B - Visum Dienst Berlin

B - Visum Dienst Berlin

B - Visum Dienst Berlin


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15. Province, Town and destination in Pakistan: (Reiseziel in Pakistan):<br />

16. Port of landing in Pakistan: (Ankunftsort in Pakistan):<br />

17. Name and addresses of persons who will furnish information and also furnish financial guarantees for<br />

maintenance and repatriation if applied to: (Name & Adresse von Personen, die Auskünfte über Sie geben können<br />

oder auch für finanzielle Garantien während des Aufenthaltes o. der Wiedereinbürgerung falls zutreffend):<br />

In Germany:<br />

In Pakistan:<br />

18. Name, Gender and Age of children, that are travelling with the same visa (2 photos for each child):<br />

Name, Geschlecht und Alter der mitreisenden Kinder, die auf dem gleichen <strong>Visum</strong> reisen sollen + 2 Photos:<br />

No. Name<br />

Date of Birth/Geburtsdatum Gender/Geschlecht<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Date/Datum:<br />

Signature of applicant/Unterschrift:<br />

Information/Requirements<br />

1. Visa Form must be duly filled in. (Visa Details Formular ausfüllen).<br />

2. Passport + one Copy (valid for at least 6 more months) (Reisepass mindestens noch 6 Monate gültig)<br />

3. Two Passport size Photographs (2 Passbilder)<br />

4. For Business Visa, letter of invitation from a company in Pakistan or letter of introduction from the German<br />

Company (Für Business Visa, Einladung der Pakistanischen Firma oder Entsendungsschreiben der Deutschen Firma)<br />

5. Visa Fee to be deposited at the Commerzbank <strong>Berlin</strong> Account No: 2667897 BLZ-No: 100 400 00<br />

No cash or cheques will be accepted. Visa Fee is non-refundable.<br />

(Bargeld oder Schecks werden nicht akzepiert. Visa Gebühren werden nicht zurückerstattet!)<br />

Visa Fee for German Passport:<br />

Tourist/Family Visa (3 months single entry): 35 €<br />

Tourist/Family Visa (3 months double entry): 45 €<br />

Former Pakistanis (1-5 years multiple entry)*: 50 -250 €<br />

Business Visa (1 year multiple entry): 80 €<br />

Journalist Visa (max. 30 days only): 80 €<br />

Transit visa (single entry, 15 days): 25 €<br />

Afghans with German Travel document (45 days, single entry): 35 €<br />

Afghan-Passport (45 days, single/double entry): Gratis<br />

Foreign Nationals: Please ask for Visa Fee!<br />

* Pakistan origin German national desirous of obtaining one year multiple entry visa are required to provide<br />

proof of their Pakistan origin (Copy of N.I.C. or Passport plus a copy of birth certificate of children).<br />

Visa application by Post:<br />

Visa form including documents mentioned above.<br />

Self-addressed/stamped return envelope for returning the documents!<br />

Consular section opening hours (Öffnungszeiten Konsularabteilung):<br />

Monday – Thursday: 09:00-12:00 hours.<br />

Applicants are advised to apply for visa at least two weeks before their scheduled departure of Pakistan!<br />

Note: The Embassy of Pakistan, <strong>Berlin</strong> will take no responsibility for loss of documents sent by post!

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