Actual Index By Name - Eaton County Genealogical Society

Actual Index By Name - Eaton County Genealogical Society

Actual Index By Name - Eaton County Genealogical Society


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Haner Scott Eleanor Scott Religion Hands Hands93 tn_Hands93.jpg Hand Holding Book<br />

Olivet Scott Elizabeth Scott General Trees Tree120 tn_Tree120.jpg Weeping Willow<br />

Mice, Vietnam, Coins,<br />

Dimondale Scott Harold Junior Scott General Animals Animal62 tn_Animal62.jpg Navy<br />

Woodlawn Scott Karen Rose Scott General Animals Animal18 tn_Animal18.jpg Cat, Butterfly, Flower<br />

West Windsor Seager Chance Richard Thomas Seager Unique Unique81 tn_Unique81.jpg Child, Snowmen<br />

Olivet Seager John E. Seager General Hobby Hobby410 tn_Hobby410.jpg Cross<br />

Skinner Searl Hiram E. Searl Veterans Civil War Gar311 tn_Gar311.jpg Flag<br />

First Charlotte<br />

Maple Hill Searles Jonathan & Nancy Searles Notable Notable15 tn_Notable15.jpg Postmaster<br />

Maple Hill Searles<br />

Samuel, Esther & John W.<br />

Searles & Phebe Searles Rogers Notable<br />

Notable21 tn_Notable215.jpg<br />

<strong>Eaton</strong> Early Settler, Built<br />

Eagle Hotel<br />

Cat, Dogs, Raccoon,<br />

Woodlawn Sebastian Julius & Freda Sebastian General Animals Animal50 tn_Animal50.jpg WWII, VFW Aux.<br />

Center <strong>Eaton</strong> Sederlund Ruth E. & Elmer V. Sederlund General Book Book176 tn_Book176.jpg Flower<br />

Maple Hill Segur Paul Michael Segur General Child Child56 tn_Child56.jpg Angel with candle<br />

Maple Hill Sellen Baby Robert Sellen General Child Child27 tn_Child27.jpg Angel<br />

Delta Center Sessions H. M. Sessions Veterans Civil War Vet103, Vetn_Vet103.jpg<br />

Benton Township Shance Shance Family Monument Unique Shape102 tn_Shape102.jpg Stone<br />

Needmore Sharp<br />

Beatrice L. & Christopher L.<br />

Sharp General Candles Candle178 tn_Candle178.jpg Masonic<br />

Benton Township Sharp Lulu M. Sharp Organizations KOTM/LOTM Or117, Or tn_Or117.jpg L.O.T.M.M.<br />

Elephant, Rose with<br />

Oakwood Hamlin Sharpe Melissa Lynn Sharpe General Animals Animal31 tn_Animal31.jpg leaves<br />

Oakwood Hamlin Shaul Isaac Shaul Veterans Civil War Gar9 tn_Gar9.jpg<br />

Oakwood Hamlin Shaul Urith Shaul Organizations WRC VetWRC2 tn_VetWRC2.jpg<br />

Bosworth Shaw Edward Bennett Shaw General Hobby Hobby190 tn_Hobby190.jpg Racing<br />

Dimondale Shaw Eleanore Roseline Shaw Veterans Korean War Vet182, Vetn_Vet182.jpg Army<br />

Riverside Shaw James H. Shaw, Jr. Organizations Masonic Or524, Ortn_Or524.jpg WWII, Korea, Army<br />

Maple Hill Shaw Virginia A. Shaw General Animals Animal64 tn_Animal64.jpg Cat<br />

Delta Center Sheets Delutia A. Sheets Religion Hands Hands12 tn_Hands12.jpg Finger pointing up<br />

Delta Center Sheets George Sheets General Trees Tree103,Ttn_Tree103.jpg<br />

Bosworth Sheets Howard C. & Violet O. Sheets Organizations I.O.O.F. Or107 tn_Or107.jpg<br />

Kalamo Sheldon Lester S. Sheldon Veterans World War II VetWWIItn_VetWWII92.jpg Army

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