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kplM\ ficory of luM hotior, Publish.d in 1802. cnp<strong>lo</strong>y.d rrmfo@ing th.<br />

eqution ofmolions $ tlt.t the lruc <strong>lo</strong>ngltudc wa an independ.nt ldiable Hh wotk also<br />

povid.d e dpl.n tion of lh. sdo a@1.61io. of the M@! ripl@'s mdhods w.E<br />

cdied io a high degrce of accu!@y by sevetal malhedaicies One of then was<br />

Dmoi*e. who publthcd his th@ry dd r.bl6 in 182? that Gmaircd in *id' Ne until<br />

Ha.Fn! sork dppeaed. P. A. Hasen's wolk ext nded for over fonv veds fon 1829<br />

dd his r.bl4 w.re publkM in lE5?. ThGe labl6 rcmain.d in s for w.ll ov'r finv<br />

yds. Delaunay publishcd his work ih 1860lhal M basd on disturbiry tunctions $ai<br />

in€ludcd 120 t€ms. By sn.ltti.al m.4 h. Gmov€d 0E teru of disorbins turulion on'<br />

by one ahd gEdually builds up th. $lution. Autho6 cl.im thar Delaunav s vorl( n thc<br />

mo$ Frf{t elulion of th.l@r problm v.t found {D&bv 1992)<br />

Thc posilion of $e M@n dodd th€ ElnI is desdbed bv spndical pold<br />

coordinatcs (r,,190 p) wnn r bci.s th. heli@.ntric disr:nce or rhe tltncr' ? $e<br />

eliflic <strong>lo</strong>nsitudc and I lhe ecliFic laliode The most commonlt Gd edv <strong>lo</strong> handl€<br />

lunai $bles dlrinB the nosr Pan of 20't c.n$ry \rcG dDc <strong>lo</strong> BrcM (Bmm 1 960) This<br />

ll]M $.ory w3 inpo!.d bv Eckefi &d ws tnown 6 ILE, sho^ tot Inprored Lrnr<br />

Epr,rdr,r. Tnc lh.ory coGtruct d bv ChcPont and ChaPon(_Toul is knosn 6 ELP<br />

(Chapo er. al,. 1983. 1988) shon tot Ephtina des I air's Pukienhes ln ELP<br />

simplifi.d tables have ben cxlEclqi from lhe lheorv <strong>lo</strong> rcplcsnt lh' luDa nolion in $e<br />

fom of explicit line sries fomule. Th6e tabl's @ b€ lsed to direcllv compute $e<br />

luntr coord'nabs. ELP h Dol onlt morc Peci* md complele in conpdien ro ILE it<br />

ale povides noe nodern valEs oi l(M pdmelels md olh€r Phvsical coislsts' For<br />

6000 y.4 on eacb side of J2ooo o ELP povid€s lund c@rdiMt€s that l4lv have eno$<br />

.xc.eding few arc secoo.ls Toeelher with th' d€v€<strong>lo</strong>pment of VSOP (Vdialrons<br />

Sacnl.ifs des Olbires Ple€titt bv Bctagl<strong>lo</strong>n ed Fdncou (t9E8) lhe t!bl6 due ro<br />

Chapront er. al destib€ the motion ofall major bodies (€xcept Pluio) ih tbe solar<br />

sysrem. Both rh€ $€ori6, ELP &d rhc vsoP w dcv'<strong>lo</strong>pcd d rhe Buean d's<br />


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