Shem Tov, Vol. XVII No. 4, 2001-12 - The Jewish Genealogical ...

Shem Tov, Vol. XVII No. 4, 2001-12 - The Jewish Genealogical ...

Shem Tov, Vol. XVII No. 4, 2001-12 - The Jewish Genealogical ...


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lttA Fttt<br />

) tn LlYt<br />

ShEM <strong>Tov</strong><br />


VOLUME XVll <strong>No</strong>. 4 December <strong>2001</strong> Kislev 5762<br />



Peter Land€<br />

This is .n edited renia al the krtk itlt. Lantli gae o" lia1.et1lbet ., )001 ut d tpecial "leetn1g<br />

al aur socie\ dxtrls Holocdusl<br />

Edncdlion lfeek. lt r,us prcparel br a r menhet Ruth Chemta<br />

Peler Ldndi )tas bon h Cernun)', ehtigrate.l to thc I'nted<br />

States in t937 dnd ouended the UniE$it)^ al Huntblg a" a<br />

Fulbright tchakftl1ip. h1 !956 he laited the US /ottigh rct1'ke<br />

rhith sent hin 1a nianr'.auntties inchding Cutludd Fat the<br />

past ten ]tdrs he has b.en a |olxnteet at the I' ited Stu e!<br />

Holacalst M6enn )therc he torks on ucieing dala an.t credt<br />

ih? dataha\e:. Hi! nain obiectne k tu.onryil. t! single cdt.1<br />

busc ol dll Holotttust rictins<br />

Vr Lan. hns spken ,t Tttotlto beforc on the dat':tbdse\<br />

d,d lists afHolac.l strlctins anLl sutrira]I. This li ehecane<br />

ta talk dbott )t hat is ke\'.<br />

kno$ one lhing aboul you that 1ou nra,'_ not know aboxt<br />

yourselves. I have information on your relatives I don l<br />

care lvho you a.e. even ifyour relatives canre to Canada ln<br />

I880. even ifyou believe that all your relatives crnle over at ihc<br />

same time. some ofyour relalives died in the Hoiocausl. It is<br />

still possible rc find valuable infbrmation.<br />

I don't speak for an,vone - for the Nluseunr. lbr the <strong>Jewish</strong><br />

UercJrug \".ie\ oiu_ea,er $..fin:run - he.e a-e'r L.<br />

views. I may offend someoner just blame me. Don'r blame an,'-'<br />

one else. Ho$ many ol)ou knou what a Yekke is? How man)<br />

oflou know \ahal a Pekke is? <strong>No</strong> one: well it's nol strrprisins<br />

because the teml doesn't exist. \trhen I firsl \'!ent to lsrael. ther_<br />

called rne a Yekke. I asked whaas a Yekkel <strong>The</strong>y lold me a<br />

Jew ol German background. I said no, l m not a Yekke. I m a<br />

Pekki. Thaas a Prussian Yecki. and that's even worsel<br />

<strong>The</strong> database we're lvorking on is an attenpt io put togelher<br />

in one compulerized source the names ofall the victims and lhe<br />

survivors of lhe Holocausl. This is prett] large. On one database<br />

$e have 1.5 miluon names. ]f ,rou were al lhe Holocaust<br />

rnuseurn. I could show il to you. Can you get this in Toronlol<br />

<strong>No</strong>- It's a combination ofseveral people s \ork. Ofien we don't<br />

have permission to share thls, which is annoying. bul we have a<br />

combinatjon of materials fron several govemments and each<br />

|as a proprietar] inlerest. You have to go lo washington to use<br />

it. Let ine stress thal thls is not the Hall of Names as xr Yad<br />

Vashem. <strong>The</strong>re )ou find .oughl,! i million names But that s<br />

te\tilnonial. lt says ljncle Shnluel \r'as depoted ll'om Wa*a$<br />

and died in Auschwitz. Frankl,'- you don't even know if that s<br />

truc. II is useful because it gives people a chance lo put some_<br />

ihrng 10 resi. Bul i1'! not inlbnnation; il s lestimonl. II's useful<br />

for one reason. lf you find lhe name Jacob Cohen. and he was<br />

one of)orr relaiiv"-t. ,vou can find rhe namc ol lhe perso! whc<br />

submitled the name and cau wrire 1o lhat pe|Son. Thafs wh)<br />

it's usclirl. Yad Vashenr has been promising eveq' srx monlhe<br />

for the last two years to p|ll this on the web. <strong>The</strong>v want to do lt<br />

but don t )cr have permission io do that. You can submit an e-<br />

ma;l request tbal the\ \lillanswer.<br />

<strong>The</strong> large$ source is rhe lnlemational Red Cross, somelimes<br />

called Arolsen because that's dre totln in German)' where the"r<br />

have then files. <strong>The</strong>if material was frlmed b) Yad Vashenr.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are 1.1 nrillion cads. I reconmend ir because you can<br />

bro\r.se through it. It's in Yad Vashenr's afchives That was 'n<br />

1955. Ar presenl the Red Cross has,14 million cards. You ma)'<br />

sa) 4.1 million seems like too large a number but il's because rl<br />

includca a card on eveDbody who ever wrole to the intemational<br />

Red Cross. This has beeD computerized brl the lnlema_


Programs orgonized b! the<br />

<strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Genealogical</strong> Society of Canadd (fotonto)<br />

ot the Shadrei Shomu.,-in Synagogue<br />

'170 Glencai 'Trenue<br />

Doori open at ?:J0. program begins at 8 p m<br />

All member: will receive firflher detail(<br />

either bY e-mail or bY telePhone<br />

Chanukuh ParS'<br />

Electian\ (t Trcaturct and lvlenlbers dt Large<br />

WednesdaY. January 30" 2002 -.8:00 D'm'"<br />

Progrdtll lo bc dnnounced<br />

Fntgran to be announced<br />

.m.<br />

For lifiher inlormotion visi! our website at<br />

wtt)tr.'igstoronl;.ca or \atch lhe "l'hal's ^'lcw"<br />

iolumn in the Canadtan <strong>Jewish</strong> News<br />


SHLNI TOV is no\t accepline displat !d\enisine fof Frhlicatiot'<br />

;-..,* . ..r.do rDorr '-lcrdrc'd rr1'lDr"1<br />

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OnrarioN<strong>12</strong>Nill.<br />

SHEM rOV is plblshed quarlerLy bv the <strong>Jewish</strong><br />

cenearoq,cr SocFr, or Canaoa rTo 0.'or :10 <<br />

d6toLLe; I ee to reabe s c. relt '1d<br />

balt {s-ecre<br />

avarabLe fof ${ Per ssue<br />

- a;;i;;"i'";' ." inv\ed s-olr late': co rr'e<br />

Eo o. P o. Bo 446 S alon A<br />

Can.da rM2N 5T1<br />

lne lexisn G" ealoar. Socretv or Ctlrd' w:s<br />

ioundeo 11 1985 ad c-ler 'v t ca abol '501e-1b'r<br />

Merbe's1,p coqs slo per calenort /ear $20 "-<br />

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G.esLs are aw'/s 'er'ore<br />

