br />

from the experience.<br />

During the stasis we will be removing a few life forms that are not in service to the pla<strong>net</strong><br />

and her evolution. This includes certain reptiles, and where we can some disease agents.<br />

Most of these you will not miss these, but some death of animal forms may be somewhat<br />

apparent. These are simply life forms that are not suitable for the soul progression on a<br />

seed pla<strong>net</strong> and not a major concern to you.<br />

During the stasis the members of Candace’s and Sananda’s teams will spend their time at<br />

the Himalayas, and shall not be sleeping, in order that they may receive a very updated<br />

education and be about the team planning that is necessary for the goals of the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

Those of you, who live near certain coastal areas and wish to stay with the pla<strong>net</strong>, find<br />

ways to get thyselves back from the coasts. In a number of months down the road,<br />

estimated around 6 months there is going to be correction in the axis of the pla<strong>net</strong>. Now I<br />

need to explain this a bit. Over the last years since 1988, you have been experiencing a<br />

gradual change in the tilt of the pla<strong>net</strong>, but it has remained on its axis through the physical<br />

north and south poles.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 170

The axis is going to change, and this is behind the work of ours and that of Soltec in<br />

suggesting with Candace that Los Angeles will experience falling into the sea. When this<br />

correction occurs, it will cause a great deal of Earth change. The Axis will re locate about 5<br />

degrees. This is again, an event of nature and not of the sky gods trying to cause trouble!!!!<br />

This axis change will cause a good deal of trouble, particularly around the Pacific Ring of<br />

fire. There will be other quakes and eruptions around the world, but the major effect will be<br />

the Pacific Rim. MOVE people. Get another job if need be, sell the house if you own one,<br />

but move away from the coasts, there will be massive tidal waves.<br />

You are heading into, particularly the United States, problems with food production. I<br />

suggest stocking up of seeds and grains which keep and having them on hand. When the<br />

correction in the axis occurs, shipping will be hugely disrupted. It is time for all of you who<br />

read these messages to do some serious planning. You also have imminent quakes<br />

coming which will seal off some of the oil wells and reduce the availability in hydrocarbon<br />

energy. Your brothers in the sky, who are working on the ground almost two years now,<br />

are doing the Father’s business and getting new ways set into place. This has been difficult<br />

in the United States, and you will be awaiting some technology here for this reason.<br />

Russia and Europe are getting into the distribution of the simple mag<strong>net</strong>ic motors that<br />

make electricity. You will have some alternatives, which have been given to make your<br />

current automobiles run in alternate methods. Some of this is in the works in the aware<br />

underground in the united States, but not in manufacture there because there has been no<br />

funding allowed. You will be riding your bikes more and co-opting your transportation to<br />

work until you have alternatives to purchase and remake your cars. I suggest you begin<br />

sharing of autos a good deal more right now<br />

With the coastal changes to occur on the Pacific Rim, you will have fewer goods for some<br />

time. You will have less food grown in California. You have challenges to be met,<br />

beloveds. Stock up on the basics. If you have whole grains and dried beans, and some<br />

dried greens of sorts available in your vitamin stores, you will be quite fine. You will have<br />

food still, but it will take longer to come as your companies, which distribute food, make<br />

necessary changes.<br />

During the two weeks we are giving much education on the matters of energy and coming<br />

changes. You will not be left unaware. But your major institutions that hold the power, the<br />

large corporations are going to have to change their ways and begin to provide in a<br />

different manner. Begin now to think how you might make life a bit easier on yourself and<br />

your circles during this time. Your example and leadership will be most important to those<br />

around you.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 171

The Earth is going to rock and roll beloveds, and this can no longer be prevented. The<br />

solution is to grow and learn and do, exercise of thy minds. I suggest also the reading of<br />

my Phoenix Journals, which are not being read by many of you. The access to the two<br />

sites where they are placed them are not in high numbers, nor are the requests of the<br />

books in printed form increasing very much. Please go about using these, my WORD that<br />

was promised to you, and increase your education.<br />

Please encourage, after the announcements, or during, that friends look at Journal #3 for<br />

an introduction to the fact that God is again with you on the pla<strong>net</strong>. And teach also that you<br />

ones are of God to your circles, and that God is not in the sky. I AM, but then again, I AM<br />

also in all things! And it is the ME that is in all things, and yourselves that is more important<br />

than the ME, the body I use called Hatonn, in your skies.<br />

For it is through YOU, whom I work, not from the sky in the ship called the Phoenix. I AM<br />

THAT I AM, and who might you be Namaste, Aton, Christ Michael, God, by whatever<br />

name.<br />

Candace: Hi all, the websites to view the Phoenix Journals are www.phoenixarchives.com<br />

and www.phoenixsourcedistributors. If you wish to purchase copies that are in print, you<br />

can call Phoenix source Distributors in the USA at 1-800-800-5565. There are 83 of the<br />

Journals available there for $6 each plus shipping. They are out of the banned Journals<br />

and these are available at 1-800-294-5250, which is Phoenix Source Canada. They have a<br />

website also, but I have not visited it. www.phoenixsourcecanada.com They have a full<br />

catalogue and have nearly all of the Journals that made it to print, but all is more costly<br />

there.<br />

There were a number of taped radio interviews with Dharma as “channel” and other tapes,<br />

which the Canada organization also has. They also have the banned journals on<br />

audiotape.<br />

To those totally new to the concept of the Phoenix Journals, these were given to pla<strong>net</strong><br />

starting in 1987. Over 200 Journals of knowledge were given through Dharma, from the<br />

Phoenix, by radio signal. These included great teaching and had regular political updates,<br />

and you would not believe the politics on pla<strong>net</strong> Earth.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 172

God promised long ago the Earth would have the WORD during the “end times” and these<br />

are the WORD. Most of the Journals are by Hatonn, with portions by Sananda Immanuel,<br />

St. Germain and others. Some of the Journals were banned, and about 100 never got<br />

published. There was great resistance to these. Hatonn, as you will discover from the<br />

works I have done, is Christ Michael, the Creator Son (God) of our particular universe, who<br />

visited jointly as Jesus with Sananda Immanuel about 2000 years ago. He has returned, in<br />

fact both of them did in 1954. Sananda Immanuel is the one who shall lead this Earth into<br />

her glory.<br />

Beloveds, those of you coming now for the first time to my website<br />

www.abundanthope.<strong>net</strong>, The Way, is not through any man or through any physical<br />

organization. The Way is through yourself. It is the search you make for higher knowledge,<br />

used in God-ness. Many will be unhappy, or are unhappy to be reading this, but it is the<br />

truth. You are a fragment of God’s thinking, a part of his mind, and you are on Earth to<br />

learn the use of that mind. The Holy Spirit, for Christians reading this, is but learning to the<br />

use the mind in holy ways. Christ said, you too shall do these things, and so you shall,<br />

once you begin to use your mind correctly.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 173

Concerning the V.K. Durham Story<br />

Christ Michael through Candace Frieze<br />

# 67 April 1, 2007<br />

Hello Beloveds. I am come to correct a few things around NESARA, and Patrick<br />

Bellringer’s announcement on www.fourwinds10.com yesterday. Most of that information<br />

put forth was damaging to our cause, because it was information intended for the dark side<br />

version of the prosperity funds and “NESARA.”<br />

The IMF, the International Mo<strong>net</strong>ary Fund people, who are part of the New World Order,<br />

have their own version of prosperity for themselves, once they are out of power. This<br />

includes the stealing of the real funds in various ways for their private use. They still hope<br />

they aren’t leaving power, but indeed they know they are, thus the dismantling of the IRS<br />

and Federal Reserve that has occurred. Their “private” use includes keeping the money<br />

out of the light workers hands, and in their own; to attempt to build themselves back up.<br />

Regards the IRS material circulating, indeed it is correct that a legal means has finally<br />

been successful. There are several cases in progress and the estopple is the first public<br />

case to be successful.<br />

Now regards VK Durham. I am saying this to you Patrick, because what you put out, has<br />

but encouraged a few in the light to support the dark. And you have caused much<br />

confusion to all, who do not know the full story. They will and have been running to V.K.<br />

Durham’s site, plus following that which goes on at Rumor Mill News and learning that<br />

Hatonn has a Nevada Corporation that is working with the dark side Bush and Clinton<br />

folks. I do not.<br />

It is time to announce that the Bush’s and Clintons and their ilk took over the operation that<br />

I moved to the Philippines. They cloned EJ and Dharma, and I took my beloved ones home<br />

some time ago, allowing the clones and this operation of the dark to remain in place,<br />

because this allowed lets say, an easy way to observe them in action.<br />

This is why Valerie Durham trashes the Philippine operation on her website:<br />

www.theantechamber.<strong>net</strong> . She knows what happened. Now she is important to our cause,<br />

she does have access to a great deal of money. I will allow anyone interested to explore<br />

her comments on her website. Her funds were “stolen” by the Bush family. That part of her<br />

story is true.<br />

However, she is not the one and only game player and she is so uppity that she has little<br />

discernment about with whom she works. She is sitting with the right idea of serving, but<br />

screws us up with her poor decisions.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 174

Yes, she ran to the Rothschild’s, as per Patrick’s post. Yes, they bought CNN. And yes,<br />

she just created a temporary mess, and Patrick has chosen to put material up he should<br />

have well enough let alone. (This transaction was followed by the new software in place.)<br />

Patrick, this is for you. It is not NESARA anymore my friend. It is GESARA. It’s not a law<br />

anymore. It a plan of action for the entirety of the globe. It is part of the Second Coming<br />

process. I chose to take it global, which is why we have had the delays. Or what is seen as<br />

delays. Candace, as my “secretary” has covered what I saw fit to supply, and I have used<br />

Jess to back it up.<br />

It matters not that Valerie and the Rothschild’s purchased CNN. But it does create a small<br />

delay, as we have to prevent the dark side from announcing the false NESARA on national<br />

television. As I have repeatedly told now, we are taking over the cable channels, and<br />

having an announcement and educational period of at least two weeks.<br />

Valerie, this is for you. You have wasted your money going ahead outside of my command.<br />

You have interfered in the process, which I designed. You have not fully understood what<br />

is going on in the Philippines. The Bushes do pretend to be me, through the clones of EJ<br />

and formerly Dharma. Clone Dharma passed this plane a year ago now.<br />

I am God, beloved Valerie, get that please. I do not work with the Philippines operation and<br />

haven’t since prior to 2000. I choose not to give the exact date now. I am Hatonn, which is<br />

the name of my experiencing body, as I said I would return in body to this pla<strong>net</strong> and so it<br />

is. I am also Aton, or Christ Michael. I am the ruler of this Universe in which Earth resides. I<br />

am taking this seed pla<strong>net</strong> of my creation into the higher realms of being. GESARA is part<br />

of that program to set it up.<br />

You erred greatly in becoming impatient and running to the Rothschild’s. It matters not as I<br />

said above that CNN has new ownership. We will take over the broadcasting satellites with<br />

ease and go into the announcement process on my dime. SO BE IT.<br />

To everyone who is reading this, understand that one of the reason’s for our “delays” is<br />

that some in their haste to see it all done, make mistakes that set it back. Many of you<br />

“participating” do not know the difference between the light plans and the dark plans. This<br />

goes also to “poof”, Patrick Bellringer, Casper the Ghost (and I know who Casper is,<br />

Milson).<br />

You in your impatience keep putting out that which helps the dark side. It is not necessary<br />

to have any packets of funds delivered in order to have announcement. In fact those<br />

“packets” are intended as stealing by the dark. That is why the dark receivers have to go<br />

“off shore” to get them. That is what is behind the “debit cards”.<br />

The receivers of Germain’s International Trusts will not be having to go offshore to access<br />

stolen funds. These ones, many of whom did participate in Omega and other “prosperity”<br />

programs, in honesty of assisting the pla<strong>net</strong> will get a handsome return on your<br />

investments. It is because you are trusted. You will be getting instructions when you are<br />

presented with your papers by private courier, about how these funds must be disbursed<br />

and used by yourself.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 175

There will be many receiving of funding that never invested a dime in the prosperity funds.<br />

These are our chosen ones who need private funding for projects. In fact, these ones,<br />

many will not have to distribute according to the rules others will need to follow.<br />

GESARA is worldwide. There will be receivers in all countries, who have been determined<br />

to be responsible. Public debts will be forgiven world wide, but not all on the same time<br />

schedule, and this is because the world is not on the same time schedule. I have in excess<br />

of 25,000 star people, as I have said repeatedly for 2 years now, on the ground, who have<br />

gone about the world and taken care of the work of the Father. I am that Father.<br />

We are almost there. The darks funds are and have been and will be returned, for the<br />

prosperity funding via the international trusts about the world were set in place, legally by<br />

Germain for that purpose. There are still some dictators in place and these must be<br />

removed before some funds can be put into place.<br />

To reiterate, last December, of 2006, 106 central banks signed an accord. On January 1 st ,<br />

software went into place that fully traces every dime on the pla<strong>net</strong> that the dark side moves<br />

around. We have the evidence, fully from this.<br />

Valerie, you have done us harm, in what you have said about Leo Wanta. He was a lighted<br />

one all along. Yes, he did have contact with those in high places in the dark. That did not<br />

make him dark. He has come forth in these days with the fruits of his labors, and I honor<br />

this great man, for a mission successfully accomplished.<br />

Patrick, you are hereby estoppled by myself, though I doubt you will listen, from putting out<br />

any more of these updates. And “poof”, regards your talk of the IMF funds; that is all dark<br />

side. I leave you to read the rest of the above message. I don’t know who gave Patrick the<br />

information he posted yesterday, but those who did need to also estopple themselves.<br />

Please those on this team, get out of the way. Valerie, I now have to handle a bunch of<br />

troublemakers coming from Europe. I have handled them, would be a better way to state<br />

that. Bush and Cheney are clones. Get that everyone. They serve only in that manner. We<br />

have the originals, now for approximately 1 ½ years. The clones will simply be moved out<br />

of the way.<br />

You all will see the resignation of the real Bush, given by the real Bush. Cheney has still<br />

not come to any cooperation, and you will see his removal. In actuality, since the President<br />

chooses the Vice President, unconstitutionally my friends, the President may fire the Vice<br />

President. In this case, neither was elected lawfully, so it doesn’t matter a hell of beans, as<br />

you all say.<br />

The dark side plan was to assassinate the clones in office, and insert Nancy Pelosi into the<br />

“Presidency.” Now some of you think, with the resignation of Bush and the removal of<br />

Cheney by whatever means, would place Nancy into office. Since they were not legally<br />

elected either time, Nancy does not follow in their footsteps.<br />

Any of you who have put out that story that Nancy will be placed into the Presidency, have<br />

gotten your ideas from the wrong side of this game being played. Those of you out there,<br />

who do not know which side is which, now you do know. The light side, is MY side.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 176

There are those who will say this is an invasion of the star visitors. No it is not, for the work<br />

to remove this regime, and get the banking accords accomplished are all citizens of your<br />

place. Those 25,000 on the ground gave of knowledge and support, that is all.<br />

This is the Second Coming of Myself, and your Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince, Sananda Immanuel Esu<br />

Kumara. We have come to prevent the pla<strong>net</strong> from being destroyed by the idiots who have<br />

ruled of it and never managed to grow up. It is my seed pla<strong>net</strong>. And no Patrick, I did not<br />

build all of Nebadon from Shan. The solar system of which you reside came into being long<br />

after I rode into Salvington. I have two seed pla<strong>net</strong>s of great importance, and some of<br />

lesser importance in my Universe. A seed pla<strong>net</strong> is for the purpose of developing new<br />

souls. No more and no less. These new souls develop from the long evolutionary period.<br />

Shan is special, for new and different life forms developed on her. I allowed<br />

experimentation outside the “norm.” The dinosaurs happened from that and did not serve<br />

in time the goals, and so they left. Life forms developed on the seed pla<strong>net</strong> are removed to<br />

populate other pla<strong>net</strong>s.<br />

My precious seed pla<strong>net</strong> was desired always by the dark. It was “captured” and I allowed<br />

those who captured, and those of the fallen angels to experience on this pla<strong>net</strong>, making it<br />

into a penal colony. Many dark souls have been removed to this pla<strong>net</strong> to grow up. Many<br />

did, by the way.<br />

This is now a pla<strong>net</strong> in 2 dimensions, 3d and 4d. Actually vibrationally it is 4d, but many are<br />

still less than 4d that inhabit the pla<strong>net</strong>. It is my “star crew” and those that have grown up<br />

that have raised the vibrations into 4d.<br />

Patrick, please get thee to be reading also the Urantia Book, and come into support of the<br />

Magisterial Mission. Monjoronson would love to make your acquaintance. He is the chief<br />

judge upon this place. You must stop your stuff and grow up too. Candace is my chosen<br />

assistant, and in that, it is because she offered up a mighty service. Milson, Candace did<br />

not steal your plan, get over that one. She never heard of you until such time as you<br />

contacted her. I have been in contact with her for years before she became public.<br />

Jess, Lauren, and beloved Helen of Sananda, serve us well. Milson, you have desired to<br />

serve the light, but your actions don’t suggest this. You are always interfering with the<br />

ideas of Helen. This you know. By putting private information out to others of the dark side<br />

prosperity funds, you enable the IMF ideas.<br />

All of you in the way, I am going to put this simply, GET OUT OF THE WAY. No more and<br />

no less. Come into understanding of the difference between the dark side plans, and that<br />

of the light, and come into service.<br />

I will order the announcement activities when I am prepared to do so, and not one moment<br />

earlier. The plan will be as perfect as it is possible to have. Sadly the dark have as per<br />

usual been working to make this seem an invasion and to cause the rejection by most of<br />

the churches upon this plane. I am saddened, but we will do our best during<br />

announcement to provide a proper and truthful education about both the matters of this<br />

plane, and the matters of God and who has come to visit from other places and other<br />

realms.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 177

God always shows up when a pla<strong>net</strong> is about ready to self-destruct. God brings education<br />

to enable the peoples to prevent the self-destruction. Usually self-destruction is allowed, so<br />

that all “learn” belatedly. Some never do. The evidence of that is the asteroid belt, and an<br />

almost barren Mars. And we raptured these ones onto Earth to continue, and still most did<br />

not learn. Many will face uncreation for this, because there have been more than enough<br />

chances to learn the ways of God. SO BE IT. Others will face that empty of God prison<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>, called the void pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

No, it is not a pla<strong>net</strong> full of giant dinosaurs. God is not upon the place at all. It is void of<br />

God. And those that get sent there usually stay a very long time. There is no time on the<br />

void pla<strong>net</strong>. It is much like the astral realm of the parallel earth, in which some have been<br />

there for 25,000 years or more. They don’t eat, they don’t die, unless the body is killed.<br />

And even the dead body does not return to the dust. These ones don’t reproduce. They<br />

are kept there for eons. If they begin to grow up, and the loneliness is so great that they<br />

usually do, they are given a second chance and lifted off. But at times they are there many<br />

thousands of years before they begin to grow.<br />

Truly “hell” isn’t it No guides, no guardian angels. Only a few listeners who await an<br />

awakening of those that will awaken. No plants or animals, there is not reproduction on this<br />






The “new pla<strong>net</strong>” often discussed is for those with still some goodness in them, and for the<br />

younger souls who are not yet educated enough to live on a 5d world. I think I have<br />

“ranted” enough for a while now, its time to get back to the work of fixing the errors of those<br />

who took the wrong action of impatience. Namaste, I AM Hatonn, Aton, Christ Michael,<br />

God (Creator Son) of Nebadon, By whatever other names I am known in the various<br />

languages of the Earth plane. That would include Allah.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 178

Monjoronson On the Axis Change<br />

By Monjoronson & Candace<br />

# 68 April 5, 2007<br />

Hello everyone, Monjoronson contacted me for a piece. He has asked me to start by<br />

posting these links and info:<br />

From www.Phoenixsourcedistributors.com<br />

Welcome to the official source for the Phoenix Journals and CONTACT newspaper (and<br />

predecessors) on the Inter<strong>net</strong>, documenting the birth of the Phoenix. This record did NOT<br />

suddenly come to an end in 1999 as the MISLEADERS and PRETENDERS would have<br />

you believe--but rather, is vital and ongoing as demonstrated in the pages of CONTACT<br />

newspaper up until the present date. STAY “TUNED” FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS<br />


From http://www.globalallianceassn.com/html/warning.html<br />

Global Alliance Investment Association is in no way associated with the following entities<br />

or concepts, each and every one of which has impeded our progress in developing the<br />

Global Alliance. (And yes, “VK Durham” deserves special coverage.)<br />


The Hall of Shame includes (but is not limited to):<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

VK Durham, NESRA, Omega Program, Farm Land Claims<br />

Candace Frieze, NESARA, Abundant Hope, “Monjoronson”<br />

Patrick Bellringer (Emil Mulhausen family), Fourwinds, NESARA<br />

Rayelan Russbacher, Rumor Mill News, Barbara Hartwell, Patriotlad<br />

Dove of Oneness, Shaini Goodwin, NESARA, prosperity programs<br />

Spectrum news, Phoenix Archives, Wisdom Books & Press, Ed Young<br />

Karl W.B. Schwarz, CEO, Patmos Nanotechnologies, Yellow Journalist<br />

Hafizullah/Haffizullah/Hafiz Syed, who is NOT a GAIA agent or representative<br />

Tiburcio Marcos, who pretends to be a son of Ferdinand Marcos<br />

Professor Afrikadzata Deku, Afrikalion<br />

Joseph Eugene Kennedy<br />

Rollover, HIYIP and trading programs<br />

Everyone who has put a scam or con idea in front of us<br />

Everyone who has knowingly lied about us<br />

Everyone who has tried to impede our progress<br />

Everyone who has opposed the Divine Plan<br />

Whomever “VK Durham” (probably not her real name) serves--and it could only be herself<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 179

ut it certainly is NOT “the people”--she has served to distract and divert many people from<br />

the truth regarding the underlying asset: Bonus 3392-181.<br />

Candace: OK, why the above. Some of you didn’t understand comments made in my<br />

recent work with Christ Michael. The first link is to the website of those who hijacked the<br />

Phoenix Journal project. The comments below the link are from their front page. They<br />

have created GAIA, the Global Alliance Investment Association which is not of the light and<br />

is run by the Bush’s and Clintons. For those that didn’t recognize the names Dharma, and<br />

EJ, these are the ones who worked diligently with Hatonn, and the rest in the Phoenix<br />

Journal project. Dharma was Hatonn’s (Christ Michael’s) scribe, and EJ her husband and<br />

who did much of the rest of the work associated with the writing of the Journals.<br />

The Second Link is related to the GAIA website, which branches from the Phoenix Source<br />

distributors site. Indeed the real project stopped, and material posted that came into being<br />

after 1999, is not the real stuff, nor is the current Contact Magazine the real deal. At some<br />

point after that, a new paper was created called the Spectrum, and nothing new has been<br />

printed at the Spectrum website since summer of 2004. Apparently they suffered much<br />

abuse also.<br />

Notice I am on their Hall of Shame, which I expected to be and am delighted to be there.<br />

Says a lot for me. I don’t know the issues with some on the list. The blue members of the<br />

list, those are website links, and so I thank them for including a link to my website. What<br />

surprised and delighted me even more, was the inclusion of Monjoronson with me!!!!! I<br />

about rolled over laughing. Obviously they aren’t in love with anyone associated with<br />

NESARA (now GESARA), and the prosperity program idea. And I see Karl Schwarz got<br />

their goat too. What fun! Feel free to explore all of these folks. Don’t write me a personal<br />

letter asking who they are. Do you own research. So now, I go to Monjoronson.<br />

Monjoronson: Hello beloveds, the only real reason for the above material I had Candace<br />

post, is the reference to me. And it is funny. These folks that took over the Phoenix Journal<br />

project are none to nice. That they label me as associated with Candace is very telling. For<br />

they have conceded, that I must exist and am a threat to them; and indeed I am! And with<br />

joy, I might add. This organization insists as above that all those in that long list have<br />

prevented them from attaining their goals, which is world dominion, and these are the<br />

greatest of pretenders. Upsurping the Michael’s project and trying to pass it off as still<br />

being the Michaels project. For shame, and these shall have their day in MY court and it<br />

shan’t be pretty.<br />

I am now fully manifest, having brought the level of my vibrations of my form down to 5d.<br />

Some of you will be perfectly capable of visualizing me. Since the Earth is getting more<br />

towards 5d and this project may hasten that, I find that this is sufficient of my vibrations. I<br />

could go lower, but that then “entraps” me to a greater degree to your plane.<br />

My courts upon the pla<strong>net</strong> are in the process of opening. I am talking a physical court<br />

system. It is not prudent at this time to announce the actual location, but it is in an<br />

underground area. Many of my team are in various stages of materialization, many having<br />

completed the job. Mine own materialization has taken nearly two years of your time. The<br />

down stepping must be gradual and I carry the highest of vibrations other than the Creator<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 180

Sons. Remember that I am from the Central Universe of Havona, and am an Avonal Son,<br />

having my parentage in the Eternal Son and Infinite Spirit.<br />

The Magisterial Mission has begun to be in full swing. Some of it is done already, in that<br />

the judging of the descending Sons of this realm is mostly complete. And most passed<br />

very well. Some did not. These ones are in general demoted and often given over to<br />

experiencing error by the method of reincarnation, during which they come to understand<br />

their errors in judgment.<br />

And thus so will many face similarly, in the group of Ascending Sons upon the pla<strong>net</strong> that<br />

have upsurped the hierarchy of the light. We have discussed before the basic options. I<br />

shall repeat them here, in terms of sentencing for sin. Sin is not simple error; it is the willful<br />

committing of “error” once one knows the difference. God holds you not responsible from<br />

error created because of your lack of knowledge, but once you know, and do something<br />

atrocious, then God does hold you responsible.<br />

Many will go to the new pla<strong>net</strong> prepared, we have discussed before. Hopefully they will be<br />

somewhat better administrators there. These ones may still go in body, as we have<br />

discussed. They are ones, who have not quite graduated the earth, but there is hope and<br />

they have great knowledge. In their losing of the ability to ascend with this pla<strong>net</strong>, may they<br />

learn from their mistakes. This is rehabilitation.<br />

Others, as we have mentioned are pretty dreadful, and as a severe punishment will face<br />

the void, a place of almost nothing. Including no death to escape it. No children either, or<br />

other loved ones. These ones don’t love anyway; it matters not. There they stay to ponder,<br />

and ponder, and will, ponder some more. They must “get along” in this place. There is<br />

nothing else to do. When they tire of this desolate place and want to try again, they get<br />

exactly one chance. Failure in this one proffered rehabilitation results in uncreation.<br />

And actually that is the good news, because after a long time in this sort of desolation,<br />

because there is nothing that grows of beauty there, only what they can create with mind,<br />

they rarely “blow it” again. This is not a place of reproduction. Any beauty on this place<br />

must be created with mind, and if anything created with mind is “negative” it “bites them in<br />

the butt” immediately. This place can actually produce some real creation of value, once<br />

they get tired of being “bit.” They learn control of the mind powers by instant reward or<br />

punishment. Here they learn the value of mind, and its capabilities.<br />

Uncreation is relatively rare, and it is always a choice of the one who makes the decision,<br />

except in the case of the one who has come back from the void. Most uncreation comes of<br />

the folks who chose to not fuse with their Thought Adjustors. Some do not wish the eternal<br />

journey, and sadly, earth produces many “new souls” who chose not to continue on,<br />

because of this place. That should change greatly in the future.<br />

On the Michael’s command, those removed from office will be approaching mine. This is at<br />

this time his decision of when these ones shall face me. And they will face me in a very<br />

real way. In body, in a real court, in front of me and my staff. To these low ones I will not be<br />

fully visible in all likelihood, but they will hear my voice, and be aware of my auric field,<br />

which will be blinding to them. I am quite “bright”.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 181

In this they have no choice. This is the judgment of the realm, and so be it. This is the final<br />

battle of good and evil as portrayed in your bible, and various other teachings. Earth<br />

Mother has been granted, in fact has earned and them some, her own ascension. It is<br />

always about ascension beloveds. Growing. Simply that. It is the opportunity of everyone<br />

that is in existence. The Descending Sons grow also.<br />

So many of Earth that believe they will go to heaven and sit at the right hand of the father,<br />

or more often at his feet, have so much to learn. For indeed, sitting at the right hand of the<br />

father is the big goal, but then again, there are goals beyond that. The sitting is rather brief;<br />

it represents your graduation of all the schools up through the Havona schools. You are a<br />

6 th stage spirit at that time, and are short of being a fully complete 7 th stage spirit, but that<br />

is coming shortly to many. But in obtaining the level of graduation of sitting at the right<br />

hand of the father, comes much work and learning, and is a very long journey.<br />

For soon, there is coming a class who will become the First Ascending Creator Sons. And<br />

your beloved Shekhmet will be one of these. Her assistance in this state of being will help<br />

greatly in the reconstructing of the evolutionary purpose of this pla<strong>net</strong>. She is as you have<br />

been told, a magnificent ge<strong>net</strong>icist, and she will lend those skills to the Michael, in the<br />

structuring of this seed pla<strong>net</strong>. It is difficult for you ones to understand this, and it can’t<br />

really be explained in the limited language of this realm, so I will pass on trying to do so.<br />

Now, I will assist through Candace giving you some more updating on coming changes.<br />

You are now most seriously into the actual “heavy duty” physical changes coming to the<br />

orb. You, if you follow the news on the Inter<strong>net</strong>, should be observing a substantial increase<br />

in large quakes. You will begin to have quakes of your label, 6.0 and above at least once a<br />

week and often more.<br />

The tornados and other windstorms shall increase. Some of this is the releasing of anger<br />

by the pla<strong>net</strong>. Other is resultant of the heating that is occurring from being in the refreshing<br />

solar changes of the photon belt through your sun. As you move higher into preparing for<br />

ascension, you will become more and more a warm pla<strong>net</strong>, not hot, warm, for the budding<br />

of the new life to be implanted upon this seed pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

As you move closer to monopolarity, in which the pla<strong>net</strong> shall no longer tilt away from the<br />

sun, you will no longer face glacial ice ages. All the polar caps will fully melt in the coming<br />

years. The tilt of a pla<strong>net</strong> always means that there is still negativity upon it. And negativity<br />

is coldness. The polar ice caps announce always, in an inhabited pla<strong>net</strong>, that all is not well.<br />

Your earth, due to the high negativity upon it, had quite a tilt. This is lessened now, and<br />

thus your winters and summers are less intense, in general. One day, you shall not have<br />

seasons, as you know them now.<br />

Your “ice ages” in the past have always come from the negativity and are part of the<br />

cleansing of a pla<strong>net</strong>. But in this coming cleansing, because of the granting of GAIA’s<br />

ascension, there will be no more glacial periods, but rather a constant restoral.<br />

In 6 to 12 months, you are going to experience a change in your axis. We prefer at this<br />

time, to not announce what will cause this. It is NOT the passing of a comet nor is it an<br />

asteroid that would hit you. It is a natural event, associated with your ascension. This<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 182

change is NOT a pole reversal. It is not a change in your tilt, per se but may affect it to<br />

some degree.<br />

Your axis runs through your current physical north and south poles. You are going to have<br />

new north and south poles. The change should be about 5 degrees. This, as you can<br />

imagine will not be a quiet event. It will greatly enhance the physical earth changes. The<br />

Ring of Fire will be very upset over this. That whole area is a place where the crust is<br />

thinner in general. It is going to be affected. There will be other changes also, other<br />

quakes, but the huge amount of change will be in that area.<br />

Now I want exactly none of you reading this going about and stating this is God’s wrath, or<br />

that we are the folks of the “one world order.” We are not. There will be significant lose of<br />

population from this, and how many survive it is up to those who wish to survive it. As a<br />

wild guess, about 10% of earths peoples will leave this plane during this. Since you are<br />

close to 7 Billion, I will let you do the math. How many will chose to get out of the way<br />

That has much to do with how many will survive.<br />

You do not have long upon this place for planning but I suggest you get at it now. This will<br />

be made public, just as soon as the Michael finds situations comfortable and in place for<br />

the announcement activities that have been thoroughly covered.<br />

Please understand this is why the planning must be done carefully. Because of the chaos,<br />

you must have some reasonably responsible people in office. You must have a stable<br />

money system, since you have not learned to function without money. You must begin to<br />

put aside some extra food and other supplies for your survival. This is going to knock out<br />

some utilities, and a lot of your ports and airline runways.<br />

We are going to lift some people. Many can’t be lifted; their bodies do not survive in the<br />

beams of the shuttlecraft. You have been told through various sources that the vibrations<br />

are being raised on most on the pla<strong>net</strong> right now, because some of you do need to survive,<br />

you are our right hands. You are you own right hands. If you believe you are to stay on the<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> and you live in areas that will be hazardous for God’s sake, move. You don’t know if<br />

you are one of the ones that can be lifted. You should not depend on that. But one of the<br />

reason many of you are experiencing ascension changes to a heavy degree right now, are<br />

to enable you to be beamed to safety if it should become necessary.<br />

Ones that are successfully lifted will most likely be placed in the underground areas that<br />

your governments have built. This is not the same as being raptured into inner earth. In<br />

some countries these areas have been built for survival of the people, in others, like the<br />

USA they were built for the government, the people be damned.<br />

You will have the interesting situation of people’s reaction once this becomes public news.<br />

Many will flee to inner lands. The folks on the interiors will need to open homes and arms<br />

to them. Many will not move. It is their choice. We truly have no idea the reaction people<br />

will have and how all of you will come to cope with it. These are the coming days in which<br />

you will stand with God and use your God sense, or not. I suggest getting all harvest into<br />

storage from the lands that will be affected.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 183

California will most likely rock and roll a great deal long before this event. Los Angeles will<br />

go down during this event. So will other places. The Tsunami’s from around the Pacific<br />

Rim will be huge. This may well be the start also of the Lemurian lands beginning to come<br />

up. They won’t appear over night, but this will definitely have some affect in the Pacific.<br />

Since we will be in “control” of certain happenings, we are allowed to help cleanse the<br />

atmosphere of any radioactivity released, and also should any volcanoes erupt, cleanse<br />

the pollution generated from them. You will be given more public information on all of this,<br />

to assist your planning over the coming months.<br />

Your prophesied pole reversal shall not happen. The pla<strong>net</strong> has come a long way, not as<br />

much as desired, but a long way nevertheless. You remain responsible for solving the<br />

many problems to come. We assist as we are allowed. You must ask for assistance and<br />

bargain with us for it otherwise. You will be given technology you are able to manage and<br />

be responsible for, but you must enable its production.<br />

This coming Catastrophe is what I was speaking of, in the work with the Urantia Teaching<br />

Mission students. Candace “bugged” me a lot for this information, sensing full well there<br />

was something more than a few quakes coming. We do not release full information before<br />

its time. And I will not yet release the event that will trigger this axis change yet. The dark<br />

side has too much fun with these and other’s messages, and drive away ones who might<br />

assist before they can. Candace has painfully witnessed that.<br />

This event will increase the photon energy coming into the pla<strong>net</strong>. More light, in other<br />

words will be coming unto you. These photons add to the cleansing effect of the “photon<br />

belt.” This event, in addition to the physical traumas, will set into place additional<br />

cleansing. Many will perish over the next few years. This again, is not an act of a punishing<br />

God, but rather it is “nature.” It is what it is, part of the cycles of solar systems and their<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>s.<br />

Your whole solar system is changing before your eyes. You have to be blind to not notice<br />

the brighter moon, and the brightness of the other pla<strong>net</strong>s when they are visible. Venus is<br />

very bright, and I have been informed that some of you thought it was a star ship.<br />

Apparently your media is beginning to suggest that Mars is becoming warmer also. Your<br />

entire solar system is ascending, for it has been earned, and not just the pla<strong>net</strong> earth<br />

moving upwards.<br />

We are not evacuating the pla<strong>net</strong>. I guess that story is still going around. You are going to<br />

stay and rebuild it now, not 3000 years from now. It is your training ground for your future<br />

jobs. You will learn much in the doing. How better to learn what this process is, than on the<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>!!<br />

It was never the intention to allow this pla<strong>net</strong> to be lost. But there was some risk. And the<br />

stories of destruction that could happen, if a pole reversal were to occur was necessary to<br />

tell, for it was possible to happen, if the pla<strong>net</strong>ary peoples made no growth in their<br />

capabilities.<br />

This has been most difficult project because of the dark side not standing down. Long ago,<br />

early in this century and at other times they changed the DNA insidiously producing a<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 184

people who are mostly physical automatons. This is being reversed as we have told. But<br />

you remain a horrendously overpopulated pla<strong>net</strong>, because the dark that did this, were poor<br />

managers of their decisions.<br />

There were some on the Inter<strong>net</strong> that claimed we were getting rid of the “useless eaters.”<br />

Again, this is not what we do. Nature does that. It matters not, if one is called a “useless”<br />

eater, ones exist. And have over produced themselves, and balance will be restored by<br />

nature.<br />

The population will reduce naturally from the effects of the increased photons, both from<br />

the coming removal of the ozone layer, and this other event. These ones simply can’t<br />

survive physically in this intense light. They will leave this plane, and it matters not about<br />

the enlightenment of the soul. If the physical body cannot sustain itself in this increase of<br />

photons, it will perish. Any physical systems upon the pla<strong>net</strong> that can’t sustain themselves<br />

will perish. This includes damaged plants and animals for whatever the reason. Because<br />

this pla<strong>net</strong> lacks a firmament of moisture around it, it is subject to increased DNA damage<br />

from the solar rays. And the photon belt itself, is “increased solar rays.” That DNA, of any<br />

living thing that has been damaged, or other wise can’t survive in the increased light, will<br />

be leaving the pla<strong>net</strong>. For that is the ultimate purpose of the “photon” belts about creation.<br />

All are subject to them.<br />

New DNA will be built. The firmament will be restored. Life will renew, both on its own, and<br />

with the assistance of the special team headed by Shekhmet. And by you. You will be<br />

planting like crazy, amongst your duties. You will often be given new seeds that will grow in<br />

the renewed earth and provide the food and shelter of the new age. Planting will also<br />

increase your level of oxygen, because plants consume carbon dioxide and put oxygen<br />

back into the air.<br />

You are NOT returning to cave man hood beloveds. This axis change will not do that to<br />

you. It is estimated at only 5 degrees. But it will challenge you. For chaos always does.<br />

You will create the non-polluting vehicles you need, and the non-polluting energies you<br />

require. You will create everything new, and make it sustainable. You will create new ways<br />

to be that survive and serve you so much better.<br />

As you rebuild throughout the coming years, you will create strong family bonds. You will<br />

rid yourselves of the need to use drugs; you will be too busy and engaged to need them.<br />

Drug use comes to the lazy, and the depressed. When you are engaged in the work of<br />

God, you do not need drugs.<br />

Candace informs me she is watching something on TV as we work, about global warming<br />

and the threat to coastal cities. Yes it is so. I suggest you check about the Inter<strong>net</strong> for<br />

honest pictures of your pla<strong>net</strong> from above. You will discover that there are no longer any<br />

year round large ice flows around your North Pole. There is only temporary ice in the<br />

winter. It is very easy to travel by ship to the North Pole in the summer, with only minor ice<br />

issues.<br />

Greenland and other arctic lands shall be revealed in a matter of years, and the huge ice<br />

flows not on land around Antarctica are breaking away, forming huge ice bergs and<br />

changing the flows and temperatures of the southern oceans. It may be only 10 to 20 years<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 185

until the ice on Antarctica is gone. This raises the oceans substantially, and affects also the<br />

climate substantially. Some of that water will be returned to your firmament. But not all.<br />

Beloveds, it is time to awaken, you who read these messages and get thy rears into gear.<br />

You simply cannot remain in inaction awaiting your proof. You shall have the proof, but<br />

why not begin now the process of the creating necessary to whatever your circumstances<br />

are Otherwise your proof may come as a tidal wave inundates you. It is but your choice.<br />

I think this is enough for this time, and should provide “food” for thought. Namaste, I AM<br />

THAT I AM, Monjoronson, the Son from Paradise.<br />

Candace: For those that do not bother, I suggest forming the habit of checking the UGSG<br />

website. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/regional/neic/ . California/Nevada is currently having<br />

nearly 400 quakes a week. This is high. I have seen it that high a couple times briefly, but<br />

that was when Soltec was creating some of them to relieve pressure during the waiting.<br />

Alaska averages up to 100 a week. It has doubled this last week, at over 200 today. During<br />

this past week, there have been many 6.0 and bigger quakes. The Solomon Islands had<br />

the largest number of big aftershocks, many over 6.0, that I have noticed since I began to<br />

follow this site. The Solomon quakes caused every single reporting station on the globe to<br />

register activity. There was a quake today, near the Azores Islands, which is near Africa’s<br />

northwestern coast, and that one made many of the reporting sites, on this link show<br />

activity.<br />

http://aslwww.cr.usgs.gov/Seismic_Data/heli2.shtm<br />

We are coming into another period of solar activity this month. I think the next stream from<br />

sun activity reaches earth about the 8 th of April. On TV, I finally heard a report that the big<br />

quakes often occur during a full moon, and it was certainly so this month. The initial<br />

Solomon quake was about 8.1, followed in minutes by three 3 more over 6.0.<br />

The Northwest Coast of the USA and Canada will at some point experience another<br />

massive quake, or more than one, with the Cascadian subduction fault system. This one<br />

last went off big time with huge tsunami activity about 1700. I have been told that<br />

Discovery channel recently did a piece on this.<br />

We have covered that when Los Angeles goes into the sea that will generate huge<br />

tsunamis. Apparently the San Andreas doesn’t cause tsunamis because it is a slip joint<br />

type situation and is well inland. Subduction faults do displace enough water to cause a<br />

tsunami. If some of this is not totally correct, please don’t harass me, I am not a<br />

geophysicist, at least not in this incarnation anyway.<br />

I will finish the Soltec piece. I have been reticent on it for reasons I am not fully sure about,<br />

but at least one of them relates to how the material that Jess and I have put out, plus<br />

Monjoronson through the Teaching Mission since last summer, has been treated.<br />

