by DrT - Sahits

by DrT - Sahits

by DrT - Sahits


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"Could you drive a hundred and five dementors all the way back to Azkaban?"<br />

"Possibly, but probably not," Dumbledore finally said. Snape looked stunned, never having heard<br />

this before. He knew that some dementors had been driven off, but had not realized there had been<br />

nearly that many, or that Potter of all people had claimed to have done it. Surely the boy was<br />

claiming credit that did not belong to him? Still not knowing about the time turner, Snape couldn't<br />

see how that was possible.<br />

"You might be right in believing that whatever hit Harry is still in control of him, but if he has that<br />

much power, I'm doubting it. He not only threw off Crouch Junior's Imperius, but You- Know-<br />

Who's as well, according to the story you passed on to us about the rebirthing. If Harry has<br />

somehow come into his full adult power, we'd better not give him a reason to lump us in the same<br />

pile as Fudge, let alone with You-Know-Who."<br />

"Speaking of whom," Dumbledore said, unwilling to debate the points Tonks had raised, "Severus?"<br />

"The Dark Lord is as confused <strong>by</strong> the series of events as we are," Snape admitted, dismissing<br />

Potter's alleged power. "Lucius was taken to task for the court fiasco, and the Dark Lord has<br />

listened to the Prophecy, he has not said so. Has there been any political fallout from Potter's<br />

tantrum?"<br />

"Actually, there has," Dumbledore admitted. "The dementors confessed that it was indeed<br />

Umbridge who set them off towards Harry. Fudge and his supporters on the Wizengamot have tried<br />

to sweep it all under the rug, with the effect that I am back on the Wizengamot in my old seat, as I<br />

had not yet been replaced, although currently just as a common, if senior, member. Madam<br />

Umbridge has accepted the post of Ambassador to Sarawak."<br />

"So, to some degree, they got away with attempted murder," Tonks said. Bill was too shocked to say<br />

anything, since it was clear to both him and Tonks that Dumbledore was in on the Umbridge part of<br />

the deal.<br />

Dumbledore again ignored them. "Alastor?"<br />

"Nothing to report," Moody said. "I know you want me to spend more time, especially nights, at<br />

Headquarters. Well, I will on two conditions."<br />

Dumbledore frowned, but merely inquired, "And they are?"<br />

"Get rid of those Weasleys. They were only there early to keep them from contacting Potter, and<br />

they were only allowed to stay as window dressing for Potter." Bill winced. "Molly is going to<br />

provoke Black into cursing her soon. Second, we have to do something about that blasted elf and<br />

hopefully the painting as well. Stop holding Black back on both counts."<br />

"Very well," Dumbledore said with a sigh. "I shall talk with Molly, and you or Miss Tonks can talk<br />

with Sirius."<br />


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