Detars;'e usJll'v pr_leo t fe Cd4ad€' lp'ish ryA !<br />

I ne oods ol lhe Sodelv are to provide a lorLn 'ot r"<br />

"r"nan-0" ot ""o"<br />

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.J l:" -",'t I eoeralol o' G earer ro orto rnd E<br />

€oister€d as a ron profii charltable orgarzaron<br />

io oan o'lf 5 prolcarc1 nav be eorodued rl a_y<br />

iom wrno-l pemssron n *rrt-g for'he p_blsFE<br />

Vws ano opin ons expressed in articles are ihoselrthe<br />

;l;";,;"<br />

;ot;'<br />

* -' **"*', ' ep.ese.',1ose o'srFM<br />

'"" ,""'r' Ge-eaos -.' socrpr/ o- c'-rd:<br />

(Toronio) ISSN 0843_6924. AL ghis resetoed q<br />

Otficers of the Societyl<br />

MembershiP Co-ordrnaror<br />

lmmediaie Past Presideni<br />

<strong>Shem</strong> <strong>Tov</strong> Staff:<br />

Editor<br />

Manaqing Editor<br />

ContribLitoF to this lssue<br />




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NEIL RTcHLER 1416) 2264444<br />









DULCEY HOFFlrraN<br />




(416) 225 9r01<br />

December <strong>2001</strong><br />

<strong>Shem</strong> <strong>Tov</strong>

lOId at.l New Sources oflitfonnatiut ca ntual)<br />

tional Red Cross reluses ro make ii a\,ailable bccause some<br />

countries in Europc arc arguing i1's a privac) isstrc.<br />

!!E<br />

Man) have been conpiled b) a loL ofpeople. <strong>The</strong>re are lbr<br />

examplc lists liom the Krakow gheuo. of Auschritz $ork deta'ls.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lodz Sheto sufvivors in Jcrusalem cornpjled rhe<br />

Lodz Shetto lisl. We ve gor il bur cannol ptrblish ii. I here !\ere<br />

only si\ copies mrde.<br />

T he.e are several projecrs underua,,- and Irn asking tbr ]our<br />

help. not mone) bul your bodies. Fof erample we havc thc<br />

Sharrit Habayit. It lisrs 55.000 strf!ilors and is ir )our Toronro<br />

libran but is not on the web because we need people lo do data<br />

enlr]- .<br />

Dfogoblch is a smailcity near Lvo\. We ha!c 16.000 pages<br />

on that lo*r. I $,as asked to find more pages so I did somelhjng<br />

that you ma,,- think is either funn) or tragic. Wc nalc a list of<br />

people $ho didn't pa) rheir waler bills because the) had been<br />

taken out and killed but thc torn kept billlng them I chose jl<br />

because it has to be compurcrized. A group ;r California is doins<br />

that ore. <strong>The</strong>re are all kinds off,rojects. You don l have to<br />

be computerliterate. We need proofreadeb 1oo.<br />

Here's some good news. <strong>The</strong>re ir so nruch nore available<br />

no\ than there \ras ten )ears aso. To sonre e\lent lhai is because<br />

oflhe opening of Fasten Europc. Uut there is also more<br />

afiention being paid. For example. thefe was a collection that I<br />

have calalogued. 189.000 pages of caFured cerman records.<br />

Tlrese '!ere<br />

files thal the US military Look in 1S,15 io the tjs.<br />

Ulmcd them and relurned them ten )ear! lat€r. <strong>The</strong>y are largei]<br />

unuscd. <strong>The</strong>) a.e a!ailable publicly. !ou could buy them if)ou<br />

$- I bu. dJ. l-,rh. l ha. depo-"r,o" i. . corcerrra io.r<br />

camp lists. lt is huge. l,ook ar ji on the web. One pfoblem with<br />

il is lhat il s on film. I doubt that man! o1 lou have filn readers<br />

at home. And ir is awk\\ard to read even atthe library'. Even my<br />

finding aid $ill tell you that there are transport lists from sat<br />

Auschwitz to Buchenwald lionr January to June 1945 or wha.<br />

ever period ol time. \\,lral good {ould thai list do youl You<br />

doD't know if your relatives are on thar tBnsport? M\ findins<br />

aid \,!as a prehninar) finding aid<br />

<strong>No</strong>u,we re doing a derajled one. <strong>The</strong> next slage is ro co -<br />

pulefize that list. When ,vou discounr th€ lisls of\rar criminats<br />

and olhels of no inre.esL io genealogists. ihere are 185_000<br />

pages Jamrned wilh names -i0 per page. i\,lillions of nanes.<br />

Ho$ do you get around to compderizins rhis? You do it<br />

slowl). I ve done a quancr million. I can iell you il s slos. lf<br />

you had it on CD-ROM )ou might be $'illlng to look at ii. You<br />

are certainlr- goins to ilnd a reader easier. ce{ainl) )ou'll find<br />

readers. we staned \\ith one collection. I took an eas]<br />

'nore<br />

onc. It's alphabelized, it s tlped. jt's gor <strong>12</strong>5.000 nanres, it s<br />

Dachau. It's about 60 percerl oteverybody rvho cnt drere. lt s<br />

the biggest and easiest one to look at. We have laken the film<br />

and converted lt inro CD-ROM. .lewishcen will be marketing ir<br />

in a tew months. <strong>The</strong>n ),ou could look al ii in Toronlo. you<br />

need a Geman vocabulary of abou! a dozen words sucn as:<br />

gestorben (died). (At thjs poinr Dr. Lande moveo over ro me<br />

screen lo demonstmle r!hat kind ofinformalio. rvould be available<br />

on rhi! dadbase.) For example: Ale\ Rolelberg born such<br />

and sxch a date. a Slovak Jew. le dicd. l-ook ar this one. hc $as<br />

fieed. hc survived and $as liberat.d when rhe allies arriled.<br />

Hcrc a.c the pdsoner numbers. \4hcn ther- came and $hcn tlre.-<br />

{cfe t.aDsfered It s a i:lnlastic source. l1's nor qtilc alphabeli,<br />

cal but rle $ ill ft that and you can use drem. lf ir works it \ill<br />

makc a little mone,v for the compan) thal is doirg ir. Thcn we'll<br />

go on to olhers. We have ihis last source of naterial. Ir }ill<br />

make this material availablc to everlone in Toronro or Sydne).<br />

Coplirg costs a dollar a di!I. h'll be like looknrg through a<br />

<strong>The</strong> Second Maior Breaklhrcuqh<br />

<strong>The</strong> bulk of Anrerican le*s carne liom Poland. Lilhuania.<br />

Belarus and Ukaine. I don't kno{ if that's rrue ol To.onto<br />

Jerls ioo. <strong>The</strong> big problenr has becn the formef Sorier Union-<br />

We |are a fair bit olinformal;on norr and the <strong>Jewish</strong> Historical<br />

lnstitute h Warsaw is conlputcrizing a list of <strong>12</strong>5.000 Polish<br />