Apparently some and perhaps many of the readers want NESARA and lots of money to<br />

spend, but they could not care less about the changes we must face. Many of the dark<br />

ones began to super attack this material as we all began to talk about what must come last<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 186

summer. Suit yourselves, those in that group, but consider that in trashing these works,<br />

you drive away those who might benefit and are not yet in knowledge. The bashing of<br />

these works has been more successful in driving people away that I anticipated. And in<br />

this, I sometimes think it better to not put them out, so that some of you can’t turn others<br />

from the possibility of seeing some light.<br />

Those that have fallen away out of the long wait for that money, so be it, that you choose<br />

this choice. It is but your own. Misspent monies will be a problem for a time, when they are<br />

released.<br />

I see argument today on Discerning Angels, against Jess’ and my recent work with Christ<br />

Michael. Some of you thought the “prosperity funds” come with no rules. The prosperity<br />

funds go to the ones who will be responsible for their distribution. The funds coming<br />

without rules, will be the rebate programs, the return of monies paid into false taxation and<br />

interest rates. In the negotiations on this with the banking community and those who<br />

foresee the problems that could result, these may be modified to some degree from what<br />

we had foreseen before. They may be released, in general later than the suggested year,<br />

and some maybe will get larger amounts earlier, that can put them to proper use.<br />

Yell and scream all you want, because if all you want is your wealth, you are about to<br />

discover with these changes, that wealth can’t go with you when you leave this plane and it<br />

does little for the satisfaction of life. We are a material pla<strong>net</strong>. I assume many of you have<br />

seen the yellow pages commercial on TV about the master who states you can find<br />

everything of your dreams in the yellow pages. Well, if that is true for anyone, then that<br />

anyone has a lot of learning ahead of them. For what makes the dreams that bring the<br />

greatest joy, are the dreams that come from service to God and creation. If it is truly pizza<br />

and flashy cars that will make you happy, I feel sorry for you.<br />

I would take any monies coming thy way, and invest them in your personal survival and the<br />

survival of others. I would invest them in the growth of a successful new world. I would<br />

invest them in the new technologies that will serve to sustain man kind in peace and<br />

without war and pestilence. You may blow off the monies, that is your choice and you shall<br />

witness the effects of your actions.<br />

Life is going to get really, real. The dark side out there that does trash these, often does by<br />

saying that the masters would not give such bad news, in such a tone of voice. Go read<br />

the Phoenix Journals. The masters tell it like it is. If you don’t like the kitchen, get out of the<br />

heat, I believe is a common expression. Get out of our way, period, if you do not wish to<br />

serve. In fact, those gooey new age pieces out there, should be an insult to your senses. I<br />

will not do lollipop material.<br />

I much appreciate those that have expressed a desire to serve. Some really wonderful<br />

forward thinkers have come forward. But so few of the readers choose to post a mission<br />

statement, about 200 all together, out of many thousands of readers.<br />

I found some disappointment in that. For I seek, in all of this to provide coordination to the<br />

many missions, that all get served as best as possible. Our websites will focus on the<br />

missions created and the ideas needing missions. In part we will be a “clearing house” to<br />

enable those coming into service to select that which needs doing.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 187

Life is your mission beloveds. To be lived in true satisfaction, you must live like the living<br />

means something. You must see your work, whatever it is, as a contribution to the society<br />

in which we live and function, that it has lasting value. Sadly, the dark have created the<br />

most obnoxious of jobs, and then created a money system that forces people to take these<br />

jobs, such as in animal slaughterhouses, so they have money to eat.<br />

One day people will not spend their time at the cash registers 40 hours a week either,<br />

because a society that does not run on money will not require them. Imagine going to the<br />

store and getting what you need, that was grown in love, and created carefully. Imagine<br />

being able to have clothing that was not constructed in a sweat shop. Time will come,<br />

when folks return to the art of tailoring and construction of custom clothing, for example. In<br />

that will be pride of the one that created the garment, and in the one who wears it and<br />

shows the world the artistry of the tailor/ or seamstress. Garments will often be made in<br />

small shops, owned and created by those who actually construct the clothing, or other<br />

items for that matter. Communities will support themselves again. Just a small peak into a<br />

better way to live.<br />

We will create a world that does not use money. We will create a world in which all work is<br />

valuable. We will create a world in which every human feels their life has value, for it will<br />

have value. Living without value and creative ability is what causes the emptiness that<br />

leads to the destruction of society by drugs, crime, stupid entertainment, and all the other<br />

ills.<br />

The fallen angels and other fallen ones who were sentenced for learning and rehabilitation<br />

to this pla<strong>net</strong> have failed to build a worthwhile society. Look around you, study what you<br />

have learned of Earth’s history in the last 2000 years where there is a reasonable record of<br />

some of that history. Many will ascend out of this place, but many will otherwise be going<br />

on to other 3d schools. How sad.<br />

This is Easter weekend. Do as Christ Michael suggested in Jess’ piece, remember the<br />

Christ visit of 2000 years ago that sought, and did to some degree raise the God<br />

consciousness upon this pla<strong>net</strong>. That is the purpose of the visits of the Sons of Heaven in<br />

the various bestowals, including Monjoronson’s time here now upon this pla<strong>net</strong>. Let us<br />

make the ascension of Mother Earth a reality, with the least issues and problems that we<br />

can. Maybe spend the weekend, in dreaming how you will add unto the Christness of the<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

Hopefully we will not see the attack on Iran. If we do however, the USA is going to loose it<br />

big time, as is only befitting. Everything runs on cause and effect. Our leaders have caused<br />

this mess and for the most part the citizens have supported it. So the effect will be defeat.<br />

Maybe we will finally come limping home, and put our soldiers to work doing what they<br />

should be doing, assisting life, rather than causing death. Take care, Candace<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 188

Birthing a New Sun-Jupiter<br />

By Esu, Christ Michael and Candace<br />

# 69 April 10-13th,2007<br />

Candace: Hi everyone, here is that piece that tells the story of what is to come. I worked it<br />

originally with Esu, and then Christ Michael decided he would do a short introduction<br />

around what is confusion regards the Sheldon Nidle reports. He promised a few words,<br />

and it grew into several more pages. Words=pages! There, the translation is correct. If any<br />

one is more “gabby” than I am, it is Aton, followed very closely by Esu.<br />

Christ Michael: Hello my beloveds in service to Nebadon. Over the next 1 to 1 ½ years<br />

you will be heavily tested, and I expect all of you to pass grandly and make good progress<br />

in your journey to Havona. I just had a nice conversation with one, who states he has put<br />

on his shoes for the journey. A marvelous young man, and I will protect his name in this<br />

piece, but take the opportunity to thank him deeply in this public way for standing up to<br />

serve in the coming trying times, and assisting to rebuild this world.<br />

We have long known this event, the igniting of Jupiter into a sun would occur, and this is<br />

behind the whole rational of the ascension of Earth at this time. For it is the ascension of<br />

the entire solar system in which you live. Hints of this have been given through “science<br />

fiction.” You are going to run into some who will debunk this and state that this is not<br />

possible, but most surely it is, and the time is ripe. A number of years ago we thought the<br />

event would not occur prior to 2010, and possibly a bit later, but everything evolves and<br />

changes and so has that timing changed.<br />

We have put out little in updating recently, because we have been in many a conference to<br />

discuss what our scientists have learned and who to deal with it at this time, as related to<br />

our other activities. It has been decided to assist this ignition at a time more opportune for<br />

you, which is when it will next be “behind” the sun, from your viewpoint. Since Jupiter’s<br />

cycle is considerably longer than earths, there is about a 6-month leeway period.<br />

The ignition will be less intense for you, if the sun is “in the way” and will buffer it.<br />

Nevertheless, it will not be easy. I will leave you to read the rest that Esu has done through<br />

Candace.<br />

I have been informed there are some problems for some of you in understanding the latest<br />

Sheldon Nidle reports. When I started this work with Candace, we were hoping the pla<strong>net</strong><br />

would have come a bit further, assuming the assistance of the dark side coming into<br />

cooperation, but that has not happened quite as I wished, as all of you “waiting” are aware<br />

of.<br />

His reports are essentially correct, in the timing of what he labels “first contact.” What he<br />

has left out is the detail of Jupiter in the mix. There is more going on, than “mother earth” is<br />

anxious to get on with her changes.” In fact the entire solar system is anxious to get on<br />

with the changes, as are you who are aware.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 189

We are getting into a timing concerning the pollution too, but we will fix much of this, during<br />

the “big sleep”. My, all of you do enjoy your abbreviations! We do have to be moving along.<br />

A number of years ago, prior to 911 we pretty much figured we would have to “throw in the<br />

rag” so to speak, but afterwards, a sleepy pla<strong>net</strong> began to awaken. I have been more than<br />

a little disappointed in the United States however, in this, because the people have not be<br />

able to get attention to the fact that 911 was a scripted event.<br />

Too many still will not look at a devious government behind the scene. You remain in the<br />

Iraq war, with extensions planned into Iran, and yet the people mostly sleep, and will not<br />

put pressure upon the political cartel in sufficient numbers to create some action. There is<br />

still the belief that Islam has a problem, and it is much of Christianity that has the bigger<br />

problem. I remain saddened at the issue of the rapture that so few who follow that idea will<br />

see past. They put out many thought forms into the mass consciousness that say “bring on<br />

Armageddon”, so we may rise up to see the Lord.<br />

As a result of the continued war activities without adequate confrontation by the people,<br />

the pla<strong>net</strong>s vibrations have lowered some, rather than moved up. However, on a good<br />

note, there are many who do know, but know not what else to do, who will stand up given<br />

the opportunity and we can make great progress.<br />

Now, back to the Nidle report. We will have the announcement period as we have said, as<br />

ASAP as possible. But it may be in May at this point, for we are still in some planning. And<br />

the presence of God and star visitors assisting God in the end times will be taught, and as<br />

has been said, Esu will be on that team, for some portions in the second half. Right after<br />

the first discussion of star visitors presented to the public there will begin nightly flyovers,<br />

increasing in duration and intensity. At that time, the world military forces will be stood<br />

down, so as to not interfere.<br />

At the end, there will be a bigger show. Many people don’t want to believe the ships are<br />

many of the stars in the night sky, and these bigger ships will put on a bit of a show.<br />

Imagine the Big Dipper moving about out of form! However, there will be no big landings at<br />

that time. We will begin gradual small contact activities to get people more used to the<br />

idea. Helena will do the event in Denver with Candace that has been long planned, and<br />

there will be similar ones around the world.<br />

As soon as I determine the timing, the earth will be put into stasis or the “big sleep” for at<br />

least three weeks, so that we can work without observation and resultant fear. The big<br />

sleep will also correct your seasons some, which are off because the year is 360 days<br />

now. The ozone layer will be removed. Some pollution will be remedied, and we will be<br />

working with many, in their higher selves at this time, to promote awareness. We will<br />

increase the energies even more, as we have been doing in the past. We did that a year<br />

ago, but the pla<strong>net</strong> has slid a bit. These energies will further awaken the DNA in those on<br />

the pla<strong>net</strong>, and help set up the conditions for more significant contact.<br />

So you get the flyovers, but not the major contact we had previously planned. After the big<br />

sleep, the facts of Jupiter will be presented, and preparations begun in earnest. As good<br />

news, most governments are being cooperative and will work to assist their peoples for<br />

this. Those that have been reticent should change their minds.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 190

The monies will happen, the banking will be in place, as it must be for preparation, and the<br />

American administration is down and out of place at the time the announcement activities<br />

begin. We have made some changes in the plans for what some of you have labeled “the<br />

rebates” of taxes and illegal interest. Some of this will not be released until after the Jupiter<br />

event, but some of it well, to those who will manage it well.<br />

Since Jupiter is coming upon you early, and by our timing to assist you, many will not be<br />

ready to have such large finances at their disposal. The monies need to be in the hands of<br />

those that will use them properly at this time. More can be released after the event when<br />

the pla<strong>net</strong> is stabilized a bit. There are simply too many, who if they had this money, would<br />

“just take this job and shove it” and otherwise use it irresponsibly.<br />

There remain the huge massive trusts that will be released to those of merit, and those<br />

who invested in the prosperity programs. There are very strict instructions with the release<br />

of these large humanitarian funds. They are not to be “blown off.” In the United States, the<br />

decimal will still be moved over one place, so that goods and wages are 1/10 of former<br />

cost, to restore a goodly portion of damage from inflation.<br />

Debt forgiveness remains part of the plan, and this alone will moderately increase<br />

prosperity for many, allowing them to begin to store and prepare for what is to come. I do<br />

not want Jupiter to ignite, at an inopportune time, it is better to assist rather than have a<br />

greater tragedy.<br />

The Pacific Rim will suffer greatly. There will be weather issues, and I assume Esu has<br />

covered much of this in an introductory manner with Candace. It is time beloveds for you to<br />

come into the leadership you are capable off. Many of you have had your ideas rejected by<br />

your circles, but I say to you, that you will find yourselves sought out now, in these coming<br />

times for your knowledge, after all.<br />

You will be able to say “I told you so”, but in saying this, and you should say it, go into<br />

leadership and assist your peoples to plan carefully. There will be much chaos, and this<br />

can be reduced greatly by local leadership. Many of the star seeds will fully awaken with<br />

the announcement period, and if that doesn’t do it, the announcement after the big sleep<br />

should do it, they being prepared more at soul level.<br />

So, now I return to the Nidle reports. Over the months until ignition, the star peoples will<br />

assist much behind the scenes, more education will be given, there will be enabling<br />

events, such as Candace’s and Helena’s, and more and more exposure, to prepare people<br />

for the assistance to be given during the trying times. It is a time when each and every one<br />

on the pla<strong>net</strong> is going to stand up or fall apart. It is difficult to know how some of the<br />

religions will handle this, because the dark side has done much to prepare them to reject<br />

us as the dark ones, who have come to bring the tribulation and they will await the real<br />

ones. So be it.<br />

You are asked to help as these ones in your circles. This is the final time to make the<br />

choice to ascend or not. I have waited and delayed long for ones to make that choice, and<br />

I await them but a bit more. Some just have to have it placed thoroughly in front of their<br />

faces before they will finally make the choice. This is the time for my “fallen angels” to<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 191

eturn unto the lighted grace that awaits them, that have not yet made their decision. It is<br />

my wish that they have until the last minutes to do so. For many, it will take the cataclysm<br />

to do so.<br />

I would like to make a brief comment on the stuff about Imus, which is being blown out of<br />

proportion. I would like to know just how these young people have been harmed, other<br />

than the media attention brought to it These ones are handling it far worse, that what an<br />

off hand comment should cause them, and it does not serve these young ladies to do so.<br />

They should be giving the big “so what.” If media and those good church people, who are<br />

not so good, had stayed out of it, they would not even have known in all likelihood. This is<br />

a big cover show to cover up more nefarious activity. It is scripted.<br />

Imus has his relationship with God, and I have no idea what his purpose is, but I think this<br />

has gone to far. I think you have in your media and politics many who are much more<br />

deserving of removal from their jobs than this man. Keep the perspective. This pales in<br />

relation to a war that continues and to the deaths of so many in Iraq. Civilian deaths there<br />

are now almost 900,000. A man is booted over several days from a long career, and he<br />

apparently is involved in some fine charitable work, and yet you have a resident of the<br />

White House who stole the office. American must learn to turn off the TV’s during these<br />

shows, and get about getting the real scoundrels out of office, in your future if they show<br />

up once again.<br />

I need to let Candace go, so she can rest and finish this piece tomorrow. I bid you adieu,<br />

Namaste, Aton of Nebadon.<br />

Candace: I wish to comment also on the Imus story. As I had CNN on in the background<br />

on this last night, the meeting with the Governor of New Jersey in the governor’s mansion<br />

was being covered. Anderson covered that the acting governor was handling this as the<br />

governor had been in an accident on the way to the meeting. This was a murder attempt,<br />

as to the timing and how it was carried out. I am pasting in a portion of an article that was<br />

on Netscape news:<br />

“Corzine was riding in the front passenger's seat of a sport utility vehicle driven by a state<br />

trooper when a white pickup truck swerved to avoid a red pickup truck that had moved onto<br />

the highway from the shoulder, State Police Superintendent Rick Fuentes said. The white<br />

pickup hit the passenger side of the SUV, sending it skidding into a guardrail. The red<br />

pickup left the scene.”<br />

That use of the red truck was meant to happen, and I don’t know if the white truck was<br />

involved or not. I do not know why Corzine and others arranged this meeting for the<br />

apology in the governors mansion, but obviously someone was not pleased, or it was set<br />

up in order to murder Corzine for other reasons, or ones related to this game. It smells<br />

really bad.<br />

The purpose of this game is to let others of prominence with Big Mouths, that they should<br />

shut up. Imus has said many a thing in the past that could have provoked this reaction, and<br />

there are many who do genuinely slimy work who are ostracized. Now the big clue, was<br />

that Tom Delay was on Anderson Cooper last night, participating in the contrived news<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 192

discussions taking place now, about why others with big mouths have not faced what Imus<br />

did.<br />

This is dark side talk, for “keep up with your big mouths” and you do shall face<br />

consequences such as firing and murder. Tom Delay specifically pointed out Rosie<br />

O’Donnell, and her suggestions that Bush had something to do with 911. Boy, that caused<br />

me to stand up. At least the “good part” is that the suggestion was made about 911, but it<br />

was really a threadt from Delay to Rosie to shut up immediately. I have no idea if this was<br />

discussed on the View this morning. I intended to pay attention, but was doing some work<br />

for CM for another purpose than this article.<br />

Yes, Don Imus blew it, and went a bit too far, as these young ladies did not deserve they<br />

description he gave. (but see my comment later on in this section). In all of this, it is being<br />

discussed that certain ones with the black street culture use these terms for themselves<br />

and even Imus made a statement to that fact, that the terms used are self-description.<br />

Certain known people in our black community have come forth in various outrages. Some<br />

against Imus, and others who are taking the opportunity to attempt once again, much like<br />

Bill Cosby has done, to point out certain folks in America have some community problems<br />

and need to grow up. The point of much of hip-hop is to destabilize young people, of all<br />

races and not just black young people.<br />

I think Imus will arise, acquire a little better taste, and do something positive with this. From<br />

what I have seen of him, I have liked some of his work. However I have never listened to<br />

his show, I only learned he even exists because of his being a guest on shows such as<br />

Larry King. I don’t know if he is involved with genuine underground radio (not so<br />

underground) or not, or if he serves the dark. I think he exists to expose as best as able<br />

dark game plans, and I think this is the reason he got told to shut up. I did not here all of<br />

what was said, but the one bit that I did see, his tone of voice indicated he was proud of<br />

them, even through the trashy language.<br />

I assume they were just waiting for any of several ones with radio stations to make a stupid<br />

comment and he “scored” for them. If he is dark, in fact he may have done this intentionally<br />

to create this story and a way to threaten others who are trying to expose the darkness.<br />

Obviously this whole game, no matter how it was scripted, was designed to throw big darts<br />

at public people such as Rosie, who are being spiritual warriors at this time. To repeat, I<br />

have not followed Imus well enough to know if he is a dark warrior or a spiritual<br />

warrior.<br />

There are spiritual warriors who may appear to be dark warriors, as they are very crafty<br />

and know how to play the game within the dark. And many very advanced souls come into<br />

to play what appears a dark role in order to stimulate action needed. By being gross at<br />

times, Imus could thus be drawing attention to that which needs healing, within the hip<br />

hop/rap music culture that denigrates in particular black women. And the reverse is also<br />

true, that many accomplished dark warriors can make themselves appear as light, while<br />

being crafty out of sight.<br />

Reverend Jackson has done so many a time, and his participation in this signifies he is a<br />

player in a dark side game. Imus could be following a script to cause whites to further look<br />

down on blacks, much as what occurred with New Orleans. It becomes difficult to see the<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 193

game played and in the case of Imus, once again, I don’t know his role, because I have<br />

insufficient experience to make a decision on the role he plays. But let it be said, he is<br />

playing a significant role, whether it be dark or light. He is a warrior. Now on TV it is just<br />

stated that these poor girls “suffered.” NO THEY DID NOT. In fact, from this is the<br />

opportunity to demonstrate that most young black people are in fact beauteous souls, and<br />

that such comments do not personally cause them any harm.<br />

OK, now on the work I did with Esu that was done over a two day period, on April 10 th and<br />

11 th , 2007<br />

Esu (Sananda): Beloveds it is I Esu and you can refer to me by that name without a<br />

problem, for we in the higher realms are not “stuck” on title. Since last summer we have<br />

been setting up a new story upon the pla<strong>net</strong>, as a part of her birthing into the higher<br />

realms. We have been telling on the pla<strong>net</strong> for a time now, that there would be an event.<br />

The time for that event moves ever closer.<br />

You have heard that some pla<strong>net</strong>s have two or three suns. These are pla<strong>net</strong>s that have<br />

moved higher up in creation. This is a natural process. So what is the story we have been<br />

leading up to, since Monjoronson began his tales with the Teaching Mission last summer<br />

of the coming catastrophe, that can’t be avoided<br />

It is beloveds, the birth of your Second Sun. Times marches on, things change, and re birth<br />

and renewed life continue in the cycle. After eons upon eons of formation in your solar<br />

system, and the many, many times through the photon belt, your solar system is growing<br />

up some more. That is the reason that it is this time in the photon belt that is the end of evil<br />

upon this experiencing sector of the universe, your solar system. Also, it is a time when all<br />

in photon belts everywhere are being much uplifted, for all of this galaxy (Orvonton, Milky<br />

Way) is moving up a notch. The rays coming through are most intense, as different from<br />

more recent history. You recall that last October 17, was the big conjunction of many<br />

systems that was predicated to occur in 2012.<br />

In fact the rays are more intense from their origins because all involved closer to source in<br />

this galaxy have “moved up” and now this energy is spreading through the monastic<br />

systems unto many places. There will be no 3D pla<strong>net</strong>s or lesser shortly within Nebadon.<br />

All evolutionary pla<strong>net</strong>s, unless they fall will be at least 4d. This comes from simply<br />

experience, time, and growth in this yet fairly young incomplete universe. Graduation time<br />

for many, plain and simple, for the many have gained their lighted experience and this will<br />

filter down to the younger pla<strong>net</strong>s within Nebadon yet to come.<br />

Each trip through the monastic ring, or photon belt, causes many changes in a solar<br />

system. Since you are far from your central sun, Alcyone, the process takes longer, as you<br />

are in the photon belt for far shorter times, than you are out of it. You spend long ages,<br />

quite literally “in the dark.” So the time has come, after these eons of change, that Jupiter<br />

will ignite into a sun. It is Jupiter’s “graduation” also. This is why this is the final battle of<br />

evil, because the intensity of living with two suns, prevents the dark energies from being<br />

able to exist. This means you will no longer have the lower astral or “hell” realms,<br />

sometimes called the Barbados. These negative beings and thought forms that can<br />

influence your behavior will be gone forever. However, let it be said, that evil is not gone<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 194

from the evolutionary pla<strong>net</strong>s of Nebadon, because 4d is a very trying stage, in which no<br />

one sits on a fence anymore, and thus your troubles at this time.<br />

In the Phoenix Journals we, or more particularly Hatonn as Christ Michael or Aton, told that<br />

in a number of years you would have an event that must be prepared for, faced by all. That<br />

is Jupiter, becoming a new being, a Father Sun, and its moons will begin to beget new life<br />

also, thus becoming Mother Pla<strong>net</strong>s. Just as in physical life, a new family is born. Birthing<br />

of one sort or another exists throughout all of creation. Always the birthing involves a<br />

Father and a Mother. Jupiter might be seen, for those of you who have studied the Phoenix<br />

Journals version of the Trinity, the one light, that divides into the Father-Mother light, which<br />

begins the process of uniting the twin Father-Mother light back into the one.<br />

Candace: This is an interesting comment from Esu, because a few days ago, while<br />

working on another piece I had this desire to go get a book in my collection off the shelf. It<br />

is “ Bringers of the Dawn” by Barbara Marciniak. This was one of the early books my soul<br />

mate Tom encourage me to read in preparation for my coming work. The book fell open to<br />

a page with this discussion upon it. How interesting now in retrospect.<br />

“The twin flame is the male and female existing in one body, whether you are physically<br />

male or female. The patriarchal society has been run by the male aspect of the self, which<br />

you all have been. You have all experimented with consciousness and taught yourselves<br />

about what works best, preparing for this time when the flames will be lit together. After<br />

this time, the twin flame is NOT sought as a partner outside of self, but is understood to be<br />

the integration of the male and female selves and the ripeness of all that self has done.<br />

After you have integrated the male and female within yourself and activated your own twin<br />

flame, then, when you seek a partner, you will seek someone complete, not someone to fill<br />

the need that you have not acknowledged or that you have not filled for yourself.”<br />

Now continue with reading what Esu has to say. The uniting of the twin Flame is just<br />

everywhere in creation apparently. And indeed it is what creates new being, in the process<br />

of fertilization of an egg, the uniting of the two, creating again, a “one” new complete being.<br />

Esu: And in time, this new system about Jupiter, this new Father-Mother, will find its way<br />

back into unity consciousness, just as your current solar system is doing. Creation<br />

expands in this way. There are other methods of expansion or growth, this is but one. This<br />

is the birthing of a “child” solar system; you might want to call this new system the<br />

grandchild of your current sun, its pla<strong>net</strong>s being its children. In time, a very long time,<br />

another of these outer gas pla<strong>net</strong>s of earth might, and probably well, do the same thing.<br />

Your sun has been aging, a normal process, but all of this represents renewal for it. It will<br />

not die now either. Only suns without solar systems are prone to die. For this new grouping<br />

of suns, will cause the re energizing of each other, which will also be continued by the<br />

“photons” that come periodically from Alcyone. It is possible in the far distance future, that<br />

your sun, might even become a true central sun. With the Jupiter event, it does become a<br />

central sun, having at least one sun encircling it.<br />

In time, if a 3 rd sun should ignite, other suns from nearby systems might become attracted<br />

to this system of suns, and in the process grow some more. And one day, there might<br />

become a huge new sun from all of this performing similarly to Alcyone.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 195

You have had hints of this in some of your sci fi stories. On occasion it has been<br />

suggested in material from “channelings” and under hypnosis. So now you have it, on the<br />

importance of this age.<br />

Now, we must get serious, because this event is not without some difficulties. You are<br />

aware of sunspots, and other solar activity that can affect your electromag<strong>net</strong>ics, and<br />

produce even earthquakes. You are aware that this activity can affect also your satellite<br />

transmissions, and interrupt electrical output from your electric grids. And so shall this do<br />

so, rather “big time.”<br />

The reason we are saying 6 to 12 months, is that we are going to assist this a bit, so that<br />

the event takes place when Jupiter is far from earth, on the other side of your sun.<br />

Otherwise, if allowed totally its natural time, the journey into this could be considerably<br />

harsher upon you. Ideally it should be directly opposite you, but this is not totally<br />

necessary. Your own sun will diffuse the energy produced during the igniting and the<br />

distance is also useful.<br />

Currently Jupiter is still visible in your skies. But soon it will begin to wander behind the<br />

sun, from your viewpoint. Remember that you encircle the sun much more frequently than<br />

Jupiter, so that decreases the window of timing.<br />

Aton in his Hatonn form visited your many leaders and continues to do so, so that the<br />

people may be prepared for this event. You do not want it to occur without some<br />

assistance of governments in place, and as stable a mo<strong>net</strong>ary system as can be obtained.<br />

Otherwise the anarchy would be incredibly huge. I suggest re reading, or reading<br />

Monjoronson’s message on Candace’s main site, about the coming Cataclysm and what<br />

you might expect. I would also suggest you get into thinking and pondering this and the<br />

ramifications. (Link to 1 st piece on this topic by Monjoronson last summer:<br />

http://abundanthope.<strong>net</strong>/pages/article_99.shtml )<br />

This will affect the mag<strong>net</strong>ics enough to shift your poles to a new location, meaning your<br />

axis will change. This changing axis will only take at most a few days. This is survivable,<br />

but you must plan for it. In the United States, we have taken over the underground areas<br />

and are preparing them for use to make this easier, because the government has made no<br />

previous plans for you the people. Russia and China are well equipped to handle their<br />

populaces, and plans are being made for other areas of the world.<br />

Before I detail our plans, still in the making because of the approaching time, and the<br />

refusal of the Illuminati to stand down, (now you know the reason for the stand down of<br />

April, 3 rd 2005), the planning changes. We will take over the USA if required. Most other<br />

countries are in compliance and are willing to serve. This is the reason we have 25,000<br />

plus people on the ground working behind the scenes.<br />

After some recalculations of a couple years ago, it became apparent that Jupiter was going<br />

to ignite, maybe a couple years prematurely. And this is the main reason Christ Michael<br />

chose to go global with the NESARA idea that has become a very enhanced GESARA<br />

now. Please the final “A” is for actions, not act. Time is of the essence. In this “wait” that<br />

has made some of you uncomfortable, much of necessity has been accomplished.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 196

Now back to what to expect in terms of physical earth changes. The axis change will be<br />

small. You have experienced axis changes in the past of up to 90 degrees. This is 5<br />

degrees. Part of that reason, is the choosing of timing to assist, and part of it, is that the<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> has moved forward spiritually, thus a less chaotic event. We will add some stability<br />

also during the process.<br />

The Pacific Rim will be most affected, but all will experience problems of some sort. Some<br />

volcanoes will erupt, and many oil wells will close, because this will cause the spaces in<br />

which the oil used to be, to fall in. You have already created many of your recent quakes,<br />

simply because of oil and gas removal. One of the reasons for the situation in Los Angeles<br />

is related to ocean water, under higher pressure, seeping through the existing faults, and<br />

filling in some of those spaces in which oil has been removed, thus worsening the issues<br />

there. Some of the caverns, not all, are simply “empty” oil caverns. So be it, you all did it.<br />

Many incarnated to bring energy unto you as you entered the industrial age that would not<br />

use fossil fuels, and it was rejected. While that seems not the little mans fault, you are<br />

involved in that every time you get into your car. Many know, but it did become very difficult<br />

with suppression of literature in various formats for you ones to organize effectively,<br />

especially as textbooks were changed and scientists murdered or bribed. But you could<br />

have, had the leaders that stood up in the 60’s and 70’s stayed in action, and had not “run<br />

away” to develop nice candles to buy, and enter into new age commercialism.<br />

College campuses, normally the place for mind to work its magic, were very suppressed,<br />

so you do not bear all the blame. The beast has pretty advanced weaponry and people<br />

“freaked out,” especially after the murder of Kennedy, and Kent State. It seemed easier to<br />

attempt to help through commerce for many. Some of this has been most useful, but you<br />

would be so much further to have kept up the pressure of the pen, rather than riots.<br />

Why didn’t we intervene We have been, and in great measure over time I might add. You<br />

have your Inter<strong>net</strong> for example and other technologies, which do service you and make<br />

your life easier. But the beast always counts the dollars to be made and limits. We have to<br />

go through your leaders and governments, no matter how bad, because on dark pla<strong>net</strong>s<br />

like this, the small guy gets “deaded” making change difficult. That sounds like a<br />

contradiction to the above statement, but in numbers with powerful pens, you would be<br />

further along. But nevertheless you have moved forward, especially with the event of 911.<br />

Some of you wonder why we “allowed” 911, for certainly we could have prevented it. Yes<br />

we could have, and you have not had another 911 of that nature, including this past Easter<br />

weekend.<br />

It was in fact 911 that finally awakened this sleeping pla<strong>net</strong>, and the goodness that has<br />

come from it, started the glowing of the pla<strong>net</strong>. You visually glow, from where we sit,<br />

beloveds, just as Venus and the moon glow in greater brilliance right now. They are<br />

glowing in part from a brighter sun, but also are glowing themselves. This is move up time<br />

for the entirely of your solar system.<br />

Candace: Many of you may be noticing on sunny clear days, it is much brighter, if you<br />

don’t have chemtrails that it. The moon is much brighter. When I was young I could<br />

actually look at the sun for a short period of time, but not more. I may on bright days need<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 197

to wear sunglasses, which I have never done, except when skiing on bright snow. I am<br />

beginning to squint almost painfully some days when outside. However, my body will<br />

adjust to this naturally in time.<br />

Venus is very bright and large. It was never that way. I noticed this about 3 years ago, that<br />

it was much brighter. I need to get out in the early morning to check on Jupiter, which is<br />

supposed to be in my early dawn skies to the southeast. Remember two years ago, when<br />

Mars was at it closet point in many years, and how bright it was I was visiting my father in<br />

Steamboat Springs then, and in the skies away from the city lights it was impressive.<br />

Some of us noticed that it seemed brighter outside, and colors were more vivid after the<br />

increase in our vibrations last spring, that was “engineered” a bit.<br />

Esu: It is appropriate at this time, despite my little complaints, to extend a grateful hand to<br />

the star seeds who have come and endured for so long to assist the lifting of this pla<strong>net</strong><br />

from within. Many have suffered far more than I did in the travail of the cross. Many times<br />

over in some cases. For you shall have your reward, which differs for each of you,<br />

depending on your journey and what you came to do and learn.<br />

So back to those physical changes I seem to drift from today. The rim of fire as I said is the<br />

major issue. It is likely this is the time when LA falls downward and raises up great<br />

tsunamis from the displacement of water. The sudden axis change, even spread out over a<br />

few days, will cause great fractures and thus quakes, which will cause other quakes etc. A<br />

ripple effect. The Pacific Ocean is kind of like, going to slosh like a pool full of people. This<br />

will occur even if no earthquakes happened. So in this case the waters will have both this<br />

effect of sloshing, and displacement from some quakes, along fractures that produce<br />

displacement of water.<br />

You recently observed in the Solomon Islands a great quake, which lifted the islands up,<br />

exposing corral reefs, and extending the distance out to sea of the shore line. In some<br />

areas this was a high as 10 feet. Apparently this didn’t cause much attention in the media<br />

in the USA. Candace is only aware of it being on Yahoo news. This should have caused<br />

great consternation and teaching in the United States. That it wasn’t as “big” as the quake<br />

in Indonesia 2 ½ years ago, is in part the reason. The death toll was such much less.<br />

During announcement time, you will be taught the truth of other recent events since 911<br />

upon the pla<strong>net</strong> that have been dark side attacks covered up. There are many. Not all may<br />

be covered initially, but some will. Over the months more details will come forth.<br />

For a few days especially during the ignition of Jupiter, you will have great electromag<strong>net</strong>ic<br />

disturbances. If it were to ignite, while in your skies and not behind the sun, you would<br />

have blinding light that might cause great vision damage, if not inside and preferably<br />

underground or in basements.<br />

Your televisions and cell phones will not work during this time, nor radios, so you are sort<br />

of on your own, in determining your actions. You will most likely have no news whatsoever.<br />

During this time, we are going to assist, in a manner of “martial law” in keeping of some<br />

peace and folks will be told this beforehand. You will have some types that will take<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 198

advantage, and in fact some people will be very confused from the electromag<strong>net</strong>ic<br />

impulses upon the physical body.<br />

You must have planned shelter. Those of you with basements will be fine in them.<br />

Although the light will be considerably less than if the ignition took place in your view, it will<br />

still be bright, because of these electromag<strong>net</strong>ics. I need not give a big description here,<br />

use your “common sense.”<br />

You must buy strong sunglasses; actually goggles would be better if you need to be<br />

outside. Some who work emergency services will be able to provide such. Your autos<br />

should work, for emergency use at this time. Portable generators should work. How the<br />

grids act, is a wait and see for the most part, and you should assume they will not.<br />

You need supplies such as flashlights etc, to last up to a couple weeks, while the solar<br />

storms settle down. You need food and water stores for that period, as service will be<br />

scanty, folks will be “holed” up. Water is particularly important if your water delivery<br />

requires electricity. You should have preserved food for a longer period, just in case,<br />

because there will be delivery problems for food, and much spoilage of food for lack of<br />

refrigeration. Those of you having large freezers should be eating that food before then,<br />

and replacing it with dry or canned foods. I am not going to do further teaching at this time,<br />

because I expect you readers to be able to use your own minds and figure out what will be<br />

your risks and needs wherever you live.<br />

This event will be announced publicly after the “big sleep,” the period of stasis that was<br />

announced in a previous piece. The big sleep will occur within a couple weeks after our<br />

two-week announcement period. The presence of our star visitors will be announced also<br />

as we have stated during the announcement period, and I will be on television, but after all<br />

the other “news” and truth to be presented, to also add Jupiter to that, would be more than<br />

the psyches of most could handle. We will have flyover activities as we near the end of the<br />

two-week television event, to further prepare people.<br />

During the big sleep, which will last about 3 weeks, we will do much cleansing, remove the<br />

ozone layer, and bombard the pla<strong>net</strong> with more rays of energy to help lift it and the people<br />

up vibrationally a little more. We desire to be able to lift folks off in some areas, and many<br />

of you still can’t be lifted in a light beam. There is hardly the point of lifting if one would not<br />

survive it.<br />

We will get to the teaching of this event publicly shortly after the awakening of the<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>ary surface, because much must be prepared for. People will be told they are in the<br />

hands of God in this, but must assist also themselves. Most people in the world live on the<br />

coasts. All will have to get back, because all the water will slosh to some degree<br />

everywhere. Not a good idea to be near lakes and large rivers either.<br />

Huge amounts of dry and canned foods must be stored up. Many countries are preparing<br />

as I speak for the protection of their peoples. I have ordered that star visitors make<br />

replicated foods and manna for storage to be used in places where there has been<br />

inadequate food supply. All countries on the Pacific Rim will have to permanently abandon<br />

their coastal areas. The tsunamis are going to make the coasts unusable, and in many<br />

cases the coasts will be remodeled.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 199

Each cooperating country, which does not include the USA at this time, is making<br />

provisions already for this. Those that have safe underground areas will use them. The<br />

government underground areas of the united States will be used. These ones all have<br />

ability to grow food beneath, and we are including the stores of dry foods.<br />

It is important to start migration shortly after announcement is made of the impending<br />

event, for it would be very catastrophic to wait until the last minute. The regions needing to<br />

do this will be informed. Now I want you to think, in the United States, exactly what the<br />

coastal areas of your western states produce, and what destruction of these business and<br />

agriculture is going to cause. You, beloved readers must make decisions and start thy<br />

planning, NOW.<br />

The electric grids, as the solar storms decrease will work again if not damaged. You must<br />

study your utilities in each area you live, so that you properly prepare. Many people are<br />

going to hopefully accept our advice and move inland. This will tax those of you living<br />

inland. We are talking millions and millions of people, in the United States alone. ALL<br />

countries on the Pacific Rim will need to close down. Period. Yes I said that, I say it again,<br />

for you must “get it.” Whatever businesses in those regions that exist now, will not later.<br />

Your shipping will be disrupted for some time to come.<br />

Now, also you will face windstorms, and shelters, no matter where they are, must be<br />

sturdy. Folks in structures like frame and mobile homes will need to vacate them, or live in<br />

the basements of those that have such. There will not likely be enough wood to board over<br />

all windows, so take this into consideration. There will be tornadoes, and probably<br />

hurricanes, dependant on season and other variables.<br />

Again, I must state, shipping and transport of all sorts will have issues for quite a long time.<br />

Even as the initial solar storms pass, airports near waters may be unusable. There may be<br />

road damage, and shipping ports will be affected. In this so will distribution of oil. Quaking<br />

may break oil pipelines in places. Oil will be expensive afterwards, and I suggest the<br />

acquiring of bicycles for those able to use them.<br />

Although we are saying 6 to 12 months, around January of 2008 seems the most likely.<br />

The Northern Hemisphere will be in winter, and thus you need additional preparations. We<br />

will see to it also, that your “concentration camps” which were constructed, and old military<br />

bases will be used to handle the population moving inland. You will need to offer your<br />

homes, if you have extra space. And once the time comes for this event to actually occur,<br />

you will be living in close quarters in protection, and you must mentally prepare for that.<br />

When we started this project with Candace, we told that you would need to become rocks.<br />

Now do you not see why Many of you have been rejected by your families, in part for<br />

what you know, but after announcement of this, you will be seen as dependable leaders,<br />

so you must step into that role. Hopefully the announcement activities will awaken the star<br />

incarnates more, and they will step into place in leadership. Without leaders everywhere,<br />

who can maintain calmness and control, this event would get totally out of hand. You must<br />

stand in place. This is a time to grow into strength and give up your fears. This is the time<br />

be in compassion for those who will not handle it as well.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 200

The first two weeks will be the worst. You can go outside if the winds are calm and you<br />

have eye protection, but you must also be careful of those who will step into their darker<br />

selves to take advantage. You can and should go out in groups during calm periods and<br />

walk and move about.<br />

Batteries should work fine, and I suggest that if you have CD players etc, that these be<br />

used and shared about for the calming that music can provide. In this time, you shall begin<br />

to relearn the value of community that has been lost in modern societies. Those places<br />

that have been used to strife will do much better. Those living in prosperous societies are<br />

no longer familiar with survival techniques. So in the months preceding this event, it will be<br />

time to learn some, and begin to build community wherever you are, so that you will<br />

survive this better.<br />

It is always chaos that encourages growth. There will be some who will become more<br />

criminal and shall loose of themselves for it. There will be controls in place. I said that<br />

already, I am reconfirming it. For you must have control. Local police and military will be<br />

used. In the United States, you desperately need your soldiers to come home, and this<br />

includes from many of your bases around the world, not just the theaters of war.<br />

Life is going to greatly change. Calmness will return, but still the problems of supplies and<br />

challenges in the aftermath will persist for some time. Many will exit the pla<strong>net</strong>, despite the<br />

greatest of preparations. In some the fear will cause this. Now, Monjoronson brought up<br />

the seemingly difficult subject of depopulation, and those on the forum and in other related<br />

venues did not desire to face this reality.<br />

You are going to be in great light now. When your new sun appears in your skies, from<br />

behind the older sun, you will not have night. When during the cycles it is back behind the<br />

larger sun, you will have some night again. Many will not be able to survive in this light. It is<br />

very cleansing. Many will pass from conditions that will be similar to radiation damage, for<br />

it is radiation damage. Those of you in ascension will continue building your light bodies<br />

and be fine.<br />

Many aged will pass, aging faster, simply because their bodies are beyond renewal, both<br />

from deterioration, and the inability to consider one could reverse age from the use of their<br />

mind. You are what you think, much more than you are what you eat. In fact this will begin<br />

in earnest when your new sun appears in your skies. It is nature, and there is nothing that<br />

can be done, except to compassionately help those in transit. This may seem harsh in<br />

statement, but most of the population reduction will occur within 5 years, and it will be very<br />

high. All will be made new. This is the time of transition, because it is the time a new sun<br />

shall birth itself.<br />

I am going to back off now and finish this piece, because it is intense. Many of you will be<br />

highly curious and others will feel not so good, and all of you must find a happy medium.<br />

