Summer School Adventures.DOC

Summer School Adventures.DOC

Summer School Adventures.DOC


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Stephen Speight<br />


Six teenagers from different parts of Europe come to a summer school to learn<br />

language. After a while they become close to each other. At the end of their course<br />

there is a weekend competition. The ones who have the most interesting activity will<br />

be the winners. Six teenagers form two groups. One group chooses sailing and the<br />

other pony-trekking. The sailors hire a boat and begin to sail along the coast. First<br />

they see something strange on a fast motorboat: some men unloading some white<br />

boxes from the boat to an inflatable. Are they smugglers? What will the sailors do?<br />

Then there is more excitement for them: a man falling overboard. Will they be able to<br />

rescue him?<br />

There is also an unpleasant surprise for the trekkers. While they are trying to find their<br />

way, they meet a strange man. He is an escaped prisoner. He killed two people, but<br />

why? And how did he manage to escape the famous Dartmoor Prison? He holds the<br />

three teenagers as hostages. Will he do any harm to them? Will the trekkers be able<br />

to contact the police? And who will win the prize?<br />

Enjoy your reading, have fun and excitement....<br />


Stephan Speight studied English at Oxford, where he met his future wife. After several<br />

years of teaching in comprehensive schools, he moved to Edge Hill College of<br />

Education. From there he was invited to take up a post in a new English Department<br />

in Dortmund, Germany. He has been at Dortmund University ever since, teaching<br />

language, literature and technical English, and supervising students on teaching<br />

practice. He began work on readers and textbooks soon after arriving in Germany,<br />

and he has now been working more or less continuously as an educational author for<br />

more than twenty years. This work has included a lighthearted book entitled<br />

Understanding England, and a textbook for senior pupils, which deals with English<br />

newspapers and television. He contributes regularly to the periodical Praxis des<br />

neusprachlichen Unterrichts, for which he writes a column called “Would you have<br />

marked it wrong?” Extracts from the column have recently appeared in book form<br />

with the title Right or Wrong? He also lectures and publishes articles on second<br />

language conversation, which was the topic of his dissertation. In 1997 he was<br />

awarded the University Teaching Prize of Dortmund University. Other professional and<br />

leisure interests include modern fiction, life in Britain, caravanning, sailing, jogging<br />

and playing the harpsichord.<br />


ACTIVITIES (Photocopiable)<br />


Answer the following questions<br />

1. What do you know about “summer schools”?<br />

2. What kinds of activities are being done in summer schools?<br />

3. Put the following words under the headings “sailing” and “ponytrekking”.<br />

rudder hill tent shipping forecast seasick compass<br />

mound map mainsail skipper pannier bags steer<br />

tide oats dismount saddle course deck<br />

Sailing : __________, __________, __________, __________, ___________,<br />

__________, __________, __________, __________<br />

Pony-trekking: __________, __________, __________, __________, ___________,<br />

__________, __________, __________, __________<br />


CHAPTER: 1<br />

A. Write the names of the characters in the gaps:<br />

1. _____ is from France. He is a quick-thinker.<br />

2. _____ is from the Netherlands. He is quite ambitious and wanted<br />

to be a lawyer.<br />

3. _____ is from Germany. He is a tall boy with hair that stuck up<br />

straight from his head.<br />

4. _____ is from Spain. She has got an Alfa Romeo sports car.<br />

5. _____ is from Greece. She is a dark haired girl.<br />

6. _____ is from Denmark. She is a bouncy girl with lots of energy.<br />

B. Write a word with the same meaning:<br />

1. Having a strong desire to be successful _______<br />

2. A high, very steep area of rock _______<br />

3. The part of a vehicle which you use to go slower or stop _______<br />

4. Not nice _______<br />

5. To turn over in the water _______<br />

6. Dirty _______<br />

CHAPTER: 2<br />

A. Correct the underlined words:<br />

1. Dolores knew that people went fishing ( )on Dartmoor.<br />

2. Tom was beginning to fall for Eleni. ( )<br />

3. On a map ( ) the land is more or less empty, except for<br />

things like church towers which you can see from out at sea.<br />

4. Kirsten knew that Dartmoor ( ) was very popular with sailors.<br />

5. They would like to spend two days and the night in between out<br />

on the cliffs. ( )<br />


B. Complete the following sentences:<br />

1. Dolores has a lot of knowledge about horses because _____________<br />

____________________________________________________________________.<br />

2. Kirsten does not want to go pony-trekking because _______________<br />

____________________________________________________________________.<br />

3. The sailors went to Salcombe because ____________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________.<br />

4. Tom suggested hiring a boat with a cabin because ________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________.<br />