Jers ryho sur\ived and came back Lo Poland. even temporaril)<br />

alier dre $ar. It s on liln]. 11 s a Polish soundex list. But at lcast<br />

)oLr can read Polish.<br />

But riis nexr onc ls even mofe difficult. At rhe end 01-lhe<br />

$ar the Russians senl teams into ever_a ioNlr io ask a ncgatile<br />

census: \\ho's here? Who diedl lt s better for smaller to$ns_<br />

Ii s orsanizcd b\' town. h the smallef touns people kne$,each<br />

other. One difficult) js rhai it s in C) llic. tf you know thc<br />

rown. we can bok up. for example. the Goldsrenrs in Pinsk and<br />

send thal inlbnnalion to vou. But )ou doD t kno$ ifrhar coldsrein<br />

stayed nr Pinsk. We couldn t afibrd to hife people to enter<br />

Ibe names. <strong>The</strong>re are any\rhere fionr three quaders-of-a n]illion<br />

10 a nrillion names. We ve nolv arrarged for Russians in the<br />

lbrmer Soviet Union to enter the nanres. Ihe) are $.orklng in<br />

St. Pelersbu.g and Minsk. <strong>The</strong>y errter the material in Russian<br />

and send us the disks. We push a buton and it cones out in<br />

Latin lvpe. We can argue whether ihe Alexand.ovitch should be<br />

'cz' or 'ch but the computer never cha.ge! the spelling so ir's<br />

consistent. Once we have this b! name. \!e can do a database<br />

other rays. ln lheor) we could give you all lhe coldbergs in<br />

Ukraine. You $on l have to wriie |rle. It ll be on rhe \{eb and<br />

you can ser e\esnarn al nome.<br />

This hrs been accessjble in theory for ]eal.s our mere was no<br />

wa,! r'ou cotrld have goften this in Canada. We could have done<br />

this by letter but rle have onlr- one volunleef who does rhis oDe<br />

day a week. fherefore il s in ou interesl to get this infornratioD<br />

otrt. ]'he database will onl] tell you the name. <strong>The</strong>n )ou caD gel<br />

other infomiation that is not computerjzed. Thar describes all<br />

the events in a tot\n: when the Nazis arived. when thc sfnagogue<br />

was bumed and so on- We can gct lou copies of these<br />

pages. Yoll can have them translated.<br />

ln the Fall <strong>2001</strong> isstre of ,.hotdlr, \'ou'11 see an article me<br />

Nhere I describe the 15 reels (15.000 pages) I was able to gel<br />

on. <strong>The</strong>se are the transports fron Ausch$i1z. Man] assume<br />

thai if yotr were shipped to Auschwirz, you were kjlled. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

December <strong>2001</strong>

lold akd Nelt Sourc.s of lnfothntiot rahti\L''1)<br />

\!ere thousands \rrho where shipped /i"' Axschwrtz especrarL)'<br />

in 1944. But you donl kno'v uhat happened 10 lhem You<br />

nrislr lIov riar<br />

qicr"irz br. \oJ non kno$ | rr'" pe or '\-' r'Dpfd r"<br />

i"J"-r,"r*r.' In mv Aratq'nu a icle cntitled Dld<br />

'j''ere<br />

;hei, Diea tt1 )^ch\'11::' Or did thq St.rfiel t sal for exam-<br />

"l-. *, .-. -r',. tt r^':' , lL\ ' \ o ' -_ ir lo'/ro l o-<br />

oe"n' a'Don

<strong>The</strong> Hungarians annexed T.ansllvrnia fionl Romania.<br />

<strong>The</strong>fe are no recofds lionr the east and southeast. Ihe)<br />

annexed and killed all the Je*s.-lhere a|e no records. ln<br />

Budapest ma.v were nol depoted. <strong>The</strong>! shipped them furthcf<br />

north to Sturhol <strong>The</strong>y shipped man) wesi 1o Nluhlhol<br />

becausc of e labour slroltage. For -lifile Hungar) ,\ouf<br />



Compiled b) Henry Wellisch<br />

Tlere is somc olcrlapping bct\L€e. the Cedenkbuch and thc Ccdenkbuch Berllns. the Memorial ro the Je\as Deporred fron France<br />

and othen. Thc Robarls I ibrary oflhe UDi\ersil] ol Tomnto has o!e. 500 Yizkor (Memorial) books. <strong>The</strong>se books \\ere published<br />

b) sur!ivors ofganizations and conlain the names of thouslnds o1 \,iclims aDd sur!i!o|S. Local hislorians in German) have also published<br />

man) books. including lists, oftheir formef.le$jsh communities.<br />



TotenbLrch <strong>The</strong>resiensiadi<br />

(AusIrian vicrims deponed io<br />


16.000<br />



Lisr ol deportees (Auslrian Jews) 6r.000<br />

Memo.ial de l. d.poftation desiuifs de 25.<strong>12</strong>.1 Robarls Llbrary-<br />

Bclglquc<br />

FRA.^-C E Menrorlallo the Jews Depoted fiom 16.<strong>12</strong>0<br />

French Children of rhe Holocaust 11.000 Robafs Library<br />

GERMANY Gedenkbuch (German viciims) <strong>12</strong>8_091 Robats Library. Our Library<br />

Gedenkbuch Berlins 55.696 Robarts Library<br />

Diejudischen opfer des Natjonalsozialis<br />

mus aus K6ln (Victims lionr ColoSDe)<br />

7.000- Robarts Library<br />

I{UNGARY<br />

Names of <strong>Jewish</strong> Victims of Hungarian<br />

Labor Battaliors<br />

Names ofthe Deponed Je\S from<br />

Haidu Count]<br />

i1.000 Robats Librarr<br />

5.600 Robats Libran<br />

NETHER]-ANDS ln Xlemoriam (DuLrh \ icrim.) 100.000 Roba s Lihrar\<br />

I}OLAND Names Lodz (List of ghetto inhabitanis) 200.000 Robans Librar)<br />

Deathbooks from Auschwitz 60.000<br />




AUSTRIA Exile and Destruction 2.0t1 Robarts Lib.an,<br />

BELGIUM Mcmo alde la detoftation desiuifs dc<br />

1.205 Robarts Libran,<br />

Belsiatre<br />

CERMANY Gedenkbuch 7.278 Robart! Libr ar \. Our Libraf!<br />

VARlOUS Register of Sur\ i\,i s 60.000+ Our Librarv<br />

Decembet <strong>2001</strong> <strong>Shem</strong> <strong>Tov</strong>

Mendittg Tom Memofies:<br />

<strong>The</strong> Ron\ld s. Laud.et Foundation Genealogt Pfoiect .tt the <strong>Jewish</strong> Historical Irrstitute of Poland<br />

