by DrT - Sahits

by DrT - Sahits

by DrT - Sahits


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"What do you want, Cornelius? for me to swear an oath?"<br />

Harry opened his eyes and frowned at the arguing members of the Wizengamot. He sat up and<br />

glared. "Which one of you did that?" he demanded. When they paid no attention, he wandlessly cast<br />

the Sonorus spell. "I SAID, WHICH ONE OF YOU ATTACKED ME!"<br />

The courtroom went dead silent. Harry stood and he allowed a fair share of his magic power his<br />

aura, making it visible -- a rare sight that not even Voldemort or Dumbledore could easily pull off.<br />

He released the spells. "That wasn't Voldemort . . . oh, grow up! Tom Riddle is a powerful sorcerer,<br />

but he's not THAT powerful."<br />

Everyone looked at him stupidly. Harry shook his head. Most of these people were old enough to<br />

remember the truth about Tom Riddle. Harry wondered if Riddle hadn't cast a confundus charm on<br />

everyone but Dumbledore. Harry sighed and reached over and took Percy's wand, to the sycophant's<br />

shock. Harry quickly did the 'TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE = I AM LORD VOLDEMORT' trick. As<br />

he did so, no one noticed Harry wandlessly sending off two paper messenger spells. "As I said, you<br />

dumb bastards can deny that Riddle -- or Voldemort, or 'Lord Thingy' or 'He-who-must-not-benamed'<br />

or 'Moldishorts' or 'the Dick Lord' or whatever you want to call him -- is back if you want to<br />

be stupid, or in the Minister's case, if you wish to maintain your pay from Lucius Malfoy. I prefer to<br />

look at the truth."<br />

He glared at them, and they all, even Dumbledore, took at least one step back in fear as his magic<br />

flared around him. "Under the Founding Ministry Statutes of 1621, which cannot be amended, this<br />

session of the Wizengamot constituted as a court is illegal, as I was not given due notification of the<br />

time change. Also, since the Underage Magic of Act of 1911 has not been amended, although the<br />

amendment has been proposed, there is no crime for this body to judge legally -- not that such<br />

constraints have ever stopped the British Ministry from acting illegally, as in sending innocent<br />

people to Azkaban without a trial, contrary again to the Founding Ministry Statutes. Therefore, the<br />

most that I could be fined is fifty Galleons, since the Underage Magic Office was never properly set<br />

up under the Ministry Regulations of 1869." There was a lot of uncomfortable movement. These<br />

facts were well-known in certain small circles, and they were usually ignored, as no one wanted to<br />

put in the time and effort needed to make things perfectly legal -- plus of course the loopholes could<br />

be useful for the right people. "Even that is mostly moot, however, since the only magic I did was in<br />

front of my cousin, Dudley Dursley, who is aware of magic."<br />

Harry glared at Delores Umbridge, who quivered. "We all know who the Ministry liaison to the<br />

dementors is, but I expect nothing will be done about that. Now, since I know I will not be allowed<br />

to confront any of my false accusers, let alone duel with them, I am leaving. As I have reached my<br />

fifteenth birthday and I am the sole surviving member and heir of one of the one hundred and<br />

twenty-three Founding Families of Magic, who met at Glastonbury on the summer solstice of 924<br />

to form the Original Wizengamot, I declare myself of age -- and remember, that group's laws and<br />

customs take precedence over mere Ministerial decrees and even laws. This also again renders these<br />

charges moot. I also declare myself to be a warlock. I renounce the Ministry of Magic's claims upon<br />

me, and also any protections the Ministry or services the Ministry might provide."<br />

"You can't do this!" Umbridge shouted.<br />

"You'll never get your wand back!" Percy proclaimed.<br />

Harry looked at Percy and snapped his fingers. His own wand appeared in his hand. Harry tossed<br />


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