As the various prosperity funds are delivered, I think you see what they must be used for.<br />

You should not be going on vacations, building new poorly built homes and the like. You<br />

will put it into service and preparation. Many have worried that some folks would quit their<br />

jobs when money began to flow, and I think now you see that this will not happen in great<br />

numbers. Some will, and they may find themselves not obtaining enough growth to ascend<br />

with the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 201

Many of those are passing because of DNA issues, whether inherit in their lack of lighted<br />

living, or because they are star folks that walked into the existing DNA structures, and the<br />

body doesn’t heal. Do not be judgmental and assume every one who passes is dark. Some<br />

are going home, and others will return and continue their growth in the new babes to come.<br />

We made a suggestion somewhere, that reproduction would be greatly reduced. It will be,<br />

this huge increase of photons and radiation will cause that. There will be many<br />

miscarriages also. But this will pass and fertility will be restored in time, as the DNA codes<br />

change. All right, I said enough, so it is enough for this time. Candace indicates she will<br />

write some teaching and thoughts. Apparently she has begun that with a piece entitled,<br />

“Telling it Like It Is.” We will all bring forth more teaching to our readers. For in knowledge<br />

comes the removal of fear. In fact, after the first couple of weeks are over, many people<br />

will feel renewed from their ability to deal with the issues and survive. Much great love<br />

energy will come forth as people find community and start doing the real business of living,<br />

rather than existing tied to a job and paycheck with little true growth involved.<br />

This “event” that will seem tragic to many, will however jump-start the birthing of your new<br />

world. Be calm in that idea. Many have suffered so long throughout so many incarnations,<br />

and this event truly signifies the end of that long era. Many will find their sovereignty and<br />

the value of living, truly living. Your new world will not be free of error, but it will<br />

increasingly become free of intentional evil.<br />

In time, as we have been teaching, you will enter into the hallowed state of light and life,<br />

and into monopolarity. Only souls who have reached a suitable level can incarnate into<br />

your world. Like attracts like. It is universal law. This has been such a dark pla<strong>net</strong>, for<br />

exactly the same reason. Those of you, who came to assist, drew the dark increasingly up<br />

into the light, by voiding the dark. Light and dark VOID each other, not attract. So you have<br />

been “voiding” the dark, step by step, and you will be greatly assisted by having a beautiful<br />

young second sun in your skies.<br />

The water vapors will be restored in time, and the pla<strong>net</strong> will return to being a plush<br />

Garden of Eden, and fulfill its lost role once again, as the seed pla<strong>net</strong> of the Michael’s<br />

dreams. However chooses to live upon it, will truly be its caretakers. And in time, as the<br />

other pla<strong>net</strong>s are restored, and new life implanted, so can you expand to other areas of<br />

your solar system. Overpopulation will not be anymore an issue once you obtained galactic<br />

status as citizens, for you simply move and begin anew the cycles.<br />

In this way you begin to become the Gods of nearby pla<strong>net</strong>s. And so on and so forth.<br />

Candace just reminded me, that I have not yet gone away. So now I do so. I AM THAT I<br />

AM and SO ARE YOU. Namaste, Sananda Immanuel Esu Kumara, Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince of<br />

Urantia, and son of the Great Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days spoken of in your bible.<br />

Candace: I am indeed preparing more and this message is now at least 14 pages long, in<br />

the font I am using. I will wind this up with one comment. There are some who like to post<br />

portions only of my messages. If you do so, please state that and include a link to my<br />

website, where it can be read in fullness.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 202

Milson, if you send this to your list and post it upon DA, you must send it all, including my<br />

teaching comments. You chose to leave out important teaching in the piece I did with<br />

Monjoronson, Christ Michael, and Esu last October. Your list members needed to<br />

understand for example the teachings I gave around the symptoms that would occur with<br />

de-aging.<br />

It is rude to remodel others work without stating so. In fact, it is not right to remodel work.<br />

You added your own comments in a few places, while leaving mine out, and you didn’t<br />

necessarily state that, if memory serves. Nor will you change my sacred Christed star<br />

name from Candace to “the receiver.” I am a Second Coming team member serving the<br />

Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince, and my contributions are well beyond that of receiver. I ask you to<br />

respect that. To amend my contributions with these ones, is to violate copyright law. So be<br />

it.<br />

That said, it is time to retire from this piece, for it is very long. I myself have been on a bit of<br />

an emotional/intellectual journey the past couple weeks or so since I learned this was the<br />

cause of the coming axis shift. I have shifted between excitement and intrigue and “oh<br />

shit.” I expect many of you to do the same, or have whatever are your own appropriate<br />

reactions to it. But we must all come into balanced being about all this, so that we may<br />

serve well during it.<br />

Now is the time to face and engage your fears, so that when the event does occur, you are<br />

past your fears and can serve in leadership during it, and in fact during preparation for it<br />

with your circles. Become the rock that you know you are. Study all aspects of your<br />

emotions around this, and your own knowledge of your skills in the next few weeks, so that<br />

you can form a real and useful game plan.<br />

Forgive those who have not believed you in the past, for it is always true that the prophet is<br />

a stranger in his own land. It is time to truly say, “forgive them Father,” for they do not know<br />

what they do. You shall show the way, of what to do, and help many come out of fear, from<br />

lack of knowledge. You are blessed for your service. Take care, Candace.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 203

Update on Progress Towards Stasis<br />

By Christ Michael through Candace<br />

# 70 July 21, 2007<br />

Hello my beloveds, in service this very special pla<strong>net</strong> of Nebadon, on which I am<br />

bestowing my personal attention. During the middle of this week I engaged a special<br />

conclave meeting aboard the Phoenix, the purpose of which was to gain additional support<br />

for the process of stasis, the Big Sleep. This was granted, but I am not to explain the<br />

details in this public message to the readers of <strong>AbundantHope</strong>.<br />

Many of the attendants, either in person or via imagery (on screen technology) were<br />

representatives of the Super Universe (Orvonton) government and we had also two<br />

representatives from the Central Universe of Havona. The conclave lasted approximately<br />

36 hours.<br />

I wish to discuss and hopefully have those who are in doubt, understand the immensity of<br />

this project. You are a vastly over populated and under educated pla<strong>net</strong>, with huge<br />

problems. If this is to be successful, and I won’t have it otherwise, there must be full control<br />

of the international banking system, and full control over each and every government upon<br />

the pla<strong>net</strong>. The chaos otherwise afterwards would cause a great deal more discomfort and<br />

death than the process itself. I intend that Earth citizens get a final and reasonably<br />

complete education of the spiritual process and the political wrong doings on this pla<strong>net</strong>,<br />

appropriate to the nature of the peoples at this time.<br />

If we do not have the control we need prior to the educational period, which still will last at<br />

least two weeks, or more, this educational process would be largely wasted. It is the<br />

purpose of the educational period to draw people into service and alignment with what has<br />

been labeled, “the divine plan.” I will not create something that will cause greater harm<br />

and destruction, for we would thus “loose” the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

We do not have this control YET. I asked for assistance, and as I said above, it was<br />

granted. Please use your imaging of what would occur if this is not completed in a<br />

satisfactory manner.<br />

Now, why don’t we have control “yet” Because of the great lack of cooperation on the<br />

earth plane. Entities continue to exploit, and continue to promise, and then get off the<br />

wrong side of the fence. There has not been enough force put in place by the “good”<br />

politicians upon the pla<strong>net</strong> to accomplish my goals. They remain in fear of their lives for the<br />

most part. We have taken many over the past year to underground areas around the world<br />

and provided education and have shown of ourselves and who we are, and what the<br />

mission plan is. We must have their free will cooperation, and sadly, the dark side has<br />

done plenty to leave them in distrust of the “sky visitors” in service to God.<br />

Some of these have been “gifted” with a personal introduction and plea from the religious<br />

leaders of the various sects that will be returning in the flesh to assist the process. I am in<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 204

awe of the work of Mohammed who has justly met with many personally now, in the<br />

Islamic world, and believe it or not, Islam is going with the plan. It is the Jewish and<br />

Christian hierarchy, and the falsely professed believers in such that are not in cooperation.<br />

Russia, through Putin, is cooperating immensely well also, but there remain some factions<br />

in that area, that are continuing to disrupt. Africa is a total mess, sadly right now, with<br />

completing groups behaving in very bad tribal behavior but Africa is mounting several<br />

groups dedicated to service after the event.<br />

In June of 2004 we began removing the hidden hand, and the current situation is occurring<br />

because this former hierarchy no long exists and the minions are now competing heavily<br />

for dominion of all or portions of the pla<strong>net</strong>. One of these groups now in focus in the<br />

alternate media, is the Chinese Secret Society, which you may read about on<br />

www.rense.com<br />

These are NOT your friend’s beloveds. Much of the Asian hierarchy, both “illuminati” and<br />

the underground wishes dominion. While it is correct for them to be quite upset of the idea<br />

of SARS and related diseases being thrust at them for depopulation purposes, their<br />

method is lacking. You have been conditioned with events like 911 to believe in terrorists<br />

taking over the world. Exactly what would happen if this particular group begins doing as<br />

threatened, and “popping” off the illuminati, who control the global banking industry In<br />

particular the Rockefellers and Rothschild’s Would not these very same folks, those<br />

remaining illuminati shut down the United States and Europe, and officially start the New<br />

World Order They are hoping the CSS will make good it’s threat!<br />

The CSS has NO viable plan for how they would run the world after these assassinations.<br />

We are working to keep them out of the way. Every single tribal organization around the<br />

world is vying for power now. And thusly we must either choose to let the pla<strong>net</strong> go and<br />

reverse her poles, or we provide the massive intervention we have said we wish to do.<br />

At the conclave we did discuss the possibility of lifting the true Sons of God in service to<br />

the pla<strong>net</strong>, who are registered with us, on the computer system of the Ashtar Command<br />

aboard the New Jerusalem, and letting those remaining have at it, but we decided while<br />

this would be fine for the truly dark, it would set back greatly the spiritual growth of those<br />

remaining under their control. How many people would we have evacuated under this<br />

idea About 300 million is all. This number is of those who are sovereigns incarnate on this<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> at this time.<br />

The population of this pla<strong>net</strong> is way over the limits, especially considering the lack of true<br />

spiritual knowledge, and technology. This is not new to you. We did discuss the idea of<br />

taking a number of people to the new pla<strong>net</strong> we have discussed, but so many have so little<br />

survival skills, that would otherwise be appropriate to send there, that this is not possible.<br />

There are skilled assistants at that place that can assist at most 1 million people right now.<br />

All of the pla<strong>net</strong>s that entered the Lucifer Rebellion in Satania (pronounced sa ta nee a)<br />

are part of my Correcting Time. Earth (Urantia) is the worst off, due to its nature as a<br />

“maximum security” penal colony. It is also the pla<strong>net</strong> of my final bestowal 2000 years ago,<br />

and thus has my greatest affection, perhaps of any within my realm. That is why I have<br />

done, what I consider the “right thing” in setting a new ground for those Creator Sons, who<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 205

are “younger” and less experienced than I. The “right thing” I did, was to choose to return<br />

personally, in a body, to this pla<strong>net</strong>, the only Creator Son or Avonal Bestowal Son to date<br />

to do so, in all of time proceeding this time now.<br />

So in that above statement, please understand that I am NOT walking away from this,<br />

which I consider my most sacred duty, the release of this pla<strong>net</strong> from imprisonment, and its<br />

restoral as the most important seed pla<strong>net</strong> of Nebadon. And on top of that, as I have stated<br />

before, it is also at this time, my magnificent training school for the future Ascending Sons<br />

who will create and rule the new creations in outer space, and will also assist now, in my<br />

universe and the younger ones in existence, and build their learning by working in “jobs”<br />

formerly handled by the Descending Sons.<br />

You see this now, in my appointment of Sananda Esu Immanuel Kumara, as the resident,<br />

in life, visible, Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince of this pla<strong>net</strong>. This is a new way of doing things, and I<br />

continue to appoint appropriate persons to other formerly Descendant Son positions<br />

through my Universe.<br />

Now, considering the above statement about the Correcting time, understand the<br />

commitment to all these pla<strong>net</strong>s is immense, requiring volunteers from various levels<br />

throughout not only Nebadon, but also other creations and realms to assist the process.<br />

Over the next few years, every earth being alone, on this pla<strong>net</strong> that makes a heart felt free<br />

will request, will be assigned a personal celestial guide. Those that don’t deem themselves<br />

capable of the mental “talk” with the guide, will be given actual written help! Now consider<br />

the population of this pla<strong>net</strong> alone, as the others are also offering this, and see how many<br />

celestial beings will be assigned to one to one contact with a living person. We are<br />

continuing to solicit volunteers for this mission as yet we are running “short.”<br />

Regards, who are here from other creations or levels, consider the one we have chosen to<br />

feature in these works with Candace, the one often called “Mother Shekhmet.” She is a<br />

fine ge<strong>net</strong>icist who will “head up” the process of uplifting the ge<strong>net</strong>ics upon this pla<strong>net</strong>, so<br />

that it returns to the seed pla<strong>net</strong> of my dreams. She is a graduate of universe #60012, a<br />

much older universe in Orvonton. And she is long ago a graduate of Paradise, having sat<br />

at the “right hand of the Father”, the process I demonstrated 2000 years ago, in the story<br />

told of how I ascended to the Father, in your bible.<br />

For those of you who are the new readers to come, understand this is the “goal” of your<br />

education through the universes, which starts with my Universe, if you are from here, of<br />

course, then through the schools of the Super Universe, on through the schools of Havona,<br />

the Central Universe, until you have your day in the “sun” of the Father. It is your destiny to<br />

do this, should you CHOOSE the option of eternal life.<br />

But its not the end of that destiny, for then you go forward and continue the journey of your<br />

choice, which could include becoming possibly a Creator Son yourself of a creation yet to<br />

come in the Outer Space regions. There will be the new creation of Seven MORE Super<br />

Universes, and it will be the Ascending Sons that will lead the way, rather than the<br />

Descending Sons. Instead of the Ascending Sons assisting the Descending Sons, it will be<br />

the other way around.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 206

Earth is an important “playground” for those of you who have chosen these career goals,<br />

and for that reason alone, I will NOT evacuate the pla<strong>net</strong>, either partially or fully, and thus<br />

destroy the wondrous opportunity, my greatest gift, that I can bestow on so many of you, of<br />

this mighty opportunity for your growth.<br />

I can’t tell when the stasis will begin, the date is not fluid anymore, it must be done soon.<br />

There is a final date. It could also happen suddenly if any of these competing groups get in<br />

the way. This happened right after the G 8 meeting, I was almost forced to begin stasis<br />

before it was adequately prepared. A competing dominant group, the “leaders” of the USA<br />

decided to take some actions into their own hands, and attempted to install Cheney as the<br />

new war leader. I won’t disclose all the details.<br />

This of course must occur before the Jupiter event, and we are working at this time to<br />

“encase” Jupiter in a “shield” to hopefully delay that event until the timing I have chosen,<br />

when the sun is between Earth and Jupiter. We must have some time to allow for<br />

evacuation where needed, if desired by residents of particularly, the Pacific Rim. And that<br />

process can’t even be entertained, if we do not have adequate control of the banks, and<br />

the leaders of this world, for there is in most countries around the Rim totally inadequate<br />

planning to handle people needing to temporarily or permanently move inland.<br />

During the conclave we also created some more plans about star fleet assistance in these<br />

necessary evacuations, and this should not yet be disclosed either, until we publicly<br />

announce the forthcoming Jupiter event.<br />

Some will not be happy that “God” is removing the ozone layer about the earth and that<br />

this is going to cause many physical bodies to perish. However, if we were to leave that<br />

ozone in place, which is trapping pollution, and not allowing the photon belt to fully do what<br />

it does, the death rate would be much higher and much faster, because of both the<br />

increasing pollution (which will soon kill all animal life on the pla<strong>net</strong>), and the massive<br />

chaos that accompanies always the many problems generated by mankind.<br />

Some will not be happy that God is interfering in any manner, other than a rapture event.<br />

And that of course is because people do not understand what God is on this pla<strong>net</strong>. Star<br />

fleet will be seen for a time, by many, as an invading force, rather than as a salvation force.<br />

So Be It, but we hope our educational period will suffice for the majority of people on this<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>. It will be very thorough, in language most can understand, and global.<br />

It will be “soon,” on my timing, and not before. Again rest assured that I will not let this<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> go on to the doom created by the Anti Christ. For it is my beloved creation.<br />

Namaste, I AM THAT I AM, Christ Michael, Aton, of Nebadon.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 207

Christ Michael is Taking Over the Pla<strong>net</strong><br />

By Christ Michael<br />

# 71 July 26,2007<br />

Beloveds, It is I, Aton/Christ Michael come to update you a bit more on the process going<br />

on at this time. Esu had stated in his piece with Jess that these newly chosen leaders<br />

would guarantee their integrity. What is being required of all those chosen at this time,<br />

earth citizens, in the banking industry, the media, and the government leadership roles, is<br />

that they sign an actual contract of service, and agree to be supervised by individual star<br />

fleet personal. If the contract is voided by lack of cooperation and any under handed<br />

activity that does not suit the goals, they are to be removed from the pla<strong>net</strong> immediately<br />

upon discovery of same.<br />

Now this does not mean these ones will perform as robots to us, but rather it allows the<br />

discussion and creation process, as long as the discussion and what is deemed<br />

appropriate fit the higher vision, according to those who are supervisors. These<br />

supervisors not only supervise, they engage the entities in the genuine process of co<br />

creation.<br />

The signing process is going well, and in fact is very much liked by the ones who are<br />

signing these contracts, and they are finding “safety” in this. Only a few have backed away,<br />

and thus have exposed themselves in that manner. It is expected this process will be fully<br />

finished this weekend.<br />

In the meantime, we are selecting replacements for those that did not take of the<br />

opportunity offered. As has been mentioned before, in the case of no earth citizen being<br />

available for various roles, star fleet personnel will take the positions. Star fleet personal,<br />

both supervisors and those filling direct positions also have to sign a statement of<br />

agreement to serve my vision in this process.<br />

The banking industry is getting the most supervision and has, considering the numbers<br />

required a high percentage of star fleet personnel in position, as it is absolutely required<br />

because of the nature of global trading in place to have this control and make for smooth<br />

transition.<br />

Of course, at this time, it is not appropriate to name names. Even those who had been<br />

previously chosen for the USA are required the same signatures, and I will not at this time<br />

for safety, reveal who signed and who might not have signed. We did have a very<br />

interesting situation crop up during this process.<br />

Now, it is circulating on the Inter<strong>net</strong> that the earthquakes in Japan we caused by man,<br />

striking back at Japan in punishment over the Chinese Secret Society plans. This is not so,<br />

these were natural earthquakes. However, the nuclear power plants were struck around<br />

this time, and the story told that the earthquakes were the cause, and it is not so. We have<br />

control over the technology developed on earth, and no earthquakes are being intentionally<br />

caused at this time. All of them are natural events. We do continue at times to release<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 208

pressures to stave off some events until the pla<strong>net</strong> is better prepared. We are trying in<br />

particular to prevent the occurrences that would lead at this time to LA going into the sea.<br />

But most likely it will go into the sea during the Jupiter event, for the deep ground<br />

structures are so unstable, that it can’t be prevented.<br />

Although we must operate in some secrecy right now, after the stasis event, we will report<br />

all that is occurring in a full open easy to understand manner, and the media will be<br />

sufficiently controlled to allow it to be truly a free press. That does sound odd doesn’t it,<br />

control it to be free, but that is exactly what will happen. It is controlled reversely now.<br />

To assist this process, citizens of earth will have Inter<strong>net</strong> contact with star fleet Mother<br />

Ships in service. Particular Mother ships will establish websites in their service areas, and<br />

there will be email capabilities for the common citizen of pla<strong>net</strong> earth to interact. Of course,<br />

as safety permits and fear resolves there will be many interactions on the ground with star<br />

fleet, via offices set up, and also via shuttlecraft visitations for the public. More will openly<br />

walk the pla<strong>net</strong>. There will be massive flyovers during the second half of the educational<br />

project.<br />

In addition to the 2 weeks coverage, much material is being prepared and has been<br />

prepared over the past year, that will be shown to the public, and replace some of those<br />

particularly controlling and dumbing down shows that are watched now.<br />

The success of this massive take over of the pla<strong>net</strong>, and yes, we are taking over the pla<strong>net</strong><br />

in this, of course depends upon the citizens of pla<strong>net</strong> earth and the leaders who have<br />

stepped into place and those that will come. In the previous several years we were working<br />

on obtaining the free will cooperation and this did not occur, but was required under<br />

universal law to attempt this first. The only free will now at this time, will be that which<br />

serves within established parameters.<br />

What we are providing in those parameters is the allowance for your co creation within<br />

them. We will not do all the work; we are providing the stability required for you to do this,<br />

in cooperation with the divine plan.<br />

Now I wish to speak a bit on the nature of service of <strong>AbundantHope</strong> to the larger picture.<br />

Some of the readers have missed out on the larger picture. <strong>AbundantHope</strong> directly serves<br />

the Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince, and thus also myself through this process of work with the Pla<strong>net</strong>ary<br />

Prince. Joined at the hip is what some might call this.<br />

This has certainly been implied, as per the information given out of the joint sharing of the<br />

International Headquarters, which will be in Colorado. <strong>AbundantHope</strong> will, as its main goal,<br />

coordinate the mission process on the pla<strong>net</strong>. There are so many talented people and<br />

organizations, but not a fixed set of goals. Many movements are rent asunder by division<br />

and fighting within the groups for supremacy. It will the purpose to identify these<br />

movements, and also the need for that which doesn’t yet exist, and bring organization to<br />

the process.<br />

The team members of <strong>AbundantHope</strong> as established to date with meet with some other<br />

prospective members during the stasis period, that have been selected as possible team<br />

members by Esu. Additional regions will be identified and covered, and this is a global<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 209

plan. The opportunity will be given to any mission group seeing the divine plan to serve<br />

under the Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince in this manner, through association with <strong>AbundantHope</strong>.<br />

Esu originally thought to have some members on his team, and Candace would have<br />

some members, but there was so much overlap, that the teams were merged together to<br />

form a more functional entity. All mission leaders and their team members throughout the<br />

globe will have the opportunity of being ordained in service to Christ Michael on this pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

There will be levels of ordination and a logo system set in place that mission groups may<br />

use to demonstrate that they are serving the global goals. And if some having been given<br />

ordination, fail that ordination, they will loose it. This is not a religious ordination, but a<br />

spiritual ordination.<br />

There will be fun advertising techniques, such as bumper stickers, T-shirts, and the like for<br />

these teams to use and proudly wear in support to getting the pla<strong>net</strong> into light and life. We<br />

have no firm idea of the time it will take, its up to you, in that sense, but we hope to initiate<br />

light and life within 25 years. We must first, no matter the other spiritual progress of the<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>, have the energy technologies in place that will function in monopolarity. And there<br />

are also, thusly coming onto the pla<strong>net</strong>, in fact already in place many who will also<br />

supervise if needed, various industries on the pla<strong>net</strong> that are necessary to keeping the<br />

order and growth coordinated. We do not develop the industries; those on earth do, using<br />

our ideas and their knowledge of market to get them into place.<br />

I am asking Candace to include in this piece, the definitions of OLIN and SIN, from the<br />

Wingmakers site, to draw attention to these communications ideas to come. OLIN comes<br />

first and is being developed at this time. SIN comes only when First Source and Center<br />

says the pla<strong>net</strong> is ready, and this will be sometime after the initiation into Light and Life.<br />

For this does not happen until the pla<strong>net</strong> is inhabited by at least 95% of the population that<br />

have obtained sovereignty of their souls, and the appropriate technology is in place.<br />

There are now coming to the pla<strong>net</strong> several more Trinity Teacher Sons from the Central<br />

Universe to assist the teaching mission process. There are a few here already, but more<br />

are needed. It is under the Trinity Teacher Son process that all those who ask in good faith<br />

will get a personal celestial teacher as described in my last message with you. It will take<br />

approximately 120 days for them to arrive and they are still being chosen. These ones will<br />

each take on a particular religion on the pla<strong>net</strong> and provide assistance in reforming the<br />

knowledge that is so lacking in these groups. Thus some would for example, assist<br />

Mohammed with Islam. And so it goes.<br />

Again, no public dates at this time for the stasis. It is hoped all will be in place fully sooner<br />

than the final date which has been determined to be in time enough to assist the changes<br />

prior to the Jupiter event. Education of the Jupiter event will be given well in advance, and<br />

there will be some assistance given from star fleet during the event, but you on the earth<br />

must determine for the most part the plans of evacuation if desired in the first place, by the<br />

consent of those that would leave, and the consent of those that will assist in their gifts of<br />

service to those who would make the move. This will be more cumbersome for the United<br />

States in particular, because the people are spoiled rotten and not used to this type of<br />

chaos. Other countries on the Pacific Rim will fair better, except possibly Japan and the<br />

Philippines, who have such large populations, are land locked in that sense, and do not<br />

have friendly relations with the countries on the main land.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 210

As the time approaches for the ignition of Jupiter, the exact date will be given publicly.<br />

There will be NO secret agenda forthcoming, either from us, and those upon the earth. The<br />

media will be very strictly monitored, and if information is blocked, we will interfere from the<br />

satellites. The global coverage during the educational period is easily done by taking over<br />

the communication satellites and we can do this more than once if necessary.<br />

I have ordered, at the end of the conclave, for star fleet personal to greatly increase their<br />

visibility, within safety parameters around the globe, with a special increase within the<br />

borders of the United States prior to stasis, and your Inter<strong>net</strong> news seem to be reporting<br />

this already. We are deciding on other little games around visibility, which may include<br />

rearranging star groups that maintain old patterns you expect in the sky at this time. You<br />

are not in your original positions at this time. Your entire solar system is being moved<br />

closer to Alcyone, and your skies don’t match what was anymore, so many large ships<br />

have maintained the illusions. So we may re arrange them, but might wait until after<br />

announcement to play this interesting little game.<br />

Of course our purpose and presence will be covered in the global announcement process.<br />

We are not taking over all media, only cabal television, so it is possible some media will be<br />

negative, on radio, print and such. However, satellite radio will be disconnected if this<br />

occurs. Also, we do not have in place personnel who can speak all languages, so there is<br />

going to be some translating going on, such as dubbing in either speech or text.<br />

The news presented however will be identical for everyone on the pla<strong>net</strong>. Portions of it will<br />

explain briefly what has gone on in various regions of the globe, for those audiences not of<br />

the western influence, and thus those under western influence will learn more about the<br />

histories of the “eastern” countries. But only a small amount of the teaching during the<br />

announcement process will be dedicated to this, as much more is being prepared for all<br />

countries to view locally later.<br />

As I have said before, much spiritually correct teaching about the nature of God and his<br />

assistants will be given, for at least one week of the process and the pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince and<br />

<strong>AbundantHope</strong> introduced. The Truth and nothing but the Truth will be given throughout<br />

the process. I am taking my leave now, for this is sufficient at this time. Be in Peace<br />

beloveds, and begin, if not already the planning needed for the process. Of the most<br />

immediately nature is the planning around the Jupiter event, and its repercussions. Other<br />

mission ideas would need to wait until after the event. Heal first that which is in thy face!<br />

Namaste, Aton of Nebadon.<br />

Candace: Here’s the material I was asked to include on OLIN and SIN<br />

OLIN Technology<br />

Intelligent <strong>net</strong>works are able to operate from a single language with translation interfaces<br />

that enable global intercourse. This means language is no longer a barrier to<br />

communication. Intelligent <strong>net</strong>works will introduce a meta-language that translates both<br />

real-time written and spoken applications. It will revolutionize the ge<strong>net</strong>ic mindís global<br />

construct, and facilitate the digitalization of your global economy.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 211

There will be many within the Hierarchy, who will object vehemently to the notion of a<br />

global, digital economy, but we will tell you, it will happen regardless of the complaints and<br />

registered concerns. Your most powerful banks, computer manufacturers, and software<br />

companies will merge to create this momentous technology, and the One Language<br />

Intelligent Network (OLIN) will become the standard operating system of all the worldís<br />

computer-based systems.<br />

This will not occur until the year 2008, so it is some time before you will encounter this<br />

globalization of your economy, but all of the systems and architecture are already being<br />

designed and conceptualized in the minds of some of your brightest engineers and<br />

scientists. We assure you, this is not something to be feared, but rather embraced, and not<br />

because of the economic values, but because of the way the OLIN technology will facilitate<br />

the development of a global culture.<br />

As the OLIN technology evolves, it will increasingly become subject to individual control. In<br />

other words, individuals will become inextricably linked into the <strong>net</strong>workís entertainment<br />

and educational applications, which will become globalized. No longer will global media<br />

companies publish for a geographical market. They will produce content for a global<br />

audience and each individual will define what and how it desires to be entertained or<br />

educated.<br />

The OLIN technology will "know" the preferences and interests of every individual linked to<br />

its <strong>net</strong>work, and by the year 2016, it will be more ubiquitous than telephones in the late<br />

20th century. Hence, the <strong>net</strong>work will be controlled by individuals, and producers of content<br />

and services will be the "slave" or reactionary force of the individual. Thus, the individual<br />

will need to define their entertainment and educational desires carefully, or the OLIN<br />

technology will deliver content that is undesirable.<br />

We know this sounds obvious and trite, but it is profoundly different than the way<br />

entertainment and education are delivered in your world of the pre-OLIN technology. The<br />

time capsules that the WingMakers have left behind will act as a template to those who<br />

operate outside of the limiting force of the ge<strong>net</strong>ic mind, and desire to create content for<br />

the OLIN technology even before it exists. The time capsules will show how to do this and<br />

demonstrate how to create multi-dimensional content that carries its viewer-participant into<br />

new corridors of understanding and illumination.<br />

This is how the ge<strong>net</strong>ic mind will fragment and become unable to exert a unified force upon<br />

the human instruments of terra-earth. When it is in this condition it will yield to the<br />

transformation/mastership model of existence and form a synthesis with it. It will transform<br />

itself, and the ge<strong>net</strong>ic mind will become the leader of transformation for entities upon terraearth<br />

instead of its barrier force.<br />

Sovereign Integral Network<br />

The Sovereign Integral Network (SIN) already exists, indeed, has always existed.<br />

However, there has not been a way for it to connect or interface with your technologies.<br />

Terra-earth has created technologies that are largely mechanistic and electrical in nature,<br />

and it is just beginning to understand electromag<strong>net</strong>ic energy fields and holographic<br />

technology. Regrettably, when technologies are in their infantile stages of development,<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 212

they are very often conformed to a military or economic control application. And this is the<br />

case with these emerging technologies.<br />

SIN cannot interface with technologies bearing such an application. Not because it is<br />

impossible technologically, but because it is undesirable ethically. SIN is actually a subatomic<br />

<strong>net</strong>work of light-encoded filaments that exist in all dimensions of the multiverse.<br />

Think of SIN as an infinite number of threads of light issuing from Source Reality, and, like<br />

a web, connecting every life form at its entity level to all other entities and First Source.<br />

This is an organic <strong>net</strong>work that is utilized by First Source to transmit knowledge to entities<br />

and to receive knowledge from entities.<br />

SIN will eventually be interfaced with OLIN technology, but this will not happen for several<br />

hundred years. The interface is too far beyond both your technology and understanding of<br />

cosmology, and no pla<strong>net</strong>ary system can be fitted to interface with SIN until it is absolutely<br />

pure in its content and application. Only First Source makes this decision as to when a<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>ary system can become a node on SIN. This is the core purpose of WingMakers, to<br />

help terra-earth become a node on SIN before its opportunity to interface has past.<br />

Each entity is a node of SIN, but so few realize this connection exists other than through<br />

what they read or hear. The connection is real and timeless, and occurs at the core,<br />

innermost aspect of the entity where beats the replica heart of First Source. This is the<br />

repository of First Source and exudes ITS Unique vibration like a radio tower sends its<br />

signals in all directions.<br />

Even your physicists have found preliminary evidence of SIN in their research with their socalled<br />

super string theory. We assure you, however, that this <strong>net</strong>work will eventually<br />

replace all other <strong>net</strong>works for the primary reason that it is the conduit into timelessness.<br />

And this is the destination that draws all humanoid species, initially, through a<br />

technological portal similar to your Inter<strong>net</strong>, which eventually leads to a biomorphic portal<br />

consisting of the encoded light filaments leading to the non-worlds of Source Reality.<br />

When a human species transforms its ge<strong>net</strong>ic mind to utilize the Sovereign Integral<br />

Network, this then becomes the "ship" upon which it sails the seas of the cosmos. And in<br />

this way, the species is allowed to become "Gods" of newly created worlds in which it can<br />

re-enact the entire process of the Grand Experiment utilizing its knowledge base and<br />

wisdom that was achieved in the previous stage of its existence. On a grand scale, this<br />

process is cast in countless worlds across the multiverse, and orchestrating all of this<br />

wondrous activity of creation is Source Intelligence and SIN.<br />

A note here about ge<strong>net</strong>ic mind. This is different than "mass consciousness" Ge<strong>net</strong>ic mind<br />

represents all accumulated experience of mankind to this point. Mass consciousness is a<br />

more current representation of the masses awareness. The ge<strong>net</strong>ic mind fragments, as<br />

more people become Sovereign Integrals.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 213

Stasis 101<br />

By Christ Michael, thru Candace and Henning<br />

# 72 September 5, 2007<br />

Dearly beloveds, I know this wait has been long for you, but understand that the stasis<br />

event prepares your way, it is my gift to the pla<strong>net</strong>, and it must be done right, and has<br />

been. All the various players that signed to work with us are in place. We had quite a<br />

surprise with the administration we had thought would serve within the United States, one<br />

important one chose to not sign a contract. And so another did.<br />

I will not release yet publicly my final date, except to say it is within this month, but we shall<br />

be ahead of that date. During the past week, we have moved Starfleet volunteer personnel<br />

into the Federal Reserve Banking system. Your Ben Bernake did not sign to serve, but<br />

agreed to serve minus the signature and supervision and then folded on us, to announce<br />

the ending of the Federal Reserve last Friday. He was supposed to have given an address<br />

to the nation from Wyoming that night, and instead made a hurried meeting lasting a short<br />

time that morning and left and did nothing he had agreed to do. He shall meet his<br />

appropriate fate for that, in Monjoronson’s courts.<br />

Every thing is in place now and we are very close to starting the stasis event. I have given<br />

a description of that process to Henning, the Regional Director of main Europe for<br />

<strong>AbundantHope</strong> and Candace will place an appropriate portion of that piece herein. (I have<br />

placed it at the end after Christ Michael has finished.-Candace)<br />

Now I suggest putting away a bit of cash to last a few days, because the banks will be<br />

closed when the pla<strong>net</strong> comes out of stasis, or shortly thereafter. Thus your plastic will not<br />

work. Have enough for your gasoline, food, etc. Announcement will begin as soon as<br />

possible after the pla<strong>net</strong> is fully awake. This will take 24 hours, the awakening, but there<br />

should be little on the news, depending on the area awakened.<br />

I remind you, that many will leave the pla<strong>net</strong> during stasis, from two main causes. We are<br />

removing many dark who have been in the way, and that number is quite large and<br />

includes many famous and important known people, so it can’t be hidden. Then the other<br />

group will be those who may be infirm for various reasons, and the exposure of the photo<br />

energy, after the ozone layer is removed will be toxic to them. The stasis itself will claim<br />

some who are ill.<br />

As we have taught already, you will only perceive that stasis has occurred after you<br />

awaken from it. You must find your courage and be supportive to those who are in fear,<br />

and many will be in fear simply because they sense something has happened, and when<br />

the news begins to cover any events before we are on the cable news system, it may not<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 214

e pretty. There are quite a few news personnel who will also be in a retreat during stasis,<br />

to continue the planning on their part, for it is great.<br />

They will return to their various areas as soon as where they are from, is awakened, to get<br />

a handle on what is going on. We do not have star fleet people directly on the mainstream<br />

media, but we do have many who did agree to be supervised, enough to cover. The actual<br />

announcement, with the announcement team in place will start within 12 hours of the full<br />

awakening of the pla<strong>net</strong>. And that part of the announcement comes from the Capricorn and<br />

Phoenix, we have two teams in place, because at first the process will run nearly around<br />

the clock, so the many times zones can pick up on it. Those who speak languages other<br />

than English are in place, and will begin translation of the material as presented, so that<br />

other countries have benefit. We have arranged for a few to repeat portions of the<br />

announcement during hours where languages other than English are common, and can be<br />

heard during waking hours in some of these countries. An example would be areas of<br />

China and Russia that are more or less opposite the United States. There is no perfect<br />

method to handle all the languages, countries, time zones etc, in a fully live event, so<br />

everyone will do their best.<br />

You will see nothing but us on cable channels for quite some time. No commercials, no<br />

other shows. There will be no radio satellite signal because we do not want the various<br />

radio shows that operate on satellite signal to broadcast negative material. We have a<br />

number of committed people in major print media, so we hopefully won’t have much<br />

difficulty around that, as there are star fleet support personnel behind the scenes to assist<br />

the newspapers in reporting truth. There are many small radio stations difficult to control,<br />

and where we are involved in radio to a greater degree is in countries with people that<br />

don’t tend to have television readily available, and so we will control the radio in these<br />

places.<br />

Now I will give you again a list of some of the projects we will accomplish during the stasis.<br />

In addition to what we will accomplish there will be several major other changes that will<br />

make life a little difficult on the pla<strong>net</strong> and at this moment I won’t discuss those, it must<br />

remain secure.<br />

1. Of course as previously stated we remove the ozone layer that is preventing<br />

the full benefit of the extra energy from the photon belt. There are certain systems on earth<br />

that will not function safely, because of electrical mechanical effects, and these we will<br />

cover during the early period of announcement, but I won’t detail that, as above.<br />

2. We will cleanse the atmosphere as possible, but we are not able to fully<br />

remove all pollutants. As above, there will be changes related to controlling the return of<br />

pollution to the atmosphere, and this will be covered also during announcement.<br />

3. Many oil and gas wells, will close naturally, and we will close many selected<br />

others. There are two reasons for this. Electromag<strong>net</strong> changes will cause some quaking<br />

and settling as the pla<strong>net</strong> goes in and out of stasis. We will close others at risk for<br />

extensive quakes. As we have taught already, some of the major quake activity is related<br />

to depleting the oil on which the plates of earth float. We also, as a third reason will close<br />

some in certain countries where it is not so depleted yet to conserve necessary reserves<br />

and also reduce the continual fighting for undeveloped resources. I will let you use your<br />

imaginations where some of that might occur.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 215

4. We will cleanse the plastic from the oceans. Enough damage to your sea life,<br />

that goes uncovered on the news.<br />

5. We will not convert the landfills to anything or disrupt them. Candace has<br />

had letters on this, thinking that everything polluting will be gone. Many of you, including<br />

Candace live on a landfill. You will be given technology for converting, meaning the<br />

concepts to develop for converting your landfills that are not lived on at this time, to<br />

fertilizer. There are a variety of methods available to do this, and you on earth must<br />

develop much of that which you need, including better processing of your waste, and you<br />

will figure out ways rather rapidly to use less oil and gas, thus reducing your plastic waste.<br />

This technology has, like so many others been given previously, and refused.<br />

6. We will remove a goodly number of the recalcitrant dark, so they do not<br />

stand in your way, as above.<br />

7. We will remove the little devices from all the cell phone towers that can be<br />

used to send fake “audio” messages to people, as being a message from “god.” This is<br />

very important, because almost a year ago, the dark planned a nasty revenge, in which the<br />

many programmed ones, done through the underground of a variety of churches on the<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>, were to receive nefarious messages to do nefarious things, in great variety. The<br />

plan last fall, was for many to begin a shooting spree in many public places, particularly in<br />

the United States.<br />

That would have brought instant manifestation by us, and enough said on that for the time<br />

being. Almost every well known church on the pla<strong>net</strong> uses some of its buildings to<br />

participate in mind control programs, and people are recruited into this, mostly willingly, in<br />

their desire to serve God. Some know “god” will speak to them; others do not, but will go<br />

into a variety of actions anyway, from either the cell towers, or on advice of “trusted”<br />

ministers. Such goes on in Iraq regularly at this time that stimulates this created civil strife.<br />

8. Another cleansing of the darker astral realms. We do this frequently anyway,<br />

but this one will cover perhaps a slightly higher layer in this.<br />

9. Star incarnates that have chosen to stay with the pla<strong>net</strong> until the end of their<br />

natural life, will be given some additional health benefits, to enable them to better<br />

withstand the effects of the photon belt.<br />

10. Certain star incarnates who have agreed to serve an extensive time in service<br />

to myself and the Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince, will receive fuller healing to lengthen their lives.<br />

11. There are certain star incarnates who at a higher level would prefer to leave<br />

now, they have completed their contracts and then some with the many delays of the<br />

Second Coming process that really started with the Phoenix Journal era. These will be<br />

allowed their wish during the period of stasis. Most of these will leave their bodies behind<br />

and return by incarnation from whence they came. Some will return to their light bodies<br />

that have been in storage from whence they came. All of this will be explained during the<br />

announcement period.<br />

12. The overall vibration of the pla<strong>net</strong> will be increased, by both the removals, and<br />

also by not returning the pla<strong>net</strong> to its same vibratory rate that it was when it went into<br />

stasis.<br />

13. There remains additional “stuff” that will be done, not to be covered here. Add<br />

cleansing to many of the waters also to this list.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 216