Origins<br />

<strong>The</strong> Ronald S. Laudcr Foundatnnr Geneab-gy Pfoject was<br />

formally cslabljshed on Janual 1. ]995. at thc lnitiatjve ofthe<br />

Ronald S. Lauder Foundation. as a joint educaliooal efforL of<br />

the Foundalion. the leNish Hislo.ical lDstitutc Assocralron<br />

(Sto$arz,,--sTenie ZIH) aod the Je'!ish Hislofical Resea.ch<br />

hislirute lZtH lNBl. As iniliall) envisioned. the prciect had a<br />

dual purpose: to assisl Jelrs around tbe world to discover and<br />

explore theif Polish-<strong>Jewish</strong> roots and 1o mobilize supporl lof<br />

the conservation and catalogunlg effots of the Jc$ish<br />

Hislorical lnsliilLle Archives. <strong>The</strong>se goals complement the basic<br />

goals oflhe Ronald S. Lauder Foundation io supporl J e rv i s h<br />

comnnrnilies and conmunal inslirulions in Centfal Europe and<br />

above all. 1(r provide Jetrish educalional opporlunrtres to<br />

Cenlial European Jews who. far too often. '!ere<br />

denied <strong>Jewish</strong><br />

education over the lasl several decades To this end. in addnior<br />

ro the Cenealog) Projecl, the Foundation has creaied a network<br />

of <strong>Jewish</strong> schools. kindefganens. )oxth clutrs, summer and<br />

winler camps an.l nume.ous speciitl educatl(nlal and cultural<br />

programs for Jews ofallages<br />

Groling Demand<br />

"Recdll the du)'s al.ld,<br />

seek to c.,nprchend thereorc aJ edth genetatbn:<br />

Askya jathet, he wilL infunt YalL<br />

yotu elden anl lhq' riLl telllDtL".<br />

Deuleronom-v- 32:7<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is a gro\ying inlerest in Je'lish genealogy roda). On<br />

tle lntemet. thousands of people are h daily coDtact through<br />

the Je$ishcen discussion group and other forums. seeking and<br />

sharirrg infbrmation abo t <strong>Jewish</strong> history. biograph) and<br />

fadirion. Dozens ofspecialized publications appear regularl) jn<br />

a variet) of languages. dedicated ro .<strong>Jewish</strong> geneabg! or<br />

fbcussnrg edclusivel) or the history ola paticular geographical<br />

region. world'vide. some sixl--five Je'!ish <strong>Genealogical</strong><br />

Societies are active. whosc members are researchirg the<br />

histodes of Je$.ish lhmilies or thc biographies of individuals<br />

and who. in the process. sometinres leam more abou1 the<br />

hisior-a of tle Je*ish people than the,! evef did in a fo nal<br />

classroom sefihg. B! studling several '<strong>Jewish</strong> histories" nr<br />

micrccosm- ihey olten come to appreciale the broader scope of<br />

llre Je!\ish histo cal expedence<br />

Growirg Possibiliiies<br />

<strong>The</strong> Ronald S. Lauder Foundation Genealog,v Project has<br />

oe,n e'r"b:.red.. $h.rr rr"\ be rhc no . opTorrure no r, nr in<br />

history due to the conrergence of two watershed phenomena:<br />

the opening ol Central and Eastcm European arcbves to<br />

researchers after years of inaccessibillr-"- and tbc explosion in<br />

compurer and communications technology which has enabled<br />

better and faster calaloguing of archival malerials than eler<br />

bclbre and grealer access 10 iilbrnntion. rmages and even<br />

sound liom anr_ poini on the globe almost instantl). Given<br />

appropriale rechDolo$ and manpotlcf. access to inlbrmalion<br />

be greatly irnprov€d in the coming nronihs and years <strong>The</strong><br />

'!ill<br />

proiecl. ftrough its fun drais in,1 effots. ls helpineto enhance lhe<br />

technological and manpowel capabilities of the Instjtute<br />

Clienreles - Articipnt€d and Unanticipatcd<br />

While the pfojecls origiDal concepl rargeted geDealogical<br />

rcsearchers abroad- il soon became clear lhat it $ould also serve<br />

some unanlicipated client groups. <strong>The</strong>se grotrps have, jr Iacl<br />

pro\ided some oflhe pfojecls nosl exciting momenls<br />

Reco!ering the -4lientted, Touching the Jaded<br />

Man]_ assimilated Je$s irale expressed renewed nrterest nr<br />

Jei{ish learning as a b)product oftheir search for famil} roots<br />

NIan) lvho considered themselves alienated liom Judaism and<br />

<strong>Jewish</strong> hislory have found rhat $e subiec$ come alive for them<br />

$hen "personalized' th.ough genealogical research Repeate{tl).<br />

leaders ofsludent lours in Poland (now a basic element of<br />

niany high school Holocarsi cur'ficula) have expressed<br />

anrazement at howjaded ieeDagers - who wandcred through the<br />

fil51 da)s oftheir tours with the grudging atrilude thal the-v $'ere<br />

nudying sone obscure bit of ancient hisrory with little<br />

connection to their lives - changed their attitudes markedl)<br />

when harded a document such as a tlolocaust docunent or<br />

photo of! relalive or teacher ret personall,v knew. From that<br />

momenl on. the tour - and perhaps lhe eniire curriculxm<br />

suddenly gains a nerv inlnrediac). For some lsraeli-born ieens<br />

in paticular. it has been an epjphan]- - \t'ilh a lasiing effect on<br />

lheir atritude toward Diaspora Jet!r-1'<br />

<strong>The</strong> "Hidden Children"<br />

A nlost remarkable clieniele has been ihe so-called "hidden<br />

children". <strong>The</strong>se are no1. ilr fact, children at all. but mlh€r adults<br />

