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cdly 2di cenlury astononeB. Thc significanr findin8 of the chaprer h $al borh lhc<br />

simpk Baby<strong>lo</strong>nian c ldion and rhe Lunar RipeNss IEw a!€ morc successfutin tcrms of<br />

thcn co.sistnct Nnh rn. posirile sghrings dords in comparison b fie hodeh<br />

ddl<strong>lo</strong>pcd in th€ fiBr haliof2(]ucenrury Ascroa46Sobsonationsisuscdforleslinslll<br />

modcls in thil {ork. nr.r incldc obseNations collccted since thc latcrhrlaof l9'i cemtry<br />

ln conparison <strong>lo</strong> lh. empnical odcls nrd to prcdicr lhe visibilil) of lhe nc$<br />

lu. cr€*enl iill rhe lid balfot $e l$ndelh c€nlur)- lhe 6od.ls dcle<strong>lo</strong>ped on rhe<br />

b6is of phFical rheoriN of sl! brighhess and extincrion trc cxP<strong>lo</strong>Ed nr thc <strong>lo</strong>l'nh<br />

.[dfl*. i he* models incl"de l[o$ d.ra<strong>lo</strong>trd by Bun aM sclDrftr scpamLl]. Btoin<br />

bed his mddrl on lhe rveige briehhcss of lhc lull Mdon and lhe lriligh slv.<br />

Schacfeis model calculales th. octual lin ins mdgnitud. oaihc skj and $c ntgnnud.<br />

of rhc cftsdrl id tcsls a vkibilitt cldinr on rh. bnsis ol nugnirrd. coniGt and rs<br />

difte{nr ir nrtuLc tio$ al<strong>lo</strong>ther nodeh An.ra bdel deeriprion of Bruin s modcl ihe<br />

scmi-cnrpiricrLnDdel olYil<strong>lo</strong>t is discu$ed in d{(.i1. Nhich isconsiderud to be rlt nDn<br />

Nnrflchcnsi\c !trd aldrcnlic nrodcl. Y{l<strong>lo</strong>p dcducdd his busic d.h lrotrr lr ns<br />

\isibilnJ curvcs. On nre brsis of Schadfcas tcchliqocs qc hd\c rlconsLruorcd Inui s<br />

model rnd pruduccd lcw visibililt crNes Md. ncs scmi-enrpnicll nodel lbr rhe<br />

\isibilnJ oanc$ llnar crcscenl fte delc<strong>lo</strong>pNcnl ofllris n.w nrodel is one oith( Naior<br />

{chicve.nEoflhis$ort.AllIhemodelsarclestddnthssamcdaldselasisusedinrhe<br />

!rc\ious chaplcr lhc nc$ nrodcldc\c<strong>lo</strong>PLd in lhis qorl is found <strong>lo</strong> be rhe bcst aDonssl<br />

rlB n<strong>lo</strong>dcflr dr) dels in rcnrs olils cdnsnlcnct Nilh lh. nunrb.r olposirilc sishrinSs<br />

in lhc d asduscd A compali$n ofsuccess oaqch nodcl h aho disNsed in tlns<br />

Al $e end of $c founn chapler a emtce} is iEmed b *di dle tulhcnticirt of a<br />

claim of siehlins or ne\ cte$e on lhe bsis of a rmi_enpnical modcl and th'<br />

Nasnitudc conlras oodel -fhe sisnific.nce of such a stat€s) hN b€cn highlignred 4s<br />

rherc ae found d nuob.r of authenric ne\r cG$c risibihv claims thlt are nol<br />

coosisienr wnh a *ni-cmpilical nodel tn lhcse ces a semi'copnical nodel des not

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