The diet of feral cats on islands: a review and a call for ... - IPNA-CSIC

The diet of feral cats on islands: a review and a call for ... - IPNA-CSIC

The diet of feral cats on islands: a review and a call for ... - IPNA-CSIC


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598 E. B<strong>on</strong>naud et al.<br />

Table 7 c<strong>on</strong>tinued<br />

Table 7 c<strong>on</strong>tinued<br />

IUCN status<br />

IUCN status<br />

Hemidactylus mabouia<br />

Hemidactylus mercatorius<br />

Japarula polyg<strong>on</strong>ata<br />

Lepidodactylus sp.<br />

Lerista bougainvillii<br />

Lygosom<strong>on</strong>a bowringii<br />

Niveoscincus metallicus<br />

Niveoscincus ocellatus<br />

Notechis ater<br />

Phelsuma abbotti abbotti<br />

Podaricis muralis<br />

Tarentola angustimentalis<br />

Tarentola boettgeri hierrensis<br />

Tarentola delal<strong>and</strong>ii<br />

Urosaurus auriculatus<br />

Uta stansburiana<br />

Xantusia riversiana<br />

Unidentified gecko<br />

Unidentified Lacertilia<br />

Unidentified skink<br />

Amphibians<br />

Echinotrit<strong>on</strong> <strong>and</strong>ers<strong>on</strong>i<br />

Rana sp.<br />

Unidentified frog<br />

Fishes<br />

Unidentified Osteichthyes<br />

Unidentified eel<br />

Invertebrates<br />

Achatina fulica<br />

Anax imperator<br />

Anisolabis maxima<br />

Apotrechus ambulans<br />

Australomyia rostrata<br />

Brachyderes rugatus<br />

Calliphora stygia<br />

Calliphora vicina<br />

Cantatopidae sp.<br />

Cardiodactylus novaeguineae<br />

Cercophanius squama<br />

Chalcidoid wasp<br />

Chlorochit<strong>on</strong> sp.<br />

C<strong>on</strong>iocle<strong>on</strong>us excoriatus<br />

C<strong>on</strong>ocephalus maculatus<br />

C<strong>on</strong>orhynchus c<strong>on</strong>icirostris<br />

Costelytra zel<strong>and</strong>ica<br />

LC<br />

LC<br />

LC<br />

EN<br />

LC<br />

LC<br />

EN<br />

LC<br />

Dericorys lobata<br />

Duol<strong>and</strong>revus coul<strong>on</strong>ianus<br />

Eucolapsis sp.<br />

Euc<strong>on</strong>ocephalus thunbergi<br />

Gecarcinus planatus<br />

Gecarcoidea natalis<br />

G<strong>on</strong>ocephalum adpressi<strong>for</strong>me<br />

Grapsus tenicrustatus<br />

Gromphadorhina sp.<br />

Gryllotalpa australis<br />

Hegeter sp.<br />

Herpisticus calvus<br />

Hexathele s<strong>and</strong>ers<strong>on</strong>i<br />

Hieroglyphus annulicornis<br />

Holotrichia loochooana<br />

Ichneum<strong>on</strong>id wasp<br />

Ixodes anatis<br />

Labidura sp.<br />

Laparocerus sp.<br />

Lepas anatifera<br />

Macropathus sp.<br />

Meimuna b<strong>on</strong>inensis<br />

Meimuna iwasakii<br />

Oryctes nasicornis<br />

Oxycanus fuscomaculatus<br />

Pachydema sp.<br />

Paivaea hispida<br />

Periplaneta americana<br />

Persectania ewingii<br />

Phaulacridium vittatum<br />

Philaenus trimaculatus<br />

Phyllognathus excavatus<br />

Pimela laevigata costipennis<br />

Pimelopus nothus<br />

Protaetia orientalis<br />

Protaetia pryeri pryeri<br />

Rumia decollata<br />

Saprinus sp.<br />

Scolopterus tetracanthus<br />

Sericospilus sp.<br />

Shield tick<br />

Sicy<strong>on</strong>ia brevirostris<br />

Stanwellia pexa<br />

Teleogryllus occipitalis<br />

Tenodera australasiae<br />


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