ir thelr fifiies to seveDties $ho. as childreD, had been hidden<br />

during the Holocausl. Some 'vere<br />

furnished qith lhlse papers<br />

and Lived oul the war ]ears on the so-called "Aryan side".<br />

masquerading as Genriles. Others were deposjted as infanrs<br />

wirh Carholic families afte. lheir parents had been deporred or<br />

nufdefed. lnfants and younger children often did no! know tha!<br />

the) \r€re Jews and frequentl) did not even know their orn<br />

names. Older children mighl have known. but they soor leamed<br />

and iitemalized the babit of liding iheir penonal histofies,<br />

sometimes even ftom their otrn families, a habit thal some<br />

cases long survived ihe war. Many such "hidden children" - and<br />

their descendants - hale only recently leamed the rruth oftheir<br />

idenlity in whoie or in frustrating pafl. Some. adopied alier $e<br />

war, had their true histor) deliberately obscured fron them b)<br />

adoptive parenis who night never have told lhem that they<br />

were adopted. nruch less thal thet were Je\\s.<br />

December <strong>2001</strong> <strong>Shem</strong> <strong>Tov</strong>

lncreasing numbers of these 'hidder children' have been<br />

coming forward of late in search of their own true idenrities.<br />

Some who have leamed ollhen true history from rhe deathbed<br />

confessions of thcn no{ elderl} parenrs of ffom docunents<br />

discovered afier thei| lbsler parents deatis - rhe so-called<br />

'newbom' hidden children comc to the Archiles wilh<br />

trenendor! fiequenc!. seeking ro leam $ho the) are. what iheir<br />

real names are. {ho rheir biological pafenls were and if tbel<br />

might ha!e siblirgs or other relariles who might have survrved<br />

J1d \ho rli:l be.b - ofkf \. o " d r,eil<br />

Based on information in the lnsliruie\ archives and in other<br />

feposirories. the projecl has been able in lome case! ro in rish<br />

people wilh lheir o{n odginal names o. lhosc ol thcir birh<br />

pafenls. inlbrmation as to ihe fate ofrheir families and. al lirnes.<br />

eveD childhood photographs. As ollhis writing. the projecr is<br />

.ornpilir= .. ddr. b/.c or ir r'r'.c ion or c rid 5uni\o-s.<br />

Aringing the Dead to Lile - Surrivor Reunions<br />

A natural side effect ofreturning people's idcnti)_ to thcm is<br />

drat it leads io curiosil, as ro d1e fates of the nidi!idual'l<br />

biolosical family. Thal c'r.iosit). ii lum. has !ielded stunnlngl)<br />

dmmatic resulls in a \'en linlitod nunrber ofcases<br />

ln the <strong>Jewish</strong> rradition. {hen one sees a lircnu ururr ole<br />

has nor seen in a ver] krng time. one recites a blessing ihankilg<br />

God for "bfinsing the dead to life". Over the last several )ears.<br />

sometimes with hclp fionr the project and from lnstrlute<br />

archnal stafl the miracle has occurred several rimes in the<br />

fonn of anazing rcunions of families separared by the<br />

Holocaust o|er hall a cenlurl ago. <strong>The</strong>re have been cases ofa<br />

father and son reunion after fifty-one rean (Canada/Poland). a<br />

reunion of lwin siblnrgs (USA,rPoland), of brothers and siste|s<br />

(lsraellPoland. kraelrRussia and lsrael,<strong>No</strong>nla)). of a gfandfather<br />

and granddaughter (Austda/USA)- of a niece and hcr<br />

uncle (Ne$ ZealandrSweden)- an aunt and hef nephew (Polandl<br />

USA), of cousins long separatcd (Austlalia/UsA and USAI<br />

Ukraine). and ofnumerous long lost {iiends and colleagues.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Instirutel own librarian recenth discovered an aunt in<br />

the United Stales who was able 10 teli her - after a decadeslong<br />

sea.ch - her own name. her parenls nanes and her entire lamily<br />

histor', pfoliding. in addidon, a collecrion of pre,$ar famil]<br />

photographs. <strong>The</strong> impacr ol such reunions need not be spelled<br />

Proliding Closure<br />

ln the vast majorif ol cases. such reunions can never occur:<br />

their families perished, )-oung and old. in the Holocaust. But<br />

often there remain disturbing. uruesolved questions. lfno one<br />

$.jhessed the dearh. could it be that someone ftom the family<br />

did. in fact. suni!e. unbekno$nst ro the inquirer? <strong>The</strong> reunions<br />

that hale laken place suggesr thal alL hope is not lost. On the<br />

other hand. even rvhere it is reasonably cedain rhat loved ones<br />

did perish, the lack ofkno{ledge of how. when and under whai<br />

circumstances lhe dealhs occuned can leave rhe mouming<br />

process inconplete and reider psycholoeical healing difilcuh.<br />

<strong>The</strong> living often cannot rest in peace until rhe) knor! thar lheil<br />

dead are br ed. Thjs requires concrete infbrmaiion.<br />

In lhc Jcwislr hadition, deaths are commenomled with a<br />

tahrzeil observarce on the anniversar) of the death. Yei. in<br />

order to pelform t|is ritual. one nrusl knory tbat the indilidual<br />

nr question died and when. Lrndcf the cifcumstances of rhe<br />

Holocaust suc| information can be difficuh to obtain.<br />

rhe Archives o1 the <strong>Jewish</strong> Historical Insikute hold sonre<br />

collections rhat can provjde a degree ol closure. Death records<br />

of lhe Wana$' Ghetto. burial lisis fron certain labor camps.<br />

eyewitness lc(imonies and other materials can shed ligh! on<br />

sone individual dearhs. Severai correspondcnls and visitors.<br />

thced with specific evidence of rheir relalive\ death. have<br />

responded $jlh a kind ofreliet. sa)ing "at least, noN we kno$"<br />

o. "non I can observe a )ahrzeit". This feaction has beer<br />

reporled by the Red Cross ljolocaust Viclinrs Tracing Ser\ice<br />

as well. For healing to besin- uncefainq_ mu$ be pu to rest<br />

and the proiect. wrrh the irstilule s valuable archives at hand, i,<br />

lending a hand in this healing process.<br />

Building a Future on the Foundations of the Past<br />

A large and growil]g ne* clienlele for the cenealogr<br />

Project is the Je'vish youth of I'oland. While diftirent in<br />

character lionr the Foundation's other educarional activities- the<br />

aienealogl Project does not stard sepafate fronr those activjties.<br />

Young Polish Jews and Poles \aith Je\rish roots altending the<br />

Foundarions classes. camps and lectufc\ leam abour fie<br />

Genealog) Projeci as $ell and nran). alread,v- curious aboui<br />

Je$s and Judaism. corne to the archives to explore - in drc<br />

literal- historical sense - their.<strong>Jewish</strong> roois. Ol}en. genealogical<br />

research ii the archives is their firsr step. \lhal the! uncover<br />

$ill someinnes give them the impetus and seli conndence dre.-<br />

need to then take pal1 in olher <strong>Jewish</strong> acriviries.<br />

Many young people have been raised in mixed fanilies in<br />

which, quite often, on],\ one parenl or one grandparenr was<br />

Jervish and tbe subjecis ol<strong>Jewish</strong>ness and ludaism were treared<br />

as taboo. OtheN are ihe children and grandchildrcn of$,afnne<br />

''hidden children"r they did nor kno$ they were Jews until their<br />

teens or tNenties because iheir o\rn parents did noL kno\{ that<br />

they rhemselves $ere <strong>Jewish</strong> until their fifties or sixties. Of<br />

course. only rvhen the parents learned ihe ruth aboul<br />

rl.r.cl\e. \oJld rhe) r,rfor.l1 rhcir dau (hild-e..<br />

Anodrer group of "latecorners" to <strong>Jewish</strong> identit,"- are rhe<br />

children and grandchildren of highl) assimilated or ardentl)<br />

atheist families in which the parental generarion soughr to<br />

erpunge all lraces of <strong>Jewish</strong>ness ftom rhe hone. prefening ro<br />

adopt either an acti!ely Catholic or secular "Pol;sfi" idenritv on<br />

the mistaken prenrise thaL being <strong>Jewish</strong> and being Polish uere<br />

someho{ mutuall} exclusively. Upon reachjng maturit}, th€<br />

children of such families (and this js not onl) true of Polard)<br />

often find themselves draln back toward their roots as lhe!<br />

seek to shape their olvn nascent independent jdentities. Such<br />

young people - in nlcreasing nunrbers, approach rhe Genealogy<br />

Project ibr advice and assistance.<br />

In this fashion, genealoeical research - and the Ronald S.<br />

Lauder Foundation cenealogl Project in parricular - plays an<br />

inportant role in Je\rjsh identiry building and in helping Je\{s<br />

December <strong>2001</strong> <strong>Shem</strong> <strong>Tov</strong>

Itten.lhtE Tolr tleno es .ontinrcd)<br />

ljnd their {ay back inro the le\\ish communil} and 1o Je\r'ish<br />

tradirion and culture. <strong>The</strong>re have been numerous instances in<br />

