Actual Index By Name - Eaton County Genealogical Society

Actual Index By Name - Eaton County Genealogical Society

Actual Index By Name - Eaton County Genealogical Society


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Benton Township Dennison Alexander & Priscilla Dennison General Hobby Hobby164 tn_Hobby164.jpg Lyre<br />

Benton Township Dennison Theresa Blanche Dennison Religion Angels Angel50 tn_Angel50.jpg<br />

Riverside Denniston Vivian Denniston Organizations 4-H Or51 tn_Or51.jpg Eastern Star, Cross<br />

West Windsor Denslow Mary E. Denslow Religion Cross Cross83 tn_Cross83.jpg Jonquil<br />

South <strong>Eaton</strong> DePew James M. & Sophia E. DePew Unique Unique410 tn_Unique410.jpg Person in circle, Poem<br />

Oakwood Hamlin DePue Alfred D. DePue General Plants Plant4 tn_Plant4.jpg Palm Fern<br />

Oakwood Hamlin DePue DePue Family Monument General Trees Tree2 tn_Tree2.jpg Fern, Scroll<br />

Dimondale DeWaters Pamela Ruth DeWaters General Child Child101 tn_Child101.jpg Angel<br />

Oakwood Hamlin DeWaters Renee S. DeWaters General Animals Animal32 tn_Animal32.jpg Butterfly, Flower<br />

Olivet<br />

Dewey<br />

Dewey Family Monument<br />

(Charles) General Columns Column120tn_Column120.jpg Broken Column<br />

Olivet Dewey George C. Dewey General Flowers Flower120 tn_Flower120.jpg<br />

Olivet Dewey Joyce M. Dewey General Flowers Flower121 tn_Flower121.jpg<br />

Needmore Dewey Ramey Joseph Dewey Unique Unique479tn_Unique479.jpg<br />

"Forever Spirit In The<br />

Sky", Trees<br />

Jesus holding child,<br />

Benton Township Dickerson James Dickerson, Jr. General Child Child77 tn_Child77.jpg Cross, Flower<br />

West Carmel Dickinson Della M. & L. Dan Dickinson General Birds Photo62 tn_Photo62.jpg Eagle<br />

Maple Hill Dickinson Luren D. & Zora D. Dickinson Notable Notable16 tn_Notable16.jpg Michigan Governor<br />

Woodlawn Dies Rodney L. Dies, Sr. General Hobby Hobby173 tn_Hobby173.jpg Black Powder<br />

Haner Dillon Robert Dillon General Anchor Anchor5 tn_Anchor5.jpg<br />

Riverside Dittmer Joahanna M. Dittmer Religion Bible Bible51 tn_Bible51.jpg<br />

West Windsor Divine Divine Family Monument Organizations KOTM/LOTM KOTM80 tn_KOTM80.jpg Finger pointing up<br />

West Windsor Divine Divine Family Monument General Flowers Flowers80tn_Flowers80.jpg Wild roses<br />

Brickyard Dodge John W. Dodge Unique Shape145 tn_Shape145.jpg<br />

Maple Hill Dodge L. Z. & Olive Dodge Organizations F.O.E FOE5 tn_FOE5.jpg<br />

Rosehill Dodge Virginia & Roy J. Dodge General Hobby Hobby252tn_Hobby252.jpg Author, Veteran, Heart<br />

Maple Hill Dollohan John E. Dollohan General Hobby Hobby109 tn_Hobby109.jpg Fishing<br />

Maple Hill Dolson Donn W. Dolson Veterans Missing/Lost WWII29 tn_WWII29.jpg<br />

Lost At Sea, Air Forces,<br />

WWII<br />

Maple Hill Dolson<br />

John L., Margaret A. & Lucy<br />

Dolson Notable Notable21 tn_Notable217.jpg<br />

Dolson Auto, Carriage<br />

Manufacturer<br />

Freemire Donaldson Darwin & Emma Donaldson General Flowers Flower48 tn_Flower48.jpg<br />

South <strong>Eaton</strong> Dornan John & Elizabeth A. Dornan Unique Unique408tn_Unique408.jpg

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