5. The trekkers didn’t prefer the ponies at the first place because _____<br />

___________________________________________________________________.<br />

6. Dolores trained Markus and Eleni on riding because ________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________.<br />

CHAPTER: 3<br />

A. Are these sentences true or false?<br />

1. The trekkers bought tents and sleeping bags from a shop. ( )<br />

2. At first André and Tom didn’t help Kirsten because it was raining. ( )<br />

3. The trekkers worried because they didn’t know exactly where they<br />

were. ( )<br />

4. On Friday afternoon the sailors didn’t have any problems because<br />

there was a nice weather. ( )<br />

5. All the sailors felt seasick. ( )<br />

B. Match the beginnings with the endings:<br />

1. The trekkers had so much equipment that ________________________.<br />

2. It rained really hard on the Tuesday _______________________________.<br />

3. The sailors put everything away carefully __________________________.<br />

4. Markus used a compass and a map ______________________________.<br />

5. They stopped their ponies _______________________________________.<br />

6. It’s really horrible to be seasick ____________________________________.<br />

a. not funny at all.<br />

b. and dismounted.<br />

c. when the sailors went to Salome to try out their boat.<br />

d. they couldn’t get it all in the back of the Alfa.<br />

e. to determine where they were.<br />

f. in order not to have a terrible mess later.<br />


CHAPTER: 4<br />

A. Put these sentences into the correct order to tell what happened to the<br />

trekkers:<br />

1. While Eleni whispered to Dolores that he could be dangerous, the<br />

man heard her.<br />

2. While they were talking about what they would do, they heard a<br />

quiet voice.<br />

3. Eleni looked at the sun and tried to determine their place on the map.<br />

4. He threatened them showing his bag and said if they did what he<br />

said, he wouldn’t be dangerous. He had got a gun in his bag.<br />

5. They came to the top of the hill when it got dark.<br />

6. There was a man coming from behind the rock. He was a strange man.<br />

7. When they were at the top of the hill, they couldn’t see the lake again.<br />

8. The trekkers went up and down hills for about six hours, but they<br />

couldn’t find the lake.<br />

9. The man, who didn’t look like a traveller, offered that he could take<br />

them to the lake.<br />

B. Put these sentences into the correct order to tell what happened to<br />

the sailors:<br />

1. While Tom and Kirsten chatting on the deck, Tom noticed a fast<br />

motorboat.<br />

2. Kirsten called the coast guard.<br />

3. After they went round Start Point, they all felt better.<br />

4. The coastguard officers found out that there were only bottles of<br />

wine in the white boxes.<br />

5. They thought that they were smugglers because they passed some<br />

white boxes from the motorboat to an inflatable.<br />

6. Kirsten made some to for Tom and André because they were seasick.<br />

7. André tried and got the hang of steering the boat.<br />

8. After a while, the coastguard boat came and the officers looked<br />

into the white boxes.<br />

CHAPTER: 5<br />

A. Circle the correct word:<br />

1. Kirsten put their time of arrival in the boat’s diary / logbook.<br />

2. Their evening meal was spaghetti bolognaise / pizza.<br />

3. “Hurry up with the cooking.” The man said. “I am starving / dying.<br />

4. “There is a famous church / prison on Datmoor.” He said.<br />

5. The tree youngsters were the man’s hostages / friends.<br />

6. The man used to work at a company / bank.<br />

7. He put money in a secret place / account.<br />

8. The police found mud on the window-sill / doorstep and his<br />

fingerprints / footprints in the flowerbed.<br />

9. Kirsten forgot about the tides / waves.<br />

10.Dolores pulled herself out of her sleeping bag and walked / crawled<br />

to the door of the tent.<br />


B. Answer the following questions:<br />

1. How do you think the man escaped from the prison?<br />

2. Why did he sentence to life imprisonment?<br />

3. Why did he kill two people?<br />

4. Why didn’t the man explain how he escaped?<br />

5. Who managed to save the boat while it was leaning because of the tides?<br />

6. How did the trekkers contact with the police?<br />

7. How did they pass the position on to the police?<br />

8. Did the police come on time to arrest the killer?<br />

CHAPTER: 6<br />

A. Match the words with the definitions:<br />

1. statement<br />

2. breathe<br />

3. rush<br />

4. leaflet<br />

5. roll<br />

6. develop<br />

7. drag<br />

8. munch<br />

9. drift<br />

10. head for<br />

a. a piece of printed-paper, which gives<br />

information about something.<br />