which )oung people have been led through genealogical<br />

research ro erplole oiher areas of <strong>Jewish</strong> hishry. cuhurc and<br />

i|aditional beljeis and pmcrice. Such people and lheir cfiildren<br />

have become jnvolved in man) areas of Je$ish lite. ranging<br />

fiom working in Jelvjsh inslitutions io enrclling themsel!es or<br />

ihejr clildreD in Jewjsh educational progmms. to adopling a<br />

traditional Jetlish lifesllle Fof n]anv olhc|S. thi! search has<br />

saiisfied an intellectual curiosity. hctped resoh'e hjstolicaL and<br />

ps)chological conundra or clarified. Io some snrall degree lire<br />

dislofied of obscured memory ofPolish Je$rl<br />

Plans for the Fut'ire<br />

ln thc l\ao yean of its exisLence as of lhis wriing the<br />

Ronald S. Laudef Foundation Genealogl Projeci lras alreadv<br />

helDed fescue and preser\e hundreds of tlousands of trnique<br />

ani nasile archival docunlents b] providiig funding for theif<br />

ohvsical conscnation and secure srolage. lt has helped to<br />

itiu;,, equipmenl and to create compuler databases<br />

Lha sill "ontput",<br />

: ea,l pe

\Books R...ntU R..eip.lh! out Librdry .arlr,tu.t<br />

Dr. Beide.'s linguistic anallsis of Ashkcnasic given names<br />

is a subslantial connibution to Gennanic as well as SIavic<br />

ljnguistics in geneml, ard Yiddish linguistics h parricular. <strong>The</strong><br />

diachfonic anal)sjs olthese narnes suggesls strcngly rhe need<br />

for the reevaluation ol <strong>Jewish</strong> demograph) and migrarion<br />

paltems in medie\al and eafly modem Eufope. to be take. into<br />

accouDl by an) luture investi-sation.<br />

l.tacor Olqgekhetln<br />

Germania Judaica<br />

Hebrew Unilcrsil\<br />

Dr. Beider's new djctionary of gilen nanrcs. covering a<br />

period from rhe beenning of Asbkenazic Je{L\. tills an<br />

imporlant fescarch gap and represenls a magnu opus. Thc<br />

audror atlaiis an admirable degree ol completeness in Lhe<br />

widel) dispersed sou.cc malerials- and ihe text ofthe afticlcs i1<br />

ofperfect ransparency both in the prcsentation ofthe male.iall<br />

and in the explanations.<br />

Rolissor ol Yiddish siudies<br />

University ol Trier<br />

<strong>The</strong> dictionarl \aill be an indispensable slandard $ork tbr<br />

cerman and Eurcpean name research. lt should not be omitred<br />

fiom an) onomastic library.<br />

Author- Historical book ofcerman First Names<br />

Hejdetberg German)<br />

Fnn hnmigrution to htegmtion -<br />

<strong>The</strong> Conftlinn Jet!'ith Expefienca: A Millenniuttl Elitiotl<br />

Ruth Klein and Frank DimanL. EdiloN.<br />

Published by: InstiLrle 1b. hxenralional Affairs, B'naj B th<br />

Canada, l oronlo. <strong>2001</strong>. (<strong>12</strong>3 pages)<br />

We are pleased to have received this book fron B'nai<br />

Brith Canada. lts publicalion lvas co-sponsored bl ihe Govemmenl<br />

ofCanada thrcu-eh its Millenniun Bureau. as one oi<br />

ils special projecls 10 mark tle millennium.This inportant<br />

book is an outstanding contributiolr to the bisror) of the<br />

Je$ish communiry in Canada. Sixteen of Canadas preeminent<br />

historians- social lcienlists. and legal scholan - il]<br />

essa)s w.itlen spcciall) for this rrolunlc charl lhe slory of<br />

Canada\ Jers. beginning with their earl,," clrtrggles for equal<br />

status with dren fellow citizen\. drrough d€cades ofprofbund<br />

political and social change. and culnrinaling h an<br />

examilation oi thc challenges the) tacc al rhe onset ol lhe<br />

<strong>The</strong> evolvlng nature of jmmigration fton] the llrst <strong>Jewish</strong><br />

setrlers in New France to the "ne$' Russian and Israeli<br />

immisranrs; the rools of anlhenritism; the oEanizational<br />

response to discrimination; the relalionship of the Canadian<br />

Je$ish communitr to lsmel: the communi!-'s cortdbutior to<br />

civil and constitutional 1a$.: rhe changirg role of romeD nl<br />

<strong>Jewish</strong> communal life; the groNing isolation of small-tolvD<br />

Jervish communiiiesi the changing demogmphies for the<br />

<strong>Jewish</strong> conrmunity these are just some of the themes<br />

cxplored jn this volunle.<br />

Some intercsling chaptcfsi<br />

. t"er Hori.ans in d \"e, Lahd: Jevish Innigt.ltion to<br />

C.r,o/d - llarold Troper<br />

. <strong>The</strong> Cdnadidn Je\ish hrytience: A Distinct Pelronnlij:<br />

trrefs€r Geraldrulchinsky<br />

RUTH KLEIN is National Difector of rhe Instirute lbr<br />

international Affair s ofB'na; Brith Canada.<br />

We Welcome <strong>The</strong>se New<br />

Members to Our Sociefi<br />

Hele. Chimomas<br />

Monis Gold<br />

FRANK DIMANT is recognized nalionall! and iniernalionalh<br />

as an c\pet on Canadian Jewry. As Executive Vice<br />

President of B'nai Brith Canada and ChicfErecutive Officel<br />

ofits League for Human Rights and Instilute for lntemational<br />

Affairs. le co-ordinares thc organization s dual hunan rights<br />

and social policy agendas.<br />

Jerrold Landau<br />

Gloria Roden<br />

Andrew Sandcrs<br />

M.A. Stein<br />

Naomi Strobach<br />

December <strong>2001</strong> <strong>Shem</strong> <strong>Tov</strong>

Civil Records vs. Vital Records in Gcrmanv<br />

Ernesl R Siielcl<br />

Here is thc wa) l look at Jesish liral records in Gemlan)<br />

prior io 187,r. rhe esrablish enl ofthe Stand€saenner. Prior to<br />

1800 <strong>Jewish</strong> lilal records are ahnost non exinent Ge'nan)<br />

west oflhe ver Rhine '!ac<br />

Frencb tiom abour 1794 to 18li<br />

Ffance insiituled general registraiion (lc$ish aDd non'Je'rlsh)<br />

in ll98 and rhesc records arc still alailable loda) <strong>The</strong>) are<br />

located al lhe local Slandesamt lregislration oftice] Up ro 1815<br />

the] are tu French and up to 1805 the) sho\! the dales oflhe<br />

French Relolutionafy Calendar' (l know ho\1 10 conrefi dle<br />

During the Napoleonic limes registration \ras established n1<br />

tfie Kingdon of Weslphalia This continued 1(r l87i l belie\e<br />

special rcgisters were kepl lbr Jetls b) dre sr'le aulhontjes<br />

irr.t. ut. nnt" at the Detmold archilcs Hessen established<br />

"Gebufis- trauungs and Sterb- Reginer der Juden" (Brlth-<br />

Marriage and Dealh Regisle$ ofJews) in Janual l82i l have<br />

a copl of the la\1. thcse docunents $efe preparcd h duplicare<br />

by the local lna)'or' one cop) $as kept at $e place and one<br />

cop) $as sent to the conrt.<br />

(<strong>The</strong>re were no cop) machines at that tinre. ihe docu enls<br />

had be $.fitten lNice.) <strong>The</strong> copies sent 10 the couns were senl<br />