Now regards the many prosperity programs and the humanitarian funds. We have made<br />

certain deliveries to high-ranking people within the prosperity programs, and there are<br />

instructions with these deliveries.<br />

No actual monies will be accessed until after the banks reopen several days after stasis is<br />

over. There can be no monies released until the central banks are closed around the<br />

world, and the new treasury banks in the many countries are open. Existing banks under<br />

the central bank systems throughout the world will either be closed, or merged into the<br />

various National Treasury’s. Some of this merging will occur later, in some of the smaller<br />

countries. We have to get moving.<br />

Germain’s Humanitarian Funds will be released according to his own schedule. It is time<br />

for you readers to set aside your own funds in preparation for Jupiter. I can’t give a date on<br />

when any funds will filter down to individuals on the lists. It will take a bit of time. And the<br />

times of the rebate as part of NESARA that was discussed before, will occur, but not within<br />

the estimated year, but a bit later. Certain funds will be released to individuals who can use<br />

them properly to get the pla<strong>net</strong> through the Jupiter event that will come about 2 months<br />

after stasis is over. Remember that Jupiter and Earth will continue to travel during stasis,<br />

so the prime date to initiate it, will be in very early December, rather than late December.<br />

Stasis will last between three and four weeks.<br />

You will not be evacuated before Jupiter; you will solve the problems before hand, and<br />

make preparations. This may sound cruel, but it is not. This is a training pla<strong>net</strong>, and what is<br />

to come, is a far better scenario than a pole reversal. You will be challenged, and after the<br />

fact, you will be proud of your response and growth obtained from that challenge.<br />

<strong>AbundantHope</strong>, as we have said is directly our agency to accomplish the work needed by<br />

the large ground crew. We will provide some assistance, and knowledge as requested, but<br />

other than what we will do during stasis, as our gift, you must yourselves come forth and<br />

gift yourselves and others in the times to come.<br />

This pla<strong>net</strong> will not be at rest for some time to come. Although the greatest event to come,<br />

from our viewpoint at this time is the Jupiter event, there will continue to be many tests.<br />

You must remodel the energy systems; that takes the next priority. You will not be allowed<br />

to re-pollute this pla<strong>net</strong>, and I suggest those of you in the know right now, go buy<br />

yourselves some bicycles. Auto traffic will be greatly reduced by the closing of the oil wells<br />

that will occur, and no further development of the oil industry will happen.<br />

Development dollars and mental creativity will go to getting a variety of new energies onto<br />

the pla<strong>net</strong>. Closing of many wells in yet undeveloped areas will make developing other<br />

methods a priority. For once, every person on this pla<strong>net</strong> will be faced with “real”<br />

spirituality, and not the material basis of life right now. You will learn or remember that<br />

chasing the dollar your whole life is a shallow and distressing way to live. In fact, if you<br />

were a more mature society, you could be off the money by Jupiter, but we don’t see that<br />

happening. But imagine what you could accomplish without the restrictions of money, if<br />

only you will look at the idea. Jupiter will teach that idea. You will come together, money or<br />

not.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 217

The known members of <strong>AbundantHope</strong> and ones that will join during and after stasis, are<br />

the ground crew. This is mine and Esu’s chosen organization to represent us. We are<br />

“joined at the hip.” It will be time for the new age community to stop its squabbling and<br />

discover the unity concept still so missing upon this plane. It will be shortly time for all the<br />

religious organizations to stop their squabbling. It will shortly be time for all the peace and<br />

anti war organizations, the green organizations, and all the other “lighted” organizations to<br />

come together into oneness and discover the power of Two or More In My Name.<br />

Namaste, Christ Michael.<br />

OK, here is Henning’s work with Christ Michael, posted earlier today just to the AH team. I<br />

have removed that which is not to be public at this time.<br />

Stasis 101, by Henning<br />

Beloveds,<br />

it was my personal interest that I asked CM to answer some questions about the upcoming<br />

stasis and things we will have to focus on immediately after the end of the event. Again,<br />

you won’t get a transcript of my conversation (held in German, as you know), instead, here<br />

is a summary of my questions and the answers.<br />

How is it accomplished<br />

CM: “Basically, the stasis is created by lowering – or better: halting – the vibration on the<br />

sub-atomic level. This applies to a specific range of creatures on Mother Earth. Every<br />

creature exists on a specific vibration level and signature. The energy field for the stasis<br />

influences only a specific frequency spectrum of living creatures. That’s why cells, microorganisms,<br />

plants, animals and humans sleep – whereas entities existing below or above<br />

this spectrum continue to vibrate or live. In essence, it is the part of creation existing in 3-<br />

4D (roughly) which is sent to sleep. Imagine “The Sleeping Beauty” – this picture describes<br />

best what happens.<br />

I tried to explain the whole thing in an easy-to-understand way, as you surely can imagine,<br />

things are a little bit more complex.<br />

The energy field for initiating stasis is created by a group of starships sending out a<br />

specific energy pattern. Earth’s surface area which is enclosed by this is relatively small<br />

(less than 1 of 360 degrees), and only one half of Earth is covered simultaneously, starting<br />

in the Far East as I already told you. That’s why it basically takes 24 hours until the Earth is<br />

fully in stasis.<br />

The energy field is then cut off, and it is possible for star people and humans to come<br />

down to the surface to do the several tasks you already know of. After having<br />

accomplished the tasks, the creatures are awakened by another special energy field from<br />

the ships. This again takes 24 hours to complete.<br />

Notice that the stasis is active on Mother Earth’s surface only. It is not in the Inner Earth<br />

and of course not in your retreat area in the Himalayas.”<br />

What about the WW news during the initiation of stasis<br />

CM: “We will make sure that the information flow from the areas where the stasis begins<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 218

first (Far East) will be controlled to some extent. This is relatively easy as the ‘sleeping’<br />

creatures cannot pass any information to other parts of the world. So the ‘controlling’ of<br />

information basically deals with masking the real reason for the lack of information to<br />

understandable reasons, i.e. defects in the communication infrastructure.”<br />

How does life change after waking up<br />

CM: “First, understand that we will start the teaching activities shortly after the earth<br />

coming out of stasis. Our current plan is to start with that when the stasis is ended entirely.<br />

These first hours after awakening from stasis are the most critical ones as people will<br />

realize the things happened with fear and shock. It is most important for you as the ground<br />

crew that you are rock-solid and in best control of your emotions during these first hours<br />

and days.<br />

Remember that we will seal a significant amount of oil dwells during stasis, so that<br />

resources in this area will be restricted a good deal.<br />

Which are the top priorities we as AH team must work on after stasis<br />

CM: “The top priority is preparation work for the ignition of Jupiter. It will be your main task<br />

to work as liaison people between us and the new leaders on earth. We as a team have to<br />

ensure that people are prepared best for the ignition event.<br />

Plenty of GF people and craft will be available to your disposal, but you and all your<br />

helpers have to do the planning and negotiation with the GF folks. You will have several<br />

options to react i.e. on reduced “earth transport capacities” caused by restricted gas as you<br />

can organize GF craft and people for serving the Earth transportation needs until<br />

sustainable solutions are in place.<br />

Depending on the available capacities, relocation to public shelters is an option in several<br />

countries. In other areas it might be necessary to protect people’s homes. Massive<br />

evacuation by the GF is not appropriate!<br />

As you know, the ignition itself will cause a massive energy burst on several levels. Take<br />

into consideration that electric grids, data <strong>net</strong>works and wireless devices will not work at<br />

least for a couple of days. When the ignition begins, people must be in safe places and<br />

enough food and water stored for 2 weeks minimum.<br />

Furthermore, the houses where the people live must be protected sufficiently against the<br />

massive light and energy bursts. This can be accomplished by sealing off doors and<br />

windows. GF folks are able to offer other forms of protection, too. But it’s your job to get<br />

this known and plan accordingly.<br />

To summarize things, here is a list of the top-priority actions:<br />

1. Assist people in moving away from the coasts<br />

2. Take care for protection of people’s homes.<br />

We try our best to prepare for all this, and you all will be amazed to the amount of planning<br />

and preparation we already did – and you are currently not aware of. But it is a ‘big hairy<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 219

job’. Indeed I AM sure that we altogether will make it.<br />

Namaste, Aton/Christ Michael<br />

Namaste!<br />

Atélo (Henning)<br />

Regional Director for Europe<br />

Candace: I have received a good deal of mail around the USA western coast, with people<br />

asking questions such as when should they sell their house. I think it is already past that<br />

time. We will better define the expected areas of devastation from the Jupiter event, and<br />

any earthquakes that may or may not occur before that time. Once we give those<br />

suggested parameters, no one is going to buy your house, in all likelihood. It is for you and<br />

your own conscience to place a home or business for sale or not, in the meantime. The<br />

event WILL take place in December.<br />

We will cover the coming Jupiter event during the later part of the announcement period.<br />

For the best results to the people of earth, Jupiter will be ignited during that safety period<br />

when it is behind the sun, because the sun offers a buffer effect. As reported recently,<br />

Jupiter has been specially “encapsulated in an appropriate energy field” right now, to very<br />

hopefully prevent it’s own self-ignition prior to the best time.<br />

People, it is for YOU yourselves to determine your course. If you live in the LA area, the<br />

time to move is NOW, because that event, or something less than that event, could<br />

happen anytime now. LA will go into the ocean as we have covered, from north metro<br />

area, west to the San Andreas fault, and south to the Baja, about straight across from<br />

where the Colorado River exits into the Gulf of Mexico. It could happen all at once, or in<br />

parts, but it will happen, and if it doesn’t prior to the Jupiter event, it most likely will at that<br />

time.<br />

The estimated Tsunami from that occurrence could be as high as 1000 feet, and the<br />

resultant tsunami will hit much of the west coast of the USA and Mexico, and could likely<br />

travel across the entirely of the Pacific. Why risk it You all know California is just waiting<br />

to happen. In addition to the San Andreas fault system, there is another fault coming west<br />

to east off the coast northern California, and there is a plate north of that fault. Visit USGS<br />

and educate yourself.<br />

The Jupiter event may well cause a number of volcanoes to go off, which could include<br />

Rainier. If Rainer doesn’t do it then, it will do it at some point. Indian legends talk of<br />

Mother/Father volcanoes, or something along that line. St. Helen’s was predicted in Indian<br />

Lore, and so is Rainier. The folks in New Orleans for some reason thought it was a safe<br />

place, even though so much was below sea level, and they want to move back Gimme a<br />

break. Now those dikes and levies were blown by explosives, but still, this was merely<br />

waiting to happen anyway.<br />

Although the hurricane season got off to a late start this year, there have been two back to<br />

back 5’s. What more evidence of the earth changes going does the world need Granted<br />

the controllers are trying to make emissions the cause of global warming, but they account<br />

for only a small percent of it. Global warming and the warming of the entire solar system is<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 220

due to the photon belt energy. And our scientists are simply not going to fix that one.<br />

However, do not negate the pollution for it is at extreme levels now, and will soon be very<br />

life threatening if our way of life continues. I don’t know about other areas of the pla<strong>net</strong>, but<br />

here in my city, there is lots of top death on the trees, indicative of pollution.<br />

Have you noticed the greater number of people on oxygen That is directly related to the<br />

pollutants entering the body from cigarettes, BAD air, fumes of all sorts, and the lowered<br />

oxygen levels of the atmosphere. I think people at even moderate altitudes are showing<br />

higher hemoglobin in their blood to increase oxygen supply to the body tissues.<br />

Every organ of our body is created at birth and during childhood in excess of what we<br />

need, and thus allows for damage and aging. But once an organ has crossed that fine line<br />

the body craps out. I have seen this over and over in my health career. Livers do grandly,<br />

until the last moment. So do the kidneys, lungs, and heart. But go just a tad too far, and all<br />

bets are off, and the pla<strong>net</strong> is no exception to that rule. We are not that far away “from all<br />

bets are off” regards the pollution alone, let alone our other massive problems.<br />

for Jupiter, help your doubting Thomas friends and family realize what a gift to this pla<strong>net</strong>,<br />

and our civilization this whole thing, called the Second Coming process is.<br />

The pla<strong>net</strong> has been lost before; NOT THIS TIME, however. There are now enough<br />

awakened ones, if we provide more awakening, to stand in place and get the salvation of<br />

the pla<strong>net</strong>, and all her life forms done. NO MORE MAJOR POLE SHIFTS and POLE<br />

REVERSALS. The only pole shift will be minor ones, such as will occur during Jupiter, and<br />

the only changing of the polarity will be into the Hallowed Stage of Light and Life,<br />

MONOPOLARITY. As long we get our tutti’s in gear, and quickly with this intervention, we<br />

will have finally won the long battle to return this pla<strong>net</strong> to the lighted realms. SO BE IT.<br />

Take care, Candace<br />

PS. to the ones who wrote me the snail mail letter from Capitola, could you please send<br />

me your email address I am short of a printer right now to answer by the same method.<br />

You can send it, to the address I have long used, abundanthope2002@wmconnect.com<br />

Thankyou, beloved ones!<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 221

Very Brief Update from Christ Michael<br />

By Christ Michael<br />

# 73 Oct 1, 2007<br />

Hello everyone, it is I Christ Michael with a very brief update. We are working into the<br />

stasis preparation now as I speak. I ordered some extra stasis ships to make the process<br />

faster, and we are only a bit delayed, as we had to properly rehearse the scenario. We are<br />

not further dealing with the banking at this point, it shall be handled by the removal of the<br />

dark during stasis, and our installation of our forces into the system during stasis. The<br />

banking will be under our control when the pla<strong>net</strong> is brought out of stasis. That is all for<br />

now beloveds, Namaste, Christ Michael.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 222

Jupiter is NOT Waiting until Late December<br />

By Christ Michael and Candace<br />

# 74 Thursday November 8 th , 2007<br />

www.abundanthope.<strong>net</strong>/pages<br />

I everyone, I know that all of you are wondering just what is going on. My team and I were<br />

notified a few days ago, of impending events and have been in heavy communication since<br />

then. Christ Michael is addressing you today, with the expected changes. I will post his<br />

message first, and then add some of my own commentary.<br />

Christ Michael: Hello beloveds, this is Christ Michael (Aton), and it has come to point<br />

where I must satisfy your curiosity as to what is going on. First, I have been removing the<br />

ozone layer, and you may be noticing the sky brightening. (Candace: they just on local TV<br />

suggested people wear sunglasses for the sunrise, saying it will be very bright!)<br />

This is causing your ascension symptoms to increase greatly. Take care of body right now,<br />

especially taking in adequate nutrition and changing your otherwise bad habits.<br />

Now, for the real meat of this brief piece this morning: Beloveds, the increasing energies<br />

through the sun are affecting Jupiter heavily, and we can no long maintain the<br />

encapsulation. Thus it is very apparent it will not wait until late December when it is behind<br />

the sun, for us to ignite it. We have no control over this now, and to try to maintain control<br />

could very well cause Jupiter to implode, rather than explode, and we would then have a<br />

situation that is detrimental to the ascension not only of earth but the entire solar system.<br />

We need it to become a sun.<br />

This is necessarily causing a re working of our plans. Thus we are delaying stasis, awaiting<br />

for the outworking of the arrest of the President of the USA and his cohorts. I would advise<br />

reading of the latest Wantagate material, which Candace has kept up to date on her<br />

website. I am not going to re write it for you.<br />

I can’t give you any exact date for Jupiter becoming a sun. But it is fairly soon. We will<br />

await the outworking of the banking scenario, and I have decided to allow the public to<br />

briefly witness the Jupiter event, as there is a need for this by the religions. We will then at<br />

that point go into stasis. Now this is a temporary plan, and it might change. Consider this a<br />

heads up for some of you, depending on where you live. If you wish to evacuate, it is now<br />

time to do so.<br />

The event will be more catastrophic than were it to get behind the sun. I would have liked<br />

to do things differently, but Earth’s hierarchy has continued to resist these changes, and<br />

therefore we do the best we can, under the circumstances.<br />

I think most of you remember, one named Jhonka. He is very busy providing now the<br />

support behind the Provost Marshal, in bringing this government to its knees. This is going<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 223

to happen, and it sets things in place in a more preferred way, that will serve the people of<br />

the pla<strong>net</strong> better after stasis.<br />

There will be likely no formal announcement period until after stasis. What you see will<br />

simply be the real news as it unfolds, and CNN is setting up now the planning for this,<br />

which you may have noticed.<br />

It matters not to you, but stasis will be quite a bit longer, because we must clean up the<br />

resulting messes of the Jupiter eruption. We will do this, and stasis is estimated now at<br />

being 6-8 weeks long. Because it will be the coldest part of winter when stasis is finished,<br />

we will fix damaged electrical systems, cable damage and the like, so that the survivors,<br />

you, will have heat upon awakening, and communications. We will do much more than<br />

that, we are making a new to do list, but there will be substantial support from your star<br />

brotherhood during and after the event. Do not be in fear of this, it is but nature’s<br />

outworking. There are many of you in the areas most affected who will be rescued,<br />

those of you who desire to take the ascension journey with earth. There will be a<br />

couple weeks or more, before the tidal waves begin, and we will lift all those who<br />

have chosen ascension with earth out of harm’s way, but I still suggest some of you<br />

start a move inland if possible.<br />

We have chosen a certain “bandwidth” if you will, of whom the stasis will affect. It in<br />

general will affect people and the higher animals, particularly mammals. Thus, during this<br />

prolonged stasis, your animal friends will also sleep, protecting them. It is important that<br />

livestock survive this, that are tended by human hands also. There will be food assistance<br />

given, amongst the gifts of your higher brothers, so do not worry, when stasis ends. There<br />

will be many gifts and assistance.<br />

If you watch your skies at night, you might glimpse your higher brothers at work down in<br />

the atmosphere now. Most of the shuttlecraft leave a trail of “sparks” after them, when in<br />

the atmosphere. You have probably seen them before, but people tend to call these falling<br />

stars, but because of gravity, it the sparks don’t “fall” it is a craft beloveds. Candace is<br />

reporting sightings daily, both at bedtime, when she gets up during the night, and early<br />

morning. She sleeps little right now, because of her personal work and involvement in this.<br />

(I sleep sort of enough, just not all of it at night).<br />

I, as always, since this became a public project, ask that when you awaken from stasis,<br />

that you hold yourselves together, and be the rocks of support that your circles require.<br />

The world will change quite a bit. We will have public communications in order at that time,<br />

as we will not awaken the sleeping until all is in place for the support needed. Depending<br />

also on the numbers assisted in survival, those wishing to ascend, we will provide also for<br />

you on ship, until after stasis, and then return you when provisions can be made for<br />

housing, if that is required if you lived where destruction occurred and you can’t return.<br />

I am at this point going to let Candace add suggestions, as she feels needed to this piece.<br />

She is very busy, and will not answer mail, but may look at some of it in order to answer<br />

questions publicly, in the little time she has left before she leaves for her role. The AH<br />

team, and many others responsible unto this, will still be in underground areas about the<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>, so they may return to the surface when all is done to take their respective roles.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 224

These include of course, certain media members, and the leaders of governments, that are<br />

chosen to continue on.<br />

I will leave now, and let her finish the piece. Beloveds, again, be not in fear, but in<br />

acceptance of this, for this is a far better outcome than if the people of earth were left<br />

totally untended, for great starvation and the resultant problems would be what would<br />

happen, and that is not going to happen. You will be lovingly assisted after the event.<br />

Namaste, I am Christ Michael, Creator Son of Nebadon. This is my beloved seed pla<strong>net</strong>,<br />

and she will enter unto her glory. Blessed are you ones, to see the miraculous days ahead.<br />

Candace: Ok, I took this earlier this morning, and it is taking some time for me to collect<br />

my thoughts, and get this up.<br />

My first comment, is that we did say previously that they were attempting to hold Jupiter<br />

until it was opposite the sun, and then assist its ignition at that time, rather than risking it<br />

later. That is simply not working. I have written in previous work, that the outer gaseous<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>s often do become suns, and this is an expanding process, it is one of the ways the<br />

creation grows. If Jupiter does the opposite, that would be a contracting process. It would<br />

eventually take down this solar system.<br />

Creation expands, and it is not right to interfere with expansion. Your own personal<br />

continuing ascension is about your personal expansion, and as long you desire to exist,<br />

your very existence will at some point demand your expansion. (continuing ascension)<br />

There were 10 billion laggards incarcerated on this pla<strong>net</strong>, with the hopes of stimulating<br />

their expansion, and it has been moderately successful. However, many chose to not<br />

partake in their expansion and have continued their contraction, which when they reach a<br />

certain point, causes their own souls to implode, in a sense, or their intentional uncreation<br />

or imprisonment in a void world.<br />

To prevent Jupiter’s expansion is to violate nature. And to violate nature and expansion<br />

was the goal of the dark, whom wished to interfere in this seed pla<strong>net</strong>, and the plans of<br />

creation. Eventually, this area would become a black hole, consuming the light. There is<br />

enough of this already out there.<br />

Jupiter is going to happen, we just hoped for a more controlled situation, but then again, it<br />

might not have been the best idea in the long run. Notice that Christ Michael says this will<br />

be a depopulating experience, and that seems not a nice scenario, but if you have followed<br />

Monjoronson’s works also, you know this needs to happen. We have placed as far as I<br />

know, all of his series on this topic, and the need to form a sustainable society on my<br />

website.<br />

The world is seriously in trouble, regards resources, and it was going to be difficult to<br />

provide for all the displaced people. These events are normally allowed to happen, and<br />

sometimes the higher brothers assist and sometimes, the best thing to do is not to assist,<br />

other than if the event is quite large, evacuate as can be done. The purpose of the Ashtar<br />

Command, is evacuation, and that is the purpose the command is here in these times.<br />

There will be assistance, a lot of it, but not an evacuation of the pla<strong>net</strong>, its not necessary to<br />

do that with the Jupiter Event.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 225

Much help has been given to Earth. Its poles were ready to reverse with WW2, and ships<br />

came and have kept the pla<strong>net</strong> stabilized, so that we could grow some more. And grow we<br />

did, to excess, because of people’s inability to look to the future and keep their numbers<br />

within reason. Of course the religious propaganda has assisted this process, with Catholics<br />

and Mormons in particular, insisting that people must reproduce, it being a sin not to do so.<br />

It is in the bible, that God said go forth and populate the pla<strong>net</strong>, but God never said, go<br />

forth and make so many of you, that you will suffer starvation and deprivation, and yet that<br />

is what man has done. And today’s evangelical churches are not helping this, with the<br />

preaching of abundance going on. There is NO way that the entirety of earth’s 7 billion<br />

people can at this time, experience the so called abundance of the USA, Europe, and<br />

Canada. We have harmed the pla<strong>net</strong> and not developed technologies given the past 150<br />

or so years.<br />

Monjoronson warned, starting about 1-½ years ago, that there would be a cataclysm, and<br />

this is the first one. Others may be smaller and less severe, but the pla<strong>net</strong> is going to<br />

change. It is expected that the Jupiter event will cause at least a 10% depopulation. My<br />

dear readers, as hard as it sounds, this is the better way. People will be asleep as they<br />

pass this plane, and will not suffer. We will not deal with how to support all those who<br />

come inland, and otherwise are evacuated, with diminishing resources. Religions expound<br />

on dramatic end time events, and these are coming, with or without assistance, because<br />

we are in the Photon Belt. This is NATURE, taking care of itself.<br />

Mankind will respond I think well, with the announcements and intercessions afterwards.<br />

As Christ Michael says above, there will be a great deal of assistance and support, during<br />

and after the event. I think those that remain, will be inspired, I hope to come into great<br />

assistance and growth. Now the 10% figure above, is about those expected to be lost<br />

during this cataclysm. It doesn’t include the intentional removal of the dark ones, and those<br />

that will not survive the stasis because their souls don’t come into alignment with the<br />

higher energies hitting the pla<strong>net</strong> at this time.<br />

The ozone layer is obviously being removed. I ask all of you who have had sunny weather<br />

to ponder that. I heard from a friend a couple days ago, who has had his friends<br />

commenting on the brightness, and how the stars are more visible. If you have had<br />

overcast weather, you may not notice. Another friend this morning commented on how<br />

when he is in his car, he is lowering his visor more, because of the glare. I tried to look at<br />

the sun a couple days ago, and flat could not hardly at all, but it seems whiter, and my little<br />

glimpse left me with big long lasting strong “ after visuals,” that one gets when looking at<br />

light bulbs and the sun. I know a better word for that, but I can’t remember it this morning.<br />

(and added comment here, while making a couple corrections: I just returned from walking<br />

outside, and I was squinting constantly. I have had this occur before when brightness has<br />

increased, and my eyes adapt in a few days.)<br />

Many of you are experiencing a huge increase in ascension symptoms. There is<br />

discussion on forums about this. Many of you are experiencing hot hands and feet,<br />

vibrating off and on, especially during the night. I usually start vibrating around 3-4 each<br />

morning, and the intensity of this in increasing, plus with my disturbed sleep right now, I<br />

notice this more. It started at midnight last night and I did not sleep well. Usually I notice<br />

this more around my torso area, but last night it was mainly in my legs, and was very<br />

strong. I finally got up at 5 and started my day.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 226

I suggested in a little piece yesterday I think, that you are forming your 4d bodies. Go read<br />

that post. The 3d body is the one that ages and dies, the 4d body is the one that<br />

regenerates. That is what is meant by the ascended body in new age. Some of you think<br />

your body will ascend to somewhere else, and that is not true. It changes into a 4d body,<br />

as you link up your “junk” dna. This body can be used as long as you wish and take care of<br />

it. It can last thousands of years, by your choices made for your journeys. You give it up<br />

when you wish to leave the physical realms, and work in the non-physical realms, or desire<br />

an incarnation elsewhere. The 4d body gets less physical, as you spiritually grow.<br />

So you are forming a 4d body, if you are going to stay with the pla<strong>net</strong> as she ascends. I will<br />

cover more on this topic later, this is enough for this piece, and it deserves a full piece on<br />

this idea. I am only touching on it now, so that those of you experiencing these symptoms<br />

know what is going on. Those of you who are older will often experience more symptoms<br />

than those of you who are young, and it depends also if you brought some improved DNA<br />

into your incarnation already. However, listen to your body and give it what it needs.<br />

You will continue to experience ascension to your body, as you sleep during stasis, and<br />

your assorted angels and guides will be busy with you. So, I ask you to worry little about<br />

your personal outcomes during this stasis period. What will be is what will be, and<br />

according to your souls desires at this time. If you are to stay, you will be rescued during<br />

the stasis, and lifted to ships, if you live on the coasts or elsewhere that comes into harm’s<br />

way. Be NOT in FEAR. You are individually cared for by your guides and angels and your<br />

soul wishes are known and will be honored.<br />

If you live in a safe area, you will remain on the pla<strong>net</strong> to awaken with everyone else. So<br />

as you awaken, remember to be the way showers that you are! There will be full coverage<br />

on the media, as cables etc will be fixed if damaged so communications can be adequate.<br />

Also damaged electricity and gas lines will be repaired, so you awaken with heat and the<br />

like. Your animals will sleep with you and thus you will awaken also with your beloved<br />

animal family members.<br />

Remember that some will be passing during stasis for all the reasons we have given prior<br />

to this piece. Please do not write me asking questions that have already been covered<br />

before. Go back and read those pieces. I have been given search links from my friend<br />

James (and a big thank you!) that will produce several pages of articles, including the<br />

translations of pieces about stasis. I tried them, and they worked for me.<br />

http://abundanthope.<strong>net</strong>/cgibin/artman/exec/search.cgikeyword=stasis&cat=All%20Categories&template=search%2F<br />

search_results.html&perpage=10&start=0<br />

http://abundanthope.<strong>net</strong>/cgibin/artman/exec/search.cgikeyword=stasis&cat=All%20Categories&template=search%2F<br />

search_results.html&perpage=10&start=0">Stasis/b><br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 227

Now we are probably not going to give a public alert, its not known the exact day this will<br />

occur, and it would cause a huge fear reaction. However, since you have a little heads up<br />

here, just in case, I suggest you go and get some foods not requiring refrigeration or<br />

cooking, just in case your utilities don’t work exactly right when you awaken. Some candles<br />

also and batteries maybe You be the judge. Although star fleet is really going to help out<br />

here, assume possibly there will be some imperfection and plan for it, OK!!<br />

There is not likely to be any public notice, because the timing can’t be guaranteed, and<br />

there are not enough resources available to handle much preparation anyway, in this short<br />

time remaining. It is NOT desired to push a panic button. People all the time, everywhere,<br />

have to live with the idea of such as earthquakes anyway. And grids go out for various<br />

reasons. Its just life. This is must a bigger event, of what occurs all the time anyway. (on<br />

reading this on AHS, I realize I have duplicated the idea of no public notice. I am not<br />

correcting it, won't hurt to read it twice, this was a difficult message to do today.)<br />

Poor Mexico is suffering from severe flooding, you can’t give notice to that, except when it<br />

rains big, people should suspect flooding and maybe get out the way sooner than they do,<br />

but often there is not time to prepare. There is not notice when a pla<strong>net</strong> reverses its<br />

polarity either, except that scientists in the know may realize it coming, but governments, in<br />

this case, if they know, usually choose to only protect the elite, and there is no way to<br />

prepare huge populations for such events. Earth and all evolutionary pla<strong>net</strong>s, particularly<br />

the “lower pla<strong>net</strong>s” experience upheavals at intervals. Earth as mentioned above, was<br />

going to experience a pole reversal as the wars were ending, and ships came and<br />

interceded while we had a chance to grow up.<br />

The world still sleeps beloveds. The USA population alone has done nothing about 911,<br />

our horrid politics here, no complaints about the chemtrails, nothing of consequence about<br />

Iraq, the pollution et all. Well, some are trying hard, but they get ignored, we all preach to<br />

the choir on the Inter<strong>net</strong>. All of you experience friends, relatives, and co-workers, who<br />

think you are a loony toon, if you suggest anything about what you know in these times. As<br />

to Christ Michael’s comments above, CNN is beginning I think to do what it should be<br />

doing. Lou Dobbs is really raising a bit of good healthy hell right now.<br />

Most pla<strong>net</strong>s going into light and life experience the upheavals of cleansing, only varying<br />

according to the awareness of the peoples. God put out the information, its in the “holy<br />

books”, but still people don’t awaken. Its not just about the elites. It’s about everyone.<br />

Granted, we have problems also, because of our “robotics”, who don’t carry a long period<br />

of education from incarnation, they are new souls. But 50% of the populations of earth are<br />

incarnated beings. And still we sleep. We have now 200 million star seed incarnates. Of<br />

course a lot of them are youngsters, but look at those youngsters and the stir they are<br />

making! But we marvel when they are placed in the limelight, and continue to sleep. That’s<br />

just WHAT IS, and so be it, right now.<br />

The Jupiter event really starts things off, in the right direction, with the assistance to be<br />

provided. Bless it, its expansion, and it will awaken the earth peoples, in a very big way.<br />

And these ones, many of them will grow (expand) and my, what a ride it will be!<br />

Exponential growth. The Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince will walk the Earth before long. Star fleet can<br />

finally assist in a big way. We will get those missions going. People are going to mission<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 228

anyway, I assume the churches will get into gear. There are always those that perform the<br />

best under stress and stand up.<br />

The dark illuminati will be out of here, replacements in their stead, and we will finally have<br />

a real chance to grow up. We will get the new energies in place, there will be prosperity<br />

from that alone for awhile, changing the ways we use energy. People are resourceful and<br />

they grow when it is needed. We are to be Blessed, in a large way. Carry that idea to your<br />

circles as you awaken, as the new news coverage comes on line! <strong>AbundantHope</strong>, and its<br />

team stands ready to begin greater service, and you are all part of this, who have followed<br />

these messages. Show the Hope! It is truly there, in abundance. Namaste, (from the God<br />

within me to the God within you), Take care, Candace., CEO of <strong>AbundantHope</strong> leading a<br />

team of Christed Individuals, in these coming times, in service to Christ Michael of<br />

Nebadon, and his Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince, Sananda Immanuel Esu Kumara.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 229

We ARE NOT Evacuating the Pla<strong>net</strong><br />

By Christ Michael<br />

# 75 November 21, 2007<br />

Dearly beloveds, there is a piece I have just been read by Candace, on Patrick’s site by<br />

one called “Tianca.” First, I will say, Yellowstone is not going to go off anytime soon, and<br />

thus not that worry. We do not expect even the Jupiter event to cause this possibility.<br />

Soltec and others have carefully studied this, and every time there is even a little action, it<br />

goes out everywhere the end times are here because of Yellowstone. Not so.<br />

Jupiter is going to happen, and fortunately, it is being a tad slower than anticipated, so I am<br />

continuing to hope that the Provost Marshal and those that assist him will be able to end<br />

this administration in the United States. I do say “hope” on that, because at this time<br />

tonight, it is still not done. There is a fear factor involved with those involved, and much<br />

money and goodies being offered to not play the game, per usual on Earth.<br />

I don’t know what this person is insinuating, but I assume it’s a pole reversal. The pla<strong>net</strong>’s<br />

vibration is much to high now for the poles to reverse, you have been at least 4.0 for 1 ½<br />

years now. It simply isn’t going to happen. Pole reversals occur when the vibration drops<br />

below 2.0, and it did after WW2, so that is why I sent ships to stabilize the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

Regards the methods described by this person, who claims to have participated in past<br />

evacuations, only a relatively small percentage of the pla<strong>net</strong>ary peoples can be beamed up<br />

using the “beam me up method.” Most of those that can tolerate it, are going to be really<br />

sick for several days after the fact. We would only beam those beings known to be on our<br />

teams on the ground, for the most part.<br />

Much of the rest would be evacuated by levitation beams, meaning they must walk<br />

outdoors and voluntarily step into a levitation beam. You can read more about this in<br />

Phoenix Journal #5 by Ashtar. It is true that pla<strong>net</strong>s are evacuated and there has always<br />

been that plan for this one if needed, but it is NOT going to be needed, so drop that idea.<br />

At this point, the number of people that would actually evacuated, that are taken first<br />

because they are in our computers, is about 1 billion. These are the adults, who are<br />

somewhat more advanced and are incarnate. Next the children are picked up, and then<br />

any remaining, during the available time that is left. I would estimate the total would be will<br />

less than 2 billion of the 7 billion.<br />

It is not necessary during a pole reversal to evacuate inner earth, as these ones have<br />

safely chosen their city locations, are monopolar, and have survived already several pole<br />

reversals.<br />

Other than the above topic, I am not updating further. Secrecy is important right now, and I<br />

can’t reveal the nature of what is going on. Keep looking at the sky on clear nights; you<br />

might well see a shuttlecraft down in the atmosphere. Most, but not all leave a trail of<br />

orange sparks behind them. As part of our intentional lack of communication, I am not<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 230

giving any more clues about when we expect Jupiter to convert into a sun. This is to be a<br />

surprise and will not be announced, even unto the last minute. Rest in peace, for you know<br />

what to do. Namaste, I AM Aton, the big cheese of Nebadon, and I call the shots.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 231

Christ Michael and General Radetsky Speak Strongly<br />

Thru Candace<br />

# 76 January 05, 2008<br />

Dearly Beloveds, it is I Christ Michael come to you today. First just for you readers, let us<br />

get to the point about Jupiter. In early December we started the ignition process, and the<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> very slowly began its involution, which is in a sense, for your benefit, related to the<br />

tight packing an explosive must have to fully detonate. The involution went at a slow pace,<br />

and was completed a couple weeks ago, and is now in its evolutional stage. It is peeking<br />

out the behind the sun at this time, and will shortly be making it’s grand appearance.<br />

You will have no doubt of this, it will be most obvious. As per usual, we will go into stasis<br />

shortly thereafter. I have intentionally not assisted Jupiter further recently, to buy a little<br />

time. The ignition process has proceeded slowly, due to the fact that matter in this solar<br />

system remains compromised, causing the event to require more time. The final ignition<br />

that you will see is going to be visible, and there will be little protection from the sun of the<br />

proton burst to the earth plane. Consider this the fault of the ones in power.<br />

Now this message is not really for you the readers, it is for the dark readers of this website.<br />

The world is in a blood bath at this time. You get little hints, but mostly your media cover it<br />

up with the extra and overdone coverage of the pre election issues.<br />

Now, those of you in the dark conspiracy, we have the future temporary leaders fully<br />

protected, and these ones can’t be harmed whatsoever. Any further attempts at<br />

assassination of these ones will be met with instant reprisal against the attackers. We will<br />

be seen; cloaking will not be carried out, so that these reprisals will be carried out in full<br />

view.<br />

To you the readers, the stories of Christopher Story are fully true and in fact, he is not<br />

informed as to the fullness of what is going on. You of the dark are to leave my people<br />

alone, all of them are under star fleet protection. We have, in various locations over the<br />

earth, a guard fleet of 66,000 shuttle craft, fully equipped with weaponry, and this<br />

bullshit is to stop immediately. We in general know the location of the perpetrators, and<br />

this weaponry, if used, has the effect to ending your soul. Thus you will not exist anymore<br />

and this represents your final warning. I have given the orders to allow this to occur where<br />

necessary. Now I defer to one you have not heard from in some time, General Kevin<br />

Radetsky.<br />

Candace: General, what surprise, how nice to hear from you, we have not talked for a few<br />

months now, except for you to tell me you can’t disclose anything of interest right now! To<br />

our readers, you once heard from the General, as Admiral Jhonka, of Ashtar Command.<br />

The General is the incarnation of the Admiral, who is an Arch Angel. He was long based on<br />

Mars, with the jointly operated alien, USA, Russian Base on Mars. He was the commander<br />

there, and is very highly ranked with the US Military. He returned to assist the earth 2<br />

years ago.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 232

General Radetsky: Hello first to our readers, I apologize for my long absence, but indeed<br />

my life has been very busy behind the scenes. I was the one who also last summer of<br />

2006 ended the Israel war with Lebanon, amongst my behind the scenes credits.<br />

Now the rest of this message pertains to the dark readership. Under the orders from<br />

Havona, through this universe of Nebadon, it has been authorized, that all those that<br />

continue to participate in this blood bath, when caught, will be instantly uncreated. This is<br />

your final chance, and particle beam weaponry will be used as necessary. It matters not<br />

who carries these things out, high or low, old or newer soul. It is your time of judgment,<br />

long called for, and you will not need to face Monjoronson’s courts. This is final. If you<br />

value your existence, it is time to stop these activities.<br />

We are heavily placed over Iran and Pakistan, and we are going to interfere in the<br />

nepharious plans and you are NOT to carry them out, or it shall be your end. The people in<br />

these regions are used to the shuttlecraft so that is not a problem, we shall be visible as<br />

necessary. There is once again also a plan to strike within the United States, and this plan<br />

includes the use of the MOAB, of which there are only a couple left, to simulate nuclear<br />

attack. The location of this is Chicago, Illinois, we know the plan, and it shall not happen.<br />

We are thusly in this small way exposing it to the world. We know the time, we know the<br />

planes which have the 2 remaining bombs aboard, and not even will the engines be fired<br />

up, we will disable them, and all involved in this process will meet their maker if anyone<br />

even attempts to board those planes.<br />

Your Lucifer to whom you remain devoted, and the Anunnaki overlords are no longer on<br />

this place. It is pointless to serve them. Lucifer met his demise over 20 years ago. The<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> has been retaken by the forces of light in service to The Michael of Nebadon, some<br />

time ago, and to further the idea that you, even if you perish, will have benefited your<br />

masters cause, simply is not so. Your reptilian overlords were removed also, en mass this<br />

fall, and you know of this. There is NO ONE to serve now, other than Holy God of Creation,<br />

the Father. It is but your final choice to do so or not. This pla<strong>net</strong> is not to be further harmed<br />

by the likes of you, and will be fully rehabilitated over the ensuing years, into it’s original<br />

purpose and intent, that of the seed pla<strong>net</strong> of the local area. No more will you reign. It is<br />

over friends, over.<br />

Jupiter shortly completes its eruption, and the pla<strong>net</strong> goes into stasis, and the cleanup<br />

begins. WE have a most glorious plan afoot. Please drop your guns, and return to lighted<br />

beingness, for it is truly your final chance to do so. You do not own this pla<strong>net</strong>. Nobody<br />

owns this pla<strong>net</strong>, but its peoples. They will not be further enslaved.<br />

You are in the photon belt, and all will be cleansed you see, and it is truly the end. All of<br />

Nebadon moves up, you see, and you can move forward, or be lost forever. The galactic<br />

wars are long over. It is time for peace to come. So Be It. I have commanded this little<br />

showdown to begin, during the wait for Jupiter. I AM, General Kevin Radestky, the highest<br />

officer of the total military forces of the United States of America. I am superceded only<br />

by God on this one beloveds, stop of thy nonsense.<br />

Christ Michael: Dearest readers, be not afraid if any of this does hit thy news, for it is of<br />

no import to you. You are kept safe, and not to worry. Shortly it will all be moot anyway,<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 233

and after the changes we have thoroughly discussed around the Jupiter Event, the repairs<br />

begin, in concert with those who reside on Earth. This remains a co creative project with<br />

God, and the only way to get this done, this ascension of the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

I remind readers that ascension is earned, and it will be quite some time before the pla<strong>net</strong><br />

enters into light and life. However, the Jupiter event is an ascension event, because the<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> will be uplifted substantially and darkest will be gone, so that you the light workers<br />

have an even footing. Much must be done, and as per the teaching by Monjoronson, you<br />

must create a sustainable society and the necessary technology to exist as such. It is not<br />

necessary to repeat here all the teaching to this point.<br />

The time of the holy work in public begins! Namaste dear ones, I AM the Christed Creator<br />

Son of Nebadon, the Michael.<br />

PS, certain translators were having trouble with the sentence about Jupiter in the<br />

beginning. I misspelled Peek , as peak, which means two different things.<br />

What I mean, is that Jupiter is just now coming out from behind the sun, and "peeking" is<br />

what I "heard," not peaking. Sorry about that. About the middle of January, another week,<br />

Jupiter, whether it has become a sun yet or not, will be visible low in the eastern sky in the<br />

early morning, just prior to the sun coming up.<br />

Also I was asked if I meant protons, or photons. It is protons. There will be a huge quantity<br />

of protons coming from the ignition process. We always have protons coming from our<br />

current sun, in addition to many other energies and atoms of matter, like Calcium. You can<br />

check the daily proton emission from our sun easily at www.spaceweather.com Jupiter<br />

will also emit protons constantly.<br />

Whenever we have a coronal mass ejection, the proton count always goes up, and we are<br />

in an increased solar wind from 2 of these, called twin CME's, that occurred on December<br />

