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30 ◆ Christianity A SHORT GLOBAL HISTORY<br />

others attacked some Jewish views and leaders for their narrowness, but<br />

neither Paul nor Jesus hated Jews. Certainly one of the tragic losses<br />

Christians sustained in the early centuries was the demise of Jewish<br />

Christian communities. Jews had existed for centuries within Hellenistic<br />

culture. In the work of people like <strong>Ph</strong>ilo (c. 20 BC to AD 50) they had<br />

found ways to make Jewish life more understandable to their Graeco-<br />

Roman neighbors. <strong>Ph</strong>ilo used Greek philosophical and religious categories<br />

to explain ancient Jewish wisdom; his work was salvaged<br />

primarily by early Christians who found it helpful in their attempts to<br />

claim the good in Greek life and thought.<br />

During this period Christian congregations developed their so-called<br />

‘traditional’ and distinctive teachings. How to view Jesus presented a<br />

series of conundrums. Paul broke the great Jewish confession called the<br />

Shema – ‘The Lord our God is one Lord’ – into two pieces, one which<br />

referred to God the Father and one which referred to Jesus Christ. A<br />

daring division indeed. In the Gospel of John, Thomas calls Jesus both<br />

‘Lord’ and ‘God’. Hymns or hymn fragments elsewhere in the New Testament<br />

praise Christ with the highest names possible. Pliny the Younger<br />

(c. 61–112) noted that Christians sang hymns to Christ ‘as to a god.’ His<br />

investigations had uncovered that such a confession was a strong emphasis<br />

in their worship.<br />

Yet there was always a sense that believers in Christ confessed only<br />

one God; talking about Jesus with such language struck some as odd or<br />

even threatening. Wasn’t he primarily a human prophet and teacher?<br />

Didn’t reference to him as God destroy monotheism?<br />

From about 180 to 230 three significant Christian leaders spoke of a<br />

single rule of faith shared by most believers, one that dealt with some of<br />

these questions. Irenaeus (c. 115–c. 202), a native of Asia Minor<br />

(Turkey) who was a missionary in Gaul (France), Tertullian (fl. 200) of<br />

North Africa, and Origen (c. 185–c. 251) of Egypt and Palestine (Israel)<br />

took similar positions. God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Father<br />

created heaven and earth; the Son assisted. The Son, incarnate as both<br />

God and man, was born of a virgin, died, was resurrected and ascended<br />

to heaven in order that people might be saved. The Spirit comforts and<br />

makes people holy who believe the good news of Christian faith.<br />

The three leaders had different emphases. Irenaeus seemed most<br />

interested in expressing broader views within his succinct account of<br />

restoring humanity to God. Tertullian almost invented Latin words used<br />

to describe how Father, Son and Spirit were one God and how Jesus

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