{probabl)' after World War ll) ro the slare archi\es h man)<br />

cases I have oblanltd both documents from both the archives<br />

and the place of origination. tn 1938 I obrained a copl ol m)<br />

Sreal-grandfathed death certificate fiom the "Amtsgerrcht<br />

(loscr coun) ofOnenberg. oberhessen" This document is now<br />

located atihe Hessische Slaalsarchiv il] Darmrladi <strong>No</strong>l only fie<br />

document. but also m,'- leter of 1938 $hich was filed with the<br />

death certificat€.<br />

I lbrod some Jeqish recod! from Dannsla'lt. the then<br />

capital of Hessen. of around 1800 \Yhjch were kept b! the<br />

Protestant church. Again. these rccords exist in duplicalc. one<br />

cop,v al lhe Protesta.t commuDit) and oDe aI tbe cirf archi!es of<br />

Damrsladt. Similarly- Prussia had sepafate "Juden<br />

Matrikel" (Jeivislr Records). I undersrand thai there was a<br />

change in ho$ these records were to be kept in I8'11<br />

<strong>The</strong> Rejchssippenaml lcovemment Race Office] copied<br />

man) <strong>Jewish</strong> records. I received some which were cop'ed on<br />

December 16. 1944. the da] lh€ Battle ofthe Bulge staned. I<br />

cuess at rhat time tlre Nazis had nolhing belter io do on dlat dal<br />

ihun to .op,- <strong>Jewish</strong> records (fiom lwo insignificanr places in<br />

the fomer Kingdom ofHannover) Cop)ing b] ihe Nazis went<br />

on until March of l9'l5 While man)' orjginals are lost these<br />

conies are at various archjves in Gennan,! ln an earl) edftjon of<br />

Stimmbaurn I published a list (obiained tionl the <strong>Jewish</strong><br />

Museum in Frankfurt am Main) as 1o the location oflhe copies<br />

Mostje$ish records were kept by local municipal aullrorities l<br />

tound some records kepl by the Je'vish communilies. such as in<br />

Waldeck and also pats ofUannovcr'<br />

Various German archives have published books gjving<br />

details of rheir holdings. Manr include a listins of "Juden und<br />

Dissidenten Register'. listing tlre nane ollhe place. indicatnrg<br />

for which ther<br />

bird. ariage and death regisrers and dre )ean<br />

hold Lhese reco.ds. All this clanged in 1875 lvith the<br />

establirhment of the Slandesae'n1er.<br />

Hungarian LaborBaltalions<br />

<strong>The</strong>rc is a new searchable database which is rhe fi.uit of a<br />

joinl \'enlure betNeen Hungarian and Russian allr) historians<br />

It rargels the soldier, and Lhose in the forced labor battalions.<br />

who pedshed in WWII on lhe Soviet fronl and in prisoD Some<br />

2,1.100 names are ahead," in rhe darabase and trpon complenon<br />

thcre will be o!er 600.000 lames.<br />

<strong>The</strong> seNer is fast. bur the dalabase is in Hungarian. To use<br />

the dalabase. click on kerese's and then rhe lurname or<br />

'npui<br />

interesl <strong>The</strong> crgine 'iearches 1{o differcnl datat'ases ' the<br />

Hunsarian and lhe Russian. so. ifsomethnrg comes up thal was<br />

not icquesed. il ma) be altributable ro lhe transliieration fiorn<br />

the C!fillic alphabet.<br />

<strong>The</strong> address is: htrp: 'iww$ . hadjlbgol) adarban)aszar'hu<br />

Canadian Border Crossings<br />

DanielKazcz<br />

Fe$ members of m) fanily ente.ed lhe USA at NYC<br />

l'rster.. lrdr. erre cd rro, gl' { rnar.. He-e.<br />

curjous. is an atjcle discussing Canadian bofdef crossings:<br />

hltp: I' u w$ . nara.go\ rpub licationsl prologuektalbans.html<br />


Bibles, Haggtrdahs and Much, Much More Added<br />

to thc <strong>Jewish</strong>cen Nlall<br />

A great new selcction of books. CD-Roms and Videos<br />

has been added to )our <strong>Jewish</strong>cen Mall For the ftrst lime<br />

we are oficring Bibles. Haggadahs and relaied titles mosl of<br />

Nhich will also make:real Chanukah gilts.<br />

Check them out b] going inlo <strong>Jewish</strong>cen.<br />

\'\'$ ie\Lnhgen.or-q. sc.oll down 1() the pul])le ba.ner for<br />

th. Mall and click on ii. Browse the Nlall and vou will be<br />

able 1o click on "Bibles.." or, take a look al 'Assoted<br />

Chanukah Gili ldeas." and our constantly enlarging<br />

"Children's Books..." and "Children's Software and<br />

Each of these catego es offer appropriate irems tol<br />

holida,,-s and special occasions ai special prices Do vour<br />

holiday shoppins and suppon <strong>Jewish</strong>Gen<br />

Don and Sand) Hnschhorn, Managers<br />

't0<br />

December <strong>2001</strong> <strong>Shem</strong> <strong>Tov</strong>

Lodz Records lnitiative<br />

Shirley Flaun<br />

JRI-Poland announccs a ne{ l.odz Seven-Year lnitiative for<br />

the Ciry ofLodz PSA Project. 1899-19051<br />

As town leader 01- the cit) of Lodz Je$ish Recods<br />

lndexing-PolandlPolish State Archives (JR1-Poland,PSA) Proerr<br />

I an Tc-.ed J JIr.rrLerl-e lar tr\of a n-ior.e\er-.eil<br />

initialive 1o index 4:.501 Lodz <strong>Jewish</strong> birrh- ma.riage. and<br />

death records, from 1899 through 1905. This marks the initial<br />

inroad inio 20Ih cenlxr) Lodz Je\aish !ital rccords.<br />

In 1997. JRI Poland entered irlo an agreement lr,ith the<br />

l'olish State Archires to iDdex.Jelvish vital records not<br />

microfilmed by the Mornrons (LDS). Each )ear the Lodz USC<br />

(Urzad Sranu Cywilneso - civil registration oftice) rransfi|s the<br />

]o0-)ear-old regislers ro the Lodz Branch of the Polish Stare<br />

Archives. <strong>The</strong> records then become available to JRI-Polard for<br />

indexing.<br />

During rhe last few months. 10,876 binh. marria-ne, and<br />

death records fron the "new" 1899 and 1900 registers !'ere<br />

compuierized b)- ihe JRI-Poland team in Warsaw. <strong>The</strong> data<br />

entry in C,"-rillic has been converted to Larin characters and the<br />

indices are ready to be added to lhe JRI-Poland daiabasel<br />

<strong>The</strong> new data will enable you to expand your research ofthe<br />

time period when nol only our grandparents and their sibllngs<br />

!!ere bom and naffied. but also when many of our pa.enrsaunis<br />

and uncles were bom in Lodz. We hope lhe avaiiabilit oi<br />

the first balc| of 2oth century records $i11 resuh in breakthfoughs<br />

ir ]our fanrilr' researchl<br />

Nearly 1{o \ears have passed since lve flrst began the cit}<br />

of Lodz pSA project. <strong>The</strong> nelv Lodz Seven-Year Initialive<br />

picks up where we leli ol}.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lbllorving lists the status oflhe postl898 Lodz Je$.ish<br />