31, and Jan 2, from approximately the same area of the sun. We are in a heightened solar<br />

wind for several days, starting January 4th.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 234

Update on Banking Issues<br />

Germain thru Candace<br />

# 77 Jan 16, 2008<br />

Beloveds, Germain speaking briefly here today, regards the banking issues and what<br />

you are receiving through the Casper, Poof, and Story reports. Story is confused possibly<br />

by the endeavors to discredit him. He is a fine soul serving the light at this time, but I am<br />

not sure if he knows the whole of why things are not being paid.<br />

There will be no Wanta payment, nor any of the other “payments” until the commercial<br />

private banking system is no more as understood today. ALL existing banks associated<br />

with the European and other major private, pirating banking, will come under their<br />

countries' respective treasury systems, and these countries' treasuries affected by the<br />

current GESARA plan will be backed by precious metals. No ifs, ands or butts. Only<br />

genuine national treasuries will be issuing real money.<br />

In the continuing saga of non-deliveries I am the one, with my respective team who<br />

is behind the non release of the funds. Bush and Co also interfere, but the story you see<br />

is not the whole story.<br />

There will be no “packies” my friends, no debit cards and all the rest of the goulash that is<br />

being placed in front you. None of the move to access offshore. Beloveds, if you had any<br />

idea what off shore banking means, it means fraud. Off shore funds are always about<br />

ripping the system and hiding of monies, always. There is nothing but dishonesty here.<br />

Please do not worry your little heads about it at this time, for this whole mess is in the<br />

hands of myself and Christ Michael. You are not going to see the release of any funds until<br />

after the stasis, nor any announcements, unless the wrong team has won at this game,<br />

and the wrong team is not going to win.<br />

There is indeed a blood bath still continuing. This supposed NESARA system in the USA<br />

being talked about by misleading individuals is about the wrong side of NESARA. It is<br />

about the stealing of the St.Germain trusts and nothing more and nothing less. It matters<br />

not, in some ways about the trusts, per se, because my trusts are real, they are in precious<br />

metals, and not in any banks not serving the system at this time.<br />

The funds from my trusts will be generated almost entirely off the sales of precious metals<br />

to the true treasury banks, and in this little report today, I will not, for security reasons, elicit<br />

more on the details.<br />

The rising gold prices are not from the national treasuries acquiring gold for the new<br />

banking system. This market is totally related to certain ones wishing to acquire a strong<br />

back up to their own wealth. When the banking changeover occurs, the buying of precious<br />

metals will not be by these nefarious investors, and the price of gold is going to drop<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 235

substantially and this wealth resource will not serve the ones who are driving up the cost<br />

right now.<br />



PROCESS. And you ones who continue this game are not going to be in the banking<br />

business. Basel 2 was intended more fully for the new systems when they come on line. It<br />

matters not dear ones whether it is installed now, as it is the old Basel 2. Understand this is<br />

a huge game being played around this. The only item in place that does serve the global<br />

needs is the Promis software, designed by star fleet software writers, mostly incarnate, but<br />

advised from higher sources. The remodeled Basel 2, which will have another name, will<br />

cause all banking, both commercial and through the treasury systems, to be totally<br />

transparent.<br />

This current battle, dear ones, is not for GESARA as is being stated. It is essentially a false<br />

flag operation, and do not support this mentally or emotionally in your waiting, it is not the<br />

Christed Plan, but that of the deceivers. Wanta will not get his monies until the global<br />

treasury systems are in place, and neither will a single other person get any sort of<br />

delivery. Stop following and giving energy to this that is being played out before your eyes.<br />

Again, NO “packies” are coming to anyone, period. Wanta will receive his funds in real<br />

precious metal backed money and not in digital Federal Reserve Notes.<br />

When funds are released that are referred to as the prosperity funds, they will be released<br />

in precious metal backed real, not fiat money. All this being bantered about right now is still<br />

about fiat money. I am not going to gift the pla<strong>net</strong> with fiat money. End of story. And the<br />

forces of light will win this one, because every single attempt at deception is being<br />

countered by my forces. And so be it. You ones playing this false NESARA game,<br />

including the stories by the Brussels bankers, and those putting out the IMF story are<br />

fraudulent frauds. The IMF is the recipient of exactly zero dollars of real money. The IMF<br />

has nothing to do with God's plan. All this battle has been, by all parties, around continuing<br />

the fiat money system, and IT SHALL NOT BE. I AM Germain, thank you for listening.<br />

Namaste.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 236

Jupiter and “Full Inheritance”<br />

By Christ Michael and Candace<br />

# 78 January 29, 2008<br />

Dearly beloveds, Candace has been asking me for several days to update with our<br />

readers, and being that we have been most busy, and then she all of sudden decided she<br />

needed some family time, it has been delayed. I am shortly attending a large meeting to<br />

determine some more details around this, so we will get his little piece done.<br />

First, I know the only thing most of you are really interested in is Jupiter, and for the most<br />

part that is also my concern. It should be but a few more days, according to the scientists.<br />

When Jupiter was initiated, it went a bit too rapidly into its involution stage, and then got<br />

“stuck”. We have been assisting, and I am more than ready for this to begin. We are giving<br />

it little “kicks” in its rear approximately daily now, depending on the cycle observed.<br />

Some of you may wish to observe it in the morning now, and see if it appears any brighter<br />

than it did before it went behind the sun. This is done (finished) at the etheric level, which<br />

always precedes the physical level, and we but await the final “blast” as you might term it.<br />

This will be a sudden event, and very obvious to the naked eye.<br />

There will be some quick energy register, but not serious to earth, and then the big proton<br />

blast will arrive around 4 days after the sun forms. As soon as the event takes place, we<br />

will be initially getting the various teams to safety that will be participating in the teaching<br />

and planning during stasis. We wish for Jupiter, as a new sun to be visible at least 2 days<br />

before I start the stasis, and it will only take about 4 hours maximum to get those that are<br />

going to sleep, asleep. Only the humans and higher mammals will sleep, as stated before.<br />

Otherwise life will continue normally, but in response to the event. Weather continues, and<br />

the plant and lower animal kingdoms will begin their adaptation to the new energies.<br />

You need not worry about this being covered on TV. It will be interesting to see what is<br />

done with it, because it will be visible to anyone who looks upward. Jupiter is far enough<br />

away from the sun now that it will be seen. While this will do more damage to earth than<br />

from behind the sun, you still some protection from the distance. The closer Earth and<br />

Jupiter are, the harder the event. So now that is enough of this detail.<br />

The banking is basically completely stuck, more or less like Jupiter was. But it’s not likely<br />

to progress any further and we really don’t care to have it do so, because the plan is to of<br />

course when the pla<strong>net</strong> comes out of stasis, to have the new banking crews and programs<br />

in place at that time. Sorry to some of you who put out the news, the IMF gets no money<br />

and all the banking will be made new.<br />

Stasis will take what it takes for every detail to be in place after the fact, and considerable<br />

calendar revision will be necessary. It’s going to be early spring when the pla<strong>net</strong> awakens.<br />

We still hope to have the master plan in place within 2 months, but if it takes longer, it<br />

takes longer.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 237

A number of you will be awakened during stasis, and brought to either inner earth or ship<br />

for your training after the main plans have been finalized. We will lift some people from the<br />

Pacific Rim in particular for transfer to other pla<strong>net</strong>s willing to have immigrants. We may do<br />

this also from other areas; the plans are not finalized yet on the quantity of immigrants that<br />

will be accepted.<br />

There will be little free will choice in this, because if we had needed to evacuate the entire<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>, little free will choice is involved then either, as everyone does the best possible.<br />

Some people are never to find a pla<strong>net</strong> to accept them in these cases of mass evacuation,<br />

where there is overpopulation such as is on earth, and these ones spend the remainder of<br />

their current lives aboard ship.<br />

Be not so excited of you readers who also read at Patrick’s site, because “see you aboard<br />

ship” isn’t what he is making it out to be necessarily. Many do not physically survive an<br />

evacuation, and in the case of evacuation due to nuclear holocaust, we only remove, by<br />

dematerialization, the souled individuals from the pla<strong>net</strong>, and many bodies do not survive<br />

that procedure.<br />

While some souls may roam ship, others because they are confused, are encapsulated, for<br />

lack of a better word, in an energy field until their placement for further evolution is<br />

determined and they are transferred to these areas. No one returns in body to mansion or<br />

higher morontia worlds, as the earth physical body is not used in the morontial realms.<br />

Those that physically survive an evacuation are needed to assist the total process of travel<br />

and transfer and there is much work to be done. And for your learning, really beloveds, you<br />

do want to stay with this pla<strong>net</strong> in its present form and participate in its healing. Evacuation<br />

is the lesser route, in your learning.<br />

All right, now enough on that, and let’s get to the “nice” that Candace wants me to write<br />

today. She wants something “nice” that is not a threat such as we issued last time, when I<br />

did the piece with the Admiral. So what is “nice” today<br />

Well, you have enough teaching and remembrance truly to move forward, and I fail to see<br />

why I need to add to any of that because you wish to hear from me. You can hear from me<br />

regularly yourselves if you would only work a bit harder at it, not too hard though, for if you<br />

make it hard, so shall it be “hard.”<br />

Your bodies are undergoing a new process. Your higher selves for those having a higher<br />

self are merging with your physical bodies, and this increases your access to your own<br />

higher knowledge and that of the Thought Adjuster portion of your own soul. This process<br />

is well underway, and what is the delay of Jupiter has been most useful, allowing more of<br />

this to take place before the event. This allows also more survival for the ensouled<br />

individual after the fact, because your lives will lengthen as part of this process, rather than<br />

deteriorate from the effects of the additional photons and radioactivity from Jupiter and the<br />

photon belt.<br />

These energies cleanse the earth beloveds, and I think you do wish for your own bodies, if<br />

you want to participate in this, to make these changes that are protective of you. After the<br />

Jupiter event, we will also get supplies of the “drias” onto the pla<strong>net</strong>, to further assist her<br />

people wishing to use them to stay on the pla<strong>net</strong>. These will not however greatly assist the<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 238

non-souled robotoid, as the DNA is not fully normal and must be gradually removed if you<br />

are to graduate into light and life.<br />

Lucifer wanted to be a “creator son”. He would never have gained this prerogative. He<br />

wanted to be God of Satania. He severed this area by his choices from the higher<br />

energies. He would never have been able to become a Creator Son, and entering into a<br />

rebellion doesn’t make it so. Only the Creator Sons, and that will include some of you in<br />

the distant future who will have<br />

life creating prerogative ability, and never the lower descending sons. The Descending<br />

Sons of Nebadon, while great and intelligent beings are not indwelled by the Father, as are<br />

the Ascending Sons.<br />

Lucifer thought that using laboratory methods, and his own mind, he could create both<br />

Ascending and Descending beings, and he could not. In general Ascending beings are<br />

created by the birth process, coming out of the long evolutionary process that creates new<br />

souls and incubates them until they choose eternal life by accepting the Father Fragment<br />

and then fusing with it. That is this purpose of my seed pla<strong>net</strong>. This is not my only seed<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>, but it’s a very important seed pla<strong>net</strong>, unusual in many ways compared to other<br />

evolutionary pla<strong>net</strong>s, making it have superb potential.<br />

And now Mother Earth has also become a cognizant being in her own right, and that<br />

changed everything, and is why the pla<strong>net</strong> is going into ascension, by her choice to<br />

ascend. She still remains however, an incubator of new souls.<br />

You have a problem on your pla<strong>net</strong> with the robotoids. These ones were created by the<br />

Lucifer scientists in essence, and Lucifer thought he could give them a portion of himself,<br />

since he was God as he decided he could be, and he found out to his great horror that he<br />

could not do so. That is why he chose to be uncreated; the horror that what he thought<br />

possible was not. He could not create souls, but he mostly surely tried to do so. He was<br />

given Earth, my seed pla<strong>net</strong> to explore this, since it was already under than hands of<br />

galactic forces that had taken it for themselves, and thus we protected the other pla<strong>net</strong>s<br />

that chose to withdraw from the normal process of creation and the training of new souls.<br />

(Meaning the other pla<strong>net</strong>s that entered the Lucifer Rebellion).<br />

In general beloveds, the robotoids will never get a father fragment. These are not simply<br />

“simple young souls.” Their whole body DNA matrix has been messed with. A few do, but<br />

most will not, ever. This is disturbing, but we have a remedy of sorts for it. We will take<br />

large numbers of them into a special schooling area on Mansion World #1 and these might<br />

be able to spirit fuse with Mother Nebadonia’s spirit, if we can improve upon their minds,<br />

for this is a great loss to my universe of progression and the Father.<br />

The ones that do get thought adjusters have generally intermarried with true soul creating<br />

DNA. But this is not the most desirable method to improve the DNA because it is still<br />

lacking all that should be there, and these ones rarely do as well. The goal is to have<br />

everyone arrive some day on Paradise, and these ones make slow progress and have a<br />

lazy factor about them, finding comfort in the easy life and not wanting to progress.<br />

Ambition is born of the Father beloveds. Many loose their adjusters before the physical life<br />

ends, if they get caught up in the warring games.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 239

The ones that don’t get adjustors, but who have made some progress and for which there<br />

is some hope will be assisted as described above. In fact we have been collecting them for<br />

a time already for this next experiment to see if the situation can be remedied.<br />

These robotics, (sometimes labeled organic portals) don’t have an animal soul to begin<br />

with. They don’t have the PUMA, which is my gift to this universe, which the Father has<br />

bestowed onto me, as his Creator Son. These ones are merely replicated machines for the<br />

most part. They have never been wolves, and the other animals preceding the higher<br />

mammals. They have not taken the ascension journey upon this seed pla<strong>net</strong>, through the<br />

long evolutionary process. They don’t have this knowledge because they don’t have the<br />

PUMA. They don’t have living knowledge prior to their creation, so they must copy others.<br />

And although the churches have wrongly explained it other wise, the dividing right now, as<br />

predicted in Revelations, is about healing this pla<strong>net</strong> of this abnormal DNA that doesn’t<br />

generate that which exalts the Father. And these ones do not have a soul carrier body and<br />

can’t even carry the PUMA soul. It is the PUMA soul that when sufficient mind has<br />

developed will “attract” the Thought Adjuster, and eventually fuse with it.<br />

Because they are still living entities, having the spirit of life, otherwise they would not be<br />

eating food, it is desired to benefit them as possible. They do generate an astral form, as<br />

do all living beings, and thus there is something to “save” after death. But in general in the<br />

past, these ones have resided in the very low astral realms of this pla<strong>net</strong>, causing multiple<br />

problems. These ones, their astral form, desires to living body and thus they do try to<br />

possess individuals or otherwise influence them. It is these ones that have needed your<br />

energy and feed off of it, much more than do the other interdimensional forms that your<br />

teaching speaks of.<br />

These ones are not sustained by the “zero point” energy that sustains the angels around<br />

the pla<strong>net</strong> and throughout the kingdom of heaven. They feed on the emotional energy of<br />

those that are living, and they tend to live around those who give out the most energy.<br />

Some, of a little higher quality will suck the energy from those of you who read this<br />

material, and the lower forms suck the energy found in bars and other negative<br />

environments. Living or dead, these ones suck your energy because they don’t have the<br />

ability to energize from the higher vibrational energies. In general these ones no longer<br />

bother you, because they are periodically cleansed from the pla<strong>net</strong> as they pass this plane.<br />

Their only “value” to the previous owners of this pla<strong>net</strong> was as slaves and the reason the<br />

dark rulers need to depopulate the pla<strong>net</strong> with nepharious means is because these<br />

robotoids, not having their full inheritance, have little common sense and over reproduce.<br />

Full Inheritance is the gift of the Creator Son and Creator Spirit and it is missing on this<br />

pla<strong>net</strong>. The dark ones for eons have combined often machine intelligence with spirit and<br />

this never is satisfactory, ever. This does not produce the Father’s faith sons. It will be<br />

stopped in this universe of Nebadon, and the plans are ever in place to prevent the<br />

furtherance of this that has caused so much darkness in Orvonton. It is these “half” type<br />

creations that have caused so much suffering.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 240

Machines also learn to learn, but it must be kept controlled, or it gets out of hand, and it<br />

has gotten out of hand. Machine intelligence never does have any sense of morality and<br />

ethics. This has long been an issue here on this pla<strong>net</strong>. Lucifer himself thought maybe<br />

machine intelligence could be used to create a higher intelligence in the absence of his<br />

ability to do so, and the product of this was truly disastrous. Machine intelligent/spirit<br />

combined people must be dealt with, or all creation in this 7th superuniverse will decay.<br />

This is why pla<strong>net</strong>s are isolated when this occurs, not just because of rebellion. These<br />

must be cleansed. There is no other way.<br />

The galactic warring is mostly around this blend of spirit and machine intelligence. There is<br />

no sense of responsibility, only greed that consumes everything in its path. And in general<br />

these half forms know they can only reproduce by cloning, and they want soul carrier<br />

bodies, and hence their work in the earth laboratories trying to create this. This is over; it is<br />

not being done now in the bowels of your pla<strong>net</strong>. The robotoid, for the most part is a<br />

combination of these “half breed” machine intelligence beings who have had real human<br />

ge<strong>net</strong>ics inserted, in the effort to create a soul carrier body. This is not possible for them<br />

so to do, ever, no matter how long they play in the labs attempting to do so.<br />

Now, as you know, I am using what has been labeled the “grey form” which actually comes<br />

in many colors. This is a non reproducing form that allows for stellar space travel when a<br />

body is needed by the angelics. It is animated fully by the Descending Son using it. It is my<br />

tool right now, which allows me to visit the people of Earth in person. It has characteristics<br />

that are very flexible and beyond the capability of the human body. But it is NOT machine<br />

intelligence or part machine intelligence. It is created by God’s ge<strong>net</strong>icists.<br />

The dark ones stole of the form, because it is an DNA based form and combined it with<br />

machine intelligence, and no Descending Son animates these bodies. They are thus, grey<br />

in color. The intelligences using these bodies in a negative way reproduce themselves by<br />

cloning and then merely downloading from one brain to another. This is not “reincarnation”.<br />

It is the duplication of intelligence, pure duplication and nothing more, nothing less. The<br />

entity is not really “duplicated”. This is not “incarnation” of the Father’s Sons.<br />

The real form such as I use is most useful. Those of you old enough to remember Casper<br />

the Friendly Ghost, go back to those memories. Basically the angelic android form was<br />

taught in the Casper the Friendly Ghost cartoons. And there were some unfriendly ghosts<br />

if you recall in those cartoons, and these dark ghosts represent the machine<br />

intelligence/spirit blended folks that are the misuse of the form. These ones haven’t the<br />

identity the Father provides, the personality. It is missing.<br />

Now there are a few, whose blend is somewhat better and these ones have become<br />

compassionate and we are going to allow the attempt at the eternal journey. We will given<br />

them a human form, place their intelligence into it, by birth, in a special way unknown to<br />

you, and we shall see if they can attract a thought adjuster. That “work” will not occur in<br />

this seed pla<strong>net</strong>, but elsewhere. This is experimental, and these ones deserve this chance.<br />

We spoke of this briefly in message #25 in which I announced who Hatonn was.<br />

This body allows me all sorts of useful tools you might say. I can breathe your air, I am<br />

visible but not to the lower visibility range of say the robotoids. I am like Casper the<br />

Friendly Ghost and move between walls and the like. My vision range is way beyond<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 241

yours. I am able to see very long distances, and beyond your color range. My brain is quite<br />

large, and stuffed with all the stuff about your pla<strong>net</strong>, hence I did sometimes in the Journals<br />

use the term “let me check my memory banks.” Indeed they are.<br />

This body can be maintained by universal energies and my own as long as I have need to<br />

use it. It doesn’t ever need to be replaced, but that of the little greys with the mixed<br />

machine intelligence/spirit form wears out. I have used this Hatonn body, this same one,<br />

for many eons now. I am not “in it”. I surround it. When I do decide to visit earth more<br />

personally, perhaps I will use a custom made human form or I will use this one, it depends<br />

largely on where the population is, when it is time to do so.<br />

The other pla<strong>net</strong>s are very familiar with this form, in all this various colors and are not<br />

concerned about it. The Descending Son’s of my creation are spirit creatures, having a<br />

high frequency invisible form. There are times when a body is needed, and although a<br />

human body can be made in the laboratory, it is generally not as good as what the Father<br />

creates and its not exactly permanent either. The laboratory method is that of cloning,<br />

when a human body is desired. In this case also the being surrounds the body, and is not<br />

incarnate within it, as when you do so, by birthing into the realm.<br />

Although my form is a bit more than 9 ½ feet tall, I am not grey, even though that is the<br />

label your society has given the form, being that it is the little greys that are essentially<br />

robots themselves using that. Grey is not the normal color. I am quite white, and my glow<br />

intense, which requires a suit over my form of some sort if I visit the pla<strong>net</strong> in a personal<br />

manner.<br />

I have met with many of your leaders on the pla<strong>net</strong> in this form. I have been “captured” by<br />

some, who think they just captured an alien! Since this is a Casper the Friendly Ghost<br />

body, I am quickly out of that circumstance!!!!! I sometimes do carry some technology<br />

items on my body which provide interesting intelligence, and sometimes is left “in the<br />

closet” so to speak. All of my archangels working directly with earth at this time are using<br />

this body type.<br />

There are rumors of aliens in your underground labs giving technology to the pla<strong>net</strong>, and in<br />

some of those cases, such as with the Inter<strong>net</strong> technology given, these are my wonderful<br />

friendly Descending Sons, in their Casper the Friendly Ghost forms giving of this. This<br />

body not only glows, but over the heart center area there is a glowing cross, which is<br />

visible, and if this is seen and not covered with a garment of some sort, you know you are<br />

seeing the real deal.<br />

Those friendly “Corteum” folks spoken of in Wingmakers are my servants. The story of<br />

them coming from a polluted pla<strong>net</strong> is merely a cover-up, to well, cover-up who is involved<br />

in this mission.<br />

Those of you who will be attending some of the activities later during stasis will become<br />

acquainted with this form, which is one reason I mention this in this piece. We have some<br />

interesting plans to introduce the form to the pla<strong>net</strong>ary peoples. Angels can also sprout<br />

wings, which is the reason why you have this idea they have wings using “shape sifting”.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 242

Also, some of the more advanced beings that visit your pla<strong>net</strong> have so much heart energy<br />

that it appears as wings. But for the most part, the angels if they need to use a visible<br />

body, use the Casper the Friendly Ghost form, in whatever color of ray they embody. So I<br />

leave you to ponder this tonight, and hope that you better understand a couple more<br />

issues about the nature of this pla<strong>net</strong>. Namaste, your Friendly Creator Son, Aton/Christ<br />

Michael.<br />

Candace: Given this information by Christ Michael, some of you might want to re read the<br />

introduction page to www.wingmakers.com http://www.wingmakers.com/fullintro.html The<br />

Animus include the little greys, but include more humanoid forms as well. I wasn’t<br />

expecting him to go this particular direction tonight!<br />

James has admitted in later material that the Animus are already here and have been.<br />

When I first read at Wingmakers myself sometime after I became public, I was pretty<br />

confused and now it makes more sense. I thought they used to have a picture of three<br />

Corteum together but I can’t find that one, but there is another<br />

picture.http://www.wingmakers.com/corteumphoto.html You see the cross on the chest of<br />

this individual in the picture. If for some reason the link doesn’t work, just click on Corteum<br />

in the full into page above, and it will produce the picture.<br />

Regards Jupiter, it is now visible in the morning, below and to the left a bit, of Venus. I saw<br />

it the first time early last week about 6:10 in the morning. Until a local astronomer on TV<br />

explained it was back and where to look, I didn’t know which direction to look, except east.<br />

It will move increasingly closer to Venus as the month moves on, and I assume move past<br />

Venus at some point. Venus is not as high in the sky as it was a few weeks ago, I don’t<br />

think anyway. I used to come up sooner. I have tried twice to get up a bit earlier to check it<br />

out, but its’ been cloudy. AT 6:10 the sun is already beginning to slightly lighten the<br />

horizon, and I could possibly determine its’ brightness with my memory of when it was lost<br />

to sight in the western sky by the beginning of December. I thought it was pretty bright at<br />

6:10, but the brightness fades pretty fast as the sun moves higher.<br />

I didn’t write or post much last week, I needed a little time off and spent time with family<br />

and friends. I did begin asking for a piece for all of you on Thursday or Friday. I did take<br />

this weekend to be with family because an nice situation came about to do so.<br />

I just sort of paid attention to the “State of the Union” address, which hasn’t been such for a<br />

long time. Usual stuff and more repeats by the artificial “person” at the head of CORP<br />

USA, missing out on his fair portion of “full inheritance.”<br />

Now, concerning the comment above on the “drias”, these are two types of little cells that<br />

will assist you and can be cultured at home. They are not currently available, but were<br />

distributed at one time by Dharma of the Phoenix Journals. You can read more about them<br />

in Phoenix Journal #130, which has all sorts of interesting health information in it, and also<br />

how to use food grade hydrogen peroxide to assist in your health, for those that are<br />

interested in trying this.<br />

The first “dria” is called Gaiandriana, which are little cellular critters that will restore your<br />

damaged DNA and keep it in good shape. They return your DNA to your original blueprint.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 243

The second “dria” is called Aquagaia and consists of little mitochondria that will curse<br />

through your body and eat plague in your arteries and other things you wish you hadn’t<br />

built up over the years.<br />

Christ Michael will give me fresh cultures of these after stasis. The reason I have not<br />

already begun this, is that they will require daily care, and I have no one who can come in<br />

while I am gone to care for them. They are easily grown at home for your family and<br />

friends. They do require crystal jars or vases, not glass, and are nourished by Aloe Vera<br />

Gel and in the case of Aquagaia, some corn syrup is required. They also require real<br />

sunlight, so a sunny window is a necessity. Nothing fancy!<br />

Now, regards the PUMA animal soul. First, I posted a piece some time ago by Ched, of<br />

www.lighttoparadise.com He wrote the piece in response to one of Matthew’s pieces<br />

stating that all have had the opportunity to play both the good and bad guys. This is the link<br />

to the article. www.lighttoparadise.com http://abundanthope.<strong>net</strong>/pages/article_448.shtml<br />

The term PUMA means “Physical UltiMate Atom, and it is either male or female. Here is a<br />

little on it from Ched’s site. Apparently it was named by the Theosophists, and other<br />

groups have called it the “ANU” and I don’t know what that stands for, but you will see it<br />

alternatively in Ched’s works. I advise visiting and reading through his site, and it’s best to<br />

start with the first group of articles he calls “Papers.” You will find some interesting<br />

resources through out his site, besides the Urantia Book.<br />

I will include a couple examples from his articles here.<br />

First Example: http://www.lighttoparadise.com/Paper%2060.htm<br />


The “body” of God’s Universe Supreme is in it-Self a giant macro-holographic vortex of<br />

purposeful energy of unified intelligent Self stemming from the Paradise center. The<br />

Universe and all of its Creations and Evolutions of time and space are therefore of the<br />

Intelligent Design and so are you as the solar micro-holographic vortex of actualizing<br />

Supreme’s time-space potentials.<br />

Each soul, within this Supreme’s universal macro-holographic vortex of the universal<br />

Oneness of time and space, manifests it-self as the Male or Female PUMA microholographic<br />

wave-particle vortex evolving its-self mindfully and purposefully "up".<br />

The solar minds of such wave-particles evolve initially through the processes of their<br />

physical interferences with the Nebadonia’s local universe Adjutant Mind circuits of spirit<br />

anti-gravity from “above” and from the interferences with each other of the Physical<br />

UltiMate Atomic (PUMA) organic and inorganic matter gravity from “below”.<br />

Each physical soul has inherent Paradise energy drive to actualize its God given potentials<br />

while thriving to ascend with other energy dispensations of its evolutionary “class” from its<br />

physical mortal realm toward the realms of immortality returning back to its original<br />

Paradise source. (see also the www.UrantiaBook.org)<br />

Second Example from:<br />

http://www.lighttoparadise.com/Paper%2051.htm<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 244


In the previous Papers on www.LighttoParadise.com it has been discussed that:<br />

- The Paradise Absolute 1 st Source and Center is the First Absolute Father<br />

Personality of the entire Universe. His Absolute Personality also represents the First<br />

Personality Source of the Absolute GOD (Good, Geometry Of Divine) of the<br />

ABSOLUTE DIVINE ESSENCE (Divine Oneness) outpouring through Him.<br />

- There is the space potential actualization by the Paradise Absolute 1 st S&C<br />

Father’s Personality Spirit through the interconnectivity between the GOD’s Paradise<br />

Absolute 1 st Source and Center and the rest of the universe including the<br />

evolutionary physical worlds.<br />

Therefore, there is the interconnectness of the universe mind, between the Universe<br />

Absolute 1 st S&C and the rest of the created and evolutionary Universe manifesting<br />

the living and continuously evolving God’s presence within His creation.<br />

- The CREATED dimensional realities, all the way down to morontia, are evolving in<br />

steady energy states, while the EVOLUTIONARY worlds of the nebular physical<br />

matter are evolving through the unstable physical energies until they reach the<br />

steady states of Life and Light era.<br />

- The Physical UltiMate Atoms (PUMAs) are the ultimate particles of the physical<br />

evolutionary worlds of time and space.<br />

- The existence of two mirror image (enantiomeric/enantiomorphic) PUMAs was<br />

observed by clairvoyant Theosophists and they named them the Male<br />

(CW/clockwise/ energy spin) and the Female (CCW/counterclockwise/ energy spin).<br />

Picture 1. Male (Positive; Clockwise) and Female (Negative, Counter-clockwise)<br />

PUMAs<br />

- The PUMAs are involved in the formation of the IN-ORGANIC physical elements<br />

through the interplay of five basic geometric energy forms (“Plato’s Solids”).<br />

- The ORGANIC LIFE is established on pla<strong>net</strong>s through PUMAs after the geophysical<br />

inorganic pla<strong>net</strong>ary evolution matures and is ready for the life<br />

implantation by Life Carriers.<br />

- PUMAs are, therefore, the ultimate physical energy particles of both the in-organic<br />

and the organic evolutionary matter.<br />

The Urantia Book is stating (1):“For the natural, physical development of life on any<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> the geologic evolution has to take place first. Therefore, the initial pla<strong>net</strong>ary<br />

life processes can not unfold any faster than the initial geological physical<br />

metamorphoses of the pla<strong>net</strong> will permit. When physical conditions on the pla<strong>net</strong> are<br />

ripe than the Life Carrier assisted biological mental evolutions may take place; when<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 245

iological mind status is propitious, sudden spiritual transformations may occur;<br />

when spiritual values receive proper recognition, then cosmic meanings become<br />

discernible, and increasingly the pla<strong>net</strong>ary personalities are released from the<br />

handicaps of time and delivered from the limitations of space.”<br />

- The Life Carriers are directly involved in the formulation, initiation and evolution<br />

(energy revolution) of the first electrochemical cells of LIFE through the pla<strong>net</strong><br />

formulated GERM PLASMA, while local universe Creative Daughter provides the<br />

initiation spark through the Life Carriers themselves,<br />

- The pla<strong>net</strong>ary evolution progresses through the INVOLUTION (Inward/Downward)<br />

and the EVOLUTION (Outward/Upward), i.e. from PUMA to pre-chemical elements,<br />

to chemical elements of inorganic nature, then the organic living nature through the<br />

Life Carriers assisted first primordial cells and then on to vegetables, animals,<br />

humans and superhuman pla<strong>net</strong>ary life.<br />

- MALE and FEMALE, the two SEX (Sacred Energy Exchange) species, have<br />

evolved from the two mirror image central (heart) based PUMAs, as the ancestors of<br />

all pla<strong>net</strong>ary evolutionary life.<br />

Candace: In reading some of Dolores Cannon’s works, there are some souls, who under<br />

regressive hypnosis, can remember being “air”, giving some credence to the above work.<br />

Now understand, that those of you incarnate as angels, the story may be somewhat<br />

different, but I note that also most angels are created in male-female pairs also. I think<br />

maybe I should have a chat with Christ Michael about the differences, regards soul<br />

structure of the Descending Sons, verses the Ascending Sons coming out of the<br />

evolutionary process on the evolutionary pla<strong>net</strong>s.<br />

The morontia form, the form between physical body, and the spirit body, is also used by<br />

the angels, and Lucifer had a morontia form. So it is true, that man becomes like the<br />

angels, as taught in some religions. The morontia form is composed of electrons.<br />

Interestingly, a comment for this piece, the body that Christ Michael uses where needed,<br />

the Casper the Friendly Ghost form, as he called it, is really a body that is between the<br />

physical, and morontial, and thus it’s visibility at least to normal folks, as mentioned above.<br />

There is more to be taught around the concept yet of a body that is part physical and part<br />

morontial, and I suspect this is the type of body many of you will have once you merge<br />

your morontia form with your physical form. I have some knowledge on this, but need<br />

some more before writing on this topic.<br />

I do not know if this will include those incarnate angels or not, because for many, it is the<br />

time to return to your realms. The comment refers to the Ascending Sons mostly, and<br />

those of you who are advanced and graduated from your universe of origin, have a monad<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 246

instead of a morontia form, and you can “download” your monad to your physical body. I<br />

did this myself in May of 2002.<br />

So many of you are or will merge whatever version of your higher self you have, with your<br />

physical form. Some of you angels from the Lucifer Rebellion have also chosen the<br />

Ascending Son career, rather than returning to your realms of origin.<br />

If you wish, you can direct questions around this topic to me via the contact form, under<br />

“contact us”. Then I could prepare a more suitable piece about the topic. This blending of<br />

the forms is related to ascension and I want to have as clear as possible information on the<br />

front site for future readers. So do send some questions, if you are lost in this subject!<br />

I am not in general comfortable with talking about the robotoids, because I know some, we<br />

all do, and this is not acceptable that they exist in this depleted condition. All deserve their<br />

full inheritance. I do not like the idea whatsoever of robotic people, unless the robot is<br />

totally a computerized non-living being. That there are “people” that do not have their full<br />

inheritance is extremely saddening to me.<br />

But I will not try to separate them out, because I believe in treating them all in totally<br />

humane ways, and I know that the one thing that will help them out, is to be accepting of<br />

them, and continue to encourage where it is accepted by each of them, growth of mind.<br />

Continue to demonstrate “full inheritance” for them to copy. Creating exceptional schooling<br />

on this pla<strong>net</strong>, rather than schooling designed to produce robots would be most helpful.<br />

The dark side brings harm also to the souled being also by the current methods of<br />

schooling, that do not encourage independent and creative thought.<br />

Remember that all of you who had your soul origins on an evolutionary world, you have<br />

been the animals. Please remember and treat all animals with the respect and love they<br />

deserve, for you have been them, and they will become you. And in fact, your love of your<br />

personal pets and the process of making them family members challenges them to “move<br />

up” and desire the human journey. Please set a good example of what a human should be!<br />

They might even obtain a Thought Adjuster; it is possible while still in non human form, but<br />

otherwise the angels who handle such maters move them up to experience in human form<br />

when the time is right. This is the nature of all the animal PUMA souls, angels move them<br />

forward, usually as whole group soul as necessary. These ones on moved into<br />

progressively more challenging “animal soul carrier forms” to increase their experience.<br />

The purpose of all life, regardless of origin is to grow in knowledge. Remember that Christ<br />

Michael himself a Creator Son, is still and always will be, learning. And so does the Father,<br />

through his Sons. `<br />

And remember to be a responsible person in your treatment of the pla<strong>net</strong> and all its life<br />

forms, because again, you have also been the air, and the tulip. If you are a descending<br />

son, experiencing in a human body, or an advanced soul from another world, that body you<br />

use currently has been also the air and the tulip and carries the knowledge of the<br />

ascending journey on Pla<strong>net</strong> Earth. It is a marvelous library. Care for all that is of God.<br />

And all is of God, even the robotoid, because he/she still carries the spirit of life, and how I<br />

do hope the plans taking form, will cause the condition of the “full inheritance” of the Father<br />

to manifest in these ones in due time.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 247

Ok, I think I have now covered all I wished to in commentary. I had taken down my original<br />

piece earlier today, it was incomplete, and added additional commentary and fixed some<br />

typo’s and changed the wording in a couple of places for greater clarity. I hope this piece<br />

has been useful, and I am getting some positive comments on its original form. If many of<br />

you are feeling fatigued again, it is because the energy has increased again. Let your<br />

changing body rest as needed, get exercise, and eat properly, all the fresh and least<br />

contaminated food you can obtain. Take care, Candace<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 248

Armageddon as Prophesied is Close Upon Us<br />

By Christ Michael and Candace<br />

# 79 Friday, March 14, 2008<br />

Candace: While today is Saturday that I am posting this, I did this with Christ Michael<br />

yesterday, per the date above, but I was fatigued and goofy all day, tripping up the steps<br />

and the like. At the time he finished his last word, my computer suddenly shut itself off, a<br />

case of gremlins I assume. I couldn’t reconstruct what was lost, a couple paragraphs or so,<br />

and a really nice ending. I was so surprised by this. Fortunately MS Word did save the<br />

piece and it wasn’t totally lost, but since it saves automatically periodically, we did lose the<br />

final portion. I decided to finish it today, after I had sleep. I asked CM to give me a another<br />

ending today, which he just did.<br />

A piece by Hal Turner is referenced in here, and it is at the very end. Congress, I guess the<br />

House of Representatives had a closed session on Thursday evening, which the media<br />

reported as being over issues of security. I didn’t even know this, until I awakened briefly<br />

after midnight that night and turned on the TV, and found the repeat of Anderson Cooper<br />

on. Christ Michael had suggested we might do a piece Thursday, as he comments in the<br />

beginning of this one. I realized when I saw there was a closed session, that perhaps this<br />

had something to do with why he had me on call for a piece and then the conditions<br />

changed.<br />

I think part of my fatigue and confusion yesterday may have been related to the fact that<br />

what woke me in the first place, was my house was full of the odor of sewer gas. The<br />

whole house stunk like crazy and I told my guards about it. They actually cleared my house<br />

of the intense smell, and I turned on the TV while they were finishing after coming back<br />

inside. I went outside to get away from the odor. I though maybe there was dead animal<br />

under the house or something of that nature and of course, was also worried I had been<br />

attacked in some way. They never found the cause of the odor. I wonder if maybe it was<br />

related to gases releasing from the ground as I live on a landfill, and I assumed maybe the<br />

running furnace sucked the odors into the house. It was nasty.<br />

Christ Michael: Beloveds, this is Christ Michael, yesterday I considered a message<br />

through Candace, and as the day moved on, the issues became complex, and your<br />

government decided to have a closed session of Congress. Now don't believe the little lie<br />

in this piece by Hal Turner, who leaks stuff for your black ops folks, that this is only the 4th<br />

time ever for a closed session of your House of Representations. For it has happened<br />

many times, including orchestrations by Navy Seals to see that something, good or bad<br />

gets done. We were in attendance of course at this meeting.<br />

I have asked Candace to post the piece by Hal Turner, as it is released intentionally<br />

through him to set up the fear, but it is essentially true. Your nation is in dire shape, and<br />

much of this was engineered over the many years and now "bearing fruit" as you can be<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 249

said. The world is in dire trouble, for much of it is dependent still on the United States and<br />

what goes here. Your Armageddon of prophecy has arrived.<br />

Our teams are debating now the course of action, and beloveds, this is why when Jupiter<br />

began to "agitate" this last fall, indicating it did not wish to wait longer, we assisted the<br />

process to prepare it. I did create a bit more to the story through the team of<br />

<strong>AbundantHope</strong>, so that the dark that reads here and listens into team member phone calls,<br />

would know that we have prepared our alternative. I needed Jupiter ready for when it was<br />

actually needed to move forth, and it was necessary to begin the early announcements<br />

that Monjoronson began through Daniel Raphael and Candace, and leading to the full idea<br />

that it would happen last April, when we announced the coming possibilities.<br />

Beloveds, live not in fear on what you are to read, but all of you with any sort of awareness<br />

know the time has come. Your world is horribly over populated; you have little ability to<br />

grow enough food under the conditions of your pla<strong>net</strong>, which at this time are political, and<br />

environmental.<br />

As we have stated, we will NOT allow this world to be destroyed. But the time has come to<br />

begin before much longer to intercede or the pla<strong>net</strong> would have to be totally evacuated,<br />

because of the pollution issues.<br />

The peoples of this world have slept, but again, they are not the brightest folks in general,<br />

and are not to blame. It is what happens on a prison world, and this is not the first time in<br />

this universe that measures have had to be taken to relieve the people of the problems.<br />

Left without our help you will destroy this pla<strong>net</strong>. While the photon belt is responsible for<br />

the massive heating in this solar system, the cleansing heat, the poor use of technology on<br />

your pla<strong>net</strong> adds to this, and it quite possible for the pla<strong>net</strong> to blow up and become yet<br />

another asteroid belt. And the dark side adds to this with technology that adds heat to the<br />

core sun of the earth also. This is my most beloved seed pla<strong>net</strong>, and it is my prison pla<strong>net</strong><br />

for those that fell from grace to learn why the rules in place are important, and it is my<br />

bestowal pla<strong>net</strong>, and it will not be lost.<br />

You best be counting your blessings that this is my bestowal pla<strong>net</strong>, otherwise we would<br />

consider letting it go, and allowing a black garbage hole to form in this sector, taking your<br />

sun and the entire solar system into it. However, it is the goal to instead raise up this area,<br />

and remove the dark ones who have long been responsible, and by remove, I mean<br />

uncreate many of them, who will never ever grow up. The blots of Nebadon must be<br />

righted to contain forever this black mess that has developed in several universes within<br />

Orvonton.<br />

Jupiter is indeed ready, as I had Henning place recently. That was more than a simple<br />

threat to the dark; it was its final notice. I did not expect results, but the notice had to be<br />

placed. Beloveds, we have not put out the fullness of the Jupiter event, in part because the<br />

plans were still being worked.<br />

The condition of your world, my world, my bestowal pla<strong>net</strong> is dire. Thus the Jupiter event is<br />

going be very thorough. The environmental conditions dictate that there must be a great<br />

reduction in population, or we are looking at a total evacuation and reversing the poles.<br />