b. to bite and chew something noisily.<br />

c. to go in a certain direction.<br />

d. something that is said or written formally.<br />

e. to use chemicals to make a photograph visible.<br />

f. a round shaped small bread.<br />

g. to take air into the lungs and blow it out again.<br />

h. to be carried or moved along by wind or water.<br />

i. to go quickly.<br />

j. to pull something slowly.<br />

B. Choose the correct item:<br />

1. On Saturday morning Kirsten was writing notes in the ________.<br />

a. cockpit b. deck c. cabin<br />

2. After breakfast they took the _______ across the harbour.<br />

a. boat b. ferry c. ship<br />

3. When the trekkers got up in the morning, the grass was very wet but<br />

they had a ______.<br />

a. ground-sheet b. blanket c. cloth<br />

4. The killer forgot his _______ .<br />

a. mobile phone b. gun c. GPS<br />

5. When Kirsten steered the boat towards the old man, the young man<br />

watched her ______.<br />

a. helplessly b. carefully c. cheerfully<br />

6. After the sailors managed to rescue both men, the older one wasn’t<br />

_______well.<br />

a. sleeping b. breathing c. speaking<br />


CHAPTER: 7<br />

A. Put the following sentences into the correct order and choose a verb from the list:<br />

pushed checked set off packed expecting<br />

1. equipment / all / the trekkers / their / backs / their<br />

2. late / because of / the sailors / the rescue<br />

3. hadn’t / before / left / they / the tank / they<br />

4. not / very / a / bright / trekkers / policeman / and / mechanical / old /<br />

an / typewriter<br />

5. hole / a / rabbit / the killer / the para-glider / into<br />

B. Who said the following sentences?<br />

1. “Tell us where we are once every hour.” _______<br />

2. “Hey, skipper – What’s wrong?” _______<br />

3. “I’ve found the tank.” _______<br />

4. “Thank God for that.” _______<br />

5. “Flying-that’s why he needed so much money. He said flying was his hobby!”<br />

_______<br />

6. “He held out his arms like this when he was talking about the escape.” _______<br />

CHAPTER: 8<br />

A. Complete the sentences with a suitable word from the list:<br />

scared dies down rescue bit by bit prize<br />

recaptured deadline head and shoulders above the rest<br />

1. We would better wait until the snow _______________ before we go out.<br />

2. Both killers were _______________ by the police.<br />

3. When the miners were trapped after the explosion, only a<br />

_______________ team managed to save them.<br />

4. Friday is the _______________ for handing in this project.<br />

5. My little brother is really _______________ of thunder.<br />

6. Ted’s project about the save the nature was _______________, of course,<br />

he was the winner.<br />

7. The hill was so steep that they climbed up _______________ .<br />

8. First _______________ was a week’s holiday for two in Venice.<br />

B. Discuss the following questions:<br />

1. Think and say different titles for the reports.<br />

2. If you were the teenagers, which activity would you choose? Why?<br />



Write in the answers to these clues from the story. The sentence in the boxes is an<br />

English expression. Write it in the frame here:<br />

............................................................................................................................<br />

1. At first, the six teenagers __________ on nearly<br />

everything.<br />

2. Tom began to fall in __________ with Dolores.<br />

3. Dolores thought that __________ was awful.<br />

4. There would be a weekend __________ at the end of<br />

the course.<br />

5. __________ are the things, which help sailors to find<br />

their way around.<br />

6. While the police were investigating the murder, they<br />

found mud on the __________.<br />

7. Dolores had her own horse at home so she was<br />

an _________ rider.<br />

8. The killer had an expensive hobby - __________.<br />

9. A GPS works out the position by _________.<br />

10. The sailors called their boat _________.<br />

11. The escaped killer held the trekkers as ________.<br />

12. The landlady was the killer’s _________.<br />

13. The people who were thought as smugglers<br />

had a holiday _________ up on the cliff.<br />

14. Kirsten was the __________ of the boat.<br />

15. The trekkers used Dolores’s ________<br />

to call the police.<br />

16. The killer _________ from Dartmoor Prison.<br />

17. The sailors _________ an old man’s life.<br />

18. The police found the killer’s footprints in the ___.<br />

19. The police came to the moor by _________.<br />

20. The sailors thought that the men who were<br />

passing some white boxes from the boat to the<br />

inflatable were __________.<br />

21. It was a bad _________ be with a killer in a tent.<br />

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