Dates <strong>No</strong>. ofRecords Status<br />

I899- 1900 PSA 10.876 Indexedl<br />

1901 Lodz USC 5.890 Alailable in 2002<br />

United Kingdom Resource for Wills<br />

Wills are useful documents giving lots of falnily<br />

infbrmalion. hr the UK. try hltp:1,www.cor{ser!lcc.go!.uk<br />

and thcn click on Fornls & Leallets on the navigalion bar on the<br />

ght hand side then click on'Probatc'.<br />

You rlill be able to gel copies ol an) $ill iiom 1858 on<br />

providing you send five pounds in sterllng form to:<br />

<strong>The</strong> Probare Regislfy<br />

Dunscombc PIace<br />

York. YOI 7EA<br />

Yorkshire. INCLAND<br />

Berliner Adressbuech€r 1799-1943 on the h\et<br />

Joseph Goldschmidt<br />

<strong>The</strong> Berlh addressbooks fron] 1799 10 19.11 arc at dre<br />

tbllo$ ins site: http:lr6l.l 04. 117. I 06 Ad.essbuchide<br />

<strong>The</strong>se arc facsimilcs ofwhole pages wriften in gothic script.<br />

Please pay attenlion that Address in German is lvritten wirh one<br />

"d" onl!.<br />

Erperierced genealogi.al researcberwill search<br />

for )our Canadian and lewish anceslors in the<br />

archi\'es. libraries. govemmentreposiiories. etc.<br />

olthe Grcater Toronto area. Estare/probate. ]egal<br />

and land registr,! searches also condrcted.<br />

Contaclr Clen Eker<br />

l9 Resolure Ddve<br />

Hamilton. Ontario, L9A 5J6 Canada<br />

Tel:(90s)118-691s<br />

E-MAIL: geker 9S yalroo.com<br />

r902 Lodz USC 6,q52 Available in 200i<br />

l90l Lodz USC 6..105 Available in 2004<br />

190.1 Lodz USC '7,290 Available in 2005<br />

1905 Lodz USC 6.088 Available in 2006<br />

(Records 1906 and laier $.i11 be pan ofa subsequent initiaiive.)<br />

Once indices lo these records are added to the JRI-Polard<br />

Database, you will be able io oblain copies of the records by<br />

simpiy printing oul the order lorm on the JRI-Poland web sile<br />

and rnailing it to rhe Polish Stare Archives branch in Lodz.<br />

Check out our new website at<br />

www.igstoronto,ca<br />

for current information about the<br />

<strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Genealogical</strong> Society of<br />

Canada (Ioronto) including<br />

valuable links.<br />

December <strong>2001</strong> <strong>Shem</strong> <strong>Tov</strong> 11

National Archives ofCanada to ExpNnd <strong>The</strong>ir<br />

CenealogJ Focus<br />

<strong>The</strong> Naiional Archives ofCanada has received new funding<br />

tor a Canadian Cenealog) Cenrre Projecl fiom Canadian<br />

Heritage. <strong>The</strong> Centre ains to increase Canadian conlenl on the<br />

tnternet and lo inrprove the qualily of selvices provided <strong>No</strong>t<br />

only will the Cenlre provide an eler-increasing amount of<br />

services. lools and infomation ffonr the National Archives. but<br />

it will also pfovide a single point of access f-or all genealogy<br />

Canadr to facilitale their access bl all<br />

\ Jnadi-l. rega-ole.' ol { rc-e .he) ar< lo\"red<br />

<strong>The</strong> 22nd I,.iGS Conference on<br />

tawish GenealoEly<br />

August4-9,2002<br />

Sheraton Centre Toronto<br />

ISfiV,'C<br />

o67<br />

"<br />

"%,,*<br />

Efforts to Release Canadian Census R€cords Gain<br />

Momentum<br />

Canadian historians and geneaiogists are still pressing their<br />

government to make accessible lhe censuses of the 201h<br />

ceniury. Canada has always allowed access to jts census records<br />

92 years after collection of the data. <strong>The</strong> l90l census was<br />

released in 1993. Release oflhe l9ll census \vould be due in<br />

200-l; bul lhe rei€ase has hn a snag in l9lL. and in aii<br />

subsequent censuses. the Canadian govenlnent of ihe time<br />

assured its citizens that the nlformation they provided would bc<br />

kept confidential. <strong>The</strong>re was no time limit on the confidenrialit]<br />

and some have interpreled this to mean in perpeluil,1.<br />

Bills have been iDtroduced in the Canadian Farliament that<br />

authorize transfer of all census records liom Statistics Canada<br />

to the National Archives ofCanada for pennanent safekeeping.<br />

It gives access ro the records to researcher 92 ,vears alier the<br />

census. subiect to a privac]- right that allows<br />

to<br />

object to rhe disclosure of personal inibmmiion 'ndividuals in thc census<br />

records. lnfonnation aboutthis efforl can be found at:<br />

htqr:lr globalgenealog,v.co]n, Census<br />

Avotaynu Site <strong>No</strong>w Has Search Engine<br />

Avotaynu has added a search engine to its site that nrakes jt<br />

easier to locate information wirhin our domain <strong>The</strong> search<br />

facility is localed on our cataiog page at lrtlp:/l<br />

wrvw.avotaynu.con/catalog.lrh. For example, ifyou key in the<br />

word "Galicia" it will identiry an,v of our rnore than 100 web<br />

pages thal include the $od.<br />

Toronto is a Huron Indian word<br />

me.Lning N4eeting Place (I-ieu de<br />

Renconcre7. Our new Conference<br />

Iogo reflecr' our special Canadian<br />

herrtage and our plans to make Toronto<br />

a meetirg place for genealogists<br />

from around the wodd. In<br />

2002. Toronto wiJJ be the place ro<br />

be for the annual Internalional<br />

Conference on <strong>Jewish</strong> Genealogl.<br />

A grear lioe up of speakers. special<br />

eveo15. Progfammes.<br />

tours and resources<br />

will be available to genealogisrs<br />

fr"m begrnner ro erPerr.<br />

N{ark your calendar now!

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