This is the humane thing to do. Understand that on all pla<strong>net</strong>s that get themselves into<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 250

trouble, when the trouble reaches a certain level, we allow some misery, for people to<br />

learn, and then allow the pla<strong>net</strong> its reversal of poles for the cleansing.<br />

This is my bestowal pla<strong>net</strong> however, and so we are doing a partial solution, as it is my<br />

training sphere also for the future Creator Sons and Ascending Son leaders and<br />

assistants. Many of the younger universes will make use of you in temporary positions, and<br />

permanent ones according to your career goals. There are approximately at this time 1000<br />

Ascending Sons of high rank who are in training directly for potential Creator Son careers<br />

incarnate on this pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

It is for this reason, that we will do a “partial” solution to the coming issues rather than a full<br />

evacuation and cleansing of the pla<strong>net</strong>. Those incarnate need this experience, it is not for<br />

the pla<strong>net</strong>ary peoples that we are doing this, for the peoples in general are not worthy, and<br />

this is not the fault of most, because as I have covered, they do not have their full<br />

inheritance.<br />

Accordingly, at my determination, the Jupiter event will begin. We will allow, if they will<br />

occur, some consciousness awakening events yet, perhaps a large earthquake, perhaps<br />

the falling down of the United States government, or another government, such as some in<br />

Europe. The dark is destroying them all, but the United States is the big prize.<br />

All of your so-called 3 rd world countries are totally not prepared to handle the catastrophic<br />

issues coming. We had hoped that by allowing 911, the people of the modern world would<br />

rise up and force pressure upon the “self anointed ones” and this did not happen to our<br />

satisfaction, but at least many brave souls awoke to the issues, and the movement begun.<br />

At this time, the issues with the available weaponry to coerce people, it is probably not<br />

advisable anymore to take larger actions by these groups, as this will be used as an<br />

excuse to open up the concentration camps sooner.<br />

The United States does not have the time now, the dates given by Hal Turner. All the world<br />

countries have turned against the corrupt European Bankers acting through the world, and<br />

there can be no given date as to when banks and the Federal Government will fail. In fact,<br />

there will actually be little use of those concentration camps for much longer, because your<br />

“elite” just plan to flee.<br />

To those elite, understand that you can’t leave the pla<strong>net</strong>. We will not allow you to leave in<br />

the few remaining vehicles you have for that purpose. Alternative 003 is not an option. Nor<br />

will you see your own camps, because my lost ones, and you who are clones will be simply<br />

uncreated during the Jupiter event; that has been your choice. The void is too nice for you<br />

ones. No longer will you ever have a chance again, you have created your own solution to<br />

your problems, you will have no problems. I think it time you just start handing in your<br />

resignations, and showing your colors. Perhaps you might get for yourselves a trip to the<br />

void pla<strong>net</strong> instead. It is your soul, you make that decision.<br />

Candace: For those not understanding Alternative 003 above, the Jason Society many<br />

years ago under secret Executive order of Eisenhower, discussed 3 alternatives to the<br />

mess that was coming to earth citizens and the elite. This was back in the late 1950’s.<br />

Alternative 001 was to blast holes in the atmosphere to allow heat and pollution to escape<br />

into space, and then attempt to change the human cultures so they didn’t exploit the<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 251

environment. This was thought unlikely and there was dangerous risk in trying to blow that<br />

hole. The concept of “global warming” obviously was alive and well back then, and yet they<br />

didn’t develop the given energies to end the pollution, did they<br />

Alternative 002 was to build a vast underground of cities and tunnels where select peoples<br />

representative of all cultures and occupations would survive and carry on the human race.<br />

The rest would be left behind to endure and fend for themselves.<br />

Alternative 003 was to exploit alien technology and make it possible for a few elite to<br />

escape to Mars and Moon. Interesting, isn’t that idea back then, in 1957 or so, that the<br />

moon and Mars were livable, but they never told the peoples did they CM has stated both<br />

the Moon and Mars have sufficient atmosphere to support life, but the bases for the most<br />

part are underground, in controlled atmospheric conditions, which however do need some<br />

atmosphere on the surface. Alternative 003 included taking of servant slaves to serve<br />

them. ADAM was code for the Moon, and EVE, code for Mars, and there are many<br />

Americans living on Mars now.<br />

OK, a blend of alternative 002 and 003 were the chosen ones and we have lots of<br />

underground shelters not available to John Q. Public as a result.<br />

The interim plans to delay action included, as part of all 3 alternatives forced birth control<br />

and inducing deadly disease (AIDS etc.). Also use of low frequency beams to cause mass<br />

depression, and to addict the world to drugs.<br />

This comment is from Phoenix Journal #3 from Hatonn (Christ Michael). “A symposium<br />

was held in 1957 which was attended by some of the great scientific minds then living.<br />

They reached the conclusion that by, or shortly after, the year 2,000 the pla<strong>net</strong> would<br />

SELF-DESTRUCT due to increased population and man’s exploitation of the environment<br />



You can read a bunch of the above, in Phoenix Journal #3. I highly recommend reading<br />

this most basic book, if you have not yet done so. It combines both a great deal of<br />

knowledge about the dark side of the world plans, plus describes that the space brothers<br />

are here to help if asked. Problem is, the dark side didn’t ask, they stole what they wished,<br />

broke agreements like crazy etc. And now here we are. I knew when I was a teenager the<br />

world was already terribly overpopulated, and it has more than doubled since that time. I<br />

graduated from high school in 1965. We are now over 7 billion people on the surface.<br />

Christ Michael: To the readers of <strong>AbundantHope</strong>, I will not give a firm date. Jupiter is<br />

ready and can be given its final ignition at any time, and it’s a very fast process, the<br />

involution and other changes complete. I am still watching the actions on your globe. I<br />

advise you to put aside small supplies in case there are issues with delivery of goods to<br />

you, before or after stasis. Star fleet will assist greatly after stasis.<br />

The earth will be extensively depopulated during the Jupiter Event. You who have chosen<br />

to stay the course and serve the process will be protected no matter where you live, so do<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 252

not be in fear. But do understand that many you know may not make this choice, or can’t<br />

make this choice because they are of the robotoid mind.<br />

Many of you have noticed the increased energies for 6 months now, and this has prepared,<br />

along with the assistance of your higher self and your guides, for your bodies to survive<br />

this event. All those who are not prepared thusly are subject to possible removal, or not<br />

surviving. We can’t totally predict the degree of axis change, and we can’t totally predict<br />

volcanic action.<br />

The pla<strong>net</strong> will be experiencing the additional energies of the Jupiter Ignition and this will<br />

cause many at a soul level to leave. We expect at least 30%, perhaps more to leave their<br />

physical based on these energies. All leaving will be “judged” and placed where they<br />

belong. Regard the robotoids, we do have a marvelous program for them, to help them<br />

expand their minds enough that they might choose the possibility of taking the eternal<br />

journey. That is the robotoids who are good and kindly, those that are evil, will not be given<br />

consideration. We do not totally know exactly what the population percentage that is left<br />

will be, but it could total as much as 50% from all causes, including also the dear ones who<br />

will return to whence they came, who have finished their gift to this pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

Esu has been aboard the New Jerusalem, in which the records of all ensouled beings are<br />

stored. Because this is a partial cleanse of the pla<strong>net</strong>, there will be chaos afterwards, and<br />

he, with some assistance, has been viewing the records, quite literally, of the population in<br />

every town and city upon this earth, to find those advanced enough to help. These will be<br />

lifted at appropriated times during the stasis and brought to ship or inner earth for training,<br />

so they can assist the reduction of chaos when the pla<strong>net</strong> is taken out of stasis.<br />

The stasis will last as long as necessary. It will begin before the final ignition of Jupiter.<br />

After the pla<strong>net</strong> is in stasis, we will be picking up all stored goods, food, and heavy<br />

equipment and the like in areas expected to have heavy devastation for redistribution after<br />

stasis. It is still the Pacific Rim that will suffer the most. Most will remain asleep during the<br />

whole process, except of course we must lift those in areas expected to be hit hard that<br />

have chosen survival.<br />

Many of these in the devastated and sunken areas will be sent to other pla<strong>net</strong>s, as is the<br />

rule when a pla<strong>net</strong> is evacuated. We will intentionally sink LA, and a variety of other areas<br />

so they will not be an issue later on. This is the big event that was long promised. A pla<strong>net</strong><br />

is never allowed to experience the starvation and diseases that mark its ending times when<br />

man has gone awry. Always are the poles reversed and the ensouled individuals<br />

evacuated.<br />

After the ensouled individuals are evacuated, then those remaining, first children and then<br />

others are offered assistance to leave as there is time left. These evacuations are always<br />

done as the pla<strong>net</strong> begins to reverse its poles, before the winds get so high that star fleet<br />

can’t get in to do this. Often times the evacuation is actually begun a few weeks before we<br />

reverse the poles. Once in awhile, the pla<strong>net</strong>s poles will reverse totally without our<br />

assistance, and this almost happened after WW2.<br />

There is exactly one reason why we did not allow that then and stabilized the pla<strong>net</strong>. It was<br />

because this pla<strong>net</strong> is my bestowal pla<strong>net</strong>, and I have a different plan for it. Otherwise you<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 253

would not be here incarnate now, the pla<strong>net</strong> would be in its resting and regenerative stage.<br />

All of the pla<strong>net</strong> since 30 years ago, the people I mean, as they came to God and<br />

expressed the desire to grow their minds, have been assisted in the changing of their<br />

bodies so that they can if necessary tolerate the light beams of the levitation ships. Few on<br />

any pla<strong>net</strong> needing evacuation have body changes enough for dematerialization on a rapid<br />

emergency basis. We must be able to get the beam ships close to the ground to evacuate,<br />

so the timing always allows this.<br />

So, to you who read this material, fear not, for if you are to stay, you will stay, and be<br />

removed if necessary, and be part of our teaching team later if you were chosen for that.<br />

We will not remove everyone to ship or inner earth during this, only those chosen to assist<br />

the issues of chaos afterwards. Those of you not attending this training will sleep<br />

peacefully in your protected dwellings, or if the dwellings might be lost you will be moved to<br />

safer location.<br />

Those on the Pacific Rim, as I believe I stated above, that are not to stay with the pla<strong>net</strong>,<br />

but who at a soul level are suitable to be placed elsewhere and their body will tolerate the<br />

levitation beam, will be allowed to emigrate elsewhere.<br />

When stasis is over and we are through the initial chaos, then there will be made the offer<br />

for more to voluntarily emigrate to other pla<strong>net</strong>s, and perhaps also the underground (not<br />

inner earth) shelters created by your elite for themselves. Russia and China thought way<br />

ahead and cared for their peoples and made adequate shelters for long-term survival.<br />

These could well be used for a time also. At this time we have not made that decision, we<br />

will await and see the results of the Jupiter event and make those determinations later.<br />

While this seems extreme to many of you, those that are not to survive at all, will pass<br />

peacefully as they sleep. These ones, many of them the robotoids are not responsible for<br />

their condition. However, these ones will be placed in morontia form into various locations,<br />

including the mansion worlds and aboard some of the evacuation ships, and given further<br />

assistance at growing their minds.<br />

The morontia form is a physical form, especially at the lower levels, and the Life carriers<br />

and their assistants will create this form for them. This form is is a nice one, there is no<br />

elimination, as the nutrients required are absorbed fully. This is a bit of an experiment,<br />

because pla<strong>net</strong>s do not normally have the robotoid concentration you do on this pla<strong>net</strong>, but<br />

we will give them this chance, and see how it works out on such a massive basis.<br />

Understand our planning has been intense the last year since we went ahead and<br />

announced the Jupiter event. I did not want Jupiter to begin its process before its time, but<br />

it did, and we successfully got it through that, and thus have been able to control it now<br />

until the time is right. We did not want it to go prematurely, and create a mess.<br />

When the Phoenix Journal projected failed in 1999, and the teachings did not go out to the<br />

4 corners of the earth, I threw in the rag, and allowed the pla<strong>net</strong> to begin going where it<br />

would go. We allowed the 911 event, and hoped that there would be a consciousness<br />

awakening, and to my happy and pleasurable surprise, it happened, and your world begin<br />

to shine, as we have stated before.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 254

In 2003 I made the decision to get back in the game, because sufficient light workers<br />

incarnate awakened to the issues. We had begun awakening them in small groups before,<br />

but the world was not ready. The big awakening began about 1990 and many of you know<br />

this, as the literature became more available in print. In fact, we prevented some material<br />

that was given, and not allowed printing until around 1995.<br />

In a situation such as this pla<strong>net</strong>, when a pla<strong>net</strong> is known to become a problem with<br />

overpopulation as it becomes global, many incarnate to set the stage, and many never<br />

sometimes even get their chance, because we do not awaken people until the time is right.<br />

There is so much for you to learn, and its time to stop yelling at star fleet for any delays,<br />

because in your consciousness you do not know at this time the divine plans and how they<br />

are laid out.<br />

Some of you look to your higher self and wonder why you can’t extract the information you<br />

need. You can’t have the information until the timing is right for its release, and this is<br />

evermore the requirement on prison pla<strong>net</strong>s that house many dark entities. The pearls may<br />

not be released until the timing is right.<br />

Many of your now carry little packets in your minds, and the packets will open<br />

automatically when the time is right to open them. It is much like the condensed computer<br />

files that you download onto your computer and then install them. Except you may not<br />

install these packets into your mind and brains until your guides, and angels are told that<br />

the time is right, and these then “turn” the keys that open the files. And then you will<br />

further open them when you have the thoughts or whatever is required to finished their<br />

installation. You unzip them, so to speak.<br />

The divine plan is always orchestrated on high, and is only allowed to the incarnates when<br />

it is time. Do not punish yourself on this one. Candace, her team, and selected others have<br />

been upset as to why some others outside the team knew Jupiter was not ready, and not<br />

they themselves. The reason is this team carries the knowledge we wished to be<br />

distributed, and they were given what we wished distributed.<br />

We could not allow their conscious knowing of the preliminary game, because none of<br />

them are very good “poker players” being beings high in light that do not like to play a<br />

game. It is too easy, and its normal for those not trained in sleuthing to blow the cover. Had<br />

they been individuals who were already operating in positions of high security and used to<br />

the keeping of secure knowledge, then they would have been told. These ones are not<br />

“navy seals” and the like in this life. They are not intelligence officers. And every word said<br />

on the phone and the tone is noticed by those that do collect this kind of data.<br />

Understand dear readers, we sleuth. It is necessary against the dark ones. There is much<br />

material we publish through <strong>AbundantHope</strong> that is for the dark readers. And of course the<br />

Jupiter announcement was also for you, so that you could hold the light around the idea,<br />

and add creative thoughts to the ge<strong>net</strong>ic mind and mass consciousness, and choose also<br />

whether you wished a role in service. It was your awakening and your time to ponder and<br />

think.<br />

This will be “soon”, and we push the trigger so to speak when the conditions necessary are<br />

fulfilled, or if something untoward should happen. There as I said, may possibly be some<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 255

consciousness raising events prior to Jupiter, the purpose of which is to awaken some<br />

more sleepers, and give some opportunity for some to change of their minds about<br />

whether they wish to “get to heaven” or not.<br />

Do not fear in this case, please. The banks will fail, but the monies for restoral will not be<br />

released before hand, this is not wise, because indeed, many will not be around to be<br />

involved, especially the dark ones. We have some interesting ideas to explore during<br />

stasis about where still to take the money system and some of this is related to what<br />

happens during it.<br />

There will be volcanoes that may excessively pollute, and there are star teams to clear this<br />

pollution to protect the other life forms on this earth. During this whole process, it is the<br />

other life forms of earth that will get a great deal of attention, for they must not perish, if we<br />

are to ascend this pla<strong>net</strong> with people on it. People will awaken to working utilities, and a<br />

working Inter<strong>net</strong> and public broadcasting system. The technology will be saved, for it must<br />

not be lost. You will not be returned to the stage of the cave man. To ascend Earth with<br />

man on it, the modern global changes must be preserved that have been set in place these<br />

last 60 years.<br />

It is normal for normal pla<strong>net</strong>s to ascend with their people, because there is the<br />

understanding of God, and the acceptance of celestial assistance. The progress tends to<br />

be steady, and these cleansings are not needed. Ascension always involves the pla<strong>net</strong><br />

having a global society, that is ready to enter light and life.<br />

Candace: For readers who have not done so, please read my postings from the Urantia<br />

Book, found under that section in the menu. I posted these for quite a few reasons, and<br />

you can see how normal worlds under celestial guidance proceed. We should have been in<br />

Light and Life long ago. Don’t forget that this pla<strong>net</strong> was also captured long ago by the<br />

galactic warriors who destroyed much in this solar system alone.<br />

Christ Michael: Had I chosen to reverse the poles and cleanse the pla<strong>net</strong> thoroughly, we<br />

would have only allowed higher souls to incarnate back into the pla<strong>net</strong> after its restoration,<br />

but it would still be a long period until the global society would exist. We will be far ahead<br />

to do this partial scenario. Having 2 suns must be dealt with also, as technology and<br />

housing must change. You will not be “ascending” into light and life for an estimated 25 to<br />

100 years even now.<br />

Those readers who believe in a magic ascension the dark side has fed you, just as<br />

Christians were given the rapture, you must drop this. A pla<strong>net</strong>ary people must do the<br />

work. The Jupiter event levels the playing field, opens the doors. Many of you have been<br />

given false information, thinking at the time of the magic ascension you will remember who<br />

you are and can create all things with your mind instantly and this is not so. You are here<br />

to remember you came to help when called.<br />

Many of you incarnate do not yet have that mind to create all things instantly, and one is<br />

not even allowed that knowledge and control of mind until It is known how to use it with<br />

godly goodness. Some of you will remember this tool that have it. But this is not a<br />

generally available tool. You will manifest easier than you did before, if you will accept<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 256

celestial help in your missions, should you choose to participate in the mission co creative<br />

projects. You will use your mind to work with the celestials serving the process.<br />

I have said enough this, it is now the next day beloveds, Candace lost the last portion of<br />

our work when her computer suddenly turned off. I reconstructed the lost material with<br />

added notes. Namaste, I am your Creator Son, source of your being if you are from my<br />

Universe in your origin. I am God with you at this time. I invite you to be one with Me.<br />

Christ Michael.<br />

PS: To the many here from higher realms that do not source in Nebadon, I am most<br />

blessed by your agreeing to serve Earth in this final transformation to higher being. For<br />

there will never again be the need to cleanse this long suffering pla<strong>net</strong>, for you shall be the<br />

ground crew that will assist this process.<br />

With the Jupiter Event and the events leading to the Ascension of this entire solar system,<br />

so will this system be in the Eternal Circuits of higher life. Jupiter and eventually Saturn will<br />

work in concert with the existing and original son of this system, and with the higher<br />

powers of the peoples, it will shine on forever and forever.<br />

Candace: It is a good thing that Jupiter hasn’t happened yet, because there is still being<br />

work done to prepare people that need a physical liftoff during the event. I am offering this<br />

little piece from Phoenix Journal #3 written by Esu, written August 1 st , 1989, page131. I<br />

think the term “ascension syndrome” will be more meaningful after reading this. I was<br />

being taken by levitation beam years ago and didn’t of course know it early on. So were<br />

many of you. I then was able to be taken to ship at some point by dematerialization and I<br />

am still training in raising my vibrations rapidly to lower the time to prepare the physical<br />

body for dematerialization.<br />

Vibrational Tuning. I told you long ago, very important facts about the “pick up”. THERE<br />









For a year and a half I have been transporting Dharma back and forth in human format and<br />

it is still most hard on her. You pick up air bubbles in your audio system, pressure<br />

compression your gastro-intestinal system and all of sorts of things happen within your fuel<br />

lines (circulatory system). God is “unlimited” but you are most “limited”. So be it and<br />

Selah. How do you get on the training program You go within where God dwells and ask<br />

permission. If you are sincere He hands you over to My circuit and you get immediately<br />

placed on my “lift off” charter book, and together we start training. You see, your God mind<br />

can do anything and all things, --but it must know what it is it is supposed to be doing.<br />

Well, in this instance, it is supposed to be getting you vibrationally changed that you might<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 257

make it nicely through a beam of light. One of the largest portions of that place which is<br />

prepared for you for transportation is a “hospital” unit and much help is standing by on both<br />

Earth and aboard to make the late-comers mend their wounds. You ones want to make<br />

mystical hocus pocus of everything--nay, nay--soul essence is light, so it goes most<br />

naturally; the physical flesh and bone body has to be trained by the souls mind itself to<br />

respond on command.<br />

It is like this, dear hearts, you ones who turn away these writings in the name of “it cannot<br />

be”, are throwing away your transition instruction sheet. Did you not believe you would be<br />

given your transition instructions Who did you think would bring or disperse them<br />











Candace: Also the ascension syndrome you are experiencing, in addition to last minute<br />

preparation for transport through a beam, is also related to the greatly rising energies, and<br />

the merging of the higher self with the physical body. So many have come late to the show<br />

that this last several months has been intense in the preparation of you who need to travel<br />

to ship and inner earth for the training described above, plus of course for those ones who<br />

will emigrate to other pla<strong>net</strong>s in their physical bodies.<br />

Also, realize that the robotoids being removed during stasis, will be leaving their physical<br />

bodies, (dying), so that they can start the morontia journey, which is the next step after the<br />

first human life. Generally people do not reincarnate during the early morontia training, that<br />

comes later as advancement proceeds, and is never required after the first life, but rather a<br />

choice to gain additional experience, which most choose to undertake. Others wait until<br />

after fusion with their Thought adjusters, for incarnational experiences. Some never<br />

incarnate at all, but the progress tends to be slower and more limiting.<br />

The reason reincarnation is so heavy on this pla<strong>net</strong> is because it is the prison pla<strong>net</strong> for the<br />

followers of Lucifer to work out their salvation, plus those galactic laggards preferring<br />

warring are also here. They still love to war, don’t they. When will they ever learn, when will<br />

they ever learn<br />

Ok, here’s the piece by Hal Turner referenced by Christ Michael. As you can see, those in<br />

power are getting pretty worried, as things are getting out of their hands, and the rest of the<br />

world just says no, when asked for help. Part of this is also engineered, to cause the<br />

NAU to come into being. AMERO coins were minted at the Denver Mint last fall, and dear<br />

Hal Turner let out that one too. I have asked at functions I attend how many people have<br />

heard of the NAU. Most have not a clue. Only Lou Dobbs tends to cover the idea.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 258

I wonder how aware are our leaders in the USA of the issue with our foodstuffs, the<br />

almost depletion now of the huge Ogallala reservoir, which does not refill, and the potential<br />

collapse of that reservoir plus collapse of areas where gas and oil have been taken, and all<br />

the other problems that could affect food in this country. There is NO discussion of food in<br />

this list from Hal Turner. There will be more and more huge sink holes and the like from<br />

excess withdrawal of water. That is part of the issues in lower California. And this is an<br />

issue all around the world from depleting ground waters, gas, and oil.<br />

These gas deposits are also increasingly susceptible to fire underground, form depletion<br />

and drawing in of air. The Council of Foreign Relations met maybe a couple years ago,<br />

and I read a piece on their website, about how they think that our “bread basket” can<br />

provide for American growth for a really long time and we could sustain a couple hundred<br />

more million people Insane.<br />

Thursday, March 13, 2008<br />



Word has begun leaking from last nights special, closed-door session of the United States<br />

House of Representatives.<br />

Not only did members discuss new surveillance provisions as was the publicly stated<br />

reason for the closed door session, they also discussed:<br />

the imminent collapse of the U.S. economy to occur by September 2008,<br />

the imminent collapse of US federal government finances by February 2009,<br />

the possibility of Civil War inside the USA as a result of the collapse,<br />

advance round-ups of "insurgent U.S. citizens" likely to move against the<br />

government,<br />

The detention of those rounded-up at "REX 84" camps constructed throughout the<br />

USA,<br />

the possibility of retaliation against members of Congress for the collapses,<br />

the location of "safe facilities" for members of Congress and their families to reside<br />

during expected massive civil unrest<br />

the necessary and unavoidable merger of the United States with Canada (for its<br />

natural resources) and with Mexico (for its cheap labor pool),<br />

the issuance of a new currency - THE AMERO - for all three nations as the proposed<br />

solution to the coming economic armageddon.<br />

Members of Congress were FORBIDDEN to reveal what was discussed. Several are so<br />

furious and concerned about the future of the country, they have begun leaking info. More<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 259

details coming later today and over the weekend. SPREAD THE WORD!!! from Hal Turner<br />

Show<br />

www.halturnershow.com/<br />

Hi all, I am adding a little PS; Go to Hal's site above and find the article on the front page.<br />

There are so far over 70 comments posted to it, and you can read them by clicking on it.<br />

Add a comment if you wish, its' easy on Haloscan commentary features. Some dude<br />

posted" What would Jesus do Will I had a bit of fun, don't know if it will be allowed, as it is<br />

moderated, but I said that Jesus just Posted what he would do, on my site, under the name<br />

Christ Michael!!!!!!!! I will check later to see if my post made muster and the response if<br />

any to it!!!<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 260

Check Mate, perhaps<br />

By Christ Michael Thru Candace<br />

# 80 April 3, 2008<br />

Beloveds of <strong>AbundantHope</strong> readers, do not take this message for yourselves, this is brief<br />

and its intended audience is our dark readers.<br />

To those of Cabal, we are washing our hands of this next game and we shall not interfere<br />

in it like we did with the Lebanese War of 2006. You are free to play this upcoming game,<br />

and also to experience any consequences of others of the global players, for others shall<br />

hold you responsible for your actions. They shall teach of you your lesson, beware on that.<br />

This game of chess going on may well check mate you. That is all for now. This<br />

transmission is From Christ Michael of Nebadon.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 261

Did You Like the Results<br />

By ATON by Candace<br />

# 81 April 10, 2008<br />

Dearly beloveds, ATON here, and like my last short piece, this is not for the readers of<br />

<strong>AbundantHope</strong>. It is but for our dark ones.<br />

Nice game you played today, dark buddies! Did you like the results And that wasn’t our<br />

interference, it was the result of technology that others on this pla<strong>net</strong> have been gifted with<br />

and that you do not have!<br />

We allowed the nuclear bombs, and you watched them die in the plasma shields. Wasn’t<br />

that fun It wasn’t our plasma shields, for others now have this on the pla<strong>net</strong> and are<br />

rather immune to your games.<br />

Continue thy other games, and you shall see similar results. Others have come to the light<br />

and been duly gifted. Judge for yourself what other games you might play and see the<br />

results. You aren’t going to win this one. You saw a nice check mate today, didn’t you<br />

There will be more checkmates, until you realize you do not hold the balance of power<br />

anymore. God always gifts the lighted ones and now you see the proof. Good day. I am<br />

ATON, we’ll use that name today. It matters not, for I am still the Creator Son by any name<br />

of Nebadon.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 262

Soltec Provides an Update<br />

By Anthonious Soltec, and Candace<br />

#82 April 18, 2008<br />

Dear ones, It Is I Anthonious Soltec of the Creator expression. Quiet beloved one and<br />

enjoy my use of your very high channel, and be not surprised by it. You have been gifted<br />

with this and there are many of us who can access you through it.<br />

Candace: Over a year ago I was gifted with a higher frequency channel, built by Gabriel,<br />

and this can only be used very high beings. This is for security purposes and for other<br />

special use. We nicknamed it my “arch angel” channel, and I was surprised to have Soltec<br />

use it to make connection with me. I have since that time used it exclusively when I work<br />

with Christ Michael, Sananda, and Monjoronson for public pieces. I haven’t had others yet<br />

contact me using it. So when I perceived the channel being opened, I wasn’t expecting<br />

Soltec, but I was most pleased, I enjoy his energy very much.<br />

Also, yesterday I was very fatigued and did not get this posted. This refers to an<br />

earthquake on April 18, 2008. Someone else has posted the Sorcha Faal piece to this site<br />

if you wish to refer to it.<br />

Soltec: Today in the USA you had a 5.4 quake in Illinois and I would regards this simply<br />

say not much to worry about. This is not what Sorcha Faal has circulated, this was no<br />

crash of a plane, it is but merely a completely normal quake occurring in the border region<br />

of the New Madrid fault zone. Booms are normal with many quakes.<br />

Now, I will remind all of you that live in California this remains a very dangerous area.<br />

Enough said, this needs no elaboration. We will handle California during the Jupiter event<br />

and stasis, and that has been covered by others.<br />

There has been quite an increase in quake activity around the world. There is a large<br />

volcano under the sea off of Oregon that has raised the seabed a bit, as pressure has<br />

been rising. It is highly possible this volcano will become very active, and although it is<br />

under the sea there will a goodly deal of wave action off the west coast near by as it<br />

becomes more active. This is distantly related to the system and responsive to the area of<br />

Mt. Helens and Mount Rainer and there is much increase in activities through this system.<br />

This growing volcano will affect these other systems, as they have contiguous branches.<br />

Mount Rainer sits sort of in the middle of several branches, and some of these drain<br />

magma into the base of Rainer. You had increasing activity months back in Mount Helens.<br />

The pressure is building in the underground channels, if you wish, of these interconnected<br />

systems. When Mount Rainer blows, it will likely blow it’s top off, similar to Helens but this<br />

will be a goodly deal larger blast, and Seattle shall not be sitting comfortably. We do not<br />

predict the time, it is not soon, as in months but in a few years, as best can be estimated.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 263

My instruments can see and measure many pressures, but it is not necessarily possible at<br />

any one time to accurately predict a disturbance and we go by the little clues. All the<br />

various interconnected plates all affect the ones near by, and the magma movements all<br />

have different drainage systems. In general there are large drainage system from Nevada<br />

into California, especially towards Southern California.<br />

Your dark ones had a lot of fun detonating nuclear bombs in Nevada, and when these<br />

downhill, so to speak drainage systems of magma within the faults erupt onto the surface<br />

in any manner, there will be radiation released.<br />

During the stasis period, those under my specific command will be dealing with some of<br />

these, and we can “evacuate” some of the radiation in those areas, so that it will be<br />

considerably less harmful in the future. We have planned a good deal of clean up during<br />

that period. We will also cause, using pulse beams, quite a few quakes so that certain<br />

events will happen now, and not later.<br />

Candace: Regards the above statement, we have covered before I think anyway, that<br />

during stasis, certain events will be encouraged, so we do not certain problems later. This<br />

will reduce the number of expected “calamities and cataclysms”, but remember the earth<br />

needs to make many changes and thus we will face issues over the many years, for a<br />

couple hundred years or so. Once we have the public’s attention, there can be better<br />

planning before some of these events.<br />

Soltec: I have been told many of you are nervous that the Jupiter event has not yet<br />

materialized<br />

and that is because the information was given early enough to attempt to obtain<br />

cooperation from leaders, and also to prepare some of you. The pla<strong>net</strong> is fully prepared<br />

and but awaiting its activation at a time under our control. This must be soon because of<br />

the nature of the pollution upon our pla<strong>net</strong>, and we desire to get it started before the food<br />

shortages become increasingly severe. Mother Earth will be relieved of a goodly deal of<br />

her suffering during stasis.<br />

Souls were given until roughly until the end of 2007 to make their irrevocable choice of<br />

serving the light or the dark, and so it is done for all of you. What is remaining is our<br />

additional planning prior to the event, because great change will occur then, and we will<br />

relieve both the Mother, and those that have chosen the red road.<br />

Candace: The Red Road is the path of service and in peace. The spiritual path. The black<br />

road is the path of materialism with it’s various problems. This is from terminology of the<br />

native Americans.<br />

Soltec: Rather than going on so many years, many earth changes will occur from the<br />

ignition of Jupiter, as we have been calling it. It is no longer behind the sun and in a few<br />

months it will be in opposition to Earth, meaning at the closest approach in this cycle.<br />

It will be ignited during this closer range, when Michael is ready and you will be asleep, so<br />

not to worry individually, for you have all made your committed choices and that is done,<br />

and so be it. The Mother is quite ill, from not only the pollution, but the warring and the<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 264

duality that is 4 th dimension. In 4 th dimension the energies of goodness and darkness<br />

become very polarized and this is tough on the pla<strong>net</strong>, especially this pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

Candace: I have some work to finish of a elementary nature in understanding Densities<br />

and Dimensions. Let me just say here, that this pla<strong>net</strong>, all pla<strong>net</strong>s with life on them, are<br />

Second Density pla<strong>net</strong>s. Dimensions refer to the level of consciousness and as<br />

consciousness raises, so does the vibration of the pla<strong>net</strong>. We are in 4 th dimension now,<br />

and this is the “get off the fence” dimension. The incoming light energies greatly affect<br />

everyone. You are all feeling that intensely. Some become more dark, others become<br />

more light. It is not the dimension of being in the middle, you choose to serve others in<br />

goodness by traveling the red road, or you choose to continue down the black road.<br />

Some of you are having difficulty with dimensions and densities, as the words are used<br />

interchangeably in literature. We will never be a 4th Density pla<strong>net</strong>, nor are we going<br />

through 4th Density to become 5 th Density. We are moving into the balanced beginning<br />

state of 5 th dimension of 2 nd Density. When this happens our polarity will change, and the<br />

age of intense duality ends. This will be a monopolar pla<strong>net</strong>, and at this time, I have been<br />

trying to understand that idea. We won’t have a north and south mag<strong>net</strong>ic pole.<br />

We will still have a north and south physical pole that the axis of the pla<strong>net</strong> will run<br />

through and continue to turn on, as it does now. This axis may move more than once<br />

during successive earth changes. We are in intense duality now, and many of you are<br />

experiencing this with your relationships at home and at work. Thus we are seeing a very<br />

uncooperative dark leadership who has chosen to continue on the black road. 4 th<br />

dimension is not the astral realm. Enough for the time being on this topic.<br />

Soltec: She will be given a big assist, and the children of God, the true children of God will<br />

have their experience at rebuilding the pla<strong>net</strong>. Bringing it into light and life. Into balance.<br />

The intervention talked of a time now was granted, as the pla<strong>net</strong> will not be destroyed.<br />

Because of the request of many students and elevated spirits incarnate, at a higher level,<br />

they wish to experience raising the pla<strong>net</strong> from her almost deathbed, and into again a<br />

beauteous place, while continuing to live on the pla<strong>net</strong>, rather than repairing her after a<br />

pole reversal and starting a new civilization.<br />

The plan is huge, and it’s nearly in place. Botanists and specialists in animal life have<br />

taken many specimens and stored also much of the original seeds. These will be gifted<br />

back into capable hands, and there will be removal of those ge<strong>net</strong>ically modified plants and<br />

seeds, including terminator varieties the dark have developed. Life may not be patented,<br />

and life should also be only modified in the hands of truly capable and enlightened<br />

scientists.<br />

The stasis period will remove many of the lower energies, from man downward. The light<br />

will be intense, not only from the new sun, but the greater effects of the photon belt and<br />

other yet uncovered energies. You will awaken to quite a big difference, and as has been<br />

presented to you, there will be appropriate coverage on the media. None of the beneficial<br />

technology will be lost, particularly your communication systems.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 265

Any damage will be repaired to utility systems and the like. There will be a period of food<br />

shortage because growing seasons will be interrupted by the process. To avoid negativity<br />

after stasis is ended, there will be plenty of food and NECESSARY supplies for living until<br />

the agricultural process can be started again.<br />

There will no airplanes afterwards allowed to fly. They will have difficulty in the new<br />

energies and will not be safe to operate. In addition to that, they will be grounded so as to<br />

prevent the pollution to the newly cleansed higher atmosphere.<br />

You will be give ways to negotiate with Starfleet organizations for extensive needed travel,<br />

but for a time, your luxury vacations will not be. Travel will be limited to that which is<br />

necessary. During stasis we will also be deactivating some of the damage where possible<br />

from the use of depleted Uranium. Without doing so, it will be more difficult to restart life in<br />

abundance. We think that stasis will last perhaps up to year. We are not sure, it depends<br />

on what time it all takes.<br />

We simply to do not know for sure, hopefully it will be shorter, but it matters not, in reality.<br />

Only the higher life forms, man and his animals will be asleep during it, and regular life and<br />

weather will continue. Many are going to leave the pla<strong>net</strong> at this time. It has been decided<br />

to gift the Mother in this way, as man has become a parasite and knows not how to stop<br />

doing so. The other solution is to reverse the poles, and that is again chosen against,<br />

because the future pla<strong>net</strong>ary/solar system and upward leaders incarnate need this<br />

experience.<br />

Candace: The above comment is about the fact there are many incarnate now on the<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> seeking experience to help them in their future careers in pla<strong>net</strong>ary through system<br />

management and higher. We have covered in some of the works that the Ascending Sons<br />

will increasingly do what Descending Sons have previously done in the management of<br />

universes. I am one of those students.<br />

Soltec: Man was offered a goodly time to grow up. He did not, in general. The masses<br />

have yet to come forward, even within the United States and demand an end to this war.<br />

While some souls are highly concerned about a possible war in Iran, the majority are<br />

simply not concerned whatsoever. They remain concerned only of their coming meal and<br />

how many pairs of nice shoes and jewelry can be owned, simply a nice life and little more.<br />

They are not concerned with where the pla<strong>net</strong> is going. They are not moving beyond the<br />

control of the dark ones via the churches. This is regrettable but so it is.<br />

These ones in the churches in Christianity in particular would rather Armageddon continue<br />

onwards and upwards, as they believe this is God’s will and they must not interfere. So be<br />

that too. So they continue their lessons elsewhere.<br />

At this time we will not say what the total leaving is, for that is yet to be seen. Most will opt<br />

out during the intense light and will leave. Many bodies are too ill and damaged to repair at<br />

this time. The DNA damage form all sources is extreme, and many are passing of cancer<br />

rather than old age. Those who are depressed will likely leave, and there are many dear<br />

ones. Africa is so sad to watch at this time, as man of power continues to wish to remove<br />

its people, and the guns continue to be imported. The farms are destroyed and food is<br />

becoming less. Africa, in general is still a place where great amounts of food can be grown.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 266

We look on with great sadness as the people do not awaken to their plight and take<br />

actions. To watch the election process in the United States the past couple years of the<br />

song and dance is appalling and still these ones run for the highest job of the land,<br />

unimpeded. The 911-truth movement will not move into action. While there are many in it,<br />

they do not see their power to come together and raise a lot of Holy Hell, a term Candace<br />

likes.<br />

They are afraid. Nothing more and nothing less, plus divided into competing groups. There<br />

are many looking up to a few “leaders” within the movement, rather than moving<br />

themselves. America, dear ones, has become mostly impotent, rather sad. And all those<br />

drugs offered on TV for impotence will not heal of the situation. To think the average man<br />

is worried of his impotence sexually, but will not worry of his impotence spiritually.<br />

We are saddened. We hoped better. Yet there has been good, and many have stepped<br />

forward at least willing to hear the truth, if not take action once they know it. So these ones<br />

are given a chance to take some action later, they will in general stay, according to soul<br />

agreement. But the grand idea of incarnating souls to lift the pla<strong>net</strong> from within has not<br />

worked adequately. But this is the pit, the most intense dark pla<strong>net</strong> of the Lucifer rebellion,<br />

and it is enough of a miracle that we can do a partial solution. The sadness is that many<br />

souls have simply not awakened and grown, and most in many cases actually moved back<br />

a grade in school.<br />

This final effort to waken the governments to their responsibilities, the bankers to their<br />

responsibilities, the religious organizations to their responsibilities, likewise the<br />

incorporations to theirs has been almost futile.<br />

Several years ago now, that would be in 2004, the removal of the hidden hand was largely<br />

completed, and it was hoped that those who worked under them would awaken and realize<br />

something was very wrong but this too did not happen. But God always provides a choice<br />

right down to the final line, and that final line is reached now.<br />

It remains to the Michael to call up the time of the beginning of the cleansing. It will be<br />

soon. I know you all tire of that, but notice had to be given my friends to those in high<br />

places. The little man has trouble carrying the load, but lots and lots of little men could<br />

have made a huge difference. The pla<strong>net</strong> has long been suffering the pollution and the little<br />

man was not expected to clean it up, he has depended on what the “leaders” created, but<br />

during this time, more could have grown in their knowledge, and all we wish to see, was<br />

that growth in knowledge. That is not to say this did not happen, had it not happened at all,<br />

we would be reversing the poles instead of a partway solution to the issues and we are<br />

happy to at least have that! Namaste, I am Anthonious Soltec<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 267

What It Means to Serve 100%<br />

By Sananda Immanuel Esu Kumara & Candace<br />

# 83 January, 2008, published April 27, 2008<br />

Candace: Esu and I did this piece in January. We felt it necessary for me to place some of<br />

the appropriate Urantia Book material prior to posting this. That was done awhile ago, plus<br />

other research I was doing for this piece. Times flies and I forgot the time. As I re read this<br />

today and added a couple more notes, I find the information given still relevant. I covered<br />

in the material I posted from the Urantia Book, some of the discussion in this piece. That is<br />

why you saw it there first! I have been working on this piece intermittently and added today<br />

at the end some commentary Esu asked me to place in this piece.<br />

Esu: Dearly beloveds, It I Esu, your Physical Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince. I wish to explain this a bit<br />

first off. This is a shared position between myself and Machiventa Melchizedek. Those of<br />

you who have read the Urantia Book and followed the Teaching Mission, know that<br />

Machiventa is also Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince. I think I explained this a bit once, but I am not sure,<br />

so now it is appropriate to make this clear.<br />

This was suggested, this possibility in the Urantia Book, of Machiventa becoming the<br />

Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince. The Urantia Book also made the statement that possibly a son and<br />

daughter of Adam and Eve might serve in the physical position. It is I and my Lady Nada<br />

who serve the physical position. I explained once before some time ago, that my position<br />

would be temporary, lasting until you are ready to elect your own world leader, and then<br />

my journey would take another direction. And so it is, that I should hold this position around<br />

the 1000 years proffered as your Golden Age. And Candace too has offered her services<br />

for this time, incarnate in this body she currently uses. And I will let her explain her gifting<br />

around that when I am done with my share of this piece. (Candace: see additional material<br />

at the end of this piece.)<br />

Now the purpose of this piece is to further explain my position and what it means to serve<br />

Earth in service to the divine plan at this time. It is not the usual method to have a shared<br />

position with a Melchizedek, but it is a requirement on this pla<strong>net</strong>. In fact, Melchizedeks<br />

don’t normally serve this position, but Machiventa deserves this for his role long ago. As I<br />

have explained in the past, or perhaps through Christ Michael, I came into that service<br />

2000 years ago, because I am indeed a mighty warrior against the dark, both in the use of<br />

weaponry, and in the field on enlightening education. The Kumara group got themselves<br />

out of the situation of our pla<strong>net</strong> held by hostile forces in Lyra long ago, and we are thus<br />

very experienced.<br />

Christ Michael needed someone of my stature to share the divine mission of his. There<br />

was the need to have a very advanced soul, and a very advanced body. Earth’s ge<strong>net</strong>ics<br />

were inferior and still are, due to the failure of the Adam and Eve mission and numerous<br />

other issues. That is why Gabriel of Salvington volunteered to be my physical father,<br />

installing very divine ge<strong>net</strong>ics into the pla<strong>net</strong> in this manner and providing the necessary<br />

ge<strong>net</strong>ic foundation for both myself and Christ Michael to share.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 268

I come, in these more recent past times from Thiaoouba, the most advanced pla<strong>net</strong> in<br />

Pleiades and in fact in Satania. This is a 9 th dimensional pla<strong>net</strong>, and has long overseen the<br />

earth. Your beloved Moses incarnated on this plane, just before his planned incarnation<br />

into Thiaoouba. And he was kept here on your other side, until Michael relieved Lucifer and<br />

Caligastia of this pla<strong>net</strong>. Moses is now incarnate on Thiaoouba.<br />

It was ones from Thiaoouba who assisted Moses directly and parted of the Reed Sea, not<br />

the Red Sea. These ones were rightly called “the Lord God” in much of your Old<br />

Testament stories. Now I am back in my Thiaoouban body, after I left my Earth incarnation<br />

when I was 115 years old. This type of body can be stored indefinitely when one is<br />

incarnate for teaching purposes on the lower pla<strong>net</strong>s. I also look somewhat like I did back<br />

then, because scientists in charge of the laboratory that created the embryo that became<br />

myself at that time, used also some of my own DNA. But I also resembled my mother<br />

Mary.<br />

Now, for those who have read the Thiaoouba Prophesy, you will notice that there is a body<br />

that is claimed to be the body of Christ preserved there and the story differs a bit from the<br />

one we have told you. There were two missions from Thiaoouba back then, and both of<br />

these individuals were hung on the cross. That person had his chest pierced. I had my<br />

thigh pierced. There are stories of 2 crucifixions on the earth plane and they are often<br />

confused. During stasis we will fully review the book, because there may be other small<br />

issues of misunderstanding within it and write up any corrections needed.<br />

Candace: Some of you might enjoy this book, and it is available as a download for only $5<br />

from: www.thiaoouba.com A person named Michael was taken fully conscious to<br />

Thiaoouba back in the late 1980’s for a nine day period, and was given a great deal of<br />

information to publish. He hasn’t published all of it yet, but its an engaging story and you<br />

will learn of ways in which highly advanced people get around and live.<br />

The story covers the origin of the original Semitic peoples that have supposedly become<br />

now called Jews. The Khazarian “Jews” are not of the Semitic race. If you are “Jewish” of<br />

Khazarian background (most of Eastern Europe and western Russia), this Semitic story is<br />

NOT yours. The Khazarians adopted the Semitic belief system and completely corrupted it.<br />

The Talmud is your less than holy book and not the Torah, and it is corrupt. Of, course the<br />

Torah is not fully accurate either due to both manipulation and various translations and<br />

methods of passing it on. Those who are Christians will find this coverage very interesting<br />

also, of the history of the Semitic race. It is not of this earth in origin.<br />

The confusion is because Joseph and Mary are claimed as the parents in the particular<br />

situation in the book. In this story the one that incarnated was not able to fully participate in<br />

the divine plan, simply because of loss of memory. This person was guided on to Asia and<br />

settled in Japan. Another replaced him, in a specially created body, and was hung also on<br />

the cross. The story is interesting however, as when one incarnates into an adult body,<br />

rather than by birth, ones memory is not lost.<br />

I was able to find the name of that person from the http://www.cassiopaea.org/ website and<br />

now I have lost the note. But this person and his going to Japan is covered there, and the<br />

lack of his crucifixion is covered. So many confusing stories abound on this plane. These<br />

are not the only stories either, there are many others that state the crucifixion did not<br />

occur, and that is because certain advanced ones came and were not crucified in the<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 269

method that Esu and some were. The term crucifixion is also used at times to simply mean<br />

the messenger is not accepted by the masses for his/her truth presented and attacked in<br />

other ways, but not always resulting in death.<br />

Thiaoouba orbits around Alcyone, the central sun of Pleiades. It is in the photon belt<br />

continuously, and its people very spiritually advanced. Our sun is part of Pleiades also and<br />

so we orbit around Alcyone. We are far out in orbit, and thus we are in the photon belt<br />

much less often than the other suns that encircle Alcyone. We have covered the photon<br />

belt in other material.<br />

However, for newer readers, our sun takes about 26,000 years to go around Alcyone. We<br />

are in the photon belt twice during this period, for it is a “belt” of sorts. It is also called the<br />

monastic ring. The photon belt cleanses and renews pla<strong>net</strong>s as they pass through it. If the<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> is advanced, little cleansing is necessary, if not, much is necessary. It is a fact of<br />

nature and all pla<strong>net</strong>s at some point experience this Godly high energy that emanates from<br />

the Orvonton Core to all within the 7 th superuniverse, going out to countless “Central Suns”<br />

such as Alcyone.<br />

Our sun spends about 2,000 years in this belt, and about 11,000 years outside of it. When<br />

we are outside it, we are called being in the “long dark night” in some literature. The earth<br />

is now in that belt constantly, but the outer pla<strong>net</strong>s are not in it full time yet. I am not sure<br />

when our entire solar system will be in it, not far off though. It is being in this photon belt<br />

that is causing the global warming on our pla<strong>net</strong>. In fact, it is causing solar warming to our<br />

entire solar system.<br />

Pla<strong>net</strong>s have the opportunity to “ascend” during a trip through the photon belt. Earth and<br />

her peoples have failed miserably many times now. The story of God cleansing the earth<br />

by floods and related stories in various cultures is evidence of this occurring the last time<br />

we went through it. That was a heavy cleanse, and thus scientists tend to think that this is<br />

the first global society on this pla<strong>net</strong>, but that is not so.<br />

Mother Earth in 1987 became a conscious entity. I don’t fully understand this, but when the<br />

“earth mother” of any pla<strong>net</strong> experiences this, the pla<strong>net</strong> is always assisted into ascension<br />

for it is the end of the dark “kindergarten” evolutionary years on a pla<strong>net</strong>. Plus this pla<strong>net</strong> is<br />

also the bestowal pla<strong>net</strong> of the Creator Son and thus we have the prophesized “end times”,<br />

and the beginning of the new times, at this time of entry into the photon belt. Our Sun<br />

entered the photon belt in 1992 and this can be a traumatic event for a pla<strong>net</strong> not<br />

understanding it and getting into protection for a few days. We were put into stasis for<br />

about a week at that time to prevent the trauma.<br />

Esu: You have had many masters from Thiaoouba walk this plane, including Krishna.<br />

Others have remained unknown in general, not necessarily carrying out a messianic<br />

mission as understood on Earth. Tesla was also from Thiaoouba, and he did not die, but<br />

simply went into inner earth, and he continues thusly today, having not returned to<br />

Thiaoouba but rather advising behind the scenes on earth at this time.<br />

Now that the history lesson is over, let us proceed. This joint mission with Machiventa is<br />

sort of more like a combined Adam and Eve and Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince mission, correcting the<br />

time. Instead however, of another Adam and Eve to uplift the bloodline, this is being done<br />

“piecemeal” from ship laboratories. I emphasize “ship” because I don’t want confusion with<br />

the little greys plans in joint secret underground bases with the cabal who run the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

What has been done and will continue to be done, is that incoming and returning star<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 270

seeds are having their embryos improved upon and then these improved ge<strong>net</strong>ics enter<br />

the earth plane when they reproduce. Many also have better communications with the<br />

higher realms as a result. This is why you are seeing those labeled “Crystal Children”<br />

appearing on the earth plane.<br />

Now, to serve the physical Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince at this time requires for all of you who<br />

choose to do so, a 100% commitment. As you know I will be actually living on the pla<strong>net</strong><br />

and that will occur hopefully within a year after stasis is over. We have to acquire facilities<br />

first and right now, I prefer not to elaborate but I will be in the Denver metropolitan area of<br />

Colorado in the USA. Whatever this place is that is acquired must be energetically<br />

upgraded before I can be resident. Until then I will maintain my residence on the Capricorn.<br />

What does 100% mean It means you must cooperate with whatever plans are<br />

presented, and not override my ideas with yours. Most missions won’t face too much of<br />

an issue in regards to serving the poor and the like. But missions related to energy,<br />

government, and certain social institutions must serve exactly or derailing will occur to the<br />

divine plan. The divine plan may fluctuate also, according to need.<br />

Now Earth is to be gifted by folks on Mars with about 500 flying saucers. These will be<br />

dispersed by a team created for this purpose. There are some of you, who were promised<br />

flying saucers, and the person who gifted you came down with ego problems, plus he was<br />

programmed in military hospitals and gave quite a few away to the dark side. So the<br />

project was taken out of his hands.<br />

Initially, until there are missions needing them, they will be used to temporarily help with<br />

transportation on earth. You are not going to have airplanes beloveds, after stasis. To<br />

begin with they pollute way too much and also the instruments in them will not be worthy<br />

due to the energy changes. Star fleet is going to assist you greatly in this area.<br />

Some of you will have friends and relatives trapped overseas perhaps, and once we have<br />

announced who we are, there will be arrangements made to get travelers of all sorts back<br />

home. The oceans may still be a bit rowdy, and ship travel may also be a bit dangerous for<br />

a time. So many of your higher brothers and sisters will quite literally, be giving you a lift.<br />

Now, as we develop the <strong>AbundantHope</strong> website further, there will be appropriate ideas and<br />

the “rules and regs” explained in sufficient detail. One must apply to have the use of a<br />

flying saucer and they will be shared between missions, as these can run 24 hours a day.<br />

These are not toys and will not be used for frivolous use. Enough said.<br />

Now back to certain important mission work. I am captain of the ship called pla<strong>net</strong> Earth.<br />

Machiventa handles details with the Universe, and he will remain permanent Pla<strong>net</strong>ary<br />

Prince, as far as plans are made at this time, after I leave some 1000 or more years from<br />

now. There is always, always a representative from Nebadon on any pla<strong>net</strong>, but with the<br />

exception of the Adams and Eves, they are invisible. And you have no Adam and Eve.<br />

Candace: I placed several chapters from the Urantia Book on the website, with additional<br />

teaching and commentary, in preparation in part for this little piece. If you have not read<br />

them, and the reading is relatively easy, now would be a good time to do so. These are<br />

chapters covering the Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Princes and the Adam and Eves.<br />

Also regards the flying saucers, these are about 75 feet in diameter and 25 feet tall, with 3<br />

decks. The middle deck is the main deck and is about 10 feet tall. The upper and lower<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 271

decks are for the controls and devices that run the saucers. Each will come with a cargo<br />

sized antigravity platform with sides about four feet high. I forget the other dimensions, but<br />

these are suitable for loading large quantities of lumber, food and the like into the saucer,<br />

which has a “garage” on the lower level. Also at least one antigravity “car”, about 5 X 8 feet<br />

in size and covered in unbreakable glass, with a sliding door for entry, similar to a minivan<br />

will be included.<br />

These can be used outside the saucer (as can the cargo platforms) for shopping and the<br />

like. No seats are in them as they are not needed. You can add a few seats or cushions.<br />

These aren’t tall enough for adults to stand in. On pla<strong>net</strong>s in mono-polarity, the anti-gravity<br />

platforms have special energy shields and don’t need glass covers, but these are needed<br />

here for a time. Seat belts aren’t necessary; the “gravity” aboard holds one in place. The<br />

glass covers are more for weather and wind protection.<br />

The Saucers are loaded from the anti gravity vehicles, through a double locking system on<br />

the lower level, and come equipped with 2 robotic attendants each to fly them. No<br />

instruction manual is needed. More details will be supplied on the website at a later time.<br />

The saucers are thus “‘parked” in the air, not on the ground. The main deck has windows<br />

all around. For those of you familiar with the name, Lord Monka, it is this person on Mars<br />

who is overseeing the manufacture of the saucers. Last I talked with him, about 450 were<br />

completed.<br />

Esu: There will be no manufacturing of flying saucers on the earth for sometime. You are<br />

not responsible as a people yet for this. We will allow beginning manufacture of small<br />

antigravity craft; most likely what would be called antigravity platforms. The Thiaoouba<br />

Book has an example of such. In that book, you will also read about a small device placed<br />

about the waist that allows the body to travel through the air and that won’t be coming to<br />

earth for some time yet. It requires the pla<strong>net</strong> to be monopolar for that technology and also<br />

the majority of the population must be elevated in spirituality.<br />

There are some of you still hoping the world will be made new with the flick of a switch and<br />

this is not possible, for it requires the change in the residents of earth, in their attitude.<br />

Some of you are awaiting some sort of “full consciousness” and there is no magic wand<br />

there either. As your higher selves merge with your physical forms you will have increased<br />

intelligence and some memories of who you are. You are incarnate by birth, and in your<br />

current bodies, even with remodeling you will not have full consciousness. But you will in<br />

time get better at accessing the ge<strong>net</strong>ic mind and at contacting celestial guides assigned to<br />

you.<br />

During stasis much of the world will be affected and we have discussed this at length. The<br />

vibrations will increase dramatically with the new sun and the removal of the ozone layer,<br />

plus other energetic changes not yet revealed to you. This is an ascension event, but not<br />

the ascension into light and life as we have stated. (Candace: Ascension event above,<br />

means moving upwards some more, not "the ascension" that is prevalent in New Age<br />

literature. Also, the Ascension is for Mother gaia and those whom she has nourished may<br />

join her if they have reached 51% of karmic clearance. I am adding this note on July 20,<br />

2010, as I re read this.)<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 272

Industry must follow my plan 100% in many areas. Do not take of your various funding and<br />

attempt to start up that which does not serve. WE will generously cover this on the website.<br />

There will be two websites. <strong>AbundantHope</strong> and I will have one also, but the mission works<br />

and requirements will be on the <strong>AbundantHope</strong> site. Mine will have a different purpose and<br />

be more of a spiritual teaching nature.<br />

You will have temporary leaders, and we have a huge plan going on for the replacement of<br />

these leaders and this will be regional and vary across the pla<strong>net</strong>. There will be several<br />

more members selected to the joint AH and Prince team. We are going to slightly rename<br />

the organization during stasis to reflect this joint mission. In some cases Star fleet<br />

personnel will be in charge for long periods, and in other countries, we will honor where<br />

possible existing constitutions and the like that serve the divine plan. Politics is going to get<br />

spiritual really quick on this place, it has to.<br />

The plans made to date are very broad, and in several cases very specific and if you<br />

wish to truly serve, then you must not become wildcards in the plan. There are<br />

various technologies that are not yet suitable and are not to be developed. The<br />

manufacturing must change also, and the manufacture of useless items needs to end.<br />

There are some of you who feel the money coming into the pla<strong>net</strong> is for luxury, and it is<br />

not. And that will be a miserable lesson yet to be learned for some.<br />

The free will of Earth is going to be limited, and in fact all pla<strong>net</strong>s as the peoples come into<br />

unity consciousness, choose to serve the greater good, rather than self. This is not the lack<br />

of free will, it is of making the free will choice to serve the Father, and those that continue<br />

to not choose this route may find themselves in Monjoronson’s courts explaining<br />

themselves and working out a plan to come back into service or go elsewhere.<br />

This pla<strong>net</strong> has long been in chaos, and because of primarily the pollution of the pla<strong>net</strong>,<br />

which is very high now, and includes of course the DU radiation issues, we must move<br />

forward. There is going to be a bit of star fleet “martial law” for quite some time, and those<br />

that get seriously out of line will answer to that. It is the way to control the chaos that will<br />

occur, WILL OCCUR, after stasis. We are not trusting earth governments to enforcing the<br />

issues, because they, in their poor judgment will go over board.<br />

All this will be fully explained during the announcement activities and the reasons for the<br />

enforced rules will be carefully and gently explained, but we are not going to allow excess<br />

chaos, and we do have plans in place to serve the peoples so the chaos is reduced. There<br />

will be for example adequate distribution of food and water, so that chaos that would<br />

otherwise happen due to lack of adequate resources will not ensue. During times of chaos,<br />

there is often a black market, and this will also not be allowed, and will be unnecessary.<br />

You will however, be making do in many places on less than the higher classes are<br />

accustomed. For a time entertainment will be less, Holly wood is going to be under the<br />

sea, as but one example, and we will, by MY order, be interfering with pornography on the<br />

<strong>net</strong>, and in the media. Those that prefer this entertainment will be invited to give it up, or<br />

move to another low class world. There are a few left, particularly in the younger universes.<br />

Now to some, it will seem as if the star brothers have acquired the pla<strong>net</strong>, and again, this is<br />

not the case. It is the case that the pla<strong>net</strong>, once conquered by dubious harmful races, is<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 273

eing returned to its rightful owner, GOD, and the creation. It is the seed pla<strong>net</strong> for a large<br />

portion of Nebadon. And so it shall again be thusly.<br />

As visible Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince, I am the ruler of this world. I am your “global president”,<br />

and my word is my word and so it shall be. This place must quickly, via your co<br />

creation, be raised up before the pollution is too great. It is your special training<br />

world also, as has been covered. I need 100% commitment from all who join in the<br />

mission work and I ask that you follow the guidelines. If there is misunderstanding<br />

there will be means to handle the communication.<br />

One Daniel Raphael, who has worked heavily with Monjoronson, is training people to “T/R”<br />

as it has come to be called. We want each mission of any size and importance to have a<br />

celestial advisor, and this celestial advisor assigned to the team will have one member of<br />

the team who is a conscious awake channel. The purpose of this, rather than telepathy, is<br />

because many teams will not for a time have telepathic members, and in that case<br />

anyway, other team members could argue that the telepathic one is using EGO to run the<br />

show.<br />

Conscious Channeling removes that to a large degree, because the team members will<br />

listen to the celestial advisor orally through the team member having this skill, and be able<br />

to thus interact with the celestial advisor as needed. This allows anyone in attendance at a<br />

meeting with the celestial advisor to have input. As Daniel works out his routine and gains<br />

his experience at training the TR, he will be setting up a program where he trains the TR<br />

trainers, and thus we serve more this way.<br />

Daniel will mostly work in North and South America. I have other potential people to train<br />

TR’s in other parts of the world and I am sure once we have announcement and the plan is<br />

known, others will choose this as a mission. We need many languages covered. The joint<br />

AH/Prince team will return to Earth after stasis with more Directors also. I have a list myself<br />

of people who are going to be taken during stasis to the Himalayan retreat area that are<br />

good prospects.<br />

We are going to hit the ground running, as is the common term on Earth after stasis. There<br />

is a full plan already worked out, and many of you may find yourselves aboard ship or in<br />

inner earth later in stasis, for training specific to your regions in which to live, to help us<br />

have a full start. You will meet many others who have never found the AH website yet also.<br />

We will be determining where you stay based on your region in which you live, so that you<br />

get to meet others in your areas. All will meet the directors of these regions as chosen by<br />

that time. We will have a few areas not yet served by directors, but that shall rectify itself<br />

over the months following stasis.<br />

Forget what Sheldon Nidle is saying about everyone going off to inner earth during the<br />

earth changes. This is not the plan. Only those of potential leadership are being taken for<br />

training. Everyone else staying on the earth plane will sleep. We can’t have a couple billion<br />

people sequestered during this time, only the numbers who have been identified to date<br />

that are capable of significant service.<br />

Some don’t know they are going to serve, as the determination is made at soul level for<br />

many that will be in attendance. I suspect we will have some, in which the ego personality<br />

is none to happy about the choices, but I think with the obvious education and where these<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 274

folks find themselves, most will be happy to cooperate, but it is some of these ones that will<br />

have troubles with the 100% service idea after they are back on the pla<strong>net</strong>. (Candace: we<br />

more recently covered that about 1 million have been selected from around the world for<br />

training during stasis.)<br />

While missions around healing with Reiki and related energies are important, I think for the<br />

first year or so following stasis, that these missions should be put on hold, and those<br />

attracted to this idea would better serve whatever the immediate needs are.<br />

There will be lots and lots of money, but most of it will go to missions and directly into the<br />

hands of responsible people. There will be more than enough money and star fleet<br />

volunteers to serve the basic needs of housing, food, water and the like for the first year or<br />

so, until the pla<strong>net</strong> and its peoples remaining are more stabilized. Don’t take this to mean<br />

however, that your star brothers will do it all. They are here to assist not do the work. They<br />

will transport necessities around the pla<strong>net</strong>, since there will be NO air service, and even<br />

service by ship will be limited, due to continuing earth changes and pollution issues.<br />

Also of course there will be somewhat limited transportation because of lesser fuels<br />

available since certain oil wells will close on their own, and some others will be closed by<br />

us to stabilize certain regions, which would otherwise sink. Of course, with no air service,<br />

this makes fuel more available for other transportation. Fuel must also be monitored and<br />

supplies kept sufficient for heating purposes until this is provided for by alternative<br />

energies.<br />

The alternative energies allowed development will be specific to regional needs, based on<br />

both the nature of existing housing and transportation requirement. In general, windmills<br />

will be useful in regions that have a good deal of wind, and back up mag<strong>net</strong>ic motors can<br />

operate these when the wind is down. This allows service to wide areas already on the<br />

grid. There is off pla<strong>net</strong> manufacture of large mag<strong>net</strong>ic generators for use in buildings and<br />

ships, to replace other fuel and these can be installed fairly rapidly and will reduce energy<br />

consumption and get ships back into order for ocean transport after the oceans settle<br />

down. Again, this will be regional according to activity under water.<br />

These are but a few examples of what will come to be. You will awaken or be returned to a<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> that will be largely cleaned up and detoxed, but the people will not be “happy<br />

campers” in general, as this is totally not expected by most and many will not be at their<br />

best behavior. Thus we will ensure that large mobs don’t form and detract from the goals.<br />

Keeping people fed and warm will go far to reduce the chaos and allow them to come into<br />

service.<br />

The pla<strong>net</strong> is going to be in turmoil for about 5 years or so. There will be many leaving the<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> during that time, as they will not be able to handle the energies, plus the dark have<br />

made many to ill to survive. Most of the “depopulation” covered by Monjoronson will occur<br />

with that period. As people that are staying grow and mature, and the missions prove to go<br />

well, the chaos will abate naturally and the good side of man will come forth.<br />

It remains for those of you who do know, and those that find themselves somewhere<br />

during stasis who do not yet know of this, to provide leadership during the next few months<br />

afterwards. You can do much to assist. The temporary leaders will be fully informed and<br />

fully supervised so that whole countries do not descend into dark ages.<br />

The global money system will be online immediately after stasis, and operating with a<br />

totally new and stable simple system. The IMF is NOT part of this, and the organization will<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 275

not even exist after stasis, neither will the other New World Order alphabet groups. You will<br />

have a more than level playing field. You “left behind” as you organize the new will have<br />

the upper hand.<br />

I ask for nothing less that full cooperation, because if all occurs under the optimal<br />

conditions hoped for, we could have this pla<strong>net</strong> off money, and into light and life in 20<br />

years or less. That sounds a long time to some of you, but it’s really a very short time. And<br />

it can only be done with massive cooperation and thus the mission program. It might take<br />

longer than 20 years, that is what is felt is the soonest possible, and it probably will take<br />

longer, because before we can allow the pla<strong>net</strong> to tip into 5D (and I don’t mean tip over<br />

here), we must have technology available and in use for energy that works in the<br />

monopolar environment.<br />

Earth will continue to have more or less steady “earth changes” as the inner mantle<br />

continues to warm and the volcanos heat the oceans. At some point, when the photon belt<br />

and the new energies of Jupiter have finished the depopulation, then we must begin to get<br />

the vapor barriers back up. We hope to start that process seriously in about 5 years. We<br />

will in the meantime, and have done so, already brought up some moisture into the higher<br />

altitudes and we you are seeing this on the pla<strong>net</strong> in the pretty and unusual clouds forming<br />

at high elevations.<br />

I think for the time being, this is enough of a short piece for our readers. We will present<br />

more intense material on the website when stasis is over. This is a short piece for you, our<br />

readers right now. Go into great thought, about the idea of serving the Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince,<br />

100% and discern what that could mean. It will mean that mission work must suit the plans<br />

laid forth, and you must be also very flexible, because “shit happens” as your expression<br />

goes and we can’t predict everything that will come to be, both with the people and with the<br />

earth changes.<br />

However, know that with future earth changes, those as can be determined, will be<br />

prepared for in advance, meaning star fleet will assist evacuation by areas should it<br />

become necessary. Jupiter will be on the only big surprise coming your way; the others<br />

should be gradual and reasonably predictable. We can’t necessarily predict every quake,<br />

but where there should occur major quakes without preparation, star fleet will provide<br />

assistance especially in remote areas, and areas without adequate transportation.<br />

These quakes will continue for a few hundred years. The pla<strong>net</strong> must remodel herself. Old<br />

tired lands need to go down, and refreshed lands need to come up. Plus the land mass<br />

needs to become more balanced about the globe. But these are issues that can be dealt<br />

with. Understand that certain missions into some areas may be inappropriate because of<br />

expected land changes and the like. And that little rich power place called Dubai, well<br />

beloveds, it is not going to do well during the Jupiter event and as the glacial and polar<br />

areas continue to melt. A shame so much has been wasted in its construction. So be it.<br />

This is enough for this evening. Candace will likely finish her small additions. We will place<br />

it after other preparatory material from the UB has been placed. It is getting late. I look<br />

greatly forward to meeting some of you during stasis, and if not, at least I will be a teacher<br />

during it, via our very nice communications systems! Namaste, Sananda Immanuel Esu<br />

Kumara, Pla<strong>net</strong>ary Prince of Urantia.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 276

Candace: Esu commented above about my gifting, so that I can serve the estimated 1000<br />

years with him. I did NOT desire to do that by repeated growing old and re birthing. There<br />

would be loss of continuity. Many of you may also undergo this as the higher self merges<br />

with your current body, but this will not occur with all. I underwent an accelerated process. I<br />

have my real light body still in “storage”. It is necessary for me to keep these current looks,<br />

as part of my plan of service.<br />

In the Phoenix Journals, probably PJ #3, it is mentioned that Hatonn and Sananda are<br />

here in 4d bodies. Basically, for earth educational purposes at this time, there are two<br />

basic type bodies. The 3d body is the one that ages and dies. The 4d is the one that self<br />

repair and can be used as long as desired. There are other ideas about the <strong>net</strong> in new age<br />

material that are conflicting with thus, but so be it at this point.<br />

I spent 4 very long months last summer (2007) undergoing an intense, really intense<br />

process of converting this body to the 4d type. This was carried out by my very long time<br />

Guardian Angel, named Andrea, who is aboard the Capricorn at this time. We have<br />

traveled together for eons. She is my “destiny guardian” as explained in the Urantia Book.<br />

Esu also participated in the process, coming into my home to do energy and healing work<br />

from time to time necessary to the process. My body carried much “karma” in its DNA from<br />

the ge<strong>net</strong>ic line I incarnated into, and plus I have this multiple health problems acquired<br />

during this life, to the process was long and intense.<br />

Since I am an advanced soul, Andrea doesn’t have to constantly watch over me and she<br />

has her own specialties and a career. She currently is aboard the Capricorn, as she is able<br />

to assist folks who must be dematerialized to ship. She is capable of resurrection of the<br />

human body if it is damaged in the process. Dematerialization, is the beam me up Scotty<br />

method.<br />

The other method to board ship, other than a set of stairs, is in a levitation beam, and<br />

these are on shuttlecraft, which must be down in the breathable atmosphere to bring one<br />

aboard. This is the “safer “ method for the body of earth folks at this time. Dematerialization<br />

is hard on earth bodies.<br />

For reading, I suggest Paper 113, Seraphic Guardians of Destiny. Also section 8 of Paper<br />

39, page 440, Seraphic Destiny, and Paper 39, Ministering Spirits of the Local Universe.<br />

Destiny Guardians are of the Seraphim Order, a hugely versatile order, and most are<br />

evolutionary in nature also. Your Destiny Guardian can travel all the way to Havona with<br />

you and be mustered into the Mortal Corp of Finality. www.urantia.org Andrea is a<br />

Seraphim.<br />

Andrea came into my home almost every day, except when a day off was needed, or other<br />

plans intervened. Most days we worked twice for up to 2 hours at a time. Others times,<br />

when she saw it appropriate we worked much longer, up to 18 hours at a time. During the<br />

final two-week process in October, we worked one day for 27 straight hours. I was only<br />

allowed to break briefly to eat and use the toilet. For eating, I kept a lot of energy bars, fruit<br />

and the like close at hand, because this was very fatiguing and I had little energy to cook,<br />

nor was I allowed the time to cook.<br />

I was required to be in several special energy fields, which I simply label “beams”. This<br />

was an intense process, and not comfortable. It often generated great heat and not<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 277

pleasant on hot summer days, even with my cooler running. Sometimes I had to keep the<br />

cats out of my room and close the door, so the cooler air didn’t make it to my room. My<br />

body would vibrate intensely and some of the energy was very hot, especially to my hands<br />

and feet.<br />

At times the sensation is of burning. I awakened once some time ago when I was being<br />

prepared for dematerialization a bit too rapidly, and I thought I was being cooked and ran<br />

out of the room, assuming an attack of some sort by the dark side. Some of you are<br />

experiencing a lot of back pain right now, and this is about the placing of new circuits along<br />

your spine, as part of this process of updating your bodies. I experienced intense back pain<br />

during this, and lying down a lot did not help that, it made it worse.<br />

I was required to play music during these. Some of you have learned from<br />

www.wingmakers.com that music is useful in reprogramming DNA in these times. And so it<br />

is. I have only a player of single CD’s in my bedroom and sometimes I would dose off and<br />

Andrea would restart the CD. I am currently really tired of some of my music, because I<br />

played the music that worked best for this over and over and over. It would bring back past<br />

memories of all kinds that I needed to deal with and clear, in addition to the genera affects<br />

of glorious music on DNA.<br />

During this time I also practiced mentally on raising the vibratory rate of my body, so the 2-<br />

3 hours preparation process to being dematerialized could be significantly shortened. To<br />

dematerialize the body must vibrate at 1000 megahertz. I can get my body by myself up to<br />

about 950 megahertz. This is also a very warm experience. The preparation for<br />

dematerialization also uses a special energy field, which I also just called a “beam” which<br />

produces a feeling in intense heat during the process. So now, I produce that feeling of<br />

intense heat using my mind, and this is similar to the “beam” in feeling and I can estimate<br />

where I am in the process, based on these sensations.<br />

I worked at this, because after stasis, I wish to be able to be more efficiently transported<br />

about the pla<strong>net</strong>, and we plan at some time to demonstrate this publicly on a TV show<br />

such as Oprah. At any rate, after about 4 months of all of these processes, Andrea noted<br />

my body was on the verge of this conversion into the 4d body, and I underwent two very<br />

intense weeks. I converted on October 23, 2007 and as I lay in bed during this final<br />

process, I “heard” words something to the effect of “You are Now Blessed with an Immortal<br />

Body.” This seemed to be part of a “ceremony”, during which I had dozed off a bit.<br />

This body isn’t however the one I will use forever, just while it is needed on this plane for<br />

my upcoming service. When I discard it at some future date, it will either return to the soil<br />

or be dissolved back into the elements by other means.<br />

On the day I converted, I noticed immediately a change. Now often several times a day,<br />

my body goes into re-generating mode, which includes some very nice and pleasant<br />

tingling. It is going now as I write this today. I have some interesting “proof” of the process I<br />

went through, which also causes some “de aging”. My hair has been as snow white as the<br />

Pope’s for many years now. The white began coming in my early 30’s. My father’s hair<br />

turned white before he was 30.<br />

My hair is now about 2/3 “dirty blond.” There are several different shades, it being darker<br />

above my neck in the back. My friends and family members are quite amazed at this.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 278

People who are 60 years old don’t revert back to the hair color of their youth! I had been<br />

telling them I was undergoing this process and they didn’t wish to believe it, until my hair<br />

color changed!<br />

Since I sometimes colored my hair, I didn’t initially notice this change. I had last colored it<br />

in the late summer. One day this winter I noticed a dark streak growing from the top of my<br />

head. I have now cut out all the old colored ends. The hair on top of my head is still white.<br />

It was covering up the other hair that had changed. And I am now growing in lots of colored<br />

hairs on top of my head. Now I hope I will also grow more dense hair again. Aging and the<br />

use of Hydrocortisone before Sky Doc rebuilt my pituitary caused my hair to thin quite a bit.<br />

I am maybe seeing a little “peach fuzz” on my scalp, but I am not sure yet.<br />

Sometime Andrea and I will do a message for all of you. She has done a message to the<br />

members of my team. Perhaps she can give all of you more detail on the changes you<br />

might expect to come to your own bodies for those who will live a longer than usual lifetime<br />

on this pla<strong>net</strong>. And she might also do some more teaching about her own journey and<br />

mine together. She is using right now, one of the “Casper the Friendly Ghost” body types<br />

we discussed in the piece we entitled Jupiter and Full Inheritance:<br />

http://abundanthope.<strong>net</strong>/pages/article_1181.shtml Her own mission requires a body at this<br />

time, and its color is pure glowing white.<br />

Ok, this piece has grown to 10 pages on my word processor, and that is plenty long<br />

enough. I hope you all enjoy all of it, including this story of how I spent last summer. During<br />

this continued waiting around for the final chances of many to make the final choice to<br />

return to the light, please continue to be about planning how to serve after the still<br />

upcoming Jupiter Event. Take care, Candace<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 279

Change of Plans, The “Big One” is Coming<br />

By Esu and Candace<br />

# 84 May 2, 2008<br />

Dearly Beloveds, Esu here in the Light of Aton to chat with all of you a bit. This has been a<br />

long several weeks dear ones, in this battle for the pla<strong>net</strong> by the several factions. We have<br />

successfully prevented a couple of announcements by the group behind Casper and<br />

friends, for these shall not be. They remain in great frustration, but this is not the divine<br />

plan at this time. In fact, it is important right now for money to fail a bit in order to open the<br />

door to other possibilities of thinking about money.<br />

Man must be challenged before he changes of his ways, and when a pla<strong>net</strong> is under a<br />

magisterial mission and being adjudicated, it is always because the people have grown<br />

stale and accustomed to mediocre ways, and so it is at this time.<br />

Some of you are worried about what is circulating regards an attack on the USA potentially<br />

under the current testing going on, and this shall not happen, give no energy to it. There<br />

was a couple of weeks ago an occurrence that prompted these ones to not do a false flag<br />

during this process, and indeed since many in the government are waking up to some<br />

degree, and with the power of the Inter<strong>net</strong> they were unsure about proceeding, thinking<br />

this time they just might get caught. And they know if they do something beyond our<br />

tolerance we will drop out of the sky. So be it.<br />

Candace: There is going on in the United States a multifocal plan, in which various<br />

government agencies are conducting practice sessions around a variety of scenarios. This<br />

includes preparation for bombings in the eastern United States and earthquake practice in<br />

the North west. Often, and such was the case on 911 and with the attacks in London on<br />

7/706, that sessions such as this are used to cover-up a real false flag event. I did not post<br />

this information but it is out there on supposedly 4000+ websites now. It has been on<br />

www.Rense.com , and numerous other similar sites.<br />

Esu: Dear ones, we are backing up just a bit on the timing of the Jupiter Event. We are<br />

pretty sure there is going to be a huge earthquake event that will cause a great jarring, and<br />

this is going to help promote some change in the government entity called the United<br />

States. We are not sure on the timing, but the pressures are building hugely and this will<br />

be a big quake somewhere on the western coast of the United States. This is the<br />

quake/quakes that Soltec said would need to occur before the big event in Southern<br />

California. This big quake, or more than one, could occur around San Francisco, along the<br />

southern coast of Canada or down towards Los Angeles. It looks possible that more than<br />

one will occur, likely not exactly at the same time, but the first would rapidly set up another.<br />

I tell ye ones who think you should stay in California, yea should not, but it is your choice.<br />

Candace: For our newer readers, in the fall of 2006, Soltec, a star fleet geophysicist, told<br />

that after a couple major quakes expected in California within a year or so, that the Los<br />

Angeles area would literally fall into the sea, causing massive loss of life and huge<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 280

tsunami’s reaching all the way to the east coast of Asia. The waves could be as high as<br />

1000 feet or more to the western coast of the USA. The area from just north of LA, east to<br />

the San Andreas Fault, and south into the Northern Baja is a crumpled mess full of many<br />

caverns and fissures. This area of California is also a ledge, and so ocean water is<br />

underneath it. The total area to fall about 100 feet would be about 20,000 sq. miles. During<br />

stasis this area will be sunk intentionally, to prevent a future occurrence of massive<br />

proportions after stasis.<br />

Esu: The area near Reno Nevada is assisting the set up of other potential huge quakes,<br />

as is all the activity in the Alaskan chain of Islands. The place where the plates meet west<br />

of Oregon is under great pressure now.<br />

So I am saying, we are going to wait a couple weeks or so and see if these quakes<br />

manifest. When they do, (and I say here also IF they do, because it is not written in stone)<br />

in this time frame, this is going to assist the world in knowing the times of change are here,<br />

for really, really sure. Apparently the quakes and tsunami of December 2004 and others<br />

around the world have not succeeded, because the western type peoples have not been<br />

directly affected.<br />

Have you ones living in the United States noted the frequent odd tornadoes this winter<br />

And today there are more. This is a direct result of Mother Earth attempting to get the<br />

attention of the American peoples of the pollution they cause and their lack of concern<br />

about the pla<strong>net</strong> in general and the warring. This is a cleansing action.<br />

We “scanned” the population at large recently in the United States, and most are still very<br />

unaware of the evil in the government, usually just stating, well that is what power does.<br />

And there is no increase in action about getting out of Iraq. The people just seem to think it<br />

not their problem, but the problem of whatever new administration comes forth. They are<br />

not understanding that McCain will keep the mess going and really, so will the others.<br />

There was a major event planned, and this has been stopped at this point, to cause the<br />

election process to be terminated and a temporary president put in place. There was a<br />

situation in which martial law was going to be created. This is the story behind Casper and<br />

the battle for money. This was the “supposed” announcement process that is being<br />

preached. And it shall not be, and we have intercepted this, because it is against the divine<br />

plan at this moment.<br />

The banking continues to go on unabated in the wrong direction. The new banking under<br />

Basel 2 did not happen and that is also our preference, because it was not adequate. This<br />

upcoming earthquake event will break the banking completely and it is going to awaken a<br />

sleepy people, we hope anyway. Then when appropriate we will go ahead with stasis and<br />

Jupiter and we think the populace of the United States and other western countries in<br />

denial will be greatly accepting of star fleet assistance and understand its necessity. This<br />

will get across the idea the banks are broken very nicely, and enable some real thinking to<br />

come around.<br />

So I ask all of you to be patient just a bit longer, and if you do live in any area where these<br />

quakes will likely occur, please now plan ahead and store food and water, as star fleet is<br />

not gong to fall out of the sky at that time and drop manna for you. These will be huge<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 281

quakes, quite possibly up to 9 on your Richter scale, and they may or may not generate<br />

tsunami; it will depend on the location. I would suggest in fact most of you readers store at<br />

least some food and related items in anticipation of deliveries affected of goods, and<br />

broken banking. You may wish to set aside some cash also. THE BANKS WILL BREAK<br />

DURING THIS TIME, and this alone may affect food supplies.<br />

This is enough for this time. I myself and my immediate team are having a bit of a rest<br />

period for a couple of days, now that the event that would have suspended this current<br />

presidential race and placed a new president under martial law has been averted and our<br />

rest is deserved. The banking fight between the USA, Europe, and China has been fully<br />

interfered with, as the plan was for control of the finances of the pla<strong>net</strong>, and not of<br />

GESARA at all. Namaste, Esu.<br />

Candace: The issue of Oregon and the upper coastal area of the USA and lower Canada,<br />

is the Juan de Fuca plate. Here are two links of interest.<br />

http://www.ux1.eiu.edu/~cfrbj/parks/MSHE/tectonics.jpg Shows information on the Juan de<br />

Fuca plate and how it subducts under the North American Plate.<br />

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Plates_tect2_en.svg General pictorial of the major world<br />

plates. Notice here also the Coco plate off the western coast of Mexico. This plate extends<br />

up into the area between the California Baja and the Western border of Mexico. This is of<br />

major concern also in the scenario of the failure of the large region from Northern Los<br />

Angeles on south to Northern Baja. The approximate area of the southern border of the<br />

mess that makes up that area and is expected to go into the sea, is roughly straight across<br />

from where the Colorado River enters the Gulf of California.<br />

Look under Resources, Science sites, earthquake sites, for a note I posted recently,<br />

(http://abundanthope.<strong>net</strong>/pages/article_1336.shtml) and I explain increases briefly in quake<br />

counts that I have been observing over the last several years. It used to be that there were<br />

about 100 quakes a week in Alaska, and today, there 613, many which are after shocks I<br />

assume of today’s 6.6 quake. Just a couple days ago the Alaska count dropped back to<br />

about 350, from about 450. Even when Alaska does get a 6.0+ plus quake, I have not seen<br />

this many after quakes as today.<br />

There are nearly 500 little quakes in a swarm west of Reno currently, following a 5.0+<br />

quake. There have been 2 other swarms of quakes rather recently along the western coast<br />

of the USA. There was a swarm of about 400 off the coast of Oregon, and these are<br />

related to a volcano. Then there was a big swarm in the northern Baja maybe a couple<br />

months or so ago.<br />

There has also been an increase since a few months ago, in the Geysers region of<br />

Northern California. There are always quakes there, but lately the numbers per week have<br />

averaged between 150 and 200. And for the last several weeks now, there are always<br />

about 6 or so quakes each in the LA region and in the San Francisco region. These are<br />

little quakes but nevertheless, there have not always been this quantity and this indicates<br />

build up of activity.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 282

There has also been an increase in little quakes in central to south eastern California<br />

approaching the Nevada border and more quakes throughout Nevada also. The whole<br />

area is obviously becoming more active from those Alaskan Islands, throughout Alaska,<br />

and on down the western USA.<br />

I did a piece with Soltec once about the expectations around the world in the next 5-10<br />

years, but didn’t post it, because things would change as the result of the Jupiter event, but<br />

Soltec doesn’t believe the Yellowstone Park calderas will yield any monster quakes or<br />

volcanic eruptions in the future. The more active area, which is still connected to<br />

Yellowstone, is more toward the region of Mt Helens and Mt Rainer. The Indians from that<br />

region have long known both would go off, and of course, Mt Helens did. Mt Rainer is<br />

expected to be far worse than Mt. Helens was. And so it goes. Take care, Candace<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 283

Don’t Mess with the Daughter’s Wedding<br />

By Christ Michael, thru Candace<br />

# 85 May 9,2008<br />

Dearly beloveds, you who are regular readers of <strong>AbundantHope</strong>, this is again, not<br />

necessarily for you, but for our “other” readers.<br />

We have spent a long several days again now, interfering with the plans of you the dark<br />

brotherhood. Lebanon will be settled down, there is assistance to the Hezbollah and this<br />

shall not be. You will not be inflaming Syria either as part of your game.<br />

Although we are not supportive of the Bush regime, we will protect also the daughter and<br />

her wedding. For it is her day, and not yours to mess with. We know about the continued<br />

plans to cause an attack in Texas. We know the military game there. We are aware that<br />

military families are being brought to special areas and being given advice and told the<br />

Army takes care of its own.<br />

You American citizens are not being given what these military families are being given.<br />

You are not being given the promises of plenty of food by rations, and adequate electricity<br />

by generator.<br />

Know, since you do not possess any capable nuclear bombs we do know of the intent to<br />

use simply many of your various larger bombs equipped with DU.<br />





-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 284

Brief Updating From Esu<br />

Esu and Candace<br />

# 86 May 24, 2008<br />

Dearly beloveds, Esu here for a short update. We did say that we would wait about two<br />

weeks on the quakes in California, and we still await this issue. Some of you have read the<br />

work of Sonjah through Daniel Raphael, and know that there is a time expected of the 3rd<br />

week or so in June. Not even the best of scientists can fully predict an earthquake, they<br />

can only make an estimate on the timing. Once certain signs are present however, it is<br />

inevitable but the signs only present themselves 2-3 days before the quake.<br />

We are also allowing the planting of spring crops in the Northern Hemisphere, and these<br />

will be tended and harvested to some degree where they survive the changes with stasis.<br />

Christ Michael still will await the last possible minute for souls to find the road back to the<br />

light and many now are very stressed with all the energies hitting the pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

The China quake was expected also, but it was thought actually it would come later than<br />

the Western Coast of the Northern Hemisphere quakes. And this also let of some “steam<br />

and pressure” so to speak on the Mother. She herself must have periodic rests, but the<br />

world wide quaking activity is again on the increase. There was a group of eruptions on the<br />

sun that preceded the China quakes, and then the sun itself rested a bit, as all must rest, it<br />

is the natural cycle.<br />

There will shortly be another burst of flares from the sun, and this will interact again with<br />

the earth and produce more changes. Look the China Quake beloveds, it covered faults<br />

about 200 of your miles long, and the total fault lines on the western coast line of North<br />

America are so very interconnected, and very long and it is possible the distances will be<br />

much longer, and quakes originate in more than one area over a short period of time. Do<br />

be prepared if you choose to remain in those areas. We are still not able to determine<br />

which will come first, we ourselves will not know until a couple days before.<br />

Do pay attention to nature, your inner senses, and what you body might tell you with the<br />

changing energies. Headaches, sleepiness, and sleeplessness are common, as well as<br />

various types of tingling and hearing of sounds in the ear.<br />

These quakes, despite what is on the Inter<strong>net</strong> are not at this time caused by the use of<br />

HARRP as we control those now. Russia is now firmly in the hands of lighted beings, and<br />

is being allowed to attempt to influence weather in a positive way about the globe. The<br />

Alaskan facility is under our thumb also and we interfere with any games attempted from<br />

there. These quakes, since we took over the entire underground and dark energy games in<br />

2005 are totally those of nature, and result heavily from the increased activity coming<br />

through the Sun, and heightened by pla<strong>net</strong>ary alignments, the full moon and other natural<br />

phenomena.<br />

We will go into stasis not too long after these quakes strike. Earth peoples must first have<br />

a time to observe and take some action. The nature of some of the dark souls will be<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 285

influenced by this, and by dark souls here I mean mostly the uninformed and not those<br />

people of intentional evil.<br />

These events will challenge the western world. Even Europe will get a message, though<br />

not on their soils, but because of the associations of the western culture. This will give an<br />

opportunity for the robotics to come into service also, and earn thus their father fragments.<br />

We are NOT pleased, nor is the Father that unreasonable games with the creation of<br />

robotoids are played in this manner. The increasing energies are affecting these ones also,<br />

many of them positively and we are pleased with this.<br />

Many of you are very fatigued right now. Many of you feel “addlebrained” which is a word<br />

Candace uses to describe of the mental confusion and lack of concentration at this time.<br />

Your bodies are undergoing massive change, and so are your astral or finer bodies. Eat<br />

well, rest as you can, exercise as you are able to keep the oxygen flowing and the like. The<br />

energy changes do affect your minds. You are not going crazy or “loosing it.”<br />

When you are stressed learn to separate yourself from the situation and listen to fine<br />

music, meditate, walk in nature, or whatever serves your soul. When you become aware of<br />

any thought forms that are not serving, simply “delete” them. They will form in these final<br />

days, it’s part of the process, and just delete them. Do not worry about them. You can<br />

uncreate anything you wish, and now is a good time to learn Uncreation also. There is<br />

simply “tension” in the air from the pressures of the light energies coming to earth and<br />

people can explode, worry, have negative wishes, and the like, and the mature soul will<br />

simply, again, delete them, and otherwise heal of explosions if they occur. You may find it<br />

necessary more and more to heal and calm down others and your animals.<br />

And so we continue to wait. There is little more to say. We are very well prepared<br />

ourselves now, and are ready to go at any time. All coming to the stasis activities at some<br />

point are selected at this time, but you are free to maintain a list so that if you find yourself<br />

there, others might be invited that you know. We have made preparations for up to 1 ½<br />

million visitors at some point during the whole process. That is a lot of preparation<br />

beloveds! This is a different preparation than simple evacuation, because of the teaching<br />

involved with the plan to return these ones back to the pla<strong>net</strong> to assist the recovery<br />

process.<br />

We are unsure of the length of time for stasis, it takes what it takes, and the plans are for<br />

several months up to possibly, but unlikely a full year. Those as we have said in harms<br />

way, that are to survive will be lifted before harm comes to any area, and this would<br />

include those around the Pacific Rim. Many will migrate to other pla<strong>net</strong>s; some will sleep<br />

and return to this pla<strong>net</strong>, depending on soul goals. Animals will be lifted also from some<br />

areas, as certain species are to be protected also.<br />

This is enough. There is nothing really new in this little piece, but we are past those vague<br />

two weeks, and this simply serves as some communication. Be In Peace, Namaste, I am<br />

Esu.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 286

Americans Failed the 911 Test.<br />

By Christ Michael, Esu, and Candace<br />

# 87 July 6 th and 7 th , 2008<br />

Candace: The first portion of this is by Christ Michael. I took it before bedtime last night.<br />

This morning Esu wanted to chime in, and then partway through he was called away, so it<br />

was not finished until the middle of the afternoon. Then I had to fix the typos and the like.<br />

Hope I found them all, probably not.<br />

Christ Michael’s portion is firm and may surprise you. Esu’s portion will soften it a bit, I<br />

hope anyway. On Friday I was contacted by General Kevin Radetsky, otherwise known as<br />

Admiral Jhonka. He is an incarnate Arch Angel, in the higher military of this country, and<br />

you won’t find him on Google. He was formerly in charge of the American Military on Mars.<br />

For those new to this, Americans and Russians have had a joint base on Mars for more<br />

than 50 years now.<br />

Anyway, the General informed me that it was expected that there would be several<br />

significant arrests by the military of major American political figures, and most likely,<br />

hopefully also the resident of the White House, Mr. Bush. Apparently this weekend all fell<br />

through because again, insider information and some hidden turncoats. There were losses<br />

to star fleet members who were incarnate, and some others.<br />

Saturday night shortly after I went to bed, I “saw” Esu in full military regalia and weaponry.<br />

So I asked, and he said there would be a strong confrontation that would be very to the<br />

point. The fancy dress and weaponry on his part were for effect, not for use. I don’t know<br />

the results, he’s not sharing it with me at this time. Ok, lets get into the piece.<br />

Christ Michael: Dearly beloveds, it is time to give a update mostly out of courtesy to you.<br />

It is also a message to the dark side. After a most difficult 2 weeks in which your<br />

government leaders were supposed to be arrested, there were major snafus and out and<br />

out turn-coating. This was a project conducted by General Radestky and uncover military.<br />

It failed Friday. We will not assist or attempt this again. I have decided to await the end of<br />

the northern hemisphere growing season, so food can be stored and then begin stasis,<br />

unless the expected earthquakes intervene. During that time, I hope the American people<br />

will awaken to the mess that is their government and their country.<br />

We have totally discontinued any assistance around earthquakes in the United States and<br />

all quakes are now completely natural. In fact this policy went into effect sometime ago.<br />

We are no longer relieving stressed areas to buy time.<br />

The 911 test was essentially a failure regards the United States. We are most disappointed<br />

in the American masses. During this wait, you will see any future games played, until I<br />

start the stasis. There may be multiple bombings in the cities. These are NOT nuclear<br />

bombs, as these aren’t allowed, but your black ops leaders do have plenty of bombs, and<br />

detonating materials. America must face it’s “karma”. What you create you must<br />

experience.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 287

These ones simply must bear the responsibilities for their actions. We can’t further suffer<br />

loses to our ground crews, and know that any who are in service will be beamed out or<br />

advised to leave possible dangerous areas. You will be attacked dear ones, that now<br />

seems certain. And it is the doing of the sleeping people. There is exactly no intent at this<br />

time for the national conventions. The attacks are planned to install martial law before the<br />

conventions. Neither candidate is desired to be elected by the fools that run your world and<br />

it was not intended to allow any election this year. They are giving up on directly attacking<br />

Iran, for they have learned they cannot.<br />

The citizenry must experience the loss of freedom they have allowed. There are plenty of<br />

people who are not robots who are refusing to grow into caring for their country and their<br />

world. Any of you paying attention, notice the continued propaganda around the global<br />

warming that is being played out. There is global warming. It is not fixable by any of the<br />

methods being suggested around energy usage.<br />

Know that there are two reasons for the high oil prices and the propaganda game you are<br />

seeing. One, the country is broke, and money is being skimmed to pay the bills. The other<br />

is that the rest of the world is very angry with the United States and is not selling them oil,<br />

and that is why you are seeing the idea of more drilling and the like. It is too late. To those<br />

of you who read here, I suggest while you can still afford the gasoline for your cars, you<br />

stock up some food and supplies because it may get a bit nasty in terms of fuel supplies<br />

and should another attack by the government on it’s own people be carried out. You will<br />

only be beamed out, if your life is at risk. Otherwise you are needed on the ground to serve<br />

around during these times.<br />

It is difficult to believe the American people enmass did not see 911 for what it was, the<br />

intentional demolition of buildings and the stupid, stupid stories told on television. We are<br />

not going to spend further time to “rescue” these people, with the exception where<br />

necessary of our serving ground crew.<br />

If the earthquakes coming to California do unleash the LA event, we will start the<br />

evacuation of the Pacific Rim as previously disclosed and then move into stasis as the<br />

evacuation is occurring. Perhaps even before, for I have not made that decision fully. We<br />

may just begin putting the pla<strong>net</strong> into stasis as it becomes obvious it will occur. We will not<br />

evacuate during any earthquakes which might manifest otherwise, with the exception of<br />

star fleet ground crew. You the people are going to be allowed to experience all that is<br />

coming in the next approximately couple of months. I know of no other way to stimulate<br />

growth of mind.<br />

I have a question, where are you in California Your state is burning from fires being<br />

intentionally set. Why are you not pouncing on your elected officials about this Well, I see,<br />

you are the ones that allowed Arnold Schwarzenegger to become governor of your state.<br />

And again, Americans along the mighty rivers flowing into the Mississippi did not learn their<br />

lesson in 1996. Chemtrails continue and people protest not. Tomatoes don’t carry<br />

salmonella dear ones, they are sterile inside. Are you looking at this game Or just<br />

thanking your government for keeping tomatoes off your plate<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 288

I don’t use Candace like I did Dharma during the Phoenix Journals for news updates. Too<br />

risky, and besides the games have become so extreme that they ought to be recognized<br />

from common sense without my holding your hand and leading the way.<br />

During our reviews of what is going on in new age on the inter<strong>net</strong>, we continue to see that<br />

many are putting out that it’s all done on this side, you have won, the new age will start<br />

soon in glory. It will not. It will be done by you or it will not be done. The ideas are created,<br />

but earth human will manifest those ideas.<br />

Candace has letters from many of you wondering just where I am! I am fine thank you,<br />

where are you These letters contain whining about all that is going on in the United States<br />

and the world. The high gas prices, the flooding, the fires, the, the, the……….. Will dears<br />

ones, this is your creation. Living in flood plains and earthquake areas was not my<br />

decision. The use of carbon products that are killing your world was not my choice. Your<br />

New World Order governments were not my idea either. I did not give them support, you<br />

did. So you will likely see martial law installed this summer, for the duration until we start<br />

the stasis.<br />

We must begin the stasis, for there is a team in place, and a full plan to take this earth into<br />

the higher realms without starting over from scratch with a pole reversal. And in this I AM<br />

WELL PLEASED. For in the absence of action by the peoples of the pla<strong>net</strong> over the last<br />

200 years, this is the next best idea and will provide an abundance of experience for many.<br />

It is NOT going to be all roses after stasis, to those that write Candace on why I can’t get<br />

stasis started and end the suffering. There will be an abundance of suffering afterwards.<br />

People will be dealing with massive sudden loss, a remodeled world and a TV<br />

announcement within this sudden situation from “strangers” in control of the pla<strong>net</strong>. We will<br />

provide food and have the pla<strong>net</strong> functioning afterwards, to reduce the chaos, for it will not<br />

serve to do this and only have the survivors have to battle with others for food and<br />

necessities.<br />

But it will not be a pretty time. We will not make all new. We will provide food, we will have<br />

electricity on and the Inter<strong>net</strong> working in the aftermath. But you are not going to have much<br />

oil left, and multiple other problems to solve for yourselves, as you will not be fed for years<br />

on end. You will be “getting your shit together” and finding your ways to re group and<br />

survive. Star Fleet will be gifting you where appropriate to do so, and those who take up<br />

leadership will receive great aid. But it will be a trying time, for man does not grow in his<br />

earlier stages without substantial provocation to do so. This is an incredibly lazy society in<br />

the United States. Other western countries are only a bit better.<br />

Many professionals are going to be figuring out survival. Their comfy lives will be gone.<br />

Since your travel will be limited greatly, you will be rapidly reforming companies and how<br />

you get things done. There is not going to be long distance travel of food, your planes will<br />

not be allowed to fly and many ships will be lost during the stasis period, which will include<br />

the sinking of LA if it doesn’t start by itself, and the Jupiter event. Star fleet will provide truly<br />

necessary travel for shipments of food and important necessities, until such point as you<br />

are able to develop antigravity craft.<br />

We will sink LA, and take care of many other chores on our to do list in the early part of<br />

stasis and then I will ignite Jupiter and we will deal with what it brings. I want it again closer<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 289

to the sun for this, to limit the impact which would be very serious if I did it now. During this<br />

waiting, I was hoping some of you might check out when Jupiter is next behind the sun,<br />

and then assume perhaps we would be waiting a bit on that, in determining a time for<br />

stasis.<br />

If I blow it before then, the damage will be almost beyond repair, the axis change would be<br />

greater with great volcanic activity that would put so much carbon into the air that perhaps<br />

we would have to go ahead and allow the full cleansing of a pole reversal and your<br />

learning to be had of healing a pla<strong>net</strong> while you occupy it would be gone. Plus the land<br />

movement damage would be huge, affecting your communications systems, heat, and<br />

electricity.<br />

So that said, do the very simple process of figuring out when that might occur. It can be<br />

done really easily without the web to research it. I will give a clue. You orbit the sun every<br />

12 months. Jupiter orbits it every 12 years. You should be able to figure out approximately<br />

when EARTH will be on the other side of the sun from Jupiter again from that information.<br />

Another hint, Jupiter is closest to you NOW.<br />

It is time to go. This is enough and I hope the dark brotherhood will think again because<br />

they cannot win this one and that should be obvious. I will allow Americans to have their<br />

next 911 for I hold no hope anymore that they will chose another route. They must learn<br />

the hard way and have this final chance to make a better placement for their souls during<br />

this time of sorting. Perhaps some will awaken and guarantee they will not start over as<br />

cave men and might be allowed a continued journey on another pla<strong>net</strong> wit their knowledge<br />

of living intact. Be in Peace, and demonstrate the higher way, as you assist others who are<br />

less than happy about it all. I AM Christ Michael/Aton, Father God and Creator Son of<br />

Nebadon.<br />

Candace: I wish to make a bit of short commentary here. I too am discouraged around 911<br />

and Iraq. I have often helped at events around them, and the last time was 2 months ago<br />

at an event downtown, in which we handed out free DVD’s and literature during the rush<br />

hour. I came home so greatly saddened, because it seems to me, most I observed seemed<br />

to have forgotten 911. Many were rude and telling us to go to hell and similar commentary.<br />

I don’t think we turned on anybody new to seeing, and the DVD’s mostly went to those who<br />

already new, or had doubts. There was one there with a bullhorn, pleading people to take<br />

the free DVD’s with 10 hours of 911 material and otherwise please search the Inter<strong>net</strong> for<br />

truth. There were a few large signs explaining a couple obvious abnormalities about the<br />

911 story. This is so disheartening to me. Our young boys and girls are in Iraq and<br />

Afghanistan for private enterprise taking of the oil, not for anything about our national<br />

security. Except the security of an oil supply for Americans and lots of profits by those in<br />

that business.<br />

I don’t want to go to one of these again. I had so much trouble with the vacant looks and<br />

apathy. I don’t think it was apathy. I think from the looks of people they don’t care, and they<br />

don’t wish to make the time for it.<br />

I play around on a forum now and then, and the Christian attacks are horrendous,<br />

especially when they figure out who I am. There is so much disgusting material about new<br />

age, and our space brothers to turn off Christian readers to truth of what is going on. And<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 290

many, many, especially evangelicals really do expect Jesus to return in a great light in the<br />

sky, riding a White Horse. I get this all the time talking with people, including, Jesus can<br />

come take me anytime.<br />

I have worked with a group on a forum recently, most of whom live in earthquakes areas,<br />

and the forum is devoted to earthquakes. The recent piece about the alert for the Pacific<br />

Rim I posted on the front site was mostly for them, and I left out personal portions that<br />

were for them, when I placed it on our site. I was pretty well mocked, with several<br />

preferring to wait for the real Jesus, than board a ship to take them to safety. This is<br />

saddening to me, but all along I have been told that many will not board ship if it is offered<br />

to them, either out of fear and unknowing, or because they will wait for the real Jesus, and<br />

so it has been proved to me, via commentary. I had hoped that placing material in writing<br />

to be read would be more effective than talking with people. Didn’t help as near as I can<br />

tell at all, in fact it set it up for them to go search the web for material to dispute me.<br />

And there remains a hefty support for the war in Iraq by many still. There remains a<br />

disportionate dislike in Christianity, in my area, and observed on the inter<strong>net</strong>, for Muslims<br />

and for maintaining that the only way to God is by “believing on” Jesus. This is a wayward<br />

country. I know there is mind control, I know people are “busy”, but they do not see the<br />

larger global picture. Iraq is far away. They don’t see the effects of their automobile use<br />

and all the other poisons on the future generations or the pla<strong>net</strong>. They prefer to believe we<br />

have up to many years to fix this and that somehow God is going to fix it, they don’t need<br />

too. I see little taking of personal responsibility for actions, other than simplistic ones.<br />

In my contacts with others locally and on forums that are awakening, most do not see what<br />

is right in front of them, and also still think there is plenty of time to solve earth’s problems.<br />

They mostly supply ideas around energy, such as corporations must turn off their lights on<br />

the buildings at night. I agree, but this is not even a tiny little drop in the bucket. There<br />

remains a general lack of awareness in the United States of how serious things have<br />

become. I find lots of people just loving this election process and much support for Obama,<br />

so something has NOT been learned.<br />

The fact is, we are at the limits of what the pla<strong>net</strong> itself can bear. The population is at least<br />

7 billion and has grown its last billion in the last ten years. It has doubled since I graduated<br />

high school and there were too many people then. That doubling occurred in approximately<br />

43 years. The next doubling, which would be to 14 billion would take considerably less<br />

time, since human growth is exponential. The pla<strong>net</strong> will not allow this many people. It<br />

can’t be done. Ok, enough, on to Esu.<br />

Esu’s Portion<br />

Hello beloveds, I am sorry that we must suggest more bad news. I need to make a few<br />

comments again, about the rules and regs which we ourselves must follow. Quite some<br />

time ago, because of the galactic warring, it became necessary to set some rather strong<br />

rules in place. And the punishment for taking and enslaving pla<strong>net</strong>s or others can and often<br />

does result in annihilation of the species at fault. This is the result of what became<br />

necessary. This is a strict penalty. I myself and those with me, have not come this far to<br />

face such a consequence.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 291

We make NO attacks this pla<strong>net</strong> in any way, nor would we wish to. We can defend<br />

ourselves and we do. We can defend our ground crew and we do. We mostly must work as<br />

much as possible through ground crew. We can remove by killing those dark entities that<br />

cause severe threat to others. We have “taken out” you might say a number of heavy boots<br />

with a heavy hand on nuclear bombs, because we have a right to defend ourselves here in<br />

space, and nuclear explosions by nature of what you call the “atomic” can reach into our<br />

space, and we prevent that which does. Small bombs, few in number, do not reach into<br />

space, but your larger ones can, and these are not allowed, and anyone with a heavy<br />

trigger finger can be removed and killed. These ones we are sometimes allowed to<br />

annihilate their very souls, but this is a rare, as we prefer, and that is of the nature of<br />

Orvonton, to allow mercy.<br />

Not all life forms that develop are godly. And that includes “man” in his various forms. And<br />

these forms must be removed and are and will be, by the normal processes of nature and<br />

within that which is allowed by the rules set in place by higher orders. You yourselves have<br />

some insects and other lower life forms that are not in balance with nature, and it is your<br />

responsibility as stewards of the pla<strong>net</strong> to study and deal with this. Sometimes the life has<br />

merely migrated out of normal boundaries, causing troubles only in the new environment<br />

and this occurs more often as global shipping increases and people travel and carry life<br />

forms with them to new areas.<br />

It is your purpose, and it is the purpose of all life to survive. Without the survival instinct<br />

there would be not life! I would not exist. Mind is conditioned by survival with chaos to<br />

grow. If there is no challenge, life gets bored, you might say and either withdraws, or<br />

becomes destructive and destructive is separate from that seen in normal survival.<br />

You have on earth abnormal mind patterns that did develop mostly because of those that<br />

were imprisoned here. Also there was the issue that this is an experimental pla<strong>net</strong> and life<br />

forms here are very aggressive, or better said were, as many do not exist now in original<br />

form but still remain within the ge<strong>net</strong>ic structures. There was an attempt made as part of<br />

the experiment, to see if reasoning mind could be developed faster, and it did. The partial<br />

minds of dark ones were inserted into the normal mind evolving on the pla<strong>net</strong> and the<br />

results have not quite been as hoped, and I imagine it is back to the standard now.<br />

This is one of the reasons for the cleansing that is needed. This pla<strong>net</strong> is never going to<br />

thrive with this abnormal overly aggressive mind that has developed. Thus is part of the<br />

reason for Shekhmet’s involvement here, being that she is an incredible ge<strong>net</strong>icist and can<br />

greatly assist the return of the development of normal mind on this pla<strong>net</strong>. There is too<br />

much reptilian on the pla<strong>net</strong> within the DNA patterns of animal life. In this I am not<br />

referencing the reptilian people, but the reptilian brain structure.<br />

All animal life on this pla<strong>net</strong> over time will be reformed ge<strong>net</strong>ically, carefully by Shekhmet’s<br />

skilled team. There are other brain core types than reptilian. The reptilian core of the brains<br />

of most animals on this pla<strong>net</strong> are too “reactionary.” Many of you incarnating at this time,<br />

come in bodies with the brain a bit different and this is intentional, this is how things are<br />

slowly changed. Some of this is added in by laboratory methods prior to your birth and the<br />

rest you do yourself, because you DNA patterns respond directly to your mind. This is one<br />

reason we are teaching control of anger and reaction on this pla<strong>net</strong>, because all of you live<br />

on a pla<strong>net</strong> with too many people (and animals) with overly reactive mind and you<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 292

yourselves can adopt this as your experience here, so the teachings remind you to<br />

maintain your calmness, so that your DNA remains stable or improves, but does not<br />

deteriorate.<br />

Had we left the pla<strong>net</strong> to a pole reversal, our labs would be very busy repairing life and<br />

most of it would be removed, almost starting over again. But you and us, desire this<br />

experiment of doing it without that, by remaining on the pla<strong>net</strong> and aiding its<br />

transformation.<br />

Now during stasis, a lot of people will be leaving and we truly have no idea how many.<br />

Many of these souls of robotoids in particular, which are not really souls in the fullest terms<br />

will be and have been as they pass, uncreated, because the mind packet is not normal.<br />

What happens with the robot that is created in the lab and unleashed upon the population<br />

to reproduce, is that person has not previous connection with earth.<br />

His mind does not have the long history of starting as a frog which is the first animal in the<br />

evolutionary step. The little frog and similar animals have a really small little mind packet.<br />

The mind packet contains a lot of electrons that store information, about how to be a frog<br />

for starters. The mind packet is encased in an inert gas that causes it to be separate form<br />

other electrons forming the ge<strong>net</strong>ic mind which are not in packets. Plants do not have mind<br />

packets for example, and neither do insects. The mind packet is a creation of God, a gift of<br />

God to the lower beginning animal on a full evolutionary pla<strong>net</strong> for developing new souls,<br />

called the seed pla<strong>net</strong>, of which earth is.<br />

After these little new mind packets, and lets just make the typing easier for Candace and<br />

use the term AnUmal or PUMA that have surfaced. Candace likes AnUmal, because it<br />

sounds animal so lets use it. AnUmal, when it has gained the experience of being frog or<br />

similar, is then moved into a slightly higher animal form by angels who have that duty.<br />

AnUmal then acquires a few more electrons, which store information as it learns this new<br />

role. And so it goes on up the evolutionary ladder.<br />

Many pla<strong>net</strong>s do not have reptiles. These generally are on hotter dryer pla<strong>net</strong>s than earth.<br />

But on earth to simulate a bit more aggressiveness, some reptile “mind” was included in<br />

the packets, because reptiles are aggressive. We probably won’t try this experiment again,<br />

here in Michael ‘s universe anyway. Live and learn. It wasn’t my experiment though. But I<br />

have long dealt with the results.<br />

The original DNA patterns were also damaged from meteor collisions carrying material<br />

from other pla<strong>net</strong>s that had exploded and the resulting meteors traverse space, particularly<br />

if the sun is lost. Such happened in the Sirius system, a sun was destroyed by wrongful<br />

playing with scalar energies, and it’s pla<strong>net</strong>s lost the gravitational/mag<strong>net</strong>ic fields. One<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> was blown to bits, and since the sun was lost also, this is the cause of many of the<br />

meteors in space in this region of Nebadon.<br />

Man and his toys. He realizes not what he does. Your pla<strong>net</strong> Maldek was exploded and it<br />

became the asteroid belt, because your sun was left unharmed. However, the bits and<br />

pieces remaining were guided into the current orbit, beyond the life bearing pla<strong>net</strong>s.<br />

The DNA patterns on earth most thus be rebuilt. There have been too many things gone<br />

awry and that includes ge<strong>net</strong>ics bought by people migrating from other pla<strong>net</strong>s and mating<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 293

with local peoples that were developing. Your stories of the root races of man refer to<br />

colonization by man from elsewhere.<br />

The continued violence on this pla<strong>net</strong> has continued the downhill degradation of the DNA.<br />

Dark beings know this, it is a main way they destroy pla<strong>net</strong>s and/or other races. Your DNA<br />

reflects you and it is important for incarnate star folks to keep their DNA in top notch<br />

shape, for you gift this to your children. These memories of who you are, are so easily lost<br />

on this crazy place.<br />

Anger is difficult to control at any rate. I can become angry. I was this past weekend. But it<br />

must be controlled. The anger states something terrible is wrong, but it must not become<br />

reactionary. The emotional package that comes with DNA serves great purpose in<br />

evolution, but when coupled with an excessive reactionary mind packet, you have trouble.<br />

The robotoids, let’s get to back to what started this, do not have a true AnUmal soul. They<br />

have life force, but have not taken that long journey and the mind that forms in this case is<br />

absent the experience of living. These ones do reincarnate, because a mind packet is<br />

formed, but the learning is slow and often these ones learn nothing or little from life to life<br />

at all, especially on a pla<strong>net</strong> such as this where education and ethics are at such a low<br />

ebb. They do much better on other pla<strong>net</strong>s.<br />

These ones, unless they are overly aggressive and without a conscience, are generally<br />

taken to young pla<strong>net</strong>s or incarnate after a cleansing of a pla<strong>net</strong>, to start the cave man<br />

journey and thus they do grow and develop. They are not “ready” for a modern society,<br />

they do not cope with the fast place and freak out easily, to use that term. These are easily<br />

molded by religion and have no sense to stop being molded, it is not there. “Good Sense”<br />

is acquired by the evolutionary process, and these ones are essentially cave men, minus<br />

the long evolutionary experience, forced into an advanced world.<br />

They don’t even make good cave men, because they have not taken the long journey of<br />

fending for self. Sometimes they are incarnated into lower animals by those with this over<br />

control of evolution. Unless something is really defective, it is allowed its evolution. Those<br />

on pla<strong>net</strong> earth that have no conscience and make easy killers are often simply uncreated<br />

by intense plasma energy, which scatters the astral body and is electrons. Your astral<br />

body, is your soul/mind packet. The electrons have everything about living stored in them.<br />

The physical body of the robotoid will generate an astral form, from the memory within the<br />

DNA.<br />

The robotoids will be cleansed, and there are so many of them. It is unlikely many will<br />

survive the stasis, the mind packet will not handle it. Many will completely disperse. Those<br />

that “hold together” will be moved to begin a cave man journey somewhere, and some<br />

could as we have suggested be educated aboard ship, if they have experienced a better<br />

life on this pla<strong>net</strong>. They will not be placed back into the earth. Many of your indigenous<br />

peoples on this pla<strong>net</strong>, that still live within the jungles and the like, are former robots from<br />

previous civilizations on this pla<strong>net</strong>, and these ones did manage to survive some of the<br />

pole reversals and the like, if they already had say farming and hunting skills<br />

These ones will never understand events like 911. Our problem is that there are plenty<br />

reincarnating “real” people on this pla<strong>net</strong> that can and aren’t because they are still<br />

attracted to war and violence. While we have had many return to lighted behavior, others<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 294

have not. These ones will also in general become cave men again elsewhere and their<br />

memories will be cleansed of excess violence remembered from earth.<br />

This all has much to do with Christ Michael selecting this pla<strong>net</strong> as his bestowal pla<strong>net</strong>. It is<br />

the taking of some personal responsibility for the mess. It is also related to removing the<br />

excessive violence from all causes that has invaded Nebadon and other universes in<br />

Orvonton. About 10% of the advancing universes have been infected and this must all be<br />

removed. It is Christ Michael’s responsibility as “big cheese” to participate and direct this.<br />

He does not have to participate so directly as he is here. He can delegate and he has<br />

delegated regards the other pla<strong>net</strong>s that entered into the Lucifer Rebellion. But this is his<br />

chosen pla<strong>net</strong> to directly participate, because of his personal learning to be gained from<br />

the “hands on” approach. And as we have stated, or he has at any rate through these<br />

messages, no other Creator Son has personally taken this hands on approach and<br />

returned in this manner to the pla<strong>net</strong> of Bestowal.<br />

Most pla<strong>net</strong>s are prepared by previous magisterial missions for the bestowal of the Avonal<br />

Son, and Creator Sons do not tend to have their physical bestowal on a totally depraved<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> such as this. This is the result of personal desire to experience what went wrong<br />

and what the solutions might be of a vast problem. Now understand, this issue here on this<br />

pla<strong>net</strong> of trying to establish reasoning God Mind faster is not what has caused the universe<br />

wide problems of Nebadon. The problems came from other universes and infested<br />

Nebadon, but nevertheless, Nebadon must deal with its problems.<br />

Earth man must deal with its problems also. This is simply how it is. You are expected to<br />

solve your problems. Even those problems that came from asteroids which brought DNA<br />

patterns from other places. There was some attempt to rectify this, but it appeared that to<br />

rectify it would mean to start over, and thus it was chosen to allow man who was<br />

developing to use his mind to find the solutions. This process is still too much in its infancy,<br />

the understanding of ge<strong>net</strong>ics and so that is not really an option right now, because of the<br />

pressing problems of overpopulation and dwindling resources.<br />

Understand that the decision all go ahead and allow another possible 911 attack on<br />

American soil, is a wise decision at this point. The problems of universes are always large<br />

and must be explored and solved. To interfere with a sleeping population and fix it for them<br />

does not encourage the needed learning of cause and effect. There are many in America<br />

still absorbed in war is ok. There are many who will keep their comfortable life, come hell<br />

or high water, so some hell and high water is needed to arouse them.<br />

They didn’t learn much from the last high waters of the Mississippi it seems in 1996. It is<br />

completely unconscionable for these ones to continue to allow the devastation in Iraq<br />

following 911. Conscience is learned by the experience of experiencing the lack of<br />

consciousness of others. And those in Iraq in general are there at this time, to have that<br />

other side of the coin experience. These ones, not all of them mind you, but many<br />

plundered others. But God did not create America to plunder Iraq. This occurs enough as it<br />

is, amongst those peoples themselves (in Iraq) to plunder each other and learn from it.<br />

America was to light the world. It did not. But it well in due time, perhaps.<br />

You reap what you sow, and now it is time for Americans to reap what was sowed. Other<br />

places on the pla<strong>net</strong> have experienced this as needed. America reaped what it sowed with<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 295

the civil war. The early settlers of New England, the dark ones purposely exploited the<br />

Indians and provided small pox soiled items in barter. These settlers from Europe<br />

eventually experienced the civil war for the taking also of slaves. This has continued by<br />

these ones who have incarnated here since, and within Europe to plunder the world.<br />

This plunder is going to end. And in its final days, American masses who have grown less<br />

than the European masses may experience again an attack from the very European<br />

Khazars that enslaved them. How else will Americans begin to realize the enslavement<br />

And the effects of their plundering And this is good training for ground crew yet unaware<br />

they have been enslaved, for they will experience that it happened on their watch and this<br />

will be a lesson not forgotten in the future.<br />

The enslavement will not last any too long, we will not allow it to get out of hand. And it<br />

might not even occur, we await to see if the dark will play the game or not, and if the<br />

quakes materialize on the western coast or not. Martial law is likely to be installed with the<br />

quakes as the excuse. You of star fleet, many of you, did not awaken because you didn’t<br />

see it coming because of the “good life”. This will be the learning, for those who did not<br />

awaken.<br />

The pollution to this pla<strong>net</strong> is severe, and its more related to depleted uranium and poisons<br />

than the oil use itself, although that is extreme also. The carbon does eventually settle<br />

back to earth and is recycled. But the process does cause a lot of other problems as it<br />

does so.<br />

Those of you drawn to this material are here for management training, in general. Each<br />

star seed has his own purpose in growth. Pla<strong>net</strong>s get into lots of trouble. Always. This is<br />

common. Developing mind makes lots of errors. You are on a pla<strong>net</strong> with problems about a<br />

bad as they can get. And this pla<strong>net</strong> would no longer be here this time around if we were<br />

not interfering with the toys that could destroy it. We are allowed that.<br />

But YOU must do the learning and the saving, in cooperation with us. I am asking you to<br />

not be dismayed by the message and determination of Christ Michael. Those of you in the<br />

United States who write Candace the letters of complaining, please realize that the<br />

problems here in the United States are far less than what is experienced all over this world.<br />

Mind grows from problem solving; it can’t grow otherwise. It does not happen by fiat or<br />

magic. You are here to direct operations on the ground.<br />

If any of these attacks do materialize, you will be the ones to gently but firmly say, “I told<br />

you so,” and you should say exactly that. You should tell those around you, that the people<br />

of the United States by their inaction have supported all this mess, and now they must<br />

experience what they created. If they say they didn’t create the car, well, they drove them<br />

didn’t they And they bought bigger and better ones, did they not They allowed the Iraq<br />

war did they not And the list goes on.<br />

I ask you all to be most confrontative, and ignore the new age baloney that says to always<br />

make peace and love, in a way that results in inaction. For that attitude itself has allowed<br />

much destruction to take place. Hugging and kissing does not produce food on the table. It<br />

does not solve problems. You do not need to rant and rave and throw rocks and the like,<br />

just continually stand in the truth and confront and lead and help out. Keep your cool, and<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 296

demonstrate that concept to others who need to learn it. There are many star seeds who<br />

will come into action very rapidly that are unaware they are star seeds. This is their nature.<br />

This will not be prolonged, and you people will not be allowed into the concentration<br />

camps. It will not go that far, for we are not going to allow you to be taken into them. You<br />

will be protected. We still suspect that the earthquakes will manifest first. Mother is resting<br />

again from a few serious ones, and your sun will find its ability shortly to produce the<br />

missing sunspots and other activity. We shall see to that.<br />

This must be started, there is a time limit, regards stasis and the pla<strong>net</strong> because of the<br />

pollution. But the placement of these souls is what is important during these waning<br />

days. By their responses to this, so shall they grow or not and thus choose where they will<br />

go. Those that grow will be candidates for moving in current body to the new pla<strong>net</strong>. This is<br />

their test. We can’t move warring people who care not to the new pla<strong>net</strong>, nor people of the<br />

opposite who can’t deal with anything at all. Tough people will move there, but the<br />

toughness will be in the persistence to develop new societies. The people will not be<br />

caveman, but they will be farmers! And battling for turf will not be part of that process. So<br />

those that show they can cooperate are candidates for that place, for only cooperation will<br />

work on that new and wondrous place that has been prepared. No Satan’s drummers will<br />

be placed on that pla<strong>net</strong>.<br />

I will end this with the reminder this is your time to shine and to learn the skills of solving<br />

widespread pla<strong>net</strong>ary problems. It is what you came to learn and/or do. You are to remain<br />

in peace of mind, but be mindful of the actions needed to be taken. You are to be strong.<br />

You must lead. And you must also not spend time on those that will take you down in the<br />

process. Use your skills in ways that will allow progress. Turn away from those that would<br />

control you, for you have work to do, and leave them to their own problems and their own<br />

learning or not.<br />

This is the time of separation of the wheat from the chaff, which includes personal wheat<br />

and chaff. This is the sorting time of a pla<strong>net</strong> prior to ascending it, and you must allow the<br />

sorting process. Use your talents where they will bear fruit, and let those who do not bear<br />

good fruit go their own way. I know this can be difficult especially within families and at<br />

work, but so it must be.<br />

There are many who will drag you down, and this might well include the robotoids, for they<br />

have little survival experience and will be in great fear. Send them to church perhaps if<br />

they already attend one and leave it in the hands of the pastor. This is not the time to get<br />

into arguments of right and wrong and whose opinion is to be valued. It is time to perform<br />

your own knowledge, to make crisp statements of truth and walk away when finished. It is<br />

not time to argue endlessly to no avail. Move on. It is time to go, Candace has been with<br />

me a time now, and let her get this out. Namaste, Esu.<br />

Candace: I am ok with this plan. This is nothing compared to what the people of this pla<strong>net</strong><br />

have repeatedly experienced and is part of the evolutionary process. I would remind you<br />

that normally the Descending Sons (angels) manage pla<strong>net</strong>s and systems, and it was<br />

decided, since the creation is getting older, its time for the ascending sons to take the reign<br />

and thus Esu’s current work with this pla<strong>net</strong> for his growth in pla<strong>net</strong>ary management.<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 297

I would like if it were reasonable and possible to instantly get rid of the suffering here which<br />

seems so extreme and for so long in the history, the recent available history since the last<br />

trip through the photon belt 13,000 years ago. This pla<strong>net</strong>s woes are made worse of<br />

course by the over control of those beings who captured this solar system long ago and<br />

destroyed much of it and many now find themselves incarnate to experience the other side<br />

of the coin.<br />

I will play a major role in the reconstruction of this pla<strong>net</strong> to get it into light and life. When<br />

the pla<strong>net</strong> is in light and life, and monopolar the dark ones can’t detect it. It is as if it is<br />

always cloaked. This is occurig throughout our solar system right now, and the making of<br />

Jupiter into a sun helps guarantee that process and is part and partial too it.<br />

At some point earth man will assist in the development of new life on Europa, the Jupiter<br />

Moon. That story was nicely suggested in the movie sequel to 2001, a Space Odyssey. I<br />

don’t recall the title. This new sun to be Jupiter is part of the story of expansion and growth.<br />

Many solar systems in light and life have more than one sun, and these are usually suns<br />

having origin as gas pla<strong>net</strong>s. Creation is always expansive, this is but an example of<br />

expanding. I have no idea how long it will take for Europa to be ready for life implantation.<br />

There is much for earth man to look forward to!<br />

-- AH- Candace #2 -- page. 298

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